Page 1 of 16 CLONES, ALTERS, DID and SOUL: SNATCHING, SCALPING, CAPTURE, RECYCLING, TRANSFER and RESURECTING Part One First let me say I do not have all the answers and certainly am not an expert on these issues but I can share what the Bible says about the soul and spirit and we can get into the research I have done on these subjects. Let’s talk about transferring consciousness into a clone. Remember these aren’t the clones that are from egg and sperm and look just like a real person that is older than them. These clones are the ones that are grown in tanks in like 5 months or less. Supposedly now they are being grown from blood cells or dna. I believe this has to do with the fallen angel technology. We know that the ability to copy the human brain or map the human brain and put it on a chip is already here. So that part is not a mystery any longer. As Donald Marshall has explained that when a person who has been cloned goes to sleep and hits REM sleep then the controller

CLONES, ALTERS, DID and SOUL: SNATCHING, SCALPING, … · Duncan from the Montauk Project, he’s saying he is not in the same body he was born in and that he is much older than what

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Page 1: CLONES, ALTERS, DID and SOUL: SNATCHING, SCALPING, … · Duncan from the Montauk Project, he’s saying he is not in the same body he was born in and that he is much older than what

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and RESURECTING – Part One

First let me say I do not have all the answers and certainly am not an expert on

these issues but I can share what the Bible says about the soul and spirit and we

can get into the research I have done on these subjects.

Let’s talk about transferring consciousness into a clone. Remember these aren’t

the clones that are from egg and sperm and look just like a real person that is

older than them.

These clones are the ones that are grown in tanks in like 5 months or less.

Supposedly now they are being grown from blood cells or dna. I believe this has

to do with the fallen angel technology. We know that the ability to copy the

human brain or map the human brain and put it on a chip is already here. So that

part is not a mystery any longer. As Donald Marshall has explained that when a

person who has been cloned goes to sleep and hits REM sleep then the controller

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at the cloning center is able to switch on the clone. He said that he feels what the

clone is feeling unless they turn off the feeling sensors. He also said they – the

powers that be can choose to keep you memory repressed so you don’t

remember the experiences at the cloning center or they can choose to unrepress

you so that you remember. Remember the elite are doing this to people working

on black op projects – wiping their memory after their assignments are

completed. And alien abductees say the same thing. Many times they don’t

remember their experiences until they are under hypnosis. They can wipe your

memory and many adbuctees’ bodies would still react traumatically to what they

had experienced even though they reported that everything was loving and

friendly. That person’s subconscious could not be fooled or tricked. Remember

Aldo who I spoke about, he started to get his memories back and realize they

weren’t dreams but were real and he talked to Donald and confronted Donald

about his role there playing Jesus. Donald said that when the real person wakes

up the clone drops to the floor or just stops whatever they were doing.

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He says he has a chip in his head so this sounds like how they are able to transfer

the consciousness. The rest of us may not be officially chipped, but we all have

nanobots in us now as well through smart dust, and our food supply as well as

them being sprayed into the air we breathe. Wondering where the soul is at in all

of this, I’m not sure a “soul” is going anywhere during this type of consciousness

transfer, but there is a connection somehow to the brain.

**Please play from 5:01 to 6:56 Donald Marshall talking about consciousness download for a reanimated dead person**


If the person who they have recorded on the chip dies, then they can put the chip into a clone (which doesn’t work as good and is more flawed) or they can put it into a real person’s body and body snatch their body that way.

**Please play from 24:12 – 25:05 Fritz Springmeier talking about consciousness

downloaded & put into a new body**


Remember the elite want to live forever. Donald talked about it and so did

Richard Seed the cloning doctor. They are coming out more and more in the open

plainly stating that they intend to live forever. That death is now an option, if you

have enough money you can live forever. They say they have discovered an

“immortality gene.” There is plenty of research on these things and even talk of

moving into a time where our consciousness is loaded onto a chip and we control

our devices, computer, phones, cars, etc. by our minds. Remember they are

flying fighter aircraft already with nothing more than the mind already. They say

that at that time we will be connected into the hive mind or computer matrix.

See video clip below by Michio Kaku.

**Please play from :07 to 2:26 Johnny Depp goes into the computer matrix**


**Please play from :05 to 2:28 Evolve – **

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An anti-tech group, RIFT = (Christians) – except that is not how we fight. One

theme in this movie is EVOLVE. Saving mankind – doing good things, however we

already see that is not what they are doing with technology. “I need to expand, I

need more power.” The real Will died. Main character’s name is Will. R.I.F.T.'s

leader Bree (Kate Mara) kidnaps Max and eventually persuades him to join the

group. The government is also suspicious of what Will's uploaded consciousness

will do and plans to use the terrorists to take the blame for the government's

actions to stop him. Evelyn, however, grows fearful of Will's motives when he

displays the ability to remotely connect to and control people's minds after they

have been subjected to his nano-particles. Infecting the super computer with a

virus to take it down would blow up or take out technology. This would also

disable the nano-particles, which have spread in the water, through the wind and

have already started to eradicate pollution, disease, and human mortality. "He

created this garden for the same reason he did everything. So they could be


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Duncan from the Montauk Project, he’s saying he is not in the same body he was

born in and that he is much older than what he appears to be. Remember all of

the experiments and things they were doing were done esoterically. So this is

dealing in new age and they openly talked about working with aliens/demons.

They said they had to travel back in time and talk his dad into having another

baby and so he agreed and that is when they put Duncan into the new body.

So in order to put Duncan into the new body they had to capture his soul/spirit

and they do have this type of technology and have been using it for some time. It

is part of the fallen angel technology – some of which we call science.

**Add clip that Scott is working on here. / Technology to remove the soul.***


**Please play from 1:08 – 1:56 Scooby Doo Clip**

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After they removed her soul, a demon went into her body.

**Please play from 39:20 – 40:49 – Karla Turner: soul recycling center, soul

energy captured through the technology of the “little black box”**



In their insane desire to have human bodies as their own, aliens have perfected the ability to take a person's soul out of their body and put it 'elsewhere.'

This gives them access to a human body devoid of a soul. The body is a shell, a carcass, and they can take over and possess this body and use it for themselves. This is termed as "walking-in." There are two types of walk-ins. Aliens can walk-in and possess a live human body (to me this would be total possession where the demon is doing everything and in total control),or they can possess a dead human, or in this instance, a live human who had their soul removed and then their body was taken over and walked-in by an alien. *Remember the witch who shared about his training in the kingdom under the sea and for 11-12 years he had a walk-in (demon) using his body to make people think he was here functioning just like normal.

We need to realize they, those that serve satan are taking souls and bodies as well as creating bodies.

**Please play from 1:29:05 to 1:30:26 Carolyn Hamlett – used to be in the

illuminati,here she talks about talking people out of their bodies into the astral

plane and satan making bodies for his heirachy.**


**Please play from 14:08 - 16:09 & again from 29:41 – 30:42 Karla Turner talking

about clones**

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What happens to the souls? What is a soul? A soul is what makes you-you. We are souls, and our bodies are just shells that cover our souls. Can we exist outside our bodies? Yes, as a spirit, in spirit form. The aliens are kidnapping humans and taking out their souls and then putting these souls in storage containers, even boxes, and then taking over the human bodies as their own.

The person who was abducted and kidnapped is not dead. They are still alive, but now as a soul, they are trapped in that container or storage box they were put into. They become prisoners imprisoned in these storage containers with no way out.


He is either dead or still on the run after leaking this information. He was a

security guard at Dulce base.

He said the 4th

floor contained captured disembodied souls, the living essence.

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**Mr. James shared in the video “Technology and Great Deception in Biblical End Times” that the demons have a body switching technology. He said the Lord showed him that people could take themselves out of their body and be put into another body that they liked. This is using some type of demonic technology. He said after about a month the “new” body would start developing boils all over. So then they would have to switch bodies again at that point.**

Some of the research about Duncan with the Montauk Project, said that soul

transfer leads to, what Larry James (not his real name – claims to have been in

charge of the Montauk Project) calls, a "Swiss Cheese" memory. As with Al,

certain information is remembered as if it happened yesterday, and other

information remains buried until triggered by an event.

**Please play this clip --17 year old girl soul transfer after abduction**


**Please play from 5:52 to 7:41 and 24:26 to 25:19 – Linda Howe on Soul transfer by aliens/demons man dying and then being placed in a new body and put in Australia by the aliens and then demons creating cloned bodies and placing themselves into them.***


**Please play from 1:25:04 to 1:26:00 – Svali was born into the Illuminati and got

out, here she speaks of time travel, astral projection, out of body experiences and

psychic battling**


The guy that called in, his question was if those in the illuminati practice things

like their spirit or soul leaving one body and being born into another body and

living on like that and she said yes all the time. She also said she saw many things

that our human minds and logic just can’t explain.

One person being at different places at the same time is a supernatural thing. For

example, the new agers astral projecting: their body is laying on the bed still

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asleep and breathing and yet the spirit is outside of the body doing other things

and going other places. This is the same thing Mary Kay Baxter spoke of when

Jesus took her to hell.

He raised her up out of her body and she was in spirit form and looked at herself

laying there still asleep.

Where do our souls go when we die? If a person dies even if they are chipped,

and there is no interference of trying to capture their soul, then the soul goes

where it is supposed to go. For a Christian the soul will return to God. For an

unbeliever their soul will go to hell and await their day of judgment and then be

thrown into the lake of fire afterward.

1 Thess.5:23 – And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your

whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our

Lord Jesus Christ.

If an unsaved person dies and they have copied their consciousness onto a chip,

that person’s soul goes on to hell. The clone left here on earth with the

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consciousness in it doesn’t have the soul of that person. The elite can also

program them if they choose.

Gen.2:7 – And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and

breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Is it possible that these clones made in this manner in 5 months do have a soul

because they are breathing but do not have a spirit?

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, their spirit became dead because God

removed that part of Him from them. They knew they were naked and had

sinned. So from there on we have all been born into sin with spirits that are dead

to God.

Ezekiel 18:4 - Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul

of the son is Mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Matt.10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the

soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

What is the difference between soul and spirit?

Soul – Greek 5590 – psuche – breath

Spirit –Greek 4151 - pneuma – wind, breath, spirit

The language of Heb. 4:12 suggests the extreme difficulty of distinguishing

between the soul and the spirit, alike in their nature and in their activities.

Heb. 4:12 – For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any

two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of

the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Generally speaking the spirit is the higher, the soul the lower element. The spirit

may be recognized as the life principle bestowed on man by God, the soul as the

resulting life constituted in the individual, the body being the material organism

animated by soul and spirit…

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Body and soul are the constituents of the man according to Matt. 6:25; 10:28;

Luke 12:20; Acts 20:10; body and spirit according to Luke 8:55; 1 Cor. 5:3; 7:34;

Jas. 2:26. In Matt. 26:38 the emotions are associated with the soul, in John 13:21

with the spirit; cf. also Ps. 42:11 with 1 Kings 21:5. In Ps.35:9 the soul rejoices in

God, in Luke 1:47 the spirit.

Apparently, then, the relationships may be thus summed up soma, body, and

pneuma, spirit, may be separated, pneuma, spirit and psuche, soul, can only be

distinguished (Cremer).

From Vines Complete Expository Dictionary

**soul and spirit seem to be interchangeable throughout the Bible**

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Spirit – inner core of being, sensitive to God – I liked this example the best.

This was a good example too.

All that I have found in researching this indicates that they are scalping the soul.

Sting has a song “Soul Cages” and there are many video games about soul

removal, things on soul contracts with satan. We’ve heard so often “I sold my

soul to the devil.”


Luke 21:26 – Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things

which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. I think

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this scripture has many implications as we see the evil coming out in the open

more and more.

Is God allowing this soul capturing and snatching and recycling of sinners?? Is the

recycling really happening to unbelievers? Could God have turned them over to

their sin until such a time as He returns for judgment on the earth? If you are

wanting to be sure you don’t get soul snatched or recycled or abducted or to be

protected from what’s happening on this earth – Jesus is the Way. I’m sure we

haven’t even scratched the surface of what else is really going on.

It is our hope at Three Hearts Church that everyone listening to this message

would come to Jesus Christ.


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Svali – Time travel, psychic battling, astral projecting


Carolyn Hamlett – talking people out of their bodies & satan making bodies


Karla Turner – talking about soul recycling and clones



Dr. Cha-Zay her friend saw the soul snatching while astral projecting


Doug Riggs – nephilim breeding program & the veil satan is creating around the



Fritz Springmeier – consciousness downloaded into a new body


Scooby Doo Clip – soul removal


Duncan’s soul placed in another body


17 year old girl soul transfer after abduction


Resurrection technology in the 30’s – Parts of the Dog


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Linda Howe on Soul transfer by aliens/demons and then demons going into cloned bodies




Donald Marshall – consciousness downloaded onto a soulstone (chip)


Donald Marshall on cloning centers and vril lizards etc.


Hope Preserved Ministries – def. of a broken soul / Be careful of the part where

he wants to amputate the alter that doesn’t believe.


Immortality Gene



Michio Kaku – hive mind


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