Clinical Manual of Otolaryngology CHAPTER 2 The Ear A. Auricular Hematoma B. Otitis Externa (Swimmer's Ear) 1. Treatment C. External Auditory Canal Exostoses (Surfer's Ear) D. Otitis Media-Middle Ear Infections 1. Acute Otitis Media a. Treatment b. Neonatal Otitis Media c. Mastoiditis 2. Serous Otitis Media 1. Treatment 3. Chronic Otitis Media E. Otosclerosis F. Meniere's Disease G. Presbycusis H. Acoustic Neuromas I. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome J. Otalgia 1. Hearing Loss Evaluation K. Vertigo 1. Treatment L. Facial Paralysis The ear is a small, complex structure with several important functions. Disorders of the ear are common, and may range in severity from minor complaints to incapacitating diseases. Many problems are easily recognized and treated; others are complex and require special knowledge and skill.

Clinical Manual of Otolaryngology

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Clinical Manual of Otolaryngology


A. Auricular HematomaB. Otitis Externa (Swimmer's Ear)

1. TreatmentC. External Auditory Canal Exostoses (Surfer's Ear)D. Otitis Media-Middle Ear Infections

1. Acute Otitis Mediaa. Treatmentb. Neonatal Otitis Mediac. Mastoiditis

2. Serous Otitis Media1. Treatment

3. Chronic Otitis MediaE. OtosclerosisF. Meniere's DiseaseG. PresbycusisH. Acoustic NeuromasI. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) SyndromeJ. Otalgia

1. Hearing Loss EvaluationK. Vertigo

1. TreatmentL. Facial Paralysis

The ear is a small, complex structure with several important functions. Disorders of the ear are common, and may range in severity from minor complaints to incapacitating diseases. Many problems are easily recognized and treated; others are complex and require special knowledge and skill.

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A typical history of an auricular hematoma is that of a high school wrestler who, with head gear, has been held in a rather fierce headlock, followed by a swollen and painful ear. Examination reveals a swollen ear with loss of the usual fine detail on the anterior lateral auricular surface. The swelling is fluctuant and extremely painful to the touch. (Permission should be obtained to touch the ears and when received, should be done gently.)

The swelling is a hematoma (a localized collection of blood in a tissue organ) located beneath the perichondrium, and it lifts the perichondrium away from the cartilage. The entire blood supply to the cartilage comes from the perichondrium; loss of this blood supply will result in a severe fibrous reaction with consequent auricular deformity, creating a rather thick, deformed, unattractive ear known as a "cauliflower ear."

The hematoma must be drained. A 20-mL syringe and an 18-gauge needle are used. The ear should be swabbed gently with povidone iodine and then alcohol. The needle is inserted and the blood clot aspirated. If this is successful, the patient should be observed for 30 minutes. If there is no reaccumulation of blood, it is important to advise the patient against taking aspirin or COX-1 inhibitor nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) because they interfere with platelet aggregation and may predispose to further bleeding. Acetaminophen or COX-2 inhibitor NSAIDS should be recommended. A mastoid dressing can be applied to maintain pressure, keeping skin coapted to the cartilage. The patient should return immediately if the swelling recurs. Wrestling or participation in any contact sport should not be allowed for 7 to l0 days.

If the blood clot cannot be aspirated, or if it recurs, it should be drained. After appropriate patient discussion and consent, the ear should be cleansed with povidone-iodine and the inferior extent of the hematoma injected with l% xylocaine with l:l00,000 epinephrine. A 5-mm (stab) incision is made with a No. 11 knife blade, and the hematoma is removed with suction or massage. Some surgeons favor placing a small drain in the wound; others do not think a drain is necessary or beneficial. Also, a drain may serve as a tract for bacteria and cause a local infection. A pressure dressing, also called a mastoid dressing, must be applied. A 36-inch-long dressing of l/2-inch gauze is saturated with an antibiotic and petrolatum mixture, e.g., povidone-iodine. The gauze should be placed against the ear and packed in such a way that it will fill the depressions and concavities. It is necessary to place gauze behind the ear as well, to support the ear away from the head. Several 4 x 4-inch gauze sponges can be placed over this, and the entire compress held on with 3- or 4-inch gauze wrapped about the head. The patient should be placed on oral antibiotic prophylaxis, such as cephalexin, 500 mg p.o. qid x 1-3 days. If the patient is in pain, a prescription for a COX-2 NSAID or acetaminophen with 30 mg codeine is recommended. The patient should be advised against taking aspirin or COX-1 NSAIDs. The dressing should be changed after l2 to 24 hours, and removed after 3 days.

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If infection or perichondritis is present at the time of presentation or develops during treatment, antibiotics should be given as directed by culture and sensitivity. The most common organisms are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.


Otitis externa is a common disease in individuals of all ages and both sexes. The patient may complain of ear pain, itching, or loss of hearing. In cases with acute onset, pain is predominant; in cases with slow onset, itching dominates. Overall, the most common signs are erythema and swelling of the external auditory canal. There is usually a history of swimming, of playing in the water, or of trauma to the ear. The most common cause of otitis externa is the cotton-tipped swab (Q-tip®).

P. aeruginosa is a normal inhabitant of the external ear. Its numbers are kept in balance by the normal acidity of the external auditory canal. Prolonged swimming or abusive use of cotton-tipped applicators alters the pH, producing a more basic environment, in which Pseudomonas grows profusely. This causes a rapid epithelial desquamation, seen as a white debris filling the external auditory canal. An intense inflammatory reaction occurs, and a perichondritis develops that causes intense pain. This pain is easily elicited by grasping the auricle and shaking it gently – a sign that is pathognomonic for otitis externa. The ear canal is swollen, and occasionally swollen shut. The canal skin, if visible, is erythematous.

TreatmentTreatment of P. aeruginosa infection is simple. If the patient is in the habit of inserting cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects into the ear, the practice should be stopped. If the ear is filled with a white, desquamated epithelium, it should be gently suctioned clean. The mainstay of treatment is eardrops. Many brands of commercial eardrops are available. They all contain an acidifying agent and a drying agent -- two important ingredients. Most also contain a combination of antibiotics and steroids; most physicians use these combination eardrops. Cortisporin otic is popular. The solution is preferable to the suspension because it permits better subsequent inspection. Prescribe a l0-cc bottle; 2 to 3 drops in the affected ear three to four times daily. Symptoms usually disappear within l to 2 days. Another popular eardrop for otitis externa, especially useful for chronic otitis externa is Domeboro otic, 60cc, 2qtts in affected ear(s) once daily after showering. If the patient cannot afford to purchase a commercial product, a home remedy can be made by mixing equal volumes of vinegar, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and tap water. This solution works well but is slightly odoriferous. For those with tympanic membrane perforation, the polysporins and polymyxins in cortisporin otic are ototoxic. Quinolone ear drops such as Floxin otic or Cipro otic are excellent for otitis externa and are not ototoxic.

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If the ear canal is swollen shut, a small cotton wick 2 mm wide and l0 mm long can be made by twisting cotton around a metal applicator. Commercial wicks, such as Pope OTO-WICK®, are also available. The wick is inserted into the outer one-half of the ear canal, and is removed after 3 to 4 days. There is no need for oral antibiotics. Otitis externa is a painful malady and often requires aspirin with 30 mg codeine every 3 to 4 hours. Heat from a heating pad or hot water bottle is also effective.

Occasionally a patient, most often a diabetic, does not respond to local therapy and experiences intense pain. The condition may be osteomyelitis of the temporal bone, also called malignant otitis externa, which has a high mortality rate. The patient should be referred to a head and neck surgeon and hospitalized immediately.

Further information is available in the Ambulatory Health Care Pathways under otitisexterna.


This is an increasingly common and fascinating problem found in patients with a long history of cold-water exposure. It is found almost exclusively in surfers and professional divers. Often, the patient will present with otitis externa. On examination, a sprinkling of beach sand and two or three large, white, hard growths are seen in the external ear canal. If these growths are large, they will obstruct the view of the tympanic membrane. If they occlude more than 50 % of the ear canal lumen, they can cause recurrent otitis externa. Particularly if the patient plans to continue exposure to cold water, the exostoses should be removed. Ear plugs specially designed for surfers are recommended to prevent growth of exostoses.


Otitis media is divided into three categories: acute, serious, and chronic.

Acute Otitis MediaAlmost all children have at least one bout of acute otitis media before the age of 5 years. Otitis media is the second most common reason for children to see a pediatrician. A typical history is that of a preschool child developing an upper respiratory viral infection that ultimately becomes a purulent rhinorrhea (runny nose). Just about the time the parents think they are finished with a drippy nose, the child becomes cranky and febrile. At 1 year of age, children bat or tug at the affected ear, and by 2 or 3 years, they complain of pain. Adults with otitis media complain of pain (often intense), aural pressure or a feeling of

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fullness, and a hearing loss. Examination shows the classic red, bulging tympanic membrane of otitis media. The Weber test lateralizes to the infected ear, and the Rinne test reveals BC > AC, that is, there is a conductive hearing loss.

The organisms involved in acute otitis media are the upper respiratory tract bacteria described in Box 2.l. In patients without bacterial infections, viruses may be found and the pathogenesis varies. Normally, the eustachian tube allows air into the middle ear space and is a conduit to drain the mucous secretions of the mastoid and middle ear. A normally functioning eustachian tube should prevent reflux of secretions from the nasopharynx. When the eustachian tube is not functioning properly, the middle ear is not aerated, middle ear and mastoid secretions do not drain, and there may be reflux of nasopharyngeal fluids and bacteria.

Box 2.1. Bacteriology of Otitis Media

Acute suppurative otitis media is usually attributed to the Streptococcus pneumoniae or Hemophilus influenzae organisms. Most surveys rate pneumococcal infections as more common; others note an equal or higher incidence of hemophilus, which causes infections not only in children, but also in adolescents and occasionally in adults. During the past 50 years there has been a steady increase in the proportion of hemophilus infections coincident with a progressive decline in streptococcal otitis media (Streptococcus pyogenes, beta-hemolytic group A). More recently, a significant increase has been seen in the prevalence of Moraxella (AKA Branhamella, and before that Neisseria)catarrhalis, which is pathogenic. Amoxicillin resistance by hemophilus runs about 20 percent nationwide and by M. catarrhalis up to 75 percent. Staphylococcus aureus is unusual enough that it need not be considered in initial therapy. Many studies show about 25 to 30 percent no growth from middle ear aspirate cultures. This group is smaller if techniques are used to culture fastidious organisms such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae,anaerobic bacteria, and other low virulence bacteria such as Staphylococcus epidermidis and diphtheroids, the significance of which is not known. Viruses (e.g., respiratory syncytial) can be isolated also.

Acute mastoiditis (in the absence of chronic suppurative otitis media) is most likely caused by S. pneumoniae, but S. pyogenesand S.aureus are almost as frequent pathogens. Recently,

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anaerobic organisms (ie, Bacteroides fragilis and melanogenicus) have also been implicated. Mastoiditis is rarely due to H.influenzae, which causes mucus membrane infections but may be less invasive to bone. M. tuberculosis is occasionally encountered, particularly in immigrants from third world nations.

Bullous Myringitis has been noted as an accompanying complaint in experimental studies of acute pulmonary infections in young adults. The M. pneumoniae organism was implicated, but its role in isolated tympanic membrane infection is not so clear. In children the same organisms of acute otitis media are found in bullous myringitis.

S. pneumoniae 25%H. influenzae 20-25%M. catarrhalis 10-20%S. pyogenes (gr. A) 2%S. aureus 1%Others 20%Mixed Infections 5%No growth Remainder

Modified from Stool and Bluestone. From Antimicrobial Therapy in Otolaryngology-

Head and Neck Surgery, 11th edition, Fairbanks, D.N.F., with permission.

A number of eustachian tube dysfunctions can cause or predispose to infection of the middle ear. For example, infected secretions may reflux from the diseased nasopharynx. Alternatively, the eustachian tube may be obstructed because of inflammation from infection, allergy or GERD. Obstructive sleep apnea may also contribute to eustachian tube dysfunction. Large adenoids or a nasopharyngeal neoplasm will obstruct the eustachian tube. Air no longer enters the middle ear and fluids no longer drain. A perfect culture medium is set up: bacteria from the nasopharynx invade, and otitis media ensues.

The mastoid is a system of air cells intimately connected with the middle ear. The mastoid air cells drain through the middle ear and the eustachian tube and into the nasopharynx. Both the mastoid and the middle ear are lined by upper respiratory tract mucosa. When the middle ear is infected, the mastoid cells are also infected. Therefore, all patients with acute otitis media also have acute mastoiditis. This condition is further discussed later in this chapter.

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TreatmentTreatment for acute otitis medias in adults consists of 250 mg to 500 mg oral amoxicillin three times daily for l0 days. Infections in children under the age of 5 years are best treated with amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/d (maximum l g/d), divided into three daily doses and given for l0 days. Patients allergic to penicillins are treated with appropriate doses of macrolides. One brand of sulfamethoxazole, Septra®, has gained popularity among some physicians because it tastes good and is given only twice daily, but it is not the drug of choice. It should be saved for resistant otitis media or for children who will not take amoxicillin. Cephalosporins can also be considered. An alternative drug therapy is penicillin and sulfonamide, but this too is saved for patients who do not respond to amoxicillin. For those who fail to respond to amoxicillin, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, a second-generation macrolide or other second line antibiotics should be prescribed. The antibiotics used in otitis media are given in Table 2.1.

Occasionally, children develop four or more episodes of recurrent otitis media yearly. They may do well with prophylactic therapy; once-daily amoxicillin or twice-daily sulfisoxazole are most commonly used. A child who develops acute otitis media with every occurrence of upper respiratory tract infection (RTI) is best treated prophylactically with l0 days of amoxicillin therapy every time a runny nose develops. Nose drops, decongestants, antihistamines, herbs, and even Carter's Little Liver Pills have been given as well, but only the antibiotics have proved effective. The patient should have a follow-up visit at l0 to l4 days to ensure that the ear infection has cleared, and this should be continued at 2-week intervals until the ear is completely normal.

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Table 2.1 Concentration of Antibiotics Used in

Children with Acute Otitis Media


1st Line Amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/24 h in 2-3 doses 2nd Line Amoxicillin & clavulanic acid

40 mg/kg/24 h in 3 doses

Cefaclor 40 mg/kg/24 h in 3 doses

Erythromycin and Sulfisoxazole

40 mg (.067 cc) Erythromycin/kg/24 h in 4 doses

Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole

8 mg trimethoprim and 40 mg Sulfamethoxazole in 2 doses

3rd Line

Cefixime 8 mg/kg/24 h in 1 or 2 doses

Occasionally in an acute infection, the tympanic membrane perforates. Green or yellow pus is then present in the external auditory canal. Culture of the pus is rarely of therapeutic significance and thus is not necessary, however, the infection should be treated with quinolone antibiotic ear drops such as Floxin or Cipro otic and with appropriate oral antibiotics.

Neonatal Otitis MediaIf a neonate (less than 6 weeks old) develops otitis media, there is a significant risk that Escherichia coli, Bacteroides, or other gram-negative bacteria are responsible. Pneumococcus, however, is the most commonly responsible organism. Tympanocentesis is recommended for diagnosis and culture before beginning antibiotic therapy. This procedure is usually performed by a head and neck surgeon and involves aspirating the middle ear contents with a 22- or 25-gauge needle under the microscope. The child can be immobilized for this, and no anesthesia is used. The aspirate is Gram stained, a culture obtained, and sensitivity tests performed. If enteric organisms, presumably acquired during exit from the birth canal, are found, the child is admitted to the hospital and treated with appropriate intravenous antibiotics. If the infant is less than 4 weeks old, there is significant risk that his or her immune system may not be able to contain the otitis media. Therefore, all children less than 4 weeks of age are hospitalized, treated with IV antibiotics, and

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observed carefully for sepsis. An infant older than 4 weeks with a gram-negative infection should be admitted to the hospital and treated with IV antibiotics. If the child is more than 8 weeks old and is found to have the usual gram-positive upper respiratory tract organisms, he or she can be treated as an outpatient with amoxicillin 40 mg/kg/d given in two to three equal doses. Some infants between 4 and 8 weeks of age with gram-positive organisms are admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics and observation for sepsis, whereas others can be treated adequately with oral antibiotics and observation at home.

MastoiditisThe acute mastoiditis associated with acute otitis media generally resolves as the middle ear infection resolves. Occasionally, the mastoid does not drain normally through the middle ear and, in fact, becomes an abscess in and of itself, a condition called coalescent mastoiditis. It occurs most commonly in a patient who has had an acute otitis media that has been incompletely treated with antibiotics. The symptoms from the otitis media resolve, but approximately 2 to 3 weeks later the patient becomes acutely ill. The middle ear may or may not appear normal. Typically, a tenderness and swelling is evident behind the ear, and in severe cases, the ear may even protrude out away from the head. A temporal bone CT scan will confirm an inflammatory process in the mastoid air cells. Frequently, many of the small septa within the mastoid are destroyed. Because this is an abscess, it requires drainage—a surgical procedure called mastoidectomy.

Case Studies: Neonatal Otitis Media

Two case examples will illustrate the uniqueness of neonatal otitis media. The first is a 1-week-old baby boy of normal gestation and delivery. The infant went home 3 days after delivery and was well until the morning of the seventh day, when he became somewhat irritable, stopped feeding, and vomited more than was normal. The parents brought him to an emergency department. The infant appeared relatively well and had sustained his birth weight. On physical examination, the physician was unable to visualize the eardrums well, believed that the throat and neck examination findings were normal, the lungs clear, and the abdomen soft with good bowel sounds. A urine specimen was clear, with no evidence of bacteria or white cells. The doctor was uneasy about his inability to see the eardrum and so made a presumptive diagnosis of otitis media and placed the child on oral amoxicillin and sent him home. The infant did not feed that evening but the next morning seemed to be a little better. Again the next evening, he had some difficulty with feeding, and regurgitated. The child did not wake in the middle of the night and the parents, who were

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exhausted from the events of the previous 2 days, did not themselves waken. When they went to check on the child in the morning, he was dead.

An autopsy was performed and it was found that the infant had died of septic shock. Escherichia coli was cultured from his blood, his heart, and his kidney. Because of the diagnosis of otitis media, a head and neck surgeon was asked to examine the ears. A myringotomy was performed and the middle ear was found to be filled with pus, from which E. coli was cultured. The final diagnosis was otitis media caused by E. coli, and the cause of death was disseminated E. coli infection and septic shock.

The second patient was a 6-week-old baby boy, also a normal gestation and delivery. At 6 weeks of age, the child became somewhat listless, did not feed as well as usual, and also vomited a few times, which was uncommon for this baby. The parents brought him to the emergency department; physical examination revealed a baby who had put on weight since birth and seemed to be quite healthy. The ears were difficult to examine, but the throat, neck, lungs, and abdomen were normal. The urine showed no evidence of bacteria or white cells. The doctor requested a head and neck surgery consultation because of his inability to see inside the ears. The head and neck surgeon also had difficulty visualizing the tympanic membrane with an otoscope, but using a microscope was able to see the eardrum, which appeared to be inflamed and thickened. A fine needle was inserted through the eardrum and the contents of the middle ear aspirated. This was sent to the laboratory for Gram staining and culture and sensitivity tests. The results showed gram-positive cocci in chains, and the diagnosis of a gram-positive coccal otitis media was made. There was then discussion about whether or not to admit the infant to the hospital for IV antibiotic therapy or permit him to be treated at home. Because the child was doing well and was now 6 weeks old and had a gram-positive coccal infection, it was elected to treat the child at home on oral amoxicillin. The child did well on this treatment plan. Had he been younger than 6 weeks or had gram-negative organisms been found, the infant ideally would have been admitted to the hospital for treatment.

The first child was incompletely evaluated, his condition was

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misdiagnosed, and he was mistreated. The second child was correctly evaluated, diagnosed, and treated.

Case Studies: Mastoiditis

A 9-year-old in San Diego developed pain in the ear and a markedly elevated temperature following an upper respiratory tract infection. She was seen in a free clinic. The diagnosis of acute otitis media was made and she was given a prescription for amoxicillin with clavulanic acid which she took for the first 3 days but then developed diarrhea and discontinued. By this time, her fever was gone and the diarrhea stopped shortly after stopping the amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. The child did well for the next week and a half, but then again began developing fever and pain, this time behind the ear. Her parents put her back on the amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Three days later, she was brought to the hospital comatose. Examination of the ear showed a gray, thickened tympanic membrane. There was a soft, spongy inflammation behind the ear. A myringotomy was performed, and pus was aspirated from the middle ear. A middle ear ventilation tube was placed. A Gram stain was suggestive of Hemophilus influenzae. A lumbar puncture was performed and the cerebrospinal fluid was found to be loaded with white cells and bacteria. After much discussion, it was decided that this patient had meningitis secondary to an inadequately treated otitis media. The otitis media had developed into a coalescent mastoiditis, and the infection in the mastoid had spread to the cerebrospinal fluid, either in the middle fossa or in the posterior fossa, both of which lie immediately adjacent to the mastoid. A mastoidectomy was performed. Indeed, there was a coalescent mastoiditis with erosion of bone and a direct communication into the middle fossa. The child was then treated with IV antibiotics and regained consciousness shortly after surgery. Unfortunately, as a result of the meningitis there was a tremendous inflammatory reaction around the eighth cranial nerve at its entrance to the internal auditory canal. The child developed a profound sensorineural hearing loss in both ears.

A second case example illustrates another common problem with ear disease. It is more frequently seen in Hispanics and in Eskimos, but occurs in other groups as well. The patient was a 9-

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year old when he developed an acute otitis media. Medical services were not available to him. On the third day of his infection the eardrum ruptured, the pain immediately ceased, and defervescence occurred. After 3 days of purulent otorrhea, the patient was well. Over the next l0 years, he would occasionally develop a recurrent ear infection that always resulted in a purulent drainage from the affected ear. At the age of 20 years, he sought medical attention because of a persistent foul smell emanating from the involved ear. Examination revealed a large posterior marginal perforation with cholesteatomatous debris clearly evident. Mastoid x-rays showed a poorly pneumatized mastoid on the involved side with evidence of a cholesteatoma eroding into the mastoid. A tympanomastoidectomy was performed. The cholesteatoma had eroded most of the incus and all of the suprastructure of the stapes. It was also eroding into the mastoid. The facial nerve was dehiscent where it lay adjacent to the cholesteatoma. All of the cholesteatoma was removed and a tympanoplasty was performed. This man healed well. Six months later, the middle ear was explored. There was no evidence of recurrent cholesteatoma, and the ossicles were reconstructed. The patient healed well after this operation and had good improvement in hearing.

A comment about antibiotics seems appropriate. From the individual’s perspective we all want new, advanced and powerful antibiotics. From a world health perspective we should treat less often and always start with first line antibiotics. Day care centers complicate issues. Qualified experts can often not reach consensus. The pharmaceutical industry thrives on resistant bacteria and new antibiotics.

I argue for conservation as a safe, cost conscious, world health oriented approach.

For additional information on otitis media link to the Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways. Or to the patient information file on Pediatric Otolaryngology.

Serous Otitis Media (Otitis Media with Effusion)Poor eustachian tube function is particularly common in small children (aged l to 3 years) who do not yet have eustachian tubes long enough or oriented at the correct angle to protect their middle ears. Antimicrobial therapy commonly will sterilize the middle ear but leave a persistent serous exudate called serous otitis media. This condition can also occur in children and adults de novo, that is not preceded by acute otitis media. Serous otitis media is recognized by otoscopy. The tympanic membrane is a gray or amber color, may

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have air bubbles or an air-fluid level behind it, and, because of the negative pressure is retracted and draped about the middle ear ossicles. Pneumomassage will reveal a drum that either does not move at all or has reverse movement. Older patients complain of hearing loss. Tympanometry reveals a negative pressure, and tuning forks and audiometry indicate a conductive hearing loss. The diagnosis is usually made clinically. Audiologic testing is ordered only for difficult cases or to document the degree of hearing loss in patients with chronic cases.

To treat serous otitis media properly, the cause should be understood and treated. Poor eustachian tube function is more common in children, but is also found in adults. Eustachian tube dysfunction is a term used when no other diagnosis can be made.

Many conditions may precede serous otitis media. Upper respiratory tract allergy often manifests as a chronic stuffy, runny nose. The same allergic process affects the eustachian tube and the middle ear. Allergy treatment with antihistamine decongestants, nasal steroids, or allergy testing and desensitization are indicated. Thick residual fluid from otitis media is another common prelude to serous otitis media. Examination looks for nasopharyngeal obstruction. The adenoids often obstruct the eustachian tube orifice in children. Tumors can cause obstruction in older children and adults. Angiofibroma is the most common nasopharyngeal tumor in pubertal males. Nasal polyps can obstruct the nasopharynx at any age. An older male or female patient must be examined for a nasopharyngeal carcinoma; unilateral serous otitis media in an adult should be considered cancer until proved otherwise. All children with cleft palate have poor eustachian tube function because of their palatal defect. Barotrauma sustained while flying or diving can also cause serous otitis media.

The nasopharynx should be examined with a transnasal flexible endoscope. In adults and cooperative children endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx may be performed through the nose. The nasopharynx can be seen in sagittal view on soft tissue lateral x-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, or xeroradiographs. These examinations are purportedly useful to evaluate adenoids in children. The CT scan is used to evaluate tumors in children and adults. Finally, if needed to rule out tumor, the nasopharynx can be examined under general anesthesia. This is most often done when there is suspicion of a tumor and a biopsy will be needed.

In adults, the nasopharynx is best examined endoscopically. Flexible and rigid endoscopes can be used.

TreatmentThe treatment for serous otitis media is a combination of scientific rationale and empiric therapy. Identified predisposing causes are treated directly (allergies, upper respiratory tract infection (RTI), and so forth). Otherwise, the following therapeutic regimen is

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recommended. Simple observation for 2 weeks will often result in spontaneous resolution of effusion. If effusion persists, a decongestant is prescribed. Sudafed® and Entex® are common prescriptions. Antihistamines are not prescribed as they tend to thicken secretions and impair mucociliary clearance and may impede drainage of the effusion via the eustachian tube. If after 2 weeks of decongestant use the effusion persists, oral antibiotics (amoxicillin) in a dose appropriate to weight is added for l0 days. The rationale for antibiotic treatment is the presence of bacteria in about 30% of cultured, clinically noninfected effusions.

If the effusion persists, the antibiotic is changed and the decongestant continued. Occasionally, multiple different antibiotic courses may be necessary to clear an effusion. If effusion persists after 3 courses of antibiotics, myringotomy is indicated. At this point, specialty consultation with a head and neck surgeon is prudent. The specialist may try other medicines, simply observe the patient for 3 to 6 months, or, if the drum is severely retracted or if a significant conductive hearing loss exists, recommend myringotomy (aka tympanostomy) and middle ear ventilation tubes. Normally, this can be done under local anesthesia in adults or with a mask general anesthesia in children. Using a binocular microscope, a small incision is made in the anterior inferior quadrant of the tympanic membrane and a small flanged Silastic tube is inserted (Fig. 2.l). This allows fluids to drain and air to enter. Normally the tube is extruded within a year, but if not, it can be easily removed. Patients, including young children, may swim and bathe with custom-fitted ear molds. Perforations requiring surgical closure occur in about l% of patients.

If the surgeon believes the adenoids or tonsils, or both, play a significant role in a patient's disease, they can be removed at the same time as myringotomy. However, performing these procedures raises the morbidity and mortality rates and the cost of the surgery.

For additional information on otitis media link to the Serous Otitis Media. Or to the patient information file on Pediatric Otolaryngology.

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Figure 2.1.Middle ear ventilation tubes, called M&T’s or PE tubes, are placed through the tympanic membrane and act as an artificial eustachian tube.

Chronic Otitis MediaChronic otitis media is a far more serious disease than the other otitis medias. It is caused by perforation during an acute bout of otitis media (see Figure 1.l2 for types of perforations) or as a result of long-term serous otitis media with severe retraction of the tympanic membrane. Some perforations, whether large or small, do not extend to the outer rim of the tympanic membrane (called the annulus); these are called central perforations. They often heal spontaneously, but if they do not, they are easily closed surgically. Sometimes the perforation extends to the annulus. This is dangerous, because now external auditory canal epithelium can grow down into the middle ear, ultimately forming a narrow-mouthed sac extending posteriorly and superiorly into the mastoid cavity. This is called an epidermal inclusion cyst or cholesteatoma. Such a cyst is dangerous simply because of its location. Within l centimeter lie the cochlea, the vestibular system including the semicircular canals, the carotid artery, the facial nerve, the sigmoid sinus, the jugular bulb, the middle cranial fossa, and the posterior cranial fossa. The inflammatory response within an epidermal inclusion cyst allows it to expand, even erode into bone. When it erodes into surrounding structures, severe complications can occur, including meningitis, brain abscess, total hearing loss, facial nerve paralysis, carotid artery blowout, or sigmoid sinus thrombosis with a resultant hydrocephalus.

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Green or yellow pus is often present in the auditory canal in chronic otitis media. The foul-smelling drainage is pathognomonic for the condition. A cholesteatoma necessitates mastoidectomy to eradicate the infection, to restore normal hearing, and to graft a new eardrum. The operation is performed through an incision made behind the ear. The mastoid bone is carefully drilled away under the microscope. The cholesteatoma is removed, and the normal anatomy is reconstructed. Depending on the extent of the disease and on the state of the eustachian tube, complete closure of the air-bone gap can sometimes be achieved, whereas at other times there is no improvement in hearing.


Otosclerosis, abnormal growth of bone around the stapes footplate, is a fascinating familial disease that usually presents in the second to fourth decade of life. It affects both men and women. In the latter, it tends to be present during pregnancy. A typical history is that of a woman in her 20s who develops a unilateral ringing (tinnitus) during pregnancy. The tinnitus remains after delivery. She then notes a hearing loss in that ear. Typically, her mother had a similar experience, which ultimately may have affected both ears and made her almost completely deaf later in life. The patient does not have dizziness or take medications. Examination is normal, except that the Weber test lateralizes to the involved ear, and bone conduction is greater than air conduction Rinne test (BC > AC) with the 256 cps and 5l2 cps tuning forks. The tympanic membrane is normal. Audiometry confirms a conductive hearing loss and acoustic reflexes are usually absent.

The patient usually elects to have surgery, which involves lifting the tympanic membrane and examining the middle ear ossicles. The malleus and incus are normal, but the stapes is "fixed." The footplate of the stapes has developed exuberant bone growth and is fixed to the oval window by this growth. The stapes is either removed (stapedectomy), and a prosthesis is fashioned to connect the incus to the oval window. An alternative prosthesis is a small piece of fat taken from the ear lobe and tied to the end of a 4-mm long, thin piece of wire. A hook is fashioned at the other end and this is crimped to the incus. Stapes surgery is clearly a difficult surgery and a skilled, experienced otologist is strongly recommended. Complications include hearing loss, vertigo and facial nerve problems, hence the decision to operate must be an informed one. After placing the prosthesis, the eardrum is replaced, and the ear heals. In 90% to 95% of cases, the ringing disappears and the patient's hearing returns to normal.

New techniques involve drilling a 0.6 to 0.8 mm hole in the stapedial footplate. This can be done by hand, by electric drill, or by laser. A teflon piston is inserted 1/4mm through the hole in the stapedial footplate. The other end is a wire crimped to the long process of the incus. With the newer technique, results are allegedly better and complications even less

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common. Possible complications of stapedectomy include total hearing loss, failure to improve hearing, persistent tinnitus, and temporary or permanent dizziness.

Most otosclerosis involves the stapes and oval window. Sometimes the cochlea is also involved, producing a sensorineural hearing loss. When cochlear otosclerosis occurs alone, a pure sensorineural hearing loss exists. Most commonly, cochlear otosclerosis is found with stapedial involvement; in these cases, a mixed (combined conductive and sensorineural) hearing loss will be present. The treatment for cochlear otosclerosis is controversial. Patients should be referred to a head and neck surgeon for treatment.


Meniere's disease is relatively uncommon, but unfortunately this term has become a catch-all phrase for many disorders with symptoms of dizziness. It is an unpredictable episodic disease. Patients have attacks of sudden hearing loss associated with tinnitus. They are vertiginous (dizzy) and describe a feeling of fullness in the ear. Other than the hearing loss, which is sensorineural, the entire neurotologic examination may be normal. The episodes are usually short in duration (hours to days) with gradual resolution of symptoms over weeks. A complete work-up for vertigo, as outlined later, can yield negative results. Etiology of the disease is unknown. Certain treatable causes of similar symptoms exist (syphilis, acoustic neuroma, perilymph fistula). In such cases, treatment directed toward the cause will relieve the vertigo. For idiopathic cases, phenothiazines, as outlined in the section on vertigo, are usually effective. A low-salt diet and daily use of diuretics is often helpful. Diazepam may also be effective. If none of these regimens is uniformly successful, the only recourse is to treat each attack symptomically. If the disease progresses, as it frequently does, the patient develops an increasingly severe sensorineural hearing loss with each ensuing attack, even to the point of deafness. Permanent dizziness can occur. The vertigo and the tinnitus can be treated surgically, and patients with advanced cases should be considered for surgical therapy. The diagnosis of Meniere's disease should never be made until a work-up for vertigo is completed and until the disease is clearly shown to be episodic in nature. All new patients should have a complete vertigo work-up (see Table 2.4) to exclude other causes of dizziness.

Additional information on Meniere’s disease is posted on Dr. Jeffrey P. Harris’s website, Meniere’s disease.


Presbycusis is a type of hearing loss often found in aging patients. However, it can occur in

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people in their 30s. Histologically, there are hair-cell losses in the cochlea. Clinically, hearing decreases, initially in the high frequencies, but as the disease progresses, low frequencies are also affected. Speech discrimination deteriorates, and soon patients find they must ask people to repeat what they have said. Patients have difficulty trying to hear things against background competing noises, such as music and party conversations. They also experience the phenomenon of recruitment, which causes them to hear loud noises as being unpleasantly loud. For example, when trying to listen to television or to a conversation, the patient has trouble hearing and so turns up the volume or asks friends to speak louder. When the noise reaches a certain level, it is suddenly too loud.

Evaluation of hearing loss should include a history to determine whether the loss is of sudden, rapid or slow onset and to discover whether there has been noise exposure. When presbycusis is present, the otologic examination will be normal. Audiograms will show a typical pattern (Figures. 2.2 and 2.3). Sometimes speech discrimination is poor, and often recruitment can be demonstrated. The audiogram should differentiate presbycusis from noise-induced hearing loss. Historically, noise-induced hearing loss occurs in older patients and is generally associated with significant noise exposure.

Life today is noisy. There is little question that prolonged unprotected exposure to loud noises (eg, aircraft engines and amplified music) destroys cochlear hair cells and produces a sensorineural hearing impairment. But even the noises of every day city living accumulate. Some individuals are more sensitive, but everyone compromises their hearing acuity when they expose themselves to noise. Figure 2.4 shows the estimated noise exposures for several different common activities and provides a reference to noise intensities.

Any noise that hurts or leaves a ringing (tinnitus) or a temporary decrease in hearing is clearly damaging. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed standards for the work environment, but they do not address the issues of lawn mowers, motorcycles, and loud music—the noises all are exposed to daily.

Mildly affected patients should be encouraged to adapt to their disability and should be discouraged from purchasing hearing aids. Hearing aids are expensive (priced at the year 2004 approximately $1000 to $5000) and many are used for a limited time, then consigned to a bureau drawer. All hearing aids cause some distortion and they are only appreciated if they fit properly and the patient takes the time and energy to use them correctly. If the hearing loss worsens, a hearing aid evaluation by a qualified audiologist should be scheduled. The audiologist may recommend use of an aid, and if so, the patient should wear one on a trial basis. For patients who really need hearing aids, they restore the functionally deaf back to reasonable hearing. Sound is an extremely important part of human sensory input. Its loss causes a severe disability, and its restoration provides a tremendous improvement in the quality of life.

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Figure 2.2. Typical audiogram of a patient with mild sensorineural hearing loss. Diagnosis: presbycusis. SRT = speech reception threshold; Discrim = discrimination.

Figure 2.3. Typical audiogram of a patient with a sensorineural hearing loss. Diagnosis: noise-induced hearing loss. Compare with Figure 2.2. SRT = speech reception thresholds; Discrim = word discrimination.

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Figure 2.4. How loud is it. Noise intensities of everyday sounds expressed in decibels. Used with permission from SHHH - Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc., 7800 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 208l4.

Case Studies: Presbycusis

A middle-aged couple visited my office. The woman stated that her husband was losing his hearing and was unable to hear anything she said. The patient did not feel there was a problem; he noted some difficulty hearing his wife, which did not seem to bother him. He had no difficulty talking with his golfing buddies. Physical examination was normal. The audiogram (See Fig. 2.2) showed a mild sensorineural hearing loss with good discrimination. Typically, the hearing loss is worse at high frequencies, so that female voices are more difficult to understand which may have somewhat

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explained any difficulty in hearing his wife. When the possibility of a hearing aid was discussed privately with the patient, he flatly refused to consider one. He stated that when he wanted to listen he had no difficulty. The patient was advised to return if his hearing worsened to a degree that he believed was causing a problem.

Another woman complained about her husband's hearing loss. Physical examination was normal, but the audiogram for this patient was different (See Fig. 2.3). The hearing worsened at each higher frequency and then becomes better at 8000 CPS. The audiogram looks like a reverse check mark. This pattern is typical of a noise-induced hearing loss. Further history revealed this man was an avid duck hunter and trap shooter. He never wore protective ear covers and had always had quite a bit of high-pitched ringing in his ears after shooting. He was advised of the cause of his hearing loss and encouraged to wear both earplugs and earmuffs while shooting. He was also advised to return yearly for audiograms to determine if any progression in his hearing loss had occurred. He also declined to consider a hearing aid.


Acoustic neuromas are benign tumors growing from the eighth cranial nerve, either in the internal auditory canal or at the cerebellar-pontine angle. Although they may be present in as many as l0% of the population at autopsy, they are detectable clinically in only l in l000 patients. The tumors tend to occur in the fourth decade of life and later. Diverse presenting symptoms include hearing loss, vertigo, and occasionally facial paralysis. All patients with unexplained, unilateral hearing loss, vertigo, or facial paralysis must be evaluated for an acoustic neuroma. With large tumors, other cranial nerves, especially the corneal branch of the fifth cranial nerve, may be involved. Audiograms usually show a sensorineural hearing loss with particularly poor discrimination or may be near normal. An ABR reveals loss of waveform morphology and prolonged latencies of responses in the involved ear. Electronystagmography (ENG) often shows a vestibular weakness of the involved ear. If an acoustic neuroma is strongly suspected, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan with gadolinium of the temporal bone should be performed to establish or rule out the diagnosis. Most tumors are treated with surgery. Some are treated with the gamma knife, a name used to describe a very focused radiation therapy. Surgery is always required for complex or recurrent neoplasms. This is often accomplished as a combined effort of head and neck surgeons and neurosurgeons.

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Case Studies: Acoustic neuroma

A 19 year old woman, status post resection of a left acoustic neuroma, returned for evaluation of a right acoustic neuroma. Her initial presentation was with a progressive sensorineural hearing loss, the left being worse than the right. In addition, over the preceding months she had developed a gait abnormality. She noted slurred speech and complained of headaches.

The initial left-side tumor resection left her with no auditory function and a facial paresis. Although the facial weakness was recovering, left promontory stimulation of the left ear revealed no cochlear nerve function. Her gait disturbance has been improving over time. Some sensorineural hearing remains intact on the right side. Figure 2.5 shows the MRI, revealing a large acoustic neuroma. The right-sided acoustic neuroma was smaller than the tumor previously resected on the left side.

The patient underwent a suboccipital craniotomy as a combined neurosurgical/otologic procedure. The acoustic neuroma was resected. The cochlear and facial nerves were left intact and functioning.

Mildly affected patients should be encouraged to adapt to their disability and should be discouraged from purchasing hearing aids. Hearing aids are expensive (priced at the year 2004 approximately $1000 to $5000) and many are used for a limited time, then consigned to a bureau drawer. All hearing aids cause some distortion and they are only appreciated if they fit properly and the patient takes the time and energy to use them correctly. If the hearing loss worsens, a hearing aid evaluation by a qualified audiologist should be scheduled. The audiologist may recommend use of an aid, and if so, the patient should wear one on a trial basis. For patients who really need hearing aids, they restore the functionally deaf back to reasonable hearing. Sound is an extremely important part of human sensory input. Its loss causes a severe disability, and its restoration provides a tremendous improvement in the quality of life.

Modern technology has introduced new treatments for complete deafness. Although there is no cure for complete or profound sensorineural hearing loss, there is a new rehabilitation option, cochlear implantation, available to those who no longer benefit from hearing aids. It is currently recommended for patients with bilateral profound deafness. An electrical device is implanted into the cochlea that allows direct stimulation of the neurons in the spiral ganglion. This stimulation signal is provided by an external device worn much like an iPod.

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Sound information is received and processed by the device and then transmitted to the implanted portion. The cochlear neurons are then stimulated electrically causing the perception of sound. While it does not restore normal hearing, patients relearn what the sounds signify, resulting in improved verbal communication.

For those with less severe hearing loss, significant advances have been made, and are yet to come, in modern hearing aids; better sound quality, smaller size, and some remote controls to change loudness. A head and neck surgeon or qualified audiologist is best suited to advise patients regarding hearing rehabilitation options.

Ear disorders may lead to deafness, a devastating loss of a primary sense. Those deaf at birth or in infancy cannot hear anything so, it is difficult to learn the spoken language. Deaf individuals learn by sight; thus, the spoken language is learned as a second language. Lip reading is difficult, even for those who become deaf as adults and it is extremely difficult for most prelingual deaf. Hence, signing is the primary communication form. The deaf community is effectively isolated. When they communicate to the rest of the world, it is through writing or an interpreter.

Deafness involves a sensory loss. The most affected are those who are prevocationally deaf. In the United States there are 350,000 deaf persons, or 0.3% of the population.

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Figure 2.5. MRI scan with gadolinium. (A) T1 axial view: right acoustic neuroma (3.0 x 3.5 cm) extending from internal auditory canal into cerebellar-pontine angle (note: brain stem compression). (B) T1 coronal view. Again, note sizable right acoustic neuroma compressing brainstem and extending into the internal auditory canal.

In addition, many adults develop hearing impairments, some from infection, trauma, or tumors, but most from aging. Those who have severe to profound hearing loss are effectively deaf, and this has a large impact on their lives including career changes and vocational training.

The deaf miss the pleasures of music, and loved ones. Warning sounds used to protect and inform others, such as telephone rings and police sirens are not heard by deaf people. We normally live in a world of noise, a setting to which we are addicted. For those who live in absolute silence, life is hollow, lonely, distant and isolated.

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There are services available for the hearing impaired. Society provides training in sign language. It provides interpreters to help communicate and take notes in school. There are vocational rehabilitation programs. Flashing telephone and doorbell signalers are available to help the hearing impaired. Nonetheless, communication is an enormous problem, and physicians need to help the deaf individual when called on to do so. More can be learned about the deaf community, by visiting a school for the deaf or by contacting a social service agency that provides services to the deaf community or by contacting the DeafnessFoundation.


The Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is discussed in this section because patients with this condition frequently complain of ear pain. The TMJ, a sliding synovial joint, lies immediately in front of the bony external ear canal. Pain in this region is interpreted by patients as ear pain. The joint is affected, as are other synovial joints, by systemic arthritic conditions, including gout. Dental malocclusion, bruxism (grinding your teeth) ill-fitting dentures, and psychologic stress are the most common causes of pain. Malocclusion causes stress on the joint with each mandibular excursion. Stress or tension often manifest as teeth clenching, excessive gum chewing, or bruxism (grinding the teeth, most commonly while asleep). The pain in the TMJ causes muscle spasm of the temporalis, masseter, pterygoid, digastric, tensor tympani, and some believe the sternocleidomastoid muscles. In turn, this spasm causes more TMJ pain, and a cycle is established. The pain may be located primarily in front of the ear or it can be localized over the involved muscles. Spasm and pain in the temporalis muscle are often misdiagnosed as headache, especially migraine headache. Digastric and sternocleidomastoid muscle pain and spasm present in the neck, and, frequently, these are not recognized as TMJ pain. Hearing loss, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness in the ear, and vertigo can also be symptoms of TMJ dysfunction. Temporomandibular joint pain may be the most commonly missed diagnosis in the head and neck region. Practitioners should become familiar with this disease; too many physicians repeatedly diagnose this as another problem, such as otitis externa or otitis media. Ear drops or antibiotics will not cure personal stress or dental malocclusion. The diagnosis of TMJ syndrome should be suspected in any patient who has complaints involving this region. Patients with this syndrome will indicate that the ear pain is anterior inferior or posterior to the ear canal; no other pain presents here. Palpation over the TMJ will elicit the pain, especially when the mouth is being opened and closed. Often the mandibular excursion is crooked and there is rather obvious malocclusion. The patient may have an anxious, distressed, or depressed expression, which is readily recognized by the sensitive physician. Often the patient can be shown the correlation between the TMJ pain and his or her tensions.

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Figure 2.6. MRI scan with gadolinium. X-rays from a patient with TMJ dysfunction. (A) Mouth closed and teeth in occlusion. (B) Mouth open. These x-rays were read by the radiologist as normal. However, in the mouth-closed position, the condylar head appears pulled forward in the glenoid fossa. This is a common x-ray finding in TMJ dysfunction. E = ear canal, GF = glenoid fossa, AT = articular tubercle, C = condyle.

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Figure 2.7. X-rays from a patient with TMJ dysfunction. (A) Mouth closed. B. Mouth open. In the mouth-open view, the condyle has slid anteriorly. This is not subluxation, but is commonly found in x-rays of patients with and without TMJ dysfunction.

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When evaluating TMJ dysfunction, Xrays are useful to exclude destructive joint diseases. Oblique lateral views are taken so that the TMJs are not superimposed on one another. Two views are taken; one with the mouth closed and the teeth in normal occlusion and the second with the mouth widely open. Some physicians prefer TMJ CT scans and some prefer MRI scans. Plain films are adequate to rule out destructive neoplasm and advanced inflammatory joint disease. An MRI is necessary to evaluate the meniscus.

Case Studies: Temporomandibular joint Dysfunction

I received the following letter in response to a nationally distributed article and present it here (exactly as written) as an example of the complexity of TMJ dysfunction:

Dear Dr. Davidson:

I hope you won't mind my writing you directly. I saw an article on Tinnitus in the Health Fact News for April, that mentioned your name.

I am having such a time with noise in my right ear and its getting worse. I'm getting so nervous from it and its hard to concentrate at work. I live in fear this will start in the other ear and I don't know how I could stand it.

I first noticed the sound last December l9th when I was retiring for the night and the house was quiet. I thought I'd left the bathroom fluorescent light on as it was a hum or drone just as my ear now has. (I don't know if this could be a clue or not, but I had a gold crown put on a lower right tooth on December l8th.)

At first, I only heard the sound at night, but by late February it had worsened and I saw my doctor about it. He asked me to describe the noise and when I said it was like the sound of a fluorescent light "hum or sing" or like the dial tone on a telephone, he said "that's 60 cycles - you have fluid in your Eustachian tube." He began treatment with an injection of Decadon or (Decadron) and a prescription for Histrodrix. [I do not know what Histrodrix is. Au.] I have reactions to so many drugs and after four days became ill so he gave me Rondec tablets. I had the same reaction to that after a couple days and then along with the original noise my ear started to

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ring also. It is now two different sounds in that ear.

I asked my Dr. if he would send me to an ear specialist. The closest is Duluth, Mn. at the Duluth Clinic. I saw this Dr. on March 25. He looked in my ear just as my M.D. had and said there was no fluid in the Eustachian tube. (?) I had an Audio, AC only and Speech Audiometry Dis. The Dr. said my hearing was excellent, even exceptional! He had no idea what the problem could be. He pressed on my jaw joints and could cause tinnitus, but wasn't sure that was my problem. He suggested watching to see if I grit my teeth, etc. During the audio test the lady who gave the test could match up the ringing noise with her equipment, but not the droning buzz I hear.

I mentioned the gold crown to this Dr. and said it was high at first but had it corrected in January. Since then an upper right tooth had broken off and the Otolaryngologist said to see my dentist next. I only saw this Dr. about l0 minutes. He prescribed a mild dosage of Valium as muscle relaxant in case I was clenching my jaws. My M.D. won't even write a prescription for Valium. He is really against it.

After my dentist returned from his vacation I was able to see him April l6th. The cracked tooth (also on the right side) turned out to be abscessed and dead. He extracted the tooth and said theabscess looked almost like a cyst. We were both sure now that the ear noise would stop, but as of this writing it's even louder.

My life is turning into a nightmare. I was sure the Ear Specialist would have done more diagnostic tests, but maybe there are no others? He suggested sleeping with an F-M radio dial set between two stations, but I'm leaving that as a last resort. He said there are devices similar to hearing-aids to put in the ear to try to counteract the noise, but because my hearing is so good he didn't want to do that.

I wake up some mornings with a vague ache in that ear and in the bone behind the ear. It always feels heavy now and a sort of tightness or stiffness deep in there when I yawn. It just feels if I could "pop" it when I yawn it would be all right again.

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We live up here in Minnesota in a small logging village (Pop. 500) and my M.D. is forty miles away.

Can you give me any suggestion? I would deeply appreciate any advice you might have.

I hope you don't mind my writing to you personally, but I am getting desperate with this problem. It seems there must be an answer somewhere! I have even wondered if a person could be surgically deafened to stop the noise?

Thank you for anything you may have to suggest!

Sincerely,Mrs. E.L.D.

P.S. I am 5l years old. Almost thru Menopause and no problems there. My last blood pressure check in February was ll0/82. I don't smoke, drink or use aspirin. I use Cotylenol occasionally if I have a cold. I drink approx. two cups of decaffeinated coffee per day. I do have a lot of sinus post-nasal drip, have had for years, but no pain. Just have to blow my nose a lot each day.

I keep wondering if that gold crown could in any way be picking up an electric signal or something? It sounds odd, but at this point you want to check anything that might bring relief.

Used with the written permission of the patient.

In view of the normal audiogram this patient's problem is most likely due to TMJ dysfunction. I advised her of this and referred her to a physician in her area who was knowledgeable about TMJ disease.

X-rays are important to rule out arthritic bony changes. They will often show displacement of the condyle in the glenoid fossa caused by muscle spasm. Figures 2.6 and 2.7 show a right and left plain film TMJ series from two different patients with TMJ dysfunction. Neither shows arthritic changes, but both show subtle changes of TMJ muscle spasm. The MRI, although expensive, is the only study that will image the articular cartilage. It is certainly a superior study. Whether any study correlates with symptoms or improves treatment is untested and unproven.

Malocclusive diseases are best treated by a dentist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon. Not all

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dentists are skilled with TMJ problems, and only those who are knowledgeable and interested will be helpful. Psychosomatic causes are best treated by the primary care physician, but if psychologic stresses are severe, the patient can be referred for psychotherapy.

The symptoms are best treated with analgesics (aspirin, NSAIDs, or acetaminophen) and muscle relaxants, such as diazepam. For further recommendations view the TMJ chapter in the Ambulatory Healthcare Pathway. There are TMJ clinics in most major cities, and patients whose conditions are difficult to diagnose or treat can obtain complete evaluation or treatment.

Temporomandibular joint arthroscopy and arthroscopic surgery are sometimes recommended. Except in severe cases, they are not indicated because they may cause further damage and, in any case are a needless expense.

The legal profession has recognized TMJ as a fruitful plaintiff's complaint. Lawyers may now refer postaccident "whiplash" patients to chiropractors and oral surgeons who seem to find TMJ problems where patient complaints did not previously exist. Once noted and treated the symptoms exacerbate, at least until a settlement is made, after which no one knows what happens to these individuals.

For additional information on TMJ, link to the Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways and read the section on TMJ.

My own understanding of TMJ is as follows. The TMJ is not a load bearing joint. It is a mandibular guide for mastication. For some unexplained reason, man’s posterior teeth are short or incompletely erupted. This results in a posterior over closure. The TMJ unaccustomed to load bearing, now has pressure. Pain and inflammation follow.

Concurrently, some have other contributing factors. Some suffer TMJ as a psychosomatic target organ. Some benefit psychologically from the pain and attention. Some have contributing central pain. Neither the medical nor the dental profession has completely successful treatment.

The more patients I see, the more I believe less is better. Other than the occasional acute TMJ exacerbation, this is a chronic pain syndrome and should be respected and treated as such.

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Otalgia (ear pain) is a common complaint, and although the cause is sometimes obvious, it can just as often be obscure. There are a multitude of causes of ear pain, and unless a systematic approach is followed, important diagnoses may be missed. Table 2.2 describes the differential diagnosis for ear pain. These areas noted in Table 2.2 are evaluated by direct examination, palpation, mirror examination, endoscopy, cultures, imaging studies and biopsies.

Table 2.2 Differential Diagnosis for Ear Pain

A. External Auditory Canal 1. Auricular hematoma 2. Foreign body in the ear canal 3. Obstructive cerumen 4. Otitis externa 5. Malignant otitis externa 6. External auditory canal tumor

B. Middle Ear 1. Acute otitis media 2. Bullous myringitis or a mycoplasmal infection of

the tympanic membrane3. Chronic otitis media 4. Middle ear tumor

C. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) D. Referred pain from an inflammatory or neoplastic

lesion1. Nasopharynx 2. Tonsil 3. Base of tongue 4. Larynx 5. Pharynx and hypopharynx


Hearing loss is a common complaint. Occasionally patients complain of a ringing or hissing noise (tinnitus). Tinnitus is normally high-pitched; a similar sound can be heard by holding a seashell or a cup over an ear. To some, the sound is a buzzing or hissing, but to others it is

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a more distinct ringing. It seems that when the ear loses its hearing sensitivity, the brain somehow substitutes its own noise. Not everyone with hearing loss complains of tinnitus, but for those who do, it has a direct relationship, that is, the greater the hearing loss, the greater the tinnitus. There are now ways of treating tinnitus, but first it should be recognized that it is usually a symptom of hearing loss. The hearing loss should be diagnosed and, if there is no direct treatment, the tinnitus treated. Occasionally, tinnitus has a low-pitched quality—even the physician can hear it with the stethoscope. This type is caused by vascular noise. It may be a bruit or murmur in the carotid artery or a chemodectoma, also called a glomus tumor, in the middle ear. These patients should be evaluated by a head and neck surgeon. The differential diagnosis for hearing loss is shown in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Differential Diagnosis for Hearing Loss

A. External Auditory Canal 1. Cerumen (wax) 2. Foreign body 3. Otitis externa 4. Exostosis 5. Tumor

B. Middle Ear 1. Acute otitis media 2. Chronic otitis media 3. Serous otitis media 4. Tympanic membrane perforation 5. Otosclerosis/Tympanosclerosis 6. Ossicular discontinuity or fixation 7. Round window rupture (barotrauma)8. Tumor

C. Inner Ear 1. Presbycusis 2. Noise-induced hearing loss 3. Meniere's disease 4. Otosclerosis 5. Ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss 6. Labyrinthitis

a. Serous: following trauma, ear surgery, or infectious media otitis b. Viral, such as mumps, measles, and so forth

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c. Bacterial d. Toxic

7. Congenital sensorineural hearing loss8. Trauma 9. Neurosyphilis 10. Vascular insufficiency 11. Autoimmune

D. Central Nervous System 1. Cerebrovascular accident 2. Acoustic neuroma/Meningioma 3. Brain tumor 4. Psychiatric disorder

Hearing Loss EvaluationAny patient with hearing loss should have a history taken. Questions should address onset, duration, severity, associated symptoms (eg, tinnitus, vertigo, ear infections, surgery), unilateral or bilateral, noise exposure, ototoxic medication exposure, trauma, and other medial conditions. The information discovered during the history will serve to direct the physician in further examination and testing. Physical examination should include the auricle, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, Weber and Rinne tuning fork tests, and facial nerve function. One should look for evidence of infection, cholesteatoma, perforation, scarring, cerumen impaction or neoplasm. Once the physical exam has been completed, an audiogram should be performed using air conduction, bone conduction, and speech discrimination testing. Based on the findings of the audiogram, history and examination, a diagnosis is usually established. However, further testing may occasionally be indicated to rule out retro cochlear or central dysfunction.

In patients with asymmetric symptoms of tinnitus, or sensorineural hearing loss, a ABR may be necessary to track the electric nerve signal produced from cochlear stimulation from the cochlea to the brainstem. A clicking sound is presented to the ear at an appropriate volume to generate a response. Then the EEG response is measured and averaged over approximately l000 to 2000 clicks. Changes in wave form, pattern, and latency of recognized waves are evaluated to determine whether the deficit is peripheral or central in nature.

As mentioned previously hearing loss can often be mollified by amplification. An otolaryngology referral is the best practice. By-passing the otolaryngology specialist leaves the patient at the mercy of the hearing aid dispenser whose business of dispensing hearing aids is an inherent conflict of interest. Guess what – they sell hearing aids and profit directly

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form the sale.

Selected references include Tinnitus is a therapeutic nightmare. The reader is referred to several information links. http://drdavidson.ucsd.edu/Portals/0/ENT/05.htm#J.0http://www.hearinghealth.net


Vertigo is a feeling that the world is spinning. People with extreme vertigo feel nauseous, often vomit, and talk about lying down and holding onto the carpet to keep from falling off the earth. Many patients complain of dizziness rather than of a true whirling sensation. A whirling sensation is usually associated with some identifiable etiology. The "dizzy" patient may have a clear-cut and identifiable, significant disorder, but often the diagnosis may remain somewhat obscure. Dizziness takes a long time to evaluate, and may require a complete history and physical and laboratory examination. The history will direct the physician in decisions regarding testing and treatment. Failure to take a thorough history will result in missed diagnosis. Physicians in different specialties have different experiences with vertigo. A triage officer at a Veterans Administration hospital, for example, may cite the leading causes of vertigo as cardiac arrhythmia and orthostatic hypotension. A neurologist might consider multiple sclerosis the most common cause, while a head and neck surgeon might believe that Meniere's disease or vestibular neuronitis is most common. To a general practitioner most causes are idiopathic or functional. Each of these physicians reflects the nature of his or her own practice.

Table 2.4 is suggested evaluation for each patient who complains of dizziness; it can be used as a guide for developing personal approach. Figure 2-8 provides an algorithm for differential diagnosis.

Table 2.4 Work-Up for Vertigo

A. History1. Vertigo (what does the patient mean by dizziness?)

a. Onsetb. Intensityc. Durationd. Association with nausea and vomitinge. Feeling of faintness or loss of consciousness

2. Hearing loss 3. Tinnitus

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4. Feeling of fullness in ear 5. History of ear pain, infection, surgery 6. Recent illness 7. Current medications 8. Previous neurologic disorders (transient ischemic

attack, stroke, multiple sclerosis, migraine headache)

B. Examination1. Hearing (tuning forks) 2. Otoscopic 3. Ophthalmic (to include extraocular movements,

examination for nystagmus, and retinoscopy) 4. Cranial nerves, with particular attention to nerves 3,4,5

(especially corneal branch), 6,7,9, and l05. Neck examination (to recognize carotid artery disease)

and range of motion.6. Blood pressure (to consider hypertension and

orthostatic changes7. Pulse (to diagnose arrhythmia) 8. Neurologic (to exclude neurologic disease, especially

multiple sclerosis and a cerebrovascular accident)

C. Laboratory tests1. Complete blood cell count (to rule out anemia)2. Electrolytes (to detect any imbalance) 3. Calcium (to detect hypercalcemia) 4. Tetraiodothyronine (to detect hypothyroidism) 5. FTA-ABS, T4 and TSH (to rule out tertiary syphilis)6. Cholesterol and triglycerides (to detect

hyperlipoproteinemia)7. Tests for diabetes and reactive hypoglycemia 8. Electrocardiogram with rhythm strip (to diagnose any

cardiac disease in elderly patients or with history suggestive of cardiac dysfunction)

9. Audiogram and tympanogram (to evaluate hearing as well as evaluate type of loss) and ABR (to evaluate retrocochlear sensorineural hearing loss (Fig. 1.9)

10. Electronystagmogram (ENG) (to evaluate labyrinthine function). This test measures gaze nystagmus, spontaneous nystagmus, positional nystagmus, and response to caloric irrigation. It is extremely useful to identify labyrinthine disease and also helps localize

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lesions in either the labyrinth, the acoustic nerve, or the central nervous system.

11. MRI scan with gadolinium of internal auditory canal indicated when acoustic neuroma, cerebellar-pontine angle tumor, multiple sclerosis or other central problem suspected.

12. X-rays of the cervical spine. The cervical spine is closely connected to the labyrinth via a vestibulospinal reflex arc. Cervical spine disease can cause vertigo and hence this must be evaluated.

DDifferential Diagnosis (also see Fig. 2.8)This is not intended as an exhaustive differential plan, but rather to provide some insight into the different diseases that can cause vertigo. If the investigator is persistent a diagnosis can be made in over 90 % of vertiginous patients.

1. Ear a. Acute otitis mediab. Serous otitis mediac. Chronic otitis mediad. Perilymph fistula i. Trauma ii. Post stapedectomy iii. Barotrauma (round window rupture) e. Labyrinthitis i. Serous ii. Bacterial iii. Viral iv. Toxic f. Meniere's diseaseg. Vestibular neuronitish. Benign positional vertigoi. Acoustic neuroma or other cerebellar-pontine angle tumor

2. Central nervous system a. Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)b. Transient ischemic attacksc. Multiple sclerosisd. Neurosyphilise. Meningitis or encephalitis

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f. Migraine (posterior fossa)3. Neck

a. Cervical arthritisb. Carotid artery stenosisc. Multiple sclerosisd. Vertebral-basilar artery insufficiencye. TMJ disease

4. Metabolic disorders a. Hyper- or hypoglycemiab. Hyper- or hypothyroidismc. Electrolyte imbalance d. Hypercalcemiae. Anemiaf. Polycythemiag. Leukemiah. Allergy

5. Drugs a. Streptomycinb. Kanamycinc. Gentamicin d. Diazepame. Sedativesf. Opiatesg. Alcohol h. Neurolepticsi. Aspirinj. Nicotinek. Caffeine

6. Cardiac problems a. Arrhythmia b. Hypertensionc. Hypotensiond. Poor cardiac output

ABR = auditory brain stem response; FTA-ABS = fluorescent treponema antibody; T4 = t hyroxine; TSH= thyroid stimulating hormone.

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TreatmentThe treatment of vertigo often falls closer to the art than to the science of medicine. It sometimes seems that all of the physician’s energy has been used in merely obtaining the history, conducting the laboratory examination, and reaching a reasonable diagnosis, and there is none left for creative therapy.

Specific causes of vertigo are treated. Bacterial labyrinthitis is a severe disease and should be treated emergently with antibiotics, usually in the hospital. It is often considered a surgical emergency and cause for labyrinthectomy to prevent spread of infection to the central nervous system. Patients with vascular problems are referred to specialists in vascular diseases, and those with neurologic diseases to neurologists. Otologic diseases causing vertigo are appropriately the province of the head and neck surgeon. The remainder - and actually majority of cases -are treated by primary care physicians, emergency department physicians, and head and neck surgeons. Although some physicians have very elaborate therapeutic regimens, a simple approach is equally effective: Phenothiazines are the mainstay of treatment, and promethazine hydrochloride is as effective as any. For mild cases, 25 mg promethazine can be taken orally every 6 hours. For some people diazepam is useful alone or in combination with the promethazine. For moderately intense attacks, IV promethazine is indicated to stabilize the vertigo, after which oral or rectal suppositories can be used. Patients with severe cases are frequently dehydrated and need IV fluids. Promethazine is given IV, frequently with diazepam. Alternatively, 0.5 mg to l.5 mg IV droperidol is effective in those patients unresponsive to diazepam. Promethazine should not be given in conjunction with the droperidol therapy. Hospitalization is often necessary. Intractable labyrinthine vertigo can be treated surgically, with cure rates approaching 90% to 95%.

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Figure 2.8.Algorithm for the diagnosis of vertigo.

Many patients will request medication to combat motion sickness and a number of medications are useful. The first choice of drug for air sickness or seasickness is usually a nonprescription medicine such as Dramamine® or Meclizine. An effective prescription is Antivert. These are effective and, although they cause some sleepiness, tend to be mild. If the patient complains of motion sickness symptoms with very mild stimulation, such as flying in a modern jet or a long trip in a car, the reason may be psychologic. For these conditions, diazepam is effective, because it allays the patient's anxiety and it is also an effective vestibular sedative.

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The most difficult cases are those people with sensitive vestibular systems who, nevertheless, occasionally wish to go boating in ocean waters where they are exposed to intense vestibular stimulation. Oral promethazine is effective in these situations; 25 mg can be taken the evening before boating, and should be repeated approximately l to l.5 hours before embarking. All of the Phenothiazines have a long onset time; that is, they are not effective for at least 1 to 1.5 hours, and they also have long half-life. Therefore, the promethazine taken l2 hours earlier will still have some vestibular sedating effect when the patient embarks. Many patients do not like to take the evening dose of promethazine and simply begin with the first dose l.5 hours before going aboard. Unfortunately, such a dose will put most people to sleep. If it is possible to board the boat and sleep for the first several hours and allow their vestibular system to adjust to the rocking of the boat while asleep, many patients will require little or no additional medicine. If any is needed, the original dose can be repeated every 6 hours. If it is important that the person be alert and functional at the beginning of the trip, it will be necessary to give some stimulant to counteract the sedative effects of the promethazine such as 25 mg promethazine with 25 mg ephedrine, both to be taken orally at least l.5 hours before boarding and not to be repeated more than once every 6 hours.

Another drug combination that has been popular with many sailors is 0.5 mg of scopolamine with 2.5 to l0 mg dextroamphetamine. This combination tends to be less sedating than promethazine and ephedrine. Another popular medication with many weekend sailors is scopolamine supplied as a sticky patch to be placed on the skin behind the ear (Transderm-Scop). The scopolamine is absorbed slowly and is reputed to be effective for periods of 2 to 3 days. Its side effects - which some find irritating - include a dry mouth and pupillary dilatation. For some, the side effects are not intolerable. It is, at the time of this writing, the most popular prescription treatment for motion sickness. It is contraindicated in the geriatric population.

Many times "on board physicians" are asked to treat motion sickness once it has occurred. In such circumstances, the previous recommendations are not effective. Promethazine given intramuscularly or as a rectal suppository is effective. If this fails, IV fluids combined with promethazine or droperidol can be required.

Individual head and neck surgeons organize their thoughts and their therapies regarding vertigo differently. Table 2.5 outlines an alternative differential diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of vertigo.

Table 2.5 Differential Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of


I. Vestibular Neuronitis

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A. Presenting signs and symptoms: acute onset of severe vertigo may be episodic and may be associated with preexistent upper respiratory infection, spontaneous nystagmus, and normal hearing.

B. Etiology: probably viral neuronitis, with degeneration of Scarpa's ganglion and peripheral neurons.

C.Laboratory tests: reduced vestibular response (RVR) in affected ear found on caloric testing; normal CNS examination.

D.Treatment:1. Symptomatic: rehydration. 2. Drugs: a. Meclizine, l2.5-25 mg/day po, divided into equal doses given q4h. b. Diphenhydramine, 25-50 mg pp or IM q4-6h. c. Diazepam, 5-l0 mg IM or IV q4-6h. d. Promethazine, 25-50 mg IM or po q6-8h.

E. Prognosis: patient usually improves over a 1-month period; however, there may be exacerbations for as long as 1 year. Canal paresis persists.

II. Acute Labyrinthitis (Sudden Hearing Loss)A. Presenting signs and symptoms: acute onset of severe vertigo

associated with hearing loss (mild to profound) and spontaneous nystagmus.

B. Etiology: probably virally induced cochleolabyrinthitis (widespread, with damage to inner ear structures).

C.Laboratory tests: 1. Audiogram: sensorineural hearing loss. 2. Electronystagmography: reduced vestibular response must be evaluated for CNS disease. 3. Other tests: a. Temporal bone CT b. VDRL, FTE-ABS. c. T3 (triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine) d. Complete blood count, glucose tolerance test e. Sedimentation rate, cholesterol, triglycerides, ANA (antinuclear antibody), and RF (rheumatoid factor)

D.Treatment:1. Symptomatic: rehydration. 2. Drugs: prednisone, 60-80 mg/day, tapering dose over 3 weeks (if not contraindicated).

E. Prognosis: usually dizziness subsides with time. If patient has

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U-shaped or upward-sloping audiogram, there is a good chance for recovery.

III. Meniere's DiseaseA. Presenting signs and symptoms:

1. Attacks of episodic vertigo, pressure in ear, hearing fluctuation, roaring tinnitus. 2. Nystagmus (only during acute attack). 3. Low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. 4. Normal findings between episodes (early in the disease).

B. Etiology: secondary to endolymphatic hydrops. 1. Idiopathic 2. Following temporal bone fracture. 3. Following meningitis. 4. Following sudden hearing loss (from mumps, etc.) 5. Immune-mediated.

C.Laboratory tests: document low-frequency hearing loss by audiometry. Same evaluation as for acute labyrinthitis (II-C).

D.Treatment: same as for vestibular neuronitis (I-D). Reduce salt to l500 mg/day and caffeine intake, food additives. Give hydrochlorothiazide if symptoms do not respond to dietary changes alone. Surgery may be indicated if vertigo becomes incapacitating.

E. Prognosis: Variable. Symptoms may stop altogether or be episodic and eventually cause total sensorineural hearing loss with severe disabling vertigo. Disease is bilateral in 20-40%.

IV. Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV), Cupulolithiasis A. Presenting signs and symptoms:

1. Attacks of true vertigo occurring with the patient in supine position and typically with involved ear down.

2. Latency of 5-6 seconds before vertigo begins.3. Nystagmus is generally rotatory toward the down ear. 4. Fatigues with repeated testing. 5. Normal hearing; may be without trauma.6. Attacks last seconds to minutes.

B. Etiology: degenerative otoliths from utricular macula drift by gravity and become embedded in cupula of posterior canal crista or debris trapped within membranes labyrinth.

C.Laboratory tests: Positional testing in office. (Dix-Hallpike) Electro- nystagmography demonstrates positional rotatory nystagmus, delay in onset, fatiguing, fixation, or suppression.

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No CNS signs are present. D. Treatment:

1. Advise patient to repeatedly assume the positions causing vertigo; provide information and reassurance. Vestibular conditioning exercises will speed recovery in most patients.

2. Semont maneuver, or Epley maneuver – Otolith repositioning techniques.

3. Cawthorne exercises (vestibular conditioning exercises).

4. Surgery: singular nerve section, vestibular nerve section, or posterior canal plugging procedure.

E. Prognosis: usually subsides with time, especially in young patients. If present longer than 6 months, consider surgery.

V. Acoustic Neurinoma (Schwannoma) A. Presenting signs and symptoms:

1. Unilateral, progressive, sensorineural hearing loss (typically high frequency).

2. Tinnitus in affected ear. 3. Mild disequilibrium, which may mimic Meniere's

disease.4. Occasional pain or pressure in affected ear (not always


B. Etiology: Schwann cell or eighth nerve tumor (superior vestibular nerve most common origin); may be intra- canalicular or extend into the cerebellar-pontine angle and compress the brainstem.

C. Laboratory tests: 1. Brain stem evoked response audiometry (ABR) (see

Fig. 1.9): delay in wave V must be compared with other ear; latency wave V greater than 0.02 msec is significant.

2. Electronystagmography: reduced vestibular response.3. Audiometry: poor speech discrimination in 50-60%,

tone decay, high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, reflex decay.

4. MRI scan with gadolinium of internal auditory canals and cerebella pontine angles is study of choice.

5. If MRI unavailable then high resolution CT scan with

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D. Treatment: 1. Surgical removal. 2. If patient is older than 70 years, or disease bilateral

Gamma- knife radio surgery.3. Observation with yearly MRI scan.

E. Prognosis: excellent if operated on early. However, there is a good chance of dead ear resulting from removal of tumor. Facial nerve paralysis may occur from removal of larger tumors. Untreated, they cause death by brainstem compression.

VI. Neuro-otosyphilis (Congenital or Late)A. Presenting signs and symptoms: fluctuating sensorineural

hearing loss, episodic vertigo, tinnitus; may be bilateral. Other stigmata of syphilis may be present. Positive Hennebert's sign (pressure in the ear canal causes nystagmus).

B. Etiology: endolymphatic hydrops, periostitis, obliterative endarteritis.

C. Laboratory tests: 1. VDRL is negative in 70% of patients.2. FTA-ABS: false positive in 6%, false-negative in 5%.

May be positive in collagen-vascular disorders, autoimmune hemolytic anemias, cirrhosis, and occasionally pregnancy. Test must be repeated if +1.

C. Treatment: 1. Penicillin G (crystalline), 2-4 million U IV q4h for l0


2. Penicillin G (procaine), 60,000 U/day IM for 25 days, OR

3. Penicillin G (benzathine), 2.4 million U/wk IM for 3 weeks,OR

4. Tetracycline hydrochloride, 500 mg po q6h for 30 days,OR

5. Erythromycin, 500 mg/day q6h, with probenecid, 0.5 g q6 for 30 days, AND prednisone, 40-60 mg/day po for 3 weeks and ten 5-l0 mg/day for maintenance.

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E. Prognosis: often exacerbates, requiring boost in steroid therapy or retreatment.

VI. Ear Fistula (Round Window or Oval Window) A. Presenting signs and symptoms:

1. Sudden onset of mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss (may fluctuate) associated with vertigo or ataxia.

2. Most often related to barotrauma, exertion, trauma, or surgery.

3. Spontaneous nystagmus. 4. Positional vertigo.

B. Etiology: small leakage of perilymph out of inner ear via round window membrane or oval window.

C. Laboratory tests: (all tests may be negative)1. Fistula test positive. 2. Electronystagmography: may be reduced vestibular

response, positional nystagmus, positive fistula test.3. Audiometry: sensorineural hearing loss – progressive.

D.Treatment: strict bed rest for 5 days. Surgical exploration and repair of fistula.

E. Prognosis: good for recovery from vertigo, poor for hearing improvement.

VIII.Suppurative Labyrinthitis A. Presenting signs and symptoms:

1. Foul-smelling otorrhea. 2. History of chronic otitis media or cholesteatoma.3. Severe vertigo or dizziness. 4. Fever.

B. Etiology: bacterial invasion of inner ear (commonly Pseudomonas).

C. Laboratory tests: 1. Gram strain. 2. Culture and sensitivity tests. 3. CT scan of temporal bones. 4. Lumbar puncture. 5. Audiometry.

D. Treatment: 1. Hospitalization. 2. IV antibiotics.

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3. Mastoidectomy and possible labyrinthectomy.

E. Prognosis: if diagnosed early enough, the condition may be cured with medical or surgical therapy. Otherwise can lead to dead ear, meningitis, or brain abscess.

Table courtesy of Jeffrey Harris, M.D., Ph.D.

Additional information on vertigo is present in the Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways.Scroll down to the vertigo section.


Facial paralysis is a relatively common problem. If permanent, it is tremendously incapacitating. The human face is an animated structure, and when it becomes paralyzed, the animation is lost. The face droops and appears grotesque. The eye can no longer close and may dry. The resultant corneal ulcerations cause blindness. Saliva drools from the corner of the sagging mouth. Many aspects of an individual's social life are seriously compromised. In children, facial paralysis may be congenital, traumatic, occasionally neoplastic, or, rarely, caused by ear infection. Paralysis in young adults is often idiopathic. Other causes, such as brain tumor, otologic disease, and parotid neoplasms, must be excluded. Temporal bone fractures can cause facial paralysis, but the most common causes remain idiopathic. Idiopathic facial paralysis is called Bell's palsy, but facial paralysis should not be presumed idiopathic and be called Bell's palsy until a complete work-up has been conducted, including a complete history, and a physical examination that encompass an otoscopic examination, palpation of the parotid gland, and a full cranial nerve examination. Each of the branches of the facial nerve must be tested. The greater superficial petrosal nerve leaves the facial nerve intracranially at the geniculate ganglion. It innervates the lacrimal gland, and its function is measured by the Schirmer test. The facial nerve supplies sensation to the posterior external auditory canal wall, which is easily tested. The stapedial reflex is measured by tympanometry. The chorda tympani innervates the taste buds on the anterior two thirds of the tongue and stimulates salivary flow from the submandibular gland. Both can be tested. The peripheral branches of the facial nerve exit at the stylomastoid foramen, course through the parotid gland, and innervate the facial musculature. As they function they can be observed and compared with function on the contralateral side of the face. If the face is paralyzed, electric nerve-conduction studies are necessary to document facial nerve conduction, degeneration, regeneration, and function. Although CT is the examination of choice for many temporal bone inflammatory illnesses such as chronic otitis media, the facial nerve is best seen with MRI and gadolinium enhancement. Figure 2.9 summarizes this information.

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With facial nerve paralysis, the eye may close poorly and lacrimal secretion can be reduced. As a result the cornea can dry and ulcerate in l2 to 24 hours. Prophylaxis should be started immediately by supplying the patient with artificial tears to be used every hour and as needed for burning or drying. This applies to waking hours; at night, patients need a moisture chamber made with a properly shaped piece of plastic wrap that can be taped (with nonallergenic paper tape) to the eyebrow, nose, lower eyelid, and cheekbone. This mask will enclose and protect the eye at night, and for some patients, it is necessary during the day. Lacri-Lube® (Allergan) or a similar non-antibiotic, nonsteroidal ointment should be placed in the eye at night before applying the moisture chamber.

Figure 2.9.Facial nerve function. Drawing summarizing facial nerve function and tests currently available to assess each function. This type of testing helps confirm specific diagnoses and also helps localize the site of a lesion.

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If a complete work-up fails to elucidate a specific etiology for the paralysis, a diagnosis of idiopathic facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) can be made. This paralysis can affect any age group. It is more common in pregnant women. Sometimes, it is related to a viral URI. Usually, it has a sudden onset without other major symptoms. Treatment is controversial. Many physicians in the United States treat the condition with steroid therapy for 1 or 2 weeks; however, evidence is lacking to support this therapy. Acyclovir is often prescribed as well. Roughly 85% of patients recover their facial function fully, although a small number develop a permanent total paralysis. All patients with a total paralysis must be studied with nerve conduction testing. If the nerve is electrically nonconductive, that patient's prognosis is poor and surgical decompression of the facial nerve in the temporal bone may improve the outcome. Surgery is indicated for fewer than 5 percent of patients with facial paralysis. Traumatic facial paralysis must be evaluated carefully. In many cases, surgery is necessary to repair or decompress the nerve in the temporal bone.

The social and the physiologic handicap of complete facial paralysis is immense. These patients are at constant risk that the eye will dry, and they drool constantly. A paralyzed face appears grotesque to others, and people so affected often become social recluses. Techniques are available for facial rehabilitation. A nerve graft is used if a segment of the facial nerve is destroyed. If the proximal nerve is destroyed but the peripheral neuromuscular system is intact, the hypoglossal nerve can be anastomosed to the facial nerve. This provides tone and, with biofeedback training, volitional movement to the face. When the distal nerve or neuromuscular system, or both, are sacrificed, as in radical parotid gland neoplasm resections, a whole new nerve and muscle system must be provided. An operation called a temporalis muscle sling does this by freeing the temporalis muscle from the zygoma to the midline of the scalp. The muscle is divided into long, thin strips, which are threaded about the eyes, mouth, and face. These produce a dynamic sling that, although not perfect, is a tremendous improvement over a totally paralyzed face. All the procedures mentioned are performed by head and neck surgeons.

For additional information view facial paralysis in the Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways.