TITLE Writers Log line Exploring and documenting the life of a graffiti writer. From beginning to end. From childhood to adulthood and documenting how and why their graffiti career has come to an end Synopsis Focucung on two prolific graffiti writers. One called BIG one called QUIR both have years of experience and have made big impacts on the scene. Our documentary goes to explore what they do, why they do what they do, whilst unveiling their lives from personal lives to their graffiti writing night lives. Discoving their rise to their capture and analysing there lives from careers and dreams to graffiti and graffiti culture. One of the main goals of this documentary is to open the minds of viewers watching who may not have any knowledge of the subject. Not done in a way to form opinions for them or to impose a certain idea but rather to help the viewer form their own informed opinions and viewpoints this is done through the personality of the interviewees and there personal stories. Themes and Concepts The film is aiming to adress the personal aspects of the two writers QUIR and BIG. To expose there how there attitudes to life and graffiti intertwine together. With the main focus on the relationship between them both and exploring there different outlooks the graffiti culture and getting an insight into their ambitions as graffiti writers. How that relates to what they have achieved. Also to document the reasons that inspired them to do

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Log lineExploring and documenting the life of a graffiti writer. From beginning to end. From childhood to adulthood and documenting how and why their graffiti career has come to an end

SynopsisFocucung on two prolific graffiti writers. One called BIG one called QUIR both have years of experience and have made big impacts on the scene. Our documentary goes to explore what they do, why they do what they do, whilst unveiling their lives from personal lives to their graffiti writing night lives. Discoving their rise to their capture and analysing there lives from careers and dreams to graffiti and graffiti culture. One of the main goals of this documentary is to open the  minds of viewers watching who may not have any knowledge of the subject. Not done in a way to form opinions for them or to impose a certain idea but rather to help the viewer form their own informed opinions and viewpoints this is done through the personality of the interviewees and there personal stories.

Themes and ConceptsThe film is aiming to adress the personal aspects of the two writers QUIR and BIG. To expose there how there attitudes to life and graffiti intertwine together. With the main focus on the relationship between them  both and exploring there different outlooks the graffiti culture and getting an insight into their ambitions as graffiti writers. How that relates to what they have

achieved. Also to document  the reasons that inspired them to do what they have done over the years. These themes are induced by the story of them

getting arrested and sentenced. This allows for an overview of there career and allowing them to reflect on the consequences of there lifestyle choices.

The main focus is the personal insight into their lives which is done to achieve a piece of work that the general audience will be able to relate to. The subject is a quite inaccesable one for most people so the film work to break down that barrier for the audience to fully enjoy and be informed

whilst offering stylistic filming that reflects the subject and the stories that are being told. The style is aiming to start of calm and relaxed with lighter

shots in day time at the beginning when they are discussing there childhood and growing up with graffiti.  Then progressing to the stage with the story of getting caught and the paranoia that come with it. By this time the shots will

graduate to a dark more subdued style. With the final shots in general becoming more light and open to show the reflection of the characters

Technical details

The project will be between 5-10 minutes long. roughly split into 3 equal sections. First the introduction of QUIR and BIG and their relationship how they met and documenting the extent of the damage they have done. Displayed by personal interviews and cut away shots of them exploring and painting.  This sets up the next stage which is there attitudes to the prospect of getting caught. This is done by them talking about the risks of graffiti and then the stories of how they got caught with dramatical recreation of the events. Then the final stage is the reflection on what has happened, exploring their attitudes to graffiti after they were caught and showing what they are doing now and how this has changed from before to after their capture. By this point of the film the tone will have changed to a reflective look on the previous events in the film. With a conclusive ending that raps up the film and fully satisfies the audience and finishes the story that is being told. The filming will be done in HD digital format with added in archive footage and photographs, including news cuttings and personal photos. Sound will be recorded with a stereo hand held Zoom Mic. All audio recorded at the time of shooting.

Target AudienceFrom similar already published films I have established that the general

target audience is 18-35 year olds. 18 is the projected minimum age because the content of the film involves people drinking, moderate swearing,

smoking and a theme of criminality. Although this is the predicate target audience i do believe people of both genders and most ages over 18 will be able to enjoy this film due to the accesability of the story that is achieved in the way it is presented. Also because it is a relatively short film it allows for

people who may not have an interest in the subject to watch without committing to a full-length feature documentary. A similar film i have found

is Infamy 


This is a much longer film but explores the same subject area as my film. I think my film is differentiated from this because it displays the personal aspect more and is a lot shorter. This is why i think my film has a wider target audience than Infamy. I think this film is suitable to be shown at short film festivals because of the stylistic filming aspect. As well as being

suitable for online platforms. Most likely Youtube and Vimeo because of the wide audience base that access these sites.

Contact DetailsStephen Latchem

18 Glisson Road Cambridge CB1 [email protected]