Clf - Gibran - A Tear and a Smile

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  • 8/3/2019 Clf - Gibran - A Tear and a Smile


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    A Tear and a Smile

    Kahlil Gibran1914


    The God separated a spirit from Himself and fashioned it into Beauty. Heshowered upon her all the blessings of gracefulness and kindness. He gae herthe cup of happiness and said! "#rink not from this cup unless you forget thepast and the future! for happiness is naught but the moment." $nd He also gae

    her a cup of sorrow and said! "#rink from this cup and you will understand themeaning of the fleeting instants of the %oy of life! for sorrow eer abounds."

    $nd the God bestowed upon her a loe that would desert he foreer upon herfirst sigh of earthly satisfaction! and a sweetness that would anish with her firstawareness of flattery.

    $nd He gae her wisdom from heaen to lead to the all&righteous path! and
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    placed in the depth of her heart and eye that sees the unseen! and created in hean affection and goodness toward all things. He dressed her with raiment ofhopes spun by the angels of heaen from the sinews of the rainbow. $nd Hecloaked her in the shadow of confusion! which is the dawn of life and light.

    Then the God took consuming fire from the furnace of anger! and searing windfrom the desert of ignorance! and sharp& cutting sands from the shore ofselfishness! and coarse earth from under the feet of ages! and combined them alland fashioned 'an. He gae to 'an a blind power that rages and dries him intoa madness which e(tinguishes only before gratification of desire! and placed lifein him which is the specter of death.

    $nd the god laughed and cried. He felt an oerwhelming loe and pity for 'an!and sheltered him beneath His guidance.


    $ prince stood on the balcony of his palace addressing a great multitudesummoned for the occasion and said! ")et me offer you and this whole fortunatecountry my congratulations upon the birth of a new prince who will carry thename of my noble family! and of whom you will be %ustly proud. He is the newbearer of a great and illustrious ancestry! and upon him depends the brilliantfuture of this realm. *ing and be merry+" The oices of the throngs! full of %oyand thankfulness! flooded the sky with e(hilarating song! welcoming the newtyrant who would affi( the yoke of oppression to their necks by ruling the weakwith bitter authority! and e(ploiting their bodies and killing their souls. ,or thatdestiny! the people were singing and drinking ecstatically to the heady of the

    new -mir.

    $nother child entered life and that kingdom at the same time. hile the crowdswere glorifying the strong and belittling themseles by singing praise to apotential despot! and while the angels of heaen were weeping oer the people/sweakness and seritude! a sick woman was thinking. *he lied in an old!deserted hoel and! lying in her hard bed beside her newly born infant wrappedwith ragged swaddles! was staring to death. *he was a penurious and miserableyoung wife neglected by humanity0 her husband had fallen into the trap of deathset by the prince/s oppression! leaing a solitary woman to whom God had sent!that night! a tiny companion to preent her from working and sustaining life.

    $s the mass dispersed and silence was restored to the icinity! the wretchedwoman placed the infant on her lap and looked into his face and wept as if shewere to baptie him with tears. $nd with a hunger weakened oice she spoke tothe child saying! "hy hae you left the spiritual world and come to share withme the bitterness of earthly life2 hy hae you deserted the angels and thespacious firmament and come to this miserable land of humans! filled with

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    agony! oppression! and heartlessness2 3 hae nothing to gie you e(cept tears0will you be nourished on tears instead of milk2 3 hae no silk clothes to put onyou0 will my naked! shiering arms gie you warmth2 The little animals grae inthe pasture and return safely to their shed0 and the small birds pick the seedsand sleep placidly between the branches. But you! my beloed! hae naught

    sae a loing but destitute mother."

    Then she took the infant to her withered breast and clasped her arms aroundhim as if wanting to %oin the two bodies in one! as before. *he lifted her burningeyes slowly toward heaen and cried! "God+ Hae mercy on my unfortunatecountrymen+"

    $t that moment the clouds floated from the face of the moon! whose beamspenetrated the transom of that poor home and fell upon two corpses.


    'y wearied heart bade me farewell and left for the House of ,ortune. $s hereached that holy city which the soul had blessed and worshipped! hecommenced wondering! for he could not find what he had always imaginedwould be there. The city was empty of power! money! and authority.

    $nd my heart spoke to the daughter of )oe saying! "h )oe! where can 3 find5ontentment2 3 heard that she had come here to %oin you."

    $nd the daughter of )oe responded! "5ontentment has already gone to preachher gospel in the city! where greed and corruption are paramount0 we are not in

    need of her."

    ,ortune craes not 5ontentment! for it is an earthly hope! and its desires areembraced by union with ob%ects! while 5ontentment is naught but heartfelt.

    The eternal soul is neer contented0 it eer seeks e(altation. Then my heartlooked upon )ife of Beauty and said6 "Thou art all knowledge0 enlighten me as tothe mystery of oman." $nd he answered! "h human heart! woman is yourown reflection! and whateer you are! she is0 whereer you lie! she lies0 she islike religion if not interpreted by the ignorant! and like a moon! if not eiled withclouds! and like a breee! if not poisoned with impurities."

    $nd my heart walked toward Knowledge! the daughter of )oe and Beauty! andsaid! "Bestow upon me wisdom! that 3 might share it with the people." $nd sheresponded! "*ay not wisdom! but rather fortune! for real fortune comes not fromoutside! but begins in the Holy of Holies of life. *hare of thyself with the people."


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    in the most beautiful garden of the city and celebrated a feast eery year inhonor of that poet! whose writings had freed them. h! how cruel is man/signorance+


    $ young man of strong body! weakened by hunger! sat on the walker/s portion ofthe street stretching his hand toward all who passed! begging and repeating hishand toward all who passed! begging and repeating the sad song of his defeat inlife! while suffering from hunger and from humiliation.

    hen night came! his lips and tongue were parched! while his hand was still asempty as his stomach.

    He gathered himself and went out from the city! where he sat under a tree andwept bitterly. Then he lifted his puled eyes to heaen while hunger was eatinghis inside! and he said! "h )ord! 3 went to the rich man and asked foremployment! but he turned me away because of my shabbiness0 3 knocked atthe school door! but was forbidden solace because 3 was empty& handed0 3sought any occupation that would gie me bread! but all to no aail. 3ndesperation 3 asked alms! but They worshippers saw me and said "He is strongand lay! and he should not beg."

    "h )ord! it is Thy will that my mother gae birth unto me! and now the earthoffers me back to ou before the -nding."

    His e(pression then changed. He arose and his eyes now glittered in

    determination. He fashioned a thick and heay stick from the branch of the tree!and pointed it toward the city! shouting! "3 asked for bread with all the strengthof my oice! and was refused. 7ot 3 shall obtain it by the strength of mymuscles+ 3 asked for bread in the name of mercy and loe! but humanity did notheed. 3 shall take it now in the name of eil+"

    The passing years rendered the youth a robber! killer and destroyer of souls0 hecrushed all who opposed him0 he amassed fabulous wealth with which he wonhimself oer to those in power. He was admired by colleagues! enied by otherthiees! and feared by the multitudes.

    His riches and false position preailed upon the -mir to appoint him deputy inthat city & the sad process pursued by unwise goernors. Thefts were thenlegalied0 oppression was supported by authority0 crushing of the weak becamecommonplace0 the throngs curried and praised.

    Thus does the first touch of humanity/s selfishness make criminals of the humble!and make killers of the sons of peace0 thus does the early greed of humanity

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    grow and strike back at humanity a thousand fold+


    'an and 3 are sweethearts He craes me and 3 long for him! But alas+ Betweenus has appeared $ rial who brings us misery. *he is cruel and demanding!

    :ossessing empty lure. Her name is *ubstance. *he follows whereer we go $ndwatches like a sentinel! bringing ;estlessness to my loer.

    3 ask for my beloed in the forest! 8nder the trees! by the lakes. 3 cannot findhim! for *ubstance Has spirited him to the clamorous 5ity and placed him on thethrone f

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    ,or all things! $nd utter sighs of contentment through Those tears.

    'an is my sweetheart0 3 want to belong to him.


    3 am dotted siler threads dropped from heaen By the gods. 7ature then takesme! to adorn Her fields and alleys.

    3 am beautiful pearls! plucked from the 5rown of 3shtar by the daughter of #awnTo embellish the gardens.

    hen 3 cry the hills laugh0 hen 3 humble myself the flowers re%oice0 hen 3bow! all things are elated.

    The field and the cloud are loers $nd between them 3 am a messenger ofmercy. 3

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    ine(tinguishable by the wind. 3t is filled with il by 3star of )oe! and lighted by$pollon of 'usic.

    He is a solitary figure! robed in simplicity and Kindness0 He sits upon the lap of7ature to draw his 3nspiration! and stays up in the silence of the night! $waiting

    the descending of the spirit.

    He is a sower who sows the seeds of his heart in the :rairies of affection! andhumanity reaps the Harest for her nourishment.

    This is the poet && whom the people ignore in this life! $nd who is recogniedonly when he bids the earthly orld farewell and returns to his arbor in heaen.

    This is the poet && who asks naught of Humanity but a smile. This is the poet &&whose spirit ascends and ,ills the firmament with beautiful sayings0 et thepeople deny themseles his radiance.

    8ntil when shall the people remain asleep2 8ntil when shall they continue toglorify those ho attain greatness by moments of adantage2 How long shallthey ignore those who enable Them to see the beauty of their spirit! *ymbol ofpeace and loe2 8ntil when shall human beings honor the dead $nd forget theliing! who spend their lies -ncircled in misery! and who consume themseles)ike burning candles to illuminate the way ,or the ignorant and lead them intothe path of light2

    :oet! you are the life of this life! and you hae Triumphed oer the ages of

    despite their seerity.

    :oet! you will one day rule the hearts! and Therefore! your kingdom has noending.

    :oet! e(amine your crown of thorns0 you will ,ind concealed in it a buddingwreath of laurel.


    $s the *un withdrew his rays from the garden! and the moon threw cushionedbeams upon the flowers! 3 sat under the trees pondering upon the phenomena

    of the atmosphere! looking through the branches at the strewn stars whichglittered like chips of siler upon a blue carpet0 and 3 could hear from a distancethe agitated murmur of the riulet singing its way briskly into the alley.

    hen the birds took shelter among the boughs! and the flowers folded theirpetals! and tremendous silence descended! 3 heard a rustle of feet though thegrass. 3 took heed and saw a young couple approaching my arbor. The say

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    under a tree where 3 could see them without being seen.

    $fter he looked about in eery direction! 3 heard the young man saying! "*it byme! my beloed! and listen to my heart0 smile! for your happiness is a symbol ofour future0 be merry! for the sparkling days re%oice with us.

    "'y soul is warning me of the doubt in your heart! for doubt in loe is a sin."*oon you will be the owner of this ast land! lighted by this beautiful moon0soon you will be the mistress of my palace! and all the serants and maids willobey your commands.

    "*mile! my beloed! like the gold smiles from my father/s coffers.

    "'y heart refuses to deny you its secret. Twele months of comfort and traelawait us0 for a year we will spend my father/s gold at the blue lakes of*witerland! and iewing the edifices of 3taly and -gypt! and resting under the

    Holy 5edars of )ebanon0 you will meet the princesses who will eny you for your%ewels and clothes.

    "$ll these things 3 will do for you0 will you be satisfied2"

    3n a little while 3 saw them walking and stepping on flowers as the rich stepupon the hearts of the poor. $s they disappeared from my sight! 3 commencedto make comparison between loe and money! and to analye their position inthe heart.

    'oney+ The source of insincere loe0 the spring of false light and fortune0 thewell of poisoned water0 the desperation of old age+

    3 was still wandering in the ast desert of contemplation when a forlorn andspecter&like couple passed by me and sat on the grass0 a young man and ayoung woman who had left their farming shacks in the nearby fields for this cooland solitary place.

    $fter a few moments of complete silence! 3 heard the following words utteredwith sighs from weather&bitten lips! "*hed not tears! my beloed0 loe that opensour eyes and enslaes our hearts can gie us the blessing of patience. Be

    consoled in our delay our delay! for we hae taken an oath and entered )oe/sshrine0 for our loe will eer grow in adersity0 for it is in )oe/s name that weare suffering the obstacles of poerty and the sharpness of misery and theemptiness of separation. 3 shall attack these hardships until 3 triumph and placein your hands a strength that will help oer all things to complete the %ourney oflife.

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    ")oe & which is God & will consider our sighs and tears as incense burned at Hisaltar and He will reward us with fortitude. Good&bye! my beloed0 3 must leaebefore the heartening moon anishes."

    $ pure oice! combined of the consuming flame of loe! and the hopeless

    bitterness of longing and the resoled sweetness of patience! said! "Good&bye!my beloed."

    They separated! and the elegy to their union was smothered by the wails of mycrying heart.

    3 looked upon slumbering 7ature! and with deep reflection discoered the realityof a ast and infinite thing && something no power could demand! influenceac

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    en%oying the freedom of God/s bounty.

    "-erything of beauty that awakens my loe and desire is a disgrace! accordingto man/s conceptions0 eerything of goodness that 3 crae is but naught!according to his %udgment.

    "3 am the lost human heart! imprisoned in the foul dungeon of man/s dictates!tied with chains of earthly authority! dead and forgotten by laughing humanitywhose tongue is tied and whose eyes are empty of isible tears."

    $ll these words 3 heard! and 3 saw them emerging with a stream of eer thinningblood from that wounded heart.

    'ore was said! but my misted eyes and crying should preented further sight orhearing.

    CHAPTER 11. TWO WISHES3n the silence of the night #eath descended from God toward the earth. Hehoered aboe a city and pierced the dwellings with his eyes. He say the spiritsfloating on wings of dreams! and the people who were surrendered to the*lumber.

    hen the moon fell below the horion and the city became black! #eath walkedsilently among the houses && careful to touch nothing && until he reached apalace. He entered through the bolted gates undisturbed! and stood by the richman/s bed0 and as #eath touched his forehead! the sleeper/s eyes opened!

    showing great fright.

    hen he saw the specter! he summoned a oice mingled with fear and anger!and said! "God away! oh horrible dream0 leae me! you dreadful ghost. ho areyou2 How did you enter this place2 hat do you want2 )eae this place at once!for 3 am the lord of the house and will call my slaes and guards! and order themto kill you+"

    Then #eath spoke! softly but with smoldering thunder! "3 am #eath. *tand andbow+"

    The man responded! "hat do you want2 hat hae you come here when 3hae not yet finished my affairs2 hat see you from strength such as mine2 Goto the weak man! and take him away+

    "3 loathe the sight of your bloody paws and hollow face! and my eyes take sick atyour horrible ribbed winds and cadaerous body."

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    $fter a moment of fearful realiation he added! "7o! 7o! oh merciful #eath+ 'indnot talk! for een fear reeals what the heart forbids.

    "Take a bushelful of my gold! or a handful of my slae/s souls! but leae me. 3hae accounts with )ife re

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    feeble additions to 7ature.

    He looked back with piercing regret to the images of his early life! woen intopattern by the gods! until he could no longer control his anguish. He said aloud!"esterday 3 was graing my sheep in the green alley! en%oying my e(istence!

    sounding my flute! and holding my head high. Today 3 am a prisoner of greed.Gold leads into gold! then into restlessness and finally into crushing misery.

    "esterday 3 was like a singing bird! soaring freely here and there in the fields.Today 3 am a slae to fickle wealth! society/s rules! and city/s customs! andpurchased friends! pleasing the people by conforming to the strange and narrowlaws of man. 3 was born to be free and en%oy the bounty of life! but 3 find myselflike a beast of burden so heaily laden with gold that his back is breaking.

    "here are the spacious plains! the singing brooks! the pure breee! thecloseness of 7ature2 here is my deity2 3 hae lost all+ 7aught remains saeloneliness that saddens me! gold that ridicules me! slaes who curse to my back!and a palace that 3 hae erected as a tomb for my happiness! and in whosegreatness 3 hae lost my heart.

    "esterday 3 roamed the prairies and the hills together with the Bedouin/sdaughter0 =irtue was our companion! )oe our delight! and the moon ourguardian. Today 3 am among women with shallow beauty who sell themselesfor gold and diamonds.

    "esterday 3 was carefree! sharing with the shepherds all the %oy of life0 eating!

    playing! working! singing! and dancing together to the music of the heart/s truth.Today 3 find myself among the people like a frightened lamb among the woles.

    $s 3 walk in the roads! they gae at me with hateful eyes and point at me withscorn and %ealousy! and as 3 steal through the park 3 see frowning faces all aboutme.

    "esterday 3 was rich in happiness and today 3 am poor in gold.

    "esterday 3 was a happy shepherd looking upon his head as a merciful kinglooks with pleasure upon his contented sub%ects. Today 3 am a slae standingbefore my wealth! my wealth which robbed me of the beauty of life 3 once knew.

    ",orgie me! my >udge+ 3 did not know that riches would put my life infragments and lead me into the dungeons of harshness and stupidity. hat 3thought was glory is naught but an eternal inferno."

    He gathered himself wearily and walked slowly toward the palace! sighing andrepeating! "3s this what people call wealth2 3s this the god 3 am sering and

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    worshipping2 3s this what 3 seek of the earth2 hy can 3 not trade it for oneparticle of contentment2 ho would sell me one beautiful thought for a ton ofgold2 ho would gie me one moment of loe for a handful of gems2 howould grant me an eye that can see others/ hearts! and take all my coffers inbarter2"

    $s he reached the palace gates he turned and looked toward the city as>eremiah gaed toward >erusalem. He raised his arms in woeful lament andshouted! "h people of the noisome city! who are liing in darkness! hasteningtoward misery! preaching falsehood! and speaking with stupidity...until whenshall you remain ignorant2 8nit when shall you abide in the filth of life andcontinue to desert its gardens2 hy wear you tattered robes of narrowness whilethe silk raiment of 7ature/s beauty is fashioned for you2 The lamp of wisdom isdimming0 it is time to furnish it with oil. The house of true fortune is beingdestroyed0 it is time to rebuild it and guard it. The thiees of ignorance haestolen the treasure of your peace0 it is time to retake it+"

    $t that moment a poor man stood before him and stretched forth his hand foralms. $s he looked at the beggar! his lips parted! his eyes brightened with asoftness! and his face radiated kindness. 3t was as if the yesterday he hadlamented by the lake had come to greet him. He embraced the pauper withaffection and filled his hands with gold! and with a oice sincere with thesweetness of loe he said! "5ome back tomorrow and bring with you your fellowsufferers. $ll your possessions will be restored."

    He entered his palace saying! "-erything in life is good0 een gold! for it teaches

    a lesson. 'oney is like a stringed instrument0 he who does not know how to useit properly will hear only discordant music. 'oney is like loe0 it kills slowly andpainfully the one who withholds it! and it enliens the other who turns it upon hisfellow man."

    CHAPTER 13. LEA(E !E* !) +LA!ER

    )eae me! my blamer! ,or the sake of the loe hich unites your soul with Thatof your beloed one0 ,or the sake of that which >oins spirit with mothers

    $ffection! and ties your Heart with filial loe. Go! $nd leae me to my owneeping heart.

    )et me sail in the ocean of 'y dreams0 ait until Tomorrow 5omes! fortomorrow is free to #o with me as he wishes. our )aying is naught but shadowThat walks with the spirit to The tomb of abashment! and shows Heard the cold!solid earth.

    3 hae a little heart within me $nd 3 like to bring him out of His prison and carryhim on the :alm of my hand to e(amine him 3n depth and e(tract his secret. $im

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    not your arrows at him! lest He takes fright and anish /ere he :ours the secretsblood as a *acrifice at the altar of his wn faith! gien him by #eity hen hefashioned him of loe and beauty.

    The sun is rising and the nightingale 3s singing! and the myrtle is Breathing its

    fragrance into space. 3 want to free myself from the ?uilted slumber of wrong.#o not #etain me! my blamer+

    5ailme not by mention of the )ions of the forest or the *nakes of the alley! for'e soul knows no fear of earth and $ccepts no warning of eil before -il comes.

    $dise me not! my blamer! for 5alamities hae opened my heart and Tears haecleanses my eyes! and -rrors hae taught me the language f the hearts.

    Talk not of banishment! for conscience 3s my %udge and he will %ustify me $ndprotect me if 3 am innocent! and ill deny me of life if 3 am a criminal.

    )oe/s procession is moing0 Beauty is waing her banner0 outh is sounding thetrumpet of %oy0 #isturb not my contrition! my blamer. )et me walk! for the pathis rich ith roses and mint! and the air 3s scented with cleanliness.

    ;elate not the tales of wealth and Greatness! for my soul is rich ith bounty andgreat with God/s glory.

    *peak not of peoples and laws and Kingdoms! for the whole earth is 'ybirthplace and all humans are 'y brothers.

    Go from me! for you are taking away )ife & giing repentance and bringing7eedless words.


    )et me sleep! for my soul is into(icated with loe and )et me rest! for my spirithas had its bounty of days and nights0 )ight the candles and burn the incensearound my bed! and *catter leaes of %asmine and roses oer my body0 -mbalmmy hair with frankincense and sprinkle my feet with perfume! $nd read what thehand of #eath has written on my forehead.

    )et me rest in the arms of *lumber! for my open eyes are tired0 )et the siler&stringed lyre

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    #ry your tears! my friends! and raise your heads as the flowers ;aise theircrowns to greet the dawn. )ook at the bride of #eath standing like a column oflight Between my bed and the infinite0 Hold your breath and listen with me tothe beckoning rustle of Her white wings.

    5ome close and bid me farewell0 touch my eyes with smiling lips. )et the childrengrasp my hands with soft and rosy fingers0 )et the ages place their eined handsupon my head and bless me0 )et the irgins come close and see the shadow ofGod in my eyes! $nd hear the echo of His will racing with my breath.

    :art Two & The $scending

    3 hae passed a mountain peak and my soul is soaring in the ,irmament ofcomplete and unbound freedom0 3 am far! far away! my companions! and theclouds are Hiding the hills from my eyes. The alleys are becoming flooded withan ocean of silence! and the Hands of obliion are engulfing the roads and thehouses0 The prairies and fields are disappearing behind a white specter Thatlooks like the spring cloud! yellow as the candlelight $nd red as the twilight.

    The songs of the waes and the hymns of the streams $re scattered! and theoices of the throngs reduced to silence0 $nd 3 can hear naught but the music of-ternity 3n e(act harmony with the spirit/s desires. 3 am cloaked in fullwhiteness0 3 am in comfort0 3 am in peace.

    :art Three & The ;emains

    8nwrapme from this white linen shroud and clothe me ith leaes of %asmineand lilies0 Take my body from the iory casket and let it rest 8pon pillows oforange blossoms. )ament me not! but sing songs of youth and %oy0 *hed nottears upon me! but sing of harest and the winepress0 8tter no sigh of agony!but draw upon my face with your ,inger the symbol of )oe and >oy. #isturb notthe air/s tran

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    Take from me all earthly raiment and place me deep in my 'other -arth0 andplace me with care upon my mother/s breast. 5oer me with soft earth! and leteach handful be mi(ed ith seeds of %asmine! lilies and myrtle0 and when theyGrow aboe me! and thrie on my body/s element they will Breathe the fragranceof my heart into space0 $nd reeal een to the sun the secret of my peace0 $nd

    sail with the breee and comfort the wayfarer.

    )eae me then! friends & leae me and depart on mute feet! $s the silence walksin the deserted alley0 )eae me to God and disperse yourseles slowly! as thealmond $nd apple blossoms disperse under the ibration of 7isan/s breee. Goback to the %oy of your dwellings and you will find there That which #eathcannot remoe from you and me. )eae with place! for what you see here is faraway in meaning ,rom the earthly world. )eae me.


    :art ne

    The power of charity sows deep in my heart! and 3 reap and gather the wheat inbundles and gie them to the hungry.

    'y soul gies life to the grapeine and 3 press its bunches and gie the %uice tothe thirsty.

    Heaen fills my lamp with oil and 3 place it at my window to direct the strangerthrough the dark.

    3 do all these things because 3 lie in them0 and if destiny should tie my handsand preent me from so doing! then death would be my only desire. ,or 3 am apoet! and if 3 cannot gie! 3 shall refuse to receie.

    Humanity rages like a tempest! but 3 sigh in silence for 3 know the storm mustpass away while a sigh goes to God.

    Human kinds cling to earthly things! but 3 seek eer to embrace the torch of loeso it will purify me by its fire and sear inhumanity from my heart.

    *ubstantial things deaden a man without suffering0 loe awakens him with

    enliening pains.

    Humans are diided into different clans and tribes! and belong to countries andtowns. But 3 find myself a stranger to all communities and belong to nosettlement. The unierse is my country and the human family is my tribe.

    'en are weak! and it is sad that they diide amongst themseles. The world is

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    narrow and it is unwise to cleae it into kingdoms! empires! and proinces.

    Human kinds unite themseles one to destroy the temples of the soul! and they%oin hands to build edifices for earthly bodies. 3 stand alone listening to the oiceof hope in my deep self saying! "$s loe enliens a man/s heart with pain! so

    ignorance teaches him the way of knowledge." :ain and ignorance lead to great%oy and knowledge because the *upreme Being has created nothing ain underthe sun.

    :art Two

    3 hae a yearning for my beautiful country! and 3 loe its people because of theirmisery. But if my people rose! stimulated by plunder and motiated by what theycall "patriotic spirit" to murder! and inaded my neighbor/s country! then uponthe committing of any human atrocity 3 would hate my people and my country.

    3 sing the praise of my birthplace and long to see the home of my children0 but ifthe people in that home refused to shelter and feed the needy wayfarer! 3 wouldconert my praise into anger and my longing to forgetfulness. 'y inner oicewould say! "The house that does not comfort the need is worthy of naught bydestruction."

    3 loe my natie illage with some of my loe for my country0 and 3 loe mycountry with part of my loe for the earth! all of which is my country0 and 3 loethe earth will all of myself because it is the haen of humanity! the manifestspirit of God.

    Humanity is the spirit of the *upreme Being on earth! and that humanity isstanding amidst ruins! hiding its nakedness behind tattered rags! shedding tearsupon hollow cheeks! and calling for its children with pitiful oice. But the childrenare busy singing their clan/s anthem0 they are busy sharpening the swords andcannot hear the cry of their mothers.

    Humanity appeals to its people but they listen not. ere one to listen! andconsole a mother by wiping her tears! other would say! "He is weak! affected bysentiment."

    Humanity is the spirit of the *upreme Being on earth! and that *upreme Beingpreaches loe and good&will. But the people ridicule such teachings. The7aarene >esus listened! and crucifi(ion was his lot0 *ocrates heard the oiceand followed it! and he too fell ictim in body. The followers of The 7aareneand *ocrates are the followers of #eity! and since people will not kill them! theyderide them! saying! ";idicule is more bitter than killing."

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    >erusalemcould not kill The 7aarene! nor $thens *ocrates0 they are liing yetand shall lie eternally. ;idicule cannot triumph oer the followers of #eity. Theylie and grow foreer.

    :art Three

    Thou art my brother because you are a human! and we both are sons of oneHoly *pirit0 we are e

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    :art ,our

    ou are my brother! but why are you

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    the outer garment of pure loe.

    5onclusion 'y soul is my friend who consoles me in misery and distress of life.He who does not befriend his soul is an enemy of humanity! and he who doesnot find human guidance within himself will perish desperatly. )ife emerges from

    within! and deries not from enirons.

    3 came to say a word and 3 shall say it now. But if death preents its uttering! itwill be said by Tomorrow! for Tomorrow neer leaes a secret in the book of-ternity.

    3 came to lie in the glory of )oe and the light of Beauty! which are thereflections of God. 3 am here liing! and the people are unable to e(ile me fromthe domain of life for they know 3 will lie in death. 3f they pluck my eyes 3 willhearken to the murmurs of )oe and the songs of Beauty.

    3f they close my ears 3 will en%oy the touch of the breee mi(ed with the incenseof )oe and the fragrance of Beauty.

    3f they place me in a acuum! 3 will lie together with my soul! the child of )oeand Beauty.

    3 came here to be for all and with all! and what 3 do today in my solitude will beechoed by Tomorrow to the people.

    hat 3 say now with one heart will be said tomorrow by many hearts



    5ome! my beloed0 let us walk amidst the knolls! ,or the snow is water! and )ifeis alie from its *lumber and is roaming the hills and alleys. )et us follow thefootprints of *pring into the #istant fields! and mount the hilltops to draw3nspiration high aboe the cool green plains.

    #awn of *pring has unfolded her winter&kept garment $nd placed it on thepeach and citrus trees0 and They appear as brides in the ceremonial custom of

    the 7ight of Kedre.

    The sprigs of grapeine embrace each other like *weethearts! and the brooksburst out in dance Between the rocks! repeating the song of %oy0 $nd the flowersbud suddenly from the heart of 7ature! like foam from the rich heart of the sea.

    5ome! my beloed0 let us drink the last of inter/s Tears from the cupped lilies!

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    and soothe our spirits ith the shower of notes from the birds! and wander 3ne(hilaration through the into(icating breee.

    )et us sit by that rock! where iolets hide0 let us :ursue their e(change of thesweetness of kisses.


    )et us go into the fields! my beloed! for the Time of harest approaches! andthe sun/s eyes $re ripening the grain. )et us tend the fruit of the earth! as the*pirit nourishes the grains of >oy from the *eeds of )oe! sowed deep in ourhearts. )et us fill our bins with the products of 7ature! as life fills so abundantlythe #omain of our hearts with her endless bounty. )et us make the flowers ourbed! and the *ky our blanket! and rest our heads together 8pon pillows of softhay. )et us rela( after the day/s toil! and listen To the prooking murmur of thebrook.


    )et us go and gather grapes in the ineyard ,or the winepress! and keep thewine in old =ases! as the spirit keeps Knowledge of the $ges in eternal essels.

    )et us return to our dwelling! for the wind has 5aused the yellow leaes to falland shroud the ithering flowers that whisper elegy to *ummer. 5ome home!my eternal sweetheart! for the birds Hae made pilgrimage to warmth and lestthe chilled :rairies suffering pangs of solitude. The %asmine $nd myrtle hae no

    more tears.

    )et us retreat! for the tired brook has 5eased its song0 and the bubblesomesprings $re drained of their copious weeping0 and Their cautious old hills haestored away Their colorful garments.

    5ome! my beloed0 7ature is %ustly weary $nd is bidding her enthusiasm farewellith

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    fields 'akes my soul cry.

    ,eed the lamp with oil and let it not dim! and :lace it by you! so 3 can read withtears what our life with me has written upon your face.

    Bring $utumn/s wine. )et us drink and sing the *ong of remembrance to *pring/scarefree sowing! $nd *ummer/s watchful tending! and $utumn/s ;eward inharest.

    5ome close to me! oh beloed of my soul0 the ,ire is cooling and fleeing underthe ashes. -mbrace me! for 3 fear loneliness0 the lamp is #im! and the winewhich we pressed is closing ur eyes. )et us look upon each other before Theyare shut. ,ind me with your arms and embrace me0 let *lumber then embraceour souls as one. Kiss me! my beloed! for inter has stolen $ll but our moinglips.

    ou are close by me! 'y ,oreer. How deep and wide will be the ocean of*lumber! $nd how recent was the dawn+


    The strong shore is my beloed $nd 3 am his sweetheart. e are at last unitedby loe! and Then the moon draws me from him. 3 go to him in haste and depart;eluctantly! with many )ittle farewells.

    3 steal swiftly from behind the Blue horion to cast the siler of 'y foam uponthe gold of his sand! and e blend in melted brilliance.


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    souls $nd carried them tenderly to my beloed *hore. He gies them strength ashe Takes mine.

    'any times hae 3 stolen gems from the #epths and presented them to mybeloed *hore. He takes them in silence! but still 3 gie fro he welcomes me


    3n the heainess of night! when all 5reatures seek the ghost of *lumber! 3 *it up!singing at one time and sighing $t another. 3 am awake always.

    $las+ *leeplessness has weakened me+ But 3 am a loer! and the truth of loe 3sstrong. 3 may be weary! but 3 shall neer die.


    The tempest calmed after bending the branches of the trees and leaning heailyupon the grain in the field. The stars appeared as broken remnants of lightning!

    but now silence preailed oer all! as if 7ature/s war had neer been fought.

    $t that hour a young woman entered her chamber and knelt by her bed sobbingbitterly. Her heart flamed with agony but she could finally open her lips and say!"h )ord! bring him home safely to me. 3 hae e(hausted my tears and can offerno more! oh )ord! full of loe and mercy. 'y patience is drained and calamity isseeking possession of my heart. *ae him! oh )ord! from the iron paws of ar0delier him from such unmerciful #eath! for he is weak! goerned by the strong.h )ord! sae my beloed! who is Thine own son! from the foe! who is Thy foe.Keep him from the forced pathway to #eath/s door0 let him see me! or come and

    take me to him."

    ?uietly a young man entered. His head was wrapped in bandage soaked withescaping life.

    He approached he with a greeting of tears and laughter! then took her hand andplaced against it his flaming lips. $nd with a oice with bespoke past sorrow! and

    %oy of union! and uncertainty of her reaction! he said! ",ear me not! for 3 am theob%ect of your plea. Be glad! for :eace has carried me back safely to you! andhumanity has restored what greed essayed to take from us. Be not sad! butsmile! my beloed. #o not e(press bewilderment! for )oe has power that dispels

    #eath0 charm that con

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    Then the young man became speechless and his tears spoke the language of theheart0 and the angels of >oy hoered about that dwelling! and the two heartsrestored the singleness which had been taken from them.

    $t dawn the two stood in the middle of the field contemplating the beauty of

    7ature in%ured by the tempest. $fter a deep and comforting silence! the soldiersaid to his sweetheart! ")ook at the #arkness! giing birth to the *un."


    ne hour deoted to the pursuit of Beauty $nd )oe is worth a full century ofglory Gien by the frightened weak to the strong.

    ,rom that hour comes man/s Truth0 and #uring that century Truth sleepsbetween The restless arms of disturbing dreams.

    3n that hour the soul sees for herself The 7atural )aw! and for that century she

    3mprisons herself behind the law of man0 $nd she is shackled with irons ofoppression.

    That hour was the inspiration of the *ongs f *olomon! an that century was theblind :ower which destroyed the temple of Baalbek.

    That hour was the birth of the *ermon on the 'ount! and that century wreckedthe castles of :almyra and the Tower of Babylon.

    That hour was the Hegira of 'ohammed and that 5entury forgot $llah! Golgotha!

    and *inai.

    ne hour deoted to mourning and lamenting the *tolen e

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    esterday 3 drew myself from the noisome throngs and proceeded into the fielduntil 3 reached a knoll upon which 7ature had spread her comely garments. 7ow3 could breathe.

    3 looked back! and the city appeared with its magnificent mos

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    companion/s departure.

    $s they reached the burial place they deposited the casket into a ditch awayfrom the tended shrubs and marble stones! and retreated after a few simplewords to God. The dog made one last turn to look at his friend/s grae as the

    small group disappeared behind the trees.

    3 looked at the city of the liing and said to myself! "That place belongs to thefew." Then 3 looked upon the trim city of the dead and said! "That place! too!belongs to the few. h )ord! where is the haen of all the people2"

    $s 3 said this! 3 looked toward the clouds! mingled with the sun/s longest andmost beautiful golden rays. $nd 3 heard a oice within me saying! "er there+"


    7ight fell oer 7orth )ebanon and snow was coering the illages surrounded by

    the Kadeesha =alley! giing the fields and prairies the appearance of a greatsheet of parchment upon which the furious 7ature was recording her manydeeds. 'en came home from the streets while silence engulfed the night.

    3n a lone house near those illages lied a woman who sat by her firesidespinning wool! and at her side was her only child! staring now at the fire andthen at his mother.

    $ terrible roar of thunder shook the house and the little boy shook with fright. Hethrew his arms about his mother! seeking protection from 7ature in her

    affection. *he took him to her bosom and kissed him0 then she say him on herlap and said! "#o not fear! my son! for 7ature is but comparing her great powerto man/s weakness. There is a *upreme Being beyond the falling snow and theheay clouds and the blowing wind! and He knows the needs of the earth! for Hemade it0 and He looks upon the weak with merciful eyes.

    "Be brae! my boy. 7ature smiles in *pring and laughs in *ummer and yawns in$utumn! but now she is weeping0 and with her tears she waters life! hiddenunder the earth.

    "*leep! my dear child0 your father is iewing us from -ternity. The snow and

    thunder bring us closer to him at this time.

    "*leep! my beloed! for this white blanket which makes us cold! keeps the seedswarm! and these war&like things will produce beautiful flowers when 7isancomes.

    "Thus! my child! man cannot reap loe until after sad and reealing separation!

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    and bitter patience! and desperate hardship. *leep! my little boy0 sweet dreamswill find your soul who is unafraid of the terrible darkness of night and the bitingfrost."

    The little boy looked upon his mother with sleep&laden eyes and said! "'other!

    my eyes are heay! but 3 cannot go to bed without saying my prayer."

    The woman looked at his angelic face! her ision blurred by misted eyes! andsaid! ";epeat with me! my boy & /God! hae mercy on the poor and protect themfrom the winter0 warm their thin&clad bodies with Thy merciful hands0 look uponthe orphans who are sleeping in wretched houses! suffering from hunger andcold. Hear! oh )ord! the call of widows who are helpless and shiering with fearfor their young. pen! oh )ord! the hearts of all humans! that they may see themisery of the weak. Hae mercy upon the sufferers who knock on doors! andlead the wayfarers into warm places. atch! oh )ord! oer the little birds andprotect the trees and fields from the anger of the storm0 for Thou art mercifuland full of loe./"

    $s *lumber captured the boy/s spirit! his mother placed him in the bed andkissed his eyes with

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    3t is more fragrant than %asmine0 hat oice could enslae it2

    3t is heartbound! as a irgin/s secret0 hat string could

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    3 am the poet/s elation! $nd the artist/s reelation! $nd the musician/s inspiration.

    3 am a sacred shrine in the heart of a 5hild! adored by a merciful mother.

    3 appear to a heart/s cry0 3 shun a demand0 'y fullness pursues the heart/s

    desire0 3t shuns the empty claim of the oice.

    3 appeared to $dam through -e $nd e(ile was his lot0 et 3 reealed myself to*olomon! and He drew wisdom from my presence.

    3 smiled at Helena and she destroyed Tarwada0 et 3 crowned 5leopatra andpeace dominated The =alley of the 7ile.

    3 am like the ages && building today $nd destroying tomorrow0 3 am like a god!who creates and ruins0 3 am sweeter than a iolet/s sigh0 3 am more iolent thana raging tempest.

    Gifts alone do not entice me0 :arting does not discourage me0 :oerty does notchase me0 >ealousy does not proe my awareness0 'adness does not eidencemy presence.

    h seekers! 3 am Truth! beseeching Truth0 $nd your Truth in seeking andreceiing $nd protecting me shall determine my Behaior.


    3 was here from the moment of the Beginning! and here 3 am still. $nd 3 shall

    remain here until the end f the world! for there is no -nding to my grief&stricken being.

    3 roamed the infinite sky! and *oared in the ideal world! and ,loated through thefirmament. But Here 3 am! prisoner of measurement.

    3 heard the teachings of 5onfucius0 3 listened to Brahma/s wisdom0 3 sat byBuddha under the Tree of Knowledge. et here 3 am! e(isting with ignorance

    $nd heresy.

    3 was on *inai when >ehoah approached 'oses0 3 saw the 7aarene/s miracles

    at the >ordan0 3 was in 'edina when 'ohammed isited. et 3 here 3 am!prisoner of bewilderment.

    Then 3 witnessed the might of Babylon0 3 learned of the glory of -gypt0 3 iewedthe warring greatness of ;ome. et my earlier teachings showed the eaknessand sorrow of those achieements.

    3 conersed with the magicians of $in #our0 3 debated with the priests of

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    $ssyria0 3 gleaned depth from the prophets of :alestine. et! 3 am still seekingtruth.

    3 gathered wisdom from

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    their deaths! while some lie an eternal and infinite life. 'y life is sustained bythe world of beauty which you will see where eer you rest your eyes! and thisbeauty is nature itself0 it is the beginning of the shepherds %oy among the hills!and a illagers happiness in the fields! and the pleasure of the awe filled tribesbetween the mountains and the plains. This Beauty promotes the wise into the

    throne the truth."

    Then 3 said! "Beauty is a terrible power+" $nd she retorted! "Human beings fearall things! een yourseles. ou fear heaen! the source of spiritual peace0 youfear nature! the haen of rest and tran

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    calling 7ature in the ,ield! haen of your dreams2

    $re you in the huts of the poor! consoling the Broken&hearted with thesweetness of your soul! and ,illing their hands with your bounty2

    ou are God/s spirit eerywhere0 ou are stronger than the ages.

    #o you hae memory of the day we met! when the halo of ou spirit surroundedus! and the $ngels of )oe ,loated about! singing the praise of the soul/s deed2

    #o you recollect our sitting in the shade of the Branches! sheltering ourselesfrom Humanity! as the ribs :rotect the diine secret of the heart from in%ury2

    ;emember you the trails and forest we walked! with hands >oined! and ourheads leaning against each other! as if e were hiding ourseles withinourseles2

    ;ecall you the hour 3 bade you farewell! $nd the 'aritime kiss you placed on mylips2 That kiss taught me that %oining of lips in )oe ;eeals heaenly secretswhich the tongue cannot utter+

    That kiss was introduction to a great sigh! )ike the $lmighty/s breath that turnedearth into man.

    That sigh led my way into the spiritual world! $nnouncing the glory of my soul0and there 3t shall perpetuate until again we meet.

    3 remember when you kissed me and kissed me! ith tears coursing yourcheeks! and you said! "-arthly bodies must often separate for earthly purpose!

    $nd must lie apart impelled by worldly intent.

    "But the spirit remains %oined safely in the hands of )oe! until death arries andtakes %oined souls to God.

    "Go! my beloed0 )oe has chosen you her delegate0 er her! for she is Beautywho offers to her follower The cup of the sweetness of life. $s for my own emptyarms! your loe shall remain my 5omforting groom0 you memory! my -ternal


    here are you now! my other self2 $re you awake in The silence of the night2)et the clean breee coney To you my heart/s eery beat and affection.

    $re you fondling my face in your memory2 That image 3s no longer my own! for*orrow has dropped his *hadow on my happy countenance of the past.

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    *obs hae withered my eyes which reflected your beauty $nd dried my lipswhich you sweetened with kisses.

    here are you! my beloed2 #o you hear my weeping ,rom beyond the ocean2#o you understand my need2 #o you know the greatness of my patience2

    3s there any spirit in the air capable of coneying To you the breath of this dyingyouth2 3s there any *ecret communication between angels that will carry to oumy complaint2

    here are you! my beautiful star2 The obscurity of life Has cast me upon itsbosom0 sorrow has con

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    the oil lamp and talked of the day/s eents. hen the early night had lapsed! allstood silently and surrendered themseles to the King of *lumber with a song ofpraise and a prayer of gratitude on their lips.

