Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards Jury Complete the following questions and send this document back to [email protected] before April 21th. Midnight.

Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards Jury

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Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards Jury. Complete the following questions and send this document back to [email protected] before April 21th. Midnight. HISTORY. When did you sell your first product/service online?. Our website is operational since January 20th 2012. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards Jury

Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards JuryComplete the following questions and send this document back to [email protected]

before April 21th. Midnight.

Page 2: Clearify your case to the BeCommerce Awards Jury


When did you sell your first product/service online?

What was your starting business idea?

Our website is operational since January 20th 2012.

• About the company: Grafé Lecocq exists since 1879, more than 130 years. It is today the only “Negogiant-Eleveur” of Belgium, ageing in barrels French quality wines.

• About internet: internet is seen as an opportunity to procure permanent, accurate and rapid access to our products and services, and to develop via internet a one-to-one relationship with our customers.

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What is your vision?

What is your focus?

In general: our vision is that Direct Marketing is the way to sell our products on the Belgian wine market.The website is the way for the consumers to have a direct access to our products and services.

Internet Business development:via getting new customersvia expanding with existing customers

Where do you want to be within 3 years?

To become a key actor player on selling wine via internet in Belgium.

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BUSINESS MODELWhat is your business model?

What is your actual conversion rate (orders/unique visitors)?

General business model is: a minimum of intermediaries between the production and the consumption of wine:We buy the wine as a raw product in the vineyards directly to the producersWe age in our cellars the wines (1200 barrels), we bottle them afterwardWe sell directly the wine to our consumers (B to C and B to B)We deliver by ourselves the orders (6 small trucks) direct to our consumers (home delivery for B to C).


Do you build/have an e-commerce platform and market it? (1)Yes. Our platform is totally integrated :The orders generated on the website are automatically kept in our ERPIt generates the preparation of the orders: all products are in storage by us.Once ready, the order is delivered to the customer by our own logistic platform. Important to mention that it means a home delivery for BtoC orders. It’s an undeniable added value we offer.

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Mobile Commerce: % sales from mobile and how many apps? (how many downloads/app?)Not relevant for us.

What % of customers are coming from abroad Belgium ?It is marginal.

How stainable is your business model?Excellent appraisal and good returns so far even if it seems too early to make conclusions.

Do you build/have an e-commerce platform and market it? (2)Yes. We market it towards:- a specific print on our trucks- SEA- Face Book- Direct Marketing- …

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How big is your team? What are their skills?

Who are the owners?

The company employs 25 persons.Skills resulting from the business model are mainly oenological (specific aspects like selection of wine, ageing and bottling it) and commercial (marketing and sell).Web project: the workgroup has been leaded by the direction and implied mainly the marketing and IT people, with the supervision of an external consultant (Christian Janfils, Expansion). An internal webmaster is now in charge of the daily supervision of the site, working in connection with marketing to update the products and information and to develop actions.

Grafé Lecocq is and has always been a family-business-owned company (by the family Grafé), since 4 generations. The owners are today the current active members: Jean-Loup Grafé (3rd generation) and Bernard Grafé (4th generation).

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Where are the focus of your Marketing budget?

As developed above, Grafé Lecocq looks after a close and personal relation with its consumers. Accordingly to this fact Grafe Lecocq focuses its marketing tools toward:

- Organisation of events (tastings)- Direct marketing (mail, emails, database management)- New focus: in order to develop the activity of the website, resources are to be

allocated in order to improve SEO and site traffic.

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What real USP do you bring to the market with your eshop? (1)• Food & wine matching: find the best wines matching with your dish.

http://www.grafe.be/vins-grafe/fr/10253-selecteur-multicriteres.html• Event wine matching: find the best wines matching with a specific event

(marriage, walking dinner, …) http://www.grafe.be/vins-grafe/fr/10253-selecteur-multicriteres.html

• Gifts configurator: in an few clics you customize your gift in function of your budget and wishes. http://www.grafe.be/vins-grafe/fr/10276-deviseur-de-colis.html

• Cellar configurator: a very intuitive and simple mean to get wine proposals: you specify the style and de price range of the desired wines and the site gives you a matching selection. http://www.grafe.be/vins-grafe/fr/10269-configurateur-de-cave.html

• Label configurator: you can make your own wine label . (This is only possible for a minimum quantity). http://www.grafe.be/vins-grafe/fr/10280-configurateur-detiquette.html

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What real USP do you bring to the market with your eshop? (2)

USP where you need a personal account: Personalised Homepage: each time you connect, you get on the homepage

a personalised list of wine in function of what you declared in the preferences, or in function of what you ordered before.

Reserves: You can buy wine and ask Grafé Lecocq to keep them in cellar. You have view on your wines in reserve and ask for the delivery of some of them.

Past orders historical: get an overview of your past ordered wines. It allows you to reorder the one’s you liked, or, if the product doesn’t exist anymore, to find an alternative wine in the same style/category.

For these functions, we need information in the ERP and/or some past orders. For this reason we have specially set an account in order to give you access to these functions: to test it you have to login with:Login (email): [email protected] : abc123

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Who are your competitors?

On internet:www.1855.comwww.chateauonline.comwww.espacevin.comhttp://www.deconinckwine.com

Remark: our approach is not to develop a catalogue with thousands of products online. We want our clients to be advised in order to meet their needs. We want absolutely avoid our clients to be lost in the middle of thousands of products.

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Provide us with a 2 min. video to summarize your case. This video will be shown to the BeCommerce Awards professional jury. The nominees chosen by the jury will get their video on stage the evening of the BeCommerce Awards, May 10th 2012.Here you can put the link where we can download/watch the video.