Clear, 1st Act

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  • 8/13/2019 Clear, 1st Act



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  • 8/13/2019 Clear, 1st Act



    OPEN ON a CITY PARK. Greenery mixes with grayscape. Tallbuildings hem the park. In the middle of the park stands alarge, CLEAR BOX, a sort of structure.

    As we approach the box, it becomes clear that it is a singlePRISON CELL, containing a bed and a utilitarian bathroom.

    A man with short brown hair and an orange jumpsuit sits onthe edge of the bed. This is RYAN ALTON (32).

    He has the eyes of a man that hasnt rested in years.

    He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees

    RYAN (V.O.)My name is Ryan Alton. Im thirty-two years old.

    He stares blankly out of the cell at the park around him.

    RYAN (V.O.)I wasnt born in this cell. Theybrought me in here today.


    A group of guards lead Ryan into the cell. Most onlookersgawk, others barely spare a glance as they walk past.

    RYAN (V.O.)I am to sit in here for threeyears, like a bug in a jar. Theyeven poked holes in it so I canbreathe.

    We see SMALL HOLES high in the cell wall, near the ceiling.

    RYAN (V.O.)As if asphyxiation is any worsethan starvation.

    The guards lock the door and walk away.

    RYAN (V.O.)Im not here because of a strangecoincidence or cruel twist of fate.

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    Ryan walks along a dark, empty street. His hair is a littlelonger than it is in the cell and he wears a BLACK JACKET.

    He moves with precision

    RYAN (V.O.)I earned my way here.

    He pulls his jacket up around his face. Scans the streetdiscreetly, making sure hes alone.

    RYAN (V.O.)First rule, never wear a hood. Ahood is a good way to get on theradar of anybody who sees you.

    He turns and walks to an expensive-looking door. He pulls on

    a pair of leather gloves.

    He reaches into his coat and takes out a crowbar. Wedges itbetween door and doorjamb. Pulls.

    CRACK. The door swings away and hes in, closing the brokendoor behind him.


    Ryan walks briskly up a set of stairs.

    RYAN (V.O.)Dont go above the third floor. Thehigher you go, the longer you spendin the building. You dont want tomeet the cops on the stairs.

    He walks down a hall towards a door. He reaches the door andBREAKS it open with the crowbar.

    He walks through the doorway and takes a second to examinethe space. A luxurious loft.

    RYAN (V.O.)First, find the bedroom.

    Ryan spots the stairs and goes up without hesitation. ATELEPHONE RINGS.

    He walks into a bedroom. A HUSBAND and WIFE in the bed. Theyheard the door break and are getting up.


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    HUSBANDHey! What...

    Ryan pulls a 9MM pistol from his jacket and points it at theman.

    RYANDont move.

    The mans eyes dart to his bedside table and back.

    RYAN (CONTD)Dont fucking move!

    Ryan quickly crosses to the bedside table, keeping his guntrained on the husband. Ryan opens the drawer and feelsaround with his hand, his eyes still locked on the husband.

    He pulls a REVOLVER out of the drawer.

    He moves back, flips the revolver open and dumps the bulletson the ground. Tucks the revolver into a jacket pocket.

    RYAN (V.O.)Leave bullets behind. Commit arobbery with a loaded gun and itsattempted murder.

    The phone continues to RING in the background.

    Ryan goes to the dresser and takes a jewelry box from thetop.

    HUSBANDTheres an alarm on the door, thepolice will be here any second.

    RYAN (V.O.)Not likely.

    Ryan opens the top drawer to reveal a full watch rack. Hetakes the watches.

    RYAN (V.O.)After the alarm is tripped, thealarm company will call the house.If you answer with the password, noharm done. If you dont answer,they will contact the authorities.

    He scans the room for any other easy loot.


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    RYAN (V.O.)So Ive got about three moreminutes before I have to startworrying.

    The husband moves stealthily under the covers, preparing to

    launch at Ryan.

    He turns his gun back to the couple and pulls back thehammer.

    RYANI said dont fuckingmove!

    The husband sits still as a statue. The wifes eyes open widewith terror.

    The phone has stopped ringing. Silence.

    A beat.

    Ryans anger subsides to an eerily calm composure.

    RYAN (CONTD)Wait until you hear the door close,count to twenty, and then call thepolice.

    He turns and walks out without a second glance.

    RYAN (V.O.)When you have the goods, say

    something to stop them fromfollowing, and get out.


    Ryan exits the building and walks into an alley.

    RYAN (V.O.)Always how the quickest route tothe subway.

    He walks toward the end of the alley. We hear the sound of acar driving. Almost instinctively, Ryan dives behind adumpster.

    Just as he pokes his head out to look toward the street, aPOLICE CAR cruises slowly past, probing the alley withspotlight.

    FREEZE ON: Ryans face, illuminated by the spotlight.


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    RYAN (V.O.)And keep your head down.


    Ryan sits on his bed.

    RYAN (V.O.)The punishment is meant to fit thecrime. The judge said that I stoleto get money, to buy things.


    A judge bangs a gavel, Ryan looks up from his seat at thedefense table.


    The cell is bare save for a bed in one corner and a toiletand sink in another.

    RYAN (V.O.)So they put me in here withnothing. I broke down doors, Iinvaded privacy, so they put me inhere where I have none.

    The city lives and breathes outside, but the cell is still

    and quiet.

    RYAN (V.O.)I am a silent observer for the nextthree years with nothing to do butsit, and watch.


    People filter in and out of the park far below.


    LE R


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    Ryan sits on his bed in the cell, scanning his surroundings.

    He rises and walks idly around the cell.

    RYAN (V.O.)Its like being a zoo animal untilI make eye contact. Then I suddenlydont exist.

    As if to demonstrate, he spins and catches a man in a suitstaring at him. The man quickly glances away.

    Many of the people walking around the cell avoid even lookingat Ryan.

    RYAN (V.O.)They dont know who I am or why Im

    here. The honest thing to do is tostare.

    Ryan sees a young boy staring. The boys mother pulls thechilds arm, steering him away.

    RYAN (V.O.)Kids are the only honest ones.

    Ryan sweeps his eyes around the park but nobody is looking athim now. He walks over to the bathroom and flips a SWITCH onthe wall.


    The walls instantly turn opaque.

    RYAN (V.O.)Dont worry, they wouldnt disgustthe public just to humiliate me.

    We hear a toilet flush.

    RYAN (V.O.)Every three hours I get ten minutesof this.


    From inside, the sounds of the city still seep in. Ryan doespush-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises while the walls areopaque.


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    The switch clicks back into place and the walls become clearagain.

    Ryan leans back against the bed and closes his eyes, panting.


    Ryan leans against the glass of the cell and looks into thenight. The park is empty.


    Ryan, frozen by the police spotlight, snaps his head backdown behind the dumpster.

    The police car stops. Tense moments as the spotlight searchesthe alley.

    The car drives away. Ryan takes a breath to steady himself.

    He walks across the street into another alley. He turns hisblack jacket inside out and puts it back on. The jacket isnow BLAZE ORANGE.


    Ryan paces restlessly on an empty subway train, adrenalinecoursing through him.


    Ryan walks along the sidewalk. His precise, purposeful stridehas slowed and relaxed.

    The light, noise, and crowds of the square are a shock afterthe darkness and quiet of the robbery.

    RYAN (V.O.)I always felt comfortable in acrowd. You can almost be invisible.

    Groups of happy, drunk people walk the streets. Ryan walksamong them, blending into the crowd.


    We rise above the street, a blurry river of people flowingbelow us. The city lights shine brightly.


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    Ryan sits still on a bench as the night spins around him. Hisface reveals the same tired defeat we saw in the cell.

    The crowd still surrounds him but he is no longer a part ofit.


    Ryan is asleep in the cell. Gray dawn light filters aroundthe buildings.

    A buzzer sounds. Ryan swings his legs out of bed and sits up.He rubs his eyes wearily.

    A short, uniformed policeman, DAVID VELASQUEZ (41), walks upto the cell door carrying a CAFETERIA TRAY full of boxes. Heknocks on the cell. His voice is muffled through the glass.

    VELASQUEZAlton, get up!

    Ryan stands.

    VELASQUEZ (CONTD)Stand in front of the door.

    Ryan walks to the door.

    VELASQUEZ (CONTD)Roll up your sleeves.

    Ryan rolls up his sleeves.

    VELASQUEZ (CONTD)Hold out your hands. Palms up.

    Velasquez inspects Ryans wrists. He seems satisfied.

    VELASQUEZ (CONTD)Stand back.

    Ryan takes a few steps back. Velasquez kneels down andunlocks a slot at the bottom of the door. He slides the traythrough and re-locks the slot. Takes out a sheet of paper.

    VELASQUEZ (CONTD)(reading)

    This is your food for the day, youare responsible for rationing yourown meals, you can eat at any time.

    (aside)Or not at all, personally I dontgive a shit.



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    (back to the sheet)An officer will be here everymorning to deliver your meals forthe day, including weekends andholidays. At that time we will alsoretrieve the trash from the

    previous day. My name is OfficerVelasquez, and I am happy to answerany questions. Have a nice day.

    Velasquez leaves without waiting for a response. Ryan watcheshim go.

    Ryan sits on his bed and pours a carton of MILK into a smallbox of cereal.

    People begin to trickle through the park as the sun rises.


    Ryan stands in his cell, leaning against the wall. The parkis full of morning joggers, walkers, and commuters.

    Suddenly, out of the crowd emerges a stunning woman inbusiness attire, EVA ANDREES (29). She has dark hair, darkeyes, and an aloofness acquired from a lifetime of unwantedmale attention. She carries a leather PURSE.

    Ryan is immediately captivated. He moves toward her. The cellwall stops him, but he watches as she walks.

    She walks through the park without sparing him, or anybodyelse, a stray glance. She turns a corner and is lost fromsight, but the spell lingers.

    Ryan stands with his gaze frozen on the spot where Evadisappeared.


    Ryan does push-ups on the ground. People watch him as heworks out.

    He pumps out push-up after push-up.

    He breaks his rhythm for a second to glance at the spot whereEva turned the corner, and then goes right back into the push-ups.




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    Ryan sits on the edge of his bed. People slowly filterthrough the park in the dusky light. Ryan glances around thepark.

    He looks just in time to see Eva walk into view. She has anearly luminous quality.

    Ryan begins to drift toward her again, but he stops himself.He still cant help but watch her walk all the way across thepark.

    She leaves the park. Ryan leans back into the bed and runs ahand over his head.

    We hear the sounds of two children playing and laughing.

    RYAN 5 (O.S.)

    Jade wait!


    SUPER: 1989

    A FIVE YEAR-OLD RYAN runs and plays with JADE (5), a girlwith dark hair, bright green eyes, and an infectious smile.

    Their clothes are dirty and tattered.

    Jade runs and giggles as Ryan chases her around heaps of


    RYAN 5Wait!

    JADE 5No!

    RYAN 5I have a secret.

    JADE 5What?

    RYAN 5Stop and Ill tell you.

    Jade is intrigued. She stops. Ryan catches up and moves towhisper in her ear, but instead kisses her cheek.

    JADE 5Ryan! Ewwww.


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    Jade wipes her cheek off and rubs her hand in the dirt.

    JADE 5 (CONTD)I have a secret too.

    Ryan offers his ear. Jade moves in to whisper, but instead

    rubs dirt on his face and races off giggling. Ryan wipes hisface off and chases after her.


    The trees in the park have turned to red and gold.

    The buzzer sounds. Ryan sits up and swings his legs onto thefloor. He looks up and sees Velasquez approaching with hisdaily rations. He rises and rolls up his sleeves andapproaches the door.

    RYANMorning officer.

    Velasquez doesnt respond. He inspects Ryans wrists andhands, and then passes the food through the door.

    RYAN (CONTD)Hey, could you tell whoever is incharge that one carton of milkisnt enough?

    No response.

    RYAN (CONTD)Great, thank you.


    The walls are opaque. Ryan showers.


    Ryan looks at a large analog clock on one of the buildings.It is 8:47.

    Eva walks through the park. Ryan instantly notices but yankshis focus away. He forces himself to become very interestedin his hands.

    RYAN (V.O.)She walks this way every morningand every afternoon Monday throughFriday.


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    She keeps her eyes focused dead ahead.

    RYAN (V.O.)8:47 A.M., and 5:13 P.M.

    Eva walks past the cell. She dresses attractively without

    being overtly sexual. Designer clothes, heels, all verytasteful.

    RYAN (V.O.)Id rather not think about her, butwhen you see the same shit everyday its hard to keep your mindfrom wandering.

    He picks at his fingernails.

    RYAN (V.O.)I like to think that she works for

    Donald Trump, as an advisor, andthat shes telling him to do allthese things because it will makepeople like him. She doesntbelieve it, she just thinks itsfunny.

    The way Eva carries herself is almost regal.

    RYAN (V.O.)She looks like she would be abovesomething that petty, but shesnot. Nobody is above petty

    pleasures like that.

    Ryan smiles a half smile as he keeps himself occupied.


    Ryan is just finishing a sandwich. He sets his tray on thefloor and leans back on his bed. He closes his eyes.

    We hear an intentional and persistent TAPPING on the glass ofthe cell. Ryan opens his eyes.

    PAN OVER to show a child tapping on the glass. He wearsfreckles, glasses, and a warm hat. He speaks with a slightlisp on account of a missing tooth. He taps again on theglass.

    Ryan looks at him.


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    FRECKLED KID(muffled by the cell)

    What did you do?

    Ryan glares.

    FRECKLED KID (CONTD)Did you steal a candy bar?

    No response.

    FRECKLED KID (CONTD)My mom said that you stole a candybar. She says the people who stealcandy bars go to jail.

    Ryan continues to stare.


    But this is a special jail. Did yousteal a lot of candy bars?

    Ryan shakes his head slightly.

    FRECKLED KID (CONTD)Did you rob a liquor store?

    Ryan frowns.

    FRECKLED KID (CONTD)Did you murder somebody? I bet youmurdered somebody. How did they

    catch you? Did you forget to throwaway the knife? Did you leave semenon the body? Are you anecrophiliac?

    Ryans frown deepens.

    The KIDS MOTHER comes to collect him.

    MOTHEROK honey come on, no more talkingto the bad man.

    She grabs his arm and tows him away.

    FRECKLED KIDMom, he told me he killed fortypeople! And he said that he stabbedthem all a hundred times! And hesaid that they caught him becausehe left semen everywhere.


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    She stops in her tracks. She wheels around toward Ryan. Ryanshakes his head and makes a gesture of innocence.

    MOTHER (CONTD)How dare you talk to a little boylike that. Do you think that justbecause they put you here that youcan be a monster and say thosethings to children?

    Ryan crosses his arms and takes the tirade dispassionately.

    MOTHER (CONTD)Ive never heard him talk like thatbefore, you ought--

    CUT TO:


    5:13 on the clock.

    Ryan watches as Eva walks across the park. After a few beatshe turns away.


    SUPER: 1993

    NINE YEAR-OLD RYAN and NINE YEAR-OLD JADE walk along thehalls of a hospital. Doctors, nurses, and patients scurryabout. Ryan and Jade walk slowly, staying out of the way,observing.

    They walk past room after room of patients.

    They stop at a room and see a very fit woman with her leg ina cast, irritated.

    FIT WOMANWhat do you kids want? Get out ofhere.

    The kids linger a second and move on. A male nurse apprehendsthem in the hall.

    NURSEHey, you guys cant be here.


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    JADE 9(lying)

    They told us the bathroom was thisway, were just visiting ourfriend.

    She gestures vaguely behind her. The nurse is busy, hes notgetting paid to be a tour guide.

    NURSEOK, the bathroom is down that halland to the right. Go to thebathroom and go right back to yourfriends room alright?

    The nurse hurries off.

    The kids walk to an open door and see an elderly black manattached to all sorts of wires and tubes.

    MANS POV: Ryan and Jade stand shyly by the door, their facesfull of curiosity, but behind that, an almost angelicinnocence and compassion.

    KIDS POV: The man looks towards us, then with effort raisesa hand to the children.

    The two sides share a meaningful moment. The man puts hishand down and closes his eyes, comforted by the encounter.The kids slowly turn and leave.


    The kids walk along a sidewalk, close together. Ryan sneaks alook at Jade. She catches him and smiles.

    Ryan looks at the ground and smiles to himself.


    The park is empty. Ryan sits on the edge of his bed. Staringinto the night.


    Snow blankets the ground.

    Buzzer. Up. Velasquez.

    RYANMorning officer.


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    Ryan showers.

    CUT TO:


    Eva walks through the park in SLOW MOTION as Ryan watches.The other people in the park are a blur. Days and nightscycle through as she walks.

    Ryan leans against the cell wall, watching her walk.

    She never so much as glances his way.

    He tracks her as she walks all the way out of the park.

    The day/night cycle abruptly stops in the dead of night. Ryanwalks back to his bed and sits on the bed, looking at theground.


    9 YEAR-OLD RYAN sits on the curb looking at the shabbyapartment building across the street. Waiting.


    He stands and crosses the street.


    The inside of the building doesnt look any better than theoutside. Ryan walks down a hallway to a door.

    Next to the door, he sees a large pair of black, dirty WORKBOOTS.

    He raises his fist to knock, hesitates, and then knockssoftly.

    The door cracks open and 9 YEAR-OLD JADE peeks throughguardedly. She looks bad; like she hasnt slept in two orthree days.


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    RYAN 9(taken aback)


    JADE 9Ryan, I cant. I cant leave right


    RYAN 9Are you OK?

    An angry mans voice comes from inside the apartment, JADESDAD.

    JADES DAD (O.S.)Jade! Who is that?

    JADE 9(to Ryan)

    I have to go. Ill find you when Iget a chance.

    JADES DAD (O.S.)Jade!

    JADE 9(to Ryan)

    Im sorry.

    Jade closes the door.


    Ryan sits on the sidewalk in front of the building, tracingfigures on the sidewalk with his finger. An old man glancesat Ryan as he walks by on the sidewalk.

    He does a double take and walks back to Ryan.

    This is DICK GERHARDT (68). He has a kind, wrinkled face, anda stature shortened by years of heavy labor. Ryan looks up.

    DICKHey there, whats your name?

    RYAN 9Ryan.

    DICKHi Ryan, Im Dick.

    He offers his hand. Ryan shakes.


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    DICK (CONTD)Do you want to see a magic trickRyan?

    Ryan nods.

    Dick reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crinkled oldFIVE DOLLAR BILL. He reaches into his other pocket and pullsout a lighter.

    He holds the bill out for Ryan to see. He ignites the lighterand holds it to the bill. The note begins to burn.

    Dick then waves his hand in front of the bill and itdisappears in a puff of smoke. He holds up his hands to showthat it is totally gone.

    Ryan is impressed, a smile growing on his face.

    DICK (CONTD)Check your pocket.

    Ryan reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crinkled FIVEDOLLAR BILL.

    RYAN 9Wow.

    He inspects the bill all over, front and back.

    He looks back up to Dick, and holds out the bill. Dicklaughs.

    DICKNo, no, keep it.

    Ryan pockets the money with a huge smile.

    RYAN 9Thank you.

    Dick quickly looks at Ryan from head to toe. Ryan is dirty.Toes are visible through a hole in his shoe.

    DICKWhat are you doing waiting outhere?

    RYAN 9Waiting for my friend to come out.Her dad is mad at her today.

    DICKWhere are your parents?


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    RYAN 9My moms at work. She doesnt getback till pretty late.

    DICKWhat about dad?

    RYAN 9Oh, I dont have one.

    Dick nods.

    He reaches into his pocket and comes up with a scrap of paperand a pen.

    DICK(writing as he talks)

    Tell you what, why dont you comedown to the warehouse at this

    address...(handing Ryan the paper)

    ... and well see what we can doabout those shoes. Tell them yourelooking for Dick.

    Ryan looks at the paper.

    DICK (CONTD)Deal?


    DICKTake care, kid.

    Dick leaves.

    Ryan watches him go. He retrieves the bill from his pocket toexamine every inch of it.


    Establishing. A squat, gray, brightly lit warehouse.


    Dick works in an open office area tucked into the backcorner of the warehouse, just behind the massive shelvingunits filled with boxes.


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    A large man in a gray coverall guides Ryan through the lastrow of shelves into the office. Dick hears them approachingand swivels around in his chair.

    DICKWhat have you found there Darius?

    Good to see you kid, I was startingto think you lost the address.Here, take a seat.

    Dick offers Ryan a chair. Ryan sits.

    DICK (CONTD)Thanks Darius.

    Darius nods and leaves.

    DICK (CONTD)Now, I do believe that I have

    something here for you.

    Dick searches the shelves in his desk.

    DICK (CONTD)Theyre around here somewhere...Ah.

    He pulls out a shoebox.

    He opens the box and reveals a pair of brand new shoes.

    He hands them over to Ryan. Ryan is thrilled.

    DICK (CONTD)Lets see how those fit.

    Ryan quickly pops his shoes off, and stuffs his feet into thenew ones. He stands and walks a small loop around the office,looking at the new shoes admiringly.

    DICK (CONTD)Well?

    RYAN 9Theyre awesome. Thank you.

    DICK(with a laugh)

    Hey, dont mention it.

    Dick takes Ryans old shoes and throws them into a nearbytrash can.


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    DICK (CONTD)Youre not going to be needingthose anymore.

    Ryan returns to his seat, still trying to look at his newfootwear from every angle.

    RYAN(in wonder)


    DICKIm glad you like them. Now, howwould you like to make some moneyrunning errands for me a coupletimes a week?

    Ryan looks up from his shoes.

    RYAN 9Really?


    RYAN 9OK, what do you want me to do?

    DICKYoure eager, I like that. Well...

    Dick turns back to his desk. He opens a drawer. Empty.

    He presses down on the bottom of the drawer. The bottomslides back and reveals a SECRET COMPARTMENT.

    The compartment contains several uniform stacks of $20 AND$100 BILLS, and one paper and twine PACKAGE with the exactsame dimensions as the stacks of bills.

    Dick makes sure to put himself directly between Ryan and thedrawer, shielding his actions from Ryans view. He grabs thePACKAGE, restores the false bottom, and closes the drawer.

    He spins around and hands the package to Ryan, then retrievesa white card and pen from his pocket and begins to write onit.

    DICK (CONTD)Alright, I want you to take that tothis address and put it in themailbox.

    He hands Ryan the card. 2222 South High St.


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    DICK (CONTD)And then walk home through the backalleys, not out on the street.

    RYAN 9OK.

    DICKOh, and before I forget.

    (retrieving a $20 from hispocket)

    There you go kid. Meet me back hereat noon on Thursday. Yes?

    He hands Ryan the $20. Its a small fortune.

    RYAN 9Yes.

    DICKOff you go then.


    Ryan checks the card again, and then looks at the door infront of him. 2222.

    He walks up the steps and drops the package in the mailbox.


    From inside the dark house, we can see Ryan retreatingthrough a small gap in the curtains. We track him as heretrieves the $20 from his pocket and walks across thestreet, marveling at his wealth.


    Buzzer. Velasquez.


    Ryan watches Eva cross the park. The clock shows 8:47.


    The morning and early afternoon flies by.


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    Ryan watches Eva walk back through the park.


    Ryan is still awake, deep into the night.


    SUPER: 1997

    A 14 YEAR-OLD RYAN enters an office tucked into the backcorner of the warehouse. Dick sits at a desk in the office,working.

    He hears Ryan approaching and looks over his shoulder. He

    smiles warmly.

    DICKRyan, my best boy.

    RYAN 14Hey Dick.

    As Ryan walks behind Dick, Ryan pats him on the shoulder andsimultaneously STEALS HIS WALLET.

    DICKHow was it out there?

    RYAN 14It was good.

    Ryan pulls up a chair and sits.

    DICKDont think I didnt notice youtaking my wallet.

    Ryan slowly smiles. He pulls the wallet out of his pocket andtosses it to Dick, who catches it deftly and sets it on thedesk. Dick reaches into his pocket and pulls out anotherwallet.

    DICK (CONTD)And whats this?

    Ryan pats at his other pocket, realizing that nothing isthere. He smiles again.


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    RYAN 14Youre the best, Dick.

    Dick laughs.


    Youre learning. Just dont getyourself caught in the mean time.

    RYAN 14Dont worry, Ill be OK. There arethree twenties in there so youregonna have to make change if youwant your fifty percent.

    DICKDont worry about it. I won ahundred bucks on a scratch ticketthis morning. Save that cash for a

    rainy day.

    Dick tosses the wallet to Ryan. Ryan stands and turns toleave.

    RYAN 14Thanks Dick.

    DICKDont mention it. See you tomorrowkid. Remember, quick fingers, and--

    RYAN 14

    (on his way out)And if those fail you, quick feet.Good night Dick.

    Ryan leaves.

    Dick opens his wallet and flips through the bills inside. Allthere.


    A door opens and light floods into the apartment. Ryan slipsin and gently closes the door. He flips a light switch,revealing a small, shabby apartment.

    He walks to a PURSE sitting on a counter, next to an open,half-empty bottle of bourbon. He screws a cap on the bottle.

    RYAN 14(quietly)

    Come on, Mom.


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    He takes his wallet out and transfers the $60 into the purse.

    He walks back and flips the light off. Takes his jacket offand tosses it on a chair. Goes and lies down on the couch,pulling a blanket over himself.

    He stares at the ceiling, youthful optimism written on hisface.


    The trees have shed their leaves. Park-goers leave behindwispy clouds with every exhalation.

    The buzzer sounds. Ryan gets up. Velasquez comes with food.

    RYANMorning officer.

    Velasquez grunts.

    RYAN (CONTD)Whats the word on this milksituation?


    The clock hits 8:47.

    Eva walks across the park. Ryan watches her the entire way.


    Ryan sits on the bed.

    A BUDDHIST MAN with a bald head and flowing robes stands infront of the cell.

    BUDDHISTDo you mind if I rest here, myfriend?

    Ryan looks over and shrugs. The man sits down cross legged,facing the cell.

    BUDDHIST (CONTD)Isnt it a strange world that putspeople like us on display?

    Ryan shrugs again.


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    BUDDHIST (CONTD)Please, come, sit. I feel like Imhaving a conversation with thecell.

    Ryan looks hesitant. The man smiles disarmingly.

    BUDDHIST (CONTD)Im not trying to convert anybodyhere.

    Ryan rises, walks to the Buddhist, sits cross legged.

    BUDDHIST (CONTD)I, too, have made decisions that Iregret. But I sense that thedecisions that put you in here arenot the ones that you regret themost.

    RYANWhy is that?

    The man laughs.

    BUDDHISTOh, I can see a lot of who I was inyour face. Regret, anger, sadness.Ive spent a fair amount of time inthe cell myself. But we move on.

    Introspection on Ryans face.

    BUDDHIST (CONTD)We do the wrong things for theright reasons, after theopportunity to do the right thingis long past.


    Eva walks across the park. Ryan watches her walk. The clockis at 5:13.


    SUPER: 1999

    16 YEAR-OLD RYAN and 16 YEAR-OLD JADE walk on a sidewalk.


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    JADE 16How do you even know he cares aboutyou?

    RYAN 16You dont know him.

    JADE 16I know that he takes half of whatyou make and that he would bejust fine without you.

    RYAN 16No, you dont know him. Yeah I givehim some of what I earn, but Icouldnt have made any of itwithout him.

    JADE 16

    If he cares about you so much thenwhy doesnt he just let you keepeverything? Or better yet, give youa real job?

    RYAN 16He just works there, he doesnt ownthe place.

    JADE 16Still, he has a job, hes payingthe bills. He doesnt need any ofyour money. Hes not even risking

    anything, youre the one taking therisk.

    RYAN 16Its not like theyre gonna put meaway for picking pockets andstealing purses.

    JADE 16How about breaking and entering?Larceny?

    Ryan falls silent.

    JADE 16 (CONTD)Yeah I know about that, Ryan. Youwillgo to jail for that.

    Jade is more frustrated than angry.

    JADE 16 (CONTD)Youre so stupid sometimes.


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    The two walk in silence for a beat.

    RYAN 16I want to show you something.

    Jade is still frustrated.

    JADE 16What?

    Ryan starts to cross the street. Jade considers not followinghim. Finally she crosses the street with an aggravated sigh.


    Ryan and Jade sit on the edge of the building looking at theMANHATTAN SKYLINE.

    The sight is rapturous.

    JADE 16Isnt your mom gonna worry? Itsalready one-thirty.

    Her frustration has worn off.

    RYAN 16She was passed out at eight. Whatabout your dad.

    JADE 16

    I dont even know where he is. Hehasnt been home since Wednesday.

    The two lapse into silence, gazing out at the city.

    JADE 16 (CONTD)Where are we going, Ryan?

    Ryan hasnt considered this question before, but it doesntbother him.

    RYAN 16I dont know.

    Ryan slides his hand over Jades hand and keeps it there. Sheweaves her fingers between his.

    They sit perfectly still, framed by the sweeping lights ofthe city.


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    CLOSE ON a hand. PULL BACK to reveal Ryan on his bed sittingjust like the night on the roof, but diminished in hisisolation.

    Park-goers chatter happily, reveling in the warmth of thesun.

    Eva walks through, nearly parting the crowd. Ryan watches,drawing comfort from their daily routine.

    Suddenly, Eva looks at Ryan. Not a lingering gaze, but morethan just a glance.

    She turns her head away. Ryan looks at his hand. A smileslowly reveals itself.

    RYAN (V.O.)

    Nobody is above petty curiosity.Shes human.


    The walls are opaque. Ryan pumps out pushup after pushup. Hecracks a smile as sweat drips from his nose.


    Ryan watches groups of people eat lunch in the park. He is

    still basking in the glow of the morning.

    He turns to see a young boy sitting right next to the cell,staring at him. This is DONALD WOHLMUT (6), and he has aremarkably open, honest face. He waves at Ryan.


    Ryan usually wouldnt say anything, but hes in such a goodmood today, why not?


    DONALDWhats your name?



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    DONALDIm Donald.

    RYANHi Donald.

    DONALDWhat are you doing in there?

    RYANI like it in here.

    DONALDNuh uh. Youre in trouble.

    RYANYeah, Im in trouble.

    Donald nods his head sagely.

    DONALDWhen Im in trouble my mom puts mein time-out.

    RYANThis is kinda like time-out.

    DONALDYeah except my mom puts me in myroom. You must have made your momreally mad.

    An athletic teenage boy suddenly swoops in and picks upDonald, QUINN WOHLMUT (19), Donalds older brother.

    QUINNHey there Donnie I lost you for asecond.

    Quinn carries Donald away without acknowledging Ryan.

    DONALDI was talking to Ryan.

    QUINNI know you were buddy. Lets keepthis a secret from mom though OK?


    The two move out of earshot. Ryan sits back on the bed, alittle wind lost from his sails.


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    Ryan looks around the park. The clock reads 5:13, but Evaisnt there.


    The golden glow of late afternoon lights the park. A fewpeople pass by, but not Eva.

    Ryan looks around, slightly concerned. Nearly a year into hissentence, he has never missed her daily commute.

    We see a SERIES OF SHOTS as the afternoon wears on, Ryanlooking a bit more worried each time.

    6:15 - Ryans concern has deepened.

    7:21 - The light is waning. Ryan looks around the park, andthen looks at the floor. He looks back at the park.

    9:36 - Streetlights have flipped on. Ryan walks around hiscell.

    RYAN(scanning for Eva)

    Where are you?

    10:45 - The sun has set. The moon begins to slide out frombehind the buildings.

    11:30 - The moon has moved. Ryan sits in his bed with hisback against the cell wall, no longer looking around thepark.

    Maybe she took another route home.


    The clock reads 1:02. The park is empty. Ryan sits on theedge of his bed wearily.

    Eva walks around the corner into the park, tired but no lessstunning than usual. Ryan rises from his bed and standsstationary.

    Without breaking stride, Eva looks at Ryan. A quick head-to-toe appraisal. She passes the cell and doesnt look back.

    Ryan stands rooted in the middle of the cell, watching.


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    THREE MEN in dark jackets walk into the park from where Evaentered. They walk quickly, silently behind her. On amission.

    Ryan turns and sees the men. This is not usual. He takes ahalf step toward them and stops.



    The cell slightly muffles his call. One man glances at Ryanas they walk past the cell.

    TIME SLOWS as Ryan makes eye contact with the man. His faceis emotionless, cold. His eyes are icy blue, almost white.They have evil in them.



    Eva hears. She looks back and sees the men for the firsttime. She looks ahead and quickens her pace. The men breakinto a silent trot behind her.

    RYAN (CONTD)(yelling)


    Eva suddenly kicks off her heels and breaks into a fullsprint. The men CHASE. Ryan is against the cell wall, as

    close to them as he can get, screaming at the men:


    Eva is surprisingly fast, but the men are gaining, foot byfoot. They approach the edge of the park, almost out ofsight.

    Just as they are about to reach her, she stops, plants herfeet, and whirls her purse at MAN #1 with all her might.

    The purse slams Man #1 in the head. He staggers sideways. Theother two hesitate, surprised.

    Eva takes advantage of their hesitation and kicks MAN #2 inthe groin. Man #2 crumples. MAN #3 lunges at Eva, tacklingher.

    Eva lets out a YELL.


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    He SLAMS her into the ground, HARD. The hit stuns Eva. Man #3pins her down, fully in control. He hits her in the face.

    Ryan is beside himself, slamming into the cell wall, poundingwith his fists, screaming incoherently.

    Man #1 has recovered by now and piles on, holding Eva down.She screams and struggles furiously. Man #2 rolls around onthe ground, still incapacitated.

    Man #1 stands up and KICKS Eva in the ribs. Still shestruggles. He kicks again, HARDER. She relents, gasping inpain. BROKEN RIBS.

    Ryan furiously hurls himself at the cell with a primevalscream.

    The men rip off Evas skirt. The attack become a sexualassault.

    RYAN (CONTD)Ill kill you! Ill fucking killyou!

    Man #2 has recovered enough to deliver a vicious kick, butimmediately doubles over in pain from the effort.

    Ryan opens up a cut on the side of his fist as he hammersagainst the cell. BLOOD SMEARS crimson across the clear wall.He is powerless.

    Still he pounds the wall in rage.

    The men gather themselves. They grab Evas purse and run outof the park.

    Man #2 lags behind the others as they run, in pain with everystep.

    Eva barely moves.

    We see several shots of Ryan, out of his mind with panic. Healternately calls for help, and tries to communicate withEva.

    Finally a nighttime jogger enters the park, headphones in.Ryan yells frantically to get his attention. The joggerhears, and pulls out his headphones.

    RYAN (CONTD)(re: Eva)

    HEY! Help! Call 911, quick! Go, go!


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    The jogger hurriedly pulls out his cell phone and makes thecall, running to Evas side.

    WE RISE from the scene as the jogger reaches Eva.

    HIGHER and HIGHER until the park is just a small speck in the

    city. Tiny flashing lights make their way toward the park.
