Clayton County Board of Health Rules and Regulations for Body Art Rev 8-9-2013

Clayton County Body Art Regulations - Clayton County Board of

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Clayton County Board of

Health Rules and Regulations for

Body Art

R e v 8 - 9 - 2 0 1 3

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Table of Contents

I . Author i t y 3 I I . Purpose 3 I I I . Exemptions 3 IV. Def ini t ions 3 V. Adminis t ra t ive Body 12 VI. Minimum Standards 14 VII . Furn ish ings and Fix ture 21 VIII . Suppl ies 21 IX. Sani ta t ion 21 X. S ter i l iza t ion 23 XI. P igments 25 XII . Tat too Prepara t ion 25 XIII . P ierc ing Jewel ry 26 XIV. Body P ierc ing Prepara t ion 27 XV. Af ter Body Ar t Appl ica t ion 27 XVI. Dis infec t ion of Workplace 28 XVII. Disposal of Waste 28 XVIII . Personnel 29 XIX. C l ien t Fi les 30 XX. Opera tor/Ar t i s t License 31 XXI. Guest Body Art i s t License 32 XXII. Appl ica t ion for Permi t 33 XXIII . Establ ishment Permi t 35 XXIV. Inspect ions 36 XXV. Fees for Services 37 XXVI. Enforcement and Penal t i es 37 XXVII. Severabi l i t y 38

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Authori ty The legal au thor i t y for these ru les and regula t ions i s § 31-40 of the Off ic ia l Code of Georgia Annota ted (O.C.G.A. §§ 31-40-1 , 31-40-2 , 31-40-3 , 31-40-4, 31-40-5 , 31-40-6, 31-40-7 , 31-40-8 , 31-40-9 , and 31-5) . II . Purpose The purpose of t hese ru les and regula t ions i s to es tab l i sh reasonable s tandards for ind iv iduals per forming body a r t p rocedures and for the fac i l i t i es th rough which the procedures are provided . If fo l lowed, such s tandards should ensure the heal th and safe ty of a l l ind iv iduals per forming and receiv ing these serv ices . I II . Exemptions These regula t ions do not apply to a phys ic ian or os teopath l i censed under O.C.G.A. Chapter 34 of Ti t l e 43 , or a t echnic ian ac t ing under the d i rec t superv is ion of such l i censed phys ic ian or os teopath . Exempt ions may inc lude cosmet ic recons t ruct ive surgery o r procedures performed under the d i rec t superv is ion of a phys ic ian or os teopath l i censed under Chapter 34 of Ti t l e 43 , or a t echnic ian ac t ing under the di rec t superv is ion of such l i censed phys ic ian or os teopath. IV. Def in i t ions (1 ) “Adminis t ra t ive body” means the par tnersh ip , corpora t ion , associa t ion ,

o r the person or group of persons who main ta in and cont rol the body ar t s tud io and personnel , and who i s l ega l ly respons ib le for the opera t ion of the s tud io .

(2) “Ant imicrobia l so lut ion” means any so lu t ion used to re tard the growth

of microorganisms approved for appl ica t ion to human sk in and inc ludes a l l p roducts l abeled accord ingly as approved by the Food and Drug Adminis t ra t ion (FDA).

(3) “Ant i sep t ic” means an agent or subs tance tha t wi l l dest roy or inh ib i t

the growth and development of in fec t ious microorganisms on human sk in or mucous membranes .

(4) “Appl icant” means any person who appl ies for a body ar t l i cense , gues t

body ar t l i cense , body ar t es tab l i shment permi t , o r t emporary bod y ar t es tab l i shment permit .

(5 ) “Approval” means wr i t t en approval f rom Clayton County Board of

Heal th ind ica t ing tha t the body ar t es tab l ishment has been inspected and meets a l l t e rms of the appl icable rules .

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(6) “Approved” means being accepted by Clayton County Board of Heal th as appropr ia te under appl icable laws and regula t ions .

(7) “Asept ic t echnique” means to render or main ta in f ree f rom infec t ious

mater ia l so as to prevent t ransfer or t ransmiss ion of in fec t ious agents . (8 ) “ASTM” means the American Socie ty for Tes t ing Mater ia l s

In ternat ional . (9 ) “Autoclave” means an appara tus for s ter i l iza t ion u t i l i z ing s team

pressure a t a speci f ic t empera ture over a per iod of t ime per manufacturer ’s speci f ica t ions .

(10) “Biomedical was te” means an y so l id was te tha t conta ins pathologica l

was te , b io logica l was te , cu l tures and s tocks of in fec t ious agents and associa ted b io logica l s , contaminated an imal carcasses (body par t s , the i r bedding, and o ther was te f rom such an imals ) , chemotherapy was te , d i scarded medical equipment and par t s , no t inc luding expendable suppl ies and mater ia l s , which have not been decontaminated , as fur ther def ined in Georgia Depar tment of Natura l Resources , Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Divis ion , Sol id Waste Management , Rule 391-3-4- .15 .

(11) “Blood” means human b lood , human b lood components , and products

made f rom human blood . (12) “Blood borne pathogens” means pathogenic microorganisms present in

human b lood that can cause d i sease in humans . These pathogens inc lude but are not l imited to Hepat i t i s B v i rus (HBV), Hepat i t i s C v i rus (HCV), and Human Immunodef ic iency v i rus (HIV) .

(13) “Body ar t” means the prac t ice of phys ica l body adornment by the

fo l lowing techniques ; body p ierc ing, t a t too ing and cosmet ic t a t tooing. (14) “Body a r t es tab l i shment” or “body ar t s tud io” means any permanent

bu i lding or s t ructure on a permanent foundat ion, hold ing a va l id c i t y or county bus iness l icense , i f appl icable , and permit f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th where the prac t ice of body ar t i s per formed whether or no t for prof i t .

(15) “Body ar t es tab l i shment permi t” or “permi t” means the is suance of a

wr i t t en permit by the Clayton County Board of Heal th to a body ar t es tab l i shment s tat ing tha t such es tab l i shment , a f ter inspect ion , was found to be in compl iance wi th these rules and regula t ions .

(16) “Body ar t i s t” means a person a t l eas t e ighteen (18) year s of age who

performs ta t tooing or body p ierc ing and who i s re spons ib le for complying wi th appl icable provis ions of these regula t ions .

(17) “Body ar t l i cense” means a l i cense i s sued by the Clayton County Board

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of Heal th to a specif ica l l y ident i f ied person who i s qual i f ied to engage in the prac t ice of body ar t in accordance wi th these regula t ions .

(18) “Body ar t regula t ion” means the ru les , regula t ions and guidel ines

p romulgated by the Clayton County Board of Heal th pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 31-40-1, as amended f rom t ime to t ime.

(19) “Body p ierce r” means a person a t l east e ighteen (18) yea r s of age who

engages in the prac t ice of body p ierc ing regard less of the t ype of body ornament u t i l i zed or body a rea to be p ierced .

(20) “Body p ierc ing” means punctur ing or penet ra t ing the sk in or mucosa of

a c l ien t u t i l iz ing a s ingle use s ter i l e needle or o ther s ter i l e ins t rument for the purpose of inser t ing jewel ry o r o ther adornment in to the body for non-medical purposes ; body p ierc ing inc ludes ear p ie rc ing, except when the ear p ierc ing procedure i s per formed on the ear lobe wi th an ear p ierc ing gun us ing s ter i l e mater ia l s .

(21) “Body p ierc ing es tab l i shment” means any pe rmanent bu i ld ing or

s t ruc ture on a permanent foundat ion hold ing a va l id c i t y and/or county bus iness l i cense , i f appl icable , and permi t f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th where body p ierc ing i s per formed, inc luding any area under the cont rol of the opera tor .

(22) “Bus iness” means any en t i t y tha t p rovides body a r t serv ices or

procedures for compensat ion . (23) “Cleaning room” means the area in a body ar t es tab l i shment used in the

s ter i l iza t ion , san i ta t ion or o ther cleaning of ins t ruments or o ther equipment used for the prac t ice of body a r t and shal l be separa ted f rom any o ther area in the fac i l i t y b y means of doors , nonabsorbent cur ta ins , o r s imi lar approved par t i t ion ex tending f rom f loor to ce i l ing or a he ight of no less than e ight (8) fee t .

(24) “Cl ien t” or “cus tomer” means an ind iv idual upon whom one or more

body a r t p rocedures are to be performed. (25) “Contaminated” means the presence or the reasonably an t ic ipated

presence of b lood , o ther poten t ia l l y infec t ious mater ia l s , o r po tent ia l ly harmful chemicals on an i t em or surface .

(26) “Contaminated waste” means any l iqu id or semi- l iqu id blood or o ther

po ten t ial l y infec t ious mater ia l ; contaminated i t ems tha t would re lease b lood or o ther po ten t ia l ly infec t ious mater ia l in a l iqu id or semi- l iqu id s ta te i f compressed; i t ems on which there i s d r ied b lood or o ther po ten t ial l y infec t ious mater ia l and which are capable of re leas ing these mater ia l s dur ing handl ing; sharps and any was tes conta in ing b lood or o ther po tent ia l l y infec t ious mater ia l s , as def ined in the Off ic ia l Code Georgia Annota ted .

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(27) “Cr i t i ca l i t em”(s ) means those aspects of opera t ion or condi t ions

which , i f in v io la t ion , const i tu te the grea tes t hazards to heal th and safe ty, inc luding imminent heal th hazards . Cr i t i ca l v iola t ions shal l inc lude the fo l lowing:

(a ) Autoclave does not meet minimum t ime, pressure or t empera ture requi rements ; (b ) Lack of a month ly negat ive spore or microbio logica l moni tor ing t es t for qual i t y cont ro l ; (c ) Non-disposable tubes and needles are not s ter i l ized or were s t e r i l ized more than one (1) year ago; (d ) Work area i s no t equipped as requi red or i s not s tocked; (e ) Reuse of s ingle use ar t i c les ; ( f ) S ter i l e ins t ruments are not proper ly handled; (g) Reusable ins t ruments are not handled proper ly; (h ) Employees wi th infec t ious les ions on hands not res t r ic ted from body a r t p rocedures ; ( i ) Employees not prac t ic ing proper c leanl iness and good hygienic p rac t ices ; ( j ) Water supply not approved or ho t and co ld running water under p ressure not avai lable ; (k ) Approved sewage and l iqu id waste d i sposal no t avai lab le or improper d isposal of l iqu id was tes ; ( l ) Cross connect ion a l lowing back-s iphonage present in p lumbing sys tem; (m) Toi le t and hand washing fac i l i t i es no t avai lab le for employees ;

(n) Insect and rodent ev idence , harborage , or ou ter opening present ; o r

(o ) Toxic i t ems not proper ly s tored , l abeled , o r used . (28) “Decontaminat ion” means the use of phys ica l o r chemical means to

remove, inact ivate , o r des t roy b lood borne pathogens on a surface or i t em to the poin t where they are no longer capable of t ransmit t ing infec t ious par t ic les and the surface or i t em i s rendered safe for

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handl ing, use , o r d isposal . (29) “Dis infec tan t” means a so lu t ion regis tered as a d i s infec tan t by the U.S .

Envi ronmenta l Protec t ion Agenc y (EPA) and in tended to des t roy o r inact iva te speci f ic v i ruses , bacter ia , o r fungi on c lean , inanimate surfaces .

(30) “Dis infec t ion” means the des t ruct ion of d i sease-caus ing

microorganisms on inanimate objec t s or sur faces , thereby render ing these objec t s safe for use or handl ing.

(31) “Ear p ierc ing” means the puncturing of the outer ear for non-medical

purposes . (32) “Eas i ly c leanable” means tha t sur faces are readi ly access ib le and made

of such mater ia l s and f in ish and so fabr ica ted tha t res idue may be ef fec t ive ly removed by normal c leaning methods.

(33) “Envi ronmental heal th inspector” means an employee of the Clayton

County Board of Heal th who is respons ib le for l i cens ing, permi t t ing, and inspect ion of body ar t es tab l i shments .

(34) “EPA” means the Uni ted S ta tes Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Agenc y. (35) “Equipment” means a l l machinery, inc luding f ix tures , conta iners ,

vesse l s , tools , devices , implements , furn i ture , d i splay and s torage areas , s inks , and a l l o ther appara tus and appur tenances used in connect ion with the opera t ion of a body ar t es tab l ishment .

(36) “FDA” means the Uni ted S ta tes Food and Drug Adminis t ra t ion . (37) “Germicidal so lut ion” means any so lu t ion which des t roys

microorganisms and i s so labeled . (38) “Gloves” means medical grade d i sposable s ingle use gloves labeled for

surgica l o r examinat ion purposes . (39) “Gues t body ar t i s t” means a v i s i t ing body ar t i s t possess ing a gues t

body ar t l i cense is sued by the Clayton County Board of Heal th to perform body ar t p rocedures .

(40) “Gues t body ar t l i cense” means the i s suance of a seven (7) day l i cense

by the Clayton County Board of Hea l th . Such l i cense wi l l a l low a person to prac t ice body a r t in accordance wi th the Body Art Rules and Regula t ions under the d i rec t superv is ion of a body ar t i s t ho ld ing a va l id body a r t l i cense i ssued by the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(41) “Hot water” means water tha t a t t a ins and mainta ins a minimum

temperature of 110°F.

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(42) “ Imminent heal th hazard” means any condi t ion , def ic iency, or prac t ice ,

as d i scovered by the envi ronmental heal th inspector which , i f not correc ted , i s very l ike ly to resu l t in d i sease t ransmission , injury, o r loss of l i fe to any person .

(43) “ Ins t ruments” means hand p ieces , needles , needle bars , and o ther

ins t ruments tha t may come in contac t wi th a c l ien t ' s body or may be exposed to bodi ly f l u ids during any body ar t p rocedure .

(44) “ ISO” means the In t ernat ional S tandards Organiza t ion . (45) “Jewel ry” means any ornament used in any bod y ar t p rocedure which i s

inser ted in to a newly p ierced area . Any jewel r y shal l cons i s t o f a mater ia l ra ted by the ASTM or the ISO as being su i tab le for permanent surgica l implant , such as s ta in less s tee l , t i t an ium, n iobium, so l id p la t inum or a dense low porosi ty p las t ic such as Tygon or PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene). The jewel ry mus t be f ree of n icks , scra tches , o r i r regular sur faces and must be proper ly s ter i l i zed pr ior to use . Copies of the jewel ry manufacturer ’s documenta t ion , which ver i f ies compl iance wi th s tandards , mus t be avai lab le for inspect ion on request . So l id 14 kara t o r higher , whi te or ye l low n ickel - f ree gold may a l so be used . Puri t y ver i f ica t ion mus t be avai lab le for inspect ion on reques t .

(46) “Lavator y fac i l i t i es” means a l avatory provid ing an adequate supply of

po tab le hot and co ld running water under pressure , used so le ly for washing hands , a rms , or other por t ions of the body. The fac i l i t y shal l inc lude a soap d i spenser , soap , and s ingle use d i sposable towels .

(47) “Law” means any appl icable provis ion of the Sta te of Georgia s ta tu tes

and ru les of any Georgia depar tment or agenc y. (48) “License” means a document is sued by the Clayton County Board of

Heal th pursuant to these Body Rules and Art Regula t ions au thor iz ing an ind ividual to conduct a l lowed body ar t p rocedures .

(49) “Licens ing Author i t y” means an au thor i t y tha t gran ts l i censes , has

jur i sdic t ion for l i cens ing requi rements by provid ing tes t ing, s tandards , renewals and revocat ion of l i censes .

(50) “Microbio logica l moni tor ing for qual i t y cont ro l” means the use of a

s tandard spore , to chal lenge the s ter i l i za t ion process . (51) “Minor” means an ind iv idual under the age of e ighteen (18) . (52) “NSF” means the Nat ional Sani tat ion Foundat ion . (53) Occupat ional exposure” means a speci f ic eye , mouth , other mucous

membrane, non- in tac t sk in, o r parentera l contac t wi th blood or other

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po ten t ial l y infec t ious mater ia l s resu l t ing f rom the perfo rmance of a body a r t es tab l i shment employee’s ac t iv i t i es .

(54) “Opera tor /owner” means any pe rson , f i rm, company, corpora t ion or

associa t ion tha t owns , cont ro ls , opera tes , conducts , o r manages a bod y ar t es tab l ishment .

(55) “OSHA” means the Federa l Occupat ional Safe ty and Heal th

Adminis t ra t ion . (56) “Other po ten t ia l l y infec t ious mater ia l” means the fo l lowing human

body f lu ids : semen, vaginal secre t ions , sa l iva , and any o ther body f lu id v i s ibly contaminated wi th b lood.

(57) “Parentera l” means p ierc ing mucous membranes or the sk in barr ier

th rough such events as needle s t i cks and p ierc ings . (58) “Permi t” means the Clayton County Board of Heal th approval in wr i t ing

au thor iz ing a person , f i rm, company, corpora t ion or associa t ion to opera te a bod y ar t es tab l i shment for the purpose of engaging in the prac t ice or bus iness of body ar t p rocedures . The Clayton County Board of Heal th approval shal l be gran ted so le ly for the prac t ice of body ar t pursuant to these regula t ions .

(59) “Person” means an indiv idual , any form of bus iness or social

o rganiza t ion or any o ther non-governmenta l l egal en t i t y, inc luding, bu t no t l imited to , corpora t ions , par tnersh ips , l imi ted- l iab i l i t y companies , associa t ions , t rus t s or un incorpora ted organiza t ions .

(60) “Personal pro tec t ive equipment” means specia l ized c lo th ing or

equipment , such as gloves or l ap c lo th , worn by a body ar t es tab l i shment employee for pro tec t ion agains t a hazard . Genera l work c lo thes not intended to funct ion as pro tec t ion agains t a hazard are not cons idered to be personal pro tec t ive equipment .

(61) “Personnel” means the permi t ho lder , any person who performs bod y

ar t , ind iv iduals having superv isory or management dut ies , o r any o ther person employed or working in a body ar t es tab l i shment . This ind ividual may or may not be a body a r t i s t .

(62) “Phys ic ian” or “os teopath” means an ind ividual l i censed to prac t ice

medic ine in the s ta te of Georgia . (63) “P ierce” or “p ierc ing” means body p ierc ing (see def in i t ion No. 20) . (64) “Potable water” means water tha t i s f rom an approved water sys tem that

i s safe for dr inking. (65) “Premises” means the phys ica l locat ion of an es tabl i shment which

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o f fers and performs body ar t p rocedures . (66) “Proof of age” means a dr iver’s l i cense or s ta te i s sued ident i f ica t ion

card as a means of ident i f ica t ion tha t descr ibes the ind ividual as e ighteen (18) yea rs of age or o lder , conta ins a photograph , and appears on i t s face to be val id .

(67) “Regis t ra t ion” means l i cense or permi t as appl icable to each en t i t y. (68) “Safe mater ia l s” means ar t i c les manufactured for the speci f ic purpose

of body a r t p rocedures which are unl ike ly to cause in jury or d i sease under proper use and care .

(69) “Sani tary” means c l ean and f ree of agents of in fec t ion or di sease . (70) “Sani t ized” means the appl ica t ion of a U.S . EPA regis tered san i t izer on

a c leaned surface by a process tha t p rovides suff ic ien t concent ra t ion of chemicals for enough t ime to reduce the microorganism level , inc luding pathogens , to a safe level on u tens i ls and equipment in accordance wi th the label ins t ruct ions .

(71) “Sewage” means human excre ta , a l l water car r ied was te , and household

was tes f rom residences , bu i ld ings , o r commercia l and indus t r ial es tab l i shments .

(72) “Sharps” means any objec t , s ter i le or contaminated , tha t may

in ten t ional ly or acc identa l ly cu t or penet ra te the sk in or mucosa . (73) “Sharps conta iner” means a puncture- res i s tan t , l eak-proof conta iner

tha t can be c losed for handl ing, s torage , t ranspor ta t ion , and d i sposal and tha t i s l abeled wi th the In ternat ional Biohazard Symbol .

(74) “S ingle use” means d i sposable products or i t ems that a re in tended for

one- t ime, one-person use and are proper ly d i sposed of by appropr ia te measures af ter use on each c l ien t . S ingle use i t ems inc lude but are not l imi ted to cot ton swabs or ba l l s , s ingle use inst ruments , t i s sues or paper products , paper or p las t ic cups, gauze and san i tary cover ings , razors , pierc ing needles , s tenci l s , ink cups , and protec t ive gloves .

(75) “Sol id was te” means refuse , garbage, t rash , rubbish , and any o ther

i t em(s) which could cause an unsani tary condi t ion or undes i rab le heal th and safe ty condi t ions .

(76) “S ter i l iza t ion” or “s ter i l ize” means the use of a phys ica l o r chemical

procedure by which a l l forms of microbia l l i fe , inc luding bacter ia , v i ruses , spores , and fungi are des t royed inc luding h ighly res i s tan t bacter ia l endospores . This i s ach ieved by hold ing in an au toclave for f i f t een (15) minutes , a t f i f t een (15) pounds pressure , and a t a t empera ture of two hundred f i f t y degrees Fahrenhei t (250° F) or one

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hundred twenty-one degrees Cels ius (121°C) , o r any equivalen t procedure resu l t ing in complete des t ruct ion of microbia l l i fe inc luding spores .

(77) “S ter i l ized ind ica tor” means a t ape , s t r ip , bag, or o ther device des igned

to change co lor to ind ica te tha t s ter i l iza t ion tempera ture has been achieved dur ing the s ter i l i zat ion procedure .

(78) “S ter i l izer” means an au toclave cer t i f i ed to meet genera l l y accepted

medical s tandards . (79) “Tat too” means to mark or co lor or the resu l t ing mark or co lor on the

sk in by pr ick ing in , p ierc ing, or implant ing indel ible p igments or dyes under the skin .

(80) “Tat too ar t is t” means a person a t l eas t e ighteen (18) year s of age who

engages in the prac t ice / serv ice of t a t too ing regard less of the type of t a t too or area to be ta t tooed .

(81) “Tat too es tab l i shment ,” “ ta t too par lor ,” or “ ta t too s tudio” means any

permanent bu i lding or s t ruc ture on a f ixed foundat ion , hold ing a va l id c i t y and/or county bus iness l i cense , i f appl icable , and permi t f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th , where ta t too ing i s per formed, inc luding any area under the cont rol of the opera tor .

(82) “Temporary Bod y Art Es tabl i shment” means any locat ion , place ,

fac i l i t y or bus iness whereby an opera tor has been granted a permi t to prac t ice body a r t by the Cla yton County Board of Heal th for no more than a per iod of seven (7) consecut ive days only for t he purpose of product demonst ra t ion in connect ion with convent ions or indus t ry t rade shows.

(83) “Ul t rasonic c leaning uni t” means a uni t approved by the Clayton

County Board of Heal th wi th a l id , phys ica l l y la rge enough to fu l l y submerge ins t ruments in l iqu id , which removes a l l fore ign mat ter f rom the inst ruments by means of high f requency osc i l l a t ions t ransmi t ted through the conta ined l iquid .

(84) “Universa l p recaut ions” means t rea t ing a l l blood and body f lu ids as i f

they conta in b lood borne pathogens and tak ing proper precaut ions to prevent the spread of any b lood borne pathogens .

(85) “Utens i l” means any implement , tool , o r o ther s imilar device used in

the s torage , p repara t ion , opera t ion , or process ing of body a r t . (86) “Viola t ion correc t ion” means a p lan for correc t ing de f ic iencies in

meet ing these ru les and regula t ions of the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

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(87) “Waste” means so l id was te , sewage, b lood and body f lu ids or o ther was te resu l t ing f rom the opera t ion of a body ar t s tud io .

(88) “Work area” or “work s ta t ion” means an area where c l ien ts receive

body a r t . V. Adminis trat ive Body (1 ) No person shal l p rac t ice body ar t p rocedures wi thout f i r s t ob ta in ing an

opera tor /ar t i s t l i cense f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th . (2 ) An appl icant for a body ar t l i cense mus t be a minimum of e ighteen (18)

years of age and shal l demons t ra te to the Clayton County Board of Heal th h i s /her success fu l compl iance wi th a l l t ra in ing, d i sc losure , consent and educat ional requi rements of th i s Body Art s Regula t ion pr ior to the is suance or renewal of a body ar t l i cense by the Board of Heal th .

(3 ) Prior to be ing granted a permi t , each body ar t s tud io shal l develop a

wr i t t en s tatement of po l ic ies and s tandard opera t ing procedures inc luding:

(a) S ter i l i zat ion (b) Employee heal th (c) Sani t i z ing areas and equipment be tween c l ien ts (d) Disposal of was te (e) Record keeping ( f ) C l ient screening (g) Af tercare procedures

(h ) Emergenc y s ter i l i zat ion procedures

Copies of the wr i t t en s ta tement of po l ic ies and s tandard opera t ing procedures shal l be submit ted to the l icens ing au thor i t y a t the t ime of the l i cense appl ica t ion .

(4) Prohibi ted Faci l i t i es

(a ) Body ar t s tud ios shal l no t be a l lowed in the same fac i l i t ies used for human habi ta t ion , any food serv ice es tab l i shment , re tai l sales area , ho te l room or s imilar areas . This does not prohibi t body ar t opera t ions in complete ly separa te areas of these or o ther bus inesses .

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(b) Body ar t s tud ios shal l no t be a l lowed in au tomobi les , mobi le ,

t rans i tory or o ther non-f ixed fac i l i t i es . Such non-f ixed fac i l i t i es inc lude , bu t are not l imi ted to , mobi le t ra i lers , t ents , and recrea t ional vehic les .

(5 ) Prohibi ted Procedures

(a) Implants , 3 -D procedures or o ther procedures involv ing inser t ion of fore ign objec t s complete ly under the sk in are prohib i ted .

(b) Any body ar t p rocedures which resu l t in the permanent removal of

t i s sue or requi r ing medical equipment (ex . sca lpel s , dermal punches) shal l be prohib i ted, except tha t a phys ic ian or osteopath l i censed under O.C.G.A. Chapter 34 of Ti t l e 43 , or a t echnic ian ac t ing under the d irec t superv is ion of such l i censed phys ic ian or os teopath shal l be au thor ized to perform such procedures .

(c ) I t shal l be unlawful for any person to p ierce the body, wi th the

except ion of the ear lobes , o f any person under the age of e ighteen (18) for the purposes of a l lowing the inser t ion of ear r ings , j ewel ry, o r s imi lar ob jec ts in to the body, un less the body p ierc ing i s per formed in the presence of the person’s parent or l egal guard ian .

(d ) No person under the age of e ighteen (18) shal l be ta t tooed , except

tha t a phys ic ian or os teopath l i censed under O.C.G.A. Chapter 34 of Ti t l e 43 , or a t echnic ian ac t ing under the d i rec t superv is ion of such l i censed phys i c ian or os teopath shal l be au thorized to do so .

(6 ) Body ar t i s t s shal l no t be under the inf luence of a lcohol and/or drugs

whi le per forming body ar t p rocedures . (7) Operators shal l refuse serv ices to any person who i s under the inf luence

of a lcohol or drugs . (8) A body ar t i s t shal l no t provide serv ice to any person who shows

ev idence of be ing menta l l y incapaci ta ted . (9) Live an imals shal l be excluded f rom wi th in the body a r t s tudio and

f rom adjacent areas wi th in the fac i l i t y under the cont ro l of the permit ho lder . However , th i s exclus ion does not apply to f i sh in aquar iums. Serv ice an imals accompanying d i sab led persons shal l be permi t ted in the es tab l i shment .

(10) The sk in of a body ar t i s t shal l be f ree of rash , an y les ion or v i s ib le s ign

of in fec t ion . A body ar t i s t shal l not conduct any form of body ar t ac t iv i t y upon any a rea of a c l ien t tha t ev idences the presence of an y rash , l es ion or o ther v i s ible s igns of in fec t ion .

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(11) No person except a du ly l i censed phys ic ian shal l remove or a t tempt to

remove any ta t too . (12) Any fu ture body a r t p rocedures not covered wi th in these ru les and

regula t ions which have the potent ia l for t ransmit t ing infec t ious d i sease mus t rece ive wr i t t en approval f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th pr ior to being offered to cus tomers or pa t rons .

(13) Body ar t shal l on ly be performed by a curren t ly l i censed body ar t i s t in

a permi t ted body a r t es tab l i shment or t emporary fac i l i t y meet ing the requi rements of these ru les and regula t ions .

VI. Minimum Standards (1 ) Each s tudio where body ar t p rocedures are adminis tered shal l p rovide a

work area separa te f rom observers or vi s i to rs . (2 ) At leas t one work area shal l p rovide complete pr ivacy for c l ien t s by

means of doors , nonabsorbent cur ta ins , o r s imi lar approved par t i t ion . (3) A body ar t es tab l i shment shal l have a c leaning room to be used

exclus ively for the c leaning, d i s infec t ion , and s ter i l iza t ion of ins t ruments .

(a ) The c leaning room shal l have a separa t e NSF approved ins t rument

s ink or s ta in less s tee l ins t rument s ink reserved only for ins t rument d i s infec tan t ac t iv i t i es and shal l be equipped wi th hot and co ld running water .

(b ) The c leaning room shal l be separa ted f rom any o ther area in the

fac i l i t y by means of doors , nonabsorbent cur ta ins , o r s imilar approved par t i t ion ex tending f rom f loor to ce i l ing or a he ight of no less than e ight (8) fee t .

(c ) The c leaning room shal l be equipped wi th an u l t rasonic c leaning

uni t and a medical grade au toclave . The au toclave shal l be used to s ter i l ize a l l non-d isposable and reusable body ar t equipment .

(d ) The c leaning room wal l s , doors , windows, skyl ight , and s imilar

c losures shal l be cons t ructed of smooth , nonabsorbent , durable mater ia l and be main ta ined in good repai r .

(e ) The c leaning room cei l ing shal l be main ta ined in good repai r

a l lowing for easy and ef fec t ive c leaning. (4) A hand washing s ink shal l be provided and access ib le wi thin thi r t y (30)

fee t f rom any works ta t ion. These are in addi t ion to the requi red s inks in toi le t rooms.

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(5) Any hand washing s ink and ins t rument s ink shal l not be used as a

j an i tor ial s ink . (6) Each locat ion shal l have the fac i l i t i es to proper ly d i spose of a l l was te

mater ia l . Al l mater ia l s (e .g . , needles ) mus t be d i sposed of in accordance wi th Georgia Depar tment of Natura l Resources , Envi ronmenta l Protec t ion Div is ion, Sol id Waste Management , Rule 391-3-4- .15 .

(7) The use of common towels and c lo ths i s p rohib i ted . Hand s inks shal l

be equipped with a soap d i spenser and s ingle use d i sposable towels . (8 ) Sani tary Faci l i t i es and Cont ro l s Water Supply.

(a) Enough potab le water for the needs of the body ar t s tud io shal l be provided f rom an approved source tha t i s a publ ic water sys tem; or a nonpubl ic water sys tem that i s cons t ructed , main ta ined and opera ted accord ing to appl icable s ta te or local codes .

(b) Water f rom a publ ic water sys tem shal l meet the speci f icat ions of

40 CFR 141, Nat ional Primary Drinking Water Regula t ions and s ta te dr inking water qual i ty s tandards .

(c ) Water f rom a nonpubl ic sys tem shal l meet s ta te dr inking water qual i t y s tandards .

1 . Water f rom a nonpubl ic water sys tem shal l be sampled and

tes ted a t l eas t annual ly and as requi red by Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Divis ion of Georgia’s water qual i t y regula t ions .

2 . The most recent sample repor t for the nonpubl ic water

sys tem shal l be re ta ined on f i le in the body ar t es tab l i shment or the repor t shal l be main ta ined as speci f ied by s ta te water qual i t y r egula t ions .

3 . Sewage. Al l sewage, inc luding l iquid water , shal l be

d i sposed of by a publ ic sewer sys tem or by a sewage d i sposal sys tem cons t ructed and opera ted accord ing to law.

4 . Plumbing. P lumbing shal l be s ized , ins ta l led , and

main ta ined accord ing to law. There shal l be no cross-connect ion between the potab le water supply and any o ther water supply or o ther source of contaminat ion.

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(9) Toi le t Faci l i t i es

(a) Toi le t fac i l i t i es shal l be provided for body ar t employees .

(b) All to i let fac i l i t i es shal l be ins ta l led in accordance wi th appl icable s ta te or local p lumbing code as amended, and shal l be the number requi red by such code.

(c ) In to i le t fac i l i t i es tha t have ex i t doors wi th handles or knobs that

mus t be touched to open , san i tary towels mus t be provided. (10) Lavator y Faci l i t i es

(a) Lavator y ins ta l la t ion . Lavator y fac i l i t i es shal l be des igned , ins ta l led , and mainta ined accord ing to appl icable s ta te or local l aw.

(b ) Lavator y faucets . Each lavatory shal l be provided with hot and

co ld water t empered by means of a mixing valve or combinat ion faucet . Any se l f -c los ing, s low-clos ing, or meter ing faucet used shal l be des igned to provide a f low of water for a t leas t 20 seconds wi thout the need to react iva te the faucet .

(c ) Lavator y suppl ies . A soap d i spenser and a supply of an t i sep t ic ,

hand-c leaning soap or de tergent shal l be avai lab le a t each lavatory. A supply of s ingle use san i tary towels shal l be convenient ly located near each lavatory. Eas i l y c leanable covered was te receptac les shal l be convenient ly located near the hand washing fac i l i t i es .

(d ) Lavator y main tenance . Lavator ies , soap d i spensers , paper towel

d i spensers , and a l l re la ted f ix tures shal l be kept c lean and in good repai r .

(11) Sol id Waste (a ) Conta iners .

1 . Garbage and refuse shal l be kept in durable , eas i l y c leaned conta iners tha t do not l eak and do not absorb l iqu ids . Conta iners shal l be kept in a c lean and sound condi t ion and d i sposed of accord ing to O.C.G.A. § 12-8-20 .

2 . Conta iners used in work areas shal l be kept covered when not

in use and af ter they are f i l l ed .

3 . There shal l be a suf f ic ien t number of conta iners to hold a l l the garbage and refuse tha t accumulate .

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(b) Garbage and refuse shal l be d i sposed of a t such f requency to p revent the development of odor and the a t t rac t ion of insect s , rodents , o r vermin .

(c) Regula ted was te tha t may re lease l iqu id b lood or body f lu ids

when handled mus t be p laced in an approved bag marked wi th an in ternat ional b iohazard symbol . Disposable needles and o ther sharp i t ems shal l be p laced in tac t in to puncture- res i s tant conta iners wi th a biohazard label before d i sposal . F i l l ed sharp conta iners and b iohazard bags shal l be cons idered regula ted was te and mus t be d i sposed of in accordance wi th the Depar tment of Natura l Resources , Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Div is ion , Sol id Waste Management , Rule 391-3-4- .15 .

(d) Biomedical was te shal l be d i scarded in accordance wi th the ru les

and regula t ions of the Depar tment of Natura l Resources , Envi ronmenta l Protec t ion Div is ion , Sol id Waste Management , Rule 391-3-4- .15 .

(12) The premises shal l be kept in such condi t ion as to prevent the en t rance , harborage , o r feeding of insect s , rodents , o r vermin . (13) Floors

Floor cons t ruct ion . Floors and f loor cover ings of a l l work areas , d ress ing rooms, locker rooms, to i le t rooms and vest ibu les shal l be cons t ructed of smooth , nonabsorbent , durable mater ia l and main tained in good repai r . Carpet ing i s a l lowed in the lobby area only and shal l be of c lose ly woven cons t ruct ion , proper ly ins ta l led , eas i l y c leanable , and main ta ined in good repai r .

(14) Wal ls

(a) Walls shal l be painted , covered , or sea led in a manner which would a l low for easy and e f fec t ive c leaning.

(b) Attachments .

Light f ix tures , vent covers , wal l -mounted fans , and s imi lar equipment at tached to wal l s and ce i l ings shal l be eas i l y c leanable and main ta ined in good repai r .

(15) Cei l ings

Cei l ings shal l be main ta ined in good repai r a l lowing for eas y and ef fec t ive c leaning.

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(16) Phys ica l Faci l i t i es

F loors , wal l s , ce i l ings , and a t tached equipment and decora t ive mater ia l s shal l be kept c lean and main ta ined in good repai r .

(17) Light ing

(a) Art i f ic ia l l igh t sources shal l be ins tal led to provide a t l eas t f i f t y (50) foot candles of l igh t on a l l work area surfaces and a t equipment washing work levels .

(b ) Art i f ic ia l l igh t sources shal l be ins ta l led to provide a t a d i s tance

of th i r ty (30) inches f rom the f loor a t l eas t t en (10) foot candles of l igh t in a l l o ther areas .

(18) Vent i lat ion

Al l rooms shal l have suff ic ien t vent i l a t ion to keep them f ree of excess ive heat , s team, condensat ion, vapors , obnoxious odors , smoke, and fumes .

(19) Poisonous or Tox ic Mater ia l s

(a) Mater ia l s permit ted. There shal l be present in the body ar t s tud io only those poisonous or tox ic mater ia l s necessar y for main ta in ing the es tab l i shment and c leaning or sani t i z ing equipment , as wel l as cont ro l l ing insect s and rodents .

(b ) Label ing of mater ia l s . Containers of poisonous or tox ic mater ia l s

shal l be prominent ly and d i s t inc t ly labeled accord ing to law for easy ident i f ica t ion of conten ts . A wri t t en pol icy for a co lor coding sys tem may be acceptab le wi th pr ior approval by the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(c ) Toxic i t ems shal l be separa ted f rom other forms of mater ia l s used

in body ar t p rocedures .

(d) Spray bot t l es contain ing c leaning so lut ions may be used for the purpose of cleaning but not whi le conduct ing a body a r t p rocedure .

(20) Premises

(a) Body ar t es tab l i shments shal l be kept neat , c lean , and f ree of l i t t e r and rubbish .

(b) Only ar t i c les necessary for the opera t i on and main tenance of the

body ar t es tab l i shment shal l be s tored on or wi thin the es tab l i shment .

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(21) Animals

I f appl icable , a l l f i sh aquar iums shal l be c leaned and main ta ined in good repai r . Rept i les are prohibi ted due to the poss ibi l i t y of Salmonel la and other in fec t ious microbes .

(22) Equipment and Utens i l s (a ) Mater ia l s .

1 . Mult i -use equipment and u tensi l s shal l be cons t ructed and repai red wi th safe mater ia l s , inc luding f in i sh ing mater ia l s ; they shal l be corros ion res i s tant and nonabsorbent ; and they shal l be smooth , easi l y c leanable , and durable under condi t ions of normal use . S ingle-serv ice ar t i c les shal l be made f rom clean , san i tary and safe mater ia l s .

2 . Re-use of s ingle serv ice ar t i c les is prohib i ted. (b ) Des ign and Fabr ica t ion .

1 . Genera l . Al l equipment and u tensi l s , inc luding p las t ic ware , shal l be des igned and fabr ica ted for durabi l i t y under condi t ions of normal use and shal l be res i s tan t to dent ing, buckl ing, p i t t ing and ch ipping.

a ) Body ar t opera t ional sur faces shal l be eas i l y c leanable ,

smooth, and f ree o f breaks , open seams, cracks , ch ips , p i t s , and s imi lar imperfec t ions , as wel l as f ree of d i f f icu l t to c lean internal corners and crev ices .

b ) S inks and dra in boards shal l be se l f -dra in ing.

2 . Operat ional sur faces . Surfaces of equipment not intended as

opera t ional sur faces , bu t which are exposed to sp lash or debr i s or which o therwise requi re f requent c leaning, shal l be des igned and fabr ica ted to be smooth , washable , f ree of unnecessary ledges , p ro jec t ions , o r crev ices and readi ly access ib le for c leaning. Such surfaces shal l be of mater ia l and in such repai r as to be eas i l y main ta ined in a c lean and san i tary condi t ion .

3 . Needles , needle bars and p igments shal l be des igned and

manufactured for the so le purpose of body ar t . (23) Ais les and working spaces

Ais les and working spaces between uni t s of equipment and wal l s shal l be unobs t ructed and of suf f ic ien t wid th to permit employees to perform

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the i r dut ies readi ly wi thout contaminat ion of equipment or of opera t ional sur faces by c lo th ing or personal contac t .

(24) Minimum suppl ies of es tab l i shment

Each work s ta t ion shal l be equipped or s tocked in the fo l lowing manner :

(a ) Body Tat tooing Es tab l i shments .

A minimum of s ix (6) s ter i l ized needles (wi th bars ) , and s ix (6) s ter i l ized needle tubes ;

Body P ierc ing Es tab l i shments . A minimum of s ix (6) s ter i l ized needles , s ix (6) s ter i l ized needle tubes , s ix (6) s ter i l ized forceps , and s ix (6) s ter i l ized hemosta ts / sponge c lamps .

(b) A minimum of four (4) ex t ra packages of d i sposable towels o ther

than the package tha t i s be ing used;

(c) A minimum of three (3) ex t ra boxes of medical grade d i sposable gloves o ther than the box being used; and

(d) An ex t ra supply of bandages , o in tment or ge l , and an t imicrobial

soap . (25) Temporary fac i l i t i es shal l meet the requi rements of these regula t ions .

Addi t ional requi rements inc lude:

(a) Hand washing fac i l i t i es located wi th in each work or demons t ra t ion area .

(b) Hand washing fac i l i t i es shal l cons i s t o f l iqu id ant imicrobial hand

soap , s ingle use paper towels and warm potable water d ispensed f rom an insu la ted conta iner tha t conta ins a t l eas t f ive (5) ga l lons of po tab le water wi th a sp igot tha t i s rai sed a minimum of twenty-f ive (25) inches of f the f loor .

(c ) Was te water , which can be covered , shal l be co l lec ted in a bucket

tha t wi l l ho ld a t l eas t f ive (5) ga l lons of was te water p laced on the f loor under the sp igot . Warm potable water shal l be rep len ished and was tewater removed as necessary to the san i tary sewer sys tem, or , in the absence thereof , in a manner approved b y the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(d) Only s ingle use d i sposable s ter i l ized suppl ies shal l be used .

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VII . Furnish ings and Fixtures (1 ) Furn ish ings of the body ar t s tud io shal l be main ta ined in good

condi t ion , in tac t and funct ional . Furn ish ings shal l be made of o r covered in a mater ia l tha t i s eas i ly c leanable and non-absorbent . The s tudio shal l be kept c lean , neat and f ree of l i t t e r and rubbish .

(2) Cabinets and c losed sea lab le containers for the s torage of ins t ruments ,

p igments , s ingle use ar t i c les (ex . gloves , ink caps , carbon, s tenci l s , e tc . ) shal l be provided for each body a r t i s t and shal l be main ta ined in a san i tary manner which pro tec t s them f rom contaminat ion .

(3) Work tab les and chai rs shal l be provided for each body ar t i s t .

(a ) Al l exposed surfaces of a l l worktab les and chai rs shal l be cons t ructed of mater ia l tha t i s smooth , nonabsorbent , corros ive res i s tan t and eas i l y san i t ized .

(b) Al l exposed surfaces of work tab les and chai rs shal l be san i t ized

wi th an an t imicrobia l so lut ion af ter each appl ica t ion . VIII . Suppl ies (1 ) Bulk s ingle use ar t ic les shal l be commercia l l y packaged and handled to

pro tec t them f rom contaminat ion . These ar t i c les shal l be s tored in an area separa te f rom the work area and toi le t fac i l i t i es .

(2 ) All mater ia l s appl ied to the human sk in shal l be f rom s ingle use

conta iners and shal l be d i sposed of af ter each use .

IX. Sani tat ion (1 ) With the except ion of a p la in r ing such as a wedding band, body ar t i s t

j ewel ry such as watches , r ings , e tc . , shal l be removed pr ior to the s tar t o f the body ar t p rocedure .

(2 ) Prior to the s tar t o f the body ar t p rocedure , the ar t i s t shal l inspect

h i s /her hands for hangnai l s , smal l cu ts , sores , and abras ions . If a cu t , sore , o r abras ion is de tec ted , a bandage shal l be appl ied for added pro tec t ion before gloving. The ar t i s t shal l t r im f ingernai l s to ensure tha t gloves are no t punctured . Recent t a t toos or p ierc ings in the heal ing process sha l l a l so be proper ly covered as to prevent any bodi ly f lu id t ransfer .

(3 ) Use asept ic t echnique. Thorough hand washing i s requi red af ter c l i ent

contac t , a f ter handl ing b lood and body f lu ids , a f ter wear ing gloves , and pr ior to ex i t ing the work area .

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(4) Before performing body ar t p rocedures , the ar t i s t shal l thoroughly wash h i s /her hands in hot , running water wi th an t ibacter ia l soap , then r inse hands and dry wi th d i sposable paper towels . The ar t is t should use a paper towel (or o ther approved i t em) as a bar r ier be tween the i r c lean hands and knobs of the faucet when turn ing off the water . Use of hand sani t izers is recommended af ter each hand washing. Hand washing shal l be done as of ten as necessary to remove contaminants .

(5 ) Medical grade s ingle use d i sposable la tex or approved non- la tex

examinat ion gloves shal l be worn dur ing the body ar t p rocedure . Gloves shal l be changed and proper ly d i sposed of each t ime there i s an in ter rupt ion in the body ar t p rocedure , the gloves become torn or punctured , or whenever the i r ab i l i t y to funct ion i s compromised . Under no c i rcumstances shal l a s ingle pai r o f gloves be used on more than one ind ividual .

(6 ) A body a r t i s t shal l main ta in the h ighes t degree of pe rsonal c leanl iness ,

conform to s tandard hygienic prac t ices , and wear c lean c lo thes when performing body ar t p rocedures . S ingle use aprons , smocks , o r s leeve covers are acceptab le . Open- toed shoes shal l no t be permiss ib le .

(7 ) The sk in of the ar t i s t shal l be f ree of rash or in fec t ion . No ar t i s t

a f fec ted wi th boi l s , in fec ted wounds , open sores , abras ions , weeping dermato logica l l es ions or acute respi ra tory infec t ion shal l work in an y area of a body ar t es tab l i shment in any capaci ty in which there i s a l ike l ihood tha t the ind ividual could contaminate body ar t equipment , suppl ies , o r working surfaces wi th body subs tances or pa thogenic organisms .

(8) Only s ingle use di sposable razors shal l be used to shave the area

receiv ing body ar t . (9 ) Any i tem or ins t rument used for body ar t tha t i s contaminated dur ing

the procedure shal l be d i scarded and rep laced immedia te ly wi th a new disposable i t em or a new s ter i l ized ins t rument or i t em before the procedure resumes .

(10) Universa l p recaut ions , as def ined in these ru les and regu la t ions , shal l

be observed to prevent contac t wi th blood or o ther po ten t ia l l y infec t ious materia ls . Al l employees shal l be t ra ined in universa l p recaut ions .

(a ) Assume a l l human b lood , p lasma, serum, body f lu ids (semen,

sa l iva , b reas t milk , vaginal secre t ions and any f lu id contaminated wi th b lood) and t i s sues to be contaminated with Human Immunodef ic iency Vi rus (HIV) and/or Hepat i t i s vi ruses (e .g . , HBV, HCV).

(b) The most suscept ib le route of occupat ional in fec t ion for HIV,

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HBV, and HCV is by accidenta l needle s t i cks , bu t may inc lude contaminat ion of the mucous membranes , o r th rough broken, abraded , or i r r i t a ted sk in . Use appropr ia te caut ion and maximum pro tec t ion to prevent such contac t .

(c ) Proper decontaminat ion procedures , emergenc y b iohazard sp i l l

management and proper use of b iosafe ty equipment shal l be u t i l i zed.

(d) Use asept ic t echnique. Thorough hand washing i s requi red af ter

c l i en t contac t , a f ter handl ing b lood and body f lu ids , a f ter wear ing gloves and pr ior to ex i t ing the work area .

(e ) All regula ted was tes shal l be d i sposed of in l abeled ,

manufacturer ’s co lor-coded was te conta iners .

( f ) Infec t ious materia l sp i l l s shal l be c leaned us ing an EPA regis tered d i s infec tan t and universa l p recaut ions .

(g) Clean a l l work areas and equipment used in handl ing human

b iohazardous mater ia l s wi th an EPA regis tered d i s infec tan t when concluding work to pro tec t personnel f rom accidenta l in fec t ion .

(h) Eat ing, use of tobacco products , applying cosmet ics or l ip ba lm are

not permit ted in the work area . Dr inking shal l be a l lowed only when a s ingle serv ice cup tha t has a secure l id and s t raw is used in a way as to prevent the contaminat ion of the ar t i s t ’ s hands .

( i ) All procedures shal l be performed carefu l ly to minimize the

crea t ion of aerosols .

( j ) Employees shal l repor t a l l work re la ted accidents , inc idents , and unexpla ined i l lness to your superv isor and/or phys ic ian immediate ly.

(k) Soi led gloves shal l be removed in a manner to minimize the r i sk of

se l f contaminat ion or cross contaminat ion af ter each opera t ion and pr ior to contac t ing work surfaces , door knobs , wal l switches , o r t e lephones . Dispose of used gloves in a bagged t rash conta iner .

( l ) Food s torage cabinets or ref r igera tors shal l be located outs ide the

work area .

X. Steri l i zat ion (1 ) An u l t rasonic c leaning uni t and opera t ional medical grade au toclave shal l be provided in each body ar t s tud io . (2) Ul t rasonic c leaning uni t s shal l be c lear ly labeled “b iohazardous” and

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p laced away f rom the au toclave and works ta t ions and shal l be opera ted in accordance wi th the manufacturer ’s recommendat ion . (3) The u l t rasonic c leaning uni t and medical grade au toclave shal l be used and main tained accord ing to manufacturer ’s speci f ica t ions . Each u l t rasonic c leaning uni t and medical grade au toclave shal l be empt ied and thoroughly c leaned and d i s infec ted per manufacturer ’s recommendat ions . (4) Used non-d isposable ins t ruments shal l be kept in a separa te puncture res i s tan t conta iner un t i l c leaned . The c leaning method shal l inc lude the fo l lowing:

(a) Ins t ruments shal l be pre-scrubbed pr ior to be ing p laced in to an u l t rasonic c leaning uni t .

(b ) After removal f rom the u l t rasonic c leaning uni t , ins t ruments shal l

then be brush scrubbed in hot water and soap , then r insed in clean water .

(c ) Ins t ruments shal l then be packed indiv idual ly in s ter i l ized packs

and s ter i l ized in a medical grade au toclave . Al l s ter i l i zed packs shal l contain e i ther a s ter i l ized indica tor or in ternal t empera ture ind ica tor .

(d ) Prior to be ing p laced in the autoclave a l l equipment shal l be

bagged , l abeled , in i t i a led , dated and sea led .

(e) Each au toclave bag shal l be used in accordance wi th the manufacturer ’s recommendat ions and may hold no more than one ind ividual i t em (ex . one tube or needle bar) . A p ierc ing se t may be bagged together .

(5 ) Af ter s ter i l iza t ion , the packaged ins t ruments shal l be s tored in a c lean dry cabinet or o ther t igh t ly covered conta iner reserved and l abeled for s torage of s ter i l e ins t ruments . (6 ) If a s ter i l i zed package has been breached or a l lowed to get wet , the ins t rument (s ) shal l be re-packaged and s ter i l ized again before use . (7) Spore ind ica tors shal l be used a minimum of a t l eas t once a month and

the resu l t s must be kept on-s i te for a minimum of two (2) years . An independent commercia l t es t ing laboratory cont rac ted by the opera tor / body a r t i s t o r both shal l per form monthly b io logica l spore tes t ing of the au toclave . A provis ion shal l be inc luded in the cont rac t be tween the opera tor or body ar t i s t (or bo th) wi th the commercia l t es t ing labora tory requi r ing the commercia l t es t ing fac i l i t y to not i fy the Clayton County Board of Heal th of any fa i lure of the au toclave to erad ica te a l l l iving organisms , inc luding spores .

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(8) Upon not i f ica t ion of a pos i t ive microbio logica l moni tor ing repor t , the

s ter i l izer shal l be immedia te ly checked for proper use and funct ion and the opera tor shal l cease use of the s ter i l izer immedia te ly upon receip t of the pos i t ive repor t . Three (3) consecut ive negat ive b io logica l t es t s mus t be achieved before the s tud io i s reopened . The opera tor /owner shal l have the opt ion to obta in a proper ly funct ion ing s te r i l izer wi th a negat ive b io logica l repor t in order to remain open or i f the s tudio has more than one au toclave in opera t ion , the owner /opera tor may be given approval to remain open . The Clayton County Board o f Heal th wil l cons ider the body a r t s tudio’s emergency p lan should au toclave fa i lure or mal funct ion occurs .

XI. Pigments (1 ) Al l p igments used in ta t tooing shal l be f rom commercia l p rofess ional suppl iers speci f ica l l y manufactured as p igments on ly for the t a t tooing of human sk in . (2) In prepar ing or mix ing p igments , only nontoxic mater ia l s shal l be used . P igments shal l be mixed and p laced in indiv idual s ingle use conta iners . (3 ) Af ter t a t tooing, the remain ing unused p igment in the s ingle use conta iner(s ) shal l be proper ly d i scarded a long wi th the conta iner(s ) . XII . Tattoo Preparat ion (1) Medical grade d i sposable gloves shal l be worn dur ing the prepara t ion

of equipment and dur ing the ta t too procedure . (2) Only a commercia l l y packaged s ingle use pre-s ter i l i zed needle

assembly wi th bar shal l be used and di sposed of immediate ly a f ter use in to a puncture proof d i sposable b iohazard conta iner .

(3 ) S ter i l i zed ins t ruments shal l remain in s ter i l e packages unt i l opened in

f ront of the c l ien t . (4 ) Any par t o f a t a t too ing machine tha t may be touched by the body ar t i s t

dur ing the procedure shal l be covered wi th a d i sposable plas t ic sheath tha t i s di scarded af ter each procedure and the machine shal l be d i s infec ted .

(5 ) A c l ip cord s leeve and barr ier f i lm shal l be used over exposed e lec t r ica l

cords or o ther c leaning and d i s infec t ion methods demons t ra ted to prevent contaminat ion .

(6 ) Al l devices used to apply p igments mus t be designed and used to

prevent backf low of p igments in to the machine .

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(7) S ingle use towels or gauze shal l be used in prepar ing the s i t e to be

ta t tooed and shal l be d i sposed of af ter use on each pat ron or c l ien t . (8 ) If shaving i s necessary, s ingle use d i sposable razors shal l be used . (9) Af ter shaving the area to be ta t tooed , or i f the area does not need to be

shaved , the s i t e of the ta t too shal l be thoroughly c leaned and germicidal so lut ion appl ied in a sani tary manner before each p lacement of des ign on the sk in .

(10) When a works ta t ion r inse cup i s used alone , the cup and so lu t ion shal l

be d i sposable and di scarded af ter each c l ien t . (11) If squi r t / spray bot t les are used to d i spense l iqu ids , the l iqu id shal l be

appl ied onto a s ingle use wipe ra ther than d i rec t l y onto the c l ien t . (12) S ingle use o intment tubes , appl ica tors and suppl ies shal l be d i scarded

af ter each ta t too appl ica t ion . (13) When a paper s tenci l i s used by a t a t too ar t i s t for t ransfer r ing the

des ign to the sk in , i t shal l be s ingle use and d i sposable . The use of ro l l -on or s t i ck deodorants for t a t too s i t e prepara t ion is prohib i ted .

(14) The s tenci l shal l be appl ied wi th an t imicrobia l soap or a Clayton

County Board of Heal th approved proved d i spensed f rom a conta iner in a manner tha t does not contaminate the unused port ion .

(15) When the des ign i s drawn d i rec t ly onto the sk in , p re-s ter i l ized , s ingle

use non- tox ic pens or markers shal l be used and d i scarded af ter each use .

XIII . Piercing Jewelry (1 ) Cl ient and body p iercer should have appropr ia te s ize and qual i t y

j ewel ry chosen be fore the procedure begins . Random jewel ry shal l no t be used for the in i t ia l p ierc ing.

(2 ) J ewel ry used in p ierc ing shal l cons i s t o f a mater ia l ra ted by the ASTM

or the ISO as being su i tab le for permanent surgica l implant , such as s ta in less s tee l , t i tan ium, n iobium, so l id p la t inum or a dense low poros i ty p las t ic such as Tygon or PTFE. Copies of the jewel ry manufacturer ’s documenta t ion , which ver i fy compl iance wi th s tandards , shal l be avai lab le for inspect ion on reques t . So l id 14 kara t o r h igher , whi te or ye l low n ickel - f ree gold may a l so be used . Pur i ty ver i f ica t ion shal l be avai lab le for inspect ion on reques t .

(3 ) The jewel ry shal l be f ree of n icks , scra tches or i r regular sur faces and

shal l be proper ly s ter i l ized pr ior to use.

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(4) Al l j ewel ry shal l be s ter i l ized in a medical grade au toclave , s tored in

s ter i l e ind ica tor bags , sea led and dated. (5) Ear s tuds or o ther j ewel ry des igned for ear lobe p ierc ing are not

appropr ia te j ewel ry for o ther body par t s and shal l no t be used by bod y p iercers .

XIV. Body Piercing Preparat ion (1 ) Medical grade d i sposable gloves shal l be worn dur ing the prepara t ion

of equipment for a body a r t p rocedure and dur ing the procedure . (2 ) Only a commercia l ly packaged s ingle use pre-s ter i l ized p ierc ing needle

shal l be used and d i sposed of immedia te ly af ter use in to a puncture proof d i sposable biohazard conta iner .

(3 ) Al l forceps , hemosta t s , ca l ipers , and tubes mus t be pre-s ter i l ized and

s tored in sea led , p roper ly labeled , s ter i l e ind ica tor bags . These i t ems are to be used on one person , in one s i t t ing. Af ter one such use , they mus t be c leaned in an u l t rasonic c leaner , p laced in sea led ind ica tor bags , p roper ly labeled , au toclaved and s tored in s ter i l e indica tor bags .

(4) S ter i l i zed ins t ruments shal l remain in s ter i l e packages unt i l opened in

f ront of the c l ien t .

(5 ) S ingle use towels or gauze shal l be used in prepar ing the p ierc ing s i t e and shal l be d i sposed of af ter use on each pat ron or c l ient .

(6 ) Af ter shaving the a rea to be p ierced , o r i f the area does not need to be

shaved , the pierc ing s i t e shal l be thoroughly c leaned and germicidal so lu t ion appl ied in a san i tary manner before beginning the procedure .

(7) In the case of ora l p ierc ings , the opera tor shal l p rovide the ind ividual

wi th an t isep t ic mouthwash in a s ingle use cup and shal l ensure tha t the ind ividual ut i l izes the mouthwash provided . In the case of a l ip , l abre t , o r cheek p ierc ing, procedures descr ibed in th i s sec t ion for bo th sk in and ora l p ierc ings shal l be fo l lowed.

XV. Af ter Body Art Appl icat ion (1 ) The completed ta t too shal l be washed wi th a s ingle use towel sa tura ted wi th an an t imicrobia l so lut ion. (2) Af ter the area has d r ied , apply a l a yer of an t ibacter ia l o in tment or o ther approved product f rom a s ingle use packet , co l lapsib le p las t ic tube , o r appl ied f rom a bulk conta iner in a san i tary manner us ing a s ingle use d i spenser .

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(3) A bandage or dress ing shal l then be appl ied to the ta t too us ing a sea led non-s t icking pad or wrap . (4) Verbal and wri t t en ins t ruct ions , approved by the Clayton County Board o f Heal th , for the care of the body ar t p rocedure s i t e shal l be provided to each c l ien t by the opera tor upon complet ion of the procedure . The wr i t t en ins t ruct ions shal l advise the c l ien t to consul t a phys ic ian a t the f i r s t s ign of in fec t ion and conta in the name, address and phone number o f the es tab l i shment . These documents shal l be s igned and dated by bo th par t ies , wi th a copy given to the c l ien t and the opera tor re ta in ing the or iginal wi th a l l o ther requi red records . XVI. Dis infect ion of Workplace (1 ) Each body ar t s tud io must be kept clean and sani tary. The owner shal l develop and implement a wri t t en c leaning schedule tha t inc ludes appropr ia te methods of decontaminat ion and tasks or procedures to be per formed. (2) This wr i t t en schedule shal l be based on the locat ion wi th in the s tudio , the t ype of sur faces to be c leaned , t ype of poss ib le contaminat ion present , the tasks or procedures to be performed, and the i r locat ion wi th in the s tud io . (3) The fo l lowing procedures shal l be adhered to :

(a ) Clean and san i t ize a l l equipment and work surfaces wi th an appropr ia te EPA regis tered d i s infec tan t af ter complet ion of the body ar t p rocedures and a t the end of the work sh i f t when surfaces have become contaminated s ince the las t c leaning.

(b ) Remove and rep lace pro tec t ive cover ings such as p las t ic wrap and a luminum fo i l a f ter each body ar t p rocedure .

(c ) Inspect and decontaminate , on a da i ly bas i s , reusable receptac les such as b ins , pai l s , and cans tha t have the l ike l ihood of becoming contaminated . When contaminat ion i s v i s ible , c lean and decontaminate receptac les immedia te ly.

XVII . Disposal of Waste (1 ) Needles or o ther sharp ins t ruments used dur ing body ar t p rocedures shal l be p laced in puncture res i s tan t , c losed conta iners immedia tely a f ter use . (2) Used needles shal l no t be purposely bent or broken , or o therwise manipulated by hand. (3) Biomedical was te , as def ined in Georgia Depar tment of Natural

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Resources , Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Div is ion , Sol id Waste Management , Rule 391-3-4- .01 shal l be d i sposed of in accordance wi th Rule 391-3-4.15(7) .

(4 ) Contaminated waste , which may re lease l iquid blood or body f lu ids when compressed or may re lease dr i ed b lood or body f lu ids when handled , shal l be p laced in a sea led bag. It shal l then be d i sposed of in compl iance wi th Georgia Depar tment of Natura l Resources , Envi ronmenta l Pro tec t ion Divis ion , Sol id Waste Management , Rule

391-3-4- .15 . (5) Waste conta iners shal l be kept closed when not in use . (6) Disposable waste shal l be handled , s tored , and d i sposed of to minimize d i rec t exposure of personnel to waste mater ia l s . (7 ) At l eas t one covered was te receptac le shal l be provided in each opera tor area and each to i le t room. Receptac les in the opera tor area shal l be empt ied dai ly and so l id was te shal l be removed f rom the p remises a t l eas t weekly or more of ten i f necessary. Al l refuse conta iners shal l be covered and main ta ined . (8) Sol id was te shal l no t be s tored outdoors unless in a secured and l idded conta iners . XVIII . Personnel (1 ) Persons performing the body ar t p rocedure shal l success fu l ly complete

the Clayton County Board of Heal th exam:

(a) Obta in curren t cer t i f i ca t ion in Red Cross Bas ic Fi rs t Aid /CPR or equivalen t .

(b ) Proof of success ful complet ion of an OSHA approved Blood

Borne Pathogen/Universa l Precaut ions t ra in ing program, approved by the Clayton County Board of Heal th . Tra in ing/courses provided by profes s ional body a r t o rganiza t ions/associa t ions or by equipment manufacturers may a l so be submi t ted for cons idera t ion.

(2) If the ar t i s t i s curren t ly in bus iness a t the t ime of appl ica t ion for permit o r ef fec t ive date of the ru les , the above cer t i f i ca t ion must be obta ined wi th in n inety (90) days f rom the date the permi t i s i ssued . (3) The body ar t es tab l i shment opera tor shal l make avai lab le , a t no cos t to the personnel , Hepat i t i s B vaccinat ion ser ies , as wel l as any rout ine boos ter dose(s ) to every person who may have occupat ional exposure to b lood or o ther po ten t ia l ly infec t ious mater ia l . For new personnel , the vaccine shal l be made avai lab le wi th in ten (10) bus iness days of in i t i al

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work ass ignment . (4 ) Proof shal l be provided upon reques t tha t a l l opera tors have e i ther completed or were of fered and decl ined , in wr i t ing, the Hepat i t i s B vaccinat ion ser ies ; tha t an t ibody tes t ing has revealed tha t the employee i s immune to Hepat i t i s B; or tha t the vaccine i s cont ra indica ted for medical reasons . Cont ra indica t ion requi res a da ted and s igned phys ic ian’s s ta tement speci fying the name of the employee and tha t the vaccine cannot be given . Personnel who decl ine to accept the Hepat i t i s B vaccinat ion ser ies shal l s ign a form indica t ing the i r refusa l . (5 ) The owner and l i cens ing body must main ta in a f i l e on a l l employees who perform body ar t p rocedures . Owner shal l keep employee f i l es on locat ion for a minimum of two (2) years even i f the employee i s t e rminated . The employee f i l es shal l be avai lable for inspect ion and inc lude the fo l lowing:

(a) Repor t o f Hepat i t i s B Vaccinat ion , Hepat i t i s B an t ibody tes t ing, cont ra indica t ion to Hepat i t i s B vaccine , o r s igned Hepat i t i s B Vaccine decl ina t ion le t ter .

(b ) Evidence of Red Cross Bas ic Fi rs t Aid /CPR cer t i f i ca t ion or

equivalen t and complet ion of an OSHA approved Blood Borne Pathogen/ Universa l Precaut ions t ra in ing program.

(c ) A copy of a government i ssued Photo I .D. XIX. Cl ient Fi les (1 ) For each c l ien t , p roper records of ident i f ica t ion , body ar t adminis tered ,

in formed consent and care ins t ruct ions shal l be kept and re ta ined for a minimum of two (2) years a t the s tud io or pre-approved locat ion .

(2 ) Records of each c l ien t shal l be prepared pr ior to the body ar t p rocedure be ing performed and shal l ref lec t the c l ien t ’s name and s ignature , address , p roof of age , da te procedure performed, des ign , i t s locat ion and name of the ar t is t . (3 ) A s ta tement of in formed consent by the ind iv idual rece iv ing the body ar t shal l be main tained on f i l e . (4 ) A s ta tement by the c l ien t a t t es t ing tha t he / she i s no t under the in f luence of a lcohol and/or drugs shal l be on f i l e . (5 ) A copy of procedures s igned b y the c l ien t advis ing them of proper subsequent care of the body ar t shal l be main ta ined on f i l e . (6 ) A copy o f ins t ruct ions s igned by the c l ien t in forming h im/her / i t o f the

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r i sks involved and poss ib le complica t ions tha t might resul t f rom the body a r t p rocedure shal l be main ta ined on f i l e .

XX. Operator/Art i s t License (1 ) No person shal l p rac t ice body ar t p rocedures wi thout f i r s t ob ta in ing an opera tor /ar t i s t l i cense f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th . (2) An appl icant for a body ar t l i cense shal l be a minimum of e ighteen (18)

years of age and shal l demons t ra te to the Clayton County Board of Heal th h i s /her success fu l compl iance wi th a l l t ra in ing, d i sc losure , consent and educat ional requi rements of these Body Art Rules and Regula t ions pr ior to the i s suance or renewal of a body ar t l i cense i s sued by the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(3) Appl ica t ion for the opera tor /ar t i s t l i cense shal l inc lude: (a ) Name (b) Date of Bi r th (c ) Sex (d) Res idence address (e ) Mai l ing address ( f ) Phone number (g) P lace(s ) of employment as an opera tor/ar t i s t (h ) Government Issued Photo I.D

( i ) P roof of success fu l complet ion of the Clayton County Board of Heal th exam, an OSHA approved Blood Borne Pathogen/Universa l Precaut ions t ra in ing program and Bas ic Fi rs t Aid/CPR class approved by the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(4) No l icense shal l be i s sued wi thout success fu l ly complet ing an OSHA approved course in Blood Borne Pathogens /Universa l Precaut ions and Bas ic Fi rs t Aid /CPR. (5) Ind iv iduals seeking body ar t l i cense shal l submi t a completed

appl ica t ion provided by the Clayton County Board of Hea l th , pay a se t fee determined by the Clayton County Board of Heal th and provide proof of the success fu l complet ion of the Clayton County Board of Heal th requi red courses .

(6) Upon i ssuance of a l i cense , a body ar t i s t shal l on ly perform those

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form(s) of body a r t tha t i s /are ind ica ted in the body ar t l i cense appl ica t ion submi t ted to the Clayton County Board of Hea l th . (7) The opera tor /ar t i s t l i cense shal l be val id f rom the date of i s suance and

shal l au tomat ica l l y expi re in twelve (12) months and mus t be renewed unless revoked sooner by the Clayton County Board of Hea l th .

(8) In order for a body ar t i s t l i cense to be renewed, body a r t i s t shal l a t t end

and success fu l ly complete an approved educat ional c lass on cer t i f i ca t ion in Bas ic Fi rs t Aid /CPR and pay a l l appl icable fees .

(9 ) Al l opera tor /ar t is t l i censes shal l be pos ted in a prominent and conspicuous area where they may be readi ly observed by c l ien ts . XXI. Guest Body Art is t License (1 ) The Clayton County Board of Heal th may i ssue one seven (7) da y

l i cense per year to a gues t a r t i s t . Such gues t body ar t l i cense shal l a l low a person to prac t ice body ar t under the di rec t superv is ion of a body ar t i s t ho ld ing a va l id body ar t l i cense i s sued by the Clayton County Board of Heal th . The i ssuance of a gues t body ar t l i cense i s condi t ioned upon the appl icant demons tra t ing the fo l lowing:

(a) The appl icant has received t ra in ing equivalen t to the minimum

t ra in ing requi rement se t by these Body Art Rules and Regula t ions ;

(b) The appl icant shal l p rovide a l et t e r of consent s igned by the

Clayton County Board of Heal th l i censed body ar t i s t , a copy of the body ar t l i cense and a copy of the body a r t fac i l i t y permi t where the appl icant wi l l p rac t ice any body ar t p rac t ices ; and

(c) A se t appl ica t ion fee , i f appl icable , pa id to the Clayton County

Board of Heal th . (2 ) No v is i t ing body ar t i s t shal l p rac t ice body ar t wi thout a gues t body ar t

l i cense i ssued by the Clayton County Board of Heal th . (3) Any body ar t i s t l icensed by the Clayton County Board of Heal th

reques t ing to have a v i s i t ing body ar t i s t per form under h i s /her superv is ion shal l :

(a ) Not i fy the Clayton County Board of Heal th in wr i t ing in advance

of the proposed ef fec t ive date of the reques ted gues t body ar t l i cense; and

(b) Requi re tha t the vi s i t ing body ar t i s t ob ta in a gues t body ar t

l i cense f rom the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

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XXII . Applicat ion for Permit (1 ) The adminis t ra t ive body of each body ar t s tud io shal l submit to the

Clayton County Board of Heal th an appl ica t ion for a permi t to opera te under these ru les and regula t ions . No s tudio shal l be opera ted and no body ar t per formed wi thout such permi t , which i s curren t under these ru les and regula t ions .

(2) The appl ica t ion for permi t shal l be made on forms provided by the

Clayton County Board of Heal th . (3) Each appl ica t ion for a permi t shal l be accompanied by an 8 ½” x 11” or

l a rger page conta in ing a de ta i led f loor drawing to sca le of the body ar t s tud io. Such drawing shal l show the accura te p lacement o f each of the fo l lowing: windows, doors , room measurements , chai rs , tab les , s inks , ba throoms, wai t ing area and equipment p lacement for c l ien t s and/or s taf f .

(4 ) A l i s t ing of the names of a l l s taf f , inc luding the owner who wi l l be

working in the s tud io , shal l be inc luded wi th the appl ica t ion for a permi t . This l i s t ing shal l inc lude the ful l name of each s taf f person .

(5) The ownersh ip of the s tud io shal l be fu l l y d i sc losed in i t s appl ica t ion

for a permi t . (6 ) Zoning and o ther local requi rements regard ing proper locat ion and

es tab l i shment of body ar t s tud ios shal l be addressed by the appl icant wi th the responsib le local of f ic ia ls .

(7 ) Exis t ing Es tab l i shments and Personnel

(a) Body a r t es tab l i shments and ar t i s t s in opera t ion a t the date of implementa t ion of these ru les and regula t ions shal l make appl ica t ion for a permi t wi th in thi r t y (30) days .

(b) The Clayton County Board of Heal th may approve up to a 12

month per iod f rom the date of appl ica t ion for compl iance of phys ica l f ac i l i t i es of ex is t ing es tab l i shments ; p rovided , however , tha t no exempt ions shal l be gran ted for c i rcumstances present ing an immedia te threa t to publ ic heal th , such as l ack of po tab le water , to i le t fac i l i t i es , waste d isposal , adequate l igh t ing, adequate s inks and lavator ies and universa l p recaut ions .

(c ) Body ar t i s t s opera t ing a t the date of adopt ion of these ru les shal l

be cer t i f i ed in Blood Borne Pathogens /Universa l Precaut ions and Bas ic Fi rs t Aid /CPR cer t i f i ca t ion within n inety (90) da ys of the adopt ion date .

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(8) Temporary Bod y Art Faci l i t i es

(a) A Temporary Faci l i t y permi t and/or l i cense may be i s sued for body ar t serv ices provided outs ide of the phys ica l s i t e of a fac i l i t y regis tered wi th the Clayton County Board of Heal th for the purpose of product demons t ra t ion or in connect ion wi th body ar t convent ions or indus t ry t rade shows.

(b) A Temporary Body Art Es tab l i shment permi t may be obta ined by

the opera tor of a body ar t es tab l i shment af ter submit t ing an appl ica t ion for a t emporary fac i l i t y. Such appl ica t ion shal l conta in the locat ion, the opera t ing days , hours of opera t ion of the temporary fac i l i t y and the p lans /descr ip t ion of the temporary fac i l i t y.

(c ) Temporary Faci l i t y permi t s shal l no t be i s sued unless :

1 . The appl icant i s a minimum of e ighteen (18) years of age and

demons t ra tes to the Clayton County Board of Heal th h is /her success fu l compliance wi th a l l t ra in ing, d i sc losure , consent and educat ional requi rements of these Body Art Rules and Regula t ions .

2 . Appl ica t ion for a permi t and/or l i cense for the prac t i t ioner

and/or t emporary fac i l i t y has been submi t ted for rev iew by the Clayton County Board of Heal th , a t l eas t thi r t y (30) da ys p r ior to an event .

3 . The appl icant has paid a l l requi red fees se t by the Clayton

County Board of Heal th .

(d) If the appl icant i s curren t ly r egis tered as a body ar t i s t wi th the Clayton County Board of Heal th , then only a t emporar y fac i l i t y permi t i s requi red .

(e) The fo l lowing cr i t e r ia per ta in to t emporary fac i l i t i es permi t t ing

and l i cens ing:

1 . No permit and/or l i cense for a t emporary body ar t es tab l i shment may be i s sued for more than seven (7) consecut ive days .

2 . An appl icant for a Temporary Body Art Es tabl i shment permit

and/or l i cense shal l no t rece ive more t han two (2) consecut ive 7-day permi t s and/or l i cense dur ing a 30-day per iod .

3 . Temporary fac i l i t y permi t s and/or l i censes shal l no t be

t ransferab le f rom one p lace to another or f rom one person to another .

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4 . Temporary fac i l i t y permi t s and/or l i censes shal l be posted in a prominent and conspicuous place so c l ien ts can readi ly observe i t .

(9 ) Var iance Procedures

(a) The Clayton County Board of Heal th may grant a var iance e i ther upon i t s own mot ion or upon reques t o f the appl icant f rom the provis ions of any ru le or regula t ion in a speci f ic case i f i t f inds tha t a l i t e ra l enforcement of such provis ion wil l resu l t in unnecessary ha rdship to the appl icant and tha t such a var iance wi l l no t be cont rary to the publ ic in teres t , publ ic heal th and/or heal th and safe ty of c l ien t s .

(b ) A reques t for a var iance shal l be f i l ed by an appl icant in wr i t ing,

se t t ing for th in de tai l the bas i s upon which the reques t i s made.

(c) With in th i r t y (30) days of f i l ing a reques t for a var iance , the Clayton County Board of Heal th shal l no t i fy the appl icant by U.S . mai l o f i t s approval or in the case of a denia l , a hear ing date , t ime and p lace may be scheduled i f the fac i l i t y appeals the denia l and in accordance wi th O.C.G.A. §§ 31-5-2 and 31-5-3 “Hear ing Procedures” .

XXIII . Establ i shment Permit (1 ) Any person p lanning to opera te a body ar t es tab l i shment shal l ob ta in a

wr i t t en appl ica t ion for a permi t on a form provided by the Clayton County Board of Heal th pr ior to opera t ing a body ar t es tab l i shment .

(2 ) A new or in i t i a l appl ica t ion i s requi red for body ar t es tab l i shments that have not prev iously been permi t ted or for ins tances when ownersh ip changes . To be e l i gib le for a permi t , the s tud io mus t be in compl iance wi th these ru les and regula t ions .

(3 ) The Clayton County Board of Heal th shal l i s sue a body ar t es tab l i shment permit : (a ) Af ter an inspect ion of the proposed fac i l i t y reveals t ha t the

fac i l i t y i s in compl iance wi th requi rements of these ru les and regula t ions , and

(b) Upon receiv ing a completed appl ica t ion wi th appl icable fees .

(4) The permi t shal l be d i sp layed in a conspicuous place on the premises .

(5) Permi ts mus t be renewed year ly and are not t ransferab le f rom one s tudio to another .

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(6) A permi t shal l no longer be val id and shal l be re turned to the county when the s tud io ceases to opera te , has moved to another locat ion , the ownersh ip changes , o r the permit i s suspended or revoked .

(7) A s tudio tha t fa i l s to comply wi th these ru les and regula t ions shal l be subjec t to the sanct ions avai lab le to the Clayton County Board of Heal th pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 31-5 inc luding, bu t no t l imited to , denial o r revocat ion of i t s permi t by the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

XXVI. Inspect ions (1 ) The s tudio and i t s records shal l be avai lab le for rev iew and examinat ion

by proper ly ident i f ied representa t ives of the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(2) A copy of the inspect ion repor t shal l be d i splayed in a conspicuous

p lace on the premises and a l so shal l be avai lab le for publ ic inspect ion a t the appropr ia te Clayton County Board of Heal th Envi ronmental Heal th Serv ices of f ices where the s tud io i s located .

(3) Body ar t es tab l i shments shal l be inspected a t l eas t twice each ca lendar

year . (4 ) Envi ronmenta l Heal th Inspectors shal l success fu l ly complete an OSHA

approved Blood Borne Pathogens /Universa l Precaut ions course . (5 ) Inspect ion resu l t s - Repor t ing and Scoring

(a) Inspect ion resu l t s for body ar t es tab l ishments shal l be recorded on the Clayton County Board of Heal th s tandard forms.

(b) The scor ing sys tem shal l inc lude a weighted poin t va lue for each

requi rement in which cr i t i ca l i t ems are ass igned values of f ive (5) po in t s , wi th minor v io la t ions having ass igned values of e i ther one (1) or two (2) poin ts .

(c ) The ra t ing score of the fac i l i t i es shal l be the to ta l o f the we ighted

poin t va lues for a l l v io la t ions subt rac ted f rom one hundred (100) . (6) Vio la t ion Correc t ion

(a) Correc t ion of cr i t ica l and minor vio la t ions shal l be completed wi th in f ive (5) and ten (10) ca lendar days , r espect ive ly.

(b) Upon declara t ion of an imminent heal th hazard which cannot be

immediate ly correc ted , the local heal th of f icer shal l i ssue an order requi r ing the fac i l i t y to immedia te ly cease opera t ions unt i l au thor ized by the Clayton County Board of Heal th to reopen .

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(c) In the case of t emporary bod y ar t f ac i l i t i es , a l l c r i t i ca l v io la t ions shal l be correc ted wi thin twenty-fou r (24) hours . If c r i t i ca l v io la t ions are not correc ted wi th in twenty-four (24) hours , the es tab l i shment shal l immediate ly cease opera t ions unt i l author ized to resume by the local heal th of f icer or h i s du ly au thor ized representa t ive . Upon declara t ion of an imminent heal th hazard which cannot be immedia te ly correc t ed , the heal th of f icer shal l i s sue an order requi r ing the fac i l i ty to immedia te ly cease opera t ions unt i l au thor ized by the Clayton County Board of Heal th to reopen .

XXV. Fees for Services

“Fees for serv ices” means a schedule of fees for serv ices , adopted and subjec t to per iodic rev is ion by the Clayton County Board of Heal th and approved by the Dis t r ic t Di rec tor of Heal th and the Clayton County Board of Commissioners under the provis ion and au thor i t y of the Off ic ia l Code of Georgia Annota ted , § 31-3-4(a) (6) . A schedule of fees may be obta ined f rom the Clayton County Envi ronmenta l Heal th Off ice . Al l fees shal l be paid in fu l l before a body ar t es tab l i shment begins opera t ion and a permi t i s i s sued. Annual fees for es tab l i shed body ar t bus inesses mus t be remi t ted to the Board of Heal th wi th in th i r t y (30) days f rom receip t of the annual invoice . Al l o ther fees , inc luding any re- inspect ion fees , a r t i s t l i cense renewal fees , l a te fees , e tc . mus t be remi t ted wi th in thi r t y (30) da ys f rom receip t . No person shal l opera te a body a r t es tab l i shment wi thout having paid the fees incurred hereunder .

XXVI. Enforcement and Penal t ies (1 ) Enforcement of these ru les and regula t ions shal l be in accordance wi th

O.C.G.A. Art ic le 1 , § 31-5. The Clayton County Board of Heal th shal l have the power and au thor i t y to suspend or revoke permi t s for fa i lure to comply wi th the provis ions of Ar t ic le 1 above.

(2) Clayton County Board of Heal th shal l have pr imary respons ib i l i t y for

the enforcement of these rules and regula t ions wi thin i t s ju r i sd ic t ion and may include adopt ion of code by the govern ing bodies of count ies and municipal i t i es for the purpose of enforcement .

(3 ) The Clayton County Board of Heal th i s empowered to ins t i tute

appropr ia te proceedings in a cour t o f competent ju r i sdic t ion for the purpose of en join ing v io la t ion of any appl icable provis ion of Ti t l e 31 of O.C.G.A. or of these ru les and regula t ions .

(4) No body ar t s tud io shal l opera te wi thout a permit . Fai lure or refusa l to

f i l e an appl ica t ion for a permi t shal l cons t i tu te a v io la t ion of Chapter 40 of Ti t l e 31 of O.C.G.A. Any per son who fa i l s o r refuses to f i l e inc luding, bu t no t l imited to , an order to cease and des is t opera t ing a body ar t s tud io shal l be subjec t to an in junct ion and/or o ther penal t i es

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f rom a cour t o f ju r isd ic t ion . (5) When an appl ica t ion for a permi t i s denied or the permi t prev iously

gran ted i s to be suspended or revoked, the appl icant or ho lder thereof shal l be af forded not ice and hear ing as provided in O.C.G.A Art ic le 1 , § 31-5 .

(6 ) If an appl ica t ion is denied or a permi t i s suspended or revoked , the

appl icant or ho lder of the permi t shal l be not i f ied in wr i t ing, speci f ica l l y s ta t ing any and a l l reasons why the ac t ion was taken .

(7) The purpose of these procedures i s to s ta te the minimum act ions to be

taken to fu l f i l l the obl iga t ion of the Clayton County Board of Heal th in assur ing compl iance wi th these regula t ions and regula t ions when the cont inued opera t ion of a bod y ar t es tab l i shment presents a subs tan t ia l and imminent heal th hazard to the publ ic or when a body ar t es tab l i shment i s in f lagrant or cont inuing v io la t ion of thi s sec t ion .

(8) Suspension i s e f fec t ive upon serv ice of a wr i t t en not ice thereof , and

body a r t p rocedures shal l cease immedia te ly. (9) The not ice mus t s tate the bas i s for the suspens ion and advise the permi t

ho lder of the r igh t to a pre l iminary hear ing on reques t wi th in seventy-two (72) business hours to the Clayton County Board of Heal th .

(10) If reques ted , the pre l iminary hear ing shal l be held by an exper ienced

superv isory level employee of the Clayton County Board of Heal th not d i rec t l y involved in the suspens ion.

(11) The ru les of ev idence shal l no t apply, bu t bo th and the permi t holder

may present wi tnesses , records and argument . (12) The hear ing of f ic ia l shal l be au thorized immedia te ly t o resc ind or

modi fy the suspension or to cont inue the suspension with or wi thout condi t ions .

(13) If the suspens ion is no t resc inded , the permi t holder shal l have the r igh t

to reques t an ev ident iary hear ing. If a hear ing i s no t reques ted , upon correc t ion of a l l v io la t ions , the owner may reques t an inspect ion to re ins ta te the permi t .

(14) Not ice of Hear ing. For the purpose of th i s sec t ion , a no t ice of hear ing

i s proper ly served when del ivered in person or by regis tered or cer t i f i ed mai l .

(15) Condi t ions Warrant ing Act ion . The Clayton County Board of Heal th

may summari ly suspend a permi t to opera te a body ar t es tab l i shment i f i t de termines through inspect ion , or examinat ion of employees , records , o r o ther means as speci f ied in thi s sec t ion , tha t an imminent heal th hazard ex is t s .

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(16) Resumpt ion of Opera t ions . If opera t ions of a body ar t es tab l i shment a re d i scont inued due to the ex is tence of an imminent heal th hazard or o therwise accord ing to law, the permi t ho lder shal l ob ta in approval f rom the Clayton County Board of Hea l th before resuming opera t ions . XXVI. Severabi l i ty

I f an y provis ion or subpar t thereof conta ined in these Body Art Rules and Regula t ions is found to be inval id , unconst i tu t ional , o r in conf l ict wi th O.C.G.A. or a cour t o f competent ju r i sd ic t ion , the val id i ty of a l l remain ing provis ions or subpar t thereof shal l not be so af fec ted but shal l remain in ful l force and ef fec t .

Appendix Universa l Precaut ions means a se t o f gu idel ines and contro l s , publ ished by the Centers for Disease Cont rol and Prevent ion (CDC), as “Guidel ines for Prevent ion of Transmission of Human Immune-def ic iency Vi rus (HIV) and Hepat i t i s B Vi rus (HBV) to Heal th-Care and Publ ic-Safe ty Workers” in Morbid i ty and Morta l i t y Weekly Repor t ) (MMWR), June 23 , 1989, Vol .38 No. S-6 , and as “Recommendat ions for Prevent ing Transmission of Human Immune Def ic iency Vi rus and Hepat i t i s B Vi rus to Pat ien ts Dur ing Exposure-Prone Invas ive Procedures” in MMWR, July 12 , 1991, Vol .40 , No.RR-8 . This method of in fec t ion cont ro l requi res the employer and the employee to assume that a l l human b lood and speci f ied human body f lu ids are infec t ious for HIV, HBV, HCV, and o ther b lood pathogens . P recaut ions inc lude hand washing; gloving; personal pro tec t ive equipment ; injury prevent ion; and proper handl ing and d i sposal of needles , o ther sharp ins t ruments , and b lood and body f lu id-contaminated products .


Rules of the Georgia Depar tment of Human Resources , Publ ic Heal th , Chapter 290-31-40 , Tat too Studios and Art is t s , c i rca 1999. Ordinance of the DeKalb County, Georgia Board of Heal th to Regula te the Body Craf t Indus t ry, 2005 Ordinance of the Nor th Georgia Heal th Dis t r ic t , 1 -2 , Georgia Board of Heal th to Regula te the Body Craf t Indus t ry, 2009 Rules of Tennessee Depar tment of Heal th , Bureau of Heal th Serv ices , Chapter 1200-23-6 , Body P ierc ing, c i rca 2002 Rules of Tennessee Depar tment of Heal th , Bureau of Heal th Serv ices , Chapter

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1200-23-3 , Tat too Ar t i s t and Tat too Es tab l ishment , c i rca 2000 J ewel ry S tandards , The Associa t ion of Profess ional P iercers (www.safepierc ing.org/s tandards) , Apr i l 20 , 2007 Bos ton Publ ic Heal th Commiss ion , Body Art Regula t ions , ci rca 2001 Texas Depar tment of S ta te Heal th Serv ices , Licens ing of Tat too and Cer ta in Body P ierc ing S tudios , 25 Texas Adminis t ra t ive Code, § 229 .401-229.413, c i rca 2005 Depar tment of Envi ronmenta l Heal th Sol id Waste/Medical Was te Program, Santa Clara , CA; Body Art & Lower Ear P ierc ing, J anuary 15 , 2008