Classroom Management and Communication Plan - Linde

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  • 8/9/2019 Classroom Management and Communication Plan - Linde


    Linde 1

    Alana Linde

    Too often students resort to a direct path of finding an answer, and they do not question what 

    they are told or understand the process of arriving at the answer. My hope is to allow students to

     feel comfortable and knowledgeable to challenge why things are the way they are.

    Management Style and Philosophical Beliefs

    …………………………………………. 2

    Establishing a Positive Classroom Culture

    ………………………………………………. 4

    Developing Classroom Rules and Procedures

    ………………………………………….   6

    Classroom ayout



    Monitoring the Classroom and Responding to Student Misbehavior

    ………   10

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    Parents as



    Management Style and Philosophical Beliefs

    Along with a solid foundation of pedagogical and content knowledge, strong classroom

    management skills are crucial in being an effectie teacher! " beliee that when a classroom is

    managed well, students are able to ma#imi$e their educational opportunities! %eflecting upon

    how my educational background and student teaching e#periences, good classroom management

    creates an enironment that enables students to participate, contribute, and in&uire about their

    learning! " beliee in reaching all students, and that is reflected in my classroom management

     plan as well as my teaching philosophy!

    My classroom management style supports ma#imi$ing student learning! " want students

    to become independent learners and learn skills to coa# them toward being self'sufficient!

    (oweer, " also want to be iewed as a figure in the class that insists on haing respect for

    eeryone! Students come from arying backgrounds and learning e#periences, and "

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    acknowledge that these differences can bring added alue to the classroom! *ostering an

    e&uitable enironment proides an opportunity for all oices to be heard!

    "n some aspects, my classroom will be structured like a professional setting! Students will

    understand that they may hae to work with people they do not always get along with, but it is

    important to learn how to work with others with differing iews and opinions! "n addition to this,

    " adhere most to haing a +tough loe personality toward my students! " will be their biggest fan

    and a supporter in their success! Similar to a professional setting, if e#pectations are not met, a

    conse&uence will occur! -hen a student does not meet the established classroom e#pectations,

    they will understand that a conse&uence will follow from his or her actions!

    My teaching philosophy aligns with the Social .ognitie /heory in the sense that much

    of learning is obsered! Being a model for how students are to behae in class is an e#ample of

    this! " demonstrate this by holding myself accountable by telling students when they can hae

    assignments or tests posted and returned! Students obsere that " am holding up my end of the

     bargain and in return see the importance of being accountable themseles! /his can also be

    applied to being in class and carrying a positie attitude or by being respectful and attentie

    while others are speaking!

    "n addition to this, " also find that Social .onstructiism fosters an enironment in which

    students learn the most, because they are learning from each other! /his is where " really want

    students to understand the concept of mutual respect! As we hae been told many times, to earn

    respect, you must gie respect! -hen we are respecting each other, the learning process is more

     beneficial because students are open to new ideas and proide constructie feedback when there

    is a difference in opinion! /his also shifts my role as the sole proider of instruction to one that

    guides and facilitates instruction while students are conersing and &uestioning each other!

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    stablishing a Positie .lassroom .ulture

    eeloping a positie classroom enironment is crucial to the learning process! Students

    need to feel safe and secure in order for them to achiee! After reading Discipline with Dignity, "

    hae been able to incorporate well'deeloped insights and e#amples of how to create positie

    student'teacher relationships! /o begin the school year 3or semester4, " make a priority of

    learning my students names as well as making a concerted effort to know their interests and

    hobbies! *inding ways to incorporate students interests into instruction helps make learning

    more engaging and applicable to conte#ts outside of the classroom!

    As a learner myself, it is important that " can see the purpose behind what " do! Proiding

    students with direction for each lesson cues them to focus on building a strong foundation now to

    help them for future lessons! "n addition to this, allowing students the opportunity to e#press

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    what their thoughts and opinions of a lesson or topic through arious forms of formatie

    assessment enables me guide my instruction to be sure that all students are being reached!

    Another common phrase heard all too often in classes is, 6-hen will we eer use this78 "

    want to establish that " am here to teach students about a particular sub9ect : algebra, geometry,

    accounting, personal finance, etc! : but " will also take in account what they want to learn! *or

    e#ample, some students may want to learn about composing a resume, budgeting, college

     preparation, interiewing, ta#es, etc! " can keep these important interests in mind for days that

    students need a break from instruction or use as a filler if a lesson ends before the period is

    complete! "t is also an opportunity to demonstrate how the topics we are learning in class are

    integrated into real word settings!

    ;erall, " truly care about my students and hae a desire to get to know them as learners

    and contributing members of society! /he main message " want students to receie from my

    classes is that " beliee in them and that they hae so much potential to do wondrous things!

    Sometimes all it takes for disengaged or misbehaed students is someone to beliee in them! "

    wish for my students to feel empowered! Something " want to incorporate into my class is

    enabling students to discoer themseles! (ow " plan to do this is time set aside for reflection as

    well as incorporating pro9ect'based learning where students can bring in insights and creatiity to

    apply to the content they are learning!

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    eeloping .lassroom %ules and Procedures

    Alongside what my future school specifies in their handbook, " plan to construct a social

    contract with the students in each of my classes! /his is an agreement between my students and "

    that focuses on the alues, rules, and conse&uences for classroom behaior! " will allow students

    to reise my classroom policy that " proide them in the course syllabus at the beginning of the

    year! /his adheres to my teaching philosophy because " beliee that students learn best by doing!

    Being an actie part in the process of these rules enables students to be accountable for their

    actions and behaiors! Students will hae the opportunity to amend the policy as long as they can

    reach a consensus and proide a sound reason as to why it should be changed!

    Some of the policies that " will highlight in the course syllabus will be listed as follows=

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    • Students Leaing .lass : Students are to wait until independent work time if they need to

    leae the classroom 3unless it is an emergency4! /hey will fill out a hall pass that " hae

     proided them at the beginning of the &uarter before giing it to me to sign! "n addition to

    this, " will only allow one student to be out of class at a time!

    • Late -ork : Being timely demonstrates to me that you are accountable! "f a student does

    not turn in their work on the due date, they hae one week to turn it in! Along with the

    completed assignment, students will attach a written statement as to why the assignment

    is late and what their plan is to preent this from happening on future assignments!

    • Absences : "f a student knows that she or he will be missing class, they are to meet with

    me beforehand to let me know and receie the material they will be missing! "f a student

    has missed class without me knowing prior to it, she or he is to check the 6-hile ?ou

    -ere ;ut8 board ne#t to the door to see what materials and assignments they will need to

    make up before consulting with me!

    • (elp : " am here as a resource@ "f you need help with an assignment, make up work, etc!

    let us find a time that will work best for both of us! Please be sure to bring &uestions that

    you hae! /his will help both of us be more productie!

    ;n a day'to'day basis, students know what to e#pect and what is e#pected of them in my

    classroom! Students are to be in their seats when the bell rings and ready to learn! nless

    otherwise specified, in order for students to be prepared, they will need something to write with

    and something to write on! Students will be gien an ob9ectie sheet at the beginning of each

    unit, and as the course goes, they can fill in what knowledge they hae obtained pertaining to

    each ob9ectie! /his is one of the things " will use to help guide my instruction! " may need to

    take time to clarify with indiidual students or reteach to the whole class before moing to the

    ne#t topic! " will also spend time going through students summatie assessments! /his will help

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    me see what students may need additional resources for learning! "t is also a great way to see

    what students are understanding and applying from the unit! -hen students are gien time to

    work independently : if a lesson runs short, or " am working one'on'one with a student : they

    are to be working on work for my class unless they are finished! /hen they can work on other

    homework, or grab a book or actiity from my shelf!

    .lassroom Layout

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    /he classroom layout that " hae selected to initially seat my students aides in creating a

    collaboratie enironment! /here will be many times that " allow students to work in pairs on an

    actiity or hae students participate in +think, pair, share actiities! /he setup also proides an

    easy transition for students to work in groups of four as well! /his enables students to feel as if

    they are more of a community! " hope that by haing a classroom set up this way, students will

     become more confident in their skills and comfortable to &uestion what they are learning! " am a

     proponent of creating a classroom in which we discuss the reasoning and discoery learning of

    mathematical principles! -hen students hae a peer to turn to, they may feel more confident in

    their thought processes and more likely to contribute!

    /he layout " hae created is difficult to depict where the focal point of the classroom is! /his

    is intentional! My reasoning behind this is " want to make sure students stay engaged throughout

    a lesson or class period! Earying where " display material and where " am standing in the room

    will help students be actie learners throughout the course of the year! Starting the year in this

    layout will also help me in being a better classroom manager! " want to ensure that students feel

    comfortable in the class, but also respectful of one another including myself! Because students

    will be in pairs and facing each other, " will be able to weae in and out of the rows to be

    accessible for students! "n addition to this, students will hae an understanding from day one that

    my class will be treated like a professional enironment! /hey will be proided opportunities to

    discuss with others, but each student is responsible for their own share of work! /he rules and

    e#pectations of our class will be similar to what they will be placed in in their future!

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    Monitoring the .lassroom and %esponding to Student Misbehaior 

    /he first component of effectie classroom management is preenting misbehaior to occur!

    /his can be done by constantly monitoring the class! -alking around and not being locked

     behind my desk will help to keep students on task and out of trouble! (oweer, this will not

    sole all problems that may occur in the class! " beliee strongly that a students misbehaior

    should not negatiely impact the learning of the students in the class! /his means " do not want to

    stop class eery time a student is off task or misbehaing! "f a student is chatting with a neighbor

    or off task, " will start by giing them a +look! "f this does not stop the misbehaior, " will walk

    closer to the student! *rom this point, " may need to say the students name while " am teaching to

    cue them to redirect his or her attention! "f the situation persists, " may need to draw the student

    into the discussion by asking him or her a specific &uestion! "f " cannot stop the behaior " may

    say, see me after class! " do not beliee in embarrassing the student in front of the class, so this

    can be handled between us!

    -hen discussing with the student that was causing the misbehaior, it is important to ask

    them what they were doing and why they had to stay after class! Sometimes the student does not

    reali$e that what they were doing was negatiely impacting others! "t is one thing for me to tell

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    them what they were doing, but it more meaningful if the student can reali$e that they were being

    a disruption for the class! " will also hae the student reiew what our classroom alues are!

    (aing the students come up with their punishment " beliee holds them accountable and allows

    me to see what they determine is a punishment fit for their misbehaior!

    A goal of mine in teaching is to find the source of the problem! ;ften times, students

    misbehae in a class if they are not receiing the proper attention needed! "n nature, high school

    students are predominately focused on themseles! " hae found that students misbehaior often

    occurs when they need something or are simply not reali$ing that their actions are hurting others!

    -hether the student is haing problems at home or has an undiagnosed learning disorder, these

    and many other reasons could be the source of the misbehaior! /his is why it is so crucial to

    know your students! /his way you see them as people that are seeking attention because they

    need help instead of being a disturbance in your class!

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    Parents 3or Guardians4 as Partners

    Hust as leaning occurs in school, students learn much from enironments outside of school as

    well! -ith that being said, parents become a significant part of the learning process for students!

    Sometimes parents are oerly concerned with students performance in class, and others are not

    concerned enough! /he important thing is to hae an established method to engage all parents as

     partners in their childs education! " will start by welcoming all of the parents of my students

    with an introductory letter as well as a copy of a syllabus for the class! /his will include my

    email address if a parent eer has a &uestion or concern about their student or my class! " will let

    the parents know that " will communicate my updates with them ia email unless otherwise

    specified for the remainder of the year!

    Because technology is an easy and fast way to update students and parents, " will post the

    homework, upcoming pro9ects, tests, and study guides online, whether is the schools website, or

    " create my own! " will make sure my online gradebook is updated on a weekly basis, so parents

    will know Monday where their student stands in my class! "t is important for me to effectiely

    communicate to parents how my students and " hae created an enironment to benefit us! "f a

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     problem arises, " would like to hae a discussion with the child first and, if the problem persists,

    the child and guardian3s4 together! /his is to aoid any 6he'said'she'said8 discrepancies!

    -hen parent'teacher conferences come up, " plan to hae a collection of aried student

    artifacts as eidence of a particular students performance! /his is a great foundation to show

     parents the progression of a students work! "t is also an opportunity to show the direction that

    the student needs to go for the remaining time in the class! /his is aluable information that

     parents will appreciate!

    " will also use parent'teacher conferences as a learning tool for students that are

    struggling in my class! " may ask the parents a &uestion about the student such as 6what is his

     preferred way to study,” or 6what resources does she need to succeed in this class?” %eceiing

    this adice from parents can be e#tremely helpful! Parents want the best for the children, and "

    want the best for my students! As long as parents can see that we are trying to accomplish the

    same thing, " hope that we can work as a team to ensure success of the student!

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    .urwin, %! L!, Mendler, A! I!, J Mendler, B! ! 32FFC4! iscipline with ignity= Iew

    .hallenges, Iew Solutions! Ale#andria, EA= Association for Superision and .urriculum
