Classroom Management

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Dalam era globalisasi yang begitu canggih dengan teknologi ini, profesion keguruan bukan lagi suatu kerjaya yang mudah dan dipandang rendah. Tugas guru kini bukan hanya untuk memasuki kelas dan memuntahkan segala ilmu kepada murid tetapi untuk melahirkan generasi yang elit sejajar dengan misi dan visi Wawasan 2020. Oleh yang demikian, pengetahuan tentang pengurusan bilik darjah amatlah penting bagi guru untuk mengawal kelas daripada dibanjiri masalah-masalah disiplin murid semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dijalankan. Oleh itu, model-model disiplin seperti Model Tingkah Laku Skinner, Model Akibat Logikal Dreikurs, Model Terapi Realiti Glasser, Model Didiplin Asertif Canter serta Model Pengurusan Kelompok Kounin boleh dijadikan panduan untuk guru dalam memgurus kelas mereka dengan lebih effektif. Perkataan disiplin boleh didefinisikan sebagai latihan pemikiran dan kelakuan supaya boleh mengawal diri sendiri dan patuh kepada tatatertib. (Kamus Dewan edisi keempat, halaman 356). Dalam kerja kursus subjek Pengurusan Bilik Darjah ini, kami dikehendaki untuk memilih mana-mana dua model pengurusan disiplin untuk membuat perbandingan. Selepas membuat penyelidikan dan bacaan, saya telah memutuskan untuk memilih Model Tingkah Laku Skinner dan Model Akibat Logikal Dreikurs untuk membuat perbandingan. Hal ini adalah kerana kedua-dua model ini mempunyai idea yang kontrast. Model Tingkah Laku Skinner merupakan model yang berkonsepkan penggunaan prinsip peneguhan yang mengutamakan elemen-elemen luaran untuk meningkatkan tingkah laku. (Halizah Hamzah, Joy Nesamalar Samuel, Pengurusan Bilik Darjah, 2008). Peneguhan dapat dibahagikan kepada dua jenis, iaitu peneguhan positif dan peneguhan negative. Walaupun berlainan, motif sebenar kedua-dua jenis peneguhan ini adalah untuk menggunakan rangsangan dalam meningkatkan tingkah laku pelajar. Peneguhan positif merupakan ganjaran seperti hadiah, sokongan dan pujian yang diberi apabila murid-murid melakukan tingkah laku yang memuaskan. Tujuan peneguhan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan tingkah laku murid yang diingini. Manakala peneguhan negatif pula merupakan rangsangan diberi yang lebih keras tetapi bukan dendaan. Sebagai contoh, murid-murid tidak member perhatian dan sedang bermain dengan telefon bimbit di belakang semasa cikgu mengajar. Oleh itu, cikgu merampas telefon bimbit murid-murid supaya mereka dapat menumpukan perhatian ke atas pengajaran cikgu itu. Dalam kes ini, novel-novel yang dirampas merupakan rangsangan yang tidak diingini. Apabila rangsangan yang tidak diingini dikeluarkan, tingkah laku murid akan dapat ditingkatkan iaitu member perhatian kepada pengajaran cikgu. Menurut Chong Leon Keow, disiplin juga merupakan hukuman yang bertujuan membetulkan atau melatih seseorang individu. Kata-kata beliau ini adalah sama dengan konsep dendaan di dalam model Skinner ini. Dendaan merupakan satu cara yang digunakan untuk mengurangkan tingkah laku yang tidak diingini. Contohnya, murid-murid didenda oleh cikgu untuk berdiri di luar kelas kerana membuat bising semasa cikgu mengajar. Sebagai akibatnya, murid-murid tidak lagi membuat bising semasa cikgu mengajar di depan. Secara ringkasnya, konsep Model Tingkah Laku Model adalah untuk membentuk tingkah laku murid-murid dengan menggunakan prinsip peneguhan. Konsep Model Akibat Logikal Dreikurs pula mempunyai percanggahan idea dengan Model Tingkah Laku Skinner. Menurut Dreikurs, disiplin tidak bermaksud dendaan mahupun peneguhan. Disiplin mengajar murid-murid untuk mengenakan batasan ke atas diri sendiri. Menurut Dreikurs juga, hukuman bukanlah suatu kadeh yang sesuai dalam mengangani masalah, malahan ia akan membawa ke kesan-kesan negatif. Murid-murid juga akan rasa terhina dan malu. Oleh itu, cikgu yang ingin mengawal kelas dengan efektif seharusnya tidak menggunakan dendaan ke atas murid. Konsep Model Akibat Logikal Dreikurs diasaskan berdasarkan empat premis asas teori Adler iaitu: manusia adalah makhluk social dan motivasi asas me

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If you were Cikgu Sofea, write an essay(i) Discuss your strategies in creating a positive environment for learning. The teaching profession is no longer an easy and looked down career in this era which is so advanced with this technology. The teachers mission is no longer to enter the class and spew all the knowledge to pupils but to create a generation of elite aligned with the mission and vision 2020. Therefore, knowledge of classroom management is one of the most important skills for the teacher to be able to control a class from disciplinary problems during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, models of classroom discipline and application such as Skinners Behaviour Modification Model, Canters Assertive Discipline Model, Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model, Kounins Group Management Model and Glassers Reality Therapy Model are capable of helping teacher in managing their classroom more effectively. All theories and model of classroom management that I learned have one common objective. That is to create a positive environment for learning. There are three main factors that influence conducive learning environment which are the physical factors, social factors and emotional factors. Physical factor is one of the main problems that Cikgu Sofea faces in the case study In the Classroom with Cikgu Sofea. It covers aspects such as seating arrangement, physical facilities and notice boards. These problems should be overcome as physical factor plays an important role in shaping a conducive learning environment. The physical impression of the classroom can be an ally or enemy in teaching; its arrangement can contribute to the control, the learning, the relationships, and the pleasure of working together. (Marland, 1975). In addition, seating arrangement will also influence discipline in the classroom. Acording to Fred Jones, a noted classroom management expert, a good classroom seating arrangement is the cheapest form of classroom management. It is discipline for free. From the text, I am able to found out problems such as chaotic classroom with rubbish scattered all around, damaged tables and insufficient chairs, unsuitable seating arrangement and lastly not notice boards which are torn not up-to-date. If I were Cikgu Sofea, I would like to rearrange the seating arrangement of the class. There are total forty pupils in the classroom which is crowded. The seating arrangement too is uncomfortable as pupils are sitting too close to each other causing the teacher to be having problem in approaching the pupils and might affect the learning process, pupils behaviour and their participation in classroom.

The seating arrangement I would like to use is the Auditorium Style.

Picture 1.0 Seating arrangement of auditorium styleAuditorium Style is a seating arrangement where all the pupils are facing the teacher and it allows the teacher and pupils to move freely. According Fred Jones, teacher should be able to get around the classroom quickly and frequently. Being able to move freely in a classroom will surely benefit the teacher as he will be able approach pupils and solve issues arise immediately and prevent misbehaviour from happening. Furthermore, unsuitable seating arrangement which pupils are too close too each other, making them unable to move freely will affect their involvement as they might be de-motivated. With this seating arrangement, Cikgu Sofea will be able to approach to her pupils immediately at the same time controlling misbehaviour from other pupils. It is also stated Cikgu Sofea case that she is having problem while conducting group works where the pupils get too excited and move around, not paying attention and copy each others work. It becomes serious when Cikgu Sofea is not able to move around during the group work activity to control the class. This problem can also be solved by modifying the seating arrangement. The seating arrangement that is suitable to be used in this situation is the Cluster Style.

Picture 1.1: Cluster StyleSeating arrangement

I choose to use Cluster Style because it separates pupils into their respective groups and they are facing each other which might avoid them from copying each others work. Teacher will also be able to move freely in the classroom. Features of a seat may reduce the listeners comprehension or involvement (Banton, 1969, p. 323). Cikgu Sofea classroom is full with scattered rubbish and the tables are damaged. These elements will make the classroom unconducive especially the damaged tables as it will cause pupils to have problems while doing their work. For example, their handwriting might be spoiled because of the uneven surface of the table and they have to do their work at the other side which is troublesome. The scattered rubbish will make pupils to feel uncomfortable to learn in such environment which will affect their learning readiness. Learning readiness refers to anything which can be motivated effectively to children (Bruner, 1966). Physical factors such as the condition and facilities of the classroom will affect their learning readiness. When pupils learning readiness is affected, they feel de-motivated to learn and participate. Therefore, to overcome this problem, I would suggest to clean and beautify the classroom. Cleaning and beautifying the classroom can help to create a more conducive learning environment as pupils will feel more comfortable learning in such a classroom. This can be done by preparing a duty roster. The main aim of preparing a duty roster is to create a pleasant learning atmosphere with the help of pupils in order to carry out effective learning activities besides creating a conducive learning environment. Duties that can be carry out by the pupils include keeping the floor clean, decorating their tables, arranging tables and chairs in proper order and keep the notice boards up-to-date. However, the allocation of the duties must be fair to avoid pupils from complaining of the unfair division of works. Involving pupils in classroom activities is good as it can foster moral values such as caring and cooperation. It also helps in enhancing the teacher-student relationship. In addition, to make pupils to feel more comfortable while learning in the classroom, I will decorate the tables with colourful papers and wrappers to cover the scratches and holes on the table. This will make them more comfortable while doing their assignment on the table. Luxury is not required, but comfort, excellent illumination without glare, absence from disturbing sounds or movements, provide a setting in which the chances for effective learning are increased (Banton, 1969, p. 323). Psychosocial factor is also one of the factors that contribute to the conduciveness of learning environment. According to Fontana, D. (1985) in his book Classroom Control: A Guide for Teacher under the title of Ability-Related Differences, motivation for learning differ markedly from intelligent students to low ability students. Students of different ability differ in demands upon their teachers in terms of personal as well as professional qualities. This shows that motivation needed for pupils at different level differs from each other. Motivation needed by low achievers is surely more than the high achievers to drive them to keep on learning. In Cikgu Sofeas classroom, one of the high achievers is suspected to be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and will become quite excited and interrupts her teaching. Most of the pupils in the class are also having misbehaviour problems such as inattention and disruptive behaviour. They will talk and play while Cikgu Sofea is teaching in front and some of them did not even pay attention or moving around. These will interrupt the teaching process and shouting to get the class attention will affect pupils impression towards the teacher and become de-motivated to learn because it shows that the teacher is not concerning them but taking them as a problem. The recommended strategy to be used is to apply Pupil-Centered Strategy in teaching. Pupil-centered teaching places the emphasis on the person who is doing the learning (Weimer, 2002). Pupils will be playing primary role and teacher only as the facilitator under this strategy. I would often classroom activities such as group works and role play which require pupils to cooperate and communicate which each other and facilitates their own learning. Pupils will be divided equally which every group will has average and low achievers. Pupils with higher level will have to guide their friends who are at lower level to learn. According to Vygotsky, childrens thinking develops from social interactions. This can also be related to the theory of Zone of Proximal Development. Zone of Proximal Development consists of a range tasks that an individual cannot yet do alone but can accomplish when assisted by a more skilled partner (Goos, 2004; Gray & Feldman, 2004). The problem of pupils moving around during group works can be solved by electing the high achievers as the leader to prevent them to misbehave. Using this strategy too will keep pupils hands full as most of the learning time will be allotted for pupils activities thus avoiding them from being disruptive and interrupting the teaching and learning process. In addition, this strategy is also effective in attracting pupils attention through activities that are interesting. For example, they will be excited when they are going to role play a story or do other group activities such as playing games. This will avoid them from causing trouble to the teacher and thus creating a positive learning environment. I also found out that Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model can be applied too in order to create a conducive learning environment in Cikgu Sofeas class. According to Dreikurs, discipline is not punishment but teaching pupils to impose limits on themselves. Dreikurs also states that punishment is not an appropriate method to solve the problem, instead, it will lead to negative effects. According to Dreikurs, the teacher should be democratic and allow pupils to express their views and make their choice. This approach is more effective than punishment which might cause negative effects such as dissatisfaction. According to Dreikurs too, behavioural problems in the classroom are due to four motives which are to seek for attention, to gain power, seeking for revenge and to avoid failures. These four motives have proven that the basic premise Adler stated that all behaviour is causal. The misbehaviours in Cikgu Sofeas classroom might also caused by all the four motives. In order to solve the problems, I will include pupils in classroom activities. Involving pupils in classroom activities will makes them feel that they are appreciated and create a sense of belonging in them. According to Dreikurs and Balson, children have a basic need to be accepted and to belong. For example, teacher can have a discussion with the pupils on how to beautify the classroom and adopt their suggestion. Adopting pupils ideas and suggestion will create a sense in them that they are important to the class and belong to the class. Same happens to Cikgu Sofeas class. She can discuss with her pupils on how to beautify the classroom and adopt ideas and suggestions given by them. Using their suggestion to beautify the classroom might also help to create their desired learning environment which is conducive for them to learn. Giving attention to pupils by listening and showing interest in their activities outside of class is also one of the strategies I would like to use as an application of Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model. In Cikgu Sofeas class, there are pupils who did not pay attention and entering the class late while the teaching is running. According to Dreikurs and Balton, Misbehaviour in students is perceived to be caused by mistaken goals and misperceptions that lead to distortions in their relationships with other. Faced with such behaviour, teachers need to look not at the actual behaviour but at students underlying motives. For example, Cikgu Sofea can approach her pupils after class and show her interest towards them by asking them what had happened to them. She can also try to find out the cause that leads to the misbehaviour and make an attempt to help pupils in solving it. In a nutshell, Physical and psychosocial factors are equally important in creating positive environment for learning. Therefore, teacher should take these factors into consideration and solve the problems to avoid misbehaviours from occurring in the classroom to create conducive learning environment.

(ii) Suggest interventions to improve the classroom management and deal with the pupils misbehaviour. Justify these suggestions with references to classroom discipline models and research findings.

Intervention is one of the strategies used to enhance classroom management. It is divided into three parts which are pastoral care, guidance and counseling, and behaviour modification techniques. Pastoral care is one of the interventions that can be used to improve the classroom management and deal with the pupils misbehaviour. Pastoral care is the integration of academic, social and religious dimensions of a schools energy so that an atmosphere of care prevails within the school community. Grove defines pastoral care as all measures to assist an individual person or community reach their full potential, success and happiness coming to a deeper understanding of their own humanness. Teacher must work with their colleagues, parents and support staff to meet the personal, social, emotional and intellectual needs of every pupil. All the staffs in school will be care for the pupils in order to approach and help them in solving problems they are facing so that they feel that they are important and cared by the communities in the school. This will surely help teachers in solving the misbehaviour problems as pupils might tell teachers what their problems are because they feel cared and close to the teacher. Teacher will be able to apply strategies to help pupils in solving their problems after finding out the main causes. As a teacher, I will concern and make sure pupils physiological needs of pupils are met. Physiological needs are pupils need focused on their body like health. I can do this by asking and making sure all the pupils had had their breakfast or lunch to ensure they do not study on an empty stomach. Studying in an empty stomach will affect their study as they will be distracted by the hunger. To ensure that they had their meal, I will go to the canteen during their recess time and have my meal together with them. This is a win win situation where I will be able to ensure they had their meal and improve the bind between us which might help me in managing the classroom. Pastoral care too requires the teacher too understand more about the pupils before approaching them. To do this, I will work hand-in-hand with other subject teachers to identify each pupils characteristics, background, strengths and weaknesses. This is because every person will have different point of view. They will be able to provide different insights and perspective of the pupils. This will help me to understand my pupils deeper so that I will be able to design critical and suitable plans to tackle the problem. The pastoral care can be applied through the activities such as Buddy System or Tutor Time too where I will spend my free time with the pupils and communicate with them about their personal lives. An essential aspect of building relationships with students is demonstrating a personal interest in them (Marzano & Marzano, 2003). During these activities, teacher communicates with pupils and shows that he has personal interest in them, which will help the teacher to understand the pupils more and help them in tackling the problems. For example, Cikgu Sofea can ask pupils to write about their hobby and interest and later on use this information to plan on activities to interact more with them. This approach is in line with Glassers Reality Therapy Model which requires teachers to guide pupils in identifying their needs and help them to achieve it. Glasser claims that pupils are rational being. Misbehaviour simply resulted from bad choices while good behaviour resulted from good choices. Pupils choose their behaviours. They can choose to be good and to be bad. In these activities suggested, I can first talk about some funny and interesting stories in order to create a trusting environment to help me in tackling the pupils. I have to help them to understand what they really want and guide them to make their own decision. However, there are limitations that will affect the application of pastoral care in school. Staff in school might be lack of knowledge and training to apply this skill. This might cause side effect as the skill is not applied carefully and correctly. For example, some of the communities if school might overdo the act of getting to know the pupil. Pupils might become annoyed especially when their problem involves their privacy. In order to avoid this from happening, I will work with their parents and get to know more about them through their parents. In addition, Lack of time might also affect the effectiveness in using this strategy. School nowadays is exam oriented and pupils learn only for exam. Teachers will be rushing to finish the syllabus and will not have enough time for doing other activities. In contrary, time is the most precious elements needed to apply this strategy. To overcome this problem, I will enter the class every morning before the class starts and do activities with the pupils such as cleaning the classroom together and telling story to them. This will help to create a sense that the teacher is friendly and cares about them and strengthen the bond between the teacher and the pupils directly and indirectly which may help me in controlling the class. The next strategy stated in intervention is applying behaviour modification techniques. According to Skinners Behaviour Modification Model, behaviour can be taught and learned. Teacher can teach new behaviour and modify current behaviour of the pupils. Behaviour modification is a set of techniques based on operant conditioning. The main principle comprises changing environmental events that are related to a person's behaviour (Skinner, 1938, 1953).This technique uses the principle of reinforcement to strengthen the behaviour. Reinforcement is the technique that is mostly applied by teachers in behaviour modification. It is very effective in helping teachers to shape new behaviour in pupils. It is the act of introducing rewards as an act of reinforcement to strengthen a particular behaviour (Edward, C. H. , & Watts, V. , 2008). There are plenty of misbehaviours that can be found in Cikgu Sofeas classroom, such as disruptive, distructive, inattention and off-task. All these misbehaviours caused by pupils will affect the teaching and learning process as well as the motivation for them to keep on learning. This is because their misbehaviours will interrupt the teaching and learning process. For example, in Cikgu Sofeas classroom, there is one high achievers who is suspected suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He will get very excited and interrupt Cikgu Sofeas teaching. Therefore, actions should be taken to solve the problems immediately. I will use the token economy to gain control and reinforce pupils behaviour. Token economy is a system of reinforcement of target behaviours which tokens are given and used to exchange other reinforcement later. I will set up a set of target behaviours which pupils can exchange tokens with if they responded to it. The tokens, on the other hand, can be used to exchange others reinforcements that are stated by teacher. The tokens used can be in any form of materials like stars and stickers. However, I will adapt the token economy to fit in Cikgu Sofeas condition so that every pupil in the class will cooperate or follow the behaviours required in order to get tokens for the exchange of desired reinforcers. This means that token economy will enable cooperative efforts towards achieving common objective. Not only one individual who will undergo behaviour modification to a desired state but a whole class will change towards a better condition as desired by the teacher. But there are things that should be taken into account to avoid undesired side effect. While using this method, teacher should be careful when charging the appropriate cost needed. Cost needed too low will makes the reinforcers easy to be accessed and will lose attraction for pupils to practice it over time. On the other hand, too much tokens needed might de-motivate pupils as they are too hard to be achieved. Therefore, Cikgu Sofea should allow a few reinforcers to be earned quickly while the more preferred or popular items should require them to save up more tokens. BehavioursAmount of TokenReinforcersAmount of Token

In seat 15 minutes free time20

On time 1In time with friends25

Brings homework2Extra recess time30

Keep quite3Small class party40

Table 1.0: Table of Token Economys Behaviours and ReinforcersToken Economy is really one of the most effective strategies to be used on modifying pupils behaviour though there are some weaknesses that can be found. Like Skinners Behaviour Modification Model, it will be ineffective if pupils are not interested with the reinforcers offered by the teacher. As an example, pupils will not be motivated to follow the behaviours listed on the table if they are not interested with all the reinforcers offered by the teacher. While using the token economy system, I can also apply positive reinforcement such as acknowledgement and praisal. Acknowledgement positive aspects of your students behaviour can promote self-esteem in students, and strengthen the bond between you and your students. Since negative responses to student behaviour can escalate the misbehaviour and limit interactions between students and teachers (Nelson & Roberts, 2000). For example, I can praise the pupils by saying that Very good, you all did very well and is able to collect forty tokens! As the exchange, we will have a small party tomorrow. This will help in strengthen the bond between the teacher and pupils as the promise to have a small party if they are able to collect forty tokens are fulfilled. Pupils will trust the teacher more and this will definitely help in tackling their misbehaviours in the classroom. Same situation applies to Cikgu Sofeas classroom. If she is able to apply the token economy and fulfils the reinforcers, the bond between she and her pupils will be strengthened. As a conclusion, teacher should be careful while selecting the reinforcers to avoid this problem from occurring. Giving clear and direct directions is also one of the elements that will affect pupils behaviour during the teaching and learning process. Your verbal communications with your students play an important role in helping them behave appropriately (Herschell, Greco, Filcheck, & McNeil, 2002). In Cikgu Sofeas class, she should not scream and raise up her voice too much when dealing with those misbehaviours as it will threatened the pupils. Fear has been used to motivate. But, for the most, achievement is suppressed; pleasure is nonexistent (Charles and Senter, Elementary Classroom Management, 2002 p.48). Instead of screaming and shouting to gain control or while giving instructions, I would prefer having a discussion with my pupils about the problems and set up rules which are agreed by both the teacher and pupils. According to Dreikurs, the teacher should be democratic and allows students to express their views and make their choice. Furthermore, this approach is also in line with Dreikurs Logical Consequences Models aim to create a democratic learning environment where pupils are able to express their view freely. Therefore, a democratic learning environment is a must in helping a teacher to manage their classroom better and Cikgu Sofea should be applying this in her classroom.Last but not least, I would like to apply the use of teacher proximity and movement to control the pupils behaviour in Cikgu Sofeas classroom. Your proximity and movement can promote good behaviour (Taylor & Baker, 2002). This technique primarily used to handle problematic pupils and behaviour problems. Whenever an adult figure approaches a child, the child will be more aware of his surrounding and actions. A research done by NSA proved that it is because when a child feels that there is surveillance watching his every move, he will not make any unnecessary actions or mistake. Another theory suggests that a child might want an adult figure close to him to recognize his contribution or work especially when being observed. Therefore, approaches such as standing near pupils who are misbehaving or tapping their shoulder to get their attention will be effective to be used on to control the pupils behaviour in Cikgu Sofeas classroom. As a conclusion, interventions are an effective strategy to be applied by teachers in managing disciplinary problems in the classroom. However, the application of this strategy should be done carefully to avoid undesired or unnecessary negative effects.