Classroom Expectations 6 th Grade Geography Ms. Greer

Classroom Expectations 6 th Grade Geography Ms. Greer

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Classroom Expectations

6th Grade GeographyMs. Greer

Eagle Expectations1. Be punctual, prepared and participate.

2. Be bully-free and respect others.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Follow directions.

5. NO gum!!

Class Rules:Cooperative Tolerant Classroom

1. Do everything you can to help yourself and others learn.

2. Everyone, including the teacher, will be treated with respect.

3. Use kind words and actions toward others.

Consequences…if I choose to break a rule• Verbal Warning

• Demerit

• Time Out

• Parent Phone Call Home/Note in Planner

• Administrative Pull Out

• Referral

• Parent/Teacher Conference

• **Consequences not necessarily given in this order and other consequences may be given depending on the rule broken

Conduct Cuts and Conduct GradeConduct Grade Conduct Cut

A 0-4

B 5-8

C 9-12

D 13-16

F 17 or more


• Praise

• Bonus points

• Positive notes

• Prize from the Bucket

• Movie Day

• Computer Time

• Library Time

• Wall of Fame

Classroom Procedures &Policies

Follow all school & district rules and policies

Supplies need for the YEAR

• 2 subject spiral notebook (8 ½ by 11, please measure before buying; this will be used the entire school year)

• Pens (blue or black ink only)

• Pencils (make sure to buy lead for mechanical pencils)

• A GOOD eraser!

• Colored pencils

• highlighters

• Glue sticks (enough for the year)

Entering the Classroom• Have materials out on your desk. Put binder under your

desk.• Take care of business (sharpen pencil, get textbook,

etc.)• Please be in your seat when the bell rings, as class

begins at that time• Copy the agenda into your planner. The agenda

includes classwork AND homework• Directions will be on the board or projected on the

screen• Students should be working on bellwork as soon as

they enter the classroom• Once you have entered the classroom, you are not

allowed to go back out, even if the bell has not rung. Please use restroom, get water, etc. BEFORE you enter the room.

Need the Teacher’s Attention

• Raise your hand to get permission to speak

• WAIT to be called on…do not shout out.

• Raise your hand to get permission to leave your seat

• When in doubt, raise your hand.

Sharpening Pencils

• Pencil sharpeners are located in back of classroom

• Sharpen pencils before class

• Make sure you have 2 or more sharpened pencils…you will not be allowed to sharpen your pencil in the middle of class

• Please do not ask to sharpen it while I am instructing in class

• You can also use pen or mechanical pencil


• All students must have a planner in order to leave the class for any reason

• Fill out the pass sheet in your planner – bring to teach for signature

• You will get TWO passes per 9-wks.

• NO students will be allowed to leave class the first and last 10 minutes of class.

• Make sure you sign out on the clipboard and sign in when you return

School Wide Heading

• Use the school-wide heading on any papers you turn in to me.

• Write in the upper right hand corner of paper the following.

• Last Name, First NameDatePeriod #

Responsibility for Materials

• Bring binder, planner, and appropriate writing tools to class.

• The Student Center MAY have supplies you can use (colored pencils, glue, hand sanitizer, tissue). Please be respectful and responsible with class materials.

• Items on my desk are OFF LIMITS. Please ask for permission to use items not located in the Student Center.

Make-Up Work

• Know due dates and submit all coursework on time.

• All assignments are posted on the board and online.

• All work is due by the set deadline.

• Absences and make up work Ask the class tutor for help (planner, notes, directions) Check the master binder to see what you missed. Get missing handouts from the crate. Each excused absence has a one-day grace period. Extended excused absence: more than 2 days, due

date will be determined by the teacher

Late or Missing Work

• You must honor deadlines.

• Being responsible and successful also means turning in your assignments on time.

• Homework & classwork that are not turned in on the due date will receive a zero.

• Late projects will be dropped a letter grade each day it is late.

• Emergencies and extreme circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis.

Test Taking Rules and Procedures

• There will be absolutely no talking allowed. Silence is Golden!

• Talking during this time will result in an F (0 pts.)

• Raise your hand if your have any questions. I will come to you.

• I will collect tests when the last person is finished

• Bring a free-reading book in case you finish early.

Emergencies/Fire Drill

• Follow teacher to the designated area in a single file line

• Remain SILENT during all drills. Student that refuse to follow directions will receive a discipline referral.


• Remember…the teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell.

• LISTEN and follow all clean-up instructions.

• Check your area for trash and place in the trash cans on your way out the door.

• If you have been assigned a classroom job, make sure you follow through


• Grades are based on the accumulation of points.

• Points are based on:

Completeness of classwork

Completion of homework

Major projects and exams

• Periodic progress reports will be issued. These should be brought back signed by a parent/guardian.

Our Grading Scale• 90-100% =

A• 80-89% =

B• 70-79% =

C• 60-69% =

D• Below 60% =



• You can achieve a high grade with hard work and participation in class activities

• Points can be earned by completing assignments, keeping up with your binder, and doing well on tests, exams and quizzes

• Semester and final exams will be weighted and graded according to district policy.


Your grade is calculated by…

1. adding up the points you earned

2. adding up the total points possible

3. dividing the points earned by the points possible

4. multiply by 100


1. I earned 85 on a test, 90 on my project and 20 on my process assignment (195 points earned)

2. 100 points possible on test, 100 on project, and 20 on process (220 points possible)

3. 195/200=0.975

4. .975X100=97.5 an A!

My Pledge to Students

• I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise.

• I will respect you and work with you to solve problems.

• I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work.

• I will work with you to meet learning goals.

• I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.

Working In Cooperative Groups

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Cooperative Skills

1. Break tension and be friendly.

2. Learn and use names.

3. Arrange desks properly.

4. Use positive body language.

5. Be aware of eye contact.

6. Listen to others and take turns giving ideas.

7. Use positive comments, encourage and express appreciation.

8. Be helpful and assist each other.

9. Disagree in an agreeable way.

10.Stay on task.


Looks Like

• Made eye contact

• Smiled and leaned forward

• Nodded head

• Gave “thumbs up”

• Gave high-five

Sounds Like

• Great idea!

• Please repeat that so everyone can hear.

• Right!

• Thanks.

• Do you have any other good ideas?

Interactive Student Notebook

Interactive Student Notebook

• 8 ½ by 11 2-subject spiral notebook; 5-star college-ruled preferred

• Several pencils with an eraser

• pens blue/black ink

• highlighters

• Colored pencils

• Glue sticks!!!!

• Pencil sharpener with cover to catch shavings

• Zippered pouch to hold all the materials

Interactive Student Notebook

• Keep only Ms. Greer’s work in your ISN

• Titles and page # on EVERY page

• Follow along with the order given on the class table of contents (posted on the wall)

Why do I have to take Social Studies?

Social Studies matters because. . .

Top 10 Reasons to Take Social Studies

1. Globalization

2. Cultural Diversity

3. Technology and the Internet

4. Business, Industry and Social Service

5. Climate Change

6. Energy

7. Natural & Technological Hazards

8. Transportation

9. Employment Opportunities

10. It’s FUN!

Survey of EmployersEmployers rank the importance of

skills/qualities • Communication skills

• Strong work ethic

• Teamwork skills (works well with others)

• Initiative

• Analytical skills

• Computer skills

• Flexibility/adaptability

• Interpersonal skills (relates well to others)

• Problem-solving skills

• Technical skills

Source: Adapted from National Association of Colleges and Employers, Job Outlook 2009

Units of Study

What will I learn this year?

Areas we will cover this year

• Ancient World History

Learning Objectives

• I will learn how to use maps and tools that geographers use.

• I will understand the physical and cultural similarities and differences of places.

• I will understand how people and the environment work together.

• I will understand different groups of people, where they live and how they move.

• I will understand how people change their surroundings

Learning Objectives

• I will use geography to understand the connections between past, present, & future events.

• I will understand the events that help make a market economy work.

• I will understand the people & groups that helped create a country’s economy.

Learning Objectives

• I will be able to think and question like a historian.

• I will tell how & where early civilizations began.

• I will know the important people who shaped the world’s history by the things they did.

• I will explain the beginnings & reasons for American & ancient governments, laws, & political systems.

• I will explain the roles, rights, & responsibilities of U.S. citizens and give examples