Classroom Design Kelly Seibold 10/5/2015 3 rd Grade

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Social Contact 3rd grade students are arranged in clusters. Seat assignments rotate throughout the year.

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Classroom Design Kelly Seibold 10/5/ rd Grade Security and Shelter Feeling safe and comfortable within the classroom environment. Social Contact 3rd grade students are arranged in clusters. Seat assignments rotate throughout the year. Symbolic Identification Visual cues help students stay on track with the calendar and their vocabulary. Student work is also displayed to empower them. Task Instrumentality Computers are located in back corner away from traffic and instruction. Task Instrumentality continued Books and other learning materials are labeled to keep things organized. Cubbies are used for parent interaction. Attractiveness Different colors, textures, and patterns. Pleasure Different textures and colors. Sofa and sink give a more homey feel to the classroom. Growth Genre books in reading corner for students to explore different literature. Different manipulatives for math and games for literacy centers.