NOVEMBER 18,1914. BELGIAN FUND NEARS TWO THOUSAND MARK Song Writer Contributes Music as His Share of Harrisburg's Gift to Needy Subscriptions to thu Belgian relief fund as received at the office of the Telegraph are climbing steadily to- ward the $2,000 mark, and this figure will be reached this week, according to present indications. The "up-State" section is being looked to by Philadelphia to contrib- ute even more heavily toward the sec- ond food ship than It did toward the lirst, and Harrlsburg is setting an ex- cellent example to other communities. As rapidly as funds accumulate the Telegraph is forwarding them to the Philadelphia headquarters of the re- lief committee. William K. llawley, who lives at 1117 Market street, this city, to-day donated 200 pieces of music to be sold for the relief fund. .Mr. llawley is the author of numerous songs. Among them are "When Old England Has Set Ireland Free" and "My Uonnle Irish Rose." The music to both these songs was written by Paul Williams. Mr. I llawley brought 100 copies of each to the Telegraph office for the relief fund, and they will be sold over the counter at the Telegraph office at 10 cents each. Th}s presents the opportunity of getting enjoyable songs and at the same time contributing to the relief fund. The contributions this afternoon stood as follows: Previously acknowledged ...$1718.70 a. H. H . 5,00 T. P. Ettele 5.00 Charles 10. .Murray 5.00 Fifth Street Kpworth League 10.00 Cash 1.00 A Friend 1.00 A. S. Koser 5.00 Cash .50 11. S., Mechanicsburg 1.00 Mrs. Anna M. Frain 1.00 W. 13. Meetch 6.00 Miss Rlatrche Goiuler 1.00 Paul Moog 25.00 Mrs. Arthur F. Nelson 5.00 Kuth A. Burke 5.00 HEATH OF FRANK ALI.WICIN ? \u25a0 Specioi to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Nov. *B. Franl: M. Allweln, one of 1/ebanon's most estim- able citizens, died very suddenly at his home, yesterday,- from the effects of a apoplexy, lie was 75 years old. Ho was engaged In plastering contracting for many years, but retired about six years ago. SHOT THROUGH HAND Special to The Telegraph Lebanon, Pa., Nov. IR. William Deppert, a painter of this city, to-day shot himself through the palm of the hand with a revolver, which he was handling and which he did not know was loaded. The injury is more painful than serious, as no bones were frac- tured by the bullet. FATHER DEAI)| SEEK SO* Rogert W. Von Celder died at the Soldiers' Home, Washington, 1). C.. Oc- tober 7. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchison to-day received a request from the of- ficials at the home, regarding the whereabouts of his son, George Von Gelder. The son was married in Har- rlsburg .June 23. 190-1, to Miss Mary A. Hippie, daughter of Samuel R. Hippie. HOUSING MEN TO MEET A meeting of officials of the State Housing Conference Association will be held in the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce rooms to-morrow. MISS FORNEY IMPROVES Miss Mabel E. Forney. 4IS South Thirteenth street, who was operated on at the Harrisburg Hospital for appen- dicitis, is improving. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Nov. 18. Board of Trade closing: Wheat ?December, May. 1.22%. Corn ?December, 67%; May, 7114. Oats ?December. 50; May, 53%. ! Pork ?January, 18.57; May, 19.00. I>ard?January, 10.12; May, 10.22. Ribs?January, 10.00; May, 10.22. Public Sale! The undersigned willsell at public sale on the Sponsler farm in Clark's Valley, 1% miles north of Dauphin, on Thursday, November 19th, 1914 _ _ EIGHT HEAD OF ISS? Horses & Mules Nos. 1 and 2. Pair of dark bay mules, coming 10 years old, both single line leaders, weight 2tioo lbs. Nos. S and 4. Pair of bay raulei, coming 11 years old, both single line leaders, weight 24001b5. No. 5. Dark bay horse, coming 7 years old, works anywhere and lady can drive him, an extra good driver, weight 1250 lbs. No. 6. Bay horse, city broke and good driver and worker, coming 8 old, weighs 1150 11)8. No. 7. Bay mare, 6 years old clean and sound, single line leader, weighs 1200 lbs. No. 8. Black horse, 4 years, clean and sound, works single or double, weighs 1200 lbs. LOT OF CHICKENS Box hay ladders, 18 feet long, Columbia make, with 2 truss rods and end gate that opens; new 2%-ton Mllburn wagon, used only a few times. 2-ton Columbia wagon, good as now; new wagon box. only been used 3 times; new Spring or market wagon, only used a few times; run- about buggy, good as new; top buggy, good as now; Osborne binder, 8 ft. cut, only used one season, good as new; Deerlng hay rake, self dump, only used once; new Deerlng Mower, 5 ft. cut; new harpoon hay fork, 150 ft. of new rope, 3 steel pulleys, new Iron Age potato planter, 2 8X Oliver Chilled plows, 25-tooth Johnson spring harrow, 2 sec. steel roller, G set of front gears, 6 Yankee bridles, 6 leather halters, 6 halter chains. 2 hitch straps, 2 pairs of check lines, 2 wood shaker forks, 4 dung forks. 3 lead reins. 3 play lines. 4 choke straps, pair breast chains, 2 sets double trees, 3-horse tree, 2 single trees, wheelbarrow, onion hoe, 2 hoes, ground shovel, grindstone, milk cans and buckets, set market harness, cyclone seeder, spreader, 2 jockey sticks, ring to tongue, 2 light collar pads, 2 buckeye riding corn plows, posthole digger, 2 corn cutters, Paris green gun, crosscut saw, 100 bushels choice potatoes, will make extra good seed for next year; 2 sets of buggy harness, good as new; 500 bushels of ear corn, Hench & Dromgold drill, used onu season, first- class shape; Osborne mower. Sale to commence at 1 P. M., when terms will be made known by H. D. KOOXS, Auctioneer. | P fj A DDA W. IJ. Hepford, William Minsker, Clerks. *)? * ? llrtiMVV/ NO PUBLIC DINNER 1 \u25a0 ? Telegraph Classified ids Are The Liveliest Little Hags in Marristarf WANTED 1 WANTED?Second-hund Reed Coach, j State price anil condition. Mrs. C. D. | Rich. 1415 Zarker street. WANTED ?Old furniture. china, j glassware, old books, stamps, etc. We j are buyers for Boston, New York and , Western collectors ar.d will positively ] pay better prices than ever offered by \ any locul collectors or dealers. Call or address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth ! street. Harrisburg. VI'AHTMi: NT WANTED ? THREE ROOMS AND HATH furnish- ed for light house keeping. Miller Bros. & Neefe (ltental Department. Lo- cust and Court Sts., 801 l phone 1595. WANTED Cars for winter storage ' In a large, commodious building In central part of city. Inquire Shaffer Wagon Works. 80-88 South Cameron street. ton sam; FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 11? South Second street, u.POO gal- lons Ne>v Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. I FOR SALE ?The greatest Bargains I in the city In Men's llats, Sweaters and Trousers and all men's furnishings. I Also line line of ladies' hosiery. Capin & Capin, 430 Market street, near sub- way. FOR SALE. CHEAP?SteeI and wood- working machinery: loathes, sls up; planers, $25 up; grinders, tools, con- tractors' cars, engines, boilers, locomo- tives; anything you want, cheap. Ap- ply E. B. Leaf Co. Take Kockvllle car to fare limit. CUMMa HIT BARGAINS 111?Cherry parlor set, $7; "Neponset," better than linoleoum, :tsc; locust-chestnut fence posts, 16c; imported body brussels, 55c; best, $1; 9xl- rugs, $3; heaters, ranges, guns. etc. I'ingst. Front-Cumberland. FOR SALE One Harley-Davidson j motorcycle 7-H.-F. ?in good condi- tion?cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1317 Derry street. j FOR SALE Motorcycle, bargain. I 1913 Excelsior, like new, worth $150.00; i llrst $90.00 takes It. Keystone Motor I Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. ! FOR SALlC?Rabbit hound, well i broken, coming 3 years old. Inquire 1712 Walnut street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at tho Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets now sash, Bxlo 12 L., primed and gla/.ed, at $1.16 per set. Also other sizes. FINE ANII COMPLETE LINTS AUTO ROBES, Steamer Rugs. Car- riage Robes, Horse Blankets and Stable Blankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup- ply Company. Second and Chestnut streets FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS, Butter- flics, baseball players; 30 Hags of all I nations and 20 butterllles for 50 cents [ and 5 cents postage. Largo American i llag. 12x18. 15 cents and postage 3 cents. | Mitchell, 441 Broad street, Harrisburg, | Fa. | FOR SALE 7-foot wall case, with j sliding glass doors; mahogany finish; can be seen sot up. Messlmer's, Third and Briggs streets. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In Leather Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make room for Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re- tail Leather Merchants, Specialty orders and repairing. Harrisburg Har- ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest- nut. FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE?- -1915 model; only run 1,200 miles. F. B. Martinsen, IS3I Zarker street. FOR SALE Dark bay driving mare, six years old, sound and all right, fear- less of automobiles. Inquire 2120 North Sixth street. FOR SALE One Powers No. 5 and one Powers ti motion picture machine; in line condition. Write to Box 323, Newport, Pa. FOR SALE Two heavy* work horses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker I Son. Seventh and Harris streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE CARDS* on sale at the Telegraph Euainess Office. 11l SIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES I MADE $50,000 in flvo years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea- cock. 355 Luclcport. N. Y. ANT intelligent rerson can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par- ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock- port. N. Y. JiUhINESS I'tlltiUAALb OLD GOLD AND SILVER, WatcheT, Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high- est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 1274 L. MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE ?New and second-hand clothing bought and sold?unredeemed overcoats tor sale. Drop postal or phone Bell 1251 J. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. I Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. GENERAL UPHOLSTERING Send us your old furniture?we use best of material?drapery work?carpet-laying, estimates given. H. Vollmer's suc- cessor, Jos. Coplinky, 1208 V 4 ixorth Third. Bell phone. HARDWOOD FLOORS STAIRS COVERED with hardwood. Renovating old tloors a specialty. J. M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street. Beii 1391 L. Harrisburg Paste Works Ull A. Cameron Street PAPER-HANGERS' billposters', book- binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, tho Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. Accordian side and knife, plait- ing done while you wait. Full length skirts a specialty. All work done on premises. Simms, clean- ers and dyers, 33 North Second street, 802 North Third street. SAMUEL CORB, general buyer clothes, shoes, furnltUro, carpets, books, false teeth, gold, silver, silverware, metals; also relics and antiques of all description. Highest Prices Paid. Send postal and I will call. Must mention article. 1317 Williams street HAULING H. W. LATIII*;, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, sates, boilers and general haul- ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. STORAGE STORAGE IN S-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household Roods In elean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I*. U Ulener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. /11l Classified Want Ads Will Deliver Your W& Message Promptly They're waiting for you to phone your want. They'll carry it to over 24,000 buyers of the Telegraph every day. They'll go further ?for there is an aver- age of at ieast five readers of every Tele- graph bought every day. Telegraph Classified Ads are quick, eco- nomical and productive of results. Every phone is a Telegraph Classified Ad station. DIED BITNER ?On November 18, 1914, Micha- aei Bitner. aged 67 years. _ Funeral on Friday evening, at i ;40, from his late home. 323 Granite street. The P. O. S. of A., relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. POUND FOUND Don't go any further, for the right place is at Eggurt's Steam Dyeing & French Cleaning Works 124 a Market street. We deliver ana call promptly. Both phones. FOUND. AT LAST Groce's Wagon Shop, the place to get your vagons re- paired and painted at very little cost. 1541 Walnut, street. Bell phone 2115 W. UISU' W ANTED ?Malo WANTED Carpenters on concrete form work. Apply reacly for work to Ravmond Concrete Pile Co., care of Pennsylvania Steel Co., Swatara street, Steelton. ___ WANTED Young, married men, be- tween the age of 27 and 40 years, for wagon tea and coifce salesmen; guar- anteed salary and commission; grocery, laundrv and bakery drivers preferred; must be able to furnish best of refer- ence and bond. Apply M. J. Richards, 269 Broad street. WANTED Few painters. Inquire I. H. Basehore, Fourteenth and Cumber- land streets. WANTED Two laborers, wages, SI.OO per day and board, on Ball farm, east of Linglestown, Pa. YOUNG MEN?Become Railway Mail Clerks: Harrisburg mail carriers, $66.00 tcdKoO month. Pull unnecessary. S»m- plVQxamlnation questions free. Write Franklin Institute, Dept. 361 T, Ro- chester, N. Y. MAN to give away premiums to ad- vertise Rogers 20-year silverware; $52 monthly: also commission. A. A. Cline, Advertising Manager, 285 Rogers Build- ing. Philadelphia. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet Y-372 tells how. Write to-day?NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction, $5. Returned if not appointed. Particulars free. Ameri- can Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. WANTED Young men who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf- feurs. to call or write us at once. Open day and night. Auto Transportation Repair Shop and School, 5 North Cam- eron street. Bell phone 1710. WANTED Railway mail and postal clerks; examinations soon; over two thousand appointments yearly; prepare at home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay- ment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College, Civil Service Dept., Philadelphia. Pa. HELP WANTED?FemaIe WANTED Experienced women so- licitors can make good money canvass- ing box trade for Cadora and Motor Club Cigars In Harrisburg. Finest High Grade Cigars. Cadora Cigar Co., York, Pa. | Houses For Rent ;i <\u25ba 922 Ash Ave., 2Va s. f.. 6 r *lO !> % 1800 Boas St.. 2 s. b., 6 r *lO , \u25ba % 821 Myrtle Ave., 2% 8. f.. 6 r., *io <\u25ba % 625 Mahantongo St *ll ,' 140 Linden St., 3 s. r? 8 r *1- <> \u25ba 1019>i S. 21 '2 St.. 2Vj 8. f. .. *l2 i[ \u25ba 635 Briggs St., 2}i s. f., 6 r. ...1(1- I 2153 N. 7th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r. b., *lB ,\u25ba 1503 S. Cameron St., 2% s. b? 8 r., <[ \u25ba *l3 < \u25ba 2148 N. 7th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r. b? *l3 < \u25ba 1130 S. Cameron St., 2 1 ,* s. f., 6 r., <; ,\u25ba 113 < < \u25ba 302 Daisy Ave., 2 s. f? 6 r. & b.. < [ < \u25ba *14.36 < <\u25ba 1607 Allison St., *',4 s. b., 8 r. & b? <! <! *lf! <> 627 Briggs St., 3 s. b, I r. ... *l4 < ( 1804 N. 6th St., 2% s. f? 7 r. b.. *l4 <> i J 1538 S. 13th St., 3s. b.. Br. .. *I«; <, < [ 1640 Elm St., 3 s. b., 8 r. b. .. .*1(1 *, <' 660 Emerald St., 2s. b., Br. .. *l7 ', <; 1820 Derry St., 2% s. f., 7 r. b. ' > «: & f *ih * > 216 Yale St.. 8 «. b? 7 r. b. ... $M S <[ 1103 N. 2d St., 2V4 s. f? 7 r. b., *2B % <; 1409 N. 6th St., 3 s. b? *.HS % < [ 1927 Market St., 3 s. b., 10 r. . .*4O % <1 1503 N. 2d St.. 3 s, b.. 10 r. b. v. h., ;\u25ba < [ 2236 N. 2d St, 3 s. b.. 10 r. b., *SO ! » <. 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b., 10 r. 2 b... !' % *75 » < > 23 S. Front St., furnished, 4 s. b.. , \u25ba <, 14 r? 2 b. \u25ba < > Middletown Pike (Hlghsplre), , > <\u25ba STEELTON?4O9 S. Front St"' 50 <? < > *0.50 < ' ;\u25ba WEST FAIRVIEW?Main St., *7 < [ PENBROOK?263O Curtln St,, *lO J \u25ba M EN OLA-?Adams St., 2 B. t. ...*l2 <| [\u25a0 BELLA VISTA?Ross Ave. (fur- nlslied house *l4 < > <> LUCKNOW?Forge Lane *25 ' \u25ba NEWPORT?(Marshall property), <! <\u25ba wo <; < \u25ba Mulberry and Christian Sts., gar- * > < [ age *5 S % APARTMENT?7I« N. 6th St., *2O Miller Iros.&Neefe j: I J REAL ESTATE J ! II Fire Insurance Surety Bonds <1 It I.ornat and Court Street* <' RKAIi ESTATE FOR SALE 1 FARM SNAPS?FOR SALE In South- eastern Pennsylvania, Chester, liim ii! 1 - ter and Delaware Count lea. <iood. rich farms offered for less than the cost of buildings. 130 acres, two sets of build- ings, $6,000; 177 acres, near Alain Line P. 11. R? SSO per acre; 72 acres, old ng" reason for sale, 14,000; 20-acre poultry and fruit farm. $1,500; 106 acre.-!, SOO per acre. Write for Big, New Farm Catalogue. Come. Inspect. Wo Pay Your Carfare. J. It. Thompson, 113 North High street. West Chester, Pa. FOR SAUK 1326 Perry St.; brick house with 10 rooms and bath; all mod- ern improvements; large porches; lot. 30x152; street on rear 20 feet wide. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALI2 Three-story building at Enhaut along trolley line; cost to build. 13,000.00. Can be changed into three dwelling houses at little expense. Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In- quire at East End Bank. WHY DELAY your inspection of 2014 Green Btreet, since this property is to be sold soon even at a loss? Vacant, inspect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUNGALOW FOR SALE Close to trolley; within 5c fare of Harrisburg; six rooms; bath, electric light, steam heat, large porches; lot. 80x512. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2015 Green St. - j story brick lO rooms, bath and steam heat porches. Lot, 20x85. lvearn our Price and it will interest you. Brin- ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 342 South Seventeenth St. Corner Property 3-story frame ?lO rooms, bath and furnace front i and rear porch. Lot, 14x114. Brinton- \ Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 415 Herr street 3- story brick dwelling now vacant. Bargain if sold at once. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT No. 1028 Regina St 25.00 No. 1821 Market St 26.00 No. 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 14IS Berryhill St 20.00 18 Honey St 12.00 j Apartment 27.00 ! 2170 Brookwood 14.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT 1923 North Second street. 3-story brick; nine rooms and two bathrooms; hot water heat; electric lights. H. M. Bird, I'nion Trust Building. FOR RENT House on Washington Heights; 7 rooms and bath; all conveni- ences; immediate possession. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland, Pa. FOR RENT?To respectable colored family, dwelling at 315 Forstcr street. Central location; water In kitchen, side entrance. Credentials required. Call Bell phone 3619 R. Address 3207 River- side Drive. FOR RENT?33I Nectarine street, 2- story brick house, practically new; 6 rooms and bath. Rent, $12.00, Apply 326 Hummel street FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue, $16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650 Emerald street, S2O; 1633 Third street, $18.00; house in Penbrook, $12.00; Hain- ton, $9.00. D. E. Brightbili, 2 North Court street. FOR RENT A new house, 2429 North Sixth street; all latest improve- ments, and up-to-date. Apply 2120 North Sixth street. HOUSE FOR RENT a; 1537 Park; all Improvements. Call at 1839 Park FOR RENT No. 112 North Eigh- teenth street, combination lighting, all Improvements. $20.00; No. 1632 Derry, $25.00; 2807 Camby, Penbrook, all Im- provements, $15.00; No. 1805 Berryhill, $15.00. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir- teenth street. FOR RENT 627 Wiconisco street, brick house, eight rooms; all Improve- ments; bay window; large front porch; bay window in back; granolithic lave- ments. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT House 008 Muench street; all conveniences; rent, S2O a month; possession at once. Inquire 1301 North Second street. FOR RENT Large Paxtang home; ell conveniences; good condition; on Derry street; third house from Paxtang avenue; front porches; lot, 30x282; two large chicketi houses; hot water heat. Apply 701 North Sixth street. FOR RENT?I7OB State street. Three- story brick house, 8 rooms, bath and pantry; cemented cellar; steam heat; front and back yards. Inquire J. W. Roslion, 8 North Market Square. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Three furnished or unfurnished rooms, with conveniences; use of Bell phone; two gentlemen or refined young couple; reference ex- changed; location, State street, near Eighteenth. Address P., 1851, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT ? Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, fully equipped, | on second lloor, use of bath and well ' heated. 1620 Market street. FOR RENT Second story front I room. Apply 125 Pine street. ! FOR RENT?Two largo unfurnished ; rooms with bath and use of phone. De- sirable location on Hill. Call Bell phone 784 R. j FOR RENT?Two nice sized unfur- ! nlshed rooms, suitable lor light house- keeping, well heated, use of bath, rent reasonable. 1632 North Fifth street. FOR RENT?Nicely furnished rooms. I second story front and third story front and one back room; all conveni- ences. 107 Chestnut street. FOR RENT Unfurnished front room; first-class condition; city steam; bay window; one person using bath. Call after 10 A. M., or address 24A South Fourth street, third iloor apart- ment. FOR RENT?Part of a house, apart- ments or rooms, furnished or unfur- nished. References required. Apply 229 North Second street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, with bath, on third floor. 27 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT ?Large , front bedroom or two communicating rooms, furnish- ed; private family; all conveniences; steam heat, electric lights, telephone; centrally located. 257 Forster street, , or phone 812 J. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite; all conveniences. In- cluding phone; reference required. Ap- ply 1015 North Front street. WANTED At 25 South Second street?roomers and boarders?home- ! like meals and nicely furnished rooms, f Apply 25 South Second street. FOlt RENT OFFICE FOR RENT 307 Market street, over Philadelphia Quick Lunch. D. A. Teats. South Third. APARTMENTS FOR REM FOR RENT 1619 Market street, very desirable three-room apartment; gas range, hot and cold water; use of bath; rent, $16.00, heat and light in- cluded. APARTMENT FOR RENT Two large communicating rooms, second floor; bath, heat and light; married couple; no children; rent reasonable. 1425 Derry street. FOR RENT Third floor unfurnished apartment, for light housekeeping; all conveniences; no children. Rent, sl2 per month. 122 North Thirteenth street. HELP WANTED?FemaIe WANTED?Experienced girl or wo- man for general homework, German preferred; bring references. UlOl North Front street. Phone IS7IL LADIES Turn spare time into money. Greatest seller of the age. Big profits. Sample on request. Noxall Skirt Mfg. Co.. 2210 Callowhlll street, Philadelphia. WANTED Stenographer and Rem- ington operator; must have had some office experience, with sufficient busi- ness tact to handle phone nnd office in- quiries: no fancy salary, hut good pay, considering little work. Address, stat- ing lowest salary, previous experience, age, etc.. R? 1849, care of Telegraph. WANTED ?Girls 16 years of age and over. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Company, 500 Race St. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. Teaches perfect fitting. You cut all patterns by measure. Tou cut, fit and make the entire garment. You can not learn dressmaking right any other way. Make all your Fall and Winter drosses while learning. Night and Day classes. Get terms and Information. W. A. Work, 22 North Fourth street. SITUATION WANTED?MaIe WANTED?By colored boy, 17 years old, work in store. Call 1418 North Fourth street, City. WANTED Young, married man, good hustler, speaks four languages, wishes permanent position. K. M., P. O. Box 151, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED High school graduate to teach boy about 15 years of age fifth grade school work two or three evenings a week. Address 0.. 1547, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man. experienced grocery clerk, wishes position. Address It., 1848, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as salesman, In or out of town; can furnish reference. Address Box 0., ISSO, care of Telegraph. SITUATION WANTED By experi- enced bookkeeper and stenographer. Address F, 1844, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man and wife, experienced solicitors and canvassers, desire permanent positions. Address J., 1845, care of Telegraph. EXPERIENCED young man desires work on farm. Address 8., 1843, care of Telegraph. Ml IAI -ON» UANTEJJ?remain i WANTED Middle-aged white wo- man would like to have day's work. Address 11., 1508 North Fourth street. WANTED By respectable white girl, position as nurse girl, also able to do housework. Address 701 North Sixth street. WANTED Middle-aged white wo- man would like to keep house for small family, widower preferred; good ref- erence; please state wages paid. Ad- dress W., 200, care of Telegraph. WANTED?By white woman, general housework. Can furnish reference. Address 8., 1827, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wants day's work. 418 Walnut street. WANTED Girl wants position as child's nurse. Address 1318 Williams street. WANTED Washing and ironing to do at home. Address 1408 North Fourth street. WANTED Half-grown colored girl would like work, general housework, chambermaid or child's nurse. Apply 105 Filbert street. WANTED Colored girl, aged 21, wishes position as chambermaid, or general housework In small family; no washing; reference. Call 1528 Vernon street. United phone 42. WANTED t? By colored woman, gen- eral housework. Address P., 1846, care of Telegraph. WANTED ?By colored woman, Elace as cook in private family or cafe, euve card, or call in evening, 1406 North Fourth street. MIDDLE-AGED woman desires posi- tion as housekeeper. Can furnish best of reference. Address P., 1842 care of Telegraph. WANTED?By young colored woman, work of any kind, by the week. Refer- ence. Call 1101V4 North Seventh street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE House No. 1831 North Sixth street; newly remodeled through- out; all improvements. Apply George W. Orth, 423 State street. MATCHLESS FARMS FOR SALE in the Richest Section of Southeastern Pennsylvania, Chester, Lancaster and Delaware Counties. Farms you should see. 65 acres, right at village, $3,500; 20 acres, good little farm. $1,500; 71 acres, most level, fertile farm, $4,500; 130 acres, two sets of buildings, $6,000; 5o acres, dwelling, electric light, steam heat, bath, barn. $7,000. Bargain, 100 acres at $55 per acre. Write for Big, i New Farm Catalogue. Come. Inspect. We Pay Your Carfare. J. B. Thompson, 113 North High street, West Chester, Pa. WOTHERSPDON URGES INCREASE IN ARMY Recommends Fighting Force of U. S. Be Drawn Up to 205,- 000 Enlisted Men Hy Associated I'ress Washington. D. C., Nov. 18.?De- claring it would be impossible to de- fend the Panuma canal and American territorial possessions against attack with present or proposed garrisons un- less they could be rapidly reinforced, Major-Gencral Wotherspoon, retired chief of stalT, in his report to-duy rec- ommended the increase of the regular army to a strength of 2 05,000 enlisted men. He proposed that that force be augmented, through a system of re- serves. until there was created a mo- bile strength of 500,000 lirst line troops equipped lor a six months' campaign. General Wotherspoon said there was need for more forces to protect rear approaches to American coast defenses and those points not covered by fort- resses and urged that the organized militia be developed to a strength of 300,000 men. "It is manifest." General Wother- spoon asserted, "that the great water- way of the Panama canal cannot bo protected against the operations of a lirst-class military power by the pres- ent or proposed garrisons we contem- plate placing there without the power and ability to reinforce it rapidly from the United States." I'OI M) DEAI) IN CEI.I.AIt Special to i he Telegraph Columbia, Pa., Nov. 18. Adam F. Fisliel. a retired blacksmith, was found dead in the cellar at Ills home, in -Mountville. Heart disease was tho cause of death, lie was 70 years old. STOKAGK HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two new eight-story brick warehouses, one absolutely fireproof divided into fire- proof private rooms of various -sizes for the storage of household goods; tho other warehouse of the most approved type of tire letardent construction for general merchandise. They are equip- ped with two large electric freight ele- vators and spiral chute for the-quick and safe handling of household goods and all kinds of merchandise. Dow storage rates. South Second street near Paxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri- vate rooms, $1 to $:;. Wagons. 16 cents per month. Apply D. Cooped Ai Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. MONK* TO LOAN ANY person needing money iri amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal- aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employees Discount Co., 36 North Third street. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. lOANS?SS to S2OO for nonest work- ing people without bank credit at less than legal rates, payable 111 instalments to suit borrowers' convenience. Cooperative Boan and Investment Co.. 204 Chestnut Street LEGAL NOTICi;S t NOTICE CERTIFICATES of the Harrisburg Traction Company No. 883 for 28 shares, | and No. 2342 for 2 shares, of stock in I the name of Daniel B Bonner, Guar- dian, have been lost or mislaid. Ap- plication has been made to said Com- pany to issue other certificates in lieu of the above. DANIEL B BONNER, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that the un- dersigned and others have associated themselves together tor the formation of a corporation under the name Mer- chants' Ice Company of Harrisburg, the purpose of said corporation being the manufacture, purchase and sale of ice. to have Its principal office in the City of Harrisburg, Pa., and that ap- plication will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Monday, November 30, 1914, for letters patent for said cor- poration, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An act to Firovlde for the Incorporation and regu- ation of certain corporations," approv- ed the 29th day of April, A. D. 18.4, and the several supplements thereto. WILLIAM A. CART WRIGHT. 1323 North Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. HENRY M. HARE. 421 Walnut St.. Harrisburg, Pa. B W. KAY, Fourth and Market Sts.. Harrisburg, Pa. Solicitor: OBIVER BENTZ, ESQ., 534 Washington St.. Reading, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on tho Estate of Lydia A. Weltmer, late of Derrv Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, deceased. have been | granted to the undersigned. All per- . sons indebted to said Estate are re- quested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present the same for settlement to MILTON 11. WELTMER. Administrator of Lydla A. Weltmer. de- ceased. 222 North Ninth St.. Or Lebanon, Pennsylvania. C. H. BACKENSTOE. ESQ., Attorney-at-I.aw, 14 North Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. In the District Court of the United States, for the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy?No. 2820 ln the Matter of Charles R. 1 Weills, Bankrupt. To the creditors of Charles R. Weills, of Maryaville, in the County of Perry, and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE is hereby given that the said bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such on November 16, 1914. and that the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the office of the Referee, No. 7 North Third Street. Harrisburg, Pa., at 2 P. M. o'clock, on November 30, 1914, at which time the said creditors may at- tend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properlv come before said meeting. JOHN T. OLMSTED, Referee in Bankruptcy. November 18, 1914. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that Patrick T. Sullivan will apply to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, on Tuesday. December 8, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the transfer of the license to sell liquors at retail now Is- sued to and held bv him for the Hotel Nos. 727-729 State Street, Eighth Ward, Harrisburg. from said hotel to the premises In the Eleventh Ward, south- east corner of Third and Dauphin Streets, known as No. 1819 North Third Street. Harrisburg. Pa. HENRY F. HOLLER. Clerk. Estate of Jolin T. Tllirhman. deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate havlnpr l>een granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same to MARGARET TIIjOHMAN. Or . Executrix. HARGE9T & IIARC,E.ST. Attorneys. THE MARKET IMIILADKI.I'HIA PHODIICB By Atsocialtd Prtit Philadelphia, Nov. 18. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, spot, export, sl.lß<® 1.16; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, f1.54H01.27K. Corn?Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, Oats?Steady; No. 2, white, 54<a>54Hc. Bran \u25a0? l-'irmer; winter, per ton, 5Uu.00®26.00; spring, per ton, t24.50Q> Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 6.20 c; fine granulated, S.lOc; confectioners' A, 6.00 c. Mutter The market Is steady; western, creamery, extra, 35c; nearby Prints, fancy, 38c. Eggs The market Is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., current receipts, free times, per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, *IO.BO per case; firsts, free cases, $9.90 ® 10.20. I,ive Poultry Firm; fowls. 13 (jp 16c; youns chickens, 13*il5c; spring chickens, lOtjjulc; broiling chick- ens, 17@87c; old roosters, 10@llc; ducks. Old, 13@14c; ducks, young. MO 15c; geese, 13® 14c; turkeys. 18 ©2oc. Dressed Poultry Firm: fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18®19c; do., fair to gooa, heavy, 17@18o; average receipts. 14«17c; small, 13c; old roosters, 13 Vie; roasting chickens, fancy. l6(B>18e; broiling chickens, nearby, 16<Q>23n: do., western, 13®17c; capons. large, 23®260; do., small. 18S#20c; turkeys, fancy. 22WJ3c; do., ordinary, 18@20; ducks, ll®18c; geese. 11(®16c. Flour?The market is steady; winter, clear, $3.85{i>4.10; straights, Pennsyl- vania, new. $6.00<g>5.25; spring straights $u.35®5.60; do., patents, [email protected]; western, $4.25<»4.40; patents, s4.6uo> 4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, S4.IS @>4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20; straights. $4.2004.80; patents, $4.36 w 4.60. Hay The market Is firm; tim- othy, No. 1. large bales, *19.00019.50; No. 1, medium bales, $19.00® 19.50; No. 2. do., $17.00® 18.00; No. 3, do., $14.50® 15.50; no grades, $ll.OO @ $13.00. Clover mixed hay. Light mixed, slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, do, «[email protected]; No. 2, do., $14.50® IG.OO. Potatoes Market weaker: Penn- sylvania, per bushel, 58®62c; New York. per bushel, 45®50c; Jersey, par basket, 35©40 c. CHICAGO CATTI.B By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Nov. 18. Hogs Re- ceipts. 30,000; dull. Hulk of sales, $7.30 ®7.40; light, $7.00®7.45; mixed. $7.05® 7.60; heavy, $7.(>0®7.55; rough, $7.00® 7.15; pigs, $4.00®6.25. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; weak. Beeves. sfi.oo®lo.6o; steers, $5.60®9.20; stackers and feeders, nominal; cows and heifers. $3.75® !>.40; calves, sß.oo® 11.50. Sheep?Receipts, 18,000; weak. Sheep, $5.50®fi.20; yearlings, [email protected]; dambs, $ti.50®8.90. / Headquarters for TOOL MAKING AND JOBBING «Bell Phone 2470J B. C. Murray 5 North 10th Street "*\u25a0 _ _ \u25a0 - MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names. Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden- tial. Adams A Co., R. 304, 8 IT. (larktt S«. THE EQUITABLE = Will Lend = ~ You Money = To Housekeepers, Work* Ingmen and Salaried Em- ployes. No red tape, bother or worry. Ton may have it to-day if you [ wish. I.EGATi KATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARES Room 21. 4th Floor Spooner Building WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 11

Classified ids Are The Liveliest Little Hags in Marristarf

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Page 1: Classified ids Are The Liveliest Little Hags in Marristarf

NOVEMBER 18,1914.


Song Writer Contributes Music asHis Share of Harrisburg's

Gift to Needy

Subscriptions to thu Belgian relieffund as received at the office of theTelegraph are climbing steadily to-ward the $2,000 mark, and this figure

will be reached this week, according

to present indications.The "up-State" section is being

looked to by Philadelphia to contrib-ute even more heavily toward the sec-ond food ship than It did toward the

lirst, and Harrlsburg is setting an ex-cellent example to other communities.As rapidly as funds accumulate theTelegraph is forwarding them to thePhiladelphia headquarters of the re-

lief committee.William K. llawley, who lives at

1117 Market street, this city, to-daydonated 200 pieces of music to be soldfor the relief fund. .Mr. llawley is theauthor of numerous songs. Amongthem are "When Old England Has SetIreland Free" and "My Uonnle IrishRose." The music to both these songswas written by Paul Williams. Mr. Illawley brought 100 copies of each tothe Telegraph office for the relief fund,and they will be sold over the counterat the Telegraph office at 10 centseach. Th}s presents the opportunityof getting enjoyable songs and at thesame time contributing to the relieffund.

The contributions this afternoonstood as follows:Previously acknowledged ...$1718.70a. H. H . 5,00T. P. Ettele 5.00Charles 10. .Murray 5.00Fifth Street Kpworth League 10.00Cash 1.00A Friend 1.00A. S. Koser 5.00Cash .5011. S., Mechanicsburg 1.00Mrs. Anna M. Frain 1.00W. 13. Meetch 6.00Miss Rlatrche Goiuler 1.00Paul Moog 25.00Mrs. Arthur F. Nelson 5.00Kuth A. Burke 5.00


? \u25a0 Specioi to The TelegraphLebanon, Pa., Nov. *B. Franl: M.

Allweln, one of 1/ebanon's most estim-able citizens, died very suddenly at hishome, yesterday,- from the effects of aapoplexy, lie was 75 years old. Howas engaged In plastering contractingfor many years, but retired about sixyears ago.


Special to The TelegraphLebanon, Pa., Nov. IR. William

Deppert, a painter of this city, to-dayshot himself through the palm of thehand with a revolver, which he washandling and which he did not knowwas loaded. The injury is more painfulthan serious, as no bones were frac-tured by the bullet.


Rogert W. Von Celder died at theSoldiers' Home, Washington, 1). C.. Oc-tober 7. Colonel Joseph B. Hutchisonto-day received a request from the of-ficials at the home, regarding thewhereabouts of his son, George VonGelder. The son was married in Har-rlsburg .June 23. 190-1, to Miss Mary A.Hippie, daughter of Samuel R. Hippie.


A meeting of officials of the StateHousing Conference Association will beheld in the Harrisburg Chamber ofCommerce rooms to-morrow.


Miss Mabel E. Forney. 4IS SouthThirteenth street, who was operated onat the Harrisburg Hospital for appen-dicitis, is improving.


Chicago. 111., Nov. 18. Board ofTrade closing:

Wheat ?December, May. 1.22%.Corn ?December, 67%; May, 7114.Oats ?December. 50; May, 53%.

! Pork ?January, 18.57; May, 19.00.I>ard?January, 10.12; May, 10.22.Ribs?January, 10.00; May, 10.22.

Public Sale!The undersigned willsell at public sale on the Sponslerfarm in Clark's Valley, 1% miles north of Dauphin, on

Thursday, November 19th, 1914



ISS? Horses & MulesNos. 1 and 2. Pair of dark bay mules, coming 10 years old, both

single line leaders, weight 2tioo lbs. Nos. S and 4. Pair of bay raulei,coming 11 years old, both single line leaders, weight 24001b5. No. 5.Dark bay horse, coming 7 years old, works anywhere and lady can drivehim, an extra good driver, weight 1250 lbs. No. 6. Bay horse, citybroke and good driver and worker, coming 8 old, weighs 115011)8. No. 7. Bay mare, 6 years old clean and sound, single line leader,weighs 1200 lbs. No. 8. Black horse, 4 years, clean and sound, workssingle or double, weighs 1200 lbs.

LOT OF CHICKENSBox hay ladders, 18 feet long, Columbia make, with 2 truss rods and

end gate that opens; new 2%-ton Mllburn wagon, used only a few

times. 2-ton Columbia wagon, good as now; new wagon box. only beenused 3 times; new Spring or market wagon, only used a few times; run-about buggy, good as new; top buggy, good as now; Osborne binder, 8ft. cut, only used one season, good as new; Deerlng hay rake, self dump,only used once; new Deerlng Mower, 5 ft. cut; new harpoon hay fork,150 ft. of new rope, 3 steel pulleys, new Iron Age potato planter, 2 8XOliver Chilled plows, 25-tooth Johnson spring harrow, 2 sec. steel roller,G set of front gears, 6 Yankee bridles, 6 leather halters, 6 halter chains.2 hitch straps, 2 pairs of check lines, 2 wood shaker forks, 4 dungforks. 3 lead reins. 3 play lines. 4 choke straps, pair breast chains, 2sets double trees, 3-horse tree, 2 single trees, wheelbarrow, onion hoe,2 hoes, ground shovel, grindstone, milk cans and buckets, set marketharness, cyclone seeder, spreader, 2 jockey sticks, ring to tongue, 2 lightcollar pads, 2 buckeye riding corn plows, posthole digger, 2 corn cutters,Paris green gun, crosscut saw, 100 bushels choice potatoes, will makeextra good seed for next year; 2 sets of buggy harness, good as new;500 bushels of ear corn, Hench & Dromgold drill, used onu season, first-class shape; Osborne mower.

Sale to commence at 1 P. M., when terms willbe madeknown by

H. D. KOOXS, Auctioneer. | P fj A DDAW. IJ. Hepford, William Minsker, Clerks. *)? * ? llrtiMVV/


Telegraph Classified ids Are The Liveliest Little Hags in MarristarfWANTED 1

WANTED?Second-hund Reed Coach, jState price anil condition. Mrs. C. D. |Rich. 1415 Zarker street.

WANTED?Old furniture. china, jglassware, old books, stamps, etc. We jare buyers for Boston, New York and ,Western collectors ar.d will positively ]pay better prices than ever offered by \any locul collectors or dealers. Callor address Antique Shop, 1419 Sixth !street. Harrisburg.


ed for light house keeping. MillerBros. & Neefe (ltental Department. Lo-cust and Court Sts., 801 l phone 1595.

WANTED Cars for winter storage 'In a large, commodious building Incentral part of city. Inquire ShafferWagon Works. 80-88 South Cameronstreet.

ton sam;

FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 113, 115and 11? South Second street, u.POO gal-lons Ne>v Era ready-mixed paint. Acmequality. All the full line of the Acmemake. I

FOR SALE?The greatest Bargains Iin the city In Men's llats, Sweaters andTrousers and all men's furnishings. IAlso line line of ladies' hosiery. Capin& Capin, 430 Market street, near sub-way.

FOR SALE. CHEAP?SteeI and wood-working machinery: loathes, sls up;planers, $25 up; grinders, tools, con-tractors' cars, engines, boilers, locomo-tives; anything you want, cheap. Ap-ply E. B. Leaf Co. Take Kockvllle carto fare limit.

CUMMa HIT BARGAINS111?Cherryparlor set, $7; "Neponset," better thanlinoleoum, :tsc; locust-chestnut fenceposts, 16c; imported body brussels, 55c;best, $1; 9xl- rugs, $3; heaters, ranges,guns. etc. I'ingst. Front-Cumberland.

FOR SALE One Harley-Davidson jmotorcycle 7-H.-F. ?in good condi-tion?cheap to quick buyer. Apply 1317Derry street. j

FOR SALE Motorcycle, bargain. I1913 Excelsior, like new, worth $150.00; illrst $90.00 takes It. Keystone Motor ICycle Co., 814 North Third street. !

FOR SALlC?Rabbit hound, well ibroken, coming 3 years old. Inquire1712 Walnut street.

ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can besecured at tho Telegraph BusinessOffice.

FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 111-117South Second street, 5,000 sets now sash,Bxlo 12 L., primed and gla/.ed, at $1.16per set. Also other sizes.


riage Robes, Horse Blankets and StableBlankets. Harrisburg Harness & Sup-ply Company. Second and Chestnutstreets

FLAGS OF ALL NATIONS, Butter-flics, baseball players; 30 Hags of all Inations and 20 butterllles for 50 cents [and 5 cents postage. Largo American illag. 12x18. 15 cents and postage 3 cents. |Mitchell, 441 Broad street, Harrisburg, |Fa. |

FOR SALE 7-foot wall case, with jsliding glass doors; mahogany finish;can be seen sot up. Messlmer's, Thirdand Briggs streets.

SPECIAL REDUCTIONS In LeatherBags, Suit Cases, Trunks to make roomfor Holiday goods. Wholesale and Re-tail Leather Merchants, Specialtyorders and repairing. Harrisburg Har-ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest-nut.

FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE?--1915 model; only run 1,200 miles. F. B.Martinsen, IS3I Zarker street.

FOR SALE Dark bay driving mare,six years old, sound and all right, fear-less of automobiles. Inquire 2120 NorthSixth street.

FOR SALE One Powers No. 5 andone Powers ti motion picture machine;in line condition. Write to Box 323,Newport, Pa.

FOR SALE Two heavy* workhorses. Inquire S. W. Shoemaker ISon. Seventh and Harris streets.

GLASS window signs. FurnishedRooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms andBoard and Table Board at 25c each. Oneof these signs will be given with eachsix-time order for a classified ad. ifpaid in advance. Inquire at Office ofTelegraph.

FOR SALE CARDS* on sale at theTelegraph Euainess Office.


I MADE $50,000 in flvo years In themall order business, began with $5.Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea-cock. 355 Luclcport. N. Y.

ANT intelligent rerson can earn goodIncome corresponding for newspapers;experience unnecessary. Send for par-ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock-port. N. Y.


OLD GOLD AND SILVER, WatcheT,Diamonds and Jewelry bought for high-est cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner,Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bellphone 1274 L.

MASQUERADE COSTUMES TO HIRE?New and second-hand clothingbought and sold?unredeemed overcoatstor sale. Drop postal or phone Bell1251 J. N. Brenner, 426 Walnut street.

REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERINGwith best material and by expert help.Send us your worn furniture. Our bestefforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.

I Cluck, 320 Woodbine street.

GENERAL UPHOLSTERING Sendus your old furniture?we use best ofmaterial?drapery work?carpet-laying,estimates given. H. Vollmer's suc-cessor, Jos. Coplinky, 1208 V 4 ixorthThird. Bell phone.


Renovating old tloors a specialty. J.M. Smith, 2219 Brookwood street. Beii1391L.

Harrisburg Paste WorksUll A. Cameron Street

PAPER-HANGERS' billposters', book-binders' and all kinds of paste. Promptshipment. All paste guaranteed. Bellphone 1186 L.

FOR falling hair try Gross QuinineHair Tonic, prepared by Gross, thoDruggist and Apothecary, 119 Marketstreet, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephoneorders given prompt attention. Bell1960.

Accordian side and knife, plait-ing done while you wait. Fulllength skirts a specialty. All workdone on premises. Simms, clean-ers and dyers, 33 North Secondstreet, 802 North Third street.

SAMUEL CORB, general buyerclothes, shoes, furnltUro, carpets, books,false teeth, gold, silver, silverware,metals; also relics and antiques of alldescription. Highest Prices Paid. Sendpostal and I will call. Must mentionarticle. 1317 Williams street

HAULINGH. W. LATIII*;,Hoarding Stable and

National Transfer Co. Movers ofpianos, sates, boilers and general haul-ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth andWoodbine streets. Bell phone No.2503 R.


STORAGEIN S-story brick building, rear 408

Market street.Household Roods In elean, private

rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply toI*. U Ulener, Jeweler, 408 Market St.

/11l Classified Want AdsWill Deliver Your

W& Message Promptly

They're waiting for you to phone yourwant.

They'll carry it to over 24,000 buyers ofthe Telegraph every day.

They'll go further ?for there is an aver-age of at ieast five readers of every Tele-graph bought every day.

Telegraph Classified Ads are quick, eco-nomical and productive of results.

Every phone is a Telegraph Classified Adstation.


BITNER ?On November 18, 1914, Micha-aei Bitner. aged 67 years.


Funeral on Friday evening, at i ;40,

from his late home. 323 Granite street.The P. O. S. of A., relatives and friendsare invited to attend without furthernotice.


FOUND Don't go any further, forthe right place is at Eggurt's SteamDyeing & French Cleaning Works 124 aMarket street. We deliver ana callpromptly. Both phones.

FOUND. AT LAST Groce's WagonShop, the place to get your vagons re-paired and painted at very little cost.1541 Walnut, street. Bell phone 2115 W.


WANTED Carpenters on concreteform work. Apply reacly for work toRavmond Concrete Pile Co., care ofPennsylvania Steel Co., Swatara street,


WANTED Young, married men, be-tween the age of 27 and 40 years, forwagon tea and coifce salesmen; guar-

anteed salary and commission; grocery,laundrv and bakery drivers preferred;must be able to furnish best of refer-ence and bond. Apply M. J. Richards,269 Broad street.

WANTED Few painters. InquireI. H. Basehore, Fourteenth and Cumber-land streets.

WANTED Two laborers, wages,SI.OO per day and board, on Ball farm,east of Linglestown, Pa.

YOUNG MEN?Become Railway MailClerks: Harrisburg mail carriers, $66.00tcdKoO month. Pull unnecessary. S»m-plVQxamlnation questions free. WriteFranklin Institute, Dept. 361 T, Ro-chester, N. Y.

MAN to give away premiums to ad-vertise Rogers 20-year silverware; $52monthly: also commission. A. A. Cline,Advertising Manager, 285 Rogers Build-ing. Philadelphia.

GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easyto get. My free booklet Y-372 tells how.Write to-day?NOW. Earl Hopkins,Washington, D. C.

GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONSThorough instruction, $5. Returned ifnot appointed. Particulars free. Ameri-can Civil Service School, Washington,

D. C.

WANTED Young men who wish tobecome practical or mechanical chauf-feurs. to call or write us at once. Openday and night. Auto TransportationRepair Shop and School, 5 North Cam-eron street. Bell phone 1710.

WANTED Railway mail and postalclerks; examinations soon; over two

thousand appointments yearly; prepareat home; write for Plan No. 15 of pay-ment after appointment. PhiladelphiaBusiness College, Civil Service Dept.,Philadelphia. Pa.


WANTED Experienced women so-licitors can make good money canvass-ing box trade for Cadora and MotorClub Cigars In Harrisburg. FinestHigh Grade Cigars. Cadora Cigar Co.,York, Pa.

| Houses For Rent ;i<\u25ba 922 Ash Ave., 2Va s. f.. 6 r *lO !>% 1800 Boas St.. 2 s. b., 6 r *lO , \u25ba% 821 Myrtle Ave., 2% 8. f.. 6 r., *io <\u25ba% 625 Mahantongo St *ll ,'

140 Linden St., 3 s. r? 8 r *1- <>\u25ba 1019>i S. 21 '2 St.. 2Vj 8. f. .. *l2 i[\u25ba 635 Briggs St., 2}i s. f., 6 r. ...1(1-

I 2153 N. 7th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r. b., *lB,\u25ba 1503 S. Cameron St., 2% s. b? 8 r., <[

\u25ba *l3 <\u25ba 2148 N. 7th St., 3 s. b.. 8 r. b? *l3 <

\u25ba 1130 S. Cameron St., 2 1,* s. f., 6 r., <;,\u25ba 113 <

< \u25ba 302 Daisy Ave., 2 s. f? 6 r. & b.. < [< \u25ba *14.36 <

<\u25ba 1607 Allison St., *',4 s. b., 8 r. & b? <!

<! *lf!<> 627 Briggs St., 3 s. b, I r. ... *l4 < (

1804 N. 6th St., 2% s. f? 7 r. b.. *l4 <>i J 1538 S. 13th St., 3s. b.. Br. . . *I«; <,< [ 1640 Elm St., 3 s. b., 8 r. b. . . .*1(1 *,<' 660 Emerald St., 2s. b., Br. . . *l7 ',<; 1820 Derry St., 2% s. f., 7 r. b. ' >«: & f *ih * >

216 Yale St.. 8 «. b? 7 r. b. ... $M S<[ 1103 N. 2d St., 2V4 s. f? 7 r. b., *2B %<; 1409 N. 6th St., 3 s. b? *.HS %< [ 1927 Market St., 3 s. b., 10 r. . .*4O %<1 1503 N. 2d St.. 3 s, b.. 10 r. b. v. h., ;\u25ba< [ 2236 N. 2d St, 3 s. b.. 10 r. b., *SO ! »<. 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b., 10 r. 2 b... !'% *75 »<

> 23 S. Front St., furnished, 4 s. b.. , \u25ba<, 14 r? 2 b. \u25ba<

> Middletown Pike (Hlghsplre), , >

<\u25ba STEELTON?4O9 S. Front St"'50<?

< > *0.50 < '

;\u25ba WEST FAIRVIEW?Main St., *7< [ PENBROOK?263O Curtln St,, *lO J \u25baMEN OLA-?Adams St., 2 B. t. ...*l2 <|[\u25a0 BELLA VISTA?Ross Ave. (fur-

nlslied house *l4 < >

<> LUCKNOW?Forge Lane *25'

\u25ba NEWPORT?(Marshall property), <!<\u25ba wo <;<

\u25ba Mulberry and Christian Sts., gar- * >< [ age *5 S% APARTMENT?7I« N. 6th St., *2O

Miller Iros.&Neefe j:I J REAL ESTATE J !II Fire Insurance Surety Bonds <1It I.ornat and Court Street* <'


FARM SNAPS?FOR SALE In South-eastern Pennsylvania, Chester, liim ii!1 -

ter and Delaware Count lea. <iood. richfarms offered for less than the cost ofbuildings. 130 acres, two sets of build-ings, $6,000; 177 acres, near Alain LineP. 11. R? SSO per acre; 72 acres, old ng"

reason for sale, 14,000; 20-acre poultryand fruit farm. $1,500; 106 acre.-!, SOOper acre. Write for Big, New FarmCatalogue. Come. Inspect. Wo PayYour Carfare. J. It. Thompson, 113North High street. West Chester, Pa.

FOR SAUK 1326 Perry St.; brickhouse with 10 rooms and bath; all mod-ern improvements; large porches; lot.30x152; street on rear 20 feet wide. BellRealty Co.. Bergner Building.

FOR SALI2 Three-story buildingat Enhaut along trolley line; cost tobuild. 13,000.00. Can be changed intothree dwelling houses at little expense.Price, $2,200.00. Very easy terms. In-quire at East End Bank.

WHY DELAY your inspection of2014 Green Btreet, since this propertyis to be sold soon even at a loss?Vacant, inspect it. Bell Realty Co.,Bergner Building.

BUNGALOW FOR SALE Close totrolley; within 5c fare of Harrisburg;six rooms; bath, electric light, steamheat, large porches; lot. 80x512. BellRealty Co.. Bergner Building.

FOR SALE 2015 Green St. - jstory brick lO rooms, bath and steamheat porches. Lot, 20x85. lvearn ourPrice and it will interest you. Brin-ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnutstreets.

FOR SALE 342 South SeventeenthSt. Corner Property 3-story frame?lO rooms, bath and furnace front iand rear porch. Lot, 14x114. Brinton- \Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.

FOR SALE 415 Herr street 3-story brick dwelling now vacant.Bargain if sold at once. M. A. Fought,272 North street.


FOR RENTNo. 1028 Regina St 25.00No. 1821 Market St 26.00No. 536 S. Seventeenth St 20.0014IS Berryhill St 20.0018 Honey St 12.00 jApartment 27.00 !2170 Brookwood 14.00

J. E. GIPPLE,1251 Market Street.

FOR RENT1923 North Second street. 3-story

brick; nine rooms and two bathrooms;hot water heat; electric lights. H. M.Bird, I'nion Trust Building.

FOR RENT House on WashingtonHeights; 7 rooms and bath; all conveni-ences; immediate possession. ApplyKeeney & Simmons, New Cumberland,Pa.

FOR RENT?To respectable coloredfamily, dwelling at 315 Forstcr street.Central location; water In kitchen, sideentrance. Credentials required. CallBell phone 3619 R. Address 3207 River-side Drive.

FOR RENT?33I Nectarine street, 2-story brick house, practically new; 6rooms and bath. Rent, $12.00, Apply326 Hummel street

FOR RENT 2217 Atlas avenue,$16.00; 2014 Green street, $24.00; 650Emerald street, S2O; 1633 Third street,$18.00; house in Penbrook, $12.00; Hain-ton, $9.00. D. E. Brightbili, 2 NorthCourt street.

FOR RENT A new house, 2429North Sixth street; all latest improve-ments, and up-to-date. Apply 2120North Sixth street.

HOUSE FOR RENT a; 1537 Park; allImprovements. Call at 1839 Park

FOR RENT No. 112 North Eigh-teenth street, combination lighting, allImprovements. $20.00; No. 1632 Derry,$25.00; 2807 Camby, Penbrook, all Im-provements, $15.00; No. 1805 Berryhill,$15.00. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir-teenth street.

FOR RENT 627 Wiconisco street,brick house, eight rooms; all Improve-ments; bay window; large front porch;bay window in back; granolithic lave-ments. Apply 1745 North Sixth street.

FOR RENT House 008 Muenchstreet; all conveniences; rent, S2O amonth; possession at once. Inquire1301 North Second street.

FOR RENT Large Paxtang home;ell conveniences; good condition; onDerry street; third house from Paxtangavenue; front porches; lot, 30x282; twolarge chicketi houses; hot water heat.Apply 701 North Sixth street.

FOR RENT?I7OB State street. Three-story brick house, 8 rooms, bath andpantry; cemented cellar; steam heat;front and back yards. Inquire J. W.Roslion, 8 North Market Square.


FOR RENT Three furnished orunfurnished rooms, with conveniences;use of Bell phone; two gentlemen orrefined young couple; reference ex-changed; location, State street, nearEighteenth. Address P., 1851, care ofTelegraph.

FOR RENT ? Three furnished roomsfor light housekeeping, fully equipped,

| on second lloor, use of bath and well' heated. 1620 Market street.

FOR RENT Second story frontI room. Apply 125 Pine street.

! FOR RENT?Two largo unfurnished; rooms with bath and use of phone. De-sirable location on Hill. Call Bellphone 784 R.

j FOR RENT?Two nice sized unfur-! nlshed rooms, suitable lor light house-keeping, well heated, use of bath, rentreasonable. 1632 North Fifth street.

FOR RENT?Nicely furnished rooms.I second story front and third storyfront and one back room; all conveni-ences. 107 Chestnut street.

FOR RENT Unfurnished frontroom; first-class condition; city steam;bay window; one person using bath.Call after 10 A. M., or address 24ASouth Fourth street, third iloor apart-ment.

FOR RENT?Part of a house, apart-ments or rooms, furnished or unfur-nished. References required. Apply229 North Second street.

FOR RENT Three unfurnishedrooms, with bath, on third floor. 27North Thirteenth street.

FOR RENT ?Large , front bedroomor two communicating rooms, furnish-ed; private family; all conveniences;steam heat, electric lights, telephone;centrally located. 257 Forster street,

, or phone 812 J.

FOR RENT Furnished rooms,single or ensuite; all conveniences. In-cluding phone; reference required. Ap-ply 1015 North Front street.

WANTED At 25 South Secondstreet?roomers and boarders?home-

! like meals and nicely furnished rooms,f Apply 25 South Second street.


OFFICE FOR RENT 307 Marketstreet, over Philadelphia Quick Lunch.D. A. Teats. South Third.


FOR RENT 1619 Market street,very desirable three-room apartment;gas range, hot and cold water; use ofbath; rent, $16.00, heat and light in-cluded.

APARTMENT FOR RENT Twolarge communicating rooms, secondfloor; bath, heat and light; marriedcouple; no children; rent reasonable.1425 Derry street.

FOR RENT Third floor unfurnishedapartment, for light housekeeping; allconveniences; no children. Rent, sl2per month. 122 North Thirteenth street.

HELP WANTED?FemaIeWANTED?Experienced girl or wo-

man for general homework, Germanpreferred; bring references. UlOl NorthFront street. Phone IS7IL

LADIES Turn spare time intomoney. Greatest seller of the age. Bigprofits. Sample on request. NoxallSkirt Mfg. Co.. 2210 Callowhlll street,Philadelphia.

WANTED Stenographer and Rem-ington operator; must have had someoffice experience, with sufficient busi-ness tact to handle phone nnd office in-quiries: no fancy salary, hut good pay,considering little work. Address, stat-ing lowest salary, previous experience,age, etc.. R? 1849, care of Telegraph.

WANTED ?Girls 16 years ofage and over. Apply HarrisburgCigar Company, 500 Race St.

WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOL.Teaches perfect fitting. You cut allpatterns by measure. Tou cut, fit andmake the entire garment. You can notlearn dressmaking right any other way.Make all your Fall and Winter drosseswhile learning. Night and Day classes.

Get terms and Information. W. A.Work, 22 North Fourth street.


WANTED?By colored boy, 17 yearsold, work in store. Call 1418 NorthFourth street, City.

WANTED Young, married man,good hustler, speaks four languages,wishes permanent position. K. M.,P. O. Box 151, Harrisburg, Pa.

WANTED High school graduateto teach boy about 15 years of agefifth grade school work two or threeevenings a week. Address 0.. 1547, careof Telegraph.

WANTED Young man. experiencedgrocery clerk, wishes position. AddressIt., 1848, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Position as salesman, Inor out of town; can furnish reference.Address Box 0., ISSO, care of Telegraph.

SITUATION WANTED By experi-enced bookkeeper and stenographer.Address F, 1844, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Young man and wife,experienced solicitors and canvassers,

desire permanent positions. Address J.,1845, care of Telegraph.

EXPERIENCED young man desireswork on farm. Address 8., 1843, careof Telegraph.


i WANTED Middle-aged white wo-man would like to have day's work.Address 11., 1508 North Fourth street.

WANTED By respectable whitegirl, position as nurse girl, also able todo housework. Address 701 North Sixthstreet.

WANTED Middle-aged white wo-man would like to keep house for smallfamily, widower preferred; good ref-erence; please state wages paid. Ad-dress W., 200, care of Telegraph.

WANTED?By white woman, generalhousework. Can furnish reference.Address 8., 1827, care of Telegraph.

WANTED Woman wants day'swork. 418 Walnut street.

WANTED Girl wants position aschild's nurse. Address 1318 Williamsstreet.

WANTED Washing and ironing todo at home. Address 1408 North Fourthstreet.

WANTED Half-grown colored girlwould like work, general housework,chambermaid or child's nurse. Apply105 Filbert street.

WANTED Colored girl, aged 21,wishes position as chambermaid, orgeneral housework In small family; nowashing; reference. Call 1528 Vernonstreet. United phone 42.

WANTED t? By colored woman, gen-eral housework. Address P., 1846, careof Telegraph.

WANTED ?By colored woman,

Elace as cook in private family or cafe,euve card, or call in evening, 1406

North Fourth street.

MIDDLE-AGED woman desires posi-tion as housekeeper. Can furnish bestof reference. Address P., 1842 care ofTelegraph.

WANTED?By young colored woman,work of any kind, by the week. Refer-ence. Call 1101V4 North Seventh street.


Sixth street; newly remodeled through-out; all improvements. Apply GeorgeW. Orth, 423 State street.

MATCHLESS FARMS FOR SALE inthe Richest Section of SoutheasternPennsylvania, Chester, Lancaster andDelaware Counties. Farms you shouldsee. 65 acres, right at village, $3,500; 20acres, good little farm. $1,500; 71 acres,most level, fertile farm, $4,500; 130acres, two sets of buildings, $6,000; 5oacres, dwelling, electric light, steamheat, bath, barn. $7,000. Bargain, 100acres at $55 per acre. Write for Big,

i New Farm Catalogue. Come. Inspect.We Pay Your Carfare. J. B. Thompson,113 North High street, West Chester, Pa.


Recommends Fighting Force ofU. S. Be Drawn Up to 205,-

000 Enlisted Men

Hy Associated I'ressWashington. D. C., Nov. 18.?De-

claring it would be impossible to de-fend the Panuma canal and Americanterritorial possessions against attack

with present or proposed garrisons un-less they could be rapidly reinforced,Major-Gencral Wotherspoon, retiredchief of stalT, in his report to-duy rec-ommended the increase of the regulararmy to a strength of 2 05,000 enlistedmen. He proposed that that force beaugmented, through a system of re-serves. until there was created a mo-bile strength of 500,000 lirst line troopsequipped lor a six months' campaign.

General Wotherspoon said there wasneed for more forces to protect rearapproaches to American coast defensesand those points not covered by fort-resses and urged that the organizedmilitia be developed to a strength of300,000 men.

"It is manifest." General Wother-spoon asserted, "that the great water-way of the Panama canal cannot boprotected against the operations of alirst-class military power by the pres-ent or proposed garrisons we contem-plate placing there without the powerand ability to reinforce it rapidly fromthe United States."


Special to i he TelegraphColumbia, Pa., Nov. 18. Adam F.

Fisliel. a retired blacksmith, was founddead in the cellar at Ills home, in-Mountville. Heart disease was tho causeof death, lie was 70 years old.


new eight-story brick warehouses, oneabsolutely fireproof divided into fire-proof private rooms of various -sizes forthe storage of household goods; thoother warehouse of the most approvedtype of tire letardent construction forgeneral merchandise. They are equip-ped with two large electric freight ele-vators and spiral chute for the-quickand safe handling of household goods

and all kinds of merchandise. Dowstorage rates. South Second street nearPaxton. on the tracks of Penna. R. R.

STORAGE 419 Broad street, forhousehold goods and merchandise. Pri-vate rooms, $1 to $:;. Wagons. 16 centsper month. Apply D. Cooped Ai Co.. 411Broad street. Both phones.


ANY person needing money iriamounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal-aried position, would be benefited bycalling on us. Employees Discount Co.,36 North Third street.

MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estatesecurity in any amounts and upon anyterms to suit borrower. Address P. O.Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa.

lOANS?SS to S2OO for nonest work-ing people without bank credit at lessthan legal rates, payable 111 instalmentsto suit borrowers' convenience.

CooperativeBoan and Investment Co..204 Chestnut Street



Traction Company No. 883 for 28 shares,| and No. 2342 for 2 shares, of stock inI the name of Daniel B Bonner, Guar-dian, have been lost or mislaid. Ap-plication has been made to said Com-pany to issue other certificates in lieuof the above.

DANIEL B BONNER,Philadelphia, Pa.

NOTICE is hereby given that the un-dersigned and others have associatedthemselves together tor the formationof a corporation under the name Mer-chants' Ice Company of Harrisburg,the purpose of said corporation beingthe manufacture, purchase and sale ofice. to have Its principal office in theCity of Harrisburg, Pa., and that ap-plication will be made to the Governorof Pennsylvania on Monday, November30, 1914, for letters patent for said cor-poration, under the provisions of anAct of Assembly, entitled "An act to

Firovlde for the Incorporation and regu-ation of certain corporations," approv-

ed the 29th day of April, A. D. 18.4, andthe several supplements thereto.

WILLIAM A. CART WRIGHT.1323 North Third St.

Harrisburg, Pa.HENRY M. HARE.

421 Walnut St..Harrisburg, Pa.

B W. KAY,Fourth and Market Sts..

Harrisburg, Pa.Solicitor: OBIVER BENTZ, ESQ.,

534 Washington St.. Reading, Pa.


tho Estate of Lydia A. Weltmer, late ofDerrv Township, Dauphin County,Pennsylvania, deceased. have been

| granted to the undersigned. All per-. sons indebted to said Estate are re-quested to make Immediate payment,and those having claims will presentthe same for settlement to

MILTON 11. WELTMER.Administrator of Lydla A. Weltmer. de-

ceased.222 North Ninth St..

Or Lebanon, Pennsylvania.C. H. BACKENSTOE. ESQ.,

Attorney-at-I.aw,14 North Third St.,

Harrisburg, Pa.

In the District Court of the UnitedStates, for the Middle District ofPennsylvania ln Bankruptcy?No.2820 ln the Matter of Charles R.

1 Weills, Bankrupt.To the creditors of Charles R. Weills,

of Maryaville, in the County of Perry,and District aforesaid, a bankrupt.

NOTICE is hereby given that the saidbankrupt was duly adjudicated as suchon November 16, 1914. and that the firstmeeting of the creditors will be held atthe office of the Referee, No. 7 NorthThird Street. Harrisburg, Pa., at 2 P.M. o'clock, on November 30, 1914, atwhich time the said creditors may at-tend, prove their claims, appoint aTrustee, examine the bankrupt andtransact such other business as mayproperlv come before said meeting.


Referee in Bankruptcy.November 18, 1914.

NOTICENOTICE Is hereby given that Patrick

T. Sullivan will apply to the Court ofQuarter Sessions of Dauphin County,

on Tuesday. December 8, 1914, at 10o'clock A. M., for the transfer of thelicense to sell liquors at retail now Is-sued to and held bv him for the HotelNos. 727-729 State Street, Eighth Ward,Harrisburg. from said hotel to thepremises In the Eleventh Ward, south-east corner of Third and DauphinStreets, known as No. 1819 North ThirdStreet. Harrisburg. Pa.


Estate of Jolin T. Tllirhman. deceased.LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the

above estate havlnpr l>een granted tothe undersigned, all persons indebted tothe said estate are requested to makepayment, and those having claims topresent the same to


HARGE9T & IIARC,E.ST.Attorneys.


By Atsocialtd PrtitPhiladelphia, Nov. 18. Wheat

Steady; No. 2, red, spot, export, sl.lß<®1.16; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export,f1.54H01.27K.Corn?Steady; No. 2, yellow, local,

Oats?Steady; No. 2, white, 54<a>54Hc.Bran \u25a0? l-'irmer; winter, per ton,

5Uu.00®26.00; spring, per ton, t24.50Q>Refined Sugars Market firm;

powdered, 6.20 c; fine granulated, S.lOc;confectioners' A, 6.00 c.

Mutter The market Is steady;western, creamery, extra, 35c; nearbyPrints, fancy, 38c.

Eggs The market Is firm;Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,free cases, SIO.BO per case; do., currentreceipts, free times, percase; western, extras, firsts, free cases,*IO.BO per case; firsts, free cases, $9.90® 10.20.

I,ive Poultry Firm; fowls. 13 (jp16c; youns chickens, 13*il5c;spring chickens, lOtjjulc; broiling chick-ens, 17@87c; old roosters, 10@llc;ducks. Old, 13@14c; ducks, young. MO15c; geese, 13® 14c; turkeys. 18 ©2oc.

Dressed Poultry Firm: fowls,western, fancy, heavy, 18®19c; do.,fair to gooa, heavy, 17@18o;average receipts. 14«17c; small, 13c;old roosters, 13 Vie; roastingchickens, fancy. l6(B>18e; broilingchickens, nearby, 16<Q>23n: do., western,13®17c; capons. large, 23®260; do.,small. 18S#20c; turkeys, fancy. 22WJ3c;do., ordinary, 18@20; ducks, ll®18c;geese. 11(®16c.

Flour?The market is steady; winter,clear, $3.85{i>4.10; straights, Pennsyl-vania, new. $6.00<g>5.25; spring straights$u.35®5.60; do., patents, [email protected];western, $4.25<»4.40; patents, s4.6uo>4.76; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, S4.IS@>4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.0004.20;straights. $4.2004.80; patents, $4.36 w4.60.

Hay The market Is firm; tim-othy, No. 1. large bales, *19.00019.50;No. 1, medium bales, $19.00® 19.50; No.2. do., $17.00® 18.00; No. 3, do., $14.50®15.50; no grades, $ll.OO @ $13.00.

Clover mixed hay. Light mixed,slß.oo® 18.50; No. 1, do, «[email protected];No. 2, do., $14.50® IG.OO.

Potatoes Market weaker: Penn-sylvania, per bushel, 58®62c; NewYork. per bushel, 45®50c; Jersey, parbasket, 35©40 c.


By Associated PressChicago, 111., Nov. 18. Hogs Re-

ceipts. 30,000; dull. Hulk of sales, $7.30®7.40; light, $7.00®7.45; mixed. $7.05®7.60; heavy, $7.(>0®7.55; rough, $7.00®7.15; pigs, $4.00®6.25.

Cattle Receipts, 11,000; weak.Beeves. sfi.oo®lo.6o; steers, $5.60®9.20;stackers and feeders, nominal; cows andheifers. $3.75® !>.40; calves, sß.oo® 11.50.

Sheep?Receipts, 18,000; weak. Sheep,$5.50®fi.20; yearlings, [email protected];dambs, $ti.50®8.90.

/Headquarters for


«BellPhone 2470J

B. C. Murray5 North 10th Street



\u25a0 -

MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLEand others upon their own names.Cheap rates, easy payments, confiden-tial.Adams A Co., R. 304, 8 IT. (larktt S«.


= Will Lend =

~ You Money =

To Housekeepers, Work*Ingmen and Salaried Em-ployes.

No red tape, bother or worry.Ton may have it to-day if you

[ wish.



0 N. MARKET SQUARESRoom 21. 4th Floor

Spooner Building