Second IUCSS Summer School on the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension 12-18 June 2015 Indiana University, Bloomington Neil Russell Northern Michigan University Classical lagrangians from the SME Kostelecký, NR, PLB 693, 443 (2010) NR, PRD 91, 045008 (2015) Also: Colladay, McDonald PRD 85, 044042 (2012) Schreck, PRD 91, 105001 (2015)

Classical lagrangians from the SME

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Second IUCSS Summer School on the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension 12-18 June 2015 Indiana University, Bloomington

Neil RussellNorthern Michigan University

Classical lagrangians from the SME

Kostelecký, NR, PLB 693, 443 (2010)NR, PRD 91, 045008 (2015)

Also:Colladay, McDonald PRD 85, 044042 (2012)Schreck, PRD 91, 105001 (2015)…

Introduction: SME Dispersion Relations

Lagrange density for fermion-sector Minkowski-space SME:

Plane wave solutions of modified Dirac equation

Zero-determinant condition gives dispersion relation

Colladay and Kostelecký,

PRD vol. 58, 116002 (1998)

Kostelecký and Lehnert , PRD 63, 065008 (2001)

Special cases:

Kostelecký, Mewes, PRD 88, 096006 (2013)

Dispersion relation for a fermion with nonminimal Lorentz violation

Recent work on classical lagrangians with nonminimal coefficients:Schreck, EPJC 75, 187 (2015)

Other techniques: factoring with quaternionsColladay, McDonald, Mullins, J.Phys.A 43, 275202

Kostelecký and Lehnert , PRD 63, 065008 (2001)

A particle is described by a wave packet

Motion is at the group velocity

Introduction: Quantum-mechanical free particle in SME background

Group velocity follows byimplicit differentiation of the dispersion relation

Introduction: Conventional classical free particle

Lagrange function for a free particle of mass m:

Canonical momentum:

Dispersion relation:


Are there classical Lagrange functions that lead to the SME dispersion relation?

If so:what do they look like?how can we find them?how do the classical particles behave?…

Plan: show techniques for finding classical Lagrange functionLagrange functions for several casescase of constant-torsion background

Requirements on the Lagrange function

Parameterization independence for the Lagrange function:

SME conserves energy and linear momentum by definition:

In principle, can depend on position, velocity, and parameterization :

(so, expect solutions with constant four-momentum)

Euler’s theorem

“homogeneity condition”

Group velocity for general curve parameter:

Matching the classical velocity with the QM group velocity

classical quantum

We have 5 algebraic equations:

and 9 variables:

Dispersion relation:


Group velocity:

General method to get the Lagrange function:

Example: conventional free particle

1D is sufficient:

Five variables:

Three equations:

Use two equations to solve for the momenta:

Lagrange function:


Quadratic dispersion relations – a general result

Kostelecký, NR, PLB 693, 443 (2010)

Example: Classical lagrangian from a quadratic dispersion relation

Lagrangian for a subset of quartic dispersion relations

NR, PRD 91, 045008 (2015).

For quartic dispersion relations of the form

satisfying condition

the Lagrange function is:




Classical Lagrange function for the g coefficient?

Partial answer:

… the g coefficient has a lot in common with spacetime torsion …

Kostelecký, N.R., TassonPhys. Rev. Lett. 100, 111102 (2008)

Bounds on Torsion based on Lorentz-symmetry constraints

Riemann-Cartan Spacetimes

The vierbein formalism: -- incorporates spinors-- distinguishes naturally between local Lorentz transformations &

general coordinate transformations

Two basic fields in this formalism can be taken as-- vierbein -- spin connection

manifold-- diffeomorphisms-- general coordinate transformations

tangent spacelocal Lorentz transformations:

-- particle -- observer

Realistic gravitational theory:needs to include fermions


Definition: the antisymmetric part of the Cartan connection

a warping of spacetime, different from curvature R affects particles with intrinsic spin mainlymodifies spectrum of atoms


Irreducible decomposition:

Exercise: how many independent components?

Minimal torsion coupling

Flat-space limit:

Related ideas on axial component of constant torsion:Lämmerzahl, PLA vol. 228, p. 223 (1997) (from Hughes-Drever);Shapiro, Phys. Rep. vol 357, p. 113 (2002) (from b bounds)

Nonminimal torsion couplings up to mass dimension 5

We see:-- 4 terms of mass dimension 4-- 9 independent terms of mass dimension 5-- the mixed component of torsion in one term -- coupling constants » for each term

Minimal SME in Minkowski space

Colladay and Kostelecký, PRD vol. 58, 116002 (1998)

Match between fixed torsion and minimal SME

To identify constraints on torsion, need to identify frame in which T is constant

Cases i) galactic or cosmologically sourced-- T constant on scale of solar system-- modulations from seasonal revolution of Earth-- modulations from rotation of Earth and apparatus

ii) Sun sourced-- no effect from revolution of Earth about Sun-- modulations from rotation of Earth and apparatus

iii) Earth sourced-- no effect from rotation of Earth-- modulations from rotation of apparatus

University of Washington torsion-pendulum experiment

Heckel, Adelberger, …Eöt-Wash

New CP-Violation and Preferred-Frame Tests with Polarized Electrons

PRL 97, 021603 (2006)

Harvard-Smithsonian He-Xe maser

Bound on Lorentz- and CPT-Violating Boost Effects for the Neutron

PRL 93, 230801 (2004)

Walsworth, Phillips, …

Sensitivities achieved

Kostelecký, Russell, Tasson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 111102 (2008)

First bounds on 11 mixed-symmetrycomponents

First bounds on all 4 trace components

Best bounds on all 4 axial-vector components (minimal-coupling case)

In-matter torsion

Lehnert, Snow, and Yan, PLB 730, 353 (2014).

Slow neutrons passed through liquid HeliumLimit placed on a combination of axial and trace components of torsion

Kostelecký, NR, PLB 693, 443 (2010)

Analog classical Lagrangian for a minimally coupled Dirac field

Result follows since axial torsion appears in the SME lagrange density in same form as a b coefficient:


Methods exist for finding Classical Lagrange functions with dispersion-relations matching the SME

general method, quadratic method, limited quartic method

How to generalize to classical particles in curved spacetime? Finsler geometry. Colladay talk on Thursday

Spacetime torsion has ‘overlap’ with and g coefficients in the SME

Limits on torsion follow from SME limits

Lagrange function for classical particle in a constant torsion background