Class History As we see the lights of mere succession we would like to take a glance at the very moment my High School journey began. As we walk in the halls of my school Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology. The Special Science Curriculum calls my name in the need of outstanding and deserving students to carry her name and glory. Headed by Mr. Avelino C. Mangila, the principal of the Laboratory High School helped me for he had given me the chance to hone my skills and to further discover my hidden potentials. As Mr. Mangila finally introduced we\\us to the four walls of the room of the I – Einstein which conveyed us throughout the whole learning process and the place we could call our comfort zone. As days pass we learned our first lessons in our High School life because of our renowned teachers namely, Ms. Eleonor Salvador, Ms. Editha Magsino, Mrs. Ligaya Viray, Mrs. Babylyn Conti, and Mrs. Rodita Buencuchillo. General Science, Algebra, Filipino, and Social Studies became easier because of them. As days and months passed by, the bond of one another became tighter and groups started to rise above the rest. The time has come now for us freshmen to meet our Big Brothers and Big Sisters for Mrs. Viray arranged and organized a simple and yet meaningful program with foods, gifts and everything that made the program very special and remarkably successful. After the first three grading periods and exactly on the month of December we organized our own Christmas Party. That Party acted as our celebration for the school year was almost over. January, 2007, we came back to further finish the school year. On a sudden twist of faith one of our classmates bid farewell, he is Joben Michael Castillo. He had to say goodbye for he had to continue his studies abroad. Before he left, we sang him the song Farewell which made his tears roll down over his face. Even though he parted ways with us we must accept the fact that he is gone. After many days of hard work it was already April and it was the month of our clearance. After many days of submitting the needed requirements, Summer Vacation was already at hand.

Class History v2.0

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Class History

As we see the lights of mere succession we would like to take a glance at the very moment my High School journey began. As we walk in the halls of my school Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology. The Special Science Curriculum calls my name in the need of outstanding and deserving students to carry her name and glory. Headed by Mr. Avelino C. Mangila, the principal of the Laboratory High School helped me for he had given me the chance to hone my skills and to further discover my hidden potentials.

As Mr. Mangila finally introduced we\\us to the four walls of the room of the I – Einstein which conveyed us throughout the whole learning process and the place we could call our comfort zone. As days pass we learned our first lessons in our High School life because of our renowned teachers namely, Ms. Eleonor Salvador, Ms. Editha Magsino, Mrs. Ligaya Viray, Mrs. Babylyn Conti, and Mrs. Rodita Buencuchillo. General Science, Algebra, Filipino, and Social Studies became easier because of them. As days and months passed by, the bond of one another became tighter and groups started to rise above the rest. The time has come now for us freshmen to meet our Big Brothers and Big Sisters for Mrs. Viray arranged and organized a simple and yet meaningful program with foods, gifts and everything that made the program very special and remarkably successful. After the first three grading periods and exactly on the month of December we organized our own Christmas Party. That Party acted as our celebration for the school year was almost over.

January, 2007, we came back to further finish the school year. On a sudden twist of faith one of our classmates bid farewell, he is Joben Michael Castillo. He had to say goodbye for he had to continue his studies abroad. Before he left, we sang him the song Farewell which made his tears roll down over his face. Even though he parted ways with us we must accept the fact that he is gone. After many days of hard work it was already April and it was the month of our clearance. After many days of submitting the needed requirements, Summer Vacation was already at hand.

On the second year of our High School life it was now the time to call ourselves the II – Darwin; More of my classmates departed. If memory serves us right they were Arianne Ganzon, Jenina Montecillo, Peter Dann Pinzon, Sarah Joy Bautista, Lara Jean Castro, Mutya Completo, and Joshua Raymundo. On this very year Mrs. Conti proposed a “Lakad Aral” at Intramuros to further study the life of Dr. Jose Rizal and his timeless novel Noli Me Tangere. We also experienced making a monthly publication with the guidance and help of Mrs. Viray. This year was also the beginning for the LHS to present their talents for many young aspirants join contests. Michael Joseph was a very good example for he is the student that won on College of Arts and Science’s Drawing contest. As all was coming to an end, shocking news reached the whole LHS and as well as the College of Education for Mr. Mangila suddenly died because of a gunshot so all those who are dear to him fell into depths of seclusion and grief.

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On the third year of our High School life we are rightfully called as the III – Archimedes. One of my classmates bid farewell as well she is Jamie Lou Tan. Before she left, the class threw a farewell party for her. As I remember on the first two grading of our Chemistry subject a student teacher helped Ms. Salvador on handling us he is Mr. Arman Macasaquit. Once again the month of December came and it was again our Christmas Party. After the Christmas vacation we started our practice for our Cotillion in our Junior and Seniors Promenade. When the twentieth day of February came all of us are dressed in a decent manner. As the night fell into the depths of splendid atmosphere and pure entertainment everyone stood and took the opportunity to be those who inspired them as they strive for their own set goals. This year was also a very fine year for sparks fly as Ivy Sangel and Zielbert Giron teamed up for the CED’s search for the Lakambini and Lakan during the Buwan ng Wika. Surprisingly, Ivy won and she was crowned as the Lakambini and this was also her one way ticket for representing the college to the intramurals. A superb year for the Laboratory High School has surpassed again, who knows what will happen next year.

Finally, on the fourth and last year of our High School life reality seems to be kind and humble for it was all true that the Special Science Curriculum really honed our personality and well-being. We have finally discovered our true identity. In this very year, our classmates join various contests, Joy Ibardolaza join the Ms. CED gala which entitled him the Ms. Intramurals; The couple of Vanessa Celestial and Zielbert Giron joined the Mr. and Ms. Science during the Science Month; David Nicoloe Dabu and Marielle Gurion joined CED’s Basketball team respectively; However, Reena Jacinto, Zielbert giron, Michael Joseph Manuel, and Jan Michael Suarez joined the college’s Arnis team. Moreover this year as everyone says that we have really befriended trouble for many suspicious incidents transpired. These are the things that made us one and the moments that bring the last batch of the LHS together.

As we cross the thresholds of education to our succession, we bid farewell and give our sincerest gratitude to those who helped us. As we finish another milestone of our lives and as we leave the caressing arms of our comfort zone we will forever treasure the moments that we used to share together. May the story of our hard work and dedication be written on the records of history for that story depicts true honor, glory and succession.