Class : BCA 3rd Semester Course Code: BCA-S3-03 Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Concepts in C++ Unit IV Polymorphism The word polymorphism means having many forms. Typically, polymorphism occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes and they are related by inheritance. C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function. Consider the following example where a base class has been derived by other two classes: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Shape { protected: int width, height; public: Shape( int a = 0, int b = 0) { width = a; height = b; } int area() { cout << "Parent class area :" <<endl; return 0; } }; class Rectangle: public Shape { public: Rectangle( int a = 0, int b = 0):Shape(a, b) { } int area () { cout << "Rectangle class area :" <<endl; return (width * height); } }; class Triangle: public Shape{ public: Triangle( int a = 0, int b = 0):Shape(a, b) { } int area () { cout << "Triangle class area :" <<endl;

Class : BCA 3rd Semester Course Code: Oriented Programming ...egov.uok.edu.in/elearningug/tutorials/7934_3_2016_161115142545.pdf · function call with an instruction that tells the

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  • Class : BCA 3rd Semester Course Code: BCA-S3-03

    Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Concepts in C++

    Unit IV


    The word polymorphism means having many forms. Typically, polymorphism occurs when there is a

    hierarchy of classes and they are related by inheritance.

    C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed

    depending on the type of object that invokes the function.

    Consider the following example where a base class has been derived by other two classes:

    #include using namespace std; class Shape { protected: int width, height; public: Shape( int a = 0, int b = 0) { width = a; height = b; } int area() { cout

  • return (width * height / 2); } }; // Main function for the program int main( ) { Shape *shape; Rectangle rec(10,7); Triangle tri(10,5); // store the address of Rectangle shape = &rec; // call rectangle area. shape->area(); // store the address of Triangle shape = &tri; // call triangle area. shape->area(); return 0; } When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

    Parent class area

    Parent class area

    The reason for the incorrect output is that the call of the function area() is being set once by the

    compiler as the version defined in the base class. This is called static resolution of the function call,

    or static linkage - the function call is fixed before the program is executed. This is also sometimes

    called early binding because the area() function is set during the compilation of the program.

    But now, let's make a slight modification in our program and precede the declaration of area() in the

    Shape class with the keyword virtual so that it looks like this:

    class Shape { protected: int width, height; public: Shape( int a = 0, int b = 0) { width = a; height = b; }

  • virtual int area() { cout

  • The = 0 tells the compiler that the function has no body and above virtual function will be called pure

    virtual function.

    Early binding

    Most of the function calls the compiler encounters will be direct function calls. A direct function call is a

    statement that directly calls a function. For example:

    #include void PrintValue(int nValue) { std::cout nX;

  • int nY; cout > nY; int nOperation; do { cout > nOperation; } while (nOperation < 0 || nOperation > 2); int nResult = 0; switch (nOperation) { case 0: nResult = Add(nX, nY); break; case 1: nResult = Subtract(nX, nY); break; case 2: nResult = Multiply(nX, nY); break; } cout

  • Example of Abstract Class

    class Base //Abstract base class { public: virtual void show() = 0; //Pure Virtual Function }; class Derived:public Base { public: void show() { cout show(); } Output :

    Implementation of Virtual Function in Derived class

    In the above example Base class is abstract, with pure virtual show() function, hence we cannot create

    object of base class.

    Data File Handling In C++

    File. The information / data stored under a specific name on a storage device, is called a file.

    Stream. It refers to a sequence of bytes.

    Text file. It is a file that stores information in ASCII characters. In text files, each line of text is terminated

    with a special character known as EOL (End of Line) character or delimiter character. When this EOL

    character is read or written, certain internal translations take place.

    Binary file. It is a file that contains information in the same format as it is held in memory. In binary files,

    no delimiters are used for a line and no translations occur here.

    Classes for file stream operation

    ofstream: Stream class to write on files

    ifstream: Stream class to read from files

    fstream: Stream class to both read and write from/to files.

    Opening a file


    ofstream outFile("sample.txt"); //output only

    ifstream inFile(“sample.txt”); //input only

    OPENING FILE USING open() method

    Stream-object.open(“filename”, mode)

    ofstream outFile;


    ifstream inFile;


    The mode parameter can have different interpretations as under

    All these flags can be combined using the bitwise operator OR (|). For example, if we want to open the

    file example.bin in binary mode to add data we could do it by the following call to member function


    fstream file;

    file.open ("example.bin", ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary);

    Closing File

    File mode parameter Meaning

    ios::app Append to end of file

    ios::ate go to end of file on opening

    ios::binary file open in binary mode

    ios::in open file for reading only

    ios::out open file for writing only

    ios::nocreate open fails if the file does not exist

    ios::noreplace open fails if the file already exist

    ios::trunc delete the contents of the file if it exist

  • outFile.close();



    put() and get() function

    the function put() writes a single character to the associated stream. Similarly, the function get() reads a

    single character form the associated stream.

    example :



    write() and read() function

    write() and read() functions write and read blocks of binary data.


    file.read((char *)&obj, sizeof(obj));

    file.write((char *)&obj, sizeof(obj));



    eof() returns true (non zero) if end of file is encountered while reading;

    otherwise return false(zero)

    fail() return true when an input or output operation has failed

    bad() returns true if an invalid operation is attempted or any

    unrecoverable error has occurred.

    good() returns true if no error has occurred.

  • File Pointers And Their Manipulation

    All i/o streams objects have, at least, one internal stream pointer:

    ifstream, like istream, has a pointer known as the get pointer that points to the element to be read in

    the next input operation.

    ofstream, like ostream, has a pointer known as the put pointer that points to the location where the

    next element has to be written.

    Finally, fstream, inherits both, the get and the put pointers, from iostream (which is itself derived from

    both istream and ostream).

    These internal stream pointers that point to the reading or writing locations within a stream can be

    manipulated using the following member functions:

    seekg() moves get pointer(input) to a specified location

    seekp() moves put pointer (output) to a specified location

    tellg() gives the current position of the get pointer

    tellp() gives the current position of the put pointer

    The other prototype for these functions is:

    seekg(offset, refposition );

    seekp(offset, refposition );

    The parameter offset represents the number of bytes the file pointer is to be moved from the location

    specified by the parameter refposition. The refposition takes one of the following three constants

    defined in the ios class.

    ios::beg start of the file

    ios::cur current position of the pointer

    ios::end end of the file


    file.seekg(-10, ios::cur);

  • Basic Operation On Text File In C++

    File I/O is a five-step process:

    1. Include the header file fstream in the program.

    2. Declare file stream object.

    3. Open the file with the file stream object.

    4. Use the file stream object with >>,

  • cout

  • fin >> word; count++; } cout

  • char ch; while(!fin.eof()) { fin.get(ch); fout admno; cout

  • } }; /* * function to write in a binary file. */ void write_record() { ofstream outFile; outFile.open("student.dat", ios::binary | ios:: app); Student obj; obj.setData(); outFile.write((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj)); outFile.close(); } /* * function to display records of file */ void display() { ifstream inFile; inFile.open("student.dat", ios::binary); Student obj; while(inFile.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj))) { obj.showData(); } inFile.close(); } /* * function to search and display from binary file */ void search(int n) { ifstream inFile; inFile.open("student.dat", ios::binary);

  • Student obj; while(inFile.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj))) { if(obj.retAdmno() == n) { obj.showData(); } } inFile.close(); } /* * function to delete a record */ void delete_record(int n) { Student obj; ifstream inFile; inFile.open("student.dat", ios::binary); ofstream outFile; outFile.open("temp.dat", ios::out | ios::binary ); while(inFile.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj))) { if(obj.retAdmno() != n) { outFile.write((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj)) ; } } inFile.close(); outFile.close(); remove("student.dat"); rename("temp.dat", "student.dat"); } /* * function to modify a record */ void modify_record(int n) { fstream file; file.open("student.dat",ios::in | ios::out);

  • Student obj; while(file.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj))) { if(obj.retAdmno() == n) { cout

  • I/O manipulators that take parameters are in the include file.

    Default Floating-point Format

    • Unless you use I/O manipulators (or their equivalent), the default format for each floating-point number depends on its value.

    • No decimal point: 1.0000 prints as 1 • No trailing zeros: 1.5000 prints as 1.5 • Scientific notation for large/small numbers: 1234567890.0 prints as 1.23457e+09


    #include #include using namespace std; int main() { const float tenth = 0.1; const float one = 1.0; const float big = 1234567890.0; cout

  • Following are the standard manipulators normally used in the stream classes:


    hex, dec, oct










    (a) Endl the endl is an output manipulator to generate a carriage return or line feed character. The endl may be used several times in a C++ statement.

    For example,



  • cout

  • In addition to the base conversion facilities such as to bases dec, hex and oct, the setbase()manipulator is also used to define the base of the numeral value of a variable. The prototype ofsetbase() manipulator is defined in the iomanip.h header file and it should be include in user program. The hex, dec, oct manipulators change the base of inserted or extracted integral values. The original default for stream input and output is dec.


    A program to show the base of a numeric value of a variable using hex, oct and dec manipulator functions.

    / / using dec, hex, oct manipulator


    Void main (void)


    int value;

    cout value;


  • #include


    void main (void)


    int value

    cout value;


  • void main (void)


    int a,b;

    a = 200;

    b = 300;


  • / /using setw manipulator



    void main (void)


    int a,b;

    a = 200;

    b = 300;


  • A program to illustrate how a character is filled in filled in the unused field width of the value of the data variable.

    / /using setfill manipulator



    void main ( void)


    int a,b;

    a = 200;

    b = 300;


  • A program to use the setprecision manipulator function while displaying a floating point value onto the screen.

    / /using setprecision manipulator



    void main (void)


    float a,b,c;

    a = 5;

    b = 3;

    c = a/b;


  • (f) Ends The ends is a manipulator used to attach a null terminating character (‘\0’) at the end of a string. The ends manipulator takes no argument whenever it is invoked. This causes a null character to the output.


    A program to show how a null character is inserted using ends manipulator while displaying a string onto the screen.

    / /using ends manipulator



    Void main ( )


    int number = 231;


  • cout

  • The restiosflags manipulator performs the same function as that of the resetf function. The flags represented by the set bits in f are reset.

    The general syntax of the resetiosflags is a follows,

    Resetiosflags (long f)


    A program to demonstrate how setiosflags is set while displaying the base of a numeral.

    / /using setiosflags of basefield



    void main (void)


    int value;

    cout > value;


  • hexadecimal = 0xa

    octal = 012