A cladistic reconstruction of the ancestral mite harvestman (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi): portrait of a Paleozoic detritivore Benjamin L. de Bivort a,b, * ,  , Ronald M. Clouse a,c,  and Gonzalo Giribet a a Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA; b Rowland Institute at Harvard, 100 Edwin Land Boulevard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA; c American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, New York City, NY 10024, USA Accepted 5 April 2012 Abstract Two character sets composed of continuous measurements and shape descriptors for mite harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi) were used to reconstruct the morphology of the cyphophthalmid ancestor and explore different methods for ancestral reconstruction as well as the influence of terminal sets and phylogenetic topologies. Characters common to both data sets were used to evaluate linear parsimony, averaging, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods on seven different phylogenies found in earlier studies. Two methods—linear parsimony implemented in TNT and nested averaging—generated reconstructions that were (i) not predisposed to comprising simple averages of characters and (ii) in broad agreement with alternative methods commonly used. Of these two methods, linear parsimony yielded significantly similar reconstructions from two independent Cyphophthalmi data sets, and exhibited comparatively low ambiguity in the values of ancestral characters. Therefore complete sets of continuous characters were optimized using linear parsimony on trees found from ‘‘total evidence’’ data sets. The resulting images of the ancestral Cyphophthalmi suggest it was a small animal with robust appendages and a lens-less eye, much like many of todayÕs species, but not what might be expected from hypothetical reconstructions of Paleozoic vegetation debris, where Cyphophthalmi likely originated. Ó The Willi Hennig Society 2012 The aggregate optimization of several morphological characters can be used to generate a rough visual image of an ancestor—a convenient summary of a taxonÕs plesiomorphic morphological character states and a prediction of paleontological discoveries (Pagel, 1999). The morphology of hypothetical progenitors can also suggest a lineageÕs original physiology, behavior, and ecology. These scenarios can be compared with ancestral reconstructions of non-morphological characters and other associated data (such as web architecture in spiders, Blackledge et al., 2009; Dimitrov et al., 2012), something that has become more feasible with the handling of continuous data by phylogenetic programs. Obviously, ancestral reconstructions are highly influ- enced by the underlying phylogenies and the implicit hypotheses about character state polarities derived from the arrangement of clades. But do they also depend on the number of terminals included and the degree of redundancy with which one clade is represented, and are they fundamentally just averages across the character matrix? Such influences would make ancestral recon- structions largely dependent on the particulars of the terminal set and thus not highly informative. We decided to explore the ancestral reconstruction of our arachnid of interest, the mite harvestmen (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi), to gain insight into this ancient terrestrial animal and the algorithms for reconstructing morphology. Cyphophthalmi are a suborder of the *Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]  These authors contributed equally to the work. Ó The Willi Hennig Society 2012 Cladistics 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2012.00407.x Cladistics (2012) 1–16

Cladistics - de Bivortlab.debivort.org/pdf/A_cladistic_reconstruction_of_the...A cladistic reconstruction of the ancestral mite harvestman (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi): portrait

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Page 1: Cladistics - de Bivortlab.debivort.org/pdf/A_cladistic_reconstruction_of_the...A cladistic reconstruction of the ancestral mite harvestman (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi): portrait

A cladistic reconstruction of the ancestral mite harvestman(Arachnida, Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi): portrait of a Paleozoic


Benjamin L. de Bivorta,b,*,�, Ronald M. Clousea,c,� and Gonzalo Giribeta

aDepartment of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138,

USA; bRowland Institute at Harvard, 100 Edwin Land Boulevard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA; cAmerican Museum of Natural History, Central Park

West at 79th St, New York City, NY 10024, USA

Accepted 5 April 2012


Two character sets composed of continuous measurements and shape descriptors for mite harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones,Cyphophthalmi) were used to reconstruct the morphology of the cyphophthalmid ancestor and explore different methods forancestral reconstruction as well as the influence of terminal sets and phylogenetic topologies. Characters common to both data setswere used to evaluate linear parsimony, averaging, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods on seven different phylogenies foundin earlier studies. Two methods—linear parsimony implemented in TNT and nested averaging—generated reconstructions that were(i) not predisposed to comprising simple averages of characters and (ii) in broad agreement with alternative methods commonlyused. Of these two methods, linear parsimony yielded significantly similar reconstructions from two independent Cyphophthalmidata sets, and exhibited comparatively low ambiguity in the values of ancestral characters. Therefore complete sets of continuouscharacters were optimized using linear parsimony on trees found from ‘‘total evidence’’ data sets. The resulting images of theancestral Cyphophthalmi suggest it was a small animal with robust appendages and a lens-less eye, much like many of today�sspecies, but not what might be expected from hypothetical reconstructions of Paleozoic vegetation debris, where Cyphophthalmilikely originated.

� The Willi Hennig Society 2012

The aggregate optimization of several morphologicalcharacters can be used to generate a rough visual imageof an ancestor—a convenient summary of a taxon�splesiomorphic morphological character states and aprediction of paleontological discoveries (Pagel, 1999).The morphology of hypothetical progenitors can alsosuggest a lineage�s original physiology, behavior, andecology. These scenarios can be compared with ancestralreconstructions of non-morphological characters andother associated data (such as web architecture inspiders, Blackledge et al., 2009; Dimitrov et al., 2012),something that has become more feasible with the

handling of continuous data by phylogenetic programs.Obviously, ancestral reconstructions are highly influ-enced by the underlying phylogenies and the implicithypotheses about character state polarities derived fromthe arrangement of clades. But do they also depend onthe number of terminals included and the degree ofredundancy with which one clade is represented, and arethey fundamentally just averages across the charactermatrix? Such influences would make ancestral recon-structions largely dependent on the particulars of theterminal set and thus not highly informative.

We decided to explore the ancestral reconstruction ofour arachnid of interest, the mite harvestmen (Opiliones,Cyphophthalmi), to gain insight into this ancientterrestrial animal and the algorithms for reconstructingmorphology. Cyphophthalmi are a suborder of the

*Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected]�These authors contributed equally to the work.

� The Willi Hennig Society 2012



Cladistics (2012) 1–16

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daddy-long-legs (Opiliones, also known as harvestmen),but they look and behave quite differently fromOpiliones commonly encountered: they have roundedbodies about 1–6 mm long, with thick, short legs, andthey live almost exclusively below the upper layer of leaflitter (Giribet, 2000). It would be interesting to see themorphology of transitional forms between Cyp-hophthalmi and its spindly-legged sister groups inOpiliones and understand how such divergent morpho-logies arose in one group, but no such lineages existtoday, and no transitional fossils have been found.Indeed, the oldest Opiliones fossil known, a 410 Maspecimen from the Early Devonian Rhynie cherts(Dunlop et al., 2004), already displays the morphologyof modern daddy-long-legs in the suborder Eupnoi, withextremely long, thin legs.

Cyphophthalmi are distributed globally (Giribet,2000) and have been the subject of numerous phyloge-netic analyses (Giribet and Boyer, 2002; Boyer andGiribet, 2004; Boyer et al., 2007; Clouse et al., 2009;Murienne and Giribet, 2009; Sharma and Giribet, 2009;de Bivort and Giribet, 2010; de Bivort et al., 2010;Clouse and Giribet, 2010; Giribet et al., 2012). We haveat our disposal phylogenetic hypotheses derived frommolecular and morphological data, the latter being bothdiscrete and continuous. Just by looking at traitsconsistent across the whole suborder, we are alreadyable to make some assertions about the ancestor of allextant Cyphophthalmi—what we have called the ‘‘phy-logenetically inferred progenitor of the Cyphophthalmi’’(PIPC). We surmise that Cyphophthalmi originatedbetween 425 and 410 Ma, not only because their sistergroup within the Opiliones was already present by thistime, but also because the likely sister group to allOpiliones, Scorpiones, appeared in the Late Silurian(Dunlop, 2007). The Silurian also saw the first appear-ance of large plants in communities along waterways,and it seems likely that Cyphophthalmi—which todayinhabits almost exclusively humid forest litter—origi-nated in detritus along Silurian streams (Labandeira,2005). Cyphophthalmi can be kept alive on a diet ofdead Drosophila (P. Sharma, pers. commun.) and havebeen observed ingesting amorphous masses of dead soft-bodied invertebrates (P. Sharma, pers. commun.), and ascavenging diet is consistent with their habitat, mor-phology, and behaviour; it would also have been anavailable diet in the Silurian, with a variety of terrestrialarthropods providing a steady flow of carcasses onwhich to feed. Thus Cyphophthalmi likely were, likemany early terrestrial arthropods, detritivores, but noton plant material (Shear and Kukalova-Peck, 1990).

Cyphophthalmi are not as morphologically conservedas may first appear, and their ancestral condition givesus a small window into Paleozoic life for terrestrialdetritivores, which was not entirely the same as it istoday. It has been asserted that until the Devonian,

forest litter was composed of woody parts and stems,not leaves, and was found mostly on floodplains andembankments (Shear and Kukalova-Peck, 1990). This isevocative of the habitat of the Southeast Asian cyph-ophthalmid family Stylocellidae, which not only livesmostly in rainforests but also appears to be unique in thesuborder in being capable of crossing large bodies ofwater (Clouse and Giribet, 2007). Stylocellidae alsoincludes the largest species in the suborder, and mostspecies in the family have prominent eye lenses. We havesuggested elsewhere (Clouse et al., 2011) that thesestylocellid characters may give the family an intrinsicadvantage to dispersing over water, and perhaps theancestral cyphophthalmid in the Paleozoic would havealso been best suited as a nimble form, capable ofclimbing through debris being regularly disturbed byfloods. Still, Stylocellidae includes small, eyeless forms,like most other species in the suborder, and only aphylogenetic reconstruction can help us draw anypossible parallels between modern and ancient morpho-logies and habitats.

The data we optimized to reconstruct PIPC arecontinuous data, and when we previously used thesedata for phylogenetic reconstruction (Clouse et al., 2009;de Bivort et al., 2010), they were treated as Farrischaracters under linear parsimony. Also known as‘‘ordered’’ or ‘‘additive’’ characters, their cost for anystate change is simply the size of the interval betweenstates (Farris, 1970; Goloboff et al., 2006, 2008). Linearparsimony has been contrasted with squared-changeparsimony (Rogers, 1984; Maddison, 1991), in whichcosts are the squares of the intervals between states.Squared-change parsimony tends to distribute statechanges evenly across trees (Maddison, 1991; Butlerand Losos, 1997; Goloboff et al., 2006) and can produceancestral values that are just averages of the descendants(Huey and Bennett, 1987; Maddison, 1991; Rohlf, 2002).Most recently, landmarks can be input for phylogeneticanalysis (Catalano et al., 2010; Goloboff and Catalano,2010) and the linear distances between their changes usedto score trees and thus find the optimal phylogeny.

Our goals here were to explore the ancestral condi-tion of the Cyphophthalmi and the behaviour of newalgorithms for optimizing continuous data, especiallylinear parsimony in the program TNT (Goloboffet al., 2008). We also compare these reconstructionswith those found with averaging methods, squared-change parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesianmethods, and we investigate the influence of branchlengths and outgroups. In most algorithms, the basalnode is treated differently from internal nodes, so theinclusion of outgroups can be key. For example, inTNT, nodes are reconstructed during ‘‘down-passoptimization’’ using character information from thedescendants, but additionally a subsequent ‘‘up-passoptimization’’ uses information from ancestral and

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sister nodes (which are not available for the basalnode) (Goloboff et al., 2006).

Cyphophthalmi were likely some of the earliest scav-engers in terrestrial plant debris, and their trends inmorphological evolution could parallel long-termchanges in forest-floor habitats. TNT�s (Goloboff et al.,2006, 2008) implementation of algorithms for continuousdata have allowed the testing of quantitative hypothesessuch as ancestral wasp relatedness (Pickett et al., 2006),preferred plant habitats (Catalano et al., 2008), andgenome thermodynamic stability (Catalano et al., 2009).Thus we find it useful to continue testing those algorithmsagainst alternative reconstructionmethods to understandhow they are handling character data, while at the sametime starting to investigate deep trends in characterevolution in mite harvestmen.


Our approach to characterizing PIPC was rooted in acomparison of several plausible reconstruction methods,evaluated on trees with: (i) differing terminals and (ii)differing topology. In particular, using our cyphoph-thalmid data sets, we sought to evaluate which recon-struction methods are robust to the variation interminals and alternative topologies, and which recon-structed characters represent the best consensus acrossmethods. Practically, we divided the task into two parts.In the first we asked how linear parsimony reconstruc-tions compare with averaging methods across terminalsets and topologies. In the second part, we focused on asingle tree to compare linear parsimony with diversealternative approaches such as maximum likelihood,Bayesian, and landmark optimization.

Part 1: Linear parsimony and averaging

We first selected two distinct terminal sets that each:(i) contained representative animals from all the majorlineages of the Cyphophthalmi (the families Stylocelli-dae, Pettalidae, Sironidae, Neogoveidae and Troglos-ironidae), and (ii) had been used previously to generatephylogenetic hypotheses for Cyphophthalmi. The first ofthese terminal sets (PET) includes 50 cyphopthalmidterminals predominantly representing the family Pettal-idae (de Bivort and Giribet, 2010). The second terminalset (STY) contains 136 cyphophthalmid terminals,mostly from the family Stylocellidae, and 21 opilionidoutgroup taxa (Clouse et al., 2009; Clouse and Giribet,2010). These particular terminal sets were chosenbecause each had been used to generate distinct (butplausible) phylogenetic hypotheses from three differentcharacter sets each (Fig. 1a). Specifically, the PETterminals were previously analysed using: (i) 62 discretemorphological characters; (ii) 78 continuous morpho-

logical characters; and (iii) these two data sets incombination (de Bivort and Giribet, 2010; figs 10A,Band 12A (1 : 1, EW), respectively). The STY terminalswere previously analysed using: (i) 6571 molecularcharacters (Clouse and Giribet, 2010; fig. 3); (ii) 51continuous morphological characters (Clouse et al.,2009; figs 5 and 6); and (iii) these two data sets incombination (Clouse et al., 2009; figs 5 and 6). We referto the topologies generated by these analyses as PET-D,PET-C, PET-DC, STY-M, STY-C and STY-MC,respectively. The continuous data in both PET andSTY consist of raw measurements and shape descriptors(typically ratios of raw measurements), derived frommale specimens, analysed for independence, and sub-jected to collapse of dependent characters (de Bivortet al., 2010).

We evaluated four reconstruction methodologiesagainst each of the six terminal ⁄ topology combinations,as follows.

1. Linear parsimony, as implemented for continuouscharacters in TNT.

2. Nested averaging: for each reconstructed charac-ter, the average of that character was calculated foreach pair of sister terminals, the pairs of sister terminalswere respectively replaced with their average, and thisprocess was repeated until the root was calculated. Forexample, for the tree (outgroups, (A, ((B, C), (D, E)))),one would reconstruct the ancestral character value ofthe ingroups as [average(A, average(average(B, C),average(D, E)))].

3. Sister group averaging: the ancestral character valuewas calculated as the average of the un-nested averages ofthe two clades (or more, in the case of unresolvedancestral nodes) descending directly from the ancestralnode. For the tree described above, the ancestral valuewould be [average(A, average(B, C, D, E))].

4. Global averaging: the reconstructed value wassimply the average value across all terminals: [aver-age(A, B, C, D, E)].

In order to evaluate the ‘‘robustness’’ of methodolo-gies (to variation in terminal set and topology) and‘‘consistency’’ of particular reconstructions (acrossmethods), we used 18 continuous morphological char-acters available in both the PET and STY data sets(Table 1). These were identified by first finding anycharacters in both the STY-C and PET-C continuousdata sets that were defined in precisely the same way.Then additional characters were defined using simplemathematical operations on pre-existing STY-C char-acters so that they would be directly comparable withPET-C characters. The raw 18 characters from bothdata sets were combined and z-score normalized so thatthey would be comparable between the STY and PETdata sets, and each contributes equally to comparisonmetrics such as the correlation or Euclidean distancebetween character reconstructions. In this form, the 18

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characters were used to reconstruct their ancestral stateson each of the six terminal ⁄ topology combinations,using each of the four reconstruction methods. Thesecomparisons evaluate the robustness and consistency ofthe reconstruction. Previously, the 18 characters were allfound to be phylogenetically informative (Clouse et al.,2009; de Bivort et al., 2010); however, basically allcontinuous characters show some degree of homoplasybecause of the flexibility in the states they can assumeand their precision.

Trees in the PET terminal set did not contain non-cyphophthalmid outgroups, and were re-rooted manu-ally so that Stylocellidae was sister to the remainingCyphophthalmi as per Boyer et al. (2007). Recon-structed ancestral characters were extracted from TNTusing a custom script. The calculation of nested aver-aging reconstructions was performed in MATLAB usingcustom scripts that read parenthetical tree files. Sister

group averaging and global averaging methods wereperformed in Microsoft Excel.

For analyses that could not accommodate a range inreconstructed ancestral character values (such as Euclid-ean distances and correlation coefficients), we replacedthe reconstructed range with its average. P values wereassigned to Euclidean distances between alternativereconstructions (Fig. 1b) by a bootstrapping methodbecause we could not identify a statistical distributionknown to generically characterize Euclidean distances.Specifically, we assumed that the (16) different recon-structions of character (from the different methods)reflect a distribution of its reconstructed value. Bysampling those values independently for each of the 18characters, we generated randomized ‘‘reconstructions’’that removed any mutual information between recon-structed characters introduced by each method. Pairs ofrandom reconstructions were generated 105 times, and


Linear Parsimony Nested Averaging Sister Group Averaging Global Averaging




0 6.4distance (standard deviations)



Neogoveidae +Troglosironidae




Neogoveidae +Troglosironidae




Neogoveidae +Troglosironidae



Sironidae +Troglosironidae





Neogoveidae +TroglosironidaeSironidae +Stylocellidae

outgroups + Pettalidae

Neogoveidae +TroglosironidaeSironidae +Stylocellidae

PET trees STY trees

PET-C (continuous morph. data)STY-C (continuous morph. data)

PET-D (discrete morph. data)STY-M (molecular data)

PET-DC (combined data)STY-MC (combined data)



ar P





d A




ter G






l Ave




























= M=


(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic topologies and data sets analysed, and the respective pairwise distances between their reconstructions of ancestral morphology.(a) Schematics of the six phylogenetic trees analysed. Three PET topologies were analysed (de Bivort and Giribet, 2010) containing 50cyphophthalmid terminals, and found using either discrete morphological characters (D), continuous morphological characters (C), or both typesdata (DC). Three STY topologies were analysed (Clouse et al., 2009) containing 136 cyphophthalmid terminals and 21 outgroup terminals, andfound using either molecular data (M), continuous morphological characters (C), or both types of data (MC). All trees were rooted either by non-cyphophthalmids (outgroups) or by the family Stylocellidae (Giribet and Boyer, 2002). Shaded triangles indicate clades, rectangles unresolvedgroups. Asterisks indicate the tree node interrogated for each ancestral reconstruction. (b) Table indicating the pairwise Euclidean distance betweenthe ancestral reconstructions generated from each of the phylogenies presented in (a), for each of four reconstruction methods (see text fordescriptions). Reconstructions were calculated post tree-searching for 18 z-score normalized characters available in both the PET-C and STY-C datasets. Because global averaging is topology-independent and sister group averaging varies only if sister group species membership varies, thereconstructions they generate do not vary between some topological variants of the same terminal set (indicated by ‘‘=’’ in labels). Black indicatesidentical reconstructions; white, reconstructions with little agreement. Asterisks indicate pairs of reconstructions that are non-trivially closer thanexpected by chance (P < 0.05, Methods).

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the Euclidean distance between each pair recorded. The95th percentile of these values was used as the P = 0.05cutoff. This approximates the alpha value becausebootstrap resampling provides an unbiased estimate ofparameters of an unknown distribution, in this case, its95th percentile.

In order to visualize the respective distances betweenall pairs of reconstructions simultaneously, we used thedata visualization technique multidimensional scaling(Cox and Cox, 2001) to place the reconstructions in atwo-dimensional (rather than 18-dimensional) space.This was performed in MATLAB using built-in func-tions and default non-metric scaling. This option pre-serves the ordering of the pairwise distances betweenreconstructions—that is, if one pair of reconstructions isfarther apart than another pair, that relationship willalso hold in the 2D visualization. The error introducedby this monotonicity requirement was small.

Part 2: Broader reconstruction comparisons

We measured the 18 characters common to PET-Cand STY-C for five species in all three non-cyphoph-thalmid suborders of Opiliones: Eupnoi, Dyspnoi, andLaniatores. These groups lack ozophores and sometimescoxae IV meeting at the midline, so these new charactersets were missing some values. This expanded Opilionescontinuous data set (OPI-C) was optimized on a treereflecting the most recent molecular phylogenetic evi-dence (Giribet et al., 2012), using a wide variety ofmethodologies, including linear parsimony, squared-change parsimony, averaging, maximum likelihood, andBayesian. This tree was generated in the programBEAST ver. 1.6.1 (Drummond et al., 2006; Drummond

and Rambaut, 2007), and, having been dated, wasultrametric and had branch lengths; this was differentfrom topologies used in Part 1, which lacked branchlengths. The influence of branch lengths for the tree inPart 2 was evaluated by comparing reconstructionsusing the original tree with those when the branchlengths were all changed to 1. In a landmark version ofOPI-C, we retained the original x- and y-coordinatesused to calculate the 18 character values and optimizedthem directly (Catalano et al., 2010) in TNT (Goloboffand Catalano, 2010), using a method that treats thedistance between inferred ancestral landmarks likeadditive characters under a parsimony criterion. Thereconstructed landmarks were then used to re-derive the18 continuous characters for comparison.

We generated ancestral reconstructions with andwithout branch lengths and outgroups in the programsMesquite ver. 2.74 (Maddison and Maddison, 2011),BayesTraits (beta version, available from the developersupon request), and the APE phylogenetic analysispackage (Paradis et al., 2004) in the R softwareenvironment (R Development Core Team 2011). Wealso performed internal checks to see if differentoptimizations that are equivalent in theory did give thesame ancestral reconstructions, such as comparingsquared-change parsimony reconstructions unweightedby branch lengths with squared-change reconstructionsweighted by branch lengths but on a tree with all branchlengths set to zero; such tests did result in identicalreconstructions.

The Bayesian reconstruction in BayesTraits betarequires an initial Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)run to generate model parameters, then a final MCMCrun for the reconstructions. A two-character test data set

Table 1Characters used for comparing reconstructions and their definitions in PET-C and STY-C

Character descriptionMeasurement formula in PET-C(de Bivort et al., 2010)

Measurement formula inSTY-C (Clouse et al., 2009)

1 Length of dorsal soma 1 D12 Soma length-to-width ratio 1 ⁄3 D1 ⁄D53 Relative width between ozophores 8 ⁄2 D7 ⁄D64 Anal plate relative length 21 ⁄1 A2 ⁄D15 Anal plate length-to-width ratio 21 ⁄20 A2 ⁄A16 Gonostome relative length 35 ⁄1 G2 ⁄D17 Gonostome length-to-width ratio 35 ⁄34 G2 ⁄G18 Sternite 8 relative maximum length 25 ⁄1 (V14–V13) ⁄D19 Sternite 7 relative maximum length 26 ⁄1 (V15–V14) ⁄D110 Sternite 6 relative maximum length 27 ⁄1 (V16–V15) ⁄D111 Coxae IV suture relative length 38 ⁄1 V29 ⁄D112 Sternal region relative length 37 ⁄1 V2 ⁄D113 Relative width between spiracles 33 ⁄3 V1 ⁄D514 Second cheliceral article relative length 51 ⁄1 C1 ⁄D115 Moveable digit local relative length 52 ⁄51 C2 ⁄C116 Second cheliceral article relative width 54 ⁄2 C5 ⁄D617 Widest part of second cheliceral article position 58 ⁄51 C6 ⁄C118 Percentage of second cheliceral article ornamented 143N ⁄51 C4 ⁄C1

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did settle on reasonable character reconstructions, butour full data set showed no evidence of settling, evenafter 55 million generations on one run and 40 million inanother. Thus our reconstruction values are the averageof 800 000 generations, sampled every 100, after a250 000-generation burn-in. When testing reconstruc-tions on trees with no outgroups (which required anMRCA at the base of the tree) or using the directionalmodel, reconstructions settled on zeros (i.e. simple globalaverages given our normalized characters), so thesefunctions appear not to be fully implemented. Becausewe used normalized data, the constant parameter ‘‘da-tadev’’ (the Monte Carlo step size, which we kept at theprogram�s default setting) had the same effect on allcharacters, regardless of their original magnitude. For allother methodologies, default parameters and settingswere used.

Once we identified the methodology that yielded themost robust and consistent reconstructions, we recon-structed all the continuous characters in the originalcontinuous data sets on their corresponding totalevidence trees to generate the final set of reconstructedcharacters. PIPC illustrations were constructed by handin Adobe Illustrator, beginning with a generic outline ofa cyphophthalmid and sequentially imposing the con-straints of each reconstructed character, at each stepsmoothly warping the outline to accommodate the newconstraint. Slight contradictions in the position ofspatially constrained morphological features (for exam-ple, arising from it being possible to determine aconstrained position using a sequence of reconstructedcharacters anterior to posterior as well as posterior toanterior) were resolved if possible by preferring theposition constrained most directly (i.e. involving thefewest characters), and then by averaging the alternativepositions. Ranges in reconstructed values were replacedwith their average for purposes of the illustration.


Part 1: Linear parsimony and averaging

The pairwise Euclidean distances between the recon-structions of each of the 24 terminal ⁄ topology ⁄method-ology combinations are shown in Fig. 1b. The Euclideandistance between two reconstructions equaled 0 if thereconstructions were identical, and has units of standarddeviations, since the characters were z-score normalized.We found little agreement between global averaging andthe other three reconstruction methods in Part 1.Reconstructions based on the PET terminal set were inbroad agreement, whether the reconstruction methodwas linear parsimony, nested averaging, or sister groupaveraging. Only one pair of PET reconstructions (PET-DC and PET-D under linear parsimony) was not more

similar than expected by chance alone (P < 0.05,uncorrected for multiple comparisons; see Methods).

This pattern of broad agreement was not observedwith the STY trees—suggesting that the robustness ofreconstructions to topological variation depends on theterminal set being analysed. However, agreement amongSTY reconstructions was found in a number of specificinstances. For example, STY-M under linear parsimonyagreed significantly with STY-M under nested averagingand sister group averaging, as well as STY-MC undersister group averaging. Of 45 non-trivial comparisonsmade between STY reconstructions, nine were found tobe significantly similar. It should be noted that globalaveraging is independent of topology, and sister groupaveraging is topology-independent among trees thatpreserve sister group composition. Thus both of thesemethods yielded identical reconstructions for each of thethree topologies associated with the PET terminal set,and global averaging yielded identical reconstructionsfor all STY trees. In some cases, some STY reconstruc-tions were surprisingly far from one another (e.g. STY-C and STY-M under linear parsimony). No pairs ofSTY and PET reconstructions were found to be closerthan expected by chance. However (particularly becauseof the frequent agreement between PET reconstructions)far more agreement between reconstructions was gener-ally found than would be expected by chance (41 of153 non-trivial comparisons were significant withP < 0.05).

Visualizing the differences between all reconstructionsin two dimensions (Fig. 2a) reveals that, while there waslittle significant pairwise agreement between the STYreconstructions, they do ‘‘cluster’’ together more witheach other than with the PET reconstructions, with theexception of the linear parsimony reconstruction ofSTY-MC. Reconstructions based on STY-C tree underany method other than global averaging exhibit mod-erate similarity to reconstructions based on any of thePET trees under any method other than global averag-ing. Considering the topology of the various trees, weobserve that all the trees which were rooted withStylocellidae as sister to the remaining Cyphophthalmi(STY-C and all PET trees) have fairly close reconstruc-tions. STY-MC and STY-M have identical topologies atthe family level, except for their resolution at the root,but the STY-M reconstructions are closer to the STY-Creconstructions than they are to those of STY-MC.Moreover, the STY-MC and STY-M reconstructionsare farther apart than any other pair of reconstructions,suggesting that reconstructions are more sensitive to thedegree of resolution at the optimized node than topol-ogy of groups descending from it.

To the extent that the averaging methods (nested,sister group, and global averaging) are insensitive to treetopology, their estimates of ancestral characters willtrend toward the mean value of each character across

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–4 –2 0 2 4





Linear ParsimonyNested Averaging

Sister Group AveragingGlobal Averaging

distance (standard deviations)





d de










MLinear Pars Nested Avg SGA GA


ar P





correlation (r)










r mag








C DPET PET PETSTY STY STY PET STYLinear Parsimony Nested Averaging SGA GA


1–1 0 0.8

correlation (r)

−1 0 1 2−1





normalized character value(PET-DC, Linear Pars)

normalized reconstructed ratio



ed ra

tio o

f rec






ed c






C, L


r Par


−2 0 2−2






STY Trees


T Tr



50 .0

Paramiopsalis ramulosus

Ceratolasma tricantha

Purcellia illustrans

Petrobunus torusus

sp 101938

Fangensis insulanus

Troglosiro longifossa

Martensiellus tenuipalpus

Metagovea sp Nambi

sp Gua Sungai Marang

Suzukielus sauteri

Abaetetuba bahiensis

Pettalus cimiciformis

Ogovea cameroonensis

Chilon robustus

Metasiro americanus

sp Harau Canyon

sp 102051

sp 101930

Austropurcellia scoparia

Siro acaroides

Chileogovea oedipus

Parapurcellia amatola

sp 6159

Karripurcellia harveyi

sp Chumphon

Aoraki longitarsa







. +N

















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 1514 1617181920 2221

avg. char. mag. (stds)

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

(f) (g)

Fig. 2. Evaluation of reconstructions across data sets, topologies and methods. (a) Spatial visualization of the approximate Euclidean distancesbetween reconstructions, generated by multidimensional scaling (see Methods). Closer icons indicate more similar reconstructions and vice versa.Black indicates STY reconstructions; white, PET reconstructions. Letters indicate the topologies presented in Fig. 1a, and shapes the reconstructionmethod. Global averaging methods are topology-independent (with respect to PIPC), thus their icons are unlettered. Sister group averaging istopology-independent for the PET trees. (b) Average magnitude of the values of the 18 reconstructed (normalized) characters at the ancestral nodefor all topologies and reconstruction methods. Taller bars indicate reconstructions in which reconstructed character values are farther from theirrespective means across terminals. SGA, sister group averaging; GA, global averaging. (c) Pairwise correlation coefficients between reconstructionvalues generated using the PET and STY topologies, for all reconstruction methods. Asterisks indicate pairs of reconstructions that are morecorrelated than expected by chance (P < 0.05). (d) Scatter plot of reconstructed character values generated using linear parsimony of the STY-MCtopology versus the PET-DC topology (r = 0.62, P = 0.0043). (e) Tree, based on recent molecular analysis of Cyphophthalmi (Giribet et al., 2012),with branch lengths used for reconstructing the OPI-C data set. (f) Pairwise correlation coefficients between reconstructions generated using the OPI-C data set, as implemented in TNT, Mesquite (MES), APE in R, or BayesTraits (BT). Methods include sister group averaging (SGA), landmarkoptimization (LM), nested averaging (NA), linear parsimony (LP), squared-change parsimony (SCP), maximum likelihood under a Brownian motionmodel (ML), restricted ML model (REML), independent contrasts (IC), and Bayesian reconstruction (B). – ⁄O indicates the inclusion of outgroupdata, – ⁄B, branch lengths. Entries with white borders are not statistically significant (P > 0.05, r < 0.47). Bar graph at right shows the averagecharacter magnitude for each reconstruction, as in (B). (g) Scatter plot of the ratio of pairs of reconstructed character values versus the reconstructedvalue of the character consisting of the ratio of those characters (r = 0.61, P < 10)6), plotted for all ratio characters in the PET-C data set,reconstructed by linear parsimony.

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the represented terminals (that is, regress toward themean). In the case of z-score normalized characters, thismean value is encoded as 0. Thus observing many or allreconstructed ancestral characters to have magnitudesnear zero is evidence of this pitfall of averagingmethods. We tested this by calculating the averagemagnitude of the 18 reconstructed character values, foreach terminal ⁄ topology and reconstruction method(Fig. 2b). Characters reconstructed using global aver-aging had a comparatively low magnitude, and bothlinear parsimony and nested averaging tended to pro-duce greater magnitudes, particularly in the STYreconstructions. Reconstructions performed under sistergroup averaging yielded low-magnitude reconstructionsexcept in STY-MC, which yielded higher magnitudereconstructions because of the presence of several single-species branches emanating from its unresolved root.Note that the reconstructed character values usingglobal averaging (and the standard deviation acrossthem) are not strictly 0, despite the characters beingnormalized and the method being a simple average. Thisis because, although global averaging was done sepa-rately on PET-C and STY-C, the two data sets werenormalized beforehand together.

While the Euclidean distance between two reconstruc-tions (Figs 1b and 2a) reveals their overall similarity, itcan potentially obscure agreement in the trends ofreconstructed characters, if not their magnitudes. There-fore we looked at the pairwise correlation coefficientsbetween the PET and STY reconstructions to see ifagreement could be found in the trends of thereconstructions (Fig. 2c). Indeed, the reconstructiongenerated using linear parsimony on the PET-DC andSTY-MC (Fig. 2d) was highly significant (r = 0.62,P = 0.0043). Since we had originally observed lessagreement among STY reconstructions than amongPET reconstructions (Fig. 1b), it was not surprising toobserve that the correlation between particular STY andPET reconstructions was dependent primarily on whichSTY reconstruction was being considered. The excep-tion to this was the PET global averaging reconstruc-tion, which was positively correlated with a number ofSTY reconstructions, despite it being considerably farfrom them as measured by Euclidean distance (Fig. 2a).The most negative correlation was found between STYand PET under global averaging, but this is an artifactof both character sets being normalized together, whileundergoing global averaging separately.

Since the Euclidean distance between the linearparsimony reconstructions of the STY-MC and PET-DC is not especially great (Fig. 2a), and they stronglyagree about the trends in ancestral characters (Fig. 2c,d)we concluded that these topologies and this methodol-ogy could ultimately form the basis of our visualizationsof PIPC. However, before presenting these reconstruc-tions as definitive, we needed to confirm several points.

First, the original PET-C and STY-C data sets did notinclude character values for any outgroup species, thusthis information was unavailable during reconstruction,even if the tree being used for reconstruction itselfcontained outgroups. To what extent does this distortthe reconstruction? Second, we have focused on linearparsimony in contrast to averaging as a reconstructionmethod. Perhaps philosophical alternatives, such asmaximum likelihood and Bayesian reconstruction, aredefinitively preferable. Lastly, such methods allow us toincorporate branch length information. Does thatgreatly affect reconstructed character values?

Part 2: Broader reconstruction comparisons

To address these questions, we generated a new dataset (OPI-C), with measurements of the 18 characterscommon to PET-C and STY-C for five outgroup speciesin suborders of Opiliones other than Cyphophthalmi(Gruber, 1978; Tourinho, 2004; Schwendinger, 2006;Bauer and Prieto, 2009; Sharma and Giribet, 2011). Weoptimized OPI-C on a tree derived from the most recentcomprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Cyp-hophthalmi (Giribet et al., 2012), which included allsuborders of Opiliones, all families of Cyphophthalmi,representatives of Pettalidae and Stylocellidae in similarproportions, and branch lengths (Fig. 2e). We alsoproduced a landmark version of OPI-C in which thex- and y-coordinates of all features on the animals(required to calculate the 18 character values) wereretained as such for landmark analysis in TNT.

OPI-C was reconstructed on this tree using manydifferent methods: averaging, linear parsimony, land-mark optimization, squared-change parsimony, maxi-mum likelihood (under Brownian motion, supported byan analysis of evolutionary model selection describedbelow, and restricted likelihood models), independentcontrasts, and Bayesian. The pairwise correlation coef-ficients between these methods are presented in Fig. 2f.We found that the primary determinant of whether tworeconstructions were in agreement was whether theyutilized outgroup information. Important exceptions tothis pattern were nested averaging (which performs onlydown-pass calculations, thereby ignoring outgroupinformation) and linear parsimony implemented in TNT.

Reconstructions generated using linear parsimony inTNT and nested averaging were in the broadest agree-ment with other reconstructions. They correlated sig-nificantly with the reconstructions of essentially all othermethods, with the exception of the maximum likelihoodmethods that ignored outgroups but utilized branchlengths. The only other method that displayed similarlybroad agreement was landmark optimization in TNT,although this approach (which uses outgroup informa-tion) was not significantly correlated with three of themaximum likelihood and Bayesian methods that also

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used outgroup information. Sister group averagingexhibited the least agreement. The inclusion or exclusionof branch length information increased the correlationbetween differing methods only slightly. We expected(Felsenstein, 1985), and observed, that independentcontrasts and squared-change parsimony weighted bybranch lengths and lacking outgroup data gave identicalresults.

We tested our 18 overlapping morphometric charac-ters for the best-fit model of evolution on a tree withoutgroups and branch lengths using the GEIGERpackage (Harmon et al., 2008) in R (R DevelopmentCore Team, 2011). Each character was fitted to theevolutionary model independently of the other charac-ters. Using the ‘‘fitContinuous’’ command, we generatedtwo comparisons for each character: differences in thelog-likelihood between the fit of each model andBrownian motion, and the Akaike information criterion(AIC) measure of information content. The evolutionarymodels tested included Pagel�s (1999) lambda, kappa,and delta models, Brownian motion, Ornstein–Uhlen-beck (which is Brownian motion with stabilizing selec-tion), and ‘‘white noise’’, which models a lack ofphylogenetic signal. Missing data were replaced by theaverage of other values for the character when needed.

The log-likelihoods of the fits of evolutionary modelsfor the majority of our 18 characters were not signifi-cantly different from the Brownian motion model. Onlyseven characters had a significantly different likelihoodof fit by a model other than Brownian motion, and forall of these the fit of the alternate model was more likely.Using AIC, the same seven characters plus an additionalone were better explained by models other thanBrownian motion. Three characters were best fit bythe white noise model, but for all other characters thewhite noise model was significantly worse in both thelnL and AIC comparisons.

Maximum likelihood methods generate 95% confi-dence intervals on reconstructed characters, and linearparsimony in TNT generates ranges for reconstructedcharacters. Both of these indicate the degree of uncer-tainty in the reconstruction, and we found them to be ofthe same order of magnitude—respectively 36% and12% on average across characters. There was noconsistent relationship across methods between theinclusion or exclusion of outgroups and the size of theconfidence intervals. For example, the addition ofoutgroup data to a linear parsimony analysis broadenedthe range of the reconstruction of body size (character 1)from 2.7% to 25%, but reduced the 95% confidenceinterval of that character under a Brownian motionmodel from 50% to 42%.

As an indication of the predisposition of a recon-struction method simply to average character valuesacross taxa, we again calculated the average magnitudeof our normalized characters in each reconstruction

(Fig. 2f, right) of OPI-C. Sister group averaging andmaximum likelihood under Brownian motion (usingoutgroup data and branch lengths) produced the small-est-magnitude reconstructed characters, i.e. those closestto an average. Landmark optimization produced recon-structed characters with the greatest magnitude, fol-lowed by linear parsimony using outgroup data andlinear parsimony not using outgroup data. All othermethods produced reconstructions with intermediatemagnitude characters.

Only one method differed from the others by analy-sing characters under spatial constraints: landmarkoptimization, which acts directly on the x- andy-coordinates of the animal features used to measurethe continuous characters. This method has the poten-tial advantage of bypassing distortions in the indepen-dent optimization of characters that are respectivelyconstrained. For example, optimization could beperformed independently on three non-independentcharacters encoding a numerator, a denominator, andtheir ratio. We tested whether this distortion wasoccurring in the linear parsimony reconstructions asfollows. The original PET-C and STY-C character setscontain many characters that are the ratio of two rawmeasurements of the animals. If their reconstructionsare to be believed, then the ratio of two reconstructedraw characters should correlate with the reconstructedvalue of the corresponding ratio character. We evalu-ated this using the 59 ratio characters present in thePET-C character set (Fig. 2g) and found strong agree-ment (r = 0.61, P < 10)6). The two characters fallingfarthest from the trend line encode two measurements ofthe width of the ozophores (cone-like scent organs)relative to the body width.

From the comparison of these methods, we concludethe following about the reconstructions generated usinglinear parsimony in TNT:

1. They are similar to each other (with statisticalsignificance), irrespective of the inclusion of outgroupdata.

2. They are significantly correlated with those ofnumerous other methods, including maximum likeli-hood and Bayesian analysis, performing in this respectnearly as well as nested averaging. Moreover, they arecorrelated in the specific cases of two previouslypublished ‘‘total evidence’’ phylogenies for the Cyp-hophthalmi (Fig. 2c,d).

3. The ranges in reconstructed characters provide ameasure of the precision with which characters areresolved, given the data, tree topology, and algorithm.In some sense, these ranges are analogous to confidenceintervals output by maximum likelihood algorithms,inasmuch as the latter derive from the same sources ofuncertainty. In the case of STY-C and PET-C, theseranges were fairly small, averaging 9% and 12% ofcharacter magnitude, respectively.

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4. They appear to resist simply reporting an averageof character values (Fig. 2b,f), second in this respectonly to landmark optimization.

5. Their ratio characters appeared to not be greatlydistorted by the independent reconstruction of theirnumerators and denominators (Fig. 2g).

Using linear parsimony in TNT, we reconstructed theancestral values of the original 78 PET-C and 51 STY-Ccontinuous morphological characters on the PET-DCand STY-MC trees, respectively. These values were thenun-normalized to yield raw character values thatprovided constraints for two illustrations of PIPC(Fig. 3), one for each character set. Not surprisingly,given that we chose the reconstruction method that wasthe most consistent, there is broad agreement in themorphology of PIPC illustrations generated using thePET-C and STY-C characters. Both visualizationsreveal small Cyphophthalmi (total body length exclud-

ing chelicers 2.5 and 2.9 mm, respectively) with a wideprosoma, entire posterior tergites (i.e. lacking thebilobed posterior found as a sexual dimorphism in themales of many species), lateral ozophores raised fromthe edge of the carapace (type 2 of Juberthie, 1970),coxae of legs III meeting at the midline, robust secondcheliceral articles widest close to their proximal end, andan anal plate in a posterior position. The reconstruc-tions differ qualitatively in a few ways: the ornamenta-tion on the second cheliceral article, the midlinemodification of the anal plate, and the distance betweenthe lateral margins of the opisthosomal sternites and thelateral margins of the body.

Characters present in PET-C but not in STY-C implythat PIPC had first cheliceral articles tightly articulatedwith the dorsal scutum and bearing a small dorsal crest,a broad sternal plate, caudal setae (scopulae) of typicallength, and thickness typical of most species. Characters

dorsal1 mm

ventral lateral

tarsus IVtarsus I



Fig. 3. Visualizations of PIPC. (a) Reconstruction generated using PET-C data optimized by linear parsimony on the PET-DC topology. (b)Reconstruction generated using STY-C data optimized by linear parsimony on the STY-MC topology. Circles indicate the reconstructed position offeatures that are constrained in two dimensions. Parallel lines indicate the reconstructed position of features that are constrained perpendicularly tothose lines, but not to displacement of that feature in directions parallel to the lines. Grey lines are features of the animals shown for completeness,but not directly evaluated in the reconstruction. All diagrams are shown to scale.

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present in STY-C but not in PET-C imply that PIPChad either lens-less eyes or no eyes, a larger than averageanal gland opening, a bilobed tergite IX, an ovalgonostome, short tarsi on the first and fourth legs, withthe latter bearing a small adenostyle (a secretory glandof unknown function found on the tarsus of walking legIV in males of all species,). Notably, the smaller of thetwo PIPC representations (based on the STY-C data set,Fig. 3b) is based on a data set containing the largeranimals (stylocellids, which are on average larger thanpettalids). This provides further evidence that, unlike thetopology-independent averaging methods, linear parsi-mony does not simply report the mean character valuesacross terminals. Moreover, the overall appearance ofthe PIPC image based on the PET-C data set is morelike a primitive stylocellid (Giribet, 2002, Clouse et al.2009) than the image based on the STY-C data set.


We recovered two images for the ancestor of allextant Cyphophthalmi (PIPC). These images were instrong qualitative agreement, revealing small animalswith robust chelicerae and lacking the posteriormodifications characteristic of sexual dimorphism inmany extant species. The reconstructions differed in asmall number of qualitative ways, and in theseinstances of disagreement, the preferred characterstates may be those implied by the PET data set(Fig. 3a), since these data yielded reconstructionsconsiderably more robust to topological and method-ological variation.

Given Stylocellidae�s morphology (often large, long-legged, with eyes bearing lenses), habitat (rain-drenchedmountainsides), and dispersal events (the only knowncrossing of an oceanic barrier) (Clouse, 2010), a largePIPC would seem to fit the ecological challenges ofcoarse riverbank debris available to Paleozoic detriti-vores. Indeed, a small, short-legged PIPC with dimin-ished eyes is not consistent with the idea of a large,gangly ancestor climbing over sopping pieces of plantdebris along Paleozoic streams. Therefore our smallreconstructed animal prompted us to consider moreclosely size variation within Cyphophthalmi, and to askwhether this reconstruction can still be consistent withlife on a Paleozoic floodplain. Within Stylocellidae,species sizes can vary in the same habitat; conspecificspecies often differ markedly by size, so without know-ing much about their ecology, we can at least say thatgeneral environmental effects do not exert strong selec-tive pressure on body size. Perhaps species of differingsizes segregate within a leaf litter habitat on a smallerscale, or have different strategies during disturbance.

But in general, larger species may have less chance todig deep in the soil during adverse environmental

conditions; large sizes may be favourable in morehumidity-stable environments. This is consistent withthe observation that cave-dwelling species of Cyp-hophthalmi are amongst the largest, and live in someof the most stable humidity conditions. In addition,this matches the observation that smaller Mediterra-nean cyphophthalmids are seldom collected from leaflitter during the dry season (G. Giribet., pers. obs.).They presumably burrow deeply into the soil to avoiddehydration, rather than undergoing a generationaldie-off, as they have been observed to live up to9 years (Juberthie, 1960). But for those tropical forestspecies for which phenology is known, they areeurychrones (present throughout the year) (Legg andPabs-Garnon, 1989).

Despite the lack of leaves on early macrophytes,sufficiently decomposed plant debris in the Paleozoiclikely still generated the deep, soft duff so commonlyfavoured by Cyphophthalmi today, and PIPC remindsus of one species that flourishes in deep duff on afloodplain today: Metasiro americanus Davis 1933. Itranges from upland areas of the Florida panhandle tothe southern Appalachians, but it also has populationsin the Savannah River Floodplain along the coast ofSouth Carolina. These latter populations likely expe-rience complete inundations, yet they can be found ingreat numbers in the deep, humid, fine debris ofcertain hardwood hammocks in the area. Like PIPC,this species is comparatively small, short-limbed, lens-less (and eyeless), and exhibits minimal sexual dimor-phism. We wonder if small size allows species to livedeep in the duff, where eyes are less useful, andwhether this habitat affords protection from periodicfloods as well as dehydration during dry seasons.Additionally, a small body with short, robust limbswould be less susceptible to shearing forces during aflood. Present cyphophthalmid ecology is poorlyknown, and attempting to project it back over 410million years is highly speculative, but we offer thesethoughts as a first step toward testable hypotheses forthe evolutionary trends we see in the suborder.

The behaviour of character reconstruction methods

In Part 1, we first tested four different reconstruc-tion methods against six different phylogenetichypotheses, three of which contained mostly pettalidterminals (PET), and three of which were predomi-nantly stylocellid terminals (STY). With the exceptionof the simplest reconstruction method, global averag-ing, there was good agreement in the reconstructionsgenerated using the PET terminal set, but onlysporadic agreement between pairs of reconstructionsgenerated using the STY terminal set. Nevertheless,reconstructions agreed more within a terminal set thanbetween the two, suggesting that reconstructions are

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generally sensitive to terminal selection. Moreover,sensitivity to reconstruction methodology also variedwith terminal set—PET reconstructions were robust tomethodology as well as topology, but STY recon-structions were more sensitive to both topological andmethodological changes. The latter data set alsorevealed that a lack of resolution at the reconstructednode introduces considerable sensitivity to reconstruc-tion method. The robustness to variation in topologyand methodology of a particular terminal set shouldtherefore be evaluated while determining what confi-dence can be placed on an ancestral reconstruction.

By considering the correlation between reconstruc-tions, rather than simply the Euclidean distance betweenthem, we were able to identify reconstructions usingeither terminal set that agreed about the trends ofancestral characters, if not the magnitude of thosecharacters. Using this comparison, we also considered awide variety of methods to optimize the OPI-C data set(containing outgroup data for five non-cyphopthalmidspecies) on an updated molecular tree with branchlengths. Squared-change parsimony and maximum like-lihood methods yielded congruent reconstructions, irre-spective of the inclusion of branch length data, butdependent on the inclusion or exclusion of outgroupdata. Bayesian reconstructions were consistent, irrespec-tive of the inclusion of outgroup data, with the otherreconstructions that used outgroup data. Reconstruc-tions by landmark optimization, nested averaging, andlinear parsimony in TNT were correlated to all othercategories of reconstruction, except squared-changeparsimony and maximum likelihood without outgroupdata but with branch lengths.

Linear parsimony as implemented in TNT showedbroad agreement with the reconstruction method used,as well as insensitivity to the inclusion or exclusion ofoutgroup data. Moreover, this method also generatedthe greatest agreement between reconstructions basedthe distinct STY and PET trees, specifically the PET-DCand STY-MC trees. It is encouraging that the greatestagreement between reconstructions generated with dif-ferent terminal sets was found using trees based on‘‘total evidence’’ analyses (combining different datasets), suggesting that the inclusion of as many charactersas possible reveals consistent phylogenetic relationshipseven when the terminal set varies significantly. Consis-tently, we observed that the reconstruction methodsmost likely to yield sets of reconstructed characters withvalues far from the overall mean across terminals werelandmark optimization, linear parsimony, and nestedaveraging. Conversely, global and sister group averag-ing generally yielded reconstructions less distinct fromthe mean across terminals.

For the topology tested in Part 2, the inclusion orexclusion of branch length information was not found

greatly to affect the ancestral reconstruction. This was asurprising result, as we expected our reconstructionsusing branch lengths to cluster together. Instead, itseems that the reconstruction of PIP-C is more sensitiveto tree topology and the position of the reconstructednode within the tree.

When an ancestral reconstruction is optimized at theroot of a tree, the selection of the outgroup would seemto be of critical importance, since its ancestral characterstates are only one edge away from the root. We choseto root our Cyphophthalmi-only trees using Stylocelli-dae, based on the best previously available evidence(Boyer et al., 2007). However, recent results (Giribetet al., 2010, 2012) suggest that Pettalidae may be sisterto the remaining Cyphophthalmi, as they were found inthe STY-M and STY-MC trees. Re-analysis of PET andSTY-C trees under this alternative topology did notchange the most prominent characteristics of PIPC,which were found to be more pettalid-like already.Specifically, pettalids have the following in commonwith PIPC: they are, on average, smaller than stylocel-lids, possess robust chelicerae with only partial orna-mentation, and are eyeless or lens-less. PIPC�s mostdistinctively stylocellid characteristic is its dorsal out-line, rather than any specific set of reconstructedcharacters. This suggests the reconstruction is surpris-ingly robust to the choice of sister group withinCyphophthalmi, at least with respect to the choice ofStylocellidae or Pettalidae. It is not evident what iscausing the dilution of stylocellid characters, even whenthey are placed as sister to the remaining Cyp-hophthalmi. The earliest lineages in Stylocellidae arethe cave-dwelling members of Fangensis, which havereduced (with a lens) or missing eyes, but those speciesare also large and long-legged, so their placement at thebase of Stylocellidae seems unlikely to drive the reduc-tion of eyes in PIPC while having no effect on overallbody and limb size.

PIPC is remarkably at odds with non-cyphophthal-mid Opiliones, which are usually larger, extremely long-legged, and distinctly eyed (with eyes that appear to behomologous to those in Cyphophthalmi; Alberti et al.,2008). It would have been a convenient reconstruction ifPIPC had appeared stylocellid-like, for this would havesuggested a gradual evolution of the usual smallcyphophthalmid form from an ancestor that is superfi-cially closer to their sister Opiliones. However, given theappearance of PIPC here, the morphology of theancestor of all Opiliones is not at all obvious, andremains fruitful ground for further inquiry. From thatancestor, two radically different forms of Opilionesemerged in the Paleozoic, raising interesting questionsabout the evolution of Opiliones: which characters aremore derived, and what ecological factors drove theirdivergence?

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A broader consideration of reconstruction methods

De Queiroz (2000) has argued that differencesbetween the data being optimized for the reconstructionand those used to find the tree are desirable, sinceoptimality criteria minimize the number of ancestralorigins for characters of interest and can bias recon-structions. We did this in many cases, optimizing, forexample, continuous characters in trees found usingmolecular data; still, without a detailed examination ofthis issue, we offer no explicit insight here. But this andother studies—discrete characters on a molecular phy-logeny (Hibbitts and Fitzgerald, 2005), continuousmorphological data on a discrete morphological phy-logeny (Gasparini et al., 2006), and generic averages ona supertree constructed from trees searched off discretemorphological and behavioral data (Hormiga et al.,2000)—emphasize a lack of restrictions in this regard.

Maddison (1991) showed that character reconstruc-tions under parsimony are related to those undermaximum likelihood in that squared-change parsimonyderives from probabilistic models of tree estimation(Edwards and Cavalli-Sforza, 1964; Cavalli-Sforza andEdwards, 1967). Additionally, Webster and Purvis(2002a) have provided a map of rate and reconstructionequivalencies among different parsimony and likelihoodmethods. From their map, we were able to confirm theequivalence between unweighted squared-change parsi-mony and weighted squared-change parsimony whenbranch lengths are equal; that linear parsimony pro-duces different reconstructions from squared-changeparsimony; and that both parsimony methods differfrom maximum likelihood with a Brownian motionmodel of evolution. Webster and Purvis (2002a) do notindicate that independent contrasts gives equivalentreconstructions to other methods, although at the rootof the tree it should be the same as squared-changeparsimony and likelihood with a Brownian motionmodel (Felsenstein, 1985; Grafen, 1989); indeed, in ourreconstructions, independent contrasts in APE at thebase of Cyphophthalmi when there were no outgroups(i.e. at the base of the entire tree) gave equivalentreconstructions to unweighted squared-change parsi-mony with no outgroups and restricted ML under aBrownian motion model with no outgroups and nobranch lengths. Independent contrasts reconstructionswere not affected by branch lengths, but rather byoptimizing at the base of the tree or an internal node (aswhen outgroup data were included); independent con-trasts reconstructions at internal nodes were equivalentto weighted squared-change parsimony with no out-groups and very close to those from restricted maximumlikelihood with no outgroups but branch lengths.

Normally, the model behind the evolution of contin-uous characters under maximum likelihood is Brownianmotion, a random divergence of character state means.

The Ornstein–Uhlenbeck modification of this process(Lande, 1976) can be used to constrain divergences,essentially introducing stabilizing selection, and a fur-ther modification is to remove the up-pass optimization.Using a stabilizing model and only a down-pass withsquared-change calculations leads to Felsenstein�s (1985)independent contrasts, which for any one node is theweighted average of descendant character states(weighted by the branch lengths). The package APEconsiders Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Brownian motion a gen-eralized Brownian motion model, and indeed, thereconstructions it calculated from our data undermaximum likelihood with a Brownian motion modelwere almost identical to the global average for eachcharacter across all terminals. For some characters,including body size, they were strictly identical to theglobal average (although with confidence intervals).

Other likelihood method variants were difficult to testdue to our uncertainty over use of the program. In APE,generalized least squares methods can be used with avariety of correlation models, but produced errormessages in our hands. These warnings seemed spurious,but could have indicated problems that led to nonsen-sical reconstructions (such as an ancestral Cyp-hophthalmi five times larger than any that exist todayor are in the fossil record, under the correlationstructure of Martins and Hansen, 1997). As for Bayesianreconstructions, Maddison (1991) has argued that aweighted squared-change parsimony reconstruction alsomaximizes the posterior probability of the reconstruc-tion, making it equivalent to a Bayesian method. We didnot find this to be the case, but we also had largevariances from different runs of BayesTraits, uncertaintyin the proper settings of the various parameters, andevidence that some functions are still under develop-ment.

The fact that various reconstruction methods arerelated and some of these are equivalent to averagesraises the question of whether we gain anything fromcharacter optimizations that is not available from justcalculating nested averages down the tree, or, worse, asimple global average across terminals. We found herethat reconstructions using global averaging were distantfrom other reconstructions (except maximum likelihoodin APE). However, results from nested averagingperformed essentially as consistently as linear parsimonyin most analyses, with the important exception of notfinding congruity between reconstructions based on theSTY and PET data sets (Fig. 2c).

A test of optimization methods by Webster andPurvis (2002b) resulted in ancestral reconstructions ofForaminifera that were also different from the averageof all the terminals, but just such an average turned outto be a better match for known fossil ancestors than anyof the reconstructions. The lesson of their study,however, may be that reconstructions are ultimately

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dependent on the phylogeny upon which characters areoptimized, and its reliability is key. Webster and Purvis(2002b) used a phylogeny constructed using a ‘‘stra-tophenetic’’ approach, where the author (Fordham,1986) created species groups with ‘‘intuitively definedboundaries’’ and traced their evolution through geolog-ical strata. Thus it is perhaps not surprising that itsancestral nodes were occupied by forms most closelyresembling descendant averages, since the author mayhave been merely averaging shapes when exercising hisintuition during tree inference. A second test of recon-struction methods conducted by Webster and Purvis(2002a) on a primate data set also relied on phylogenicestimations, dates, and ancestor hypotheses (including acomposite phylogeny with fairly subjective branchlengths; Purvis, 1995) perhaps too rough to indicatewhich of these methods found the ‘‘correct’’ ancestralmorphology. It is important that these methods do notproduce just global averages, but ultimately it is difficultto judge their accuracy using such problematic historicalhypotheses.

Given the differing philosophies on phylogeneticreconstruction, historical speculation, and assertionsabout ancient life, acceptance of ancestral reconstruc-tion as a general exercise is varied. However, we feel ourwork here formalizes a process done casually byourselves and other opilionid biologists as part ofdeveloping new phylogenetic hypotheses and describingnewly discovered fossils, which is to wonder what theorigins of Opiliones were like (e.g. Garwood et al.,2011). We have shown here that linear parsimonygenerates reconstructions robust to changes in terminalsand topologies, which are quite distinct from simpleaverages but consistent with reasonable alternativemethods, and we have used it to generate an ancestralreconstruction that currently stands as our best estimateof the progenitor for this very old, worldwide group ofarthropods.


We are indebted to Dennis Stevenson, CladisticsEditor-in-Chief, and two anonymous referees whoencouraged us to improve and expand the manuscript.B. de Bivort was supported by the Rowland JuniorFellows Program. This research was funded in part bythe National Science Foundation (grant DEV-0236871to G. Giribet).


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