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Cladiri Moderne Domotice

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Visualization of a tower top (Image: Aedas)

Dubai Marina Property - www.bestdubaimarinadeals. om Apartments! "ffi es # $etail %nits &ales - ' ! $entals

from A*D ' Ads by +oogle

Arti le &ummary

+lass-s,inned steel-frame s,ys rapers a e manyad antages. / ey0re relati ely 1ui ,! ine2pensi e and easyto build and re1uire omparati ely few materials. 3ut t ey

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pose problems4 eat not least among t em. 3uildings witfully glazed fa ades are essentially green ouses! so w ent e sun omes out! t ey an get un omfortably ot. / e

problem t at is more a ute in ot limates li,e t at of t e%nited Arab *mirates! w ere! despite t is fa t! t e appetitefor glassy ig -rise ontinues to be ora ious. 5or its designof Al 3a r /owers in Abu D abi! Aedas as de eloped auni1ue intelligent s,in! inspired by t e traditional Arabimas rabiya! t at it laims redu es interior eat gains ausedby sunlig t by around ' per ent.

6 3a , to Modernizing t e mas rabiya: &mart-s,inned Al3a ar /owers near ompletion

"t er Images from t is +allery

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3D-printed sand Microclimates to cool publicplaces

By Darren Quick

December 1, 20105 Comments

5 Pictures

1in & are


The 3D-printed sand Microclimates cool theimmediate area

Image Gallery (5 ima es! Thin-"ilm Pressure #ensor -

$$$%Tekscan%com&Pressure-#ensorsMeasure Tactile Pressure and "orce% 'e uest a "reeCustom Quote)*ds +y ,oo le

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The lack o coolin in lar e open areas ine.ita+lysends people scurryin or air-conditioned +uildin son hot days% Takin a lea rom traditional /slamic

architecture that dealt $ith the harsh desert climate$ith Mashra+iyas 0 a pro ectin lattice$ork $indo$that pro.ides shade rom the hot sun $hile allo$incool air rom the street to 2o$ throu h 0 ondon-+ased desi n 4rm Postler"eruson has desi ned a kindo three dimensional Mashra+iya that can cool theimmediate area in an ener y- ree $ay%

• ie$ all

The three-dimensional coolin to$ers6 calledMicroclimates6 are made rom sand usin a 3D-

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printin techni ue de.eloped +y 78 company d-shape that takes a C*D 4le and deposits sand6 alon$ith an inor anic +inder6 in layers to +uild a three-

dimensional structure rom the +ottom up% Bye9tendin the lattice$ork desi n in three dimensionsresults in the internal structure o the to$ers ha.ina lar e internal sur ace area% This6 coupled $ith$ater ed into the top o the structures6 e:cientlycools the air passin throu h it usin e.aporati.ecoolin %

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*s the name su ests6 the Microclimates produce acoolin e;ect in their immediate .icinity6 makinthem an ener y e:cient $ay to cool pu+lic places%

They also look a lot nicer than an industrial air-conditionin system and Postler"eruson says theycan easily +e mo.ed around to di;erent locations%

ia inha+itat

* TE'M<TEC=/C* -$$$%latermotecnica%it

Thermocouples 'TD> s PT1??6PT1??? or industrialapplication*ds +y ,oo le#hare

CTBUH lists its picks for Best Tall Buildings of!"

By 'andolph @onsson

June 17, 2012

5A Pictures

in & are Email

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sustaina+ility6 technical inno.ation and appealindesi n% This year>s $inners6 each impressi.e in itso$n ri ht6 hail rom *ustralia6 Canada6 /taly and

Qatar alon $ith one rom *+u Dha+i that took theor aniHation>s 4rst-e.er /nno.ation *$ard% *ninternational panel o urors made the picks $hich$ill +e ormally reco niHed at an a$ards ceremony inChica o this <cto+er%

• ie$ all

IThe $inners display remarka+le creati.ity6 as $ellas a respect or the en.ironment6 connection $ithplace6 and the ur+an surroundin s6J said a$ardscommittee chairman 'ichard Cook% ith KK +uildin s

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o.er F5F t (L?? m! completed lo+ally last year andK entries su+mitted or consideration6 the urorsaced uite a challen e% Gere are the results o that

hard $ork

B#$T T%&& BUI&DI'G%M#(IC%$)

*+solute To$ers

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ocated in Mississau a6 <ntario6 Canada6 a rapidly-ro$in su+ur+ o Toronto6 this pair o to$ers6 one o

$hich is nicknamed the Marilyn Monroe +uildin oro+.ious reasons6 is scheduled or completion ne9tmonth% The t$o cur.y residential structures oin three

other more traditional to$ers to orm the 7#NA ?million *+solute orld pro ect%

/t>s a i.en that asymmetry in architecturedramatically adds to cost ( rom the +ase to the top6the Marilyn to$er t$ists L?O de rees!6 and these t$o

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almost eminine structures are no e9ception - o.erhal the total construction +ud et $as consumed +ythe sinuous pair alone%

Each 2oor (and indi.idual residence! di;ers rome.ery other6 so architects and en ineers had to etespecially creati.e structurally% Dimensions osupport $alls and columns $ere altered toaccommodate ad acent 2oors6 or e9ample6 and asthe cur.ed e9terior precluded the use o traditionalhoists6 they desi ned an interior construction craneto et the o+ done in a reasona+le amount o time%

The re ion>s harsh climate also presented somechallen es% ith each 2oor $rapped +y a continuous+alcony6 en ineers had to de.ise a $ay to separatethem rom the main 2oor sla+s to pre.ent heat&colddraina e rom the units% The resultin thermal+reaks they came up $ith $ere so e;ecti.e6 theymay e.entually +e patented% /nno.ation a+ounds inthe *+solute To$ers%

@ury comment "There have been several curvaceoustowers completed in recent years – some usingbalconies to achieve the ree! orm edge, and others

using the whole acade #ith $bsolute we see theentire building twisting to achieve the organic orm,creating a beauti ul new landmar% or a developingurban area "

• Desi n *rchitect M*D *rchitects

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• Gei ht To$er 1 - 5K t (1 O%5m! To$er L - 51K t(15Km!

• #tories To$er 1 - 5F To$er L - 5?

B#$T T%&& BUI&DI'G %$I%%'D %U$T(%&%$I%)

1 Bli h #treet

Completed in the sprin o last year6 this strikin7#NL ? million elliptical o:ce +uildin o.erlooks#ydney Gar+or and +oasts such an impressi.e arrayo sustaina+le eatures that it $as ranted si9-star

reen status +y *ustralia>s ,reen Buildin Council%"rom a se$a e plant in the +asement that reclaimsO? percent o the to$er>s $aste $ater to roo topsolar panels and chilled-+eam air conditionin 6 it>s

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e.ident the desi ners $ent all out to reduce the+uildin >s o.erall ootprint%

1 Bli h is also the 4rst ma or skyscraper in *ustralia$ith an e9ternally-lou.ered dou+le-skin acade thatsimultaneously sa.es ener y $hile eliminatin lare

rom the sky% To urther enhance the system>se:ciency6 the lou.ers> +lade orientation to the sun isad usted continuously throu hout the day% Po$erconsumption is also reduced thanks to theimpressi.e ull-hei ht skylit atrium on the +uildin >ssouth side that supplies a+undant dayli ht to allle.els% This is *ustralia>s 4rst +uildin to +e honored+y the CTB7G%

@ury comment &The dramatic, naturally!ventilatedcentral atrium connects the o'ce wor%ers withnature at the inner depths o the plan, giving a senseo openness or the entire building The series ocommunal spaces throughout the building, andespecially the antastic roo top garden, add greatlyto the (uality o li e or the tenants )

• Desi n *rchitect in enho.en architects &*rchitectus

Gei ht AAL t (135m!• #tories LK

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B#$T T%&& BUI&DI'G#U(*+#)

PalaHHo om+ardia

The 4rst /talian structure to $in an a$ard romCTB7G6 this lar e o:ce comple9 in Milan houses there ional o.ernment o om+ardy>s ne$ seat%Completed in early L?116 the 7#N5?5 million pro ect

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incorporates numerous eatures6 +oth time-testedand cuttin ed e6 that help make this +uildin thede4nition o reen%

ie$ed rom the air6 the comple9>s relati.ely narro$5LO t (1F1 m! hi h o:ce to$er appears tethered tothe round +y a series o AF t (1A m! $ide se.en tonine story cur.ilinear o:ce strands6 all co.ered$ith acti.e climate $alls - t$o layers o lass ameter apart $ith rotatin .ertical +lades in +et$eenthat can +e positioned to shade the interior orpassi.e ener y sa.in s%

Controlled +y computer6 the 4nely per orated +ladesrotate in roups to +lock direct sunli ht% henpositioned at an les less than ninety de rees to the

lass6 the tiny holes actually permit .isi+ility o theoutdoors - a handy eature or those prone toclaustropho+ia% @udicious use o solar cells laminatedinto the to$er>s south side lass panels aids inreducin the +uildin >s o.erall ener y usa e%

/n one o PalaHHo om+ardia>s more unusualinno.ations6 the pro ect>s pro9imity to anunder round ri.er allo$ed desi ners to create a

eothermal heat pump system that e9ploits the heate9chan e capacity o the su+terranean $ater% Talka+out di in deep to o reen%

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@ury comment &*n a city %nown or history andashion, the tower is per ectly attuned to the urban

environment +ore than simply a tower, the pro ect

creates a cohesive blend o par%s and commercialspace, with an appropriately local -air )

• Desi n *rchitect Pei Co++ "reed Partners • Gei ht 5LO t (1F1m!• #tories A?

B#$T T%&& BUI&DI'G MIDD&##%$T %'D %,(IC%)

Doha To$er

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E.en $ith the ast and urious construction oinno.ati.e pro ects on oin in Doha6 Qatar6 thisstrikin dome-topped circular o:ce to$er stands out

rom the cro$d% ocated in the est Bay district othe city6 the 7#N1LF million pro ect $as completed

last March and sports an intri uin acade composedo layers o intricately cut aluminum reminiscent othe mashrabiya ound on palaces and homes in there ion% Coupled $ith a layer o re2ecti.e lassunderneath and roller +linds inside6 the .isually

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stunnin e9terior helps reduce coolin costs +yprotectin the +uildin rom the harsh desert heat%

Bein columnar in cross-section6 e.ery 2oor ispro.ided a panoramic .ista - east- acin o:ces .ie$the near+y ul 6 south- acin see the port6 $est-

acin o.erlook the rest o Doha City $hile those onthe north side et to stare at the +urnin hot desert%

The Doha To$er also ets the distinction o +ein the4rst si ni4cant hi h-rise to use cross-linked dia- ridcolumns o rein orced concrete or structural support6$hich eliminates the need or a central core% Thisinno.ation not only optimiHed space a.aila+le or thetenants +ut also allo$ed construction o animpressi.e L -2oor lass atrium%

@ury comment &The s%in o the building is a beauti ul

e.pression o the local culture, connecting this verymodern tower with ancient *slamic designs *t also

provides a antastic pattern o light within thebuilding, while e'ciently dampening the impacts othe sun/s rays )

• Desi n *rchitect *teliers @ean =ou.el •

Gei ht K1 t (L3Km!• #tories AF

I''* %TI*' %.%(D)

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*l Bahar To$ers

Completed earlier this month6 these strikin t$ino:ce to$ers in *+u Dha+i6 7*E6 $ere sin led out or

CTB7G>s 4rst-e.er /nno.ation *$ard% Their inno.ati.eacades6 much like that on the Doha To$er outlined

a+o.e6 acti.ely reduce solar ain +y more than hal$ith a structure that mimics the desert-tested lattice-screen mashra+iya pattern ound on +uildin sthrou hout the re ion% Banks o solar panels on thesouthern acin roo s o +oth to$ers contri+ute a+out

4.e percent o their o.erall po$er re uirement andpo$er the openin and closin o the dynamicshadin system incorporated into the acade%

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@ury comment &The dynamic acade on $l ahar,computer!controlled to respond to optimal solar andlight conditions, has never been achieved on this

scale be ore *n addition, the e.pression o this outers%in seems to rmly root the building in its culturalconte.t )

• Desi n *rchitect *edas *rchitects td% • Gei ht A F t (1A5m!• #tories LO

Gead to the allery or additional ima es o thisyear>s $inners%

#ource CTB7G .ia *rchdaily

EED - B'EE*M - D,=B -$$$%hoinka%comBuildin certi4cation +y EED *P B'EE*M assessor6

D,=B auditor*ds +y ,oo le#hare

T/e leaning to0er of 111 Copen/agenGotel =ora6 =Rrre+ro -

$$$%Gotelnora%dk&Copenha en

Quality hotel in Central Copenha en ith reeinternet +reak ast incl*ds +y ,oo le

Image "3 of "3

2 +re 4 'e5t 6

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Bella #ky Gotel in Copenha en (/ma e Bella #kyGotel!

/n2ata+le shelters - $$$%Hepelin%sk/#< uality e.ent shelters made in E7%

*ds +y ,oo le

<ther /ma es rom this ,allery

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*rticle #ummary

The Bella #ky Com$ell Gotel in Copenha en hasopened its doors% The L5? eet ( F%5 m! tall6 K1Aroom hotel is amon o the lar est in #candina.ia6+ut its not the siHe o the desi n rom architecture4rm 3S= that>s strikin - it>s the shape% The +uildin >s

tiltin t$in to$ers lean apart rom each other at animpressi.e 15 de rees6 an an le that pro.ides uests$ith a +etter .ie$ o the surroundin parkland%

Back to The leanin to$er o %%% Copenha en

T/e 7umeira/ at #ti/ad To0ers Hotel in %buD/abi opens 0it/ classy restraint

Back to *rticle Cheap Du+ai Property -

$$$%propertyuae%coProperties 5? Belo$ Market 'ates Bi #a.in s -

"ree Promotion <;ers*ds +y ,oo le

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Image 8 of 8 7se your le t and ri ht arro$ keys to

na.i ate the allery

2 +re 4 'e5t 6

Etihad To$ers in *+u Dha+i

Emirates Gills Property -$$$%+estemirateshillsdeals%com

u9ury illas or 'ent and #ale ,ol Course ake

ie$s $ith Pools*ds +y ,oo le

*rticle #ummary

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There $as a time $hen e.ery day seemed to heraldthe openin o a ne$ hotel in the 7nited *ra+Emirates6 each one pushin the en.elope o

accepta+le taste urther and urther in an or y ocartoon rococo old mouldin s (real old! and mar+le

or miles% De.eloper @umeirah $as responsi+le or itsair share o crimes a ainst desi n% That time is o.er

it seems as @umeirah opens its latest hotel in theEtihad To$ers in *+u Dha+i - Du+ai>s more sensi+le6and richer6 uncle% The stunnin modern to$ers

enclose an interior that is a sophisticated and dareone say6 ashiona+le6 Euro-*ra+ic usion%

Back to The @umeirah at Etihad To$ers Gotel in *+uDha+i opens $ith classy restraint

<ther /ma es rom this ,allery

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'elated *rticles

• The leanin to$er o %%%

Copenha en

1Fth May6 L?11

• Palm @umeirah to eatureDu+ai>s most e9pensi.e penthouse

L th @une6 L??K

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,< D T< ,< - the ,oldBullion .endin machine

13th May6 L?1?

• ,old-to- o launches inondon

5th @uly6 L?11

• E.eryone ets a $ater.ie$ in EuropeUs 4rst rotatin hotel

1Oth <cto+er6 L??O

• *+u Dha+iUs 4.e-star hotelto eature ,'< $ind and solar technolo y

Fth *pril6 L??O

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#ections • *ero ,iHmo • *rchitecture • *round The Gome • *utomoti.e • Ba+y ,iHmo • Childsplay • Di ital Cameras • eco,iHmo • Electronics • ,ames • ,ood Thinkin • Gealth and ell+ein • Goliday Destinations • Gome Entertainment • /n.entors and 'emarka+le People • aptops • Military • Mo+ile Technolo y • Motorcycles • Music • <n the ater • <utdoors • Personal Computin • Pet ,iHmos • Podcasts • 'esearch atch • 'o+otics •

#cience and Education • #ports • #py ,ear • Telecommunications • 7r+an Transport • eara+le Electronics

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+roposed Bei9ing district to reduce carbonemissions and energy use

By Paul 'idden

ebruary 13, 20101 Comment

A Pictures

?in & are


#kidmore6 <$in s and Merrill P intend to install aeothermal heat e9chan e system in a Central Park

area to help re ulate the temperature o thesurroundin +uildin s

Image Gallery (A ima es!

Burda Desi n Geatin -$$$%Burda$t %de&GeatersBurda desi n heatin 6 $aterproo /PF56 made rome9clusi.e aluminium*ds +y ,oo le

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#kidmore6 <$in s and Merrill P (#<M! has ustun.eiled details o the 4rst phase or the e9pansionand rede.elopment o three +usiness districts in

China>s capital city6 Bei in % 8ey to the success o thepro ect is the installation o a Central Park area $hich$ill help to heat and cool ener y e:cient +uildin s inthe Da$an in District +y eothermal e9chan einstead o relyin on ener y-intensi.e coolin to$ers%

* ter +eatin o; sti; competition to ha.e its plan orthe e9pansion o the Bei in Central Business District$in an international desi n competition late lastyear6 #<M (the same company that desi ned The

ed e 6 a lass $alk out on 2oor num+er 1?3 oChica o>s #ears To$er6 that>s 16353 eet strai ht up)!has no$ un.eiled its .ision or the 4rst o the threedistricts earmarked or rede.elopment%

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#ited ust o.er 11 kilometers rom Bei in >s Capital/nternational *irport6 the Da$an in District is to+ene4t rom a eothermal heat-e9chan e system

installed as part o a Central Park recreation area tohelp passi.ely re ulate the temperature o thesurroundin hi h density o:ce +locks and residentialto$ers% The reen space sets the tone or the $holecar+on-cuttin 6 sustaina+le eel o #<M>s o.erallpro ect6 $hich also en.isions K? o ourneys in thearea +ein undertaken +y pu+lic transport6 on oot or

+y +icycle%

* net$ork o +icycle lanes throu hout the District $ill+e complemented +y a ne$ pu+lic transportin rastructure6 includin a re ular tram ser.ice6aimed at keepin automoti.e pollution andcon estion to an a+solute minimum% /t is intended

that the tram lines $ould e.entually link to ether allthree o the e9panded6 rede.eloped +usinessdistricts% Commuters6 residents and .isitors $ill nodou+t 4nd the pro.ision o transit stations alon theM15 su+$ay line a +oon too6 allo$in or uick andeasy access to the airport%

The creation o reen spaces and tra:c reducintransport initiati.es continues throu h to the $idere9pansion plans $hich $ill6 it is claimed6 result in a5? per cent reduction in District ener y consumption6$ater needs +y AK per cent6 land4ll $aste +y a

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massi.e K? per cent and eliminate some L156???tons o car+on dio9ide pollution per year%

:orea plans /as/tag-inspired skyscraper Back to *rticle

Gotel =ora6 =Rrre+ro -$$$%Gotelnora%dk&Copenha en

Quality hotel in Central Copenha en ith reeinternet +reak ast incl

*ds +y ,oo le

Image " of 7se your le t and ri ht arro$ keys to

na.i ate the allery

2 +re 4 'e5t 6

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* Danish architectural 4rm is plannin to construct a

skyscraper in #outh 8orea modeled a ter the

amiliar hashta or V sym+ol

Geat pump manu acturers -$$$%heatpump actory%com

*l$ays "ine Quality6 *l$ays ess) 7ndertake$holesale orders%

*ds +y ,oo le

*rticle #ummary

The hashta or V sym+ol has taken on a lot moreuse in recent years6 especially $ith the rise o socialmedia tools like T$itter6 $here it>s used to hi hli htpopular topics% #o in a $ay6 it>s a 4ttin model or anapartment +uildin desi ned to act as a sel -contained nei h+orhood6 $hich is e9actly the idea+ehind the Cross V To$ers planned or #outh 8orea%Danish architectural 4rm6 B arke /n els ,roup (B/,!6is modelin the look o the proposed +uildin a terthe amiliar sym+ol6 +y placin t$o interlockin+rid es +et$een t$o skyscrapers6 $hich $ill alsosupport outdoor park areas to mimic the sort ospaces you>d normally 4nd on the round%

Back to 8orea plans hashta -inspired skyscraper

<ther /ma es rom this ,allery

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'elated *rticles

• The leanin to$er o %%%

Copenha en 1Fth May6 L?11

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M 'D >s Cloud rein.entsthe skyscraper

1?th Decem+er6 L?11

• in shaped to$ers oWayed =ational Museum act as thermalchimneys

3?th =o.em+er6 L?1?

• ondon>s mile-hi h .ertical.illa e

1Kth March6 L??K

• Bur *l-Ta a sel -su:cientskyscraper desi n

5th @une6 L??K

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Geli9 lookin to use mo+ilephone to$ers or $ind ener y eneration

3rd <cto+er6 L??O

#ections • *ero ,iHmo • *rchitecture • *round The Gome • *utomoti.e • Ba+y ,iHmo • Childsplay • Di ital Cameras • eco,iHmo • Electronics • ,ames • ,ood Thinkin • Gealth and ell+ein • Goliday Destinations • Gome Entertainment • /n.entors and 'emarka+le People • aptops • Military • Mo+ile Technolo y • Motorcycles • Music • <n the ater • <utdoors • Personal Computin • Pet ,iHmos