M  y   J o u r n e  y   i n   F a  i  t  h ,  G r o  w  i n g   i n   L o  v e 1. I felt God’s love and presence through the people around me. I felt God’s love when the sisters in the retreat house took care of us. I felt God’s presence in Ms. Del Mundo. She was always there to guide us and to love us and to make us feel that there was someone who is going to accept us for what and who we are. I felt God’s love in my classmates. They all made me feel God’s love through sharing their stories and eperiences with me and I got to know them !etter and I had the chance to !ecome closer to them. ". Gods m ission f or  m e af t er  t he r et r eat is t o shar e w hat  I lear ned# m y  e per iences# m y  r eali$ at ions# m y st or ies so t hat in a w ay # t hey  m ay inspir e ot her people t o t ur n t o G od and t o !ecom e close t o %im  once m or e. Matthew "&' "( )Teaching them to o!serve all things whatever I have commanded you' and# see# I am with you always# even to the end of the world. *men. , %e promised us that he will always !e with us no matter what happens. -amille ope$ "/ I0 2ayanihan

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My Journey in Faith, Growing in Love1. I felt Gods love and presence through the people around me. I felt Gods love when the sisters in the retreat house took care of us. I felt Gods presence in Ms. Del Mundo. She was always there to guide us and to love us and to make us feel that there was someone who is going to accept us for what and who we are. I felt Gods love in my classmates. They all made me feel Gods love through sharing their stories and experiences with me and I got to know them better and I had the chance to become closer to them. 2. Gods mission for me after the retreat is to share what I learned, my experiences, my realizations, my stories so that in a way, they may inspire other people to turn to God and to become close to Him once more. Matthew 28: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you: and, see, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.He promised us that he will always be with us no matter what happens.

Camille Lopez 26 IV - Bayanihan