New Enquiries Information Pack www.cheongye.co.uk


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CKDI enquiry booklet

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New Enquiries Information Pack


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From Hollywood to Preston

Internationally renowned Martial Arts Master Instructor and Preston resident Barry Cook, founder and chief instructor of the Cheongye Kwan Martial Arts Association based in New Longton, has recently added an additional spotlight to Preston by encouraging many of his Martial Arts Action Movie Superstars to want to come here and teach seminars as well as meeting all of their many fans to have autograph and photo signing days. Master Cook (5th Dan) says "I think my celebrity friends are initially drawn by the association’s highly scientific and

systematic/dynamic curriculum, but bringing them to Preston will also do a lot for own city in general as well as putting us on the map when their fans back home follow their progress whilst here in Preston." Actor Jean Claude Van Damme has also discussed his interest with him about coming across to Preston.

Some Master Cooks friendships include action movie stars, directors and stunt choreographers such as Phillip and Simon Rhee, Dan Inosanto (Bruce Lees student), Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace, Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson, as well as the world famous Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu families Rorion Gracie, and John, Roger and Carlos Machado. Master Cook has even met with and had blessings from the Dalai Lama of Tibet. In May 2011 alone, Master Cook has spent time in the North with world Karate Champion and Hollywood Martial Arts actor Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace, as well spending time with 11 times

world Kicking Boxing champion Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson, who was in France for the Cannes film festival promoting his new film ‘The Sentinel’, but took a day out to come across to UK and whilst here spent some time with Master Cook at his hotel in Bath. Master Cook’s hopes that the people of Preston can work together with him to build a better community to live in, and invites people to use his system as their vehicle for that change to become winners. Classes are run at New Longton and Much Hoole Village Halls in Preston and he can be contacted on 0844 357 9821 or by visiting his website at www.cheongye.co.uk

Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson

Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace

Dan Inosanto

Carlos Machado

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Cheongye Kwan Daehando

Dear Student / Parent / Guardian, On behalf of the Cheongye Kwan, I would like to welcome you to the association and provide you with some information about our activities. The association provides training for people aged 5 and over, to receive instruction and mentoring in our particular system of Martial Arts Education. We are not simply a physical Martial Arts class, but rather a complete Martial Arts Educational program that incorporates additional academic tuition into our syllabus in fields such as Science and Anatomy and Physiology. All coaching is done by qualified instructors, who are well trained and have been screened for their suitability in instructing the Martial Arts within our association. The Founder and Chief Instructor of the Cheongye Kwan - Master Barry Cook is a 5th Degree Black Belt, certified by the World Taekwondo Federation’s International Instructor – Master Christopher Davies 7th Dan. Master Cook is a former member of the Great Britain Taekwondo Team, and has also held the position of National Team head coach for the British Taekwondo Alliance. He has also held a UK National ranking of 3rd in the country! As well as holding a 5th Dan Masters rank in Taekwondo, Master Cook has also attained many awards and recognitions from Martial Arts bodies around the world as well as being commended by both the President of the American Martial Arts Academy in Los Angeles, and the President of the Jin Mu Sool Martial Arts Association in Seoul, South Korea..

So what are you waiting for? Come and study a Martial Art that has also inspired several of Hollywood’s Martial Arts celebrity actors to train and become friends with Master Cook in the Cheongye Kwan system, which all started right here in the village of Much Hoole. Becoming a member of this remarkable Korean Martial Arts association in Much Hoole and New Longton will undoubtedly give you a huge advantage of new skills, both physically and mentally, but above all

it will help to enhance the character and compassion of all of its members. “Let’s work together to build a better community for all of us to live in! Let Cheongye Kwan be the vehicle for that change, and let’s make that change now”! Master Barry Cook CKDI Chief Instructor

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Welcome to the Cheongye Kwan Much Hoole & New Longton – Preston – Lancashire - Tel. 0844 357 9821

www.cheongye.co.uk www.grapplezone.co.uk

Welcome to the world of Korean Martial Arts education here at the Cheongye Kwan. My name is Barry Cook and I am a 5th Degree Black Belt in the World Taekwondo Federation system of Taekwondo, and I have been a student of the Martial Arts since 1979 and in that time I have had the privilege to have been guided by many of the world's top names in Martial Arts. Allow me to tell you a little about the art of the Cheongye Kwan. We are a school of Korean Martial Arts practice

designed to help develop the minds and characters of all our students, from 5 years old to 105 years old. Like many Martial Arts, Cheongye Kwan has the added benefits of improved health and fitness, self-defence aspects and most recently the benefits of multi-styling several of Koreas best Martial disciplines into one fantastic system. The Cheongye Kwan students are taught to live by a code of ethics we call Tenets. These include: Consideration, Compassion, Dedication, Motivation Self Discovery… many of the aspects needed to guide the younger members of today's society. The emphasis of the Cheongye Kwan classes is very much one of self and personal development, helping people to fix

flaws that they may have in their characters, such as laziness or quitting attitudes, and trying to get them to adopt a more positive and constructive lifestyle, teaching them to take pride in their work and to set goals for their future. This art has become so popular with the parents of students that many of them join themselves to practice. Of course, the Cheongye Kwan has a range of benefits that will simply amaze you, and over the years of training and growing, you will begin to see them take shape in

your life very quickly after starting your journey with us!

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All of the instructors within our organisation are fully insured and have undergone rigorous tuition in the technique of effective coaching. The benefits on the students of the Cheongye Kwan practice have been seen all over Preston and are continuing to grow.

At the Cheongye Kwan, when our students take each belt promotion test, they are actually gaining 2 qualifications for the price of one! And by the time they take their Black Belt test, they actually achieve 2 Black Belts – one in the Cheongye Kwan system of Korean Martial Arts and one in the WTF system of Taekwondo, were they are presented with a certificate from the World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. Master Cook has some very strong friendships with a number of Hollywood Martial Arts Masters and celebrities who are all movie stars in the Martial Arts film genre, such as… Phillip & Simon Rhee, Dan Inosanto, Bill ‘Superfoot’ Wallace and Don ‘The Dragon’ Wilson to name but a few.

Master Cook’s friendships and connections in Hollywood provide him and the Cheongye Kwan with endless opportunities to learn, collect and develop a multitude of skills and expertise, which the Cheongye Kwan and its students can take full advantage of.

Children at the Cheongye Kwan

The Cheongye Kwan insures its members from the age of 5, as this is the legal age for beginners in Martial Arts in the UK. However, each school has its own level or age at which they allow youngsters to begin training, this is for both male and female members. When you first visit a Cheongye Kwan school, much of what you see may be new to you. One of the more subtle things you will notice is the air of dignity and discipline in a class. These traditions are not only a part of the history of Martial Arts, but also help to make it

a special activity that retains its excitement for years. The bowing you see in class, for example, may not have much meaning on its own, but this traditional Oriental greeting adds a very special air of dignity. The discipline you see in our class often turns into self-discipline outside the class. Usually, when children first start Martial Arts, it’s the parents who love discipline and the child who is drawn by the fun and challenge of the martial art.

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Later, after children have acquired respect for others – and most importantly themselves – they will develop a sense of personal commitment. This commitment and discipline can often reflect in the things they do in their everyday life. A lot of parents, for example, notice subtle changes in their children’s schoolwork and in their self-control and patience with other children. Don’t be concerned if your child is a little nervous or thinks the techniques look too difficult; they will be in class with other beginners just like themselves. The

instructors will do everything possible to make sure this nervousness disappears as quickly as possible. Your child will learn many things as a student of the Martial Arts, such as how to have excellent manners and respectful attitudes, along with learning an Olympic Level sport and a very effective method of self-defence. Here at the Cheongye Kwan, we pride ourselves on giving our members the whole package of Martial Arts training. A recent psychological study found that children in martial arts have an increased sense of responsibility, a decrease in the willingness to take foolish risks, and a higher sense of self-esteem. This is why millions of parents are using Martial Arts to supplement their children’s education. At our schools in Preston, everything we teach is reality based. Our instructor’s work very hard to insure that almost any situation you might encounter is covered in the classroom under very safe learning conditions, so you will be prepared. The reason Cheongye Kwan is so successful with us here at Preston, is because we make the classes fun and exciting. We learnt a long time ago that if people are having fun, they learn much faster, and that is the gift we offer to our members. Feel free to watch a class with your child, or even join in yourself, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. We hope to see you soon. Your first 2 introductory classes are FREE and last for 90 minutes.

Girls at the Cheongye Kwan

The Martial Art of Cheongye Kwan is very well known and respected all over world, by practitioners and friends alike, but also by non-students of the art or even by students from other arts, but what makes a good Cheongye Kwan Student?

Here at the Cheongye Kwan, we are a great equalizer, in that we eliminate the need for reliance upon muscular strength. You don’t need to be built like the Incredible Hulk and have huge arms to able to able to defend yourself from an attacker, nor do you need the aggression of an Olympic Weight lifter, infact both of those qualities would be more of hindrance to your class efforts. For this reason, Cheongye Kwan has become increasingly more popular to the girls in today’s society, because they know that they can perform each of the different elements with the same precision as the boys.

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For example in the sparring aspect the female students often beat the males on a points basis because they do not have all that muscle to slow them down, this makes girls kicks very fast and can often prove difficult to counter by their male colleagues.

Another is the Patterns section, the performance of a Pattern requires great concentration and focus with usually results in the end product of a much nicer and more effective Pattern to watch.

With regards to the Self-Defence side of the Cheongye Kwan, girls tend to pick up the movements very easily and can often put them into practice far more quickly than the boys who sometimes try to rely on their strength to win. In some Taekwondo School’s, girls can make up to 60% of the numbers of students in that class, instructors are always very happy to accept girls into the class because they know that they are providing them with some weapons that could become necessary at some point in their lives, weapons such as confidence, ability and Defence.

For all those current and future female students at the Cheongye Kwan, I congratulate you and wish you every success on your journey within the Martial Arts.

Why join the Cheongye Kwan?

Korean Martial Arts today can be attributed to a multitude of benefits few activities offer such a diversified list of benefits to participants of all ages and genders, and to students who range from the physically fit to the physically challenged. Respect: The founding principle of the Cheongye Kwan’s training is learning to respect other people and those with greater knowledge and experience. For children this means the developing of lasting respectful relationships with parents, teachers, and peers. No Experience Necessary:

Success at the Cheongye Kwan does not require athletic skills. However through your training, you will develop key characteristics and athletic skills. Self-Defence: Cheongye Kwan not only teaches how to cope with the likes of physical confrontations, but also how to avoid confrontations in the first place. Mental Discipline: Mental discipline affects your daily attitude and the decisions you make when life challenges you with new obstacles. The Cheongye Kwan can teach you how to relax, focus, and maintain your control when the going gets tough.

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Better School Grades: Many parents have reported that their children have dramatically improved their school grades after joining the Cheongye Kwan. Better grades in school can strongly influence a child’s overall success in their future careers and their life. Working Together: The Spread of Korean Martial Arts around the world was enabled by passing knowledge from one person to another, and at the Cheongye Kwan, we consider

it to be a family unit by those who train with us. Staying Motivated: If you are properly motivated, you can achieve things you might not think possible. Life teaches us that motivation levels are not constant. As a Cheongye Kwan student you can boost your motivation levels through the Martial Arts. Family unit: Cheongye Kwan has become a leader in bringing families together in an era when individual family members seem to be doing their own thing. The Martial Arts gives you the chance to share with your family the benefits of Cheongye Kwan and develop and spend quality time together. Self-Confidence: To utilize all your skills and to take action on your goals. You must have confidence in yourself to make it all happen. Cheongye Kwan can give you the feeling of confidence that lets nothing stand in your way!


I hope you enjoyed looking through this literature and also the website at:

www.cheongye.co.uk Once you decide to join, and rest assured that the Cheongye Kwan is an extraordinary Martial Arts environment, our schools have members of all ages and grades, and over the past eight years we have seen so many new friendships begin between students as a result of them joining our school both inside and outside of the classes.

Personally, we think you will have a very enjoyable and educational journey within the association.

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Your first 2 lessons are absolutely FREE, then you will need to decide if you wish to become a member of the association. Your uniform is even FREE when you join! We have 2 training sessions per week and more scheduled to start soon.

Much Hoole Village Hall Tuesdays 7:00pm till 8:30pm

New Longton Village Hall

Sundays 7:00pm till 8:30pm

NO membership fees and NO contracts - just a single monthly class fee.

If you would like to talk to someone at the school about more information or your involvement with the association, please contact the association’s secretary: Mrs. Helen Cook Tel. 0800 310 2534 (Freephone) Email. [email protected]


We hope to see you in a class soon!

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