in this issue A NEWSLETTER OF CATHOLIC JUNIOR COLLEGE MAY 2009 CJC 34th Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony 2 MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE WEEK: BEYOND LIMITS 3 THE MAGIC LANTERN SHOW ECONOMICS STOCK MARKET GAME 2009 – BIDDING WINS 4 HISTORY COMES ALIVE 5 WE WILL ROCK YOU - ROCKAFELLA V A NIGHT TO REMEMBER 6 SYF PRESENTS: CHOIR BAND DANCE TROUPE CHINESE DRAMA SOCIETY GUITAR CLUB GUZHENG ENSEMBLE 8 GIVE BLOOD, SAVE LIVES! INTERACT CLUB’S ACTS OF DEVOTION 9 CROSS COUNTRY 2009 WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, THE TOUGH GO RUNNING 10 NATIONAL INTER-SCHOOLS CANOEING CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHTING FOR GLORY 11 SHOOTING CLUB HITS THE BULLSEYE 12 ODAC MARCH HOLIDAYS EXPEDITION The Flame is a publication of Catholic Junior College. © 2009 CJC No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission of the copyright owner. C atholic Junior College’s 34th Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony began with the usual formalities - the singing of the National Anthem followed by a prayer service. This year’s Guest of Honour was the Managing Director of DBS Bank, Mr Bernard Tan, an alumnus of the CJC 1983/84. One of the recipients, Jessica Goh (2T03) believes that the recognition “provides encouragement that can bring out the best in students not only in academics but also personal excellence.” Due to the impressive results of the 2007/8 cohort, this year, 2 new prizes were created to recognize the special academic achievements of our best students. The 2 new awards are Outstanding academic award: Top student – Science and Outstanding academic award: Top student – Humanities, awarded to Cheryl Lynn Chan Jia Le (2T28) and Ian Matthew Shan (2T10) respectively. (see photo) Cheryl Lynn obtained 8 distinctions for her ‘A’ Levels, including one for H3 Pharmaceutical Chemistry. She was also a dedicated member of the First Aid Club and obtained the Singapore Kindness Movement Gold and Silver Award. Ian Matthew Shan obtained 6 distinctions and the perfect UES score of 90 points. He was an enthusiastic member of the Rugby Team and had been selected for the Reach Cambridge Programme for History. At the Awards ceremony, students were also recognized for their achievements in sports, service to the wider community, making valuable contributions in nurturing the special spiritual character of CJC and making invaluable contributions in his/her CCA. Outstanding Leadership ability is also recognized in The Bernard Chen Award and the student with the proven ability to achieve academic excellence, make notable contributions in co-curricular activities and community service is awarded the prestigious Ee Peng Liang Award. This year’s recipient was Gavrielle Lynn Kang Hui Ying (2T32) who obtained 6 distinctions, the NYAA Gold Award and clinched a bronze medal in canoeing despite her inexperience in the sport, On receiving the award for the Sportsperson of the Year, national fencer Huang Bairong (2T17) reflected "I wouldn't be able to excel in fencing and keep up with my studies if not for the support of the school and teachers. I have to thank the teachers for offering me consultation lessons to catch up on what I missed during overseas competition." continued on Page 2 The 2008 JC1 subject prize winners with Br Paul and our Guest of Honour Mr Bernard Tan with Cheryl and Ian By Aileen Tan (2T08) and Joan Theng (1T01) The Flame issue 2-09:Layout 1 27/05/2009 6:14 PM Page 1

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in this issue


CJC 34th Annual Awards PresentationCeremony























The Flame is a publication of Catholic Junior College. © 2009 CJC

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Catholic Junior College’s 34th Annual AwardsPresentation Ceremony began with the usualformalities - the singing of the National

Anthem followed by a prayer service. This year’sGuest of Honour was the Managing Director of DBSBank, Mr Bernard Tan, an alumnus of the CJC1983/84.

One of the recipients, Jessica Goh (2T03) believesthat the recognition “provides encouragement thatcan bring out the best in students not only inacademics but also personal excellence.”

Due to the impressive results of the 2007/8 cohort,this year, 2 new prizes were created to recognize thespecial academic achievements of our best students.The 2 new awards are Outstanding academicaward: Top student – Science and Outstandingacademic award: Top student – Humanities,awarded to Cheryl Lynn Chan Jia Le (2T28) and IanMatthew Shan (2T10) respectively. (see photo)

Cheryl Lynn obtained 8 distinctions for her ‘A’Levels, including one for H3 PharmaceuticalChemistry. She was also a dedicated member of theFirst Aid Club and obtained the Singapore KindnessMovement Gold and Silver Award. Ian MatthewShan obtained 6 distinctions and the perfect UESscore of 90 points. He was an enthusiastic memberof the Rugby Team and had been selected for theReach Cambridge Programme for History.

At the Awards ceremony, students were alsorecognized for their achievements in sports, serviceto the wider community, making valuable

contributions in nurturing the special spiritualcharacter of CJC and making invaluablecontributions in his/her CCA. OutstandingLeadership ability is also recognized in TheBernard Chen Award and the student with theproven ability to achieve academic excellence,make notable contributions in co-curricularactivities and community service is awarded theprestigious Ee Peng Liang Award. This year’srecipient was Gavrielle Lynn Kang Hui Ying(2T32) who obtained 6 distinctions, the NYAAGold Award and clinched a bronze medal incanoeing despite her inexperience in the sport,

On receiving the award for the Sportsperson ofthe Year, national fencer Huang Bairong (2T17)reflected "I wouldn't be able to excel in fencingand keep up with my studies if not for thesupport of the school and teachers. I have tothank the teachers for offering me consultationlessons to catch up on what I missed duringoverseas competition."

continued on Page 2

The 2008 JC1 subject prize winners with Br Paul and our Guest of Honour

Mr Bernard Tan with Cheryl and Ian

By Aileen Tan (2T08) and Joan Theng (1T01)

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Special tribute is also paid to students who haveshown remarkable determination in overcomingformidable odds in the form of illness, personaltragedy and low PSLE scores ranging from 188-213. These students are given the Principal’sCommendation Award or the CommendationAward respectively. This year’s PrincipalCommendation Award went to Toh Ming Xuan(2T03) and David Hoe Teck Chye (2T20). MingXuan performed well in his ‘A’ levels despitebattling against acute diabetes and being theCaptain of the Hockey Team. David had aPSLE score of 110 and came from theNormal Technical stream. He managed toobtain commendable ‘A’ Level results of 3Bs and 1 C, despite the obstacles that came

his way; the demise of his mother, the illness ofhis father prior to his JC education and greatfinancial difficulties.

Lim Shu Jing Jane (2T28) who received the LeeFoundation Merit Award has this advice for allstudents. “Study hard and play hard. Collegeyears are short, so cherish your time with yourfriends and teachers. Try your best in everythingyou do and fight for what you believe in. If thereis an opportunity, serve and contribute to thecommunity - you will never understand howrewarding it is, until you try.”

Beyond Limits’ was the theme ofMathematics and Science Week 2009, onewhich clearly fulfilled its purpose of

igniting CJCians’ passion for Science.

The main attraction of Mathematics andScience Week was the Science Camp,conducted over a span of two days (16-17March), within the college compound, wherestudents had to roam from station to station totry out the different experiments from thevarious fields of Science. At each station, theywould be assessed on experimental skills andteamwork. At the end, the team that scored themost points would be crowned the winningteam.

Says participant, Cammie Loy (2T26), whoevidently enjoyed the camp, “It waseducational as a whole as it broughtconcepts to life, allowing us to doexperiments beyond the normalsyllabus.” Cammie who hadalways found magic to beintriguing particularly liked MindBogglers, a physics experimentthat explains a disappearingand reappearing glass.

Of course, the benefits of the camp were notrestricted to merely learning more aboutScience. Team Tee21, the winning team fromclass 2T21, stated that “Camaraderie, integrity,

care, concern and leadership” were the fewthings they gained from this enrichingexperience.

“We went for the camp with the notionof having

fun, winningwas but a

secondary matter.

Instead, we played with science, thoughtwith and bonded with science. It was thispassion to learn more about science thatmotivated us to win,” said Tee21 on theirsecret to success. “Of course theTakashimaya vouchers were helpful!”

The Science Camp was but only one ofthe activities organized by theMathematics and Science Departments.Other ongoing activities offered by thetwo departments include Magical WorldWonders, Iron Science Student, LandYacht Competition, Science Oscars,

Design with Graphic Calculator competitions.The Science Camp was but the beginning, thefun has yet begun!

Mathematics and Science Week: Beyond Limits

Just what a scientist needs; a pair of keen eyes anddextrous hands

Ex-Vice Principal Mrs Low Siew Ngheewith Peter Koh, recipient of the LowSiew Nghee Memorial Award forMathematics.

The happy smiles of satisfied achievement

By Marc Chang (2T27) and Vanessa Thio (1T35)

The sky’s the limit!

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Economics Stock Market Game 2009 – Bidding Wins

The last week of February 2009 saw theexecution of the Economics Stock MarketGame which had been the product of a

few months worth of effort on the part of theEconomics department. The event was a successand grossed a whopping amount of $1400 –almost double last year’s figure. In addition, therate of participation had also seen a significantincrease from last year, with more studentscoming forward and questioning the dynamicsof the real economy in the course of the game,and gaining more insight into the Economicsconcepts taught in the classroom.

The rationale behind the simulation of the stock

market was its relevance to how students couldgain some exposure to trading in the real worldand use the opportunity to apply what theyhave learnt in the classroom.

One of the winners, Vanessa Chin (2T03), waspleasantly surprised upon her win as she did notexpect it. Conscious of the lessons learnt fromthe game, she felt it consolidated herunderstanding of the subject. But seriousobjectives aside, the game was not devoid offun.

“Seeing so many people crowding around theboard and discussing what to buy and sell was

quite exciting,” enthused Vanessa. It made thegame all the more realistic and intense.

The game was the brainchild of Economicssubject head, Mr. Mark Li. When asked iforganizing the game was difficult, he repliedwith characteristic aplomb, “The actualplanning of the game wasn’t much of aproblem, but we did encounter some difficultiesin its execution.”

Given the success of the game and the extent ofeconomic insight the students have gained, anyobstacles experienced were certainly worth thechallenge.


Literary Film Night – ‘The Magic Lantern Show’

Film Night, this year called “The Magic Lantern Show” after theVictorian magic lantern shows which were the precursor to movingpictures, is a much anticipated annual event. The main programme

was the screening of two films that represent the Victorian Gothic theme.This year ‘Nosferatu the Vampyre’ and ‘Gormenghast’ were shown.Alongside the main programme were two competitions; the InstallationArt and the Best Costume competitions. Each competition allowed classesto interpret their literature texts in imaginative and creative ways.

The atmosphere that night was filled with the enthusiasm and buzz ofexcited students who were decked out in their casual best. Some classescame with co-ordinated costumes whilst others preferredto dress as individuals. The outcome was an excitingdisplay of realistic and symbolic costumes. TheInstallation art pieces were also a popular attraction withthe crowd as one class livened up their display with ashort dramatization from their text.

Sabrina from 2T04, dressed as Miss Havisham(from the novel, Great Expectations), won 2ndplace for Best Costume that night. She added thatshe would never have done it without the help andinspiration of her classmates.

Commenting on the evening’s films, she said, "itwas definitely a light-hearted and enjoyableexperience to bring us literature studentscloser to the darker realm of gothic elements."

The night ended on a high note with the awardingof prizes but what remains etched on all memorieswas the enjoyment and bonhomie created by theevening’s proceedings.

By Marcus Ng (1T27) and Jorain Ng 2T5

Doppelgangers win the Best costume award

The characters of ‘Great Expectations’ stand together withthe handmaids from ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

By Joan Theng (1T01) and Aileen Tan (2T08)


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History Comes Alive


The second annual History Night saw anevening full of dramatic screenplay and allof the participating classes delivering

spectacular performances. The intensecompetition saw 2T08 and 2T02 prevailing,winning the Best Adaptation award, for theircombined production about the Korean War.The Best Character award, given to the studentwith the most vivid and authentic portrayal ofhis or her character, saw Felicia Paul (2T04)coming out strongest for her comical portrayalof a Palestinian narrator cum statue.

Held on 28 March, students showcased theirtalent and appreciation for History byproducing a play based on their interpretationof this year’s theme, ‘Multiple Perspectives’ withguest judges, Bro. Paul, HOD of Humanities, MsNarindar, as well as Associate Professor IanGordon of the Department of History at theNational University of Singapore, presiding.

Stella Leong (2T08) sharedthat putting up the play wasa great team effort by herclass and was obviouslyexhilarated at her class’svictory. “It was the bestmoment in my time in CJC. Iwill remember it for the restof my life”.

As for Felicia, she did notthink she had much of a chance of winning,considering the brilliant performances by otherstudents, such as Mark Soh (2T03) who wascommended by Bro. Paul at the end of thenight for his entertaining comedic performance.Thus, she was very much “shocked but happy”at her win.

History Night has brought history alive for themin a way that has been both memorable andenlightening. A much appreciated fact was that

in dramatising History, it allowed both studentactors and playwrights to begin to see historicalfigures not just as impersonal figures but realpeople. Both girls credited this event for furtherenriching their learning of History and wouldlike the college to continue with it in years tocome.

By Faza Mahirah (2T03) andFabeha Husain (1T27)

The judges hard at work.

The heartbreak of war War gets ugly

2T03 and the cast of'Under the Golden star'

Rallying the people

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We Will Rock You - Rockafella V“


By Victoria Pereira (2T12)and Aaron Chew (1T12)

Idon’t wanna miss a thing,” Marcus Tan (2T01),lead singer of Fried Rice Paradise sang to a sold-out crowd of some 900 people all on their feet

cheering his band on, one could see why.

Rockafella V, CJC’s annual charity concert, provedto be a huge success once again, selling out alltickets & T-shirts. The event raised anunprecedented five figure sum of $11,000 for theCJC OCIP fund - the largest amount ever raised sofar. Back this year with ‘a bigger budget, cooler

music, adoring fansand mesmerizing lightsand coolerperformances’, thehighly anticipatedconcert showcasedmany talented bandscomprising students,teachers and last year’sreigning Rockafellachampions.

The evening startedwith a highly amusingvideo, done by CJC’svery own FSV crew,followed by theTeachers’ Band fronted

by Mr. Casmir Kang,opening the night with anupbeat set, aptly setting thetone for the rest of theshow. The voraciousaudience was treated to asolid two hours of pop, hardrock and everything inbetween.

What really stood outhowever was the highenergy performance andprofessional musicianshipfrom the boys of Fried RiceParadise comprising ofMarcus Tan (2T01), Andrew Lee (2T12), AaronThong (2T06), Cheang Yun Song (2T11), PaoloAlverez (2T02) and Matthew See (2T17). Theaudience were wowed by their powerful renditionsof songs like Burn by Deep Purple and I Don’tWant to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith. They wonover both the audience and judges alike, ensuringthat their name stayed on everyone’s lips long afterthat night. They eventually went home with thecoveted Best Band award.

Reflecting on the euphoria of the crowd and thespectacular performances, Rebecca Tobin (2T16),

one of the emcees for theevening enthused, “Thewinning band was awesome!They really stole the crowd!This year’s Rocakfella wasdefinitely comparable to theprevious years!”

For some like Terence Chia(1T12), they saw the concert asan opportunity to bond withtheir new-found friends fromtheir IG (Index Group) but forothers, the best part of thenight was the spontaneity andcrazy enthusiasm of the crowd.

“As the night went on, more and more peoplewere starting to feel the groove and got livelier,”shared Nicholas Loo (1T19). “The cheering andkallang waves really added to the overallatmosphere, making it way more enjoyable.”

This year’s performance was such a great successthat one really looks forward to Rockafella VI in2010. If this year is anything to go by, it promisesto be truly spectacular!!Gabriel Lim (2T29) from

Team Earth electrifying thenight with his guitar

Working the crowds to a frenzy

A Night to RememberBy Marc Chang (2T27)

The Piazza was alive with activity in theevening on 27 March 2009 – it was theCJC annual Alfresco Night. This fund-

raising event, organized by the Students’Council, has the aim of inculcating altruism inthe students, promoting a spirit ofentrepreneurship, fostering close bonds withinmembers of the college community and finallyproviding a platform for CJCians to showcasetheir talents.

A total of 10 classes participated in AlfrescoNight, selling tasty morsels of food likecheesecakes, French fries, and bubble tea. Therewere performances as well, includingRockafella’s winning band. This alsomarked the first time that theParents’ Support Group (PSG)participated in Alfresco Night.A grand total of $1785.60was raised by the stallsthat evening, of which

the PSG contributed $705! Acommendable effort for afirst attempt!

Cherlynn Ang (2T10), astudent councilor reflects,“I’m just really glad for those who volunteeredto perform or to set up booths, especially thePSG, because without them, Alfresco wouldn’thave been a success at all.”

PSG member Maureen Heng describes some ofthe difficulties, “We couldn’t decide what foodwe were going to cook for that night, as it was

a French theme. Also, we had to guess thequantity to cook as this was our firsttime.”

The PSG participated in this event because, “Wefelt it was a good cause, raising funds for theneedy students. As parents, we felt that weneeded to be role models to our children, toteach them to appreciate what they have andbe thankful for it.”

Our old boys and girls return to join in the funwith Brother Paul

Relaxing with good friends for anight of good music and food

Delicious food fromthe Parents Support


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Choir- Gold with Honours!

The fateful day had arrived. In a fewmoments, the results would be announced.Along with other strong choirs from

colleges like VJC and ACJC, the CJC choir waitedwith bated breath. As the judges announced“Catholic Junior College-Gold …” all memberserupted into cheers. Then the words, “ …withhonours!” and the cheers went crazy; everyonewas euphoric.

Such a remarkable achievement was not withoutits cost.

As Lizanne Tan (2T09) puts it “Although it hasbeen a tough journey, SYF has been reallyrewarding! The choir has become much closerand I’m thankful for everyone!”

Credit can also be attributed to Choir conductor,Mr. Toh Ban Sheng who also helped to instill inthe Choir a sense of discipline and resolve,allowing them to train better in preparation for

the competition. Furthermore, his uniqueinterpretation of the pieces surely contributed totheir win.

This year’s gold with honours is truly a gloriousachievement for the melodious voices of thechoir!

Hard work pays off- Gold WithHonours for Band!

Weeks of practice, months ofpreparations, sheer dedication andhard work has finally come to an end.

CJC’s Symphonic Band has emerged triumphantwith the coveted Gold with Honours, the onlyother Band besides AJC to have attained this.

Paolo Alvarez (2T02), President of theSymphonic Band, recounts that eventful day:Band members arrived in school at 6am for a

final practice before leaving for RepublicPolytechnic to perform. After finishing their 2songs, entitled “Overture no. 2” and “In theStrings”, everyone agreed that the waiting wasthe most nerve-wracking segment of the entireday. “It was emotional chaos. We were the 5thschool to be announced and it was the longestpause ever! Then, we were so excited that theexaminers jokingly told us to go back to schoolto celebrate.” recalls Vice President Tara Tan(2T03)

Paolo also mused rather humbly, “Hard work isproportional to achievements. This is one pieceof wisdom we have kept.” Well Done!!

SYF Presents!SYF Presents was a night of celebration for all PerformingArts groups who had just taken part in the gruelling SYFcompetition. Results varied but what stood out was thepassion and love of the performing Arts that each group soclearly displayed.



The band in action!

Results of SYF Competition:

Choir - Gold with HonoursBand - Gold with HonoursDance - Gold Chinese Drama - SilverGuzheng - BronzeGuitar - Bronze

The Choir singing with gusto

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Chinese Drama

The Chinese Drama Society put up a playentitled ‘Mei Li Ren Sheng’ ( ‘Life isbeautiful’ ) for this year’s SYF and obtained

a silver award. This play is written by 2 studentsAndrew Ng (2T21) and Xiao Wei Feng (2T21)and tells the story of how a young studentovercomes the stress and pressures in his lifeand learns to treasure life. It is a realistic pieceof heart-warming social drama.

Guitar Club

In preparation for the SYF this year, the GuitarClub increased its range of guitars to includebase and alto guitars, adding colour to the

sound of the guitar ensemble. They played 2songs entitled ‘Katioucha’, a Russian folk song


Happy Golden Feet

16 April – the day the CJC dance troupewent down to the National University ofSingapore Cultural Center for the SYF

judging. After 6 months of arduous trainingwhich began last November, the dancersperformed their best and obtained a Goldaward.

In the weeks before the competition, dancetrainer Mr. Ryan Tan, advised the anxious team“Sometimes we are so focused on the gold, thatwe forget why we’re here in the first place. It isbecause we love to dance”.

On the day the judges announced the results;jubilant screams filled the air as the dancerswere ecstatic. Usually calm and poised, PriscillaNg (2T25), the president of dance cried tears ofjoy when she heard the results.

Although they strove for perfection, some weredisappointed that they could not get Gold withHonours, Xin Yun (2T26) sums it up well bysaying that “We didn’t regret it, and that’s allthat matters.”

and ‘A Little Night Music’ by Mozart. Althoughdisappointed with their bronze award at theSYF, both students and teachers are satisfiedwith the improvement in discipline andenthusiasm displayed by members. Their planfor the rest of the year is to hold a mini-concertand a camp for their members.


Formed in 2005, the Guzheng ensemble hassteadily improved in terms of membershipand the quality of their playing. Although

confident at this year’s SYF, they obtained abronze award. Led by their conductor andcoach, Ms Vicky Chang, they had performed 2songs ‘Butterfly’ and ‘Jasmine’. Their plans forthe future are to recruit more experiencedGuzheng players and to attract more maleplayers to strengthen their group.

By Joel Tay (2T35), Elizabeth Liew (1T09) & Victoria Pereira (2T12)


Striking poses with cool attitude The Guitar Club giving their best

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Interact Club’s acts of devotion

In February 2009, the CJC Interact Clubstarted their first big project of the yearin CJC, “Small Change, Big Change”.

These small boxes were meant forstudents to put in their spare change asdonations for the CJC Needy StudentsFund.

In conjunction with “Small Change, BigChange”, the CJC Share-a-Meal drive wasalso launched to encourage students todonate a sum of money that they woulduse for a meal, to the CJC Needy StudentsFund.

The events were a success, with $1800 collectedin just one week! Sandra Teo (2T28), the International

Understanding Director (IUD) of Interact, said,"The Small Change Big Change driveproved that no matter how small theamount, if everyone were to chip in a littlefor a week, donations will surelysnowball and go a long way in helpingthose in need."

Driving home the message of the needfor sustained charitable efforts, the end of“Small Change, Big Change”, signalledthe beginning of yet another charitydrive. This time, the Interact Clubcollaborated with Anglo-Chinese School(Independent), to organise “Grin withGreen”, a project that brought theelderly and children from Youth With aPurpose (YW@P) for a day tour to theSingapore Botanical Gardens and theJacob Ballas Children’s.

Derede Lim (1T05) said, “It was a veryfulfilling, first-time experience with the CJCInteract Club. After "Grin with Green", I lookforward to more Interact activities and hopefullyhelp to organise them."

Give Blood, Save Lives!

The CJC Blood Donation Drive, held twice a year, aims to give us anopportunity to help save lives. A well supported event, this year’s first blooddonation drive was no exception. Over the years, increasing numbers of

students and teachers have stepped forward to donate blood. The decision doesnot come easily since one may suffer from aichmophobia and then there is thepossibility of suffering from feelings of weakness over the next few days. Still, thesatisfaction of knowing that one bag of blood may help save 3 lives, makes it allworthwhile.

Catherine Toh (1T31) shares with us her blood donation experience, “I felt a littlegiddy after donating my blood but I am happy that I did it. I feel that I haveaccomplished something meaningful by donating my blood.”

This wonderful feeling of contributing meaningfully to our community hastouched so many that Catherine and her peers are thinking of donating theirblood again in the second blood donation drive in August 2009 and becominglifelong donors as well. Donating blood might be a small gesture to you but itproves that the spirit of charity is alive and well in our community.

community involvement programme

A personal contribution of a big kind

Establishing close bonds with the elderly

Gathering with the children andelderly for Grin with Green

Enjoying a trip to theBotanical Gardens

By Gabriel Lee (2T29) andCheng Ee Ban (1T31)

By Clara Chia (1T31) &Michelle Leong (2T01)


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Running towards their goals By Marc Chang (2T27) and Vanessa Thio (1T35)

Catholic Junior College did it again! AtBedok Reservoir on 25 March the CJCTrack & Field took part in the 50th

Cross Country Nationals ‘A’ Division with theintention of doing our school proud – andthey sure did! The CJC Track Team Girls Teamwas awarded an overall placing of Third forthe event. Individually, the girls’ teamclinched 4 medals with Annabelle Yee (1T24)in 7th Position, Serena Guo (2T32) in 10thPosition, Nora Tan (2T29) in 11th Position andJessica Teo (2T28) Coming in at 12th Position forthe boys team along with an individual medal for17th Position was Azman Bin Aziz (1T30).

Nora Tan, who was awarded 11th Position in the

event commented, “I was quite surprised really. Ididn’t expect it and I just thought of giving mybest, and being in control of the race.”

Nora and her teammates trained at minimumfour times a week at the Co-Curricular ActivitiesBranch (CCAB) whilst also testing out the route atthe Bedok Reservoir. The Trackers’ esprit de corpsis clearly demonstrated by the way theysupported one another through the arduoustraining programme.

When asked what advice she would give to othertrackers who intend to follow her footsteps intaking part and achieving an award incompetitions at National levels, Nora explains, “I

think that I do not need to give them any…they have it in them. It’s actually about theinner motivation to excel and to competeagainst yourself. Any runner can assert thatyou ‘reap what you sow’, including allthose strenuous trainings. Having themindset is very important. I have realisedthat no matter how physically drained I am,as long as I have the drive to succeed, I cando what it takes and keep on improving.”

Apart from the Cross Country Nationals,members of the Track and Field also took part inthe 50th National Inter School Track & FieldChampionships, where they faced strongcompetition from other participating JCs. Fortheir efforts, they earned commendation fromPrincipal Brother Paul, who was pleased that eachmember had put in their very best into thecompetition, having beaten their personal bestrecords during the Championships.


Cross Country 2009

The annual College Cross Country Run on 4 March at the MacRitchiereservoir proved to be a fun-filled one, with the competitive runnerstaking the chance to show their mettle and the leisure runners

absorbing the verdant splendor of their surroundings while runningwithout the pressure of competition.

However, the day concluded with a hasty dismissal due to a lightning alertreceived by the school. Nevertheless, the cross country champions wereawarded with their prizes the following day, with Andy Tan (1T17)clinching the first position for the JC 1 Boys’ category, and MuhammadShauqi B Mohamed I (2T32) coming in first for the JC2 Boys’ category.

Both finished the race withimpressive timings of17.43 minutes and 15.44minutes respectively.

Annabelle Yee (1T24) andSerena Guo (2T32) camein first for the JC1 and JC2Girls’ category. Whenasked how she felt uponrealizing her win, theformer answered simply, “I

felt relieved and happy!” Her winwas certainly no mean feat and wasthe fruit of the grueling trainingfrom her CCA, the Cross Countryteam, which she declared to be the“best CCA ever!”

A jubilant Annabelle expressed hergratitude for Miss Elaine Lim,members of the Cross Countryteam, her friends, and, “Lord JesusChrist for His love and strength. “

All in all, CJC’s Cross Country 2009 proved to be a rewarding experience– there’s nothing like a sea of blue braving the heat and mosquitoes torace across the terrain of MacRitchie to reach the finish line.

Male competitors pacing themselvesfor the big finish.

Making a beeline for the finish

Prize presentationGirls Team with Brother Paul, overall 3rd place

by Clare Lee (1T01) andMagdalene Yeow (1T05)

The fastestfemaleteacher inCJC, MsCharlene Lin


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National Inter-Schools Canoeing Championship



By Victoria Pereira (2T12) and Aaron Chew (1T12)

Fighting for glory

From 14 to 17 April, the men and women ofthe CJC Canoeing team stood tall as theycompeted in the National Inter-Schools

Canoeing Championship 2009 at MacRitchieReservoir. The team fought long and hard, andafter three days of intense heats and semi-finals,came away from the finals of this year’scompetition with a commendable result.

The girls’ team emerged as second runner-upsin the overall placings, clinching Gold, Silver &Bronze in their K4-1000m, K2-500m & K4-500m races respectively. The boys’ team alsohad something to cheer about, coming in 4th intheir K1-500m & K1-1000m races, and 6th intheir K4-500m race.

Stephenie Chen (2T11), Kelly Tan (2T22) & TanYan Ling (2T27), all part of the gold-winningteam, shared that they were very happy withwhat they’ve achieved this year, especially withtheir wins. Recalling the start of that fateful race,they described it as panic-inducing andparticularly scary.

“Everyone seemed rather calm at thebeginning, but it was evident that when therace started, there wasn’t any team who did notpanic,” recalls Stephanie.

However, all those negative feelings weredispelled once they crossed the finish linetriumphantly in first place.

Although most members of the canoeing teamcame into the CCA with no prior experience,that obstacle was easily overcome withperseverance and lots of hard work. The teamstarted their preparation some 2 months before,embarking on a highly intensive 6 day a weektraining regimen. Furthermore, the demandingtraining period overlapped with the JC2common test creating yet another hurdle forthe canoeists. While others found it very hard tobalance academic demands and the pursuit ofexcellence in canoeing, Kelly and Yan Lingfound a solution. They found that time spent atNight Study helped them to cope with theirworkload.

The canoeing team’s achievements this year arewell deserved, and the hard work that everysingle member put in is truly inspiring. Welldone CJC Canoeing!

All smiles for the Girls Gold Medal Team

Our National Fencers (from theleft to right), Jeremoth Tan

(2T21), Whang Yanyu(2T08) and Ken Chew(2T06) with Goldtrophy for theirindividual events,Men’s Foil, Women’sEpee and Men’sSabre.

CJC Canoeing Team after a gripping day

• Overall Men’s Champion for ‘A’ Division Inter-School FencingChampionships 2009

• Individual Men’s Sabre – Gold – Ken Chew 2T06• Individual Men’s Foil – Gold – Jeremoth Tan 2T21• Individual Women’s Epee – Gold – Whang Yanyu 2T08 • Individual Women’s Sabre – Silver – Chermaine Teo 2T26

Chermaine Teo (2T26)winning the Silver trophy

for Women’s Sabre

CJC Fencing Academy with its glorious achievements

By Magdalene Yeow (2T05) and Lee Hui Sian Clare (1T01)

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Done by: Chong Mei (2T31), Stacy Tan (1T01) & Clara Chia (1T31)


Shooting Club Hits the Bullseye

Complete discipline; check. Extensivestamina; check. The stable hands,the steady eye and the incredible

focus; check, check, check. These qualitieslisted are definitely not something gainedeasily overnight, but earned over gruelingpractice sessions and long hours, just asour CJC shooters have done.

The Shooting Club emerged in 6th and 8thposition respectively in the Air Rifle Men’sand Women’s team competition. Shootersin the Air Rifle Men’s team were Chen ZaiHao (1T20), Richmond Loy (2T25), MarkGoh (2T22), and Christopher Lye (2T25),and in the Women’s team were DebbieGoh (2T33), Cherie Chong (2T25), JoleneNg (2T28), and Clasandra Hum (2T17).The Men and Women’s Air Pistol teams did exceptionally well; bothemerging in second place at national level, and the Men’s team coming infirst at Zonal level.

The Air Pistol Men’s team consisted ofChristopher Chia (2T15), Teo HuttShun (2T30), Tan Chun Yong (2T20)and Nicholas Tham (2T16); TheWomen’s team consists of EuniceChong (2T30), Christine Teo (2T04),Joleen Ng (1T20), and Lin Junyi(2T06). Although all these accoladesand achievements are indeedimpressive, what is most admirableabout the team is how they overcameobstacles faced throughout themonths of arduous training.

‘This year's competition was muchmore intense than that of any otheryear,’ says shooting club’s captain,Christopher Lye, who led the Men’srifle team to its glory. ‘The laneswere difficult to get at SAFRA Yishunfor us to carry out our trainings.Hence, we thought that quality overquantity could bring us to greaterheights.’

The fact that most of the J2 shootershad no prior shooting experiencebefore joining the club a year beforefurther emphasizes their incredibletriumph. The limelight was on theAir Pistol Men’s Team, whichemerged as the South Zone

champion for the first time in the club’s history. Shooting club has becomean inspiration to many due to their determination to succeed, living the

example of going for the gold despite setbacks. EuniceChong, who clinched the first place in the Air Pistol woman’ssection, both for zonal and national levels, gives us deepinsight on what makes a brilliant sportsperson.

‘The qualities a good shooter needs topossess are these: focus, determination,courage, confidence and mostimportantly, discipline.’ says Eunice. ‘Itrequires a lot of focus. A good shooteris considered successful when he or sheis able to repeat the routine steps for all40-60 shots in the competition!’

Christopher agrees with his fellow teammate, and also makesclear one point: that shooting is not as simple as manybelieve it to be.

‘To some, shooting may seem an all easy sport, but in actual fact, it is notas easy as what it seems,’ he says. ‘You have to bring yourself to that stateof mind in which you are fully aware of yourself, every breath, and everyheart beat, and making the right decision to fire off that shot.’

Without doubt, it not only takes a steady hand to win a competition, buta steady mind as well. For our CJC shooters who have trained both their

physical and mentalstrength with a single-minded goal in sight formonths, theircommendable effortshave finally paid off;bull’s eye!

Air Pistol Women's Team 2nd at National level. from left toright: Christine Teo (Captain) 2T04, Joleen Ng (1T20), Lin Junyi(2T06), Eunice Chong (2T30)

Air Pistol Men's Team 1st at zone level. from left to right: Christopher Chia(2T15), Tan Chun Yong (Captain) 2T20, Teo Hutt Shun (2T30), NicholasTham (2T16) Aiming for Gold

Eunice Chong(2T30) doing thecollege proudcoming in 1stplace in the AirPistol Woman’ssection, at boththe zone andnational levels


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overseas trip

Cannot also must can!” This Singlishphrase aptly reflects the ODAC’smentality of endurance and perseverance

through any difficult circumstances, and wasthe main motivation and inspiration for the JC1sgoing on their first expedition in the Marchholidays.

The main purpose of the trip was to let the JC1members experience the kind of challenges thatthey had to face in the future and to developpatience and teaching traits in the JC2s, thusbonding the whole team together. In just ashort span of three days, the members of ODACshowcased their grit by accomplishing the featof climbing four mountains in Negri Sembilanand Johor, Malaysia, which included GunungAngsi, Gunung Datok, Gunung Ledang akaMount Ophir and Gunung Lembak.

In order to earn their passports to theexpedition, the JC1 members underwentphysical training by trekking with weights intheir bags at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserveand doing climbing training at the grandstand.They were also expected to pass tests onknowledge like astronomy and animaltaxonomy. Apart from developing physicalstamina, ODAC members must also broadentheir knowledge and survival skills.

As is the praxis of ODAC, the team battled therugged terrain of the Malaysian mountains withfervour and enthusiasm. They stretched theirphysical and mental boundaries with a gruelingprogramme that saw them climb 4 mountainsin less than 3 days. The enthusiasm of theODAC team led them to overcome their first

challenge, Gunung Angsi, which peaks at 825mabove sea level, within the first day of the trip.With Mr. Isaac Lim’s constant encouragement,the ODAC team picked up the pace the nextday as they impressively scaled Gunung Datokand Mt Ophir which are 700 and 1276 metersabove sea level respectively. Not content withjust these 3 mountains, they climbedGunung Lambak (510m) on the lastday before ending off their expeditionat the Kota Tinggi waterfalls. Food onthis trip was simple; bread andbiscuits for breakfast and lunch, anddinner is also a simple home-cookedaffair. Teo Hsin Fern (2T12) musedthat the ODAC team was soexhausted that even the bus theytraveled on became their makeshiftslumber quarters.

Undoubtedly, the ODAC team emergedstronger due to the obstacles that they had toface. Teo Hsin Fern (2T12) remarked that theexpedition was a good opportunity for the JC2s

to adopt a more positive and “never say die”attitude towards the challenges they faced, thusdemonstrating personal resilience and strengththat the JC1s could emulate.

When asked about the most rewarding part ofthe expedition, Cheryl Ng (2T03) smiled andreplied, “It was definitely arriving at the MountOphir Summit as the journey had a lot of sweatand effort put into it which made reaching thetop so much more beautiful and meaningful.”The ODAC team’s arrival at the summit ofMount Ophir is indeed a most apt symbol oftheir personal triumph.


ODAC March Holidays Expedition

By Khoo Jia Xin (2T12) and Jacinta Ratnam (1T01)

Celebration at Mt Angsi

JinShi (2T08) and Cheryl (2T03)on Gunung Ledang

Waterfall massage at Kota Tinggi

JC2 girls on Mt Ophir

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