Civilian Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Why This Could Be A Great Career Move Presented By: NationalGuard.net http://www.nationalguard.net /

Civilian Benefits Of Joining The National Guard- Why This Could Be A Great Career Move

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Many potential National Guardsmen are surprised to realize that the benefits of joining the National Guard reach further than military benefits.

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Civilian Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Why This Could Be A Great

Career MovePresented By:


National Guard: More Than Military Benefits• Many potential National

Guardsmen are surprised to realize that the benefits of joining the National Guard reach further than military benefits.

• There are a number of civilian benefits of joining the National Guard.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Respect

• National Guard soldiers receive a great deal of respect from their civilian employers.

• When an employer sees National Guard service on a resume, he or she knowns that the applicant is a professional who values service above self.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Respect

• It’s not uncommon for companies to have a department or office in Human Resources to help supervisors and employees understand what it means to be a citizen soldier.

• These departments help foster a good relationship between the soldier and employer so if your business has one, try to take advantage of it.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Job Protection • Some potential citizen soldiers may be worried

about joining the National Guard because they fear losing their civilian job.

• However, there are strict laws under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) that employers must follow.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Job Protection • USERRA states:

• Employees cannot be required to use vacation time during military service.

• Employees cannot be expected to perform work duties while on military service.

• Upon return, employees need to be placed in a job with similar pay and responsibilities.

• Employers must provide retraining if necessary.

• Employers must offer health insurance, however the employee may be responsible for 102% of the premium.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Pay• National Guardsmen are paid for each drill


• This rate is dependent on a soldier’s rank and time in service.

• Guardsmen also receive full pay and allowances during their two week drill period.

• Guardsmen receive a small cost of living raise each January.

Benefits Of Joining The National Guard: Pay

• Some civilian employers understand that there is a difference between the rate of National Guard pay and an employee’s civilian pay.

• These employers may make up the difference for employees, lessening the financial burden of military service.

• To see if your company participates in this program, contact your Human Resources department.

Civilian Benefits Of Joining The National Guard

• These are just a few of the different benefits of joining the National Guard.

• Each company is different, which means the best thing to do if you’re considering joining the National Guard is to talk to a recruiter and your Human Resources department.

• They’ll be able to tell you how your company handles National Guard careers, helping you to make the right decision.

About NationalGuard.net

• NationalGuard.net is a premier online resource for anyone who’s interested in joining the National Guard.

• To learn more about the benefits of joining the National Guard, National Guard careers or even National Guard pay, please visit http://www.nationalguard.net.