Civics SSC II Paper I

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    MAY 2015

    Civics Paper I

    Time: 40 minutes Marks: 30


    1. Read each question carefully.

    2. Answer the questions on the separate answer sheet provided. DO NOT write your answers on the

    question paper.

    3. There are 100 answer numbers on the answer sheet. Use answer numbers 1 to 30 only.

    4. In each question there are four choices A, B, C, D. Choose ONE. On the answer grid black out

    the circle for your choice with a pencil as shown below. 

    5. If you want to change your answer, ERASE the first answer completely with a rubber, before blacking out a new circle.

    6. DO NOT write anything in the answer grid. The computer only records what is in the circles.

    Candidate’s Signature

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    1. The Objective Resolution (1949) is important in the history of Pakistan because

    A. it helped to achieve the independence of Pakistan.

    B. it laid down the basic principles for a new constitution.

    C. it settled the dispute of regional languages.D. it recommended the enforcement of economic policies.

    2. The constitution of a country must be

    A. definite and comprehensive.

    B. long and descriptive.

    C. exciting and descriptive.

    D. indefinite and relevant.

    3. According to the 1962 Constitution of Pakistan, all bills passed in the parliament must be

    signed by the

    A. National Assembly.

    B. Prime Minister.

    C. Chief Justice of Pakistan.

    D. President of Pakistan.

    4. Which of the following was NOT the salient feature of the 1956 Constitution of Pakistan?

    A. One Unit Plan

    B. Written constitution

    C. Parliamentary form of governmentD. Bicameral legislature

    5. The 1956 Constitution of Pakistan could not be implemented for a long time in the country as

    it was abrogated by

    A. Ghulam Mohammad.

    B. Ayub Khan.

    C. Yahya Khan.

    D. Iskander Mirza.

    6. The Constitution of 1973 of Pakistan has given the Islamic name of Majlis-e-Shoora to the

    A. constituent assembly.

    B. council of Islamic ideology.

    C. provincial assembly.

    D. parliament.

    7. According to the 2001 Local Government Ordinance, the system of the local government in

    Pakistan comprises of three tiers. The lowest tier is the

    A. union council.

    B. provincial council.C. regional council.

    D. district council.

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    8. The system of Basic Democracies was introduced in Pakistan by

    A. Liaquat Ali Khan.

    B. Iskander Mirza.

    C. Ayub Khan.D. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.

    9. According to the Local Self Government Act 2001, the union council in Pakistan does NOT

    enjoy the power to

    A. levy local taxes.

    B. establish village police force.

    C. plan for finance and health.

    D. dissolve provincial assembly.

    10. In Pakistan, the Devolution of Power Plan aims at

    A. strengthening the role of the Supreme Court.

    B. enhancing the authority of the Prime Minister.

    C. transferring the control to the lower-level authorities.

    D. maximizing the loyalty of the citizens.

    11. Which of the following organizations has set up homes for orphans, abandoned and physically

    challenged people in Pakistan?

    A. Edhi Foundation

    B. Conservation SocietyC. Wheel Chair Foundation

    D. Wetlands International

    12. Civil society uplifts the community life as it consists of

    A. commercial institutes that work to generate revenue.

    B. government institutes that work for welfare.

    C. private institutes that work to advance public good.

    D. international institutes that work on development projects.

    13. Civil society institutions can improve their performance by

    A. keeping transparent records.

    B. keeping liquid assets.

    C. affiliating with government organizations.

    D. becoming commercial organizations.

    14. Which of the following statements best defines ideology?

    A. Ideas for bringing revolution.

    B. Ideals which a nation strives to achieve.

    C. Ideas for getting freedom from foreign powers.D. Ideas based on religious values.

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    15. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan encouraged the Muslims of the subcontinent to acquire the knowledge


    A. modern sciences.

    B. Persian literature.C. metaphysics.

    D. political science.

    16. Which of the following was amongst the primary goals of establishing All India Muslim

    League in the subcontinent?

    A. To show support for the Khilafat Movement

    B. To demand self rule for the Muslims of the subcontinent

    C. To remove misconceptions between British and Muslims

    D. To support the partition of Bengal

    17. In the years 1947-48, Nizam of Hyderabad desired that the state of Hyderabad

    A. becomes a part of Pakistan.

    B. becomes a part of India.

    C. becomes an independent state.

    D. remains under the British Raj.

    18. Lahore Resolution (1940) was an important milestone in Pakistan Movement as it proposed


    A. the name of the Muslims' new homeland will be “Pakistan”.B. general elections in the subcontinent will be boycotted by the Muslims.

    C. Muslim majority areas in the subcontinent will be grouped to form a sovereign state.

    D. Muslim League will launch the “Direct Action Day” in the subcontinent.

    19. Which of the following princely states announced its accession to Pakistan in 1947 but was

    forcefully occupied by India?

    A. Junagadh

    B. Muradabad

    C. Ranpur

    D. Kashmir

    20. According to the 3rd  June Plan, N.W.F.P. and Sylhet had to decide whether to join Pakistan or

    not by

    A. holding referendum.

    B. the deliberations of Shahi Jirga.

    C. the verdict of Radcliff.

    D. the decision made in the constituent assembly.

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    21. The ideology of Pakistan formed the basis of the

    A. Pirpur Report.

    B. Hijrat Movement.

    C. Revivalist Movement.D. Lahore Resolution.

    22. The idea of a separate nation was presented by Allama Iqbal during the All India Muslim

    League Session of

    A. 1906.

    B. 1930.

    C. 1936.

    D. 1940.

    23. The partition of the subcontinent was demanded by the Muslims on the basis of

    A. The Cripps Mission.

    B. Two-Nation Theory.

    C. The Cabinet Mission.

    D. The Round Table Conference.

    24. Other than India, Pakistan has had strained relationships with

    A. Iran.

    B. Nepal.

    C. Tajikistan.D. Afghanistan.

    25. It is in the interest of Pakistan to establish cordial relations with India because

    A. we share a common ideology.

    B. we share common traditions.

    C. we share a long border with India.

    D. we share common democratic traditions.

    26. All of the following are the members of ECO (Economic Cooperation Council) EXCEPT

    A. Pakistan.

    B. Turkey.

    C. Iran.

    D. Syria.

    27. Which of the following goods are imported by Pakistan from Kyrgyzstan?

    A. defence equipments.

    B. computers.

    C. oil and gas.

    D. cotton.

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    28. To eradicate poverty from South Asia, a programme was launched in SAARC (1980) called


    A. Food Security Reserve.B. Food Production Reserve.

    C. Food and Hygiene Association.

    D. Food Resource Association.

    29. All of the following are functions of the United Nations EXCEPT to

    A. preserve international peace.

    B. work for economic development.

    C. affirm fundamental human rights.

    D. promote democratic forms of government.

    30. The basic aim of the Organization of Islamic Countries is to

    A. promote Islamic ideology all over the world.

    B. promote the Islamic banking system.

    C. strengthen bonds of fraternity among member states.

    D. pass judgments on global issues.

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