CITY OF SUBIACO B U D G E T 2007 - 2008


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B U D G E T 2007 - 2008



That the Council adopt the 2007/2008 Annual Budget for the City of Subiaco, including the following: 1. The 2007/08 Budget Document, which includes the Income Statement by

Program/Nature & Type, Cash Flow Statement, Rate Setting Statement and Statement of Non-operating Expenditures, Notes to and forming part of the Budget, Schedule of Fees and Charges, and Supporting Schedules.

2. A General Rate of 7.3749 cents in the dollar on the Gross Rental Value of all rateable

property within the district of the City of Subiaco. 3. A minimum rate of Four Hundred and Fifty Eight Dollars ($458) in the General Rate in

respect of any rateable property. 4. A Discount of four percent (4%) for payment of Rates made prior to 4.00pm on the

due date, being 35 days after the date of Notice of valuation and rate. 5. The option of payment of rates by instalments as detailed in this document. 6. An interest charge on unpaid rates of eleven percent (11%) per annum, calculated

daily, on those rates unpaid after the due date for payment and also on the outstanding balance of instalments unpaid after the due date for payment.

7. A Waste Service Charge of $114.90 for one 80 litre waste service, $143.75 for one

120 litre waste service or $215.55 for one 240 litre waste service per property per week.

8. In addition to the deferment and/or rebate entitlements of pensioners and seniors, a

50% discount or rebate on waste charges for holders of the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

9. A Specified Area Rate of 1.1490 cents in the dollar on all rateable properties within

the defined area of the Subiaco Central Business District as allowed under s6.37 of the Local Government Act 1995 to be used to promote the Subiaco Central Business District.

10. A Emergency Services Levy (ESL) Rate of 0.0152 cents in the dollar on the Gross

Rental Value of all properties in ESL category one within the district of the City of Subiaco.

11. A maximum rate of Two Hundred and Five Dollars ($205) in the ESL Rate is applied

in respect of Residential, Farming and Vacant Land. 12. A maximum rate of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) in the

ESL Rate be applied in respect of Commercial, Industrial and Miscellaneous Land. 13. A minimum rate of Thirty-Eight Dollars ($38) in the ESL Rate in respect of any

property. 14. An interest charge for the late payment of ESL of eleven percent (11%) per annum,

calculated daily be applied to all ESL properties. 15. Two budget reviews are conducted, in the months of November and March of each

year in accordance with Council Policy. A value of $50,000 be used in the Finance Activity Statement to report material variances in accordance with regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.




Summary Page 1


2007/2008 BUDGET

SUMMARY The 2007/08 Budget is predicated on numerous past Council decisions including: 1. 25 February 2003 - Public Toilet Improvement Strategy

2. 18 March 2003 - Mabel Talbot Reserve Management Plan

3. 20 May 2003 -

Bus Stop Improvement Strategy

4. 30 September 2003 - Security and Amenity Review of the Subiaco CBD

5. 25 November 2003 -

Cyclist, Pedestrian and Disabled Facilities

6. 23 December 2003

- Underground Power Program

7. 23 March 2004 - Subiaco Arts Centre Development

8. 24 August 2004

- Subiaco Central Business District - Parking Management

9. 22 February 2005 - Lake Jualbup Environmental Improvement Project

10. 25 October 2005 - Economic Development Strategy

11. 28 February 2006 - Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy

12. 18 April 2006 - Environmental Strategy

13. 19 December 2006 - 10-Year Capital Expenditure Program

14. 27 February 2007 - Strategic Financial Plan 2007/08-2011/12

15. 27 February 2007 - Investment Asset Policies

16. 27 February 2007 - Community Wellbeing Strategy

17. 27 March 2007 - Local Road Rehabilitation Program

18. 27 March 2007 - Drainage Improvement Program

19. 27 March 2007 - Traffic Management Improvements and Blackspot Projects

20. 27 March 2007 - Major Road Rehabilitation and Streetscape Improvement Program

21. 27 March 2007 - Parks Capital Renewal and Upgrade Program

22. 27 March 2007 - Footpath Replacement Program

23. 27 March 2007 - 2007/2008 Waste & Recycling Service Initiatives and Charges

24. 24 April 2007 - Pro Subi Specified Area Rate


Summary Page 2

Capital Works The budget provides for continuation, extension and enhancement of the broad range of services and projects to be undertaken by the City, as well as several new initiatives. Major capital items in this budget include: • $1.3m for new/expanded car parks. • $2.5m for building projects. • $1.6m for environmental and recreation facility improvements. • $0.4m for major road improvements offset by grant funding of $215,335. • $0.6m for lighting and other safety/security improvements. • $0.7m net of trade-ins for plant and equipment. • $0.4m for upgrading footpaths and improving access for people with disabilities. • $0.6m for improvements to parks and reserves including reticulation, playground

equipment, parks furniture and bore and pump improvements to various parks and reserves.

• $0.4m for local road improvements, which provides for seven road upgrades. • $0.4m for streetscape improvements. • $0.8m for traffic management improvements including Black Spot projects. • $0.3m for information system and technology improvements. • $0.4m for drainage improvements. • $1.2m for regional traffic projects, Karrakatta underpass construction offset by grant

funding of $0.8m. Programs and Services Governance: Operation of Council, including provision of administrative services and support to elected members, elected members’ sitting fees and expenses, costs related to the convening and holding of Council meetings, and the provision of agendas and minutes. Provision has been made for the continued operation of the internal audit function and funding for Council elections to be held in October 2007. Law, order and public safety: Parking management, event management, security/safety initiatives, animal control and responses to general complaints. Operational funding for safety and security improvements, including graffiti management has been included in the budget. In addition provision has been made for a range of capital improvements to safety and security including street lighting enhancements and car parking improvements. The budget also contains provisions for the integrated transport strategy and initiatives and the City’s contribution to the shuttle bus service.


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Health Services: Monitoring, maintenance and improvement of public health including regulation and monitoring of food handlers, noise abatement and other areas related to public health. As well as continuation of ongoing monitoring and regulatory services, funding has been provided for contaminated site investigations. Provision has also been made for conducting health promotions. Education and Welfare: Providing community meals services, adult day centre, community care and support programs to people with special needs.

Funding has been provided for ongoing health and community care programs offset by a range of operating grants and subsidies. Community Amenities: Management, collection and removal of waste, including recycling services, and social housing programs, administration of town planning controls and the provision and maintenance of public conveniences. Waste management services expenditure incorporates the increased cost of WMRC charges and landfill charges at the Red Hill waste disposal facility. The City continues to be active in initiatives to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and maximising the recovery of recyclable materials. The budget provides for enhancement to waste management and recycling in the commercial areas including public place recycling and additional cigarette butt collection facilities. Additional staffing resources have been provided to cover the increase in recycling services, green waste collections and increased commercial area sweeping. In addition to ongoing planning approvals and regulatory service, provisions have been made for continuing work on major initiatives including the Subiaco Central Development Plan, Crawley Village Structure Plan and City input to the AFC Demonstration Sustainable Development Subdivision. Funding has also been provided to advance the City’s social housing strategy and continuation of the public toilet renewals and improvements program. Recreation and Culture: Maintenance of parks and reserves, provision of library and museum services as well as a wide range of cultural and community activities. Funding continues for the extensive range of services and programs provided through the City’s public library and museum. Provision has been made for completion of the Subiaco historical walks and plaques project and local history projects. Funding provides for a broad range of community development programs and services including continuation and enhancement of social development planning, positive ageing initiatives, cultural programs and youth programs. Provision for maintenance and operations has been made to keep the various areas of parks and reserves within the City in good condition. Major areas of expenditure include maintenance of JH Abrahams, Cliff Sadlier, Mabel Talbot and Mueller Parks, Lake Jualbup, Rankin Gardens, Theatre Gardens, Subi Centro Common and Market Square Park. Funding has been provided for improvements to parks and reserves including recreation facilities improvements. Other activities and initiatives include environmental improvements, water quality and sediment testing, greening strategy and community centre upgrades. Additional staffing resources have been provided to oversee the City’s irrigation/reticulation infrastructure and provide support on maintenance services. Transport: Reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads, lanes, footpaths, and drains including street lighting, pruning of street trees, cleaning of laneways and streets and promotion of alternatives to cars.


Summary Page 4

Major categories of expenditure include road and footpath maintenance, road sweeping, street tree and street light maintenance. Capital grants revenue is expected to be around $0.75m. This will offset total capital expenditure by the City of about $4.3M in this area. Capital programs include major road improvements, local road improvements, commencing a program of laneway renewal and improvements, footpath replacements, and Karrakatta underpass construction. Funding has also been included for continuation of street tree renewal and replacement, and drainage recharge program. Provision has been made for road condition and traffic management surveys, and CBD traffic movement investigations. Economic Development: Ensuring compliance with building standards, regulations and local building laws, promoting economic development including a specified area rate to fund marketing within the central business area. Continuation of the existing range of building services is provided, including assessment services and education, swimming pool inspections and public building inspections. The budget also contains provision for the implementation of the economic development strategy, and other initiatives. Other Property and Services: Management of investment lands and other assets that provide revenue used to fund development initiatives, and administrative support for all areas of the City to manage the community's resources in the best long-term interest of all. Provision has been made for ongoing property management services as part of the City’s strategy to maximise the return on its investment assets. Income from land leases is anticipated to be $3.5M. In accordance with the City’s Investment Policies a provision has been made to acquire/develop investment assets that will generate an investment income stream. Provision has also been made for payment of the Fair Pay Commission decision expected in June 2007, salary increments, other budget enhancements and staff training and development, have been maintained with the continuation of management/supervisor development programs. To improve customer service and staff efficiency and effectiveness, a four-year program of improvements, particularly to information systems, is underway. Provision has been made for continued implementation of the Information Plan initiatives including intranet and internet development, GIS, facility booking system, and telephone upgrade. Additional resources have been provided to improve service and support of the new corporate information systems and infrastructure in the IT area. Provision has been made for the review of GST/FBT compliance and financial reporting.


Summary Page 5

Transfers to and from Reserves: Major transfers to and from reserves are as follows:

Reserve Fund

Opening Balance 1 July 07 $

Transfers to Reserve $

Transfers from Reserve $

Closing Balance 30 June 08 $


Buildings and Facilities 1,740,791 50,400 161,400 1,629,791 Funding of loan repayments for accommodation improvements and the Subiaco Theatre Centre

Income Investment Reserve 1,838,264 485,000 1,250,000 1,073,264 Funding of loan repayments for the Arts Centre and Business Continuity site, Rosalie Park improvements, lake environment improvements and distinctive lighting.

Parking and Public Transport Facilities

2,451,007 275,950 382,000 2,344,957 Funding of land consolidation and car parking improvements

Plant & Equipment Replacement

1,126,969 379,850 390,950 1,115,869 Funding of various items of plant and equipment

Waste Management Reserve 679,392 228,820 272,850 635,362 Funding of various items of plant and equipment

Capital Investment Reserve 17,939,311 0 2,500,000 15,439,311 Funding for investment asset acquisitions/ developments

Loans: The City’s contribution to the State Underground Power Program for placement of powerlines underground in the City is being met by loan funds with repayments met from general rates in order to maintain equity with past practice. In developing its funding strategy the City has anticipated future underground power programs. The strategy is predicated on using a mix of interest only and principal and interest loans with fixed and variable interest rates to cushion the potential impact of interest rate fluctuations. It has been designed to avoid the effect that the principal and interest repayments on a small number of large principal and interest loans would have on rate increases. In total, the underground power program was expected to require cumulative rate increase of about 14% spread over several years.


Summary Page 6

The loan repayments schedule for 2007/2008 is as follows:

Budgeted Repayments: The budgeted repayments schedule for 2007/2008 is as follows: Loan # Purpose loan taken for Principal

B/fwd New Loan

Interest & Other Charges

Principal Repayments

Closing Principal Liability

Round 3: 112 Undergrounding of Powerlines

2,921,000 165,000 2,921,000

119 Undergrounding of Powerlines 394,222 24,830 29,332 364,890 3,315,222 189,830 29,332 3,285,890 115 Art Centre Redevelopment 735,020 42,000 188,000 547,020 114 Car Park Expansion 1,250,000 82,000 1,250,000 111 Self Funded Loan to Baker

Theatre Trust 120,000 7,500 120,000

117 Business Continuity Site 350,000 25,000 350,000 118 Chamber and Office

Improvements 1,500,000 75,000 1,500,000

Totals 4,520,242 2,750,000 421,330 217,332 7,052,910

It is estimated that all loan funds acquired by the end of the year will be utilised by the close of the financial year and that there will be no unspent loans to be carried forward. Rates and Charges: The City’s Strategic Financial Plan provided for a rate increase of approximately 1% above inflation to fund undergrounding of powerlines at no direct cost to individual ratepayers, new initiatives and improvements. The rate of inflation is about 4.4% in Western Australia and the proposed increase in the rate in the dollar to achieve a balanced budget is a 5.4% increase to 7.3749 cents in the dollar. The increase for an average residential property will be about $42 per annum. For pensioners this increase will be only $21 and for those on the minimum rate $23. As an incentive for prompt payment, the City allows a discount for ratepayers who settle their rate bill in full within 35 days. Since 2002/03 the discount offered has been 4%. The discount is an incentive for prompt payment, with about 53% of ratepayers taking advantage of the offer. As an alternative to payment in full, the option of paying in four instalments continues to be available. Pensioners are eligible for up to 50% rebate off the rate amount or able to defer the full amount of the rates. The City also provides for a 50% discount on waste service charges. Seniors holding Senior Commonwealth Health Care cards are treated as pensioners and have the same entitlements as above.


Summary Page 7

All other seniors are able to claim a rebate for up to 25% of the rates amount capped at currently $216.80 in 2006/07, and have no deferment entitlement nor discount on the waste services charge. The continuation of the 80 litre waste service provides residents the opportunity to change from a 240 litre waste service to a 120 litre waste service and save $72 or change to an 80 litre service and save an additional $29. In recognition that each property benefits from a broad range of services, the City sets a minimum rate. The minimum rate is proposed to increase from $435 to $458 and will continue to apply to 11% of properties. Under the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, local governments are able to levy a penalty for late payment of rates. It is proposed that the rate remains at the current level of 11%. A comparison of the proposed minimum rate and that imposed in previous years is as follows: Year Amount Number of properties

paying the minimum Percentage of properties paying the minimum

2007/2008 $458 1007 11% 2006/2007 $435 1007 11% 2005/2006 $420 997 11% 2004/2005 $415 998 11% The City’s minimum rate remains low compared to other local authorities, in the region broadly similar in size to Subiaco, which had the following minimum rates for 2006/2007: Local Government

Minimum Rates*

Vincent $496 Nedlands $541 Subiaco $573 Victoria Park $579 Cambridge $609 Mosman Park $660 Peppermint Grove $668 Cottesloe $689 Claremont $745 * Adjusted to include minimum waste service charges to ensure consistency of comparisons. The specified area rate levied for the purpose of contributing towards the promotion of the Subiaco Business District remains unchanged at 1.1490 cents in the dollar and is shown as a separate item on the rate notice. The Emergency Services Levy is collected on behalf of the State Government. Pensioner and seniors' rebates apply. The City is required to collect the levy and remit the funds to FESA. The levy is shown as a separate item on the rates notice.




City of SubiacoIncome Statement by Nature or Type

2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008Adopted Revised Estimated Draft

Notes Budget Budget Actual Budget$ $ $ $

OPERATING REVENUERates (net of discount, also includes specified area) 3 11,530,815 11,597,615 11,603,332 12,311,855Sanitation charges 10 1,972,232 2,022,032 2,030,338 2,112,138Fees and charges 10 6,961,102 7,215,602 7,443,668 6,944,710Grants and subsidies 1,911,180 3,161,900 3,184,582 2,122,000Contributions, reimbursements and donations 391,700 473,700 446,037 325,600Interest earnings 841,500 1,803,500 1,798,800 1,571,000Profit on asset disposals 4 67,360 114,660 139,347 11,890Other revenue 62,000 6,152,000 6,180,735 42,415

Total Operating Revenue 1,2 23,737,889 32,541,009 32,826,839 25,441,608

OPERATING EXPENDITURE Employee costs (7,201,700) (7,547,255) (7,550,248) (8,150,915)Materials and contracts (9,650,596) (10,232,491) (8,977,855) (10,271,834)Utilities (gas, electricity, water etc.) (218,434) (218,434) (210,284) (246,722)Depreciation on non-current assets 9 (2,798,000) (2,798,000) (2,706,427) (2,927,500)Interest expenses (205,380) (242,250) (244,930) (239,830)Insurance expenses (320,000) (325,000) (318,515) (336,000)Loss on asset disposal 4 (166,830) (79,295) (85,688) (135,390)Other expenditure (714,840) (1,716,060) (1,725,660) (814,499)

Total Operating Expenditure 1,2 (21,275,780) (23,158,785) (21,819,607) (23,122,690)

NET RESULT 2,462,109 9,382,224 11,007,232 2,318,918

Statutory Statements Page1


City of SubiacoIncome Statement by Program

2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008Adopted Revised Estimated Draft

Notes Budget Budget Actual Budget$ $ $ $

OPERATING REVENUE (Excluding Contributions to Development of Assets)General Purpose Funding 12,937,315 14,013,715 14,007,032 14,472,855Governance 1,800 1,800 3,033 1,800Law Order & Public Safety 11,400 24,200 31,410 15,200Health 108,220 133,220 140,209 103,910Education & Welfare 887,320 863,870 859,901 874,400Community Amenities 2,164,782 2,247,182 2,306,067 2,241,888Recreation & Culture 148,300 245,890 226,752 221,800Transport 2,634,000 2,827,450 2,960,792 2,862,000Economic Services 270,500 283,500 314,128 269,000Other Property & Services 3,924,612 10,071,612 10,088,703 3,589,515

Total Operating Revenue 1,2 23,088,249 30,712,439 30,938,027 24,652,368

OPERATING EXPENDITURE (Excluding Borrowing Costs Expense)General Purpose Funding (424,400) (424,400) (609,820) (498,130)Governance (1,023,010) (1,014,510) (1,017,255) (1,027,800)Law Order & Public Safety (1,719,490) (2,004,410) (1,676,872) (2,146,770)Health (456,350) (487,120) (449,200) (523,420)Education & Welfare (1,698,275) (1,741,475) (1,576,385) (1,924,830)Community Amenities (4,050,830) (3,778,200) (3,447,221) (3,750,820)Recreation & Culture (4,778,233) (4,821,493) (4,588,250) (5,656,670)Transport (4,447,412) (4,592,912) (4,743,632) (4,788,745)Economic Services (1,331,670) (2,397,660) (2,259,872) (1,315,520)Other Property & Services (974,400) (1,575,560) (1,120,482) (1,115,265)

Total Operating Expenditure 1,2 (20,904,070) (22,837,740) (21,488,989) (22,747,970)

BORROWING COSTS EXPENSERecreation & Culture (32,545) (58,415) (58,416) (49,500)Economic Services (172,335) (183,335) (186,514) (189,830)

Total Borrowing Costs Expense 6 (204,880) (241,750) (244,930) (239,330)

CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETSTransport 582,280 1,713,910 1,749,465 777,350

Total Contributions to the Development of Assets 16 582,280 1,713,910 1,749,465 777,350

PROFIT/(LOSS) ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETSLaw Order & Public Safety (22,230) (22,230) (6,923) (6,140)Health (1,680) (1,680) 0 0Education & Welfare (9,420) (9,420) (9,775) 0Community Amenities (4,120) (4,120) (3,189) (75,520)Recreation & Culture 0 0 (270) (28,650)Transport 0 0 (16,085) (5,100)Economic Services 0 0 (2,184) 0Other Property & Services (62,020) 72,815 92,085 (8,090)

Total Profit/(Loss) on Disposal of Assets 4 (99,470) 35,365 53,659 (123,500)

NET RESULT 2,462,109 9,382,224 11,007,232 2,318,918

Statutory Statements Page2


6/06/2007 11:59 AMCity of SubiacoRate Setting Statement 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008

Adopted Revised Estimated DraftNotes Budget Budget Actual Budget

$ $ $ $OPERATING EXPENDITURE General Purpose Funding (424,400) (424,400) (609,820) (498,130)Governance (1,023,010) (1,014,510) (1,017,255) (1,027,800)Law Order & Public Safety (1,741,720) (2,026,640) (1,684,572) (2,152,910)Health (458,030) (488,800) (449,200) (523,420)Education & Welfare (1,707,695) (1,750,895) (1,586,160) (1,924,830)Community Amenities (4,054,950) (3,782,320) (3,450,410) (3,826,490)Recreation & Culture (4,810,778) (4,879,908) (4,646,936) (5,745,440)Transport (4,447,412) (4,592,912) (4,759,717) (4,793,845)Economic Services (1,504,005) (2,580,995) (2,448,570) (1,505,350)Other Property & Services (1,103,780) (1,617,405) (1,166,967) (1,124,475)Total Operating Expenditure 1,2 (21,275,780) (23,158,785) (21,819,607) (23,122,690)

CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAMMECapital ExpenditureLand and Buildings Refer to (4,690,700) (4,910,100) (588,300) (5,008,700)Furniture and Equipment Capital (478,720) (598,720) (590,720) (348,000)Plant and Equipment Works (1,471,856) (1,529,686) (1,217,022) (914,000)Subtotal Programme (6,641,276) (7,038,506) (2,396,042) (6,270,700)

Infrastructure ExpenditureRoad Works (2,086,000) (3,177,580) (1,797,350) (3,174,480)Landscape & Irrigation Works Refer to (108,400) (283,400) (274,340) (234,200)Drainage Works Capital (333,500) (318,150) (169,800) (416,950)Footpath Works Works (400,000) (510,050) (503,350) (419,000)Street Lighting Programme (225,000) (212,000) (212,000) (395,000)Car Park Improvements (1,450,000) (1,450,000) 0 (1,532,000)Other Infrastructure (250,000) (250,000) (150,000) (315,000)Parks and Reserves Improvements Irrigation Upgrades (155,900) (155,900) (122,240) (173,500) Furniture & Lighting Upgrades (72,000) (72,000) (46,830) (72,000) Playground Upgrades (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) Landscaping Upgrades (1,056,800) (1,076,800) (501,100) (1,630,700)Subtotal (6,212,600) (7,580,880) (3,852,010) (8,437,830)Total Capital Works Programme (12,853,876) (14,619,386) (6,248,052) (14,708,530)

OTHER OUTFLOWSTransfer To Reserve A/C 7 (1,567,949) (8,830,130) (9,333,028) (2,221,000)Loan Repayment - Principal 6 (f) (777,630) (740,760) (746,538) (217,332)Non cash itemsWrite Back Gain on Disposal Of Assets 4 (67,360) (114,660) (139,347) (11,890)

Total Other Outflows (2,412,939) (9,685,550) (10,218,913) (2,450,222)

TOTAL FUNDS REQUIRED (36,542,595) (47,463,721) (38,286,572) (40,281,442)

OPERATING REVENUE General Purpose Funding (excluding rates) 1,670,030 2,679,630 2,672,406 2,423,710Governance 1,800 1,800 3,033 1,800Law Order & Public Safety 11,400 24,200 32,187 15,200Health 108,220 133,220 140,209 103,910Education & Welfare 887,320 863,870 859,901 874,400Community Amenities 2,164,782 2,247,182 2,306,067 2,242,038Recreation & Culture 148,300 245,890 226,752 232,420Transport 3,216,280 4,541,360 4,710,257 3,639,350Economic Services 270,500 283,500 314,128 269,000Other Property & Services 3,991,972 10,186,272 10,227,273 3,590,635Total Operating Revenue 12,470,604 21,206,924 21,492,213 13,392,463

OTHER INFLOWSReserve Utilised 7 4,799,686 4,952,156 1,559,049 5,227,200Proceeds from Loans 6 2,700,000 3,100,000 750,000 2,750,000Proceeds Disposal of Assets 4 503,170 597,060 511,912 250,200Non cash itemsWrite Back Depreciation 9 2,798,000 2,798,000 2,706,427 2,927,500Write Back Loss On Disposal Of Assets 4 166,830 79,295 85,688 135,390Opening Balance B/Fwd 1 July 1,837,020 3,396,201 3,396,201 3,549,544Total Other Inflows 12,804,706 14,922,712 9,009,277 14,839,834

Refer toTO BE MADE UP FROM RATES Rates 11,267,285 11,334,085 11,334,626 12,049,145

ScheduleSURPLUS / (DEFICIT) 0 0 3,549,544 0

Statutory Statements Page3


City of Subiaco Reg 22(1)(b)Cash flow statement

2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008

NotesAdopted Budget

Estimated Actual Budget

$ $ $Cash flows due to operating activitiesReceiptsRates and Sanitation Charges 13,567,728 13,633,871 14,390,860Fees & charges 7,508,782 7,286,452 6,587,643Contributions reimbursements and donations 399,041 446,037 326,533Interest earnings 841,500 1,798,800 1,571,000Other revenue/income 69,341 6,180,735 43,349

22,386,392 29,345,895 22,919,385

PaymentsEmployee costs (7,276,700) (7,550,254) (8,125,915)Interest payments (205,380) (244,930) (239,830)Utility charges (228,259) (210,284) (247,971)Donations, contributions and grants made (734,489) (1,725,660) (816,997)All other costs (11,023,589) (10,742,013) (10,554,000)

(19,468,417) (20,473,141) (19,984,713)

Net cash flows due to operating activities 15 2,917,975 8,872,754 2,934,672

Cash flows from investing activitiesPaymentsPurchase land & buildings (4,690,700) (588,300) (5,008,700)Purchase furniture & equipment (478,720) (590,720) (348,000)Purchase plant & equipment (1,471,856) (1,217,022) (914,000)Purchase Infrastructure assets (6,212,600) (3,852,010) (8,437,830)

(12,853,876) (6,248,052) (14,708,530)ReceiptsDisposal of fixed assets 4 503,170 511,912 250,200

503,170 511,912 250,200

Net cash flows due to investing activities (12,350,706) (5,736,140) (14,458,330)

Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from borrowing (New Loans) 6 2,700,000 750,000 2,750,000Repayment of borrowing 6 (777,630) (746,538) (217,332)Net cash flows due to financing activities 1,922,370 3,462 2,532,668

Cash flows from GovernmentGovernment Grants/Appropriations 16 2,526,604 3,143,636 2,200,246Net cash flows due to Government 2,526,604 3,143,636 2,200,246

Cash held beginning of period 22,600,713 25,663,564 31,947,276Net increase/ (decrease) in cash held (4,983,757) 6,283,712 (6,790,744)Cash held end of period 17,616,956 31,947,276 25,156,532

Reconciliation of cash: 1 (n)

Cash at Bank 2,787,114 5,991,983 1,155,113Cash at Bank Reserves 14,829,842 25,955,293 24,001,419

17,616,956 31,947,276 25,156,532* This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes* Outflows are shown in brackets

Statutory Statements Page4


City of SubiacoCapital Funding Summary

2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008Adopted Revised Estimated DraftBudget Budget Actual Budget

$ $ $ $

Capital WorksLand and Buildings (4,690,700) (4,910,100) (588,300) (5,008,700)Furniture and Equipment (478,720) (598,720) (590,720) (348,000)Plant and Equipment (1,471,856) (1,529,686) (1,217,022) (914,000)Road Works (2,086,000) (3,177,580) (1,797,350) (3,174,480)Landscape & Irrigation Works (108,400) (283,400) (274,340) (234,200)Drainage Works (333,500) (318,150) (169,800) (416,950)Footpath Works (400,000) (510,050) (503,350) (419,000)Street Lighting (225,000) (212,000) (212,000) (395,000)Car Park Improvements (1,450,000) (1,450,000) 0 (1,532,000)Other Infrastructure (250,000) (250,000) (150,000) (315,000)Parks and Reserves Improvements Irrigation Upgrades (155,900) (155,900) (122,240) (173,500) Furniture & Lighting Upgrades (72,000) (72,000) (46,830) (72,000) Playground Upgrades (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) Landscaping Upgrades (1,056,800) (1,076,800) (501,100) (1,630,700)Total Capital Works Programme (12,853,876) (14,619,386) (6,248,052) (14,708,530)

Reserves Utilised for Capital WorksBuildings and Facilities 277,000 277,000 127,500 161,400Capital Investment 2,500,000 2,500,000 0 2,500,000Investment Income 15,000 15,000 15,000 1,020,000Regional Facilities and Transport Improvements 95,000 95,000 0 95,000Infrastructure Replacement 106,000 106,000 106,000 50,000Parking and Public Transport Facilities 230,000 280,000 80,000 282,000Waste Management 500,835 347,505 313,700 272,850Plant & Equipment Replacement 467,851 649,211 459,409 390,950Social Housing 125,000 125,000 0 125,000Total Reserves Utilised 4,316,686 4,394,716 1,101,609 4,897,200

Contributions to the Development fo AssetsMain Roads WA - MRRG 300,000 300,000 347,880 215,335Main Roads WA - Blackspot 257,280 197,280 185,005 434,435Main Roads WA - Roads Project Grant 0 814,000 814,000 0Department of Transport & Regional Development 0 202,580 202,580 102,580Bikewest 25,000 100,000 100,000 25,000Department for Planning & Infrastrucutre 0 100,000 100,000 0Total Contributions to the Development of Assets 582,280 1,713,860 1,749,465 777,350

Proceeds Disposal of AssetsProceeds on disposal of plant and equipment 503,170 597,060 511,912 250,200Total Proceeds Disposal of Assets 503,170 597,060 511,912 250,200

Proceeds from LoansCar Park Expansion 1,250,000 1,250,000 0 1,250,000Sustainable Demonstration Retrofit 600,000 600,000 0 0Business Continuity Site 350,000 350,000 350,000 0Chamber and Office Improvements 500,000 500,000 0 1,500,000Undgerground Power 0 400,000 400,000 0Total Proceeds from Loans 2,700,000 3,100,000 750,000 2,750,000

TOTAL MUNICIPAL FUNDS REQUIRED (4,751,740) (4,813,750) (2,135,066) (6,033,780)

Statutory Statments Page 5




City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget


Note No. Notes Page


a) Basis of Accounting 1 b) The Local Government Reporting Entity 1 c) Depreciation 1 d) Infrastructure 1 e) Fixed Assets 2 f) Investment Properties 2 g) Rates 2 h) Grants, Donations and Other Contributions 2 i) Investments 2 j) Superannuation Fund 2 k) Inventories 2 l) Provision for Employee Entitlements 3 m) Rounding Off Figures 3 n) 2006/2007 Estimated Figures 3 o) Goods and Services Tax 3 p) Impairment 3 q) Borrowings 4 r) Budget Reviews 4 s) Reporting Material Variances 4



City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 1

1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The significant accounting policies which have been adopted in the preparation of this

budget are: (a) Basis of Accounting

The budget statements have been drawn up in accordance with applicable Australian Accounting Standards, other mandatory professional reporting requirements, the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. The statements have been prepared on the accruals basis under the convention of historical cost accounting and do not take into account changing money values or, except where stated, current valuations of non-current assets.

(b) The Local Government Reporting Entity

The budget statements forming part of this report have been prepared on the basis of all funds controlled by the City of Subiaco. This includes Municipal and Reserve funds. Certain monies held in the Trust Fund have been excluded from the consolidated budget statements.

(c) Depreciation Items of property, plant and equipment, including buildings, but excluding freehold

land, are depreciated over their estimated useful lives in a manner which reflects the consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in those assets.

Depreciation is recognised on a straight line basis, using rates which are reviewed each reporting period as follows: Buildings 40 years Furniture & Equipment 5-10 years Plant & Equipment 6.66 years Infrastructure Assets: Roads Laneways Footpaths Drains Street Furniture (incl. Bus shelters & proprietary street lighting) Park Furniture Playground Equipment Reticulation Grassed Areas Infrastructure Buildings

40 years 40 years 40 years 60 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 25 years N/A 40 years

(d) Infrastructure Effective 1 July 1996, infrastructure relating to prior to 1 July 1996 was brought to

account at full replacement value, with an allowance for accumulated depreciation. Infrastructure includes road networks, drainage systems, footpaths, parks, gardens, reserves, etc, are now recorded at deemed cost in the Budget Statements. From 1 July 1996, all expenditure identified as relating to infrastructure has been capitalised in the Balance Sheet at cost.

The City does not recognise land under roads as an asset in the Balance Sheet in

accordance with accounting standards and legislative requirements.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

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(e) Fixed Assets

Property, plant and equipment and infrastructure assets are brought to account at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

(f) Investment Property

The City values its investment property at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Investment property, including buildings, but excluding freehold land, are depreciated over their estimated useful lives in a manner which reflects the consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in those assets. Depreciation is recognised on a straight-line basis, and whilst rates used are regularly reviewed, useful life is generally determined as 40 years.

(g) Rates The rating and reporting periods coincide. All rates levied for the year are revenues. Due to Legislative security, it is anticipated that all outstanding rates will be collected and therefore no provision has been made for doubtful debts.

(h) Grants, Donations and Other Contributions

All grants, donations and other contributions are recognised as revenues during the reporting period. Expenditure of those monies has been made in the manner specified under the conditions upon which the Municipality received those monies.

(i) Investments

The City holds an investment in Western Metropolitan Regional Council (WMRC). The City accounts for this investment under the equity method in accordance with AASB 128 “Investments in Associates”. All other investments are valued at lower of cost and net realisable value, and interest income on those investments is recognised when accrued.

(j) Superannuation Fund

The Municipality contributes to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme at a rate of $1.00 for every $1.00 contributed to the fund by employees, to a maximum of 9% of the employee’s salary. The Municipality also contributes to the Local Government Occupational Superannuation Fund an amount calculated at 9% of the employee’s gross salaries and wages (Superannuation Guarantee Contribution). These contributions are shown as an expense. No liability for accumulated benefits has been recognised in these budget statements.

(k) Inventories Inventories are held at the lower of cost or net realisable value. Land Held for Resale Land purchased for development and/or resale is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes the cost of acquisition, development and interest incurred on the financing of that land during development. Interest and holding charges incurred after development is complete and recognised as expenses. Revenue arising from the sale of property is recognised in the income statement as at the time of signing a binding contract of sale.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 3

(l) Provision for Employee Entitlements

Wages, Salaries, Annual Leave and Sick Leave (short-term benefits)

The provision of employee’s entitlements to wages, salaries, annual leave and sick leave represent the amount that the municipality has a present obligation to pay resulting from employee’s services provided up to 30 June 2008. The provision has been calculated based on current wage and salary rates and includes related on-costs.

Annual Leave and Long Service Leave (long–term benefits) The provision of employee’s entitlements to annual leave and long service leave

represents the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made by the local government resulting from employee’s services to date. Liabilities for employee entitlements, which are not expected to be settled within 12 months are discounted using the rates attached to Federal Government securities at balance date, which most closely match the terms of maturity of the related liabilities.

In determining the liability for employee entitlements, consideration has been given to

future increases in wage and salary rates, and the municipality experience with staff departures. Related on-costs have also been included in the liability.

(m) Rounding Off Figures

All figures shown in this budget, other than the rate in the dollar, are rounded to the nearest dollar.

(n) 2006/2007 Estimated Figures Balances shown in this budget as 2006/2007 estimated actual are as forecast at the time of budget preparation and are subject to final adjustments.

(o) Goods and Services Tax Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST included, except where it is not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office, in which case the amounts include the non-recoverable GST. Receivables and Payables are stated with the amount of GST included. Any GST recoverable from, or payable to, the Australian Tax Office is included as part of receivables and payables. Cash flows are stated in the Statement of Cash Flows on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities, which are recoverable from, or payable to, the Australian Taxation Office, are classified as operating cash flows.

(p) Impairment In accordance with Australian Accounting Standards the City’s assets, other than inventories, are assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication they may be impaired. Where such indication exists, an estimate of the recoverable amount of the asset is made in accordance with AASB 136 “Impairment of Assets” and appropriate adjustments made. An impairment loss is recognised when the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in the Income Statement. At the time of adopting this budget, it is not possible to estimate the amount of impairment losses (if any) as at 30 June 2008. In any event, an impairment loss is a non-cash transaction and consequently, has no impact on this budget document.


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(q) Borrowings

Borrowings are recorded at an amount equal to the net proceeds received. Borrowing costs are recognised as an expense when incurred unless they are directly attributable to qualifying assets. Borrowing costs that are attributable to a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of the asset

(r) Budget Reviews Two budget reviews are conducted, in the months of November and March of each year.

(s) Reporting Material Variances A value of $50,000 is used in the Finance Activity Statement to report material variances in accordance with regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

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Governance Objective: To ensure high quality democratic processes and informed local decision

making. Includes administration and operation of facilities and services to members of Council

and other costs that relate to the tasks of assisting members and ratepayers on matters which do not concern specific Council services.

General Purpose Funding

Objective: To fairly and efficiently levy and collect rates and other monies required to fund the City’s operations.

Rates revenue from rates levied under Division 6 of Part 6 of the Local Government

Act 1995 and amounts receivable from the Western Australian Grants Commission and any government grants of a general purpose nature.

Law, Order and Public Safety Objective: To ensure safety and amenity of the community in public areas. Control of parking facilities, implementation and control of parking and other local laws. Also includes fire prevention outlays.

Health Objective: To protect the health of all persons and promote environmental quality. Administration, inspection and operations of programs concerned with the general health of the community. Education and Welfare Objective: To contribute towards the well being of people with special needs. Maintenance of pre-school buildings, aged care services including home and community care, meals-on-wheels, and seniors activities. Community Amenities Objective: To provide waste management services which minimise adverse environmental impacts, orderly and controlled development of land and the built environment, and well maintained public conveniences. This includes the collection and disposal of community and domestic rubbish and recycling, and the administration and operation of town planning and sustainable development within the local government. Recreation and Culture Objective: To provide and support community recreational and cultural pursuits. Maintenance of community and function centres, and various reserves, operation of the library. Transport Objective: To facilitate safe and convenient transport access. Construction and maintenance of roads, drainage works, footpaths, traffic facilities.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

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Economic Services Objective: To facilitate economic development, promote compliance with building standards, regulations and local laws and enhance public amenity by placing powerlines underground. Area promotion and building control services. Other Property and Services Objective: To maximise long term return on investment assets for the benefit of the community. Includes management of the City’s investment assets.

3. RATING AND VALUATIONS [Reg. 23] (a) General Rate

The rates revenue for the City of Subiaco will be levied as a single general rate of 7.3749 cents per dollar on the Gross Rental Value of all rateable properties in the municipality. The estimated number of properties that will attract this charge, not inclusive of properties that attract a minimum rate as outlined in part b), are as follows:

(i) Residential Properties - 7,077 properties, with a total GRV of $94,982,624 (ii) Commercial Properties - 1,098 properties, with a total GRV of $62,173,072 (iii) Industrial Properties - 16 properties, with a total GRV of $ 920,300 The Rates Charge will be 7.3749 cents for every dollar of Gross Rental Value, and will yield the following:

(i) Residential Properties - $ 7,004,867 (ii) Commercial Properties - $ 4,585,202 (iii) Industrial Properties - $ 67,871 The City imposes only the single rate described above and does not intend to implement differential rates.

b) Minimum Rates

In accordance with Section 6.35 of the Local Government Act 1995, the following minimum rate will be levied.

In the case where the Gross Rental Value of a rateable property is such that the rates charge amounts to less than four hundred and thirty eight dollars ($458), that property will be charged the minimum rates charge of $458.

Objects and Reasons for minimum rate:

The imposition of a minimum rate is in recognition that every property receives some minimum level of service from the facilities provided by Council and as such Council has adopted an appropriate minimum rate to take this into consideration. The estimated number of properties to attract this minimum charge is as follows:

(i) Residential properties - 999 properties, with a total GRV of $5,024,812 (ii) Commercial properties - 8 properties, with a total GRV of $ 38,920


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 7

b) Minimum Rates (cont) This minimum rate will yield the following: (i) Residential properties - $ 457,541 (ii) Commercial properties - $ 3,664 Were it not for the imposition of a minimum rate, these properties would have

been charged a rate of 7.3749 cents for every dollar of gross rental value. c) Specified Area Rate

A specified area rate is to be levied for the purpose of contributing towards the

promotion of the Subiaco Central business district. This specified area rate is to be levied at the rate of 1.1490 cents in the dollar of gross rental value.

Estimated number of properties - 373

Gross rental value - $ 25,475,079 Estimated yield - $ 292,709

The City has not anticipated any interim or back-rates in relation to this specified

area rate in this budget. The funds raised by the levying of the specified area rate will be applied to the

promotion of the Subiaco Central business district. No portion of the funds raised in the specified area rate is budgeted to be set aside in reserve. No funds are budgeted to be drawn from reserve in connection with this specified area rate.

d) Non Rated Properties

There are properties within the City of Subiaco that have been allocated a gross rental value by the Valuer General’s Office that, due to legislation, do not attract a rates charge. The gross rental value applicable to these properties is $8,836,177.

e) Discount For Early Payment Of Rates [Reg. 26]

A discount of four percent (4%) will be granted with respect to the general rates charge on a property if:

(i) Any charges on the property that are in arrears are paid in full (ii) Payment of the discounted amount due is received by 4.00pm on the due

date, being thirty-five days after the date of service of the notice of valuation and rate.

It is estimated that the discount facility will cost the City $245,000. The discount does not apply to the specified area rate. No discounts, waivers, concessions or incentives other than as described above are proposed.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 8

f) Payment of Rates by Instalments [Reg. 27(c)]

Pursuant to section 6.45 of the Local Government Act (1995), the City will offer ratepayers the option of paying their rates in one payment or by four instalments.

If the ratepayer elects to pay by four instalments, the due dates for payment will be

as follows:

(i) First instalment due 35 days after date of service of the notice of valuation and rate

(ii) Second instalment due two calendar months after the due date of the first instalment

(iii) Third instalment due two calendar months after the due date of the second instalment

(iv) Fourth instalment due two calendar months after the due date of the third instalment.

An administration charge of forty-one dollars ($41) will be levied on each property when the ratepayer elects to pay by instalments. It is estimated that the City will receive $90,000 in instalment administration fees.

g) Interest Charged On Late Payment of Rates and Other Charges.

[Reg. 27(a)(b)]

An interest charge of Eleven Percent (11%) per annum, calculated daily, will be imposed on rates charges and any other charges if payment is not received by the applicable due date. It is estimated that the City will receive $30,000 in late payment interest.

h) Service Charges [Reg. 27(c)] The City does not propose to impose any service charge as defined under Local

Government (Financial Management) Regulation 1996, reg. No. 54. 4. ASSET DISPOSALS [Reg. 27(d)]

The City proposes to dispose of 48 asset items during the year, within the plant and equipment class. The net book value of the plant and equipment assets is estimated to be $373,678 at time of disposal. It is estimated that they will be traded-in or where appropriate sold by tender for a price of $250,200 resulting in an estimated book loss of $123,500. Please refer to the Plant Replacement Programme schedule for 2007/2008, which is included in the supporting schedules of this document for itemised details regarding asset purchases and disposals.


Surplus funds will be invested as per Council’s investment policy. It is estimated that Council will earn the following interest revenues: (i) Reserve funds invested - $ 1,084,000 (ii) Other funds invested - $ 450,000 Total estimated earnings from investments - $ 1,534,000


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 9

6. BORROWINGS [Reg. 29]

a) Borrowings brought forward

There are no unspent balances of money borrowed in previous years as at 30 June 2007.

b) Overdraft Outstanding at end of financial year.

The City will have no outstanding overdraft accounts as at the 30 June 2007.

c) Purpose of Borrowings The City does not propose to apply all or part of any existing borrowings to a purpose other than that for which the money was borrowed.

d) Proposed Borrowing

Information of proposed borrowing for the year: The City proposes to exercise its powers to borrow as per section 6.20 of the Local

Government Act 1995. The following table summarises the borrowings proposed for 2007/2008:

New loan New loan Purpose Chamber and

Office Improvements

Car park Expansion

Estimated Amount 1,500,000 1,250,000 Proposed Accommodation Fixed term loan Fixed term loan Estimated Term 15 years 15 years Estimated Interest Rate & other charges

7.5 7.5

Estimated amount to be used this year

1,500,000 1,250,000

Estimated amount unused at end of year

Nil Nil

e) Re-financing existing borrowings

The City does not propose to re-finance any existing borrowings.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 10

f) Budgeted Repayments

An amount of $7,500 has been budgeted as a reimbursement of loan repayments for the self funded loan 111 to Baker Theatre Trust.

The budgeted repayments schedule for 2007/2008 is as follows:

Budgeted Repayments:

The budgeted repayments schedule for 2007/2008 is as follows: Loan # Purpose loan taken for Principal

B/fwd New Loan

Interest & Other


Principal Repayments

Closing Principal Liability

Round 3: 112 Undergrounding of Powerlines

2,921,000 165,000 2,921,000

119 Undergrounding of Powerlines 394,222 24,830 29,332 364,890 3,315,222 189,830 29,332 3,285,890

115 Art Centre Redevelopment 735,020 42,000 188,000 547,020

114 Car Park Expansion 1,250,000 82,000 1,250,000

111 Self Funded Loan to Baker Theatre Trust

120,000 7,500 120,000

117 Business Continuity Site 350,000 25,000 350,000

118 Chamber and Office

Improvements 1,500,000 75,000 1,500,000

Totals 4,520,242 2,750,000 421,330 217,332 7,052,910 It is estimated that all loan funds acquired by the end of the year will be utilised by the close of the financial year and that there will be no unspent loans to be carried forward.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 11

The comparative information from the 2006/2007 estimated actual was as follows:

Loan # Purpose loan taken for Principal B/fwd

New Loan

Interest & Other


Principal Repayments

Closing Principal Liability

Round 2: 109B Undergrounding of Powerlines

200,915 4,412 200,915 0

109C Undergrounding of Powerlines

135,800 4,324 135,800 0

Round 3: 112 Undergrounding of Powerlines 3,100,000 174,530 179,000 2,921,000

119 Undergrounding of Powerlines 400,000 3,248 5,778 394,222

3,436,715 400,000 186,514 521,493 3,315,222

111 Self Funded Loan to Baker Theatre Trust

120,000 7,500 120,000

115 Art Centre Redevelopment 960,065 50,916 225,045 735,020

117 Business Continuity Site 350,000 15,000 350,000

Totals 4,516,780 750,000 259,930 746,538 4,520,242

The comparative information from the 2006/2007 adopted budget was as follows: Loan # Purpose loan taken for Principal

B/fwd New Loan

Interest & Other


Principal Repayments

Closing Principal Liability

Round 2: 109B Undergrounding of Powerlines

200,915 4,412 200,915 0

109C Undergrounding of Powerlines

135,800 4,088 135,800 0

Round 3:

112 Undergrounding of Powerlines 3,100,000 163,835 190,000 2,910,000 3,436,715 172,335 526,715 2,910,000

115 Art Centre Redevelopment 809,100 25,045 250,915 558,185

114 Car Park Expansion 1,250,000 100,000 1,250,000

111 Self Funded Loan to Baker Theatre Trust

120,000 7,500 120,000

116 Sustainable Demonstration

Retrofit 600,000 40,000 600,000

117 Business Continuity Site 350,000 15,000 350,000

118 Chamber and Office

Improvements 500,000 30,000 500,000

Totals 4,365,815 2,700,000 389,880 777,630 6,288,185


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 12

7. RESERVES [Reg. 27(h)]

The estimated movements in the City’s reserves for the 2007/2008 financial year, with a comparison to the 2006/2007 financial year, are shown in the attached table. No change of use or purpose is proposed for any reserve funds.

8. PAYMENTS TO MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS [S5.98 (2) & (3)] [Reg. 27(l)]

An allowance has been made in the 2007/2008 budget for the following payments to the mayor and councillors: (i) Meeting attendance fee for Councillors of $5,540 per annum (ii) Meeting attendance fee for the Mayor of $9,420 per annum (iii) Mayoral allowance for the Mayor of $3,880 per annum (iv) Deputy Mayoral allowance for the Deputy Mayor of $2,215 per annum.

Expenses relating to reimbursements under S5.98 (2)(a) & (3): (i) Rental charges and maintenance of equipment to the value of $2,000 per

elected member (i) Child Care at actual cost per hour or $20 per hour whichever is the lesser

amount. Estimate $1,000 in total (ii) Travel costs to attend meeting of Council at actual cost with regard to Local

Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, Reg. 31(4). Estimate $500 in total.

9. DEPRECIATION [Reg. 27(n)]

The following provisions have been made in the budget operating statement for depreciation on non-current assets, by programme:


Budgeted Depreciation

2007/2008 Budgeted

Depreciation Governance 7,400 10,300 Law, Order & Public Safety 27,300 26,600 Health 1,900 1,900 Education & Welfare 34,300 25,300 Community Amenities 181,700 214,800 Recreation & Culture 396,568 670,200 Transport 1,417,632 1,543,600 Economic Services 3,400 3,400 Other Property & Services 727,800 431,400 Total Depreciation 2,798,000 2,927,500


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

Notes Page 13

10. FEES AND CHARGES REVENUE INFORMATION [Reg. 25] The City’s 2007/2008 Schedule of Fees and Charges are included at the back of this

budget document. The 2007/2008 revenue, estimated that would be generated by fees and charges on

an accrued basis by program is as follows: - 2007/2008

Budget General Purpose Funding 125,000 Governance 1,800

Law Order & Public Safety 11,000 Health 103,910 Education and Welfare 209,950 Community Amenities 2,232,688 Recreation and Culture 59,000 Transport 2,622,500 Economic Services 191,000 Other Properties and Services 3,500,000

Grand Total $9,056,848 11. BORROWING COSTS (Interest) Loans $421,330 12. POSITION AT COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR [Reg. 31] The position at the commencement of the financial year has been calculated as per

Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 31 and 32 as follows: NET CURRENT ASSEST REPRESENTED BY Estimated Actual CURRENT ASSETS Cash & Investments Cash at Bank & Investments 31,947,276 Debtors Rates Debtors 108,500 Sundry Debtors 1,377,660 HACC Meals on Wheels Debtors 13,695 GST Debtor 143,240 Other Other Current Assets 282,620 Total Current Assets 33,872,991 LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors & Provisions Creditors 1,132,852 Trust Creditors

Provision for A/Leave 559,379 Provision for LSL (Current) 419,597

Income in Advance 1,112,000 Other Restricted Assets 1,114,998

Total Current Liabilities 4,338,826

LESS RESTRICTED ASSETS Cash Backed Reserves 27,099,619 Other Restricted Assets (1,114,998) Total Restricted Assets 25,984,621

NET CURRENT ASSETS 3,549,544 * The balances as at 30/6/07 are yet to be audited.


City of Subiaco Notes to, and forming part of, 2007/2008 Annual Budget

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13. TRADING UNDERTAKINGS [Reg. 27(i)] The City does not consider any of its activities come under the definition of trading

undertakings as per the Local Government Act 1995. 14. MAJOR TRADING UNDERTAKINGS, LAND TRANSACTIONS AND MAJOR LAND

TRANSACTIONS [Reg. 27(j)(k)] The City’s investment assets are managed under Business Plans prepared in

accordance with sections 3.58 and 3.59 of the Local Government Act 1995. 15. NOTES TO THE CASHFLOW STATEMENT Reconciliation of net cash used in operating activities to change in net assets resulting

from operations: 2006/07 2006/07 2007/08 Budget Est. Actual Budget

$ $ $ Change in net assets resulting from operations As per Operating Statement 2,462,109 11,007,232 2,318,918

Add/(Less) non cash items: Depreciation 2,798,000 2,706,427 2,927,500 Profit/Loss on sale of assets 99,470 (53,659) 123,500 Share of WMRC (Profit)/Loss 0 (40,946) 0 Government grants & subsidies adjustment (2,526,604) (3,143,636) (2,200,246) Changes in asset and liabilities during the year: Changes in assets (increases in brackets): Change in rate debtors 50,000 200 (35,000) Change in debtors 150,000 (157,370) (250,000) Change in Accrued revenue 0 0 (100,000) Change in Prepayments 0 0 (25,000) Changes in liabilities (decreases in brackets): Change in employee entitlements (75,000) 0 25,000 Change in creditors (100,000) (1,445,647) 200,000 Change in income received in advance 60,000 153 (50,000) Net cash provided by operating activities 2,917,975 8,872,754 2,934,672 16. CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETS The City anticipates the following contributions towards the development of assets:

Source Project Amount Black Spot Local road improvements 434,435 Main Roads Major road improvements 215,335 Roads to Recovery Road improvements 102,580 Bikewest Cycling improvements 25,000 $777,350





Estimated BUDGETNotes No. of GRV Rate in dollar 2007-2008

PropertiesNo. $ c $


@ 7.3749 cents in the dollar

GRV - Residential 3a 7,077 94,982,624 7.3749 7,004,867 GRV - Commercial 3a 1,098 62,173,072 7.3749 4,585,202 GRV - Industrial 3a 16 920,300 7.3749 67,871

Sub Totals 8,191 158,075,996 11,657,940

Minimum Rates@ 458

GRV - Residential 3b 999 5,024,812 N/a 457,541 GRV - Commercial 3b 8 38,920 N/a 3,664

Sub Totals 1,007 5,063,732 461,205

Total General Rates to be Levied 163,139,728 12,119,145

Estimated Discounts for prompt payment (245,000)Interim Rates 140,000 Back Rates 5,000 Late Payment Penalty 30,000

Total made up from rates 12,049,145

SPECIFIED AREA RATE REVENUE:@ 1.1490 cents in the dollarAll properties 3c 373 25,475,079 1.1490 292,709


Supporting Schedules Page 1



OpeningBalance1 July 06

Amountstransferredto Reserve


from Reserve


30 June 06

OpeningBalance1 July 06

Amountstransferredto Reserve


from Reserve


30 June 07

OpeningBalance1 July 07

Amountstransferredto Reserve


from Reserve


30 June 08


Buildings and Facilities 782,627 14,870 277,000 520,497 825,142 1,043,149 127,500 1,740,791 1,740,791 50,400 161,400 1,629,791

Capital Investment 11,839,311 0 2,500,000 9,339,311 11,839,311 6,100,000 0 17,939,311 17,939,311 0 2,500,000 15,439,311

Investment Income 715,844 600,000 290,000 1,025,844 1,219,749 908,515 290,000 1,838,264 1,838,264 485,000 1,250,000 1,073,264

Regional Facilities and Transport Improvement 95,118 1,800 95,000 1,918 97,888 4,895 0 102,783 102,783 200 95,000 7,983

Infrastructure Replacement 480,632 9,120 106,000 383,752 492,999 22,975 106,000 409,974 409,974 18,350 50,000 378,324

Parking and Public Transport Facilities 1,887,667 174,120 330,000 1,731,787 2,240,797 290,210 80,000 2,451,007 2,451,007 275,950 382,000 2,344,957

Waste Management 529,338 272,009 500,835 300,512 647,393 345,699 313,700 679,392 679,392 228,820 272,850 635,362

Plant & Equipment Replacement 1,088,864 361,680 467,851 982,693 1,125,303 461,075 459,409 1,126,969 1,126,969 379,850 390,950 1,115,869

Undergrounding of Powerlines 257,799 4,900 108,000 154,699 366,442 13,130 182,440 197,132 197,132 633,800 0 830,932

Unspent HACC Grants 0 0 0 0 9,419 300 0 9,719 9,719 450 0 10,169

Social Housing 202,953 128,860 125,000 206,813 335,832 141,435 0 477,267 477,267 146,600 125,000 498,867

Student Bursaries 31,428 590 0 32,018 33,365 1,645 0 35,010 35,010 1,580 0 36,590

Total Reserve Account 17,911,579 1,567,949 4,799,686 14,679,842 19,233,640 9,333,028 1,559,049 27,007,619 27,007,619 2,221,000 5,227,200 24,001,419

2006/2007 Budget 2006/2007 Actual 2007/2008 Budget

Supporting Schedules Page 2



Project Name

Carried Forward Budget


Additional Project Cost


Total Funds Required


Funded from

Reserve $

Funded from Sale or Trade


Funded from Grants or

Contribution $

Funded from Municipal or Loan Funds


Drainage Improvement Program Thomas Street-Aberdare Road to Rokeby Road 40,000 40,000 8,000 32,000Bagot Road-Townshend Road to Bedford Avenue 50,000 50,000 10,000 40,000Waverley Street-Nicholson Road to Keightley Road 30,000 30,000 6,000 24,000Robinson Street-Bagot Road to Hamersley Road 25,000 25,000 5,000 20,000Hamilton Street-Hay Street to Roberts Road 25,000 25,000 5,000 20,000Hamilton Street-Subiaco Road to Railway Bridge 10,000 10,000 2,000 8,000Cardigan Terrace-Lansdowne Street to Cul De Sac 10,000 10,000 2,000 8,000Keightley Road-Excelsior Street to Cross Street 20,000 20,000 4,000 16,000Sadlier Street-Heytesbury Road to Cul De Sac 25,000 25,000 5,000 20,000Heytesbury Road - Townshend Road 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,000Jersey Street - Hay Street to Jolimont Terrace 30,000 0 30,000 0 30,000Keightley Road - Rosalie Street to Arthur Street 15,000 0 15,000 0 15,000Roberta Street - Cunningham Terrace to Woolnough Street 10,300 0 10,300 0 10,300Raphael Street - Bagot Road to Barker Road 23,500 0 23,500 0 23,500Winthrop Avenue - Stirling Highway to Aberdare Road 12,150 0 12,150 0 12,150Laneway Drainage-improve various pits and inlets 66,000 15,000 81,000 3,000 78,000Sub-total 166,950 250,000 416,950 50,000 0 0 366,950

Footpath Replacement Pedestrian Ramps - Various 10,000 10,000 10,000Coleraine Street-Gloster Street to Heytesbury Road 14,000 14,000 14,000Gray Street-Nicholson Road to Rankin Road 15,000 15,000 15,000Excelsior Street-Onslow Road to Evans Road 12,000 12,000 12,000Fortune Street-Onslow Road to Waylen Road 30,000 30,000 30,000Wilcock Street-Troy Terrace to Stubbs Terrace 24,000 24,000 24,000Kanimbla Road-Hardy Road to Monarch Avenue 12,500 12,500 12,500Loretta Street-Barker Road to Bagot Road 25,000 25,000 25,000Coghlan Road-Roberts Road to Hay Street 36,000 36,000 36,000Commercial Road-Onslow Road to Aberdare Road 49,500 49,500 49,500Yilgarn Street-Onslow Road to Aberdare Road 49,000 49,000 49,000Morgan Road-Railway Road to Herbert Road 45,000 45,000 45,000Salisbury Street-Nicholson Road to Bagot Road 54,000 54,000 54,000John Street-Aberdare Road to No. 20 16,000 16,000 16,000Hamersley Road-Rupert Street to 45m west of Rupert 8,000 8,000 8,000Roydhouse Street - Harborne Street to Salvado Road 19,000 0 19,000 19,000Sub-total 19,000 400,000 419,000 0 0 0 419,000

Supporting Schedules Page 3



Project Name

Carried Forward Budget


Additional Project Cost


Total Funds Required


Funded from

Reserve $

Funded from Sale or Trade


Funded from Grants or

Contribution $

Funded from Municipal or Loan Funds


Local Road Improvements Waverley Street-Nicholson Road to Keightley Road 60,000 60,000 60,000Robinson Street-Bagot Road to Hamersley Road 55,000 55,000 55,000Hamilton Street-Hay Street to Roberts Road 50,000 50,000 50,000Hamilton Street-Subiaco Road to Railway Bridge 30,000 30,000 30,000Cardigan Terrace-Lansdowne Street to Cul De Sac 15,000 15,000 15,000Keightley Road-Excelsior Street to Cross Street 85,000 85,000 85,000Sadlier Street-Heytesbury Road to Cul De Sac 55,000 55,000 55,000Sub-total 0 350,000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000

Major Road Improvement Bagot Road - Intersection Townshend 30,000 30,000 20,667 9,333Salvado Road - Harborne Street - Denton Street 15,000 15,000 15,000Thomas Street - Aberdare Road to Rokeby Road 335,000 335,000 194,668 140,332Sub-total 0 380,000 380,000 0 0 215,335 164,665

Streetscape ImprovementsBagot Road - Intersection Townshend 10,000 10,000 10,000Hackett Drive-COP Boundary - Australia II Drive 11,000 190,000 201,000 201,000Onslow Road - Violet Grove to Hilda Street 20,000 0 20,000 20,000Hamersley Road - Union Street Intersection 20,000 0 20,000 20,000Monash Avenue - Kanimbla Road Intersection 15,000 0 15,000 15,000Fairway - Clark Street Intersection 15,000 0 15,000 15,000Broadway - Concept plan agreed with Nedlands 115,000 0 115,000 115,000Sub-total 196,000 200,000 396,000 0 0 0 396,000

Traffic Management Improvements Thomas Street/Churchill Avenue/Richardson Street-Median Island 24,000 24,000 24,000 0Railway Road/Nicholson Road-Lengthen left turn facility 77,100 77,100 77,100 0Hackett Drive Roundabout & Median 500,000 500,000 333,335 166,665Bagot Road/Railway Road - Traffic Lights 120,800 0 120,800 120,800Sub-total 120,800 601,100 721,900 0 0 434,435 287,465

Roads to Recovery Programme 0 102,580 102,580 0 0 102,580 0

Laneways - Improvements/Renewals 0 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 150,000

Park and Reserves Reticulation Improvements Rosalie Park - Replace lateral lines (stage 1) 40,000 40,000 40,000Theatre Gardens Stage 1 - Upgrade/replace northern section 25,000 25,000 25,000Rokeby Road - Street Tree Watering 9,200 25,000 34,200 34,200Rosalie Park - Stage 3 lateral lines 33,500 0 33,500 33,500

Supporting Schedules Page 4



Project Name

Carried Forward Budget


Additional Project Cost


Total Funds Required


Funded from

Reserve $

Funded from Sale or Trade


Funded from Grants or

Contribution $

Funded from Municipal or Loan Funds


Playground Equipment Improvements Lake Jualbup - Play Equipment Upgrade 35,000 35,000 35,000Redfern Street Mini Park - Play Equipment Upgrade 20,000 20,000 20,000Rankin Road Reserve - Play Equipment Upgrade 20,000 20,000 20,000

Public Domain Furniture Improvements Austin Street Mini Park - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Cliff Sadlier Reserve - Park Shelter 5,350 5,350 5,350Lake Jualbup - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300JH Abrahmas Reserve - Bench Seat x 2 2,600 2,600 2,600Mueller Park - Bench Seat x 2 2,600 2,600 2,600Mueller Park - Park Shelter 5,350 5,350 5,350Rankin Gardens - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Rankin Road Reserve - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Richard Diggins Park - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Charles Stokes Park - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Cliff Sadlier Reserve - Drinking Fountain 3,000 3,000 3,000Harvey Road Park - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Mabel Talbot Park - Park Shelter x 2 10,700 10,700 10,700Mabel Talbot Park - Bench Seat 1,300 1,300 1,300Joe Tyrie Park - Drinking Fountain 3,000 3,000 3,000Richard Diggins Park - Barbecue 7,000 7,000 7,000Park Signs - Various Improvements 22,000 0 22,000 22,000

Bores and Pump Improvements Mueller Park - Replace Bore 30,000 30,000 30,000Lake Jualbup (Rankin Road) - Replace Bore 30,000 30,000 30,000Hickey Avenue Park - Service Bore 3,000 3,000 3,000Hickey Avenue Park - Service Pump 7,000 7,000 7,000Theatre Gardens - Service Bore 5,000 5,000 5,000

Landscape Improvements JH Abrahams Management Plan 50,000 50,000 50,000McCallum Street Park - Fence Replacement 5,000 5,000 5,000Charles Stokes Park - Fence Replacement 2,000 2,000 2,000JH Abrahams Reserve - Landscape Refurbishment 20,000 20,000 20,000Nash Street - Landscape Refurbishment 5,000 5,000 5,000Mueller Park - Tree Planting 3,000 3,000 3,000Civic Precinct Improvements 100,000 50,000 150,000 150,000Nicholson Road Reserve Improvements 20,000 0 20,000 20,000

Sub-total 184,700 425,000 609,700 0 0 0 609,700

Supporting Schedules Page 5



Project Name

Carried Forward Budget


Additional Project Cost


Total Funds Required


Funded from

Reserve $

Funded from Sale or Trade


Funded from Grants or

Contribution $

Funded from Municipal or Loan Funds


Other ProjectsBus Shelters Improvement/Renewals 65,000 50,000 115,000 115,000Street Furniture Improvements/Renewals 25,000 25,000 25,000Regional Traffic Projects - Karrakatta Subway 1,224,000 0 1,224,000 95,000 1,129,000New/Expanded Carparks 1,332,000 1,332,000 82,000 1,250,000Investment Assets Acquisitions/Developments 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 0Sub-total 1,289,000 3,907,000 5,196,000 2,677,000 0 0 2,519,000

Furniture and EquipmentMajor Information Systems Improvements 81,200 81,200 81,200Major Information Technology Improvements 8,800 188,000 196,800 196,800Telephone Upgrade 50,000 50,000 50,000Facility Booking System 20,000 20,000 20,000Sub-total 8,800 339,200 348,000 0 0 0 348,000

Land & BuildingsChamber and Office Improvements 40,000 1,595,000 1,635,000 75,000 1,560,000Business Continuity Site - The Palms 25,000 25,000 25,000 0Subiaco Community Centre 41,300 40,800 82,100 82,100Tom Dadour Community Centre 41,200 41,200 41,200Arts Centre Redevelopment 86,400 0 86,400 86,400 0Rosalie Park Storage Facility 15,000 0 15,000 15,000Social Housing Projects 125,000 125,000 125,000 0Public Toilet Programme 324,000 175,000 499,000 499,000Sub-total 506,700 2,002,000 2,508,700 311,400 0 0 2,197,300

Security/Safety ImprovementsSecurity/Safety Enhancements 125,000 125,000 125,000Lighting Improvements 50,000 50,000 50,000Car Parking 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 0Distinctive Lighting Project 0 220,000 220,000 200,000 20,000Sub-total 100,000 495,000 595,000 400,000 0 0 195,000

Environmental ImprovementsLake Environment Improvements 240,000 270,000 510,000 270,000 240,000Greening Strategy 50,000 50,000 50,000Storm Water Quality Strategy 50,000 75,000 125,000 125,000Street Trees 25,000 150,000 175,000 175,000Recreation Facilities Improvements 138,000 525,000 663,000 525,000 138,000Mabel Talbot Reserve - implementation of Management Plan 27,700 0 27,700 27,700Cycling Improvements 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000Sub-total 480,700 1,120,000 1,600,700 795,000 0 25,000 780,700

Sub-total 3,072,650 10,721,880 13,794,530 4,233,400 0 777,350 8,783,780

Plant and Equipment 0 914,000 914,000 663,800 250,200 0 0

TOTAL CAPITAL WORKS PROPOSALS 3,072,650 11,635,880 14,708,530 4,897,200 250,200 777,350 8,783,780

Supporting Schedules Page 6



Plant No. Asset No Rego.No. Purchase Trade Reserve WDV Gain (-) LossLIGHT VEHICLESEXECUTIVE MANAGEMENTDirector Technical Services LV100 1778 1CDP394 36,000 24,000 12,000 23,650 (350)Director Development Services LV101 1806 1CGB546 36,000 24,000 12,000 23,331 (670)

ADMIN SERVICESManager Administrative Services LV95 1751 1CBK412 32,000 15,000 17,000 16,127 1,130

FIELD SERVICESManager Field Services LV94 1744 1CBC074 32,000 15,000 17,000 17,335 2,330Ranger 1 LV97 1771 1CCM346 32,000 15,000 17,000 18,808 3,810

LIBRARYManager Library & Museum LV96 1753 1CCA133 32,000 15,000 17,000 14,973 (30)

PARKS SERVICESManager Parks Services LV103 1843 1CHU442 32,000 15,000 17,000 20,494 5,490

INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICESCoordinator Infrastructure Operations LV99 1776 1CDH837 32,000 17,000 15,000 18,178 1,180

HUMAN RESOURCESManager Human Resources LV91 1658 1BXI438 25,000 12,000 13,000 13,407 1,410

TOTAL 289,000 152,000 137,000 166,304 (1,050) 15,350

HEAVY VEHICLESWASTE SERVICESRoad Sweeper HV26 1475 1BPT000 310,000 40,000 270,000 115,673 75,670

PARKS SERVICES4WD Tractor H/Duty HV23 1472 1BFH243 65,000 20,000 45000 14,961 (5,040)

Supporting Schedules Page 7



Plant No. Asset No Rego.No. Purchase Trade Reserve WDV Gain (-) LossINFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES3 Ton Truck (Slab) HV24 1473 1BJI882 80,000 20,000 60,000 22,516 2,520

TOTAL 455,000 80,000 375,000 153,150 (5,040) 78,190

MAJOR PLANTPARKS SERVICESFront 3 Gang Mower MP8 1612 1AON938 55,000 5,000 50,000 0 (5,000)Front Deck Mower (1) MP61 1676 1BYE597 35,000 5,000 30,000 18,557 13,560Front Deck Mower (2) MP62 1677 1BYE525 35,000 5,000 30,000 18,557 13,560

TOTAL 125,000 15,000 110,000 37,115 (5,000) 27,120

MINOR PLANTPARKS SERVICES Honda MEY Mower M3115 1552 4,000 250 3,750 1,269 1,020Rota Mouldings 500ltr portable water unit & pump M3146 1567 2,000 100 1,900 1,158 1,060Honda MEY Edger M3148 1660 2,000 100 1,900 801 700Stihl FS450 Brush Cutter M3151 1678 1,200 100 1,100 686 590Stihl Brushcutter M3152 1679 1,200 100 1,100 686 590Stihl FS450 Brush Cutter M3154 1681 1,200 100 1,100 686 590Stihl FS450 Brush Cutter M3155 1682 1,200 100 1,100 686 590Stihl FS450 Brush Cutter M3156 1683 1,200 100 1,100 686 590Stihl BG85 Blower M3158 Minor 500 50 450 0 (50)Stihl BG85 Blower M3159 Minor 500 50 450 0 (50)Stihl MS280C Chainsaw M3160 Minor 1,200 50 1,150 0 (50)Stihl MS200T Chainsaw M3161 1684 1,200 100 1,100 695 590Stihl MS200T Chainsaw M3162 1685 1,200 100 1,100 695 590Briggs-Stratton 165 Bar High Pressure Cleaner M3164 Minor 600 50 550 0 (50)Laser Campagnola Pole Air Saw M3165 1519 4,000 250 3,750 0 (250)MEY Fountain Liquid Line Marker M3172 1689 1,000 100 900 612 510Honda HRU 216 Mower M3176 1754 2,000 100 1,900 877 780Honda HRU 216 Mower M3177 1755 2,000 100 1,900 877 780Stihl BG85 Blower M3180 Minor 500 50 450 0 (50)Stihl BG85 Blower M3181 Minor 500 50 450 0 (50)

Supporting Schedules Page 8



Plant No. Asset No Rego.No. Purchase Trade Reserve WDV Gain (-) LossMINOR PLANTPARKS SERVICES Stihl Chainsaw MS200T M3183 1757 1,200 100 1,100 752 650Stihl Whipper Snipper M3184 1758 1,200 100 1,100 752 650Stihl Pole Saw M3185 1759 1,100 100 1,000 707 610Stihl Pole Saw HT75 M3186 1760 1,100 100 1,000 707 610Stihl FS450 Whipper Snipper M3189 1762 1,200 100 1,100 754 650

INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES4HP Petrol Cement Mixer M3103 1542 1,000 100 900 306 210Cromelins A1210 Vibrating Plate Compactor M3202 1608 1,500 100 1,400 792 690TS700 Cutquik with trolley M3203 1807 2,500 250 2,250 1,929 1,680

WASTE & FLEET SERVICESWorkshopSP170T Welder Mig M3090 Minor 1,000 50 950 0 (50)Truck Start M3178 Minor 1,000 50 950 0 (50)Waste Honda HHB25 Blower M3145 Minor 1,000 50 950 0 (50)Honda HHB25 4 Stroke Blower M3173 Minor 1,000 50 950 0 (50)Honda HHB25 4 Stroke Blower M3174 Minor 1,000 50 950 0 (50)

TOTAL 45,000 3,200 41,800 17,109 (800) 14,730

TOTAL PLANT REPLACEMENT BUDGET 914,000 250,200 663,800 373,678 (11,890) 135,390

Supporting Schedules Page 9


CARRIED FORWARD SCHEDULEOperating Carried Forward Projects 2007/08

Department Activity/Description Amount

Executive Management Regional Joint Initiatives 10,000

Communication & EventsPhotographic Awards - Inc to expand on workshop program/Street Closures/Lecture Series 14,500

Finance GST Review 20,000Take up of infrastructure assets 2,000Management Report Review 11,000Authority User Group Modifications - rates discount 5,000

Other Governance Sister City Activities 5,000

Property & Assets Data acquisition 10,000Transformer Relocation (Reserve Funded $100,000) 120,000Feasability Studies 44,000

Human Resources Organisational Training & Development 18,600

Field Services Secure taxi rank 7,300Integrated Transport Strategy Initiative 71,000Parking Studies 11,094

Health Services Contaminated Site Inspections 13,000

Building Services Public Building Audit 19,800

Planning Heritage Support 10,000Signage Incentive Scheme 10,000Light Rail 6,000Policy Development -TPS4 7,500Urban Design Study -Broadway 10,000Review of DA Application Process 5,000New Initiatives 10,000Structure Plans 24,700

Community Care Services Implementation of HACC Review 11,000Volunteers Program 10,000

Community Development Services Recreation & Leisure Initiatives 11,600Disability Services Intiatives -"You're welcome" access initiative 53,500Community Safety and Crime Initiatives 4,000Urban Scrawl Project (Youth Diversionary Program) 20,000Positive Ageing Initiatives 9,500Life-long learning Project Co-ordinator 22,000Public Art Projects 65,000Street Party 2,000Youth Strategy Expenditure 42,500

Social Programs Non Recurrent Projects 83,200

Business Development Economic Development Projects 10,000

Library Services Seniors Training / Study Skills/Community Writing 7,100

Museum Photographic Reproductions 1,400Local History Projects 10,000

Operations Centre Overheads Operations Centre Redevelopment 20,000

Parks Services Data Acquisition 10,000

Total 858,294

Supporting Schedules Page10




City of SubiacoProgram Statement Report 2007/08

2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008Adopted Revised Estimated DraftBudget Budget Actual Budget

$ $ $ $

OPERATING REVENUEExecutive Managemnt 20,700 20,700 14,826 1,020Members of Council 1,800 1,800 3,033 1,800Field Services 2,535,400 2,797,700 2,952,371 2,812,200Property & Assets/Investment Properties 3,789,612 9,914,612 9,912,175 3,505,000Communication & Events 0 0 364 0Human Resources 15,160 27,160 27,160 25,000Financial Services 28,000 28,000 37,175 28,000Rates/Other General Purpose Income 12,643,785 13,720,185 13,713,326 14,180,145Insurance & Recoups 30,000 30,000 40,466 30,000Administrative Services 0 0 476 1,515Health Services 108,220 133,220 140,209 103,910Building Services 195,500 208,500 239,128 194,000Community Care Services/Day Centre/Food Services/Other Care Services 875,700 852,250 846,005 859,450Community Development 15,000 177,190 179,218 72,500Business Development 293,530 293,530 293,707 292,710Town Planning & Regional Development 103,050 103,050 159,645 104,050Library/Museum 13,700 21,700 23,721 32,330Waste Services/Waste Operations 2,051,832 2,111,632 2,130,038 2,137,988Plant Operations 670 670 670 100Parks Services/Parks Operations 79,830 137,130 133,581 82,090Infrastructure Services/Infrastructure Operations 756,080 1,831,660 1,846,093 842,350Undergrounding Powerlines 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000Facilities Management 55,320 55,320 58,451 60,450Total Operating Revenue 23,687,889 32,541,009 32,826,838 25,441,608

OPERATING EXPENDITURE Executive Management (20,700) (117,070) (14,826) (1,020)Members of Council (428,490) (428,490) (436,185) (503,760)Other Governance (594,520) (586,020) (581,071) (524,040)Field Services (2,719,180) (3,104,600) (2,860,897) (3,268,315)Property & Assets (930,120) (1,057,090) (869,169) (1,040,540)Communication & Events 0 (4,120) (364) 0Human Resources 329,840 325,990 304,334 296,000Financial Services (28,000) (44,620) (37,175) (28,000)Other General Purpose Income (424,400) (424,400) (609,820) (498,130)Insurance & Recoups (345,000) (345,000) (353,360) (351,000)Information Services 0 (239,570) 0 (1,515)Administrative Services 0 178,920 (476) 0Health Services (458,030) (488,800) (449,200) (523,420)Building Services (717,300) (736,620) (631,364) (734,660)Community Care Services/Day Centre/Food Services/Other Care Services (1,471,070) (1,514,270) (1,464,986) (1,606,000)Community Development (1,665,620) (1,411,700) (1,078,326) (1,247,920)Social Housing (206,900) (206,900) (105,129) (294,030)Business Development (539,370) (629,820) (592,367) (505,860)Town Planning & Regional Development (1,316,760) (1,329,300) (1,147,282) (1,449,580)Library/Museum (1,482,795) (1,519,805) (1,493,034) (1,685,530)Operations Centre 0 (12,700) 0 0Waste Services/Waste Operations (2,261,365) (2,206,680) (2,221,211) (2,610,949)Plant Operations (670) (2,220) (670) (100)Parks Services/Parks Operations/Parks Road Reserve Operations (2,782,848) (2,919,258) (2,904,822) (3,188,505)Infrastructure Services/Infrastructure Operations (2,491,577) (2,590,647) (2,598,542) (2,605,786)Undergrounding Powerlines (247,335) (1,214,555) (1,224,839) (264,830)Facilities Management (473,570) (529,440) (448,826) (485,200)Total Operating Expenditure (21,275,780) (23,158,785) (21,819,607) (23,122,690)

NET RESULT 2,412,109 9,382,224 11,007,231 2,318,918

Program Statements Page 1


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOther Revenue (12,000) (12,000) (6,126) 0Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (8,700) (8,700) (8,700) (1,020)Total Revenue (20,700) (20,700) (14,826) (1,020)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 877,100 938,470 911,620 728,600Administration Expenses 33,200 33,200 25,310 33,000Operational Expenses 25,000 60,000 74,286 25,000Non-recurrent Projects 30,310 30,310 20,310 25,000Depreciation 20,400 20,400 20,400 22,200Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (965,310) (965,310) (1,037,100) (832,780)Total Expenditure 20,700 117,070 14,826 1,020



RevenueOther Revenue (1,800) (1,800) (3,033) (1,800)Total Revenue (1,800) (1,800) (3,033) (1,800)

ExpenditureAdministration Expenses 15,000 15,000 15,000 14,000Operational Expenses 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000Other Expenses 136,890 136,890 138,415 181,750Depreciation 7,400 7,400 11,219 10,300Corporate Overhead Allocated 264,200 264,200 266,550 292,710Total Expenditure 428,490 428,490 436,185 503,760

TOTAL MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 426,690 426,690 433,152 501,960


ExpenditureAdministration Expenses 3,500 3,500 100 3,500Operational Expenses 88,500 80,000 75,151 89,000Other Expenses 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000Recurrent Projects 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000Corporate Overhead Allocated 482,520 482,520 485,820 411,540Total Expenditure 594,520 586,020 581,071 524,040

TOTAL OTHER GOVERNANCE 594,520 586,020 581,071 524,040

Program Statements Page 2


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08

$ $ $ $FIELD SERVICESRevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (60,200) (59,000) (67,080) (70,400)Statutory Fees & Charges (7,000) (7,000) (8,385) (7,000)Parking Fees & Permits (1,350,000) (1,465,500) (1,586,584) (1,434,000)Fines & Penalties (1,005,500) (1,055,500) (1,068,145) (1,140,500)Other Revenue (112,700) (171,700) (182,400) (111,800)Hire Fees/Lease Income 0 (39,000) (39,000) (48,500)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 (777) 0Total Revenue (2,535,400) (2,797,700) (2,952,371) (2,812,200)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 831,300 826,270 757,357 886,500Administration Expenses 102,500 90,500 102,285 78,500Operational Expenses 752,600 885,050 890,160 875,400Other Expenses 71,750 216,750 216,860 172,250Recurrent Projects 124,000 249,000 166,700 203,300Non-recurrent Projects 45,000 45,000 0 42,000Depreciation 81,100 81,100 81,960 75,900Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 22,230 22,230 23,785 6,140Corporate Overhead Allocated 688,700 688,700 621,790 928,325Total Expenditure 2,719,180 3,104,600 2,860,897 3,268,315

TOTAL FIELD SERVICES 183,780 306,900 (91,474) 456,115

PROPERTY & ASSETS SERVICESRevenueOther Revenue (5,000) (6,130,000) (6,121,522) (5,000)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 (2,465) 0Hire Fees/Lease Income (3,784,612) (3,784,612) (3,788,188) (3,500,000)Total Revenue (3,789,612) (9,914,612) (9,912,175) (3,505,000)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 77,400 79,370 40,810 65,500Administration Expenses 0 0 2,620 1,700Operational Expenses 306,000 431,000 448,365 329,300Recurrent Projects 30,000 30,000 21,200 43,000Non-recurrent Projects 205,000 205,000 41,000 209,000Depreciation 3,300 3,300 33,220 32,100Corporate Overhead Allocated 308,420 308,420 281,954 359,940Total Expenditure 930,120 1,057,090 869,169 1,040,540

TOTAL PROPERTY & ASSETS SERVICES (2,859,492) (8,857,522) (9,043,006) (2,464,460)

COMMUNICATION & EVENTSRevenueOther Revenue 0 0 (364) 0Total Revenue 0 0 (364) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 153,900 158,020 105,825 201,400Administration Expenses 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000Operational Expenses 260,000 253,300 253,300 272,500Recurrent Projects 9,000 15,700 15,700 4,000Non-recurrent Projects 0 0 0 5,000Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (423,900) (423,900) (375,461) (483,900)Total Expenditure 0 4,120 364 0


Program Statements Page 3


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOther Revenue (15,000) (27,000) (27,000) (25,000)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (160) (160) (160) 0Total Revenue (15,160) (27,160) (27,160) (25,000)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 172,410 176,260 191,612 242,210Administration Expenses 4,300 4,300 3,825 4,300Operational Expenses 238,650 238,650 302,443 341,360Recurrent Projects 64,390 64,390 70,345 66,840Depreciation 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,900Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 1,410Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (812,590) (812,590) (875,559) (955,020)Total Expenditure (329,840) (325,990) (304,334) (296,000)

TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES (345,000) (353,150) (331,494) (321,000)


RevenueOther Revenue (28,000) (28,000) (37,175) (28,000)Total Revenue (28,000) (28,000) (37,175) (28,000)

Expenditure Employee Costs 436,200 425,520 403,853 483,700Administration Expenses 98,100 63,100 42,635 75,500Operational Expenses 232,800 290,300 282,075 277,900Other Expenses 500 500 0 500Recurrent Projects 62,200 67,000 29,000 61,000Depreciation 0 0 0 0Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (801,800) (801,800) (720,388) (870,600)Total Expenditure 28,000 44,620 37,175 28,000



RevenueGeneral Rates (10,842,240) (10,937,040) (10,937,056) (11,657,940)Minimum Rates (438,045) (438,045) (438,045) (461,205)Interim Rates (167,000) (167,000) (167,000) (140,000)Back Rates (5,000) (5,000) (10,790) (5,000)Statutory Fees & Charges (80,000) (93,000) (93,000) (90,000)Other Revenue (81,500) (96,500) (84,100) (77,000)Early Payment Discount 215,000 243,000 243,265 245,000Total Revenue (11,398,785) (11,493,585) (11,486,726) (12,186,145)

TOTAL RATES (11,398,785) (11,493,585) (11,486,726) (12,186,145)

Program Statements Page 4


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (440,000) (459,600) (459,600) (460,000)Other Revenue (805,000) (1,767,000) (1,767,000) (1,534,000)Total Revenue (1,245,000) (2,226,600) (2,226,600) (1,994,000)

ExpenditureCorporate Overhead Allocated 424,400 424,400 609,820 498,130Total Expenditure 424,400 424,400 609,820 498,130

TOTAL OTHER GEN. PURPOSE INCOME (820,600) (1,802,200) (1,616,780) (1,495,870)


RevenueOther Revenue (30,000) (30,000) (40,466) (30,000)Total Revenue (30,000) (30,000) (40,466) (30,000)

ExpenditureOther Expenses 345,000 345,000 353,360 351,000Total Expenditure 345,000 345,000 353,360 351,000

TOTAL INSURANCE AND RECOUPS 315,000 315,000 312,894 321,000


RevenueOther Revenue 0 0 0 (1,515)Total Revenue 0 0 0 (1,515)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 250,200 423,970 393,042 528,200Administration Expenses 8,000 8,000 5,175 8,300Operational Expenses 213,690 274,490 283,271 249,800Recurrent Projects 0 0 0 0Non-recurrent Projects 20,000 25,000 25,000 5,000Depreciation 259,200 259,200 239,840 234,600Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 1,340 1,340 3,300 0Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (752,430) (752,430) (949,628) (1,024,385)Total Expenditure 0 239,570 0 1,515


Programs Statements Page 5


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOther Revenue 0 0 (476) 0Total Revenue 0 0 (476) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 550,000 381,880 395,698 704,850Administration Expenses 104,000 104,000 111,725 133,100Operational Expenses 130,100 124,300 99,131 111,300Non-recurrent Projects 5,000 0 0 10,000Depreciation 14,300 14,300 14,300 11,800Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 1,130Less Corporate Overhead Recovered (803,400) (803,400) (620,378) (972,180)Total Expenditure 0 (178,920) 476 0



RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies 0 (25,000) (25,255) 0Statutory Fees & Charges (107,720) (107,720) (103,985) (103,360)Fines & Penalties (500) (500) (1,700) (500)Other Revenue 0 0 (9,270) (50)Total Revenue (108,220) (133,220) (140,209) (103,910)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 219,700 225,470 208,450 240,000Administration Expenses 8,800 8,800 5,680 10,200Operational Expenses 46,500 71,500 71,360 38,900Recurrent Projects 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,000Non-recurrent Projects 16,000 16,000 3,000 41,000Depreciation 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 1,680 1,680 0 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 158,450 158,450 153,810 185,420Total Expenditure 458,030 488,800 449,200 523,420

TOTAL HEALTH SERVICES 349,810 355,580 308,991 419,510


RevenueStatutory Fees & Charges (193,000) (206,000) (234,397) (191,000)Fines & Penalties 0 (763) 0Other Revenue (2,500) (2,500) (3,968) (3,000)Total Revenue (195,500) (208,500) (239,128) (194,000)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 322,700 311,020 254,973 300,800Administration Expenses 6,750 6,750 3,785 6,800Operational Expenses 52,300 72,550 74,502 26,100Recurrent Projects 29,800 40,550 20,750 37,800Depreciation 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 2,184 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 302,350 302,350 271,770 359,760Total Expenditure 717,300 736,620 631,364 734,660

TOTAL BUILDING SERVICES 521,800 528,120 392,236 540,660

Program Statements Page 6


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget - 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07



RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (394,300) (450,950) (450,950) (421,350)Other Revenue (45,000) (53,000) (50,192) (52,000)Total Revenue (439,300) (503,950) (501,142) (473,350)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 210,300 235,660 214,740 223,800Administration Expenses 11,300 11,300 11,800 10,300Operational Expenses 314,500 365,150 365,150 329,150Non-recurrent Projects 20,000 13,300 2,300 11,000Depreciation 17,700 17,700 17,900 17,400Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 2,470 2,470 2,710 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 168,580 168,580 166,450 195,490Total Expenditure 744,850 814,160 781,050 787,140

TOTAL COMMUNITY CARE SERVICES 305,550 310,210 279,909 313,790


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (227,400) (180,000) (180,000) (209,600)Other Revenue (14,000) (14,000) (11,100) (17,000)Total Revenue (241,400) (194,000) (191,100) (226,600)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 152,000 159,140 155,486 208,500Administration Expenses 10,000 10,000 10,360 12,500Operational Expenses 76,100 27,200 27,645 30,800Depreciation 4,600 4,600 4,600 700Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 2,050 2,050 2,165 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 85,750 85,750 78,630 101,310Total Expenditure 330,500 288,740 278,886 353,810

TOTAL DAY CENTRE 89,100 94,740 87,786 127,210


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (40,000) (30,300) (30,300) (30,300)Other Revenue (137,000) (106,000) (105,000) (112,200)Total Revenue (177,000) (136,300) (135,300) (142,500)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 159,100 137,250 133,740 182,800Administration Expenses 10,700 10,700 8,700 11,300Operational Expenses 105,200 109,700 121,440 91,000Depreciation 4,000 4,000 3,800 3,800Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 4,900 4,900 4,900 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 94,820 94,820 92,470 117,940Total Expenditure 378,720 361,370 365,050 406,840

TOTAL FOOD SERVICES 201,720 225,070 229,750 264,340

Program Statement Page 7


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (3,000) (3,000) (3,463) (3,000)Other Revenue (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (14,000)Total Revenue (18,000) (18,000) (18,463) (17,000)

ExpenditureAdministration Expenses 800 800 800 200Operational Expenses 16,200 49,200 39,200 53,500Corporate Overhead Allocated 0 0 0 4,510Total Expenditure 17,000 50,000 40,000 58,210

TOTAL OTHER CARE SERVICES (1,000) 32,000 21,537 41,210


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (2,000) (91,590) (89,590) (70,000)Other Revenue (13,000) (13,000) (13,245) (2,500)Total Revenue (15,000) (104,590) (102,835) (72,500)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 178,400 183,160 228,648 314,800Administration Expenses 11,000 11,000 6,500 11,900Operational Expenses 414,600 381,500 261,775 448,100Other Expenses 25,200 25,200 24,200 40,000Recurrent Projects 80,000 123,500 36,200 147,100Non-recurrent Projects 32,000 58,090 23,590 44,500Depreciation 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000Corporate Overhead Allocated 174,600 174,600 168,880 239,520Total Expenditure 917,800 959,050 751,793 1,247,920

TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 902,800 854,460 648,958 1,175,420


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (50,000) (72,600) (72,600) 0Capital Grants & Subsidies 0 0 0 0Other Revenue 0 0 (3,783) 0Total Revenue (50,000) (72,600) (76,383) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 223,000 122,880 88,217 0Administration Expenses 7,000 19,000 6,355 0Operational Expenses 10,000 49,550 46,906 0Other Expenses 100,000 0 0 0Recurrent Projects 188,000 41,400 24,565 0Non-recurrent Projects 35,000 35,000 7,690 0Depreciation 1,100 1,100 0 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 183,720 183,720 152,800 0Total Expenditure 747,820 452,650 326,533 0

TOTAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 697,820 380,050 250,149 0

Program Statements Page 8


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


ExpenditureEmployee Costs 0 0 0 74,100Administration Expenses 500 500 500 1,200Operational Expenses 66,000 66,000 35,559 10,300Recurrent Projects 39,000 39,000 0 0Non-recurrent Projects 34,000 34,000 12,000 122,000Corporate Overhead Allocated 67,400 67,400 57,070 86,430Total Expenditure 206,900 206,900 105,129 294,030

TOTAL SOCIAL PROGRAMS 206,900 206,900 105,129 294,030


RevenueSpecified Area Rates (293,530) (293,530) (293,707) (292,710)Total Revenue (293,530) (293,530) (293,707) (292,710)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 63,400 65,190 50,967 52,700Administration Expenses 1,000 1,000 1,310 1,200Operational Expenses 50,000 120,000 120,000 300Other Expenses 290,000 290,000 290,000 290,000Recurrent Projects 35,000 53,660 43,660 45,000Corporate Overhead Allocated 99,970 99,970 86,430 116,660Total Expenditure 539,370 629,820 592,367 505,860

TOTAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 245,840 336,290 298,660 213,150


RevenueStatutory Fees & Charges (102,300) (102,300) (159,250) (103,300)Other Revenue (750) (750) (395) (750)Total Revenue (103,050) (103,050) (159,645) (104,050)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 482,100 494,640 439,453 509,000Administration Expenses 19,300 19,300 12,200 10,200Operational Expenses 184,500 184,500 166,500 222,900Other Expenses 1,000 1,000 1,230 2,000Recurrent Projects 90,000 90,000 66,500 90,000Non-recurrent Projects 117,000 117,000 77,300 117,500Depreciation 3,800 3,800 3,350 3,000Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 4,120 4,120 3,189 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 414,940 414,940 377,560 494,980Total Expenditure 1,316,760 1,329,300 1,147,282 1,449,580

TOTAL TOWN PLANNING & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,213,710 1,226,250 987,636 1,345,530

Program Statements Page 9


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08

$ $ $ $LIBRARY

RevenueFines & Penalties (500) (500) (4,085) (3,000)Other Revenue (7,500) (15,500) (13,955) (10,600)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 (30)Total Revenue (8,000) (16,000) (18,040) (13,630)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 603,450 619,500 584,807 623,100Administration Expenses 27,000 30,500 29,000 30,000Operational Expenses 106,200 115,200 101,215 105,500Other Expenses 0 0 405 500Recurrent Projects 70,100 76,600 64,825 23,000Non-recurrent Projects 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500Depreciation 7,600 7,600 10,200 9,500Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 0Corporate Overhead Allocated 400,510 400,510 444,120 546,730Centre Maintenance Allocated 97,500 97,500 111,900 103,900Total Expenditure 1,313,860 1,348,910 1,347,972 1,443,730

TOTAL LIBRARY 1,305,860 1,332,910 1,329,932 1,430,100


RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (18,000)Other Revenue (700) (700) (681) (700)Total Revenue (5,700) (5,700) (5,681) (18,700)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 82,050 84,010 68,957 96,800Administration Expenses 3,000 3,000 2,890 2,100Operational Expenses 14,925 14,925 13,525 19,400Other Expenses 5,000 5,000 5,000 18,000Recurrent Projects 13,000 13,000 3,000 35,000Non-recurrent Projects 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000Corporate Overhead Allocated 31,560 31,560 32,290 48,300Centre Maintenance Allocated 9,400 9,400 9,400 12,200Total Expenditure 168,935 170,895 145,062 241,800

TOTAL MUSEUM 163,235 165,195 139,381 223,100


ExpenditureEmployee Costs 500 500 4,377 500Administration Expenses 24,000 24,000 24,000 20,000Operational Expenses 3,000 15,700 28,600 18,000Recurrent Projects 20,000 20,000 0 20,000Non-recurrent Projects 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000Depreciation 300 300 300 300Centre Maintenance Allocated 87,300 87,300 142,300 92,800Less Overhead Recovered (154,100) (154,100) (216,877) (178,600)Less Centre Maintenance Recovered (1,000) (1,000) (2,700) (3,000)Total Expenditure 0 12,700 (0) 0


Program Statements Page 10


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueGain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (50,100) (50,100) (60,000) 0Total Revenue (50,100) (50,100) (60,000) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 271,900 288,250 313,181 302,000Administration Expenses 13,500 13,500 17,315 13,500Operational Expenses 14,200 20,700 13,150 18,100Recurrent Projects 17,000 17,000 20,000 10,000Non-recurrent Projects 0 0 0 10,000Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 107,940 20,405 20,405 0Operations Centre Allocated 34,820 34,820 49,290 39,170Less Overheads Recovered (409,260) (409,260) (373,341) (392,770)Total Expenditure 50,100 (14,585) 60,000 0



RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (3,000) (3,000) (6,162) (3,000)Waste Services Charges (1,972,232) (2,022,032) (2,030,338) (2,112,138)Other Revenue (26,500) (36,500) (33,539) (22,700)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 (150)Total Revenue (2,001,732) (2,061,532) (2,070,038) (2,137,988)

ExpenditureOperational Expenses 1,819,000 1,829,000 1,814,636 2,036,000Other Expenses 0 0 500 2,500Depreciation 161,800 161,800 182,455 202,300Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 75,670Corporate Overhead Allocated 230,465 230,465 163,620 294,479Total Expenditure 2,211,265 2,221,265 2,161,211 2,610,949

TOTAL WASTE OPERATIONS 209,533 159,733 91,173 472,961


RevenueGain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (670) (670) (670) (100)Total Revenue (670) (670) (670) (100)

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 64,100 65,650 74,903 69,000Administration Expenses 5,500 5,500 3,920 5,500Operational Expenses 316,100 316,100 351,000 386,100Other Expenses 10,000 10,000 7,455 20,000Recurrent Projects 0 0 0 8,000Depreciation 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,400Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 920 920 920 0Less Plant Operations Recovered (397,450) (397,450) (439,028) (489,900)Total Expenditure 670 2,220 670 100


Program Statements Page 11


Program Statement Reports 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueOther Revenue 0 (10,000) (15,165) 0Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (3,930) (51,230) (62,775) 0Total Revenue (3,930) (61,230) (77,940) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 589,000 687,410 694,553 781,500Administration Expenses 26,900 26,900 40,380 31,000Operational Expenses 4,300 4,300 12,494 5,700Recurrent Projects 57,800 115,800 115,955 99,500Non-recurrent Projects 0 0 0 35,000Depreciation 80,600 80,600 6,870 7,100Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 16,580 16,580 16,580 5,490Operations Centre Allocated 79,130 79,130 112,030 99,700Less Overheads Recovered (850,380) (850,380) (920,922) (1,064,990)Total Expenditure 3,930 160,340 77,940 0



RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (19,000) (19,000) (5,009) (19,000)Hire Fees/Lease Income (3,400) (3,400) (1,372) 0Other Revenue (53,500) (53,500) (49,260) (52,500)Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 (10,590)Total Revenue (75,900) (75,900) (55,641) (82,090)

ExpenditureOperational Expenses 1,569,600 1,504,600 1,503,255 1,697,870Other Expenses 17,500 17,500 7,500 17,500Depreciation 296,168 296,168 396,256 448,400Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 270 39,270Corporate Overhead Allocated 149,370 149,370 120,121 214,550Total Expenditure 2,032,638 1,967,638 2,027,402 2,417,590

TOTAL PARKS OPERATIONS 1,956,738 1,891,738 1,971,761 2,335,500

PARKS SERVICES ROAD RESERVE OPERATIONSExpenditureOperational Expenses 707,200 752,200 752,200 740,560Corporate Overhead Allocated 39,080 39,080 47,280 30,355Total Expenditure 746,280 791,280 799,480 770,915


Program Statements Page 12


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07



RevenueOther Revenue (50,000) (50,000) (52,220) 0Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets (3,800) (3,800) (3,800) 0Total Revenue (53,800) (53,800) (56,020) 0

ExpenditureEmployee Costs 447,700 466,270 487,390 475,100Administration Expenses 12,500 12,500 25,675 15,500Operational Expenses 9,700 9,700 1,715 20,700Recurrent Projects 50,000 92,000 92,000 75,000Non-recurrent Projects 115,000 153,500 165,500 70,000Depreciation 87,300 87,300 0 16,700Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 2,600 2,600 5,280 1,180Operations Centre Allocated 41,150 41,150 58,260 42,730Less Overheads Recovered (712,150) (712,150) (779,800) (716,910)Total Expenditure 53,800 152,870 56,020 0



RevenueOperating Grants & Subsidies (29,000) (29,000) (30,107) (40,000)Capital Grants & Subsidies (648,280) (1,723,860) (1,749,466) (777,350)Other Revenue (25,000) (25,000) (10,500) (25,000)Total Revenue (702,280) (1,777,860) (1,790,073) (842,350)

ExpenditureOperational Expenses 940,000 940,000 940,000 999,000Other Expenses 15,000 15,000 10,500 15,000Depreciation 1,363,832 1,363,832 1,448,132 1,494,300Loss on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 5,100Corporate Overhead Allocated 118,945 118,945 143,890 92,386Total Expenditure 2,437,777 2,437,777 2,542,522 2,605,786

TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES OPERATIONS 1,735,497 659,917 752,449 1,763,436


RevenueOther Revenue (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000)Total Revenue (75,000) (75,000) (75,000) (75,000)

ExpenditureOther Expenses 247,335 1,214,555 1,224,839 264,830Total Expenditure 247,335 1,214,555 1,224,839 264,830

TOTAL UNDERGROUNDING POWERLINES 172,335 1,139,555 1,149,839 189,830

Program Statements Page 13


Program Statement Report 2007/08

Original Budget 2006/07

Revised Budget - 2006/07

Estimated Actuals - 2006/07

Draft Budget - 2007/08


RevenueHire Fees/Lease Income (55,320) (55,320) (57,780) (60,450)Other Revenue 0 0 (671) 0Gain on Disposal of Non-current Assets 0 0 0 0Total Revenue (55,320) (55,320) (58,451) (60,450)

ExpenditureAdministration Expenses 1,000 1,000 650 1,000Operational Expenses 599,325 629,325 681,705 506,700Other Expenses 25,045 50,915 50,916 42,000Depreciation 371,700 371,700 219,825 325,500Less Centre Maintenance Recovered (523,500) (523,500) (504,270) (390,000)Total Expenditure 473,570 529,440 448,826 485,200

TOTAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 418,250 474,120 390,375 424,750

Program Statements Page 14




14/06/2007 8:46 AM

City of SubiacoFEES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 2007/2008



2007/2008 SCHEDULED



FINANCE/ADMIN:Rates Instalments Admin Fee $39.00 $41.00 per yearRates adhoc Instalments Admin Fee $39.00 $41.00 per yearInterest on Instalments 11% 11% per annum or as amended by legislationRates enquires: - Ownership Details/Account Enquiry $22.00 $23.00 per enquiry - Orders & requisitions (Zoning Details) $50.00 $50.00 per enquiry or as amended by legislationSale of Street Directories: - set of 4 wards on disc $343.00 $362.00 per disc Inc GST - individual wards on disc $144.00 $152.00 per disc Inc GST - set of 4 wards printed $172.00 $181.00 per print Inc GST - individual wards printed $55.50 $60.00 per print Inc GSTOverdue Rates & Charges 11% 11% per annum or as amended by legislationSale of Electoral Rolls: - set of four wards on disc $198.00 $198.00 per disc or as amended by legislation - individual wards on disc $99.00 $99.00 per disc or as amended by legislationOverdue Sundry Debtors 11% 11% per annum or as amended by legislationDishonoured Cheque fee $10.00 $10.00 per cheque Inc GST


Application Fee $30.00 $30.00per application or as amended by legislation

Labour charge for dealing with the application $30.00 $30.00 per hour or as amended by legislationPhotocopy charge $0.20 $0.20 per page or as amended by legislation

WASTE SERVICES:Domestic 80ltr Waste Service $109.00 $114.90 1x80ltr BinDomestic 120ltr Waste Service $136.40 $143.75 1x120ltr BinDomestic 240ltr Waste Service $204.50 $215.55 1x240ltr BinCommercial 240ltr Waste Service $204.50 $215.55 1x240ltr BinExtra 120ltr Waste Service $150.05 $158.15 1x120ltr Bin Inc GSTExtra 240ltr litre Waste Service $224.95 $237.10 1x240ltr Bin Inc GSTTrailer passes $30.00 $30.00 per pass Inc GSTCompost bins $28.50 $30.00 1x220ltr Inc GSTWorm Farms $50.00 $52.00 Inc GSTSale of Green Bags $3.00 $3.00 Inc GSTRecycling Bins 120ltr (Single Residential) $45.00 $47.00 1x120ltr Bin Inc GST

PARKS:Event Booking Administration Charge $24.00 $25.00 per day or part Inc GSTLarge scale events $48.00 $50.00 per day or part Inc GSTMinimum Bonds applied $100.00 $105.00 per day or partA Bond will be applied to cover damage restoration. Bond amounts are based on risk assessment of the proposed activity

INFRASTRUCTUREReviewing of obstruction permit applications - Residential skip bins $20.00 $20.00 per application Inc GST - Building skip bins $50.00 $50.00 per application Inc GST - Full traffic management assessment $70.00 $70.00 per application Inc GST


Bond Inspection Fee N/A $40.001st inspection no charge, fee applies to any subsequent inspections Inc GST


Mueller Park - Event Parking (if parking charges apply)1 or 2 persons per vehicle per entry $20.00 per vehicle n/a per vehicle Inc GST3 or more persons per vehicle per entry $12.00 per vehicle n/a per vehicle Inc GST

Subiaco Oval - Event SupportApplies to all non-AFL sport and all AFL night games in excess of 12 in any calendar year that exceed 10,000 crowd n/a $3,000.00 per game in excess of 12 Inc GST

Parking Stations:Zone A

#4 Seddon Street/Pavillion MarketsApplies to the Seddon St portion of the Car Park

- 1st half hour $1.20 $1.20 Inc GST - 1/2 hour to 1 hour $3.00 $3.00 Inc GST - 1 to 2 hours $4.00 $4.00 Inc GST - 2 to 3 hours $5.00 $5.00 Inc GST - 3 to 4 hours $6.00 $6.00 Inc GST - 4 to 5 hours $7.00 $7.00 Inc GST - All day up to 12 hours $8.00 $8.00 Inc GST#11 Barker Road $0.20 per 11 mins - 1st hr free $0.20 per 10 mins - 1st hr free, limit applies Inc GST#12 Park Street $0.20 per 11 mins - 1st hr free $0.20 per 10 mins - 1st hr free, limit applies Inc GST#13 Rowland Street $0.20 per 11 mins - 1st hr free $0.20 per 10 mins - 1st hr free, limit applies Inc GST#14A Forrest Street $0.20 per 11 mins - 1st hr free $0.20 per 10 mins - 1st hr free, limit applies Inc GST

#14B Forrest Street $0.20per 11 mins - limit applies 8am-6pm Mon-Sat $0.20 per 10mins - limit applies Inc GST

#23 Churchill Avenue $0.20per 11 mins - limit applies 8am-6pm Mon-Sat $0.20 per 10mins - limit applies Inc GST

#54 Subiaco Village (Private) $0.10per 11 mins limit applies 8am-5pm All days $0.10

per 10 mins limit applies 8am-5pm All days Inc GST

#54 Subiaco Village (Private) $1.00 per hour - Max $3 per night $1.00 per hour - Max $3 per night Inc GST

#57 Subiaco Mews (Private) $0.60 per 20 mins, private parking scheme $0.60 per 20 mins, private parking scheme Inc GST

#61 Subiaco Square $0.20per 10 mins fee & limit applies 8am-6pm Mon-Sun $0.20 per 10mins - limit applies Inc GST

#62 Railway Road All Parts $0.20per 12 mins fee & limit applies 8am-6pm Mon-Sun $0.20 per 10mins - limit applies Inc GST

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PARKING:Zone B#1 Hamilton Street Parts A & B $0.20 per 13 mins $0.20 per 13 mins Inc GST#2 York Street $0.20 per 15 mins $0.20 per 13 mins Inc GST#5 Subiaco Road $0.20 per 15 mins $0.20 per 13 mins Inc GST

#19 Roberts Road $0.20per 15 mins - Fee applies 8am-9pm Mon-Fri $0.20

per 13 mins - Fee applies 8am-9pm Mon-Fri Inc GST

#20 Thomas Street $0.20per 15 mins - Fee applies 8am-9pm Mon-Fri $0.20

per 13 mins - Fee applies 8am-9pm Mon-Fri Inc GST

#63 Roberts Road $0.20per 12 mins fee & limit applies 8am-9pm Mon-Sun $0.20

per 13 mins fee & limit applies 8am-9pm Mon-Sun Inc GST

#64 York Street $0.20per 13 mins fee & limit applies 8am-9pm Mon-Sun $0.20

per 13 mins fee & limit applies 8am-9pm Mon-Sun Inc GST

Zone C#25 Park Road Free Limit applies 8am-6pm Mon-Fri $0.20 per 13 mins, limit applies Inc GSTZone D#22 Hackett Drive south end Free Limit applies 8am-5pm Mon-Fri $0.20 per 13 mins, limit applies Inc GST

#24 Hackett Drive $0.20per 15 mins - limit & fees applies Mon-Fri $0.20 per 13 mins Inc GST

#26 Hackett Drive $0.20per 15 mins limit & fees applies Mon-Fri $0.20 per 13 mins Inc GST

#47 Fairway Parts A, B, C, D & E $0.20per 12 mins fees applies 8am-6pm Mon-Fri $0.20

per 13 mins fees applies 8am-4pm Mon-Fri Inc GST

#49 Parkway Parts A, B, C, D & E $0.10per 12 mins fees applies 8am-6pm Mon-Fri $0.20

per 13 mins fees applies 8am-4pm Mon-Fri Inc GST

#60 Myers Street $0.10per 15 mins fee applies 8am-6pm Mon-Fri $0.20

per 13 mins fees applies 8am-6pm Mon-Fri Inc GST

Zone E#3 York Street $0.20 per 15 mins $0.20 per 14 mins Inc GST#6 Haydn Bunton Drive $0.20 per 15 mins - Max $4 per day $0.20 per 14 mins - Max $5 per day Inc GST#7 Olive Street $0.20 per 15 minis $0.20 per 14 mins Inc GST#9 Theatre Gardens $0.20 per 15 mins - Max $4 per day $0.20 per 14 mins - Max $5 per day Inc GST#10 Roberts Road $0.20 per 15 mins - Max $4 per day $0.20 per 15 mins - Max $5 per day Inc GST

Other Parking Functions

Builders Parking Permits $13.00per bay per day for first 4 weeks or 20 days $15.00

per bay per day for first 4 weeks or 20 days Inc GST

$7.00per bay per day for second 4 weeks or 20 days $8.00

per bay per day for second 4 weeks or 20 days Inc GST

$4.00per bay per day any period in excess of 8 weeks or 40 days $5.00

per bay per day any period in excess of 8 weeks or 40 days Inc GST

Private Parking Registration $68.00 registration $70.00 registration Inc GSTPrivate Parking Renewals $37.00 per year $40.00 per year Inc GSTPrivate Parking Signs (small) $37.00 per sign $40.00 per sign Inc GSTPrivate Parking Signs (large) $47.00 per sign $50.00 per sign Inc GSTPrivate Parking Infringement Withdrawal $29.00 each $30.00 each Inc GSTCourtesy Letter Fee (incl in Infringement) $12.00 each $13.00 each or as amended by legislationEvent parking reservation $3.00 per bay-day or part thereof $5.00 per bay-day or part thereof Inc GST

Amenity FunctionsImpounded Shopping Trolleys $80.00 $80.00 each Inc GST

Animal Boarding Fees $10.00 $10.00per day (or as set by Shenton Park Dog Refuge) Inc GST

Abandoned Vehicle Release Fee $78.00 $80.00 each Inc GSTImpounded & portable sign $60.00 $60.00 each Inc GSTOther Impounded Goods n/a $50.00 per square metre of space occupied Inc GST

ANIMAL REGISTRATION:Annual registration, unsterilised dog $30.00 $30.00 per year or as amended by legislationAnnual registration, sterilised dog $10.00 $10.00 per year or as amended by legislationAnnual registration, Guide dog Nil Nil per year or as amended by legislationTriannual registration, Unsterilised dog $75.00 $75.00 per three year or as amended by Triannual registration, Sterilised dog $18.00 $18.00 per three year or as amended by Triannual registration, Guide dog Nil Nil per three year or as amended by

Dogs owned by pensioners 50% of

prescribed fee50% of prescribed

fee or as amended by legislation

HEALTH Alfresco Application Fee $237.00 $250.00 per applicationAlfresco Renewal Fee $118.50 $125.00 per renewalAlfresco License Fee $118.50 $125.00 per chairAlfresco Transfer Fee $24.00 $25.50 per transferStreet Trading Licence Fee $40.00 $42.50 per dayStreet Trading Licence Fee $80.00 $84.50 per monthStreet Trading Licence Fee $115.00 $121.50 per yearAnnual License Renewal Fee $115.00 $121.50 per renewalLodging House Registration Fee $180.00 $190.00 per year or as amended by legislationEating House Registration Fee $300.00 $315.00 per year or as amended by legislationEating House Proprietors Licence Fee $30.00 $31.50 per year or as amended by legislation

Eating House Transfer $60.00 $63.00per application or as amended by legislation Inc GST

Settlement enquiries for food premises $60.00 $63.50 per application Inc GSTPossum Trap Hire - $50 bond $5.40 $5.70 per fortnight Inc GSTFoodsafe Program $103.00 $103.00 per program or as amended by legislation Inc GSTFoodsafe Plus Program $103.00 $103.00 per program or as amended by legislation Inc GSTFoodsafe Twinpack $186.00 $186.00 per program or as amended by legislation Inc GSTFoodsafe Revision Pack $38.00 $40.00 per program Inc GSTLiquor Act Section 39 & 55 Certification & ETPS $90.00 $94.50 per certificate

Application for "approval of a non complying event" $500.00 $500.00per application or as amended by legislation

Certificate of analysis - Health Act (S246ZJ) $38.00 $38.00per certificate or as amended by legislation

Application for approval of a temp event/public building $0 - $713 $0 - $744per application or as amended by legislation

Application for the approval of a sewage treatment apparatus $97.00 $101.00

per application or as amended by legislation

Issue of a permit to use a sewage treatment apparatus $97.00 $101.00 per permit or as amended by legislation

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BUILDINGBuilding Fee

Class 1 or 10 buildings 0.35% of contract price

Class 1 or 10 buildings 0.35% of 10/11th of contract

priceper application or as amended by legislation

Class 2 to 9 buildings 0.2 % of contract price

Class 2 to 9 buildings 0.2 % of 10/11th of contract

priceper application or as amended by legislation

Sign Licence Fee $40.00 $40.00 or as amended by legislation

Hoarding, Material on street $1.00 $1.00per month per m2 or as amended by legislation

Demolition Fee $50.00 $50.00 per storey or as amended by legislation

Strata Title Fee $100.00 $100.00per application or as amended by legislation

Photocopying $0.25 $0.25per A4 equivelant or $0.20 per m2 whichever is greater Inc GST

Plan Copy cost + 20% cost + 20% per plan Inc GSTPlan Archive Search $27.00 $28.50 per application Inc GST

Pool Inspection Fee $35.00 $35.00per inspection or as amended by legislation Inc GST

PLANNINGDevelopment Application Fee (other than an extractive industry)

(a) Less than $50,000 project value $100.00 $117.00 or as amended by legislation(b) $50,000 to $500,000 project value .23% of the

estimated cost of development

.23% of the estimated cost of

development or as amended by legislation(c) $500,000 to $2,500,000 project value $1,150 + 0.18%

for every $1 in excess of $500,000

$1,351 + 0.18% for every $1 in excess

of $500,000 or as amended by legislation(d) $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 $4,750 + 0.15%

for every $1 in excess of $2.5


$5,578 + 0.15% for every $1 in excess

of $2.5 million or as amended by legislation

(e) $5,000,000 to $21,500,000 $8,500 + 0.1% for every $1 in excess of $5


$9,982 + 0.1% for every $1 in excess

of $5 million or as amended by legislation

More than $21,500,000 $25,000.00 $29,360 and, if the development has commenced or

been carried out, an additional

amount, by way of penalty, that is

twice the amount of the maximum fee

payable for determination of the application

under paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e,)

or (f) or as amended by legislationDevelopment Application Fee for an extractive industry N/A

$587, and, if the development has been commenced or carried out, and additional penalty

of $1,174 by way of penalty or as amended by legislation

Subdivision Clearances No more than 5 lots $50.00

$59.00 per lot or as amended by legislation5 lots to 195 lots $50 for first five

lots then $25$59 for first five lots

then $29 per lot or as amended by legislationMore than 195 lots $5,000.00

$5,872.00 or as amended by legislationTown Planning Scheme Amendment Fee Calculated and

applied when the amendment is submitted in

accordance with the 'Town Planning Scheme

Amendments - Fee Calculation


Calculated and applied when the

amendment is submitted in

accordance with the 'Town Planning

Scheme Amendments - Fee Calculation Table' or as amended by legislation

Home Business Application Fee


$176, and if the home occupation has commenced,

an additional amount of $352 by

way of penaltyper application or as amended by legislation

Change of Use $200.00 $235, and If the change of use or the alteration or

extension or change of the non-conforming use has commenced, and additional amount of $470 by way of

penaltyper application or as amended by legislation

Issue of zoning certificate $50.00 $59.00each or as amended by legislation

Issue of written planning advice $50.00 $64.90each or as amended by legislation Inc GST

Scheme Plan $21.50 $22.50 each Inc GSTScheme Text $16.00 $17.00 each Inc GSTPlanning Policy Manual $16.00 $17.00 each Inc GSTLiquor Act Section 40 & 55 Certification $60.00 $60.00 per certificateSubiaco Central Development Plan N/A $80.00 Inc GST

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COMMUNITY CAREHACC Meals $6.00 $6.50 per mealNon HACC Meals $8.50 $9.00 per mealTransport (Shopping Bus) Donation Donation per tripCentre Based Podiatry $14.50 $15.00 per visitDomiciliary Podiatry $23.00 $24.00 per visitHome Based Services - Level 1 $6.50 $6.80 per hour

$20.00 $20.00weekly fee limit or as amended by legislation

- Level 2 $9.00 $9.50 per hour

$50.00 $50.00weekly fee limit or as amended by legislation

- Level 3 service fee service fee per hour 4 x service fee 4 x service fee weekly fee limit

Subiaco Social Club - Level 1 $5.75 $6.00 per day

$20.00 $20.00weekly fee limit or as amended by legislation

- Level 2 $8.00 $8.50 per day

$50.00 $50.00weekly fee limit or as amended by legislation

- Level 3 service fee service fee per day4 x service fee 4 x service fee weekly fee limit

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTSubi Work Out Program Donation Donation per activitySubiaco Number Plates-existing plate numbers $165.00 $165.00 per plate Inc GSTSubiaco Number Plates-additional requested plate numbers $175.00 $175.00 per plate Inc GST

LIBRARYLate item return $2.20 $2.30 per itemReplacement of non-returned item N/A cost per item Inc GST

Damaged CD case $3.70 $1.00 per item Inc GSTPhotocopying $0.20 $0.20 per page Inc GST

Inter-Library Photocopying $6.80 $6.80per thirty pages or as amended by legislation Inc GST

Computer Printing $0.10 $0.20 per page Inc GSTReplacement Cards $4.80 $5.00 per individual Inc GSTTelephone charges $0.40 $0.40 per local call Inc GSTLibrary Bags $3.50 $1.00 per bag Inc GSTShaun Tan Cards $2.30 $2.30 per item Inc GSTShaun Tan Bookmarks $1.15 $1.15 per set of four Inc GSTMuseum photographic reproduction charge: - to individuals for private purposes $13.00 $13.50 plus cost per photograph Inc GST

- to business/organisations for commercial purposes $50.00 $53.00 plus cost per photograph Inc GSTHistory of Subiaco book: - 'Identity Prized' $35.00 $35.00 per book, plus postage if applicable Inc GST - 'Tales of a Singular City' $39.95 $39.95 per book, plus postage if applicable Inc GST

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COMMUNITY FACILITIESShenton Park Community CentreMain Hall $40.00 $42.00 per hour Inc GSTRoom 2 $6.75 $7.15 per hour Inc GSTRooms 3/4 $13.50 $14.25 per hour Inc GSTRoom 5 (Toy Library) $6.75 $7.15 per hour Inc GSTRooms 6/7 (Playgroup) $13.50 $14.25 per hour Inc GSTCourtyard $6.75 $7.15 per hour Inc GSTPublic Phone cost cost per call Inc GSTThe Palms Community Centre $60.00 $63.25 per hour Inc GSTRosalie Pavilion $18.75 $19.75 per hour Inc GSTSubiaco Community CentreMain Hall $36.00 $38.00 per hour Inc GSTActivity Room $18.75 $19.75 per hour Inc GSTTom Dadour Community CentreActivity Room East $31.50 $33.25 per hour Inc GSTLounge Room $8.25 $8.70 per hour Inc GSTActivity Room West $19.75 $20.75 per hour Inc GSTOutdoor Garden Area $6.75 $7.15 per hour Inc GST

Extended Bookings (more than one day in succession) charged at 8hrs per day at the specified series rate

The following discounts apply to Community Centre Hire Charges;Non-local group Local Group

Commercial Activities Nil Nil OccasionalCommercial Activities Nil Nil SeriesWeddings / Parties 5% 10% OccasionalMixed commercial / community activities 5% 10% OccasionalMixed commercial / community activities 10% 20% SeriesCommunity Activities 30% 60% OccasionalCommunity Activities 35% 70% Series

Series Discount = series of regular bookings booked and paid 3 months in advance

Cancellation fee of 100% for cancellation of bookings within two weeks of hire date.Surcharge of 25% may apply to changes to bookings within two weeks of the hire date.

Public Liability Insurance, all centres (Where the hirer does not arrange their own cover)Hire up to $20 $8.50 $9.00 per hire Inc GSTHire up to $50 $16.00 $17.00 per hire Inc GSTHire over $50 $50.00 $53.00 per hire Inc GST

An excess of $1,000 applies to all claims under the City's policy

Cost of security callout $85.00 $89.50 per breach Inc GSTBreach of Terms & Conditions n/a $85.00 per breach Inc GST

Bonds-(for breach of conditions for hire)Meetings, Classes and groups $105.00 $110.50 per booking Inc GSTSocial Functions $500.00 $525.00 per booking Inc GSTParties $1,000.00 $1,050.00 per booking Inc GST

Key deposit for keys on permanent loan. $60.00 $63.00 per keyLost keys, damage and extra cleaning. cost cost Inc GST

Tennis Courts:Court Hire - Rosalie $9.00 $9.50 per hour Inc GST

Lights $2.00 $0.00 per hour Inc GSTBond (for damage restoration) $27.00 $0.00 per booking

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