CITY OF MEADOW LAKE PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES 2021 BUDGET Submitted by: Rocky Chowdhury Mike Morrant


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Submitted by:Rocky Chowdhury

Mike Morrant



1 Table of Contents1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 22 Proposed Operating Budget Changes ...................................................................... 2

2.1 Increase to Public Works Staffing ...................................................................... 22.2 Gravel ................................................................................................................ 32.3 Crack Sealing..................................................................................................... 32.4 Dust Control ....................................................................................................... 32.5 Drainage Improvements..................................................................................... 32.6 Signage Improvements ...................................................................................... 42.7 Sidewalk Repairs & Installation .......................................................................... 4

3 Proposed Vehicle & Equipment Purchases .............................................................. 43.1 Sewer Camera ................................................................................................... 43.2 8" Trailered Drainage Pump............................................................................... 53.3 Utility Van Replacement..................................................................................... 53.4 Asset Management Coordinator Truck............................................................... 53.5 Street Sweeper Replacement ............................................................................ 6

4 Proposed Capital Infrastructure Projects .................................................................. 64.1 Hydrant Repair & Replacement.......................................................................... 64.2 Valve Replacement & Repair ............................................................................. 74.3 Lagoon Dredging................................................................................................ 74.4 Annual Paving Project........................................................................................ 84.5 Continuation of DMAF Project............................................................................ 84.6 Other Underground Utilities................................................................................ 9

5 Discussion Items....................................................................................................... 95.1 Development Planning Near Community Garden Area...................................... 95.2 Street Lights Request....................................................................................... 105.3 Traffic Study ..................................................................................................... 115.4 Borrowing, Infrastructure Levies, and Other Funding Options ......................... 11

6 Appendices............................................................................................................. 116.1 Detailed Paving Report .................................................................................... 116.2 Detailed Utility Infrastructure Report ................................................................ 11



1. Introduction

The Engineering, Public Works, and Waterworks Departments are responsible forproviding the following services within the City:

Water Treatment & Distribution Sewer Collection & Treatment Roads & Sidewalks Snow Removal Drainage Lights & Signs Planning Infrastructure for Growth and Replacement

This report will provide background information on capital requests, projects with multi-year impacts, and operating requests that significantly differ from prior years' budgets.

In 2020, the Water Treatment Plant was transferred to SaskWater and the majority ofthese costs now fall under a contracted services line item.

2 Proposed Operating Budget Changes

2.1 Increase to Public Works StaffingTwo staffing increases are proposed for 2021 in order to manage the departmentworkload and ensure expected service levels can be met. The first is the addition ofanother full time position, for an approximate net cost of $60,000. The second is anincrease to the number of seasonal staff, for an approximate cost of $16,000 per fourmonth summer position. The budget is presented with one additional full time and oneadditional seasonal position. If the full time position is denied, the department isrequesting additional seasonal positions be considered.

Currently, full staffing for this department includes the Manager of Public Works, sevenfull time union staff who operate various equipment, four other full time staff (wateroperator, clerk, mechanic x2) and three seasonal staff. (Side note: we still intend to hireand have budgeted for another mechanic, although this was paused with the onset ofCOVID-19 in March.) During the spring through fall, a normal working day for thisdepartment will include one large project such as a culvert installation, road repair,sewer repair, etc. that requires up to five staff on site to operate the excavator, loader,hydrovac truck and two gravel trucks. If work is being done on the water distributionsystem, the distribution operator is also required to be onsite. This leaves two to threefull time staff plus seasonal staff for other department tasks such as sewer flushing,grading streets, water meter repairs, meter reading, hydrant maintenance, signinstallations, street painting, pothole filling, street sweeping and other generalmaintenance. Seasonal staff are able to complete some, but not all of this work. Anoverall staffing increase will allow this department to respond effectively to servicerequests while keeping maintenance schedules on track.



Estimated Net Cost - $76,000 (alternatively $32,000)

2.2 GravelIn 2021, we plan to re-gravel all gravel roads within the City. We are anticipating anadditional amount of $46,000 will be required for this work of roughly 16 km of streets.The gravel budget was increased to $70,000 for 2020 in order to improve Golf CourseRoad maintenance, and we would propose to maintain this increased budget for 2021.

Estimated Net Cost - $70,000 (no change from 2020)

2.3 Crack SealingThe crack sealing budget is proposed to be increased by $35,000 in 2021 in order toinclude testing sand sealing as an additional preventative road maintenance strategy. Ifthis road application has positive results, we would do cost analysis work to determinewhether this can be brought in house through investments in additional equipment andstaff or continue to contract this work out on a regular basis.

Estimated Net Cost - $100,000 (increase of $35,000 from 2020)

2.4 Dust ControlIn the summer of this year, Administration received a request to investigate multipleoptions for dust control. This work is still ongoing and will be presented before a finalbudget is adopted. For now, Public Works is proposing to increase this budget by half inorder to allow for a third application of dust proofing during the year. The current budgetof $40,000 allows for all gravel roads to be done twice.

Estimated Cost - $60,000 (increase of $20,000 from 2020)

2.5 Drainage ImprovementsThere are approximately 30 catch-basins that were identified as defective during thisyear's survey as part of the asset management work. Defective catch-basins do notdrain properly, causing flooding on the street and have an adverse impact on theservice life of the streets. A lot of the catch-basins are located at a higher spot than theadjacent curbs due to either frost heave of the catch-basin or settling of the streets orcurb. Repairing these catch-basins may range from adjusting a riser to the replacementof the whole catch-basin. A ball-park estimate to repair these catch-basins by acontractor would be approx. $30,000. which can be accommodated within a slightlyincreased general drainage contract budget. Both the drainage contract and drainagesupply budget have been increased by a combined $15,000 from 2020 to account forthis additional work.

Estimated Net Cost - $80,000 (increase of $15,000)



2.6 Signage ImprovementsA traffic signage assessment was done in 2020 which identified 70 locations requiringnew or replaced signs. As a result, this budget line has been increased by $7,000 toaccount for this additional work.

Estimated Total Cost - $11,000 (increase of $7,000)

2.7 Sidewalk Repairs & InstallationFor 2019 and 2020 we increased the annual sidewalk maintenance budget to $50,000per year, and this repair plan is being maintained through 2021. Based on the currentsidewalk inventory, staff estimate it would cost $2,500,000 to replace all existingsidewalks and so a long term plan, Administration recommends increasing the amountbudgeted each year for sidewalk repair and replacement.

An additional $7,000 has been added to the capital budget for the installation of a newsidewalk on the north side of Highway 55 between the RCMP Detachment and theGiant Tiger building, in order to improve pedestrian safety in this area.

Total Cost: $50,000 (operating); $7,000 (capital)

3 Proposed Vehicle & Equipment Purchases

3.1 Sewer CameraThe budget for this camera was partially approved as part of the MEEP funding. Thetotal budget for the camera is $90,000. As council already approved $59,000 throughthe grant, the additional budget required for 2021 is $31,000. As outlined earlier thisyear, in the last few years we have hired companies to camera the sewers at a cost of$18,444.15 in 2018 and $7,515.14 in 2017 for a combined total of $25,959.29, almost athird the cost or purchasing the equipment ourselves.

With a sewer camera, staff will be able to do inspections prior to street paving to ensurea road will not be dug up afterwards due to unexpected sewer repairs.

Estimated Costs - $90,000 (less grant funding is a net cost of $31,000)



3.2 8" Trailered Drainage PumpPublic Works is looking to secure a second Pioneer 8” drainage pump. Our currentpump has been in service for 9 years. With the rising levels in the lake and theexcessive rain events we have had in recent years, drainage issues are increasing.While the primary usage of this pump would be at the storm retention pond, it could alsobe moved to other locations as needed. Although there are slightly lower cost optionsavailable, the City's mechanic recommends a Pioneer model as it is estimated to have alower operating cost over its life based on performance and ease of parts sourcing. Thecurrent pump would be retained as a backup and for use at multiple locations duringmajor rain events.

Estimated Cost - $79,450

3.3 Utility Van ReplacementCurrently the Utilities department has a 1994 GMC Safari van that desperately needs tobe replaced due to its age and constant repairs. The ML47 is more than justtransportation as it also stores various equipment such as the sewer camera, metaldetector and miscellaneous supplies required for the day-to-day operations. We wouldplan to replace this vehicle with a slightly used cargo van and install shelving forequipment storage. If the Fire Rescue Vehicle replacement request is approved, one ofthe old Rescue units can be altered for this purpose as a potential cost saving measure.

Estimated Cost - $33,000

3.4 Asset Management Coordinator TruckThe asset management coordinator spent approximately 200 hours on field datacollection so far this year (up to the end of August) as part of the asset managementwork. This year, the data collection included GPS survey of curb-stops, catch-basins,



culverts, valves and manholes that were missing in database from previous surveys.After most of the data collection has been completed, focus will be shifted toward thecondition assessment of the assets. Some data collection work will need to continue tokeep the asset database updated as the City installs new assets or disposes of existingassets. Both the condition assessment and data collection will be ongoing field work,although to a lesser extent in the future, and a dedicated vehicle is necessary for thiswork. Some of the equipment that needs to be kept in this vehicle are: GPS machine,measuring wheel, survey rod, marking paints, wooden stakes etc. With the purchase ofthe sewer main camera, the asset management coordinator will be in-charge of thiscamera and will use this as part of the condition assessment work. We would proposeto purchase a used vehicle for this purpose. Alternatively, a vehicle could be leased forabout $7,200 per year as an operating expense rather than capital.

Estimated Cost - $27,000

3.5 Street Sweeper ReplacementStreet sweeping is ongoing from early spring to mid-August with two units to remove allthe salt/sand laid down the previous winter, along with mud and other debris. The PublicWorks Department has two street sweepers. One, from 2008, is in fairly good conditionwhile the older sweeper, from 1994, is in fairly poor condition with a very rusted frame.Ideally, two street sweepers can be sent out together in order to do a wider pass downthe street, which ends up being more effective and efficient than one sweeper alone.

Estimated Cost - $299,600

4 Proposed Capital Infrastructure Projects

4.1 Hydrant Repair & ReplacementIn 2020, we hired a contractor specialized in hydrant maintenance to flush and inspectall City hydrants. Based on the inspection report, most of our hydrants are in goodoperating condition, but will require different types of maintenance to ensure they stay inoperating condition up to their intended service periods. Replacing a hydrant costsapproximately $15,000. The City replaced 8 hydrants in 2019, 5 in 2018, 6 in 2017 and7 in 2016. Our hydrant work has been heavily focused on replacement, which isexpensive, and less focused on maintenance. Based on the information we currentlyhave, it is our recommendation that we shift our focus from replacement to maintenancewhile keeping the total budget same at this time. Replacement should be the last option,when no other maintenance will keep a hydrant in a proper functioning condition.

Based on the maintenance report received this year, we would develop a multi-yearplan targeting a mix of hydrant repairs. (Note that individual repair costs will varysignificantly depending on the hydrant condition. A copy of the detailed condition reportcan be provided at Council's request.) This work will be done by a contractor whospecializes in hydrant work. Future maintenance plans will include:



upper deficiency repairs - 53 hydrants ($21-30,000) lower deficiency repairs - 19 hydrants ($17-36,000) full replacement - 3 hydrants ($6-45,000)

Another maintenance project we are proposing is to begin plugging the drains in eachhydrant. The costs for this work vary from $500 - $2,000 each. This approach can beused in areas with high groundwater as an alternative to putting anti-freeze in thehydrants each winter, which contributes to a faster deterioration of the hydrant andcurrently has an annual cost of $6,000 plus staff/firefighter time.

Estimated Cost - $25,000 (capital replacement) plus $70,000 (operating maintenance)no increase from 2020.

4.2 Valve Replacement & RepairWater main valve replacements usually costs approx. $7,000 per valve. However, thereare locations where local water main depressurization is not possible and so hot-tapinstallation of the valve is necessary. Valve installation by hot-tap method costsapproximately $21,000, which is partly because hot-tapping is subcontracted to adifferent company by the water and sewer contractor. If the City staff can do theexcavation and the city directly hires the hot-tapping contractor to do the valveinstallation, that will reduce the hot-tap valve installation cost by approx. $8,000 for eachvalve, allowing us to complete more work within this budget.

Estimated Cost - $80,000 (capital replacement) plus $20,000 (operating maintenance)No increase from 2020 for combined capital and operating

4.3 Lagoon DredgingIn 2016, the City had a contractor rebuild the truck dumping chute at the lagoon, build anew berm, and dredge and dry accumulated sludge out of Cells 1 and 2 at the lagoon.The total cost for this project was roughly $250,000.

At the lagoon, there are four cells plus two aeration cells. The water plant manager hasrecommended that the next time dredging is done (currently planned to be 2021), thefocus areas be Cell 1 (where the dumping chute is located) and the two aeration cells.The contractor who did the work in 2016 advised that the 2016 rate of $15 per m3 wouldbe sufficient for estimation purposes, and the water plant manager estimates thevolume that would need to be dredged would be about 9,500 m3, for an estimated priceof $151,050 with taxes. This estimate assumes no additional repair work would berequired this time.

Estimated Cost: $151,050



4.4 Annual Paving ProjectWhile Administration has recommended that Council limit their 2021 budget decisionsuntil after the election this fall, we are requesting that direction be given regarding thescope of the paving project at this meeting. Over the past two years we have seensignificantly improved pricing on our paving contracts by both tendering larger projectsand publishing the tender early in the new year. Receiving early direction about scopeallows the necessary pre-planning and investigation work to be done this fall, whichallows for the early tender and early start to the project.

The enclosed report from the City Engineer provides multiple options for consideration,with paving scope ranging up to $1.3 million ($1.5 when including the utility patchingwork). In addition to the budget amount, Council is requested to provide directionregarding the proportion of the paving budget that should be allocated for each ofpatching, recap, full depth rehabilitation, and preventative maintenance.

Administration is once again noting that the increased investment that began topaving in 2015 has been primarily funded through prior years' operatingsurpluses. As these surpluses have been used up, this is not a sustainable targetbudget over the long term without a new source of revenue with which to fundpaving. Without new sources of revenue a paving contract of $700,000 plus utilitypatching would be more sustainable.

For 2021 Administration strongly recommends focusing on water, sewer and stormsewer replacement rather than paving.

Estimated Cost: Up to $1,500,000

4.5 Continuation of DMAF ProjectIn 2020, the first phase of this project was completed with the construction of the new liftstation. Phase 2, the replacement of the common trenched water and sewer mains inthe older areas of the City is planned to run from 2021 through 2024. 40% of this projectis covered through a federal infrastructure grant. Details of the proposed work areincluded in the attached report.

Based on Council’s decision to invest $5.5 million of the SaskWater sale proceeds, thecost of the lift station will have to be borrowed. Consideration will need to be given as towhether Council wants to borrow for the rest of the project (so as to be able to maintainmaking capital investments in other areas) in which case an infrastructure levy on utilitybills could be looked at to fund the annual debt payment for this multiyear project.

Estimated Costs for 2021: $1,800,000 (less grant funding of $720,000 leaves net costsof $1,080,000)



4.6 Other Underground UtilitiesIn addition to the utility work under the DMAF program, sewer and storm sewerreplacement is proposed at two other locations. If Council wishes to continue withpaving investments in the range of $1M year over year, investment in the undergroundutilities is needed in order to avoid digging up brand new roads for future breaks.Administration strongly recommends that underground utilities bet be the focus for 2021instead of a large paving contract.

Estimated Costs: $740,000 - $840,000

5 Discussion Items

5.1 Development Planning Near Community Garden AreaThis work is proposed as an in-house planning project that would have the potential forfuture budget implications.

The highlighted areas on the map below are registered as road allowance. The Citycurrently owns 11 lots on the north side of future 8th Ave E, which is not currentlydevelopable due to not having a street at the front of these lots. The existing ditch on 8th

Ave E currently holds a significant standing water. Efforts are ongoing to improve thedrainage on the east side of 6t St E, which is supposed to lower the standing water levelin the 8th Ave E ditch. However, we anticipate that the standing water problem on 8 th

Ave E will continue even if we can somewhat improve the drainage on the east side of6th St E, primarily, due to not having a enough grade up to the lake. There is also a highcapacity gas line on the east side of the dog park, which prevented excavating on thatspot. The empty lot on the west side of (future) 4th St E is a private lot. Any futuredevelopment on 4th St E may take into account the potential of cost sharing with theowner of the lot on the west side of 4th St E.

The development plan will look into a drainage solution that will allow developing both4th St E and 8th Ave E as gravel roads and the installation of water and sanitary seweralong these streets. We will carry out surveying, preliminary design and cost estimationsfor storm main, pumping system and force-main, culverts, water and sanitary mains,road development, landscaping etc.



Estimated Cost - $0 (internal staff time - requesting Council input as to whether thiswork is a priority to pursue)

5.2 Street Lights RequestEarlier this year, City staff received a request from residents on the east side toconsider installing more street lights as part of the lift station upgrade project.While there is no established standard for the location of lights, in the rest of the city,street lights are placed approximately every 50-100 m. On the streets on the east sidewith zero or few lights, the distances between street lights in residential areas rangesfrom 180 m to 400 m. The longest stretches without lights are:

From 3rd Ave E to the pumphouses on River Ave – 730m On 9th Ave East from 6th St to the dog park – 800m On 7th St E from 5th Ave, around the corner where the lift station will go to 6th St E

– 515m

If we were to make sure there was a light at least every 100m in the residential areaswhere there are power poles we would need to install an additional 15 lights. As theresidential acreage area is less densely populated than the rest of the City, the larger200-400m distance may make more sense, leaving only the three streets listed above toconsider and a lower number of lights overall.



In addition to the initial installation cost of $1,200 per light, each street light is added tothe City's power bill. The majority of our lights are 100W, which have a cost of $165 perlight per year, making the total cost $6,000 - $18,000 plus $825 - 2,475 per year for 5 -15 additional lights.

This item is not yet included in the budget, but can be added at Council's direction.

5.3 Traffic StudyThe City is currently partnered with SGI on a pilot program to improve road safety in thecommunity. Unfortunately, a traffic study is an ineligible expense under this program, asits purpose is to implement the recommendations of traffic studies or plans rather thanto conduct studies.

This item is not included in the presented version of the budget, but could be consideredfor an estimated cost of $30,000. (average of prices quoted in 2018)

5.4 Borrowing, Infrastructure Levies, and Other Funding Options(To be a verbal discussion during the budget meeting and as ongoing discussions withthe new Council following the election.)

6 Appendices

6.1 Detailed Paving Report

6.2 Detailed Utility Infrastructure Report


Appendix 6.1 2021 PAVING PROJECT

The paving project should include a mix of full depth rehabilitation, asphalt resurfacing, utility patchesand preventative maintenances. The following table shows a sample distribution different paving typesin the paving project, which can be used to decide scope for the 2021 paving project.

Table 1: A sample distribution of different paving types

Paving Type Full depthrehabilitation

Milling andOverlay

Utility patchesand Spot repairs

Preventativemaintenanceand/or HoldingTechniques

Percentage ofentire pavingproject

30% - 50% 20% - 30% 15% - 25% 5% - 20%

The paving project budget between 2017-2020 are given below –

Year 2020 2019 2018 2017Paving Project Budget $1,209,000 $2,046,159 $1,230,153 $1,460,000

Full depth rehabilitation:A regular full depth rehabilitation usually includes excavation up to 600 mm, installing weeping tile pipeson both sides of the streets, replacing the base and sub-base material and paving with 75 mm asphalt. Ifgeotechnical investigation finds the presence of frost susceptible material or weak subgrade spots at600 mm depth, further excavation may be necessary. The estimated budget cost for full depthrehabilitation is $100 per sq.m. The table below includes a list of streets that can be included in thiscategory:

Table 2: Some streets that require major rehabilitations

Paving Type Street Paving Risk orProbability ofFailure ofUndergroundUtilities afterpaving(High/Medium/Low)

Underground utilitycondition


Priority(based onthe both

pavementand UGutility


Priority(based on


only )

Full DepthRehabilitation

Budgetary Cost:$100 per m2

300block of3rd AveW

Low PVC water main Storm main condition-

unknown No service connection

$110,000 1 3

400block of4th St W

Low-Medium PVC water main andsanitary main

Service connectioncondition unknown

$188,000 2 3


Paving Type Street Paving Risk orProbability ofFailure ofUndergroundUtilities afterpaving(High/Medium/Low)

Underground utilitycondition


Priority(based onthe both

pavementand UGutility


Priority(based on


only )

Year Perm2

cost2020 $862019 $1002018 $122

400block of3rd St W

Low-Medium PVC water main andsanitary main

Service connectioncondition unknown

$188,000 3 4

500block of2nd AveW

Low-Medium PVC water main andsanitary main

Service connectioncondition unknown

$185,000 3 3

Coupland Cr

Medium Clay Tile sanitary pipein fair condition; willrequire 2-3 spot repairs(based on the 2018sewer main inspection)

Service connectioncondition poor (basedon the inspection of 6service connection

$360,000 4 1

800block of3rd St E

Medium Clay Tile sanitary pipein fair condition; willrequire 1-2 spot repairs

Service connectioncondition unknown

$176,000 4 3

600 and700block of3rd AveW

High Clay tile sanitary pipein poor condition

Clay tile storm pipe on600 block andcondition is unknown

Service connectioncondition unknown

$365,000 5 3

Carter Pl High Clay Tile sanitary pipein poor condition

$134,000 5 2



Asphalt Recap (Milling and overlay):

Milling and overlay involves milling 30-40 mm depth of existing asphalt surface and pave with 35-50 mmasphalt overlay. Usually, milling and overlay is done at the locations where the roadbed appears to be ingood condition. If the recap is not done at the right time, the roadbed deteriorates rapidly and theappropriate paving option changes from “Asphalt Recap” to “Full Depth Rehabilitation”. A list of streetsthat can be included in this category –

Table 3: Some streets that require asphalt recap

Paving Type Street Paving Risk orProbability ofFailure ofUndergroundUtilities after paving(High/Medium/Low)

Undergroundutility condition


Priority(based onthe both

pavementand UGutility


Priority(based on


only )

Milling andoverlay

Budgetary Cost:$27 per sq.m.

Year Persq.m.cost

2020 $242019 $232018 $34

Centre St:Both sides ofboulevard on400 block andwest side ofboulevard on500 block

HighDetail explanationgiven in aseparate section

$87,0002 1

CharpentierPl Medium

PVC Sanitaryand AC watermain


$51,000 1 1

Dunfield Cr Medium - High

Clay Tilesanitary andAC watermain;

Sanitary mainand serviceconnectionconditionunknown

$181,000 1 1

800 block of2nd St W Medium - High

Clay Tilesanitary andAC watermain;

Sanitary mainand serviceconnectionconditionunknown

$34,000 1 2


Utility Patches and Spot Repairs

Utility patches are the spots that were dug to repair underground utilities such as valves, service pipesetc. Spot repairs such as frost-heaved spots are usually repaired as part of this budget and at the sameunit rate. The ball-park utility patch/spot repair budget for last two years has been $200,000. The utilitypatch budget is used in coordination with total paving budget and the same amount of budget isrecommended to be used for 2021 as well.

Preventative Maintenance

There was discussion in the past to do sand sealing as in-house work. We are getting some test patchesdone to see if this is something we want to invest in purchasing our own equipment for in future years.If this work is included as part of the paving project, the budgetary cost will be $5 - $10 per squaremeter, with a total recommended budget of $75,000. Some Streets that can be included in this categoryare – 5th Ave W, 7th Ave W between 5th St W and college residences, 7th Ave W between 9th St W andSemchuk Dr back alley .


Holding is a short-term strategy to prolong the service life of pavement that is in poor or very poorcondition so that the acceptable levels of functionality and safety can be maintained until majorrehabilitation is completed. Sand-sealing was discussed as a Holding technique for some streets thathave developed severe alligator cracks and other defects and need major rehabilitation. Holdingtechniques may be applied to streets that are listed in Table 2. If sand-sealing is done in-house, nobudget will be required in this category as part of the paving project. The operating budget in theTransportation Services will need to be increased a bit to account for the cost of oil, sand and renting anoiler truck. If decision is made to include Holding as part of the paving project, a combined budget of$125,000 for preventative maintenance and holding may be considered.

Paving and Underground Utilities on Centre St

The pavement is in poor condition on the 400-500 block of Centre St, 400 block on both sides and 500block on the west side of the boulevard. We planned for milling and paving on Centre St as part of 2020paving; but the paving was cancelled considering the poor condition of sewer service pipes. In 2021, twosewer service pipes were replaced on the 400 block. The latest information on the sewer service pipes inthis area are as follows.

Table 4: Condition of sewer service pipes

House # Sewer service pipe conditionA Sewer service pipe material is PVC on the owner’s side and appeared to be in good

condition. The City side pipe was full of thick sludge and the camera inspection did notshow the actual condition of the pipe on the City side. We attempted to schedule flushingand camera inspection again in spring this year; but were unable due to the concern aboutCOVID 19. According to the owner, the service pipe was replaced from property line to thehouse in recent years; but the City side needs to be replaced.

B Poor condition, No-corrode pipeC PVC pipe, replaced in 2016


D PVC pipe, replaced in 2016E Unknown (No inspection was done)F Thick sludge build-up on both the City side and the owner’s side. Pipe material was not

visible and condition unknown. Pipes with similar build up were found out to be No-corrode pipe on Centre St

G PVC pipe, replaced in 2020H PVC pipe at 100 ft from house, the remaining pipes are unknown.I PVC pipe on City SideJ Thick sludge build-up on both the City side and the owner’s side. Pipe material was not

visible and condition unknown. Pipes with similar build up were found out to be No-corrode pipe on Centre St

K Unknown (inspection was not done)L Sewer service pipe was replaced in 2019M Sewer service pipe was replaced on city side on 2018 and owner’s side in 2020.N City side pipe was replaced on 2017O Unknown (No inspection was done)P Pipe material unknown, slight submersion in pipe

As mentioned in the above table, there are currently 8 sewer service pipes which conditions are eitherpoor or unknown. Considering the history of problems with sewer service pipes in this area, it is still toorisky to pave with the sewer service pipes in this condition. However, Centre Street is one of the majorstreets in town with high traffic flow every day. The decision of whether or not to pave the street shouldconsider both benefits and risks of paving the street. If approved, the standard milling and pavingusually cost about $27 per sq.m. and any future sewer service pipe collapse and subsequent digging onnew pavement may incur similar economic loss. Therefore, the following options may be considered forCentre St.

Option 1: Accept the risk of sewer pipe collapse in future and Milling and asphalt overlay on the 400-500block of Centre St (400 block on both side and 500 block on the west side of the boulevard) withpatching on existing dig spots.

Option 2: Only patch the existing dig spots and pre-emptively plan to replace 2-3 sewer pipes every yearand patch those spots in the following year. This will not include the milling and paving at other location.

Option 3: Plan to replace all sewer service pipes with poor/unknown condition in the same year (2021)and plan paving work in the following year (2022).

Option 4: Do nothing on the pavement. If any sewer pipe collapses and needs to repaired, that spot canbe patched in the following year.


Appendix 6.2 - 2021 Underground Utilities Details

1. DMAF Project: Water and Sewer Installation on theeast side

The Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) is aproject agreement between the City of Meadow Lake andthe Federal Government where the Federal Govt. shares40% of the project cost with a duration up to March 2028.The project includes construction of a sewage pumpingstation, installing new water and sanitary sewer mainswith accessories and relocating the sewage lagoon awayfrom the City. This year, construction is ongoing for thesewage pumping station and design is ongoing for theregular water and sewer on the east side. In 2021, we planto install regular water and sewer mains (with otheraccessories) on 6th St E between 4th Ave E and 7th Ave E,6th Ave E between 4th St E and 6th St E, 5th Ave E between6th St E and 7th St E. Total length = 1312 m

Estimated cost for DMAF 2021 = $1,800,000Carry forward estimated surplus from DMAF 2020 =$160,000Net additional project budget required for 2021 =$1,640,000.City contribution required for DMAF 2021= $984,000.(Federal contribution = $656,000)

The enclosed drawing shows an approximate timeline forthe various sections of this project over the next fouryears.

2. Sanitary Sewer Replacement on 200 block of 4th St East

The concrete sanitary pipe in 100 and 200 block of 4th St E is in very poor condition. During a sewercollapse repair on the 200 block of 4th St E, it was noticed that the existing concrete pipe was beyondrepair. Every time, when the construction crews were trying to tie in a new pipe section with the existingpipe, the existing concrete pipe kept collapsing. As a temporary measure, that repair was completed byinserting a new 6” pipe section into the 8” existing concrete pipe. There is a very good chance thetemporary patch and other spots on that pipe will collapse again if the pipe replacement is not donepre-emptively. In case of an unplanned and emergency repair/replacement, this may require asignificant size of annual sewer operation budget.

Estimated cost for Sanitary sewer replacement on 200 block of 4th St E = $115,000


3. Sanitary and storm sewer replacement on 700 block of 3rd Ave W and sanitary sewer replacementon the 800 block of 3rd Ave W

The streets on the 700-800 block of 3rd Ave W are in poor condition. Both sanitary and storm sewer on700 block and sanitary sewer on 800 block are clay tile pipes. Recent camera inspection on sanitary pipe(sections where the camera inspection was possible) showed that there are severe encrustations,multiple cracks on several spots, continuous infiltration at several service connection joints, pipe holdingwater on multiple spots etc. Previous attempt on the camera inspection on storm sewer pipe wasunsuccessful and found that the storm pipes are 1/4th – 1/3rd full of gravel and sand. The crawler camerawas unable to move on any of the storm pipes. The installation year for this storm pipe is 1976 and theinstallation year of the sanitary pipe on this block is 1975. Based on this information, both sanitary andstorm pipe should be replaced on the 700 block and sanitary pipe on the 800 block before doing anymajor rehabilitation on the pavement. The water main material on these two blocks is also older AC. Ifsanitary and storm pipes are replaced on these two blocks, it will be prudent to replace these AC waterpipes as well. If the water main replacement is done at the same time as sanitary and storm pipe, thecost will be minimum. These following options are available:

Option 1: Replace water and sanitary on 700-800 block and also replace storm pipe on 700 block.Estimated cost = $725,000

Option 2: Replace only sanitary and storm; not water pipes = $625,000

Above costs do not include paving. If the Council intends to get paving done on the same year 2021, theunderground pipes and paving will need to be included in the same contract. This will increase the costsignificantly as the water and sewer contractor will possibly subcontract the paving work to a pavingcompany. If paving after completion of underground piping work is intended to be done as part of theCity annual paving project, there is a chance that the paving may not be possible on 2021 (same year asunderground piping work) due to the separate scheduling of paving contractor and water and sewercontractor. The City usually aims to get the paving done as early as possible in the construction season.Additionally, the settling risk of the newly dug and backfilled subgrade is greatly reduced if the asphaltpaving is done after one freeze-thaw cycle.