CITY OF LAMAR 2013 BUDGET State ID 50012 Prepared by City of Lamar Administration John R. Sutherland, Jr., City Administrator Linda Rohlman, City Treasurer

CITY OF LAMAR56E8FCFD-5F3B... · 2013. 7. 2. · Court Clerk Clerks ADA Coordination Water Wastewater Accts Payable & Payroll Engineering Main Street Director 911 Dispatch ... the

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BUDGET State ID 50012

Prepared by City of Lamar Administration

John R. Sutherland, Jr., City Administrator Linda Rohlman, City Treasurer

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1..........................................................City Officials 2 .........................................................Organizational Chart 3..........................................................Budget Message

GENERAL FUND 8..........................................................BUDGET COMPARISON 9-10 ....................................................REVENUE EXPENDITURES

30-31 ..................................................General Government 37........................................................Police Department

42........................................................Fire Department 46........................................................Street Department

49........................................................Municipal Airport 52........................................................Cemeteries

55........................................................Building Maintenance 59........................................................Land Surveying & Engineering Department 63........................................................Equipment Maintenance 65........................................................Community Resource Center 68........................................................Recreation Department 72........................................................Swimming Pool 76........................................................Parks 80........................................................Public Library 80........................................................Community Building Project “90"

MISCELLANEOUS 82........................................................Self Insurance Fund 83........................................................E-911 Fund

84........................................................Sales Tax Fund 85........................................................Conservation Trust Fund 86........................................................Unemployment Fund 87........................................................Victim Assistance Fund 88........................................................Capital Improvement Fund 89........................................................Capital Improvement Plan 90........................................................Lamar Building Finance Corp.

(inc. Library Improvement Project) 91 .......................................................Library Fund 92........................................................Fairmount Investment Fund



112 AMBULANCE FUND 113 Mill Levy Certification

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Mayor .................................................................................................Roger Stagner

Mayor Pro Tem ..................................................................................Skip Ruedeman

Council Members ...............................................................................Anne-Marie Crampton

Kirk Crespin

Oscar Riley

Keith Nidey, Sr.

Beverly Haggard


City Administrator .............................................................................John R. Sutherland, Jr.

Assistant to City Administrator .........................................................Brenda Van Campen

City Attorney .....................................................................................Garth Nieschburg

City Clerk ...........................................................................................Linda Williams

City Treasurer ....................................................................................Linda Rohlman

Building Maintenance Supervisor......................................................Anthony Aguilera

Building Official ................................................................................Bobby J. Ward

Dispatch Supervisor ...........................................................................Trevor Choat

Equipment Maintenance Foreman .....................................................Bill Kisamore

Fire Chief ...........................................................................................Marshall D. Cook

Human Resources Director ................................................................Bert Davis

Informational Services Director .........................................................Thomas Sanchez

Library Director .................................................................................Debra Reynolds

Main Street Coordinator ....................................................................Shawna Hodge

Municipal Court Judge .......................................................................Larry Stutler

Parks, Recreation, & Cemeteries Director .........................................Rick Akers

Police Chief ........................................................................................Gary McCrea

Public Works Director .......................................................................Patrick Mason

Senior Survey Analyst .......................................................................Wiley Work

Water/Wastewater Director ..............................................................Josh Cichocki

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Honorable Mayor and City Council Of the City of Lamar, Colorado

The proposed 2013 annual operating budget for the City of Lamar that is submitted for your consideration with this letter has been developed with the fully engaged collaboration of the City Council and department management, with an emphasis on achieving the two most important objectives articulated by the Council: to provide for salary increases for employees and to provide funds for the renewal, replacement and improvement of capital assets. We believe that the budget submitted herewith accomplishes those objectives while also balancing General Fund expenditures with General Fund revenues.

In total the budget projects revenues of $13.4 million and expenses of $14.7 million. The shortfall will come in the Building Finance Corporation budget, the Conservation Trust Fund, the Sanitation Fund, the Water/Wastewater Fund, and the Ambulance Fund. These funds and their expected operating results will be discussed in more detail in the sections that follow.

The General Fund

The proposed 2013 budget anticipates a small General Fund revenue increase of 1.9% based on slowly improving business activity in the City. Since 2009 sales tax receipts collected by the City have increased 4.4%. While the City has held property tax rates unchanged for 25 years, there has been an increase real estate valuations since 2009 resulting primarily from annexations and yielding an 8.0% increase in property tax receipts over the period.

It is the General Fund of the City that provides the bulk of the City’s traditional services: Fire Fighting; Police; Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries; Streets; Municipal Airport; Fleet Maintenance; Municipal Pool; Library; and General Government Administration including, the Council, Information Services, the Clerk, the Treasurer, the Administrator, Planning, Municipal Court and the Main Street Program.

The proposed General Fund expense budget of $7,015,201 is an increase of 1.9% over the 2012 budget, and an increase of 1.6% since 2009. However, included as an expense in the proposed 2013 budget is $150,872 set aside as a “contingency”. Excluding that amount from the budget reduces the proposed 2013 expenses to $6,864,329, representing a decrease in actual planned expenses from 2009 of 0.5%.

While the proposed budget provides for the first wage increase to employees in some years, it should be noted that since 2009, total labor costs, wages plus benefits, to the General Fund have decreased by 4.4%. The decrease in labor costs masks an increase in other operating factors. City staff will focus its efforts on identifying and reducing those costs in 2013 to improve budget performance. The City has signed an agreement with Honeywell Building Solutions to conduct a Technical Energy Audit for the City to identify energy cost savings in City facilities and to identify operational savings in the Water Department. Installation of energy saving HVAC equipment is expected to begin at the Community Building on or about year-end 2012.

The Self-Insurance Fund

The budget for the City’s Healthcare Self-Insurance Fund projects receipts of $1,975,443 primarily from employee contributions, the City, and Light & Power. Through the thoughtful and determined work of the Insurance Advisory Committee and the City’s health insurance broker who worked together to make necessary plan design changes, the City was able to limit increases in the cost of healthcare, both self-insurance and stop-loss insurance, to 10% for 2013. The proposed budget shows that the fund will

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General Fund Budget Comparison

2011 2012 2013Budget Budget Budget

General Fund RevenuesAdvalorem Tax @ 13.239 Mills 445,064 455,096 454,727Specific Ownership & Registration 69,300 79,290 85,490Licenses 63,000 71,800 72,560Franchise & Occupation Fees 210,800 203,860 232,050Cigarette Tax 16,985 16,370 14,200Highway Users Tax 271,505 270,995 256,285Aviation Excise  & State Tax 2,600 6,670 6,440Road & Bridge 61,000 65,000 49,573Rents & Leases 163,363 164,732 157,845Service Charges 10,911 13,315 16,865Cemetery Receipts 64,000 55,000 56,000Recreation Receipts 112,250 111,550 112,150Sales & Contracts 750 250 250Law Enforcement Receipts 89,750 74,028 85,750Water/Sewer Appropriation 200,000 200,000 200,000Light & Power Appropriation 1,340,633 1,455,234 1,551,909Sanitation Appropriation 250,000 250,000 250,000Transfer from Fairmount Investment 5,100 3,150 828Transfer from Capital Improvement 0 0 0Other Government 513,823 498,456 508,456Federal Grants 0 0 0State Sources 111,559 118,397 76,913Miscellaneous 19,200 27,290 33,050Sales Tax 2,816,574 2,744,640 2,793,861Transfer from Fund Balance 888 0 0TOTAL 6,839,055 6,885,123 7,015,202


General Fund DisbursementsGeneral Government 1,228,593 1,204,559 1,188,133Police Department 1,822,964 1,734,089 1,706,066Fire Department 378,173 387,183 391,104Street Dept. & Equipment Maintenance 970,837 1,063,745 1,116,149Municipal Airport 88,763 74,643 51,240Cemeteries 205,485 217,384 226,385Public Building Maintenance 571,073 557,820 567,541Engineering 164,734 166,786 164,073Coummunity Resource Center 44,609 44,000 47,087Recreation & Swimming Pool 443,722 434,906 424,555Parks 469,898 540,335 505,919Public Library 282,049 287,297 306,047Community Building 168,155 171,855 170,030Contingency 0 0 150,873TOTAL 6,839,055 6,884,602 7,015,202

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐01‐310‐311‐3111 PROPERTY TAXES 444,783 455,095 450,544 454,72701‐310‐311‐3112 REGISTRATION FEES 27,009 23,700 23,360 23,70001‐310‐311‐3117 TAX A 12,511 12,590 12,500 12,59001‐310‐311‐3118 DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX 417 430 1,110 50001‐310‐311‐3119 TAX INTEREST 3,026 835 835 80001‐310‐311‐3121 SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAXES 47,986 43,000 49,200 49,20001‐310‐311‐3122 COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE TAX 65,256 65,000 49,973 49,57301‐310‐311‐3123 HIGHWAY USERS TAX 262,287 270,995 264,030 256,28501‐310‐311‐3131 CITY SALES TAX 1,458,688 1,372,320 1,471,770 1,396,93001‐310‐311‐3132 SALES TAX ‐ STREET 1,094,016 1,029,240 1,103,828 1,047,69801‐310‐311‐3133 SALES TAX ‐ COMMUNITY BUILDING 364,672 343,080 367,943 349,23301‐310‐316‐3159 CIGARETTE TAX 17,278 16,370 14,200 14,20001‐310‐316‐3161 FRANCHISE FEE ‐ ATMOS ENERGY 126,705 123,500 115,000 150,00001‐310‐316‐3162 OCCUPATION FEE ‐ CENTURY 6,406 6,360 6,050 6,05001‐310‐316‐3163 FRANCHISE FEE ‐ BRESNAN 75,152 74,000 76,000 76,00001‐310‐320‐3211 LIQUOR LICENSES 5,048 3,600 3,960 3,96001‐310‐320‐3221 BUILDING PERMITS 61,022 48,000 49,190 48,00001‐310‐320‐3222 BUILDING CODE LICENSES 16,348 15,600 15,300 15,60001‐310‐320‐3223 PLAN REVIEW FEE 104 0 0 001‐310‐320‐3224 GENERAL LICENSES 6,274 4,600 5,000 5,00001‐310‐320‐3227 DOG LICENSES 204 0 0 001‐310‐330‐3305 GRANT ‐ PET OVER‐POPULATION 8,000 0 0 001‐310‐330‐3331 UTILITY APPROPRIATION 1,340,633 1,455,234 1,455,234 1,551,90901‐310‐330‐3332 W/S APPROPRIATION 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,00001‐310‐330‐3333 SANITATION APPROPRIATION 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,00001‐310‐330‐3340 STATE FPPA ‐ FIRE 6,390 6,390 6,390 6,39001‐310‐330‐3341 STATE GRANTS 5,989 10,000 9,240 001‐310‐330‐3342 STATE HISTORICAL GRANT 758 36,861 36,861 001‐310‐330‐3344 BRAIN INJURY SURCHARGE 559 450 670 60001‐310‐330‐3345 VICTIM RIGHTS GRANT 7,612 0 9,881 9,88001‐310‐330‐3350 S.E. REGIONAL P.O.S.T. GRANT 250 0 1,423 001‐310‐341‐3404 COURT RESTITUTION 1,506 1,100 1,010 1,10001‐310‐341‐3405 PROWERS COUNTY COMBINED COURT 3,173 2,400 5,500 5,00001‐310‐341‐3406 SECURITY SERVICES ‐ POLICE 3,660 2,000 6,450 4,00001‐310‐341‐3407 D.E.A. FORFEITURES 0 0 8,092 001‐310‐341‐3408 SPAY ‐ NEUTER DEPOSIT FORFEITED 150 150 525 52501‐310‐341‐3409 COURT ASSESSMENTS 14,178 12,000 17,100 16,00001‐310‐341‐3410 DOG AND ANIMAL FINES 4,507 4,100 4,210 4,50001‐310‐341‐3411 COURT FINES 9,402 9,500 7,730 7,70001‐310‐341‐3412 TRAFFIC TICKETS 29,764 25,000 33,196 30,00001‐310‐341‐3413 ENGINEERING CHARGES 4,047 1,800 12,600 5,00001‐310‐341‐3414 ANIMAL CONTROL FEES 1,875 3,000 2,325 2,32501‐310‐341‐3415 ACCIDENT REPORTS FURNISHED 724 600 570 60001‐310‐341‐3416 SALES AND SERVICES FIRE DEPT 608 250 240 25001‐310‐341‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 26,888 18,525 30,000 29,00001‐310‐341‐3419 RETURN CHECK SERVICE CHARGE 875 750 970 1,00001‐310‐341‐3450 DONATIONS ‐ FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,325 0 0 001‐310‐346‐3461 RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 11,655 10,000 12,500 11,00001‐310‐346‐3462 FAIRMOUNT CEMETERY 40,062 45,000 48,000 45,000

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐01‐310‐346‐3463 TRANSFER FROM FAIRMOUNT INVESTMENT 3,074 3,150 1,407 82801‐310‐347‐3469 LCC MERCHANT PARK AGREEMENT 0 14,000 28,000 14,00001‐310‐347‐3470 WELCOME CENTER 47,382 52,696 48,721 52,69601‐310‐347‐3472 SWIMMING POOL 44,842 44,000 43,380 43,50001‐310‐347‐3474 SWIMMING POOL CONCESSION 15,627 15,300 16,263 15,60001‐310‐347‐3475 COMMUNITY BUILDING 84,022 78,400 84,000 84,00001‐310‐347‐3476 COMMUNITY BUILDING SIGNS 11,750 10,500 10,500 10,50001‐310‐347‐3477 MERCHANTS PARK FENCE ADVERTISING 2,614 2,700 2,700 2,70001‐310‐347‐3478 LEAGUES AND OTHER PROGRAM 45,636 50,000 50,600 50,80001‐310‐347‐3479 MISCELLANEOUS RECREATION 2,153 2,250 6,600 2,25001‐310‐348‐3480 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER ‐ 19,089 14,178 14,178 14,00001‐310‐348‐3481 DONATIONS ‐S.E.R.T. 153 0 0 001‐310‐348‐3482 DONATION‐ANIMAL SHELTER 52 0 50 001‐310‐348‐3483 MOWING AND ECT. 3,770 0 2,651 2,50001‐310‐348‐3484 DONATIONS‐POLICE CANINE UNIT 0 0 5,950 001‐310‐348‐3490 DONATIONS ‐ LPD  2,000 0 100 001‐310‐349‐3492 HANGAR RENTALS 31,200 31,200 30,192 30,20001‐310‐349‐3493 FBO CONTRACT RENT 0 12,000 0 001‐310‐349‐3494 FBO UTILITIES REIMBURSEMENT 0 2,400 0 001‐310‐349‐3495 AVIATION FUEL EXCISE TAX 2,904 2,970 3,400 3,40001‐310‐349‐3496 AVIATION STATE FUEL TAX 3,879 3,700 3,040 3,04001‐310‐349‐3498 AIP ‐ FUEL SURCHARGE 759 865 865 86501‐310‐360‐3611 INTEREST INCOME 8,304 7,500 4,250 2,75001‐310‐360‐3618 LEASE ‐ TOWER 450 450 450 45001‐310‐360‐3619 LEASE‐GRAZING LAND 1,200 0 0 001‐310‐360‐3620 ARPA‐LAND LEASE AGREEMENT 2,654 2,654 2,680 2,68001‐310‐360‐3621 OIL AND GAS LEASE 12,973 12,000 7,347 7,34701‐310‐360‐3622 STATE HISTORICAL GRANT WILLOW CRK 15,485 0 18,555 001‐310‐360‐3623 COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER 13,570 12,154 12,397 12,64001‐310‐360‐3624 PROWERS COUNTY‐RESOURCE CENTER 15,000 15,000 25,000 25,00001‐310‐360‐3625 LIBRARY COLLECTIONS 7,474 7,500 7,500 7,50001‐310‐360‐3626 LIBRARY PROGRAM GRANT 23,323 0 0 001‐310‐360‐3627 LIBRARY ‐ DONATIONS 1,350 0 20,295 001‐310‐360‐3629 LIBRARY ‐ RENTAL 687 675 675 67501‐310‐360‐3630 PROWERS COUNTY ‐ LIBRARY 30,366 15,000 15,000 15,00001‐310‐360‐3641 REIMBURSE FROM SALES TAX 62,360 62,360 62,360 62,36001‐310‐360‐3642 REIMBURSE FROM UTILITY FUND 142,500 142,500 142,500 142,50001‐310‐360‐3643 REIMBURSE FROM WATER AND WASTEWATER 177,951 177,950 177,950 177,95001‐310‐360‐3644 REIMB. FROM SANITATION FUND 85,646 85,646 85,646 85,64601‐310‐361‐3700 EMPLOYEE W/C REIMBURSEMENT 8,175 0 4,000 001‐310‐391‐1309 SALE OF ASSET 12,310 0 0 0

TOTAL REVENUE 7,014,466 6,885,123 7,179,712 7,015,202

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GENERAL GOVERNMENT General Government describes the structure of the City that is responsible for leadership and support of all departments within the City of Lamar. The City Council, which is the elected representatives of the citizens, hires the City Administrator who is responsible for establishing the City’s goals, implementing their values, and accomplishing the necessary results for a successful City government. The City Administrator, along with his assistant, set the Council agendas and co-ordinate the bi-monthly meetings ensuring that required public notices are given and the citizens have the opportunity to participate in their government. The City Attorney is hired by Council to ensure that the ordinances and agreements that are presented to Council are in compliance with the necessary statutes. At the direction of Council, the City Clerk maintains the City’s Charter and Ordinances. The Clerk also is responsible for cash management for the City and collection of accounts receivable. The sales tax collection division of the City is supervised by the Clerk. The Finance Department is directed by the City Treasurer who is appointed by City Council. The Treasurer is responsible for the development of the budget for all departments, payment of bills and payroll, and reconciliation of the general ledger accounts. The department is responsible for ensuring compliance with the required financial reporting. The Human Resources Director is responsible for hiring new employees within all departments of the City. The Director announces vacant positions and ensures that applicants meet the necessary requirements for hire. The department is also responsible for maintaining required employment files and an attractive benefit package for employees. The Informational Services Department is responsible for ensuring that the City has up to date computer equipment and communication access across all the departments. Maintaining the equipment and supporting the users in the development of the necessary skills to effectively perform their duties is a major responsibility. The Building Department is responsible for the inspections of new buildings, as well as, the upgrades to existing structures to ensure that the work is preformed in compliance with State and Federal guidelines. This department is required to keep property owners in compliance with City codes designed to ensure safety. The Municipal Court functions within the General Government component of the City’s budget also. The Court is responsible for the administration of justice for violation of any City laws. A new position of Main Street Director was created in 2009 to assist the business community with retention and enhancement of existing businesses, as well as, recruitment and development of new business.

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FINANCE DEPARTMENT Linda Rohlman, City Treasurer Statement of Purpose

• The Finance Department is responsible for maintaining financial records based on standards prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and preparing financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The City Treasurer also supervises the services of the Accounting and Purchasing Division of the City. The services of the purchasing department are conducted in an open, competitive manner to provide maximum return for the dollar to benefit the City and the community.



• Fiscal responsibility • Employee honesty and integrity • Employee empowerment within areas of responsibility • Knowledge and information access for management and citizens • Staff participation in decisions • Timely responses to requests • Excellence in all we do • Open and accessible government


• Budget • Cash Receipts • Fixed Assets • Payroll • Accounts Payable • Financial Reporting

Customer Service

• Billing Generation • Customer Inquiries • New Account Creations • Automated Utility Payments • Utility Accounts Termination


• Delinquencies • Collection Reports


• Bids • Requisitions • Purchase orders • Annual contracts

Fixed Asset Management

• Inventory Assets Valued <$5,000

• Capital Assets > $5,000 • Deprecation Calculations • Surplus Disposal

Audit Coordination

• Audit Scheduling • Information Retrieval • Financial Statement

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Long Term Goals

The Finance Department’s long term goal is successful completion of all tasks within the areas of responsibility while operating within the values that are held to ensure quality services for the City and its citizens.


• The essential resource of the Finance Department is the employees that are performing the daily task with honesty and integrity. The present staff of 3 members has 57 combined year of service to the City and takes great pride in the work that they perform.

• Computerized technology that is current and user friendly is essential to perform the volume of work that is required. Today’s world is rapidly changing because of technology and if Lamar is to remain attractive to future generations it must keep pace with the changes. Examples of such changes that impact City customers are online utility bill payments and credit card payments.

Performance Measures

2010 2011 2012

Checks Issued 9295 8916 6920 Visa Cards / P-Cards 116 118 119 Average Number of Employees in Payroll Processed Biweekly

225 220 205

Sealed Bid 7 9 10 Purchase Orders 3201 3335 3247

City Council

Administrative Clerk

City Treasurer

Deputy City Treasurer

Organizational Chart

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2012 Accounting Divisions Goals

• Prepare realistic budget with reserves available for matching funds for any grants received following the budget preparation to ensure the maximum access to funding. The goal has been accomplished, but must be a continual goal.

• Improve communication of the City’s finances with City Council and citizens to enhance their understanding. The goal has been assumed by the City Administrator.

• Train employees in proper use of Time Star system. The goal has been accomplished, but remains a challenge when Personnel Manuel is revised to include on call pay and shift differentials.

• Promote and support staff with professional associations and relevant training. This has been difficult because of the distance that one must travel for outside training and the lack of time to be absent from the worksite.

• Begin implementation of document imaging system to archive information digitally and reduce document storage space. Lack of time has impeded the completion of this goal.

• Strive for excellence by developing goal oriented staff and discouraging mediocrity. This goal is continually being met by a staff that knows what is necessary to complete a task and has a deep desire to deliver excellent service.

• Provide incentives and educate employees to achieve their potential and to promote advancement within the division. The staff is content with their present duties.

• Expand cross-training of department functions to ensure continuity of operations. This goal is partially implemented. A major illness has slowed some of the progress.

• Develop automated Financial Statement preparation utilizing the RISC system in an effort to reduce the dependence on the Auditor for financial statements. This goal has been partially implemented. All general ledger accounts have been analyzed and coded for financial statement placement.

• Complete a successful implementation of the web based RISC system to realize the full capabilities of the system. The web based RISC system has not proven to be user friendly and the staff has hoped that the software developer would have some of the program weakness resolved before Lamar completes the conversion.

• Properly incorporate GASB 54 fund balance reporting into the financial statements prepared for all years following 2010. The goal has been accomplished.

• Streamline the banking process by eliminating accounts and consolidating others. The checking accounts for the Sanitation Fund and the Water Fund were consolidated into the City General Fund. Also, two accounts that were not recorded on the City general ledger were closed and an additional checking account is now reported on the books of Lamar Light and Power.

2013 Goals

• Migrate data from the current RISC system to the web version and successfully operate the web component for utility billing, accounts payable, fixed assets and the general ledger.

• Prepare the balance sheet and statement of revenues and expense for the 2012 audit. • Train for the preparation of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. • Begin compiling necessary financial data for the preparation of a CAFR .

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2012 Purchasing Divisions Goals

The goals listed below are ongoing goals that were met in 2012 and will continue to be stressed in 2013.

• Prepare professional and complete documents • Maintain proper files and easy accessibility • Continue in-house training for purchasing staff and other City employees • Assist City departments with meeting their project goals that involve procurement • Maintain and provide copies of documents requested by customers • Provide necessary information as requested • Monitor purchase requisitions to ensure compliance with purchasing policies and procedures • Assist City departments in obtaining pricing • Maintain a potential vendor database for purchasing opportunity notifications

The 2012 goals outlined below were not implemented due to time constraints or lacking a high priority.

• Develop plan to implement and monitor the use of purchasing cards • Develop an efficient vendor outreach program to promote the City and ultimately increase competition to obtain the best price available • Establish parameters of authority and designate authority to make decisions when appropriate • Provide necessary training and education to allow employees to excel in their positions

The 2012 goal outlined below was implemented successfully.

• Assist Light and Power in generating purchase orders in the Risk System

2013 Purchasing Divisions Goals

• Migrate data from the current RISC system to the web version and successfully operate the web component of purchase orders

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EXECUTIVE AND FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT Linda Williams, City Clerk Values and Goals Values A caring organization, excellence in all we do, employee empowerment, professionalism, fiscal responsibility Goals

♦ Provide our customers with well trained, knowledgeable, and professional employees

♦ Continue to improve communications with citizens and strive for a high level of customer satisfaction

♦ Update and train employees on policies and procedures and empower them to make decisions

♦ Encourage employees to get involved in planning, projects, and participation in developing procedures and making changes

♦ Improve our collection strategy to reduce bad debts ♦ Continue to strive to find ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency

Value Open accessible government Goals

♦ Provide walk-in service for our customers with minimal waiting time ♦ Upgrade our current utility Billing System to enable our customers with alternative

payment options ♦ Continue development of Records Management System through document imaging

and maintenance of records as prescribed by the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule

♦ Continue to strive toward cross-training in each position to increase customer service

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The City Clerk’s Division is responsible for collecting payments for Utility Billing, Sales/Use Tax, Licensing, Accounts Receivable, and Cemeteries. The City Clerk supervises two full-time Account Clerks and one part-time Account Clerk. The City Clerk is responsible for minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and contracts. This Department is responsible for records management, collection of bad debts, elections, and providing an open environment for all customers.


• Customer Service • Sales / Use Tax • Licensing • Accounts Receivable • Utility Billing • Collections] • Records Management • Elections

City Council

Account Clerk I

♦ Office Assistant ♦ Utility Billing

City Clerk

Account Clerk II ♦ Sales Tax ♦ Licensing ♦ Accounts Receivable

Organizational Chart

Account Clerk I

♦ Utility Billing ♦ Cemeteries

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HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Bert Davis, Human Resources Director

Mission Statement To be responsible for ensuring an employee workforce that meets the needs of the City of Lamar organization and the citizens we serve. To provide solutions to workplace issues that supports the operating solutions of the City of Lamar and balancing the needs of the employees with the needs of the City of Lamar. Value Statement To be committed to INTEGRITY, DEDICATION, IMPARTIALITY, HONESTY and EXCELLENCE in guiding the departments daily thoughts and actions. Vision Statement To be committed to provide our employees a stable work environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. To support, guide and maintain requirements to create a healthy and positive work environment in order to assist staff in accomplishing individual program goals as well as overall organization goals. Responsibilities Management Risk Management/Safety • Recruitment ● Compliance • Insurance administration ● Record Keeping • Employment ● Inspections • Performance appraisal system ● Workers’ Compensation • Wage & salary administration ● Loss Prevention/Control • Employee benefits ● Policy reviews/management • Federal employment law compliance ● Reporting • Management Training Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Human Resources Director

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A. Administration of the Human Resources Department

1. Directs, manages and oversees all activities and services in the Human Resources Department, including recruitment, classification, compensation, benefits administration, employee training and development, employee orientation programs, and maintenance of personnel records; recommends and administers policies and procedures

2. Manages the development and implementation of the Human Resource Department’s

goals, objectives, policies and priorities

3. Assists Department Directors by conducting the necessary research to determine appropriate staffing levels, monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of existing service delivery systems

4. Plans, directs and coordinates the work plan for the Human Resources Department;

assigns projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; reviews and evaluates work methods and procedures; meets with staff to identify and resolve problems

5. Assesses and monitors work load, administrative support systems, and internal

reporting relationships; identifies opportunities for improvement

6. Assists Department Directors and staff to resolve personnel concerns and other personnel issues as needed

7. Participates in the development and administration of the Human Resources

Department budget; forecasts funds needed, equipment, materials and supplies; and implements budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary

8. Explains, justifies and defends Human Resources Department programs, policies and

activities; negotiates and resolves sensitive and controversial issues

9. Monitors and coordinates employee disciplinary actions, grievance periods and Equal Employment Opportunities/Affirmative Action matters; interprets and explains existing personnel policies; advises supervisors and managers of personnel laws and procedures

10. Manages the City’s classification plan; conducts job analyses and evaluates existing

and proposed positions; reviews and prepares new class specifications; allocates new positions to classes as approved; implements approved salary increases

11. Administers and oversees the employee benefit program; provides information to

employees regarding benefits, including coordinating open enrollment; monitors insurance claims; collaborates with insurance carriers; resolves employee concerns

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1. Represents the Human Resources Department to all departments and outside agencies; coordinates Department activities with those of other Departments, division, and outside agencies and organizations.

2. Provides staff assistance to the City Administrator; prepares and presents staff

reports and other necessary correspondence.

3. Attends and participates in professional group meetings; stays abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of human resources management and administration.

Other Duties

1. Responds to and resolves difficult and sensitive citizen inquiries and complaints 2. Works with and cooperates with the Administrative Assistant to the City

Administrator in all areas

3. May be required to serve as Administrative Assistant to the City Administrator from time to time

4. Keeps City Administrator informed of all citizen inquiries and complaints

5. Performs related duties and responsibilities as required

Goals • Continue to provide safety training • Provide training to department employees and supervisors on diversity • Work with CIRSA’s general counsel to update and inform City Council on public

liability issues. • Work with CIRSA to provide a Precision Driving course • Continue to strive to bring affordable employee health insurance to both the City and

the employees of the City of Lamar • Continue to work with Benefit Consultant to strengthen the employee wellness

program • Continue to cross train with the Payroll Department • Complete compensation survey to bring comparable wages to City employees • Continue to assure the City departments’ are conforming to CIRSA’s new Loss

Control Standards • Continue to work with the Administrative Assistant to the City Administrator to

provide quality administrative services

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Major Accomplishments

• Assisted Department Directors with their hiring activities • Hosted a regional Hazardous Operations Seminar for CIRSA • Assisted with the update of the Personnel Management Manual • Continuing to assist and cross-train with the Payroll Department

TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME AND PART TIME Full Part Time Time General Fund – Full Time 92 General Fund – Part-time/Seasonal/Temporary 70 Water/Waste Water fund – Full Time 11 Water/Wastewater Fund – Part-time/Seasonal/Temporary 0 Sanitation – Full Time 7 Sanitation – Part-time/Seasonal/Temporary 2 Total 110 72 Performance Measures 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 P&L Insurance Claims Submitted 8 14 10 7 11 15 13 (not to include Light & Power) Workers’ Compensation Claims 14 11 7 19 13 13 21 Submitted (not to include Light & Power) Number of Advertised Positions 48 40 31 28 27 23 27 (both internal & external)

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INFORMATIONAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Thomas Sanchez, Informational Services Director Mission Statement Our mission is to deliver the best possible, reliable hardware and software solutions to help our customers improve efficiency and business. We are committed to these values:

• Reliability • Professionalism and integrity • Efficiency and effectiveness • Innovation • Excellence • Accountability • Continuous improvement • Collaboration and teamwork

City Administrator

Organizational Chart

Informational Services Director

Network System Tech

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Value Customer Service Goals

• Provide the best possible customer service to our customers • Ensure mission critical hardware and software to maintain the highest possible uptime • Ensure the integrity and security of the City’s data

Value Fiscal Responsibility Goals

• Enterprise email deployment – 1st Quarter • Wireless project – 1st Quarter • Web based utility billing/sales tax – 2nd Quarter • SAN HA installation – 2nd Quarter • ADG web conversion – 3rd & 4th Quarter

Value Data accessibility Goals

• Upgrade financial modules (online) • Improve data access and retention • Implement new email archive solution

Major Accomplishments

• Implemented new data archive solution • Implemented new email filtering solution • Implemented new content filtering solution

Performance Measures 2010 2011 2012

Network availability 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% Server system availability 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% Computer applications 14 14 16 Users supported 110 110 110 Workstations supported 102 104 106

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BUILDING DEPARTMENT Bobby J. Ward, Building Official

Mission Statement

The City of Lamar Building Department strives to achieve excellence in all facets of building inspection by providing timely, efficient and thorough building inspections. We are committed to providing quality services to all citizens through innovation, continuous improvement, determination and excellence in customer service. We believe that, through education and cooperation, we can and will build positive working relationships within the building community, consumers and citizens alike.

Our primary mission is to safeguard the public and promote the health, safety and welfare of Lamar through enforcement of the Building Codes and Planning and Zoning Codes. We believe in equitable treatment for all individuals regardless of circumstances and strive to enforce all Building Codes and Zoning Codes in a fair and considerate manner.

Vision Statement

Lamar today: with its natural beauty, resourceful citizens, and exemplary quality of life, Lamar is more than just a great place to live. Lamar is home; a sanctuary and a work in progress. It is the jewel of the plains.

Picture Lamar in the year 2020: growing more in stature than size, extending in opportunities, advancing thoughtfully. A safe and inspiring environment for people of all ages and stages. A city that works -- and a community that works even harder. Not an island separate from the world, but an oasis, offering a world of difference. Our choices make Lamar what it is and what it will be. Our decisions reach far beyond our own times, guiding Lamar towards a promising future.

We'll grow, but on our own terms. Although we have lost some populace, a population of around 8,000, we will support and encourage economic viability, while maintaining our primary focus on community and manageability.

We build carefully. Lamar’s environmentally conscious development guidelines and adjacent permanent greenbelt promote compact growth, but allows for some large growth in certain areas.

We live as neighbors. Safe, quiet, affordable housing is available for seniors and students, families and singles, people from every economic strata. All share a sense of community.

Our priorities are natural. From our agricultural lands to the community parks and surrounding sand and sage, we pride ourselves on our continuing efforts to preserve the unique, natural beauty within and around the City.

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We live resourcefully. Sustainability is a way of life. We reduce, reuse, and recycle, continually relearning and redefining as we better understand our local resource base. We are committed to living well and within Lamar's resource base. Our water, wastewater, energy, and land use needs are monitored and adjusted as we find new ways to minimize consumption. We conserve these resources so they may be enjoyed by many future generations.

We move forward. In Lamar, public and private transportation comes in a variety of forms and we seek out and use the least polluting, most efficient methods. People come first; bicycles, cars, trucks and transit vehicles share the road with us. Bikeways and pedestrian paths are being used and connect to the beautiful parks.

Our town is architecturally diverse. Lamar's urban and neighborhood character is enhanced by a diverse, architectural heritage. Our historic homes, classic commercial structures, and contemporary buildings create a distinctive yet diverse character.

We're drawn to the county seat. Our historic and distinctive downtown square at the Prowers County Courthouse remains the heart of Lamar. It is our common ground for some community events, and compliments the daily commerce, retail, restaurants and entertainment.

Our future is secure. Lamar's economy reflects the efforts of our many entrepreneurs, artisans and small businesses, the support of citizens who value local investment, and those who work in the various agricultural fields.

We share the benefits of Lamar Community College. Lamar Community College, which offers continuing educational opportunities, cultural events and social activities for the entire region, is a stimulating presence and one of our community's important assets.

We keep it healthful. Pollution prevention is ingrained in all City functions. Controls are well in place, along with continuing education and advancement, regarding all aspects of public health, from clean air, water and soil, to flood safety and quiet neighborhoods. Prowers Medical Group, High Plains Medical and Southeast Mental Health Services are always adding their expertise to maintain Lamar’s mental and physical health and the plethora of churches nurture the spirits.

We are a community. Lamarites actively participate and involve themselves in community events. Civic and government activities, as well as, neighborhood and interest groups all are open to, and perpetuated by, citizens who care enough to take responsibility and work together.

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Responsibilities • ISSUE CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE Investigate for license requirements Track liability insurance and compensation insurance due dates Keep updates on new methods and materials allowed in construction, and code changes Collect all appropriate fees Investigate any complaints on licensed contractors • ISSUE PERMITS Insure compliance with all Zoning requirements Complete plan reviews Collect all appropriate fees • INSPECTIONS Thoroughly inspect all phases of jobs for compliance to the different code disciplines Issue stop work orders on jobs which do not comply with the applicable codes or have no permit Educate the general public and contractors about the different codes Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Building Official

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Goals The Building Department will continue to assist constituents in planning growth, building safer structures, and in learning to build green.

• With the Council’s support, we will continue to remove some urban blight, by demolishing some of the derelict structures.

• We will continue to educate the public as to new materials and methods of


• We will continue to train in different disciplines to stay in pace with new codes.

• We will provide the Town of Holly with inspections as requested and agreed to in the Intergovernmental Agreement.

• We are ready to help any other governmental entity to help their community to

adopt and enforce Building Codes.

Major Accomplishments • Educated and trained staff to keep them abreast of the ever changing codes • Removed six substandard structures, brought two structures into code, and five

more structures are pending removal

Performance Measures 2009 2010 2011

Building Permits 168 178 156 Building Valuation $4,369,973 $3,269,062 $4,572,431 Inspections 670 473 454

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MAIN STREET LAMAR Shawna Hodge, Main Street Coordinator Program Statement of Purpose and Values Lamar Partnership Inc. is a Colorado Main Street Community managed and funded by the City. It is responsible for preserving, promoting and enhancing Lamar and the core business district. Lamar Partnership Inc. uses the National Main Street approach that advocates a return to community self-reliance, local empowerment, and the rebuilding of central business districts based on their traditional assets of unique architecture, personal service, local ownership, and a sense of community. Lamar Partnership Inc. follows a comprehensive model to downtown revitalization following the four-point approach: Organization, Promotion, Design and Economic Restructuring. Mission Statement The mission of Lamar Partnership, Inc. is to revitalize, educate and broaden the business district by promoting Lamar’s cultural, historical and social significance. Vision Statement Lamar Partnership, Inc., a Colorado Main Street Community, is the Crossroads where Culture, Commerce and Community come together. Responsibilities Day to day administration of Lamar Partnership, Inc Coordinate community and special events Create marketing, communications and promotional plan and materials Implement strategies, incentive plans and other resources to rebuild downtown Goals • Lead and recruit Main Street Board of Directors, Lamar Partnership, Inc. • Create a healthy non-profit organization by attracting effective volunteers and sustainable

funding • Encourage redevelopment through the Lamar Redevelopment Authority (URA) • Assure a diverse mix of Main Street occupancies to encourage local and visitor foot traffic

and to facilitate community events • Enhance current community events • Improve the business climate and encourage reinvestment • Raise awareness of the benefits of historic preservation and improve the aesthetics of Lamar

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Long-term Goal To create a vibrant downtown commercial area by retaining current businesses, recruiting new businesses and offering an attractive and fun shopping district that incorporates historic elements. Major Accomplishments • Completion of grant from the State Historical Fund for the Historical and Architectural

Survey for 70 downtown buildings • Formed the Lamar Partnership Board of Directors • Received non-profit 501c4 status • Completed a branding, positioning statement initiative • Created logo and marketing collateral • Enhanced website • Created face book page • Hosted a Marketing Seminar/Training • Completed enhancements to current downtown streetscape (painted lamp posts, benches,

trash receptacles, new banners) • Completed professional architect façade schematics for two downtown properties • Produced market profile through ESRI database Organizational Chart

LPI Board of Directors

Main Street Coordinator

City Administrator

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT01‐400‐429‐4101 COUNCIL SALARIES 16,300 19,200 19,200 19,20001‐400‐429‐4111 OPERATING LABOR ADMINISTRATION 181,514 175,089 169,565 179,67601‐400‐429‐4213 VITAL STATISTICS 247 195 195 25001‐400‐429‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 13,313 17,500 6,000 13,00001‐400‐429‐4215 PROWERS COUNTY FAIR 3,441 2,000 3,500 3,50001‐400‐429‐4216 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,00001‐400‐429‐4218 PUBLICATIONS 4,970 10,000 5,000 8,50001‐400‐429‐4219 ELECTION EXPENSE 4,537 0 0 12,00001‐400‐429‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 1,222 1,500 800 1,75001‐400‐429‐4250 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 537 500 500 75001‐400‐429‐4251 SAFETY TRAINING & AWARDS 13,574 12,200 6,500 12,00001‐400‐429‐4278 CEMETERY UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 0 1,000 1,000 1,00001‐400‐429‐4280 BAD DEBTS‐OTHER ACCTS RECEIVABLE 6,158 10,000 10,000 7,50001‐400‐429‐4329 CIVIL DEFENSE EXPENSE 14,486 4,200 4,550 4,55001‐400‐429‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 14,845 18,000 18,000 18,00001‐400‐429‐4350 COUNTY TREASURERS FEES 10,927 11,055 10,510 10,58201‐400‐429‐4352 CITY ATTORNEY 45,824 43,400 43,400 43,40001‐400‐429‐4354 ANNUAL AUDIT FEES 8,487 8,800 7,556 8,80001‐400‐429‐4357 CONSULTING FEES 11,079 11,000 62,311 15,00001‐400‐429‐4513 INSURANCE 17,855 17,194 18,425 17,94801‐400‐429‐4514 INSURANCE CLAIMS 17,276 10,000 15,000 15,00001‐400‐429‐4520 W/C INSURANCE CLAIMS 2,466 6,000 15,671 8,50001‐400‐429‐4530 HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE 4,480 8,900 6,600 7,50001‐400‐430‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐OFFICE 101,612 101,656 101,903 103,66901‐400‐430‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 9,844 11,492 8,806 11,72201‐400‐430‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 8,303 11,250 10,570 10,25001‐400‐430‐4212 OFFICE POSTAGE EXPENSE 6,821 8,500 7,200 8,00001‐400‐430‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 10,633 9,500 9,400 8,75001‐400‐430‐4217 CITY COUNCIL OPERATING EXPENSE 15,683 22,800 22,800 22,80001‐400‐430‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXP ‐ POOL CAR 199 500 250 50001‐400‐430‐4246 S.E. COLO. ENTERPRISE ZONE 7,271 7,271 6,942 6,94201‐400‐430‐4247 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGAM 57,725 60,000 60,000 60,00001‐400‐430‐4248 CONTRIBUTIONS 30,500 31,000 32,000 16,00001‐400‐430‐4318 TRAINING EXPENSE 61 2,000 1,000 2,00001‐400‐431‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐COMPUTER 110,162 119,313 117,800 121,69701‐400‐431‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 49,166 60,000 60,000 60,00001‐400‐431‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 554 600 200 60001‐400‐431‐4243 COMPUTER/PC EXPENSE 7,773 8,500 8,500 8,00001‐400‐431‐4318 TRAINING EXPENSE 0 1,500 1,500 2,00001‐400‐431‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 8,273 9,300 9,300 9,00001‐400‐432‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐BUILDING 54,184 54,184 54,392 55,26601‐400‐432‐4119 PLAN REVIEW EXPENSE 5,238 5,237 5,237 001‐400‐432‐4180 CONDEMNED BUILDING EXPENSE 0 15,000 15,000 15,00001‐400‐432‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 1,178 1,500 1,200 1,25001‐400‐432‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 1,643 1,950 1,930 1,70001‐400‐432‐4318 TRAINING 61 1,400 700 1,40001‐400‐432‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 454 465 465 46501‐400‐432‐4513 INSURANCE 2,005 17,194 941 962

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐01‐400‐434‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐MAGISTRATE 18,643 18,642 18,720 19,00601‐400‐434‐4112 CLERK OF THE COURT 4,090 13,946 14,110 14,36201‐400‐434‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 289 600 300 60001‐400‐434‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 590 1,300 500 1,30001‐400‐434‐4265 PRISONER CARE ‐ COUNTY 2,753 4,500 3,000 4,50001‐400‐434‐4318 TRAINING 0 500 500 1,00001‐400‐434‐4352 ATTORNEY 0 500 0 50001‐400‐435‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐MAINSTREET 34,938 39,936 40,089 40,72601‐400‐435‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 11,592 16,280 16,280 15,50001‐400‐435‐4304 COLO HISTORICAL CULTURAL GRANT 758 0 4,009 001‐400‐435‐4305 COLO HISTORICAL GRANT MATCH 4,909 0 1,336 001‐400‐435‐4306 D.O.L.A. GRANT ‐ MAIN STREET 0 0 9,240 001‐400‐435‐4307 GEO COMMERCIAL BUILDING GRANT  6,000 0 0 001‐400‐435‐4308 GEO COMMERCIAL BLDG GRANT MATCH 2,993 0 0 001‐400‐435‐4318 TRAINING 2,491 4,000 4,000 001‐400‐435‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 0 720 720 72001‐400‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 2,670 2,048 2,72301‐400‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 6,223 8,024 5,936 7,89401‐400‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 100,512 86,102 72,193 86,10101‐400‐999‐4144 DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,452 2,520 2,525 2,567

01‐400‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 46,242 50,415 47,612 51,32201‐400‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 2,780 3,059 2,430 1,933

TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,132,133 1,204,559 1,208,867 1,188,133

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POLICE DEPARTMENT Gary McCrea, Chief of Police Purpose and Values Mission Statement To be responsive to all people, while preventing crime, maintaining a safe environment, and enforcing the laws through leadership, cooperation and education Values As members of the Lamar Police department, we commit that the following basic values will be used to guide our daily thoughts and actions: INTEGRITY, DEDICATION, IMPARTIALITY, HONESTY, & EXCELLENCE. Vision Statement To be a well educated, respected, and united organization dedicated and committed to working with the community in order to provide excellent, quality police services, while recognizing personnel as our most valuable resource. Analysis of Current Situation

The police department is allocated twenty (20) commissioned police officers including the Chief in the 2013 budget. There are three (3) Command Officers; Chief, Commander, and Lieutenant, one (1) Administrative Sergeant, one (1) Detective Sergeant and one (1) Detective, three (3) Patrol Sergeants, ten (10) Patrol Officers, and one (1) Officer assigned as a School Resource Officer. There are two (2) Civilian Clerks, one (1) Administrative Assistant/Municipal Court Clerk, and two (2) Code Enforcement Officers. We have two (2) canines in patrol and a part time SWAT team. The department also provides supervision and administration to the county wide E911 office which consists of eight (8) civilian employees. Over the past four (4) years, the department has reduced staffing while maintaining a full range of law enforcement services to our citizens.


PATROL INVESTIGATIONS SUPPORT SERVICES Proactive Patrol Criminal Investigation Animal Control/ Calls for Service Collection of Evidence Code Enforcement Effect Arrests Crime Scene Processing Communications/E911 Accident Investigation Drug Enforcement Evidence Management Traffic Enforcement Records Management Community Services Municipal Court Clerk Canine Units SWAT (Part time)

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Organizational Chart

Performance Measures

2010 2011 2012

(Year) (Year) (6 months) Police Response to calls for service 12,238 14,493 6376

Part 1 Crimes 417 250 199 Arrests 814 839 404 Traffic Citations 1,351 1,536 812 Drug Enforcement 72 64 29 Person/Business Contacts 2,604 3,667 1,095 Traffic Accidents 219 294 101

Code Enforcement Actions 522 288 1049

Animals Euthanized 6 5 0 Citations Issued 110 116 103 Warnings 175 114 9 Calls for Service 2,623 1,678 1,049

Chief of Police


Dispatch Supervisor

Admin. Ass’t./ Court Clerk



Code Supervisor

Code Officer

Admin. Sergeant

Det. Sgt.

















City Administrator

Lead Dispatcher

Comm. Officer

Comm. Officer

Comm. Officer

Comm. Officer

Comm. Officer

Comm. Officer

Reserve Lieutenant

Reserve Sergeant Reserve Officers

Comm. Res. Off.

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Major Accomplishments

o Departmental Accreditation by the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police in August 2011 o Upgraded Patrol fleet, six (6) 2011 Ford Crown Victoria patrol units o Established a police firing range on city property o Hosted regional law enforcement trainings o Established an in-house Spillman coordinator o Recertification of canines and handlers o Initiated a Citizens Police Academy o Utilization of volunteers o In-car printed citations o Replacement of aging K9 with a new multi-purpose K9 o In car video in all patrol units o Acquisition of in car computers for all patrol units


o Pay Raises: Police employees haven’t had a pay raise in over three (3) years. The

opportunity for a merit raise in 2013 should help in that area.

o Recruitment and retention: It is difficult to attract qualified applicants based on our starting salary and the isolation of the community. Retention of existing personnel is becoming a concern.

o Staffing Level: We lost 9% of the total officer staffing and 12.5% of the patrol force from 2011 to 2012. Our calls for service (not just phone calls or self initiated activity) have remained constant even with fewer officers. Fewer officers results in less self initiated activity.

o Equipment: Six (6) of the vehicles in the police fleet are dated, have high mileage, or are in poor condition. The 2013 budget allows for a lease of five (5) new vehicles.

o Facility: The police facility in the City Complex is small and cramped. Police

Department operations are spread out in four (4) different locations. Emergency electrical power will not supply electricity to police computers or wall outlets. When the power goes out, so do the computers.

o Experience Level: This is a very young department. Ten (10) of our officers have less than five (5) years experience. Seven (7) have less than two (2) years with the Lamar PD. Three (3) of the officers have one (1) year or less as police officers. The lack of police and life experience requires more hands on supervision than a group of more experienced officers would need.

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GOALS The Lamar Police Department’s goals for 2013 are stated in our Mission Statement: “We continue to be responsive to all people, while preventing crime, maintaining a safe environment, and enforcing the laws through leadership, cooperation, and education.” Our Values Statement: ”As members of the Lamar Police Department, we commit that the following basic values will be used to guide our daily thoughts and actions; Integrity, Dedication, Impartiality, Honesty, and Excellence.” and our Vision Statement: “To be a well educated, respected, and united organization dedicated and committed to working with the community in order to provide excellent, quality police services, while recognizing personnel as our most valuable resource.” Development of long term goals A strategy adopted by the Lamar Police Department involves community policing. We strive to get the community involved in addressing not only crime, but public safety. Programs initiated towards that goal include the School Resource Officer Program, involvement in the National Night-Out campaign, Neighborhood Watch programs, and the Citizen’s Police Academy. Those projects are currently in place and we hope to continue them in the future. We have elected to become a law enforcement training center in SE Colorado. Over the past several years we have hosted numerous cutting edge nationally recognized training sessions which have been open to the region. We recognize that training is important to our young officers. By bringing the training to Lamar, we are able to allow more of our officers to attend at a lower cost and allow them to network with other law enforcement professionals. The department has emphasized education and currently seven (7) employees are working towards their Bachelor’s degrees. A strategy still in the planning stage is the development of a POST approved police academy within the Lamar Police Department. The establishment of a police academy has several benefits. It would assist us in recruiting locally, give us a larger base of qualified volunteers, and keep our people on the cutting edge of the police profession. The best way to know a subject is to teach it to someone else. Another advantage is the interaction we would have with surrounding police agencies.

Articulation of the Department’s Goals The Lamar Police Department provides professional law enforcement services to the citizens of Lamar by preserving the peace, enforcing the laws and ordinances, and protecting the lives and property of our visitors and our citizens.

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Development of Timetable The pursuit of excellence in the services we provide to the community is our everyday goal and something we currently strive to accomplish. Personnel development is on going with a strategic plan to have all first line supervisors attend the two (2) week supervisory institute within the next year. Two of the Sergeants have already attended the training and two more are slotted to go when the class becomes available again. Vehicle replacement has been more difficult to schedule as we have found we are at the mercy of the economy. There has been some talk of moving to the Indianapolis Plan of providing take home cars for the officer which has yet to be funded. The current status of the patrol fleet is pretty good with six (6) 2011 Ford Crown Victoria patrol cars which were purchased on a municipal lease. The lease on the cars will be paid off in 2014 and current projections show the fleet units should have approximately 70,000 miles at that time. The projected police academy project is on a two year schedule. We need to establish a firing range and a facility suitable for arrest control training prior to being approved by the POST commission. I believe, with the cooperation of the parks department, we can utilize the community building for the arrest control classes. We will need to obtain some mats and other items necessary for the training before we can proceed. We have established a police firing range on city owned property in the well fields. Current firearms training for the PD is being conducted at that facility at this time. Prior to POST approval, some improvements will have to be completed and the range will have to be upgraded. I have requested money for concrete in the budget for the next two years for firing lanes. We have recently obtained some donated material which will be used as mounts for the targets. We have obtained a shipping container from the military for on-site storage. We also have to send some of our people to an established POST academy for experience as instructors prior to being approved by POST. We have made arrangements with the police academy at Otero Junior College to work our people in as instructors to fulfill that obligation. Measurement and Evaluation The supervisors and commanders of the Lamar Police Department evaluate the performance and effectiveness of our performance on a regular basis. We hold debriefings after SWAT call-outs or major incidents to determine what we did right and what needs improvement. We hold monthly supervisor meetings and quarterly all hands meetings to impart information and to obtain feedback from our staff and employees about areas of concern. We also track monthly crime and activity statistics in our local data base in attempt to locate trends in crime or problem areas. We participate in and review annual Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports to track the crimes levels in our community in comparison to regional and national averages.

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐POLICE DEPARTMENT01‐421‐406‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐POLICEMEN 895,562 872,476 840,000 848,76501‐421‐406‐4112 EXTRA DUTY LABOR ‐ POLICE 0 0 1,950 2,00001‐421‐406‐4132 RENT‐INVESTIGATIONS OFFICE 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,00001‐421‐406‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 21,224 23,000 23,000 19,00001‐421‐406‐4222 INVESTIGATION EXPENSE 8,592 9,000 9,000 9,00001‐421‐406‐4235 S.E.R.T. EXPENSE 137 500 500 50001‐421‐406‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 79,325 60,000 73,000 70,00001‐421‐406‐4250 POLICE CANINE UNIT 4,238 4,500 13,500 4,50001‐421‐406‐4257 COMMUNITY RELATIONS EXPENSE 24 500 500 2,00001‐421‐406‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 11,180 001‐421‐406‐4267 PRISONER CARE‐CITY 1,728 2,500 3,100 3,25001‐421‐406‐4318 TRAINING 19,822 12,000 20,000 24,00001‐421‐406‐4339 FIRE ARMS/WEAPONS EXPENDITURES 6,646 5,000 5,000 6,00001‐421‐406‐4340 UTILITIES‐INVESTIGATIONS 3,312 4,805 3,500 3,50001‐421‐406‐4513 INSURANCE 63,195 63,186 65,139 58,04201‐421‐407‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐OFFICE CLERKS 65,837 59,935 54,132 61,26601‐421‐407‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 7,962 8,000 8,000 8,40001‐421‐407‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 15,710 16,000 15,500 16,00001‐421‐408‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐DOG CONTROL 50,603 51,605 51,240 52,87301‐421‐408‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 5,592 4,000 4,000 4,00001‐421‐408‐4230 COLORADO PET GRANT EXPENDITURES 6,440 0 0 001‐421‐408‐4231 PETSMART GRANT EXPENDITURES 1,503 0 0 001‐421‐408‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 2,541 5,000 4,000 4,00001‐421‐408‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 3,463 4,500 4,000 4,00001‐421‐451‐4270 STATE GRANT ‐ DUI ENFORCEMENT 0 2,400 001‐421‐451‐4271 STATE GRANT ‐ CLICK IT OR TICKET 0 0 1,220 001‐421‐451‐4308 FORFEITURE EXPENDITURES 0 8,157 001‐421‐451‐4320 VICTIM RIGHTS EXPENDITURE 7,611 0 9,880 10,00001‐421‐999‐4140 FPPA DISABILITY 21,541 22,684 20,432 22,02101‐421‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 4,917 3,821 4,80701‐421‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 13,829 14,272 13,010 13,94101‐421‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 278,687 230,128 193,550 222,17501‐421‐999‐4146 POLICE PENSION (IDLE FUND) 77,605 78,523 71,071 76,21501‐421‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 10,791 11,154 11,151 11,49001‐421‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 0 0 16 0

TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,682,520 1,577,185 1,553,949 1,570,744

E‐911 TRANSFER01‐421‐407‐4148 TRANSFER TO E‐911 165,442 156,904 115,731 135,322

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FIRE DEPARTMENT Marshall D. Cook, Fire Chief Purpose and Values The Lamar Fire Department was created in 1887, the year immediately following the birth of the City of Lamar. The department now has a proud 125 year history of providing fire and rescue services to the citizens of Lamar and the surrounding areas. Over the years the range of our purpose has changed, but our commitment to excellence has not. In the post-911 world we now focus our services on the all-hazards approach that is common in today’s society. We have ventured far past the historical role and vision of fire departments and now provide a vast array of services including fire suppression, prevention, education, collision extrication, high angle rescue, confined space rescue, trench rescue, hazardous materials response, emergency management, emergency preparedness and several other community service projects. We adhere to the belief that our first responsibility is the prevention of fires and other emergencies closely followed by suppression and mitigation. The employees of the Lamar Fire Department share a strong philosophy of values which includes integrity, professionalism, competence and stakeholdership for all of our members. We acknowledge and appreciate the commitment from each of our employees and we encourage all of our staff to take an active role in designing the mission and vision that steers our department on its course. We also firmly believe that we must possess public trust and confidence in us as a department; otherwise, we fail long before the call for assistance ever reaches us. We constantly focus on our purpose as a component of our local government; this being the provision of effective and efficient public safety and education for our citizens…our customers. Mission Statement The Lamar Fire & Ambulance Service is committed to providing the highest level of professional all-hazards emergency response and public education for the citizens and visitors of our community. Vision Statement Effectively and efficiently serving the public, with respect and integrity, will always remain our highest priority. Through training, continued education, state of the art technology and partnerships with allied organizations, the Lamar Fire & Ambulance Service will become a leader in the all-hazards approach to emergency services in Lamar and the surrounding area. We will continue to recognize and value our personnel as dedicated professionals who continue to meet the changing needs of our community and the services we provide.

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Long-term Goals

• Ensure the future of the Lamar Fire Department by creating a plan for equipment and apparatus replacement

o Greatest needs include Purchase of a Type III four wheel drive wildland engine with structural

capabilities Purchase a new heavy rescue unit and convert our current rescue to a

hazardous matierials unit. Retire the current hazmat unit. • Maintain the most competent full-time and part-time staff given the limited financial

resources available to the City of Lamar • Continue to focus on providing prevention and education opportunities for Lamar’s

residents • Work towards improving Lamar’s ISO Public Protection Classification from a five to

a four • Create a new fire station/emergency operations center at the southern end of Lamar • Create and encourage modern nationally recognized professional and educational

standards for our staff Department Resources The Lamar Fire Department has just completed a restructuring following the disbanding of the Lamar/Prowers County Volunteer Fire Department. This restructuring included the utilization of part-time employees to augment our full-time staff of seven firefighter/EMTs. The restructuring has been extremely successful and at the beginning of 2013 our staff numbered thirty-two in number for the fire and ambulance service. A renewed sense of enthusiasm has occurred and several of our part-time members began the process of getting checked off to operate our rescue and firefighting apparatus. As with many smaller communities, we rely heavily on the kindness and commitment of our part-time staff. For all practical purposes, these people are volunteers. Although they derive a small paycheck for their response to structure fire and attendance to training, it falls far short of being considered a true part-time job. As with any department that utilizes volunteers, response to our calls depends heavily upon the time of day as well as the day of the week. We can anticipate slower responses and diminished numbers of responders during the working day because most of our part-time employees have full-time jobs elsewhere. Although a greater number of full-time employees would be desirable in order to assure more reliable and standardized responder numbers, we fully understand the budgetary limitations that the City of Lamar is constantly faced with. Overall, we are very pleased with our current staffing levels. The Lamar Fire Department operates three Class A fire engines, all with 1,500 gallon per minute pumps. We also operate with two Class A aerial apparatus, one with a 1,500 gallon per minute pump and 75 foot ladder, the other with a 1,250 gallon per minute pump and 50 foot ladder. This gives the Lamar Fire Department a pumping capacity of 7,250 gallons per minute. The department also operates a medium duty rescue unit with a vast array of rescue, electrical, ventilation and rehabilitation supplies. We also operate a hazardous materials unit to support the most comprehensive hazardous materials response team in the region. Finally, the department

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operates a small twin agent crash rescue truck at the Lamar Municipal Airport. Each of our three command staff operates a command vehicle with between $4,000.00 and $6,000.00 in equipment contained within. Each officer covers one complete week of chief-on-call status out of every three weeks and must be available for response to calls after hours during the entire duration of their call week. The Lamar Fire Department 2013 operating budget is $391,104.00 Previous Goals

• Annual apparatus, hose and ladder certification testing. Completed. • Annual commercial fire inspections. Not completed due to the requirement that our

captain/fire inspector worked several months of 24 hour shifts to cover vacant engineer positions. Going into 2013 we are fully staffed so inspections can again be prioritized.

• Accessed over $57,000.00 in grant and donation dollars for equipment and training. Completed

• Maintain high moral standards and ethics within the department while treating all employees and customers with dignity and courtesy. We were extremely successful in 2012 as evidenced by our current staff in 2013 but of course, this is always an ongoing project and will constantly remain a priority to us.

• Although not originally anticipated at the beginning of 2012, the vast majority of our time and efforts in the last quarter of 2012 was to prepare for the disbanding of the Lamar/Prowers County Volunteer Fire Department. This change required a complete restructuring of the Lamar Fire Department. We feel that we were very successful in making this transition a success. Completed.

Goals for 2013 As we continue to adjust and adapt to the significant changes that came upon our department in late 2012 we have several goals for 2013.

• Continue to build enrichment programs and incentives for staff members. • Outfit our newly created part-time firefighters with uniforms and badges. • Emphasize the importance of training and other education opportunities • Send two firefighting staff to the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, MD. • Begin a project to man Fire Station #2 in a newly created bunk room as often as possible. By

doing so we can respond a second engine to calls much quicker and possibly acquire more points from ISO to help us toward our goal of being a Class 4 community.

• Evaluate the viability and potential funding sources for a new fire station at the southern end of Lamar. Currently the entrance to The Ridges is right at the five mile radius from Station #1. Any further development to the south will result in a higher ISO Public Protection Classification for those areas. As a result insurance rates in those areas will be higher than in other areas of the community.

• Complete a new two story live-burn training facility near the lift station at the northeast part of Lamar.

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Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Fire Chief/EMT-I

Deputy Chief/ EMT-I


Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Part-time Fire Personnel

Account Clerk II

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐FIRE DEPARTMENT01‐422‐410‐4112 PART TIME LABOR ‐ FIRE ENGINEERS 8,848 3,978 7,250 8,09101‐422‐410‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 807 750 510 75001‐422‐436‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐FIREMEN 207,959 202,592 210,484 212,95001‐422‐436‐4112 PART TIME FIRE LABOR 5,639 9,940 8,000 9,94001‐422‐436‐4113 VOLUNTEER FIREMEN 16,100 16,100 16,100 16,10001‐422‐436‐4114 STATE FPPA CONTRIBUTION 6,390 6,390 6,390 6,39001‐422‐436‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 15,435 15,500 15,500 16,50001‐422‐436‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 16,376 18,000 16,106 18,00001‐422‐436‐4264 AIRPORT FIRE SUPPLIES 0 1,200 1,200 1,20001‐422‐436‐4318 TRAINING 4,883 3,500 3,500 7,00001‐422‐436‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 1,354 1,350 1,350 1,40001‐422‐436‐4513 INSURANCE 29,942 27,940 26,068 27,94001‐422‐436‐4545 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL EXPENSE 5,385 3,500 3,500 3,50001‐422‐458‐4340 UTILITIES ‐ FIRE STATION 2,753 2,860 2,860 2,92001‐422‐999‐4140 FPPA DISABILITY 2,358 2,686 2,400 2,90801‐422‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 1,081 900 1,15201‐422‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 2,485 3,140 2,400 3,34001‐422‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 53,069 47,582 29,031 30,79201‐422‐999‐4147 POLICE/FIRE PENSION 16,803 18,231 16,975 19,11301‐422‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 898 863 700 1,118

TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT 397,484 387,183 371,224 391,104

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STREET DEPARTMENT Patrick Mason, Public Works Director Mission Statement

The Mission of the Street Department is to provide the best service for the lowest cost to the taxpayers of our City.

We will continually work to improve the quality of life for our residents by meeting the service needs expressed, maintaining clean, safe, hazard-free roadways, and working to provide the highest level of service, while recognizing that our employees are our most valuable asset in the delivery of these promises to the taxpayers and motorists that place their trust and well being in us. Vision Statement

We will earn our customer’s enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by integrity, teamwork, and innovation.

Organization The Streets Department is charged with maintaining sixty plus miles of City streets and roads, approximately twenty-three miles of alleys and other municipally owned property, floodways and easements. In addition, the department is responsible for airport maintenance, regulatory traffic signage, municipal parking lots, school crossing markings, tree trimming, street patching, grading alleys and gravel streets, resurfacing streets and street sweeping and plowing. The Department employs ten (10) full time employees. One of the key strengths of the Department is its ability to perform a variety of skilled construction work in house; some recent examples include curb and gutter and handicap ramp replacement, Crystal Street retaining wall, and construction of the new electrical vault at the Airport from the ground up. In 2012, the Street Department constructed a substantial drainage project in the Industrial Park along with a two-inch overlay project on numerous city streets that involved approximately 1,120 tons of asphalt. These projects greatly improved the surface on many streets that were in various stages of erosion. When special City projects occur, such as remodeling the Library, building new ball fields, or building a new Landfill liner, the Street Department is always a key player in the project. The Street Department takes pride in the projects they complete for the citizens. The employees strive to make Lamar a better place to grow, work and live.

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• Complete rebuild of five blocks of west Maple Street • Complete drainage project at the Airport ( in kind Grant match) • Strive to improve street infrastructure and develop a Master Asset Program • Strive to provide total quality and cost effective service for the citizens of Lamar • Produce quality workmanship and results on all projects • Be a team player and assist other municipal departments as needed • Assure that the department performs in a safe and efficient manner • Continue professional development training and increasing awareness of safety

Major Accomplishments

o Completed construction of a substantial drainage project in the Industrial Park o Overlaid various City streets with 1,120 tons of asphalt o Supported City events, including Lamar Days, Sand & Sage Fair, Clean-up Lamar

Weekend, Oktoberfest, Chamber of Commerce events o Completed work on numerous drainage issues and curb projects throughout the City

Performance Measures

2009 2010 2011 2012 Linear feet of streets resurfaced 8,335 5,089 2,422 4,746 Linear feet of new or replaced sidewalk 195 226 1,992 21 Tons utility and street repair patching 899 631 1,052 460 Tons overlay 1,084 1,102 1,027 1,120 Linear feet new curb and gutter - 697 645 1,530 Square feet of flatwork - - 4,128 104

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Organizational Chart

Public Works Director



Maintenance III (2)

Maintenance II (6)

Seasonal (1)

City Administrator

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐STREET DEPARTMENT01‐431‐411‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐STREET MAINTENANCE 232,036 228,156 218,689 231,60701‐431‐411‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 5,769 9,865 9,865 10,03301‐431‐411‐4168 PROPERTY LEASE EXPENSE 1,126 1,093 1,093 1,09301‐431‐411‐4214 OPPERATING SUPPLY & EXPENSE 7,382 15,000 15,000 11,50001‐431‐411‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 86,306 100,000 95,000 90,00001‐431‐411‐4241 MOWING EQUIPMENT 1,929 3,000 3,500 3,50001‐431‐411‐4282 MAINTENANCE EXPENSE 98,395 110,000 110,000 99,50001‐431‐411‐4285 DECORATION EXPENSE 867 500 700 70001‐431‐411‐4291 STREET LIGHTING 139,656 138,134 148,231 151,93701‐431‐411‐4293 MAIN ST LIGHTS MAINT & REPAIRS 0 5,000 5,000 5,00001‐431‐411‐4318 TRAINING 12 500 500 50001‐431‐411‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 3,827 3,600 3,600 3,60001‐431‐411‐4513 INSURANCE 37,118 37,233 32,135 37,23301‐431‐412‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐SWEEPING 42,351 50,149 50,149 51,37601‐431‐412‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 26,988 22,000 26,500 27,00001‐431‐414‐4286 SNOW REMOVAL 14,706 0 2,900 2,90001‐431‐415‐4287 TRAFFIC SERVICE EXPENSES 6,698 3,700 11,500 10,00001‐431‐416‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐ADMINISTRATION 62,343 50,182 49,746 53,20701‐431‐416‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 1,124 1,400 750 1,40001‐431‐418‐4276 INSECTICIDES 8,963 20,000 12,500 20,00001‐431‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 1,691 1,343 1,73201‐431‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 3,976 4,906 3,990 5,02801‐431‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 78,033 82,319 67,661 77,161

01‐431‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 29,816 32,849 29,677 33,68501‐431‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 358 612 612 622

TOTAL STREET DEPARTMENT 889,779 921,889 900,641 930,314

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LAMAR MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Patrick Mason, Public Works Director Mission Statement Our Mission is to provide a convenient, safe, secure, properly maintained and professionally managed airport facility that meets the expectations of our residents and visitors. Vision Statement We will earn our customers’ enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by integrity, teamwork, and innovation. Organization The airport encompasses approximately 620 acres and is maintained by Public Works employees and the private Fixed Base Operator (FBO). There are two runways, five taxiways, and an apron for aircraft parking, maintenance hangars, T-hangars, automated weather service, an unmanned fire station, a variety of navigational aids, and a fuel farm. A private Fixed Base Operator (FBO), working under a contract with the City, manages flight related matters at the airport. In addition, the FBO sells fuel, does aircraft maintenance, and is an informational source for the public. Private and pleasure aircraft, as well as military and commercial freight companies, continue to use the airport on a regular basis. A charter service is available by contacting the FBO at the airport. The airport has had strong support from the City Council over the past years. In recent years, a number of state of the art navigational aids have been installed at the airport, which greatly enhances pilot and aircraft safety. Goals

o Work with the Airport Board to best utilize FAA Entitlement and CDOT grant funds made available in 2013 to make improvements that will enhance safety, improve infrastructure and attract more users to the airport

o Continue efforts to improve infrastructure and energy efficiency. o Work with and support the FBO and Airport Board in efforts to re-establish commercial

flight service

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Major Accomplishments

o Completed FAA and CDOT funded Airport Improvement Project that included pavement repair, seal coating, repainting of airport markings, Installation of two concrete hardstands on the apron and completion of a new electrical vault for runway lighting.

Performance Measures

o FAA violations 0 o Storm water discharge permit violations 0 o Based aircraft 26

Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Public Works Director

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐MUNICIPAL AIRPORT01‐439‐435‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐MUNICIPAL 9,905 0 0 001‐439‐435‐4112 OPERATING LABOR ‐ PART TIME 0 12,000 0 001‐439‐435‐4214 ADMINISTRATION BLDG EXPENSE 1,454 2,000 2,000 2,00001‐439‐435‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 1,166 750 4,125 1,75001‐439‐435‐4245 AIRPORT MAINTENANCE 5,408 2,500 2,500 2,50001‐439‐435‐4246 FBO CONTRACT MAINTENANCE 0 14,400 0 001‐439‐435‐4249 RUNWAY MAINTENANCE 672 1,000 1,548 1,50001‐439‐435‐4259 FUEL FARM EXPENSE 70 1,000 1,350 1,00001‐439‐435‐4260 STORM WATER EXPENSE 185 400 400 40001‐439‐435‐4279 LIGHTING 4,315 4,150 4,300 4,30001‐439‐435‐4291 EQUIPMENT FUEL & OIL 940 1,000 1,000 1,00001‐439‐435‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 29,234 34,000 30,000 30,60001‐439‐435‐4512 HANGAR BLDG EXPENSE 296 500 500 50001‐439‐435‐4513 INSURANCE 5,220 943 5,168 5,69001‐439‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 138 0 0 001‐439‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 639 0 0 0

01‐439‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 941 0 0 0TOTAL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 60,583 74,643 52,891 51,240

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FAIRMOUNT AND RIVERSIDE CEMETERIES Rick Akers, Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director Mission Statement The mission is to promote the development and use of a full range of parks, trails, recreational facilities and amenities that enrich the quality of life for all residents, visitors. These services shall be promoted in a financially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. Values Staffs conduct and program offerings at the Parks and Recreation Department shall be developed and promoted with respect and integrity, utilizing open and honest communication, in a manner that promotes and requires accountability and safety for all individuals and entities influenced by our offerings. Our offering not only now, but in the future, will promote and enhance the City of Lamar and positively influence its residents and visitors. Goals

• It is our obligation as professionals to treat the public and one another with dignity, consideration and mutual respect. We will engage in an effective communication that promotes listening, honesty and an open exchange of ideas.

• We will promote honesty and ethical behavior and deliver the highest level of customer service available.

• We provide safe, clean, inviting and accessible facilities. • Accepting personal responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations while upholding the

public’s trust through ethical behavior and the fiscally responsible administration of resources.

• We exist to serve the community. We strive to create and sustain a positive image and be a trusted partner with our community.

Organization The Parks & Recreation Department maintains 17.38 acres at Fairmount Cemetery and 13.20 acres at Riverside Cemetery. Services provided at the cemeteries include the selling of cemetery plots, opening and closing gravesites, setting foundations for headstones and routine maintenance of the grounds. Maintenance involves mowing, trimming, fertilizing, watering and caring for trees and shrubs and spraying for weeds and sandburs. There are a total of nine (9) full-time employees: one (1) supervisor, one (1) foreman, seven (7) employees and three (3) seasonal employees. Four (4) employees are budgeted at the cemeteries.

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Organizational Chart

Major Accomplishments

o Maintaining both cemeteries and helping in other areas as needed Performance Measures 2011 2012

o Number of funerals 83 82 o Number of foundations set 55 62

Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director



Maintenance II Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance I

Maintenance II


Maintenance I



City Administrator

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐CEMETERIES01‐442‐419‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐FAIRMOUNT 104,357 104,271 102,314 100,33901‐442‐419‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 11,600 15,000 15,000 12,50001‐442‐419‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 2,777 3,000 4,000 3,50001‐442‐419‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 42,318 43,900 47,500 43,00001‐442‐419‐4513 INSURANCE 12,071 8,623 9,662 13,21901‐442‐443‐4301 OPERATING EXPENSE‐RIVERSIDE 1,607 2,000 4,500 2,50001‐442‐443‐4302 UTILITIES‐RIVERSIDE CEMETERY 5,969 5,500 25,000 5,50001‐442‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 521 407 50501‐442‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,379 1,512 1,382 1,46501‐442‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 24,918 22,630 25,720 33,75201‐442‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 9,408 10,427 9,401 10,105

TOTAL CEMETERIES 216,404 217,384 244,886 226,385

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BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Rick Akers, Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director Mission Statement The Mission of the City of Lamar is to provide effective, courteous, efficient, high quality of public services and promote the health, safety, and welfare of our residents, businesses and visitors in the most cost effective manner. The City of Lamar, crossroads of America, seeks to enrich the existing community by promoting economic development and opportunity. The City of Lamar is a government that serves with honesty and integrity, while at all times conducting ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain public confidence and strives to treat all citizens and employees with fairness, dignity and respect. Vision The City of Lamar is a municipality dedicated to preserving the City’s friendly, hometown atmosphere and providing a high quality of life for our citizens. We aim to be a growing community that is beautiful, clean, and safe and we strive to expand the City’s infrastructure to support existing and future developments. We will achieve our vision thru responsible leadership, a healthy economy, and extensive recreational and cultural opportunities. Goals

• It is our obligation as professionals to treat the public and one another with dignity, consideration and mutual respect. We will engage in an effective communication that promotes listening, honesty and an open exchange of ideas.

• We will promote honesty and ethical behavior and deliver the highest level of customer service available.

• We provide safe, clean, inviting and accessible facilities. • We will accept personal responsibility for our conduct and obligations while upholding

the public’s trust through ethical behavior and the fiscally responsible administration of resources.

• We exist to serve the community. We strive to create and sustain a positive image and be a trusted partner with our community.

Organization Building Maintenance provides custodial and/or maintenance services for ten municipal buildings, which include: Library, City Complex, Water Department, Engineering Offices, Street Department, Airport

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Terminal & Maintenance Hangar, Welcome Center, Community Resource Center, Animal Control Building, and Community Recreation Center.

Small repairs and day-to-day maintenance items are handled in-house by the department while skilled private service providers are hired to make the more specialized repairs and improvements. Daily routines include cleaning offices, restrooms, stairways, halls, and entranceways. Carpets are vacuumed, floors are swept, wet mopped and buffed, wastebaskets are emptied, and furniture and fixtures are dusted. Setup and take down of equipment and furniture for meetings are done regularly. Quarterly routines include extraction cleaning of carpets. Organizational Chart

Performance Measures 2012 Square footage of buildings maintained: City Complex 26,833 Public Works building 2,275 Public Works storage & Engineering building 9,000 Street and Sanitation building 9,940 Airport administration building 3,200 Airport maintenance hangar 6,062 Airport snow removal building 2,400 Animal Shelter 1,456 Community Building 28,273 Community Resource Center 19,544 Welcome Center/Chamber of Commerce 3,063 Total 112,046

Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director

Building Maintenance Supervisor




City Administrator


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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐BUILDING MAINTENANCECITY COMPLEX01‐445‐420‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐BUILDING 79,309 77,168 73,550 74,04801‐445‐420‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 28,796 37,000 32,400 30,00001‐445‐420‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 648 1,200 790 1,20001‐445‐420‐4318 TRAINING 0 500 0 50001‐445‐420‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 67,138 75,000 84,000 80,00001‐445‐420‐4513 INSURANCE 9,177 8,487 7,702 6,832COMMUNITY BUILDING01‐445‐421‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐COMMUNITY BLDG 63,651 64,168 63,634 65,22901‐445‐421‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 36,452 33,000 43,000 33,00001‐445‐421‐4240 COMMUNITY BLDG EQUIPMENT 2,522 4,000 9,307 4,00001‐445‐421‐4262 COMMUNITY BUILDING AD EXPENSE 3,645 3,500 2,401 3,50001‐445‐421‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 103,725 98,000 109,000 103,00001‐445‐421‐4513 INSURANCE 8,395 8,009 8,737 8,605PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING01‐445‐422‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 3,158 3,000 3,500 3,00001‐445‐422‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 17,334 19,000 18,000 18,360WELCOME CENTER01‐445‐433‐4214 OPERATING SUP & EXP‐WELCOME CENTER 48,330 52,696 48,696 52,69601‐445‐433‐4244 WELCOME CENTER ‐ CITY 937 1,500 1,155 1,50001‐445‐433‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE ‐ WELCOME CENTER 8,427 8,610 8,400 8,61001‐445‐433‐4513 INSURANCE 0 1,150 0 1,150HICKORY STREET BUILDING01‐445‐442‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLY ‐ HICKORY 2,918 3,700 3,500 3,00001‐445‐442‐4340 UTILITIES ‐ HICKORY 5,719 7,000 7,000 7,14001‐445‐998‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 321 252 33001‐445‐998‐4142 MEDICARE 850 930 824 95601‐445‐998‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 19,774 17,088 18,058 28,23501‐445‐998‐4148 401‐A PENSION 5,669 6,416 5,622 6,59601‐445‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 387 290 37301‐445‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,052 1,119 990 1,08201‐445‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 24,382 17,154 17,005 17,14001‐445‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 7,173 7,717 6,761 7,459

TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 549,181 557,820 574,574 567,541

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LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Wiley Work, Senior Survey Analyst Mission Statement The Lamar Land Surveying and Engineering Department exists to provide for the land surveying, engineering, and mapping needs of requests from City of Lamar Departments to the best of our ability, as well as, to provide prompt, courteous service to requests from City of Lamar residents, utilizing the technology and resources available to us in a cost effective and resourceful manner. Key Market: City of Lamar employees and the people we work for, the citizens of Lamar Contribution: Land Surveying, engineering and mapping needs. Distinction: Professional services not available for many miles from Lamar. Vision Statement Through utilizing records available to us in our office and knowledge acquired from years of land surveying and engineering experience, we strive to provide the public safe, ADA compliant streets, curb ramps, and land survey information which would benefit the traveling public, pedestrian and the homeowner. Through work with other city departments and the mapping and land surveying software available to us, we will strive to produce maps, hard copy as well as computer-generated, to enable departments to be confident of where utilities operated by the City of Lamar are located and the maintenance requirements needed. Goals

• Enable Standard Construction Specifications to become part of the City of Lamar

Subdivision Regulations. • Complete proper training with AutoCAD Civil 3 D to ensure utilizing this powerful

software to the fullest extent possible. • Begin a process of implementing GIS and ensure data is available to all departments in a

cost-effective manner. Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Senior Survey Analyst

Engineering Tech II

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Organization The Land Surveying and Engineering Department has a total of two employees. The Senior Survey analyst is a licensed professional land surveyor in the State of Colorado. His assistant has a degree in Civil Engineering Technology from the University of Southern Colorado. Together, their combined experience totals over 50 years in a variety of land surveying and engineering tasks. The Engineering Department exists to serve all other departments, providing support through design and field in a variety of mapping, engineering and land surveying tasks, utilizing GPS field equipment and CAD computer applications in the office. We may be reached at 336-2279 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Responsibilities

• Create computer maps for many departments for planning purposes • Design, staking and grading of many drainage concerns • Write easements for the City of Lamar utilities when needed • Provide boundary surveys and land survey plats for a fee • Verify R-O-W for City Departments and utility companies • Research for ownership or easement verification at Abstract Company • Assure compliance with state regulations for Landfill by monitoring methane gas wells

and providing landfill floor elevations and compaction testing per approved guidelines, to include landfill floor and leachate collection system

• Check Census boundary updates and work on proposed annexation • Develop and update computer mapping of all utilities • Provide topographic elevations for design and planning • Provide traffic plans for improvements in state right-of-way • Provide data, topographic, and staking support for many projects at Lamar Municipal

Airport • Support the Building Department in checking plats for compliance with current

subdivision regulations and provide property line support when reviewing plans • Design sanitary sewer line for City of Lamar use • Write legal descriptions for various departments and various applications • Check addresses on new and some existing properties • Check addresses on Sales Tax License applications • Provide compaction testing when needed on engineering projects • Provide soil testing applications when needed on engineering projects • Assure compliance with State regulations for water well data, to include latitude,

longitude, elevations and mapping information • Post Public Notices for special events • Draw computerized traffic plans for landowners and City of Lamar for CDOT permits • Calculate square miles in the City of Lamar for various reports • Calculate quantities of materials for proposed projects

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Major Accomplishments o Completed Sanitary Sewer Feasibility Study Drawing in South Lamar o Designed staking and curb and asphalt grading and inlets, as well as, management of

engineering design to include density tests of soil and crown review and design of Terrace Park and Park Lane

o Monitored methane gas wells at landfill for state compliance and checked water monitoring wells, sending in water to lab for analysis

o Completed computer drawing of Prowers County Fairground Grandstand seating map in AutoCAD for future use

o Completed annexation requests in Plateau Acres and along Memorial Drive o GPS Topography survey of National Park Service Bents New Fort Parking o Sent spot elevations and apron topography to airport consultant plus research PAPI

lighting and project design review. Also, completed boundary survey for land purchase at airport.

o Worked on drainage study and road design on South 8th from Savage Avenue to Sunset Drive

o Designed Lamar Industrial Park Improvements along Crystal Street and Sutrak Drive o Ongoing topography and plan review and inverts, also review geotechnical investigation

and proposed levee improvements for Willow Creek Levee Project o Designed road and curb drainage for Parkway and 14th Street project o Created Civil 3 D drawing with ground shots for cell design for Lamar Landfill o Completed boundary survey of City Sewer Lagoon property o Performed all topography, research of easements, plotting legals, and writing legal

description for Phase 4 waterline improvements. o Wrote legal description on Lot 10 Willow Springs Gardens o Worked on plan for water well field gravel pit reclamation o Located existing boundary and wrote legal description and drawing for LAWMA

Augmentation ditch o Worked on street design of Maple Street improvements from 7th Street to 9th Street o Presented annual HUTF Road Mileage Report to State o Provided slope stake design grading for Water Well Field Gravel Pit Reclamation o Designed layout distances for police department at their gun range and created computer


Performance Measures

Flexibility in scheduling and completing the task Collaboration with other departments and agencies Interaction with the public in regard to land survey questions and answers Continuing education for job qualification Attend scheduled meetings as required and necessary Continuing performance measures including HOW we perform our daily tasks

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT01‐446‐423‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐ENGINEERING 111,509 111,509 111,938 113,73401‐446‐423‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 5,250 4,865 4,865 5,20001‐446‐423‐4239 DENSITY GUAGE 1,042 500 500 50001‐446‐423‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 998 950 1,220 1,37501‐446‐423‐4318 TRAINING 1,251 1,575 1,000 1,21301‐446‐423‐4340 UTILITIES 778 1,226 640 82201‐446‐423‐4513 INSURANCE 2,750 2,784 2,671 2,88401‐446‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 558 442 56401‐446‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,490 1,616 1,505 1,63601‐446‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 34,872 30,052 24,443 24,86001‐446‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 10,147 11,151 10,272 11,285

TOTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 170,087 166,786 159,496 164,073

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Mission Statement The mission of Equipment Maintenance is to provide safe and dependable vehicles and equipment to City Employees and to conserve vehicle and equipment value through a program of inspection and periodic preventative maintenance for all departments in the City of Lamar. Vision Statement We will earn our customer’s enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by integrity, teamwork, and innovation. Organization Equipment Maintenance (City Shop) is staffed by a shop foreman, two mechanics and a customer service representative who maintains departmental records and performs other clerical duties. The department is under the direction and supervision of the Public Works Director. The Equipment Maintenance Department is responsible for servicing, repairing, and maintaining the City's equipment and fleet. They are also responsible for fabrication projects that serve all departments. The Shop Foreman makes assignments and oversees the general operation of the shop. The department is a primary source of information for all departments in the preparation of bid specifications for all types of vehicles, tools and equipment. Eleven departments are dependent upon Equipment Maintenance for vehicle and equipment repair, routine maintenance, and fabrications of tools or equipment. The department maintains approximately 202 pieces of equipment and vehicles, including, but not limited to, chainsaws and lawn mowers, earth movers (scrapers), street sweepers, snow plows, trash compactors, road graders, cars, dump trucks, pickups, fire trucks, police cars and refuse trucks. The department provides engine tune-ups, oil changes, lubrication and other routine service needs, engine rebuilds, minor body repair, and fabrications. The department also stocks an inventory of oils, grease, hydraulic fluids, filters, and other similar items, and is responsible for the fuel system and pumps. The department has an on-call system in the event of after hour breakdowns, calls, and/or emergency repairs. Most of the maintenance, service and repair work is performed in the City Shop. However, on occasion, a mechanic is called to a job site to make emergency repairs. Equipment maintenance employees operate equipment on major projects and emergency storm events as needed.

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• To perform timely repairs to City vehicles and equipment ensuring an average daily vehicle backlog at less than 6 units

• To be a team player towards accomplishing goals for all departments • To control the cost of routine maintenance and repairs in an effort to provide cost

effective service • To identify and correct vehicle and operator problems causing excess maintenance • To maintain adequate fuel supplies for the city fleet • To maintain accurate records of fleet maintenance costs • To insure the compliance of Fleet Maintenance with all applicable guidelines,

regulations, ordinances and laws concerning vehicle maintenance facility operations • To provide service to any vehicle in use by the City of Lamar during times of emergency • To increase and update technician training • Fleet Management is also committed to finding creative ideas and ways to enhance our

productivity and money saving practices that will keep this department on the leading edge of industry standards.

Major Accomplishments o Maintained equipment that is an average of seventeen years of age and kept it up and operating to service the citizens of Lamar o Maintained service records on all equipment electronically from minor repairs and services to major repairs o Operated and maintained a fueling site, which dispensed 41,732 gallons of diesel Fuel. (January 1, 2012 – December 1, 2012) Performance Measures

2009 2010 2011 2012 Preventive maintenance/service complete 167 150 157 118 Vehicles, small engine & equipment repairs 527 463 451 413 Total vehicles/equipment owned by the City 196 198 202 209 Average vehicles/equipment age 1995 1995 1995 1995

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Organizational Chart

Public Works Director


Customer Service Rep

Mechanic I Mechanic II

City Administrator

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE01‐447‐424‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐EQUIP MAINTENANCE 116,674 115,731 117,916 117,60301‐447‐424‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 10,738 12,010 16,000 13,01001‐447‐424‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 5,061 5,000 4,001 5,00001‐447‐424‐4242 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS 0 2,132 1,500 1,50001‐447‐424‐4291 GASOLINE 104,347 102,519 106,430 107,00001‐447‐424‐4292 DIESEL FUEL 195,472 198,481 201,246 201,24601‐447‐424‐4293 LUBE AND MOTOR OIL AND GREASE 9,350 11,000 12,302 12,30201‐447‐424‐4294 TIRES AND TUBES 9,939 8,000 7,642 8,00001‐447‐424‐4295 AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR PARTS 90,045 118,450 123,000 123,00001‐447‐424‐4296 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PARTS 30,744 18,757 18,757 18,75701‐447‐424‐4297 FUEL AND MAINTENANCE COST ‐464,608 ‐483,200 ‐450,620 ‐451,54801‐447‐424‐4318 TRAINING 0 2,500 2,500 2,50001‐447‐424‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 368 400 1,057 40001‐447‐424‐4513 INSURANCE 4,619 4,696 5,090 4,87301‐447‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 579 467 58901‐447‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,578 1,678 1,682 1,71101‐447‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 12,918 11,550 6,914 8,09501‐447‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 10,758 11,573 11,244 11,797

TOTAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 138,003 141,856 187,128 185,835

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Community Resource Center Through a cooperative effort, the City of Lamar and Prowers County came together to create a new Senior Center that was named the Lamar Community Resource and Senior Center. With the assistance of the Lamar Senior Citizens, Inc., many of our businesses and industries, and various foundations, the implementation of the Lamar Community Resource and Senior Center was completed and provides needed services to citizens of all ages. Within the Center, Prowers Area Transit Service, Sage Nutrition Program, Senior Citizens Inc., Rocky Mountain SER and the Colorado Work Force Center reside. With the computer room and meeting rooms, the center provides educational opportunities to assist those persons wishing to come back in to the workforce. Creating this “ONE STOP SHOP” concept with the Community Resource and Senior Center has greatly enhanced many of our citizen’s lives locally and regionally.

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER01‐449‐461‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLY & EXPENSE 742 2,750 1,850 2,75001‐449‐461‐4229 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDING/EQUIPMENT 8,575 10,000 7,580 10,00001‐449‐461‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 30,121 30,500 33,100 33,76201‐449‐461‐4513 INSURANCE 741 750 522 575

TOTAL COMMUNITY RESOURCE 40,179 44,000 43,052 47,087

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COMMUNITY BUILDING/RECREATION DEPARTMENT Rick Akers, Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director Mission Statement The mission is to promote the development and use of a full range of parks, trails, recreational facilities and amenities that enrich the quality of life for all residents and visitors. These services shall be promoted in a financially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. Values Staffs conduct and program offerings at the Parks and Recreation Department shall be developed and promoted with respect and integrity, utilizing open and honest communication, in a manner that promotes and requires accountability and safety for all individuals and entities influenced by our offerings. Our offering not only now, but in the future, will promote and enhance the City of Lamar and positively influence its residents and visitors. Goals

• It is our obligation as professionals to treat the public and one another with dignity, consideration and mutual respect. We will engage in an effective communication that promotes listening, honesty and an open exchange of ideas.

• We will promote honesty and ethical behavior and deliver the highest level of customer service available.

• We will provide safe, clean, inviting and accessible facilities. • To accept personal responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations while upholding the

public’s trust through ethical behavior and the fiscally responsible administration of resources

• We exist to serve the community. We strive to create and sustain a positive image and be a trusted partner with our community.

Organization The department has three (3) full time employees, which include Facilities Manager and Recreation Coordinator, who perform their duties under the supervision of the Parks and Recreation Director. The department also employs numerous part-time employees and contract workers that supervise, instruct or officiate various recreational programs.

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Performance Measures 2011 2012

Community Building Usage 35,242 35,546 Community Building Revenue $129,252 $150,786 Community Building Misc. Revenue $11,750 $11,750 Picnic Shelter Revenue $1,833 $2,043 Number of Recreation Programs 36 36 Total Participants 3,782 3,957 Average/Program 105 109 Organizational Chart

Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director

Facilities Manager

Recreation Coordinator

Part-Time Employees (3)

Program Instructors (4)

City Administrator

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐RECREATION DEPARTMENT01‐450‐425‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐RECREATION 108,039 101,722 102,416 104,08301‐450‐425‐4112 PART‐TIME LABOR ‐ COMM. BLDG. 21,056 19,572 20,920 19,90501‐450‐425‐4118 LABOR ‐ PROGRAMS 2,115 4,160 3,000 3,18301‐450‐425‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 6,958 8,000 7,000 7,00001‐450‐425‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 2,422 3,500 2,800 3,00001‐450‐425‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 3,50001‐450‐425‐4273 GOLF COURSE UTILITIES 33,039 35,000 35,800 35,80001‐450‐425‐4318 TRAINING 0 0 0 1,00001‐450‐425‐4335 LEAGUES AND OTHER PROGRAM 43,382 40,000 39,000 40,00001‐450‐425‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 3,477 4,250 3,500 4,00001‐450‐425‐4513 INSURANCE 6,480 7,421 5,811 7,30201‐450‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 628 500 63301‐450‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,808 1,819 1,752 1,83901‐450‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 22,144 13,739 12,498 13,74801‐450‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 9,686 10,173 9,557 10,37201‐450‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 1,443 1,470 1,440 1,433

TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT 262,049 251,454 245,994 256,798

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SWIMMING POOL Rick Akers, Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director Mission Statement The mission is to promote the development and use of a full range of parks, trails, recreational facilities and amenities that enrich the quality of life for all residents and visitors. These services shall be promoted in a financially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. Values Staffs conduct and program offerings at the Parks and Recreation Department shall be developed and promoted with respect and integrity, utilizing open and honest communication, in a manner that promotes and requires accountability and safety for all individuals and entities influenced by our offerings. Our offering not only now, but in the future, will promote and enhance the City of Lamar and positively influence its residents and visitors. Goals

• It is our obligation as professionals to treat the public and one another with dignity, consideration and mutual respect. We will engage in an effective communication that promotes listening, honesty and an open exchange of ideas.

• We will promote honesty and ethical behavior and deliver the highest level of customer service available.

• We provide safe, clean, inviting and accessible facilities. • Accepting personal responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations while upholding the

public’s trust through ethical behavior and the fiscally responsible administration of resources.

• We exist to serve the community. We strive to create and sustain a positive image and be a trusted partner with our community.

Organization The Lamar Municipal Swimming Pool is comprised of a six lane, 25 yard, L-shaped outdoor pool which ranges in depth from three feet to eight feet, a zero depth recreation area, a 165 foot long water slide, and a circular wading pool. The facility also includes a bathhouse, restrooms, family changing rooms, office and a concession stand. There is about 1.65 acres of land at the pool site. This seasonal facility is open in the summer from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day Weekend. Services provided by the department include drop-in swimming, organized water-related recreation activities, swimming lessons, private pool rentals and special events. The Swimming Pool employs sixteen (16) full-time seasonal aquatics staff including the pool manager, assistant pool manager, nine (9) lifeguards and four (4) office and concession stand employees. Additionally, the department hires as many as nine (9) part-time swim lesson instructors and three (3) aides to provide swimming lessons. One (1) part-time water aerobics instructor is also employed for the season.

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Organizational Chart

Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director

Facilities Manager

Pool Manager

Assistant Pool Manager

Office & Concession Stand (4)

Lifeguards (9)

Swim Lesson Aides (3 Part-Time)

Swim Lesson Instructors (9 Part-Time)

Water Aerobics Instructor (1)

City Administrator

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• Recruit and train lifeguards and water safety instructors. • Maintain programs for adults-water aerobics, lap swim, etc. • Strive to provide open swim time from Memorial Day weekend to the Labor Day

Weekend. • Provide an outstanding aquatics program including swimming instruction, Swim Team,

Red Cross training for certification of lifeguards, adult aquatic programs, healthy activities and private parties.

• Continue to provide a safe and clean aquatic environment. • Continue to upgrade department facilities. • Improve communication with the public regarding pool programs and hours of operation. • Communicate effectively with other organizations that use our facilities. • Work Closely with American Red Cross on certifications and safety guidelines. • Continue to provide a secure environment in which the public and staff are free from any

form of abuse and are treated with professionalism and respect.

Performance Measures 2011 2012

o Pool usage 14,329 13,633 o Revenue 45,840 46,571 o Swim Lesson Participants 284 304 o Concession Stand Revenue 15,626 16,043

Major Projects Resurface swimming pool and water slide

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐SWIMMING POOL01‐451‐426‐4111 OPERATING LABOR 53,667 57,725 49,554 52,09301‐451‐426‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 7,509 14,381 7,740 12,03801‐451‐426‐4113 TEMPORARY LABOR CONCESSIONS 2,617 3,824 2,207 3,23601‐451‐426‐4118 LABOR ‐ PROGRAMS 6,064 15,995 4,607 10,46301‐451‐426‐4119 TEMP LABOR POOL AIDE 2,062 0 2,873 001‐451‐426‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 25,517 32,000 32,000 35,00001‐451‐426‐4225 CONCESSION STAND EXPENDITURES 10,394 15,000 10,400 12,00001‐451‐426‐4318 TRAINING 1,989 1,500 1,500 1,50001‐451‐426‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 13,355 29,000 16,000 28,00001‐451‐426‐4513 INSURANCE 6,206 6,533 6,148 7,01801‐451‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 460 236 39201‐451‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,043 1,333 971 1,14001‐451‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 4,459 5,701 4,153 4,877

TOTAL SWIMMING POOL 134,882 183,452 138,389 167,757

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PARKS DEPARTMENT Rick Akers, Parks, Recreation, and Cemeteries Director Mission Statement The mission is to promote the development and use of a full range of parks, trails, recreational facilities and amenities that enrich the quality of life for all residents and visitors. These services shall be promoted in a financially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner. Values Staffs conduct and program offerings at the Parks and Recreation Department shall be developed and promoted with respect and integrity, utilizing open and honest communication, in a manner that promotes and requires accountability and safety for all individuals and entities influenced by our offerings. Our offering not only now, but in the future, will promote and enhance the City of Lamar and positively influence its residents and visitors. Goals

• It is our obligation as professionals to treat the public and one another with dignity, consideration and mutual respect. We will engage in an effective communication that promotes listening, honesty and an open exchange of ideas.

• We will promote honesty and ethical behavior and deliver the highest level of customer service available.

• We provide safe, clean, inviting and accessible facilities. • Accepting personal responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations while upholding the

public’s trust through ethical behavior and the fiscally responsible administration of resources.

• We exist to serve the community. We strive to create and sustain a positive image and be a trusted partner with our community.

Organization The Parks Department maintains about 109 acres of developed parks and public lands (not including cemeteries) and 1.4 miles of trails. Services provided include irrigation, fertilization, mowing, trimming, planting, general care of trees, shrubs and flowers and trash removal. The City Complex, Chamber of Commerce, Paseo Place, Bi-Centennial Park, McCorkle’s Field, Escondido Park, North Side Park, Willow Creek Park, Swimming Pool and Ball Field Complex are areas that are maintained by the department. The department employs nine (9) full time staff members, which includes the Supervisor, Foreman and seven (7) employees. During the summer months, the department also hires two (2) seasonal employees to assist at the ball fields and one (1) to assist in the parks. Of the nine (9) full time employees, five (5) are assigned to the Parks Department.

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Organizational Chart

Major Accomplishments o Evaluated all watered areas in the city and made changes to increase efficiency and better

coverage o Worked to acquire the Valco Ponds o Accomplished placement of Willow Creek Park on State and National Historical Register o Developed construction documents for the rehabilitation of the Caretaker’s House in Willow

Creek Park. o Continued construction of the 4-Plex Ball Fields-completed Citizen’s Field

Parks, Recreation and Cemeteries Director



Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance II

Maintenance I

Maintenance I


Seasonal Seasonal

City Administrator

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Performance Measures Acreage of City Parks and Recreation facilities maintained:

o Willow Creek Park 24.8 acres o Ball Parks (8 fields) 22.9 acres o Memorial Drive 9.7 acres o Escondido Park 6.4 acres o Misc. smaller areas 45.38 acres

Total 109.18 acres Miles of walking trail maintained 1.387 miles

Major projects for 2013 Resurface the swimming pool Complete Honeywell upgrades Submit GOCO grant for completion of ball fields Continue to work with the public and various organizations

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐PARKS01‐452‐427‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐PARKS 121,671 121,191 118,978 123,88501‐452‐427‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 3,414 7,679 7,679 7,83301‐452‐427‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 11,907 14,000 14,000 12,50001‐452‐427‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 35,722 28,000 34,000 31,00001‐452‐427‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 3,00001‐452‐427‐4300 HISTORICAL GRANT ‐ WILLOW 15,485 36,861 24,073 001‐452‐427‐4318 TRAINING 0 1,000 500 1,00001‐452‐427‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE‐PARKS 89,943 88,000 90,500 90,50001‐452‐427‐4513 INSURANCE 9,390 11,847 10,669 13,26701‐452‐442‐4254 TREE BOARD EXPENSE 980 1,500 1,500 1,50001‐452‐442‐4340 TREES UTILITIES 3,184 2,500 3,323 3,39001‐452‐449‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐BALLFIELD 27,938 49,151 46,137 46,92501‐452‐449‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR‐BALLFIELD 7,799 10,980 7,500 9,57401‐452‐449‐4274 BALLFIELD MAINTENANCE EXPENSE 13,592 20,000 20,000 18,00001‐452‐449‐4332 MERCHANT PARK MAINTENANCE 0 0 23 001‐452‐449‐4336 MERCHANTS PARK FENCE PROJECT 1,991 2,500 2,200 2,50001‐452‐449‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE ‐ BALLFIELD 36,463 40,500 47,387 45,00001‐452‐457‐4340 ENCHANTED ‐ UTILITIES 5,101 4,800 6,045 4,80001‐452‐459‐4334 ESCONDIDIO ‐ EXPENSE 1,555 2,000 1,700 2,00001‐452‐459‐4340 ESCONDIDO UTILITIES 8,450 6,450 9,680 9,00001‐452‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 945 701 94201‐452‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,542 2,741 1,818 2,73601‐452‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 64,249 69,499 51,533 58,36601‐452‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 12,879 17,034 15,133 17,11201‐452‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 695 1,157 1,157 1,089

TOTAL PARKS 473,950 540,335 516,236 505,919

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LIBRARY Debra A. Reynolds, MLIS – Library Director Mission Statement The Lamar Public Library and Outreach Services exist to provide for the reading and information needs of a culturally diverse community, and to create an environment which encourages the building of life-long learning opportunities for all patrons. Vision Statement Our vision is to be a library of excellence, information, and change in our corner of southeastern Colorado. Responsibilities

• Adult Services : Research/Reference, Instruction • Technical Services : Collection Development, Cataloging, Ordering/Receiving, Material

Processing and Repairing, Inventory, Public Computer Center • Children/Youth Services : Programs, Collection Development, Shelving • Circulation Services : Patron registration, Check in/out materials, Overdue notices,

Inter-library Loan • Administration: Marketing/Outreach, Programs, Grant writing

Organizational Chart

Library Aide

Library Aide

Library Assistant I Outreach Services

Library Aide/Page Substitutes

Library Director, MLIS

City Administrator

Library Assistant II Children/Youth


Library Assistant III Collection Development/Accounts Payable

Library Assistant II Circulation Manager Outreach/Marketing

Library Assistant II Inter-library Loan

Public Computer Center

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Major Accomplishments

Maintained compliance of levels in most categories set by State of Colorado’s Public

Library Standards Library’s PCC coordinator celebrated first year of service of the lab serving 446 patrons. With additional BTOP funding, additional hardware was added; program clickers, mobile

Mobi whiteboards, and an iPad. After joining a state consortium database which saved $1,000, the library added two new

databases; One-Click Audio Digital, and Cypress Resume. The library marketing staff was able to utilize social media and other technology to

market 1 database each month in 2012. Increased usage of each database was seen the next month.

Purchased Out Reach Services van after retirement of Bookmobile in December of 2011. The Library ORS staff person continued to add literacy based story hours and stops for both short and long term homebound patrons.

Library staff offered our first Family Summer Reading Program for patrons of all ages. Working together, library staff continued existing partnerships, and added new ones with

local sororities, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and the local photography club. Library staff, working with Colorado Workforce, changed the way services are offered to

help their clients that come to the library seeking assistance. The library added two new library programs to the list of educational and entertainment

programs offered by the library, added two new Friday Story hours for K- 6th grade patrons, and also added a Line Dancing program to help patrons realize the importance of being healthy and also being life-long learners.

With help from a consultant hired by the State of Colorado the library was granted e-rate monies for 2012-13. The library chose to have telephone and internet service discounted at 62% for the current funding cycle.

Working with the library board, we held a new fundraising event (Bingo) to raise monies for programs.

Library supervisors developed a merit based employee review system to help ensure that all employees are working to provide excellence in every task we undertake.

Created a system which allows for patron input for all aspects of library services Obtained funding and completed plans for a remodel of current library space in 2013 The library director obtained funding for a new Integrated Library System (ILS) from the

Huddleston Butler Foundation.

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Goals for 2013

Continue to maintain and exceed compliance levels in all categories for the State of Colorado’s Public Library Standards

Continue to seek out opportunities to introduce the PCC Lab and opportunities for life-long learning to patrons of every age. Increase usage of the PCC lab one-on-one tutoring and classes to 1,000 participants for 2013.

Provide training opportunities to educate staff to continue to offer an environment for excellence in everything we do, in areas of customer service, use of materials offered at the library, as well as newly emerging technologies.

Continue to utilize existing and newly emerging technologies to enhance marketing of library services.

Work with local partners to obtain funding and training to create programs for children and adult literacy programs

Upon receiving grant funding from state BTOP monies, begin designing a Creative Library space for patrons. This may include a new computer and accessories for patrons to create their own videos, music cd, etc. Purchase Adobe software programs with city funds to allow individuals to edit personal videos and photographs.

Continue to investigate and learn about ways to increase usage of Outreach Service vehicle

Library director to apply for 2013-14 e-rate reduction for phone and internet service Complete remodel of library space which will include, new shelving in fiction, children,

and non-fiction areas. Complete conversion of former Bookmobile garage to library storage, while adding new lighting and electrical plugs throughout the library. Update Teen Area of the library and introduce new technologies to help with marketing library programs and activities in 2013.

Migrate to the Autographic ILS system will go live in early spring of 2013, and offer new technologies such as mobile apps, table of contents for books, and integrated e-materials into the collection.

Work with Lamar Community College and other local area partners to begin to explore options for opportunities to combine services or develop ways to provide sustainable funding for services in the future.

The library has experienced an exciting year which saw some service usage expand beyond expectations, while other areas experienced a decrease. With the remodel in 2013, the library will be set to meet any changes that may occur in the physical use of the library. The challenge will be to find ways to meet increased demand in digital materials, while continuing to provide for hard materials without a budget increase. The library staff and I are excited about striving to be a library that provides excellence in every aspect of service, information that is current and useful for our patrons, while introducing the changes technology is bringing to communities at a rapid pace. We hope we are able to provide these services in a manner that never brings an end to the personalized service that the community desires from the library. These are the challenges and opportunities which we face as a 21st century library, and thus we will have to become life-long learners as well. Working together the staff hopes to always provide services using our credo…

Read, Learn, Succeed

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐PUBLIC LIBRARY01‐455‐437‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐LIBRARY 161,708 130,962 129,636 138,27801‐455‐437‐4112 OPERATING LABOR ‐ PART TIME POOL 763 32,142 43,200 32,68801‐455‐437‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 12,427 14,000 14,000 13,50001‐455‐437‐4301 ONLINE DATABASES 9,767 12,100 12,100 20,00001‐455‐437‐4302 PERIODICALS 2,301 2,500 2,500 2,50001‐455‐437‐4303 BOOKS 18,266 20,500 20,500 27,00001‐455‐437‐4305 EDUCATION AL VIDEOS 462 600 720 60001‐455‐437‐4310 GRANTS 23,323 0 918 001-455-437-4311 GRANT MATCH EXPENDITURES 711 1,224 1,253 97001‐455‐437‐4318 TRAINING 1,320 1,000 1,200 1,25001‐455‐437‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 454 780 780 1,71001‐455‐437‐4513 INSURANCE 4,538 4,083 3,825 4,17001‐455‐450‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐BOOKMOBILE 13,865 14,009 14,097 14,29001‐455‐450‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 2,535 2,000 2,000 001‐455‐450‐4240 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2,382 2,500 800 2,50001‐455‐450‐4303 BOOKS 7,605 11,390 8,000 001‐455‐450‐4318 TRAINING 0 250 250 001‐455‐450‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 884 1,018 860 001‐455‐450‐4513 INSURANCE ‐ BOOKMOBILE 717 725 973 74101‐455‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 885 742 92801‐455‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 2,476 2,567 2,567 2,69501‐455‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 21,909 15,572 21,138 24,89401‐455‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 12,910 14,497 13,455 15,30601‐455‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 2,483 1,993 1,993 2,027

TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 303,806 287,297 297,507 306,047

COMMUNITY BUILDING PROJECT 01‐456‐456‐4132 RENT ‐ LAMAR FINANCE CORP 167,982 171,705 171,705 169,88001‐456‐456‐4604 TRUST FEES 150 150 150 150

TOTAL COMMUNITY BUILDING 168,132 171,855 171,855 170,030

01‐470‐030‐2861 EMERGENCY RESERVE 0 0 0 001‐470‐438‐4304 CONTINGENT RESERVE 0 0 0 150,873

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,784,614 6,884,602 6,782,420 7,015,202


RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 1,028,979 1,258,831 1,258,831 1,656,123

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 1,258,831 1,259,352 1,656,123 1,656,123

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE02‐325‐313‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 2,152 1,200 1,200 1,20002‐325‐313‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 9,917 9,000 10,661 9,00002‐325‐313‐3710 STOP LOSS & MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 138,208 250,000 310,000 250,00002‐325‐313‐3810 EE INS PREMIUM‐CITY 247,443 263,748 231,543 275,14202‐325‐313‐3820 EE INS PREMIUM‐L&P 184,899 189,746 140,378 151,14402‐325‐313‐3840 EE INS PREMIUM‐ COBRA 18,034 10,100 24,458 10,10002‐325‐313‐3860 HLTH/LIFE PREM‐CITY 962,281 791,244 750,380 825,42602‐325‐313‐3870 HLTH/LIFE PREM‐L&P 727,525 569,237 426,506 453,431

TOTAL REVENUE 2,290,459 2,084,275 1,895,126 1,975,443

EXPENDITURES02‐414‐454‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS 1,892 0 3,315 002‐414‐454‐4810 3RD PARTY ADMINISTRATION 616,118 566,020 389,325 429,00002‐414‐454‐4820 CLAIMS PAID ‐ MEDICAL 1,396,950 1,330,000 1,330,000 1,400,00002‐414‐454‐4830 CLAIMS PAID ‐ DENTAL 78,356 77,300 84,812 84,86802‐414‐454‐4850 FLEX‐WELLNESS EXPENSE 46,350 44,000 43,650 46,350

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,139,666 2,017,320 1,851,102 1,960,218

REVENUES OVER (UNDER)  150,793 66,955 44,024 15,225EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 ‐106,087 44,706 44,706 88,730RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 ‐106,087 44,706 44,706 88,730

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 44,706 111,661 88,730 103,955

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE04‐324‐302‐3367 PROWERS COUNTY 101,400 120,000 120,000 120,00004‐324‐302‐3372 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL 165,442 156,904 115,731 135,32204‐324‐302‐3417 MISC. REVENUE 0 0 1,600 004‐324‐302‐3420 E‐911 AUTHORITY BOARD 60,511 90,000 90,000 90,000

TOTAL REVENUE 327,353 366,904 327,331 345,322

EXPENDITURES04‐443‐550‐4111 OPERATING LABOR ‐ DISPATCH 237,142 243,777 217,150 215,99804‐443‐555‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 1,088 1,600 1,000 1,50004‐443‐555‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLY AND EXPENSE 18,318 20,000 20,000 20,00004‐443‐555‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS 0 500 500 50004‐443‐555‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 5,000 0 5,00004‐443‐555‐4318 TRAINING 381 500 2,000 50004‐443‐555‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 3,360 23,400 27,500 27,50004‐443‐555‐4513 INSURANCE 5,842 5,231 4,982 4,98204‐443‐555‐4514 INSURANCE CLAIMS 0 0 1,600 004‐443‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 1,219 870 1,08304‐443‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 3,285 3,536 3,011 3,14404‐443‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE 39,332 36,545 28,400 42,34104‐443‐999‐4144 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,129 1,219 990 1,08304‐443‐999‐4148 401A PENSION 21,621 24,377 19,328 21,691

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 331,498 366,904 327,331 345,322TOTAL EXPENDITURES 331,498 366,904 327,331 345,322


RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 63,793 59,648 59,648 59,648

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 59,648 59,648 59,648 59,648

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE05‐313‐312‐3173 SALES TAX 3,341,564 3,260,365 3,437,000 3,437,00005‐313‐312‐3174 USE TAX 222,404 217,800 250,000 250,00005‐313‐312‐3175 LICENSES 10,746 8,750 10,300 10,20005‐313‐312‐3176 INTEREST & PENALTIES 5,417 2,200 8,000 5,50005‐313‐312‐3178 INVESTMENT INTEREST 76 105 45 4505‐313‐312‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 239 120 100 100

TOTAL REVENUE 3,580,446 3,489,340 3,705,445 3,702,845

EXPENDITURES05‐401‐440‐4114 ACCOUNTING & ADMINISTRATION 62,360 62,360 62,360 62,36005‐401‐440‐4115 VENDOR'S COMMISSION 107,778 113,625 113,625 113,62505‐401‐440‐4116 SUPPLIES & PRINTING 2,241 3,000 3,000 3,00005‐401‐440‐4751 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 2,917,377 2,744,640 2,943,541 2,793,86105‐401‐440‐4753 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 240,072 312,008 312,008 460,23305‐401‐440‐4754 LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT FUND 263,121 253,707 269,766 269,766

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,592,949 3,489,340 3,704,300 3,702,845


RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 11,358 ‐1,145 ‐1,145 0

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 ‐1,145 ‐1,145 0 0

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE06‐318‐305‐3342 LOTTERY 72163 72,000 77,125 77,00006‐318‐305‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 40 40 40 40

TOTAL REVENUE 72,203 72,040 77,165 77,040

EXPENDITURES06‐406‐445‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS 16,978 12,000 15,209 12,00006‐406‐445‐4272 VALCO POND  0 0 0 9,33506‐406‐445‐4314 BABE RUTH PROJECT 36,676 56,000 59,168 71,000

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 53,654 68,000 74,377 92,335

REVENUES OVER (UNDER)  18,549 4,040 2,788 ‐15,295EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 24,638 43,187 43,187 45,975

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 43,187 47,227 45,975 30,680

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE09‐321‐308‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 2,117 2,200 680 68009‐321‐308‐3365 CITY CONTRIBUTIONS 0 34,700 24,300 30,250

TOTAL REVENUE 2,117 36,900 24,980 30,930

EXPENDITURES09‐409‐448‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS 1 25 12 2509‐409‐448‐4323 CLAIMS PAID 44,474 15,000 50,500 30,000

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 44,475 15,025 50,512 30,025

REVENUES OVER (UNDER)  ‐42,358 21,875 ‐25,532 905EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 134,755 92,397 92,397 66,865

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 92,397 114,272 66,865 67,770

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE10‐323‐310‐3350 VICTIM ASSISTANCE  COMBINED COURT 890 1,100 530 53010‐323‐310‐3360 VICTIM ASSISTANCE SURCHARGE 19,434 17,000 19,800 17,00010‐323‐310‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 121 120 65 65

TOTAL REVENUE 20,444 18,220 20,395 17,595

EXPENDITURES10‐411‐452‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 63 125 100 12510‐411‐452‐4337 VICTIM ASSISTANCE ALLOCATION 4,296 13,000 2,500 13,00010‐411‐452‐4338 CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT ALLOCATION 16,517 10,000 5,550 10,000

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 20,876 23,125 8,150 23,125

REVENUES OVER (UNDER)  ‐431 ‐4,905 12,245 ‐5,530EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 63,670 63,239 63,239 75,484

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 63,239 58,334 75,484 69,954

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUE20‐314‐301‐3013 AIRPORT‐FEDERAL GRANT 0 0 0 481,50020‐314‐301‐3017 STATE GRANT ‐ A.I.P. 0 0 0 85,12520‐314‐301‐3300 GOCO GRANT 0 0 0 175,04720‐314‐301‐3320 STATE HISTORICAL GRANT 0 600,000 0 020‐314‐301‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 15,112 11,500 6,740 3,92020‐314‐301‐3374 TRANSFER FROM SALES TAX 240,072 312,008 312,008 460,23320‐314‐301‐3481 DONATION 0 15,000 17,500 020‐314‐301‐3482 DONATION ‐ 4‐PLEX 29,995 0 20,000 20,00020‐318‐301‐3017 AIP #11‐LAA‐01 90%  333,692 0 0 020‐318‐302‐3013 AIP #3‐08‐0036‐16 FEDERAL 0 499,035 190,861 020‐318‐302‐3017 AIP #3‐08‐0036‐16 STATE 2.5% 0 13,132 0 020‐318‐303‐3017 AIP STATE #2 ‐ 80% 1,600 0 64,940 020‐318‐307‐3017 AIP #10‐LAA‐02 GRANT 10,061 0 0 0

TOTAL REVENUE 630,532 1,450,675 612,049 1,225,825.

EXPENDITURES20‐402‐441‐4122 AIP (GRANT MATCH) ‐ CITY 0 13,133 0 18,37520‐402‐441‐4124 AIP (FEDERAL GRANT) 0 499,035 2,250 481,50020‐402‐441‐4125 STATE GRANT ‐ A.I.P. 0 13,132 250 85,12520‐402‐441‐4141 VALCO POND DEVELOPMENT 2,000 0 0 67,28620‐402‐441‐4168 INDUSTRIAL PARK‐PARKING LOT 7,413 0 31,887 020‐402‐441‐4186 CITY DRAINAGE PROJECT 67,950 124,000 23,029 150,00020‐402‐441‐4186 CITY DRAINAGE PROJECT 67,950 124,000 23,029 150,00020‐402‐441‐4200 HISTORICAL GRANT‐WILLOW CREEK 0 600,000 0 020‐402‐441‐4201 BABE RUTH 4‐PLEX 0 0 0 124,62220‐402‐441‐4216 SPECIAL PROJECTS 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,00020‐402‐441‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS 2,726 0 0 020‐402‐441‐4260 CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS 62,929 139,600 99,874 62,87520‐402‐441‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY (OVER $5,000) 64,638 86,775 56,846 237,90320‐408‐441‐4122 AIP #3‐08‐0036‐15 CITY MATCH 0 0 59,560 020‐408‐441‐4125 AIP #3‐08‐0036‐15 STATE 2.5% 333,692 0 202,353 020‐408‐443‐4122 AIP #10‐LAA‐01  ‐CITY 20% 400 0 16,235 020‐408‐443‐4125 AIP #10‐LAA‐01  ‐STATE 80% 1,600 0 64,940 020‐408‐447‐4122 AIP #10‐LAA‐02(CITY 20%) 2,515 0 0 020‐408‐447‐4125 AIP #10‐LAA‐02 (State 80%) 10,061 0 0 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 570,924 1,490,675 572,224 1,242,686

REVENUES OVER (UNDER)  59,608 ‐40,000 39,825 ‐16,861EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 1,076,540 1,136,148 1,136,148 1,175,973

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 1,136,148 1,096,148 1,175,973 1,159,112

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General Sanitation Water/Waste- State Federal OtherFund Fund water Fund Grants Grants Funds2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013

AirportApron Rehab Phase III & IV 13,375$ 40,125$ 481,500$ Fuel Containment Basin 5,000$ 45,000$

AmbulanceCapnography Upgrade to Heart Monitor 6,750$ 6,750$

EngineerTrimble R6 GPS RTK 15,762$ Trimble R7 GNSS Base Station 17,641$

FireTraining Burn Facility Continuation 17,000$

Fleet DepartmentReplace Dump Truck - Used Streets 40,000$ Command Vehicle Replacement - Fire 24,000$ Police Vehicles- New - Code Enforcement 18,500$ Sanitation Roll-off Truck 168,945$

Information TechnologymiSAN HA/DR Unit 8,500$ Wireless Infrastructure 14,000$

LibraryReplace Carpet, Repair Furniture, New Blinds 14,120$ Garage Remodeling/ Heat & Air Condtitioning 45,000$ Library Shelves 85,000$ Lighting & Electrical Upgrades 70,000$

ParksValco Pond Development 9,281$ 58,005$ Curbing & Fence at Ball Field 4-Plex 7,580$ 117,042$ 124,622$

PolicePolice Vehicles- 5 New Leased 31,875$ Police Vehicles- Year 1 of 5 Year Lease 31,000$

Public WorksStreet Overlays 125,000$ Curbs and Gutters 25,000$

RecreationResurface Pool Area 75,000$ Resurface & Paint Pool Bathrooms 7,500$

SanitationConstruct Landfill Clay Liner Per CDPHE 136,500$ Replace Refuse Containers 10,000$

Spreading Antlers Golf ClubIrrigation System Replacement 15,000$

Water/WastewaterValues in Street - Replacement 80,000$

501,014$ 315,445$ 80,000$ 266,922$ 481,500$ 345,492$

2013 Capital Improvement Plan

Projects Approved and Funding Sources

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

REVENUECommunity Building

23‐315‐300‐3361 INTEREST EARNED CERT CASH 23 25 23 2323‐315‐300‐3485 RENT 167,983 171,705 171,705 169,880

Library improvement Revenues23‐317‐303‐3135 SALES TAX 263,121 253,707 269,766 269,76623‐317‐303‐3361 INTEREST 16,997 17,500 7,900 7,90023‐317‐303‐3370 COP INTEREST ‐ LIBRARY 27 27 27 27

TOTAL REVENUE 448,151 442,964 449,421 447,596


Community Building Operating23‐403‐456‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 0 250 0 250

Community Building Non‐Operating

23‐800‐520‐4543 DEPRECIATION 52,940 52,940 52,940 52,94023‐800‐520‐4615 CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION 120,000 130,000 130,000 135,00023‐800‐520‐4622 INTERST ON CERTIFICATES 47,428 41,705 41,705 34,88023‐800‐520‐4632 AMORTIZATION OF C.O.P. EXPENSE 2,536 2,536 2,536 2,53623‐800‐520‐4633 AMORTIZE OF LOSS ‐ REFUND 13,755 13,755 13,755 13,75523‐800‐520‐4633 AMORTIZE OF LOSS ‐ REFUND 13,755 13,755 13,755 13,755

Total Community Building 236,659 241,186 240,936 239,361

Library Operating23‐405‐444‐4217 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 0 270 0 0

Library Non‐Operating23‐800‐600‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY  0 0 0 214,12023‐800‐600‐4543 DEPRECIATION 42,976 42,976 42,976 42,97623‐800‐600‐4544 DEPRECIATION‐LIBRARY FURNITURE 24,183 24,183 24,183 24,18323‐800‐600‐4604 TRUST FEES 900 900 900 90023‐800‐600‐4615 COP'S PAYMENT 215,000 220,000 220,000 230,00023‐800‐600‐4622 INTEREST ON CERTIFICATES 67,702 55,440 55,440 47,85023‐800‐600‐4632 AMORTIZATION OF COP EXPENSE 5,050 6,127 6,127 6,127

Total Library 355,811 349,896 349,626 566,156

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 592,470 591,082 590,562 805,517

REVENUES OVER (UNDER) ‐144,319 ‐148,118 ‐141,141 ‐357,921EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1  2,741,643 2,932,324 2,932,324 3,141,183PLUS:  BOND RETIREMENTS 335,000 350,000 350,000 365,000PLUS:  CAPITALIZED ASSETS 0 0 0 214,120RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 2,932,324 3,134,206 3,141,183 3,362,383

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

25‐316‐360‐3481 LIBRARY DONATIONS 4,524 4,500 8,000 7,10025‐316‐360‐3485 DVD RENTAL INCOME 4,380 4,800 4,100 3,60025‐316‐360‐3611 INTEREST INCOME 7 10 5 5

TOTAL REVENUE 8,911 9,310 12,105 10,705

25‐454‐437‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 5,053 1,700 1,812 50025‐454‐437‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 1,350 0 025‐454‐437‐4303 BOOKS 1,037 2,200 2,300 2,20025‐454‐437‐4305 DVD PURCHASES 3,859 4,000 4,000 1,80025‐454‐437‐4306 SUMMER READING PROGRAM 0 0 3,945 3,50025‐454‐437‐4307 LIBRARY PROGRAMS 0 0 1,000 1,400

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,949 9,250 13,057 9,400


RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1  8,662 7,624 7,684 6,732

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 7,624 7,684 6,732 8,037

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

26‐319‐306‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 3,074 3,100 1,430 82826‐319‐306‐3362 LOT SALES 6,348 10,200 11,500 12,10226‐319‐306‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 340 0 0 0

TOTAL REVENUE 9,762 13,300 12,930 12,930

26‐407‐446‐4278 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 0 1,000 350 95226‐407‐446‐4320 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 3,075 3,100 1,430 82826‐800‐446‐4781 CAPITAL OUTLAY 15,972 115,500 31,994 0

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 19,047 119,600 33,774 1,780

REVENUES OVER (UNDER) ‐9,285 ‐106,300 ‐20,844 11,150EXPENDITURES

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1  365,909 356,624 356,624 335,780

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 356,624 250,324 335,780 346,930

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SANITATION DEPARTMENT Patrick Mason, Public Works Director Mission Statement Our mission is to operate and maintain the City of Lamar Landfill and refuse collection system in the most efficient manner possible; providing the best customer service to the citizens of Lamar while complying with all health, environmental, and code requirements and providing the highest quality of life to the citizens of Lamar. Vision Statement We will earn our customer’s enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by integrity, teamwork, and innovation. Organization The City of Lamar owns and operates a Municipal Landfill that is located six miles east and two miles south of the City on a two hundred acre tract of land. The landfill is staffed by three people and continues to be open six days per week, closing on Sundays and holidays. The City also owns four refuse trucks, two roll off trucks, a rear loader truck for hauling cardboard, a D-6 Dozer, a compactor, a paddle wheel scraper, a tractor-scraper combination, and a grader. The Department also provides both commercial and residential refuse service to more than 4,000 customers per week. The job is done with two full time employees compared to nine full time employees before we went to the automated side load system. The Public Works Director is charged with overseeing the department and assuring that the landfill is operated in compliance with EPA and Colorado Department of Health rules and regulations. The department is an enterprise fund with adequate revenue to fully fund its activities. The department owns and operates a Transfer Station and hauls refuse from the Transfer Station to the Municipal Landfill. The tree dump operation that was formerly located near the Transfer Station was closed and relocated to the Municipal Landfill. Due to the closure of the old tree dump – tree limbs, branches, grass clippings and other vegetation are accepted at the Municipal Landfill without a charge to City residents. The Transfer Station is currently open one weekend per month, on ‘Free Weekend’, which allows City residents to dump for free. The Municipal Landfill is inspected twice yearly by the Colorado Department of Health. The inspector checks for the following:

Fencing is free of trash and refuse Fencing is in good condition No hazardous waste is being dumped

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Liquids are not being dumped Review of quarterly reports Random waste screenings Leachate monitoring Methane gas (well) testing Ground water monitoring Landfill records are up to date Proper cover to keep the trash from blowing out of the landfill Landfill is being operated in accordance with all CDPHE requirements

Each year, the Sanitation Department is required to submit a Financial Assurance report to the State on behalf of the City. The purpose of the report is to assure that sufficient funding is in place to properly close the landfill should the City decide to abandon it. The report is also to assure that the landfill is properly monitored and maintained after operations cease and the landfill has been closed for a number of years. Dollars are set aside based on the life of the landfill and number of years in operation. Quarterly reports are turned in to the State along with fees collected. The fees are based on whether the load was commercial or non-commercial and the number of cubic yards disposed of or total volume for the quarter reported. These fees are used to fund the State Solid Waste Division. The Sanitation Department encourages recycling and runs a cardboard route three days per week. The City of Lamar is an active member of Southeast Central Recycling Association along with other Municipal and County Governments. Currently, the City of Lamar, in conjunction with Southeast Central Recycling Association, offers three recycling locations: Thriftway, Safeway, and Alco. Goals

o Continue to comply with Financial Assurance o Continue to comply with solid waste disposal rules and regulations o Continue equipment preventative maintenance measures o Continue to work with Southeast Central Recycling Association to insure recycling

efforts and volume reduction at the landfill o Continue to operate a quality cost effective refuse collection program for the citizens of

Lamar o Acquire a scale at the Landfill for a more accurate procedure in determining load charges.

Major Accomplishments

o Acquired new refuse truck o Continued Free Dump weekends last full weekend of the month o Completed Refuse Roundup 2012 o Passed yearly financial assurance audit o In substantial compliance with solid waste rules and regulations

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Performance Measures Free weekend residential cubic yards refuse collected 3,255 Refuse Roundup cubic yards refuse collected 1,669

2012 Commercial cubic yards refuse collected 36,669

Organizational Chart

Public Works Director


Landfill Maintenance III


Landfill Gate Attendant


Maintenance III (2)

Maintenance II (2)

City Administrator

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

OPERATING REVENUES41‐311‐348‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 988 2,000 2,000 2,00041‐311‐348‐3482 REFUSE COLLECTION 1,131,007 1,110,000 1,114,212 1,114,21241‐311‐348‐3483 FLY ASH DISPOSAL 0 0 0 041‐311‐348‐3484 TRASH HAULING 30,183 20,000 37,132 37,13241‐311‐348‐3488 CARDBOARD RUN 35,827 34,000 36,374 36,37441‐311‐348‐3498 LANDFILL COLLECTION 14,437 17,000 14,174 14,17441‐311‐348‐3500 PAY AS YOU THROW 0 0 0

TOTAL 1,212,442 1,183,000 1,203,892 1,203,892

NON‐OPERATING REVENUE41‐700‐361‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 7,381 7,000 6,070 6,07041‐700‐361‐3363 EIAF GRANT 0 0 0 041‐700‐361‐3550 RETIREMENT FORFEITURE REVENUE 0 0 0 041‐700‐361‐3700 EMPLOYEE W/C REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 7,381 7,000 6,070 6,070

TOTAL REVENUE 1,219,823 1,190,000 1,209,962 1,209,962

OPERATING EXPENDITURES41‐432‐417‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐SANITATION 174,997 151,819 150,494 158,76641‐432‐417‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 0 0 0 7,80041‐432‐417‐4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 11 829 19 500 12 000 19 50041 432 417 4214 OPERATING SUPPLIES & EXPENSE 11,829 19,500 12,000 19,50041‐432‐417‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 119,634 95,000 155,457 120,00041‐432‐417‐4318 TRAINING 0 500 500 50041‐432‐417‐4319 RECYLCE EXPENSE 16,063 17,000 16,063 16,07041‐432‐417‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 6,880 7,500 7,500 7,50041‐432‐418‐4111 OPERATING LABOR ‐ CLEAN UP 11,200 12,694 13,00041‐432‐418‐4214 CLEAN UP EXPENSE 2,070 1,038 1,00041‐432‐428‐4111 OPERATING LABOR ‐ LANDFILL 34,083 59,010 58,410 60,19541‐432‐428‐4112 TEMPORARY LABOR EXPENSE 16,955 16,708 18,986 16,99241‐432‐428‐4240 LANDFILL EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 80,960 85,000 85,000 85,00041‐432‐428‐4255 LANDFILL OPERATING EXPENSE 166,677 60,000 55,000 60,00041‐432‐428‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE ‐ LANDFILL 3,292 4,500 4,000 4,000

TOTAL 644,640 516,537 577,142 570,323

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSE41‐432‐601‐4110 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION 85,646 85,646 85,646 85,64641‐432‐601‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 7,073 7,500 7,474 7,50041‐432‐601‐4224 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 10,094 9,400 11,794 10,500

TOTAL 102,813 102,546 104,914 103,646

GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE41‐432‐602‐4111 OPERATING LABOR ‐ ADMINISTRATION 60,248 47,409 45,087 49,38941‐432‐602‐4220 OPERATING SUPPLY & EXPENSE 9,449 8,760 8,760 8,76041‐432‐602‐4223 PROPERTY INSURANCE 15,506 16,850 19,475 17,45041‐432‐602‐4225 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 21,660 21,605 22,507 22,22041‐432‐602‐4226 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,326 1,291 1,414 1,34141‐432‐602‐4227 ACCRUED VACATION & SICK LEAVE ‐1,097 7,000 7,000 7,00041‐432‐602‐4229 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSE 181 200 200 20041‐432‐602‐4514 INSURANCE CLAIMS 216 2,000 2,000 2,00041‐432‐602‐4520 W/C INSURANCE CLAIMS 307 500 500 50041‐432‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT EXPENSE 0 1,375 1,128 1,42541‐432‐999‐4142 MEDICARE EXPENSE 2,377 3,985 2,410 4,13641‐432‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE EXPENSE 79,799 76,168 62,103 65,03041‐432‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 25,404 25,824 25,392 26,82941‐432‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 581 1,036 1,247 1,054

TOTAL 215,957 214,003 199,223 207,334

NON‐OPERATING EXPENSE41‐800‐405‐4539 AMORTIZATION OF LANDFILL 9,801 5,000 9,801 9,80141‐800‐405‐4540 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 101 736 101 036 84 834 109 40241 800 405 4540 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 101,736 101,036 84,834 109,40241‐800‐405‐4621 INTEREST ON FUNDED DEBT 0 0 0 041‐800‐405‐4751 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATION 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,00041‐800‐405‐4781 CAPITAL OUTLAY 109,296 466,500 240,500 315,44541‐800‐500‐4542 SALES OF ASSETS (GAIN/LOSS) 0 0 ‐4,000 0

TOTAL 470,833 822,536 581,135 684,648

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,434,243 1,655,622 1,462,414 1,565,951

REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSE ‐214,420 ‐465,622 ‐252,452 ‐355,989

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1 1,737,140 1,632,016 1,632,016 1,620,064CAPITALIZED ASSETS 109,296 466,500 240,500 315,445RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER  31 1,632,016 1,632,894 1,620,064 1,579,520

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WATER AND WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT Joshua Cichocki, Water and Wastewater Department Director Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Maintenance Worker III

Well Field Foreman

Water System and Quality Tech

Water and Wastewater Supervisor

Water and Wastewater Director

Maintenance Worker II

Maintenance Worker II

Water and Wastewater Foreman

Maintenance Worker II

Water Meter Tech II

Maintenance Worker II

Maintenance Worker II

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Mission Statement To provide and ensure clean, safe, and affordable water and sewer services in a professional, fair, and responsible manner Goals and Objectives Water:

o Assist and coordinate with other city departments to better serve the public and maintain city efficiency

o Complete current water rights exchange for City's Fort Bent Ditch shares

o Continue as a participant in the Arkansas Valley Conduit Project

o Acquire Water and Wastewater Certification for the department staff

o Continue implementation of the Water Conservation Plan as a compliance item for the AVC Project


o Draft and implement a Capital Improvement Plan to better manage and maintain the aging collection system and wastewater treatment facility

o Draft and implement a Preventative Maintenance Plan to ensure proper operations and management of the collection system and wastewater treatment facility

Storm water:

o Continue improvements to storm water system as recommended in the Master Drainage Study

Major Accomplishments Water:

♦ Completed the repair and rehabilitation of the 6 million gallon water storage tank ♦ Continued replacing old water meters with new radio-read meters as part of the meter system upgrade program ♦ Completed construction of a fence around the water recharge facility


♦ Complete new fencing at the WWTF ♦ Made repairs and improvements to the wastewater collection system to reduce the amount of

groundwater infiltration Storm water:

♦ Cleaned and made repairs to various storm water laterals, mains, and catch basins throughout the city

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Organization Water is delivered to the City from 26 active wells in the "Clay Creek Alluvial well field". Two steel potable water tanks holding 8 million gallons provide storage for the City. Six other potable and non-potable wells provide water for park, cemetery, and golf course irrigation, for use at the City's maintenance shop, and for use at the airport. The City's water rights portfolio includes ownership of shares in the Fort Bent Ditch Company (3,199.6 shares), the Lamar Canal Company (350 shares), and the Lower Arkansas Water Management Association (293 shares). Lamar is also entitled to purchase Fryingpan-Arkansas Project water from the Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District. The Comprehensive Water Plan completed in 2007 concluded that the City's currently owned surface and groundwater rights provide adequate water rights to meet its projected growth. Water treatment consists of chlorination and fluoridation. The flow is metered at the treatment facility before entering the water storage tanks. A new water treatment facility and a second 24” transmission main were constructed in 2010. The water distribution system is composed of 60 miles of water mains. Two pressure booster stations are utilized to increase pressure to the far south and southwest portions of the city. The system serves approximately 3, 000 residential taps and 550 commercial taps with an average daily demand of 1.5 million gallons. The maximum daily demand is five million gallons per day. The City meets all federal and state drinking water standards. The wastewater system is composed of 56 miles of collection lines ranging in size from 6" to 24", two small lift stations on the east edge of the city and one main pumping station that pumps wastewater to the treatment lagoons. The existing treatment system consists of three lagoons covering an area of approximately 93.9 acres. The first two lagoons are used as naturally aspirated, facultative lagoons. Flow from the second lagoon is discharged into the third cell where it infiltrates into the groundwater below. The wastewater system does not directly discharge to the Arkansas River. The City's current discharge permit requires quarterly sampling and reporting of four ground water wells located upstream and downstream of the lagoons to ensure compliance with water quality standards. There are approximately 3,400 wastewater taps in the City. The system treats an average of 800,000 gallons of wastewater per day. Repairs and improvements to the wastewater collection system have reduced groundwater infiltration into the system and has reduced the volume of wastewater treated by approximately 15%. Construction of a new main wastewater lift station was completed in April, 2011. The storm water system is composed of a system of collection lines throughout the City that transport storm water flows to Willow Creek, the greenbelt, and the Lamar Canal. Three storm water pump stations are utilized within the system.

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Performance Measures

2011 2012 Violations of water quality standards 0 0 Violations of discharge monitoring requirements (wastewater) 0 0 Municipal Sanitary Storm Sewer System 0 0 Water delivered to Clay Creek recharge area (AF) 2276 912 Water sales (gallons) 637 M 637 M Wastewater treated (gallons) 290 M 290 M Water meters replaced 230 163 Water service lines replaced 21 21 Sanitary sewer main cleaned (feet) 87,138 91,138

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

OPERATING REVENUES61‐340‐344‐3440 FACILITY INVESTMENT FEE 416,524 416,333 414,370 414,37061‐340‐344‐3441 RESIDENTIAL WATER SALES 944,320 952,000 1,016,600 952,00061‐340‐344‐3442 COMMERCIAL WATER SALES 597,703 588,900 643,600 600,00061‐340‐344‐3443 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES 472,903 472,265 481,250 480,00061‐340‐344‐3444 WATER TAP CONNECT FEES 2,061 2,060 3,900 4,00061‐340‐344‐3445 SEWER CONNECT & EXTENTION 972 864 432 86461‐340‐344‐3446 METER CONNECT FEES 12,363 12,460 12,460 12,00061‐340‐344‐3447 MISC WATER REVENUE 52,957 18,880 37,000 30,00061‐340‐344‐3448 WATER TAP 5,975 5,975 5,661 6,00061‐340‐344‐3449 SEWER TAP 758 650 1,733 750

TOTAL 2,506,536 2,470,387 2,617,006 2,499,984

NON‐OPERATING REVENUE61‐700‐330‐3341 STATE GRANT 0 0 0 1,30061‐700‐361‐3011 BOND PROCEEDS 1,588,950 1,067,625 1,247,756 061‐700‐361‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 10,565 10,000 6,235 4,43061‐700‐361‐3619 WATER LEASE ‐ FARM 19,331 20,000 12,520 12,52061‐700‐361‐3622 WATER LEASE‐CANAL SUBLEASE 5,759 3,500 1,000 1,00061‐700‐361‐3700 EMPLOYEE W/C REIMBURSEMENT 2,598 0 3,043 0

TOTAL 1,627,203 1,101,125 1,270,554 19,250

TOTAL REVENUE 4 133 739 3 571 512 3 887 560 2 519 234TOTAL REVENUE 4,133,739 3,571,512 3,887,560 2,519,234

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

SOURCE OF SUPPLY & PUMPING61‐433‐401‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐SUPPLY & PUMP 377,754 422,585 379,588 407,96261‐433‐401‐4112 OPERATING LABOR PART‐TIME 0 4,971 2,094 5,07061‐433‐401‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 19,593 70,000 26,000 30,00061‐433‐401‐4228 WATER PURCHASED 59,184 62,345 59,184 65,00061‐433‐401‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 17,851 20,960 14,324 17,00061‐433‐401‐4241 POWER PURCHASED 177,486 172,000 199,000 200,000

TOTAL 651,868 752,861 680,190 725,032

WATER TREATMENT EXPENSE61‐433‐403‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 3,419 7,500 4,290 3,50061‐433‐403‐4221 CHEMICALS 7,280 9,000 7,500 7,50061‐433‐403‐4241 POWER PURCHASED ‐ TREATMENT PLANT 12,033 12,000 14,946 15,698

TOTAL 22,732 28,500 26,736 26,698

TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSE61‐433‐404‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 46,079 76,000 57,000 60,00061‐433‐404‐4233 MAINTENANCE OF METERS 9,171 8,000 7,885 5,50061‐433‐404‐4234 MAINTENANCE OF HYDRANTS ‐558 0 10,000 10,00061‐433‐404‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 26,151 30,580 51,000 25,00061‐433‐404‐4241 POWER PURCHASED ‐ DISTRIBUTION 44,672 37,000 37,260 45,000

TOTAL 125,515 151,580 163,145 145,500

SEWER OPERATING EXPENSE61‐433‐501‐4235 SEWER MAINTENANCE EXPENSE 66,259 90,000 87,000 90,00061‐433‐501‐4237 SEWER DISPOSAL EXPENSES 12,874 16,000 16,000 16,00061‐433‐501‐4238 DRAINAGE‐ POWER PURCHASED 2 553 2 600 3 150 3 50061 433 501 4238 DRAINAGE  POWER PURCHASED 2,553 2,600 3,150 3,50061‐433‐501‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 10,187 14,100 11,375 12,50061‐433‐501‐4241 WASTEWATER POWER PURCHASE 21,307 20,000 25,500 24,000

TOTAL 113,180 142,700 143,025 146,000

CUSTOMER ACCOUNTING EXPENSE61‐433‐601‐4110 ACCOUNTING AND COLLECTION 177,951 177,950 177,951 177,95161‐433‐601‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 6,189 6,600 6,000 6,60061‐433‐601‐4224 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 10,446 13,500 12,000 12,800

TOTAL 194,586 198,050 195,951 197,351

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

GENERAL & ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE61‐433‐602‐4111 OPERATING LABOR‐ADMINISTRATION 64,812 58,113 50,652 60,49761‐433‐602‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 12,822 15,000 15,000 13,00061‐433‐602‐4222 WATER ATTORNEY 12,459 25,000 25,000 20,00061‐433‐602‐4223 PROPERTY INSURANCE 37,858 35,419 38,663 38,66361‐433‐602‐4225 WORKMEN'S COMP INSURANCE 20,813 21,340 18,497 20,62361‐433‐602‐4226 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,884 2,405 1,911 2,34061‐433‐602‐4227 ACCRUED VACATION & SICK LEAVE 6,124 0 5,000 5,00061‐433‐602‐4229 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSE 55,922 75,000 68,160 60,00061‐433‐602‐4318 TRAINING 648 2,500 2,000 5,00061‐433‐602‐4340 UTILITIES EXPENSE 3,454 4,375 3,850 4,37561‐433‐602‐4400 WATER RESOURCE EXPENSE 921 10,000 7,500 7,50061‐433‐602‐4411 WATER RESOURCE LABOR 1,118 0 0 061‐433‐602‐4420 CONDUIT WATER SUPPLY 38,771 39,910 39,910 39,91061‐433‐602‐4514 INSURANCE CLAIMS ‐1,766 1,000 1,000 1,00061‐433‐602‐4520 W/C INSURANCE CLAIMS 3,150 1,000 7,183 1,00061‐433‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT EXPENSE 0 2,430 1,700 2,36661‐433‐999‐4142 MEDICARE EXPENSE 4,734 7,042 4,614 6,86261‐433‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE EXPENSE 107,478 106,986 79,300 98,32461‐433‐999‐4148 401‐A PENSION 40,113 48,069 39,280 46,81261‐433‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 0 308 150 319

TOTAL 411,315 455,897 409,370 433,591

NON‐OPERATING EXPENDIURES61‐800‐404‐4781 IMPROVEMENTS PHASE #1 671,419 1,067,625 1,067,625 061‐800‐409‐4310 INTEREST ON CUSTOMER DEPOSITS 1,861 2,000 1,900 2,00061‐800‐409‐4327 WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM 0 5 000 5 000 061 800 409 4327 WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM 0 5,000 5,000 061‐800‐409‐4541 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE‐WATER 225,086 270,000 284,300 295,00061‐800‐409‐4604 TRUST FEES 200 0 200 20061‐800‐409‐4611 BOND PAYMENTS 425,883 495,425 495,425 503,21661‐800‐409‐4621 INTEREST ON FUNDED DEBT 86,487 106,004 106,004 97,94661‐800‐409‐4631 AMORT OF BOND EXPENSE 9,082 9,082 9,082 9,08261‐800‐409‐4645 FARM MAINTENANCE & IMPROVEMENT 0 15,000 0 15,00061‐800‐409‐4751 GENERAL FUND APPROPRAITION 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,00061‐800‐409‐4781 CAPITAL OUTLAY AND CONSTRUCTION 58,686 280,600 177,455 80,00061‐800‐500‐4542 SALES OF ASSETS (GAIN/LOSS) 106,329 0 ‐3,050 061‐800‐501‐4781 SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 784,224 0 0 061‐800‐509‐4541 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE‐SEWER 106,154 150,000 153,177 153,177

TOTAL 2,675,411 2,600,736 2,497,118 1,355,621

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,194,607 4,330,324 4,115,535 3,029,793

REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSE ‐60,868 ‐758,812 ‐227,975 ‐510,559

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1  5,067,332 5,357,726 5,357,726 5,622,500LESS:  LOAN OR BOND PROCEEDS 1,588,950 1,067,625 1,247,756 0PLUS:  BOND RETIREMENTS 425,883 495,425 495,425 503,216PLUS:  CAPITALIZED ASSETS 1,514,329 1,348,225 1,245,080 80,000RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 5,357,726 5,374,939 5,622,500 5,695,157

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AMBULANCE FUND Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Budget 107

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AMBULANCE SERVICE Marshall D. Cook, Fire Chief Purpose and Values The Lamar Ambulance Service was integrated into the Lamar Fire Department in 1976. In 2013, we will be celebrating our thirty-seventh year serving the citizens and visitors of Lamar and two-thirds of Prowers County. The Lamar Ambulance Service is the busiest ambulance service in Southeastern Colorado. We respond to nearly 1,000 calls for assistance annually. Our service area includes Lamar, Wiley, Granada, Bristol and the western two-thirds of Prowers County. This response area covers 1,240 square miles. Our purpose is to provide the most comprehensive and efficient advanced life support pre-hospital medical and trauma care to our customers. The Lamar Ambulance Service is one of only a few ambulance services in the region capable of providing advanced care. We also provide advanced life support intercepts for other basic life support ambulance services transporting critical patients into Prowers Medical Center. We provide this service with EMT-Intermediates. We have utilized EMT-Intermediates since 1995. Prior to that date, ours was a basic life support ambulance service. Lamar does not currently utilize more advanced EMT-Paramedics because of the educational costs and the distance to the nearest training centers in Pueblo. We have designed a system that works extremely well at the Intermediate level and our history of positive patient outcomes reflects this. A majority of our ambulance employees also serve as firefighters with the Lamar Fire Department. Being integrated with the Lamar Fire Department, the Lamar Ambulance Service shares the same philosophies in regards to values. These values include integrity, professionalism, competence and stakeholdership for all of our members. We acknowledge and appreciate the commitment from each of our employees and we encourage all of our staff to take an active role in designing the mission and vision that steers our department on its course. We also firmly believe that we must possess public trust and confidence in us as a department; otherwise, we fail long before the call for assistance ever reaches us. We constantly focus on our purpose as a component of our local government; this being the provision of effective and efficient public safety and education for our citizens…our customers. Mission Statement The Lamar Fire & Ambulance Service is committed to providing the highest level of professional all-hazards emergency response and public education for the citizens and visitors of our community. Vision Statement Effectively and efficiently serving the public, with respect and integrity, will always remain our highest priority. Through training, continued education, state of the art technology and partnerships with allied organizations; the Lamar Fire & Ambulance Service will become a

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leader in the all-hazards approach to emergency services in Lamar and the surrounding area. We will continue to recognize and value our personnel as dedicated professionals who continue to meet the changing needs of our community and the services we provide. Long-term Goals

• Continue to evaluate and implement practices which will help to offset the deficit that exists between operating costs and reimbursement for services

• Maintain the most competent full-time and part-time staff given the limited financial resources available to the City of Lamar

• Continue to focus on providing prevention and education opportunities for Lamar’s residents

• Continue to assure the acquisition of high quality state-of-the-art equipment and vehicles

• Work with the State of Colorado to find new and creative ways to transition EMT-Intermediates to the EMT-Paramedic level at a less expensive and more local level

• Create and encourage modern nationally recognized professional and educational standards for our staff

Department Resources The Lamar Ambulance Service functions as an enterprise fund within the governmental structure of the City of Lamar. Although an independent department, the Ambulance Service operations coincide with the Lamar Fire Department. The two (2) departments share facilities, a majority of the staff and both are operated under the direction of the Fire Chief. Of the department’s current staff of thirty-two (32), all but two (2) also serve on the ambulance service. Twenty-two (22) of our thirty-two (32) employees are EMTs (eight (8) are EMT-Intermediates and fourteen (14) are EMT-Basics). Two (2) of those EMTs are also registered nurses. This accounts for 66% of our entire staff and is the greatest number of EMTs we’ve had at any given time since after the initial EMT class in the mid 1970s. The Lamar Ambulance Service also functions as a State of Colorado approved training group authorized to provide continuous education programs for EMT-Basics and EMT-Intermediates. We also teach intravenous therapy courses for EMT-Basics. The Lamar Ambulance Service operates four Type 1 four wheel drive ambulances. Each ambulance is rotated to “first out” status on a routine schedule. We strive to replace one ambulance every five years. This gives each ambulance a twenty year life cycle with the department. We also utilize the highest quality of durable medical equipment in our rigs. This includes equipment manufactured by companies such as Ferno-Washington, Laerdal and Pysio-Control. Our ambulances and most of our more expensive equipment are purchased with the assistance of a 50% cash match provider grant through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. By utilizing this grant program, we save tens of thousands of dollars in local funds. As with the Lamar Fire Department, our ambulance service is staffed completely by both full-time and part-time employees. Each of our ambulance employees are required to get “checked

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off” to operate our vehicles and equipment within their first six months of employment. After that, each employee is also required to sign up for and participate in a monthly call schedule. This helps to assure that we are able to respond to all calls and effectively treat our patients. The Lamar Ambulance Service 2013 operating budget is $339,684.00. Previous Goals

• Provide effective retention and recognition awards program. Continuous. • Maintain high moral standards and ethics within the department while treating all

employees and customers with dignity and courtesy. We were extremely successful in 2012, as evidenced by our current staff in 2013, but of course, this is always an ongoing project and will constantly remain a priority to us.

• Continue to recruit new employees for both the fire and ambulance components of our service. This is ongoing, but we have been extremely successful as our roster is currently full and we have a waiting list. We are limited by the number of portable radios available in our inventory.

• Partner with Lamar Community College to send staff members to the Colorado State EMS Conference. Cost share with LCC to send five staff in 2012. Completed.

Goals for 2013 As we continue to adjust and adapt to the significant changes that came upon our department in late 2012, we have several goals for 2013.

• Continue to build enrichment programs and incentives for staff members • Outfit our newly created part-time employees with uniforms and badges • Emphasize the importance of training and other educational opportunities • Redesign our intravenous therapy program to meet newer State curriculum requirements

and teach a course in early 2013 • Work with Lamar Community College to start a new EMT-Intermediate initial course in

late 2013 or very early 2014 • Continue to evaluate methods for funding the ongoing operation of the Lamar Ambulance

Service in light of diminishing reimbursements from Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance companies and, of course, private pay customers

• Begin the preparations for a multi-year capital improvement project to replace our Physio-Control Lifepak 12 monitor/defibrillators with the new Lifepak 15s. Lifepak 12s are no longer manufactured and technical/parts support will end for them around 2016.

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Organizational Chart

City Administrator

Fire Chief/EMT-I

Deputy Chief/EMT-I


Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Fire Engineer/EMT-I

Part-time EMTS Personnel

Account Clerk II

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2011 2012 2012 2013ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGET‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

OPERATING REVENUES62‐312‐345‐3341 EMS GRANT 12,499 0 13,451 6,75062‐312‐345‐3361 INTEREST INCOME 27 30 10 062‐312‐345‐3375 DONATIONS 300 1,200 200 1,00062‐312‐345‐3417 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 6,064 5,000 6,248 5,00062‐312‐345‐3451 AMBULANCE FEES 298,170 290,000 250,000 290,00062‐312‐345‐3452 COUNTY SUBSIDY 12,000 12,000 15,000 15,00062‐312‐345‐3454 PROWERS COUNTY EMS SUBSIDY 11,250 11,250 11,250 11,25062‐312‐345‐3455 CONTRACTUAL ADJUSTMENTS/CARE ‐63,031 ‐58,000 ‐48,500 ‐58,000

TOTAL REVENUE 277,279 261,480 247,659 271,000

EXPENDITURES62‐441‐439‐4111 OPERATING LABOR 101,281 97,055 95,704 97,05462‐441‐439‐4112 PART TIME AMBULANCE LABOR 25,205 25,050 23,000 25,05062‐441‐439‐4114 ACCOUNTING & ADMINISTRATION 0 8,600 8,600 8,60062‐441‐439‐4211 OFFICE EXPENSE 2,217 2,500 2,400 2,50062‐441‐439‐4220 OPERATION SUPPLY & EXPENSE 15,594 18,500 18,500 19,50062‐441‐439‐4224 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS 39,691 58,000 45,000 52,20062‐441‐439‐4240 EQUIPMENT EXPENSE 5,192 7,500 7,500 7,50062‐441‐439‐4261 CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,752 0 0 6,75062‐441‐439‐4292 GASOLINE AND OTHER FUELS 5,492 5,000 5,516 5,70062‐441‐439‐4318 TRAINING 2,029 4,000 4,000 3,00062‐441‐439‐4340 UTILITIES 55 300 55 20062‐441‐439‐4371 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0 150 150 15062‐441‐439‐4372 EMS GRANT EXPENDITURES 13,451 0 0 6,75062‐441‐439‐4373 RETAC REGIONAL EMS SUBSIDY 10,834 11,250 11,250 11,25062‐441‐439‐4513 INSURANCE 11,436 11,827 11,422 12,56462‐441‐439‐4541 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 45,797 45,500 44,922 45,50062‐441‐602‐4227 ACCRUED VAC & SICK LEAVE ‐6,722 0 2,500 2,50062‐441‐999‐4140 FPPA DISABILITY 1,410 1,765 1,422 1,81862‐441‐999‐4141 UNEMPLOYMENT 0 610 482 61262‐441‐999‐4142 MEDICARE 1,715 1,771 1,649 1,77562‐441‐999‐4143 GROUP INSURANCE EXPENSE 29,053 27,102 18,344 17,63462‐441‐999‐4144 DISABILITY INSURANCE 146 485 153 48762‐441‐999‐4147 POLICE/FIRE PENSION 4,285 6,110 4,632 6,28962‐441‐999‐4148 PENSION (401A) 3,209 2,914 2,592 2,74862‐441‐999‐4149 FICA TAX 1,606 1,642 1,420 1,553

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 325,728 337,631 311,213 339,684

REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSE ‐48,449 ‐76,151 ‐63,554 ‐68,684

RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ JANUARY 1  277,297 254,352 254,352 190,798PLUS:  CAPITALIZED ASSETS 25,504 0 0 13,500RETAINED EARNINGS ‐ DECEMBER 31 254,352 178,201 190,798 135,614

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