CITY OF STIRLING information...0 CITY OF STIRLING ANNUAL BUDGET 2014/15 STATUTORY BUDGETS INCLUDING FEES & CHARGES Index Statutory Budget (White Pages) Page No. 1. Introduction 2 2

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Statutory Budget (White Pages) Page No. 1. Introduction 2 2. Councillors & City Map 3 3. Organisation Structure 4 4. The Year Ahead 5 5. Budget Overview 6

6. Rates Information 14 7. Service Charge Information 15 8. Fees & Charges Information 17 9. Early Payment Incentive Scheme 18 10. Reporting Regime 19

11. Submission for Budget Adoption 20 Statutory Statements (Yellow Pages) 1. Appendix I Statement of Comprehensive Income - Nature & Type 32 2. Appendix II Statement of Comprehensive - Program 33 3. Appendix III Statement of Reserve Fund Transfers 34 4. Appendix IV Town Planning Scheme Activity 35 5. Appendix V Statement of Cash Flows 36 6. Appendix VI Rate Setting Statement 37 7. Appendix VII Statement of Rating Information 38 8. Appendix VIII General Purpose Funding 39 9. Appendix IX Statement of Non-Operating Expenditure 40 Budget Notes (Gold Pages) 1. Significant Accounting Policies 43 2. Operating Revenues and Expenses 55 3. Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows 59

4. Rating Information – 2014/15 Financial Year 59 5. Specified Area Rate – 2014/15 Financial Year 60 6. Service Charges – 2014/15 Financial Year 60 7. Fees and Charges Revenue 62 8. Late Payment Interest, Payment Options and Charges 63 9. Acquisition of Assets 66 10. Disposal of Assets 68 11. Reserve Accounts 69 12. Council Members Fees, Expenses and Allowances 77 13. Investment Information 78 14. Borrowing Information 78 15. Overdraft Facilities 78 16. Major Land Transactions 79 17. Rating Information 79

18. Net Current Assets at the Start of the Financial Year 79 Schedule of Proposed Fees & Charges 2014/15 (Buff Pages)


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The Budget for the 2014/15 financial year has been prepared using the City’s financial software – Technology I – and related facilities. The 2014/15 Budget is prepared in a format which meets the requirements of the Australian Accounting Standards, the Local Government Act 1995 and the Local Government (Finance Management) Regulations 1996. This Statutory Budget contains all information required to meet the City's Statutory requirements with some detail aimed at and informing readers of the City's expected operations in the 2014/15 financial year. It comprises of four sections:-

The Budget Report

Statutory Statements

Budget Notes

Fees & Charges Schedule

The Budget Report is a narrative describing the format and contents of the 2014/15 Budget.

The relevant Statutory Statements are:

Statement of Comprehensive Income – by Program

Statement of Comprehensive Income – by Nature & Type

Reserve Accounts

Town Planning Schemes

Statement of Cash Flows

Rate Setting Statement

Statement of Rating Information

General Purpose Funding

Statement of Non-Operating Expenditure

The Statutory Statements are shown on the yellow pages later within this document.

The Budget Notes is a narrative which provides details of significant accounting policies, notes on the relevant statements, Rates and Service Charges information and information on Reserve Accounts.

The Budget Notes are shown on the gold pages.

The Fees & Charges Schedule details the City’s Fees & Charges for 2014/15. For convenience this is listed by Directorate and Business Unit. The Fees & Charges are shown on the buff pages.

Information about the City’s Councillors and its business structure are provided on the following pages.



Mayor Deputy




























- Executi

ve O



- In


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- Str















& D


























- Accounti

ng S



- Budget




- P















- Serv


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- Record



- Land Info


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- Lease

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& R








- Pla


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- Engin



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Land U

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- Tow

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H &





- Envir



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- Roads

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- Landsc

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- Beaches

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- Leis











- Lib



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- Regio

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- Anim

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Council &


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- Civ

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THE YEAR AHEAD The City of Stirling’s prudent 2014/15 Budget delivers a high level of service while the City continues to remain debt free. It also provides the flexibility to fund a range of exciting major projects that will present a variety of long term benefits to the City in a sustainable manner. The City is in a solid financial position and its finances remain aligned to strategic priorities. The 2014/15 Budget has been developed congruent with the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework and incorporates those projects and activities identified to continue, commence or be finalised during the year. This year will see general rates and minimum payments increase by 3.48%, one of the lowest increases in Metropolitan Perth. The security charge will increase by $1 to $29. Overall, a general rate account with a 240 litre domestic waste service and security charge will increase by 4.39%. The changes in the City’s general rates and charges are summarised below.

Average Rates & Charges

Yr 2013/14 Yr 2014/15 Increase Increase

Average Rates

$ 1,159.74 $ 1,200.10 $ 40.36 3.48%

Domestic Waste Collection

$ 278.00 $ 300.93 $ 22.93 8.25%


$ 28.00 $ 29.00 $ 1.00 3.57%


$1,465.74 $ 1,530.03 $ 64.29 4.39%

Domestic Waste Collection will increase by 8.25% due to increased levies and charges associated with providing this service. These costs include the increased landfill levy charge effective from 1 January 2015 which sees the charge for putrescible waste almost doubling ($28 per tonne to $55 per tonne) and inert waste increasing from $8 per tonne to $40 per tonne. The revenue raised will be expended on the provision of services The City has budgeted to undertake major projects, including:

Scarborough Environs Area Strategy (SEAS) - working closely with the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority to progress the major redevelopment along the Scarborough Beachfront

Mirrabooka Regional Centre Improvement Strategy

The City will also spend significant funds on the maintenance and improvement of its infrastructure. This includes:

$21.5M on roads, drainage and footpaths

$7.7M of new works on parks and reserves

$8.4M of capital building works. At the time of the publication of this Budget the outcome of Local Government Reform for the City of Stirling is unknown. This Budget will be reviewed during the 2014/15 financial year following an announcement on reform by the Minister for Local Government and Communities which is expected in mid-2014.




The City of Stirling is the largest local government in Western Australia based on population, revenue and expenditure with an overall 2014/15 budget of $262.6M. During 2014/15 the City has budgeted for:

A Balanced Budget

Revenue of $219.9M

Operating Expenditure of $202.7M (including non cash items - loss on disposal and depreciation

Capital Expenditure of $59.9M (excluding provisional carried forward budget from 2013/14 of $13.9M)

A $6M carry forward surplus from the 2013/14 financial year The net current position at 30/6/2014 is estimated at $6M.

Net transfers from Reserves of $8.1M (excluding $0.13M transfer to Town Planning Scheme reserves)

An increase in rate levies of 3.48%.

Market expectations in construction cost increases

Remaining debt free The City's 2014/15 Revenue Budget is made up of:


General Rates 120.8

Security Service Charge 2.7

Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions 12.4

Non-Operating Grants, Subsidies & Contributions 4.5

Profit on Sale of Assets 1.2

Rubbish Service Charges 30.6

Fees & Charges 26.7

Interest Earnings 7.6

Other Revenue 13.4

Sub Total 219.9


General Rates 54.9%

Security Service Charge 1.2%

Operating Grants, Subsidies &

Contributions 5.7%

Non-Operating Grants, Subsidies &

Contributions 2.0%

Profit on Sale of Assets 0.5%

Rubbish Service Charges 13.9%

Fees & Charges 12.2%

Interest Earnings 3.5%

Other Revenue 6.1%

2014/2015 Revenue by Nature

General Rates53.7%

Underground Power Rates1.7%

Security Service Charge1.2%

Operating Grants, Subsidies &


Non-Operating Grants, Subsidies &


Profit on Sale of Assets4.7%

Rubbish Service Charges12.9%

Fees & Charges10.5%

Interest Earnings3.9%

Other Revenue1.4%

2013/2014 Revenue by Nature for Comparison


Operating Expenditure of $202.7M is budgeted for:


Employee Costs 95.2

Materials & Contracts - Asset Maintenance 41.7

Materials & Contracts - Other Works 70.4

Depreciation 31.4

Insurance 1.8

Utilities 8.3

Other 1.8

Loss on Asset Disposals 0.6

Less Allocated to Waste & Services (48.5)


Employee Costs37.1%

Materials & Contracts - Asset


Materials & Contracts - Other





Other 1.0% Loss on Asset


2013/2014 Expenditure by Nature for Comparison


The City of Stirling 2014/15 Capital Budget includes:

Expenditure of $21.5M on the City’s road network (including Paid Parking strategy) consisting of:

$1.1M Roads Upgrading $0.4M Roads St Landscaping $0.4M Roads Reconstruction $5.8M Roads Resurfacing $4.2M Drainage $2.2M Footpaths $2.2M Rights of Way $2.8M Traffic Management $0.1M On Street Parking $0.2M Construction Works $0.1M Engineering Operations - Parking $1.3M Engineering Design - Off Street Parking $0.7M Street Lighting Capital

Expenditure of $7.7M on the City Parks and Reserves (including Master Plans) consisting of:

$0.4M Barrier Fences $0.1M Furniture $1.4M Irrigation Replacement $0.6M Lighting and Electrical $1.9M Landscaping and General Development $0.3M Paths and Paving $0.1M Play Facilities $2.0M Recreation and Sporting Facilities $0.7M Revegetation $0.2M Structures

Expenditure of $8.4M Capital Building Works consisting of:

$0.2M Air Conditioning Program $1.1M Disability Access Program $1.0M Feasibility and Concept Design $1.9M Energy Improvement Program $0.5M External Upgrade Program $0.3M Furniture & Fittings Upgrades $0.1M Floor Replacement Programme $0.7M Kitchen Upgrade Programme $1.3M Medium Refurbishment Program $0.1M Toilet Upgrade Program $0.3M Roof Replacement Program $0.7M Sewer Connection Program $0.1M Security Systems Upgrade and Window & Door Replacement/

Upgrade Programmes $0.1M New building construction to provide storage sheds for the cricket and

soccer clubs.

Expenditure of $5.2M on updating the City’s vehicle fleet Expenditure of $8.5M on Corporate projects consisting of:

$3.6M Mirrabooka Regional Centre Improvement Strategy $4.9M Scarborough Environs Area Strategy (SEAS)


Expenditure of $6.3M as a result of New Capital Budget Proposals approved as part of the 2014/15 Budget, consisting of:

$5.6M Land for:

o Community Safety – Paid Parking projects

$0.4M Plant and equipment for:

o Engineering Operations o Waste and Fleet o Recreation & Leisure Services o Community Safety

$0.3M Mobile vehicle purchases for:

o Human Resources o City Buildings o Community Services

Expenditure of $1.5M on Information Technology assets

Expenditure of $0.8M for minor and replacement capital equipment and works.



Additions to Reserves are budgeted at $17.1M. This provides for interest to accrue to appropriate reserves and set aside funds for future operations and construction projects. These include:

Workers Compensation Provision Sanitation Heavy Fleet Replacement Mobile Garbage Bin Replacement In Lieu of Parking Development Reserve Asset Acquisition Future Fund Surplus Waste Levy Previous Employers Long Service Leave Provision Staff Leave Liability Edith Cowan Reserve Lighting Security Service Charge Coastal Aquatic Facility Road Widening Reserve Tamala Park Reserve

Reserves to be utilised during 2014/15 total $25.2M and include funds from:

Workers Compensation Reserve Sanitation Heavy Fleet Replacement Surplus Waste Levy Security Service Charge Development Reserve Tamala Park Reserve Previous Employers Long Service Leave Provision

In 2014/15 the City will raise $120.8M from general rates excluding $18,525 from the following Specified Area Rate:- Mirrabooka $18,525 - Enhanced Landscape Maintenance The 2014/15 GRV rate-in-the-$ is 4.478 cents. As this is a revaluation year and all properties have had Gross Rental Values reviewed the rate in the dollar has fallen in respect to the general income in valuation. The increase in revenue from annual rate notices is 3.48%. General minimum payments have increased from $763 to $790 an increase of 3.48% (rounded to the nearest dollar). The special minimum for the apartments in Parkland Villas (less than 36 square meters) is $742. The GRV rate-in-the-$ for the 2014/15 Specified Area Rates is: Mirrabooka - Enhanced Landscape in Trades Area 2.640 cents The City will continue with the Safer Community Program with funding through the levying of the Property Surveillance and Security Charge. This year the fee will increase to $29 (2013/14: $28) per property. This Program is aimed at developing and implementing a variety of security and education initiatives, which enhance public safety and reduce the overall incidence of crime and anti-social behaviour throughout the City.


The Refuse Collection Charges have increased as follows as a result of increased costs in operating the service. (e.g. tipping fees): 120 Litre Bin $239.77 (2013/14 $221.50) 240 Litre Bin $300.93 (2013/14 $278.00) 480 Litre Bin $398.36 (2013/14 $368.00) 720 Litre Bin $495.78 (2013/14 $458.00) Shared 240 Litre Bin $239.77 (2013/14 $221.50) Bulk Bin 120 Litre service $239.77 (2013/14 $221.50) Bulk Bin 240 Litre service $300.93 (2013/14 $278.00) The City's debt free policy continues with no provision to borrow funds. A full list of Fees & Charges is included in this Budget Document – refer buff sheets.



The City of Stirling imposes a single rate in the dollar on all of the properties in its district. Details of the 2014/15 General Rate are as follows:

Rate-in-the-$ applied to GRV 4.478 cents Estimated number of properties 61,760 Rateable Value of properties subject to Rate $2,130,519,754 Estimated Revenue for the Rate $95,404,675 Revenue from Interim Rates $920,523 Revenue from Back Rates 0

2. Minimum Payments

In order that each property contributes to the facilities and governance provided by the City at a minimum level, a minimum payment is applied to the General Rate. Details of the 2014/15 Minimum Payment are as follows:

Amount of the Minimum Payment $790 Estimated Number of Properties 30,902 Rateable value of properties subject to the

Minimum Payment $456,960,293 Estimated Revenue from Minimum Payment $24,412,580 Revenue from Interim Minimum Payments 0 Revenue from Back Minimum Payments 0

The City also applies a special minimum on a small number of hostel type units that while subject to a purple title, provides a high level of care and are less than 36 sq metres in size.

Amount of the Minimum Payment $742 Estimated Number of Properties 23 Rateable value of properties subject to

Minimum Payment $381,160 Estimated Revenue from Minimum Payment $17,066 Revenue from Interim Minimum Payments 0 Revenue from Back Minimum Payments 0

3. Specified Area Rates

A Specified Area Rate is levied on a small number of properties in the Mirrabooka Trades Subdivision. The purpose of the rate is to fund the infrastructure maintenance within the specified area, which would normally be the responsibility of the individual owners. Details of the 2014/15 Specified Area Rate are as follows:

Rate-in-the-$ applied to GRV 2.640 cents Estimated number of properties 23 Rateable value of properties subject to

Specified Area Rate $701,700 Estimated Revenue from Specified Area Rate $18,525 Revenue from Interim Specified Area Rate 0 Revenue from Back Specified Area Rate 0

It is expected that the proceeds will be applied to the maintenance of the infrastructure during the 2014/15 year.



1. Refuse Charge

The Refuse Charge provides for the collection, sorting and recycling of domestic refuse, disposal of non-recyclable waste to landfill including the cost of the ‘Carbon Price’, one Junk and one Green Waste verge collection per annum, Mobile Garbage Bin management, a voucher for the disposal of clean green waste or clean sand and rubble, and unlimited access to the Hazardous materials, E-Waste and Recycling facilities at the City's Recycling Centre in Balcatta.

The 240L refuse charge for 2014/15 will increase to $300.93 per property to cover costs associated with delivering the service. Overall the total cost to the City is $30.6M.

It is to be recognised that the City has a variety of refuse alternatives depending on

need. These are:

120 Litre Bin $239.77 240 Litre Bin $300.93 480 Litre Bin $398.36 720 Litre Bin $495.78 Shared 240 Litre Bin $239.77 Bulk Bin 120 Litre service $239.77 Bulk Bin 240 Litre service $300.93

The City will deliver this service to some 86,812 properties in the 2014/15 year.

Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Refuse Service Charges




It is expected that the revenue raised will be expended on the provision of services. If surplus funds are identified at the end of the year, these funds will be transferred to a specific reserve for use in providing the service in future years.

2. Property Surveillance and Security Charge

The City will continue the mobile Security Service in the 2014/15 year. The Program aims to meet the community's concerns through security patrols and security awareness.

The Program cost is $2.7M with the annual fee increasing to $29 per property. There are currently 92,864 properties to which the service applies.

Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Property Surveillance and Security Charge





It is expected that the revenue raised will be expended on the provision of services. If surplus funds are identified at the end of the year, these funds will be transferred to a specific reserve for use in providing the service in future years.

3. Swimming Pool Inspection Charge Swimming pool inspections are properly categorised as a fee for service and are levied only on properties with swimming pools. The budget provides for the City to levy $315,000 during the year. The annual charge for Swimming Pool Inspections will remain $33.00 pa inclusive of GST. There are currently 10,721 properties to which the service applies.

Inspections are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation once every four years, in order to ensure correct fencing and safety requirements are maintained.

Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Swimming Pool Inspection Charge




4. Emergency Services Levy (ESL)

The City, together with all other local governments within Western Australia, is required, pursuant to the provisions of Part 6A of the Fire & Emergency Services Authority (FESA) of Western Australia Act 1998, to impose for the 2014/15 financial year, an Emergency Services Levy (ESL) accordance with the rates as per the table below.

ESL Rates and Minimum and Maximum Thresholds

ESL Category ESL Rate

(Per $GRV)

Minimum and Maximum ESL Charges

By Property Use

Residential, Farming and Vacant Land

Commercial, Industrial and Miscellaneous

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

1 $0.0112 $64 $330 $64 $186,000

2 $0.0085 $64 $245 $64 $140,000

3 $0.0056 $64 $164 $64 $94,000

4 $0.0040 $64 $116 $64 $66,000

5 Fixed Charge $64 $64 $64 $64 $64

Mining Tenements Fixed Charge $64 $64 $64 $64 $64

Note 1 - Properties in ESL Category 5 and leviable Mining Tenements that cross the borders of two or more local government areas will be charged $64 ESL per annum on each rates notice assessment issued to the property.

Note 2 - Local government Rates/ESL Billing Systems have been programmed to ensure that the maximum annual ESL charge for single-title multi-unit residential properties is the maximum residential charge for the ESL category classification of the property multiplied by the number of separate living units (or subs) in the property.

It is emphasised that this is not a City of Stirling levy. The City is required to levy these amounts, collect the funds and remit them to FESA.



The City of Stirling has budgeted to receive a total of $26,7M in fees and charges. A summary of estimated receipts from fees and charges by program follows:



Program $

General Purpose Funding 568,000

Governance 12,200

Law Order & Public Safety 320,100

Health 170,780

Education And Welfare 2,175,475

Community Amenities 9,112,453

Recreation & Culture 9,393,138

Transport 1,694,398

Economic Services 3,221,000

Other Property & Services 75,000

TOTAL 26,742,543



In accordance with the provisions of S6.46 of the Local Government Act 1995, and Regulation 26 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, Council will offer the following early payment incentive for the early payment of General Rates and charges and the Mirrabooka Specified Area Rate.

Eligibility to enter the early payment incentive draw which includes a range of prizes sponsored by a number of organisations and at minimal cost to the City.

The entry into early payment incentive draw will be applicable where payment of all Rates, Charges and arrears that are due are paid in full by 22 August 2014.



In August 2003 the City reconfigured its Management structure to a more streamlined Business Unit format aimed at introducing a more accountable and commercialised approach to the management of Council business. In March 2005, the Building, Planning and Health departments restructured to form a Policy and Strategic Development Unit (now known as City Planning), an Approvals Unit and a Health and Compliance Unit. This structure is aimed at improving customer service and reducing delays in providing Building and Planning approvals. The City's overall structure is focused on enabling the City to operate in an environment of contestability and accountability. The Statutory Reporting formats focus on the prime financial statements, namely:-

Comprehensive Income Statements

- by Nature and Type - by Program

Statement of Cash Flows

Rate Setting Statement

Statement of Rating Information

Statement of Non Operating Expenditures On 1 July 2003, the City introduced new core information systems which revolutionised the way business is undertaken. The systems currently utilised:-

Technology 1 Enterprise Suite – Financials a commercial accounting package

Property 1 – Ci a state-of-the-art property system

Technology 1 Enterprise Suite – Works & Assets an operating asset management system

Technology 1 Enterprise Content Management a document management system

Alesco a human resource/payroll system

Assetic SAM a strategic asset management system

These systems permitted the City to develop budget concepts that support the City’s strategic plan whilst providing services with a commercial focus. Technology 1 Enterprise Suite – Financials has been developed to accommodate the Directorate/Business Unit format with the aim of driving budgetary control down to the areas which manage those businesses. In addition to the Statutory Reporting formats the City compiles reports which are focussed on the business operations and are used by the various Directorates and Business Units to ensure budget accountability and control.


SUBMISSION FOR BUDGET ADOPTION SUBJECT Adoption of 2014/2015 Municipal Fund Budget and Relevant Documents

Report Information Location: Not Applicable

Applicant: Not Applicable

Reporting Officer: Manager Finance

Business Unit: Finance Services

Ward: Not Applicable

Suburb: Not Applicable



Advocacy when Council advocates on its own behalf or on behalf of its community to another level of government/body/agency.

Executive the substantial direction setting and oversight role of the Council. e.g. adopting plans and reports, accepting tenders, directing operations, setting and amending budgets.

Legislative includes adopting local laws, town planning schemes & policies. Review when Council reviews decisions made by Officers.

Quasi-Judicial when Council determines an application/matter that directly affects a person’s right and interests. The judicial character arises from the obligation to abide by the principles of natural justice. Examples of Quasi-Judicial authority include town planning applications, building licences, applications for other permits/licences (eg under Health Act, Dog Act or Local Laws) and other decisions that may be appealable to the State Administrative Tribunal.

Information Purposes

includes items provided to Council for information purposes only, that do not require a decision of Council (i.e. - for 'noting').

Recommendation 1. MUNICIPAL FUND BUDGET FOR 2014/2015

That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.2 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Part 3 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 ADOPTS the 2014/2015 Municipal Fund Budget for the City of Stirling which includes the following.

Appendix I Statement of Comprehensive Income by Nature and Type showing a net result for the year of $17,273,702

Appendix II Statement of Comprehensive Income by Program showing a net result for the year of $17,273,702

Appendix III Transfers to/from Reserve Accounts Appendix IV Town Planning Scheme activity Appendix V Statement of Cash Flows


Appendix VI Rate Setting Statement showing amount to be raised from rates of $120,754,844

Appendix VII Statement of Rating Information Appendix VIII Statement of General Purpose Funding Appendix IX Statement of Non Operating Expenditures (in summary form) Schedule of Fees and Charges



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.32, 6.34 and 6.35 of the Local Government Act 1995 IMPOSES the 2014/2015 general rates and minimum payments as follows:-

General Rates 4.478 cents in the dollar of Gross Rental

Valuation General Minimum Payment $790 Lesser Minimum Payment Parkland Villas Retirement Village Apartments less than 36 square metres in area - $742 Lesser Minimum Payment Strata Titled Storage Units - $553



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.32 and 6.37 of the Local Government Act 1995 ADOPTS a Specified Area Rate of 2.640 cents in the dollar of Gross Rental Valuation for the Mirrabooka Trades Centre area bounded by Cobbler Place, Farrier Road, Northwood Drive and the right of way between Brewer Place and Mason Place.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.38 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 54 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 ADOPTS a Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge of $29.00 on all rateable and non rateable properties within the district.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.45 and 6.50 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 64 (2) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, ADOPTS the following payment options for the payment of rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka


Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST:

a. One Instalment

Payment in full by 29th August 2014.

b. Two Instalments

The first instalment of 50% of the total current rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, plus the total outstanding arrears payable by 29th August 2014. The second instalment, of 50% of the total current rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, payable by 7th November 2014.

c. Four Instalments

The first instalment of 25% of the total current rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, plus the total outstanding arrears payable by 29th August 2014. The second, third and fourth instalment, each of 25% of the total current rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, payable as follows:- 2nd instalment by 7th November 2014 3rd instalment by 9th January 2015 4th instalment by 13th March 2015



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.45 of the Local Government Act 1995 ADOPTS an instalment administration charge where the owner has elected to pay rates (and service charges) by way of an instalment option of $9 for each instalment after the initial instalment is paid.


That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.45 of the Local Government Act 1995, and Regulation 68 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 ADOPTS an interest rate of 4.5% where the


owner has elected to pay rates and service charges through an instalment option.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.13 and 6.51 of the Local Government Act 1995, and Regulations 19A and 70 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, ADOPTS an interest rate of 9% per annum



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.49 of the Local Government Act 1995 authorises the Chief Executive Officer to enter into special payment agreements with ratepayers for the payment of rates and charges. In addition to the late payment interest of 9.0% Council ADOPTS an arrangement administration fee of $30 per assessment for each payment agreement.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.16 of the Local Government Act 1995, adopts the 2014/2015 Schedule of Fees and Charges.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of the Building Act 2011 and Building Regulations 2012, Section 53 (2) ADOPTS a swimming pool inspection fee of $33.00 inclusive of GST.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.46 of the Local Government Act 1995, ADOPTS the following payment incentive scheme for the early payment of rates and charges:-

Eligibility to enter an early incentive draw for the following prizes:- Note – Some prizes were still subject to confirmation at agenda close.






Big Rock Car The Good Guys


R1i Services Westpac Bank Suncorp Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Rendezvous Hotel Western Australian Symphony Orchestra Grand Cinemas Karrinyup Shopping Centre

Toyota Camry Hybrid Home Theatre package


HP ENVY TouchSmart 15-j113tx Notebook PC 5 $1000 savings accounts 2 $1000 savings accounts 2 $1000 savings accounts Accommodation package 2 double concert tickets Free movies for a year 15 $100 Gift Cards
























full payment of all current and arrears of rates (including Mirrabooka Trades Centre specified area rates), Emergency Services Levy, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST is received by Council by 22 August 2014.



That council in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.11 of the Local Government Act and Regulations 17 and 27(h) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations ENDORSE the following:-

That the Development Reserve be renamed to the Corporate Project Fund to better reflect the expenditure of Corporate Projects from this fund.

That $12,000,000 of the $13,222,144 available is transferred from the Surplus Waste Levy into a specific reserve for the funding of the three-bin kerbside mobile garbage bin collection system per Council resolution 0614/012.




That Council in accordance with regulation 34(5) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 and AASB 1031 Materiality, ADOPTS the level for reporting material variances in monthly financial statements in 2014/2015 as 10% or $50,000, whichever is the greater.

Report Purpose To consider and adopt the 2014/2015 Municipal Budget and supporting schedules in accordance with Section 6.2(1) of the Local Government Act 1995. The report includes the setting of municipal fund rates, adoption of fees and charges and other matters arising from the budget papers.

Relevant Documents Attachments

Copy of Statutory Budget Document incorporating: 1. 2014/2015 Comprehensive Income Statements

- By Nature and Type - By Program

Appendix Appendix


2. 2014/2015 Statement of Reserve Fund Transfers Appendix III 3. 2014/2015 Town Planning Scheme Activity Appendix IV 4. 2014/2015 Statement of Estimated Cash Flows Appendix V 5. 2014/2015 Rate Setting Statement Appendix VI 6. 2014/2015 Statement of Rating Information Appendix VII 7. 2014/2015 Statement of General Purpose Funding Appendix VIII 8. 2014/2015 Statement of Non Operating Expenditures Appendix IX 9. 2014/2015 Schedule of Fees and Charges Available for viewing at the meeting


Background The City’s 2014/2015 Municipal Budget and related documentation has been formulated by the City’s Business Units and Executive with consideration and input by Councillors at two dedicated workshops between May and June 2014. It is the culmination of six months work by staff from all Business Units within the City and subsequent review, discussion and input by Councillors through the workshop sessions. The City of Stirling is the largest Local Government in Western Australia based on population with an overall revenue and expenditure budget in 2014/2015 of $262.6M. In broad terms the 2014/2015 Budget consists of:

$202.7M Operating Expenditure

$59.9M Capital Expenditure

$8.1M Net Transfer from Reserves

In 2014/2015 the City of Stirling will raise $120.8 from general rate revenue. The 2014/2015 rate-in-the-$ is proposed to be:-

General Rates 4.478 cents in the $ of Gross Rental Valuation.


This represents an average increase of 3.48% over 2013/14. It should be noted that once in every three years, the Valuer General issues new Gross Rental Values to be used in rating calculations and where relativities change, individual properties may experience a rate rise which is higher or lower than the average. Minimum Payments will also rise 3.48% to $790 rounded to the nearest dollar. The special minimum for Parkland Villas Retirement Village high care apartments increases to $742. Specified Area Rates are:

Mirrabooka Trades Area 2.640 cents in the $ of Gross Rental Valuation. Refuse Collection Charges are proposed to be:-

120L Bin $239.77 240L Bin $300.93 480L Bin $398.36 720L Bin $495.78 Shared 240L Bin $239.77 Bulk Bin 120L Service $239.77 Bulk Bin 240L Service $300.93

The City’s debt free policy continues with no provision in 2014/2015 to borrow funds for works. The Capital Works Program of $73.9M (inclusive of $13.9M provisional carried forward works) is dissected as follows.

$M Engineering 26,532,494 Parks and Reserve 9,912,836 Building 13,219,417 Corporate Projects 8,459,570 Fleet and Plant 6,093,382 Information Technology 2,184,972 Land 5,625,000 Other 1,890,504

Total $73,918,175 An estimated surplus of $6M is projected for the 2013/2014 financial year. Any difference between the projected surplus and that realised will be attended to as part of the mid year budget review. Property Rates have been increased by 3.48%. For non minimum rated properties, the average increase in total charges raised by the City, consisting of rates, rubbish service and security service, will be 4.39% and where the property is minimum rated the overall increase is 4.76%. In both instances the rubbish services will increase by 8.25% due to the increased cost of providing the service. These costs include the increased landfill levy charge effective from 1 January 2015. This years Budget provides for $21.5M of new expenditure on the City’s road network. This includes $7.2M on road upgrades, construction and resurfacing. $4.2M will be spent on drainage, $2.8M on traffic management, $2.2M on footpath construction and $2.2M on rights of way upgrading. Parks and Reserves will benefit from $7.7M of new works including $1.9M on Landscaping and General Reserve Development, $2M on Recreation and Sporting Facilities and $1.4M on irrigation replacement. Other amounts are allowed for revegetation ($0.7M), lighting and electrical work ($0.6M) and Barrier Fences, paths and paving ($0.3M).


The City’s new capital building Program includes $8.4M new funding towards the City’s buildings. This includes $1.9M towards energy improvement initiatives and $1.1M for the disability access programme. $1.3M is allowed for medium refurbishment for various City buildings as well as $0.8m for upgrading kitchens, toilets and windows/doors, $0.2M and $0.1M have been provided for the feasibility and concept design of the Hamer Park/Inglewood Oval and Des Penman Reserve Masterplans respectively. There is also funding for a number of other minor capital upgrades, air conditioning, health and safety initiatives and sewer connection in the City’s buildings. The Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA) is working closely with the City on the Scarborough Redevelopment Project. The MRA and the City have completed some smaller projects in the area including uplighting the Clock Tower, installation of public art and free public Wi-Fi. The Mirrabooka regional centre redevelopment project is now back on track after the delay caused by the need to accommodate Light Rail within the town centre. The City is working on the detailed design that will accommodate the future Light Rail when that project proceeds. The 2014/2015 Budget provides sufficient funding to ensure the current levels and number of services provided by the City is maintained. There are continuing upward pressures on the cost of providing all facilities and services and every effort has been made to keep increases in charges to the minimum. The 2014/2015 Draft Budget is recommended to Council for adoption.

Comment Nil.

Consultation/Communication Implications Nil.

Policy and Legislative Implications In accordance with Section 6.2 of the Local Government Act 1995 every Local Government is required to adopt an annual budget.

Financial Implications The annual budget provides the City with the approval to undertake all of its planned activities in the 2014/2015 financial year.

Strategic Implications Theme 6: Making It Happen Objective 6.3: Prudent Financial Management SI 6.3.1: Manage the City’s financial resources prudently


Sustainability Implications The following tables outline the applicable sustainability issues for this proposal:-


Issue Comment

Adoption of the Budget will enable Council to deliver on a number of environmental programs.


Issue Comment

Adoption of the Budget will enable Council to deliver a variety of social programs.


Issue Comment

Adoption of the Budget will give Council the funds to deliver both environmental and social programs to the community.

Conclusion The report submits the City's 2014/2015 Annual Budget for adoption as required under Section 6.2 of the Local Government Act 1995.


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Budget Actual Budget

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $


General Rates 120,773,370 115,407,867 115,317,514

Underground Power Rates 0 3,535,683 3,581,657

Operating Grants, Subsidies and Contributions 12,430,332 14,199,654 14,694,356

Fees and Charges (Inclusive Registrations, Licences and Permits) 26,742,543 23,607,517 22,539,308

Rubbish Service Charge 30,561,672 27,604,297 27,774,479

Security Service Charge 2,668,000 2,600,083 2,560,000

Interest Earnings 7,605,399 7,102,050 8,279,391

Other Revenue 13,481,503 12,301,106 3,094,662

Total Operating Revenue 214,262,819 206,358,257 197,841,367


Employee Costs 95,192,640 88,297,682 89,791,819

Materials & Contracts - Non Current Asset Maintenance 41,741,389 39,781,300 40,998,795

Materials & Contracts Other Works 70,364,317 55,945,123 64,383,865

Underground Power Expenditure 4,000 3,338,588 3,585,364

Utilities 8,266,939 7,344,913 7,976,863

Depreciation 31,411,164 30,797,904 30,740,654

Interest 6,500 0 6,500

Insurance 1,796,280 1,819,884 1,658,711

Other 1,812,500 1,889,942 2,180,670

Less Allocated to Works and Services (48,519,410) (41,084,524) (46,434,424)

Total Operating Expenditure 202,076,319 188,130,812 194,888,817

Non-operating Grants, Subsidies and Contributions 4,497,164 6,836,706 6,690,134

Profit on Asset Disposals 1,173,287 2,472,234 10,029,975

Loss on Asset Disposals (583,249) (507,807) (570,069)

NET RESULT 17,273,702 27,028,578 19,102,590

Other Comprehensive Income 0 0 0

17,273,702 27,028,578 19,102,590

Appendix I





Budget Actual Budget

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $


03 General Purpose Funding 132,236,768 127,244,167 127,454,905

04 Governance 1,598,070 2,170,900 1,460,320

05 Law Order & Public Safety 3,194,300 3,476,562 3,133,150

07 Health 325,780 345,016 414,080

08 Education And Welfare 8,813,717 8,824,258 9,769,874

10 Community Amenities 39,917,861 37,005,567 36,317,975

11 Recreation & Culture 10,347,963 10,135,924 9,741,074

12 Transport 4,110,298 1,286,602 2,517,600

13 Economic Services 3,665,500 6,791,073 6,690,657

14 Other Property & Services 10,052,562 9,078,188 341,732

Total Operating Revenue 214,262,819 206,358,257 197,841,367


03 General Purpose Funding 87,000 39,250 85,000

04 Governance 13,176,198 11,732,800 12,322,096

05 Law Order & Public Safety 7,300,341 6,782,158 6,936,464

07 Health 2,487,221 2,393,601 2,751,327

08 Education And Welfare 14,502,763 13,924,885 15,014,941

10 Community Amenities 45,988,835 40,160,738 41,934,505

11 Recreation & Culture 55,841,480 54,170,577 53,937,102

12 Transport 45,772,665 40,198,946 43,402,988

13 Economic Services 5,721,087 8,646,365 8,905,285

14 Other Property & Services 11,192,229 10,081,492 9,592,609

Total Operating Expenditure Excluding Finance Costs 202,069,819 188,130,812 194,882,317


14 Other Property & Services 6,500 0 6,500

Total Finance Costs 6,500 0 6,500


05 Law Order & Public Safety 0 23,785 0

08 Education And Welfare 208,000 21,294 0

11 Recreation & Culture 195,250 55,351 66,755

12 Transport 3,639,715 5,776,299 5,562,169

14 Other Property & Services 454,199 959,977 1,061,210

Total Non-Operating Grants, Subsidies, Contributions 4,497,164 6,836,706 6,690,134


Governance (15,832) (92,573) (9,336)

Law Order & Public Safety (64,647) (32,426) (64,773)

Health (1,312) (12,464) (18,583)

Education And Welfare (36,974) (5,277) (43,631)

Community Amenities (263,861) (149,345) (23,737)

Recreation & Culture (66,048) (14,241) 77,425

Transport (31,039) (28,611) 259,318

Economic Services (18,644) (20,383) (20,093)

Other Property & Services 1,088,395 2,319,747 9,303,316

Total Profit on Disposal of Assets 590,038 1,964,427 9,459,906

17,273,702 27,028,578 19,102,590

0 0 0

17,273,702 27,028,578 19,102,590TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME

Note:All fair value adjustments relating to remeasurement of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and (if any)

changes on revaluation of non-current assets in accordance with the mandating of fair value measurement through Other

Comprehensive Income, is impacted upon by external forces and is not ab le to be reliab ly estimated at the time of budget

























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Note Budget Actual Budget2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $



Rates 121,523,370 116,211,045 116,013,705

Fees and Charges 8,498,080 7,422,101 6,841,500

Service Charges 54,535,181 48,530,866 48,352,600

Interest Earned 6,855,399 6,298,872 8,373,025

Other Grants and Contributions 1,300,934 1,183,444 1,055,550

Other Revenue 10,609,953 11,112,750 2,774,582

203,322,917 190,759,078 183,410,962


Employee Costs 95,192,640 88,297,682 89,791,819

Materials and Contracts 63,590,297 57,785,764 62,175,433

Utility Expenses 8,266,938 7,344,913 7,976,863

Insurance Expenses 1,796,280 1,819,884 1,658,711

Interest Expenses 6,500 0 6,500

Stock Purchases 0 142,336 0

Other Expenditure 1,807,000 1,889,942 2,533,337

170,659,655 157,280,521 164,142,663

3(b) 32,663,262 33,478,557 19,268,299


New and Redevelopment of Community Infrastructure (37,756,199) (29,648,430) (54,744,001)

Payments for Purchases of Property, Plant and Equipment (22,237,973) (18,261,022) (23,589,726)

Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 3,204,300 4,532,272 12,779,433

Capital Grants and Contributions (Govt & Non Govt) 3,272,715 2,757,098 1,729,012

Government Grants (Operating) 9,709,749 12,232,862 10,485,893

Subsidies 1,886,603 5,284,142 5,545,802

(41,920,805) (23,103,078) (47,793,587)


Repayment of Debentures 0 0 0

Proceeds from self supporting loans 0 0 0

Proceeds from New Debentures 0 0 0

0 0 0

NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD (9,257,543) 10,375,479 (28,525,288)

CASH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 95,844,945 85,469,466 103,814,651

3(a)86,587,402 95,844,945 75,289,363

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Appendix V








Budget Actual Budget

NOTE 2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $


General Purpose Funding 11,481,924 11,111,200 12,156,871

Governance 1,598,600 2,174,733 1,462,320

Law Order & Public Safety 3,197,759 3,486,299 3,133,480

Health 326,160 345,094 414,080

Education And Welfare 8,828,898 8,840,398 9,770,730

Community Amenities 39,917,861 37,006,144 36,458,094

Recreation & Culture 10,366,021 10,204,899 9,937,585

Transport 4,123,878 1,325,951 2,865,429

Economic Services 3,665,500 6,791,332 6,696,683

Other Property & Services 11,174,659 12,226,018 9,678,036

Total Operating Revenue 94,681,260 93,512,068 92,573,308


General Purpose Funding 87,000 39,189 85,000

Governance 13,192,561 11,810,786 12,333,432

Law Order & Public Safety 7,368,447 6,813,694 7,001,567

Health 2,488,912 2,402,395 2,769,910

Education And Welfare 14,554,917 13,924,587 15,059,428

Community Amenities 46,252,696 40,247,889 42,098,361

Recreation & Culture 55,925,586 54,169,311 54,056,188

Transport 45,817,284 40,640,691 43,491,499

Economic Services 5,739,730 8,653,512 8,931,405

Other Property & Services 11,232,435 10,083,666 9,632,095

Total Operating Expenditure 202,659,568 188,785,720 195,458,885

NET OPERATING EXCLUDING RATES 107,978,308 95,273,652 102,885,577



ADD Profit on Sale of Assets 10 (590,038) (1,964,427) (9,459,906)

ADD Leave Provisions Written Back 0 935,190 0

ADD Depreciation 2(a) 31,411,164 30,797,904 30,740,654

LESS TP Schemes (transfer to reserves) (131,459) (147,100) (147,100)

NET NON-CASH EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE 77,288,641 65,652,085 81,751,929


Purchase Land & Buildings 9 14,303,010 16,068,891 12,825,606

Infrastructure - Roads 9 17,828,380 28,802,689 25,255,291

Infrastructure - Other 9 19,977,819 12,771,333 15,742,974

Purchase Plant & Equipment 9 6,353,323 11,879,014 9,207,864

Purchase Furniture & Equipment 9 1,531,640 1,052,012 1,392,704

Proceeds from Disposal of Assets 10 (3,204,300) (4,529,943) (12,779,433)

Capital Grants and Contributions (4,497,164) (6,766,747) (6,690,134)

Transfer to Reserves 11 17,141,689 18,058,490 13,125,825

Transfer from Reserve 11 (25,234,694) (9,815,352) (18,417,692)

Carry Forward Works 13,924,003 0 22,358,974

NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 135,412,347 133,172,472 143,773,908

ADD Surplus - July 1 b/f 18 14,657,503 32,441,594 28,475,874

LESS Surplus - June 30 c/f 18 0 14,657,503 0

Amount Required to be raised from Rates 17 120,754,844 115,388,381 115,298,034

This statement is to be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.





* The closing funds include Carried Forward Works ($13,924,003) and are offset by Reserves used to fund some of

the Carried` Forward Works ($5,266,500) as per the 2013/14 adopted budget.





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Budget Actual Budget

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $

General Rates

GRV rate-in-the-$: 4.478 cents 95,404,675 91,168,023 91,017,705

Minimum Payment

GRV - 30,902 assessments @ $790 each 24,412,580 23,201,003 23,297,442

GRV - 23 assessments @ $742 each 17,066 37,422

Interim and Back Rates 920,523 1,019,355 945,465

Total Ordinary Rates Levied 120,754,844 115,388,381 115,298,034

Specified Area Rates

Mirrabooka Trades Area 18,525 19,486 19,480

Total Amount made up from Rates 120,773,369 115,407,867 115,317,514

General Purpose Grant

General Untied Grant 3,100,000 3,231,214 3,100,000

Sub Total $3,100,000 3,231,214 3,100,000

Other General Purpose Revenue

Instalment charges 568,000 674,904 568,000

Instalment interest 450,000 478,974 396,191

Late payment penalty interest 300,000 324,105 300,000

Pensioner Deferred Rates Interest Grant 90,000 54,754 90,000

Interest Received 6,855,399 6,812,274 7,583,200

Other Revenue 100,000 260,075 100,000

$8,363,399 8,605,086 9,037,391

General Purpose Funding Shown on

Income Statement $132,236,768 127,244,167 127,454,905

Appendix VIII


Appendix IX




Capital Expenditure 2014/15 Budget 59,994,172

Add Carry Forward Works from 2013/14 13,924,003 Provisional amount

Total Capital Works in Budget $ 73,918,175


Budget Actual Budget

Type 2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

$ $ $

Engineering 26,532,494 28,802,689 33,727,348

Parks and Reserves 9,912,836 7,840,683 10,014,727

Building 13,219,417 15,690,891 20,502,298

Corporate Projects 8,459,570 3,256,250 4,930,650

Fleet and Plant 6,093,382 9,240,282 9,848,864

Information Technology 2,184,972 1,052,012 1,773,744

Land 5,625,000 1,674,400 378,000

Other 1,890,504 3,016,732 3,322,312

TOTAL $ 73,918,175 70,573,939 84,497,942


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2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 43



The significant policies which have been adopted in the preparation of these Budget Statements are:

(a) Basis of Preparation

The budget has been prepared in accordance with applicable Australian Accounting Standards (as they apply to Local Governments), Australian Accounting Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, the Local Government Act 1995 and accompanying regulations. Material Accounting Policies which have been adopted in the preparation of this budget are presented below and have been consistently applied unless stated otherwise. Except for cash flow and rate setting information, the budget has also been prepared on the accrual basis and is based on historical costs, modified where applicable, by the measurement at fair value of selected non-current assets, financial assets and liabilities.

The Local Government Reporting Entity All Funds through which the City controls resources to carry on its functions have been included in the Financial Statements forming part of this Budget. In the process of reporting on the local government as a single unit, all transactions and balances between those funds (for example, loans and transfers between funds) have been eliminated. All monies held in the Trust Fund are excluded from the Financial Statements.

(b) 2013/14 Actual Balances Balances shown in this budget as 2013/14 Actual are as forecast at the time of budget preparation and are subject to final adjustment.

(c) Rounding Off Figures

All figures shown in this budget, other than a rate in the dollar, are rounded to the nearest dollar. This may result in minor variations between individual schedules.

(d) Rates, Grants, Donations and Other Contributions

The rating and reporting periods coincide. All rates levied for the year are recognised as revenue. Control over assets acquired from rates is obtained at the commencement of the rating period or, where earlier, upon receipt of the rates.

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

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All grants, donations and other contributions are recognised as revenue when the City obtains control over the monies (assets) comprising the contributions. Expenditure of those monies is made in the manner specified under the conditions upon which the City received those monies.

(e) Goods and Services Tax

Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of GST, except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Receivables and payables are stated inclusive of GST receivable or payable. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included with receivables or payables in the statement of financial position. Cash flows are presented on a Gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing or financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are presented as operating cash flows.

(f) Superannuation

The City contributes to the Local Government Superannuation Scheme, the Occupational Superannuation Fund and various other superannuations funds on behalf of its employees. All funds are defined contribution schemes. The superannuation expense for the reporting period is the total contribution the City makes towards superannuation plans which provides benefits to its employees.

(g) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand and municipal fund bank account that are highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in values.

(h) Trade and Other Receivables

Trade and other receivables include amounts due from ratepayers for unpaid rates and service charges and other amounts due from third parties for goods sold and services performed in the ordinary course of business. Receivables expected to be collected within 12 months of the end of the reporting period are classified as current assets. All other receivables are classified as non-current assets. Collectability of trade and other receivables is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts that are known to be uncollectible are written off when identified. An allowance for doubtful debts is raised when there is objective evidence that they will not be collectible. Bad debts are identified and approved in accordance with City's policy.

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

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(i) Inventories

General Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale. Inventories are classified as current even if not expected to be realised in the next 12 months. Land Held for Sale Land held for development and sale is valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes the cost of acquisition, development, borrowing costs and holding costs until completion of development. Finance costs and holding charges incurred after development is completed are expensed. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss at the time of signing an unconditional contract of sale if significant risks and rewards, and effective control over the land, are passed on to the buyer at this point. Land held for sale is classified as current except where it is held as non-current based on City’s intentions to release for sale.

(j) Fixed Assets

Each class of fixed assets within either property, plant and equipment or Infrastructure, is carried at cost or fair value as indicated, less any accumulated depreciation and impairment loss. Mandatory Requirement to Revalue Non-Current Assets Effective from 1 July 2012, the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations were amended and the measurement of non-current assets at Fair Value became mandatory. The amendments allow for a phasing in of fair value in relation to fixed assets over three years as follows: (a) for the financial year ending on 30 June 2013, the fair value of all of the assets of the local government that are plant and equipment; and (b) for the financial year ending on 30 June 2014, the fair value of all of the assets of the local government – (i) that are plant and equipment; and (ii) that are –

(I) land and buildings; or (II) infrastructure;

and (c) for a financial year ending on or after 30 June 2015, the fair value of all of the assets of the local government.

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

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Thereafter, in accordance with the regulations, each asset class must be revalued at least every 3 years. The City has commenced the process of adopting Fair Value in accordance with the Regulations. Relevant disclosures, in accordance with the requirements of Australian Accounting Standards, have been made in the budget as necessary.

(i) Land Under Control In accordance with Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a), the City is required to include as an asset (by 30 June 2013), Crown Land operated by the local government as a golf course, showground, racecourse or other sporting or recreational facility of state or regional significance. Upon initial recognition, these assets were recorded at cost in accordance with AASB 116. They are then classified as Land and will be revalued along with other land in accordance with the City’s policies. Whilst they were initially recorded at cost, fair value at the date of acquisition is deemed cost as per AASB 116. Consequently, these assets were initially recognised at cost but will be revalued along with other items of Land and Buildings by 30 June 2015.

(ii) Easements Due to legislative changes, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(b), easements are required to be recognised as assets. They are initially recognised at cost and have an indefinite useful life.

(iii) Initial Recognition

All assets are initially recognised at cost and subsequently revalued in accordance with the mandatory measurement framework detailed above. In relation to this initial measurement, cost is determined as the fair value of the assets given as consideration plus costs incidental to the acquisition. For assets acquired at no cost or for nominal consideration, cost is determined as fair value at the date of acquisition. The cost of non-current assets constructed by the City includes the cost of all materials used in construction, direct labour on the project and an appropriate proportion of variable and fixed overhead. Individual assets acquired between initial recognition and the next revaluation of the asset class in accordance with the mandatory measurement framework detailed above, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation as management believes this approximates fair value. They will be subject to subsequent revaluation at the next anniversary date in accordance with the mandatory measurement framework detailed above.

(iv) Revaluation When performing a revaluation, the City uses a mix of both independent and management valuations using the following as a guide: Revalued assets are

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

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carried at their fair value being the price that would be received to sell the asset, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. For land and buildings, fair value will be determined based on the nature of the asset class. For land and non-specialised buildings, fair value is determined on the basis of observable open market values of similar assets, adjusted for conditions and comparability at their highest and best use. With regards to specialised buildings, fair value is determined having regard for current replacement including construction costs based on recent contract prices, current condition, residual values and remaining useful life assessments. Certain asset classes may be revalued on a regular basis such that the carrying values are not materially different from fair value. For infrastructure and other asset classes where no active market exists, fair value is determined to be the current replacement cost of an asset less, where applicable, accumulated depreciation calculated on the basis of such cost to reflect the already consumed or expired future economic benefits of the asset. Increases in the carrying amount arising on revaluation of assets are credited to a revaluation surplus in equity. Decreases that offset previous increases in the same asset class are recognised against revaluation surplus directly in equity. All other decreases are recognised in the comprehensive income statement. Any accumulated depreciation at the date of revaluation is adjusted against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the net amount is restated to the revalued amount of the same asset class. Transitional Arrangements During the time it takes to transition the carrying value of non-current assets from the cost approach to the fair value approach, the City may still be utilising both methods across differing asset classes. Those assets carried at cost will be carried in accordance with the policy detailed in the Initial Recognition section as detailed above. Those assets carried at fair value will be carried in accordance with the Revaluation section as detailed above. The City will be undertaking the revaluation of assets over the next three years, however the 2014/15 budget does not include any revaluation costs that may arise. Currently all assets (except Plant and Equipment) are held at the acquisition cost less accumulated depreciation.

(v) Land Under Roads In Western Australia, all land under roads is Crown land, the responsibility for managing them is vested in the local government. Effective as at 1 July 2008, the City has elected not to recognise land under roads as an asset in the Balance Sheet. This accords with the treatment available in Australian Accounting Standard AASB 1051 Land Under Roads and the fact Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i) prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset. In respect of land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008, as detailed above, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 16(a)(i)

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prohibits local governments from recognising such land as an asset. Whilst such treatment is inconsistent with the requirements of AASB 1051, Local Government (Financial Management) Regulation 4(2) provides, in the event of such an inconsistency, the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations prevail. Consequently, any land under roads acquired on or after 1 July 2008 is not included as an asset of the City.

(vi) Depreciation of Non-Current Assets

All non-current assets having a limited useful life are systematically depreciated over their useful lives in a manner which reflects the consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in those assets.

The depreciable amount of all fixed assets including buildings but excluding freehold land, reserves reticulation and other parks infrastructure are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the individual asset’s useful life from the time the asset is held ready for use. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of either the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements. Major depreciation periods used for each class of depreciable asset are:

The assets residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period. An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset's carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. These gains and losses are included in profit or loss in the period which they arise. When revalued assets are sold, amounts included in the revaluation surplus relating to that asset are transferred to retained surplus. Property, Plant and Equipment are depreciated from the date of acquisition or, in respect of internally constructed assets, from the time an asset is completed and held ready for use. Infrastructure assets are depreciated from 1 July following the year in which they were constructed or acquired. The City has

Artwork Not Depreciated

Buildings 25 to 75 years

Furniture and Equipment 2 to 10 years

Plant and Equipment 5 to 15 years

Mobile Vehicles and Plant 2 to 10 years

Computer Equipment and Photocopiers 2 to 10 years

Recreational Equipment 10 to 15 years

Roads 10 to 75 years

Drains 10 to 75 years

Footpaths 10 to 75 years

Other Engineering Infrastructure 10 to 75 years

Reticulation 10 to 75 years

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elected not to depreciate Reserves as the high level of ongoing maintenance of these assets does not result in any decreases in values.

Capitalisation threshold Property, Plant and Equipment with a value exceeding $1,000 and all infrastructure assets are capitalised and taken into account in the City's Asset Registers at cost less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation or amortisation and any accumulated impairment values.

(k) Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities.

When performing a revaluation, the City uses a mix of both independent and management valuations using the following as a guide: Fair Value is the price that City would receive to sell the asset or would have to pay to transfer a liability, in an orderly (i.e. unforced) transaction between independent, knowledgeable and willing market participants at the measurement date As fair value is a market-based measure, the closest equivalent observable market pricing information is used to determine fair value. Adjustments to market values may be made having regard to the characteristics of the specific asset. The fair values of assets that are not traded in an active market are determined using one or more valuation techniques. These valuation techniques maximise, to the extent possible, the use of observable market data. To the extent possible, market information is extracted from either the principal market for the asset (i.e. the market with the greatest volume and level of activity for the asset) or, in the absence of such a market, the most advantageous market available to the City at the end of the reporting period (i.e. the market that maximises the receipts from the sale of the asset after taking into account transaction costs and transport costs). For non-financial assets, the fair value measurement also takes into account a market participant’s ability to use the asset in its highest and best use or to sell it to another market participant that would use the asset in its highest and best use. Fair Value Hierarchy AASB 13 requires the disclosure of fair value information by level of the fair value hierarchy, which categorises fair value measurement into one of three possible levels based on the lowest level that an input that is significant to the measurement can be categorised into as follows: Level 1 Measurements based on quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. Level 2 Measurements based on inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

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Level 3 Measurements based on unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. The fair values of assets and liabilities that are not traded in an active market are determined using one or more valuation techniques. These valuation techniques maximise, to the extent possible, the use of observable market data. If all significant inputs required to measure fair value are observable, the asset or liability is included in Level 2. If one or more significant inputs are not based on observable market data, the asset or liability is included in Level 3. Valuation techniques The City selects a valuation technique that is appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data is available to measure fair value. The availability of sufficient and relevant data primarily depends on the specific characteristics of the asset or liability being measured. The valuation techniques selected by the City are consistent with one or more of the following valuation approaches: Market approach Valuation techniques that use prices and other relevant information generated by market transactions for identical or similar assets or liabilities. Income approach Valuation techniques that convert estimated future cash flows or income and expenses into a single discounted present value. Cost approach Valuation techniques that reflect the current replacement cost of an asset at its current service capacity. Each valuation technique requires inputs that reflect the assumptions that buyers and sellers would use when pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risks. When selecting a valuation technique, the City gives priority to those techniques that maximise the use of observable inputs and minimise the use of unobservable inputs. Inputs that are developed using market data (such as publicly available information on actual transactions) and reflect the assumptions that buyers and sellers would generally use when pricing the asset or liability and considered observable, whereas inputs for which market data is not available and therefore are developed using the best information available about such assumptions are considered unobservable. As detailed above, the mandatory measurement framework imposed by the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations requires, as a minimum, all assets carried at a revalued amount to be revalued at least every 3 years.

(l) Financial Instruments Initial Recognition and Measurement Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the City becomes a party to the contractual provisions to the instrument. For financial assets, this is equivalent to the date that the City commits itself to either the purchase or

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sale of the asset (i.e. trade date accounting is adopted). Financial Assets in the scope of AASB139 "Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement" are classified as either financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables, recognised held-to-maturity investments, or available-for-sale financial assets. Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs, except where the instrument is classified ‘at fair value through profit or loss’, in which case transaction costs are expensed to profit or loss immediately. The City determines the classification of its financial assets after initial recognition and, when allowed and appropriate, re-evaluates this designation at each financial year. Impairment A financial asset is deemed to be impaired if, and only if, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events (a “loss event”) having occurred, which has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset(s). Derecognition Financial assets are derecognised where the contractual rights for receipt of cash flows expire or the asset is transferred to another party, whereby the City no longer has any significant continual involvement in the risks and benefits associated with the asset. Financial liabilities are derecognised where the related obligations are discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability extinguished or transferred to another party and the fair value of the consideration paid, including the transfer of non-cash assets or liabilities assumed, is recognised in profit or loss.

(m) Impairment

In accordance with Australian Accounting Standards the assets of the City, other than inventories, are assessed at each reporting date to determine whether there is any indication they may be impaired.

Where such an indication exists, an impairment test is carried out on the asset by comparing the recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset's fair value less costs to sell and value in use, to the asset's carrying amount.

Any excess of the asset's carrying amount over its recoverable amount is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is carried at a revalued amount in accordance with another standard (e.g. AASB 116). Any impairment loss of a revalued asset is treated as a revaluation decrease in accordance with that other standard. At the time of adopting the Budget, it is not possible to estimate the amount of impairment losses (if any) as at 30 June 2014.

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In any event, an impairment loss is a non-cash transaction and consequently has no impact on this budget document.

(n) Trade and Other Payables

Trade and other payables represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the City prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid and arise when the City becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of these goods and services.

(o) Employee Benefits

Short-Term Employee Benefits Provision is made for the City’s obligations for short-term employee benefits. Short-term employee benefits are benefits (other than termination benefits) that are expected to be settled wholly before 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service, including wages, salaries and sick leave. Short-term employee benefits are measured at the (undiscounted) amounts expected to be paid when the obligation is settled. The City’s obligations for short-term employee benefits such as wages, salaries and sick leave are recognised as a part of current trade and other payables in the statement of financial position. The City’s obligations for employees’ annual leave and long service leave entitlements are recognised as provisions in the statement of financial position. Other Long-Term Employee Benefits Provision is made for employees’ long service leave and annual leave entitlements not expected to be settled wholly within 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service. Other long-term employee benefits are measured at the present value of the expected future payments to be made to employees. Expected future payments incorporate anticipated future wage and salary levels, durations or service and employee departures and are discounted at rates determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on government bonds that have maturity dates that approximate the terms of the obligations. Any re-measurements for changes in assumptions of obligations for other long-term employee benefits are recognised in profit or loss in the periods in which the changes occur. The City’s obligations for long-term employee benefits are presented as non-current provisions in its statement of financial position, except where the City does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period, in which case the obligations are presented as current provisions. The provision for employee entitlements relates to amounts expected to be paid to employees for long service leave and annual leave and is based on legal and contractual entitlements. The funds in the City’s long service leave reserve bank account are considered adequate.

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Provisions for sick leave are not made in the accounts as they are non-vesting and are paid when incurred.

(p) Borrowings

The balance of the bank overdraft amount reflects the book position and includes cheques that have been drawn but have not yet been debited to the bank account. Funds are maintained in investment until required

(q) Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the City has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured. Provisions are measured using the best estimate of the amounts required to settle the obligation at the end of the reporting period.

(r) Current and Non-Current Classification

In the determination of whether an asset or liability is current or non-current, consideration is given to the time when each asset or liability is expected to be settled. The asset or liability is classified as current if it is expected to be settled within the next 12 months, being the City's operational cycle. In the case of liabilities where the City does not have the unconditional right to defer settlement beyond 12 months, such as vested long service leave, the liability is classified as current even if not expected to be settled within the next 12 months. Inventories held for trading are classified as current even if not expected to be realised in the next 12 months except for land held for resale where it is held as non-current based on the City's intentions to release for sale.

(s) Comparative Figures

Where required, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform with changes in presentation for the current financial year.

(t) Budget Comparative Figures

Unless otherwise stated, the budget comparative figures shown in this budget document relate to the original budget estimate for the relevant item of disclosure.

(u) Interest in Regional Councils

The City's interest in two Regional Councils has been recognised in the

financial statements at cost of contributed equity.

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The City is a member of Mindarie Regional Council, holding a one third share. This investment has initially been recognised at cost and will be revalued to fair value in the future according to any Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations.

The City also has a one third share of Tamala Park Regional Council (TPRC).

The investment is adjusted for any equity distribution by TRPC as well as net sales. The sales are shown as non-operating revenue and also adjusted against investment.

(v) Critical Accounting Estimates

The preparation of a financial report in conformity with Australian Accounting Standards requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that effect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses.

The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The results of this experience and other factors combine to form the basis of making judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

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a) Net Result The net result includes:

(i) Charging as an expense:

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14


Estimated Actual Budget

Auditor's Remuneration

$ $ $


28,000 28,000 28,000

Other Services

5,300 10,000 10,000

Bad and Doubtful Debts Rates

20,000 0 20,000

General Debtors

18,000 35,128 5,000

Details of deprecation of non-current assets by Class and Program are provided in the tables below.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14


Estimated Actual Budget

$ $ $

By Class


3,261,118 2,859,652 2,906,307

Plant & Equipment

1,255,687 1,141,094 1,185,798

Mobile Vehicles

3,270,732 3,582,284 3,583,380

Furniture & Equipment

1,978,809 1,883,846 1,963,872

Recreation Equipment

433,057 426,912 401,824

Roads Infrastructure

16,387,953 16,082,950 16,050,313

Drainage Infrastructure

2,187,452 2,186,254 2,109,308

Footpaths Infrastructure

1,903,563 1,902,520 1,816,665

Other Engineering Infrastructure

732,793 732,392 723,188

31,411,164 30,797,904 30,740,654

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By Program Governance

925,779 957,251 1,019,017

Law, Order & Public Safety

85,202 117,585 97,473


37,043 37,307 39,926

Education & Welfare

432,186 364,931 403,662

Community Amenities

333,023 371,072 366,916

Recreation & Culture

3,690,316 3,478,176 3,525,201


21,537,069 20,921,296 20,822,426

Economic Services

53,230 44,088 42,627

Other Property and Services

4,317,316 4,506,198 4,423,406

31,411,164 30,797,904 30,740,654

Interest Expense (Finance Costs)

Neerabup Resource Recovery Facility

6,500 0 6,500

Reimbursement to Mindarie Regional Council

(ii) Crediting as Revenue:

b) Reporting by Program and by Nature

Operating Statements have been produced by Program and by Nature, as required by the Local Government Act.

Statement of Objective

In order to discharge its responsibilities to the community, the City has developed a set of operational and financial objectives. These objectives have been established both on an overall basis, reflected by the City’s Mission Statement, and for each of its broad activities/ programs.



Actual Budget

Interest Earnings $ $ $


- Municipal Funds 3,963,932 3,693,292 4,833,100

- Reserve Funds 2,760,008 2,544,550 2,603,000

- Town Planning Schemes 131,459 83,100 147,100

Other Interest Revenue 750,000 781,108 696,191

7,605,399 7,102,050 8,279,391

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

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Vision Stirling: The City of Choice

Mission To lead in the delivery of responsive, sustainable services to the City’s diverse community. In doing this, the City seeks to preserve and enhance its environment and lifestyle, now and into the future.

Values The City of Stirling’s core values are:

integrity diversity environment respect community participation accountability

City operations as disclosed in this budget encompass the following service oriented activities/programs:-

General Purpose Funding

Objective: To collect revenue to allow for the provision of services. Activities: Rates Income and Expenditure, Grants Commission allocation and Pensioner Deferred Rates, Interest and Interest on Investments.


Objective: To provide a decision making process for the efficient allocation of scarce resources. Activities: Administration and operation of facilities and services to members of City; Other costs that relate to the tasks of assisting elected members and ratepayers on matters which do not concern specific City services; All other governance related activities in areas such as City Support, Administration, Finance and Information Services have been allocated down to the Programs that these costs support. Law, Order and Public Safety

Objective: To provide services to help ensure a safer community. Activities: Supervision of various local laws, security, fire prevention, emergency services and animal control.


Objective: To provide for an operational framework for good community health. Activities: Food quality and pest control, immunisation services, inspection of abattoir and operation of child health clinic.

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Education and Welfare

Objective: To meet the needs of the community in these areas. Activities: Provision, management and support services for families, children and the aged and disabled within the community, including pre-school playgroups, day and after school care, assistance to schools, senior citizens support groups and meals on wheels. Provision of Aged Persons Units and Resident-Funded Units.


Objective: Help ensure adequate housing. Activities: Provision of housing and leased accommodation where City acts as landlord.

Community Amenities

Objective: Provide services required by the community. Activities: Town planning and development, rubbish collection services, noise control, stormwater drainage, the provision of public conveniences, bus shelters, roadside furniture and litter control.

Recreation and Culture

Objective: To establish and manage efficiently infrastructure and resources which will help the social well being of the community. Activities: Provision of facilities and support for organisations concerned with leisure time activities and sport, support for the performing and creative arts and the preservation of the national estate. This includes maintenance of halls, aquatic centres, recreation and community centres, parks, gardens, sports grounds and the operation of libraries.


Objective: To provide effective and efficient transport services for the community. Activities: Construction, maintenance and cleaning of streets, roads, bridges, drainage works, footpaths, parking facilities, traffic signs and the Council Depot, street lighting, traffic lights, including development, plant purchase and maintenance.

Economic Services

Objective: To help promote the City and its economic well being Activities: The regulation and provision of tourism, area promotion, building control, sale yards, noxious weeds, vermin control, plant nursery and stand pies.

Other Property and Services

Activities: Private works operations, public works overheads, City plant operations and repair costs.

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(a) Reconciliation of Cash

(b) Reconciliation of Net Cash provided by Operating Activities to Net Result

4. RATING INFORMATION – 2014/15 FINANCIAL YEAR All land except exempt land in the City is rated according to its Gross Rental Value (GRV).

The general rates detailed in the Statement of Rating Information (Appendix VII) for the 2014/15 financial year have been determined by City on the basis of raising the revenue required to meet the deficiency between the total estimated expenditure proposed in the budget and the estimated revenue to be received from all sources other than rates and also bearing in mind the extent of any increase in rating over the level adopted in the previous year.

The minimum payments have been determined by Council on the basis that all rate payers must make a reasonable contribution to the cost of the Local Government services/facilities.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

Budget Estimated Budget


$ $ $

Cash - Unrestricted 11,279,023 21,720,812 7,674,020

Cash - Restricted 75,308,379 74,124,133 67,615,343

86,587,402 95,844,945 75,289,363

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

Budget Estimated Budget


$ $ $

Net Result 17,273,702 27,028,578 19,102,590

Depreciation 31,411,164 30,797,904 30,740,654

(Profit)/Loss on sale of assets (590,038) (1,964,427) (9,459,906)

(Increase)/Decrease in Receivables (3,718,138) (4,990,677) (5,010,161)

(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories (25,500) 21,209 (1,245)

Increase/(Decrease) in Payables (7,160,764) (11,129,906) (9,388,499)

(30,000) 552,582 (25,000)

(4,497,164) (6,836,706) (6,690,134)

Net cash from Operating activities 32,663,262 33,478,557 19,268,299

Increase/(Decrease) in Employee Provisions

Grants/Contributions for the Development of


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A Specified Area Rate is levied on a small number of properties in the Mirrabooka Trades Subdivision. The purpose of the rate is to fund the infrastructure maintenance within the specified area, which would normally be the responsibility of the individual owners. Details of the 2014/15 Specified Area Rate are as follows:

Rate-in-the-$ applied to GRV 2.640 cents Estimated number of properties 23 Rateable value of properties subject to

Specified Area Rate $701,700 Estimated Revenue from Specified Area Rate $18,525 Revenue from Interim Specified Area Rate 0 Revenue from Back Specified Area Rate 0

The proceeds of the rates are applied in full to the maintenance of the scheme.

As such no transfer to or from reserves will occur. 6. SERVICE CHARGES – 2014/15 FINANCIAL YEAR

i) Refuse Charge

The Refuse Charge provides for the collection, sorting and recycling of domestic refuse, disposal of non-recyclable waste to landfill including the cost of the ‘Carbon Price’, one Junk and one Green Waste verge collection per annum, Mobile Garbage Bin management, a voucher for the disposal of clean green waste or clean sand and rubble, and unlimited access to the Hazardous materials, E-Waste and Recycling facilities at the City's Recycling Centre in Balcatta.

The 240L refuse charge for 2014/15 will increase to $300.93 per property to cover current costs associated with delivering the service. Overall the total cost to the City is $30.6M.

It is to be recognised that the City has a variety of refuse alternatives depending on

need. These are:

120 Litre Bin $239.77 240 Litre Bin $300.93 480 Litre Bin $398.36 720 Litre Bin $495.78 Shared 240 Litre Bin $239.77 Bulk Bin 120 Litre service $239.77 Bulk Bin 240 Litre service $300.93

The City will deliver this service to some 86,812 properties in the 2014/15 year.

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Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Refuse Service Charges




It is expected that the revenue raised will be expended on the provision of services. If surplus funds are identified at the end of the year, these funds will be transferred to a specific reserve for use in providing the service in future years.

ii) Property Surveillance and Security Charge The City will continue the mobile Security Service in the 2014/15 year. The Program aims to meet the community's concerns through security patrols and security awareness.

The Program cost is 2.7M with the annual fee increasing to $29 per property. There are currently 92,864 properties to which the service applies.

Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Property Surveillance and Security Charge




It is expected that the revenue raised will be expended on the provision of services. If surplus funds are identified at the end of the year, these funds will be transferred to a specific reserve for use in providing the service in future years. iii) Swimming Pool Inspection Charge Swimming pool inspections are properly categorised as a fee for service and are levied only on properties with swimming pools. The budget provides for the City to levy $315,000 during the year. The annual charge for Swimming Pool Inspections will remain at $33.00 pa inclusive of GST. There are currently 10,721 properties to which the service applies.

Inspections are carried out in accordance with relevant legislation once every four years, in order to ensure correct fencing and safety requirements are maintained.

Budget 2014/15


Estimated Actual

2013/14 $

Budget 2013/14

$ Swimming Pool Inspection Charge

315,000 315,480


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iv) Emergency Services Levy (ESL) The City, together with all other local governments within Western Australia, is required, pursuant to the provisions of Part 6A of the Fire & Emergency Services Authority (FESA) of Western Australia Act 1998, to impose for the 2014/15 financial year, an Emergency Services Levy (ESL) accordance with the rates as per the table on the next page.

ESL Rates and Minimum and Maximum Thresholds

ESL Category ESL Rate

(Per $GRV)

Minimum and Maximum ESL Charges

By Property Use

Residential, Farming and Vacant Land

Commercial, Industrial and Miscellaneous

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum

1 $0.0112 $64 $330 $64 $186,000

2 $0.0085 $64 $245 $64 $140,000

3 $0.0056 $64 $164 $64 $94,000

4 $0.0040 $64 $116 $64 $66,000

5 Fixed Charge $64 $64 $64 $64 $64

Mining Tenements Fixed Charge $64 $64 $64 $64 $64

Note 1 - Properties in ESL Category 5 and leviable Mining Tenements that cross the borders of two or more local government areas will be charged $64 ESL per annum on each rates notice assessment issued to the property.

Note 2 - Local government Rates/ESL Billing Systems have been programmed to ensure that the maximum annual ESL charge for single-title multi-unit residential properties is the maximum residential charge for the ESL category classification of the property multiplied by the number of separate living units (or subs) in the property.

It is emphasised that this is not a City levy. The City is required to levy these amounts, collect the funds and remit them to FESA.

7. FEES AND CHARGES REVENUE The City has budgeted to receive a total of $26,7M in fees and charges. A summary of estimated receipts from fees and charges by program follows:



Program $

General Purpose Funding 568,000

Governance 12,200

Law Order & Public Safety 320,100

Health 170,780

Education And Welfare 2,175,475

Community Amenities 9,112,453

Recreation & Culture 9,393,138

Transport 1,694,398

Economic Services 3,221,000

Other Property & Services 75,000

TOTAL 26,742,543

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(a) Late Payment Penalty Interest

The City will, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6.13 and 6.51 of the Local Government Act 1995, and Regulations 19A and 70 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, impose interest on all current and arrears general rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), current and arrears of ESL, current and arrears domestic refuse charges, current and arrears of private swimming pool inspection fees (including GST) current and arrears of Property Surveillance and Security Service Charges and arrears of penalty interest instalment fees and interest at a rate of 9.0% per annum, calculated on a simple interest basis on arrears amounts which remain unpaid and current amounts which remain unpaid after 35 days from the issue date of the original rate notice, or the due date of the instalment and continues until the instalment is paid. Excluded are deferred rates, instalment current amounts not yet due under the four payment option, registered pensioner portions and current government pensioner rebate amounts. Such interest to be charged daily on the outstanding balance on the day of calculation. The application of interest on late payments is estimated to raise $300,000.

(b) Rates Payment Options

In accordance with the provisions of Section 6.45 and 6.50 of the Local Government Act 1995 and Regulation 64 (2) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, the City will offer the following payment options for the payment of rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST:

1. One Instalment

Payment in full by 29th August 2014.

2. Two Instalments

The first instalment of 50% of the total current rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, plus the total outstanding arrears payable by 29th August 2014. The second instalment, of 50% of the total current rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, payable by 7th November 2014.

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3. Four Instalments

The first instalment of 25% of the total current rates (including specified area rate - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, plus the total outstanding arrears payable by 29th August 2014. The second, third and fourth instalment, each of 25% of the total current rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST and instalment charge, payable as follows:- 2nd instalment by 7th November 2014 3rd instalment by 9th January 2015 4th instalment by 13th March 2015

(c) Instalments and Arrangements Administration Fees and Interest Charges

1. The City will, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.45 of the Local Government Act 1995, for the 2014/15 financial year, impose the following administration fees and interest charges for payment of rates (including specified area rates - Mirrabooka Trades Centre), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge, and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST where the owner has elected to pay rates (and service charges) by way of an instalment option:

(a) Two instalment Option

An administration fee of $9 per instalment arrangement, together with an interest charge of 4.5% per annum, calculated on a simple interest basis on:

50% of the total current general rate (including specified area rate), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST calculated from the due date of the first instalment to the due date of the second instalment.

(b) Four Instalment Option

An administration fee of $30 per instalment arrangement, together with an interest charge of 4.5% per annum, calculated on a simple interest basis on:

75% of the total current general rate (including specified area rate), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST calculated 35 days from the date of issue of the annual rate (29th August 2014) notice to 63 days after the due date of the first instalment (31 October 2014);

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 65

50% of the total current general rate (including specified area rate), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST calculated from the due date of the first instalment to the due date of the second instalment; and

25% of the total current general rate (including specified area rate), ESL, domestic refuse charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and private swimming pool inspection fees inclusive of GST calculated from the due date of the second instalment to the due date of the third instalment.

(c) Special Agreement Option

In addition to the late payment interest of 9% an arrangement administration fee of $30 per assessment for each payment agreement.

2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 6.49 of the Local Government Act 1995, authorises the Chief Executive Officer to, during the 2014/15 financial year, enter into special payment agreements with ratepayers for the payment of rates (including all Specified Area Rates), ESL, Domestic Refuse Charge, Property Surveillance and Security Service Charge and Private Swimming Pool Inspection Fees inclusive of GST. In addition to the late payment interest of 9% an arrangement administration fee of $30 per assessment for each payment agreement.

3. It is estimated that the application of instalment interest will raise $450,000 will be raised from the instalment charge.

(d) Early Incentive Scheme

In accordance with the provisions of S6.46 of the Local Government Act 1995, and Regulation 26 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, Council will offer the following early payment incentive for the early payment of General Rates and charges and the Mirrabooka Specified Area Rate.

• Eligibility to enter the early payment incentive draw which includes a range of

prizes sponsored by a number of organisations and at minimal cost to the City.

• The entry into early payment incentive draw will be applicable where payment

of all Rates, Charges and arrears that are due are paid in full by 22 August 2014.

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 66

9. ACQUISITION OF ASSETS The following assets are budgeted to be acquired during the year.


2014/2015 Budget


Land Purchased 5,625,000

Buildings Purchased 8,678,010

Plant and Equipment Purchased 693,436

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 5,484,800

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 1,531,640

Recreation Equipment Purchased 175,087

Roads Construction 17,828,380

Drainage Systems Construction 3,853,135

Drainage Sumps Construction 380,000

Footpaths Construction 2,681,791

Car Parks Construction 318,100

Reserves - General Construction 8,848,900

Reticulation - Bores Construction 90,000

Reticulation - Systems Construction 1,267,493

Playground Surrounds Construction 53,000

Fencing on Reserves Construction 374,700

Car Parks on Reserves Construction 155,000

Park Furniture Construction 673,000

Cricket Wickets 18,000

Footpaths on Reserves Construction 203,700

Tennis Courts 456,000

Lighting on Reserves Construction 605,000

TOTAL 59,994,172


2014/2015 Budget


General Purpose Fund

Governance Plant and Equipment Purchased 10,000

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 158,500

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 1,098,540

Law Order & Public Safety Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 451,000

Recreation Equipment Purchased 14,000

Health Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 117,500

Education And Welfare Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 1,015,000

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 238,120

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 67

Community Amenities Plant and Equipment Purchased 76,886

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 1,263,500

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 9,200

Recreation & Culture Plant and Equipment Purchased 69,650

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 1,301,300

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 95,000

Recreation Equipment Purchased 161,087

Reserves - General Construction 4,595,645

Reticulation - Systems Construction 1,344,748

Park Furniture Construction 721,700

Cricket Wickets Construction 133,000

Footpaths on Reserves Construction 338,700

Lighting on Reserves Construction 605,000

Transport Land Purchased 5,625,000

Plant and Equipment Purchased 275,900

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 586,500

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 42,200

Roads Construction 13,651,810

Drainage Systems Construction 3,853,135

Drainage Sumps Construction 380,000

Footpaths Construction 2,424,791

Car Parks Construction 1,298,100

Economic Services Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 227,500

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 43,000

Other Property & Services Staff Uniforms/Protective Clothing 1,000

Photocopying 500

Photography 3,000

Signage/Decals 5,000

Marketing Related Expenses 3,000

Other Administration Expenses 30,870

Legal Expenses 20,000

Catering 500

Civic Functions 5,000

Consultancy 390,000

Contract Staff 20,700

Other Computing Costs 5,000

Sale Expenses on Land 245,000

Buildings Purchased 6,682,350

Plant and Equipment Purchased 2,161,660

Mobiles Vehicles and Plant Purchased 364,000

Furniture and Office Equipment Purchased 100,580

Roads Construction 7,730,000

TOTAL 59,994,172

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 68


The budget provides for the disposal of certain assets. The following table provides a summary of those disposals by Class.

By asset class

Asset class

Net Book Value of Assets to be

disposed Estimated Sale


Estimated Profit or (loss) on


$ $ $

Heavy vehicles 1,321,700 1,015,750 (305,950)

Light Vehicles 1,182,542 1,008,750 (173,792)

Land 0 1,120,000 1,120,000

Plant 110,020 59,800 (50,220)

Total 2,614,262 3,204,300 590,038

By program


Net Book Value of Assets to be

disposed Estimated Sale


Estimated Profit or (loss) on


$ $ $

General Purpose Funding 0 0 0

Governance 89,832 74,000 (15,832)

Law Order & Public Safety 285,647 221,000 (64,647)

Health 69,812 68,500 (1,312)

Education And Welfare 400,974 364,000 (36,974)

Community Amenities 508,361 244,500 (263,861)

Recreation & Culture 611,748 545,700 (66,048)

Transport 303,789 272,750 (31,039)

Economic Services 143,644 125,000 (18,644)

Other Property & Services 200,455 1,288,850 1,088,395

Total 2,614,262 3,204,300 590,038





Profit on Asset Disposals 1,173,287

Loss on Asset Disposals (583,249)


2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 69


In accordance with council resolutions in relation to each reserve account, the purpose for which the funds are set aside are noted alongside the respective reserves below.

(i) Workers Compensation Premiums Reserve

The scope of operation of this reserve is the payment of premium obligations and common law claims with respect to work related injuries for which the City, as employer, has a statutory or common law liability. Objectives set for the fund are:-

1. To accumulate funds as potential liabilities are incurred to meet contingent payments under Burning Cost Workers Compensation insurance.

2. To provide for common law claims arising from worker injuries. 3. To obviate the impact of large claim payments deviating funds

from scheduled works programs.

4. To provide flexibility for the City in managing the funding of premium obligations to minimise the City’s long term cost of Workers Compensation insurance.

(ii) Garbage Bin Replacement Reserve

This Reserve account is designed to cushion any unpredicted peaks in the cost of ongoing replacement of some 85,000 Mobile Garbage Bins. These are used for the collection of domestic refuse from premises within the City.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 2,784,741 3,401,612 3,401,611

Add: Transfer to Reserves 2,719,325 2,495,765 2,378,940

Less: Transfer from Reserves 3,012,184 3,112,636 3,213,872

Closing Balance 2,491,882 2,784,741 2,566,679

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 831,230 796,613 796,613

Add: Transfer to Reserves 28,762 34,617 28,915

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 859,992 831,230 825,528

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 70

(iii) Sanitation Heavy Fleet Replacement Reserve

This Reserve account is designed to eliminate the need for substantial allocations from rates in any year. The principle behind the Reserve is that a proportionate payment will be made from the general fund annually that relates to utilisation (consumption) of existing plant and provides for plant replacement. The amount to be transferred from the reserve is $894,000 and will be used to replace three fleet items.

(iv) Previous Employees Long Service Leave Provision Reserve

The purpose of this Reserve is to provide for liabilities for long service leave payments that may need to be made to other local governments in respect of the transferred service entitlement of past employees of the City.

Regulations provide that long service leave entitlements are transferable from Council to Council for an employee’s uninterrupted service in local government. When a continuing employee is due for long service the local governments in which the employee has worked each contribute to the cost of the long service leave based on the closing salary and proportion of the employees qualifying period worked at each municipality. The reserve fund records an estimated liability based on estimates of the incidence of continuing employment factored against the cash liability at the time an employee leaves the City to continue employment elsewhere in local government.

(v) Staff Leave Liability Reserve

It is the function of this Reserve to cash-back the liability of the City for long service leave and annual leave for continuing employees. The liability is calculated based on legal and contractual entitlements. Current wage and salary rates are used in the calculation of provisions. The calculation of the

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 3,216,507 3,459,068 3,459,068

Add: Transfer to Reserves 1,185,944 1,078,839 1,054,081

Less: Transfer from Reserves 894,000 1,321,400 1,321,400

Closing Balance 3,508,451 3,216,507 3,191,749

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 263,136 352,574 355,976

Add: Transfer to Reserves 20,000 24,112 20,000

Less: Transfer from Reserves 20,000 113,550 20,000

Closing Balance 263,136 263,136 355,976

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 71

provisions is audited annually and included in the accounts. Provisions for sick leave are not made in the accounts as they are paid as incurred.

(vi) Tamala Park Reserve

The City will be receiving funds over the next few years for the sale of land developed at Tamala Park. It is proposed that the funds be used for income generating projects which in turn will help create a sustainable City. The amount to be transferred from Reserves is $6,792,500 and will be used towards the Parking Strategy.

(vii) Security Service Charge Reserve

This reserve was created to accommodate excess funds from the charge levied for the Property Surveillance and Security services. In accordance with the provisions of Section 6.38 of the Local Government Act 1995 any surplus generated from this charge is to be allocated to a Reserve and used for Security Services, or be repaid to owners. There is an expected surplus of $228,150 during 2014/15.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 11,859,191 11,022,429 10,572,501

Add: Transfer to Reserves 410,346 836,762 383,755

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 12,269,537 11,859,191 10,956,256

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 2,533,330 0 0

Add: Transfer to Reserves 9,754,324 3,333,330 2,666,667

Less: Transfer from Reserves 6,792,500 800,000 800,000

Closing Balance 5,495,154 2,533,330 1,866,667

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 250,000 257,466 300,000

Add: Transfer to Reserves 228,150 250,000 363,200

Less: Transfer from Reserves 250,000 257,466 300,000

Closing Balance 228,150 250,000 363,200

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 72

(viii) Surplus Waste Levy Reserve

This Reserve was created in 2000/01 to accommodate funds from the Waste Service Charge which were excess to requirements in any particular year. These funds are used towards operating or capital expansion costs where appropriate.

An amount of $76,886 will be taken from the surplus waste levy reserve to fund the

replacement of old/unserviceable bulk bins.

(ix) Cash in Lieu of Parking Reserve

These funds are provided by developers where it is impractical to provide the number of parking spaces generally required for a particular development/use. These are held until an opportunity arises where suitable parking may be provided. Care is taken to ensure that the funds are separately identified to enable them to be applied only to works within the specific areas from which the revenue was sourced.

(x) Development Reserve Created in 2004/05 to accommodate future development needs of the City. The finalisation of the Strategic Community Plan, together with the long term works plan will assist in identifying appropriate uses for these funds. During 2014/15 the City intends to utilise $3,884,957 to fund the purchase of capital equipment required for the Parking Strategy, $2,824,104 will be used to fund the costs of the multi-purpose community pavilion and parkland on Charles Riley Reserve, $35,652 will be used to fund a small portion of the Mirrabooka Regional Centre Strategy and $4,991,493 will be used on the Scarborough Environs Area Strategy Phase 2.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 13,222,144 12,437,954 12,593,631

Add: Transfer to Reserves 1,244,506 944,490 861,118

Less: Transfer from Reserves 76,886 160,300 160,300

Closing Balance 14,389,764 13,222,144 13,294,449

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 3,363,486 3,138,575 3,138,576

Add: Transfer to Reserves 116,382 224,911 113,922

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 3,479,868 3,363,486 3,252,498

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 73

(xi) Asset Acquisition Reserve

Created in 2004/05 to accommodate anticipated revenues from land sales which are an integral part of the City's overall asset rationalisation Program.

(xii) Mirrabooka Regional Centre Strategy

This Reserve is to hold funds from contributions and the sale of land in the Mirrabooka Regional Centre Strategy Project area until required to meet the expenditure on associated works and services.

(xiii) Road Widening Reserve

The Road Widening Reserve has been set up within the 2012/13 financial year to be used for compensation payments associated with the compulsory acquisition of land for the Inglewood Town Centre Urban Design Project.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 30,281,309 28,232,571 27,021,862

Add: Transfer to Reserves 1,047,779 2,118,738 980,825

Less: Transfer from Reserves 11,736,206 70,000 12,602,120

Closing Balance 19,592,882 30,281,309 15,400,567

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 2,503,028 2,398,789 2,398,789

Add: Transfer to Reserves 86,609 104,239 87,070

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 2,589,637 2,503,028 2,485,859

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 2,370,882 0 0

Add: Transfer to Reserves 82,036 2,370,882 0

Less: Transfer from Reserves 2,452,918 0 0

Closing Balance 0 2,370,882 0

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 74

(xiv) Future Fund

The Future Fund is to be used as seed funding for projects that will produce revenue that will assist in meeting the operational requirements of the City and reduce the reliance on rates.

(xv) Scarborough Environs Area Strategy (SEAS) Phase 2

The SEAS Phase 2 Reserve Fund holds funds contributed and generated in the SEAS project area. Such funds are held until appropriate expenditures are incurred in relation to the SEAS project.

(xvi) Edith Cowan Reserve Lighting

These funds were provided by the developer of the estate surrounding the Edith Cowan Reserve. Council resolved to place the funds in a financial reserve fund to pay for future maintenance and running costs associated with the lighting on this reserve.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 394,940 378,493 378,493

Add: Transfer to Reserves 13,666 16,447 13,738

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 408,606 394,940 392,231

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 2,497,609 2,393,596 2,093,596

Add: Transfer to Reserves 86,421 104,013 75,992

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 2,584,030 2,497,609 2,169,588

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 0 0 0

Add: Transfer to Reserves 0 3,980,000 3,980,000

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 3,980,000 0

Closing Balance 0 0 3,980,000

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 75

(xvii) Coastal Aquatic Facility Reserve This Reserve was created in 2012/13 by transferring funds from the Trigg Beach Masterplan Reserve after the purpose of the latter Reserve was amended. These funds will be help pay for associated costs arising from development of the Coastal Aquatic Facility/Golf Course.

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 34,989 33,532 33,531

Add: Transfer to Reserves 1,211 1,457 1,217

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 36,200 34,989 34,748

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14



$ $ $

Opening Balance 3,359,037 3,219,149 3,206,435

Add: Transfer to Reserves 116,228 139,888 116,385

Less: Transfer from Reserves 0 0 0

Closing Balance 3,475,265 3,359,037 3,322,820

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 76

Summary of Reserve Transfers

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

Budget Estimated Actual Budget

$ $ $

Transfer to Reserves

Workers Compensation Premiums Reserve 2,719,325 2,495,765 2,378,940

Garbage Bin Replacement Reserve 28,762 34,617 28,915

Sanitation Heavy Fleet Replacement Reserve 1,185,944 1,078,839 1,054,081

Previous Employees Long Service Leave Provision Reserve 20,000 24,112 20,000

Staff Leave Liability Reserve 410,346 836,762 383,755

Tamala Park Reserve 9,754,324 3,333,330 2,666,667

Security Service Charge Reserve 228,150 250,000 363,200

Surplus Waste Levy Reserve 1,244,506 944,490 861,118

Cash in Lieu of Parking Reserve 116,382 224,911 113,922

Development Reserve 1,047,779 2,118,738 980,825

Asset Acquisition Reserve 86,609 104,239 87,070

Mirrabooka Regional Centre Strategy 82,036 2,370,882 0

Road Widening Reserve 13,666 16,447 13,738

Future Fund 86,421 104,013 75,992

SEAS Phase 2 0 3,980,000 3,980,000

Edith Cowan Reserve Lighting 1,211 1,457 1,217

Coastal Aquatic Facility Reserve 116,228 139,888 116,385

17,141,689 18,058,490 13,125,825

2014/15 2013/14 2013/14

Budget Estimated Actual Budget

$ $ $

Transfer from Reserves

Workers Compensation Premiums Reserve (3,012,184) (3,112,636) (3,213,872)

Garbage Bin Replacement Reserve 0 0 0

Sanitation Heavy Fleet Replacement Reserve (894,000) (1,321,400) (1,321,400)

Previous Employees Long Service Leave Provision Reserve (20,000) (113,550) (20,000)

Staff Leave Liability Reserve 0 0 0

Tamala Park Reserve (6,792,500) (800,000) (800,000)

Security Service Charge Reserve (250,000) (257,466) (300,000)

Surplus Waste Levy Reserve (76,886) (160,300) (160,300)

Cash in Lieu of Parking Reserve 0 0 0

Development Reserve (11,736,206) (70,000) (12,602,120)

Asset Acquisition Reserve 0 0 0

Mirrabooka Regional Centre Strategy (2,452,918) 0 0

Road Widening Reserve 0 0 0

Future Fund 0 0 0

SEAS Phase 2 0 (3,980,000) 0

Edith Cowan Reserve Lighting 0 0 0

Coastal Aquatic Facility Reserve 0 0 0

(25,234,694) (9,815,352) (18,417,692)

Total Transfer to / (from) Reserves (8,093,005) 8,243,138 (5,291,867)

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 77

A summary of reserve transfers is also provided as Appendix III to the Statutory Budget document. All of the above reserve accounts are to be supported by money held in financial institutions.



The following fees will be paid to the Mayor and Council Members:


Mayoral Allowance – The Mayor is paid the maximum Mayoral Local Government Allowance of $85,000.

Deputy Mayoral Allowance - The Deputy Mayor is paid $21,250 the maximum Deputy Mayoral Local Government Allowance. (25% of the Mayoral Allowance).

Travel expenses shall be assessed at the applicable rate per kilometre as detailed in the Public Service Award.

Telecommunication Allowance - $3,500 per annum paid in advance. Any additional expenses incurred over the $3,500 annual allowance will require the Elected Member to present invoices for the $3,500 and the additional amounts.

The following allowances have been budgeted for:


In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, members expenses necessarily incurred by Elected Members in carrying out the functions of their office, or in the performance of an act under express authority of the Council, may be claimed. The following expenses have been budgeted for in line with Council Policy:




Meeting Fee - Mayor 45,000

Meeting Fee - (All other Councillors excluding the Mayor) 390,000




Mayoral 85,000

Deputy Mayoral 21,250

Travel 27,000

Information Technology & Telecommunications 49,000

2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 78

The amounts budgeted for Council Members fees, expenses and allowances have been based on those applicable in the 2013/2014 financial year. The City is aware that the Salaries and Wages Tribunal has increased the Elected Members payments by 3% and will make the necessary budget adjustments at the mid year budget review.


The 2014/15 Annual Budget provides for revenue of $6.8M to be generated from the investment of Council’s funds. Interest earnings relating to each specific reserve account are shown in the Schedule of Reserves. It is estimated that interest earnings from Council funds will comprise:

Note; an additional $750,000 interest is budgeted for late payment penalty interest and instalment charges & instalment interest.


The City is essentially "debt free" and will not borrow funds during the 2014/15 financial year in order to undertake works and services.


The City will not borrow funds during 2014/15 to undertake works and services. The City operates with the following bank facilities:-

1. City of Stirling – Municipal Fund 2. City of Stirling – Reserve Fund 3. City of Stirling – Trust Fund

An offsetting arrangement exists between above accounts whereby debit and credit balances are merged and no overdraft charges apply so long as the net amount remains in credit. A net overdraft facility of $500,000 applies to these accounts. This is only utilised where daily cash requirements are unpredictable and would otherwise require the City to terminate investments prior to their maturity date.




Personal Allowance 16,250

Conference Expenses 100,000

Networking Expenses 7,000

Gift Expenses 7,000




General Interest Earnings 3,963,932

Reserve Fund Interest 2,891,467


2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 79


The City has budgeted to sell a number of blocks of land in the 2014/15 financial year. Some of these sales meet the criteria of a major land transaction and as required these are individually disclosed below. Estimated

Revenue 2014/15


Estimated Expenditure

2014/15 $

Development and Sale of Land in the Mirrabooka Precinct

1,120,000 0

Equity share of and Sale of Land in Tamala Park 9,666,667 0



Regulation 31 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires local governments to calculate the Net Current Assets carried forward from the previous year and factor that into the forthcoming budget calculations. The 2014/15 Net Current Assets (otherwise known as Opening funds) was estimated as follows:-


Rateable Value



GRV rate-in-

$ (cents) Rate Yield $







Minimum Yield

$ $

Normal 2,130,519,754 61,760 4.478 95,404,675 456,960,293 30,902 790 24,412,580 119,817,255

Special 381,160 23 742 17,066 17,066

Interim Rates 920,523 920,523

2,130,519,754 61,760 96,325,198 457,341,453 30,925 24,429,646 120,754,844

Specified Area Rate

Mirrabooka Trades Centre 701,700 23 2.640 18,525 18,525







2014/15 Budget Notes _____________________________________________________________________

Page 80


Current Assets

Cash on Hand 27,152

Cash at Bank - (Committed and Uncommitted) 21,693,660

Cash at Bank - Reserves and Town Planning Schemes (Restricted) 74,124,133

Sundry Debtors 11,933,307

Stock on Hand 279,125

Prepayments 0

Sub Total 108,057,377

Less Current Liabilities

Creditors and Accruals 13,500,918

Provisions 10,870,225

Sub Total 24,371,143

Estimated Net Current Assets 83,686,234

Calculating the Opening Funds - 1 July 2014

Net Current Assets (from above) 83,686,234


Interest Bearing Liabilities (loan repayments) 0

Provisions forAnnual Leave (cash backed) 10,619,361


Cash at Bank (Restricted) 70,645,160

Other Town Planning Scheme Assets (Restricted) 3,478,973

Committed Cash (Unspent Capital Grants) 257,459

Works Budget Carried Forward 13,924,003

Estimated Opening Funds 6,000,000

Reconciliation of Estimated Opening Funds as above to the Rate Setting Statement


Estimated Opening Funds 6,000,000

Add: Works Budget Carried Forward 13,924,003

Less: Reserves used to fund Carry Forward Works 5,266,500-


City of Stirling

Fees & Charges




Directorate Business Unit Page No.

Corporate Services Financial Services 3

Corporate Information Services 3

Asset Management 3

Planning & Development City Planning 4

Approvals 4

Health & Compliance 7

Economic Development & Urban Regeneration 8

Infrastructure Engineering Operations 8

Parks & Reserves 9

Waste & Fleet 9

Community Development Community Services 11

Library Services 13

Recreation & Leisure Services 15

Community Safety 47

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






Finance Services

Finance Services Charges Property Information searches(Land Purchase Inquiries) Per property Exempt 72.00 75.00 3.00 4% Charge for a printed extract of the City's records

Finance Services Charges Rate Book Searches Per property Exempt 10.00 10.00 0.00 0% Charge for a printed extract of the City's records

Finance Services Charges Account Enquiry Per property Exempt 20.00 22.00 2.00 10%Charge for a printed Statement of Rates supplied to Settlement Agents

when a property is about to change ownership

Finance Services Charges "To whom it may concern" letter Per property Including 16.00 22.00 6.00 38%To reflect cost of arranging a "To whom it may concern" letter following

issue of summons

Finance Services Charges Notice of Discontinuance Per property Including 30.00 33.00 3.00 10% Additional work now required by Court to issue Notice of Discontinuance

Finance Services Charges Instalment charge Per property Exempt 9.00 9.00 0.00 0%

Administration charge levied under the provisions of section 6.45 of the

Local Government Act 1995 for ratepayers who elect to pay rates by the

2-instalment option (this option introduced in 2007/08)

Finance Services Charges Instalment charge Per property Exempt 27.00 27.00 0.00 0%

Administration charge levied under the provisions of section 6.45 of the

Local Government Act 1995 for ratepayers who elect to pay rates by the

4-instalment option

Finance Services Charges Arrangement payment charge Per property Exempt 27.00 30.00 3.00 11%

Administration charge levied under the provisions of section 6.49 of the

Local Government Act 1995 for ratepayers who elect to pay rates by a

payment arrangement

Finance Services Charges Statement of Rates - from a prior yearPer year, per

propertyIncluding 20.00 22.00 2.00 10%

To recoup the costs associated with providing the property owner, on

request, information from archived rates records

Finance Services Charges Dishonoured cheque fee Per cheque Exempt 22.00 25.00 3.00 14% To recoup the costs charged by the City's bank plus administration fee

Corporate Information Services

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActAccess time supervised by City employees per hour Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActApplication Fee Minimum Each Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActCharge for duplicating a tape, film or computer data Actual Cost, Each Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActCopy of FOI Statement Each Exempt 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActPackaging and postal costs Actual Cost, Each Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActPhotocopying charges Per page copied Exempt 0.20 0.20 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActTime taken by City employees dealing with application per hour Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActTime taken by City employees to photocopy documents per hour Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Records Administration - Freedom of

Information (FOI) ActTime taken by City employees to transcribe information per hour Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Maximum statutory charge as per Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 of FOI

Regulations 1993

Asset Management

Road Closure Road closure applications, Section 58 of LAA 1997 Administration fee Exempt 825.00 825.00 0.00 0%

* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

3 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

City Planning

Detailed Area Plan Detailed Area Plans Per application Including 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100%

Quote in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2009

– Section 48 as if reference to structure plan is refence to a detailed

area plan. Where an amendment is not initiated or adopted by Council,

moneys not expended are to be refunded. Note 2: Costs and expenses

for required advertising and additional non-standard costs are in addition

to the calculated fee.

Plans & Maps A0 size Scheme Map (colour) Per copy Including 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

Plans & Maps A2 size PMA Zoning Map (colour) Per copy Including 12.50 12.50 0.00 0%

Plans & Maps Black & white up to A0 Per copy Including 12.50 12.50 0.00 0%

Plans & Maps Other colour maps (up to A1 size) Per copy Including 25.00 25.00 0.00 0%

Plans & Maps Provision / Collation Non Standard Information Minimum$110 per hour

(minimum $55)Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0%

Plans & Maps Suburb & Ward Map (colour) Per copy Including 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Publications Colour pages (excluding cover) Per page Including 1.50 1.50 0.00 0%

Publications Misc. Photocopies Per page Including 1.50 1.50 0.00 0%

Publications Reports < 10 pages Per copy Including 6.50 6.50 0.00 0%

Publications Reports >100 pages Per copy Including 40.00 40.00 0.00 0%

Publications Reports 10-50 pages Per copy Including 13.00 13.00 0.00 0%

Publications Reports 50-100 pages Per copy Including 26.00 26.00 0.00 0%

Publications Scheme Text Per copy Including 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

Scheme Amendments Local Planning Scheme No 3 – Scheme Amendments See comment Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Quote in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2009

– Section 48. Where an amendment is not initiated or adopted by

Council, moneys not expended are to be refunded. Note 2: Costs and

expenses for required advertising and additional non-standard costs are

in addition to the calculated fee.

Scheme Other Change of Street Number application Per application Including 125.00 125.00 0.00 0%

Structure Plan Structure Plan Per application Including 3,500.00 0.00 -3,500.00 -100%

Quote in accordance with Planning and Development Regulations 2009

– Section 48. Where an amendment is not initiated or adopted by

Council, moneys not expended are to be refunded. Note 2: Costs and

expenses for required advertising and additional non-standard costs are

in addition to the calculated fee.


1. Development Applications

Penalty : Determining a development application (other

than for an extractive industry) where the development

has commenced or been carried out

Penalty Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

If the development has commenced or been carried out, an additional

amount, by way of penalty, that is twice the amount of the maximum fee

payable for determination of the application under paragraph

(a),(b),(c),(d),(e) or (f)

2. Development Applications Retrospective planning fee Per application Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%NEW CHARGE three times the standard fee, proportional to cost of

retrospective development works

3. Development Applications (a) New application - value up to $50,000 Exempt 139.00 147.00 8.00 6%

4. Development Applications (b) New application - value $50,001 - $500,000

0.32 % of the

estimated cost of


Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% 0.32 % of the estimated cost of development

5. Development Applications (c) New application - value $500,001 - $2.5M

Base Fee + 0.257%

for every $1 in

excess of $500,000

Exempt 1,600.00 1,700.00 100.00 6% Base Fee + 0.257% for every $1 in excess of $500,000

6. Development Applications (d) New application - value over $2.5M - $5M

Base Fee + 0.206

% for every $1 in

excess of $2.5M

Exempt 6,740.00 7,161.00 421.00 6% Base Fee + 0.206% for every $1 in excess of $2.5M

4 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

7. Development Applications (e) New application - value over $5M - $21.5M

Base Fee + 0.123%

for every $1 in

excess of $5M

Exempt 11,890.00 12,633.00 743.00 6% Base Fee + 0.123% for every $1 in excess of $5M

8. Development Applications (f) New application - value over $21.5M Exempt 32,185.00 34,196.00 2,011.00 6%

Building Approval Certificate -CertifiedBuilding Approval Certificate -Certified - Unauthorised

House and Domestic Buildings

Minimum per

applicationExempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

New Building or alternations :Fee is 0.38% of estimated construction


Building Permit Building Permit extension of time Per application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Building PermitCertified Building permit for commercial, industrial and

public building

Minimum per

applicationExempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

New Building or alternations :Fee is 0.09% of estimated construction


Building Permit Certified Building permit for house and domestic buildingsMinimum per

applicationExempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

New Building or alternations :Fee is 0.19% of estimated construction


Building PermitUncertified Building permit for house and domestic


Minimum per

applicationExempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

New Building or alternations :Fee is 0.32% of estimated construction


Demolition PermitApplication to demolish whole or part of commercial,

industrial and public buildingPer storey Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Demolition PermitApplication to demolish whole or part of residential

buildingPer application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Demolition Permit Extension of time Per application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Detailed Area Plan Assessment of Detailed Area Plan Per application Including 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 0%

Development Amended Plans Per application Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

DevelopmentDetermination of development application for an

extractive industryPer application Exempt 696.00 739.00 43.00 6%

If the development has commenced or been carried out, an additional

amount, by way of penalty, twice that fee

Development Applications

Change of Use or for alternation or extension or change

of a non conforming use to which determination of

development application does not apply

Per application Exempt 0.00 295.00 295.00 100%

NEW CHARGE If the change of use or the alteration or extension or

change of the non-conforming use has commenced, an additional

amount by way of penalty, twice that fee

Development Applications

Change of Use or for alternation or extension or change

of a non conforming use to which determination of

development application does not apply, where the

change of the alteration, extension or change has

commenced or been carried out

Per application Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% NEW CHARGE, three times the standard fee

Development Applications Modification to previously approved plans & renewals Minimum

Per application. Up

to 50% of regular

fee with a minimum

of $100

Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0% Up to 50% of regular fee with a minimum of $100

Development Applications Request for extension of time Per application Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Development Applications Valuation FeesCharged on full cost

recovery basisExempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% Cash in lieu of public parking spaces.

Form 24- (Built/Vacant Stata)Certificate for Approval for a strata plan, plan or re-

subdivision or consolidation

First 5 lots: base fee

$656 plus $65 per


Exempt 656.00 656.00 0.00 0%Base fee shown in the charge column and additional fees per lot shown

in 'basis of charge' column

Form 24- (Built/Vacant Stata)Certificate for Approval for a strata plan, plan or re-

subdivision or consolidation

6 to 100 lots: base

fee $981 plus

$43.50 per lot in

excess of 5 lots

Exempt 981.00 981.00 0.00 0%Base fee shown in the charge column and additional fees per lot shown

in 'basis of charge' column

Form 24- (Built/Vacant Stata)Certificate for Approval for a strata plan, plan or re-

subdivision or consolidation

More than 100 lots:

capped at 100 lots

maximum fee

payable $5,113.50

Exempt 5,113.50 5,113.50 0.00 0%


Application for a Building Approvals Certificate for an

existing building where unauthorised work has not been


per application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

OtherApplication for Modification of Occupation Permit or

additional use of Building on temporary basisper application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

5 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.


Application for Occupancy Permit or Building Approval

Certificate for registration of Strata Scheme, Plan of re-

subdivision - Commercial, Industrial and Public Building

Minimum per

applicationExempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0% $100 or $10 per strata unit whichever is greater

OtherApplication for replacement Occupancy Permit for an

existing buildingPer application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

OtherApplication for replacement Occupancy Permit for

Permanent Change of Building's use classificationper application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

OtherApplication for Temporary Occupation Permit for

Incomplete Building - Incomplete Buildingper application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Other Building Approval Certificate extension of time per application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Other Change of Street Address Per application Including 125.00 125.00 0.00 0%

OtherCompleted Building: Commercial, Industrial and Public

Buildingper application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Other Copy of Commercial Development Plans Per application Including 120.00 120.00 0.00 0%

Other Copy of Development Approval Per application Including 80.00 80.00 0.00 0%

Other Copy of House Plans Per application Including 80.00 80.00 0.00 0% House Plan for 3 or more strata title per lot is $120

Other Home Occupation - application Per application Exempt 209.00 222.00 13.00 6% Per application

Other Home Occupation - penalty Penalty Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%If the home occupation has commenced, an additional amount, by way

of penalty, twice that fee

Other Home Occupation - penalty expiry Penalty Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%If the home occupation has commenced, an additional amount, by way

of penalty, twice that fee

Other Home Occupation - renewalPer application per

yearExempt 69.00 73.00 4.00 6% Renewal

Other Home Office Per application Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Other Issue of Zoning Certificate Per lot Exempt 69.00 73.00 4.00 6%

Other Issue of written planning advice Per application Including 69.00 73.00 4.00 6%

OtherOccupancy Permit- Certified - unauthorised Commercial,

Industrial and Public Buildings

Minimum per

applicationExempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

New Building or alternations :Fee is 0.18% of estimated construction


Other Occupancy Permit extension of time per application Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Other Reply to a property settlement questionnaire Per application Including 69.00 73.00 4.00 6%

Other Site Inspection Per application Including 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%Where projects require more than two inspections prior to final


Other Smoke Alarm (Battery Powered) Alternative Use Approval Per application Exempt 0.00 170.00 170.00 100% NEW CHARGE - Charges per Building Act

Other Standard Building Specifications per application Exempt 17.50 22.00 4.50 26%

Plans/Maps Photocopies A0 Per copy Including 4.95 4.95 0.00 0%

Plans/Maps Photocopies A1 Per copy Including 3.85 3.85 0.00 0%

Plans/Maps Photocopies A2 Per copy Including 3.30 3.30 0.00 0%

Plans/Maps Photocopies A3 Per copy Including 1.10 1.10 0.00 0%

Plans/Maps Photocopies A4 Per copy Including 0.55 0.55 0.00 0%

Subdivision Valuation FeesCharged on full cost

recovery basisExempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% Cash in lieu of public open space.

Subdivision Clearance Additional inspections for all subdivision clearance Including 110.00 110.00 0.00 0%Charge per additional inspection where more than one inspection is


Subdivision Clearance Subdivision (inc. Strata) Clearance More than 195 lots Exempt 6,959.00 7,393.00 434.00 6% Flat fee

Subdivision Clearance Subdivision (inc. Strata) ClearanceMore than 5 lots -

195 lotsExempt 35.00 35.00 0.00 0% Price per lot

Subdivision Clearance Subdivision (inc. Strata) Clearance First 5 Lots Exempt 69.00 73.00 4.00 6% Price per lot

6 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Health and Compliance

Environmental Protection (Noise)

RegulationsRegulation 18 Application for non complying event Per application Exempt 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 100% Application fee - statutory

Food Business High Risk food business

inspection feeInspection fee high risk food business

3 inspections per

yearIncluding 330.00 330.00 0.00 0% Inspection fee introduced under the new Food Act

Food Business Low risk food business

inspection feeInspection fee low risk food business

1 inspection per

yearIncluding 110.00 110.00 0.00 0% Inspection fee introduced under the new Food Act

Food Business Medium risk food business

inspection feeInspection fee medium risk food business

2 inspections per

yearIncluding 220.00 220.00 0.00 0% Inspection fee introduced under the new Food Act

Food Business settlement enquiry report Report and inspection fee Administrative cost Including 110.00 110.00 0.00 0%Inspection of premises and provision of report at request agent/owner

during change of ownership

Food Business Transfer of ownership Transfer fee Administrative cost Exempt 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Notification of food business Notification fee Administrative cost Exempt 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%Fee a result of the introduction of the Food Act and associated


Offensive TradesFish Processing Establishments in which whole fish are

cleaned and preparedAnnual Exempt 294.00 294.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

Offensive Trades Laundries, Dry Cleaning Establishments Annual Exempt 144.00 144.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

Offensive Trades Poultry Processing Establishments Annual Exempt 294.00 294.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

OtherApplication to construct or install an apparatus for the

treatment of sewageOnce only Exempt 116.00 116.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

Other Caravan Park Annual Exempt 200.00 200.00 0.00 0% Minimum Charge

Other Cattery licence Annual Exempt 45.00 45.00 0.00 0%

OtherFee under the Cat Regulations 2012 for application for

grant or renewal of approval to breed cats

Per breeding cat

(male or female)Exempt 0.00 100.00 100.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Other Gaming Permit Extended (Section 55) 5 Years Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Other Gaming Permit Occasional (Section 55) Once only Exempt 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%

Other Grant of a permit to use an apparatus Once only Exempt 116.00 116.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

Other Inspection fee development above $20,000 Once only Including 220.00 220.00 0.00 0%Charges relate to one pre approval verge inspection and one post

completion verge inspection for development over $20,000 (bond $1500)

Other Inspection fee development below $20,000 Once only Including 220.00 220.00 0.00 0%

Charges relate to one pre approval verge inspection and one post

completion verge inspection for development below $20,000 (bond

$1000) Change as per Policy

Other Inspection of Private Swimming Pool Enclosure Per request Including 79.20 79.20 0.00 0% Inspection at request of owner in Land Transfer

Other Kennel Licence Annual Exempt 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Other Liquor Licence Application (Section 39 & 40) Once only Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Other Local Government Report Fee Once only Exempt 95.00 95.00 0.00 0% Fee determined by Department of Health

Other Lodging House Annual Exempt 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

Other Morgue licence Annual Exempt 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

Other Private Swimming Pool Inspection Fees Per property Including 33.00 33.00 0.00 0% For each property where there is located a private swimming pool

Other Public Swimming Pool Sampling Fees Monthly Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0%

This is a monthly charge. The Aquatic Facilities regulations require all

public swimming pools to be sampled on a monthly basis by an

Environmental Health Officer whilst the pool is open

Outdoor Eating Area Licences Application Fee Per application Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Permit Traders permit (Food) Monthly Exempt 172.00 172.00 0.00 0%

Permit Traders permit (Food)Per annum City

propertyExempt 1,860.00 1,860.00 0.00 0%

Permit Traders permit (Food)Per annum Private

propertyExempt 932.00 932.00 0.00 0%

Permit Traders permit (Food) Daily Exempt 15.00 15.00 0.00 0%

Permit Traders permit (Food) Weekly Exempt 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

Permit Trading permit (Food) Per annum Itinerant Exempt 520.00 520.00 0.00 0% For persons trading in multiple locations

Scarborough Outdoor Eating Area

LicencesLicence Fee Annual per sq metre Exempt 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Square metre charge. Scarborough has high pressure cleaning twice a

year included in its charge

Standard Outdoor Eating Area Licences Licence Fee Annual per sq metre Exempt 30.00 30.00 0.00 0% Square metre charge

7 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Economic Development & Urban Regeneration

Cycle Training Participation in bicycle maintenance course Per Day Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Cycle TrainingParticipation in cycle training course – City of Stirling

residentPer Day Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Cycle TrainingParticipation in cycle training course – non City of Stirling

residentPer Day Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Cycle Training School Holiday Bicycle Training (6 hours) Per Child Including 0.00 60.00 60.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Engineering Operations

CrossoversCharge per square metre for construction of concrete

crossover - non residentialPer square metre Including 66.00 68.00 2.00 3%

Charge per square metre for laying non residential Crossovers - 150mm

thick concrete, reinforced with steel mesh done by City's contractor to

specification. The City's contribution for non residential crossover built to

specification is in accordance to the City's crossover policy.

CrossoversCharge per square metre for construction of concrete

crossover - residentialPer square metre Including 57.00 59.00 2.00 4%

Charge per square metre for laying grey concrete residential crossover

done by City's contractor to specification. The City's contribution for

residential crossover built to specification is in accordance to the City's

crossover policy.

CrossoversMinimum charge for construction of concrete crossover -

non residentialMinimum Charge Including 690.00 690.00 0.00 0%

Minimum Charge for concrete = or < 10.45m2 laying grey concrete non

residential crossover done by City's contractor to specification

CrossoversMinimum charge for construction of concrete crossover -

residentialMinimum Charge Including 670.00 707.00 37.00 6%

Minimum Charge for concrete = or < 11.75m2 laying grey concrete

Residential crossover done by City's contractor to specification

Crossovers Post-construction inspection fee for crossovers Once only Including 0.00 110.00 110.00 100% NEW CHARGE - Post-inspection fees for Crossover construction

Crossovers Pre-construction inspection fee for crossovers Once only Including 0.00 110.00 110.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Pre-inspection fees for Crossover construction.

Includes $1,500 bond against damage in the road reserve.

Footpath Reconstruction of concrete footpath - Minimum charge Minimum Charge Including 650.00 666.00 16.00 2%Minimum Charge for concrete = or < 11.40m2 laying grey concrete

done by City's contractor to specification

Footpath Reconstruction of concrete footpath - Per square metre Per square metre Including 57.00 57.00 0.00 0%Charge per square metre for laying grey concrete footpath done by

City's contractor to specification.

Inspection Inspection fee related to permit for excavations Once only Including 0.00 220.00 220.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Inspecting City's Infrastructure within the road reserve

in relation to work undertaken during excavation in the road reserve

Kerbing Reconstruction of kerbing (per L/m)Charge per linear

metreIncluding 235.00 258.00 23.00 10%

Rate per metre to remove damaged kerb, lay new kerb, repair bitumen

pavement & backfill new kerb. Price reflects existing contract rates

Road reserveBond associated with permit for excavation in the road



Minimum ChargeExempt 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0%

Bond to protect the City's assets within the road reserve from adjoining

civil works / service works

Subdivision Subdivision Supervision Fee

Statutory Charge -

1.5% of the cost of


Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

NEW CHARGE -Planning and Development Act 2005 enables the City

to charge a fee to supervise the construction of roads, drainage or

artificial waterways which are established as a result of a subdivision.

The cost is to be 1.5% of the cost of construction and drainage where a

consulting engineer and clerk of works is engaged.

8 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Parks and Reserves

Construction/Delivery Access via POS

For private construction seeking to gain access for

vehicles/ deliveries etc through Council’s Public Open


Daily Charge Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE This charge is for ongoing works to check reserve

condition and compliance with agreed conditions of access for reserve

condition and public OHS

Construction/Delivery Access via POS

For private construction seeking to gain access for

vehicles/ deliveries etc through Council’s Public Open


1st/Single Visit Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE This charge is to cover a first or one off inspection of a

reserve to report the condition or allow access by key or gate /fence

alteration and public OHS

Tree Inspections - Multiple Locations

Inspections of Tree Assets on Street Verges or Public

Property or private property in response to Development

Assessments or other private works

Part of Multiple Site

VisitIncluding 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE This charge is to cover costs associated with site

inspections relating to Street Tree issues from Development / Works.

Tree Inspections - Single Location

Inspections of Tree Assets on Street Verges or Public

Property or private property in response to Development

Assessments or other private works

Per Single Visit Including 0.00 275.00 275.00 100%NEW CHARGE This charge is to cover costs associated with site

inspections relating to Street Tree issues from Development / Works.

Waste and Fleet

Commercial Services Bulk Bin removal Charge per bin Including 136.66 154.52 17.86 13% Per bulk bin removed by crane truck-invoiced

Commercial Services City 1.5m3 roll top Per lift-invoiced Including 57.07 64.49 7.42 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services City 1.5m3 standard Per lift-invoiced Including 53.88 60.88 7.00 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services City 3.0m3 roll top Per lift-invoiced Including 81.55 92.15 10.60 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services City 3.0m3 standard Per lift-invoiced Including 76.81 86.80 9.99 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services City 4.5m3 bin standard Per lift-invoiced Including 109.04 123.21 14.17 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services City 4.5m3 roll top Per lift-invoiced Including 109.04 123.21 14.17 13% Per lift-invoiced

Commercial Services Client's Roll Top Bulk Bin on demand Per m3 Including 27.29 30.84 3.55 13% Per m3

Commercial Services Client's Standard Bulk Bin on demand Per m3 Including 25.49 28.80 3.31 13% Per m3

Commercial Services On demand 240L MGBPer lift on demand-

invoicedIncluding 17.25 19.49 2.24 13% Per lift on demand-invoiced

Commercial Services Quarterly a/c 240L MGB Including 735.00 830.00 95.00 13% For a once per week collection per MGB (paid quarterly)

Commercial Services Supply and fit padlock Including 89.00 100.58 11.58 13%

Commercial Services Trade Waste 240L MGB Including 568.86 642.81 73.95 13% For a once per week collection per MGB (prepaid rate)

Domestic Collections Bulk Bin extra service Per m3 Including 23.11 25.02 1.91 8% On demand from domestic bulk bins

Domestic Collections Domestic 120L 120L per week Exempt 221.50 239.77 18.27 8%For the once per week collection , recycling and disposal of 120L of

household waste from a shared 240L wheelie bin or a shared bulk bin.

Domestic Collections Domestic 240L 240L per week Exempt 278.00 300.93 22.93 8%For the collection, recycling and disposal of 240L of household waste in

wheelie bin(s) made available for collection at weekly intervals

Domestic Collections Domestic 240L, Bulk Bin 240L per week Exempt 278.00 300.93 22.93 8%For the collection, recycling and disposal of 240L of household waste in

a shared bulk bin made available for collection.

Domestic Collections Domestic 480L 480L per week Exempt 368.00 398.36 30.36 8%For the collection, recycling and disposal of 480L of household waste in

two (2) wheelie bin made available for collection at weekly intervals

Domestic Collections Domestic 720L 720L per week Exempt 458.00 495.78 37.78 8%For the collection, recycling and disposal of 720L of household waste in

three (3) wheelie bin made available for collection at weekly intervals

Domestic Collections New service levy (120L per wk shared bin service) Exempt 91.00 98.51 7.51 8%Per unit share of the service establishment fee including the supply of a

bulk bin of a standard size

Domestic Collections New service levy (120L per wk) Exempt 91.00 98.51 7.51 8%Service establishment fee including the supply of a wheelie bin as per

section 112A Health Act 1911 as amended

Domestic Collections New service levy (240L per wk) Exempt 91.00 98.51 7.51 8%Service establishment fee including the supply of a wheelie bin as per

section 112A Health Act 1911 as amended

Domestic Collections New service levy (480L per wk) Exempt 163.00 176.45 13.45 8%Service establishment fee including the supply of two (2) wheelie bin(s)

as per section 112A Health Act 1911 as amended

Domestic Collections New Service Levy (720L per wk) Exempt 163.00 176.45 13.45 8%Service establishment fee including the supply of wheelie bin(s) as per

section 112A Health Act 1911 as amended

9 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Domestic Collections Non conforming domestic bin collection Per collection Exempt 0.00 15.00 15.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Function Bin Fees Charge per bin to deliver, collect and wash. Charge per bin Including 10.64 12.02 1.38 13%

Function Bin Fees Service 240L MGB for 1 to 10 MGB's Per MGB Including 25.42 28.72 3.30 13%

Function Bin Fees Service 240L MGB for 11 to 25 MGB'sStandard Charge

RateIncluding 237.95 268.88 30.93 13%

Function Bin Fees Service 240L MGB for 26 to 50 MGB'sStandard Charge

RateIncluding 396.71 448.28 51.57 13%

Recycling Centre Balcatta Asbestos disposal for City of Stirling residents

Per sheet with

maximum of 3


Exempt 3.00 4.00 1.00 33%

Recycling Centre Balcatta Asbestos disposal for non City of Stirling residents

Per sheet with

maximum of 3


Exempt 4.00 6.00 2.00 50%

Recycling Centre Balcatta Car minimum Fee, Green Waste Green Including 18.90 19.84 0.94 5% Per vehicle-min fee-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Car minimum Fee, Inert Waste Inert (construction) Including 24.70 25.93 1.23 5% Per vehicle-min fee-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Car minimum Fee, Mixed Waste Mixed Including 39.90 45.10 5.20 13% Per vehicle-min fee-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Car tyres (Per tyre)Cost per tyre for

disposal at RCBIncluding 12.00 14.00 2.00 17%

Recycling Centre BalcattaIf weighbridge not working, compacted waste truck

containing Green Waste.

Fee for each

wheel(tyre) of the

truck and/or trailer

(larger than


Including 55.87 63.13 7.26 13%

If weighbridge is not working, fee for each wheel (tyre) of the truck

and/or trailer (larger than 2.4mx1.2m) loaded with compacted clean

green waste.

Recycling Centre BalcattaIf Weighbridge not working, compacted waste truck

containing Mixed Waste,

Fee for each

wheel(tyre) of the

truck and/or trailer

(larger than


Including 167.00 188.71 21.71 13%

If weighbridge is not working, fee for each wheel (tyre) of the truck

and/or trailer (larger than 2.4mx1.2m) loaded with compacted mixed


Recycling Centre BalcattaIf Weighbridge not working, Uncompacted waste truck

containing Green Waste.

Fee for each

wheel(tyre) of the

truck and/or trailer

(larger than


Including 50.90 57.52 6.62 13%

If weighbridge is not working, fee for each wheel (tyre) of the truck

and/or trailer (larger than 2.4mx1.2m) loaded with uncompacted clean

green waste

Recycling Centre BalcattaIf Weighbridge not working, Uncompacted waste truck

containing Mixed Waste.

Fee for each wheel

(tyre) of the truck

and/or trailer (larger

than 2.4mx1.2m)

Including 150.81 170.42 19.61 13%

If weighbridge is not working , fee for each wheel (tyre) of the truck

and/or trailer (larger than 2.4mx1.2m) loaded with uncompacted mixed


Recycling Centre Balcatta Mattress disposal

Inner spring

mattress (Per


Including 19.50 21.50 2.00 10%

Recycling Centre Balcatta Single trailer minimum Fee, Green Waste Green Including 38.90 40.84 1.94 5% Per vehicle-Per delivery-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Single trailer minimum Fee, Inert Waste Inert (construction) Including 56.50 59.32 2.82 5% Per vehicle-Per delivery-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Single trailer minimum Fee, Mixed Waste Mixed Including 84.70 95.71 11.01 13% Per vehicle-Per delivery-cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Weighbridge rate/tonne Green Including 75.60 79.40 3.80 5% Cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Weighbridge rate/tonne Inert (construction) Including 116.30 122.11 5.81 5% Cash sales

Recycling Centre Balcatta Weighbridge rate/tonne Mixed Including 215.00 243.00 28.00 13% Cash sales

Recycling Centre BalcattaWeighbridge rate/tonne Greenwaste delivered by the City

of NedlandsGreen Including 75.60 79.40 3.80 5%

Recycling Centre BalcattaWeighbridge rate/tonne Mixed waste delivered by the City

of NedlandsMixed Including 215.00 243.00 28.00 13%

SLA's Internal paper collections 240 L recycling bin 240L per fortnight Exempt 238.68 250.61 11.93 5%

10 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Community ServicesAdult Day Centres Meal fee at centre Per Day Exempt 7.75 8.00 0.25 3% To bring in-line with Meals on Wheels meal charge

Adult Day Centres Outings - Individually charged based on outing Variable Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Balga Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 280.00 285.00 5.00 2%

Balga Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 400.00 400.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Balga Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Balga Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2%

Balga Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

Balga Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Community Rate Per Hour Including 13.75 14.00 0.25 2%

Balga Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100% NEW CHARGE

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 275.00 280.00 5.00 2%

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 400.00 400.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.30 0.00 0%

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Community Rate Per Hour Including 13.75 14.00 0.25 2%

Bob Daniel Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100% NEW CHARGE

Bonds Community Centre Casual High Risk Group Per Occasion Including 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100%NEW CHARGE - High risk includes high numbers, security required

and/or alcohol provided.

Bonds Community Centre Casual Hirer - Community Rate Per Occasion Including 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Formalising the bond rates applied by the City for

programs and functions

Bonds Community Centre Casual Hirer - Standard Rate Per Occasion Including 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Formalising the bond rates applied by the City for

programs and functions

Bonds Community Centre Regular Hirer - Community Rate Per Occasion Including 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Formalising the bond rates applied by the City for

programs and functions

Bonds Community Centre Regular User - Standard Rate Per Occasion Including 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Formalising the bond rates applied by the City for

programs and functions

Bus Hire Hire Rate - Non Profit Groups Per Hire Including 107.00 110.00 3.00 3%

Bus Hire Hire Rate - Other Groups Per Hire Including 160.00 165.00 5.00 3%

Bus Hire Kilometre Rate - Non Profit Groups Per Kilometre Including 0.67 0.69 0.02 3%

Bus Hire Kilometre Rate - Other Groups Per Kilometre Including 0.87 0.89 0.02 2%

Children's Services Administration Fee Charge Per Child Exempt 10.50 10.50 0.00 0% Per Child, charged once per year.

Children's Services After School Care Cancellation Fee Per Session Exempt 25.00 29.00 4.00 16%Full session cost for cancellations that occur outside of the requirement

for adequate notice in order to offer the position to another child

Children's Services Before School Care fee Per session Exempt 0.00 22.00 22.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Formalising the bond rates applied by the City for

programs and functions

Children's Services Half Day Transition Per Session Exempt 40.00 45.00 5.00 13%This is the new transition from Kindergarten to School and requires 2.5

staff hours

Children's Services Late Collection Fee Per Child Exempt 10.50 10.50 0.00 0% $10.50 charge at 6.01pm and $1 per minute there after.

Children's Services Late Payment Fee Per Child Exempt 50.00 50.00 0.00 0% Penalty fee for families who regularly pay their accounts late

Children's Services On The Bus Program Cancellation Fees Per Day Exempt 61.50 71.00 9.50 15%Full day rate for cancellations that occur outside of the requirement for

adequate notice in order to offer the position to another child

Children's Services Per Session After School Care Per Session Including 27.00 29.00 2.00 7%

Comparison with other agencies - Government subsidy for families,

increased administrative requirements due to implementation of National

Quality Framework

Children's Services Per Session On The Bus Program Per Day Including 65.00 71.00 6.00 9%

Additional cost of excursion transport, comparison with other agencies -

Government subsidy for families, increased administrative requirements

due to implementation of National Quality Framework

Children's Services Per Session Vacation Care Per Day Including 59.00 65.00 6.00 10%

Comparison with other agencies - Government subsidy for families,

increased administrative requirements due to implementation of National

Quality Framework

Children's Services Vacation Care Cancellation Fee Per Day Exempt 59.00 65.00 6.00 10%Full day rate for cancellations that occur outside of the requirement for

adequate notice in order to offer the position to another child

Church Groups- All Community Centres Worship Only Per Hour Including 15.00 28.00 13.00 87%Ceasing worship rate and will be applying the community rate to all

Church Groups.

11 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 235.00 235.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 170.00 175.00 5.00 3%

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2%

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 14.00 14.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Dianella Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 19.00 19.50 0.50 3% NEW CHARGE

Dianella Community Centre - House Hire Single Room Hire - All Groups Per Hour Including 8.75 9.00 0.25 3%

In Home Support ServicesAnnual fee for non-responsive client follow-up for private

(non-HACC) clientsMaximum Per year Exempt 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - Annual fee for non-responsive client follow-up for

private (non-HACC) clients

In Home Support ServicesCall-out fee for non-urgent non-responsive client follow-up(e.g. client has forgotten to advise that they are going on holiday)

Per Occasion Exempt 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%NEW CHARGE-Call-out fee for non-urgent non-responsive client follow-


Inglewood After School Care Childrens Room Bond Per Event Exempt 150.00 155.00 5.00 3%

Inglewood After School Care Childrens Room Hire - Community Per Hour Including 14.00 15.00 1.00 7%

Inglewood After School Care Childrens Room Hire- Childrens Parties Per Session Including 26.00 26.50 0.50 2%

Meals on Wheels 2 Course Meal Charge per meal - City of Stirling Per Meal Exempt 7.75 7.90 0.15 2%

Meals on Wheels 2 Course Meal Charge per meal - Contracted Outside Supply Per Meal Exempt 8.75 8.90 0.15 2%

Meals on Wheels Additional food item/s (e.g. soup or snack) with meal Per Item Exempt 1.75 2.50 0.75 43%

Meals on Wheels Outside Supply with Ext. Council Subsidy Per Meal Exempt 7.75 7.75 0.00 0%

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 235.00 235.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 170.00 175.00 5.00 3%

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2%

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100% NEW CHARGE

Nollamara Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Community Rate Per Hour Including 13.75 14.00 0.25 2%

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 170.00 175.00 5.00 3%

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 235.00 235.00 100% NEW CHARGE

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2%

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100% NEW CHARGE

North Beach Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Community Rate Per Hour Including 13.75 14.00 0.25 2%

Osborne Park Community Centre Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 38.00 38.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Osborne Park Community Centre Craft Room Hire- Community Rate Per Hour Including 21.50 22.00 0.50 2%

Osborne Park Community Centre Function Rate - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 640.00 640.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Osborne Park Community Centre Function Rate- Community Per Function Including 435.00 445.00 10.00 2%

Osborne Park Community Centre Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 52.00 52.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Osborne Park Community Centre Main Hall Hire- Community Rate Per Hour Including 30.00 31.00 1.00 3%

Osborne Park Community Centre Meeting Room Bond Per Event Exempt 100.00 105.00 5.00 5%

Osborne Park Community Centre Meeting Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Osborne Park Community Centre Meeting Room Hire- Community Rate Per Hour Including 26.50 27.00 0.50 2%

Osborne Park Community Centre Weddings Per Function Including 780.00 800.00 20.00 3%

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 400.00 400.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Function Hire - Community Rate Per Function Including 275.00 280.00 5.00 2%

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 46.00 46.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Minimum Per Hour Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2%

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Main Hall Hire - Community Rate Maximum Per Hour Including 27.50 28.00 0.50 2%

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Community Rate Per Hour Including 13.75 14.00 0.25 2%

Scarborough Community Centre - Hire Meeting/Craft Room Hire - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100% NEW CHARGE

Stirling Community Mens Shed Membership fee per annum Per Person Per Annum Exempt 45.00 45.00 0.00 0%

Stirling Community Mens Shed Computer Room Hire - Standard Full Day Per Session Including 0.00 300.00 300.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Stirling Community Mens Shed Computer Room Hire - Standard Half Day Per Session Including 0.00 200.00 200.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Stirling Community Mens Shed Computer Room Hire- Community Full Day Per Session Including 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Stirling Community Mens Shed Computer Room Hire- Community Half Day Per Session Including 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

Volunteer Reimbursements Volunteer Driver for Use of Volunteer Vehicle Per Kilometre Exempt 0.65 0.67 0.02 3%

Volunteer Reimbursements Volunteer Meal and Drink for All Day Outings Minimum Per Meal Exempt 12.25 12.50 0.25 2%

Volunteer Reimbursements Volunteer Meal and Drink for All Day Outings Maximum Per Meal Exempt 25.00 25.00 0.00 0% Introduced to cover special events

12 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Library Services

Activity Room Hire Inglewood, Mirrabooka, ScarboroughCommunity rate per

hour or part thereofIncluding 22.50 23.00 0.50 2% In line with similar meeting rooms Osborne Community Centre

Activity Room Hire Inglewood, Mirrabooka, Scarborough

Commercial rate

per hour or part


Including 38.50 39.00 0.50 1% In line with similar meeting rooms Osborne Community Centre

Administration fee Admin fee debt collection services Per person Including 15.00 15.00 0.00 0% To cover cost of debt collection agency

Blue Phone coin box Including 0.50 0.50 0.00 0% As per current Telstra rates

Book Sales "Along the plank road" Including 11.00 11.00 0.00 0%

Book Sales "As it used to be" Including 11.00 11.00 0.00 0%

Book Sales "Diversity's Challenge" hardback Including 22.00 22.00 0.00 0%

Book Sales "Diversity's Challenge" paperback Including 15.00 15.00 0.00 0%

Book sales "Mooro Peoples' Knowledge Trail" per book Including 0.00 10.00 10.00 100% NEW CHARGE, new book printed by Stirling Local History Collection

Facility Hire - Mirrabooka IT Centre Commercial ratePer hour or part

thereofIncluding 162.00 162.00 0.00 0%

Facility Hire - Mirrabooka IT Centre Community rate including non-profit organisationsPer hour or part

thereofIncluding 45.00 45.00 0.00 0%

Facility Hire - Mt Flora Regional Museum

Meeting RoomCommercial groups and private functions

Per hour or part

thereofIncluding 56.00 56.00 0.00 0% In line with similar meeting rooms Karrinyup Sports Centre

Facility Hire - Mt Flora Regional Museum

Meeting RoomCommunity rate including non-profit organisations

Per hour or part

thereofIncluding 32.50 32.50 0.00 0%

Facility Hire - Mt Flora Regional Museum

Meeting RoomService fee - marriage ceremonies Mt Flora Water Tower. Including 96.00 97.00 1.00 1%

Facsimile$4.40 to Interstate. Cover sheet & one page - each

additional page $0.75Minimum Including 4.40 4.40 0.00 0%

Facsimile$4.40 to Non Metro WA (08). Cover sheet & one page -

each additional page $0.75Minimum Including 4.40 4.40 0.00 0%

Facsimile$8.80 to International. Cover sheet & one page - each

additional page $1.10Minimum Including 8.80 8.80 0.00 0%

FacsimileFax received from anywhere. Cover sheet & up to 5

pages $3.30 - each additional page $0.55Minimum Including 3.30 3.30 0.00 0%

FacsimileMin charge $4.40 Perth Metro. Cover sheet & one page -

each additional page $0.55Minimum Including 4.40 4.40 0.00 0%

Fines Overdue library loans

$0.25 per item per

day, with a

maximum of $5 per


Exempt 0.25 0.25 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans IReplacement of lost or damaged ILLS, WA Libraries

(minimum charge)Adult Fiction (AF) Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans II Inter Library Loans IIAdult Non Fiction

(ANF)Including 95.00 95.00 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans III Inter Library Loans III Junior (J) Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans IV ILLS - external to SLWA plus $180 overdue fee ALL STOCK Including 340.00 340.00 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans V Photocopying ILLS Up to 50 pages Including 8.00 8.00 0.00 0%

Inter Library Loans VI Photocopying ILLSEach additional 10

pagesIncluding 4.00 4.00 0.00 0%

Laminating Service A3 pouch (Mirrabooka only) Including 5.00 5.25 0.25 5%

Laminating Service A4 pouch Including 2.75 2.90 0.15 5%

Laminating Service Per metre (Dianella only) Including 15.00 15.30 0.30 2%

Laminating Service Small pouch Including 1.50 1.60 0.10 7%

Lost Barcode Replacement Lost Barcode Replacement Including 9.00 9.00 0.00 0%

Lost Library Card Replacement Lost Library Card Replacement Including 7.00 7.00 0.00 0%

Office equipment USB flash drive 8 GB per USB Including 0.00 10.00 10.00 100% NEW CHARGE, meet customer demand for IT equipment

Photocopying Colour (coin box) Per sheet Including 2.00 2.00 0.00 0%

Photocopying Monochrome (coin box) Per sheet Including 0.20 0.20 0.00 0%

13 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Printing Internet/Personal Computer Per sheet Including 0.20 0.20 0.00 0%

Printing Internet/personal computer (colour) per sheet Including 0.00 2.00 2.00 100% NEW CHARGE, meet customer demand for colour printing

Printing Local History Photographs (commercial via disk)Admin Fee per

photographIncluding 0.00 40.00 40.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Printing Local History Photographs (commercial via email)Admin fee per

photographIncluding 35.00 35.00 0.00 0%

Printing Local History Photographs (person use via email)Admin fee per

photographIncluding 25.00 25.00 0.00 0%

Printing Local History Photographs (personal use on disc)Admin fee per

photographIncluding 30.00 30.00 0.00 0%

ProgramsGuest author talks, workshops, seminars, and

miscellaneous eventsPer person Including 5.50 5.50 0.00 0% To cover cost of presenter fees, materials, tea/coffee

Promotional Items Ear buds Per item Including 1.30 1.50 0.20 15%

Promotional Items Library Bags Per bag Including 1.00 1.20 0.20 20%

Research Research Fee (local history)Per hour or part

thereofIncluding 29.00 29.00 0.00 0% Local History research fee

Reservations Uncollected reservations Per item Including 2.20 2.20 0.00 0%

Service charge Admin fee for payment of lost/damaged items Including 8.00 9.00 1.00 13%

Temporary membership Temporary membership fee per individual Per person Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

14 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Recreation & Leisure Services

Aqua Card Entry Fees Adult - 10 visit Including 50.40 53.10 2.70 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Adult - 20 visit Including 95.20 100.30 5.10 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Adult - Swim Plus- 10 visit

Includes TTAC -


LPB - Swim/Hydro

Including 94.50 97.20 2.70 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Child - 10 visit Including 36.00 37.80 1.80 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Child - 20 visit Including 68.00 71.40 3.40 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Concession - Swim Plus - 10 visit

Includes TTAC -


LPB - Swim/Hydro

Including 71.10 72.90 1.80 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Concession Swim - 20 visit

Student & Senior

Entries Combined

to 'Concession


Including 64.60 68.00 3.40 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Concession Swim - 10 Visit

Student & Senior

Entries Combined

to 'Concession


Including 34.20 36.00 1.80 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Card Entry Fees Spectator - 10 entry Including 18.00 18.90 0.90 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Equipment Hire Buoyancy Vest Including 3.50 3.60 0.10 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aqua Equipment Hire Kickboards or Noodles or Water Dumbells Including 3.00 3.10 0.10 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Adults (16 yrs above) Including 5.60 5.90 0.30 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities.

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Child 2 - 15 years Including 4.00 4.20 0.20 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Concession Swim

Student & Senior

Entries Combined

to 'Concession


Including 3.80 4.00 0.20 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Family Pass Including 17.00 17.90 0.90 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Group Entry Rate - Adults Including 5.10 5.30 0.20 4%Generic charge across multiple facilities - Minimum 10 paying in lump

sum to receive discounted entry

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Group Entry Rate - Children Including 3.60 3.70 0.10 3%Generic charge across multiple facilities - Minimum 10 paying in lump

sum to receive discounted entry

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Group Entry Rate - School Entry Including 2.80 2.90 0.10 4%Generic charge across multiple facilities. Carnivals and Ed Department

lessons only

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Spectator Including 2.00 2.10 0.10 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Swim Plus

Includes TTAC -


LPB - Swim/Hydro

Including 10.50 10.80 0.30 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Aquatic Centre Casual Entry Fees Swim Plus Concession

Includes TTAC -


LPB - Swim/Hydro

Including 7.90 8.10 0.20 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Booking Cancellation Fee Once Off Including 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%

Introduced to manage cancellation of casual reserve bookings including

commercial bookings. To be applied where bookings are cancelled once

confirmed. Once off booking.

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Christmas Functions Per day Including 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%Covers active and passive reserves. These fees do not include charges

relating to waste services (i.e cleaning and additional bins)

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Christmas Functions Per hour Including 49.50 51.00 1.50 3%Covers active and passive reserves. These fees do not include charges

relating to waste services (i.e. cleaning and additional bins)

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Christmas Functions Bond Including 520.00 520.00 0.00 0%

Covers active and passive reserves. Bonds are charged in accordance

with booking procedures and are event specific (such as attendance

numbers, weather, previous performance history, entertainment items

proposed such as bouncy castles etc)

15 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Commercial Reserve Bookings Per Hour Including 54.50 56.00 1.50 3%

This replaces "Company Picnics" and now includes professional filming

and photographs. New Change of Description to "Commercial Reserve

Bookings". This fee is applicable for all commercial reserve bookings

including fun days, picnics, filming of commercials, professional

photography and team building sessions

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Commercial Reserve Bookings Per Day Including 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%

This replaces "Company Picnics" and now includes professional filming

and photographs. New Change of Description to "Commercial Reserve

Bookings". This fee is applicable for all commercial reserve bookings

including fun days, picnics, filming of commercials, professional

photography and team building sessions

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Commercial Reserve Bookings Bond Exempt 530.00 530.00 0.00 0%

This replaces "Company Picnics" and now includes professional filming

and photographs. New Change of Description to "Commercial Reserve

Bookings". This fee is applicable for all commercial reserve bookings

including fun days, picnics, filming of commercials, professional

photography and team building sessions

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Social Gathering Per hour Including 40.00 41.00 1.00 3% Covers active and passive reserves

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Social Gathering Per day Including 236.00 243.00 7.00 3% Covers active and passive reserves

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Social Gathering Bond Exempt 520.00 520.00 0.00 0% Covers active and passive reserves

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Wedding Photographs Per hour Including 40.00 41.00 1.00 3% Does not include Ceremony. Covers active and passive reserves

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Weddings Bond Exempt 520.00 520.00 0.00 0% Refer Above. Covers active and passive reserves.

Casual Hire of Passive Reserves Weddings Per hour Including 50.00 51.50 1.50 3%This fee is applicable for wedding ceremonies. Covers active and

passive reserves.

Casual Hire of Reserves Professional Sports Academiesas per Personal

TrainingIncluding 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Relevant Personal Training Charge applies (refer to personal training


Court Hire - Direct Managed Facilities Court Hire - Casual Sports Hall EntryMaximum Three (3)

HoursIncluding 0.00 4.00 4.00 100% NEW CHARGE - Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

Creche 10 session - Creche Card Members Including 36.00 36.90 0.90 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Creche 10 session - Creche Card Non Members Including 47.70 49.00 1.30 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Creche Members - 1 child Including 4.00 4.10 0.10 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Creche Members - 2nd & 3rd child Including 2.70 2.80 0.10 4% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Creche Non Members - I child Including 5.30 5.40 0.10 2% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Cultural Services Event Entry Fee Event Entry Fee Minimum per person Including 6.00 6.00 0.00 0%

Cultural Services Event Entry Fee Event Entry Fee Maximum per person Including 110.00 110.00 0.00 0%

Cultural Services Event Vendor Fees Charge for three or more 10/15 amp-power outlets per event Including 110.00 110.00 0.00 0%

Cultural Services Event Vendor Fees Charge for two 10/15 amp-power outlets per event Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0%

Cultural Services Event Vendor Fees Event Duration over four hours Over 4 hours Including 115.00 115.00 0.00 0%

Cultural Services Event Vendor Fees Event Duration under 4 hours 4 hours or less Including 75.00 75.00 0.00 0%

Direct Managed Facilities - Apex Hall User

GroupApex Hall User Group Transition Fee (Commercial) Minimum Per hour Including 10.50 10.50 0.00 0%

A two year staged fee for user groups to enable transition from the fees

charged by the Apex Club to appropriate rates as per the City's 'Fees &

Charges' schedule

Direct Managed Facilities - Apex Hall User

GroupApex Hall User Group Transition Fee (Commercial) Maximum Per hour Including 54.00 54.00 0.00 0%

A two year staged fee for user groups to enable transition from the fees

charged by the Apex Club to appropriate rates as per the City's 'Fees &

Charges' schedule

Direct Managed Facilities - Apex Hall User

GroupApex Hall User Group Transition Fee (Community) Minimum Per hour Including 5.50 5.50 0.00 0%

A two year staged fee for user groups to enable transition from the fees

charged by the Apex Club to appropriate rates as per the City's 'Fees &

Charges' schedule

Direct Managed Facilities - Apex Hall User

GroupApex Hall User Group Transition Fee (Community) Maximum Per hour Including 33.00 33.00 0.00 0%

A two year staged fee for user groups to enable transition from the fees

charged by the Apex Club to appropriate rates as per the City's 'Fees &

Charges' schedule

Dog Obedience Training Over 100 clients - per season - per clubPer season - per

clubIncluding 310.00 319.00 9.00 3%

Previous charge was based on a seasonal rate with no relevance to

attendance numbers.

Dog Obedience Training Up to 100 clients - per season - per clubPer season - per

clubIncluding 250.00 257.50 7.50 3%

Dog Obedience has previously been included and is now categorised to

reflect appropriate fees for usage. In effect equates to a $100 variance

increase based on previous standard charge

Dog Obedience Training Up to 25 clients - per season - per clubPer season - per

clubIncluding 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%

Dog Obedience has previously been included and is now categorised to

reflect appropriate fees for usage

16 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Equipment Hire - Beach Services Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Bond Per Hire Exempt 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Bond fee to be charged

in conjunction with any Mobile Stage - Per Event fee to secure the stage

against any damages etc (previously known as Mobile Stage-Bond).

Equipment Hire - Beach ServicesBeach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Day (Community


Per Day Over Three

Days Normal HireIncluding 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Day (Community

Rate) fee charged if (Community Rate) Event hire exceeds 3 days

(previously known as Mobile Stage - daily rate - community rate; Daily

rate over three days normal hire).

Equipment Hire - Beach Services Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Day (Standard Rate)Per Day Over Three

Days Normal HireIncluding 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Day (Standard

Rate) fee charged if (Standard Rate) Event hire exceeds 3 days

(previously known as Mobile Stage - daily rate - commercial rate; Daily

rate over three days of normal hire).

Equipment Hire - Beach ServicesBeach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Event (Community


Maximum Three (3)

DaysIncluding 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Event (Community

Rate) fee applicable to Not-For-Profit organisations verified by City of

Stirling (previously known as Mobile Stage; Community Event Minimum).

Equipment Hire - Beach ServicesBeach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Event (Standard


Maximum Three (3)

DaysIncluding 0.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beach Services - Mobile Stage - Per Event (Standard

Rate) fee applicable to individuals or all other organisations (previously

known as Mobile Stage; Community Event - Maximum).

Equipment Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Bain Marie Per Item Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Equipment Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Barbeque Per Item Including 0.00 70.00 70.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Equipment Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Stage Per Item Including 0.00 250.00 250.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Equipment Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Public Use


Per Half Hour or

Part ThereofIncluding 0.00 2.60 2.60 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Public Use Computer fee is identical for Standard,

Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Equipment Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Table Cloth Per Item Including 0.00 10.00 10.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Table Cloth fee is identical for Standard,

Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Facility Hire Cancellation Fee (Community Rate) Per Rental Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Cancellation Fee (Community Rate) is applicable to the

cancellation of casual bookings under one rental agreement for Not-For-

Profit organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously know as Room

Hire; Cancellation Fee - Minimum).

Facility Hire Cancellation Fee (Standard Rate) Per Rental Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Cancellation Fee (Standard Rate) is applicable to the

cancellation of casual bookings under one rental agreement for all other

organisations/individuals (previously know as Room Hire; Cancellation

Fee - Maximum).

Facility Hire Rental Amendment Fee Per Amendment Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - Rental amendment fee applicable to any rental

amendments with less than five (5) business days notice. Rental

amendments include (but are not limited to) additional booking(s)

deletion of booking(s) and amendments to booking(s).

Facility Hire - Beach Services Amphitheatre Booking Fee - Wedding Per Day Including 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amphitheatre Booking Fee - Wedding applicable to

amphitheatre wedding bookings for individuals only (previously known as

Scarborough Amphitheatre; Weddings).

Facility Hire - Beach Services Amphitheatre Booking Fee (Community Rate) Per Day Including 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amphitheatre Booking Fee (Community Rate) equal to

10% of Amphitheatre Booking Fee (Standard Rate). Applicable to Not-

For-Profit organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Scarborough Amphitheatre; Promotions and Public Sampling).

17 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Beach Services Amphitheatre Booking Fee (Standard Rate) Per Day Including 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amphitheatre Booking Fee (Standard Rate) applicable to

amphitheatre bookings for individuals or all other organisations

(previously known as Scarborough Amphitheatre; Filming and


Facility Hire - Beach ServicesAmphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire - Large


Maximum 3 Days of

HireIncluding 0.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire - Large

Scale applicable to amphitheatre events (large scale, public, ticketed,

licenced/unlicensed, major infrastructure) that are conducted for profit.

Maximum 1 ticketed event (previously known as Scarborough

Amphitheatre; Commercial Events - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Beach ServicesAmphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire -

Small/Medium Scale

Maximum 3 Days of

HireIncluding 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire -

Small/Medium Scale applicable to amphitheatre events (small/medium

scale, public/private, licenced/unlicensed, minor infrastructure)

(previously known as Scarborough Amphitheatre; Commercial Events -


Facility Hire - Beach ServicesAmphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire

(Community Rate)

Maximum 3 Days of

HireIncluding 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE : Amphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 3 Day Hire

(Community Rate) applicable to amphitheatre events conducted by Not-

For-Profit organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Beach ServicesAmphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 5 Day Hire - Large


Maximum 5 Days of

HireIncluding 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE : Amphitheatre Events Fee - Maximum 5 Day Hire -

Large Scale applicable to amphitheatre events (large scale, public,

ticketed, licenced/unlicensed, major infrastructure) that are conducted

for profit. Maximum 3 ticketed events. Events that require more than 5

days of hire will not be accepted.

Facility Hire - Beach Services Beaches Booking Fee - Wedding Per Day Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beaches Booking Fee - Wedding applicable to beaches

wedding bookings for individuals only (previously known as Beach

Services; Weddings).

Facility Hire - Beach Services Beaches Booking Fee (Community Rate) Per Day Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beaches Booking Fee (Community Rate) equals 10% of

Beaches Booking Fee (Standard Rate). Applicable to Not-For-Profit

organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as Beach

Services; Service Fee).

Facility Hire - Beach Services Beaches Booking Fee (Standard Rate) Per Day Including 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Beaches Booking Fee (Standard Rate) applicable to

beach bookings for individuals or all other organisations (previously

known as Beach Services; Professional Filming and Photography).

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Casual Hirers Bond - Low Risk Per Rental Exempt 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE DMF Casual Hirers Bond - Low Risk to be charged

against all casual hirer's rentals for bookings with less than 150 people in

attendance and no liquor licence required (previously known as Direct

Managed Facilities; Bond (Medium Risk Functions)).

Facility Hire - Direct Managed FacilitiesDMF Casual Hirers Bond - High Risk - Security

RecommendedPer Rental Exempt 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE DMF Casual Hirers Bond - High Risk - Security

Recommended to be charged to all casual hirer's rentals for bookings

with more than 150 but less than 300 people attending and if a liquor

licence is required or if security presence is recommended by City of

Stirling (previously known as Direct Managed Facilities; Bond (High Risk

Functions) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Casual Hirers Bond - High Risk - Security Required Per Rental Exempt 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE DMF Casual Hirers Bond - High Risk - Security

Required to be charged to all casual hirer's rentals for bookings with

more than 300 people attending or if security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling (previously known as Direct Managed

Facilities; Bond (High Risk Functions) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Casual Hirers Bond - Medium Risk Per Rental Exempt 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - DMF Casual Hirers Bond - Medium Risk to be charged

against all casual hirer's rentals for bookings with either more than 150

but less than 300 people attending or if a liquor licence is required or if

using a Commercial Kitchen facility.

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Regular Hirers Bond - Low Risk Per Rental Exempt 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE DMF Regular Hirers Bond - Low Risk to be charged

against all regular hirer's low risk rentals to secure keys as per Terms

and Conditions of Hire (previously known as Direct Managed Facilities;

Bond (On Going Bookings / Low Risk Functions).

18 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Regular Hirers Bond - Medium Risk Per Rental Exempt 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - DMF Regular Hirers Bond - Medium Risk to be

charged against all regular hirer's medium risk rentals to secure keys

and cover damages/additional cleaning as per Terms and Conditions of


Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Storage - Cage Per Week Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%NEW CHARGE (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports

Centre; Storage - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Storage - Cupboard Per Week Including 0.00 5.00 5.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Facility Hire - Direct Managed Facilities DMF Storage - Room Per Week Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%NEW CHARGE (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports

Centre; Storage - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis Courts Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - After 6pm Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - After 6pm fee

applicable to Not-For-Profit bookings after 6:00pm Monday to Friday or

all day Saturdays and Sundays for individuals/organisations on a Plexi-

pave court surface (previously known as Hire of Tennis Courts - Plexi-

pave Tennis/Netball Courts; Hire Charge for Tennis Court - 1 hr after to


Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis Courts Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Before 6pm Per Hour Including 0.00 10.50 10.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Before 6pm fee

applicable to Not-For-Profit bookings before 6:00pm Monday to Friday

for individuals/organisations on a Plexi-pave court surface (previously

known as Hire of Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave Tennis/Netball Courts; Hire

Charge for Tennis Court - 1 hr prior to 6pm).

Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis CourtsNetball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Commercial Usage -

After 6pmPer Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Commercial Usage -

After 6pm fee applicable to bookings after 6:00pm Monday to Friday or

all day Saturdays and Sundays that are conducted for profit or by

Commercial Organisations on a Plexi-pave court surface (previously

known as Hire of Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave Tennis/Netball Courts

Commercial Rates; Hire Charge for Tennis Court - 1 hr after to 6pm).

Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis CourtsNetball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Commercial Usage -

Before 6pmPer Hour Including 0.00 32.50 32.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Plexi-pave - Commercial Usage -

Before 6pm fee applicable to bookings before 6:00pm Monday to Friday

that are conducted for profit or by Commercial Organisations on a Plexi-

pave court surface (previously known as Hire of Tennis Courts - Plexi-

pave Tennis/Netball Courts Commercial Rates; Hire Charge for Tennis

Court - 1 hr prior to 6pm).

Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis Courts Netball/Tennis Courts - Synthetic - After 6pm Per Hour Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Synthetic - After 6pm fee

applicable to Not-For-Profit bookings after 6:00pm Monday to Friday or

all day Saturdays and Sundays for individuals/organisations on a

synthetic court surface (previously known as Hire of Tennis Courts -

Tennis/Netball Courts Synthetic Tennis; Hire Charge for Tennis Court - 1

hr after to 6pm).

Facility Hire - Netball/Tennis Courts Netball/Tennis Courts - Synthetic - Before 6pm Per Hour Including 0.00 13.00 13.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Netball/Tennis Courts - Synthetic - Before 6pm fee

applicable to Not-For-Profit bookings before 6:00pm Monday to Friday

for individuals/organisations on a synthetic court surface (previously

known as Hire of Tennis Courts - Tennis/Netball Courts Synthetic

Tennis; Hire Charge for Tennis Court - 1 hr prior to 6pm).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Meeting Room (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Charles Riley - Meeting Room (Standard

Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Meeting Room (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (40

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities.

19 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North Beach

SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate - High

RiskPer Day Including 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (250 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North Beach

SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 495.00 495.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room

- Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North Beach

SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 990.00 990.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Social Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 45.00 45.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Social Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 90.00 90.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Social Room (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (250

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Toy Library (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Toy Library (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Charles Riley - Toy Library (Standard Rate).

As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Charles Riley - North BeachSCC - Charles Riley - Toy Library (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Charles Riley - Toy Library (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (30

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

KarrinyupSCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate - High Risk Per Day Including 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate - High Risk

fee based on maximum accommodation (250 people) and is comparable

to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High Risk applicable

to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays where security presence is deemed 'required' by City of

Stirling (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Community

Recreation Centre; Function - High Risk - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate (Community

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 302.50 302.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to

1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. As per Terms

and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit

Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire

- Karrinyup Community Recreation Centre; Function - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 605.00 605.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate) fee equals the SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Standard Rate) per

hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Community

Recreation Centre; Function - Maximum).

20 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

KarrinyupSCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 27.50 27.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As per

Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-

Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Karrinyup Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

KarrinyupSCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 55.00 55.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee based

on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (250 people)

and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously known

as Room Hire - Karrinyup Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

KarrinyupSCC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee.

As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Karrinyup Community Recreation Centre; Meeting Room -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

KarrinyupSCC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (70

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Community Recreation Centre;

Meeting Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Maureen Grierson - ScarboroughSCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Day Rate Per Day Including 0.00 560.00 560.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Day Rate fee

equals the SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Standard Rate) per

hour fee for 14 hours of hire. Day Rate applicable in conjunction with

any relevant booking/event fees for bookings at Scarborough

Beach/Amphitheatre that utilise the SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Maureen Grierson - Scarborough

SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 220.00 220.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main

Hall - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Maureen Grierson Community

Recreation Centre;Function-Minimum)

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Maureen Grierson - Scarborough

SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Room Hire -

Maureen Grierson Community Recreation Centre; Function - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Maureen Grierson - ScarboroughSCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Maureen Grierson Community Recreation Centre;

Main Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Maureen Grierson - ScarboroughSCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Maureen Grierson - Main Hall (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (100

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Maureen Grierson Community Recreation Centre;

Main Hall - Maximum).

21 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 283.25 283.25 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall -

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation

Centre; Function - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 566.50 566.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate) fee equals the SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Standard Rate) per

hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Dryandra Community

Recreation Centre; Function - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.75 25.75 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 51.50 51.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years) and maximum accommodation (160

people), however, the new tabulated fee of $70.00 per hour will remain at

$51.50 to maintain facility affordability (previously known as Room Hire -

Dryandra Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Meeting Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Mirrabooka - Meeting Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation Centre; Meeting

Room - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (30

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation Centre; Meeting

Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Play Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Play Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Mirrabooka - Play Room (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation Centre; Playgroup Area -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

MirrabookaSCC - Mirrabooka - Play Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Mirrabooka - Play Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years) and maximum accommodation (50

people), however, the new tabulated fee of $40.00 per hour has been

reduced by 12.5% to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Room Hire - Dryandra Community Recreation

Centre; Playgroup Area - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of


22 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 60.00 60.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen (Standard Rate)

fee based on SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Commercial

Kitchen (Standard Rate) and increased by 20% due to a greater variety

of equipment in SCC - Tuart Hill - Commercial Kitchen.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space - Function Rate Per Day Including 0.00 880.00 880.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space - Function Rate fee

equals the SCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Standard Rate) per hour

fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate applicable to bookings

from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

(previously known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and

Sport Facility; Function (combined Social Room and Meeting Room 1) -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Standard Rate) fee.

As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility; Function

Room (combined Social Room and Meeting Room 1) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Function Space (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (190

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Function Room (combined Social Room and Meeting Room 1) -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 1 (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 1 (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 1 (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Meeting Room 1 - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 1 (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 1 (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (50

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Meeting Room 1 - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 2 (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 2 (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 2 (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Meeting Room 2 - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 2 (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Meeting Room 2 (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (30

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Meeting Room 2 - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Social Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Social Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Tuart Hill - Social Room (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility; Social

Room - Minimum).

23 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

Tuart HillSCC - Tuart Hill - Social Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 70.00 70.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Tuart Hill - Social Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (140

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Grenville Reserve Community and Sport Facility;

Social Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

WK Moir - BalcattaSCC - WK Moir - M5 Dance Studio (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE As per Council Resolution 0912/011, fees "increase by

$2 per year…until the fees are commensurate with those charged at a

comparable City managed facility." As per Terms and Conditions of

Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified

by City of Stirling (previously known as Room hire - WK Moir Community

Recreation Centre; Dance Studio (M5) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

WK Moir - BalcattaSCC - WK Moir - M5 Dance Studio (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 27.00 27.00 100%

NEW CHARGE As per Council Resolution 0912/011, fees "increase by

$2 per year…until the fees are commensurate with those charged at a

comparable City managed facility" (previously known as Room hire - WK

Moir Community Recreation Centre; Dance Studio (M5) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

WK Moir - BalcattaSCC - WK Moir - Sports Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE As per Council Resolution 0912/011, fees "increase by

$2 per year…until the fees are commensurate with those charged at a

comparable City managed facility." As per Terms and Conditions of

Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified

by City of Stirling(previously known as Room hire - WK Moir Community

Recreation Centre; Main Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

WK Moir - BalcattaSCC - WK Moir - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 33.00 33.00 100%

NEW CHARGE As per Council Resolution 0912/011, fees "increase by

$2 per year…until the fees are commensurate with those charged at a

comparable City managed facility" (previously known as Room hire - WK

Moir Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Activity Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Activity Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Yokine - Activity Room (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation Centre; Activity Room -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Activity Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Activity Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (25

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation Centre; Activity

Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Yokine - Craft Room - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 75.00 75.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Yokine - Craft Room - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Yokine - Craft Room - Day

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Yokine - Craft Room - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SCC - Yokine - Craft Room - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Standard

Rate) per hour fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Standard Rate) fee. As per

Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-

Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation Centre; Craft Room -


24 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Craft Room (Standard Rate) fee based

on age of facility (>20 years) and maximum accommodation (120

people), however, the new tabulated fee of $40.00 per hour has been

reduced by 25% to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation

Centre; Craft Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Yokine - Main Hall - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 75.00 75.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Main Hall - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SCC - Yokine - Main Hall - Day

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation

Centre; Function (Day) - M

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -


SCC - Yokine - Main Hall - Day Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Main Hall - Day Function Rate (Standard

Rate) fee equals the SCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Standard Rate) per hour

fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate valid for function bookings up to

a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Yokine Community

Recreation Centre; Function (Day) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Community Rate) fee equals

50% of SCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms

and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit

Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire

- Yokine Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee based on

age of facility (>20 years) and maximum accommodation (220 people),

however, the new tabulated fee of $50.00 per hour has been reduced to

$30.00 per hour to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation

Centre; Main Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Meeting Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SCC - Yokine - Meeting Room (Standard Rate). As per

Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-

Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation Centre; Meeting Room -


Facility Hire - Stirling Community Centres -

YokineSCC - Yokine - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SCC - Yokine - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years) and maximum accommodation (50

people), however, the new tabulated fee of $30.00 per hour has been

reduced by 16.67% to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Room Hire - Yokine Community Recreation

Centre; Meeting Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Art and Craft Area (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Art and Craft Area (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Art and Craft Area (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Art

and Craft Dry Area - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Art and Craft Area (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Art and Craft Area (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (50

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Art

and Craft Dry Area - Maximum).

25 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate - High

RiskPer Day Including 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (250 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 302.50 302.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall

- Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation

Centre; Function - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 605.00 605.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Room Hire -

Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Function; Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Community Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 27.50 27.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre;

Community Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Community Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 55.00 55.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Community Hall (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (250

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre;

Community Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Office 1 Per Week Including 0.00 200.00 200.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Office 1 fee now charged on a Per

Week basis (previously known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community

Recreation Centre; Office 1 - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Office 2 Per Week Including 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Office 2 fee now charged on a Per

Week basis (previously known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community

Recreation Centre; Office 2 - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 87.50 87.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate) equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 - Day

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 175.00 175.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate valid

for function bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Playroom -


26 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 1 (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (80

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre;

Playroom - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 75.00 75.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 - Day Function Rate

(Community Rate) equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 - Day

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate valid

for function bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Crèche -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Play Room 2 (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (40

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre;

Crèche - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate - High Risk Per Day Including 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate - High

Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (300 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 330.00 330.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall -

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 660.00 660.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Standard

Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate

applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays

and Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Sports Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

HamersleySLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 60.00 60.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Hamersley - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (300

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Hamersley Community Recreation Centre; Sports

Hall - Maximum)

27 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate -

High RiskPer Day Including 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (200 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong

Room - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 880.00 880.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Herb Graham Recreation Centre;

Function Room - 2 - Minimum (or Sportsmen's Lounge)).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Billabong Room (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (<20 years as room will be refurbished in

2014/15), maximum accommodation (200 people) and is comparable to

other Direct Managed Facilities (previously known as Room Hire - Herb

Graham Recreation Centre; Function Room - 2 - Maximum (or

Sportsmen's Lounge)).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Board Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Board Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Board Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Boardroom -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Board Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Board Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years as room was refurbished in 2013/14),

maximum accommodation (15 people) and is comparable to other Direct

Managed Facilities (previously known as Room Hire - Herb Graham

Recreation Centre; Boardroom - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room - Day Function

Rate (Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 125.00 125.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room - Day Function

Rate (Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham -

Kookaburra Room - Day Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day

Function Rate valid for function bookings up to a maximum of five hours

hire on any day. Includes both rooms. As per Terms and Conditions of

Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified

by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room - Day Function

Rate (Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 250.00 250.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room - Day Function

Rate (Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra

Room (Standard Rate) per hour fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate

valid for function bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on any

day. Includes both rooms.

28 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room (Community

Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room

(Standard Rate) fee. Includes both rooms. As per Terms and

Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit

Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire

- Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Vac Care Rooms - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Kookaburra Room (Standard

Rate) fee based on age of facility (<20 years as room was refurbished in

2013/14), maximum accommodation (60 people) and is comparable to

other Direct Managed Facilities. Includes both rooms (previously known

as Room Hire - Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Vac Care Rooms -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate -

High RiskPer Day Including 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (1000+ people) and

is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire - Herb

Graham Recreation Centre; Main Stadium (Special Event) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 100%

'NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports

Hall - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 2,310.00 2,310.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Herb

Graham Recreation Centre; Main Stadium (Special Event) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Individual Court

(Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Individual Court

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports

Hall - Individual Court (Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and

Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit

Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire

- Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Single Court - Day Access to 5pm -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Individual Court

(Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 70.00 70.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Individual Court

(Standard Rate) fee based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum

accommodation (350 people) and is comparable to other Direct

Managed Facilities (previously known as Room Hire - Herb Graham

Recreation Centre; Single Court - Evening/Weekend Access -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 105.00 105.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall

(Standard Rate) fee. Main Sports Hall comprises of 3 individual courts.

As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Main 3 Courts -


29 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 210.00 210.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall (Standard Rate)

fee equals SLC - Herb Graham - Main Sports Hall - Individual Court

(Standard Rate) fee multiplied by 3. Main Sports Hall comprises of 3

individual courts (previously known as Room Hire - Herb Graham

Recreation Centre; Main 3 Courts - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function Rate -

High RiskPer Day Including 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (400 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling (previously known as Room Hire - Herb

Graham Recreation Centre; Small Stadium - Special Event - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function

Rate (Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Minor

Sports Hall - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate

applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays

and Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 880.00 880.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Herb

Graham Recreation Centre; Small Stadium - Special Event - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall (Community

Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Herb Graham - Minor Sports Hall (Standard

Rate) fee based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation

(400 people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Wattle Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Wattle Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Herb Graham - Wattle Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Herb Graham Recreation Centre; Arts & Craft

Area (currently occupied by Wheelchair Sports) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - MirrabookaSLC - Herb Graham - Wattle Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Herb Graham - Wattle Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years as room was refurbished in 2013/14),

maximum accommodation (50 people) and is comparable to other Direct

Managed Facilities (previously known as Room Hire - Herb Graham

Recreation Centre; Arts & Craft Area (currently occupied by Wheelchair

Sports) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Children's

Activity Room (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Children's

Activity Room (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


30 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Children's

Activity Room (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Commercial

Kitchen (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Commercial

Kitchen (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Commercial

Kitchen (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Area - Function Rate (Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 400.00 400.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Area - Function Rate (Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 800.00 800.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Area (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Area (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Area (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 1 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 1 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 8.75 8.75 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


31 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 1 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 2 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 2 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 8.75 8.75 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 2 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 3 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 3 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Function

Room 3 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 1 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 1 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 1 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 2 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

32 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 2 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 10.00 10.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 2 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 3 (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 3 (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 10.00 10.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Meeting

Room 3 (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Shared

Office (Community Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

community rate is 50 percent of the standard rate".

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Shared

Office (SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Shared

Office (Standard Rate)Per Hour Including 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Storage

(Community Rate)Per Week Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase."

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Storage

(SGP/CaLD Rate)Per Week Including 0.00 8.50 8.50 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "...the

SGP/CaLD rate being discounted by...50 percent [on the Community


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Storage

(Standard Rate)Per Week Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." "The

standard fees are based on the 2013-14 fees and charges for

Recreation and Leisure Services Stirling Community Centres and Library


33 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Activity Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Activity Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Jim Satchell - Activity Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation Centre;

Activity Room - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Activity Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Activity Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (35

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation Centre;

Activity Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - Dianella

SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 247.50 247.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall -

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation

Centre; Function - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - Dianella

SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 495.00 495.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate) fee equals the SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Standard Rate) per

hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community

Recreation Centre; Function - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 22.50 22.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation Centre; Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 45.00 45.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Main Hall (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years) and maximum accommodation (300

people), however the new tabulated fee of $60.00 per hour has been

reduced to $45.00 to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation

Centre; Main Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Meeting Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Jim Satchell - Meeting Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation Centre;

Meeting Room - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres - Jim

Satchell - DianellaSLC - Jim Satchell - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Jim Satchell - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (50

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Jim Satchell Community Recreation Centre;

Meeting Room - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Meeting

Room (Double) - Minimum).

34 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Previously known as Karrinyup Sports Centre. SLC -

Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full (Standard Rate) fee based on age of

facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (80 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Half (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 12.50 12.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Half (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Half

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Meeting

Room (Single) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Half (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Half (Standard Rate)

equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Meeting Room - Full (Standard Rate)

fee (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Meeting

Room (Single) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Multi Purpose Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Multi Purpose Room (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Multi Purpose Room

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Multi

Purpose Room - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Multi Purpose Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Multi Purpose Room (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (30

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Multi Purpose Room -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate - High Risk Per Day Including 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate - High

Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (400 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate (Community

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall -

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Function

(Main Sports Hall) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 880.00 880.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Function Rate (Standard

Rate) fee equals the SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) per

hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays (previously known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre;

Function (Main Sports Hall) - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Juniors aged 16 years or

underPer Hour Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Juniors aged 16 years or

under fee applicable to Scarborough Junior Basketball Club (previously

known as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Main Sports Hall

(Juniors aged 16 years or under) - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Primary Schools Per Hour Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall - Primary Schools fee

applicable to Newborough Primary School (previously known as Room

Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Main Sports Hall (Prim. Schools) -


35 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As per

Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-For-

Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Main Sports Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

KarrinyupSLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Karrinyup - Sports Hall (Standard Rate) fee based

on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (400 people)

and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously known

as Room Hire - Karrinyup Sports Centre; Main Sports Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate -

High RiskPer Day Including 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (200 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 275.00 275.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Community

Hall - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire-Main Hall


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 550.00 550.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Scarborough Leisure

Centre; Room hire - Main Hall Function/Seminar - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Community Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 25.00 25.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Community Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 50.00 50.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Community Hall (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (200

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Main Hall -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Meeting Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 17.50 17.50 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Meeting Room (Community Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Meeting Room (Standard Rate)

fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable

to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Meeting Room -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Meeting Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (70

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Meeting Room -


36 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Minor Hall (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Minor Hall (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Minor Hall (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Scarborough Leisure Centre; Minor Hall - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Minor Hall (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Minor Hall (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (<20 years), maximum accommodation (50

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Minor Hall - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Office (Standard Rate) Per Week Including 0.00 75.00 75.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Play Room - Day Function Rate

(Community)Per Day Including 0.00 75.00 75.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Scarborough - Play Room - Day Function Rate

(Community) fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Play Room - Day

Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Play Room - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Scarborough - Play Room - Day Function Rate

(Standard Rate) equals the SLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Standard

Rate) per hour fee for 5 hours hire. Day Function Rate valid for function

bookings up to a maximum of five hours hire on Saturdays, Sundays and

Public Holidays.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 15.00 15.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Community Rate) fee

equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Standard Rate) fee. As

per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate applicable to Not-

For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling (previously known as

Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Playroom - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Play Room (Standard Rate) fee

based on age of facility (>20 years), maximum accommodation (50

people) and is comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities (previously

known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Room hire - Playroom -


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate -

High RiskPer Day Including 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate -

High Risk fee based on maximum accommodation (350 people) and is

comparable to other Direct Managed Facilities. Function Rate - High

Risk applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays where security presence is deemed

'required' by City of Stirling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate

(Community Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate

(Community Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall -

Full - Function Rate (Standard Rate) fee. Function Rate applicable to

bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Public

Holidays. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community Rate

applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Sports Hall - Special


Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -


SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate

(Standard Rate)Per Day Including 0.00 880.00 880.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full - Function Rate

(Standard Rate) fee equals the SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full

(Standard Rate) per hour fee for 10 hours of hire plus 10%. Function

Rate applicable to bookings from 3pm to 1am on Fridays, Saturdays,

Sundays and Public Holidays (previously known as Scarborough Leisure

Centre; Sports Hall - Special Event - Maximum).

37 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Sports Hall - Full

Court - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full (Standard Rate)

fee based on age of facility (<20 years) and maximum accommodation

(350 people), however, the new tabulated fee of $100.00 per hour has

been reduced by 20% to make the increase more manageable for hirers

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Sports Hall - Full

Court - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Half (Community Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 20.00 20.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Half (Community

Rate) fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Half

(Standard Rate) fee. As per Terms and Conditions of Hire, Community

Rate applicable to Not-For-Profit Organisations verified by City of Stirling

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Sports Hall - Half

Court - Minimum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Half (Standard Rate) Per Hour Including 0.00 40.00 40.00 100%

NEW CHARGE SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Half (Standard Rate)

fee equals 50% of SLC - Scarborough - Sports Hall - Full (Standard

Rate) fee (previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Sports Hall -

Half Court - Maximum).

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Suite 1 Per Week Including 0.00 130.00 130.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Suite 2 Per Week Including 0.00 130.00 130.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Facility Hire - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Suite 3 Per Week Including 0.00 130.00 130.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Floodlight ChargesApplicable to all users of floodlights (both junior and


Per pole/per

hour/per week for

new floodlights

Including 5.00 5.15 0.15 3% Per pole per hour per week. Standard season is 26 weeks.

Hamersley Public Golf Course Driving Range - Large Bucket of Balls Per Item Including 0.00 14.00 14.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Driving Range - Large Bucket of Balls fee applicable to

one bucket containing approximately 100 balls (previously known as

Hamersley Public Golf Course; Driving Range - 135 Balls).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Driving Range - Medium Bucket of Balls Per Item Including 0.00 11.00 11.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Driving Range - Medium Bucket of Balls fee applicable

to one bucket containing approximately 70 balls (previously known as

Hamersley Public Golf Course; Driving Range - 75 Balls).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Driving Range - Small Bucket of Balls Per Item Including 0.00 7.50 7.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Driving Range - Small Bucket of Balls fee applicable to

one bucket containing approximately 40 balls (previously known as

Hamersley Public Golf Course; Driving Range - 40 Balls).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - ANZAC Day Per Item Including 0.00 5.00 5.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - ANZAC Day fee applicable on 25 April to

RSL Members holding valid concession card only. Valid for 9 or 18

holes (previously known as Hamersley Public Golf Course; Anzac Day -

Concessions 9 or 18 Holes).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekdays - 18 Holes Per Item Including 0.00 24.00 24.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekdays - 18 Holes fee applicable to all

other adults (previously known as Hamersley Public Golf Course;

Weekday - 18 Holes).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekdays - 18 Holes (Concession) Per Item Including 0.00 18.00 18.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekdays - 18 Holes (Concession) fee

applicable to seniors (Pension Card holders) and juniors (children in

Primary or Secondary Education). Fee is 75% of Green Fees -

Weekdays - 18 Holes fee (previously known as Hamersley Public Golf

Course; Weekday - Pensioners / Students 18).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes Per Item Including 0.00 17.00 17.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes fee applicable to all

other adults. Fee is approximately 70% of Green Fees - Weekdays - 18

Holes fee (previously known as Hamersley Public Golf Course; Weekday

- 9 Holes).

38 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes (Concession) Per Item Including 0.00 13.00 13.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes (Concession) fee

applicable to seniors (Pension Card holders) and juniors (children in

Primary or Secondary Education). Fee is approximately 75% of Green

Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes fee (previously known as Hamersley Public

Golf Course; Weekday - Pensioners / Students 9).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekdays - Twilight Per Item Including 0.00 12.00 12.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Previous charges were 1 or 2 hours before sunset.

Amendments required due to introduction of opening and closing times

(previously known as Hamersley Public Golf Course - Part Fee Early; 2

hrs before sunset).

Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekends / Public Holidays - 18 Holes Per Item Including 0.00 26.50 26.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekends / Public Holidays - 18 Holes fee

applicable to all customers. Green Fees - Weekend / Public Holidays

rate is Green Fees - Weekdays - 18 Holes fee plus 10% (previously

known as Hamersley Public Golf Course; Weekends/Public Holidays - 18


Hamersley Public Golf Course Green Fees - Weekends / Public Holidays - 9 Holes Per Item Including 0.00 19.50 19.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Green Fees - Weekends / Public Holidays - 9 Holes fee

applicable to all customers. Green Fees - Weekend / Public Holidays

rate is Green Fees - Weekdays - 9 Holes fee plus 15% (previously

known as Hamersley Public Golf Course; Weekends/Public Holidays - 9


Health & Fitness Allied Health Consultation Including 70.00 70.00 0.00 0% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Aqua Fitness - Casual Class Including 14.00 15.00 1.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Aqua Fitness - Multi Card 10 Including 126.00 135.00 9.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Aqua Fitness - Seniors Multi Including 97.00 99.00 2.00 2% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Casual Gym Visit or Group Fitness Class Including 14.00 15.00 1.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Direct Debit Admin Cancellation Fee Including 100.00 100.00 0.00 0% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Direct Debit Admin Fee Including 30.00 30.00 0.00 0% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond 1 Month Including 99.00 103.00 4.00 4% No Appraisal or Ex Programs

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond 12 months Including 699.00 711.00 12.00 2%

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond 3 months Including 285.00 300.00 15.00 5%

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond 6 months Including 470.00 495.00 25.00 5%

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond Off Peak 1 Month Including 70.00 70.00 0.00 0% No Appraisal or Ex Programs

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond Off Peak 12 months Including 499.00 510.00 11.00 2%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond Off Peak 3 months Including 199.00 199.00 0.00 0%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness LPB - Diamond Off Peak 6 months Including 330.00 340.00 10.00 3%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness LPB - Group Fitness Casual Class Including 14.50 14.50 0.00 0%

Health & Fitness LPB - Gym Casual Visit Including 14.50 14.50 0.00 0%

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver 1 Month Including 78.80 83.00 4.20 5% No Appraisal or Ex Programs

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver 12 months Including 515.00 525.00 10.00 2% Choice of Cardio & Free Weights (combined), Aquatics or Group Fitness

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver 3 months Including 202.00 212.00 10.00 5%

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver 6 months Including 330.00 346.00 16.00 5%

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver Off Peak 1 Month Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0% No Appraisal or Ex Programs

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver Off Peak 12 months Including 359.00 366.00 7.00 2%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver Off Peak 3 months Including 145.00 145.00 0.00 0%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness LPB - Silver Off Peak 6 months Including 239.00 246.00 7.00 3%Seniors discount does not apply to any Off Peak memberships.

Reduction to attract members to off peak periods

Health & Fitness Membership Suspension Fee - per week Min$2.50 per week of

suspensionIncluding 2.50 2.50 0.00 0%

Health & Fitness Membership Transfer Fee Including 50.00 55.00 5.00 10% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Membership Transfer Fee Once off Including 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%Charged where a member transfers within the same category eg. one

gold membership to another. Does not apply where member upgrades

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1 hr Including 61.00 64.00 3.00 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

39 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1 hr - 10 sessions Including 549.00 576.50 27.50 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities.

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1 hr - Additional Client Including 27.00 29.00 2.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1/2 hr Including 45.50 47.70 2.20 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1/2 hr - 10 sessions Including 409.50 430.00 20.50 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities.

Health & Fitness Personal Training 1/2 hr - Additional Client Including 18.00 21.00 3.00 17% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Personal Training 2 People 1 hr - 10 sessions Including 792.00 832.00 40.00 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Personal Training 2 People 1/2 hr - 10 sessions Including 571.50 600.00 28.50 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Rehab Membership Invoice Fee Per membership Including 75.00 80.00 5.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Replacement Card Including 5.00 5.00 0.00 0% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Seniors Discount Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - 15% Seniors discount applies

on production of a valid Senior's or Age Pensioner card. TTAC only for

Off peak memberships

Health & FitnessSeniors Group Fitness Class or Special Needs Gym


20% Discount to

Group Fitness &

Gym Entry Prices

Including 8.80 10.00 1.20 14% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Health & Fitness Student Discount - 15% Maximum Once off Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Applies to any Diamond, Gold or Silver membership upon production of

a current valid student card with Photo ID. Not available at Leisurepark


Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond 1 month Including 139.00 146.00 7.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond 12 month Including 937.00 984.00 47.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond 3 month Including 380.00 399.00 19.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond 6 month Including 610.00 640.00 30.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond Off Peak 1 month Including 110.00 116.00 6.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond Off Peak 12 months Including 697.00 731.00 34.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond Off Peak 3 months Including 287.00 301.00 14.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Diamond Off Peak 6 months Including 457.00 480.00 23.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold 1 month Including 127.00 133.00 6.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold 12 months Including 819.00 860.00 41.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold 3 months Including 321.00 337.00 16.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold 6 months Including 531.00 557.00 26.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold Off Peak 1 month Including 93.00 98.00 5.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold Off Peak 12 months Including 630.00 661.00 31.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold Off Peak 3 months Including 246.00 258.00 12.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gold Off Peak 6 months Including 400.00 420.00 20.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gym & Group Fitness Class Including 23.50 25.00 1.50 6%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Gym & Swim Entry Including 17.80 18.00 0.20 1%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver 1 month Including 103.00 108.00 5.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver 12 months Including 650.00 683.00 33.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver 3 months Including 255.00 268.00 13.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver 6 months Including 415.00 436.00 21.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver Off Peak 1 month Including 78.00 82.00 4.00 5%One month memberships do not include complimentary Fitness

Appraisal and Workout

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver Off Peak 12 months Including 497.00 521.00 24.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver Off Peak 3 months Including 194.00 203.00 9.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Silver Off Peak 6 months Including 324.00 340.00 16.00 5%

Health & Fitness TTAC - Swim/Spa/Sauna/Gym Including 21.90 23.00 1.10 5%

Health & Fitness Workout or Appraisal Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%Generic charge across multiple facilities - In addition to complimentary

appraisal on 3,6, & 12 month memberships

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 12 Month Membership Including 0.00 440.00 440.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 12

month membership).

40 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 12 Month Membership - Off Peak Including 0.00 365.00 365.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 12

month membership - off peak).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 3 Month Membership Including 0.00 185.00 185.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 3

month membership).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 3 Month Membership - Off Peak Including 0.00 160.00 160.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 3

month membership - off peak).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 6 Month Membership Including 0.00 295.00 295.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 6

month membership).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - 6 Month Membership - Off Peak Including 0.00 240.00 240.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness; 6

month membership - off peak).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Casual Group Fitness (Adult)

Per Head, Per

ClassIncluding 0.00 12.00 12.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Casual Group Fitness (Teen)

Per Head, Per

ClassIncluding 0.00 9.00 9.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Casual Gym Entry Per Entry Including 0.00 12.00 12.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Amended fee - previous fee based on PCYC fee

structure. Fee increased to bring in line with other City of Stirling facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre - Health & Fitness;

Casual entry - Adult).

Health & Fitness - Stirling Leisure Centres -

ScarboroughSLC - Scarborough - Group Fitness - 10 Classes Pass Including 0.00 108.00 108.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Lane Hire 50m Pool - 1/2 Day 1/2 day charge Including 300.00 310.00 10.00 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire 50m Pool - Full Day Per day charge Including 500.00 520.00 20.00 4% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Dive Pool - Full Pool Per hour Including 32.00 34.00 2.00 6% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Dive Pool - Half Pool Per hour Including 16.00 17.00 1.00 6% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Hydrotherapy/Programme Pool - Full Pool (Base Rate) Per hour Including 72.50 75.00 2.50 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Hydrotherapy/Programme Pool - Half Pool (Base Rate) Per hour Including 36.50 38.00 1.50 4% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Inflatable Hire - LPB Per hour Including 65.00 68.00 3.00 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities - Includes staff set up costs.

Lane Hire Inflatable Hire - TTAC Per hour Including 100.00 100.00 0.00 0% Minimum 2 hours

Lane Hire Outdoor Learners Pool - Half Pool Per hour Including 29.00 30.00 1.00 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lane Hire Per Lane Minimum Per hour Including 8.50 8.80 0.30 4%Generic charge across multiple facilities - Includes affiliated non profit

swim squads currently using facilities

Lane Hire Per Lane Maximum Per hour Including 17.20 17.70 0.50 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn To Swim Adult Lessons (Adult Beginner 1 & Adult Beginner 2) Per lesson Exempt 15.50 16.50 1.00 6% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn to Swim Adult Lessons (Adult Stroke Correction) Per lesson Including 15.50 16.00 0.50 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn To Swim Aqua Babies Per lesson Exempt 13.90 14.80 0.90 6%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn To Swim Bronze Medallion Course Per course Exempt 190.00 198.00 8.00 4% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn To Swim Bronze Medallion Requalification Per course Exempt 90.00 95.00 5.00 6% Generic charge across multiple facilities Charge set by RLSS not City.

Learn to Swim CPR Requalification Per course Exempt 43.00 45.00 2.00 5% Generic charge across multiple facilities Charge set by RLSS not City.

Learn to Swim Elite Squad Training Per lesson Including 15.50 16.00 0.50 3% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn To Swim Junior Development Squad Per lesson Exempt 15.50 16.00 0.50 3%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


41 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Learn To Swim Marlins Squad Training - 1 per week Per lesson Exempt 15.50 16.00 0.50 3%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn To Swim Marlins Squad Training - 2 per week Per week Exempt 27.66 28.50 0.84 3%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn To Swim Marlins Squad Training - 3 per week Per week Exempt 38.35 39.50 1.15 3%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn To Swim Pre School Program Exempt 13.90 14.60 0.70 5%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn To Swim Pre Squad Exempt 13.90 14.60 0.70 5%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn to Swim Private Lesson Exempt 41.00 44.00 3.00 7% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Learn To Swim School Age Program Exempt 13.90 14.60 0.70 5%

Generic charge across multiple facilities - $5 Term Discount applies to

2nd and subsequent children enrolling in the same term from the same


Learn to Swim Senior First Aid Requalification Per course Exempt 90.00 90.00 0.00 0% Per course charge

Learn to Swim Special Needs Classes Exempt 34.00 36.00 2.00 6% Generic charge across multiple facilities

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

BondAlcohol Per Function Exempt 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

BondFunction Per Function Exempt 0.00 500.00 500.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

BondHigh risk functions (18th and 21st birthdays) Per Function Exempt 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

BondKey Bonds for regular users Per User Exempt 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 1 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 11.50 11.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 1 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 215.00 215.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit useLevel 1 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 18.50 18.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for commercial/profit useLevel 2 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 28.80 28.80 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for commercial/profit useLevel 3 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 39.10 39.10 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for commercial/profit useLevel 4 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 49.40 49.40 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for commercial/profit useLevel 5 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 59.70 59.70 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for commercial/profit useLevel 6 facilities - Standard Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 70.00 70.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management licence

holders to charge for use of facilities by commercial/profit making


Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 1 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 370.00 370.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 2 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 456.00 456.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

42 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 3 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 542.00 542.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 4 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 628.00 628.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 5 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 714.00 714.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Commercial/profit use -


Level 6 facilities - Standard Rate Per Function Including 0.00 800.00 800.00 100%NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 2 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 16.20 16.20 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 3 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 20.90 20.90 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 4 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 25.60 25.60 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 5 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 30.30 30.30 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community UseLevel 6 facilities - Community Rate Per Hour Including 0.00 35.00 35.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Fees and charges for lease and Management Licence

holders to charge community use groups.

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 2 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 258.00 258.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 3 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 301.00 301.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 4 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 344.00 344.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 5 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 387.00 387.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Lease and Licence Management Holder -

Charge for Community Use - FunctionsLevel 6 facilities - Community Rate Per Function Including 0.00 430.00 430.00 100%

NEW CHARGE fees and charges for lease and management licence

holder to charge for community functions

Leisure Programming - Direct Managed

FacilitiesLeisure Programming

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 0.00 10.00 10.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

(previously known as Scarborough Leisure Centre; Leisure/Sports

Programming per head - Adult rate).

Leisure Programming - Direct Managed

FacilitiesLeisure Programming (Concession)

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 0.00 7.50 7.50 100%

NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities -

applicable for seniors and juniors (previously known as Scarborough

Leisure Centre; Leisure/Sports Programming per head - Child rate).

Non Fixtured Tournament/ Carnival -

ReservesSports Association and non City of Stirling Clubs Per Day Including 250.00 257.00 7.00 3%

Relevant to Junior and Senior participants. Charge is based on a per

day rate for tournaments and carnivals held by Sports Associations, non

City of Stirling Clubs and groups (i.e Country Week).

Non Fixtured Tournament/Carnival -

ReservesCity of Stirling Sporting Clubs Per Day Including 151.00 155.00 4.00 3%

Relevant to Junior and Senior participants. Charge is based on the fee

for Sports Reserve Casual Bookings .

Organised Sport - Direct Managed

FacilitiesOrganised Sport - Adult Minimum

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 4.00 4.00 0.00 0% NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

Organised Sport - Direct Managed

FacilitiesOrganised Sport - Adult Maximum

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 0.00 15.00 15.00 100% NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

Organised Sport - Direct Managed

FacilitiesOrganised Sport - Child Minimum

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 0.00 2.00 2.00 100% NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

Organised Sport - Direct Managed

FacilitiesOrganised Sport - Child Maximum

Per Head, Per

SessionIncluding 0.00 8.00 8.00 100% NEW CHARGE Generic fee across all Direct Managed Facilities

Out of Season Training for Sports Reserve

UsersTraining requested prior to association fixtured season 10%

10% of senior

reserve usage

charge for training

or matchplay per


Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Out of Season Charge. 10% of the senior reserve usage training or

matchplay charge for the relevant sport code. the charge is a per

session per team charge.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) 11-25 Clients Winter (Apr-Sept) Including 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) 11-25 Clients Summer (Oct-Mar) Including 1,300.00 1,300.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

43 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) 11-25 Clients 12 Months Including 2,200.00 2,200.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Up to 10 Clients 12 Months Including 1,100.00 1,100.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Up to 10 Clients Winter (Apr-Sept) Including 550.00 550.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Up to 10 Clients Summer (Oct-Mar) Including 750.00 750.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Up to 4 Clients Summer (Oct-Mar) Including 425.00 425.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Up to 4 Clients 12 Months Including 550.00 550.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) Council

ReservesUp to 4 Clients Winter (Apr-Sept) Including 225.00 225.00 0.00 0% No cost increase proposed given current industry positioning.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) - Reserves 11-25 clients Per Session Including 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%Includes bootcamp and short term fitness related programs in

accordance with booking procedures.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) - Reserves Up to 10 clients Per Session Including 10.00 10.00 0.00 0%Includes bootcamp and short term fitness related programs in

accordance with booking procedures.

Personal Trainers (Commercial) - Reserves Up to 4 clients Per Session Including 5.00 5.00 0.00 0%Includes bootcamp and short term fitness related programs in

accordance with booking procedures.

Photocopying - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Colour

PhotocopyPer Sheet Including 0.00 2.00 2.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Coin box - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees

and charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Colour Photocopy fee is identical for Standard,

Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Photocopying - Stirling Leisure Centres -

Herb Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre -

Monochrome PhotocopyPer Sheet Including 0.00 0.20 0.20 100%

NEW CHARGE Coin box - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees

and charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Monochrome Photocopy fee is identical for

Standard, Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Pre Season Reserve Usage Per Sports Code Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%No charge for pre season active reserve usage as this is included in the

fee for seasonal senior reserve usage - training and/or match play.

Printing - Stirling Leisure Centres - Herb

Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - Colour

PrintingPer Sheet Including 0.00 2.00 2.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Colour Printing fee is identical for Standard,

Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Printing - Stirling Leisure Centres - Herb

Graham - Mirrabooka

SLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre -

Monochrome PrintingPer Sheet Including 0.00 0.20 0.20 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - Monochrome Printing fee is identical for Standard,

Community and SGP/CaLD Rates.

Reserve Event overflow parking Event overflow parking on reserves Per Day Including 0.00 600.00 600.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Reserve Usage - Schools Full Day (over 3 hours) Including 63.00 65.00 2.00 3%This fee is for active school sports usage such as interschool carnivals

and organised physical education

Reserve Usage - Schools Half Day (up to 3 hours) Including 31.50 32.50 1.00 3%This fee is for active school sports usage such as interschool carnivals

and organised physical education

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Boxing Area - Adjacent to Sports Hall Minimum Per hour Including 28.00 28.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Boxing Area - Adjacent to Sports Hall Maximum Per hour Including 45.00 45.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Community Hall Office Minimum Per hour Including 17.00 17.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Community Hall Office Maximum Per hour Including 35.00 35.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Equipment Set-up & Hire Minimum Per booking Including 5.00 5.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Equipment Set-up & Hire Maximum Per booking Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Function Minimum Per hour Including 395.00 410.00 15.00 4%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Function Maximum Per hour Including 625.00 650.00 25.00 4% This fee subject to function risk analysis

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Main Community Hall Minimum Per hour Including 28.00 29.00 1.00 4%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Main Community Hall Maximum Per hour Including 56.00 57.00 1.00 2%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Main Community Hall - (With Green Room) Minimum Per hour Including 34.00 35.00 1.00 3%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Main Community Hall - (With Green Room) Maximum Per hour Including 68.00 69.00 1.00 1%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Party / Meeting Room / Creche Minimum Per hour Including 28.00 29.00 1.00 4%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Party / Meeting Room / Creche Maximum Per hour Including 53.00 54.00 1.00 2%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Program Room Minimum Per hour Including 18.00 18.50 0.50 3%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Program Room Maximum Per hour Including 48.00 49.00 1.00 2%

44 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Single Sports Court Minimum Per hour Including 28.00 29.00 1.00 4%

Room Hire - Leisurepark Balga Single Sports Court Maximum Per hour Including 58.00 58.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Additional Keys Per occasion Including 25.00 25.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Function Room MinimumMinimum class

numbers requiredIncluding 35.00 37.00 2.00 6%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Function Room Maximum Per hour Including 50.00 52.00 2.00 4%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Function Room Office Per month Including 270.00 270.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Group Fitness Room Minimum Per hour Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Group Fitness Room Maximum Per hour Including 78.00 78.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre H&F Meeting Room Minimum Per hour Including 32.00 32.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre H&F Meeting Room Maximum Per hour Including 46.00 46.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Massage Room Per month Including 470.00 470.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre PA System Per booking Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Setup Fee Per booking Including 35.00 35.00 0.00 0% Cost Recovery only.

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre TV / DVD Hire Per booking Including 10.50 10.50 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Urn Hire Per booking Including 10.50 10.50 0.00 0%

Room Hire - Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre Whiteboard Hire Per booking Including 10.50 10.50 0.00 0%

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayBaseball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 420.00 432.00 12.00 3%

Team of 10. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. The variance reflects a 3%


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayCricket

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 500.00 515.00 15.00 3% Team of 12. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayFootball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 835.00 860.00 25.00 3% Team of 20. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayGaelic Football

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 635.00 654.00 19.00 3% Team of 15. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayGrid Iron

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 462.00 475.00 13.00 3% Team of 11. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayHockey

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 500.00 515.00 15.00 3% Team of 12. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayLacrosse

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 588.00 605.00 17.00 3%

Team of 12 + 2 Res. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayRugby League and Union

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 714.00 735.00 21.00 3%

Team of 17. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. Refers to League and

Union. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplaySoccer

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 500.00 515.00 15.00 3% Team of 12. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re variance.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplaySoftball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 420.00 432.00 12.00 3%

Team of 10. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. Fee reduction to reflect

comparative code being Baseball.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

AND MatchplayTouch Football

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 420.00 432.00 12.00 3%

Team of 7 + 4 Res. Max 2 training and 1 matchplay. As above re


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayBaseball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%

Team of 10. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay. These charges reflect 50%

of the cost of senior reserve usage charges - training and matchplay.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayCricket

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 250.00 257.00 7.00 3%

Team of 12. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayFootball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 417.50 430.00 12.50 3%

Team of 20. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayGaelic Football

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 317.50 327.00 9.50 3%

Team of 15. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayGrid Iron

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 231.00 238.00 7.00 3%

Team of 11. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayHockey

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 250.00 257.00 7.00 3%

Team of 12. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayLacrosse

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 294.00 303.00 9.00 3%

Team of 12 + 2 Res. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re

charge methodology.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayRugby League and Union

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 357.00 367.00 10.00 3%

Team of 17. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge

methodology. Includes Rugby Union.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplaySoccer

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 250.00 257.50 7.50 3%

Team of 12. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay As above re charge


45 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplaySoftball

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%

Team of 9 + 2 Res. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay. As above re charge


Senior Reserve Usage Charges - Training

OR MatchplayTouch Football

Association Fixtured

SeasonIncluding 210.00 216.00 6.00 3%

Team of 7 + 4 Res. Up to 2 training or 1 matchplay. As above re

charge methodology.

Sports Reserve Casual BookingsFor groups and clubs who wish to utilise a ground outside

their allocation.Per group Including 151.00 155.00 4.00 3%

Community Groups Only and in accordance with booking procedures.

3% LGCI increase

Stationary - Stirling Leisure Centres - Herb

Graham - MirrabookaSLC - HG - Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre - USB Per Item Including 0.00 7.00 7.00 100%

NEW CHARGE - As per council resolution 1213/003, "All fees and

charges applicable to the Mirrabooka Multicultural Centre will remain

fixed for a period of three (3) years with no CPI increase." Mirrabooka

Multicultural Centre - USB fee is identical for Standard, Community and

SGP/CaLD Rates.

Turf Cricket Wickets - only for limited

clubs/associationsTurf Cricket Wickets - only for limited clubs/associations Per wicket Including 151.00 155.00 4.00 3% LGCI increase

46 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Community Safety

Animal - Other Sale of Goods and Product mark up percentage 10% to 200% Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% NEW CATEGORY

Cats Application for cat permit Minimum Exempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0% For keeping of 2 or 3 cats

Cats Application for cat permit Maximum Exempt 18.00 18.00 0.00 0% For keeping of 2 or 3 cats

Cats Poundage if identified Exempt 75.00 75.00 0.00 0%

Cats Poundage if un-identified Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Cats Sale of sterilised cat including Vaccination fee Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0% Vaccination costs

Cats Surrender Including 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Cats Sustenance per day Exempt 18.00 25.00 7.00 39% In line with Cat Haven contract charges

Dogs Application to keep more than two dogs Per application Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0% Includes inspection fee

Dogs Application to keep more than two dogs (Pensioner) Per application Exempt 23.00 23.00 0.00 0% Includes inspection fee

Dogs Dangerous dog/restricted breed inspection Per registration Including 85.00 85.00 0.00 0% Inspection fee for dangerous dog or restricted breed

Dogs Microchipping of dog Minimum Exempt 0.00 35.00 35.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Dogs Microchipping of dog Maximum Exempt 0.00 70.00 70.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Dogs Poundage if registered Exempt 75.00 75.00 0.00 0%

Dogs Poundage if unregistered Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Dogs Puppy 1 st Vaccination fee Per dog Including 26.25 27.00 0.75 3% 1st puppy vaccination fee as per veterinary charges

DogsRe-homing of female dog. Package including sterilisation

and vaccinationMinimum Per dog Including 178.00 178.00 0.00 0% (registration not included)

DogsRe-homing of female dog. Package including sterilisation

and vaccinationMaximum Per dog Including 187.40 192.00 4.60 2% (registration not included)

DogsRe-homing of male dog. Package incl sterilisation and

vaccinationMinimum Per dog Including 168.00 168.00 0.00 0% (registration not included)

DogsRe-homing of male dog. Package incl sterilisation and

vaccinationMaximum Per dog Including 172.20 176.50 4.30 2% (registration not included)

Dogs Re-homing of sterilised dog Vaccination fee Including 55.00 55.00 0.00 0% Vaccination costs included

Dogs Rental of Dog Bark Controllers Per month Including 27.50 27.50 0.00 0%

Dogs Replacement Dog Bark Control Collar Per collar Including 120.00 150.00 30.00 25% Increase in cost of replacement collar (incl battery)

Dogs Replacement dog tag Per tag Including 5.50 5.50 0.00 0%

Dogs Surrender Including 90.00 90.00 0.00 0%

Dogs Sustenance per day Exempt 18.00 18.00 0.00 0%

Impounded Vehicle Fee for storage and towing of impounded vehicle Maximum Per Vehicle Including 500.00 500.00 0.00 0% Additional rates may apply based on vehicle type and recovery costs

Impounded Vehicles Fee for storage and towing of impounded vehicles Minimum Per vehicle Including 220.00 220.00 0.00 0% As per contract for this service. Includes impounding and towing fee.

Other Daily charge for impounded trolleys Per trolley Including 2.00 2.00 0.00 0%

Other Enforcement Certificate FER Per infringement Exempt 11.50 12.45 0.95 8% Enforcement Certificate

Other Final Demand Per infringement Exempt 13.50 14.65 1.15 9%

Other Fines Enforcement Registration Fee Per infringement Exempt 43.00 46.60 3.60 8%

Other Firebreak installation recoup MinimumPer firebreak

installedIncluding 150.00 150.00 0.00 0%

Recoup of contractor costs for installing firebreaks where not installed by

a property owner, additional charges apply based on quote for services


Other Impound fee shopping trolleys Per trolley Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

OtherImpounding Other Goods and Animals (not vehicles or

signs)Per item Exempt 100.00 100.00 0.00 0%

Other Impounding signs Per sign Exempt 65.00 65.00 0.00 0%

Other Road Closures/Street Procession Application fee Exempt 80.00 80.00 0.00 0%Application for a road closure or street procession (No fee if not for profit

or charitable organisation)

Parking FeesAnnual Fee for Private Property Parking Enforcement

AgreementMinimum Per annum Including 0.00 150.00 150.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Annual fee for Private Property Parking Enforcement

Agreement - minimum fee

Parking FeesAnnual Fee for Private Property Parking Enforcement

AgreementMaximum Per annum Including 0.00 5,679.00 5,679.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Annual fee for Private Property Parking Enforcement

Agreement - maximum fee

Parking Fees Appointment of "Authorised Person" Per officer Including 0.00 80.00 80.00 100% NEW CHARGE Administrative Fee

Parking FeesExclusive use of parking bay (on or off street) No time

restrictionDaily rate Including 10.00 10.00 0.00 0%

Parking FeesExclusive use of parking bay (on or off street) Time

restriction and fee applicableMinimum Daily rate Including 15.00 15.00 0.00 0%

Parking FeesExclusive use of parking bay (on or off street) Time

restriction and fee applicableMaximum Daily rate Including 60.00 60.00 0.00 0%

47 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Parking FeesExclusive use of parking bay (on or off street) Time

restriction appliesDaily rate Including 20.00 20.00 0.00 0%

Parking Fees Infringement withdrawal (private property/commercial) Per infringement Including 45.00 45.00 0.00 0% Fee for withdrawal of infringement notice.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (long term parking) Minimum Hourly rate Including 0.00 1.00 1.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (long term parking) Minimum Daily rate Including 0.00 5.00 5.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (long term parking) Maximum Hourly rate Including 0.00 2.00 2.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (long term parking) Maximum Daily rate Including 0.00 8.00 8.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (short term parking) Minimum Hourly rate Including 0.00 1.50 1.50 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Parking Fees (short term parking) Maximum Hourly rate Including 0.00 5.00 5.00 100%NEW CHARGE - Applicable Parking Fees are set by a council resolution

and may also include a first hour free period.

Parking Fees Private Property Parking Enforcement Agreement Minimum Initial application fee Exempt 0.00 150.00 150.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Parking Fees Private Property Parking Enforcement Agreement Maximum Initial application fee Exempt 0.00 576.00 576.00 100% NEW CHARGE

Parking Fees Residential Parking Permit MaximumPer permit per

annumExempt 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Maximum charge for residential parking permits - fee

subject to application criteria

Parking Fees Residential Parking Permit MinimumPer permit per

annumExempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

NEW CHARGE Minimum charge for residential parking permits - fee

subject to application criteria

Parking Fees Residential Parking Permit - replacement fee MaximumPer permit per

annumExempt 0.00 100.00 100.00 100%

NEW CHARGE Maximum charge for residential parking permits

replacement - fee subject to application criteria (Eg lost permit)

Parking Fees Residential Parking Permit - replacement fee MinimumPer permit per

annumExempt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

NEW CHARGE Minimum charge for residential parking permits

replacement - fee subject to application criteria (Eg lost permit)

Permit Property Local Law Permit fee (unspecified) Minimum Exempt 150.00 150.00 0.00 0%

Permit Property Local Law Permit fee (unspecified) Maximum Exempt 600.00 600.00 0.00 0%

Permit Street trading permit Maximum Per annum Exempt 2,130.00 2,130.00 0.00 0%

Permit Street Trading Permit Maximum Daily Exempt 15.00 15.00 0.00 0%

Permit Street Trading Permit Maximum Weekly Exempt 62.00 62.00 0.00 0%

Permit Street Trading Permit Maximum Monthly Exempt 177.00 177.00 0.00 0%

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (11- 20kg) Minimum Including 28.00 29.00 1.00 4%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (11- 20kg) Maximum Including 36.20 36.20 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (21Kg - 35kg) Minimum Including 43.00 44.00 1.00 2%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (21Kg - 35kg) Maximum Including 54.00 54.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (36kg and above) Companion animal Minimum Including 64.90 65.00 0.10 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (under 10kg) Minimum Including 17.00 17.50 0.50 3%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Bulk Cremation (under 10kg) Maximum Including 23.00 23.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (11- 20kg) Minimum per animal Including 205.00 211.00 6.00 3%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (11- 20kg) Maximum per animal Including 255.00 255.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (21kg -35kg) Minimum per animal Including 244.00 251.00 7.00 3%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (21kg -35kg) Maximum per animal Including 288.00 288.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (36kg and above) Minimum per animal Including 288.00 297.00 9.00 3%Rates include pickup charges for Cos residents *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

48 of 49

Combined Fees Charges City of Stirling

Fees and Charges Schedule 2014/2015 Category Description



Basis of Charge GST * 2013/14

Charge $


Charge $






* Note: The City has put in an application to the Australian Taxation Office for a private ruling on the GST treatment of its Fees and Charges.

At the time of budget adoption the final ruling had not yet been received, as a result the GST treatment of the fees and charges for 2014/15 will be reviewed and amended at Budget Review 2014/15 in accordance with the ruling.

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (36kg and above) Maximum per animal Including 334.00 334.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for Cos residents *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (under 10kg) Minimum per animal Including 182.00 187.00 5.00 3%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Individual Cremation (under 10kg) Maximum per animal Including 222.00 222.00 0.00 0%Rates include pickup charges for CoS residents. *Special Commercial

Rates Apply

Pet Funeral ServicesIndividual Pet Cremation Service - discount to City of

Stirling residents and vetsUp to 25% Including 0.00 0.00 0.00 0%

Pet Funeral Services Memorial Wall Minimum per animal Including 285.30 290.00 4.70 2% Includes plaque, engraving and maintenance of wall for 10 years

Pet Funeral Services Pick up fees - General business hours Minimum per hour Including 0.00 30.00 30.00 100%NEW CHARGE External contractor. Pickup fee within City of Stirling

during business hours *Special Commercial Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Pick up fees - General business hours Maximum per hour Including 50.00 50.00 0.00 0%External contractor. Pickup fee outside City of Stirling during business

hours *Special Commercial Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Pick up fees - Outside business hours Minimum per hour Including 60.00 75.00 15.00 25%External contractor. Pickup fee within City of Stirling outside business

hours *Special Commercial Rates Apply

Pet Funeral Services Pick up fees - Outside business hours Maximum per hour Including 75.00 90.00 15.00 20%External contractor. Pickup fee outside City of Stirling outside business

hours *Special Commercial Rates Apply

Security Property surveillance and security service chargePer rateable

propertyExempt 28.00 29.00 1.00 4%

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