1 City of Crescent City, CA Water System - SCADA Conceptual Design & Scope July 6, 2018

City of Crescent City, CA Water System - SCADA Conceptual ...crescentcity.org/docs/rfp/Crescent City Water SCADA Design - Final.pdf · 3.1 Master Polling PLC A new ControlLogix PLC

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City of Crescent City, CA Water System - SCADA Conceptual Design & Scope

July 6, 2018

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Table of Contents

1.0 Invitation for Qualifications and Proposals ..................................................................... 4

1.1 Deadline for Submission ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.2 Tentative Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Registration and Inquiries .................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Background ............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.5 Water SCADA System Current State .................................................................................................. 5

2.0 Proposed SCADA HMI Architecture ............................................................................... 6

3.0 Proposed SCADA PLC Architecture ................................................................................ 7

3.1 Master Polling PLC ............................................................................................................................... 9

3.2 Ranney Collector Control Building ...................................................................................................... 9

3.3 Ranney Collector RIO ......................................................................................................................... 10

3.4 Chlorine Building ................................................................................................................................. 11

3.5 Elevated Tank ...................................................................................................................................... 11

3.6 Booster Station ..................................................................................................................................... 12

3.7 Northcrest Valve .................................................................................................................................. 12

3.8 Washington Tank & Pumps ................................................................................................................ 13

3.9 Amador Tank & Pumps ...................................................................................................................... 14

3.10 Pressure Monitoring Sites ................................................................................................................... 14

3.11 Wigley Pump Station ........................................................................................................................... 15

3.12 BOVCSD Pump Station (Elk Valley Road) ....................................................................................... 16

3.13 Church Tree Pump Station ................................................................................................................. 17

4.0 Process Control Narratives .............................................................................................. 18

5.0 Scope of Services ............................................................................................................... 19

6.0 Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 19

7.0 Proposal Content .............................................................................................................. 20

7.1 Cover Page ............................................................................................................................................ 20

7.2 Cover Letter ......................................................................................................................................... 20

7.3 Organization of Firm ........................................................................................................................... 20

7.4 Relevant Experience ............................................................................................................................ 21

7.5 Staffing Plan and Task Approach ...................................................................................................... 21

7.6 Key Personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 21

7.7 References ............................................................................................................................................. 21

7.8 Fee Proposal, Staffing Plan, Hourly Rates and Reimbursable Cost Schedule for the Scope of Basic

Services .......................................................................................................................................................... 21

8.0 Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................... 22

9.0 Selection, Negotiation of Fee, and Engagement Process ............................................... 22

10.0 Disputes Relating to the Proposal Selection Process ..................................................... 23

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11.0 Insurance Requirements .................................................................................................. 23

APPENDIX A – Network Block Diagram - Existing ............................................................. 25

APPENDIX B – Network Block Diagram - Future ............................................................... 26

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1.0 Invitation for Qualifications and Proposals

The City of Crescent City is requesting qualifications and proposals for the provision of hardware and

software for a Water SCADA System (“Project”). This Request for Qualifications and Proposals

(“RFQ/P”) describes the Scope of Services, selection process, and mandatory information that must be

included in response to this RFQ/P. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting and job walk will be held at

the City Wastewater Treatment Plant at 210 Battery Street, Crescent City on July 20, 2018 at 10:00


1.1 Deadline for Submission

Parties interested in responding must submit 1 original (unbound), 8 hard copies, and 1

electronic copy of their proposals. Please label the outside of the package “Proposal for

Water SCADA System Services, Attention: Nacole Sutterfield.” Proposals received after

the Proposal Deadline will not be accepted by the City.

Proposal Deadline: August 3, 2018, no later than 4:00 p.m.

Location: City of Crescent City

Department of Public Works

377 J Street

Crescent City, CA 95531

Attn: Nacole Sutterfield

1.2 Tentative Schedule

The tentative schedule for the selection process is as follows:

RFQ/P Issued: July 6, 2018

RFQ/P Due: August 3, 2018

Pre-Proposal Meeting &Job Walk: July 20, 2018

Interviews: August 10, 2018

Anticipated Contract Authorized: August 20, 2018

1.3 Registration and Inquiries

Proposers must register with the City no later than July 16, 2018 to receive any amendments or

other communications regarding this RFQ/P. Proposers failing to register assume complete

responsibility in the event that amendments or other communications are issued. Only primary

proposers are responsible to register with the City. To register or make inquiries regarding this

RFQ/P, contact:

Nacole Sutterfield

Engineering Project Manager

Phone: 707 464 9506 x 229

Email: [email protected]

The following must be included if responding by email:

• Subject line must include “Water SCADA RFP”

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• Name of Company

• Contact Name

• Address

• Phone number

• Email address

1.4 Background

The City completed a SCADA installation for the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)

between 2006 and 2010. It is the City’s intent is to use that SCADA system as a technical base

for all future SCADA work in the City, to ensure uniformity across all City SCADA systems.

The future upgrades will be divided into two separate projects – Water System and Lift


The proposed SCADA HMI architecture takes all three systems into account for the total future

goal. This Project is focused strictly on the Water SCADA System, however, the end goal

must be considered so that any work completed acts as a stepping stone to achieving that final


This RFQ/P provides the conceptual design requirements for the Water SCADA System

upgrade in conjunction with the City SCADA Standards, enclosed, which provide details at a

high level. It is the proposer’s responsibility to become fully familiar with the state of the

WWTP SCADA System. The selected proposer will be responsible for this the water system to

provide a fully functional SCADA system with a similar user experience. All details are

conceptual and it will be the responsibility of the selected proposer to verify that the equipment

as specified will fit in the enclosed described cabinets and to provide the City with detailed

panel drawings depicting the future configuration of the existing panels.

1.5 Water SCADA System Current State

Crescent City currently has a Citect Explorer based SCADA system dating back to 1999 for the

water distribution system that incorporates Modicon TSX PLCs for control. The City’s water

system is comprised of the Ranney Collector, the Chlorine Building, five (5) pump stations,

five (5) storage tanks, and four (4) pressure monitoring sites. The Ranney Collector is the

source of water for the entire city and parts of the County. This source has been plentiful and

presented no cause for concern regarding supply for present or future needs. This system

currently monitors and/or controls the following water system functions:

• Three pumps at the Ranney Collector, for station on/off control only, but no automated


• Chlorine residual and flow rate monitoring at the Chlorine Building;

• Elevation level of the water in the Elevated Tank;

• Water elevation level in the Washington Tank and associated pump station operation; and

• Water elevation level in the Amador Tank and associated pump station operation.

The current water distribution system network is a serial based network operating on the

Modbus Plus protocol and utilizes a combination of tone-telemetry over leased telephone lines

and 453 MHz licensed radio for communication from the central SCADA node located at the

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corporation yard to remote water facilities. A Master PLC at the corporation yard controls all

communication with the remote facilities and it provides the data and command interface for

the SCADA HMI system. There is a corporate IT network at the Ranney Collector and the

Chlorine Building via a cable company media.

Refer to Appendix A for a Network Block Diagram of the existing system.

The following systems have no current connection to the central SCADA system: Wigley Tank

and Pump Station, Bertsch Oceanview Community Services Area Tank and Pump Station, and

the Church Tree Tank and Pump Station.

2.0 Proposed SCADA HMI Architecture

The proposed plan is to install all the Water System SCADA servers and communication equipment on

the second floor of the Crescent City Fire Hall located at 520 “I” Street. This should provide adequate

protection in the event of a tsunami since the building is above the flood level of past events. The

actual location of the Water SCADA System operator workstation is yet to be determined.

Communication will move from serial to ethernet I/P. The system will use segmented portions of the

existing City network to connect facilities. Those that do not have connection to the existing City

network will move to a “Leased Network” (cellular, telco, or cable) to the Fire Hall.

The following diagram shows the proposed core SCADA components:

The Water SCADA System servers will eventually become the core of the entire City Water

and Wastewater SCADA Systems. The existing WWTP SCADA System contains four (4)

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stand-alone PC systems that are joined to a workgroup rather than a domain.

The City SCADA System will be implemented in the following phased approach:

• Phase 1 Water System

• Phase 2 Collection System (21 sites) added to the City SCADA system servers

• Phase 3 Migrate the WWTP System onto the City SCADA system servers

3.0 Proposed SCADA PLC Architecture

The following subsections will identify the proposed PLC architecture for each facility. The primary

intent is to fit the replacement PLC into the existing enclosure. It will be the selected proposer’s

responsibility to verify that this is indeed possible and to document what other modifications may be

needed to accomplish this task.

Note: These proposed configurations follow the PLC Hardware Requirements section of the Standards

Document at the time of its development.

The following table shows a summary of the existing PLC details for each Water System facility and

the proposed replacement:

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Total Module

Points Points Wired


Type Total Module Points


Ranney Collector

Control Building TSX Compact 16 16 4 14 4 4


L3 16 16 0 8

Ranney Collector

Remote IO




16 8 Point IO 0 0 16 0

Chlorine Building TSX Compact 16 16 4 2 11 5 2 2 CompactLogix

L3 16 8 4 4

Elevated Tank




4 2 4 2 4 To Be


Booster Station TSX Compact 16 16 4 11 2 2 CompactLogix

L3 16 8 4 0

Northcrest Valve TSX

Momentum 4 2 4 2




10 6 6 0

Washington Tank &

Pumps TSX Compact 32 16 6 23 5 3


L3 32 16 8 0

Amador Tank &

Pumps TSX Compact 16 16 6 16 6 3


L3 16 16 8 0

Parkway Pressure




4 2 4 2 1




10 6 6 0

Mason Mall Pressure




4 2 4 2 1




10 6 6 0

Cooper Street Pressure




4 2 4 2 1




10 6 6 0

Pebble Beach Drive





4 2 4 2 1




10 6 6 0

Wigley Pump Station



CMC Modem








2 2 5 1


L3 8 8 4 0

Wigley Tank CMC Modem 2 2 2 2 1


Station (Elk Valley














1 2 5 1


L3 8 8 4 0

BOVCSD Water Tank




2 1 1

Church Tree Pump

Station None 2 1


L3 8 8 4 0

Church Tree Tank Float Switch 1

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3.1 Master Polling PLC

A new ControlLogix PLC will be the Master Polling PLC, to be located near the core SCADA

servers. This PLC will serve as the interface between the SCADA HMI system and the remote

facilities. It will control all communication to the remote facilities as well as control and

monitor communication watchdogs with each site. The following is the proposed Allen-

Bradley ControlLogix hardware configuration:

Part # Description

Chassis 1756-A7 Chassis, 7 slot




PA72 120/220V AC Power Supply

CPU 1756-

L72 Processor

Slot 1 1756-

EN2T Ethernet Communication Module (SCADA HMI communication)

Slot 2 1756-


Ethernet Communication Module (Water System Remote Site


Slot 3 1756-N2 Empty Slot Cover

Slot 4 1756-N2 Empty Slot Cover

Slot 5 1756-N2 Empty Slot Cover

Slot 6 1756-N2 Empty Slot Cover

3.2 Ranney Collector Control Building

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Compact PLC hardware is

426.8 mm (W) x 142 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley CompactLogix hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB

memory w/ supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module

Slot 3 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module




PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-

OF8C 8 Channel Analog Current Output Module (Single-Ended)

Slot 5

Slot 6

Slot 7


ECR Right End Cap Terminator

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The existing OIT will need to be replaced with an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7, refer to the

Standards for the appropriate size and part number. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

3.3 Ranney Collector RIO

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Momentum RIO hardware is

125 mm (W) x 124 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley Point IO hardware configuration:

Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

Adapter 1734-

AENT Ethernet/IP Communication Adapter

Slot 1 1734-

IE8C 8 Channel Analog Input Module, Current, Non-isolated

Slot 2 1734-

IE8C 8 Channel Analog Input Module, Current, Non-isolated

The existing serial communication cable to the Ranney Collector building, across the road, will

need to be replaced with a new fiber optic cable to provide ethernet communication between

the CompactLogix PLC and Point IO.

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3.4 Chlorine Building

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Compact PLC hardware is

426.8 mm (W) x 142 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley CompactLogix hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB

memory w/ supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module

Slot 3




PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-


4 Ind. Isolated Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module


Slot 5 1769-


4 Channel Analog Current Output Module, Individually Isolated


Slot 6

Slot 7


ECR Right End Cap Terminator

The existing OIT will need to be replaced with an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7, refer to the

Standards for the appropriate size and part number. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

3.5 Elevated Tank

The Elevated Tank is being replaced by the PRV project. Therefore, this conceptual design

does not recommend any PLC replacement. The contractor will design and install, in the new

PRV Building, a system that will control the pumps at the Ranney Collector and maintain a

consistent pressure throughout the system. This includes all software and hardware.

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3.6 Booster Station

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Compact PLC hardware is

213.4 mm (W) x 142 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley CompactLogix hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB

memory w/ supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module

Slot 3


Supply 1769-PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-IF4I 4 Ind. Isolated Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module


Slot 5

Slot 6

Slot 7

1769-ECR Right End Cap Terminator

3.7 Northcrest Valve

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Momentum PLC hardware is

125 mm (W) x 124 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100 hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1763-


Controller w/ Embedded IO, 10 DC Inputs, 6 Relay Outputs, 2 Analog

Voltage Inputs, AC Power

Slot 1 1762-IF4 4 Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module

Slot 2

Slot 3 Slot 4

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3.8 Washington Tank & Pumps

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Compact PLC hardware is

426.8 mm (W) x 142 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley CompactLogix hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB memory

w/ supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 3 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module


Supply 1769-PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module

Slot 5 1769-IF4I 4 Ind. Isolated Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module


Slot 6

Slot 7

1769-ECR Right End Cap Terminator

The existing OIT will need to be replaced with an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7, refer to the

Standards for the appropriate size and part number. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

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3.9 Amador Tank & Pumps

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Compact PLC hardware is

213.4 mm (W) x 142 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley CompactLogix hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB memory

w/ supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-

IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module

Slot 3 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module


Supply 1769-PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-IF4I 4 Ind. Isolated Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module


Slot 5

Slot 6

Slot 7

1769-ECR Right End Cap Terminator

The existing OIT will need to be replaced with an Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7, refer to the

Standards for the appropriate size and part number. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

3.10 Pressure Monitoring Sites

The estimated existing space requirements for the Modicon TSX Momentum PLC hardware is

258.6 mm (W) x 179 mm (H) on the enclosure back plate. This should be sufficient space to

replace the existing PLC with the following Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1100 hardware


Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1763-


Controller w/ Embedded IO, 10 DC Inputs, 6 Relay Outputs, 2 Analog

Voltage Inputs, AC Power

Slot 1 1762-IF4 4 Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module

Slot 2

Slot 3 Slot 4

The MicroLogix 1100 and expansion module will require the removal of the existing Modicon

TSX Momentum PLC and the Siemens power supply in the upper right-hand corner of the

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enclosure. A 24 Vdc power supply will be needed to supply power to the pressure transmitter

for the analog input signal.

This solution will be installed at all the Pressure Monitoring sites:

• Parkway

• Mason Mall

• Cooper Street

• Pebble Beach Drive

3.11 Wigley Pump Station

Currently, this site has no communication to the existing SCADA system. Communication

capabilities to the Water SCADA System will need to be added.

The site does communicate with the Wigley Tank to get the tank level analog input via a

hardwired CMC modem. A pressure switch is also wired into the pump control circuit to

ensure that there is enough suction pressure to the pump. A separate enclosure to house the

new CompactLogix PLC will need to be designed and installed to interface with the existing

control panel to obtain the tank level and pump controls.

Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1763-


Controller w/ Embedded IO, 10 DC Inputs, 6 Relay Outputs, 2 Analog

Voltage Inputs, AC Power

Slot 1 1762-IF4 4 Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module

Slot 2

Slot 3 Slot 4

An Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7 will need to be installed as an OIT for an operator to view

process data and adjust setpoints for the pump controls. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

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3.12 BOVCSD Pump Station (Elk Valley Road)

Currently, this site has no communication to the existing SCADA system. Communication

capabilities to the water SCADA system will need to be added.

The site does communicate with the BOVCSD Tank to get the tank level analog input via a

radio interface. A pressure switch is also wired into the pump control circuit to ensure that

there is enough suction pressure to the pump. A separate enclosure to house the new

CompactLogix PLC will need to be designed and installed to interface with the existing control

panel to obtain the tank level and pump controls.

Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1769-


CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, 2 Ethernet/IP ports, 1MB memory w/

supercap backup

Slot 1 1769-IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module

Slot 2

Slot 3 1769-

OW8I 8 Point Relay Individually Isolated Output Module


Supply 1769-PA2 120/220V AC Power Supply (5V @ 2 Amp)

Slot 4 1769-IF4I 4 Ind. Isolated Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module


Slot 5

Slot 6

Slot 7

1769-ECR Right End Cap Terminator

An Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7 will need to be installed as an OIT for an operator to view

process data and adjust setpoints for the pump controls. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

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3.13 Church Tree Pump Station

Currently, this site has no communication to the existing SCADA system. Communication

capabilities to the Water SCADA System will need to be added.

The Church Tree Tank float switch is wired directly to this site to provide start/stop control for

one of the two pumps at this location. A pressure switch is also wired into the pump control

circuit to ensure that there is enough suction pressure to the pump. A separate enclosure to

house the new CompactLogix PLC will need to be designed and installed to interface with the

existing control panel to obtain the tank level and pump controls.

Part # Description

Chassis DIN Rail

CPU 1763-


Controller w/ Embedded IO, 10 DC Inputs, 6 Relay Outputs, 2 Analog

Voltage Inputs, AC Power

Slot 1 1762-IF4 4 Channel Analog Voltage/Current Input Module

Slot 2

Slot 3 Slot 4

An Allen-Bradley PanelView Plus 7 will need to be installed as an OIT for an operator to view

process data and adjust setpoints for the pump controls. Programming of the OIT will be the

responsibility of the vendor. Control and monitoring functions on the PanelView Plus should

mimic the functionality provided at the HMI level.

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4.0 Process Control Narratives

The selected proposer will be responsible for the development and documentation of Process Control

Narratives (PCNs) for the system. This will be accomplished by working closely with the City to

determine what changes are required of the existing system operation and reverse engineering of the

existing Modicon TSX PLCs, including fault tolerance to the existing system.

The following is a preliminary list of some of the anticipated modifications to the existing system:

• Controllable devices will be given a preset time limit within which a normal remote operation

should have been completed. If the operation is not completed within the preset time limit, an

alarm will be generated and shown on the HMI and logged. If the operation failure is due to a

control system or communication malfunction, different messages will be shown and logged.

For a successful operation, confirmation messages will be shown on the HMI and logged.

• After selecting the appropriate menu action, the control request and the point selection will be

automatically reset such that additional supervisory control commands can be selected.

• A control point selection will be cancelled when:

o Another new point has been selected after the point selection

o The desired action on the selected point has been taken

o An invalid operator action is performed after point selection. The system shall display a

text message informing the operator of the invalid action.

o If a control point has been selected, action such as paging or new display call up shall

be allowed and is considered an implied cancel so no operator error message is


o A predefined amount of time has elapsed without any operator action.

• All Control Pop Up displays must be movable on the graphic display by simply selecting the

pop up via the pointing device and dragging it.

• Placing and removing IN SERVICE or OUT OF SERVICE flags will be a matter of simply

selecting the choice in the popup display and clicking the mouse.

• The OUT OF SERVICE feature will be provided on an individual device basis. When an

individual device is OUT OF SERVICE, it must not be processed by the data acquisition

function for the alarm system. This may or may not be coupled with the operator overriding a

value. Upon IN SERVICE, the data processing for alarming functionality will resume for the

individual device.

• All appropriate displays will show the value of the device when it was out of service.

• All OUT OF SERVICE points will be displayed on a summary display for monitoring and


• User should be able to determine that a piece of equipment is out of service by a graphical


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5.0 Scope of Services

The City is responsible for the design, procurement and configuration of the wide area network. Per

the Standards, the City will also provide the SCADA servers with Windows OS and Hyper-V. The

Standards will dictate the design and implementation requirements.

The selected proposer (“Contractor”) will be responsible for the design, procurement, and installation

of the following:

1. Provide recommended hardware specifications for SCADA servers;

2. Server/network enclosures complete with backup power (UPS) and utility power;

3. Design, furnish and install all local area network devices including structured cabling;

4. Procure all SCADA workstations and configure;

5. Configure SCADA servers;

6. Configure all SCADA software application programs including Factory Talk, etc.;

7. Design, furnish and install all control panel modifications required including new

programmable logic controllers and Operator Interface Terminals;

8. Configure OITs to provide the same level of monitoring and control functions as the HMI, to

view the entire system from any OIT;

9. Develop process control narratives with the support of City staff;

10. Develop detailed design drawings for all construction work including local area networks,

server enclosures, control panels, etc.;

11. All submittals will follow the guidelines identified in the Standards Section 6;

12. Provide system testing as defined in the Standards Section 7;

13. Provide as-built drawings, O&M manuals, programming and training guides;

14. Provide City staff training on all software application programs developed including, but not

limited to the HMI and PLC programs. Provide training on all hardware components

installed as part of this contract including maintenance and troubleshooting activities. All

training will follow the guidelines identified in the Standards Section 8; and

15. Provide 12 months of warranty support following substantial completion.

16. Evaluate, with City Staff, sites (if any) requiring redundant/failover communication. Propose

as an optional item if required.

6.0 Schedule

After the Notice to Proceed the Contractor will have 280 calendar days to complete the Project as

described above. The Contractor shall hold a formal meeting with the City after they have investigated

thoroughly all of the existing water facilities and devised a plan and schedule to implement the work

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outlined above. In that meeting, the City and the Contractor shall decide on other meetings, on a

regular schedule or at key points in the development process, where formal decisions will be made.

7.0 Proposal Content

Consideration by the City is contingent upon the submission of the mandatory information identified in

this paragraph. Failure to include any information or to complete any form listed or referenced in this

RFQ/P could result in the rejection of the proposal without further consideration by the City.

Additional and supplemental information may be submitted in so far as it pertains and clarifies the data

sought by this RFQ/P. All information required by the RFQ/P must be completely and fully provided.

If the City determines that any information provided in the proposal is false or misleading the City will

reject the Proposal.

For ease of review and to facilitate evaluation, each proposal submitted for this Project must be

organized in order as follows:

7.1 Cover Page

The cover page must indicate the name of the firm or association and the Project title.

7.2 Cover Letter

The cover letter should provide a brief introduction including the name and address of the

proposing firm and the name, title, address, telephone number and fax number of the person(s)

authorized to represent the firm. The name of the person who will serve as the Proposer’s

Project Manager or Project Engineer must also be included. The letter must be signed by an

officer of the firm who is authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made for this Project.

7.3 Organization of Firm

The letter must include the following details concerning the legal organization of the firm:

A. Information pertaining to the structure and organization of the firm, including the name

of the sole proprietor, or, if a corporation, partnership, or joint venture, the names of all

individuals and firms which constitute the corporation, partnership, or joint venture.

B. Specific information concerning the firm, including the firm size, number and type of

professional staff, number of years in the business and the location where the work will

be performed.

C. If two or more firms are involved in an association or a joint venture for this Project,

provide information concerning past associations and outline the working relationship

for this Project between the firms, e.g., indicate where management responsibility

resides and where quality control, design, and production coordination will be


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7.4 Relevant Experience

The letter must include the following details concerning the relevant experience of the firm:

A. A statement of qualifications and illustrations of your firm’s relevant projects.

B. Specific information concerning your firm’s experience, and that of your sub-

consultants, in hardware and software development, design, installation and


C. In each case, provide pertinent data, including projects of similar size where similar

services were provided.

7.5 Staffing Plan and Task Approach

The proposal must include a detailed staffing plan and task outline of how the proposer will

accomplish the Scope of Services as set forth in this RFQ/P. The proposal must indicate

deliverables or results for each major task. The proposal must also describe the methodology,

approach, techniques, schedules and other pertinent information to enable the City to clearly

understand how the proposer intends to perform the required services.

7.6 Key Personnel

The proposal must provide the name(s) of all personnel who will be specifically assigned to

this Project and indicate the amount of time each person will spend on each of the major tasks

outlined in the Scope of Services. Identify the roles of each person assigned and provide a

summary of their relevant experience in these roles, especially as relates to SCADA hardware

and software design. Provide background information for each person assigned to this Project,

including years with the firm, their discipline, California License numbers, and attached a

resume for each.

7.7 References

Proposer must provide a minimum of three (3) references for similar projects for the proposer

firm and each of the key personnel identified in the proposal. Each reference must include

a telephone number and the name of a key contact person.

7.8 Fee Proposal, Staffing Plan, Hourly Rates and Reimbursable Cost Schedule

for the Scope of Basic Services

In a separate sealed envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL FEE PROPOSAL OF [NAME OF

PROPOSER]”, submit the following (which will be utilized in the negotiations with the

successful proposer):

1. Fee proposal: provide a detailed breakdown by each location including hardware,

software, labor, and discipline with the hourly rate of personnel to be assigned to the


2. Not to exceed fee.

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8.0 Evaluation Criteria

All proposals will be evaluated and receive a numerical score based upon the following criteria and

associated maximum points:

1. Qualifications based on overall professional and practical 30 pts

experience of firm, key personnel (provide references),

hardware, software development and design.

2. Project implementation/approach, including the ability to 20 pts

perform, ability to complete the Project on time and within

budget, and experience and availability of key personnel.

3. Experience and availability of SCADA hardware and software 25 pts

development firm to be available for emergency repairs and

upgrades as required by the City of Crescent City.

4. Proposed schedule for performance of Scope of Services. 10 pts

5. Budget 15 pts

TOTAL 100 pts

9.0 Selection, Negotiation of Fee, and Engagement Process

The City will review all Proposals initially to verify that the Proposers and Proposals meet the mandatory

requirements set forth in this RFP and that the Proposals are responsive to the RFP. After determining

the firms that meet the mandatory requirements and whose Proposals are responsive, the firms will

receive a preliminary score/ranking.

The City reserves the right to request additional information which, in the City’s opinion, is necessary

to evaluate whether a Proposer’s qualifications, experience, number of qualified employees, business

organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform the Services required for the Project.

The City will require highest 3 to 5 ranked firms, including key personnel, to make an oral presentation

to and answer questions from members of the selection committee. The proposed format for the

interview will include an opportunity for a short introduction and statement of qualifications of the firm

and key personnel, a discussion of the firm’s Project approach and implementation, a short question-

and-answer period, and any closing remarks.

Upon completion of the interviews and verification of references, the highest ranked proposer, based on

the interviews, will be invited to open negotiations for a Professional Services Contract. The City will

attempt to negotiate a mutually agreeable professional services agreement with the most qualified firm.

Fee and hourly rate information will be used for discussion purposes and will not be disclosed to other


In the event the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm considered most qualified,

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negotiations with that firm shall be formally terminated. The City shall then undertake negotiations with

the second most qualified firm. Failing to reach accord with the second most qualified firm, the City

shall terminate negotiations and commence negotiations with the third most qualified firm. Should the

City be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with any of the top three qualified firms, the City shall

select additional firms in order of their competence and qualifications and continue negotiations, or take

whatever other actions are deemed to be in the best interest of the City. Upon reaching a satisfactory

agreement, a recommendation will be made to the City Council for award of the contract.

After award of the contract by the City Council, the City will tender the executed Agreement to the


The selected firm shall commence services upon receipt of City’s written Notice to Proceed.

The City reserves the right to select the firm, which in the City’s sole judgment, best meets the needs of

the City. The City reserves the right to add or remove any portion of the Project.

10.0 Disputes Relating to the Proposal Selection Process

In the event of a dispute concerning the selection process, the party wishing resolution shall submit, in

writing, a protest letter to the City Manager. The protest must be received within three (3) business days

after notification of the staff’s recommendation of a firm to perform the work requested under this

Request for Qualifications and Proposal. The protest letter shall state the nature of the issue and the

relief sought. If the issue cannot be resolved by the City Manager, the matter can be appealed to the City

Council within three (3) business days after the City Manager’s decision. All disputes and/or appeals

must be submitted to:

Eric Wier, City Manager

377 J Street

Crescent City, CA 95531

11.0 Insurance Requirements

Evidence of coverage for the following insurance coverages and Certificates of Insurance naming the

City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers as additional insureds must

be delivered to the City prior to the commencement of work.

A. Worker’s Compensation Insurance must be maintained by Proposer for the duration of the

Project in an amount as required by the State of California. Said policy shall also include

employer’s liability coverage no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per accident for

bodily injury and disease.

B. General Liability Insurance must be maintained by Proposer for the duration of the Project in

the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal

injury, and property damage. Said insurance shall name the City, its elected and appointed

officials, employees, agents and volunteers as additional insured.

C. Automobile Liability Insurance must be maintained by Proposer for the duration of the Project

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in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury

and property damage. Said insurance shall name the City, its elected and appointed officials,

employees, agents and volunteers as additional insured.

D. Professional Liability Insurance must be maintained by Proposer for the duration of the Project

for any loss arising out of errors, omissions or negligent actions of the selected Proposer and in

an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and two million

dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate.

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APPENDIX A – Network Block Diagram - Existing

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APRIL 2017 I-0001 0







Master PLCTSX Compact


ModemElevated Tank

BlackBox DB-8/25Data Broadcast

ModemPebble Beach

BlackBox DB-8/25Data Broadcast

ModemRanney Collector

453 MHzMaster Radio


Booster #1










Mason Mall




ModemSCADAlarm Call-out




Corporation Yard

Cold Standby HMI


Leased Telco Line




LogMeIn / SplashTop


Remote User

ModemLift Station

OPS Node 1

ModemVerbatim Call-out


OPS Node 3

Leased Telco Line


IT Firewall


OPS Node 2 Alarm Printer

Report Printer


Hardwired I/O


· Olive · Hodge· Roy· Tetrapod · Pacific · Modoc· Small· Cronk· Pebble Beach · Oregon· Burtschell · Tedson · Madison· Seawood· Breen· Walmart· Infirmary

· Harbor


RACO ALARM AGENTMonotronix Annunciator Panel



Common Hardwired Alarm Point


Hardwired I/O

Elk Valley Lift Station



IT FirewallIT Radio

IT Switch

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APPENDIX B – Network Block Diagram - Future

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Control Level (Water)










Conceptual Design


APRIL 2017 I-0003 0







Kelly Pennington


Cellular ModemChlorine

Cellular ModemElevated Tank

Cellular ModemPebble Beach

Cellular ModemRanney Collector

ModemAlarm Call-out

Server Location 1 (Corporation Yard Or Firehouse)

Water Client (Typical)

TELCO, Email, or SMS






Remote User


· Olive · Hodge· Roy· Tetrapod · Pacific · Modoc· Small· Cronk· Pebble Beach · Oregon· Burtschell · Tedson · Madison· Seawood· Breen· Walmart· Infirmary· Harbor· Elk Valley· Northcrest· Harbor Seafood



Cellular Modem


Lift Station



IT Radio

1. Transition from a local directory to a networked Factory Talk Directory.2. (Future Project) Install cellular modems (or other leased service) at liftstations with Compact Logix PLCs.3. Install cellular modems (or other leased service) at Water Sites with Compact Logix PLCs.4. Addition of core SCADA network and server system. Additional components can be added here such as reporting systems.5. Can use multiple providers to add a level of redundancy and operational conveinience.6. IT on separate firewall port of SCADA is not put on a separate firewall system.7. Continue remote access use through IT or look to add enterprise firewall with remote VPN access to remove reliance on 3rd party solution.


AD Domain Controller 1

Central HMI / AlarmServer



IT NetworkServices


Cellular ModemWigley P.S. & Tank

Cellular ModemElk Valley P.S. &


Cellular ModemChurchtree P.S. & Tank



Can backhaul Mobile-to-Mobile in lieu of wired backhaul

Cellular ModemBooster #1

Cellular ModemNorthcrest Valve

Cellular ModemAmador

Cellular ModemWashington

Cellular ModemParkway

Cellular ModemMason Mall

Cellular ModemCooper


· HMI Server· RSLinx Classic/Enterprise· FT Alarm Server· FT Activation Client· FTLD (Historian Buffer Node)

SCADA Server 1

NTP Server (GPS) Remote Access Gateway



SCADA Switch

FT LicenseServer


Cellular ModemControl

Cellular Modem/Router

Cellular LeasedNetwork

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1. Crescent City SCADA Standards

2. Standard Consultant Agreement