City Council City of Hillsboro, Texas Minutes of Regular Meeting December 18, 2018 Present: Edith Turner Omberg, Mayor Frank Johnson, City Manager Eric Fleming, Councilmember Tony Cain, Asst. City Manager Dana Robinson, Councilmember Jerry Barker, Comm. Dev. Director Frances Zarate, Councilmember Richard Reinhardt, Planning Technician David Skelton, Councilmember Melissa Boyle, Dir. of Finance/ HR Scott Johnson, Councilmember Lauralee Vallon, City Attorney Christi Ward, Admin Asst. to City Secretary Mayor Pro Tern Andy Smith was absent. Mayor Omberg called the meeting to order at 6: 00 p. m. The Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Clark of Walnut Street Baptist Church, Hillsboro. Councilmember Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Hear Statements from Persons Wishing to Address the Council. No one addressed Council at this time. Consent Agenda Deliberate and Act on the Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on December 4, 2018. Deliberate and Act on the Approval of Bills. On motion by Councilmember Robinson and second by Councilmember Zarate the consent agenda was approved. On roll call the following votes were cast: Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, Johnson Nays: None Absent: Smith Regular Agenda Hold a Public Hearing, Second Reading, and Deliberate and Act on a Proposed Ordinance Accepting the Recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission to Rezone Property Bounded by Corsicana Highway on the South, Coke Street on the East, Park Drive on the North and Boone Street on the West From Single Family Residential ( SF- 5) to Restricted Neighborhood Commercial ( RNC). Community Development Director Jerry Barker had informed Council that the City had requests for rezoning from Single Family Residential ( SF- 5) to Commercial ( C) at 1309 and 1311 Corsicana Highway in 2009 and at 1320 Park Drive in 2017. These requests were denied since they failed to meet the recommendations of the City' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Future Land Use Map. For informational purposes, the following information was provided for Council in their packets prior to the meeting. " This prompted workshops which were held on October 24, 2017 and March 27, 2018, along with Town Hall meetings which were held on May 22, 2018 and June 19, 2018. The Planning and Zoning Commission was in attendance at the Town Hall meetings, Hillsboro City Council— Regular Meeting December 18, 2018 Page 1 of 6

City Council City of Hillsboro, Texas Minutes ofRegular ... Minutes... · 12/18/2018  · City Council City of Hillsboro, Texas Minutes ofRegular Meeting December 18, 2018 Present:

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City CouncilCity of Hillsboro, Texas

Minutes of Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018


Edith Turner Omberg, Mayor Frank Johnson, City ManagerEric Fleming, Councilmember Tony Cain, Asst. City ManagerDana Robinson, Councilmember Jerry Barker, Comm. Dev. DirectorFrances Zarate, Councilmember Richard Reinhardt, Planning TechnicianDavid Skelton, Councilmember Melissa Boyle, Dir. of Finance/ HR

Scott Johnson, Councilmember Lauralee Vallon, City AttorneyChristi Ward, Admin Asst. to City Secretary

Mayor Pro Tern Andy Smith was absent.

Mayor Omberg called the meeting to order at 6: 00 p.m.

The Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Clark of Walnut Street Baptist Church, Hillsboro.

Councilmember Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Hear Statements from Persons Wishing to Address the Council.No one addressed Council at this time.

Consent Agenda

Deliberate and Act on the Approval of the Minutes for the Regular Meeting on December 4,2018.

Deliberate and Act on the Approval of Bills.

On motion by Councilmember Robinson and second by Councilmember Zarate the consentagenda was approved.

On roll call the following votes were cast:Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, JohnsonNays: None Absent: Smith

Regular Agenda

Hold a Public Hearing, Second Reading, and Deliberate and Act on a Proposed OrdinanceAccepting the Recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission to Rezone PropertyBounded by Corsicana Highway on the South, Coke Street on the East, Park Drive on theNorth and Boone Street on the West From Single Family Residential ( SF- 5) to RestrictedNeighborhood Commercial ( RNC).

Community Development Director Jerry Barker had informed Council that the City had requestsfor rezoning from Single Family Residential ( SF- 5) to Commercial ( C) at 1309 and 1311

Corsicana Highway in 2009 and at 1320 Park Drive in 2017. These requests were denied sincethey failed to meet the recommendations of the City' s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and FutureLand Use Map.For informational purposes, the following information was provided for Council in their packets

prior to the meeting. " This prompted workshops which were held on October 24, 2017 and

March 27, 2018, along with Town Hall meetings which were held on May 22, 2018 and June 19,2018. The Planning and Zoning Commission was in attendance at the Town Hall meetings,Hillsboro City Council— Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018 Page 1 of 6

whereby interested citizens had an opportunity to be heard concerning review and discussion ofthe existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Thoroughfare Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, andthe Zoning Map for the City with discussions of amending those plans in order to accommodate anew transitional zone that would allow less intense commercial uses while remaining compatiblewith neighboring residential districts and uses.The Restricted Neighborhood Commercial ( RNC) Zoning District was proposed. The Counciltabled this action at the July 17, 2018 meeting and requested a workshop. On July 31, 2018, aworkshop was conducted. Following the workshop, Council acknowledged support of the RNCZoning District and asked for it to be placed on the September 4, 2018 agenda. Then on

September 18, 2018, the Restricted Neighborhood Commercial ( RNC) Zoning District wascreated by Ordinance No. 02018- 09- 07.The next step in the process was to amend and update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan andThoroughfare Plan in order to incorporate the newly created transitional zoning district into thefuture land use plan for the City. On November 6, 2018 the Comprehensive Land Use Plan andThoroughfare Plan was updated by Ordinance No. 2018- 11- 09."]According to Mr. Barker, the final step was to apply the newly created transitional zoning districtto an appropriate location. With the update of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the propertybounded by Corsicana Highway on the South, Coke Street on the East, Park Drive on the Northand South Boone Street on the West was now being recommended for transitional uses.Mr. Barker said this matter was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at their regularmeeting, which was held on November 26, 2018. The Commission forwarded their

recommendation to the City Council to approve rezoning the properties bounded by CorsicanaHighway on the South, Coke Street on the East, Park Drive on the North and South Boone Streeton the West from Single Family Residential ( SF- 5) to Restricted Neighborhood Commercial


With no further questions or comments from the Councilmembers, the Mayor opened the Public

Hearing at 6: 06 p. m. Rico Reyes asked if the city had plans to extend to Restricted NeighborhoodCommercial (RNC) Zoning District further west. Mr. Barker stated that the city would continue tomonitor the area. The Public Hearing was closed at 6: 07 p. m. and the Mayor declared the secondreading of the ordinance completed. The first reading of the ordinance was held at the December4, 2018 Council Meeting.On motion by Councilmember Robinson and second by Councilmember Fleming, the ordinancewas approved.

On roll call the following votes were cast:Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, JohnsonNays: None Absent: Smith

Ordinance No. 02018-12-10

Hold a Public Hearing, Second Reading and Deliberate and Act on a Proposed OrdinanceChanging the Date of the Regular Meeting of the Hillsboro City Council Scheduled forTuesday January 1, 2019 ( Holiday) to Tuesday, January 8, 2019 and the Regular MeetingScheduled for January 15, 2019 Will Not Change.City Manager Frank Johnson said according to the City Charter Section 3. 09 — Meetings of the

Council: " The Council shall hold at least two regular meetings each month and as manyadditional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City and its citizens. TheCouncil shall fix, by ordinance, the days and time of the regular meetings."Due to the holiday schedule, city offices will be closed on Tuesday, January 1, 2019. The

proposed ordinance would change the date of the Regular City Council Meeting scheduled forTuesday, January 1, 2019 to Tuesday, January 8, 2019. The Regular City Council Meeting

Hillsboro City Council— Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018 Page 2 of 6

scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2019 would not change. ( The February schedule would not bealtered.)

With no further questions or comments from the Councilmembers, the Mayor opened the Public

Hearing at 6: 08 p. m. and no one spoke for or against the proposed ordinance. The Public Hearingwas closed at 6: 09 p. m. and the Mayor declared the second reading of the ordinance completed.The first reading of the ordinance was held at the December 4, 2018 Council Meeting.On motion by Councilmember Skelton and second by Councilmember Johnson, the ordinancewas approved.

On roll call the following votes were cast:Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, JohnsonNays: None Absent: Smith

Ordinance No. 02018- 12- 11

Deliberate and Act on an Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of City of Hillsboro,Texas, Combination Tax and Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019;

Levying an Annual Ad Valorem Tax; Pledging Certain Net Revenues; Providing anEffective Date; and Authorizing and Enacting Other Matters and Provisions Relating to theSubject.

According to Mr. Johnson, this ordinance would authorize the issuance of $ 3, 130, 000 in

Certificates of Obligation for the financing of the construction of the new water tower in theIndustrial Park, a booster pump station, and related water line improvements. The term of the

Certificates of Obligation would be 20 years. The interest would be 0. 730% in 2020 and wouldincrease in approximately equal increments over the life of the loan to 2. 140% in 2039. Annual

payments would range from $ 140, 000 in the early years of the loan to $ 185, 000 in the final year.

Funding for payments on the loan would come from an increase in water rates. Mr. Johnson

introduced Johnathan Cranz from Kelly Hart Attorneys out of Fort Worth, Texas and AdamLancarte with Hilltop Securities out of Fort Worth. They were both on hand if the council hadquestions.

On motion by Councilmember Robinson and second by Councilmember Fleming, the ordinancewas approved.

On roll call the following votes were cast:Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, JohnsonNays: None Absent: Smith

Ordinance No. 02018- 12- 12

Hold a Public Hearing, First Reading, and Deliberate on a Proposed Ordinance AmendingChapter 13, Utilities, Article 13. 200, Rates and Charges, Section 13. 202, Deposits,

Connection and Transfer Fees for Water Service, and Section 13. 207, Rate Schedule for

Water Usage; and Repealing All Ordinances or Parts of Ordinances in Conflict Herewith;Containing a Severability Clause; and Providing for Publication and an Effective Date.According to Mr. Johnson, this ordinance would authorize a water rate increase of less than 3%.

This increase would proportionately affect those who use more water. Due to the city doing awaywith the brush charge from Republic Services, this would give citizens a $ 3. 10 reduction in the

monthly bill. The state requires the city to have a Water Conservation Plan approved by the state.The following tables show the rate increase for both residential and commercial consumers.

Hillsboro City Council— Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018 Page 3 of 6


With Proposed Changes to Refuse

Gallons Used # Customers Proposed Current Difference % Increase

2, 000 924 78. 99 80. 23 1. 24) - 1. 55%

2, 500 159 82.06 82. 97 0. 91) - 1. 09%

3, 000 192 85. 13 85. 71 0. 58) - 0. 67%

3, 500 167 88. 20 88. 45 0. 25) - 0. 28%

4, 000 182 91. 27 91. 19 0. 08 0. 09%

5, 000 265 97. 91 96. 67 1. 24 1. 29%

6, 000 199 104. 55 102. 15 2. 40 2. 35%

7, 000 124 111. 19 107. 63 3. 56 3. 31%

8, 000 102 117. 83 113. 11 4. 72 4. 18%

9, 000 51 124. 47 118. 59 5. 88 4. 96%

10, 000 41 131. 11 124. 07 7. 04 5. 68%

15, 000 74 159.49 150. 30 9. 19 6. 12%

20, 000 28 182. 49 171. 15 11. 34 6. 63%

25, 000 10 205. 49 192. 00 13. 49 7. 03%

30, 000 8 228. 49 212. 85 15. 64 7. 35%

Number of customers from November 2017 usuageProposed Changes to Refuse

Removal of brush surcharge and corresponding service

Additional fees for recyclingPotential savings to customer of Si. 24 per month


With Refuse

Gallons Used # Customers Proposed Current Difference % Increase

2. 000 330 86. 19 86. 19 0. 00%

3. 000 41 92. 98 92. 28 0. 70 0.76%

4.000 28 99. 77 98. 37 1. 40 1. 42%

5, 000 26 106. 81 104. 46 2. 35 2. 25%

6, 400 14 113. 85 110. 55 3. 30 2. 99%

7. 000 10 120. 89 116. 64 4. 25 3. 64%

8, 000 8 127. 93 122. 73 5. 20 4. 24%

9. 000 8 134. 97 128. 82 6. 15 4. 77%

10.000 9 142. 01 134. 91 7. 10 5. 26%

20. 000 38 192. 89 174. 29 18. 60 10. 67%

30. 000 23 265. 29 235. 19 30. 10 12. 80%

40. 000 18 337. 69 296.09 41. 60 14. 05%

50. 000 9 410. 09 356. 99 53. 10 14. 87%

60. 000 5 482.49 417.89 64. 60 15. 46%

70. 000 8 554. 89 478. 79 76. 10 15. 89%

80. 000 5 627. 29 539. 69 87. 60 16. 23%

90. 000 6 699. 69 600. 59 99. 10 16. 50%

100, 000 3 772. 09 661. 49 110. 60 16. 72%

120.000 9 916. 89 783. 29 133.60 17. 06%

140. 000 8 1, 034. 79 878. 19 156.60 17. 83%

160. 000 6 1, 206. 49 1, 026. 89 179. 60 17. 49%

180. 000 3 1, 351. 29 1, 148. 69 202. 60 17. 64%

200.000 7 1, 496. 09 1, 270. 49 225. 60 17. 76%

Number of customers from November 2017 usuage

Governmental entities will be exempt from the fourth tier rates

Hillsboro City Council- Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018 Page 4 of 6

Rates for 8" and 10" water meters have been included in the ordinance as well as deposit amountsfor meters of those sizes. There were no changes to the sewer rates for either residential orcommercial consumers. Councilmember Robinson asked if the water pressure would improvewith the installation of the new water tower. Mr. Johnson stated the water consumers that getwater from the downtown tower and the current industrial park tower would see some increase inwater pressure. Mayor Omberg asked for clarification on how the new brush pickup would work.With no further questions or comments from the Councilmembers, the Mayor opened the PublicHearing at 6: 30 p. m. Kathy Pryor asked for clarification on how the rates were calculated. RicoReyes questioned the process of how the city went about getting the interest rates on the newindustrial park tower project. The Public Hearing was closed at 6:45 p.m. and the Mayor declaredthe first reading of the ordinance completed. The final reading on the ordinance would be held atthe January 8, 2019 Council meeting.Proposed Ordinance No. 02019- 01- 01

Deliberate and Act on a Resolution Approving a Contract By and Between the City ofHillsboro, Texas and Norman Alston Architects to Provide Architectural Services for theLocal History and Genealogy Library and; Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate andExecute All Necessary Documents.Mr. Johnson said he and the City Attorney had worked out the agreement with Norman AlstonArchitects for the architectural services related to the design and construction of the Local Historyand Genealogy Library on the second floor of Historic City Hall and related improvements on theground floor for access and structural upgrades. It was noted that compensation for thearchitectural services would be $ 65, 500.

On motion by Councilmember Skelton and second by Councilmember Zarate, the resolution wasapproved.

On roll call the following votes were cast:Ayes: Fleming, Robinson, Zarate, Skelton, JohnsonNays: None Absent: Smith

Resolution No. R2018- 12-46

Hear and Deliberate on City Manager' s Report on:a) Street Improvements — The contractor began work on Old Brandon Road but, there were

issues with the material. Walter Garcia pulled them off the project until the issue with thematerials could be resolved. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Garcia would be meeting with theowner this week to discuss the situation. He added that the project might need to wait until

the weather gets warmer in the spring.b) Main Street— Chris Moore has begun work on the Fire and Ice event in February.c) Community Appearance — Due to Mr. Johnson being out of town this week, he had no

information to report.

d) Local History and Genealogy Library and Building for Antique Fire Engines — There

was no information to report.

e) Holiday Schedule— City Offices Closed December 24 and 25, 2018 and January 1, 2019.

Hillsboro City Council— Regular MeetingDecember 18, 2018 Page 5 of 6

Hold a Closed Session Under the Provisions of Section 551. 072 of Government CodeDeliberations Regarding Real Property) and Section 551. 087 of Government Code

Deliberations Regarding Economic Development), Regarding Discussions ConcerningProject 04/ 10.

The Mayor announced the City Council would begin its Executive Session at 7: 09 p. m. with allCouncilmembers present except Mayor Pro Tern Andy Smith. This closed session ended at 7: 47p.m.

Reconvene in Open Session.

The Council reconvened at 7: 48 p. m. with all Councilmembers present except Mayor Pro TemAndy Smith.

Deliberate and Act on Matters Discussed in the Executive Session, if Any.No action was taken after the closed session.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7: 49 p. m.


Edith Turner Omberg, ayor /


Christi Ward, Admin. Asst. to the City Secretary

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