A7 7 AI 013 CITY COLL N4EW YORK£ AQUISITON IMAGE A- -A'A COMPRESSON . U/ 1 APR 81 0L SC.ILLING, G EICHMANN AFOSP-77-3217 Ehmhmhhhhhh5h74hFOR-p-l-53 l ONE] mmhhh L~Imhhh

CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

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Page 1: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



Ehmhmhhhhhh5h74hFOR-p-l-53 l

ONE] mmhhhL~Imhhh

Page 2: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

&oSa.TR. 8 1-0 5-36


Final Scientific Report - 5137-4

March 1, 1977 - February 28, 1981


Bolling Air Force Base

I. Washington, D. C. 20332

Donald L. Schilling George Eichmann

Professor Professor

Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator



" r~ c, ?n" ", ::. T I7 Y3 QUALTTY PRACTTCANL1" -t_. Z ;Vi 1 ... EO DDC C NTAIN A




Approved for pubile release:

distribution unlimlted.

s8 7 06 009| a i • ii i i t I I . .. .. . ...

Page 3: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



Page 4: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

CU ItI L I" fi

R ~T U 0CJU f/, I N

ACQ~UISITION, IMXAGE AND) DATA CMIiIN- Te ,1977 - tub. 22 , 1')8

C T. R 1 ~CT O R C -1

4 , T WVL)11t

Coo g~j~ehman p/A1-OSR.77-'K17


City College of New York 6102F F-

New York, N. Y. 100"'1 1 (/7 C1CONTROLLING OF FICE NAME AND AOGRESS 1 2. rIrroIT CA

Air Force Office of Scientific -sarcl pi ~ 13

B~olling, A P13, Washington, DJ. C.* 2034 1 3 l.II I F 1OF PACC S

, (.O I GAGEt4CY~jA & 1L~ i dlI , ,p, -, 0 011- 5. SECLI 1TY CL.A S. 1-1 '!-1- ,,,


16. OISTflIOUTIGFi STATEMENT (oflhl hi. lpoiI


17. DISTITIOUTIOCI ST \TEIJN o h bl" aiIo dinPock I-~7 ~Ii~-.elp


~.KEY WOMDS (Con.,. - , . 1 *do It o.c .... v .1d IdIflIy by -- b-)

Sprea.d SPC tlin m , rVI :Itiple Access, Optical '1r;men.for n, , A C(ju i~ itiOlI , I )- ta

M0. ALUSTIIACT (Cia- e - 1I1. It -,C,.ry.mod Id*IFIIr by block ~..,,)T 11 is r-Cfport d :tic fOurF topics

1) o)peration of a freqIuecfy OC(1 tliSitiOI) :lid(1 to aJL6uire a dirct squonce11C or

freqenc hOPWMIsipgnal. 'I ho acquisition :id emidloyrd iS, a and1 repeliCJ)ated

I)Ie*;tS~ljrt nicnlt; "Ire c1mploycd to rec(luce the probab1ilitY of e irnim';2) Muitiple access using dynmic reservations. thre- a niew 11ul1tiple access

tech niq~ue is dccri bed in which reservations atr mna(he which ici rte whether the

DD ,A- 14 73 rDO c), l 1)1 10V G E 0 0S OL E TE UNU I ASI I I .:)S / ? 0 10 0 14 ~0 1 1______

Page 5: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

UNCLASSIFIED({ ont.)20. number of packets to', trtt ..mi4.ted is toI be increase,' ordecreased. This technique is compared t.o the generally usedprocedure of indicating in the reservation the exact number ofpackets to be sent, a technique which requires significantlymore bandwidth.


Page 6: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing


Final Scientific Report - 5137-4

March 1, 1977 - February 28, 1981


Boiling Air Force Base

Washington, D.C. 20332

Donald L. Schil~ling George Eichrnann

Professor Professor

'Co-Principal Investigator .7o-Principal Investigator


f'cce"5.orlTorT~~~ ~ ~ ~ 1.'' -.-ZorSIMIYCRWCK(Y

Tis %eaMSUial~r r has been reviewed and Is

T101'C- approved for publiic release lAwr AIR 190-U2 (7b).

Ditibt odeS Distribution 13ub~li&Lts4.Coaes ~ Aem. . zuto AMo

aw -i3

Page 7: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

SECO~~~~ 1)T 1 r: CA1O 10;.";Ih.n ,I


I.~~ RVV -- 1 4 ACC E!SION NO 1. RECIVI L4 VS CA T J.1-0 N.'];

AEOSR-TR. 81 -0536 1 - xA I _ _ _ _ _ _

4. TI T LE (o'nd 5.1111111,, Ty I~ i~ ~'

ACQUISITION, II.IAGE AND DATA COMPRZESSIUN 11hj 1, 1977,'- Feb. 2f , 19131



Gerg i0/iin AFOS1 77-321



14. MGST RINT DR~ C NTAT MET Ahj,.l,.II( I fl ock 20 Ior Controll ng 0111 on 15 EC7pnIIJ (1111 - -

(of onloNC

1ed17 DS P JT104STA E NT(0 hias~ac nlrd nDlc 2,1 lo-rho .- i


7 I J~. K(EY WORDS (Conio..~ oF, ' *,.o oF d It neo-..Yor hn FIonf/iFy by block ru-bo,,I

Spread Spectrum /Multiplea Access, Optic-al TIraawfor ins, ccliiisitiofl, D'AtaModulation, Siltion.

20. Al S TRACT (Co-FiFF o.. '~oI~ "f,.c..-v oF nd Fd~fily hy block ,-.q*F~

J This report disctisses fout1' toJ)iCS

1) Operation of a frcequency acquisition alid 10 aCqjLire . i li'Ct Sequence or-freI'l eney h16pped sign1:I . Thle aequis i i 'n aid employed is :1 F l"' alld repeated1Iu':S11*'.n1tS a.te' C11plaYUd to redUCe t1e prlohi jly of e 1101;>12) MLultip)e aICCess us.ing dyna mic rescrvations. Here a new mul~tile accesstechnique is described in wh ich reservations a.re made which indicate whcthcr the

D 47 r.ITI1.N OF I NOV 65 IS OUSOLET'. U NC '/, SS'I V! 1.:1)DD ~~~ 1473 ~S114 0 10 7 0 14 -6S601 1 - ~ (.JIYC ,IIF.~~ >. ~ ... -

Page 8: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

'I Number 20 ((fLtintiemi

nuribvi. of 1melk'ls to ho( tril me-; mmmii is h I e in fl(.:mnnml or ~er'msmi Im;tmip

is~ Compareto'i i the t-jmmer.a1l lv ,( pr(mrwmichi, l hotlnlumberJC Of packets to he sint,, . 1 ;i07 '(hfm!( vmih iii(lim o'; imm!i.;ill Ir 11~:1 mmlidh

3. IIIEE)41IT GiTl1l. T'IV'RAW;F MM PMll~(l~;(~2Vi

Si gm~m1-deemient110i lie CeMmeOtimt CI rd When soumip I i ng Vid(eo si gnam I s

at: low Saml Iing rate , wi lie using anl adapt ive video del tamodli-

laLor bo0th as an encoder and aI video digitLizer, is combhated by

using at wlii re-l ight re-flectCive transforili optical preprocessor.

Whi IC the white-I ight preprocessor work~s onl black and] wihite images

its ma in advantage is thatL it can simultane"Ious process using a

singrle source, many color channel I. Further, the roelat ive lack

of both spaL i a and temporalI cohe rence a ids. in reduicing; specklec

anid int rf eoreunce noise ef fects . Col or virden im.n1mge thda t halve

boon p)reprocessed using this white-light11 opticalI preprocessor

and theni~iJ s~ledl clonse to) time ir tlyp i iSt rate are preseOnted.

4. S l'l1k!!:~ulvI :; I A(;[: P!,"I']() Al'lON OF E4(I ;Y lMAr;t2-1'

Sulmerresol vimg imnige restLoration (SIR) in thef( presence of at

nois;y emmvi rommoent is c;onsidered. Most SIR a lgnritmns , even inl time

alIncmme of noi se, can emnly reSOlve two poinmt sourices One-half

RaIy (In gm i StMIC 11cc aprt . Ila this report: , it I i !;shown tha t iii

the(- ahsnmm-:o Of 11, i!re the SIR of two Iboimit. source spicod one-

eiht ci a Mmyleigm disr;tamce apart is possible. 'lie algoritmims

mifs. opt irmai mm Img Im mmmhii on m; 'VI ()mm tim n Mmmct mm.ms of

I immmi- mI;~.' , I I'm- linisy imgnthn mcolmihimmm1 muml ci I immmor

;m ,! m' 111. if11 I I mmiso fi I . mr i mmg i! % ismd . Imm thii repolt t

it is Simhmwm L! for ,I miifr~ictiom-limmi tori imimil Of two1 I)il

;niircP-g mlum eel ono-ia ft leyle iglm dii taCe aport , whnieic iiit

',m~m~i ~mImi-,( rat in1 i'; 21M), S;iR ismnlmhiev.mlmle. 'irmse results

imavm immmhortummt implIicamt Iimn'; il mm atfmo;pIeric Oums *.ism'ology,4 ~rad'io im trommomy, im--ical mli;uilmitst iCcs amil digi t~ai lmimdwidtm

c u lm; (mi i i mli ttiomm, who'. li, mIIne mllmim mm Ill i filof moi sy bimmmm-

w Iml II omp Ir, Inm i mmimo g s e m oi u fImef fmmmmm.im-mWm a! I imii tatL i Olti.

Page 9: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing


'lLId( of ('C ,t(fits

I. Research Objectives 1

II. Status of the Iese-irch .ffort 2

I. Professionall Staff 47

IV. Papers Pll~ished 418





Page 10: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

I. Research Ob01ijctives

1. ! I' w Ajii c' \quisition of a1 sp tdSe t-II i,11

Thew P hase Locked 1,001 P ) is a (eiQ0 wiCI Uses thle pci nc Iple of nega ltive

Ieedlack to pr1ov'ide( :11)I l miluitnd a recfer-ence point r-equir-ed lo oli.Ihiill the( informatlion

conta inedl inl the received! signalI. U sual ly this recferenlce pont is the calirjer fr-eqpieley

of the received signal. In pr-ac tica I systemis the r'eceiVed si gnal is A -II unkn11own

frequency locatte(I Within a speNAcife relativly wVide( Ilid~~tl. Tlb aICIlir-e t.11 Signal,

the P)IA, is des5i gned to have a oarirow ha ndwidlth w hi ch pr-eci tdes ra pid( acquisition. Tlo

signlifiCanltly rC(luICe, the IC(jI iition timefl one can emiploy anl "acqluis ition aid"'.

Thle acquiiion aid SttiedC~ under( this gr~ant Cemploys thle Fast Vourier 'Uran s-

- form (ITT). It is shown that this techniOu'e grea,'tly enhances the acqo isi ton caliahiIi ty

of a1 P) A, system ilop~eratinig inl the( l-'ence of noise.

2. Multiple Access using Dyna mic Reservations

TIhe need for- a nultiaccess prolof 'nI a iFU \Vl whever a resourc e Is sharedl b~y

many independent contending! uIsers. Two major factors conti ilite to such a situation.

~)the niedi to shiare expensive reCsour1ces inl ordier to achieve their efficient utilization,

and (b) the oied to pr-ovide a high dgre of COneI)~Vi ty for corn mu Lni cation among

Indlependlent users.

'I'lle inn tiaccess scheme stu1icr undler this grant comnhines a rhynamlic allocation

reservation techlniqfue with conventional time dIivision multi ple access to prov ide a

system inl which the dlelay timei is miniid ( for a given throughpuI)Lt.

1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic

D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI

I IInge pr-ocessing for. the purpose of' digital hanldwidl coioplessfln of Video

Iniages tirausmiotevd i I a real-fiici ('1il oimnit is pl-Sii((h.

'I. St petrresolv iiq ImnLa! e Istoin I ion of Noisy liiges

IReconls tIcfrctlo of objects Ihlat have heeni degrladed by limuitedl halldwidth

chrnncls Is 9tudled.

Page 11: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

SI ~ t: It 1r; of I Ie w 1 1i K:11) If.

I.Freqiiciirv Acqi iho 11 ( i iiSlti

Our r'es earch is conceiiied with the I]:;( of ani acquiiisitioni aidl which dlerives

all "aiiliw'' sinal via a1 F Fl p~rocessing of Ohe iincoing signal. 1hw Mom(!e

uti lizes anl if~iiti ve tcchili(iIit, ,;o that liy Ictectilit, the ((hiif 1t(ulenicy of tlie

rceivedl signal, we can decreaise the uncertni ity hand or frequency window,

writhin which thS center freqiRcncv pies en ty rzesides. When the iuceri'ai nty hand

is S111-11 IU'Ilig COMiKIitiCi to the Hi iMI ule-sired p~haSe locked loop (PILL) k~iildv'iilth

a narrow t-rackinig loop Cail he switched in to complete the locking procedure.

Ihe poss ible fimp] ementatons of the acquisition aid in thle PL L or in the

Co.sLas loop arc shown in Fig. I and Fig. 2 respctively. Position A of the

switches, s hown on thMe figures, is used during lf qsi ton , wvulie position Bt

is usedl to track the incoiing S ignalI Onice aC(ln~jiitionl is Obtainiedl.

The center fre-quency of the received signlmay have a shif with respect

to the transniiter's signal frequency ~inc to the trans inittor's oscillator i nstaibilities

and/or. a1 Dopp dci shi ift. We shall groulp the talof all these variations into One and

refer to it as the lky p1 er shift A ) Fur I herilmore, we will assumle that the Doppler

Shift is slow.ly va-ty ng and may, I herefore, he cons ideredl constant, duin g the :tcqliisi-

tuonl procuss. I kccal u of' the Dlder shlift, the ceiiter frequency of the received

signal is knoV.n1 only to lie in a, prac tieUlar frequenLc~ly window A f WI( Fig. 3), where

1- f, - f (1

-i-d the received sgignl is sai iilcrl at the saimfdling interals

2 A W)(2)

Afte r saiiuplin, h Hic('iveul sutgiril N tIiii(5 thequjiisitioil ai

Page 12: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

c:dlcul:htc5 an N - poild IiT ol it. The I I ic':11liy 1(:-;o)llt.iJ(n oliblliil 1),y fh

NI - point II"T is

If N T

and substituting Eq. 2 into Eq. :1 we olbtain

2 A fflNi: N (,')

In the time domain we have N1 sampled points TS see. al)art, and

in the frequency domill we have N1 ints f 0 II . :Cjsnrt, Or equivaltlyN filters, each of them with a banhwidl.h of f R1 liz.

As a possible implenc tition foc the acquisition aid we select as the

received signal's center frequcty, the oe' at whinh occ,'aI s the mtximum of

the magnitule-sqtared of consecutive complex N1 - point IFIT. The time required

to acquliro will teir hei

'T = N1TF (5)AcQ I S1

hle prohalthlity )C of choosi itg thme !orret frequency Ls th centerC

frequency of the received signal is proportionatl to the ratio of the signal power

1) to the noise xwer I) in cn [ille :s N

SP ' - -- (6)


vhere l . mois p)owe'r col:lim(ed ill ,:ich filler is

) - N 1 l7 ('7)


__, 2

Page 13: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

p u l i~l I G w )It' i I i i

The (li;Jit1.il~nl itise to5'( I') glwat( tile carrier's pl se Iiilluitioii

uses a Nonl- kctiliiii-to--/,ro( (Ni(/) t'wliit. It is reaily shown,1 that fol. this

C,1S 90", of tile sign1:i I poweor is ill ilhe juit i-val - I 1. afroiiivt the received

signal's Center frequenicy (1 1 is the hit In Itt of the N 11/ signal1 ) and 70U of the

signal piower' is ill the initerval .± I12),. If we reduce the filters' b~iuwidth by

increasing N1 , wec decrease the noise plower contined inl eacti filter but, at

bandlwidlths less than11 f 1,thle signal1 power inl thle fi Itel- is rI.(liced as rapidhlY as

the, noise po4wer'. Therce is tierelore 11(1 J iiirovemieiit ill he probatn lily of chnoos jug

the correct frequency by reducinig the lifters' ha;nilwidltl below f 1)and inl Our coum-

puter si mulat ions of the acquisition aidlw used f as the. filter bandwidthI.

TlO increase I)' we use anl iterative tech niqlne by~ wh ic I we effectivelY

increase the sigintI-to-floise ratio. As beforC WC icalulte anl N I- point. IFl

of thle IN1 anj points; but we Store illtilue processor's 11nC]11oe lite nagni t udC-

Squared of tile Consecutive co mplex N 1/2 - point 1Fl. '11w n l, iel se he inc perfor ins

aL second calcla;tionl Of the nuigni lltuide-squared of conlsecuitive, comuplex N1 1 /2 - p)oint,

VET of a new.% set of ifitepelent, N Ia unipledl points auld it adds poinit-n~'-poi fit the

resulting nugnitudes to flue fiagiitudels Stored inl the licieiiory.

To lower thle probabi lity oif se'lecting, an1 incorrect freqIuenlcy as the Ceinter

frenitwolcy of tile receivedl sigiul, we 11rcuy neced several iterations, depeinig Onl

siIna-to-no0iSe ratio. IlO\ovvr, this process is Iiliiited b~y the tille Of acquisition

required by tile system inli the acuisit ion mlode. Ill g'enerlal, however,


t ~cr 1 sil illhe fiuail

Page 14: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

thiir adti o , li I 1 aire (5)111)11'III, tw sch-5' li fi nd.,;I I hc t lie iII~i II v:III) I t I

re(sul!ting N1 /2 nuiml ers :;tore in 11e 01110 1'Y "Ind it li:;(.s the I zehIlueltev at whichi

the niinmnm aplpears to rnove the ('('lier frequenicy of the f'l~'' 'la~

Cont rotlled ( )se ii 1:tor.

sl hst i l in' FAl. 2 in I wi 01 Ia.' ili as the a eqli i ioin t i 11e rie 1iii rii

by ( c elie hlne

K N + TA CQ 2 f w CA L( 1 P

where T CA is thle ti me reqli'm by M Ile sele nw to cakltiaWI the 1'l''ls,

We p~resent, in Fig. 41, plots of (Ile probabiility of scetctiiig, incorrect

fr'qiieiie 1 as a functin of the signal-to-noise ratio E1 /ij and tWe parameters

X,vliieh is thle ratiot of the fillers' landwitli, f ,?1 to the signail hit ra~te', f h

'Ile computer si inlilition mnele onIv one 1"li cailculation, choosing the frequency

Of the mnaxillmuml of the set of the ileigni tImu-sqiiarei oif tW fq/2 eHIiseeiiive,

comlplex, numbIIers, '1s thle sifgelil 's ceniter frequency.

On ligs .5 am!l 6, wve shmow. the reults in tMe case of two iteration,

1, 2, and thireie iter:itiois, 1K z :', re'spectively'. Note that for prohahi IILies

of error less than Ii. 1, l = I, Is oi mumi, i.. the filtr liamhHhji WWI limhie

- chosen to he e(1ui:i0 to the hit rate f 1

Page 15: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

t1 p



1 IJ!I i or"( A~ (I I I f: j c I I

Page 16: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



D :4- ILI. 77 7,! r"iE .,[ t:; '


C OliTRQOLLED0.,") ( ,](T 1, LA' )T f i

o "(I I fIYo I d




Page 17: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing





* J y I tIu nt ' 1 Acni2 I on Ai

I I °' ' I

Page 18: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



L •03.0


-3. 0.\25

, 3.0

'-0.\ ,


Page 19: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

/1 \




0.3 2 I

*~~ 13.r/ .

0.i 0 \15

Page 20: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

1? 618 do/ (3611 10 c/6s 12 d/e


I 0.5'.


Page 21: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

Our pr'oposed schliu ' isis1 W at dyi/i c Ii iii-ai gh ilnt. s'sI('nIl

ich rehiiis the allIocti~n hAiiii(s while allowing ih"V In) nmil: mu,1 4i (lahihi

CapaCity othIei'xisC Wasted due to light tral Hic loads ;ind /or a nonunifIormi distri 1)1-

tion of traffi anmong thle nodes. In lpartic ular, it al lows shorter ilnessges to he

sodt with (lelas very close to those encountered when usklg only fied '[DMA,

WeiiI at the samne thnre alIlowing liigei' miessages to use mnore channel catpaci ty.

In this projIosed SChi)Cii1, timen IS dtividled initofralnIeS, echLI consisting

of one slot (for reservations andl acknowledgments) and Heserved Tim ncslots for

reservel dAtN packets. The numbner of the Ileservedl Slots will vary, depending

oil the de imind of thle stations as iilustrated l Cow.

Elih stat-ion xwill send two bits (0 ) (or oily 0 ini this case) , (0, 1), or

* ~(1 , 1) into the reservat ion slot whiich is dividled into 2N s mallI slots, where N is the

nnhr of stations. '[he (0, 0) vector represents that, the sAction does not, have any

packet for trans miss ions, the (0, 1) vector repiresents that the sL'i ion has only one

packet to transndt, and the (1,13) vector ereuents that the Stat ion has two or more

pacl~vts to transmit. (ne najor advntage of this scheme is seen to he that the

reservat ion timie is a very ,;mil liercenthige of thle total ha inc ti menn which is not

tiue for otlur existing schemes. Ile lata Inackets Waitinig at. thle stations wvil bIle

transinad into Neserved Slots of the fra me, whose numbiner wvill vary according

to the following rules:

ai) I here! %vi!! he no tim inloth re;served for the station which huts sent tile

(0, 0) vector;

b) T[here wxil Ib e one time slot reserved for trans mission for the station

wvhich hais senit the (U, 1) vector;

C) Athe stattioni xxhi)IchisT sfut, the (1, 1) vector wxill he! allotted time slots

(equal to or greater than11 txvo) wxhiich wxill depend ou its, pinor reservation

vectors as, hf!llowvs

Page 22: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

i) 'Two (2) slots will lhe rescrv 'r tr'ansiri:;Srorr if ihe fIirst

-I jlI'(ce(Iiig reservationl Vector i'4 (U, U) of, (U, 1); inl othier words

if tile Second bits inl the present arnd thle first precedi rig vector.

for nhs (U, 1).

ii) 1) tinic slots where 11 is equnal to or greater than two will he

reserved l or tra n; illission if tihe first preceding Vector i~j

(1 , 1) but thle second preceding1 vector is (U, U) or (U, 1); inl other

wordls if thle second~ hits ill tile0 present and tile precedinrg two

vec tors for ill (U, 1 ,1).

iii) Q time slots where Q is eqiual to or gr'eater than 11 will bec

reservc(i for trans mission if the preceir, two vectors arc

both (1, 1); ill othrl wordis if the second bits ilr thle pres ent,

'I rId tihe prieeedi fig two vectors for' (I , 1, 1).

A FOR ITR A N simrulation prog ramn was wri ttelr to fin rile behavior of

the systemi. Ani exporrenit a I irtera llIrivl timle dis tril.UtI WaLs Used (or C-1kch

User withi sep a rately deli red mecans. A I U-node, 50Upis Chraninel was uised.

'a',ffic MIlS (IInt dis5tri bnted a morrg thel nodes. The ab sc issa is tile average

IoL'iI packet delay for all nodes ar)I i irl~eS 111e all LCieuc rg, tranlS missiOln, anlti

pr'opagation timres. olrid ina te is total chrannel. thr'ourghpurt tine to trarffi c from

all1 nodes, wire i tirrorigirpri t inlc ides. overl;ead bits.*

'lie r'es iii ts foi' two other scie nrc's are also shrown il cromp niarisonr ill

F~ig. 1 . 'lir curves for itoiheit's acci n 11c 111( ri llridi's sche mJjc (2)crpi'eselit

analytical results. Diifeorerit. valuercs of 11 arnd Q~ are conrsidred i i our si mulat ion

q ~programi. As canl bo seen frorm Fil. I , ire( proprosed Itorirrl oiin dynraici

schelie gives a sigini fic:rrrt, i nnroverrrerrt foi' short p~acke't. delaV over tire other

r'eservartioni seice raes.

Page 23: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing




Page 24: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

II] 1-: 1 : 1 I:S

(1) L. G. lolherts and It. I). Wes;;ler, "(, omputier Netwokr: )D'e' )-V( l('IL;

to achieve resource shari fig ', in 1 97ll Spring ,Joint Co input. Conlf.,

Proc. A FIIS Conf. , vol. 36, 1 970, 1). 5.13-549.

(2) I. NM. J:cobs, R. linder, and I". V. Ilov ,esteln, ''(; cnr:tl Purpiose

Packet Satellite Networks", IProc. II.:EI, vol. 66, Nov. 1978.



"1 -


Page 25: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

ittcat. io e(li ,Il ii(i) littl lttIII, oiel fr o r-e-a l- lne vji'eni image L ra isiri s s iori

is appi~arenit lgta I s i gimil t.ranirsmri si il o f f crs many a dvant age s

ove r ana 111o tra ii srilS s i ()i whe i of)i.'rat L g oir a rliailic I'L tt i q

corruplt ed hy tin'i se. 'Iti s; i s due t o t lie a , t that qitait i z e(1Ile v vl

a ri "1 in! ('0si I y d i c. r imiinateid frum iite I, eenc t s o f i I s I i

add i ti en, Ill dig itai I tok rrrul'i t al lows for. t i mno mu ILi 1) l Xi 1g , e 7'ro r-

coingii as well as eii(Irlit log firminilrs that. are not avAi lablo

oil aiillma Ing fliainnel Hrwiver, when'r the sit oal four NHI I video

s;i gnalI i s ;.I np I at tin Lri r t ra t.o a nd ei'm- oiled iis i ig),1 jil !

;6C II I' rd i i I at. j ol o Itour to six KIPriixti ion lOe"is, the ihit onet

hcc or!,'; 148F-JLA M-il IT fill, ca!,(,- o f ii lo ino g I si I i 5ipi~ I t i !; r o t-

it II- ll101 1 r " e I- f. (I) II 1v 8 fiIls (I F g t. i I hai ulw ii (I I It for- I nin r I'Ll-1 en -

code d dligit .11 Vido ra t. e's. 'liis high ii i til loiiiw idth1 is iusiual iy

Illta( (i'1 tiF) I' illii ll Traii pp i icit io0ns5. Vair ioue; dig i t enicod inrg alter-

flat- iv- ''05, loii heirl iplirid ti) rioici t it(- digitlI hanidwidthi to ;ill

ai'p".t ahii I el ve. I. (I?(.' cirt i sill it'll i '; ai lraiiI-wi rile ;idajIi i ye

dIL' or ,'iuIl.trri- I flit work!, at '.iil''r rat ''!,. 'Illii softt ion is;

widthi it i. !, i 'net li t I o prat I' Itn' MVoini Inroi to) it.s NyqihrstL

ra t e. 1lw , v#.ir , wh I, i Iii iF I ni iri -- r - i ts N y (Il n t rit I' a Inv.w tu ois e

soun ~ I au l o , at-si Ia d i' ,1lkd o (

IIII ; o . ; d e Io fIl d 1. .1)r )evyI .I ).Io .1o Ia i u-u a-IIl

Page 26: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

a~ s f rame I. o I rime , a vi' rt i Li a e dg - ic oun v r' rd i ni Iit' wa' wi II

Ide b' ' he a w~ it I ow oic Iv r I cd mI.e e reI- v d .1ho

ed' , il i' ~lyiis t rile a I w 1 I o1 i v o r I i ( u t he r d (I v di I Ie

o4 wi :d i vt~ I Ii re 11kK d h a sil', tte v d o s t,1

I ii hi n . AI lo w i Iif('l' I i, li ovI w ,1 I ~ I ImiI cles t11 Ii t~ I vIdi AW 1 cI o

-3~t t n ii t p,. I l 1ili I) t r.1 lli l I i poe I i Ic Si nl'( vl r I n- 1 o orLio i i I l o f t 1,e

A nl,' I ; 'Il a I in' i SV 'ii i i ve x llr-f '1 i II ,' i ill! Hi I rcpp.,k Iri

11I 1)I W k '(

)',I I I?;11 .1 1-i .11 t r~l11 I-ll ) Io ( i I cu I I c r t 11

Page 27: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

A '

Ii 'r i l. yit I ies i I I ii t I nIi''i Ii Ii~~ii It ci t. .rsf.-r.

I,( 14e fiiryI-io. XIeIIo II Ir ir I t soi on 'l i s a r oiur c t liriA

' I lie of- - tit' w r t It, (9 .j ?I i 'I I i ;rs' t i , I I, r i el( r- I o ~ I rioow t WaS,

cI 1 . as ;1 yo tof I o a I t w I II a r sin 1 11 . I di ~h l 11o iL fij 'ioa Id b. lockr(T

nu)i t- -ss0r of I I ph c a cw I I Is I f t e a I lIi orr i i ; I I I rc) -I i pa If 14

20at 14 Ier colireee. no Ther I ilht I otri The a r sil o re oli atd j s.

f I-I p' I iarr tI eIcI1 . ' ie argrI r ir p re o f ti e oil it oI ed heu

s ir oI he 1) i iho II-,0t 7auia to t e rlateral Icohre e o l e t ri mot thes

cw oei' tit s ra o rorri s h t -n . ;~ I 1ea i) th ii i i' I e Ih t 'l'';cI ( I c

motrifrr t ; Ir Igia C elhL; S W' I s cI, Wi lI c - cII li-i ( i (I iffr t i traris1- rI

fur' i I Ir;vr t syt'uu '[fir I ;e tIrit wp'of IaII es re IacLt- vie (, opt [ o; fo I. tc il

si pa h I ciii r em t . I fi t',~ Iysi , is Iiu i t 1)itih ('ll i lie ( oII i Ir; t cd b

Fhou ft ( i a t [Vi' . h it i a't.l 'iirtp lid Iit , co I I a fis Itd beuiira

- u It IV PiI 1) Yl t) I-i r o mI'ot u eriI coIi ,r m e Iv gtI f I

w~lI I -I ph rI II f .11 fin 1u i S I ' I dhii 0 fi'rit I (11 WyL-h'itattIC 0

fior m1 's'jt i-ru1 t 1 11it ae t w. n I II l ) I-ir. I f I.ii Iti ol V 1i ct'ii, for t l ie ii

;iii 'it, riofrrii ;i l I jr I il xfiia lii s 1.1r t Ii i ciit i r iltir

o' ,mlILw , o II -ix I . p iI, i ) !- io r I r t.I( i

aI' - r ii , i 1 f i I L I l ig r , i I , , .

Page 28: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

r -e r r. ,i i i i) I m I I I i n, i i 1r i III .1j ( Id i,, j i.. . r

I- r r rt. . ]e . ' rt',i r ri t r i'rI iitt tizr zf' r ,

a l.ol i 111 l. w ~ l I , l I ,T 1 1 [Iit ' *.1 , h .Id i mo ~ I ;) e r , il

o f I I I I i . 4 ' J44rI I I re )r r i l o , Il l l'

.'~~ ~~ i|X i, rTjrr ! ! , t oi I ,l i r ) r~ ,1 () , se (1 ' . r~llI ( t

s4414 , 41 I i;4r' I I . r l t 4 )I [.1)' jI 1]44(' rI




Page 29: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

PA4 I I i

it;.; k ge u I ii 1 2 0 N 1) c

Ii r 1 r I i I I wi_ i< , 20 Iw. j r I') or

1I w it b ,i/p i i I r I r luI

,vil 1 (11 1 1 Cl oilori

.i / , Ii. r jC i i, (IV o r s i n Ii

I I x t- t r

Fi " ro A. t(C oI r Nov i it, It i n.< p i 11 llg 3 -.5 11; s,' s ; ) etr c u I or

C i. 11111 ,v verI ic Il y sca n iIIcd with pLt tiu il I i Itor.

I. .I/~ ~rk'/ t) r) (o I /4(4 II o , I i ,*~ H

p/., r t 1/Jfr h/ il)0 I wi ho t up i i I i I 4t fii .

Figlr( 6. , w ly-rr/'(i Color JillO it 4i.0 p'e(4 or

SI >r (.1L li/l w ith olt- (i:,i fil r ri ,p



,I "


Page 30: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



I A J 11. N i i I

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/ 0

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Page 33: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing




- 7, p *~~Z -1 4t





H'.'''! 4 '7 V H TV,,! 5 H K / ' 7

t -

I -


9 I -

Page 34: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



1, r'Ifr.1 1i1?1i:1 1 1 f~l C I 1? 1I . AT /i( r 1 : C1

I 1 2 1 1

Page 35: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing



Page 36: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

t ii t I 'x I,, "aIl,' a 't mu 1, I111'1m)r 'l.1 ly

I iaai a If 1 1 1 1 oa 1, 'l h S I' a a i I n IJIal Fi '0ll 0iy1i'v

L4 r1,11 iti .1i Wa~ i a l , Ii I a; laa, I I o .I ',Iilh je a Ilil -

at T r t 1 .1 I ' ' I ' if f- i i a i It( i a if v,- )i f If Ila p'ti i .i r aII rt )i

ilr ir ' a i' p a rnl lr awi ll- I )11i iTia l(' iii .1 aa

W., It~ I l 1!ll, -''' ala t.'t a 411 . 1 m I 14' 'ldl'laa' f i l'lap rt pr

c ai' t 71 ya I. I t' ro ' ' 1 ra a' wi, I Ia-laa'a t aiaa o I'TI cg it a p'l' t r

Pa ic I I f 1 t li t iii iailip fa alar 1IT. Ii 'Pv1, j" il.a Pa II, i ro il

'i r I i 'I rV wl , v*.- r i i i fv i I-Ica ipa I - a as t ~ I a d r ii t a (a io i ,a

itl 1, -1i at 1 oaaa I I. I , ,I a ti i iT ia)', o .1 i li1P1Ci .ar'aaal

d'y ip I I tIt, ija I aa, 1 , I tII "to .

i I ow(Ia I'aa' fI I (I. ,a -i d-a iaalji. iaia e la)' tIt n i v-l i t .ol r' a If aI',lat''T

WhI aI. u i t I il- alli ja la iiaaap - i ),' 1a .I1ii 1a~a la ,ta('' at1) vt a I I all C

r I Itia la ~i d a i i a'1- 1~ c l uaI a i 'It li , I a' Aa 111'a .1 1 oI

U1' 1i P '. 1 1 .': -j.i 1 a "'at I a t a' 0 1a r.i 1 11 * a I o Ia I, iai if . I t r

I r .,1a'ta .. : P Ia'.laI~ aa~~a', 'l ap .1 I IaI I al '' Iala'1 1.

a' P.t a lt t 11. V. iaa I' -at la

ii':'~~~~~~ ,ilaI', Ia aa;Wl'I II ~ a i i .. i tla I ta 1a1 ii.1'

'plial''. 1,'il l I tp'Ia i t fla I ala' VA- . la 1 lit a a a littIli

Page 37: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

A fS'l PAT

SuIIT lrI' 501vin rCSTTI ~ oII'T) ti i i ( ;I P) il I , 0 I TC 12 a IlTi')

fIviV rotiIllIe t i !, cow; i (it, red . 1 t V ) St -I I ;i o r i I tie II , ('V'O i if II

abtsence ofil riT S, C.-i only re!solve two pojint sources otic-110 If

RaylIceigh ( distance apatrt. In ithIfi report, it is shlown tWJIt ill

the1 ;1bStTnCt 1)1 110i ,( tt~t ';I H f tAwo JIC i fit ;otir(-( TlIIcIl 0111-

e ig of I PaylviglI TJit-TItc I i st IS ; ib v ' 111 iiti),rt.1TT

use s o IJTt-iits I II)i S I filteor ing te1(1111IpT(I S ha;iS d off f ill m thod )II; f

Ii trieir 1)rIog;ramm ing . For no v!Y ililIges, thf? (OITshi IIt ionl Of I iii r

e i gC t-va I tie ji(d opt. i 1;Itol i se5 I i I t e r i I), i - t05;(j1. 1 TI t 11is rello rt

it is; !howlI ht IiL f or ;I dliftf r~it c(ion-- Ii Ill t ed i trage, of t wo I))Illt

6 sot] ruk-s spalced otw1-haI( ,I10( ifi 11 Pif 1'I .11'.TT g rt , ~hos i liIII

si~~lt--I~jIrat-il i, 21 d1), SIR is i(hievihle re1 rI-lft

4hl'.I i-p;Trt.Hitt lI p Iil~ ca I ( III iit ITTOslI-iC 0 p11 i , s I ~ I g

C 'TIjt 1,- olipTl ;lt CII"e 1 5 owillcrI I lt iIftCiT ll.It ill a f I I i It 11oil

Page 38: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

ii11 t le .;,i.I i. i lIor~i i fA iii. ?) i j st r. i I iI I r w fii 11 1 i )

v i deL li , i i i i i i rfi so l it i l i " ca I I 'if a l Ilpo r ... , .

rest o ~a t- i o ; R ) 1 r o s s A orll, I' oL v' !Iiir1VI / ) i I A l' ' L i -

ha t h eif 1 'vIjif lv Vriiilii I Ill geiieral, s t it is t i lldo

re st o raltim ou lIids arc iiO l~ r re I Vi - I-t Irio ll I I i ( .htfi'

d -; vus vir if !; t o i iw o f r l ii a it io if tIro do I ti, Ii Iit f'or

the i ri i - ref- ,L oi i i w. ii r i I -r iiv. ri j it Ii I t rI, r . w I r yw

prov ide !;ti hilI ity, ire ; o 1101 stiiw r rH,,oIvl ig I II,, heif oo l

I a til fia t. olillIy inoii-I i iwi r fI iI Le r in if, ( ln ds w Of i II prov 0 h If, P 1 i

the [presence of no ise [i11 The ptilpose, aii'f th lia iivuiie * of lII i

pa- liet r i 1, Lo sho w t h at- t hIt i:i I,( r i i it i L i i i -I ~~ r ; li i v ii i fill I r n

ii a rel It t I nihi:; c ii v iroiii'it . Ilii optLir~ 11 Ili i Se f iti ring iusie

Sli . r 111 ;Jirl i reflit t 11ie I lers 10 ille 1) roiffl lin i i t hoda 1)r

V0 dc c1, h t11) o I' I ij li t i i w t 11 I Uig L ii vo .4.1 kY 1) i I uc h

I~I I ( ii


AdI )IR p ri )I , c l e h i e r i )f o f .i IrI fIIo Iil iiIIIv I f Ih fiI kild wiII 1 1 i il '1 1 it

Page 39: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing


I.'1', Ii. ' t' i24-, i j l'4 41'i li ri- 4144i1i', !.V ll; l i i! 112 , i~ fiI..4'l l !i 241'Ii' . -i il

i , v - t ['' .il'll II ,It' 1 I-In 1 I 14.41 ., ,, ', i'f ,

I I,'1II - I o I×I Lt r IIii1 1 I , ' I " i I I i I ,I 1 t"li 4 I t I 11 I I i ( l Ir 111. .

I 1 I o1l- , 1 I '.rl , i. ' .) Iri di(4m.t l4 , 4. l'it;i w li 444ll 44i li il ' 1 h 1 1!, 1? 1ii, ii.l

A.. I, T-r t I ix . 11 . mid : II iii 44,w li t', It . i- 41- l1 r.- N ,. I 44 I I I F till

N>144 t;l 'hf ' lil- v-i, - I,, 1 1 IIIII Ii, I 1',il ti ' .in

il~ll -'. ' h iIi ,ill , w-ir. IIr'I tl , Itr 1ire r I lul .t( ' ! i m i ×,Ih + tl~ ' I I i ', 1i ' I '( ( t i 1 l ll

'."I I ( c I ' ' w ! I

'' i r 11 ' ,I l I It' (- I k I ci.or It i, t ' 'I lit'4> ivl i t"-

I t. L I 1 x 44 n I I I l i li i I- C .4 1 1144 V ' 1 .ri 1 41 Ii I Ii IT) Ii r- I X

v t 1 1 t vr I t i Il~ l l ,I, y ill! I) Il ( e i i .' , . /,s t i * I ( W l .l *

W'4' t i l i gl t ( 4 - F 4 l 1 1 ' ' (. (iv 1'; , t t I I riL,,) Ii p i II 1 l' -

( r! oli t t v' i I ;i 1' , ,. tirll x' i ) 4144I , .( s i s ti i I r.

(1'144' 41t4,t1, i - i r o i t I I ' r.- , xI rili r Ix is ctll' ) al tr zero t pii-V. ( IIol tI , I I f" 1 rix. 1 v 2 i 11- 1r ( It i Iii Intio ) eIf {l i'c (,i ' I-V litIIS

Ii I4 I 1I, II 1 11.1 11 ., , lc I' 1iiV4' 1%4, i r t Fix 1Fil r,( I41115nri, ty I'( wl. t Iit'(

t ilr ' 2 I li -41r Ii, tii - ; r ii 8 'T- (1 '-,1-''; li h 4 l ('i'i Ill ''',' I II 'i r. 14) t i II y

o14 4- I It115 I4 114Ct4 1 1 1 re -- I I I Il. v vi g 1 . 44l4 41 I II-"i7t-I'

I ' 'I I , i t ' nl, . I(,ill 'i, i ,. rI '1 ,12t4 t , 45 i i- L o44 IL'- i r1 er e l I ,j i tie

o I 144 ('4x u lvl f r iii I t t t j 4'124olI4t Ile J-ill 1 it, ll' " IiesliV

4( 1 rI r,- i x,,,l t ix'. ,l - lif4 (- l I i'i,'i c-' ,4 fi rI I t .hI ' 4 l , ri

11.4 1'4 - >11 Iil I I'f i , ' iiitrii I l i 1i41.' i I' ell4 10 st-I4, )41 i4'd l t 4 )1i

I?', Ii , i~ ';l~ f,, , , , I l l 'i I I - It )' 111 I* .i ' u ),lh T o1 > I I i t lik i

t 4 I -1 , , T-4,i II r -,i--ill , - il i( ' , .4I !, 4I, l" I I .I I I it i l . Ii a tl

441l i r r- i x I l t Iri , y . 4l ii, it I, 1 l l ,t Iii- 1(,1 4 , ) o ( lil ,,h fl I

L11--. I I, ii <, I ,--- nli i i r . ,i ,4r" co w t r,1ii4it l ,, f' I tie ti t iilizel .

f l -tf It , 1 1 1], rl .. . t If ''ll ,o I I t ( I tl r i,' i I'' l ~ll , l l l oI u

Page 40: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

I :1

d , r h i 'd V , I! I i v i' r. i ,- , ' ,iI I j mi i t

It [ItIt c r w I t It .,cl-v t.i, , I i I t i t l) o t .1 1m 11 1 . lit,. 1 id d i 'l I

Iii t r irif cmm i m1c Iom 'i tl p (k qI" i Ina Irh rioi se f[II risrt T i s

mIT l 1 ) 1 i I f t-Im 11 CitI c Ir 1m0 1( mruilmmm - d ' I itm iS c ;~I(- r )r g1Imf II Il Ii)'

, h r I -fit. I i ( i i m r m, o n I ;it I oi , t. I t( ,m mii mi lvr , !r,i in,, i

Ci i 0 IIIti (,Id smi, l j('. L to .,r i s pji ,.l i ty co d i t ui S. h i I';i

pa : r wc - 'ir 1 1 i t ( I- i fii I I II T i ict i C on St rA j 11t s , t 1e ' ) -7 I I"

I I nd lC" ( m , ri ints, lhs 1I I ow; t ra i lit mii miz (' s the 1 i ia r

s I )n ti- mhe i; LJV ' .iitd v Ir('m ,La i e. Smlmtlp I (! rIo is v onil)oiit, v.alI ki 's

Thme lo , a I oc Ci I 1 i rim (1 m i x I m: I .X ( 1 AI I mt- , I 11jIll 7 0 S t 11e 11A X TM

ir.ito ,e saI lp , I it, I ,i le v, I (,in' ca a I tm i tIer l h pcos i v e

or Im- at i m v .,eri), I' q, no o;m v i m r. I h r III i p c rr ormim ce


A f i pm re of i r it r iho SI I f s ti m I lt , i y I i d i L nt ah( e

Rayl i- hi i, t , tmm i'm mi-f iimd in t-rimE (tI i m il Si rslmmmmn-s1 of

two laill ;mmrII sI "I'.S l oi mo ui a 'l; m i rmt l by ,. Iic i lj

d i: ,.I C c 1)' ii rih, - Vhn- 1l Cii;, r.ui l h mi- th i r i1di idi' l

fiml rI-,, mc,:; 1rmiAp),-C i it sw I a way I l-t mLt iw ls vn I ue

oiI i'mim sours.' imlIl ,' r pl)mm II'; , t' l s oi t he -, ri o of lhe s'c-onmd

swim ta:. 1, I -1 r c jmm1im -: 1.4 i- t I I r. Iti ; dmI k- i t i mi t i mlk mini Iwm ds ft', 11 - p,, , c + r, . is , t ' f,'. , I h c - i w ,,, raml s i ', I t I I, nl i t~ turmmim I si.,, m,.,- ,- his.: a' m ,lmmml '-hmoiimmm l .mppm-,,rmmcm- sip;lit yin tl.

slip.. I '<'. I i m I twt, iid i vi( I ;l I ';omtm Itr , c +-,- polms- s. 'I mw Imyl ' iu;f

m r m I v ii i i hi. re I i (It d I rh, I t, I , (I ,r- tut.'I i t I I ) ri 11m( o f t mi

msi S i o _e rhm' v1t' w iS I ( [II' c- r tmur" ol a] Iy I o righ -

rt~'i.m , ir is, i-mrl miriry im+ mmIliHIr ' r fm't SP] ml,,mr-i hum lmm'rlmirmm ieu

i 'mm; mIi I t, '. i-ill ir , v, ilvm-s t.,mm¢ m- i II , ' i i t 1 1w m rI mm ilt i -, a .

r I


Page 41: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

tc~ i. o' r 1. th o ti s f it- i ; )I i ;I Ii ha i ildo i'1 1 ilit ] 011 t y 111 ri (fj I fly I lit-

-"I~~i ,i t-> I4 I(iili ' 'p i( I wy . I ll i (It I ILS (11( JII'I he1;

pItt i I I I' Y, I I (1 l Cl I I WI W),I 0 S l) l' ) I i I I 'I> '~~C I

C 11t ,i T I m d 'II Il" I ,cI P i '2g Ii!t 1

Ill r ic ' d , s II ; I l iiII i T l I I y I I cll tI 1111 I i' i III til t I. Jr tw

t ill)I s o 1.4 relijlil' (III I f i t ho i I IpiIIIl I Ii tailp] 'ly l iltllilli. ac

sep'l-.t " by If- W I y t If )' 'IfII Ics "I(kag 2

dKli t1i, V )II" ; I iIw 1 !; il s, i1 l, I fr ! c tw p v

Page 42: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

reriep~I~i-I I" I ifV t'. i ,I Irri it Iw ,I. ~ ,.ii tie1

doIet ' i f h ve t tiho re ( III I rtict inn o 1 i iii t , lip ri'corils riu!t- nif i s

xi <,: . tc. ,tv-,r icc 1c I , . i i + in,', t i) ,,r n' r itul itj~ ,,r iii iiii' r•~~ ~~~~~~ I.+h + , r], . , -. I! ,I ' (" I II , + l . .l~ t ,,J 1)) 1,-,I I I,

r vii i r'll l ,

,t i Il'I tIii , I. I t' ITri. o r I i i ll ' , i I i l , t i e ,

iie isil' I~ f-1 It tcrr 1w~ri i g ri li t, i t II it ti i re )t~itv 1

IJo ti Iiil dtit+' i t ii, r niiiii'+ ;i+ i tle 'i i , V t; jlt r i s tic ' ii iruc'Ii S

I . if e,. it 'oo it I, t] i,,i IIt ;,, I r ti n trivio r rr' c i ; e p ,v iv r', I I Ir Iri

nr-, it i l nt , -i cc'.;',' c(.-, +, t i , )', I ar I h I ;Ii jlal L I t c 'I ';ll L iii'

f i ItI cti ic does ist o run' e ;j 'ATI++0thd V,-t+;i O 0 1 t 1- i, i , .

I I , 4 I I t ,I , o ,,, r,it , I r h. i i t hit e i. ,, ,-v, - I t ,. f i I i . If

o.t I I N. l , i I; 'n t, i', It rue t i p!l [ ,I I t. d,, t ,d I vi' ric r,, ei, . , t. t

;I r l .t idvt I I 'I I,, I I I l.,v c I i. II , v ' Iir 6.,ccicri i i lo

I t .(",I ti c ,., t. r " e i r, i;: t i eI ' h '-tS ill t-h1'

Olthii cc . cc c I, u'inr, i' oi'ii ti1i' ycr i I-iici;oicH'<

p l i' r c l, ci '- ,i . I, i ', tit Ii I,! lcc ;Ff I t iltl', I c cc i i t l Iw

tic' ,i i' I t 1 r: c ." In-,h ,f-cc , i .1

1jti i't i lip c Iclu, riiijt h,,

,, , ir ! 1''- i cc ,' i+' i i c t , n c e I tw,

(1 1 1'01

I I I d I

1 0 r

0 1 ' .t, . t , I II+t + 1+ , 11 f ' r " 1)r:, 1 t+ (' 1 'J'A .c I f .l i Oit ,. h e !; v)- I Ie Iit+ .If [+I Jr x

tV . o , . i t ,; , p , , , , t,' , l Iit i fil I', I. .I Iit .r u c + + Iit,, ,, c r -

I f I t 1 1, 1 1 ,I .1 1 1 P ; i } J ', , + + I J ', r, .1+ 11+tl t it J I+(' 1i + - 1t ( ti ll i ,I fl)1 -1

w ,r I Ir~ I:t , l "Ir i I , , 1), r 1 t 1 j '.1 f ,, t +

] ',)' ; ti( t .1;,I 1 11 1 v


"1 +. + 11 lI+' i 1,),. wt I' ' t I ; -l' ' I 'I ) ' . 'I I in tl .I + + t h r -


-, , . ; o I ++. ' n i + i h + 'l + r l . + r , , H + + + ; , l ' t I ' , '. i ] h l . ,

.I, ( i .[ ., + +. ..+ + ..l t t , p ' < >~ + + + , i t ." t l t

Page 43: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

of I -II I ii I fil .I 11 oTTI v i Ifpit !; t' . it I I el I 1 1 I lid

Ai i v If TI I , i I I ' I I rii I ii I I I I' I I 1 1 , 11 1 i 1 . 1 1' l i I

0 ct I I' II S fT I II I i !i I ol'f0T1 1) If p I I I Iui i I II 1 1 r

V 11~fi -VAi I Ui f0 TA 11 110 C I I, o It f1T~ ) If( Iil i'f III I I - r1 I i t *1

Smot ITI lies tIt( l i 'I f 1h T ;I Ii I relllIifI( y , Ill iii ~ T C III no I iiTTpjoTTTi't5 0

Ih I I j li oC 10' f N ; 1 " IMI e ;I f i' Tilf Sm o TIIT I i Il !;11( 11 ti 11. t Ill opt i -

mia I Tlo I( f i I It k, r ( In 'i I c (I 11r(1I 0 1 , t rii I k L. Ift !' (-m111, n h i ng, I o1w- ri f;l I i ;II

f rT11'TI y 1TTTIf ' ,I I itI ~ih g , tIt Il r(I wliSI ( I Ii Tin of twoii ITIT I ';es

s, 1 1lIcf (Ili -fl, 1 f R,~ I Ii , (1I T st 11T' o 'I t f !JlowfnT IIf, rIllS no0 i ~T '~

fIl it oil tiff, Ill 111:1lg i~f 0 N . I . ' I I ; v;I I if' oIf IT T Ifs I i f To fT -; i ls

tl 0 iT if TiJ ip t it S 1T 21) 11 Wh i Ilc t If i N i s N Il ra I Ie r Ii I li I T)

olii fr l I- i i I v ii v Ii I w I' f t If I shl S / N i SI I P 1 1. 1 11 11 j I Tic il I i If 11 i lied ' I i f

;I(TT TT [lii 1!11Ii :: ,i 1ill i ho si fdIIhrl i 'ft f) W Iil ii SM 1 W i f ( ,1 11 I~h I ll jul-11

I ii e Ii t f iit I WI No VI I ii. f T~ Till) ofi I'TTiiT~X T(I

H() l i ,o rif~f i I tiII I:ITIT 11--cct rr -(I tITlN rff I~ ' o 1 , i t i n. til x WoIT

i till)T11 1f'; rIf.T 1l Tiff. IfT!t LitI're Ile md i I I fnIndI artI i f ;i( s I,( fi c ri t ('T

j i 11' r Ti'I I r lit t 1111 IrfC .o)1 c il f )ro r vTT Ts i Ig I s 24 (11).

8, V 11111111 ;: I Iii fI I11 rom if 21 1'11T e I ffT(Ifii Lt intL ifli

......I i 111 i. , ) t I I I- I li 1 1, 1 1 ,1 ti i I I o i I t I -I c i i- ( Ii ; 1 I-i -v

lit t olIll Ir I I ( i. ,( f)I 1 .1it1 11 . il 11 1( 1)1 c 'v ifo w iiaie

vI li I I,.~i ? -I, I .. [ t ll). Il 1 ,11 o ;! w i n t r z r !

tf i . I 1 1 1) , clf I I liTT IT

Page 44: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

I 1,11 1

. . l u III. t I I I d i I ' iI i ' f IAIIiI i'i 17 i ;i r r rf, cIi I Nie t i i r.,li f Ir, f y i _ I II Ii, i, l ,

.. dP . . i . , er, I ,,. l" II,.' y 'Ik i I I I r l li

tricir iDI t - r, I. . .h wHI . , ) p'. 59]S+i 9 t

.. d.o A.. Siir "'t I II( , 'l' trn ]ir.- ,1 ir ()e t +re Ag i r l;lrr t rim of I'ti,'rvI i, r rh t

ilIl iri II' l , ; , l!, t f ' " II I I~ l ~ r r ( ,I v ,I i Ii

.;i I I I I I . t m . I pp. I, s

t. '. It ril, "'i x li'mu p rEn i i r n ' 51 rel';I Aii I v tir f) r v Infg

C ( o1)1, si t-s O I i it - , t re1j') y1

4 P pAJ .I i . -l i i ( i r 1 . , "ii . P (IA I i I I 1

. . in, ' - '7un 'lit;- i", J.. Opt r ri I - t lii' , i00 , 1, i) 9 -l ( (( 19iP)5 / . A C S J im , II Ehr(i I.l . I t(-lr l ot I; K I ), rP o " oi, , l o f I<r I t . ,rol -

5.~~~ ~~ UA.' C. S:I,] Ra (I "[ ,in o n1, 1~ ( cn cll L!,;;u r<u of i i- ,h ,re

6t Y. It irI. i , "A No"w Ap~prna(~ <I " o I , reI .~ 1 he1 P,.,: lvingPow I'' r I,,/ y ,1t 1 1 ' Plo iV,, A ;t r- t I ,IAs t r o phI i ,

aIi. 12 1 - I ( I Ii(

7 . 1 .1, l Ph i I I il. " A I, - lIm iq~p , I , 1 l l, N tit1,, r i, I "*()I III i'm ,If

n t(, I.f t c ,tr i l .,i r i o n ; I) t 1i -i, .I I F i 1 1 . Ali .C o mpilt I '.l ) . wIl t , I I v . Q , . /4 -' ( (1 1902 .

8 . c( . If . I I ( . ,,, II fl " tu )t,, ,,( r i iln Iv lhc Hl,'- hod o f 1.("l ; t

!;,*, I t I , 1. Op~ I V,(' •. 1'u . w ~ . , 1) 1 . 2')17- 30

1 (1 '0,7 .

9 . 1.1 I rr i t. I t t, jr,. I, It i i P,- o I ,I iroi l J p tf; . Am ., vo 1 ,, 6 q 5 " -+ / 711, 1 '9611

.- I 2 , , r I , I I d I, ,, 1 1. ,'11 r . l I'q I ,I, ,I o I I ,I I i I tF I Ild ' " ( ;( [Ifi I .I. , V o l] 1 1) i ." , IIt I ( 1 1,4/ ,) •

I, I V t,, 1.1,, < .. .... I it r it o I i t i , r ~ (I cl Ih . III I e l i ,

SI'P ( I- I J , N. ld (II', ;o I .

If I I- 1 (6 .

I~ l,. ;+. ' l,'lt .I, " > ! irt I '.1, , ,,t1 . !'v , , t+ ,,l. , l wiI If,, I], ,t ,It, i ?I' III d"

lk ,, l I I,< h f. I+ l I~' I /I I. ()t t I' ;

1 , i iif I A ,,d , .i r 1 Irwtl , ll I I, 1 It Pi 1'c' i t 1. 0f I ),

P I , i ri I l I, I ~ I,'I., t i , f . . ( ' l

Page 45: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

14. ~ ~ . a e rc2i .. P( .. l i iti

16 1~)J.Mi -v ra ir!?~ t v Pror'iip, CuiiI ime;t for

Undc? r a) Pc e;. ' ; I enl fIti!. , 11 1 E- Ti i n, C i r i nit;. s ii Sy! L tili';

vo. C AS- 2 2, p 2 52 -26 (175)

Page 46: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

II ~~ I C( (A I'l 0

2. v I.. I (J l :1 -Lf.1 1) v ;III . ( i ,np tI -ro W ,1 0

II -- i t . I t 0 dot. I (,(I 1. I)- i 1w Il I r\'i . toA r'-,I )

! 21 I I '-! 6 2212. Ill 51 2 I 12J 1 2,xII i) Ii rI mei I

,ui e - Co t ra I' i( (I Si k< of1 -wo i mp l I ! , w i I I I (oil Ii i oil tit iti l) r

ml AI ru I (1 i (2)oi It1( roll I d 221,1,1 orv i e 1 (11) I r-I o

thet rcooit rct ioli. I Ille solid (((rye ii. thu 21)'uilI('(

lgi r 1, /4 o I IiI'S r cco ;1 .2,r u (L io oI of W ,I) , I 12-d oo -

o iglitli of a) R~iy 101gl d is! 410ic . No oi oe I i I t v r i s

III I Ito rmi fi ItL--r .

F i gtlre N i ,o I (155; rvecowur. rUc! t 01 1)lo I wo i n-im I -, ;1 !,I.) O' i

c );ll ' 1 oI 1 i )',I' (I iS 1t 11)115 :1). it JoI;v I I

*1 Iflar~~~~~I flI ilfIt Wil4'brl x12 I I/I I1 v(b rII .

F ~y' i m11111. P oI Ii, iI I o I. i llI 111 11 o11, 21 a I' I P.I 1 1 (I 111s

;p to 1 S f i r , 1 1111 11 uv fo n h1011 I ;i o ' 'l I 14. r p t

1~v-Ion w i ,(o vIIIl w t t h[i II

F ,i e 7. R , il*Io i w fllUI o w l- -V10i),' d i tA ,

Page 47: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

Ii f I I I I I I1

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i l , " , ,l i it Vi I w .1I d - h t .






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....... .. - ....

.a--. .. . . .... . .. *.. . . .


Page 49: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing


-. 9.




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I- = 4

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Ii I.



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Page 55: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

.1 4 U)















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P1I W o I

C hiil~ef

(.I xmdolloi~


Page 57: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing

I I )(I~I 'II ii 1(1

t ~IV. , 1per>s'': Piuii:h;h<',l

1 . (;. K.iCh111,11nn, R1. stirl-l :11id ,I. I .cyb~l, "llylbrid \Vhito;-lig~ht

vi(1Qo filtering for rcal-ti nle digitl still and nov"illor

Inrimage trans mission", ,JOSA, 70, ). 1 589, 19810.

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Page 58: CITY COLL N4EW A- -A'A COMPRESSON .U/ 1 ...1. I liir White- IA-jht I t'flec t ie 'l-ins form11 I leploccssor- for- Heal-Ti ic D)igital Color. Image," Trans mIlislsionI I IInge pr-ocessing