Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes Citrix CloudBridge 7.0

Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes

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Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes

Citrix CloudBridge 7.0

Page 2: Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes


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Page 3: Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes


Citrix CloudBridge 7.0............................................................................... 5Release Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Enhancements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5GUI Navigation Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Known Issues and Workarounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15CloudBridge Plug-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Compatible Operating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Hardware Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16CloudBridge Plug-in and Citrix Receiver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Features Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Supported Citrix CloudBridge VPX Configurations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Licensing, Upgrading, and Downgrading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Licensing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Upgrading Existing Installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Downgrading to an Earlier Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Contacting Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


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Citrix CloudBridge 7.0

CloudBridge release 7.0 is compatible with partner appliances running Branch Repeaterrelease 5.5 or later, Branch Repeater with Windows Server release 2.0 or later, andCloudBridge release 6.2 or later. It can be used in a mixed environment that includesappliances running these earlier releases.

Enhancements in this release include video caching and a redesigned administrativeinterface. Additionally, other key enhancements include Microsoft Hyper-V 2012,support for CloudBridge VPX, and CloudBridge Plugin for Windows 8. Citrix recommendsthat you upgrade your appliance to this release if you need any of these features onthe appliance.

Release NotesThese release notes describe the enhancements, changes, and known issues in theCitrix CloudBridge 7.0 release.

EnhancementsThe Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 release contains enhancements for the followingCloudBridge (formerly Repeater) features.

Branding ChangesIn release 7.0, the Branch Repeater and Repeater products are renamed asCloudBridge products, except the Repeater 8500 and Repeater 8800 series. Thefollowing table lists the product-name and model-number changes:

Branch Repeater and Repeater CloudBridge

Branch Repeater 100, 200, and 300 Citrix CloudBridge 600 series

Branch Repeater with Windows Server(100, 200, and 300)

Citrix CloudBridge 700 series

Repeater 310, 500, and 1000 on SDX Citrix CloudBridge 4000 series

Repeater 1500 and 2000 on SDX Citrix CloudBridge 5000 series

Branch Repeater VPX Citrix CloudBridge VPX

Repeater Plugin CloudBridge Plugin


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New Improved User InterfaceThe CloudBridge user interface has been changed to provide a better userexperience, with easier navigation, less clutter, and other usability improvements.The Dashboard page and Monitoring pages are reorganized for a better visualexperience. The main navigation menu items are organized as tabs on the header,and the navigation options are reorganized. The header provides bread crumbs fortracing your navigation path.

Video Caching

Release 7.0 adds a video caching feature to CloudBridge 600 and CloudBridge 2000appliances. Video Caching improves the user experience for videos that are viewedmore than once, especially on slower links, although first time viewing remainswithout benefit based on WAN speed. Due to video caching feature, video streamswhen re-watched will be delivered at the LAN speed from a CloudBridge device.Hence, significantly improving the overall viewing experience and reducing WANusage for subsequent viewers.


w Only Inline deployment mode is supported.

w Support for CLI and SNMP are not available.

w This feature is supported only on 001 and 002 models of CloudBridge 600platforms.

CloudBridge Plug-in for Microsoft Windows 8The CloudBridge Plug-in is now supported by the Microsoft Windows 8 operatingsystem (32-bit and 64-bit versions of Enterprise Edition).

Support for Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 Standard and Datacenter EditionThis release supports hosting of CloudBridge VPX appliances on the Hyper-V 2012virtualization platform.

GUI Navigation ChangesFor GUI navigation changes in this release, see GUI Navigation Changes.

CloudBridge Connector on CloudBridge 4000 and 5000

Note: CloudBridge Connector is included as a Beta feature in this release.

The CloudBridge Connector feature of the Citrix CloudBridge appliance connectsenterprise datacenters to external clouds and hosting environments, making thecloud a secure extension of the enterprise network. Cloud-hosted applicationsappear as though they are running on one contiguous enterprise network. With CitrixCloudBridge Connector, enterprises can augment their datacenters with the infinitecapacity and elastic efficiency provided by cloud providers.

The primary purpose of the CloudBridge Connector is to enable enterprises to movetheir applications to the cloud while reducing costs and the risk of applicationfailure. In addition, the CloudBridge Connector increases network security in cloudenvironments.

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Also, the WAN optimization feature of the CloudBridge appliance accelerates trafficin the CloudBridge Connector, providing LAN-like performance for applicationsrunning across enterprise datacenters and clouds.

You can configure CloudBridge Connector between two datacenters or between adatacenter and a Cloud.

GUI Navigation ChangesMany nodes that were at the top level of the previous interface are now sub-nodes. Thefollowing table shows their locations.

Table 1-1. Node Mapping Table

Nodes in the previous version of GUI Location of the nodes in the currentGUI

Command Menu and sub-nodes

Command Menu> Dashboard Dashboard Tab

Command Menu> Features Configuration Tab> Appliance Settings>Features

Command Menu> Quick Installation No longer in the navigation menu, butthe Quick Installation page is displayedwhen you logon the first time.

Command Menu> Logout Moved to header section of the browser.

Monitoring and Sub nodes

Monitoring > Citrix (ICA/CGP) Monitoring > Optimization > Citrix (ICA/CGP)

Monitoring > Compression Monitoring > Optimization > Compression

Monitoring > Connections Monitoring > Optimization > Connections

Monitoring >Filesystem (CIFS/SMB) Monitoring > Optimization > Filesystem(CIFS/SMB)

Monitoring > Logging Monitoring > Appliance Performance >Logging

Monitoring > Outlook (MAPI) Monitoring > Optimization > Outlook(MAPI)

Monitoring > Repeater Partners Monitoring > Partners & Plug-ins >CloudBridge Partners

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Nodes in the previous version of GUI Location of the nodes in the currentGUI

Monitoring > Repeater Plug-ins Monitoring > Partners & Plug-ins >CloudBridge Plug-ins

Monitoring > Secure Partners Monitoring > Partners & Plug-ins > SecurePartners

Monitoring > Usage Graph Monitoring > Optimization > Usage Graph

Monitoring > WCCP Monitoring > Appliance Performance >WCCP

Configuration node and sub nodes

Configuration > Administrator Interface Configuration> Appliance Settings >Administrator Interface

Configuration > Advanced Deployments Configuration> Appliance Settings >Advanced Deployments

Configuration > Application Classifiers Configuration> Optimization Rules >Application Classifiers

Configuration > Licensing Configuration> Appliance Settings >Licensing

Configuration > Links Configuration> Optimization Rules > Links

Configuration > Logging/Monitoring Configuration> Appliance Settings >Logging/Monitoring

Configuration > Network Adapters Configuration> Appliance Settings >Network Adapters

Configuration > Repeater Plug-ins Configuration> Appliance Settings >CloudBridge Plug-ins

Configuration > Secure Partners Configuration > SSL Settings > SecurePartners

Configuration > Service Classes Configuration> Optimization Rules >Service Classes

Configuration > SSL Acceleration Configuration > SSL Settings > SSLAcceleration

Configuration > SSL Encryption Configuration > SSL Settings > Encryption

Configuration > Traffic Shaping Policies Configuration> Optimization Rules >Traffic Shaping Policies

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Nodes in the previous version of GUI Location of the nodes in the currentGUI

Configuration > Tuning Configuration> Optimization Rules >Tuning

Configuration > Windows Domain Configuration> Appliance Settings >Windows Domain

Reports node and sub-nodes

Reports > Compression Monitoring > Appliance Performance >Compression Engine

Reports > LAN vs WAN Monitoring > Optimization > LAN vs WAN

Reports > Links Usage Monitoring > Optimization > Links Usage

Reports > Service Classes Monitoring > Optimization > ServiceClasses

Reports > Top Applications Monitoring > Optimization > TopApplications

Reports > Traffic Shaping Monitoring > Optimization > TrafficShaping

System Maintenance node and sub-nodes

System Maintenance > Backup/Restore Configuration > System Maintenance >Backup/Restore

System Maintenance > Clear Statistics Configuration > System Maintenance >Clear Statistics

System Maintenance > Date/Time Configuration > System Maintenance >Date/Time Settings

System Maintenance > Diagnostics Configuration > System Maintenance >Diagnostics

System Maintenance > Restart System Configuration > System Maintenance >Restart System

System Maintenance > Update Software Configuration > System Maintenance >Update Software

Known Issues and WorkaroundsThe following issues have been identified in this release.

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w Issue ID 0350780: The wsBandwidthLimit SNMP object query is not supported in theCloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances, regardless of the platformmodel and the number of instances provisioned on the platform.

Traffic is only accelerated to the licensed limit.

w Issue ID 0365538 (CloudBridge 600 and CloudBridge 2000): If the CloudBridgeappliance is placed on a VLAN Trunk mode, all HTTP VLAN tagged traffic bypassesthe video caching engine. Therefore, videos are not cached.

w Issue ID 0374104 (CloudBridge VPX): In a High Availability (HA) configuration ofWindows Servers (2008 R2 or 2012), disk based compression stops functioning after ahypervisor (Windows Server) level HA operation.

w Issue ID 0379575 (CloudBridge 600 and CloudBridge 2000): On a CloudBridgeappliance that has two pairs of accelerated ports, if an IP address is not assigned toan accelerated bridge interface, the network connected to that interface bypassesthe video-caching engine.

Workaround: To make use of the video caching feature, assign IP addresses to boththe bridge interfaces in the subnet, from where the connections are initiated.

w Issue ID 0380911 (CloudBridge 2000): The video caching feature might not workproperly on a CloudBridge 2000 appliance if the same IP address is assigned to morethan one bridge adapter.

Workaround: Assign different IP addresses for the accelerated bridge interfaces (apAand apB).

w Issue ID 0382296 (CloudBridge 2000): When you log on to the CloudBridge GUI, thelogon fails and a "Please login to continue" message appears.

Workaround: Close the browser, clear the browser cache, and log on again.

w Issue ID 0383207: In the Management Service of CloudBridge 2000 and CloudBridge3000 appliances, interface speed settings are not supported if Auto Negotiation isset to OFF or Duplex is set to Half.

Workaround: Set Auto Negotiation to ON and change the speed setting to either 10,100, or 1000 Mbps.

w Issue ID 0391924: If you use Internet Explorer 8 to configure CloudBridge, the userinterface displays error messages.

Workaround: Upgrade to Internet Explorer 9 or later, or use a different browser,such as Chrome or Firefox.

w Issue ID 0392932: If a Windows 8 client opens a Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, orPowerpoint) file on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server and attempts a Save Asoperation, the attempt fails.

w Issue ID 0395813: HTTP videos do not benefit from video caching when watched on aWindows 8 mobile device.

w Issue ID 0396893: After an upgrade from release 6.2 to release 7.0, product-namechanges introduced in the new release might not appear in your browser.

Workaround: Clear the browser cache and restart the browser.

w Issue ID 0397301: Video caching benefits are available only to clients in the samesubnet as the CloudBridge appliance's apA or apB client-side interface.

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w Issue ID 0398357: The Notifications tab displays an incorrect alert message. Insteadof "Maximum number of concurrent video connections have been reached. Newrequests will not get caching benefit," the message should say "Maximum number ofconcurrent HTTP connections have been reached. New HTTP connections will notget caching benefit."

w Issue ID 0398794: After you upgrade the CloudBridge appliance from release 6.2.2 to7.0.0, the user interface sometimes displays items incorrectly.

Workaround: Close the current browser session and log on through a new browsersession.

w Issue ID 0395559: The ICA diffserv code point (DSCP) marking on the CloudBridge4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances does not work.

w Issue ID 0400523: In the video-caching settings, changing the value for maximumcaching object size has no effect.

Workaround: Restart the appliance.

w Issue IDs 0400799 and 0400800: CloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliancesdo not allow you to add CloudBridge Accelerator instances.

Workaround: Add the CloudBridge Accelerator instances after performing thefollowing steps:

a. Perform a factory reset on the appliance.

b. Apply the license.

c. Provision the instances.

d. Perform the software upgrade.

w Issue ID 0400903: When you upgrade a CloudBridge appliance from release by using the Management Service, the upgrade process fails.

Workaround: Use CloudBridge Accelerator to upgrade the appliance.

w Issue ID 0400949: The SNMP query wsCompressionEffectiveBandwidht is notsupported on the CloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances.

w Issue ID 0401141: The Microsoft Management Console of CloudBridge 700 appliancedisplays an error message when accessing the Diagnostic Trace.

w Issue ID 0366937: HSRP is not supported in this release. Contact Citrix Support forspecific deployment options.

w Issue IDs 0393547 and 0396617: If you configure a CloudBridge 4000 appliance in ahigh availability setup to use a 1 Gbps interface in L2 mode, traffic does not flowthrough the interface if the appliance becomes primary after a failover event.

Workaround: From the NetScaler command line, reset both the interfaces byentering the reset interface <Interface_ID> command.

Example: If 1/1 and 1/2 are the bridge pair, enter the commands, reset interface1/1 and reset interface 1/2.

w Issue ID 0173696 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for XenServer): The XenServer distributedvirtual switch controller feature is not compatible with Citrix CloudBridge VPX.

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Workaround: The XenServer distributed virtual switch controller feature should notbe configured or enabled when using Citrix CloudBridge VPX.

w Issue ID 0249221 (Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000): Active FTP might not beaccelerated on the appliance.

Workaround: Enable acceleration for "Unclassified TCP" to get acceleration benefits.

w Issue ID 0278599: Citrix CloudBridge 700 series appliance does not work in somespanning tree enabled deployments.

Workaround: Disable the spanning tree protocol on switches connected to the CitrixCloudBridge 700 series appliance.

w Issue ID 0283509: CLI support is not provided for Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000Repeater Unified Instance (Repeater broker).

w Issue ID 0309528: Uploading a CA certificate results in an error in an SDX RepeaterUnified instance.

Workaround: Copy and paste the certificates instead of uploading them.

w Issue ID 0325685: After you upgrade or restart the Repeater Instances, one of theinstances might not start.

Workaround: Start the instance from the SDX-UI.

w Issue ID 0336492 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon): If a user defined DNS ServerIP address is added as a Secondary DNS Server, the server fails to join the domain.

Workaround: Add the DNS Server IP address as the Primary DNS Server.

w Issue ID 0337044 (Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000): If you restart the SDX appliancefrom the SVM, the loopback interface might not be available.

Workaround: Unplug the fiber loopback cable and plug it back in.

w Issue ID 0337421 (Citrix Cloudbridge VPX for XenServer): When you run the SNMP getrequests command for any Enterprise SNMP OID on Branch Repeater, it randomlyreturns the "SNMP No Such Object" message.

Workaround: Restart the Citrix CloudBridge VPX appliance.

w Issue ID 0342768: After a successful restore operation, the NetScaler andCloudBridge instances are not restored to the versions available in the backup.

w Issue ID 0347828: The management service on a Citrix CloudBridge 5000 seriesplatform does not allow you to change the default loopback interface to 10/6.

Workaround: Use an interface other than 10/6 as the loopback interface.

w Issue ID 0348096: Repeater UI fails to synchronize configuration to CloudBridgeinstances after performing the CloudBridge-Replication task from SVM.

Workaround: Provision the CloudBridge instance by using the Service VM.

w Issue ID 0350207: If a Citrix CloudBridge VPX instance is deployed on XenServer6.1.0, and the instance’s bridged interfaces are mapped to Broadcom BCM5722 NICswith firmware version 3.08, VLAN tagged traffic does not flow through the bridgedinterfaces.

w Issue ID 0350521 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon): TCP traffic on the CitrixCloudBridge Connector VPX stops working if you disable traffic processing.

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a. Check the state of the Citrix CloudBridge Connector VPX SNMP monitor by usingthe NetScaler CLI, and enable it if it is not enabled.

b. Navigate to Logging/Monitoring: SNMP in the Citrix CloudBridge Connector VPXconfiguration utility and do the following:

w Click the Enable SNMP Authorization Failure Traps check box under SystemInformation.

w Enter the NetScaler IP address in the Management Station IP address fieldunder Access Configuration.

w Issue ID 0354698: If the primary DNS server cannot resolve the Windows domain, thejoin operation throws a DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET error message.

w Issue ID 0355751 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon): The Citrix CloudBridge VPXfor Amazon fails to launch Outlook MAPI connections if the other TCP Trafficservice-class policy is set to None.

Workaround: Set the other TCP Traffic service-class policy to Flow Control.

w Issue ID 0355978 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon): Un-accelerating the TCPconnections in Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon.

The TCP connection establishment fails in Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon if youset the corresponding service class policy to None.


• Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon should always have service class policy forother TCP traffic set to Flow Control.

• Configure the following policy on the CloudBridge Connector to bypass the TCPconnections. The following example bypasses the HTTP port 80 and CIFS port445.

set lb vs BR_LB_VS_DYN_2 -listenpolicy client.tcp.dstport.eq(80).not&&client.tcp.dstport.eq(445).not

w Issue ID 0356746 (Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon): Citrix CloudBridge VPX forAmazon does not forward ICMP packets. This results in the unaccelerated trafficgetting blocked on the appliance.

w Issue ID 0364919 (CloudBridge 2000 and 3000): Use Internet Explorer, Chrome, orFirefox browsers for best results with the Citrix CloudBridge configuration utility.Safari browser is not supported in this release.

w Issue ID 0365409 (CloudBridge 2000 and 3000): The configurations of Repeater 8500and Repeater 8800 series appliances cannot be restored to Citrix CloudBridge 2000or Citrix CloudBridge 3000 appliances.

w Issue ID 0366888 (CloudBridge 2000 and 3000): The Refresh button on theDashboard page of the Citrix CloudBridge configuration utility refreshes the graphsbut not the values.

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w Issue ID 0376269: If the configuration utilities of the SVM and Repeater are openedat the same time in the same browser session, both log out automatically.

Workaround: To access both the configuration utility at the same time, log onthrough different browser sessions.

w Issue ID 0380447: Not all Branch Repeater instances are updated with domaininformation. Only a few instances are added to the domain.

Workaround: Attempt to join the domain again.

w Issue ID 0394705: When you update the virtual server (VIP) address from the GUI,the persistence rule is removed.

Workaround: Run the following commands on NetScaler command line:

rm lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIGadd lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG ANY <NS_SIG_IP> * -timeout 1440 -rule client.tcp.repeater_option.ip -Listenpolicy "SYS.VSERVER(\"BR_LB_VIP_SIG\").STATE.EQ(UP)&&CLIENT.TCP.REPEATER_OPTION.EXISTS" -cltTimeout 14400 -l2Conn ONbind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<1>bind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<2>bind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<3>bind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<4>bind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<5>bind lb vserver BR_LB_VIP_SIG BR_LB_SVC_<6>bind lb group BR_LB_GROUP BR_LB_VIP_SIG

w Issue ID 0396567: Independent Network Configuration [INC] mode is not supportedbetween BR-SDX/CB-SDX (CloudBridge 4000/5000) appliances in an HA pair.

w Issue ID 0396705: Traffic sent from the NetScaler appliance to the router is not GREencapsulated in the case of UDP inner fragmentation.

w Issue ID 0398262: The NetScaler appliance does not synchronize the configurationsbetween HA partners if the appliances are on different builds of the same release.

Workaround: Disable synchronization before upgrade and complete the followingprocedure:

a. Disable HA Synchronization on the secondary appliance.

w Navigate to Configuration > System > High Availability.

w Clear the Secondary node will fetch the configuration from the primarycheck box.

w Save the running configuration.

b. Upgrade the secondary appliance.

c. Upgrade the primary appliance.

d. The secondary appliance becomes the primary appliance.

e. Enable HA synchronization on the new primary appliance:

w Navigate to Configuration > System > High Availability.

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w Select the Secondary node will fetch the configuration from the primarycheck box.

w Save the running configuration.

w Issue ID 0398334: When the Management service is upgraded, SVM displays an errormessage even when the upgrade is successful.

Workaround: Ignore the error message and start a new session.

CompatibilityThe following table lists the supported products and platforms in release 7.0.

Table 1-2. Supported Products and Platforms

Appliance Type Supported?

Citrix CloudBridge 2000 and Citrix CloudBridge 3000 series Yes

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon Yes

Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and Citrix CloudBridge 5000 series Yes*

Citrix CloudBridge VPX (all models) Yes

Citrix CloudBridge 600 series Yes

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for XenServer platforms Yes

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for VMware ESX or ESXi platforms Yes

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Microsoft Hyper-V Yes

Citrix CloudBridge 700 series Yes

CloudBridge Plug-in Yes

Repeater 8000 Series (New appliances): Units that list “SM85Series 3”or “SM88 Series 3” on the “System Hardware” lineof the “System Status” page


Repeater 8000 Series (Earlier appliances): Units that list“SM85 Series 2”or “SM88 Series 2” on the “SystemHardware” line of the “System Status” page


Earlier Models No

*Citrix recommends that you contact Citrix technical support for more details beforeyou upgrade your CloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances to this release.

The following table lists the version matrix of release 7.0.

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Table 1-3. Version Matrix






7.0(CloudBridge4000 andCloudBridge5000)

10.0-75.7007.e 10.0-75.7007.e 6.0 - 50762p 1.2

7.0(CloudBridge2000 andCloudBridge3000)

N/A 10.0-75.7007.e 6.0 - 50762p 1.3

CloudBridge Plug-inCompatible Operating Systems

The CloudBridge Plug-in is supported on desktop and laptop systems, but not on net-books or thin clients. It is supported on the following operating systems:

w Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit versions of Enterprise Edition)

w Windows 7 (all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Home Basic, Home Premium,Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate)

w Windows Vista (all 32-bit versions of Home Basic, Home Premium, Business,Enterprise, and Ultimate)

w Windows XP Professional and Home edition

Hardware RequirementsThe recommended hardware specifications for systems running CloudBridge Plug-in are:

w Pentium 4-class CPU

w 4 GB of RAM

w 2 GB of disk space

Minimum hardware requirements for CloudBridge Plug-in are:

w 1.5 Ghz CPU

w 2 GB RAM

w 500 MB free disk space

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CloudBridge Plug-in and Citrix ReceiverThe CloudBridge Plug-in is supported by Citrix Receiver 3.0 and later, and can bedistributed and managed by Citrix Receiver.

Features TableTable 1-4. Features Table for Citrix CloudBridge 600, 700, 2000, and 3000 seriesappliances

CitrixCloudBridge600 series

CitrixCloudBridge700 series

CitrixCloudBridge2000 series

CitrixCloudBridge3000 series

Release 7.0 Y Y Y Y

Product Features

Video Caching Y N Y N



Compression Y Y Y Y

Traffic Shaping Y Y Y Y











Pay-As-You-Grow Support


Hardware Features

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CitrixCloudBridge600 series

CitrixCloudBridge700 series

CitrixCloudBridge2000 series

CitrixCloudBridge3000 series

NetworkBypass Card


10 GbpsInterfaces


Fiber Support N N N Y

LCD FrontPanelInterfaceSupport


RS-232 SerialInterfaceSupport


Support forInitial Configover Network



Inline Y Y Y Y


Virtual Inline Y Y Y Y

Group Mode Y N Y Y


Y N/R* Y Y


* = The accelerator portion of the product fails over seamlessly in high-availabilitymode, while the Windows Server portion does not.

N/R = Not Recommended

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Table 1-5. Features Table for Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000 series appliances,Citrix CloudBridge VPX, and Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon

CitrixCloudBridge4000 series

CitrixCloudBridge5000 series

CitrixCloudBridge VPX

CitrixCloudBridge VPXfor Amazon

Release 7.0 Y* Y* Y Y

Product Features

Video Caching N N N N



Compression Y Y Y Y













Pay-As-You-Grow Support


Hardware Features

NetworkBypass Card


10 GbpsInterfaces

Y Y ** N

Fiber Support Y Y ** N

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CitrixCloudBridge4000 series

CitrixCloudBridge5000 series

CitrixCloudBridge VPX

CitrixCloudBridge VPXfor Amazon

LCD FrontPanelInterfaceSupport


RS-232 SerialInterfaceSupport


Support forInitial Configover Network



Inline Y Y Y Y****


Virtual Inline N/R N/R Y N

Group Mode N N N N



VLANs Y Y Y/Y/N*** N

*Citrix recommends that you contact Citrix technical support for more details beforeyou upgrade your CloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances to this release.

** = Depends on configuration of user-provided hardware.

*** = If shown as three values, support is for XenServer/VMware/Hyper-V, respectively.If shown as one value, this value applies to all three hypervisors.

**** = Refer WAN Optimization for CloudBridge.

N/R = Not Recommended

Table 1-6. Features Table for Repeater appliances and CloudBridge Plug-in

Repeater 8820 Repeater 8520,8540


Release 7.0 Y Y Y

Product Features

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Repeater 8820 Repeater 8520,8540


Video Caching N N N

TCP Acceleration Y Y Y

Compression Y Y Y

Traffic Shaping Y Y N

XenApp/ XenDesktopAcceleration


Windows FilesystemAcceleration


SSL Acceleration Y Y Y

Windows OutlookAcceleration


CloudBridge Plug-InSupport




Hardware Features

Network Bypass Card Y Y N

10 Gbps Interfaces N N *

Fiber Support Y N *

LCD Front PanelInterface Support


RS-232 Serial InterfaceSupport


Support for InitialConfig over Network



Inline Y Y N/A


Virtual Inline Y Y N/A

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Repeater 8820 Repeater 8520,8540


Group Mode Y Y N/A

High Availability Y Y N/A


* = Depends on configuration of user-provided hardware.

N/A = Not Applicable

Supported Citrix CloudBridge VPX ConfigurationsRelease 7.0 is supported on Citrix CloudBridge VPX running on XenServer, VMwarevSphere, and Microsoft-Hyper-V hypervisors. See the following table for the versions ofhypervisor that are supported.

Table 1-7. Hypervisors Compatible with Citrix CloudBridge VPX

Citrix XenServer XenServer 6.1, XenServer 6.02/Hotfix602E007, XenServer 5.6.0 (but not 5.6FP1 or 5.6 SP2), XenServer 5.5

VMware Vsphere ESXi 5.1, ESXi 5.0, ESX/ESXi 4.1

Microsoft Hyper-V Hyper-V under Windows 2008 R2 SP1,Hyper-V 2012 Standard and DatacenterEdition

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform

For instructions for changing the TSC emulation to maximize performance, see http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX136003.

Citrix CloudBridge VPX for AmazonCitrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon is available only in the m1.large configuration.This translates to 2 vCPUs and 7.5 GB RAM. The AMI is preconfigured with a 250 GBvolume, which should not be resized. Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon supports asingle Elastic Network Interface (ENI) only.

Table 1-8. Production Configurations, Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon

Type Max. WAN Speed* Max. Accel. Conn.

10 Mbps CloudBridge License 5 mbps 1,000

200 Mbps CloudBridge License 45 mbps 10,000

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*The CloudBridge Connector License is enforced on the aggregate of ingress traffic onall the interfaces hosted on the CloudBridge Connector.

Table 1-9. Production Configurations, XenServer and VMware vSphere.

Type vCPUs RAM Disk Max.WANSpeed


Max.CloudBridge Plug-Ins

2 GBproductionconfig.

2 2 GB 100 GB 2 mbps 1,000 50

4 GBproductionconfig.

2 4 GB 250 GB 10 mbps 10,000 250

4 GBproductionconfig.*

2 4 GB 250 GB 45 mbps 15,000 400

8 GBproductionconfig.

4 8 GB 500 GB 45 mbps 25,000 500

* With 45mbps license

Table 1-10. Other Configurations (not for production networks).

Type vCPUs RAM Disk Max. WANSpeed


Max.CloudBridge Plug-Ins


2 1 GB 60 GB 512 kbps 10 5

Licensing, Upgrading, and DowngradingLicensing

Release 7.0 supports both remote license servers and locally installed licenses. If youupgrade an existing system with a local license, it continues to work.

For licensing information for all Citrix CloudBridge platforms, see http://support.citrix.com/article/ctx131110.

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Note: Licensing for Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon uses the CloudBridgeConnector license. It does not require a separate license.

Upgrading Existing InstallationsNote: If you are using a standard evaluation license, you cannot upgrade to softwareversions that are newer than your license.

Citrix CloudBridge VPX

If you are upgrading from release 5.6, it is best to install a new virtual machine,rather than upgrading the existing virtual machine with the 6.2.0 release, becausethe resource requirements have changed. Release 6.0 virtual machines can beupdated with the release 6.2 CloudBridge binary.

Repeater 8500, Repeater 8800, Citrix CloudBridge 600, Citrix CloudBridge 700,Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and Citrix CloudBridge 5000

Acquire the software from MyCitrix.

Installing the Update

Note: If you are upgrading from a pre-6.0 release (such as release 5.3), you mustupdate to release 6.x first, then release 7.0. Also, if you are upgrading from apre-6.0 release, acceleration will not take place until you install the new licensefrom Citrix.

From the browser based user interface (http://appliance_ip_address), go to theSystem Maintenance > Update Software link, on the Configuration tab. In theUpgrade System Software table, use the Choose File button to select the patchfile (the file you downloaded with FTP), and then press the Upload Patch button.(See the following figure.)

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Figure 1-1. Update Software Page

The patch file is then copied to your appliance and tested for integrity. If you havedownloaded a valid file, a “Restart Unit?” prompt appears. Click Yes.

The settings from your current release are copied to the new one, so yourconfiguration is retained in the new release.

The process of installing the patch file continues during the restart, which mighttake several minutes longer than usual. This is normal.

The new release is now running on your Appliance.

Note: If your appliance still uses the old default password, it is changed when youinstall this upgrade. The default password is now “password".

Citrix CloudBridge 2000 and Citrix CloudBridge 3000Release 6.2.2 is the initial release of the CloudBridge software. To upgrade torelease 7.0, perform the following procedure on a CloudBridge 2000 or CloudBridge3000 appliance.

1. In the CloudBridge configuration utility, select System from the System/CloudBridge dropdown menu.

2. Navigate to the System > Configuration > Management Service > SoftwareImages page and upload the management service software image by clickingUpload , as shown in the following figure.

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3. Navigate to System > Configuration > System > Upgrade Management Serviceand upgrade the Service VM (SVM).

4. From the System/CloudBridge dropdown menu, select CloudBridge.

5. Navigate to Configuration > System Maintenance, and select UpdateSoftware.

6. In the Upgrade System Software table, click Choose File, select a patch file,and then click Upload Patch.

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The patch file is then copied to your appliance and tested for integrity. If youhave downloaded a valid file, a Restart Unit? prompt appears.

7. At the Restart Unit? Prompt, click Yes.

Note: After the clock timer goes to zero, navigate to System > Configuration>CloudBridge> Instances and click on Rediscover.

The settings from your current release are copied to the new one, and yourconfiguration is retained in the new release. The process of installing the patchfile continues during the restart, which might take several minutes longer thanusual. When the above procedure is completed, your Citrix CloudBridge 2000 orCloudBridge 3000 appliance has the new Service VM and CloudBridge release.

Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000 series

To upgrade Citrix CloudBridge 4000 and 5000, see Managing the Appliance.

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Note: Citrix recommends that you contact Citrix technical support for more detailsbefore you upgrade your CloudBridge 4000 and CloudBridge 5000 appliances tothis release.

Citrix CloudBridge 700 series

To upgrade a Citrix CloudBridge 700 appliance, see the Citrix Branch Repeater withWindows Server User's Guide, release 3.0, chapter 3.

Troubleshooting Installation Related Issues

The clockface showing the estimated update time is not always 100% accurate. Ifthe installation ends with an error page displaying some kind of HTTP timeouterror, wait a few minutes, and then attempt to connect to the unit’s browserbased management interface normally. Doing so usually shows that the newlyinstalled version is up and running.

Sometimes an update fails if it spans a large number of releases, such as a jumpfrom release 4.x to 6.0. If this happens, installing an intermediate release first (forexample, release 5.5) and upgrading in two steps usually works.

Contact Citrix Support with any installation issues.

Troubleshooting Installation Related Issues for Citrix CloudBridge VPX for Amazon

For information about troubleshooting installation related issues for CitrixCloudBridge VPX for Amazon, see WAN Optimization for CloudBridge.

Downgrading to an Earlier ReleaseUpgrading creates a new software installation; it does not remove the previous versionof the software or the previous configuration settings. Therefore, an Appliance can bereturned to any release that it has previously used.

You can revert to a previous version of the software by using the Downgrade Releasefeature, which is available on the System Maintenance: Update Software page. Thedowngrade returns the configuration to what it was for the older release at the timethe upgrade was applied. Any configuration changes you made with the newer releaseare lost. If you upgrade again, the upgrade copies the older release’s settings into thenewer release.

The software can be downgraded to previously installed versions only. Neither theUpgrade Software nor the Downgrade Release feature supports the installation of patchfiles with a lower version number than the current one, except for versions alreadyresident on the unit.

Note: You cannot downgrade a CloudBridge 4000 or CloudBridge 5000 appliance toan earlier release.

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Contacting Customer SupportTo contact Citrix Support, call 1-800-4CITRIX or log on to MyCitrix at http://www.citrix.com.

You will be asked for your hardware serial number as part of the support process.

Detailed instructions for contacting support can be found at: http://citrix.com/site/resources/dynamic/sup2nd/Citrix_HWS_SerialNO.pdf.

Citrix CloudBridge 7.0 Release Notes