JOINT RESOLUTION CITY OF LUVERNE RESOLUTION N0.___2.=_94 TOWN OF LUVERNE RESOLUTION JOINT RESOLUTION AMENDING THAT CERTAIN JOINT RESOLUTION AS TO ORDERLY ANNEXATION DATED MAY 13, 1975 BETWEEN THE TOWN OF LUVERNE AND THE CITY OF LUVERNE, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, The City of Luverne and the Town of Luverne have heretofore entered into a certain joint resolution as to orderly annexation dated May 13, 1975 and governing the annexation of certain areas lying within the Town of Luverne, and, WHEREAS, The parties now desire to amend that certain resolution; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND AGREED by and between the City of Luverne and the Town of Luverne as follows: 1. That the Town and the City agree that he following described property located within the Town of Luverne, County of Rock, State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit: The East Thirty-Three Feet (E. 33') of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1I4) of Section Ten ( 10) , Township One Hundred Two North ( 102N), Range Forty-Five West ( 45W), of the 5th P. M., shall be annexed into the City of Luverne. 2. That said area is urban or suburban in nature and consists of and comprises that portion of the right of way of Walnut Avenue lying and being within the Town of Luverne. 3. That upon the annexation, the City of Luverne shall have the sole jurisdiction of said street including the maintenance thereof, improvements thereto and that said street shall no longer be denominated as a township road or street but shall be denominated solely as a city street under the sole jurisdiction of the City of Luverne. 4. That no further consideration by the Minnesota Municipal Board is necessary and that there shall be no alteration of the stated boundaries in this agreement. That the municipal board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 5. That except as otherwise provided for herein, the terms of that certain joint resolution as to orderly annexation between the parties dated May 13, 1975 shall remain in full force and effect.

CITMUVER~ - mba.state.mn.us

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WHEREAS, The City of Luverne and the Town of Luverne have heretofore entered into a certain joint resolution as to orderly annexation dated May 13, 1975 and governing the annexation of certain areas lying within the Town of Luverne, and,

WHEREAS, The parties now desire to amend that certain resolution;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND AGREED by and between the City of Luverne and the Town of Luverne as follows:

1. That the Town and the City agree that he following described property located within the Town of Luverne, County of Rock, State of Minnesota, described as follows, to wit:

The East Thirty-Three Feet (E. 33') of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1I4) of Section Ten ( 10) , Township One Hundred Two North ( 102N), Range Forty-Five West ( 45W), of the 5th P. M.,

shall be annexed into the City of Luverne.

2. That said area is urban or suburban in nature and consists of and comprises that portion of the right of way of Walnut Avenue lying and being within the Town of Luverne.

3. That upon the annexation, the City of Luverne shall have the sole jurisdiction of said street including the maintenance thereof, improvements thereto and that said street shall no longer be denominated as a township road or street but shall be denominated solely as a city street under the sole jurisdiction of the City of Luverne.

4. That no further consideration by the Minnesota Municipal Board is necessary and that there shall be no alteration of the stated boundaries in this agreement. That the municipal board may review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

5. That except as otherwise provided for herein, the terms of that certain joint resolution as to orderly annexation between the parties dated May 13, 1975 shall remain in full force and effect.

Page 2: CITMUVER~ - mba.state.mn.us


CITMUVER~ By . . /

Its Mayor

€Pc-Pa.L~ fSCify AifilStrator



By ~9,9_. ~ch Its hairrnan

By ~Y- ~\ . Its Clerk

Page 3: CITMUVER~ - mba.state.mn.us


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Page 4: CITMUVER~ - mba.state.mn.us

<!DP- //G

JUN 2 0 1975

{\ Jo::rnr HESOLUT IIJ!U l\S TO OFWEHL v A!\!NE){l~ T ION

Whereas: The City of LuvDrns and thD Tawnehlp of Luvern~ d8e1ro tG nvail tMemseluae cf the bensfite ~f Section 414e032 of tho Minneaota Statutes 1974 concerning "Orderly Annexation withln a Decio~&~ad Area" and~

Wheret'l!'.H nm pertiee hm.'.'8to have Bg:.rm~cl upon ;;jf"j 0!'88 in ll88CX ZJf o:rderly r.mnexntion"'


l. The City of Luverne and the Towneh1p of Luverne horeby confm: upon t:hn M1.miclpsl Commissir:m of t!m Stets of MinnesotG juriadictian over annoxetlan in the fallowing araae in acco1·danco with the t~rms of this raaolutian:

Bo All of Sections 2, 3 1 10~ and 11 not prsaantly within,tho Corpar3te Limito of tho City ar Luverrm,.

b.. All of tile ruo.rth 1/2 Sact:lorn:.i v,. ,:~mi 15 Nm:-th of the rnorth F~ .O.,!~ .. linr~ of IntG:1:st.nte HiL.1httJt1v #90 not presently within thra corporate li~l -of the City of tuvGrr10 ...

/Ul in rm,mahip Ono Hundr1::id Two ( 102) rJcn· ~h of Range Forty-five (45), Wost of the 5th P.M~

2. No annexation will toke pla~e anywheru within ths ares des1gn~ted ea in noed of a~ds~ly ennsxetinn unleae the area involved le or ia ohout ta become urban or suburban in character And unlRae ~h8 City hae eveileblo and ie capabls providing municipal m:irvicee ..

3.. The Trn.11n f,J:l.11 not object ta thn .nnnGXiation during the nex~ of the fnllnw!no dss~~ibod perc~ln~

"".' •. T'1-·1~-·~· f'l"'"~t >";'1"' '·i..o i'lort'11•1 1"<:1 ·:· n, ,,..~.,~·t-'T' (<'-~F i /l, '} ~:J'"' 1-i -....• t--H.::~..;, ~ Ui h .. • \j • t_ lJO ,! t·:.~..\{_'1.r..- i..: ;:'l .. _. .,.,. __ o_ • "

d.un fl ftm'1n (1 '3) 5.n Toti.111sh.io Uno Hunr._t·:m1 1·,,,~0- (\fl'.);'· f\jil~•·l"1·• IQ8<'(1 <:1 C;:'U~"'.!.'fL-~·1•;r> (L.5/'l ,,,,,,:,t_ Ju.r .. _LJ.,:._,~ f(•~.J~i..~t 'c.~r.Jw ~ .;.fJ~ 1_~._.,_o .~ p tJ~;l,,_,)L,'

of the ~ith !1 •• M.., ~ lyJng r1lo:d;f1 of tla1 rl1Jht·,of-· wAtt af lntBratAta N90 oa naw established ecrnu8 t'.l. j ... " 'I It:. ,,,, r.:J e~· t·· ~ rii ~ J ... , . 4'"' ~ ~.,-... ,-, .. ~.,-,,, .Jri • .:i ~,. ,,n_ . .. on .L . .i.. .1. ·'" / t.L.~8El~ .1 ••. JA.1.,

ut' 1G3F, 8XGtJptiliQ t!lnt pert u\' tho 90id i\lor·i;~:~ east f~uB:rtor (ME :JL;) bG:1.ng t11ith1n \·;hu c::o tP .limi tn and ,ieocrr:U:mr:l t:W f'oJJ.,·1111u ~

Page 5: CITMUVER~ - mba.state.mn.us

BcD:tru~~:Lr~g ~1i~ r:; nrs the e::::;ot ~~~lne e2irl Section distent 1~49u~J feet ~J::Jrth nY 'i:.t:m . , Crn:r;«'U'.' tJ"m:r:Gnf~ :, ~hence Weutarly at an angle of 90 02n wi~h said Eeet Soction Line (meeaured frnm Na~th to Wost) for 550000 feat~ t~8nCG deflect Northerly at an angle of 09 58' (meaeured f ram East to North) and runnlna thence parallel to aold Eoet Soction line for 1415,.00 frmt to the J\Jo:cth lirm of en:!.rj Soct5.on 15, thanes Eeeterlv or; eaid rkrrth Section line for 550000 feet to tho North­east corner of said Section 15, thence Southerly on aeid East Section line for 1416~00 feet to thn trua Point af Baginning.

b.. A tract of la11d in the mortl"':wm:i't. C1uartm.' (!'~ii l/l~) of Soction Fourtorm 0.4) in TownsM.p One Hw~d:red Two (102)~ North of Reng8 Forty-five (45)~ West of the 5th P .• M., , descri tlm:l os tol:lott.m:

Geglnnhig rit tt18 rJorthweat cormn· of thri Northwest Qua:i::·tar (rJ!.1.l l/l~) of £locti8n teen (14) thence dsflGcting left 90 and running parallel to tbn l\lo:rtl1 line of sold Section Fourtoon (14) to the EGst line of thll right-of-tiiev Clf thB Chicoqo, St., Poul, Mlnmmpolis and Omciha l'1r'.lil1.i.11w, notiJ abandoned, thence Southerly on the Eaat right-of-way line nf said abandoned ~silwov to ite 1ntGrsection with the Northea~t (NE) earner of the following doecr1bod tract of lend: "Beginning at a point on the Want line of aeld Section Fourteen (14) 1040992 feet South cf the Northweet corner thereof. thence deflect left 90n ta the East line of tha rlght-of-wey of tho ChlcAgu, St~ Paul, Minneapolis eind Omaha R1:1llvmy, now abandoned, thsncG Eauthsrly on the East :l'ight-of'w•W8V lim~ of er:1id r:iharidcnad X'GU.t..isy to ite point of 1ntorsGct1on of Intoratate #SO, thence in 8 Na~thaaaterly direction 011 the l\lnrth ri~Jht ... af-umv H.rm of aa:td T,·~tr.ir·~:t"'• 1~8 Higt-.. •""\/ N::irJ c~rid t.l·i::c\"'! WrH:'.•te:d \' ~l-tl .,.) v ·ul.I llUh::J:i n~:J" tJ L,._ ) ...... ,. U'I..) '- .. , f!i

projection of oaid lino ta the Weot linR of said Gaction Fourteen (14)~ thence NorthGrly on the Weet line of said Section Fourteen (ll-}) ta thG point of tmo:lnninr]~ thBnco WraatGrly an the North line of said trect of land to the West of emi~ Ssction Fourtoen (ll~) 0 tl1crn:::e ~Jo:ct.:herly Drt the Waet line of said Goction Fourteen (14), to tho paint of beginning.

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· 4o Subject ta 6 below, the City agreea not to attempt any annexations of any of the fallowing described property for s period af et leaBt 3 ysaras


d ..

f o

The South one-half (S 1/2) of the Northenst Quarter (NE 1/4) af Section Two (2)o

The South one-half (S 1/2) of tho Northweat Quarter (flhl 1/4) of Sect1.on Two (2).,

That porM.cm of tl1e SoutheaEtt QuaI'te:r (SE: 1/4) of Section Two (2) not p1'et-.1nntlv within the corporate limits of the City of Luverne.

Tho Southem:lt Quarter (SE i/4) r.tf' the Nor·th~ asst Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Three (3).

The Northweet one-half (NW 1/2) of the North~ west Quarter (~~ 1/4) of Sraction Ten (10) not presently in the corporate limits of the City of Luverneo

Outlets 3 end 4 of Auditors plot #3 of the City and TmJnship of Luvo:rne.,

The North one-half (N 1/2) af the Northdeet duarter (NW l/id of Section 15 ..

All within ths Tcwnohip Ono Hundred Two (102), ,North of Range Forty-fivo (45) 5 West of the 5th P .. M ..

5n Subject to 6 below, the City agrees not to attempt any ennexetion of eny cf the fallowing described property far a period of et least 5 yeara:

Be The North one-half (N 1/2) af the Northaaet Quei'ter (f\IE 1/4) of Section Two (2) o

b.. Tlie North one~·hal f (N 1/2) .of the Northwest Qwsrtmr {NW 1/4) of Sm::tinn Two ( 2).,

Co All cf Section Three (3) except the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northeaet Quarter (NE 1/4) not prGsently in the corporr1te limits of the Citv of Luverne..,

d.. f\11 of the Northwet:rt Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Fifteen (15) North of right-of-way line of' In·terstate #90 mmept the r~or"ch one­hal f (N 1/2) of the rJorthwsa·i:; QUEll'faJl' (l\JhJ 1/4) of Section Fifteen (lS)o

~ rll of thB North an~·half (N 1/2) of Se~tian

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:1·1 " ), 2. :_:~ ·L! ·\ u? ·LL(·'. :~_'l\gt-j1. ,,;cl·~··"··

WC1\•~ l: .. ~i'id ·*_:.i'.LC·I ~;~;S.t~tiQrL\l [3ttJ P~tt11 11 ~,

•. '_f

t3r!fj fJ~r1~:l~·H3 flf:t~L1td~:.'.)v ~ r~et1 1 i:?hi::1rttJrJtt'3du

Tr:n:;;·mh:tp Gm~ Hurnj:rml Ti.!.m (l:?fJ) v~ (4S); of tho 5th

6~ In the av0nt that a subdivie1on plat lo filed for anv of the lend included ln 4 and 9 above the Citv may immsciintaly pe:rti tion trm Mun:1c:::ipr:1l Ccmun:tr;alon fo:r emm~-1.stic.m of thtr!: lend sm::I eny land lvl.no be" tttman tiler~ lend and t;tm r.m:rporate limits sa mav ba n~cess;:;';.'V to provldd 8CCEf:lti foxi ntroi:d;c:i, utili tie3 and othr::;.· pubU.e; ~m:rvice t:cmo1r:rtm·it uJi th ~1ood planning practice. -

'l" The mill levy of tho rmnmd.nD municipcili ty on tho er~s anne~ed rnhell be inc~onaad in canfa~nenca 1Jith Section 414~032 Bubdivioion 4 of Minnosoto Stututae 1974r over A period of not lass thon threa (J) nor more than five (5) yenrBo

8,. Apportlcmmer.1:; of r:icoGtr-3 nnd L1l1l:'LQ8tirin oholl b«3 rrioJri,:; in conformance with Section 414"067~ Subdiuis1on l of MinnBsnta StGtutes l97l>..

9. Zoning ~ithin tha area deaignetad for orderly ~nnaxe­tion bV thio ,joint X'aeolution shell 9 until onm::Jxi:Jd, be administm:ed for zoning purpoaos bV tho Luverne Plannir~r;:; Commim.:iir:m plus the Luvo:i:-ne Township Brm:rd in acting jointly with ell pcwere provided by lewa. The Zm1ing O:cdinance of the i:a·~y uf l.uvernra shnll govern the zoning end edminlst:r.at.:lon of zoning p:;c1-caduree in the area included in this joint re~olutiono

10. Unleea and until e furthnr orderly annexation .agree­ment i~:i ii\~got1ated the Cltv egx·ees not to e-1ttompt any furthor 2nneMetione within LuveTne Tawnehip ~or a period af 10 veers from the dattJ of thie agr8emsrrt unless tt1ore la s urmnimous peti ticn of tbn lent!·~· D<i.wm:rs involved.,,

TGull\ISH! p o::· LU\J'El~ L1E i;

PsEfJOd ant.! r1dop~;rH1 by thll T1'.lwn8h5.p of l_uvf3rne thlt:1 -~i~L day or ;

,C.A;;_:z:..;;z1d ~~~21Ltlfl~p<~~ Tr::ai:nahip jl'J:Grk Chah1r1t.ln -