FOR THE HEALTH-CONSC1OUS Supplement to Alternatives Dr. Williams' Guide to Healthy Living Part III: Shore Up Immunity to Treat Health Problems Inside this Report: 4Your Larger Circulatory System......................................1 4Keep It Flowing for Your Breast's Sake..............................2 4The Buzz About Propolis.............................................3 4DMG — Russian Contribution to Immunity..............................4 4Turn Up the Heat....................................................4 4Accepted (But Not Acceptable) Hormone Treatments....................5 lo. An immune Booster Your Grandmother Could Love.....................6 4Resources...........................................................7

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Supplement to Alternatives

Dr. Williams'Guide to Healthy Living

Part III:Shore Up Immunity to Treat Health Problems

Inside this Report:

4Your Larger Circulatory System.............................................................1

4Keep It Flowing for Your Breast's Sake..................................................2

4The Buzz About Propolis.......................................................................3

4DMG — Russian Contribution to Immunity..............................................4

4Turn Up the Heat..................................................................................4

4Accepted (But Not Acceptable) Hormone Treatments.............................5

lo. An immune Booster Your Grandmother Could Love...............................6


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ver the years, two schools of thought con-cerning health and healing have emerged. The first school of thought says that con-

ventional medicine and its disciples have accepted germ theory in its entirety—that the road to disease is paved with microbes, and for us to remain healthy, these microbes must be eliminated.

0The conventional camp believes this can best be

accomplished through the use of drugs, particularly antibiotics. Since there are literally millions of differ-ent microbes all around us, it stands to reason that thousands of different medicines will be needed to destroy them. This translates into billions of dollars of profits, both from the sale of the drugs and the hundreds of testing procedures required to identify each of the pathogenic microbes involved.

The second school believes health problems occur not simply because we've been exposed to one microbe or another, but because our immune systems are not functioning as well as they should. This sec-ond view recognizes that we live in an environment teeming with millions, if not billions, of microbes. These organisms inhabit and thrive in our air, water, soil, and even our bodies, and it is largely thanks to the delicate yet complex actions of our immune sys-tems that we are able not only to survive but actually thrive in this microbe-infested environment.

An active, healthy immune system is the one thing that keeps us alive, and under normal circum-stances, our immune systems are able to destroy harmful microbes while leaving benign varieties alone. This second school recognizes the importance of enhancing the body's own innate healing powers through a proper diet and lifestyle.

The Results Speak for ThemselvesOver the last few years, we've witnessed the back-

lash of germ therapy in the form of deadly, antibiotic-resistant bacteria. As a result of the escalating strength and overuse of antibiotics, several strains of bacteria have mutated and developed a resistance to all forms of medication currently available. And often, the side effects of these drug treatments prove to be more dan-gerous than the virus itself.

A few short years ago, any comment about a sub-stance's ability to boost the immune system brought howls of laughter and condemnation from the medical community. Nowadays, this same concept seems to be all the rage. Slowly but surely, modern medicine is beginning to understand the vital importance of enhancing the body's own disease-fighting capabilities.

Be it cancer, Alzheimer's, AIDS, or another deadly and seemingly incurable disease, current research is confirming that therapies which hold the greatest promise are the more natural, less toxic ones, especially those that work in conjunction with the immune system. These are therapies that nurture the body's natural defense mechanism and help it to work the way nature intended.

Up:hi are already following the recommendations made in the first two parts of this series, then you're well on your way to having a resilient immune system, able to resist illness or overcome it. To take that a step further, you need to shore up your "other" circulatory system.

Your Larger Circulatory SystemHealth or disease often has its roots in a complex,

secondary circulatory system, whose function is key to cellular health. While you may have heard the name of this system, you might not know what it does or how it works. It's called the lymphatic system.

Everybody knows about the blood circulation system of the body, and many people have heard of the lymph nodes, but relatively few know how significant the lymph system really is. For example, there is twice as much lymph in the body as blood, and there are twice as many lymphatic vessels as there are blood vessels.

The blood system and the lymph system are related and dependent on each other. As blood circulates through arteries and then capillaries, where nutrients and hormones are exchanged for waste products, and then into veins, it leaks cell-nurturing fluids into the lymph system. This transfer of fluid takes place through the capillary walls. At this point, the lymph (a nearly clear liquid) does something the blood can't do: It car-ries water, food, and oxygen to the cells. In turn, the cells produce proteins and waste products. The lymph absorbs the waste products and carries them away.

The lymph will return to the bloodstream, but first, because it's contaminated with cell waste products, it must be cleaned. This is accomplished as the lymph filters through the lymph nodes.

At one time or another, everybody has felt swollen, congested nodes, especially in the neck, armpit, or groin. Toxins and poisons from something as simple as a cut finger can cause pain and swelling in the armpit. A lump in a lymph node can be alarming if you find one, but usually it is nothing more than a hard-working, efficient lymph node.

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Part Ill: Shore U t Immunity


You Have to Move To Keep It MovingAlthough, the lymph system shares a number of

similarities with the blood system, there is one big dif-ference: Lymph has no strong pump (like the heart) to keep it moving. The lymph is moved by breathing, walk-ing, intestinal activity, and muscle action.

Any time the lymph backs up, there is a problem. If your lymph system becomes clogged it can result in upper respiratory infections, sinus and ear infections, throat problems, colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, or pneumonia.

It's essential that we keep our lymph system moving, and one way is through exercise. When the muscles contract, they squeeze the vessels and move the lymph. I've always stressed the importance of exercise, and one reason is that it's vital for lymph flow and the resultant cleansing of your body's cellular system.

Massage is another way we can help lymph nodes drain. Professional massage is best, but you can cer-tainly help the lymph system yourself or with the help of a friend. Working away from the heart will only irritate the system, so be sure you massage toward the heart. The following are more specific instructions.

1. Using massage oil, start under the jaw and milk down the throat on each side of the big muscle on both sides.

2. At the base of the skull, with your thumbs just behind the ears, push under the skull and into the neck with firm pressure, slowly moving toward the collar bone. Continue to do this, and each time, move the thumbs closer together toward the spinal column. Doing this alone has relieved

headaches and neck tension in some individuals.

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3. Find the reflex point in the upper part of the body. It is located at the bottom part of the breast bone or sternum. Vigorously rub this area for about two minutes to facilitate lymphatic drainage.

Here's another tip that will help the lymph system: Regularly take both vitamin C and a natural source of vitamin A. I recommend daily doses of 2,000 mg of vita-min C, 5,000 IU of vitamin A as retinyl palmitate, and 15,000 IU of vitamin A as beta carotene. This is a good reason to take a carefully formulated multivitamin daily.

Above all, don't underestimate the importance of the lymphatic system to your health. Your cellular life depends on it. If you begin to feel that familiar touch of sore throat, you can take action by doing some of the procedures I've outlined here. Also, don't forget the exercises outlined in Part I of this series.

Keep It Flowing for Your Breasts' SakeThe health of the breasts is one area of the body that

appears to be directly linked with optimal functioning of the lymph system. We now know that wearing a bra 14 hours a day tends to increase the hormone prolactin, which decreases circulation in breast tissue. Poor circulation and drainage in the breast can greatly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Bras can impede lymphatic flow and contribute to that risk.

Several years ago, medical anthropologist Sidney Singer compared the incidence of breast cancer in two groups of women in Fiji. Half of the women wore bras and the other half went without. Singer discovered that those who wore bras had the same rate of breast cancer as women living the United States. Those who went bra-less experienced practically no breast cancer whatsoever.

I suggest that women who wear bras daily not use them at night during sleep. The less bras are used, the less circulation and lymph flow are impeded in the breast. (See Breast care in the resource section on page 7 for more information.)

You Can Improve Your Odds with Flax...While we're on the subject, I want to give you some

additional information for the health of your breasts. As you probably know, problems with estrogen metabolism

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are behind many cases of breast cancer. Certain plant constituents known as lignans and isoflavones can help synthesize estrogen and increase the ratio of "good" estrogen to "bad."

Lignans are found in oats, barley, whole wheat, sesame seed, and flaxseed, with flaxseed being the most concentrated food source. Flaxseed has a concentration more than 100 times greater than any other lignancontaining food. Bacteria in the bowel convert these lignans into two mammalian lignans—enterodiol and enterolactone—which have a chemical structure that blocks estrogen activity.

Lignans are just one type of a group of plant chemicals called phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. Phytoestrogens have a marked ability to influence estrogen levels. When body estrogen levels are low, phytoestrogens help elicit an estrogen response; when levels are high, they compete with existing estrogen, negating much of its effect. In other words, phytoestrogens exert a beneficial balancing effect. (Planta Medica 65;13:352-7) As such, it's not surprising that high levels of lignans have been found to inhibit both the synthesis of estrogen and estrogen-stimulated breast cancer cell growth.

...and with SoyAnother food known for its

phytoestrogenic activity is soy. Every shred of evidence I've investigated so far verifies that soybeans have an amazing ability to prevent the development of both breast and prostate cancer, and by all indications it's the isoflavones in soybeans that are responsible. Three principal isoflavones are found in soy foods, and preeminent among these is genistein.

Genistein inhibits angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels in the body. Generally after puberty, new blood vessel formation isn't required, and it's not normal, except following severe trauma or deep surgery, or during body-building programs. Many forms of disease, including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy, and solid-tumor cancers are dependent on excessive new blood vessel formation.

Researchers in Germany isolated genistein from the urine of patients consuming soy in their diets and found it was the most potent of the isoflavones in stopping the growth of endothelial cells (the primary cells that form new blood vessels). Genistein concentrations in the urine of vegetarians was considerable, whereas concentrations in individuals on the traditional standard American diet were 1/30 as much. (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93;90(7):2690-4)

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In test-tube and human experiments, soybean plant hormones have been shown to protect against breast, prostate, and colon cancer. Researchers at the University of Singapore compared the histories of 200 confirmed breast cancer patients to those of 420 controls. They found that premenopausal women who ate greater amounts of soy protein developed significantly less breast cancer than those who ate small amounts or none at all.

Use soy flour, tofu, miso, and tempeh (tem-pay), because they may provide the best protection. When a recipe calls for 1 cup of wheat flour, substitute one-third cup of soy flour and two-thirds cup of wheat flour. There will be no noticeable change in taste. Soy flour can be found in most health food stores.

The Buzz About PropolisWhat I've uncovered lately about

propolis' antiviral and antibacterial activity only further supports my personal commitment to take it on a daily basis. Although bee pollen and royal jelly are more familiar bee products, the power of propolis hasn't been overlooked by beekeepers.

Propolis is the brown, waxy, sticky resin that bees collect from oozing tree buds. It contains more than 30 biologically active components. (Rev Cubana EstorhatO1-88;25(3):36-44).-

This "bee glue" has amazing antiseptic powers, which help preserve the sterile atmosphere of the hive. Research from the former Soviet Union (andconfirmed by other countries) has shown that propolis has strong antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-amoebic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. (Chung Kuo Chung Yao Tsa Chih 91;16(8);481-2,512) (Acta Microbiol Bulg 85;17:79-85)

Ethnopharmacol 91;35(1):77-82)Here is just a sampling of research

findings to illustrate its value: Oral infections caused by Candida albicans yeast can be effectively treated with propolis. (Rev Chir Oncol Radio! 0 R L Oftalmol Stomatol Ser Stomatol 89;36(2):91-8) When our bodies' defenses are weakened, yeast organisms can proliferate and further tax our systems. Candidiasis is just one of many yeast infections commonly seen in individuals whose immune systems have been compromised by such things as systemic antibacterial or corticosteroid therapy, obesity, diabetes, AIDS, or pregnancy. Propolis has strong antiviral properties. Topical applications have been used to treat both herpes zoster (shingles) and herpes simplex (cold sores or fever blisters). Propolis appears to be particularly

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effective in recurrent cases. (Virologie 88;39(1):21-4) French researchers found that the combination of compounds in propolis was far more effective than each of the individual components. It's one more instance in which the total natural product works better, with fewer side effects, than its isolated com-ponents. (J Nat Prod 92;55(12):173240) Recent research from China has shown that when propolis was given to older mice, they fatigued less easily and had more endurance, even with a lack of oxygen. It also boosted their immune systems. (Zhong Yao Cai 00;23(6):346-8) At the National Heart & Lung Institute in London, researchers discovered that propolis was active against the human tubercle bacilli, better known as tuberculosis, or TB. (J R Soc Med 90;83(3):150-60)

I take propolis on a regular basis and recommend it to anyone who wants to keep the immune system in top shape. Propolis is available in tablets, capsules, and liquid, as well as in salves for topical use. Recommendedmaintenance dosages are generally 500-1,000 mg per day in tablet and capsule form. It's rare, but some people can be allergic to bee products, so it would be wise to start with small doses of propolis first to see if you experience a problem. (See Propolis in the resource section Ie.' on page 7 for more information and how to order.)

DMG—Russian Contribution to Immunity

Dimethylglycine (DMG) is an over-the-counter food compound that first received widespread attention in the late 1960s when Russians published reports claiming it improved the performance of autistic and mentally handicapped children. Also important is that studies show it can have a dramatic effect on the immune sys-tem. DMG has been referred to as an immunologic mod-ulator. In simpler terms, it either restores or increases the immune system response, and its effects can be quite profound. The following are some of the potential applications for DMG.

A study from the University of South Carolina showed that when patients' immune systems were chal-lenged with a vaccine, those patients taking DMG had a 400 percent higher antibody production than those not taking DMG. Additionally the lymphocytes' T-cell (white blood cell formed in lymphoid tissue) response

"▪ was increased. (J Infect Dis 81; 143(1):101-104) DMG

is worth consideration for geriatric patients with weak immune systems who require or request immunizations such as flu shots. It might make it possible for a smaller

dosage of a vaccine to be used. DMG may also allow for lower-dose immunizations for younger people.

DMG may be beneficial for chronically ill children, prone to flu, colds, and other ailments, probably because their immune systems were compromised from birth. DMG could help increase immune system response when these kids are exposed to the wide variety of bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the environment.

When patients undergo radiation or chemotherapy, DMG could help restore the immune system. After radi-ation and chemicals are utilized in an effort to destroy the tumor, the patient's immune system is usually highly compromised. In many cases opportunistic infections set in and can lead to the patient's demise.

DMG is readily available and its safety is unques-tioned. The usual dosage is 125 mg a day for children; this is the same dosage for maintenance levels in adults. Adults with mental handicaps, cardiac problems, severe immune deficiencies, or a combination of these may require as much as 250-375 mg daily. (See DMG in the resource section on page 7 for ordering information.)

Turn Up the HeatWhen your thyroid is underactive, your potassium

levels are low, or both, your body has more difficulty maintaining a normal body temperature and creating a fever. The ability to raise body temperature is a function of the immune system. Higher body temperatures increase metabolism and circulation, which in turn enable your body's defenses to fight off pathogenic bac-teria and viruses such as colds, flu, and other infections.

A lower-than-normal body temperature suppresses the immune system. In these cases, herbs such as echi-nacea that augment the actions of the immune system generally don't work very well, if at all.

The most common reason body temperature is suppressed is an underactive thyroid. To evaluate your thyroid, use the basal temperature test (see "Hypothyroid Self-Test," on page 5). If the test indicates your thyroid is underactive, you can improve its performance in a matter of weeks with losol liquid. Start with four drops in water every day; after two weeks reduce the dosage to two drops daily. (See Iosol in the resource section on page 7 for product information.)

If your thyroid's function is normal, then consider your potassium level. You can raise it by drinking more fruit and vegetable juices (freshly made, if you have a juicer) and by cutting back on sodium intake. These steps will improve other aspects of your health as well, and it may be all you need to do to get things back on track.

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1. Place an oral thermometer by your bed. Make sure to shake it down to at least 96° Farenheit.2. When you wake up the next morning, immediately place the thermometer in your armpit and leave it there for 10 minutes before getting out of bed. Just relax and remain still during the test. (Note: Women in their menstrual years get the most accurate readings on the second or third day after menstrual flow starts.)3. Record the temperature. A reading between 97.2° and 98.2° F is considered normal; temperatures below 97.2° generally indicate you have low thyroid function.

Heavy metal toxicity is another body-temperature inhibitor. Tests for heavy metal toxicity must be done by a doctor, and he or she can help you correct any problems. I would, however, try the other solutions I've provided before investing in a doctor's visit and test. Chances are that treating the thyroid or raising potas-sium levels will work for you.

Finally, if your thyroid checks out normal, and rais-ing your potassium levels didn't do the trick, try taking one capsule of cayenne pepper (capsaicin) three times a day. You may need to continue this for at least a week or two to give your body enough time to wipe out the infection.

I've treated individuals with colds, flu, and chronic infections whose thyroid tests were normal, but whose body temperature was below normal. None of the natu-ral remedies for those types of problems seemed to improve the infections until I raised the body tempera-ture with cayenne pepper. (See Cayenne in the resource section on page 7 for information about ordering.)

Accepted (But Not Acceptable) Hormone Treatments

In recent years, hormones (human growth hormone, DHEA, testosterone, synthetic progesterone, and cortisone) have been portrayed as safe remedies that can increase your energy levels, improve your overall state of health, and extend your life span. Believe it or not, a lot of people have fallen for this nonsense—hook, line, and sinker. Hopefully, you're not one of them.

Much of the confusion surrounding hormones comes from hundreds of so-called experts who claim to be looking out for your best interests by battling the evils of the giant pharmaceutical companies on

your behalf. admit that it all sounds wonderful, but people who recommend the routine use of hormones as

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Prolonged, unnecessary hormone therapy is a gamble. Not a single doctor—or anyone else, for that matter—knows the cumulative, long-term effects of any of these



a quick fix for your health problems are taking a short-sighted and potentially dangerous approach. The popular hormone cortisone is a good example.

Cortisone, whether delivered topically, orally, or by injection, stops pain, inflammation, swelling, itching, and a host of other symptoms. It works by blocking the normal response of your immune system. Let me explain why that's significant.

While you may know that skin cancer is on the increase, you may not know that research appears to link the use of cortisone and other immune system sup-pressors to the recurrence of melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. When melanoma is detected, early and the surface tumor is removed, the 10-year survival rate is about 80 percent. It's well accepted that if the tumor doesn't recur during those 10 years, the patient is considered to be out of danger. But a study at Massachusetts General Hospital found that melanoma tumors can recur even 15 or more years after removal. So the question that puzzles top researchers is what the tumor was doing for 15 years.

Apparently, in certain individuals, the body's immune system is strong enough to keep the tumor from growing for a decade or longer. Then, something suppresses the immune system and allows the tumor to awaken. We can learn two things from this research:

If you've ever had melanoma, or any other type of cancer, never use any form of steroid (like cortisone) or other immune system suppressor. Since their primary purpose is to suppress the natural, protective action of your immune system, these drugs may allow a dormant tumor to resume growth. If you've successfully treated any type of cancer naturally with specific diets or supplements, then it would be wise to continue the successful diet program and supplements as recommended, along with additional nutrients that strengthen your immune system. This is one of the reasons I advocate incorporating a wide variety of immune system–enhancing components, including Hawaiian spirulina, royal jelly, bee pollen, Siberian and Korean ginseng, and Japanese Ginkgo biloba, into your daily regimen.

5 Part III: Shore U, Immunit

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(See the resource section on page 7 for additional infor-mation about Hormone treatment and immunity.)

An Immune Booster Your Grandmother Could Love

I can remember my dad telling me about his mother's devotion to castor oil when he was growing up. At the first sign of illness in one child, she would immediately give all the children an oral dose of castor oil. There's no doubt it provided a rapid solution for constipation and it must have stimulated his memory too, because he never forgot the taste and effect of castor oil!

Castor oil is a unique substance, which folk healers worldwide have used to treat a wide variety of health conditions. Its effectiveness may be due in part to its unusual chemical composition. Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids—almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content consists of ricinoleic acid—and, to my knowledge, ricinoleic acid is not found in any substance other than castor oil. The high concentration of this unusual, unsaturated fatty acid is thought to be responsible for castor oil's remarkable healing abilities.

Ricinoleic acid is effective in preventing the growth of numerous species of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, and rg•-, molds. (J Am Oil Chem Soc 61;37:323-325) This would explain its high degree of success in topical use for such ailments as ringworm, keratoses, skin inflammation, abrasions, fungal-infected finger- and toenails, acne, and chronic pruritus (itching). The treatment for these

Castor Oil PacksThe most effective use of castor oil is castor oil

packs (see "How to Make a Castor Oil Pack," this page.) or poultices, which increase topical absorption. When used properly, castor oil packs improve the function of the thymus gland and other immune system functions. Patients who used abdominal castor oil packs had significant increases in the production of lymphocytes compared with patients using placebo packs.

Lymphocytes are the disease-fighting cells of the immune system, which are produced and housed mainly in lymphatic tissue, including the thymus gland, spleen, lymph nodes, and the lymphatic tissue lining the small intestine (called Peyer's patches).

Several problems occur when lymph drainage slows

and fluid accumulates around the cells. First, ALmotim oroxygew and nourishment th

HOW TO MAKE A CASTOR OIL PACKTo make a castor oil pack you will need the following

items: Bottle of cold-pressed castor oil Standard heating pad Plastic garbage bag Two or three 1-foot square pieces of wool or

cotton flannel One large bath towel

Start by placing the heating pad on a flat surface and turn the setting to high.

Lay the plastic garbage bag on top of the heating pad. Next, soak the flannel pieces with castor oil

(about 1/2 cup) and lay them on top of the garbage bag and heating pad. The entire pack can now be

placed against the bodywith the oil-soaked flannel on the skin. For general conditions, the pack should be placed on the abdomen. (For treating lower back problems, the pack can be placed there.) To help hold the pack in place and to keep oil from getting on bedding, the body can be wrapped in a largebath towel.

The pack should main in place for at least one hour, and the temperature of the heating pad should be kept at the highest temperature tolerable to the patient.

When you remove the pack, the remaining oil can be massaged into the skin or cleaned off using a mixture of 1 quart warm water and 2 tablespoons baking soda.

The flannel can be reused if stored properly in either a Ziploc bag or plastic container, and placed in the refrigerator. Before using it the next time, let it warm up, and always add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of fresh castor oil. (After a month of use, I would recommend using new flannel.)

Meanwhile, cells are forced to exist in their ownwaste and toxic by-products. This can lead to the degen-eration and destruction of organs. For example, poor lymphatic drainage of the heart can lead to heart tissue damage and possible heart failure.

When castor oil is absorbed through the skin, several positive events take place.

The lymphocyte count of the blood increases.•

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Lymph ft e fllio: improves throughout the body, speeding

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Appendicitis Hyperactivity Bowel impaction or adhesions Bladder and vaginal infections Parkinson's disease Multiple

formation of hormones and other components necessary for growth and repair.

There is a general overall improvement in organ function and a lessening of fatigue and depression.

The bottom line is that the removal of cellular waste products is essential for the continued health of the entire body. In the face of any health problem, make an effort to improve the function of the lymphatic system using the topical application of castor oil, oil packs, massage, and the other protocols I discussed earlier in this report.Additional Benefits of Castor Oil

Nowhere is it more evident that conditions stressing or compromising the immune system will often benefit from castor oil packs than when dealing with AIDS. I've talked with AIDS patients who have added castor oil packs (usually for one hour daily) to their treatment regimen with very positive results. It's not uncommon for them to see increases in white and red blood cell counts, platelet counts, and hematocrit readings within two weeks of starting castor oil packs.

Other lymph system–related conditions that respond to castor oil packs include:

Chronic fluid retention accompanied by swollen joints and pain Arthritis Upper respiratory infections Colon problemsGallbladder disease Menstrual-related congestion Liver problems

Centuries ago, the castor bean plant was referred to as the "Palma Christe" because the shape of the plant's leaves was thought to resemble the palm of Christ. The name may be a very accurate description. You'll be more than satisfied when you experience the amazing results that can be achieved with the simple oil of the castor bean.Any oil you consume or apply to your skin needs to be of the highest quality, including castor oil. Check your local health food store for cold-pressed castor oil. (See Castor oil in the resource section below for additional product information.)

I've given you a list of actions and supplements you can take to boost your immunity if it's less than optimal or to maintain it for peak performance. You probably couldn't use them all at once and I wouldn't even advise it. Different remedies or combinations of remedies work differently for individuals, so you'll probably need to be willing to experiment a bit to discover what works for you. I'd recommend starting with something easy and enjoyable like regular massage with a partner and then work from there. Obviously, if you have a health problem, you'll want to try more remedies in combination.

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned over the years I've been practicing medicine and researching alternative solutions is that the body is medicine. It has the innate ability to heal itself. If we're born healthy, then once our immune system matures, it takes on the job of the body's defender. It's our means to defend against and defeat most bacteria, overcome infection, and rebalance our systems if they are harmed by outside forces. We are the stewards of our bodies, and only we can facilitate this health-defense process.■


n Breast care — To learn more about breast health and the lymph system, read Alternatives October 1997, Vol. 7, No. 4. You can order it by calling 800-718-8293. Propolis — For more about propolis, order Alternatives August 1993, Vol. 5, No. 2, by calling 800-718-8293. Propo'ts is widely available in health food

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stores. I order mine from CC Pollen, on the Web at www.ccpollen. corn or by phone at 800-875-0096.

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May 2007

Dr. David G. Williams

Trading One Poison for Another

May 2007 Alternatives 177

F O R T H E H E A L T H - C O N S C I O U S I N D I V I D U A Lt ' s cer ta in ly taken long

enough, but food manufac-turers are finally phasing out the use of hydrogehated oils. It wasn't outcries from the public, or a dramatic change in scientific opinion, but rather legislation that finally triggered the change. The

general public probably couldn't care

less, as long as noone takes their French fries away. Hydrogenated oils, as you know, contain trans fatty acids, which have repeat-edly been linked to heart disease and other problems. It took decades for the cutback in hydrogenated oils to happen, and the deaths and suffering caused by con-

e- sunning these trans fats will never be measured.

Unfortunately, the saga continues. Many food com-panies, particularly those using baker's shortening and margarine, have substituted what are called interesterified fats for the hydrogenated oils. Just like hydrogenation, the process of esterification produces molecules that are not normally found in nature.

The whole situation is honestly surreal to me. It took decades of clinical studies, and millions of dollars, to finally convince the powers that be that hydrogenated oils were harmful. Now, they are being replaced with another unnatural, chemically altered, fat-like compound that will undoubtedly be just as problematic. Every high school biology student learns that our bodies use dietary fats not only_as fuel, but also as building blocks to help form cell membranes, hormones, insulation for nerve cells, et cetera. If you feed your body artificial, fat-like compounds that have never appeared in nature before, there are going to be problems—big problems.

The companies that make these products have to know this. I'm sure their accounting departments have already figured roughly how much profit can be made beforer. these interesterified fats are linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and God knows what else. After all, with hydrogenated fats they sucked the life and money out of

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In This IssueTrading One Poison for Another.......... 177Take Two, and You Won't Be Able to Call

in the Morning.................................. 178Resource Update—Tongkat All............ 179The Mouth Is the Window to the Sole . .179Mailbox: Canker Sores ....................... 180News to Use: Blood Pressure; Heart

Disease Treatment .......................... 182That Shower's a Knockout.................. 183Alternatives for a Changing World...... 184

You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and practiced on. — Benjamin

Volume 11, No. 23generations before that scam came to a halt. All it took to build initial credibility for hydrogenated oil products was a few industry-funded studies and some slick advertising. Remember the ads featuring "heart-healthy" hydrogenated corn oil margarines? I haven't seen any lately.

The Proof Is in the PuddingThere was a recent study in Malaysia that compared the effects

of three different diets: a trans fat–rich diet using partially hydrogenated soybean oil; an interesterifled soybean oil diet; and a diet rich in natural palm oil.

Both the trans-fat diet and the interesterified-fat diet had a significantly more negative impact on the beneficial HDL form of cholesterol than did palm oil. Additionally, those on the interesterified-fat diet had impaired glucose metabolism and utilization, while the other two diets didn't cause these changes. Both of these problems are associated with increased diabetes risk. (Nutr Metah (Land) 07;4:3)

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The study triggered a lot of criticism, particularly from Archer Daniels Midland—a company that sells interesterified fats and other oils. They pointed to other studies that indicate interesterified fats cause less of a cholesterol problem than hydrogenated oils do. Others were also critical that the study didn't compare "apples to apples" since the three diets were so different.

I'm sure this study wasn't perfect. Most aren't. But common sense should tell you this stuff is going to be a problem. Again, with the right studies and slick advertising nobody will be the wiser for probably a couple of decades. With so many other factors contributing to the upsurge in diabetes (high-fructose corn syrup, obesity, sugar consumption, et cetera) it will take that long before anyone cares enough to even look at the connection.

Don't follow the herd on this one. You'll end up just like the hundreds of thousands (or millions) who suffered needlessly or died prematurely after buying into the "crock" that margarine and other hydrogenated-oil products were actually good for the heart.

Stick with natural products that your body can actu-ally utilize. These include oil/fat products such as but-ter, nut and nut oils like coconut or macadamia nut oil, seeds and seed oil, fish and fish oils, and olive oil. And, believe it or not, the more I research lard, the better it seems when compared to hydrogenated or interesterified vegetable oils. One of the primary problems with lard seems to be the processing and preservatives being used, rather than the fat itself.

Take Two, and You Won't BeAble to Call in the Morning

ver the last couple of decades, aspirin has been promoted as a safe way to prevent everything from

heart attacks to colon cancer—all with the blessings of our FDA. As happens eventually with all drugs, though, the truth has finally emerged: aspirin isn't totally safe, and, for many people, the side effects far outweigh any possible benefits.


One of aspirin's primary uses has been to "thin" blood. More accurately, it inhibits blood clotting through its effects on blood platelets. Blood that's "thinner" flows more freely. This, in turn, reduces the workload of the heart and allows blood flow to occur at lower pressures, resulting in a lower risk of stroke and heart attack.

A while back I wrote about the dangers of aspirin resistance. [Editor's note: See Vol. 11, No. 18 for more about aspirin resistance.] More information is beginning to emerge. A recent review of 17 clinical studies found that the simple act of taking aspirin actually increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death in individuals who are "aspirin-resistant."

In the 2,367 individuals reviewed, 618 were found to be aspirin-resistant. Roughly 33 percent of this group experienced a stroke, heart attack, or other vascular incident during these studies. This compares to only 15 percent of individuals who were aspirin-sensitive.

If those numbers aren't frightening enough, then maybe the differences in death rates can help illustrate the problem. During the studies, 5.7 percent of the aspirin-resistant individuals died, compared to only 1.3 percent of those who were aspirin-sensitive. (International Stroke Conference; Feb 2007; Abstract P405)

From what we currently understand, men are more likely to be aspirin-resistant. Also, individuals who are aspirin-resistant don't seem to be helped by the blood-thinning drug Plavix (clopidogrel). For some reason, the blood-clotting ability in these individuals is able to overpower the anti-clotting effects of both of these drugs, which compounds the problem and leads to a very significant increase in the risk for stroke, heart attack, and death.

You Do Have ChoicesI'm still in shock at this point that this informa tion

hasn't become front page news. The public, as well as most doctors, still believe that aspirin is a rela tively harmless over-the-counter medication. Millions of people routinely take it on a regular basis, with

ALTERNATIVES. Author: Dr. David Williams; Publisher: Robert Kroening; Editor: Bill ToddISSN# 0893-5025. Published monthly for $69.99/yr. by Mountain Home Publishing at 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Editorial Office: 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alternatives, PO Box 2050, Forrester Center, WV 25438. Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. Photocopying or reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.

The approaches described in this newsletter are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses, or a means of diagnoses to different conditions. The author and publisher assume no responsibility in the correct or incorrect use of this information, and no attempt should be made to use any of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor.

Dr. Williams works closely with Mountain Home Nutritionals, a division of Doctors' Preferred, LLC and subsidiary of Healthy Directions, LLC, developing his unique formulations that supply many of the hard-to-find nutrients he recommends. Dr. Williams is compensated by Doctors' Preferred, LLC on the sales of these nutritional supplements and health products, which allows him to continue devoting his life to worldwide research and the development of innovative, effective health solutions.

178 Alternatives May 2007

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RESOURCE UPDATE—TONGKAT ALIIt's been almost four years since I discussed how the herb tongkat ali had been traditionally used to increase testosterone levels and libido. At the time I gave a source in Indonesia where you could order the herb. Several readers reported very positive responses from using the herb, so, as usual, I continued to follow the research and any updates concerning its availability. I'm happy to report that tongkat all is now much easier to obtain in this country.The company SourceOne Global Partners is continuing to fund research studies on the herb and has also now introduced its tongkat ali product called ActivAli.If you recall my earlier article, I discussed that tongkat all use provided other benefits in addition to increasing libido. SourceOne has completed a study with the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur showing that their product significantly increases testosterone levels, and at the same time reduces cortisol—the body's

primary stress hormone. This new research may be the start I was talking about years ago that will give tongkat ali the credibility to be recognized as more than just a sexual-enhancing herb. Traditionally, it has been used to treat numerous other problems such as migraine headaches, labor pain, malaria fever, chronic fatigue, and even various forms of cancer.If you're interested in trying a quality tongkat ali product without having to travel to Malaysia, SourceOne products should be in most health food stores by now under either the ActivAli or W 00 Tongkat All labels. If you can't find them give the company a call at 800-755-4996.This is one herb I think we'll continue to hear exciting things about for years to come. Research studies are just beginning to verify in scientific circles what traditional healers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Japan have known for centuries.

their doctor's blessing, in an attempt to prevent stroke and heart attack. Based on the picture that's emerging, this "preventive" aspirin use has probably been responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths and the trigger for hundreds of thousands of heart attacks and strokes. Can you imagine the uproar that would occur if an herb or vitamin was even remotely linked to such problems?

If you continue to take aspirin routinely, have your doctor test you for aspirin resistance—particularly if you have other risk factors for heart attack or stroke, such as a family history of either condition, obesity, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

And don't forget you have safe, effective alternatives to aspirin. Bromelain is a long-time favorite that provides most of the cardiovascular benefits of aspirin without the side effects. It now looks like resveratrol is another.

And, just recently, researchers have found that certain forms of chocolate (the darker and closer to pure cocoa the better) can provide the same blood-thinning and heart attack protection as aspirin. We're definitely not talking about milk chocolate, which is highly processed and loaded with sugar.

The flavonols in cocoa can help improve blood flow, and the amount needed isn't that much. The candy com-pany Mars has done extensive research into the benefits of cocoa. They now have a line of consumer products called

CocoaVia that are rich in beneficial flavonols, but those products still contain more refined sugar than I'd care to recommend.

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Alternatives 179

I never thought I would be recommending choco-late bars. As I've said before, I'm one of the few peo-ple on the planet that really doesn't care for chocolate. Many people do enjoy it, though, so you might as well get some health benefit out of your indulgence. Ideally you want a chocolate product that contains at least 60 percent cocoa solids (it'll say so on the label) and that has been minimally processed (alkali or "Dutch" processing removes much of the flavonol content from the cocoa powder).

When you combine the problems associated with aspirin resistance with those of aspirin-induced gastrointestinal bleeding and macular degeneration, it should become apparent that it isn't a drug to be taken lightly, particularly on a routine basis. Just because it's "over-the-counter" doesn't mean it's safe for everyone.

The Mouth Is the Window tothe Sole

hether I'm trying to formulate a more effective supplement, researching the effects of various

supplements, or studying the dangers of toxins, one factor always comes into play: the regularity of exposure.

WFor example, taking a one-time dose of 800 IU of

vitamin E might provide some health benefit for a day or even two, but the overall effect would be short-lived. The same holds true for other vitamins, minerals, and supplements; exercise; eating a cleaner diet; et cetera. The greatest benefits are obviously

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180 Alternatives May 2007

MAILBOXCANKER SORE CAREQuestion: I have problem with canker sores and have checked all of the back issues of Alternatives that I have for a solution. My collection doesn't go back that far, but I've yet to find anything. Could you help?

—Marian T. Austin, TX

_Answer: Readers have successfully reported using alum, in the form of either powder (purchased from the drug store) or styptic pencils (the ones used to stop shaving cuts). (Alum, by the way, is the compound added to "mouth puckering" gum you find in magic and fun shops.)I've seen the best results with two particular items, propolis extract and licorice products.A drop of propolis extract placed directly on the sore and allowed to dry works most of the time, if you catch the sore immediately. The problem with the propolis is that it's very sticky and messy. It's like putting tar on your lip: It's unsightly, and it's hard to remove—particularly if it gets on your teeth. And, it seems to work best if you catch the canker sore when it first forms. 1 get my propolis from GloryBee Foods. A one-ounce bottle costs about $7 and will last forever. You can contact GloryBee at www.glorybee.com or 800-456-7923.In India, l learned about using a mouthwash made from DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). DGL is the product that works to heal stomach and intestinal ulcers as well. DGL is now readily available in health

food stores and through many manufacturers. To make the mouthwash, simply add about 200 mg of DGL to 200 mL of water. The exact proportions aren't that critical, so you can add a little more if you want. Just rinse your mouth about four times a day, and don't drink anything afterward for several minutes.A new product I particularly like takes advantage of the healing powers of licorice without the hassles. It's called CankerMelts.CankerMelts consists of an oral patch that you place directly over the sore, as soon as it starts to form. Unlike some of the other products on the market, it stops the pain within about 10 minutes without numbing the area. The disc dissolves but continues to provide relief for anywhere from 2 to 6 hours. It's a neat product.A recent study showed that those using the patch had complete pain relief after three days, and most sores shrank to one-tenth their original size after seven days—while untreated sores continued to grow. In another study, it was found that 26 of 27 canker sores healed in three days or less when treated with the product, compared to a normal healing time of 10 to 14 days if left untreated.CankerMelts are made by Orahealth Corporation, and a box of 18 patches costs about $10. The product is available in CVS and other pharmacies nationwide, or you can order it online at www.dentist.net.

obtained with consistency. I'm sure this concept is pretty elementary to grasp.

On the flip side of the coin, however, I don't think most people take seriously enough the extreme dan-gers of constantly being exposed to even minor amounts of toxins. Most research doesn't focus on this problem, because it would require following the subjects for years if not decades. Additionally, hundreds of other possible factors would have to be eliminated from the equation.

Just like having a steady supply of vitamins or minerals can have a major role in preventing disease and illness, a steady exposure to toxins plays a major role in causing disease and illness. One of the reasons I favor drinking distilled water is that this simple act lessens your chance of slowly poisoning yourself, con-stantly stressing your immune system, or breaking down your detoxification abilities. Drinking even very minute amounts of pesticides, herbicides, toxic chemi-cals, et cetera, can lead to serious problems if done over a lifetime. Obviously, the concentration of tox

ins are higher, but a decades-long habit like cigarette smoking or a lifetime occupation around pesticides will take its toll.

Your Personal Superfund SiteOne of the most under-rated sources of toxins and

stress to the body comes from periodontal or gum disease. It's a problem that exists 24/7, and often for decades. If you had a festering sore on the back of your hand for 20, 30, or even 50 years, it would get your attention. Periodontal disease, which releases a constant trickle of toxins and infectious bacteria into your bloodstream, somehow gets totally overlooked. Your body's immune and detoxification systems, however, can't overlook the problem. They face a never-ending battle that strains both their resources and your ability to fight other infec-tions and repair damage elsewhere in the body.

I've reported on, and I'm sure you've read, the studies linking periodontal disease to the number-one killer in this country, cardiovascular disease. That direct link has been well established. [Editor's note: Visit the Subscriber

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Dr. Price took extracted teeth from patients in his practice and placed the tooth under the skin of rabbits. In practically every case, he found that the rabbits would develop the same health problems and degenerative dis-eases found in the patients. Even more surprising, in many cases he could remove the tooth and the animal's health would return to normal. The number and variety of diseases he found to be involved was amazing. (Dr. Price's 1939 book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, explains his work and findings in great detail.)

Periodontal disease is one disease that can be effectively treated and kept under control with proper dental hygiene and other procedures. It amazes me just how much some people will spend on various supplements in an effort to "boost" their immune system so they can fight off infections while, at the same time, they

01.16. allow a chronic infection to exist unchallenged right under their own nose.

May 2007 Alternatives 181

Center of Dr. Williams' Web site, wwvv.drdavidwilliams. corn, to see his program for oral health.]

New research has now confirmed that periodontal disease is a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer.

The health of 51,529 men was monitored over a 16-year period. The study began in 1986 and involved male health professionals ages 40 to 76. By 2002, a total of 216 patients had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Of those, 67 percent had periodontal disease. After adjusting for known risk factors such as cigarette smok-ing, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, the researchers determined that periodontal disease increased the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by 64 percent. Natl Cancer Inst 07;99(4:171-175)

Express Connection to the TeethIt would be interesting (frightening would probably

be a better word) to determine what other cancers and diseases are directly linked to periodontal disease. I'm sure that cardiovascular disease and pancreatic cancer are only the tip of the iceberg. In the early 1900s, the dentist Dr. Weston Price carried out numerous well-documented experiments demonstrating the connection between dental infections and all forms of serious dis-eases throughout the body.

He suspected that many degenerative diseases were, in fact, directly connected to bacterial infections in teeth. Dr. Price followed a path reminiscent of earlier studies where doctors removed, identified, and cultured bacteria from sick patients and then injected it into healthy animals, to determine if bacteria actually caused the same disease.

Open Wide, and Let's See Your HipPeriodontal disease can predict health in other areas as

well. A group of dentists with the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam have discovered that dental x-rays can be a diagnostic tool for osteoporosis. As I've written before, the health of your jaw is an early indicator of the health of your entire skeleton. Teeth are living tissue just as bone is, and any process that affects your bones will affect your teeth and the surrounding area, too. Loose teeth, in particular, indicate bone loss in the jaw, but simple gum disease can be the first sign of osteoporosis. [Editor's note: See Vol. 10, No. 3, for more about the connection between dental health and bone health.]

Standard screening efforts for osteoporosis tend to be expensive and not readily available for large groups of people. (The heel-measurement devices found in drug stores and used in community screenings are not sensitive enough to give a true reading.) As a result, the tendency is to refer women for testing only if there's some reason to believe that osteoporosis is present.

Currently, unless a woman has broken a bone, the only real indicators for osteoporosis are age and body type (the risk increases with age, and thin women are at higher risk—as are women with slender bone structure). Researchers found that certain measurements from dental x-rays could improve the prediction of osteoporosis by 10 percent or more. In the study, 661 women had their bone mineral density measured by the current standard, DEXA analysis, and the results were compared to those of dental x-rays from the same women. Analysis showed that using the dental x-rays was both sensitive and specific (that is, it detected osteoporosis in women who really had it, and didn't show osteoporosis in women who didn't have it). (International Association for Dental Research, 85th Scientc Session, March 22 2007 Abstract 0239)

I can think of two advantages to using dental x-rays in this manner. The first is that nearly everyone has them on a regular basis, so it's not a big deal to add in a check for osteoporosis. The analysis of the x-rays is done by a software program, so the dentist doesn't have to spend much additional time per patient.

The second advantage is that there's little additional expense in the use of dental x-rays. DEXA scans require the use of specialized (and expensive) equipment, and providers of that service charge accordingly. Your dentist would need to make only a nominal investment in the software program.

One simple solution I recommended in the September, 2003 article is xylitol. Two Finnish studies showed that,

(Oral health continued on page 183)

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182 Alternatives May 2007

NEWS TO USE FROM AROUND THE WORLDA Crick in the Neck Can Break Your Heart

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS—A simple chiropractic adjustment could reduce your blood pressure. In a trial conducted at the Rush University Hypertension Center in Chicago, a group of 50 patients received either an adjustment to the upper cervical vertebra, known as the atlas, or a sham procedure designed to imitate the real thing but produce no benefit.

Those who received the real adjustment had an average decrease of 17 points in their systolic blood pressure (the upper number) and 10 points diastolic (the lower number). These results are similar to what can be achieved by typical two-drug combination therapy for hypertension. The decrease in blood pressure lasted for at least the eight weeks of followup in the study. U Hum Hypertens 07,-(Mar 2):Epub ahead of print, PMID 17252032)

The researchers said that they didn't know how the adjustment worked, but patients who received an adjustment of the atlas for other reasons had spontaneously reported a decrease in blood pressure. The effect likely is due to the fact that so many parts of the nervous system and cardiovascular system are packed together at that point in the neck. The atlas is the uppermost vertebra, and is held in place by soft tissue such as ligaments and muscles—instead of being inter-locked with other vertebrae the way all the others are.

You can check yourself to see if a misaligned atlas could be causing your high blood pressure. Simply lie on your back on a hard surface—the kitchen floor will do fine—in bare feet. Ask a companion to compare the position of your heels. If they're even, then the atlas isn't out of alignment. If they're uneven, then your companion should watch what happens to your heels as you turn your head from side to side. If their relative position changes as your head moves, then the atlas is out of alignment and an adjustment could help.

If you do choose to try a chiropractic adjustment, and you're already taking medication for your blood pressure, make sure your physician knows what you're planning and can adapt your dosage as necessary.

Supplements 1, Surgery 0NEW ORLEANS, LOUSIANA—Here's another bit of

information you won't be seeing many places. Researchers from Buffalo General Hospital, in

Buffalo, New York, recently compared the outcomes in patients who received various forms of treatment for heart blood vessel blockages. They compared patients who received percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) to those who received only various medications—such as aspirin, statins, blood thinners, ACE inhibitors, cal-

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cium channel blockers, and beta-blockers. (PCI, also known as angioplasty, is a surgery in which a catheter is snaked into the blood vessels of the heart, usually through an artery in the leg. A small balloon is then inflated to "open" the artery and a mesh tube called a stent is inserted to help keep the artery open.)

After evaluating seven years of results, the researchers found that both groups of patients had practically the same number of heart attacks and strokes. The surgery was also no more effective at preventing future cardiovascular events or at reducing the death rate. The only benefit of the surgery over the medication therapies was that it reduced the amount of angina or chest pains. (American College of Cardiology 56th Annual Scientific Session 2007)

If anything, this study further supports the fact that one of the best therapies for cardiovascular disease is to change one's lifestyle (quit smoking, increase exercise), improve the diet, and use proper supplements.

Bromelain, garlic, vitamins E and C, and omega-3 fatty acids all reduce platelet clotting activity. And a recent study found that tomatoes do so as well.

A tomato extract equivalent to six tomatoes was given to 23 healthy volunteers. Platelet aggregation was reduced significantly in just three hours and the effect persisted for 12 hours. (Am I Clin Nutr 06;84(3):570-579)

I wouldn't expect anyone to eat six tomatoes a day, but including tomatoes in your diet—along with products like low-sodium V8 juice, tomato paste, and supplements like the tomato extract Lycomato—plus other foods and supplements that decrease platelet activity is the way to go. And keep in mind that one of the biggest culprits that increases platelet activity and contributes to cardiovascular disease is sugar.

We know that, in the long run, lifestyle changes and proper nutrition are more effective than the use of the drugs listed above—and, more importantly, they address the root cause of the problems instead of just the symptoms. By correcting the cause, the opportunity exists—particularly in cardiovascular disease—to actually reverse the damage that has occurred.

It is estimated that more than one million PCIs are performed each year in this country. Unfortunately, I doubt this study or a hundred more like it will cause that number to drop any time in the near future.

Too Much of a Good ThingBefore I leave this topic, there's one other item that

I need to mention.If you look at the list of medications I mentioned in

the first paragraph, you'll notice that several are used

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to lower blood pressure. It seems that one of the first things doctors do when treating cardiovascular disease is put the patient on drugs to lower their blood pressure. The idea is to lessen the load on the heart to keep it from failing. Many doctors fail, however, to stress the importance of not letting blood pressure fall too low. If you're being treated for cardiovascular disease, this is one thing you need to be aware of.

Many people with high blood pressure—and practically all those who have cardiovascular disease—have some degree of arterial narrowing and/or clogging, which restricts or limits blood flow. In such instances, for your body to maintain adequate blood flow or

oxygen delivery to the tissues (heart, brain, kidneys, et cetera), your blood pressure must be high enough. Research has shown that when your diastolic (the lower or second number) falls below 80, it may not be high enough to properly circulate the blood. in fact, if it falls below this point the chance of having a heart attack and death increases—and when it falls below 70, the numbers increase very significantly. (Ann Intern Med 06;744(12):884-893)

When it comes to lowering blood pressure, more is not always better. If you monitor you own blood pres-sure, keep this in mind and alert your doctor if it begins to fall too low.

(Oral health continued from page 181)in mice, xylitol could maintain bone mineral density—or even increase it. The dosage of xylitol

used in those studies translates to about 40 grams a day. That might seem like a large amount, but it's only three

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teaspoons. And if you take sugar in your tea, simply replacing it with xylitol will give you a good part of the dosage. Of course, weight-bearing exercise is probably the best preventive.The stress on your bones stimulates biochemical reactions necessary to take old bone away and replace it with new.

That Shower's a Knockout

ears ago, I

cautioned against using antibacterial soaps. Hopefully, you listened.


One of the main problems with antibacterial soaps is that they can

contribute to the current problems we're having with mutated strains of bacteria that are antibiotic resistant. While you may kill off most of the "bugs," the ones that are able to survive go on to produce a stronger, more resistant new generation. But growing your own crop of antibiotic-resistant superbugs in your own home isn't the only problem.

Researchers have discovered that triclosan, a widely used antibacterial agent, reacts with chlorine in water to form several byproducts—including chloroform.

Chemists at Virginia Polytechnic Institute checked the levels of chloroform exposure

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from showering or washing dishes with various antibacterial soaps. Using triclosan-containing products increased chloroform exposure to one's airways and/or skin by as much as 40 percent over the allowable concentration in tap water. (If your water is chlorinated, chloroform is formed when chlorine reacts with any organic material in the water.)

Chloroform exposure has been shown to practically double the risk of bladder cancer. And mothers exposed to higher levels of chloroform in drinking water give birth to babies with lower birth weights and an increased number of birth defects, particularly congenital heart defects, than mothers who are exposed to lower levels. It should go without saying that young children, as well as anyone with a compromised immune system, would be more susceptible to potential problems caused by chloroform exposure.

Lithe 1800s, chloroform was routinely used for anesthesia. The practice stopped when it was discovered that the chemical could cause liver

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dysfunction and heart failure, among other things. If you have respiratory or heart problems, long showers in heavily chlorinated water probably aren't something you should be doing.

Get rid of the antibacterial soaps. We used to be satisfied with merely washing germs off our skin, a perfectly adequate strategy—and one that can be accomplished with ordinary soap. If you're looking for more protec-tion, I recommend the occasional use of soap made from the neem tree. This plant is a native of Burma and India, but its been transplanted

to other tropical areas such as Central America. People in India use neem for everything from insect repellent to toothpaste. While neem isn't specifically an antibacterial, it does clean your skin without stripping away the protective oils that keep bacteria from invading in the first place. Neem soap is available from the Ayurvedic Institute, at www.ayurveda.com or 505-291-9698.

Ideally, don't drink chlorinated water. Distilled or natural, clean, deep, uncontaminated well water would be my choice, if available. Carbon filtration also helps. You can also add some powdered vitamin C to chlorinated water and let it sit for a while before drinking to help get rid

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of the chloroform.

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As for showering, besides filtering the water, the most practical thing to do is at least run the bathroom exhaust fan, if there is one. Running it during the shower and for a time afterward was shown to decrease chloroform inhalation by as much as 30 percent.

It's not surprising that cancer rates and various neu-rological problems have been on the rise in this country, considering just how much exposure we have to various chemicals and pollutants these days. I certainly don't think constant paranoia is the answer, but we should be more aware of our surroundings and the routines we develop. And the use of antibacterial soap is one routine 'that needs to be eliminated.

Alternatives for a ChangingWorld

've said at times that I feel like Alternatives is as much a survival letter as it is a health publication. Strangely, this seems to become more true every year. You would think that with increased medical technology, the Internet, and "advances" in pharmaceuticals, this wouldn't be the case. But if you read between the headlines, it's really not hard to understand why things have turned out this way.

Medical technology is focused on treating problems, not on preventing them. The greatest profit potential definitely lies in treatment. The Internet has been a godsend in the dissemination of health information. Separating the substance from the advertising and propaganda, however, is an ever-increasing chore.

A few weeks ago, 60 Minutes did a damning exposé on the pharmaceutical industry that probably didn't shock anyone. Although the pharmaceutical business is corrupt, it seems to have full support up to the highest levels of our government. Everyone seems to know about the problem, yet accepts it as normal. Our own government agencies that were formed to help protect the public's interest and be the watchdogs over the drug companies have literally sold out to the pharmaceutical industry.

The survival aspect comes into serious play when we become the sole protectors of our health. That has certainly become the case today.

Our available food supply becomes more contami-nated and modified each and every year. The inter-esterified fat research I mentioned earlier is just the latest example.

Our country is one of the few civilized ones that long ago abandoned their civil defense shelter program and has no plans to reinstate one. Back when I was in school, the program consisted mainly of what's known as "shelter in place," where people would be hidden away with a supply of food and water—hopefully enough of both to last until the hazard had passed.

Now, a vital part of a comprehensive civil defense program, one that was likely not even considered back in the 1960s, is protection against outside agents. Two drugs, one proven to successfully treat radiation exposure from a nuclear blast and the second, an anthrax vaccine, were to be purchased and stockpiled by the US govern-ment for possible civilian use under Project BioShield. Acquisition of both have been unexpectedly dropped in the last six months.

These are only some of reasons I report on such a wide variety of health concerns and try to provide exacting details on what you can do to protect yourself and those you love.

Now, more than ever, is the time to improve your diet (shop organic or start a garden if you're able), start an exercise program, and stay informed. In most cases, it's what my dad would call "cheap insurance." And probably the most positive aspect of being better informed and taking steps to preserve and protect your own health is knowing that these same steps that improve the length of your life will also improve its quality.

Take care,

If you have questions or comments for Dr. Williams, please send them to the mail or e-mail addresses listed to the right. Of course, practical and ethical constraints prevent him from answering personal medical questions by mail or e-mail, but hell answer as many as he can in the Mailbox section of Alternatives. For our part, we'll do our best to direct you to his issues, reports, and products related to the subject of your interest.

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Long Live Your Liver

Dr. David G. Williams

In This Issue

F O R T H E H E A L T H - C O N S C I O U S I N D I V I D U A LOctober 2007 Volume 12, No.


5 chool has begun here in Texas, as it has in most parts of the country. Along with the start of the school year comes football.

Last week I went to watch my 13-year-old son, Mason, at football practice. What I saw

shocked me.There were about 50 kids trying out for

the team, and at least half of them were obese. Not just overweight, but seriously obese. In all, three quarters of the group was either overweight or obese. These are children starting the seventh grade. They are just starting to experience all the physical and emotional stress and pressure associated with puberty and their teenage years. Unbeknownst to them at this point, their obesity will subject them to an even greater burden for decades to come.

Johns Hopkins University released data this year showing that the prevalence of obesity in the US increased from 13 percent to 32 percent between the 1960s and 2004. If the growth rate of obesity and overweight continues at this pace, which is expected, within just 7 years 75 percent of adults and nearly 24 percent of US children and adolescents will be overweight or obese. The report goes on to say that obesity will soon become the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

Over the next couple of decades, we are going to see an unprecedented increase in liver disease among both children and adults in this country. What is now only a trickle of isolated cases will quickly turn into a raging flood. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone is prepared to deal with the consequences.

If you're currently overweight, there's a one-in-ten chance that you already have liver disease and don't know it. And there are already indications of how widespread liver problems have become.

When liver disease is mentioned, most people think about either excessive alcohol consumption or viral hepatitis. Only about a third of all cases of liver disease are related to these problems, however. And while there are over 100 different causes of liver disease that aren't alcohol-related, obesity has taken the lead among them as the primary cause of liver disease. Obesity results in what is called non-alcohol fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Finding a Hidden ProblemCurrent estimates are that somewhere

between 5 and 10 percent of the US population currently have liver disease. But many experts I've spoken with now

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Long Live Your Liver ............................... 25The Benefits of Hot Peppers.................... 28Vitamins, Hormones, and Sugar.............. 29News to Use: Anesthesia; Apples; CPR ... .30

You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, bore it is generally received and practiced

An External Sign of an Internal Problem

I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you. It doesn't surprise me. What shocked me, however, was just how quickly obesity has turned into a full-blown epidemic. Years ago, I predicted we would begin to see "adult" diseases in children; that prediction is coming true at a pace that startles even me. Problems like type 2 diabetes

believe that 10 percent may be far too low an estimate.

October 2007 Alternatives 25

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The actual incidence of liver disease is difficult to determine, for several reasons.

First, the liver is a very resilient organ. It can sustain a great deal of damage and still continue to function adequately. It also has the ability to regenerate when only one-fifth of its original volume remains. For these reasons, it's not uncommon for someone with a severely diseased liver to exhibit only mild symptoms, or even none at all—right up to the time the liver actually fails.

Secondly, diagnosing liver problems isn't that easy. Basing the diagnosis on symptoms alone is difficult, because the majority of people with liver disease don't seem to be that far from healthy. In the early stages of the disease, the symptoms are ones we all experience at varying times: insomnia, fatigue and tiredness, inability to concentrate, flu-like aches and pains and low grade fever, depression, loss of sex drive, low blood sugar, generalized itchiness, and abdominal pain. (Of course, it's also possible that these symptoms are so prevalent because liver disease has become so prevalent.)

The symptoms most people (doctors included) associate with liver disease—such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin) and abdominal swelling from fluid accumulation—occur only in the advanced stages of the disease.

Diagnosing liver disease based on lab tests is also difficult. Abnormal liver function tests may certainly indicate a problem, but false positives are common and in cases offatty liver disease mast tests came back negative.

This leaves only a few other diagnostic options. Ultrasound can sometimes detect a fatty liver. Combined with liver function and enzyme tests and a symptom survey, this might be one of the better options.

There's also palpation of the liver, where a doctor feels for an enlarged liver (which is difficult in obese patients), and/or a biopsy, which only tests a small area of the liver and can be dangerous or even fatal if bleeding occurs.

Given the complexity of diagnosing liver disease, it's understandable why so few patients are being treated during the initial stages of the disease. It's simply being overlooked. The majority of doctors and the public

are totally unaware of the problem. Liver disease only shows up on the radar screen when it develops into a more advanced situation. Therein lies the problem. The only treatment option at that point is a liver transplant. Not only is this procedure extremely dangerous and outrageously expensive, there aren't enough organs available to meet the current needs—much less the increased demand we'll see in the very near future.

Hundreds of thousands of individuals will soon be caught in this situation. Don't let it be you or someone you know. If you're currently overweight or obese and have the early symptoms that I mentioned above, you need to take steps to reverse the situation. Just because you don't drink excessively or haven't been infected with a hepatitis virus, don't fall into the trap of thinking it's not a problem. Fatty liver disease is now starting to show up in people in their 20s and 30s—and even in children. And all of these people "felt fine" and seemed to be in good health except for being overweight.

An Abdominal TragedyThe liver is a phenomenal organ. A few of its many

functions include:

filtering blood;breaking down and recycling red blood ells;

• producing bile necessary for fat digestion; regulating cholesterol; storing minerals and vitamins, especially B vitamins; producing crucial proteins; breaking down excess hormones; storing energy (in the form of fatty acids) and regulating various sugars; and breaking down toxins (drugs, pesticides, et cetera).

The detrimental effects on the liver from excess alcohol and viral infections are well-documented. Exactly how excess fat damages the liver isn't yet fully understood, but I suspect it has to do primarily with the last two functions I've listed above.

Under normal circumstances, when blood sugar levels drop between meals and additional energy is required,

ALTERNATIVES. Author: Dr. David Williams; Publisher: Robert Kroening; Editor: Bill Todd ISSN# 0893-5025. Published monthly for 569.99/yr. by Mountain Home Publishing at 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Editorial Office: 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854. Periodicals postage paid at Rockville, MD and at additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alternatives, PO Box 2050, Forrester Center, WV 25438. Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved. Photocopying or

reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.The approaches described in this newsletter are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses, or a means of diagnoses to different conditions. The author and publisher assume no responsibility in the correct or incorrect use of this information, and no attempt should be made to use any of this

information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor.Dr. Williams works closely with Mountain Home Nutritionals, a division of Doctors' Preferred, LLC and subsidiary of Healthy Directions, LLC, developing his unique formulations that supply many ache hard-to-find nutrients he recommends. Dr. Williams is compensated by Doctors' Preferred, LLC on the sales of these nutritional supplements and health products, which allows him to continue devoting his life to worldwide research and the development of innovative, effective health solutions.

26 Alternatives October 2007

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the liver releases fatty acids from stored fats into the bloodstream. And when food is being digested and insulin is released, the liver stores fatty acids as fats for reserve energy later.

In overweight individuals, who are generally insulin-resistant, the bloodstream has a constant excess of circulating fatty acids. The liver tries to remove these by both storing more fat and increasing oxidation. The increased oxidation creates more free radicals, which trigger inflammation and damage in the liver. In addition, many of the body's toxins are warehoused in fatty tissue. When they are broken down later for energy, the toxins are released en masse—causing cellular damage to the liver and other tissues. This sequence of events explains why many severe weight-loss events result in the manifestation of cancer.

Regardless ofwhether liver disease stems from alcohol, a viral infection, or obesity,

the end result is the same. (les important to keep in mind that alcohol and obesity combined produce more damage than

either alone.) As liver cells are destroyed, cavities form and the surrounding areas It's Not Too Late...Yet

Until quite recently, it was generally felt that once the scarring and damage from cirrhosis occurred it was permanent and irreversible. Research has shown, however, that if caught in the early stages, liver damage can be reversed. (j Cfin Invest 98;1020:538-549)

Studies have repeatedly shown that even modest weight loss provides significant benefits in reducing liver inflammation. (Gut 04;53:413-419)

The key is to catch the problem in the early stages and to immediately stop the situation that is causing the damage. If alcohol is causing the problem, it must be eliminated. If it's obesity (or a combination of alcohol and obesity), one must lose weight by changing the diet and exercising. When the offending cause is removed, the body has the ability to

gradually remove the fibrous scar tissue and rebuild the liver.

To reduce additional free-radical damage during the weight-loss period, I highly recommend using a variety of antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, coenzyme

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Q10, lycopene, and lutein. To enhance the breakdown of scar tissue, I would definitely use a quality nattokinase supplement as well. A protein called fibrin is involved in the formation of scars, and nattokinase helps dissolve fibrin accumulation. A liver support product should also be used. Ingredients to look for include N-acetylcysteine (500 mg daily or more), milk thistle (500 mg daily), the amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine (500 mg daily each), and alpha lipoic acid (100 mg daily).

And make sure your supplement program includes a quality source of trace minerals—particularly selenium, which activates tumor-suppressing genes.

I have also recommended the daily use of lecithin granules, primarily to help prevent and reverse atherosclerosis. One of the components of lecithin is choline, a compound that's also useful to prevent fatty liver disease. Lecithin is somewhat low in choline content, however, so if you suffer from liver disease I would suggest additional choline intake from foods such as beef liver, eggs, cod, cauliflower, and peanut butter. The range of foods that contain choline once again illustrates the benefits and importance of eating a varied diet.

One recent study found that when the daily intake of choline was reduced to 50 mg per day (down from a recommended amount of 550 mg), 80 percent of postmenopausal women, 44 percent of premenopausal women, and 77 percent of men developed fatty liver and/or muscle damage. To reverse the damage a daily intake of 825 mg was required. (Am J Clin Nutr 07;85(5):12 75-1285)

I used to say that I rarely make predictions. But it doesn't take any special talent to make this prediction, only a willingness to see what's there. It's glaringly obvious to me that the medical community and the public will soon be getting a painful and costly education on fatty liver disease. Just as with the current epidemic of diabetes, fatty liver disease is directly linked to our rampant obesity problem. And as with diabetes, there are

hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting individuals walking around who already have the disease. Unlike diabetes, however, by the time the problem is recognized, it may be too late to save the individual—or a liver transplant may be their only hope.

I understand as well as anyone that maintaining a proper diet and exercise program is hard, and it gets harder with every year you age. It's obvious from the statistics that fewer and fewer people are making that commitment each year. In the long run, however, it will be a small price to pay—particularly when you compare it to the price paid by the "sheeple," who are just calmly doing whatever their neighbor does.

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The Benefits of Hot Peppers

reader recently wrote in to say that, while he andhis wife have developed a taste for

hot peppers and spicy foods, he's concerned that by eating all that hot food they're setting themselves up for future ulcers and other stomach problems.

Contrary to what many say, eating chili peppers doesn't cause ulcers. In fact, peppers have been shown to trigger mechanisms that actually protect the lining of the stomach. Just because the peppers can cause a burning sensation upon entering and exiting your body doesn't necessarily mean they burn a hole in the stomach or other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Keep in mind that your stomach is routinely exposed to hydrochloric acid with a pH of 1.0 without injury. (The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline.) Studies in Hungary recently found that consumption of capsaicin actually decreased the acid output of the stomach, while at the same time increased protective secretions. In simple terms, peppers act as an antacid.

Capsaicin was also particularly effective at protecting the stomach from ulcerations caused by alcohol and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These drugs, as I've said numerous times, cause injury to the protective mucosal lining of the stomach—which results in bleeding. Capsaicin reduced the amount of NSAIDinduced bleeding dramatically. (World J Gastroenterol 05;11(33)5180-5184) (j Physic/ Paris 97;91(3-5):151-171)

Researchers in Singapore compared the eating habits of 103 ulcer patients to those of 87 controls and found that ulcer patients consumed hot peppers an average of 8 times per month—compared to 24 times a month in the control group. Further evaluation revealed that eating the chili peppers reduced the risk of developing

gastric ulcers by 53 percent. (Dig Dis Sci 95;40:576-579,580-583)

Hot chili peppers don't cause gastric ulcers. They help prevent ulcers.

NSAIDs are one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding. I won't go into detail about this again, because I've covered it so many times in the past. Suffice it to say that aspirin and the other NSAIDs taken by millions of individuals every day in this country for pain, headaches, et cetera, are an overlooked cause of ulcers. [Editor's note: For more information about the dangers of NSAIDs and about safe alternatives to them, visit the Subscriber Center of the Alternatives Web site at w-ww.drdavidwilliams.com.]

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Another cause of ulcers you rarely, if ever, see mentioned is low melatonin levels. Although melatonin is a powerful hormone—practically in the same category as testosterone and estrogen—it gets little attention. The trigger for melatonin production in the pineal gland is low light levels. As our society stays up later, uses artificial lighting far into the night, and gets less sleep, our bodies obviously produce less melatonin. The use of NSAIDs and alcohol also impair melatonin production.

Decreased melatonin production has been linked to increased rates of cancer, poor immune system function, and several other problems. And though few people associate lower melatonin levels with an increased incidence of ulcers, research shows this to be the case.

If you or someone you know has a chronic ulcer problem, it's highly possible their production of melatonin is below normal. Animal studies have shown that increasing melatonin levels by even small amounts can have a dramatic effect in both healing and preventing stress-induced ulcers. (.1 Gastroenterol 01;36(2):91-95) (Neuroreport 97;8(9-10:2305-2309) (j. Pineal Res 05;39(4):375-385)

Other Uses for PeppersNot only do hot chili peppers help

prevent ulcers, they can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and even stop the formation of various cancers.

The chemically active component in most peppers is capsaicin, which binds to nerve receptors. It initially causes a burning sensation, which is followed by an analgesic effect or the blocking of pain. This helps explain how capsaicin-based creams can alleviate the pain in arthritic joints, for example.

(If you can't afford a capsaicin cream, or need to make one in a hurry, simply mix one part cayenne powder with five parts of warmed Vaseline or other base cream. Vaseline is very convenient in a pinch; it's cheap and readily available, and it melts

easily and then congeals again when cooled. Studies have also shown that Vaseline isn't absorbed through the skin. Always make sure you wash your hands well after handling cayenne powder or any capsaicin-based cream. I know in my case it seems like I always end up wiping or touching my eyes afterward, for some reason. It's not a pleasant sensation.)

Capsaicin is also a COX-2 inhibitor; it reduces the production of certain prostaglandins that cause inflammation. Capsaicin triggers other protective and beneficial processes such as relaxing blood vessels—resulting in higher blood flow and lower blood pressure.

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Putting Peppers to WorkChili peppers are one of the unsung

heroes of natural medicine. Even if you don't eat chili peppers, I highly recommend that you keep a large container of cayenne pepper powder around at all times. It's safe and inexpensive, and has dozens of uses.

Cayenne pepper works great for reducing blood pressure. One-half to one teaspoon twice daily mixed in a glass of warm water will often work wonders. If you find it difficult to take it this way, you can encapsulate it and start with 2 or 3 capsules a day.

It also reduces the adhesiveness of blood platelets. In simple terms, it reduces blood clots—which are one of the major contributing factors to heart attack and stroke. A few capsules or a teaspoon of cayenne powder could be one of the easiest and least expensive ways to help prevent blood clot problems associated with extended airline travel (deep vein thrombosis).

It can be used to help open blood vessels and get oxygenated blood to vital organs immediately following a heart attack. (Take a tablespoon of hot sauce such as Tabasco, or a heaping tablespoon of cayenne pepper, in a glass of warm water.) Also, a tablespoon three times daily for two days following a stroke can help lower blood pressure-while at the same time improving circulation.

A nasal spray of water and cayenne pepper has been shown to successfully stop chronic cluster headaches. The spray was used in the nostril on the same side as the headache. There was the expected burning, tearing, and irritation upon initial use, but, once the polypeptide compounds that transmit the pain impulses were depleted, these symptoms began to subside. The best results are achieved after numerous applications over a period of several days. Relief can last for months, and in one study there was close to a 70 percent cure rate.

If using a nasal spray seems like too much trouble, you can use a capsaicin

cream instead. Use a cotton swab to apply a small amount of cream about one inch inside the nostril on the side of the headache. Remove the cotton swab and gently massage the nostril from the outside to make sure the cream is absorbed. You can expect the same burning sensation in the nostril and possibly tearing, et cetera, for the first five or six applications. (Headache 90;300:69-79)

Capsaicin creams can also be used to reduce the inflammation and irritation of psoriasis and the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy and shingles.

Cayenne pepper and other chili peppers in the diet have also been shown to increase one's metabolic rate and

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Alternatives 29

improve the excretion rate of cholesterol. Capsaicin can also help lower blood sugar levels. One or two capsules with meals is generally the recommended dosage.

Cayenne powder can be applied directly to wounds to stop external bleeding if there's nothing better available.

The powder can also be used as a gargle in cases of severe sore throat pain. Just add about 1/4 teaspoon to a cup of regular gargling solution (warm water and dissolved salt).

With the increasing Mexican-American population in this country, the consumption of salsas and chili peppers has become more widespread. In fact, salsa has now surpassed ketchup as the most widely consumed condiment. Chili peppers have been used extensively in the hotter climates for centuries. Instinctively, inhabitants of these areas found that hot peppers actually have a cooling effect on their bodies. Science has since discovered that capsaicin has a profound effect on the hypothalamus gland—causing a drop in overall body temperature and allowing for a greater tolerance to environmental heat.

I do enjoy hot peppers. My whole family likes them, especially my wife. It's not uncommon for her to sprinkle Tabasco on her jalapeno peppers.

Hopefully we discover -more of the benefits of chili peppers as time passes. I have no doubt there are dozens of benefits and uses waiting to be uncovered. In the meantime, ulcers are not a problem. Enjoy your jalapenos and other hot peppers.

Vitamins, Hormones, and Sugar

people a few conditions are considered to be "agerelated"—that

is, they tend to be absent in younger people and the incidence rises with age. For years, researchers have been looking for a common cause for all these conditions; one current theory is oxidative damage. What seems to get passed over is


the possibility that these conditions could be related to each other.

Now, a group with the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University has found a link between the health of bones and the way the body uses and stores fat. The process of breaking down old bone and building new bone, called remodeling, requires a fair amount of energy. The researchers had already discovered that the hormone leptin, secreted by fat cells, helps regulate the rate of bone turnover. They reasoned that messages would pass the other way as well: Something in bones would affect fat storage. In experiments using

(Glucose Level continued on page 32)

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30 Alternatives October 2007

Sleep...Sleep...and Only Half Awaken

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS—I've suggested for some time now that many of the new diseases on the increase are probably related to environmental exposure to one or more chemicals. A group of scientists are now looking into the possibility that one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease may be the exposure to anesthetics commonly used in surgery.

The anesthetics under suspicion are isoflurane and halothane, both of which are inhaled. Patients given the chemicals commonly experience cognitive problems, but these were believed to be short-lived interruptions rather than permanent damage. When researchers tested the chemicals on animals, however, significant mental decline was noted. And it's possible that other chemically related anesthetics, such as desflurane and sevoflurane, might also cause similar problems.

The research is still underway, and hopefully will continue. Although the researcher who reported the possible problem said he found the early results "alarming," he told doctors and patients there was no need for panic at this point. (JA MA 07;297(16):1760)

My first question to him would be, knowing what he knows, would he accept one of these anesthetics if he was undergoing surgery? I don't think it would be too hard to guess what his reply would be.

I think that in time we'll discover that a long list of various medications, chemicals, and pesticides contribute to the increase in neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's (ALS), et cetera.

Apples for Immune SupportBOONE, NORTH CAROLINA—Researchers at

Appalachian State University have found that the bioflavonoid quercetin can effectively reduce susceptibility to viral infections.

The study was funded by the US Department of Defense, which has been searching for ways to maintain the immune system of troops undergoing the physical and cognitive stresses of combat. I would suggest keeping this study in mind, particularly when it comes to fighting off the flu and other viral pathogens.

In the study, 20 cyclists took 1,000 mg of quercetin a day for five weeks and a control group of 20 cyclists took a placebo. Three weeks into the study, the athletes rode a bicycle three hours a day to the point of exhaustion. Extreme exercise

weakens the immune system and increases an individual's susceptibility to infection.

While 45 percent of the cyclists taking the placebo developed an illness following the exercise, only 5 percent of those on the quercetin experienced any illness. There were no side effects from taking the quercetin.

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It was interesting to note that blood and tissue samples indicated that the immune-boosting effects didn't take place until after the three-hour intense exercise period. The researchers commented that it obviously takes a significant amount of stress to bring out quercetin's infection-fighting properties.

They also found that, following the three-hour exercise period, quercetin helped the athletes maintain their mental alertness and reaction time—which didn't occur in the placebo group. In this respect, the effects of quercetin were comparable to that of caffeine.

Additional studies will be undertaken to see if lower doses are as effective and if quercetin would be beneficial to the general population in counteracting the negative aspects of mental stress. (College of Fine and Applied Arts, Appalachian State University, 2007)

Quercetin, as you may recall, is a powerful antioxidant found in red grapes, red wine, red apples, all onions, green tea, and broccoli. From earlier studies, it seems to work best when taken with vitamin C.

Higher quercetin intake has been associated with decreased cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. It is associated with a reduction in the risk of several types of cancers. The normal intake in this country from food sources is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 20 to 50 mg daily. A diet high in fruits and vegetables could easily provide 200 to 500 mg. You can easily find quercetin capsules containing 250 to 500 mg in most health food stores.

Cranberries—Good for Your Heart

QUEBEC, CANADA—Researchers at Laval University have found that drinking cranberry juice can reduce your risk of several forms of heart disease. A group of 30 men was asked to drink up to a pint of cranberry juice each, daily for three weeks. The study was looking for an effect on the oxidation of cholesterol and the level of what are called adhesion molecules. The levels of both decreased significantly, compared to levels at the beginning of the study. (Br J Nutr 07 Aug 29;1-8. E-pub ahead of print)

As I've often said, cholesterol in your bloodstream doesn't become a problem until it oxidizes—at which point it begins to damage the lining of blood vessels.

Adhesion molecules play a role in damage to the lining of your blood vessels. Reduced levels indicate an increased ability of your arteries to resist the effects of damaging substances such as oxidized cholesterol.

If you'll remember, I first reported on the cardio-vascular benefits of cranberry back in June of 2005. At that time I promised you I'd keep you up to date on any further research in the area. This latest study shows that cranberries both strengthen your arteries directly and

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weaken the force directed against them. The protective ability of cranberries is due to their content of certain antioxidants. The compounds peonidin and petunidin resist breakdown in your body, and they are found in cranberries at higher levels than in other fruits.

The researchers in the study gave the men a "low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail." I can just imagine what was in the drink. Most cranberry "cocktail" drinks contain only about 25 percent juice or less, and are loaded with added sugars or artificial sweeteners. You're far better off eating cranberries themselves, or getting cranberry powder in your diet. The whole berries are pretty tart; you'll want to sweeten them with something such as xylitol. If you choose a powder, you

don't need very much of it per day—just 50-100 mg combined with plenty of other fruits and vegetables is enough to do the trick.

More Changes in Resuscitation

WEST LAFAYETTE, INDIANA— Standard cardiopul-monary resuscitation (CPR) has been in use since the 1960s. Studies performed over the last few years have uncovered numerous problems with conventional CPR:—The survival

rate is typically only around 5 to 10 percent---which is pretty dismal, to say the least.

-Evenprofessionals are

reluctant to per-form mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing. One survey revealed that 45 percent of doctors, and 80 percent of

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nurses, would refuse to perform mouth-to-mouth breathing on a stranger.

—To compress the heart adequately to keep blood flowing, the sternum need to be depressed 1-1/2 to 2 inches with each push. It takes 100 to 125 pounds of force to move the sternum that far. Only about two-thirds of trained rescuers use enough force, and fewer than one-fifth of untrained rescuers.

The pressure required to move the sternum is also enough to crack the patient's ribs.In the last few

years, medical researchers have been working on methods to improve the survival rate. Now an engineer at Purdue University has developed a new resuscitation technique that promises to be more effective than standard CPR.

Professor Leslie Geddes

has found that compressing the abdomen rather than the chest increases blood flow through the heart by 25 percent over standard CPR. Additionally, air is expelled from the lungs during the compression of the abdomen. Upon release of the force, inhalation occurs—which bypasses the need for mouth-to-mouth breathing.

hope this new OAC-CPR (only rhythmic abdominal compression-cardiopulmonary resuscitation) becomes common knowledge both in the medical field and in

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the public sector. Testing is underway to make sure the technique can be duplicated effectively in the field. If all goes well, I can see where it would become preferred over conventional CPR.

In the studies, Professor Geddes used what he calls a "pressure applicator." It's basically a slab of wood shaped like a scaled-down version of a baseball home plate, with handles attached. The pressure applicator provides consistent results for testing purposes, but the procedure can easily be done using just one's hands.

I suspect we'll see see a lot more research in the area of CPR over the next couple of years. It's an area that has been neglected for far too long. If you'll remember, I reported on a variant of CPR in the September, 2006 issue of Alternatives. That form, called CCR (for cardiocerebral resuscitation)

uses only the chest compressions, without any attempt at mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. I still believe that CCR is better than conventional CPR, but it does carry the same risk to the victim—broken ribs from vigorous chest compression—and it requires training to be done properly. This newer procedure can be done by rescuers with little or no training, areal carries a greatly reduced risk of injury to the patient.

Before leaving the subject, I want to pass along some very important findings just released from the University of Berkeley.

It has always been thought that death or irreversible damage occurred if the heart or brain cells were deprived of oxygen for as little as 4 or 5 minutes. New research has found that oxygen-starved cells last far hours, not minutes, after being deprived

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of oxygen. It is when oxygen is returned to the cells that they die. This has been a problem in the resumption of blood flow following open-heart surgery, but now doctors are beginning to use this knowledge to change the way heart attack victims are treated.

One recent study involved heart attack victims from four different hospitals. When the victims didn't respond to CPR after ten minutes, doctors continued to maintain blood pressure above 60 mm/Hg and used mechanical devices to keep the blood circulating throughout the body. While this was occurring they determined the cause of the heart attack, fixed it, and then slowly increased oxygen levels. While some of these victims actually experienced cardiac arrest for up to 2 1/2 hours, there was still a survival rate of about 80 percent. (As I said earlier, standard

techniques have a survival rate of somewhere between 5 and 10 percent).

I suspect that in the very near future rescuers will be instructed to continue these newer CPR techniques for far longer periods of time. (f the Wood can be kept circulating until the patient can be transported to a hospital and the problem repaired, 1 think we'll begin to see much higher survival rates.

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(Glucose Level continued from page 29)mice, the group found that the messenger is a protein called osteocalcin—a substance produced by osteoblasts, the cells that build new bone. (Cell 07; 130:456-469)

(The path from cause to solution gets a little tangled, but I'll do my best to straighten it out for you. If some of what comes next seems a little basic, it's to help you understand what's going on later.)

Glucose in your bloodstream can go one of two ways. First, your body uses what it needs for energy production in cells. Second, what's left over gets turned into fat.

Insulin is the hormone that opens cell walls and allows glucose to enter. When there isn't enough insulin present, or when cells don't respond to insulin, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream and eventually gets converted to fat by your liver. Osteocalcin stimulates the cells that make insulin, and it makes individual body cells more receptive to insulin. Together, these actions increase the efficiency with which your body burns insulin, and reduce your need for insulin, your blood levels of glucose, and the amount of glucose that's stored as fat—all this by simply increasing your production of osteocalcin.

Making More of the MakerAs I mentioned earlier, osteocalcin is secreted by the

osteoblast cells that build bone; its local function is to transport calcium from the bloodstream to the sites where new bone is being created. The more osteoblast activity you have, the more osteocalcin there is available.

There are several ways to increase your osteoblasts. One option is to use the hormone progesterone. Dr. John Lee showed many years ago that application of 1/4 teaspoon of progesterone cream daily reliably increased bone mass in menopausal women. Recent studies on bone cells show that it works by increasing the number and activity of osteoblasts. (Endocrinology 05;146:2620-2628)

You can also take a supplement of the amino acid L-arginine, 5-6 grams per day. [Editor's note: See the April 2007 issue of Alternatives for more about L-arginine and bone health.] The surest method, however, is to get regular weight-bearing exercise. (By weight-bearing exercise, I

mean activity that increases the stress on your bones: using weights or resistance devices; vigorous walking; even dancing.) Stress on your bones creates tiny cracks in old, weak bone. Your body responds by creating more osteoblasts, which fill the cracks with new, strong bone.

One way of adding stress to your bones is, of course, to gain weight. Higher body mass is associated with higher bone mass. This isn't a license to put on weight forever, though. A trial in Turkey showed that bone health depends more on lean mass (that is, muscles) than on fat mass. And a study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that extreme obesity (a body mass index greater than 40) actually resulted in lower bone mass. (Rheumatol Int 03;23:87-91) (Obesity (Silver Spr) 07;15:1980-1987)

Making More of the MessengerAn increase in the number and activity of osteoblasts

will only result in more osteocalcin if your body has the raw material it needs. One of the required elements is vitamin K, which acts as a coenzyme in osteocalcin production. Another required element is vitamin D, which stimulates the osteoblasts to secrete osteocalcin. In one trial, bone cells that were exposed to vitamin D produced up to nine times as much osteocalein as cells that weren't exposed. (J Mal Chem R5;260:8706-8710)

Coming back to my original point, healthy bone contributes to healthy glucose levels. Increasing the amount of new bone you build will help you directly control your weight. (As an aside, the drugs prescribed for osteoporosis work by stopping the breakdown of old bone, rather than by supporting the building of new bone. They likely will have no effect on your glucose level.)

If you needed more evidence of the inter-relatedness of body systems, here it is. As I mentioned earlier in the article about liver disease, trouble in one part ofyour body can show up in another area. Don't be caught unaware.

Take care,

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