CIS565 Fall 2011 Assignment 1: GLSL Shader Programming Due by 1:30pm, October 3, 2011 This assignment gets you up and programming shaders. It introduces you to GLSL. If you find yourself doing lots of work with C++ and OpenGL, you are on the wrong track; please check in with us. The assignment includes both programming and written components, make sure to complete them all. Include a readme.txt file. We have provided framework code we encourage you to start from. You are required to submit movies of animations, or screenshots of results. Part 1: Vertex Wave (10%) Coding Deliverable: Sinusosoidal wave using a vertex shader based on the Grid sample.

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CIS565 Fall 2011 Assignment 1: GLSL Shader Programming Due by 1:30pm, October 3, 2011 This assignment gets you up and programming shaders. It introduces you to GLSL. If you find yourself doing lots of work with C++ and OpenGL, you are on the wrong track; please check in with us. The assignment includes both programming and written components, make sure to complete them all. Include a readme.txt file. We have provided framework code we encourage you to start from. You are required to submit movies of animations, or screenshots of results. Part 1: Vertex Wave (10%) Coding Deliverable: Sinusosoidal wave using a vertex shader based on the Grid sample.

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In this problem you will create a simple vertex shader to generate procedural wave-like motion in a grid of particles. This problem shows how to use vertex shaders, uniforms, and vertex attributes. The Grid sample will be your starting code for this problem. There are two types of inputs to shaders: vertex attributes and uniform variables. Vertex attributes are data that is given on a per-vertex basis; uniform attributes are the same across one or more primitives, i.e., an OpenGL draw call. The Grid sample has two vertex attributes: one for Position and one for Texture Coordinate (called TexCoord, s-t, or u-v). Position describes the position of the particles in model space and texture coordinates describes 2D coordinates over the mesh. Texture coordinates are usually normalized, meaning they are in the range [0, 1]. Your wave effect should vary sinusoidally across the grid with the texture coordinates. The required vertex attributes are already included. Your wave motion should be time-dependent, so you will need to add a new uniform variable to pass a time parameter. Increment the time parameter with each display step; this will make the wave roll with time. To add a new uniform attribute, first declare it in the vertex shader, then get the location of the attribute by name with glGetUniformLocation, then upload a value with glUniform*. Concretely, your vertex shader should adjust the height of the particles based on the following equation:

vec2 texcoord; float time; float PI = 3.14159... float s_contrib = sin(texcoord.s*2.0*PI + time); float t_contrib = cos(texcoord.t*2.0*PI + time); float height = s_contrib*t_contrib*0.5f; //scale height

Your vertex shader should output a position by writing to gl_Position. Written: After implementing the vertex shader, answer the following questions. Include your answers in your readme.txt. 1. In GPU programming, it is common to hear that “size is speed.” How can you reduce the amount of vertex attribute memory required for your vertex shader? 2. Before programmable vertex shaders, this wave would be implemented on the CPU, and a dynamic vertex buffer would be uploaded to the GPU each time step. Provide three reasons why using a vertex shader is more efficient.

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Part 2: Ward Shader (15%) Coding Deliverable: Ward anisotropic fragment shader (with accompanying vertex shader) based on the Sphere sample. Ward Shader Result.

Read the following excerpt from Advanced Renderman, explaining the formulation for the Ward Shading Model:

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Problem: Modify the “blinnphong.frag” and “blinnphong.vert” shaders and Sphere.cpp from the Sphere sample (available on the course website) to implement Ward’s formulation for anisotropic specular highlights. (Hint: the cosine of an angle is equivalent to the dot product of unit vectors). This will involve passing uniform x roughness and y roughness uniform variables to the program and coding the above equation in the fragment shader. We found 0.2 for x_roughness and 0.8 for y_roughness work well; that gives a “velvet” effect. The Sphere.cpp code in the Sphere sample creates a sphere by discretely evaluating the following parametric equation. u and v are texture coordinates which range from 0 to 1 over the sphere. u corresponds roughly to longitude and v to latitude:

The tangents can be derived by taking the partial derivatives of the parametric equation with respect to u and v. We have calculated these per-vertex already and included the vertex attributes for you. What the background reading refers to as x_hat and y_hat we refer to as U_Tangent and V_Tangent.

Written: In addition to implementing Ward shading, answer the following questions. Include your answers in your readme.txt. 1. Assuming you are shading a sphere, how can you avoid storing normals, u tangent, and v tangents as vertex attributes?

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Part 3: Sobel Operator (15%) Coding Deliverable: Sobel Operator using a fragment shader based on the Box_Blur sample.

Besides traditional vertex and fragment shaders, image processing is another key application for GPU programming, ranging from post-processing bloom and blur effects in games to filtering steps in computer vision. Image effects like these are accomplished by texture a full-screen quadrilateral with the source image, and then rendering the quadrilateral. The fragment shader that is executed accomplishes the processing steps. The Box_Blur example shows this setup. The default view (press ‘1’ on your keyboard) simply displays the source image; press ‘2’ to turn on a box-blur effect, so-called because it weights all neighboring pixels equally. The problem for this part of the homework is to implement a Sobel Operator in a fragment shader. The Sobel Operator is a form of discrete differentiation often used in edge detection algorithms.

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The Sobel Operator convolves two 3x3 kernels with the source image, to compute the gradient in the x and y directions,G_x and G_y. G, the magnitude of the gradient, is sqrt((G_x)^2 + (G_y)^2). The Sobel Operator can be performed independently on each color channel Red, Green, and Blue, so G is a 3-dimensional vector, with a dimension per color channel. The final output should be the length of this vector. If you are unfamiliar with convolution, it amounts to sampling nearby pixels in the source image and summing the samples weighted by a sliding window (the kernel). The box-blur example is equivalent to a convolution with a kernel with all equal values. Here are the two kernels for the Sobel Operator:

Written: In addition to implementing the Sobel Operator, answer the following questions. Include your answers in your readme.txt. 1. If your implementation was ran on the old NV40 architecture, e.g., a GeForce 6800, which does not have unified shader processors, explain the hardware utilization of vertex and fragment processors. 2. How many texture reads does your fragment shader perform?

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Part 4: Questions (10%) Include answers to the following questions in your readme file. 1. Explain why OpenGL immediate mode is not an efficient way to transfer vertices from system to GPU memory. 2. Explain the performance implications of using the OpenGL glReadPixels function to read data from GPU to system memory. 3. Explain how an application or the OpenGL driver can utilize a multicore CPU to minimize the performance impact of OpenGL driver CPU overhead. Part 5: Globe Rendering (20%) This part is based off the Globe starter project (different than the Sphere from the above problem). Most of your work should take place inside of globe.frag. In this assignment, we will layer a number of effects using many texture maps to build up a rich appearance. Starting with a simple diffuse-shaded globe with a texture map, we will build up night and day sides, animated clouds, and specular highlights. The images for this part were downloaded from http://planetpixelemporium.com/ earth.html. Controls

Hold left mouse and drag to rotate the globe Hold right mouse and drag up and down to zoom + and - to change the speed of rotation

Night and Day Add diffuse lighting, based on a coefficient of diffuse = max(dot(-DirectionalLight, Normal),0). Note that this is a directional light source, as opposed to a point light source on the previous problem. Your output color should linearly interpolate between the day and night textures based on the diffuse coefficient, instead of fading to black on the night (unlit) side. That is, it should show the day texture with coefficient diffuse and the night texture with coefficient (1.0 - diffuse).

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Clouds We will now layer clouds on top of the globe. We will use a transparency map to blend between showing the cloud texture where they exist and the globe from the previous step where they don’t. Moreover, we’ll animate the clouds so they move independently of the Earth’s surface. To animate the clouds, add a uniform time parameter that you advance every frame. Offset the s dimension of the cloud texture coordinate by this time parameter to swirl the clouds around the globe. (Note: This works because the cloud textures are set to repeat the texture if you access outside of the 0-1 range. Thus, no modulus operations are necessary). Make sure to offset the look-up value for both the cloud texture and the cloud transparency map. Like the Earth, the clouds will be subject to diffuse lighting. Just multiply the cloud color

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by the diffuse coefficient. This time, we will fade to black on the dark side of the Earth, instead of blending with a darker texture. This will make the clouds appear as dark shadows as they pass over the lights on the dark side. Finally, we need to composite the clouds over the globe. The cloud transparency map is dark where the clouds are visible and light where the clouds are not. Show the day-night globe with coefficient cloud_transparency and the clouds with coefficient (1.0 - cloud_transparency).

Specularity Calculate a basic specular highlight as in the Blinn-Phong examples from the Sphere project from the last assignment. This time we will modulate the strength of the highlight by a specularity value that says how specular is the surface at that point. We have a specular map describing how specular the Earth’s surface is; oceans are reflective and landmasses are not. Notice how in the image above, the specular highlight stops at the edge of North Africa.

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However, clouds are also reflective, so there should be a specular highlight where clouds are present. To compute the overall specularity, blend between the Earth’s specular map and a constant vec3(1.0f) representing the clouds with a parameter of cloud_transparency. Multiply the specular highlight you computed by this specularity to compute a final specular component, which you can add to the output color from the previous task. Extra Credit (10%) Add bump mapping or displacement mapping using the provided displacement texture. These techniques fake geometric surface detail based on a texture describing height offsets from the baseline geometry.

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Part 6: Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (30%) Background In this part, we explore Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO), a new but already ubiquitous technique in real-time graphics. First introduced in Crysis in 2007, SSAO approximates global illumination using basic scene information captured in normal, depth, and/or position buffers, yielding a decent visual appearance at a fraction of the cost. Global Illumination is one of the most general and expensive illumination models. Unlike simple diffuse and specular lighting discussed in class, in Global Illumination indirect sources of light are fully considered (example, light bouncing around the inside of a room). Global Illumination might be done offline through radiosity or photon mapping. Ambient Occlusion is a cheaper offline approximation of Global Illumination, first used in Pearl Harbor. Ambient occlusion assumes that all light sources are ambient; that is, incoming in uniform strength from all directions. Think of the illumination of an overcast day. Ambient Occlusion measures how much ambient illumination is occluded, or blocked, by nearby geometry. To calculate ambient occlusion, rays are cast outwards into the scene from world-space sample points and collided with nearby geometry. For static or semi-static objects (for example, mildly deforming characters) ambient occlusion can be precomputed and included into real-time lighting calculations.

SSAO takes advantage of the fact that much of the information needed to calculate Ambient Occlusion is present in screen-space buffers of position, normals, and depth, that might be present in, for example, a deferred renderer. To create such buffers, we render the scene geometry with a shader program that outputs the desired attributes for each

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fragment. To estimate the ambient occlusion, instead of casting rays out into the scene to collide with scene geometry, we sample in the neighborhood of points from these stored screen-space buffers. This implementation will be comparable with many common post-processing effects such as motion blur, depth of field, or HDR lighting. Note: This problem is inspired by writeups from: http://www.gamerendering.com/2009/01/14/ssao/ and http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/reference/programming/140/lighting-and-shading/ a-simple-and-practical-approach-to-ssao-r2753 and the Poisson disk samples from http:// developer.download.nvidia.com/whitepapers/2008/PCSS_Integration.pdf; Don’t take code directly from these sites, but feel free to read them if you feel lost. Tasks You will complete one function to estimate occlusion and three different sampling schemes to use to gather samples. All code changes you need to make should be isolated to ssao.frag in the Street project. Starter Code The provided starter code in the Street project creates a mock city scene. You may look around the world by holding and dragging the mouse, and walk around using WASD. Most of your work will take place in ssao.frag, which already has uniforms for textures containing position, normal, and depth information about the scene from an earlier pass. There are a number of different display modes available that can be switched between using the keyboard:

6: Display Depth Linearized depth. Note that the background is white here and black in the position view (since nothing was draw here, but depth is set to its maximum value when its cleared) 7: Display Normals Absolute value of view-space normals 8: Display Position Absolute value of view-space position, scaled by the far clipping plane 9: Display Occlusion Total occlusion subtracted from white 0: Display Total Diffuse Lighting and occlusion subtracted from ambient lighting

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In Total and Occlusion, there are a number of different sampling schemes to switch between:

1: No Occlusion 2: Regular Grid Samples 3: Poisson Screen Space Samples 4: World Space Samples

Occlusion Function The first task to complete is

float gatherOcclusion(vec3 pt_normal, vec3 pt_position, vec3 occluder_normal, vec3 occluder_position)

which is a function to estimate the occlusion of point by a new sample occluder. This function has several desired qualities; one is occlusion should fall off with large distances to prevent samples from foreground objects from spuriously occluding background points. Another quality is that points should not be occluded much by samples in the same or similar plane. This prevents false self-occlusion on a flat surface. Co-planarity can be determined by looking at the normals at the point and the sampled occluder. The last quality is that occluding samples that are located overhead a point, with respect to its normal, are more important than samples that are located obliquely. This is because, in a basic diffuse lighting model, the luminance due to a light source is proportional to dot(Normal, Incident). Thus ambient light sources blocked out by an occluder overhead are more important. Design a function that has that roughly fits these criteria and any more you can think of. It should look roughly like the examples, but doesn’t have to be an exact replica. You may change the function signature if you need additional information. Very inspired estimators will receive extra credit up to 5% of the total assignment. Note: You may wish to start this part to get something workable, then do some of the sampling tasks before coming back to tune it. Designing a function is easier with a good sampling scheme to view to the results. Answer the following question in your readme: Discussion: Explain why you chose the occlusion function you did and what the various terms do.

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Regular Samples

Armed with your occluding function, you can now estimate ambient occlusion by sampling a number of occluders around each fragment and average the results. The first sampling scheme we’ll try is using a regular grid in screen-space around each fragment. To keep performance and appearance roughly consistent with the next two parts, you should use 16 total samples in a 4x4 grid, and use the step size provided in ssao.frag. At each screen-space grid sample, access the position and normal buffers and call your occlusion function to estimate the occlusion on the fragment from that sample. Average the sampled occlusions to get your result. Answer the following question in your readme: Discussion : This sampling scheme will intentionally have artifacts. It is included because it is a natural first step, of which you should learn the limitations. Describe the sampling artifacts you observe.

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Poisson Disk Screen Space Samples This sampling scheme seeks to eliminate many of the coherent artifacts from the regular grid. It will use a two-pronged approach to do so. First, we will no longer sample on regularly, evenly spaced grid points. Instead, we will sample on an irregular Poisson disk, an irregular but well-spaced distribution. Second, will not use the exact same sampling mask at each fragment, but will instead rotate the mask based on a random angle per fragment. We will again use 16 samples per fragment. The disk is provided as a 16-element array of vec2’s in ssao.frag called poissonDisk. For each fragment, grab a random 0-1 float from a random texture with getRandomScalar(), linearly scale it to a random angle between 0 and 2*PI, and rotate the disk points around the origin by that angle. Then sample around the screen-space coordinates of the fragment with offsets from rotated disk and average the computed occlusions. To keep the appearance consistent with the other sampling schemes, you should scale the disk radius by the provided radius.

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Answer the following questions in your readme: Discussion : Why would high-frequency white noise such as this scheme may produce be preferable to coherent larger-scale artifacts like the Regular Sampling may produce? Discussion: We only used a single random number per fragment to break up artifacts. Why didn’t we simply collect all 16 samples per fragment uniformly at random (ie use 16*2 random floats)? World Space Samples One problem with both of the previous schemes is that the apparent radius of occlusion is the same on foreground and background objects. This is because the sampling is done irrespective of the scene geometry. We can patch this by scaling the sampling radius based on distance, but instead we’ll present an entirely different approach. Instead of sampling occluders from a screen-space disk, we will sample occluders on a view-space hemisphere around the fragment. This gives us accurate scaling of the effect with distance, better importance sampling (since we only sample points in front of the fragment), and a sampling that better represents the neighborhood of the fragment. As a reminder, View-space is the coordinate system after the model and view transformations, but before the perspective transformations, where points exists in 3-dimensions but up and forward are aligned to the camera. As before, we will use a single set of 16 sample points in a Poisson Sphere. To break up artifacts, we will again randomly adjust the points per-fragment. In this case, we will get a random unit vector using getRandomNormal(), and reflect all the sample points across the plane that unit vector defines. This is done per-fragment. Once we have a somewhat-random sphere of 16 points, some of points on that sphere may be “behind” the normal of the fragment, and couldn’t contribute to occlusion. We want to reflect them across the plane of the normal, so that we now have a hemisphere of points above the normal. To keep the appearance consistent with the other schemes, you should use scale the hemisphere by the provided radius. Now that we have a proper hemisphere, our occlusion samples have to be taken in 0-1 screen space. Thus, we need to transform our view-space points into screen-space. This is similar to what happens in most vertex shaders and then later during clipping. First, the points should then be transformed to perspective space by multiplying with the provided projection matrix u_Persp. After this step, you need to perform homogenous division and divide all the points by their w coordinate. The points are now in clipping space, which ranges from -1 to 1. Since screen-space ranges from 0 to 1, we need to perform a last affine remapping of clipping/2 + 0.5 to place the points in screen-space. We can now sample occluders and average as before.

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Answer the following questions in your readme:

Discussion: What is the primary cost of performing world-space sampling instead of screen-space sampling? Discussion: Compare/Contrast the appearance of the world-space sampling scheme with the Poisson disk screen-space sampling from before. Bonus!! (Noting this you can gain anytime during the semester) – 10% Replace our world viewer with any OBJ loader. (Front CIS277 or the web), so it works with any mesh exported from Maya.

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Addendum: Helpful Debugging Hints!

● Self-shadowing, Flat planes are darker than they should be: ○ Check occlusion function, either attenuate occlusion based on the angle between the point’s and the sample’s plane or include a term that favors overhead occluders.

● Streaking, “Brushstrokes” ○ Sampling schemes, For 2 and 3 check that you are randomizing properly ○ Check that random textures are working

● Glowing edges ○ Check self-shadowing, make sure you don’t have negative terms causing negative “occlusion”

● Bold dark outlines or, alternatively, Halos

○ Make sure you attenuate occlusion from distant occluders, i.e. foreground objects on background objects

● Color “Banding”, Posterization ○ Insufficient storage and computation precision

● Wild all dark or all white flashes ○ Out of range values ○ Negative values ○ Divide by zero/NotANumber ○ Numerical precision problems ○ Poles/Singularities ○ Degenerate textures/texture reads, i.e. everything samples the same texcoord

● Fails to run ○ Check shader compile log ○ Right DLL’s for platform ○ Linking errors, SxS assembly problems

● Black screen ○ Texture setup, Framebuffer setup, Camera Setup ○ This is the hardest thing to fix

● Poor framerate ○ OpenGL setup ○ Excessive texture reads ○ Incoherent branches ○ Excessive trigonometric and/or matrix operations