CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and Training: Degree Programme University University Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe Üniversity Fellowship Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Ministry of Health Assist Prof, Assoc Prof. Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Başkent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara Administrative Missions: Executive Member of Turkish Rhinoplasty Society Member of Coordinators Board of Faculty of Medicine Vice Education Coordinator of Near East University, Faculty of Medicine, Phase III-IV Vice President of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Near East University, Faculty of Medicine Joint Comission International Accreditation Standarts For Hospitals; President of Drugs and Pharmacy Council Professional Experiences: Positions Work Experience Resident Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Ministry of Health, Otorhinolaryngology Department Specialist S.B. Kızıltepe State Hospital Faculty Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Minstry of Health Faculty, Assit Prof, Assoc Prof. Başkent University, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology, Ankara Assoc. Prof. Private Hospital/İstanbul Memorial Hospital, Ankara LHH Faculty, Prof. Near East University Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology Professor of ORL Private Office, Ankara

CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

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Page 1: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and


Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof.

Date of Birth: 1971

Marital Status: married, two children

Education and Training:

Degree Programme University

University Faculty of Medicine Hacettepe Üniversity


Department of

Otolaryngology, Head

and Neck Surgery

Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Ministry

of Health

Assist Prof,

Assoc Prof.

Department of

Otolaryngology, Head

and Neck Surgery

Başkent University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara

Administrative Missions:

Executive Member of Turkish Rhinoplasty Society

Member of Coordinators Board of Faculty of Medicine

Vice Education Coordinator of Near East University, Faculty of Medicine, Phase III-IV

Vice President of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Near East University, Faculty of


Joint Comission International Accreditation Standarts For Hospitals; President of Drugs and

Pharmacy Council

Professional Experiences:

Positions Work Experience

Resident Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Ministry of Health,

Otorhinolaryngology Department

Specialist S.B. Kızıltepe State Hospital

Faculty Ankara Research and Education Hospital, Minstry of Health

Faculty, Assit Prof,

Assoc Prof.

Başkent University, School of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology,


Assoc. Prof. Private Hospital/İstanbul Memorial Hospital, Ankara LHH

Faculty, Prof. Near East University Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology

Professor of ORL Private Office, Ankara

Page 2: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

Scientific Society Memberships:

European Academy of Fascial Plastic Surgey (full member)

European Rhinologic Society

American Rhinologic Society (International Member)

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society (Turkish)

Rhinology Society (Turkish)

Facial Plastic Surgery Society (Turkish)

Research Projects:

1. Nazal septal cerrahi sonrası splint, tampon ve sütürasyon uygulamalarının

karşılaştırılması (No:KA03/166). Başkent University, Research Fund, project

manager, 2003.

2. Transtimpanik Gentamisin Enjeksiyon Tedavisinde Vestibüler Ablasyon Takibinde

Vestibüler Uyarılmış Miyojenik Potansiyel Ölçümlerinin Kullanılması (sayı:

KA03/176). Başkent University, Research Fund, project member, 2003.

3. Rinoplasti ve nazal rekonstrüksiyonda otolog greftlerin karşılaştırılması. (sayı:

DA04/38). Başkent University, Research Fund, Project member, 2004.

4. Nazal kaviteyi değerlendirmede akustik rinometri ile bilgisayarlı tomografi

kesitlerinin karşılaştırılması (sayı KA 04/09). Başkent University, Research Fund,

project member, 2004.

5. Değişik derecelerde ezilmiş insan septal kondrositi canlılığının hücre kültürü ile

karşılaştırılması (sayı: DA04/04). Başkent University, Research Fund, project

member, 2004.

6. Meniere sendromunda atak takibinde statik kompliansın güvenilirliği (sayı: KA04/62).

Başkent University, Research Fund, project member, 2004.

7. Kronik rinosinüzitlerde saptanan fungusların antifungal duyarlılıkları (sayı:KA05/06).

Başkent University, Research Fund, project manager, 2005.

8. Gastroösefageal reflu hastalığı olan hastalarla larengofarengeal reflu hastalığı olan

hastalar arasındaki semptom, endoskopik muayene bulguları, pH moniterizasyonu ve

ösefageal mukozal duyarlılığın karşılaştırılması (sayı:KA05/77). Başkent University,

Research Fund, project member, 2005.

9. Septorinoplasti ve endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi ameliyatlarında remifentanil ve

dexmedetomidinin hemodinamik etkilerinin karşılaştırılması (sayı:KA05/84). Başkent

University, Research Fund, project member, 2005.

10. Glokom hastalarında vestibüler patolojiler ile Meniere hastalarındaki göz içi basınç

değişikliklerinin karşılaştırılması ve bu iki hastalık arasındaki korelasyonun

araştırılması (sayı: KA 07/23). Başkent University, Research Fund, project manager,


11. Taşıt Tutması Vestibüler Organ Kaynaklı mıdır? (sayı: KA 07/206) Başkent

University, Research Fund, project manager, 2008.

Page 3: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and



calendar Phase Lecture

Haftalık Saati Student

Theoretical Practice



Faculty of


Phase 5,


goups in a


Anatomy and Physiology of

Oral cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases and Tumors of

Oral Cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases of Tonsisls,

Adenoids and Obstructive

Sleep Apnea

1 7–10

Endoscopic examination

methods in otolaryngology

1 7–10



Faculty of


Phase 5,


goups in a


Anatomy and Physiology of

Oral cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases and Tumors of

Oral Cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases of Tonsisls,

Adenoids and Obstructive

Sleep Apnea

1 7–10

Endoscopic examination

methods in otolaryngology

1 7–10



Faculty of


Phase 5,


goups in a


Anatomy and Physiology of

Oral cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases and Tumors of

Oral Cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases of Tonsisls,

Adenoids and Obstructive

Sleep Apnea

1 7–10

Endoscopic examination

methods in otolaryngology

1 7–10



Faculty of


Phase 5,


goups in a


Anatomy and Physiology of

Oral cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases and Tumors of

Oral Cavity and Pharynx

1 7–10

Diseases of Tonsisls,

Adenoids and Obstructive

Sleep Apnea

1 7–10

Endoscopic examination

methods in otolaryngology

1 7–10


Near East

U. Faculty



Phase III

Nasal Disorders 1 30

Rhinosinusitis 1 30

Hearing losses 1 30

Page 4: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

A.International Publications (Only SCI and SCI expanded):

A1. Tarhan E, Oğuz H, Safak MA, Samim E, “The Carpenter syndrome phenotype,” Int. J.

Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 68,353–357 (2004).

A2. Buyuklu F, Tarhan E, Cakmak O, Ozgirgin N, Arıkan U, “Isolated Fibrous Dysplasia of

the Sphenoid Sinus,” Rhinology, 43(3), 309–312 (2005).

A3. Tarhan E, Coskun M, Cakmak O, Celik H, Cankurtaran M, “Acoustic Rhinometry In

Humans: Accuracy of Nasal Passages Area Estimates, and Ability To Quantify Paranasal

Sinus Volume and Osteum Size,” J. Applied Physiology, 99,616-623 (2005).

A4. Cakmak O, Tarhan E, Coşkun M, Cankurtaran M, Celik H, “Acoustic Rhinometry: Accuracy and Ability to Detect Changes in Passage Area at Different Locations in the Nasal

Cavity,” Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 114(12), 949–957 (2005).

A5. Cakmak O, Buyuklu F, Yilmaz Z, Sahin FI, Tarhan E, Ozluoglu LN, “Viability of

cultured human nasal septum chondrocytes after crushing,” Arch Facial Plast Surg, 7,406–409


A6. Tunç T, Tarhan E, Oguz H, Safak MA, Kutlu G, Inan LE, “Is Bell’s Palsy a part of

polyneuropathy?”, International Advanced Otology (Formerly;Mediterranean Journal of

Otology), 2(1), 36-40 (2006).

A7. Oguz H, Tarhan E, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz U, Safak MA, Demirci M, Ozluoglu LN,

“Objective Voice Changes In Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Patient”, J Voice, 21(2):203–10


A8. Korkmaz M, Tarhan E, Unal H, Selcuk H, Yilmaz U, Ozluoglu L, “Esophageal Mucosal

Sensitivity: Possible Links with Clinical Presentation in Patients with Erosive Esophagitis and

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux,” Digestive Disease Science,52(2):451–6 (2007).

A9. Ada S, Seckin D, Tarhan E, Buyuklu F, Cakmak O, Arıkan U, “Eosinophilic Ulcer of

The Tongue,” Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 48: 248-50 (2007).

A10. Erbek SS, Serefhanoglu K, Erbek S, Can F, Demirbilek M, Tarhan E, Turan H,

Cakmak O. “Clinical Subgroups and Antifungal Susceptibilities in Fungal Culture-Positive

Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis,” European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and

Head & Neck’,265(7):775-80. Epub 2007 Nov 28 (2008).

A11. Ozluoglu LN, Akkuzu G, Ozgirgin N, Tarhan E. “Reliability of the Vestibular Evoked

Myogenic Potential Test in Assessing Intratympanic Gentamicin Therapy in Meniere’s

Disease,” Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 28(4):422–6 (2008).

Page 5: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

A12. Ozgirgin ON, Tarhan E. “Epley Maneuver and the Head Autorotation Test in Benign

Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo,” European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head &

Neck;265(11):1309-13. Epub 2008 Mar 26 (2008)

A13. Tarhan E, Cakmak O, Ozdemir B, Akdogan V, Suren D. “Comparison of AlloDerm,

Fat, Fascia, Cartilage and Dermal Grafts in Rabbits,” Arch Facial Plast Surg, 10(3):187-193


A14. Büyüklü F, Tarhan E, Özlüoğlu L. “Vestibular Functions in Motion Sickness

Susceptible Individuals,” Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 266(9): 1365-71.E Pub Feb 26


A15. Tarhan E, Bastan B, Aktas AR, Tarhan B, Safak MA. “Spontaneous Intracranial

Hypotension Syndrome with Bilateral Hearing Loss and Hyperacusia: A Case Report and

Review of the Literature”. International Advanced Otology;7 (2):271-277 (2011).

B. International Presentations:

B1. Buyuklu F, Tarhan E, Cakmak O, Ozgirgin N, Arıkan U, “Isolated Fibrous Dysplasia of

the Sphenoid Sinus,” ‘Rhinostanbul’ 20th Congress of the Rhinologic Society and 23rd

International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose, İstanbul, 2004.

B2. Ada S, Seçkin D, Tarhan E, Köprülü F, Çakmak Ö, Arıkan Ü, “Eosinophilic ulcer of the

tongue: a case report,” 14th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and

Venerology JEADV;19 (suppl. 2):295, London, UK, 2005. (P10.46)

B3. Korkmaz M, Yılmaz U, Tarhan E, Unal H, Selcuk H, Ozluoglu LN, “Acid reflux

pattern and mucosal sensitivity in patients with erosive esophagitis and laryngopharyngeal

reflux,”13th European Gastroenterology Week “UEGW 2005”, (Mon-G–89). Gut 2005;54

(Suppl VII) A 102, Copenhagen, Denmark 2005.

B4. Cakmak O, Buyuklu F, Yilmaz Z, Sahin FI, Tarhan E, Ozluoglu LN, “Viability of

cultured human nasal septum chondrocytes after crushing,” Fall Meeting, (Proceding the

AAO-HNS Foundation Meeting) Los Angeles, CA, 2005.

B5. Turkoglu Babakurban S, Tarhan E, Aydın H, Ozcan D, Cakmak, “Epitheloid

Haemangioendothelioma of the lip: a case report,” Vth Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck

Surgery, Balkan Congress, Edirne, 2006.(P-042)

B6. Akdogan MV, Aydın H, Tarhan E, Cakmak O, “Traumatic Neuroma after excision of

glial heterotopia: a case report,” Vth Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Balkan

Congress, Edirne, 2006.(P-049)

B7. Tarhan E, Akdogan MV, Aydın H, Gokoglu O, Ozgirgin ON, “Lobular capillary

hemangioma of auricula: a case report,” Vth Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,

Balkan Congress, Edirne, 2006.(P-048)

Page 6: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

B8. Gokoglu O, Aydın H, Akdogan MV, Tarhan E, “Neurofibroma of the tongue: a case

report,” Vth Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Balkan Congress, Edirne,


B9. Ozluoglu LN, Akkuzu G, Ozgirgin N, Tarhan E. “Is Vestibular Evoked Myogenic

Potential Tests a reliable test to follow the effects of Intratympanic Gentamicin Therapy for

Meniere’s Disease,” Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum, Seul, Korea,

26-29 August 2007. (No:91)

C. National Publications:

C1. Şafak MA, Tarhan AE, Samim E, Kılıç R, Göçmen H, Özeri C, “Bell’s Palsyde Steroid

Tedavisinin Steroid ve Asiklovir Kombine Tedavisiyle Karşılaştırılması”, Otoskop,3:109–112


C2. Şafak MA, Göçmen H, Kılıç R, Haberal İ, Tarhan E, Oğuz H, “Melkersson Rosenthal

Sendromu: Üç Olgu Sunumu”, Otoskop, 2, 78–81 (2001).

C3. Tarhan AE, Ceylan K, Oğuz H, Bayız Ü, Özeri C, “Unilateral Koanal Atreziye Eşlik

Eden İzole Sfenoid Sinüs Patolojili Hastada Koanal Atrezinin Transpalatal Onarımı”, KBB

Forum: Elektronik Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi, 1,75–77 (2002).

C4. Tarhan AE, Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Özdek A, Samim E, “Rinolithiasis”, Kulak Burun

Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi,10,93–96 (2002).

C5. Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Oğuz B, Oğuz KK, Tarhan AE, Samim E, “Vertebral Arter

Hipoplazisi ve Tinnitus: Manyetik Rezonans Anjiografi Bulguları”, Otoskop,2,75–77 (2002).

C6. Özdek A, Övet G, Bayız Ü, Kılıç R, Tarhan E, Göçmen H, Samim E, “Topikal

İmidazolin Türevleri ve Oral Psödoefedrinin Dekonjestan Etkilerinin Sağlıklı Kişilerde

Akustik Rinometri İle Değerlendirilmesi”, Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi, 41, 20-24 (2003).

C7. Özdek A, Yılmaz S, Kılıç R, Şafak MA, Tarhan AE, Oğuz H, Göçmen H, Samim E,

“Cinsiyet, Stimulus Şiddeti ve Tekrarlama Oranının Normal İşitmeye Sahip Olgularda İşitsel

Beyin Sapı Cevapları Üzerine Etkisi”, Otoskop,4,55–63 (2003).

C8. Tarhan AE, Akdoğan MV, Haberal AN, Özlüoğlu LN, Demirhan B, “Dil kökü ve

Hipofarenks Tümörü; Lenfoma”, KBB Forum: Elektronik Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun

Cerrahisi Dergisi,3,54–58 (2004).

C9. Göçmen H, Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Tarhan E, Arslan N, “Konjenital oval pencere aplazisi:

olgu sunumu”, Otoskop, 1:26–29 (2004).

C10. Tarhan E, Özlüoğlu LN, “Meniere Hastalığında Sakküler Fonksiyon Kaybını

Göstermede Vestibüler Uyarılmış Potansiyel Ölçümlerinin Önemi; Olgu Sunumu”, Kulak

Burun Boğaz İhtis Derg, 12,135–140 (2004).

Page 7: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

C11. Kılıç R, Özdek A, Emir H, Tarhan E, Şafak MA, Samim E, “Effüzyonlu Otitis Media

Tedavisinde Farklı Antibiyotiklerin Etkinliklerin Karşılaştırılması: Ön Rapor”, Otoskop,

2:49–53 (2004).

C12. Türkoğlu S, Tarhan E, Akdoğan MV, Özlüoğlu LN, “Stenson Kanalındaki Taşa

Sekonder Obstruktif Siyoloadenit”, Diyaliz Transplantasyon ve Yanık,16,84–87 (2005).

C13. Özlüoğlu LN, Tarhan E, “Rekürren Otitis Media”, Türkiye Klinikleri Cerrahi Tıp

Bilimleri Dergisi-Kulak Burun Boğaz (Otit Özel Sayısı). Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 1,37–

40 (2005).

C14. Tarhan E, Çakmak Ö, “Burun Tabanı Rezeksiyonları, Rinoplasti, Burun Ucu

Cerrahisi”, Kulak Burun Boğaz Baş Boyun Cerrahi’sinde Güncel Yaklaşım, 1,71–72 (2005).

C15. Akdoğan V, Tarhan E, Özgirgin N, Özlüoğlu LN, “Çocukluk Çağının Periferal

Vestibüler Hastalıkları: Üç Olgu Sunumu”, Kulak Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi,16(5), 227-

231 (2006).

C16. Erkan AN, Tarhan E, Yılmazer C, Çağıcı A, Çakmak Ö, “Endoskopik Sinonazal

Tümör Rezeksiyonu”, Kulak Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi,16(2),72-79 (2006).

C17. Akdoğan V, Tarhan E, Toru S, Çakır B, Özlüoğlu LN, “Dil Kökü Mukoepidermoid

Karsinomu: olgu sunumu”, Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi Dergisi, 44(3), 170-176 (2006).

C18. Akdoğan V, Çakmak Ö, Tarhan E, Tutar NU, Çakır B, “Maksiler Sinüs Piyoseli: iki

olgu sunumu”, Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi,13,29–33 (2005).

C19. Tarhan E, Çakmak Ö, Özgirgin N, “Nazal Septal Cerrahi Sonrası Splint, Tampon ve

Sütürasyon Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırılması”, Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi

Dergisi,13,20–24 (2005).

C20. Gökoğlu O, Aydın H, Akdogan MV, Tarhan E, “Dilde travmatik nöroma“, Diyaliz

Transplantasyon ve Yanık,18(2),28–31 (2007).

C21.Büyüklü F, Tarhan E, Çakmak Ö, “Simultaneos Bilateral Facial Paralysis of Unknown

Etiology: A Case Report”, Otoskop, yayınlanmak üzere kabul edildi (22.09.2006).

C22. Büyüklü F, Aydın H, Tarhan E, Ada S, Çakmak Ö, “Seborrheic Keratosis of the Nasal

Vestibule”, Kulak Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi, 17(5):298-300 (2007).

C23. Tarhan E, Akdogan MV, Aydın H, Gokoglu O, Ozgirgin ON, “Kulakta Lobüler

Kapiller Hemanjiom“ Otoskop, yayınlanmak üzere kabul edildi (22.09.2006).

C24. Babakurban Türkoğlu S, Tarhan E,Aydın H, Özcan ND,Çakmak Ö, ‘Epitheloid

Hemangioendothelioma of the Lip:Case Report’, Türk Rinoloji Dergisi, yayınlanmak üzere

kabul edildi (26.11.2008).

D. National Presentations:

Page 8: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

D1. Tarhan AE, Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Kılıç R, Özdek A, Samim E, “Carpenter Sendromlu Bir

Hastada ABR Bulguları,” P–59, Kulak Burun Boğaz Ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği 5.

Uluslararası Toplantısı, Ankara, 2002.

D2. Tarhan AE, Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Yılmaz S, Kılıç R, Özeri C, “Orofarengeal Tularemi,”

P–60, Kulak Burun Boğaz Ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği 5. Uluslararası Toplantısı,

Ankara, 2002.

D3. Özdek A, Bayız Ü, Göçmen H, Övet G, Kılıç R, Tarhan E, Samim E, Özeri C, “Oral ve

Topikal Dekonjestanların Etkinliklerinin Akustik Rinometri İle Karşılaştırılması,” P–32,

Rinolojide Yenilikler, Diyarbakır, 2002.

D4. Göçmen H, Tarhan E, Özdek A, Kılıç R, Kuyucu D, Çelik H, Samim E, Demirci M,

“Çocuk kolesteatomlarında cerrrahi tedavi,” S–92, XXVII. Türk Ulusal Otorinolarengoloji ve

Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Antalya, 2003.

D5. Tarhan E, Bayız Ü, Özdek A, Felek SA, Ulutaş AR, Ceylan K, Çaydere M, Özcan K,

Paksoy G, Demirci M, “Nazal polip ve antrakoanal polip dokularında epitel hücre

proliferasyonu ve apoptozis inhibisyonu: immünhistokimyasal çalışma,” S–168, XXVII. Türk

Ulusal Otorinolarengoloji ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Antalya, 2003.

D6. Özdek A, Samim E, Çırak MY, Göçmen H, Felek SA, Tarhan E, Bayız Ü, Şafak MA,

“Kronik rinosinüzitte Helicobacter Pylori’nin muhtemel rolü,” S–179, XXVII. Türk Ulusal

Otorinolarengoloji ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Antalya,2003.

D7. Tarhan AE, Akdoğan MV, Haberal AN, Özlüoğlu LN, Demirhan B, “Hipofarenks

Tümörü; Lenfoma,” ‘KBB’de Minimal İnvaziv Yaklaşımlar’ Kulak burun Boğaz ve Baş

Boyun Cerrahisi Derneği 6. Uluslararası Toplantısı, Ankara, 2003.

D8. Akdoğan V, Tarhan AE, Özgirgin ON, Özlüoğlu LN, “Çocukluk çağının periferal

vestibüler hastalıkları;2 olgu sunumu,” Otorinolarengoloji 2004, ‘Güncel yenilikler’ Ankara,


D9. Tarhan AE, Özlüoğlu LN, “Meniere Hastalığında Sakküler Fonksiyon Kaybını

Göstermede Vestibüler Uyarılmış Potansiyel Ölçümlerinin Önemi; Olgu Sunumu,”

Otorinolarengoloji 2004, ‘Güncel yenilikler’ Ankara, 2004.

D10. Türkoğlu S, Tarhan AE, Akdoğan MV, Özlüoğlu LN,” Stenson kanalındaki taşa

sekonder obstruktif sialadenit,”Otorinolarengoloji 2004, ‘Güncel yenilikler’ Ankara, 2004.

D11. Tarhan E, Çakmak Ö, Özgirgin LN, “Nazal septal cerrahi sonrası splint, tampon

ve sütürasyon uygulamalarının karşılaştırılması,” S 168, 28. Ulusal Türk Otorinolarengoloji

ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Antalya, 2005.

D12. Akdoğan V, Çakmak Ö, Tarhan E, Tutar NU, Çakır B, “Maksiller sinüs piyoseli: iki

olgu sunumu,” P 264, 28. Ulusal Türk Otorinolarengoloji ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi,

Antalya, 2005.

D13. Erkan AN, Tarhan E, Yılmazer C, Çağıcı A, Çakmak Ö, “Endoskopik Sinonazal

Tümör Rezeksiyonu,” P 8, 3. Akademi Toplantısı, İzmir, 2005.

Page 9: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

D14. Derbent M, Bıkmaz YE, Tarhan E, Çakmak Ö, “Kleipert Sendromu (Nazodijitoakustik

Sendrom): olgu sunumu,” P 145, VII. Ulusal Prenatal Tanı ve Tıbbi Genetik Kongresi,

Kayseri, 2006.

D15. Karaaslan P, Balcı TS, Akkuzu G, Tarhan E, Dönmez A, Özlüoğlu LN.

“Septorinoplasti ve Endoskopik Sinüs Cerrahisi Ameliyatlarında Remifentanil ve

Deksmedetomidinin Karşılaştırılması”, Türk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kongresi,


D16. Erbek SS, Şerefhanoğlu K, Erbek S, Demirbilek M, Can F, Tarhan E, Turan H,

Çakmak Ö. “Kronik Rinosinüzitte funguslar ve Antifungal Duyarlılık”, 3. Ulusal Rinoloji

Kongresi, Bodrum, 2007.

D17. Baştan B, Aktaş AR, Tarhan B, Tarhan E, Şafak MA. Spontan intrakraniyal

hipotansiyon olgusunda işitme kaybı. 32. Türk Ulusal KBB ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi

Toplantısı, 28-30 Ekim 2010, Antalya.

E. Citations:

About 111 citations in SCI and SCI expanded journals ( SCOPUS)

Citing Articles

Title: Reliability of the vestibular evoked myogenic potential test in assessing intratympanic

gentamicin therapy in Meniere's disease

Author(s): Ozluoglu, LN

Source: ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA Volume: 128 Issue: 4 Pages: 422-426

Published: 2008

1. Title: Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: Past, present and future

Author(s): Rosengren SM, Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG

Source: CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY Volume: 121 Issue: 5 Pages: 636-651

Published: MAY 2010

Times Cited: 1

2. Title: Study of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Patients Affected by

Meniere's Disease Treated With Endolymphatic Mastoid Shunt

Author(s): Salvinelli F, Miele A, Rinaldi V, et al.


Issue: 12 Pages: 852-858 Published: DEC 2009

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Vestibular functions in motion sickness susceptible individuals

Author(s): Buyuklu F, Tarhan E, Ozluoglu L


Issue: 9 Pages: 1365-1371 Published: SEP 2009

Times Cited: 0

Citing Articles

Page 10: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

Title: Acoustic rhinometry: Accuracy and ability to detect changes in passage area at different

locations in the nasal cavity

Author(s): Cakmak, O


Issue: 12 Pages: 949-957 Published: DEC 2005

Title: Re: Correlation between subjective and objective evaluation of the nasal airway

Author(s): Barnes ML, White PS, Gardiner Q

Source: CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY Volume: 35 Issue: 2 Pages: 152-153

Published: APR 2010

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: REM-associated nasal obstruction: A study with acoustic rhinometry

during sleep

Author(s): Morris LGT, Burschtin O, Setlur J, et al.


Pages: 619-623 Published: NOV 2008

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Nasal airway volume and resistance to airflow

Author(s): Zhang G, Solomon P, Rival R, et al.

Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Pages: 371-375

Published: JUL-AUG 2008

Times Cited: 3

4. Title: Diagnostic methods of nasal respiratory function

Author(s): Mlynski G, Beule A

Source: HNO Volume: 56 Issue: 1 Pages: 81-97 Published: JAN 2008

Times Cited: 0

5. Title: Choanal atresia: Long-term follow-up with objective evaluation of nasal

airway and olfaction

Author(s): Leclerc JE, Leclerc JT, Bernier K


Pages: 43-49 Published: JAN 2008

Times Cited: 1

6. Title: Acoustic rhinometry in healthy humans: Accuracy of area estimates and

ability to quantify certain anatomic structures in the nasal cavity

Author(s): Cankurtaran M, Celik H, Coskun M, et al.


Issue: 12 Pages: 906-916 Published: DEC 2007

Times Cited: 5

7. Title: A review of the effects of expansion of the nasal base on nasal airflow and resistance

Author(s): Neeley WW, Edgin WA, Gonzales DA


Pages: 1174-1179 Published: JUN 2007

Times Cited: 2

Citing Articles

Title: Viability of cultured human nasal septum chondrocytes after crushing

Author(s): Cakmak, O

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 7 Issue: 6 Pages: 406-

409 Published: NOV-DEC 2005

Page 11: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

Title: Chondrocyte Viability in Human Nasal Septum After Morselization

Author(s): Garg R, Shaikh M, Foulad A, et al.

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 204-

206 Published: MAY-JUN 2010

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: Cartilage Grafts in Dorsal Nasal Augmentation of Traumatic Saddle Nose

Deformity: A Long-Term Follow-Up

Author(s): Mao J, Carron M, Tomovic S, et al.

Conference Information: Combined Sections Meeting of the Southern/Middle Triological-

Society, JAN 08-11, 2009 Bonita Springs, FL

Source: LARYNGOSCOPE Volume: 119 Issue: 11 Pages: 2111-2117 Published: NOV


Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Rhinoplasty at the Global Crossroads

Author(s): Apaydin F

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Pages: 421-

423 Published: NOV-DEC 2009

Times Cited: 0

4. Title: Intervertebral Disc Cell Death in the Porcine and Human Injured Cervical Spine

After Trauma A Histological and Ultrastructural Study

Author(s): Sitte I, Kathrein A, Pfaller K, et al.

Source: SPINE Volume: 34 Issue: 2 Pages: 131-140 Published: JAN 15 2009

Times Cited: 0

5. Title: Crushed Cartilage Grafts: Is Overcorrection Necessary?

Author(s): Cakmak O

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Pages: 428-

428 Published: NOV-DEC 2008

Times Cited: 1

6. Title: Comparison of AlloDerm, fat, fascia, cartilage, and dermal grafts in


Author(s): Tarhan E, Cakmak O, Ozdemir BH, et al.

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: 187-

193 Published: MAY-JUN 2008

Times Cited: 0

7. Title: Engineering of a straighter septum: Numerical model of mechanical stress

relaxation in laser-heated septal cartilage

Author(s): Protsenko DE, Wong BJF

Conference Information: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-

Medicine-and-Biology-Society, AUG 22-26, 2007 Lyon, FRANCE






Times Cited: 0

8. Title: Evolving techniques in rhinoplasty

Author(s): Dayan SH

Source: FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 62-69 Published:

FEB 2007

Times Cited: 0

Page 12: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

9. Title: Crushed cartilage grafts for concealing irregularities in rhinoplasty

Author(s): Cakmak O, Buyuklu F

Source: ARCHIVES OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 352-

357 Published: SEP-OCT 2007

Times Cited: 4

Citing Articles

Title: Clinical subgroups and antifungal susceptibilities in fungal culture-positive patients

with chronic rhinosinusitis

Author(s): Erbek, SS


Issue: 7 Pages: 775-780 Published: JUL 2008

Title: Sinus aspergilloma in rheumatoid arthritis before or during tumor necrosis factor-alpha

antagonist therapy

Author(s): Leboime A, Berthelot JM, Allanore Y, et al.

Source: ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Article Number:

R164 Published: 2009

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: In Reference to The Effect of Topical Amphotericin B on Inflammatory

Markers in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled


Author(s): Gerlinger I, Fittler A

Source: LARYNGOSCOPE Volume: 120 Issue: 1 Pages: 210-212 Published: JAN 2010

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Postoperative application of amphotericin B nasal spray in chronic

rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis, with a review of the antifungal therapy

Author(s): Gerlinger I, Fittler A, Fonai F, et al.


Issue: 6 Pages: 847-855 Published: JUN 2009

Times Cited: 2

Citing Articles

Title: Epley maneuver and the head autorotation test in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

Author(s): Ozgirgin, ON


Issue: 11 Pages: 1309-1313 Published: NOV 2008

Title: Computer-aided vestibular autorotational testing of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in senile

vestibular dysfunction

Author(s): Chiu CM, Huang SF, Tsai PY, et al.


Issue: 1 Pages: 92-98 Published: JAN 2010

Times Cited: 0

Page 13: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

Citing Articles

Title: The Carpenter syndrome phenotype

Author(s): Tarhan, E


OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 353-357 Published: MAR 2004

Title: Sudden death in a child with Carpenter Syndrome. Case report and literature review

Author(s): Ramos JM, Davis GJ, Hunsaker JC, et al.

Source: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 285 Issue: 2 Pages: 313-

317 Published: JAN 8 2010

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: Sudden death in a child with Carpenter Syndrome. Case report and

literature review

Author(s): Ramos J, Davis G, Hunsaker J, et al.


Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 313-317 Published: DEC 2009

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Pleiotropic Genetic Syndromes with Developmental Abnormalities

Associated with Obesity

Author(s): Kousta E, Hadjiathanasiou CG, Tolis G, et al.


Issue: 7 Pages: 581-592 Published: JUL 2009

Times Cited: 1

4. Title: Anesthetic implications of Carpenter syndrome (Acrocephalopolysyndactyly type II)

Author(s): Batra YK, Rajeev S, Nishtala S, et al.

Source: PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA Volume: 18 Issue: 12 Pages: 1235-1237 Published:

DEC 2008

Times Cited: 0

5. Title: “Congenital cutaneous dimples”,

Authors: Pereda Carrasco C, Cuevas EJ.

Source: Piel, volume: 23

pages: 18-23 Published: 2008.

Citing Articles

Title: Acoustic rhinometry in humans: accuracy of nasal passage area estimates, and ability to

quantify paranasal sinus volume and ostium size

Author(s): Tarhan, E

Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 99 Issue: 2 Pages: 616-623

Published: AUG 2005

1. Title: Ventilation and aerosolized drug delivery to the paranasal sinuses using pulsating

airflow - a preliminary study

Author(s): Moller W, Schuschnig U, Meyer G, et al.

Source: RHINOLOGY Volume: 47 Issue: 4 Pages: 405-412 Published: DEC 2009

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: Validation of a Cadaveric Model for Comprehensive Physiologic and Anatomic

Evaluation of Rhinoplastic Techniques

Page 14: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

Author(s): Coan BS, Neff E, Mukundan S, et al.

Conference Information: Annual Meeting of the Rhinoplasty-Society, MAY, 2008 San Diego,


Source: PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Volume: 124 Issue: 6 Pages:

2107-2117 Published: DEC 2009

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Ventilation and drug delivery to the paranasal sinuses: studies in a nasal

cast using pulsating airflow

Author(s): Moller W, Schuschnig U, Meyer G, et al.

Source: RHINOLOGY Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 213-220 Published: SEP 2008

Times Cited: 2

4. Title: REM-associated nasal obstruction: A study with acoustic rhinometry during sleep

Author(s): Morris LGT, Burschtin O, Setlur J, et al.


Pages: 619-623 Published: NOV 2008

Times Cited: 0

5. Title: Nasal airway volume and resistance to airflow

Author(s): Zhang G, Solomon P, Rival R, et al.

Source: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Pages: 371-375

Published: JUL-AUG 2008

Times Cited: 3

6. Title: Effect of an intra-oral nasal dilation appliance on 3-D nasal airway morphology in


Author(s): Singh GD, Abramson M

Source: SLEEP AND BREATHING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-75 Published: FEB


Times Cited: 3

7. Title: Acoustic rhinometry in healthy humans: Accuracy of area estimates and

ability to quantify certain anatomic structures in the nasal cavity

Author(s): Cankurtaran M, Celik H, Coskun M, et al.


Issue: 12 Pages: 906-916 Published: DEC 2007

Times Cited: 5

8. Title: 3-d reconstruction of nasopharyngeal airways in Malaysian subjects

Author(s): Singh GD, Rozihan MH, Nidzam MTM, et al.

Conference Information: 3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical

Engineering 2006 (BioMed 2006), DEC 11-14, 2006 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

Source: 3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006 Book

Series: IFMBE Proceedings Volume: 15 Pages: 8-11 Published: 2007

Times Cited: 0

9. Title: Nasal sound analysis: A new method for evaluating nasal obstruction in allergic


Author(s): Tahamiler R, Edizer DT, Canakcioglu S, et al.

Source: LARYNGOSCOPE Volume: 116 Issue: 11 Pages: 2050-2054 Published: NOV


Times Cited: 6

Citing Articles

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Title: Acoustic analysis findings in objective laryngopharyngeal reflux patients

Author(s): Oguz, H

Source: JOURNAL OF VOICE Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 203-210 Published: MAR 2007

Title: Vocal function following discharge from intensive care

Author(s): Nixon I, Ramsay S, MacKenzie K

Conference Information: Annual Meeting of the Section of Laryngology of the Royal-

Society-of-Medicine, SEP 05, 2008 London, ENGLAND


Pages: 515-519 Published: MAY 2010

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: The diagnosis and management of globus: a perspective from the United


Author(s): Khalil HS


SURGERY Volume: 16 Issue: 6 Pages: 516-520 Published: DEC 2008

Times Cited: 0

3. Title: Change of Acoustic Parameters Before and After Treatment in

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Patients

Author(s): Jin BJ, Lee YS, Jeong SW, et al.

Source: LARYNGOSCOPE Volume: 118 Issue: 5 Pages: 938-941 Published: MAY


Times Cited: 6

Title: Modificaçöes vocais produzidas pela fonaçao reversa em laringes normais Author(s):

Finger LS, Dissertaçao de mestrado, Santa Maria RS; Brasil 2008.

Author(s): Bonnette, AM. Master's Thesis, Lousiana state university 2007.

Title: Effects of unilateral vocal cord paralysis on objective voice measures obtained by


Author(s): Haldun Oguz, Munir Demirci, Mustafa A. Safak, Necmi Arslan, Ahmet Islam and

Selda Kargin.

Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2007; 3: 257-61.

Title: Aerodynamic analysis of voice in persons with laryngopharyngeal reflux.

Author(s): Radish Kumar B, Jayashree S.Bhat.

Source: J Health Allied Sciences 2008; 7(4): ID code 6392.

Title: Acoustic vocal measures in women without voice complaints and with normal larynxes.

Author(s): Finger LS, Cielo CA, Schwarz K..

Source: Braziliaan J Otorhinolaryngology 2009; 75: 432-40.

Title: Usefulness of assessment of voice capabilities in female patients with reflux-related


Author(s): Siupsinskiene N, Adamonis K, Toohill RJ.

Medicina (Kaunas) 2009; 45(12): 978-87

Title: Acoustic vocal modifications produced by reverse phonation.

Authors: Finger LS, Cielo CA.

Rev Soc Brasileira Fonoaudiologia 2009; 14(1): 15-21.

Title: Acoustic voice analysis of patients with vocal fold polyp.

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Author(s): Lazic MP, Babac S, Vukovic M, Kosanovic R, Ivankovic Z.

J Voice 2009.04.002 article in press.

Title: Vocal function following discharge from intensive care.

Author(s):Nixon I, Ramsay S, MacKenzie K.


Citing Articles

Title: Isolated fibrous dysplasia of the sphenoid sinus

Author(s): Buyuklu, F

Source: RHINOLOGY Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 309-312 Published: DEC 2005

Title: Fibrous Dysplasia of the Sphenoid Bone: Case Report

Author(s): Ozel HE, Tuna EU, Ozbek C, et al.


416-420 Published: FEB 2010

Times Cited: 0

2. Title: Diagnosis and treatment of isolated sphenoid sinus disease: a review of 109 cases

Author(s): Socher JA, Cassano M, Filheiro CA, et al.

Source: ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA Volume: 128 Issue: 9 Pages: 1004-1010

Published: 2008

Times Cited: 1

3. Title: Double calvarial fibrous dysplasia

Author(s): Kasliwal MK, Mahapatra AK

Source: NEUROLOGY INDIA Volume: 54 Issue: 4 Pages: 455-456 Published: DEC


Times Cited: 0

National Citations:

a. Topikal imidazolin türevleri ve oral psödoefedrinin dekonjastan etkilerinin sağlıklı kişilerde

akustik rinometri ile değerlendirilmesi

A Özdek, G Övet, Ü Bayız, R Kılıç, E Tarhan… - turkarchotolaryngol.org

1. Dr. Murat Cem MİMAN, Dr. Yüksel TOPLU, Dr. Hacim DELİKTAŞ, Dr. Orhan


Akustik Rinometrik Değerlendirme İle Normal Burun




2. Akustik Rinometri; Derleme. Tahamiler R, Işıldak H, Çanakçıoğlu S. Cerrahpaşla T›p Derg

2006; 37: 155 – 161

Page 17: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

b. Tarhan E, Coskun M, Cakmak O, Celik H, Cankurtaran M.

Acoustic rhinometry in humans:accuracy of nasal

passage area estimates, and ability to quantify paranasal

sinus volume and osteum size. J Appl Physiol

2005; 99: 616-623.

3. Akustik Rinometri; Derleme. Tahamiler R, Işıldak H, Çanakçıoğlu S. Cerrahpaşla T›p

Derg 2006; 37: 155 – 161

4. Nazal Pasaj Hacimlerinde Egzersize bağımlı değişimlerin akustik rinometri ile

ölçülmesi. Vardareli S, Çetin N, Hızal E, Büyüklü F, Alkan N, Yazıcı CA, Çakmak Ö.

KBB ve BBC Dergisi 2008;16(1):20-5

c. Cakmak O, Buyuklu F, Yilmaz Z, Sahin FI, Tarhan E, Ozluoglu LN, “Viability of

cultured human nasal septum chondrocytes after crushing,” Arch Facial Plast Surg,

7,406–409 (2005).

5. Açık Rinoplastide otojen kıkırdak greftler: Klinik Deneyimimiz. Erbek SS, Hızal E,

Erbek S, Topal Ö. Kulak Burun Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi. KBB Forum, 2007(6):4-

d. Buyuklu F, Tarhan E, Cakmak O, Ozgirgin N, Arıkan U, “Isolated Fibrous Dysplasia

of the Sphenoid Sinus,” Rhinology, 43(3), 309–312 (2005).

6. Sfenoid Kemiğin Fibröz Displazisi

Fibrous Dysplasia of the Sphenoid Bone: Case Report. Erdem H, Evrim Ö, Tuna Ü, Özbek

C, Özdem C. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2010;30(1):416-20

e. Tarhan AE, Oğuz H, Şafak MA, Özdek A, Samim E, “Rinolithiasis”, Kulak Burun

Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi,10,93–96 (2002).

7. Öğretmenoğlu O, “Rhinolithiasis tanısında endoskopinin önemi: olgu sunumu,” Kulak

Burun Boğaz İhtisas Dergisi, 11, 89-92 (2003).

8. Uğur KŞ, Vuran Ö, Ark N, Kurtaran H. Rutin fizik muayenede tesbit edilen rinolit

olgusu. Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi 2011;33(1):88-92.

9. Oğuzhan D, Muluk NB, Arıkan OK. Nadir görülen bir nazal obstruksiyon

sebebi:rinolithiasis. Bidder Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2010;2(4):20-4.

f. Tarhan E, Oğuz H, Safak MA, Samim E, “The Carpenter syndrome phenotype,” Int.

J. Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 68,353–357 (2004).

10. Altunhan H, Annagür A, Örs R. Carpenter sendromu ve situs inversus totalis

birlikteliği:ilk olgu sunumu. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2001;32(2):464-7.

g. Ada S, Seckin D, Tarhan E, Buyuklu F, Cakmak O, Arıkan U, “Eosinophilic Ulcer of

The Tongue,” Australasian Journal of Dermatology, 48: 248-50 (2007).

11. Bitiren M, Güldür ME, İvnen İ, Özardalı İ, Koçarslan S, Tarini EZ. Oral mukozanın

eozinofilik ülseri. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 2010;7(3):99-101.

h. Akdoğan V M, Çakmak Ö, Tarhan E, Tutar N U, Çakır B.Maxillary sinus pyocele:

Report of two cases. KBB ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi 2005; 13: 29–33.

12. Sakallıoğlu Ö, Düzer S, Altunsoy HB. Fırat Tıp Dergisi 2011;16(3):464-7.

Page 18: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

F. Certifications and Courses:

F1. “Temporal Bone Dissection and Ear Surgery Course,” Ankara University,

Otolaryngology Department, Ankara, April, 14–17, 2000.

F2. “Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Cadeveric Course,” Ankara University,

Otolaryngology Department, Ankara, November, 17–19, 2000.

F3. “ Socend Temporal Bone Dissection and Ear Surgery Course,” Ankara University,

Otolaryngology Department, Ankara, April 28–29, 2001.

F4. “Vertigo and electronystahmography Course,” Başkent University Otolaryngology

Department, Ankara, June-July, 2002.

F5. “Radiofrequncy in Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” Gazi University

Otolaryngology Department, Ankara,June 4–6, 2003.

F6. “Vestibular Rehabilitation Course,” Baskent University Otolaryngology Department,

KBB Anabilim Dalı, Konya Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Konya, January 23–24, 2004.

F7. “Rhinodays, Directors:Prof. Dr. Metin Önerci, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Pirsig”,KENT KBB,

Ankara, April 3-4, 2010.

F8. “ Ballon Sinoplasty Course”, 6. National Rhinology Congress, Gloria Golf Resort Otel,

Antalya, May 21, .2010.

F9. “Surgical Interventions in Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea”, Gülhane Military

Academia Otolaryngology Department, Ankara, December 14-16,2010.

F10. “Vertigo, Bayındır Hospital, September 15, 2012, Ankara.

F11. “Funtional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Cadeveric Course,” 9. Turkish Rhinology

Congress, May 23-26, 2013, Antalya.

G. Publication Membership in Journals :

G1. Turkish ORL Clinics.

G2. Near East Medical Journal, Publication Coordinator.

H. Invited Speaches, panels:

H1. “Rhinoplasty,” Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society Meeting, Baskent

University Hospital, Ankara, March 24, 2005.

Page 19: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

H2. “Snoring and Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Therapy Modalities,” Otorhinolaryngology Head

and Neck Surgery Society Meeting, SB Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Ankara,

January 9, 2006.

H3. “Conductive Hearing Loss, Interesting Cases ,” Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck

Surgery Society Meeting, Hacettepe University, Ankara, November 28, 2007.

H4. “Turbinate Surgeries,” Dicle University and Fırat-Dicle Region ,” 30th

Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society Meeting Diyarbakır, June 2-5, 2011.

H5. President of conference: Dr. Erkan Tarhan, speaker: Prof. Dr. Reda Kamel, "Origin

Management of Inverted Papilloma of the Frontal Sinus", 33. Türk Otorhinolaryngology

Head and Neck Surgery Society Congress, 26-30 October 2011, Antalya.

H6. President of conference: Dr. Erkan Tarhan, speaker: Prof. Dr. Orhan Özturan, "Important

Topics in Rhinoplasty", 33. Türk Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society

Congress, 26-30 October 2011, Antalya.

H7. “Medical Management of Rhinosinusitis,”8. Başkent University Faculty of Medicine,

Otolaryngology Meeting, Adana Günleri, Rinosinüzit Toplantısı, Adana, 10.12.2011.

H8.President of conferenceı: Dr. Erkan Tarhan, Speaker :Doç. Dr. Tugba Tunç, “ Headache”,

10.th International Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Congress, April 26-28, 2012,


H9.Panelist, “ Upper Airway Inflammations”, 10.th International Otolaryngology Head and

Neck Surgery Congress, April 26-28, 2012, Ankara.

H10. Panelist, “Revision Rhinoplasty”, 9. Turkish Rhinology Congress, May 23-26, 2013,

Antalya, Moderatör: Prof. Dr. Metin Önerci.

I. Instructed Courses:

I1. Çakmak O, Tarhan E, “Limitation of Acoustic Rhinometry,” no:2307–1, 28th

Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Society Congress, Antalya, 2005.

I2. Tarhan E. “Concealing dorsum contour irregularities with crushed cartilage.” Surgical

Techniques in ENT, Efes, Kuşadası, 12-14 Nisan 2011.

I3.Tarhan E. “Anterior palatoplasty”, Surgical Techniques in ENT, Efes, Kuşadası, 12-14

Nisan 2011.

J. Reviewer in International Journals:

Page 20: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and

J1. Laryngoscope

J2. The Angle Orthodontist

J3. Turkish Clinics Medical Science Journal (SCI expanded)

K. Reviewer in National Journals:

K1. KBB Forum,” Electronic Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Journal

L. International Book Translation:

L1. Tebbets John B, Primary Rhinoplasty, second edition, Elsewhere, Editor: Doç Dr.Osman

Kürşat Arıkan, Veri Medikal Yayıncılık, Chapter ‘Osteotomiler’, 2009.

L2. Bailey Byron, Johnson Jonas J. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 4th

Edition,2006. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Translation Editor: Prof. Dr. Nazım Korkut, Güneş Kitapevi

Chapter 158: Medical Therapy and Vesitibüler Rehabilitation in Vertigo.

P. Ashley Wackym ve Tammy S. Schumacher-Monfre.

Translators: Dr. Levent N. Özlüoğlu and Dr. Erkan Tarhan, pp 2317-,2011.

M. National Chapters:

M1. “KBB’de Güncel Yaklaşım”,

Editor: Prof. Dr. Metin Önerci

Chapter: Acoustic Rhinometry and Rhinomanometry in Nasal Valve Region Problems,


M2. Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi,

Editor: Prof. Dr. Can Koç, Güneş Kitapevi.

Chapter: Etiologies of Peripheric Vertigo, 2012.

M3. Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi,

Editor: Prof. Dr. Can Koç, Güneş Kitapevi.

Chapter: Swallowing and Diseases, 2012.

Page 21: CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof....CIRRICULUM VITAE Name Surname: A. Erkan Tarhan, Prof. Date of Birth: 1971 Marital Status: married, two children Education and