1 CALENDRIER CIOFF ® CALENDAR 2012 ___________________________________________________________ Contents - Sommaire - Inhalt - Contenido page page Seite página CIOFF ® -Information 1 CIOFF ® -Organisation 3 Festival-Symbols 15 CIOFF ® -Festivals 16 CIOFF ® -Members 16 CIOFF ® -Festivals of Children 97 Events 105 Honorary President and Members 107 CIOFF ® -Council 109 CIOFF ® -Commissions 112 CIOFF ® -Working Groups 114 The information is correct at the time of going to press. Up-to-date information is available on the CIOFF website: www.cioff.org Copyright: CIOFF ® Festivals Commission, 2011


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Contents - Sommaire - Inhalt - Contenido

page page Seite


CIOFF®-Information 1

CIOFF®-Organisation 3

Festival-Symbols 15

CIOFF®-Festivals 16

CIOFF®-Members 16

CIOFF®-Festivals of Children 97

Events 105

Honorary President and Members 107

CIOFF®-Council 109

CIOFF®-Commissions 112

CIOFF®-Working Groups 114

The information is correct at the time of going to press. Up-to-date information is

available on the CIOFF website: www.cioff.org

Copyright: CIOFF® Festivals Commission, 2011

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Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d’Arts Traditionnels

ONG en relations formelles de consultations auprès de I’UNESCO


The current CIOFF® Calendar offers you detailed information of numerous festivals listed by country and the key provides information regarding the characteristics of festivals. The ”CIOFF®” logo guarantees the quality of the organisation and the high artistic level of events.


Ce Calendrier des festivals CIOFF® vous offre des informations détaillées sur de nombreux festivals qui s’y trouvent répertoriés par pays. Le légende vous renseigne sur les caractéristiques des festivals. La mention ”CIOFF®” est la garantie de la qualité d’organisation et du haut niveau artistique des manifestations.


Der vorliegende CIOFF®-Kalender bietet detaillierte Informationen über zahlreiche Festivals, die jeweils nach den einzelnen Ländern aufgeführt sind. Die Zeichenerklärung gibt Auskunft über die besonderen Merkmale der Feste. Das Symbol ”CIOFF®” ist ein Garant für Qualität bezüglich der Organisation und für hohes künstlerisches Niveau der Darbietungen.


El présente calendario CIOFF® de festivals ofrece información de numerosos festivales ordenados por paises y las indicaciones ofrecen información relativa a las caracteristicas de los festivales. El simbolo ”CIOFF®” garantiza la calidad de la organización y el alto nivel artistico de los eventos.

Information / Renseignements / Auskunft / Información

Dr. Udomsak Sakmungvong President 19/112 Soi Ruenrudee Sukhumvit Road 10110 Khet Watana, Bangkok Thailand T private 6687-090-2123 v office 66 54 228 762 v private 6602-318-1133 H 66 86-555-4566 @ [email protected]

Mr. Philippe Beaussant Secretary General Festival de Confolens 3 place Emile Roux 16500 Confolens France T office 33-5-4529 0707 v office 33-5-4585 3717 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.org

Internet: www.cioff.org Twitter: cioff_ngo

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIOFF

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The objectives of the CIOFF®

Since 1970, CIOFF® has worked for the safeguarding and diffusion of traditional

culture. Through its actions, CIOFF® aims for the following objectives:

- Promote the intangible heritage, through such forms of expression as dance,

music, games, rituals, customs and other arts.

- Serve the objectives of UNESCO

- Support the activities of its members and those of Non-Governmental

Organizations working in the areas of folklore and cultural heritage

- Serve the cause of peace, through meeting the above objectives


More than ninety organizations around the world are members of CIOFF®.

The National Sections are geographically grouped in sectors representing the five


The activities of the CIOFF®

Each year, CIOFF® boasts a great number of accomplishments

- Coordination of about 250 International Festivals for folk art

- International exchanges between folklore groups, reaching some fifty thousand


- Participation in programs of UNESCO

- Conferences, symposia and exhibitions, especially concerning the

transmission of traditional culture to youth

- Publications: - The CIOFF® calendar of events

- Semi-annual information Bulletin ”Entre-Nous”

- Annual Report

- Cooperation with various national and international organizations and with

non-governmental organizations


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Les objectifs du CIOFF®

Depuis 1970, le CIOFF® œuvre pour la sauvegarde et la diffusion de la culture

traditionnelle et populaire. Par son action, le CIOFF® vise les objectifs suivants:

- Promouvoir le patrimoine intangible à travers les formes d’expression tels que

la danse, la musique, les jeux, les rites, les coutumes et ‘autres arts

- Servir les objectifs de l’UNESCO

- Soutenir les activités de ses membres ainsi que celles des organisations non

gouvernementales et toutes les autres organisations qui oeuvrent dans le

domaine des héritages culturels

- Servir, en réalisant ces objectifs, la cause de la paix

Les membres adhérents

Plus de 90 organisations dans le monde sont Membres du CIOFF®.

Les Sections nationales sont regroupées géographiquement par secteurs

représentant les cinq continents

Les actions du CIOFF®

Le CIOFF® mène plusieurs tâches à terme

- Concertation de quelque 250 festivals Internationaux de folklore et d’arts


- Echanges internationaux d’ensembles traditionnels touchant plus de 50.000


- Participation aux programmes de l’UNESCO

- Conférences, colloques et expositions, en particulier sur la transmission de la

culture traditionnelle à la jeunesse

- Publications: - Calendrier CIOFF® des manifestations

- Bulletin d’information bisannuel ”Entre-Nous”

- Rapport annuel

- Collaboration avec les divers organismes nationaux, internationaux et autres

organisations non gouvernementales


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Die Ziele des CIOFF®

Seit 1970 arbeitet CIOFF® für die Bewahrung und Verbreitung von traditioneller

Kultur. Durch seine Veranstaltungen verfolgt CIOFF® folgende Ziele:

- Förderung des unantastbaren überlieferten Erbes durch Ausdrucksformen wie

Tanz, Musik, Spiele, Sitten, Trachten und anderer Gebräuche

- den Zielen der UNESCO dienen

- die Aktivitäten der Mitglieder und nichtstaatlicher Organisationen unterstützen,

ebenso weitere Organisationen, die im traditionellen kulturellen Bereich tätig


- dem Frieden dienen, indem diese Ziele verfolgt werden.


Über 90 Organisationen weltweit sind Mitglied im CIOFF®.

Diese Sektionen sind wiederum in Gliederungen unterteilt, welche durch die fünf

Kontinente repräsentiert werden.

Veranstaltungen der CIOFF®

Der CIOFF® führt mehrere Aufgaben durch:

- Organisation von jährlich etwa 250 Veranstaltungen der Folklore und

traditioneller Kunst

- Austausch von internationalen Folkloregruppen mit mehr als 50.000


- Teilnahme an UNESCO-Programmen

- Versammlungen, Gespräche und Ausstellungen, besonders über die

Vermittlung traditioneller Kultur an die Jugend

- Veröffentlichungen: - Veranstaltungskalender der CIOFF®

- Halbjahresbericht und -information ”Entre-Nous”

- Jahresbericht

- Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen

Organisationen und nichtstaatlichen Gruppen.


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Los objetivos del CIOFF® Desde 1970, CIOFF® trabaja por la salvaguarda y la difusión de la cultura

tradicional. A través de sus actividades, CIOFF® persigue los siguientes


- Promocionar la herencia intangible a través de formas de expresión tales como

la danza, la música, los juegos, los rituales, las costumbres y otras artes

- Servir a los objetivos de UNESCO

- Apoyar las actividades de sus miembros y de las organizaciones no

gubernamentales y todas las organizaciones que trabajan en el dominio del

folclore y la herencia cultural

- Luchar por la paz con estos objetivos Miembros

Mas de 90 organizaciones en el mundo son miembros de CIOFF®.

Las Secciones nacionales se agrupan geográficamente en sectores

representando a los cinco continentes Actividades del CIOFF®

Cada año, CIOFF® lleva a cabo un gran numero de actividades:

- La organización de más de 250 Festivales internacionales de folclore y de

artes tradicionales

- La organización de intercambios entra grupos de folclore implicando a mas de

cincuenta mil artistas

- La participación en los programas de UNESCO

- Conferencias, simposios y exposiciones, especialmente en la transmisión de la

cultura tradicional a la juventud

- Publicaciones: - Calendario de actividades de CIOFF®

- Boletin de información semestral ”Entre-Nous”

- Informe Anual

- Cooperación con las diversas organizaciones nacionales o internacionales y

con las organizaciones no gubernamentales.


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The "Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d’arts traditionnels" (CIOFF®) (International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts), an organization in Formal Consultative Relations with UNSECO

Considering the importance of the Intangible Cultural Heritage as a platform of cultural diversity and a guarantee of sustainable development, as underlined in the UNESCO Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore of 1989, in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of 2001and in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Noting that an increasing number of international government and no-governmental organizations are involved with the Intangible Cultural Heritage

Underlining the desire of members in the CIOFF® National Sections to define a cultural policy following the general consultation in July 1996

Given Article 6 of its Bylaws

To maintain peace and strengthen friendship between countries, CIOFF® promotes international understanding particularity in the field of folk art and folk culture, according to the principles of UNESCO


Aim The goal of the «Charter» is to promote Intangible Cultural Heritage in accordance with CIOFF’s® charter and in keeping with the UNESCO Conventions

Purpose Its primary purpose is to promote Intangible Cultural Heritage in the following areas:

Dissemination of Intangible Cultural Heritage International cooperation

In addition it will facilitate cooperation on:

Identification of Intangible Cultural Heritage Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage


The CIOFF realize his objectives based on the principles of: the value of cultural heritage

equality between heritage principle of understanding respect for heritage


CIOFF® encourages Intangible Cultural Heritage activities by: organizing: The Folkloriadas, World congress and forum, International

Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions Adopted during the General Assembly of Thessaloniki of 1997 Updated during the General Assembly of Istanbul of 2008

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El "Consejo Internacional de Organizaciones de Festivales de Folklore y de las Artes Tradiciones" (CIOFF®), organisación reconocida con el Estadus "Relation Formelle" de la UNESCO Considerando la importancia que reviste el patrimonio cultural inmaterial, crisol de la diversidad cultural y garante del desarrollo sostenible, como se destaca en la Recomendación de la UNESCO sobre la salvaguardia de la cultura tradicional y popular de 1989, así como en la Declaración Universal de la UNESCO sobre la Diversidad Cultural de 2001 y en la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.

Observando que un número cada vez mayor de gobiernos internacionales y de organizaciones no gubernamentales difunden el patrimonio cultural inmaterial.

Subrayando el deseo de los miembros de las secciones nacionales del CIOFF® de definir una politica cultural que responda a la consulta general de julio de 1996,

Teniendo en cuenta el Articulo 6 de sus Estatutos : Para mantener la paz y reforzar la amistad entre los paises, el CIOFF® pomueve la comprensión entre la naciones, particularmente en el terreno del arte popular y de la cultura tradicional, según los principios de la UNESCO


Finalidad el fin de este "charte" hay que promover el patrimonio cultural inmaterial de acuerdo con "chartes" de CIOFF® y según los principios de la UNESCO.

Objectivos Sus objetivos principales son los promover el patrimonio cultural inmaterial en las siguientes áreas :

Difusión del patrimonio cultural inmaterial Cooperación Internacional

Además, se persigue facilitar la cooperación en las siguientes áreas :

Identificación del patrimonio cultural inmaterial Conservación del patrimonio cultural inmaterial Preservación del patrimonio cultural inmaterial


CIOFF persigue objetivos basándose en los principios de: el valor del patrimonio cultural

la igualdad entre estos patrimonios la comprensión el respeto al patrimonio


El CIOFF® fomenta las actividades con el patrimonio cultural inmaterial mediante :

la organización: de Folkoriadas, de Congresos internacionales, foros, de conferencias y exposiciones internacionales, de talleres

Adoptada a l'Assemblea Generale de Salonika de 1987 Puesta al día a l'Assemblea General de Estambul de 2008

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Le "Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d'arts traditionnels" (CIOFF®), une organisation sous le statut de relations formelles de consultation à l'UNESCO

Considérant l'importance du patrimoine culturel immatériel, creuset de la diversité culturelle et garant du développement durable, telle que soulignée par la Recommandation de l'UNESCO sur la sauvegarde de la culture traditionnelle et populaire de 1989, par la Déclaration universelle de l'UNESCO sur la diversité culturelle de 2001 et la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Notant qu'un nombre toujours plus important d'organisations internationales gouvernementales et non - gouvernementales diffuse le patrimoine culturel immatériel,

Soulignant le désir des membres des sections nationales du CIOFF® de définir une politique culturelle.

Se référant à la Recommandation de l’UNESCO sur la sauvegarde de la culture traditionnelle et populaire

Etant donné l'article 6 de ses statuts : Pour maintenir la paix renforcer l'amitié entre les peuples, le CIOFF® promeut la compréhension entre les nations, particulièrement dans le domaine de l'art populaire et de la culture traditionnelle, selon les principes de l'UNESCO.


But Le but de cette recommandation est de promouvoir le patrimoine culturel immatériel en accord avec la charte du CIOFF® et en suivant les recommandations de l'UNESCO.

Objectifs Ses objectifs premiers sont de promouvoir le folklore dans les domaines suivants :

Diffusion du patrimoine culturel immatériel

Coopération internationale En complément le CIOF®F apportera sa coopération dans les domaines suivants:

Identification du patrimoine culturel immatériel Conservation du patrimoine culturel immatériel Préservation du patrimoine culturel immatériel

PRINCIPES Le CIOFF® poursuit ses objectifs en se basant sur les principes de:

la valeur du patrimoine culturel l'égalité entre les patrimoines la compréhension entre les peuples le respect du patrimoine

ACTIVITES Le CIOFF® encourage les activités liées au patrimoine culturel immatériel par : l'organisation: de Folkloriadas, de congrès mondiaux et de forums, de

conférences et d'expositions internationales, de workshop

Adoptée à l’Assemblée Générale de Thessalonique de 1987 Mise à jour à l'Assemblée Générale d'Istanbul de 2008

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Der "Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d’arts traditionnels" (CIOFF®) (Internationaler Rat von Organisationen von Folklore Festivals und Traditional Kunst), eine Organisation der UNESCO in formeller beratender Beziehung

Unter Berücksichtigung der Wichtigkeit des immateriellen kulturellen Erbes als treibende Kraft der kulturellen Vielfalt und als Garantie dauerhafter Entwicklung, wie in der UNESCO Empfehlung Bewahrung Traditioneller Kultur und Folklore von 1989, in der UNESCO Deklaration der Kulturellen Vielfalt von 2001 und in dem Übereinkommen zur Bewahrung des immateriellen Kulturerbes unterstrichen

Unter Berücksichtigung, dass eine steigende Anzahl von internationalen Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsorganisationen sich mit dem immateriellen kulturellen Erbe beschäftigen

Unterstreichen des Wunsches der Nationalen Sektionen des CIOFF® eine Kulturpolitik nach den Beratungen vom Juli 1996 zu definieren

Gegeben in Artikel 6 der Satzung

Um Frieden zu bewahren und die Freundschaft zwischen Ländern zu festigen, fördert CIOFF® internationale Verständigung speziell auf dem Gebiet der Volkskunst und Volkskultur gemäß den Prinzipien der UNESCO.


Absicht Zweck der Charta ist es immaterielles kulturelles Erbe zu fördern in Übereinstimmung mit der Satzung und der UNESCO

Zweck Zielsetzung ist es immaterielles Erbe auf den folgenden Gebieten zu fördern:

Verbreitung des immateriellen kulturellen Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Zusätzlich wird die Zusammenarbeit erleichtert bei:

Identifikation des immateriellen kulturellen Erbes Bewahrung des immateriellen kulturellen Erbes Erhaltung des immateriellen kulturellen Erbes


Der CIOFF verwirklicht seine Zielsetzungen basierend auf dem Wert des kulturellen Erbes

Gleichwertigkeit zwischen den Formen des Erbes Grundsätzliches Verstehen Achten des Erbes


CIOFF® fördert Aktivitäten auf dem Gebiet des immateriellen kulturellen Erbes durch:

Die Organisation Der Folkloriada, von Weltkongressen und Foren, von Internationalen Konferenzen, Workshops und Ausstellungen

Angenommen auf Generalversammlung von Thessaloniki 1997 Aktualisiert auf der Generalversammlung in Istanbul 2008

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Since the beginning of his existence, CIOFF® is interested by the identification of the style of traditional programs on the stage. In October 1985 through an International Conference of experts in Fribourg — Switzerland, a first classification was adopted. During the World Congress 2005 of CIOFF® in South Africa, a workshop was devoted at this question and a general consultation followed this first exchange. Finally a working group has established a new version of the definitions of the traditional programs on the stage, taking in consideration the content and the styles of expression.

Definition of traditional programs on the stage

Intangible cultural heritage should be considered as a progressive process of which the main characteristics are creative activities based on tradition.

From this point on, in order to define programs presented by ensembles of traditional expression, it is necessary to specify at the same time contents and style of expression.

In accordance with the definition of the Convention of Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, a program will be considered as representing traditional culture if its content comes from or is inspired by intangible cultural heritage, namely:

transmitted from generation to generation constantly re-created by communities and groups in response to their

environment, their interaction with nature and their history provides a sense of identity and continuity promotes respect of cultural diversity and human creativity.

To serve the cause of traditional culture the ensembles choose a style and a way of expression. In accordance with its main activity, which is the organization of festivals of traditional culture, CIOFF® wishes to define the styles of expression through song, music and dance as outlined below:

A program will be considered as representing authentic expression:

if the content is regional if the costumes are authentic or faithfully reconstructed if music and dance are presented without arrangement

A program will be considered as representing elaborated expression:

if the content covers a number of regions if the elements of costumes are adapted if the music is harmonized and the elements of dance modified if the creation of new dances uses traditional and authentic elements.

A program will be considered as representing stylized expression:

if the content draws its inspiration from the traditional culture of its country

if the costumes are re-created for the needs of the stage if the music and the elements of dance are adapted and re-created to

meet the needs of a modern scenic transposition if the creation of new dances and music uses traditional elements to

represent the creative ideas of the choreographer and the musician.

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Définition des programmes traditionnels sur scène

Le patrimoine culturel immatériel doit être considéré comme un processus évolutif dont une des principales caractéristiques est l'activité créatrice basée sur la tradition.

Dès lors, pour définir les programmes présentés sur scène par les ensembles d'expression traditionnelle, il convient de préciser à la fois le contenu et le style d'expression.

Conformément à la définition de la Convention sur la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'UNESCO, un programme sera considéré comme de culture traditionnelle si son contenu provient ou est inspiré du patrimoine culturel immatériel :

transmis de génération en génération recréé en permanence par les communautés et les groupes en fonction

de leur milieu et de leur interaction avec la nature et de leur histoire procurant aux communautés et aux groupes un sentiment d'identité et

de prospérité contribuant ainsi à promouvoir le respect de la diversité culturelle et la

créativité humaine.

Pour servir la cause de la culture traditionnelle, les ensembles choisissent un style et un moyen d'expression. En fonction de ses activités principales, dont l'organisation de festivals de culture traditionnelle, le CIOFF® souhaite définir les styles d'expression à travers le chant, la musique et la danse.

Un programme sera considéré comme d'expression authentique :

si le contenu est régional si le costume est authentique ou fidèlement reconstruit si la musique et la danse sont présentées sans aucun arrangement

Un programme sera considéré comme d'expression élaborée :

si le contenu couvre plusieurs régions si les éléments du costume ont été adaptés si la musique a été harmonisée et les éléments de danses modifiés si la création de nouvelles danses utilise des éléments traditionnels


Un programme sera considéré comme d'expression stylisée :

si le contenu s'inspire de la culture traditionnelle de son pays si les costumes sont recréés pour les besoins scéniques si la musique et les éléments de danse sont adaptés ou recréés pour les

besoins d'une transposition scénique moderne si la création de nouvelles danses utilise des éléments traditionnels pour

présenter la propre idée créatrice du chorégraphe et du musicien.

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Definición de programas tradicionales en escena

El Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial debe considerarse como un proceso progresivo, que posee entre sus elementos más importantes, las actividades creativas basadas en la tradición.

Por tanto, para definir los programas realizados por los cuerpos de bailes tradicionales, es necesario especificar al mismo tiempo contenidos y estilos de expresión.

De conformidad con la definición de la Convención de la UNESCO para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, un programa será considerado de cultura tradicional si su contenido proviene o es inspirado por un patrimonio cultural inmaterial:

Transmitido de generación en generación Constantemente recreado por comunidades y grupos motivados por su

entorno, su interacción con la naturaleza y su historia Proporcionándoles un sentido de identidad y continuidad Que promueva el respeto por la diversidad cultural y la creatividad


En aras de servir a la causa de la cultura tradicional, los cuerpos de baile elijen un estilo y una forma de expresión. De acuerdo con su actividad principal, que es la organización de festivales de cultura tradicional, CIOFF® desea definir el estilo de expresión a través de canciones, música y danza

Un programa será considerado de expresión auténtica:

Si el contenido es regional Si los trajes son auténticos o adaptados adecuadamente Si la música y la danza no incluyen arreglos

Un programa será considerado de expresión elaborada:

Si el contenido cubre varias regiones Si los elementos de vestuario son adaptaciones Si la música es armonizada y los elementos de danza modificados Si se trata de la creación de nuevas danzas utilizando elementos

tradicionales y auténticos

Un programa será considerado de expresión estilizada:

Si el contenido está inspirado por la cultura tradicional del país Si el vestuario es recreado para la puesta en escena Si la música y los elementos de la danza son adaptados y recreados por

necesidad de una moderna transposición escénica. Si la creación de nuevas danzas y música utiliza elementos

tradicionales para presentar una idea creativa producida por coreógrafos y músicos

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Definition des traditionellen Programms auf der Bühne

Das immaterielle Kulturerbe soll als ein progressiver Prozess betrachtet werden, von dem die wichtigsten Charakteristiken kreative Aktivitäten sind, die auf Tradition basieren.

Deshalb ist es gleichzeitig notwendig, den Inhalt und Ausdruckstil zu bestimmen um die präsentierten Programme von traditionellen Tanzensembles zu definieren.

Im Einklang mit den Richtlinien der UNESCO-Konvention für den Schutz des immateriellen Kulturerbes, verkörpert ein Programm eine kulturelle Tradition, wenn sein Inhalt von einem immateriellen Kulturerbe kommt oder von ihm inspiriert ist. Nämlich wenn es:

von Generation zu Generation übertragen wird ständig von der Gesellschaft und Gruppen wiederhergestellt wird, in

der Antwort auf ihr Lebensumwelt, die Einwirkung der Natur und ihre Geschichte

einen Sinn für Identität und Kontinuität bereitstellt

den Respekt der Kulturvielfalt und menschlicher Kreativität fördert

Um den kulturellen, traditionellen Anlässen zu dienen, wählen die Ensembles eine Ausdrucksform. In Übereinstimmung mit seiner Hauptaktivität, der Organisation von traditionellen Kulturveranstaltungen, möchte der CIOFF® die Ausdruckstile von Liedern, Musik und Tänzen folgendermaßen beschreiben:

Ein Programm wird als authentisch bezeichnet, wenn:

sein Inhalt regional ist die Trachten authentisch oder originalgetreu nachgeschneidert sind

die Musik und der Tanz ohne Arrangements präsentiert werden

Ein Programm wird als bearbeitet bezeichnet, wenn:

sein Inhalt mehrere Regionen erfasst

Elemente der Trachten angepasst sind die Musik harmonisiert ist und Tanzelemente modifiziert sind es sich um neue Tanzkreationen handelt, die traditionelle und

authentische Elemente besitzen

Ein Programm wird als stilisiert bezeichnet wenn:

der Inhalt inspiriert ist von der traditionellen Kultur des Landes

die Trachten der Bühnenvorstellung angepasst sind die Musik und Tanzelemente der Notwendigkeit moderner

Bühneninszenierung angepasst sind

die Musik und die neuen Tanzkreationen traditionelle Elemente benutzen, die den kreativen Ideen der Choreographen und Musikanten Ausdruck geben

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Meaning of symbols Bedeutung der Symbole Signification des symboles Significado de los símbolos

CIOFF® Festival Traditional Trades Festival CIOFF® Métiers traditionnels CIOFF®-Festival Traditionelle Berufe w Festival CIOFF® Muestras de artesanos Folk Singing Conferences Chant folklorique Conférences Volksgesang t Tagungen y Canto folklórico Conferencias Folk Dancing Authentic Danse folklorique Authentique Volkstanz b Authentisch a Danza tradicional Auténtico Folk Music Elaborate Musique folklorique Elaboré Volksmusik u Bearbeitet e Música folklórica Elaborado Traditional Cooking Stylized Cuisine traditionnelle Stylisé Traditionelles Essen v Stilisiert s Muestras gastronómicas Estilizado Traditional Game Expositions Jeu Traditionnel Expositions Traditionelle Spiele g Ausstellungen x Juegos Traditional Exposiciones Phone Fax Téléphone fixe Télécopieur

Telefon T Fax v Teléfono Fax Mobile phone Web address Téléphone portable Adresse Internet

Mobil Telefon H Webseite m Teléfono celular Página web Electronic mail Courriel

E-Mail @ E-Mail

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Festivals 2012

Albania Albanie Albanien Albania

CIOFF® Albania Mr. Niko Mihali Shoqueria Kulturore Elena GJIKA Lagja Partizani Pall 127 / 9 PERMET ALBANIA T and v office +355 813 2426 @ [email protected]

12. - 15.05.2012 Aulona International Folk Festival - Vlore @ [email protected] m www.aulonafolk-festival.com

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21. - 23.06.2012 06.2013 PERMETI MULTIKULTUROR - Permet @ [email protected]

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Algeria Algérie Algerien Algeria Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Algeria Mr. Farid Boukhalfa Direction de la Promotion Place de 1. Mai, Alger T office 213-21-683 350 v office 213-21-662 263 @ [email protected]

Argentina Argentine Argentinien Argentina

CIOFF® Argentina Mr. Abel Cerrutti Int. Da Silva 645 2550 Bell Ville - Córdoba T office 54 3534 418 167 v office 54 353 442 4256 H 54 3534 5 58960 @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

06. - 10.09.2012 08. - 13.09.2014 Festival International De Folklore de Argentina -Bell Ville - Bell Ville @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

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11. - 15.09.2012 14. - 18.09.2014 Festival International de Folklore de Argentina -Brinkmann - Brinkmann-Cba @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

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Compañia Argentina de Danzas SENTIRES Argentina - Edoardo_Alessi/Italy

16. - 20.09.2012 18. - 23.09.2014 Festival Internacional de Folklore de Argentina -El Trébol - EL TREBOL @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

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20. - 25.09.2012 23. - 28.09.2014 Festival International de Folklore de Argentina -Santa Fe - Santa Fe @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

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Armenia Armenie Armenien Armenia

CIOFF® Armenia Mr. Tigran Hakobyan Arshakunyats 28/7 Yerevan T office 374-10 44 15 80 H 374-93 40 15 50 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-armenia.info

Australia Australie Australien Australia Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Australia Ms. Dianna Laska Moore GPO Box 2364 World Dance Company Canberra ACT 2601 T private 61-2-6259 7592 @ [email protected]

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Austria Autriche Österreich Austria

CIOFF® Austria Ms. Michaela Eisl Langbathstraße 20 4802 Ebensee T office +43 664 7302 3408 T private +43 676 322 63 80 @ [email protected] m www.trachten.or.at

Azerbaijan Azerbaidjan Aserbeidschan Azerbeijan

CIOFF® Azerbaijan Ms Chimnaz Ahmadzada 144 B. Safaroglu str. 1 370 602 Baku T office 00994124967917 T private 00994502340929 v office 00994124967916 H 00994504800080 @ [email protected]

Belarus Biélorussie Weißrussland Bielorusia Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Belarus Mr. Vasiliy Chernik Ministry of Culture Pr. Peramozhtsau, 11 220004 Minsk T office 375 17 203 7363 v office 375 17 203 9045 @ [email protected]

Group Hayastan, Armenia - Adam_Hofman (Poland)

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Belgium Belgique Belgien Bélgica

CIOFF® Belgium Mr. Marc Therry Neerhofstraat 53 8870 Izegem T private +32-51-309 188 H +32-497450822 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.be

05. - 10.04.2012 28.03. - 02.04.2013 17. - 22.04.2014 Paasfeesten-Leuven - Leuven @ [email protected] m www.paasfeestenleuven.be

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03. - 12.06.2012 02. - 11.06.2013 02. - 10.06.2014 Festival Mondial de Folklore de la Ville de Saint-Ghislain - Tertre @ [email protected] m www.festifolk.be

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06. - 13.07.2012 12. - 19.07.2013 11. - 18.07.2014 Wereldfestival van Folklore Schoten - Schoten @ [email protected] m www.festivalschoten.be

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25. - 31.07.2012 24. - 30.07.2013 23. - 29.07.2014 PIKKELING - Meldert-Aalst @ [email protected] m www.faluintjes-pikkeling.be

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04. - 07.08.2012 03. - 05.08.2013 International Folklorefestival Moerbeke-Waas - Moerbeke-Waas @ [email protected] m www.Folklorefestival-moerbeke.be

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08. - 12.08.2012 2013 2014 Drieskes Kerremes - Sint-Gillis-Waas @ [email protected] m www.drieskenijpers.be

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08. - 15.08.2012 07. - 14.08.2013 06. - 13.08.2014 wereldDANSfestivalEDEGEM - Edegem @ [email protected] m www.werelddansfestivaledegem.be

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10. - 16.08.2012 08. - 14.08.2014 Kadans - Torhout @ [email protected] m www.KA-dans.be

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11. - 14.08.2012 10. - 13.08.2013 09. - 12.08.2014 International Folklorefestival van Westerlo - Westerlo @ [email protected] m www.diespelewei.be/festival

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13. - 15.08.2012 13. - 15.08.2013 13. - 15.08.2014 International Folklorefestival Hasselt - Hasselt @ [email protected] m www.folklorefestivalhasselt.be

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15. - 19.08.2012 21. - 25.08.2013 20. - 24.08.2014 International Folklorefestival Bonheiden - Bonheiden @ [email protected] m http://www.dekrekels.be

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17. - 20.08.2012 16. - 19.08.2013 Le Festival de Folklore de Jambes - Jambes (Namur) @ [email protected] m www.dapo.be

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08. - 12.05.2013 WERELDFOLKLOREADE OOSTROZEBEKE - OOSTROZEBEKE @ [email protected] m www.wereldfolkloreade.be

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07.2013 International Folklore Festival - Hoogstraten - Hoogstraten @ [email protected] m www.gelmelzwaaiers.be

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04. - 09.07.2013 WERELDFESTIVAL IZEGEM - Izegem @ [email protected] m www.wereldfestivalizegem.be

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21. - 24.08.2014 Motterieën - Internationaal Folklorefestival - Groot Bijgaarden @ [email protected]

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Belize Belize Belize Belize Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Belize Ms. Diane C. Haylock National Institute of Culture and History Goverrnment House - House of Culture, Regent Street, Belize City T office +501-227-0518 v office +501-227-0102 @ [email protected] m www.nichbelize.org

Benin Bénin Benin Benín Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Benin Mr. Gilles Bokpe Recette Principale, 01 BP, 2633 Cotonou T and v office 229 33 4829 T private 229 02 0252 v private 229 33 9933 @ [email protected]

Bosnia and HerzegovinaBosnie - Herzegovine Bosnien und Herzegowina Bosnia y Herzegovina

CIOFF® Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms. Anka Raic Trg hrvatskih velikana bb 88000 Mostar T office 387-36-321 022 v office 387-36-398 362 @ [email protected] m www.uhakud.ba

28.06. - 03.07.2012 28.06. - 03.07.2013 International Folklore Festival 'Dani kosidbe', Kupres - Kupres @ [email protected] m www.dankosidbe.com

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17. - 22.07.2012 17. - 22.07.2013 17. - 22.07.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Sarajevo' - Sarajevo @ [email protected] m www.sarajevoarts.ba

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31.08. - 02.09.2012 30.08. - 02.09.2013 National Folklore Festival 'Centralna smotra' - Mostar @ [email protected] m www.uhakud.ba

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17. - 21.10.2012 17.10.2013 -21.10.2016

International Folklore Festival 'Inter Folk Fest Derventa' - Derventa @ [email protected]

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Brazil Brésil Brasilien Brasil

CIOFF® Brazil Ms. Luisa Cavalcanti Maciel Rua José Verissimo , 100 Bairro Mauricio de Nassau 55.014-250 Caruaru-Pernambuco T and v office 55-81-3723 8823 H 55.81.9993.6866 @ [email protected]

17. - 24.08.2012 Festival Int. de Folclore de Passo Fundo - Passo Fundo - Rio Grande do Sul @ [email protected] m www.festivalpf.com.br

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18. - 28.08.2012 17. - 24.08.2013 Festival Intern. de Folclore de Caruaru - Caruaru - Pernambuco @ [email protected] m www.festivaldecaruaru.com

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Brazil Abrasoffa Brazil Abrasoffa Brasilien Abrasoffa Brasil Abrasoffa Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Brazil Abrasoffa Ms. Helena Lourenco Av. Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, 476 11.015-202 Santos - Sao Paulo T office 55-13-3222 5772 v office 55-13-3235 1122 @ [email protected]

Bulgaria Bulgarie Bulgarien Bulgaria

CIOFF® Bulgaria Mr. Emil Pavlov 1 Bulgaria sqr, National Palace of Culture PRONO, fl.14, off. 12-15, 1463 Sofia T office 359-2-865 0137 T private 359-8-8820 9966 v office 359-2-963 1013 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-bulgaria.com

19. - 21.07.2012 25. - 27.07.2013 24. - 26.07.2014 Festival of national traditions and art crafts - Razgrad @ [email protected] m www.tic-razgrad.com

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21.07. - 04.08.2012 20.07. - 03.08.2013 19.07. - 02.08.2014 Intern. Folklore Festival Veliko Tarnovo - Veliko Tarnovo @ [email protected] m www.folklorefest.com

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23. - 27.07.2012 22. - 26.07.2013 26. - 30.07.2014 International Folklore Festival Plovdiv - Plovdiv @ [email protected]

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27. - 29.07.2012 26. - 28.07.2013 25. - 27.07.2014 Intern. Festival for Authentik Folklore Dorkovo - Dorkovo @ [email protected]

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05. - 09.08.2012 04. - 08.08.2013 03. - 07.08.2014 Intern. Folklore Festival Varna - Varna @ [email protected] m www.varnafolk.org

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Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Burkina Faso Mr. Koudbi Koala Association Benebnooma BP 196, Koudougou T office 226-440 387 v office 226-440 449 @ [email protected]

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Cameroon Cameroun Kamerun Camerún Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Cameroon Mr. Njiasse Njoya Prince Aboubakar BP 86, Foumban T and v office +237-231 7323 T private +237-965 2965 @ [email protected]

Canada Canada Kanada Canadá

CIOFF® Canada Mr. Guy Landry Folklore Canada International C.P.9, Station DeLorimier H2H 2N6 Montréal-Québec, T office 1-514-524 8552 v office 1-514-524 0269 @ [email protected] m www.folklore-canada.org

28.06. - 01.07.2012 27. - 30.06.2013 26. - 29.06.2014 Festival Couleurs du monde - Sainte-Marie de Beauce, (Québec) @ [email protected] m www.festivalcouleursdumonde.com

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05. - 15.07.2012 04. - 14.07.2013 10. - 20.07.2014 Mondial des Cultures de Drummondville - Drummondville (Québec) @ [email protected] m www.mondialdescultures.com

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05. - 18.08.2012 04. - 17.08.2013 03. - 16.08.2014 Folklorama - Winnipeg, (Manitoba) @ [email protected] m www.folklorama.ca

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Central Africa, Rep. Centralafrique, Rep. Zentralafrika, Rep. Arfica Central, Rep. Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Central Africa, Rep. Ms. Beatrice Epaye BP 971 Bangui T office 236-614 941 T private 236-501 225 v office 236-619 072 @ [email protected]

Chile Chili Chile Chile

CIOFF® Chile Ms. Eugenia Cirano Rojas Av. 18 de Septiembre 1980, Paine T office 56-2-824 1046 T private 56-2-563 1357 v office 56-2-696 5541 @ [email protected]

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Ensemble folklorique Ko’eti du Paraguay, Mondial des Cultures de

Drummondville- Frédéric Cote/Canada

15. - 19.11.2012 16. - 20.11.2013 15. - 19.11.2014 Encuentro Folklòrico Nacional e Internacional ' Calama una ciudad para el folklor' - Calama @ [email protected]

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21. - 26.11.2012 22. - 27.11.2013 21. - 22.11.2014 Encuentro Costumbrista de Peñalolèn - Santiago @ [email protected]

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China Chine China China

CIOFF® China Mr. Xu ZHANG 5 Linxiaonanlu, Daxing District 102600 Beijing T an v office 86-10-69268463 H 86-13552873986 @ [email protected]

28.04. - 05.05.2012 The Changshu International Folklore Festival of China - Changshu @ [email protected]

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12. - 17.07.2012 12. - 17.07.2013 The Huhhot International Folk Art Festival of China - Huhhot City @ [email protected]

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10. - 15.10.2012 10. - 15.10.2013 Hangzhou International Folklore Festival - Hangzhou City @ [email protected]

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Chinese Taipei Chine Taipei Chinesisch Taipeh China Taipei

CIOFF® Chinese Taipei Ms. Catherine Shu-Tzeng Chang No. 189, Beicheng Rd. Sec. 1 26543 Luo-dong T office 886-3-9514208 v office 886-3-9511786 @ [email protected] m www.lycc.org.tw/cioff.htm

Colombia Colombie Kolumbien Colombia

CIOFF® Colombia Mr. Enrique Jatib Thome Barrio Armenia, calle Santa Ana # 49-13 Cartagena de Indias T and v office 57-5-662 5621 @ [email protected] m cioffcolombia.blogspot.com

28.05. - 02.06.2012 28.05. - 02.06.2013 28.05. - 02.06.2014 Festival Folclórico Nacional 'Cartagena de Indias' - Cartagena de Indias @ [email protected] m http://festicartagena.blogspot.com

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20.06. - 15.07.2012 20.06. - 15.07.2013 20.06. - 15.07.2014 Circuito Zona centro - @ [email protected]

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27.06. - 04.07.2012 27.06. - 04.07.2013 27.06. - 04.07.2014 Festival Folclorico Nacional y MuestraInternational de Danzas Folcloricas - Neiva-Huila @ [email protected]

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28.06. - 01.07.2012 Festival folclórico colombiano y muestra internacional - Ibagué @ [email protected] m www.festivalfolclorico.com

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Colombia, Wereldfestival van Folklore Schoten in Belgium - Woldemar Wrobel/Poland

28.06. - 02.07.2012 28.06. - 02.07.2013 28.06. - 02.07.2014 Encuentro Internacional de Danzas Folclóricas 'Mercedes Montaño' - Cali @ [email protected]

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07. - 27.07.2012 07. - 27.07.2013 07. - 27.07.2014 Circuito Folclórico International - Redefolclor - Cartagena @ [email protected]

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12. - 15.07.2012 12. - 15.07.2013 12. - 15.07.2014 ENCUENTRO NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL DE DANZAS - Sincelejo @ [email protected]

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16. - 21.07.2012 16. - 21.07.2013 16. - 21.07.2014 Musica y Danzas del Mundo - Cartagena @ [email protected] m http://festicartagena.blogspot.com

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03. - 20.08.2012 03. - 20.08.2013 03. - 20.08.2014 Circuito de Occidente - Florida, Valle @ [email protected]

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15. - 20.08.2012 15. - 20.08.2013 15. - 20.08.2014 Festival Intern. Universitario de Danza Folclórica - Pasto, Nariño @ [email protected]

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17. - 20.08.2012 17. - 20.08.2013 17. - 20.08.2014 Festival Latinoamericano de Danzas Folclóricas- Guacari, Valle @ [email protected]

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07. - 10.10.2012 07. - 10.10.2013 07. - 10.10.2014 Festival de arte y cultura zaquesazipa - Funza @ [email protected] m http://www.centroculturalbacata.gov.co

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Congo RDC Congo RDC Kongo, Demokratische Republik Congo RDC Associate Member

CIOFF® Congo RDC Mr. MATUETUE Jacques Président du Conseil National pour la Promotion de la Musique Traditionnelle du Congo, BP 5.399 Kinshasa 10 T office +243-81 99 999 41 v office +1-801 6590 302 H + 243-81 99 999 40 @ [email protected]

Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica

CIOFF® Costa Rica Mr. Hans Leitón Gutiérrez Desamparados - El Porvenir P.O. Box 942-2400, San José T office +506 8340-5832 T private +506 2259-5839 @ [email protected] m www.grupotiquicia.org

10. - 16.05.2012 II Festival de Folklore Mundial 'Danza Patrimonial en Pareja' DANZPARE 2012 - Cartago @ [email protected] m www.grupotiquicia.org

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01. - 10.07.2012 MUESTRA FOLKLORICA INTERNACIONAL, San José - San José @ [email protected] m www.grupotiquicia.org

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01. - 02.10.2012 II FESTIVAL NACIONAL CIOFF 'Diversidad Cultural Costarricense' - San José @ [email protected] m www.grupotiquicia.org

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Croatia Croatie Kroatien Croacia

CIOFF® Croatia Mr. Ante Cukrov V. Spincica 7, 52440 Porec T and v private 385-52-431 156 H 385-91-763 0142 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.hr

01. - 03.06.2012 Alpe Adria Folkore Festival, Punat - Punat @ [email protected]

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14. - 17.06.2012 Int. Folklore Festival 'Veceri folklora', Novi Marof- Novi Marof @ [email protected] m www.kud-novimarof.hr

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Traditional Costume from the Island of Pag, Croatia - Josephine Herceg, Canada

01. - 07.07.2012 30.06. - 06.07.2013 29.06. - 06.07.2014 12th Mediterranean folklore encounters 'Zlatna sopela', Porec - Porec @ [email protected] m www.musicistra.org

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06. - 08.07.2012 International folklore festival 'Stara je škrinja otvorena', Muc - Muc @ [email protected] m www.kud-branimir-888-muc.hr

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08. - 14.07.2012 07. - 13.07.2013 06. - 12.07.2014 15 th International Folklore Festival Karlovac - Karlovac @ [email protected] m www.fa-gubec.hr

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04. - 06.10.2013 Medunarodni festival tradicijskih glazbala -Busevec Folk Music Festival - Busevec @ [email protected] m www.oss-busevec.hr

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Cuba Cuba Kuba Cuba

CIOFF® Cuba Ms. Nisia Agüero Benitez Calle 45 No. 775 entre Conill y Tulipán Nuevo Vedado, Ciudad de La Habana T office 53 867 1405 T private 53 838 2256 1046 @ [email protected]

05. - 10.04.2012 Festival Internacional de la Danza 'Santa Clara' - Santa Clara, Villa Clara @ [email protected]

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Performance World Congress 2009, Havana/Cuba - Norbert Mueller (Germany)

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05. - 15.05.2012 Festival Wemilere de raices africanas - Ciudad de La Habana @ [email protected]

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28.06. - 05.07.2012 Jornada Cucalambeana - Las Tunas @ [email protected] m www.tunet.cult.cu

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03. - 17.07.2012 Festival del Caribe, Fiesta del Fuego - Santiago de Cuba @ [email protected] m www.casadelcaribe.cult.cu

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05. - 08.11.2012 Fiesta de los Bandos Majagua - Ciego de Avila @ [email protected]

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Cyprus Chypre Zypern Chipre

CIOFF® Cyprus Mr. Andreas Theodosiou 1 Allagis Str. 7040 Voroklini T office 357 99 654 898 v office 357 24 645 180 @ [email protected]

06. - 07.07.2012 WATERMELON FESTIVAL - Frenaros, Amoxostos @ [email protected]

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23. - 30.07.2012 Intern. Folklore Festival Kimon Xilotimpou - Xilotympou- Larnaca @ [email protected] m www.kimon.org

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29.08. - 04.09.2012 International Folklore «VASILITZIA» Festival - Larnaca @ [email protected] m www.vasilitzia.org.cy

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27.09. - 02.10.2012 CYPRIOT AND GREEK FESTIVAL - LARNACA @ [email protected]

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Cyprus Goenyeli FestivalChypre Goenyeli Festival Zypern Goenyeli Festival Chipre Goenyeli Festival Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Cyprus Goenyeli Festival Mr. Armagan Candan Goenyeli Municipality Gonyeli Nicosia PO Box 10 Mersin/Turkey Goenyeli / Nicosia T office +903 922 231 901 T private +905 338698640 v office +903 922 231 857 @ [email protected] m www.gonyeli.org

07.2013 Intern. Gönyeli Municipality Folk Dance Festival- Mersin / Turkey @ [email protected]

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Cyprus Iskele FestivalChypre Iskele Festival Zypern Iskele festival Chipre Iskele festival Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Cyprus Iskele Festival Mr. Ozlem Kadiraga 4 Bozdag Street Iskele Municipality P.O.Box 10 Mersin-Turkey Iskele T and v office +90 392 371 29 99 T private +90 533 861 32 94 v private +90-392-366 1797 H +90 533 861 32 94 @ [email protected] m www.iskelefolkdance.org

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27.06. - 04.07.2012 26.06. - 03.07.2013 International Iskele Municipality Folk Dance Festival - Iskele @ [email protected] m www.iskelefolkdance.org

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Czech Republic République Tchèque Tschechische Republik República Checa

CIOFF® Czech Republic Dr. Jan Krist National Institute of Folk Culture, Zámek 69662 Stráznice T office +420-518-306 610 v office +420-518-306 615 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.cz

17. - 21.02.2012 08. - 12.02.2013 28.02. - 04.03.2014 Fašank - Folklore Festival Shrovetide Tradition Strání - Stráni @ [email protected] m www.strani.cz

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06. - 10.06.2012 05. - 09.06.2013 International Folklore Festival CIOFF Plzen - Plzen @ [email protected] m www.mffplzen.eu

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08. - 10.06.2012 07. - 09.06.2013 06. - 08.06.2014 International Armed Folklore Festival 'Rožnovská valaška' - Roznov pod Radhostem @ [email protected] m www.vusondras.cz

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12. - 18.06.2012 18. - 24.06.2013 10. - 16.06.2014 International Folklore Festival CIOFF Frýdek-Místek - Frýdek-Místek @ [email protected] m www.ostravicka.cz

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21. - 24.06.2012 27. - 30.06.2013 26. - 29.06.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Strážnice' - Straznice @ [email protected] m www.nulk.cz

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13. - 17.08.2012 12. - 16.08.2013 11. - 15.08.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Folklor bez hranic - Ostrava' - Ostrava @ [email protected] m www.folklorbezhranic.cz

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15. - 20.08.2012 14. - 19.08.2013 14. - 18.08.2014 International Folklore Festival Šumperk CIOFF - Postrelmov @ [email protected] m www.festivalsumperk.cz

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23. - 26.08.2012 21. - 24.08.2014 International Bagpipe Festival Strakonice - Strakonice @ [email protected] m www.bagpipefestival.cz

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29.08. - 02.09.2012 28.08. - 01.09.2013 09.2014 International Folklore Festival Brno - Brno @ [email protected] m www.folklornet.cz/mff

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08. - 09.09.2012 14. - 15.09.2013 09.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Slezské dny' - Dolní Lomná @ [email protected] m www.slezskedny.wz.cz

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13. - 16.12.2012 19. - 21.12.2013 18. - 20.12.2014 'Souzneni' - International Festival of Advent and Christmas Traditions, Carols and Handicrafts - Ostrava @ [email protected] m www.souzneni-festival.cz

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04. - 06.07.2013 International Folklore Festival 'Rožnovské slavnosti' - Rožnov pod Radhoštem @ [email protected] m www.vmp.cz

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Denmark Danemark Dänemark Dinamarca

CIOFF® Denmark Ms. Lonni Stryg Nagelsti, Priorskov 3, 4800 Nykobing F T office Mobil 45 60 22 17 86 T private 45-54 82 44 31 @ [email protected] m www.dgi.dk

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Ecuador Ecuadeur Ecuador Ecuador

CIOFF® Ecuador Maestro Rafael Camino Antepara 407 y Vicente León Plaza de Toros Belmonte 2P http://on.fb.me/q4CnMY Quito T and v office +593 2 2952 025 H +593 9010624 / 099661767 @ [email protected] m http://on.fb.me/q4CnMY

Danza e Identidad — Ecuador - Sylwester Adamczyk, Poland

Estonia Estonie Estland Estonia

CIOFF® Estonia Mrs. Ingrid Rüütel J. Vilmsi 55, 10147 Tallinn T and v office +372 601 5727 @ [email protected] m www.folkloorinoukogu.ee

07.2013 07.2016 International Folklore Festival 'Baltica' - @ [email protected] m www.folkloorinoukogu.ee

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Finland Finlande Finnland Finlandia

CIOFF® Finland Mr. Esa Vilhonen Folklore Suomi Finland Vernissakatu 8 A, 01300 Vantaa T office +358-9-584 0610 v office +358-9-5840 6200 @ [email protected] m www.folkloresuomifinland.fi

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Tampere Festival, Finland, 2008 - Romuald Królak , Poland

28.06. - 02.07.2012 25. - 29.06.2013 26. - 30.06.2013 Jutajaiset Folklore Festival - Rovaniemi @ [email protected] m www.jutajaiset.fi

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09. - 15.07.2012 Kaustinen Folk Music Festival - Kaustinen @ [email protected] m www.kaustinen.net

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27.10. - 03.11.2013 25.10. - 01.11.2015 Hollo and Martta International Folklore Festival - Hollola @ [email protected] m www.hollojamartta.fi

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France France Frankreich Francia

CIOFF® France Ms. Anne-Marie Ciolfi Empi et Riaume Quai Sainte Claire, Parc Mitterrand 26100 Romans T office +33 4 750 23052 v office +33 4 750 21679 @ [email protected]

21. - 25.06.2012 Les Sacres du Folklore de Reims - Reims-Cedex @ [email protected] m www.sacresdufolklore.fr

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29.06. - 08.07.2012 04. - 13.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore de Chambly - Chambly @ [email protected] m www.clec-chambly.fr

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30.06. - 07.07.2012 06. - 13.07.2013 05. - 12.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore 'Cultures et Traditions du Monde' de Romans - Romans-sur-Isère @ [email protected] m www.empi-et-riaume.com

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30.06. - 02.07.2012 06. - 08.07.2013 05. - 07.07.2014 Les Poupées d'or du folklore d'Etain - Etain @ [email protected] m www.lespoupeesdor.fr

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30.06. - 08.07.2012 29.06. - 07.07.2013 Folklores du Monde de Saint Malo - St Malo @ [email protected] m http://www.saint-malo.fr

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07. - 15.07.2012 12. - 19.07.2013 11. - 18.07.2014 Festival des Folklores du Monde 'Envie d' Ailleurs' de Bray Dunes - Bray-Dunes @ [email protected]

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08. - 14.07.2012 08. - 14.07.2013 08. - 14.07.20124 Festival mondial de Folklore de ChambéryChambéry @ [email protected] m www.festivalchambery.com


12. - 23.07.2012 11. - 22.07.2013 10. - 21.07.2014 Festival "les Jeux Santons" de Saintes - St. Georges des Coteaux @ [email protected] m www.jeuxsantons.org

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16. - 21.07.2012 17. - 22.07.2012 15. - 20.07.2014 Festival d'Ambert "La Ronde des Copains du Monde" - Ambert @ [email protected] m www.livradoue-dansaire.com

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17. - 22.07.2012 16. - 21.07.2013 15. - 20.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore d'Issoire - Issoire @ [email protected], m www.festival-issoire.fr

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20. - 30.07.2012 18. - 29.07.2013 17. - 28.07.2014 Festival de Gannat "Les Cultures du Monde" - Gannat @ [email protected] m www.gannat.com

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20. - 22.07.2012 19. - 21.07.2013 18. - 20.07.2014 Les Folkloriades de Castelmoron sur Lot - Castelmoron sur Lot @ [email protected], m www.castelfolk.net

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20. - 22.07.2012 19. - 21.07.2013 18. - 20.07.2014 Mercuria - Festival de folklore international d'Argenton sur Creuse - Argenton sur Creuse @ [email protected] m www.festivalmercuria.fr

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23. - 29.07.2012 22. - 28.07.2013 21. - 27.07.2014 Festival Folklorique Intern. du Puy en Velay "Interfolk" - Le Puy en Velay @ [email protected] m www.interfolk.fr

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23. - 29.07.2012 22. - 28.07.2013 21. - 27.07.2014 Festival de Montignac Danses, Musiques, Voix et Arts du Monde - Montignac @ [email protected] m www.festivaldemontignac.asso.org

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27. - 29.07.2012 26. - 28.07.2013 01. - 03.08.2014 Musiques et danses du monde de Maintenon -Maintenon @ [email protected] m www.amisduchateaudemaintenon.fr

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31.07. - 08.08.2012 Festival 'Les Couleurs du Monde' de Pujols - Pujols @ [email protected] m www.festivalcouleursdumonde.fr

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01. - 05.08.2012 07. - 11.08.2013 06. - 10.08.2014 Festival Danses, Musiques et Voix du Monde de Felletin - Felletin @ [email protected] m www.portesdumonde.net

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02. - 05.08.2012 01. - 04.08.2013 31.07. - 03.08.2014 Festival chants danses et musiques du monde de Sarran - Sarran @ [email protected] m www.festivalfolklore-sarran.sitew.com

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05. - 12.08.2012 04. - 11.08.2013 03. - 10.08.2014 Festival Folklorique International du Rouergue - Pont-de-Salars @ [email protected] m www.festival-rouergue.com

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06. - 12.08.2012 05. - 11.08.2013 04. - 10.08.2014 Festival folklorique international d'Amélie les bains - Amélie-les-Bains @ [email protected]

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08. - 15.08.2012 13. - 18.08.2013 12. - 17.08.2014 Festival de Montoire - Montoire @ [email protected] m www.festival-montoire.com

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09.08. - 15.09.2012 International Festival de Port sur Saone - Port sur Saone @ [email protected]

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09. - 15.08.2012 09. - 15.08.2013 11. - 17.08.2014 Festival international de Confolens 'Arts et traditions populaires du monde' - Confolens @ [email protected] m www.festivaldeconfolens.com

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10. - 15.08.2012 14. - 19.08.2013 Festival Mondial de Folklore de Montrejeau - Montrejeau @ [email protected] m www.festivalmontrejeau.jimdo.com

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16. - 21.08.2012 16. - 21.08.2013 16. - 21.08.2014 Festival Mondial'Folk de Plozevet - Plozevet @ [email protected] m http://www.mondialfolk.org

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27.08. - 02.09.2012 Fêtes de la Vigne de Dijon - Dijon @ [email protected] m www.fetesdelavigne.fr

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Georgia Géorgie Georgien Georgia

CIOFF® Georgia Mr. Levan Kasradze Digmis Massivi 4-24-27.,0159 Tbilisi T private 995-3252 7290 v private 995-3252 7381 H 995-77-726 62 @ [email protected]

Girls from Georgia - Antonio Rossi, Italy

05. - 10.05.2012 “GOLDEN DOLPHIN - 2012” - Batumi @ [email protected]

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Germany Allemagne Deutschland Alemania

CIOFF® Germany Mr. Norbert Mueller Ortsstraße 19 64646 Heppenheim T private 49-6252-692 04 v private 49-6252-692 06 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.de

26.04. - 02.05.2012 29.04. - 02.05.2013 Volkstanzfestival Balingen - Balingen-Frommern @ [email protected] m www.schwaben-kultur.de

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11. - 13.05.2012 11. - 13.05.2013 Lindentanzfest - Benshausen @ [email protected]

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25. - 29.05.2012 Internationale Trachtentage Bliesransbach - Kleinblittersdorf @ [email protected] m www.ktv-saar.de

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01. - 03.06.2012 Deutsches Trachtenfest - Wechmar @ [email protected] m www.deutscher-trachtenverband.de

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06.2013 Tanz- und Musikfest - Dorndorf @ [email protected] m www.werrataler.de

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27.06. - 02.07.2012 26.06. - 01.07.2013 Grand Prix der Folklore - Ribnitz-Damgarten @ [email protected] m www.folklore-ribnitz.de

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28.06. - 03.07.2012 04. - 09.07.2013 03. - 08.07.2014 Internationales Trachtentreffen der Mosel in Kröv - Kröv/Mosel @ [email protected] m www.kroev.de + www.trachtentreffen.de

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06. - 09.07.2012 12. - 15.07.2013 11. - 14.07.2014 Europäisches Folklore-Festival Bitburg - Bitburg @ [email protected] m www.bitburg.de; www.folklore-bitburg.de

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10. - 17.07.2012 Internationales Hahnentanzfest - Süssen @ [email protected] m www.albverein-suessen.de

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27.07. - 06.08.2012 26.07. - 05.08.2013 Libori Europafest - Paderborn @ [email protected] m www.libori.de

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28.07. - 05.08.2012 27.07. - 04.08.2013 26.07. - 03.08.2014 Europäische Jugendwoche Burg Ludwigstein - Witzenhausen @ [email protected] m www.eurowoche.org

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31.07. - 06.08.2012 Internationale Begegnungswoche - Ibbenbüren @ [email protected] m www.vtg-laggenbeck.de

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03. - 06.08.2012 Intern. Folklore- und Trachtenfest Schwalenberg- Schieder-Schwalenberg @ [email protected] m www.trachtengilde-schwalenberg.de

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18. - 20.10.2012 Europäisches Dudelsackfestival - Balingen-Frommern @ [email protected] m www.schwaben-kultur.de

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19. - 22.10.2012 18. - 21.10.2013 17. - 20.10.2014 Internationale Bräunlinger Kilbig - Bräunlingen @ [email protected] m www.trachtenbund-braeunlingen.de

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06.2013 Intern. Trachten- und Musikfest Elters/Rhön - Hofbieber-Elters @ [email protected] m www.trachtenkapelle-elters.de

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22. - 24.06.2013 Thüringer Tanzfest Kranichfeld - Rudolstadt @ [email protected] m www.tanzverband.de

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Girl from Neustaedter Volkstanzkreis — Julian Dern/Germany

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07.2013 Internationales Folklorefestival Marburg-Biedenkopf - Cölbe @ [email protected] m www.akiff.de

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05. - 08.07.2013 Internationales Folklorefestival 'Danetzare' - Erfurt @ [email protected] m www.tfe-erfurt.de; www.danetzare.de

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Folkloreensemble Rudolstadt, - Norbert Mueller, Germany

10. - 17.07.2013 08. - 15.07.2015 Internationales Schlitzerländer Trachtenfest - Schlitz @ [email protected] m www.schlitzer-trachtenfest.de

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17. - 22.07.2013 17. - 22.07.2013 Internationales Beeke-Festival - Scheessel @ [email protected] m www.beekscheepers.de

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19. - 27.07.2013 europäisches folklore festival - Neustadt in Holstein @ [email protected] m www.folklore-festival-neustadt.de

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23. - 29.07.2013 21. - 27.07.2015 Internationales Folklorefestival Hansestadt Wismar - Wismar-Gägelow @ [email protected] m www.danzlued-wismar-cioff.de

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07.2013 Internationales Heppenheimer Folklorefestival Multikulturelles Folklorespektakel - Heppenheim Email [email protected] www.folklorefestival-heppenheim.de

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01. - 04.07.2014 Internationales Loger Musik- und Folklorefest - Martfeld @ [email protected], m www.loger.musiktage.de

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08.2014 Intern. Örzetalfest - Hermannsburg @ [email protected]

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07.2015 Internationales Folklorefestival Winningen - Winningen/Mosel @ [email protected] m www.winningen.de

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07.2015 Internationales Musikfest Weiperz - Sinntal-Weiperz @ [email protected] m www.trachtenkapelle-weiperz.de

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07.2015 Internationales Trachtenfest Ludwigsau-Tann - Ludwigsau-Tann @ [email protected], m www.vtg-tann.de

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06.2016 Internationales Inselfest Finkenwerder - Hamburg @ [email protected] m www.finkwarder-danzkring.de

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Greece Grèce Griechenland Grecia

CIOFF® Greece Mr. Dimitris Kotikas 16th Octobriou str. 26 GR - 60100 Katerini T and v office +30 2351 035 581 H + 30 6974 801 945 @ [email protected] m www.cioffhellas.gr

04. - 08.07.2012 03. - 07.07.2013 02. - 06.07.2014 Intern. Folk Festival of Naoussa 'CIOFF®-PYRSOS-NAOUSSA' - Naoussa @ [email protected], m www.pyrsos-naoussa.gr

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04. - 09.07.2012 03. - 08.07.2013 International Folk Festival 'Tradition-Dance-Friendship', Ioannina - Ioannina @ [email protected] m www.cioffhellas.gr

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Dance Group of Ioannina, Greece - Thodoris Minogiannis , Greece

05. - 09.07.2012 10. - 15.07.2013 10. - 14.07.2014 Intern. 'Pierides Musses' Folk Festival, Katerini - Katerini @ [email protected] m estiapm-eng.blogspot.com/p/international-pierides-musses-folklore.html

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05. - 10.07.2012 04. - 09.07.2013 Intern. Folk Festival 'Sun and Stone', Nea Karvali - Nea Karvali Kavalas @ [email protected] m www.stegi-karvalis.gr

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05. - 09.07.2012 11. - 15.07.2013 10. - 14.07.2014 'Akritia' International Folk Festival, Aridea - Aridea @ [email protected] m www.cioffhellas.gr

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Guinea Guinée Guinea Guinea Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Guinea Mr. Italo Zambo Ballets Nationaux Africains BP 262 Conakry T office 224-465 515 T private 224-111 5039 v office 224-414 673

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Bacoulou, Haiti, Marijo Massalve, France

Haiti Haïti Haiti Haiti

CIOFF® Haiti Ms. Yvrose Green 42, Rte de Péguy-Ville Pétion-Ville, Haiti T office +509 257 2339 T private +509 256 1824 v private +509 256 9563 @ [email protected]

Hungary Hongrie Ungarn Hungría

CIOFF® Hungary Mrs. Eva Héra Szilágyi Dezso tér 6. 1011 Budapest T and v office 36-1-201 7931 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.hu

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24. - 26.05.2012 16. - 18.05.2013 Pécs Folk Days - International Folk Music Festival - Pécs @ [email protected] m www.pecsfolkdays.hu

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09. - 17.06.2012 08. - 16.06.2013 Danube Carnival International Multicultural Festival - Budapest @ [email protected] m www.dunaart.com

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23. - 23.06.2012 Mohács Tambura Festival - Mohács

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25. - 29.07.2012 Nógrád International Folk Dance Festival - Nógrád @ [email protected]

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03. - 05.08.2012 02. - 04.08.2013 Matyóföld Folklore Festival - Mezokövesd @ [email protected] m www.matyofolk.hu

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06. - 12.08.2012 07. - 13.08.2013 GYÖNGY International Folklorfestival - Gyöngyös @ [email protected] m www.gyongyfesztival.hu

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11. - 14.08.2012 Csángó Festival - Folklore Festival of Minorities in Hungary - Jászberény @ [email protected] m www.csangofesztival.hu

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12. - 20.08.2012 Summerfest International Folklore Festival -Ráckeve - Ráckeve @ [email protected] m www.summerfest.rackeve.hu

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12. - 22.08.2012 12. - 22.08.2013 Summerfest International Folklore Festival -Százhalombatta - Százhalombatta @ [email protected] m www.summerfest.hu

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14. - 21.08.2012 14. - 21.08.2013 Royal Days International Folk Dance Festival,Székesfehérvár - Székesfehérvár @ [email protected] m www.royaldays.hu

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15. - 21.08.2012 15. - 21.08.2013 'Zemplén' International Folk Dance Festival - Sátoraljaújhely @ [email protected] m www.klmk.hu

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17. - 20.08.2012 16. - 20.08.2013 Festival of Folk Arts - Budapest @ [email protected] m www.nesz.hu + www.mestersegekunnepe.hu

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17. - 21.08.2012 Mohács International Folk Dance Festival - Mohács @ [email protected]

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19. - 22.09.2012 Szekszárd Harvest Festival - Szekszárd @ [email protected] m www.szekszardiszuretinapok.hu

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20. - 23.09.2012 19. - 23.09.2013 Meeting of Folk Musicians in Kecskemét - Kecskemét @ [email protected] m www.efmk.hu

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28. - 30.09.2012 27. - 29.09.2013 European Wine Song Festival - Pécs @ [email protected] m www.winesongfestival.hu

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India Inde Indien India

CIOFF® India Ms Bhavna A. Bhavsar Shivam Nrutya Cultural Academy, Plot No 29, Opp Jagan Park, Nr Akashganga Apt, Chala, 396191 Vapi T office +91-260-3293473 / 2464913 v office +91-260-2464913 H +91-9898069234 @ [email protected] m www.cioffindia.org

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Esak Khan & Party — Rajasthan, India - Roger Jourdain, France

Indonesia Indonésie Indonesien Indonesia

CIOFF® Indonesia Mr. Said Rachmat Jalan Tomang Utara III/270 11440 Jakarta Barat T and v office +62-21-565 7882 H +62-818 180 122 @ [email protected] m www.cioffindonesia.org

23. - 30.07.2012 Aceh International Folklore Festival 2012 - Jakarta Barat @ [email protected]

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Krida Budaya, Jakarta, Indonésia - Attila Kun, Hungary

Ireland Irlande Irland Irlanda

CIOFF® Ireland Mr. Jim Mc Allister Clasac Alfie Byrne Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3 T office 01 8363060 v office 01 8363047 @ [email protected]

Israel Israël Israel Israel

CIOFF® Israel Dr. Dan Ronen 6 Davidson St., 93706 Jerusalem T and v office 972772090827 H 972544311340 @ [email protected]

27.06. - 08.07.2012 27.06. - 08.07.2013 MAATAF - International Folklore Festival - Natania @ [email protected] m www.maataf.co.il/index2.php?id=2&lang=ENG

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Israel Group Gvanim, Folkloriada 2004 in Budapest — Norbert Mueller / Germany

12. - 14.07.2012 12. - 14.07.2013 karmiel Israel Dance Festival - upper Galillee Israel @ [email protected] m http://www.karmielfestival.co.il/index.php?lang=en

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Italy Italie Italien Italia

CIOFF® Italy Dr. Sergio Piemonti Via Margotti 11 34170 Gorizia T and v office 39-0481- 535 415 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

04. - 12.07.2012 03. - 11.07.2013 02. - 10.07.2014 'Sile Folk' - Treviso @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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13. - 19.07.2012 12. - 18.07.2013 11. - 17.07.2014 Festival 'delle Tre Torri' - Castelforte (LT) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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13. - 21.07.2012 12. - 20.07.2013 11. - 19.07.2014 Trentino Mondial Folk - Coredo (TN) @ [email protected] m www. cioff-italia.org

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27.07. - 01.08.2012 26. - 31.07.2013 25. - 30.07.2014 Festival 'delle Torri' - Cava de' Tirreni (SA) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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27.07. - 05.08.2012 26.07. - 04.08.2013 25.07. - 01.08.2014 Latium World Folkloric Festival - Cori @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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28.07. - 02.08.2012 27.07. - 01.08.2013 26. - 31.07.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore - Amatrice - Amatrice (RI) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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29.07. - 03.08.2012 28.07. - 02.08.2013 27.07. - 01.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore - Matelica - Matelica (MC) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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I CARIDDI“ Gruppo Siciliano di Canterini e Danzerini - Italy

Julian Dern / Germany

29.07. - 16.08.2012 29.07. - 16.08.2013 29.07. - 16.08.2014 Festival 'dei Colli Cimini' - Vignanello (VT) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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01. - 05.08.2012 01. - 05.08.2013 01. - 05.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore 'Città di Fondi' - Fondi (LT) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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01. - 15.08.2012 01. - 15.08.2013 01. - 15.08.2014 Rassegna Internazionale del Folklore - Castiglione del Lago (PG) @ [email protected], m www.cioff-italia.org

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02. - 08.08.2012 02. - 08.08.2013 02. - 08.08.2014 Festival 'Gente con Gente' - Lamezia Terme (CZ) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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03. - 08.08.2012 03. - 08.08.2013 03. - 08.08.2014 Festival 'del Sud Pontino' - Minturno (LT) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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07. - 11.08.2012 07. - 11.08.2013 07. - 11.08.2014 Calabria Festival - Castrovillari (CS) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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08. - 15.08.2012 08. - 15.08.2013 08. - 15.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore 'Aviano-Piancavallo' - Aviano (PN) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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09. - 15.08.2012 08. - 14.08.2013 07. - 13.08.2014 Rassegna Internazionale del Folklore 'Moles Aeterna' - Moliterno (PZ) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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09. - 16.08.2012 09. - 16.08.2013 09. - 16.08.2014 'Figulinas' Festival - Florinas (SS) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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15. - 21.08.2012 14. - 20.08.2013 13. - 19.08.2014 Festival 'dei Cuori' - Tarcento (UD) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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16. - 25.08.2012 16. - 25.08.2013 16. - 25.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore 'Incontro di Cultura Popolare' - Macerata @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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16. - 21.08.2012 16. - 21.08.2013 16. - 21.08.2014 Rassegna Internazionale Folk - Corropoli (TE) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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17. - 23.08.2012 17. - 23.08.2013 17. - 23.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore -Caltavuturo- Caltavuturo @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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20. - 26.08.2012 19. - 25.08.2013 18. - 24.08.2014 Festival Internazionale del Folklore - Bergamo - Bergamo @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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22. - 28.08.2012 21. - 27.08.2013 20. - 26.08.2014 Momenti di Folklore Internazionale - Agrigento @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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29.08. - 02.09.2012 28.08. - 01.09.2013 27. - 31.08.2014 Festival Mondiale del Folklore 'Castello di Gorizia' - Gorizia @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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Ivory Coast Côte d'Ivoire Elfenbeinküste Costa de Marfil Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Ivory Coast Ms. Alexise Gogoua 06 BP 1139 Cidex 1, Abidjan 06 T and v office 225-0562 4501+ 2244 4555 H private 225-0592 4157 @ [email protected]

Japan Japon Japan Japón

CIOFF® Japan Ms. Emiko Hori 201,3-1-18,shimouma Setagaya-ku, 154-0002 Tokyo T office 81-3-6450-8398 v office 81-3-6450-8397 @ [email protected]

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Jordan Kingdom Royaume Jordanie Königreich Jordanien El Reino Jordania Associate Member

CIOFF® Jordan Kingdom Mr. Khalid Almasri Amman, P.O.box 4298 21110 Irbid City T office +962 788 488 354 T private +962786627304 v private +96227276555 H +962786627304 @ [email protected]

Korea, Rep. of Corée Korea, Republik Corea del Sur

CIOFF® Korea, Rep. of Mr. Ki Soo Kim 13-442, 2-Dong, Sungsui-Ka Sungdong-Gu, Seoul T office +82-31-678-5999 v office +82-31-676-4602 H +82-10-2251-3716 @ [email protected] m http://www.cioffkorea.org

Anseong 01. - 14.10.2012 2012 CIOFF® World Folkloriada in Anseong - Anseong @ [email protected] m www.2012folkloriada.org

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Latvia Lettonie Lettland Letonia

CIOFF® Latvia Ms. Liana Ose Rododendru 3-36, LV 1083 Riga T office 371-6704 3669 H private 371-2920 9742 v office 371-6702 6847 @ [email protected] m http://www.folklorasbiedriba.lv

06. - 10.07.2012 07.2015 International Folklore Festival 'Baltica' - Riga @ [email protected] m www.folklorasbiedriba.lv

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Lithuania Lituanie Litauen Lituania

CIOFF® Lithuania Prof. Rimantas Sliuzinskas University of Klaipeda H. Manto Str. 84 LT- 92294 Klaipeda T office mobile 370-618-37917 v office 370-46-398999 @ [email protected] m www.lfcc.lt

12. - 15.07.2012 2013 07.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Parbeg Laivelis' - Klaipeda @ [email protected] m www.etnocentras.lt

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12. - 16.09.2012 09.2013 09.2014 International Instrumental Folk Music Festval 'Griezyné' - Vilnius @ [email protected] m www.llkc.lt

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2013 07.2014 International Folklore Festival 'Baltica' - Vilnius @ [email protected] m WWW.BALTICA.LLKC.LT

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Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxemburg Luxemburgo

CIOFF® Luxembourg Ms. Susanne Kramer 28a Beschmontsbongert 7526 Mersch T and v office 352 3203 28 T and v private 352-23 630703 @ [email protected] m www.folklore-mersch.lu

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2013 Festival Folklorique Mondial CIOFF - Mersch @ [email protected] m www.folklore-mersch.lu

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Macedonia FYROM Macédonie FYROM Mazedonien FYROM Macedonia FYROM

CIOFF® Macedonia FYROM Mr. Blagoja Jovanoski ul. "Drezdenska" b.b., p. box 459 1000 Skopje T office +389-2-3066 808 v office +389-2-3066 808 H +389 72 228 049 @ [email protected]

22. - 26.06.2012 International Students Folk Festival - Skopje @ [email protected]

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Fa”Bitola” Former Yugoslavian Rrepublic of Macedonia - Ivan Rutevski, FYROM

Malaysia Malaisie Malaysia Malasia

CIOFF® Malaysia Mr. Hassim Salim No. C - 374, Taman Putra Melaka, 75150 Bukit Baru T and v office 606 - 3853755 @ [email protected]

08. - 17.04.2012 2013 Melaka Archipelago Drum Festival - Melaka @ [email protected], m www.mbmb.gov.my

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23. - 31.05.2012 2013 2013 World Harvest Festival - Kuchingm Sarawak @ [email protected]

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Mali Mali Mali Mali Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Mali Mr. Mamadou Chérif Diabaté Président festival des arts et de la culture de kita (FIACK), Bamako T office 223 79-19-84-33 @ [email protected]

Mauritania Mauritanie Mauretanien Mauretania Associate Member

CIOFF® Mauritania Cheik Ould Dah Ould Abba Tadamoun Elvennanine BP 4273, Nouakchott @ [email protected]

Mexico Mexique Mexiko México

CIOFF® Mexico Mr. Arturo H. Cueto Juárez, President Juan Rulfo #150, Colinas de San Jeronimo 64630 Monterrey, N.L. T office +52 81 8347 0144 H +52 81 1073 8881 @ [email protected] m www.cioffmexico.org

18. - 25.03.2012 Mitote Folklórico - Muestra Mexicana de Folklore- Guadalupe, N.L. @ [email protected]

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29.04. - 06.05.2012 Festival CALMECAC del Folclore Internacional - Jerez, Zacatecas @ [email protected]

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14. - 27.07.2012 Encuentro Internacional de Danza y Música, ITQ- Querétaro @ [email protected] m http://www.itq.edu.mx/

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19. - 29.07.2012 Festival Nacional de Danza Folklórica de Tabasco - Villahermosa, Tabasco @ [email protected]

m iec.tabasco.gob.mx

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22. - 27.07.2012 Festival Internacional de Danza Folklórica 'Raíces del Mundo en México' - México City @ [email protected] m www.facebook.com/pages/festival-raices-del-mundo-en-m%c3%89xico/123523694354246?sk=info

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Mexican group at Folkmoot USA 2009 - Teddy Lee Greene, USA

Festival: Folkmoot USA 2009 29.07. - 05.08.2012 28.07. - 04.08.2013 27.07. - 03.08.2014 Festival Zacatecas del Folklor Internacional / Gustavo Vaquera Contreras - Zacatecas, @ [email protected] m folclor.seczac.gob.mx

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20.09. - 07.10.2012 19.09. - 06.10.2013 18.09. - 05.10.2014 Festival Internacional de Santa Lucia Muestra Internacional de Folklore - Monterrey, N.L. @ [email protected] m www.festivalsantalucia.org.mx

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07. - 13.10.2012 Festival Internacional de Folklor de Hidalgo - Tulancingo, Hidalgo @ [email protected] m www.folklormexico.com.mx

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08. - 28.10.2012 Muestra de Folclor Internacional Fiestas de Octubre - Zapopan, Jalisco @ [email protected]

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Folk Ballet Quahuitl, Mexico - Roger Jourdain, France

14. - 20.10.2012 Festival Folklórico Internacional Globalifílicos del Tec de Monterrey (FFIG) - Monterrey, N.L. @ [email protected] m www.itesm.edu

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Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro

CIOFF® Montenegro Mr. Dusan Banjevic Str. Bratstva Jedinstva 57 20000 Podgorica T and v office +382-20 620 741 H +382 67 615 979 @ [email protected]

Morocco Maroc Marokko Marruecos Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Morocco Mr. Ouhi Bouazza Ministère des Affaires Culturelles 17, rue Michlifen Agdal, Rabat T office 212-7-672 694 T and v private 212-7- 670 890 v office 212-7-671 006 @ [email protected]

Netherlands Pays-Bas Niederlande Países Bajos

CIOFF® Netherlands Ms. Hélène van Laanen-Hendriks Kruisbergstraat 17, 6444 BC Brunssum T office +31 45 527 4141 T private +31 45564 1525 v office +31 45 527 5260 @ [email protected]

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21. - 25.06.2012 Internationaal Folkloristisch Salland Festival - Raalte @ [email protected] m www.sallandfestival.nl

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27.06. - 01.07.2012 26. - 30.06.2013 International Folklore Festival 'Op Roakeldais' Warffum - Sauwerd @ [email protected] m www.oproakeldais.nl

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18. - 23.07.2012 Intern. Folklore Festival Zeeland - Sas van Gent @ [email protected], m www.zeelandmeets.nl

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01. - 05.08.2012 31.07. - 04.08.2013 Stichting Internationale Volksculturen Odoorn (SIVO-festival) - Emmen @ [email protected], m www.sivo.nl

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06. - 11.07.2012 Festival Parade Brunssum - Brunssum @ [email protected] m www.paradebrunssum.nl

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New Zealand Nouvelle Zélande Neuseeland Nueva Zelanda

CIOFF® New Zealand Mr Kane Mokomoko 121 Gloaming Hill, Titahi Bay, 5022 Porirua T office 64-4-2376069 v office 64-4-2371789 H 64-274130086 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.org.nz

24.11. - 09.12.2012 Ahi Kaa - International Traditional Arts Festival of New Zealand - Hamilton @ [email protected] m www.itaf.org.nz

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Niger Niger Niger Níger Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Niger Mr. Dante Alhassane BP 11 221 Agence de Conception et de Diffusion Culturelle, Niamey T office 227-733 190 v office 227-734 768

Norway Norvège Norwegen Noruega

CIOFF® Norway Noregs Ungdomslag Pb. 414 sentrum, 0103 Oslo T private + 47 24 14 11 10 @ [email protected]

Panama Panama Panama Panama

CIOFF® Panama Prof. Dania R. Díaz Fundación Escenario D Llanos de Curundu nr. 2028, Panamá T private +507 2642609 H +507 68701132 @ [email protected] m http://www.cioffpanama.webs.com

10.2013 - 10.2013 10.2014 - 10.2014 I FESTIVAL NACIONAL DE FOLKLORE CIOFF® PANAMÁ - @ [email protected] m www.cioffpanama.webs.com

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22. - 22.08.2013 22. - 22.08.2015 Primer Encuentro Internacional “2 Culturas 2011” - @ [email protected] m cioffpanama.webs.com

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Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay

CIOFF® Paraguay Mr. Mario García Siani Calle Yegros 1061, Asunción T office 595 21 906 773 T private 595 982 866 319 v office 595 21 493 796 v private 595 21 441 673 @ [email protected] m www.paraguayete.net

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Peru Pérou Peru Perú

CIOFF® Peru Lic. Humberto Valdivia Yóplac Asociación Cultural Jallmay Cristobal de Peralta Sur 505, Valle Hermoso — Surco, L-33 Lima - Perú T office v: (511) 344 4779 T private 511 - 99422 6130 H 511 - 999 361359 @ [email protected] m www.jallmay.org

22. - 25.03.2012 21. - 24.03.2013 FESTI-MOLINA - Lima @ [email protected] m www.jallmay.org

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Raices del Peru - Woldemar Wrobel, Poland

28. - 31.03.2012 Festival Internacional de Surco - Lima @ [email protected] m www.jallmay.org

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Philippines Philippines Philippinen Filipinas

CIOFF® Philippines Ms. Corazon Iñigo 79th-7th Avenue, Cubao Quezon City, 1300 Manila T and v office 63-2-911 5221 v office 63-2-832-3683 @ [email protected] m www.culturalcenter.gov.ph

Poland Pologne Polen Polonia

CIOFF® Poland Mr. Jerzy Chmiel Ul. ZWM 15 m 65, 02-786 Warszawa T and v private 48-22-6419 325 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.pl

04. - 08.07.2012 03. - 07.07.2013 Podlaski Jarmark Folkloru, Biala Podlaska - Biala Podlaska @ [email protected] m www.mok.internetdsl.pl

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10. - 15.07.2012 09. - 14.07.2013 Intern. Poleskie Lato z Folklorem, Wlodawa - Wlodawa @ [email protected]

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10. - 15.07.2012 Intern. Spotkania Folklorystyczne Lublin - Lublin @ [email protected]

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“Krakowiak”, Poland - Zdenek Vaiz, Czech Republic

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16. - 23.07.2012 15. - 22.07.2013 International Folklore Festival 'Eurofolk', Zamosc - Zamosc @ [email protected]

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22. - 29.07.2012 21. - 28.07.2013 Miedzynarodowe Olsztynskie Dni Folkloru 'Warmia', Olsztyn - Olsztyn @ [email protected]


24. - 29.07.2012 23. - 28.07.2013 Intern. Festival 'Dni Kultury Kaszubskiej', Brusy- Brusy @ [email protected] m www.festiwal.brusy.pl

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28.07. - 05.08.2012 27.07. - 04.08.2013 Beskidy Highlanders Week of Culture, Bielsko-Biala - Bielsko-Biala @ [email protected] m www.rok.bielsko.pl

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Bez Zagrychy, Poland - Lukasz Szelemej, Poland

07. - 12.08.2012 06. - 11.08.2013 Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Folkloru, Strzegom - Strzegom @ [email protected] m www.strzgom.pl/pl/strony/kultura/festival.htm

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11. - 16.08.2012 11. - 16.08.2013 2013 International Folklore Festival, Tomaszow Lubelski - Tomaszow Lubelski @ [email protected]

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12. - 20.08.2012 11. - 19.08.2013 World Folk Review 'Integration', Poznan - Poznan @ [email protected] m www.awf.poznan.pl/integrations

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14. - 18.08.2012 13. - 17.08.2013 Miedzynarodowe Spotkania z Folkorem 'Interfolk', Kolobrzeg - Kolobrzeg @ [email protected] m www.mok.kolobrzeg.pl

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25.08. - 02.09.2012 01. - 08.09.2013 International Student's Folklore Festival, Katowice - Katowice @ [email protected] m www.festiwal.us.edu.pl

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02. - 08.09.2012 International Festival of Folklore, Zielona Gora - Zielona Gora @ [email protected] m www.zgora.pl/rcak

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Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal

CIOFF® Portugal Mrs. Cristina Paula Baptista Fundação INATEL, Direcção Cultural, Área Internacional Calçada de Sant' Ana, 180 1169-062 Lisboa T office +351 210 027 141 v office +351 210 027 140 @ [email protected] m www.inatel.pt

03. - 10.07.2012 02. - 09.07.2013 Festival Internacional de Folclore 'Cantaréu' - Vila Real @ [email protected]

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07. - 14.07.2012 06. - 13.07.2013 Folk Cantanhede - Semana Internacional de Folclore - Cantanhede @ [email protected] m www.cancioneirodecantanhede.com

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13. - 19.07.2012 12. - 18.07.2013 'FestiMaiorca' Festival Internacional de Folclore de Maiorca - Maiorca @ [email protected] m http://www.casadopovodemaiorca.com

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Grupo Folclórico Cancioneiro de Cantanhede, Portugal - Engyel Gábor, Hungary

18. - 30.07.2012 17. - 29.07.2013 Danças do Mundo - Festival Internacional de Folclore nas Terras da Feira - Argoncilhe- Santa Maria da Feira @ [email protected] m www.casadagaia.pt

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19. - 30.07.2012 18. - 29.07.2013 Festival Internacional de Folclore Rio - Barcelinhos @ [email protected] m www.gfbarcelinhos.com

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27.07. - 06.08.2012 26.07. - 05.08.2013 FESTARTE - Festival Internacional de Artes e Tradições Populares de Matosinhos - Leça da Palmeira / Matosinhos @ [email protected]

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29.07. - 06.08.2012 Festival Internacional de Folclore da Cidade do Porto - Porto @ [email protected]

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31.07. - 07.08.2012 05. - 12.08.2013 FOLKMONCAO - Festival Internacional Folclore - Monção @ [email protected] m www.folkmoncao.com

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04. - 13.08.2012 03. - 12.08.2013 Festival Internacional de Folclore de Gulpilhares- Gulpilhares @ [email protected]

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12. - 18.08.2012 11. - 17.08.2013 Festival Internacional de Folclore dos Açores - Angra do Heroísmo @ [email protected] m www.cofit.org

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18. - 26.08.2012 17. - 25.08.2013 FOLKFARO - Folclore Internacional Cidade de Faro - Faro @ [email protected] m www.folkfaro.com

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03. - 10.09.2012 02. - 09.09.2013 Festival de Folclore Internacional Alto Minho - Viana do Castelo @ [email protected] m www.vianafestas.com/festival-altominho/index.html

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05. - 11.09.2012 04. - 10.09.2013 Festival Internacional de Folclore 'Celestino Graça' - Santarém - Santarém @ [email protected]

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Romania Roumanie Rumänien Rumania

CIOFF® Romania Mr. Marin Barbu Str. Colonel Iosif Albu nr. 82 Cod:032531 032531 Bucuresti T and v office +40 21 3451 522 @ [email protected] m [email protected]

06. - 10.07.2012 Intern. Folklore Festival Festivalul Inimilor - Timisoara @ [email protected]

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03. - 08.08.2012 International Folklore Festival Cantecele Muntilor - sibu @ [email protected]

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10. - 16.08.2012 Intern. Folklore Festival 'Carpati' - Pitesti @ [email protected]

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14. - 19.08.2012 International Folklore Festival DOINA COVURLUIULUI - GALATI @ [email protected] m www.ccdj.ro

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Gyimes — Romania - Sylwester Adamczyk / Poland

International Folklore Festival 'Floare de pe Baragan' - Slobozia @ [email protected] m www.traditieialomita.ro

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Russia Russie Russland Rusia

CIOFF® Russia Ksenia Fokina 8, Sverchkov lane, Building 3 Moscow 101000 T office 7-495-621-92-84 v office 7-495-621-79-17 @ [email protected] m www.rusfolk.ru

05. - 10.05.2012 International Folk Festival of Compatriots Abroad 'With Russia in Heart' - Moscow, Smolensk @ [email protected] m http://omc-smol.narod.ru

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31.05. - 04.06.2012 International Festival of Folklore and Trades 'Sadko' - Veliky Novgorod @ [email protected] m www.culture.natm.ru

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05. - 11.06.2012 International Festival of Folklore and Traditional Culture 'Highlanders' - Makhachkala @ [email protected]

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Group Gulun de Russie - Frédéric Côté, Canada

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20. - 24.08.2012 International Festival of Amateur Arts of Smaller Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic Peoples - Leningradskaya oblast @ [email protected]

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30.08. - 03.09.2012 Moscow International Folklore Festival - Moscow @ [email protected] m www.rusfolk.ru

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03. - 08.09.2012 International Folklore Festival 'Sodruzhestvo -Golden Ring' - Vladimir @ [email protected]

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15.10. - 15.11.2012 International Festival of Folk Arts and Crafts “Finno-Ugric Transit” - Syktyvkar @ [email protected]

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15. - 20.10.2012 International Festival and Competition of Solo Dance named after Mahmud Esambaev - Grozny @ [email protected]

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Senegal Sénégal Senegal Senegal Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Senegal Mr. Yahya Ndoye BP 8873, Cité Apecsye 2 No. 375 Secretaire General du CIOFF Sénégal Dakar Yoff T office 221-654 7322 T private 221-820 3221 v office 221-820 6067 v private 221-820 5077 @ [email protected]

Slovenia Slovénie Slowenien Eslovenia

CIOFF® Slovenia Ms. Magdalena Tovornik Medvedova 10 1000 Ljubljana T private +386 1 231 7813 H +386 3137 1502 @ [email protected]

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26.04. - 01.05.2012 25. - 30.04.2013 24. - 29.04.2014 International Folklore Festival SloFolk, Novo Mesto - Novo mesto @ [email protected] m www.slofolk.si

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20. - 24.06.2012 19. - 23.06.2013 18. - 22.06.2014 Green George in Bela krajina - Crnomelj @ [email protected] m www.jurjevanje.si

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26. - 30.06.2012 19. - 23.06.2013 18. - 22.06.2014 International Festival Folkart Maribor - Maribor @ [email protected] m www.festival-lent.si

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Slovenian Music Group — Norbert Mueller, Germany

03. - 10.09.2012 02. - 11.09.2013 08. - 14.09.2014 International festival 'Od Celja do Žalca' - Celje @ [email protected]

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07. - 09.09.2012 06. - 08.09.2013 12. - 14.09.2014 Days of National Costumes and Clothing Heritage - Kamnik - Kamnik @ [email protected] m www.kamnik-tourism.si

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South Africa Africa du Sud Süd Afrika Sudáfrica

CIOFF® South Africa Mr. Jan Lombard P.O. Box 74186 377 Spitskop Road; Lynnwood Ridge 0040 Pretoria, City of Tshwane T office +27 12 807-4087 v office +27 86 674-4278 or +27 12 807 3267 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-sa.org

Spain Espagne Spanien España

CIOFF® Spain Mr. Rafael Maldonado Apartado de Correos 467 Afligidos, 4-2º, 06080 Badajoz T office 34-924-243 746 v office 34-924-245 434 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-esp.org

29.06. - 01.07.2012 2013 28. - 30.06.2014 Mostra Intern. de les Arts Populars - Quart de Poblet (Valencia) @ [email protected]

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04. - 09.07.2012 03. - 08.07.2013 02. - 07.07.2014 Jornadas Folcloricas Nazarenas International - Dos Hermanas (Sevilla) @ [email protected]

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04. - 08.07.2012 10. - 14.07.2013 09. - 14.07.2014 Festival Intern. 'La Esteva' - Segovia @ [email protected] m www.laesteva.com

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04. - 08.07.2012 03. - 07.07.2013 02. - 06.07.2014 FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE DANSA TRADICIONAL 'RUBIFOLK' - RUBÍ (Barcelona) @ [email protected] m www.esbartderubi.cat

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05. - 10.07.2012 04. - 09.07.2013 03. - 08.07.2014 Festival International de Música, Danza y Canciones Populares 'Folk del Mundo' - Jaen @ [email protected] m www.amsystem.es/lolatorres

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Coros y Danzas de Santomera, Spain, Foto from the group

10. - 15.07.2012 09. - 14.07.2013 08. - 13.07.2014 Festival International de Folclore de Ciudad Real- Ciudad Real @ [email protected] m www.grupomazantini.com

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10. - 15.07.2012 09. - 14.07.2013 08. - 13.07.2014 MOSTRA INTERNACIONAL DE DANSA - Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona) @ [email protected]

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12. - 16.07.2012 11. - 15.07.2013 10. - 14.07.2014 Festival International de Folclore 'Ciudad de Burgos' - Burgos @ [email protected] m www.folcloreburgos.org

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15. - 19.07.2012 14. - 18.07.2013 13. - 17.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore 'Ciudad de Cádiz' - Cadiz @ [email protected]

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16. - 29.07.2012 15. - 28.07.2013 17. - 27.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore Villa de Ingenio 'MUESTRA SOLIDARIA DE LOS PUEBLOS' - Ingenio, (Gran Canaria) @ [email protected] m www.folkloredeingenio.com

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18. - 24.07.2012 17. - 23.07.2013 16. - 22.07.2014 Mostra International Folklórica de Sóller - Sa Mostra - Sóller @ [email protected], m www.sollernet.com

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19. - 26.07.2012 18. - 25.07.2013 17. - 24.07.2014 Festival Folklorico International de Extremadura- Badajoz @ [email protected]

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22.07.2012 - 31.07.2013 21. - 31.07.2013 20. - 31.07.2014 Festival International de Folklore de Portugalete y del Pais Vasco - Portugalete (Bizkaia) @ [email protected], m www.elai-alai.com

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25. - 29.07.2012 24. - 28.07.2013 29.07. - 02.08.2014 Gala Folklórica International de Ronda - Ronda (Malaga) @ [email protected]

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02. - 06.08.2012 01. - 05.08.2013 31.07. - 04.08.2014 Festival International de Folklore Valle de Mena - Villasana de Mena (Burgos) @ [email protected] m WWW.FESTIVALVALLEDEMENA.ORG

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03. - 07.08.2012 02. - 06.08.2013 01. - 05.08.2014 Mostra Folklorica International Popular de Viveiro - Viveiro (Lugo) @ [email protected], m www.bagoasdaterra.com

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CIOFF® Council Meeting 2006 in Dos Hermanas — Norbert Mueller/Germany 06. - 16.08.2012 05. - 15.08.2013 11. - 21.08.2014 Xornadas de Folclore de Ourense - Ourense @ [email protected]

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11. - 17.08.2012 10. - 16.08.2013 09. - 15.08.2014 Festival International de Música y Danza Popular- Aviles (Asturias) @ [email protected]

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12. - 14.08.2012 11. - 13.08.2013 10. - 12.08.2014 Festival Nacional de Folklore 'Ciudad de Jumilla'- Jumilla (Murcia) @ [email protected], m www.fnfjumilla.com

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16. - 20.08.2012 15. - 19.08.2013 21. - 25.08.2014 FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE FOLKLORE EN EL SEGURA-CIEZA - Cieza (Murcia) @ [email protected] m www.corosydanzasieza.com

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18. - 22.08.2012 17. - 21.08.2013 16. - 20.08.2014 Festival International de Folklore 'Cidade da Coruña' - A CORUÑA @ [email protected], m www.corosedanzaseidos.com

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21. - 26.08.2012 20. - 25.08.2013 26. - 31.08.2014 Festival International de Danzas de Villablanca - Villablanca (Huelva) @ [email protected] m WWW.FESTIVALVILLABLANCA.COM

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29.08. - 02.09.2012 28.08. - 01.09.2013 02. - 07.09.2014 Encuentro International De Folklore 'Ciudad de Zaragoza', Eifolk - Zaragoza @ [email protected] m www.eifolk.com

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29.08. - 02.09.2012 28.08. - 01.09.2013 27. - 31.08.2014 Jornades Internacionals Folklòriques de Catalunya - Barcelona @ [email protected], m www.adifolk.cat

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02. - 06.09.2012 01. - 05.09.2013 31.08. - 04.09.2014 Festival International de Danses de Vila-real - Vila-real (Castellón) @ [email protected] m www.festival.elraval.org

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04. - 07.09.2012 03. - 06.09.2013 2014 Festival International de Folclore en el Mediterráneo - Murcia @ [email protected]

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18. - 24.09.2012 17. - 23.09.2013 16. - 22.09.2014 Festival Intern. 'Ciudad de Lorca' - Lorca (Murcia) @ [email protected] m www.corosydanzasdelorca.es

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30.07. - 04.08.2013 2014 Festival Folklorico de los Pirineos - Jaca/Huesca @ [email protected], m www.jaca.es

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Swaziland Swaziland Swasiland Swazilandia

CIOFF® Swaziland Mr. HRH Prince Lonkhokhela P.O Box 5626, H100 MBABANE T office Tel. 268 505 44 37 T private Mobile 00268 6025350 v office 268 505 32 28 @ [email protected] m www.artsandculture.co.sz

Sweden Suède Schweden Suecia

CIOFF® Sweden Mr. Ulf H. Svensson Box 340 56, S-100 26 Stockholm T office +46(0)8 695 00 15 v office +46(0)8 695 00 22 @ [email protected]

Switzerland Suisse Schweiz Suiza

CIOFF® Switzerland Dr. Cyrill Renz Route de Pensier 18, 1782 Cormagens T and v private +41-26-466 1892 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.ch

29.07. - 04.08.2012 02. - 10.08.2014 Festival Intern. Folklorique d'Octodure (FIFO) - Riddes @ [email protected], m www.fifo.ch

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14. - 19.08.2012 13. - 18.08.2013 Rencontres de Folklore Intern. Fribourg (RFI) 'Culture du Monde' - Fribourg CH @ [email protected], m www.rfi.ch

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Photo CIOFF® Switzerland

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05. - 07.07.2013 IVZ Internationales Volkstanztreffen Zürich - Lyssach @ [email protected], m www.volkstanztreffen.ch

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10. - 16.08.2013 Celebrations Interculturelles de la Montagne-Evolene (CIME) - Evolène @ [email protected], m www.cime-evolene.ch

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Tahiti Tahiti Tahiti Tahiti Associate Member

CIOFF® Tahiti Ms Mickaela Folituu BP 61839 FAAA Centre Fédération des Femmes Océaniennes 98702 Papeete v private 00 689 82 75 80 H 00 689 73 56 12 @ [email protected]

CIOFF® World Congress Tahiti 2011 — Norbert Mueller, Germany 04. - 15.04.2012 3ème Festival de Papeete - Papeete @ [email protected]

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Thailand Thaïlande Thailand Tailandia

CIOFF® Thailand Prof.Dr. Apinan Poshyananda Department of Cultural Promotion 14 Thiamruammitr Road, Huay Khwang 10310 Bangkok T office +66 2247 0013 ext 1122 T private +66 2645 3056 v office +66 2645 2976 H +66 81 803 8083 @ [email protected] m www.m-culture.go.th

Togo Togo Togo Togo Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Togo Mr. Min-Dianey Loius Amadome BP 13 048, Lomé T office 228-041 997 T private 228-212 620 v office 228-213 473 @ [email protected]

Trinidad and Tobago Trinité et Tobago Trinidad und Tobago Trinidad y Tobago

CIOFF® Trinidad and Tobago Dr. Vijay Ramlal Rai, National Chutney Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago Suite 10, Cruiseship Complex, Dock Road, Port of Spain T office 186866249662 T private 18683920755 v office 18686241024 H 18687884668 @ [email protected]

04. - 04.02.2012 World ChutneySoca Monarch Festival - San Fernando @ [email protected]

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Tunisia Tunisie Tunesien Túnez Corresponding Member

CIOFF® Tunisia Ms. Salwa Ben Hafaiedh 13 bis, rue du Trésor 1008 Tunis T and v office 216-1-341-639 T and v private 216-1-200-120

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Turkey Turquie Türkei Turquía

CIOFF® Turkey Mr. Savas Tugsavul Bahcelievler Orhan Veli Sokak. No:3/5, Istanbul T and v office 90-212-572 7296 T private 90.212.556 2749 v private 90-212-495 1965 H 90.532.321 8525 @ [email protected] m www.cioffturk.com

02. - 11.07.2012 02. - 11.07.2013 02. - 11.07.2014 Intern. Büyükcekmece Municipality Culture and Art Festival - Buyukcekmece/Istanbul @ [email protected] m www.folklorkurumu.org

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07. - 14.07.2012 29.06. - 06.07.2013 03. - 10.08.2014 International Kucukcekmece Municipality LAKE Festival - Istanbul @ [email protected] m www.festivallake.com

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17. - 23.07.2012 16. - 22.07.2013 15.07. - 21.08.2014 International KESAN Culture and Tourism Festival - EDIRNE @ [email protected]

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29.08. - 04.09.2012 28.08. - 03.09.2013 27.08. - 02.09.2014 Intern. Taskopru Culture and Garlic Festival - @ [email protected]

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Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ucrania

CIOFF® Ukraine Mr. Yuriy Voynarovskyy B. Khmelnitskyy Str. 1, 43025 Lutsk T office +380-332 -720 436 + 720095 T private +38-0662732208 v office +380-332-720 436 H +38-0505374337 @ [email protected]

01. - 07.07.2012 Intern. Festival - Contest of Song and Dance 'Perlyna Cheremoshu' - Vyzhnytsja @ [email protected]

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19. - 25.08.2012 International Festival 'Guelder-rose summer on Dnipro' - Komsomolsk @ [email protected]

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19. - 25.08.2012 International Folk Youth Traditional Culture Festival 'Drevlyanski Dzherela' - Rivne @ [email protected]

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19. - 25.08.2012 International Festival 'Etnovyr' - Lviv @ [email protected]

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21. - 27.08.2012 Festival International 'Polesian summer with Folklore' - Lutsk @ [email protected] m www.culture.lutsk.ua

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United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Emiratos Arabes Unidos Associate Member

CIOFF® United Arab Emirates Mr Abdulaziz Al Musallam Directorate of Heritage and Culture Po box 2258, shj Sharjah T office 97165682040 T private 971 50 5623332 v office 97165680068 H 971 503030307 @ [email protected]

United Kingdom Royaume-Uni Groß Britanien Reino Unido

CIOFF® United Kingdom Mr. Joe Maloney Stockton Business Centre 70 Brunswick Street Stockton on Tees, TS18 1DW T office 44-1642-651 060 T private 44-1642-553 220 @ [email protected] m www.folkloredirectory.com

04. - 11.08.2012 Alnwick International Music Festival - Alnwick @ [email protected] m www.alnwickmusicfestival.com

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11. - 18.08.2012 Billingham International Folklore Festival - Billingham @ [email protected] m www.billinghamfestival.co.uk

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USA Etats-Unis USA Estados Unidos

CIOFF® USA Mr. Alexander P. Durtka, Jr. 1110 N. Old World Third St, Suite 420 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 T office 1-414-225 6220 v office 1-414-225 6235 @ [email protected] m www.cioff-usa.org

02. - 05.02.2012 31.01. - 03.02.2013 29.01. - 02.02.2014 SPBGMA Annual National Bluegrass Music Awards and International Band Championships - Nashville, Tennessee @ [email protected] m www.spbgma.com

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18. - 29.07.2012 17. - 28.07.2013 16. - 27.07.2014 Folkmoot USA - Waynesville, North Carolina @ [email protected] m www.folkmootusa.org

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23.07. - 28.08.2012 22. - 27.07.2013 Springville World Folkfest - Springville/Utah @ [email protected] m www.worldfest.com

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24.07. - 04.08.2012 27.07. - 07.08.2013 Idaho International Dance and Music Festival - Rexburg, Idaho @ [email protected] m www.rexcc.com

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02. - 05.08.2012 2013 Bountiful /Davis Summerfest International - Bountiful, Utah @ [email protected] m www.bdac.org

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10. - 19.08.2012 09. - 18.08.2013 08. - 17.08.2014 Yocona International Folk Festival - Oxford, Mississippi @ [email protected] m www.yoconafestival.org

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27.08. - 02.09.2012 26.08. - 01.09.2013 Annual Old-Time National Music and Dance Festival - Anita, Iowa @ [email protected] m www.oldtimemusic.bigstep.com

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14. - 18.11.2012 20. - 24.11.2013 19. - 23.11.2014 Holiday Folk Fair International - Milwaukee, Wisconsin @ [email protected] m www.folkfair.org

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Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela

CIOFF® Venezuela Ms. Maria Fernanda Grisel Bloque 07, PB0005, Urb Doña Barbara, Parroquia Dalla Costa Ciudad Guayana, Municipio Caroni Estado Bolivar T office 58-414 898 1076 T private 58-286 931 75 82 H 58-416 789 9979 @ [email protected]

01. - 03.03.2012 01. - 03.03.2013 01. - 03.03.2014 Festival Nacional CIOFF ® VENEZUELA - CABIMAS. MARACAIBO @ [email protected]

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15. - 18.09.2012 15. - 18.09.2013 15. - 18.09.2014 Festival Nacional CIOFF ® VENEZUELA - GUANTA @ [email protected]

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19. - 23.09.2012 19. - 23.09.2012 19. - 23.09.2013 Festival Internac. THE SAME PEOPLE - EL CALLAO @ [email protected]

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07. - 14.10.2012 07. - 14.10.2013 07. - 10.10.2014 Festival Nacional de la Diversidad Cultural EKONAIVA - Autana, Isla Raton @ [email protected]

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27. - 28.10.2012 27. - 28.10.2013 27. - 28.10.2013 Encuentro Nacional de Danzas Folclorica GUANIPA - Municipio Guanipa @ [email protected]

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01. - 08.12.2012 01. - 08.12.2013 01. - 08.12.2013 Festival Internac. de Danzas y Musica Tradicional PIJIGUAO - Ciudad Guayana @ [email protected]

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09. - 16.06.2012 10. - 17.06.2013 Encuentro Regional Infantil de Folklore - Rio Cuarto @ [email protected] m www.cioffargentina.org.ar

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Chinese Taipei Chine Taipei Chinesisch

Taipeh China Taipei

07.07. - 19.08.2012 06.07. - 18.08.2013 05.07. - 17.08.2014 Yilan Intern. Childrens Folklore & Folkgame Festival (YICF) - Yilan City @ [email protected] m www.folkgame.org.tw

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Group DOBRUDJA — Bulgaria - Sylwester Adamczyk, Poland

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Croatia Croatie Kroatien Croacia

20. - 24.06.2012 19. - 23.06.2013 18. - 22.06.2014 9th Medunarodni folklorni festival djece i mladeži, Zagreb 2012 - Zagreb @ [email protected] m www.zagreb-folk-fest.com

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21. - 24.06.2012 Intern. Children Folklore Festival Perlice Europe, Osijek - Osijek @ [email protected]

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12. - 14.10.2012 International Children Folklore Festival, Kutina - Kutina @ [email protected]

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Girl from Ingushetia group Sunza - Zdenek Vaiz, Czech Republic

International Festival Plzen, Czech Republic, 2008

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Cyprus Chypre Zypern Chipre

07. - 11.09.2012 TRADITIONAL MUSIC, DANCES AND SONGS - LARNACA @ [email protected]

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Cyprus Iskele Festival

Chypre Iskele Festival

Zypern Iskele Festival

Chipre Iskele festival

18. - 25.04.2012 18. - 25.04.2013 18. - 25.04.2014 International 23rd April Children Festival - Iskele @ [email protected]

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Czech Republic République

Tchèque Tschechische Republik

República Checa

07. - 09.06.2012 11. - 13.06.2013 10. - 12.06.2014 International Children Folklore Festival 'Strakonický dudácek' - Strakonice @ [email protected] m www.kultura.strakonice.cz

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11. - 17.06.2012 17. - 23.06.2013 16. - 22.06.2014 International Children's Folk Festival 'Kunovské léto' - Kunovice @ [email protected] m www.kunovske-leto.cz

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07. - 09.09.2012 06. - 08.09.2013 09.2014 International Children Folklore Festival 'Písní a tancem' Luhacovice - Luhacovice @ [email protected] m www.folklornisdruzeni.cz/mfdfs-pisni-a-tancem

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Finland Finlande Finnland Finlandia

13. - 17.06.2012 International Folklore Festival 'Pispalan Sottiisi' - Tampere @ [email protected] m www.sottiisi.net

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28.10. - 04.11.2012 26.10. - 02.11.2014 Hollo and Martta International Children Folklore Festival - Hollola @ [email protected], m www.hollojamartta.fi

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06.2013 Kalenat International Children Folklore Festival, Lappeeranta - Vantaa m www.kalevannuoret.fi

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France France Frankreich Francia

12. - 17.07.2012 12. - 18.07.2013 12. - 18.07.2014 Festival des enfants du Monde de Saint Maixent l'Ecole - St.-Maixent-L'Ecole Cedex Cedex @ [email protected] m www.rife.asso.fr

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13. - 17.07.2012 12. - 16.07.2013 11. - 15.07.2014 Festival Gauargi 'Enfants et Danses du Monde' d'Espelette - Espelette @ [email protected] m www.gauargi.com

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Germany Allemagne Deutschland Alemania

10. - 13.05.2012 Deutsches Kinder- und Jugendtrachtenfest - Wechmar @ [email protected] m www.fest2007.de

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Girl from Schlitz/Germany — Norbert Gessner / Germany

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06. - 08.07.2012 05. - 07.07.2013 TFF. Rudolstadt - Rudolstadt @ [email protected] m www.tff-rudolstadt.de

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10. - 13.07.2012 Internationales Kinder- und Jugendfestival , Thale - Thale/Harz @ [email protected]

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Greece Grèce Griechenland Grecia

11. - 14.05.2012 10. - 13.05.2013 09. - 12.05.2014 Intern. Childrens Meeting, Karditsa - Karditsa @ [email protected] m www.cioffhellas.gr

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Hungary Hongrie Ungarn Hungría

16. - 21.02.2012 Busójárás - Mohács @ [email protected]

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29.03. - 01.04.2012 National Táncház Festival and Fair - Budapest @ [email protected] m www.tanchaztalalkozo.hu

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Italy Italie Italien Italia

19. - 23.05.2012 19. - 23.05.2013 19. - 23.05.2014 Children's Folk Festival - Alatri (FR) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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08. - 15.07.2012 07. - 14.07.2013 06. - 13.07.2014 Festival Mondiale del Folklore Giovanile - Pasian di Prato (UD) @ [email protected] m www.cioff-italia.org

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Lithuania Lituanie Litauen Lituania

23. - 27.05.2012 29.05. - 02.06.2013 06.2014 Intern. Folklore Festival 'Skamba Skamba Kankliai' - Vilnius @ [email protected], m WWW.ETNO.LT

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Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay

22. - 26.02.2012 20. - 24.02.2013 19. - 23.02.2014 'Festival del Terere' - Por una Cultura de Paz - Itakyry - Alto Paraná @ [email protected]

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08. - 09.09.2012 06. - 07.09.2013 Festival 'Takuru Puku' y Folkloreada de CIOFF Paraguay - Hernandarias @ [email protected]

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Poland Pologne Polen Polonia

22. - 29.07.2012 21. - 28.07.2013 Festival of the Children of Mountains, Nowy Sacz - Nowy Sacz @ [email protected] m www.mcksokol.pl

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Mali Saflarzanie, Szaflary / Poland - Sylwester Adamczyk / Poland

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13. - 19.07.2013 Lublin Children Folklore Meeting - Lublin @ [email protected] m www.zpit.lublin.pl

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28.07. - 03.08.2013 International Children's Festival of Folklore, Zielona Gora - Zielona Gora @ [email protected] m www.zgora.pl/rcak

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Romania Roumanie Rumänien Rumania

07. - 12.08.2012 Intern. Folklore Festival 'Pestisorul de Aur' Children Folklore Festival - Tulcea @ [email protected]

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Young Portuguese Musician - Thodoris Minogiannis / Greece

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Slovenia Slovénie Slowenien Eslovenia

27. - 30.06.2012 26. - 29.06.2013 25. - 28.06.2014 International Children Festival Lent - Maribor @ [email protected] m www.jskd.si

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Trinidad and Tobago

Trinité et Tobago

Trinidad und Tobago

Trinidad y Tobago

20. - 21.02.2012 Carnival - Port-of-Spain @ [email protected]

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08. - 08.03.2012 Phagwah - San Juan @ [email protected]

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Turkey Turquie Türkei Turquía

18. - 25.04.2012 18. - 25.04.2013 18. - 25.04.2014 Karsiyaka Belediyesi / Kültür Müdürlügü International KARSIYAKA Children Festival - Karsyaka - Izmir @ [email protected] m www.karsiyakafest.com

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18. - 24.04.2012 18. - 24.04.2013 18. - 24.04.2014 'PENDIK ' International Children's Festival - Istanbul @ [email protected]

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Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine Ucrania

07. - 12.05.2012 International Children Festival of Folk Choreography ' Barvinkove Kruzhalo ' - Vinnytsya @ [email protected]

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USA Etats-Unis USA Estados Unidos

14. - 18.11.2012 20. - 24.11.2013 19. - 23.11.2014 Holiday Folk Fair International Children's Festival - Milwaukee, Wisconsin @ [email protected] m www.folkfair.org

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CIOFF® Calendar of Events 2012 / 2013

Event Place 2012

28.01. - 02.02.2012 Campamento Juvenil Latinoamericano Cioff Colombia Centro Recreacional Comfamiliar

Pereira Colombia

March/April 2012 Council Meeting Place not yet fixed

March/April 2012 Common Meeting of the Festivals Commission and the PR Working Group

Place not yet fixed

April/May 2012 Central European Sector Meeting Strakonice Czech Republic

May/June 2012 North American Sector Meeting

Place not yet fixed USA

02. - 04.08.2012 Junta de Consejo Directivo de CIOFF® México, Hotel Parador Lomas de la Soledad s/n Col. Lomas de la Soledad

Zacatecas Mexico

17. - 20.08.2012 Seminario Internacional de Folclor Barrio Armenia, calle Santa Ana 49-13

Cartagena Colombia

01. - 14.10.2012 2012 CIOFF® World FolkloriadaAnseong Matchum Land 31-3 Si Cheong Gil, Anseong Si Gyeonggi Do, 456-701 Anseong

Anseong Korea, Rep. of

11. - 18.11.2012 CIOFF® World Congress 2012 Paris France


April/May 2013 Central European Sector Meeting Baku Azerbaijan

November 2013 CIOFF® World Congress 2013 Thailand

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The Pong Lang Troupe of Kalasinpittayasan (Thailand)

Norbert Ba, Germany

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Honorary President

France Mr. Henri Coursaget, � 21.03.2011

Honorary President Henri and Founder of CIOFF® Coursaget during

Farewell party CIOFF® World Congress 2011 in Papeete / Tahiti Norbert Mueller/Germany

Honorary Members

Belgium Mr. Siegfried Verbeelen Sparrenlaan 9 2900 Schoten

T private 32-3-658 5766 @ [email protected]

Canada Mr. Guy Landry Folklore Canada International C.P.9, Station DeLorimier H2H 2N6 Montréal-Québec,

T office 1-514-524 8552 v office 1-514-524 0269 @ [email protected] m www.folklore-canada.org

Finland Mr. Kari Bergholm

Runeberginkatu 44 A 13 00260 Helsinki

T private 358-9-496 485 v private 358-9-496 205 @ [email protected]

Finland Ms. Sirkka Viitanen

Mikael Lybeckinkatu 12 B6 00250 Helsinki

T office 358-9-612 1824 T private 358-9-446 724

France Mr. Francois Gouaud

41 Avenue Carnot 16150 Chabanais

T private 33-5-4589 0444

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France Mr. Jean Roche Association Nationale des Cultures et Traditions Route de St. Priest 03800 Gannat

T office 33-4-7090 1267 T private 33-6-1524 2773 v office 33-4-7090 2264 @ [email protected]

Germany Ms. Rosemarie Engel Mollstrasse 26 10249 Berlin

T private 49-30-241 550 5 v private 49-30-241 550 5

Portugal Mr. Joao Moreira Posto de Tourismo de Santarém Rua Capelo Ivens, No. 63 2000-039 Santarem

T private 351-96-806 7952 @ [email protected]

Slovenia Dr. Bruno Ravnikar Ane Ziherlove 4 1000 Ljubljana

T private 386-1-510 8402 H 386-40-757-233 @ [email protected] m www.zveza-zltss.sl

Te Hiva Nui, Cook Islands - Tracy Bullock, UK

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Dr. Udomsak Sakmungvong 19/112 Soi Ruenrudee Sukhumvit Road 10110 Khet Watana, Bangkok, Thailand

T private 6687-090-2123 v office 66 54 228 762 v private 6602-318-1133 H 66 86-555-4566 @ [email protected]

Vice President

Mr. Jerzy Chmiel Ul. ZWM 15 m 65 02-786 Warszawa, Poland

T and v private 48-22-6419 325 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.pl

Vice President

Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran Av. Facundo Zuviria 4833 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

T and v office 54-342-455 4035 T private 54-342-497 0490 @ [email protected]

Secretary General

Mr. Philippe Beaussant Festival de Confolens 3 place Emile Roux 16500 Confolens, France

T office 33-5-4529 0707 v office 33-5-4585 3717 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.org


Mr. Esa Vilhonen Folklore Suomi Finland Vernissakatu 8 A 01300 Vantaa, Finland

T office +358-9-584 0610 v office +358-9-5840 6200 @ [email protected] m www.folkloresuomifinland.fi

Turkish Dance — HDN Culture Turkey - Egemen Kamalioglu, Turkey

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Chairmen of the Commissions

Mr. Renaud Albasini, Switzerland Cultural commission

@ [email protected]

Mr. Norbert Mueller, Germany Festivals Commission

@ [email protected]

Dr. Dan Ronen, Israel Finance Commission

@ [email protected]

Dr. Cyrill Renz, Switzerland Legal Commission

@ [email protected]

Norwegian Musicians - Zenonas Ripinskis, Lithuania

Representatives of the Sectors

Mr. Muammer Arslan, Turkey Asian and Oceanian Sector

@ [email protected]

Ms. Susanne Kramer, Luxembourg Central European Sector

@ [email protected]

Ms. Macia do Socorro Maciel, Brazil Latin American Sector

@ [email protected]

Ms. Barbara Campbell, Canada North American Sector

@ [email protected]

Ms. Olga Maloney, United Kingdom North European Sector

@ [email protected]

Mr. Emil Pavlov, Bulgaria South European and African Sector

@ [email protected]

Youth Representative

Ms. Irene Pimpinella, Italy @ [email protected]

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Attached Officers Legal Advisor Vacant Recording Secretary Ms. An Van achter Herenstraat 8 9170 St. Gillis Waas, Belgium

T private 32-495-251 012 @ [email protected]

Coordinator for the Festivals Calendar Mr. Wolfgang Denke-Otterbein An den Feldwiesen 7 36110 Schlitz, Germany

T office 49-6642-9110500 v office 49-6642-405777 H 49-170-9691312 @ [email protected]

Webmaster Mr. Norbert Mueller Ortsstraße 19 64646 Heppenheim, Germany

T private 49-6252-692 04 v private 49-6252-692 06 @ [email protected] m www.cioff.de

Representative to UNESCO Ms. Magdalena Tovornik Medvedova 10 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T private +386 1 231 7813 H +386 3137 1502 @ [email protected]

UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Convention entered into force on 20 April 2006 for the thirty States that had ratified it on or before the 20 January 2006. With respect to any other State, the Convention enters into force three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.

Since it’s entering into force 137 member states have ratified the Convention.

For further information: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/

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CIOFF® - Commissions Cultural Commission Chairman Mr. Renaud Albasini Rue du Télé 1908 Riddes, Switzerland

T office 41-27-327 3030 T private 41-27-306 3874 v office 41-27-327-3031 v private 41-27-306 67 85 @ [email protected]

Members Ms. Beatriz Sangoy, Argentina @ [email protected] Mr. Piet Walravens, Belgium @ [email protected] Mr. Guilin Wang, China @ [email protected] Mrs. Ingrid Rüütel, Estonia @ [email protected] Mr. Alexander P. Durtka, Jr., USA @ [email protected] Youth Member Mr. Ramiro Mansutti, Argentina @ [email protected]

Festival Commission Chairman Mr. Norbert Mueller Ortsstraße 19 64646 Heppenheim, Germany

T private 49-6252-692 04 v private 49-6252-692 06 @ [email protected]

Members Ms. Jay Nayoung Jeong, Korea, Rep. @ [email protected] Ms. Susanne Kramer, Luxembourg @ [email protected] Mr. Arturo H. Cueto Juárez, Mexico @ [email protected] Mr. Rolf Kaufman, USA @ [email protected] Member ex Officio Mr. Wolfgang Denke-Otterbein, Germany

@ [email protected]

Youth Member Mr. Emerson Farith Fandiño Orozco, Colombia

@ [email protected]

Forrás Néptáncegyüttes, Hungary - Norbert Ba, Germany

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Finance Commission Chairman Dr. Dan Ronen 6 Davidson St. 93706 Jerusalem, Israel

T and v office 972772090827 H 972544311340 @ [email protected]

Members Mr. Emil Pavlov, Bulgaria @ [email protected] Mr. Jean-Claude Menard, Canada @ [email protected] Mr. Hassim Salim, Malaysia @ [email protected] Lic. Humberto Valdivia Yóplac, Peru @ [email protected] Mr. Muammer Arslan, Turkey @ [email protected] Member ex Officio Mr. Esa Vilhonen, Finland @ [email protected] Youth Member Ms. Fanny Mathinier, France @ [email protected]

Mustafa Kemal University Folk Dance Group, Turkey - Adam Hofman/Poland

Legal Commission Chairman Dr. Cyrill Renz Route de Pensier 18 1782 Cormagens, Switzerland

T private +41-26-466 1892 v private +41-26-466 1892 @ [email protected]

Members Ms. Vlasta Ondrusova, Czech Republic

@ [email protected]

Youth Member Mr. Antonio Mallozzi, Italy @ [email protected]

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CIOFF® - Working Groups Working Group on Children Chairman Mr. Jerzy Chmiel Ul. ZWM 15 m 65 02-786 Warszawa, Poland

T and v private 48-22-6419 325 @ [email protected]

Members Mr. Alexander Petrov, Bulgaria @ [email protected] Ms. Barbara Campbell, Canada @ [email protected] Ms. Eugenia Cirano Rojas, Chile @ [email protected] Ms. Meng-chien Wu, Chinese Taipei @ [email protected] Mr. Josef Szigetvari, Hungary @ [email protected] Youth Member Ms. Daiana Jacquier, Argentina @ [email protected]

Ina, Poland - Lukasz Szelemej, Poland

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Working Group on Folkloriada

Chairman Prof. Alcides Hugo Ifran Av. Facundo Zuviria 4833 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

T and v office 54-342-455 4035 T private 54-342-497 0490 @ [email protected]

Members Ms. Stiliyana Yorgova, Bulgaria @ [email protected] Mr. Christian Hidalgo-Mazzei, Canada @ [email protected] Mr. Guy Landry, Canada @ [email protected] Mr. Xu ZHANG, China @ [email protected] Mrs. Eva Héra, Hungary @ [email protected] Ms. Victoria Horvath, Hungary @ [email protected] Mr Nam Yong Kim, Korea, Rep. of @ [email protected] Mr. Mario García Siani, Paraguay @ [email protected] Mr. Savas Tugsavul, Turkey @ [email protected] Mr. Joe Maloney, United Kingdom @ [email protected] Youth Member Ms. Hwang Yoojin, Korea, Rep. of @ [email protected]

Ladies from Turkey — Zenonas Ripinskis, Lithuania

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Working Group on Public Relations Chairman Ms. Olga Maloney 70 Brunswick Street TS 18 1DW Stockton on Tees, United Kingdom

T office +44-164-265-10-60 @ [email protected]

Members Ms. Macia do Socorro Maciel, Brazil @ [email protected] Ms. Catherine Shu-Tzeng Chang, Chinese Taipei

@ [email protected]

Dr. Sunny Bhavsar, India @ [email protected] Ms. Karen Babcock, USA @ [email protected] Member ex Officio Mr. Philippe Beaussant, France @ [email protected] Mr. Norbert Mueller, Germany @ [email protected] Youth Member Mr. Freddy Gómez, Colombia @ [email protected]

Grupo Folclórico Cancioneiro de Cantanhede, Portugal - Engyel Gábor, Hungary

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Working Group on Training and Education Chairman Dr. Sharon Durtka 4404 S. Kingan Avenue Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110, USA

T office 1-414-744-8837 T private 1-414-744 8837 v office 1-414-225-6235 @ [email protected]

Members Mr. Gian Carlo Michelini, Chinese Taipei

@ [email protected]

Dr. Riitta Korhonen, Finland @ [email protected] Mr. Alejandro Camacho, Mexico @ [email protected] Ms. Anne-Wietske Enequist, Netherlands

@ [email protected]

Mr. Bill Thomas, New Zealand @ [email protected] Youth Member Ms. Laura Liinat, Estonia @ [email protected]

Fundación Ballet Yaisy Torres, Venezuela - Tamas OLLERINYI, Hungary

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Erdenet dance Group, Mongolia - Sandor Farkas, Hungary

Election Committee Chairman Mr. Jean-François Proux Bray 41800 Saint Quentin les Troo, France

T office 33-2-54 72 60 91 T private 33-2-54 85 27 29 v office 33-2-54 72 60 88 @ [email protected]

Member Mr. Hans Leitón Gutiérrez, Costa Rica @ [email protected] Mr. Francesco Mallozzi, Italy @ [email protected] Mr. Ioan Cocian, Romania @ [email protected]

Auditors Member Mr. Leszek Choluj, Poland @ [email protected] Mr. Savas Tugsavul, Turkey @ [email protected]

Friendship between Argentina, Ukraine, Canada — Olga Ganzer de D’Eramo, Argentina

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Youth Coordination Committee President Ms. Irene Pimpinella via Farnete 15 04028 Minturno, Italy

H 0039 329 8868428 @ [email protected]

Vice President Youth Coordinating Committee Mr. Ramiro Mansutti, Argentina @ [email protected] Secretary Youth Coordinating Committee Mr Antonio Mallozzi, Italy @ [email protected] Treasurer Youth Coordinating Committee Ms. Fanny Mathinier, France @ [email protected] Youth Representative Culture Commission Mr. Ramiro Mansutti, Argentina @ [email protected] Youth Representative Festivals Commission Mr. Emerson Farith Fandiño Orozco, Colombia

@ [email protected]

Youth Representative Finance Commission Ms. Fanny Mathinier, France @ [email protected] Youth Representative Legal Commission Mr Antonio Mallozzi, Italy @ [email protected] Youth Representative WG on Children Ms. Daiana Jacquier, Argentina @ [email protected] Youth Representative WG Folkloriada Ms. Hwang Yoojin, Korea, Rep. of @ [email protected] Youth Representative WG Public Relations Mr. Freddy Gómez, Colombia @ [email protected] Youth Representative WG on Training and Education Ms. Laura Liinat, Estonia @ [email protected] Youth Representative Asia and Oceania Ms. Hwang Yoojin, Korea, Rep. of @ [email protected] Acting Youth Representative Central Europe Ms. Masa Kumberger, Slovenia @ [email protected] Youth Coordinator for Central Europe Mr. Ramiro Mansutti, Argentina @ [email protected] Youth Representative Latin America Ms. Daiana Jacquier, Argentina @ [email protected] Youth Representative North Europe Ms. Laura Liinat, Estonia @ [email protected] Youth Representative South Europe and Africa Ms. Julie Landrevie, France @ [email protected]