
Cinematography. Lighting and Camera choices Similar to still photography What is captured on film – the STYLE of it

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• Lighting and Camera choices

• Similar to still photography

• What is captured on film – the STYLE of it

Another Way….

• The ART of the cinematic level (that which makes a movie….a movie and not anything else)

Film Stock (Now…Digital)

Lens Choices

Depth of Field / Focus


Camera Movement

Frame Rate (Slow or Fast Motion)

• The Fast and the Furious

Role of Cinematographer?

• responsible for the technical aspects of the images

• works closely with the director to ensure that the artistic aesthetics are supporting the director's vision of the story being told

My Favorite…

Stephen Soderbergh

• Traffic• Ocean’s series• Erin Brockovich• Solaris

Let’s Practice and Observe• The Aviator

• Batman Begins

• Blackhawk Down

• Cabaret

• Changeling

• Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


• Shawshank Redemption