Follow @CIBSE CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services Webinar 21 st November 2019 Julie Godefroy CIBSE Technical Manager & TM40 Lead Author

CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services · 2018 SDG UK progress report: There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

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Page 1: CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services · 2018 SDG UK progress report: There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

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Health and Wellbeing in Building Services

Webinar21st November 2019

Julie Godefroy

CIBSE Technical Manager & TM40 Lead Author

Page 2: CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services · 2018 SDG UK progress report: There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

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Outline of this presentation


Why ? : Effects of environments on health, comfort and cognitive performance

What: defining performance criteria


Air quality

Thermal conditions



Electro-magnetic fields

Water quality

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Page 4: CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services · 2018 SDG UK progress report: There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

Who was involved ? Steering group

+ Long list of contributors and reviewers

Marcella Ucci,


Alan Fogarty,


Sani Dimitroulopoulou,

Public Health England

Keith Miller,


Steering Group:

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Health & Safety







Supportive Environment

Health, Comfort,

Cognitive performance


Update from 2006 TM40 Health in Building Services

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Environmental parameters

Thermal conditions


Air quality



Electrical & electromagnetic fields


New & existing buildings + space in between

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How to Use the Guide

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Spheres of influence

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Page 11: CIBSE TM40 Health and Wellbeing in Building Services · 2018 SDG UK progress report: There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

2018 SDG UK progress report:

There are an estimated 40,000 premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution each year

Life expectancy gains at birth are slowing in the UK

In England, there is a widening gap in life expectancy at birth between the most and least deprived

« Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages »

Broken down into thirteen targets,

from healthcare services to prevention through public health campaigns and


UN Sustainable Development Goals

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UK Health

Physical activity

54% adults in past 4 weeks

49% of 5-10 year old children usually walk to


Overweight or obese population on the rise

2/3 of adults

1/3 of 11-15 year olds

1/4 of 2-10 year olds

➢ Pressure on NHS

➢ Move to prevention & planningRef: ONS Measuring National Well-being - What we do, 2012; DfT Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, 2017; Public Health England

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Health Inequalities

& Link to Built Environment

Difference between least and most deprived neighbourhoods:

9 years life expectancy

18 years “healthy life”

Ref: Marmot report, 2013

Environment and health impacts are strongly linked

Ref: Marmot, 2010

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Cognitive Performance

Review of links between environmental conditions and cognitive performance

e.g. productivity in offices, but also other areas such as learning in schools



Individual or Organisation performance e.g. HR stats,

bespoke output ?

Measured (tasks, bespoke tests) or self-reported ?

Control group?

Sustained or short-term?

Large and representative?

Known IEQ factor, proxy, or indicator?

Clearly defined and measured, or broad e.g.

”daylight” , “views out” ?

Range within guidelines or beyond?

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Cognitive Performance

Ref: Oseland and Burton, 2012

“30% improvement” “1.1%-3.5% improvement”

Individuals at a task Productivity of an organisation

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What: Defining Performance Criteria

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Thermal comfort: PMV/PPD, adaptive comfort etc

Light: visual effects ok, non-visual much debated ….

Air quality: Very often, reliance on proxys:

• User perception e.g. “stuffy”

• Human outcomes e.g. “productive”

• Design measures e.g. ventilation rates

• Indicators e.g. TVOC, CO2

➢ Unreliable e.g. carbon monoxide

➢ How to assess ?

➢ IAQ outcome ? e.g. outdoor pollution

➢ OK only to an extent & if known pollutants

What is ”Good IEQ”?

Metrics & Language

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IEQ Metrics

Perceptions & satisfaction

Design measures

Indicators (e.g. TVOCs)

Health-based metrics

Desired IEQ outcomes

Pollutants (e.g. formaldehyde)

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What is ”Good”?

Outcome vs Design Measure

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Caution – Important limits

to current knowledge and guidelines

A * B

xyzA + B


Health of vulnerable populations; comfort of groups historically less studied

Pregnant women; infants and children; the elderly; people with medical conditions …

Effect of combined or cumulative environmental factors

e.g. combined effect of heat and noise; cocktails of air pollutants

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Mould and allergens e.g. House Dust Mites

Higher T & RH

➢ Summer discomfort

➢ Risk of death at extremes, mostly in Asia; climate


Unintended consequence of high ventilation rates: dry

air, winter discomfort e.g. offices

No WHO criterion: ventilation, surface T

➢ 40-60% RH in dwellings and air-conditioned

buildings, 40-70% elsewhere

➢ Good construction & operation

© Urbed / RIBA, 2017© ZCH, 2016

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Residential retrofit

Airtightness and ventilation; interstitial condensation; cold bridges …

>> Need for holistic approach

>> PAS 2030 & 2035

>> Need for joint monitoring of energy, costs, health, comfort, building fabric

Ref.: Sheffield University / Oldham Council

Warm Homes Oldham Example of joint health & housing initiative

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Air Quality

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Air quality

Guidance is needed because :

1) Outdoor pollution

2 ) Indoor pollution

3 ) Lack of comprehensive regulatory framework for indoor air quality

Design measures (ventilation) vs Desired outcome (air quality)

Building Regulations: “There shall be adequate ventilation”

Approved Document F (2013):

“ It is assumed that the outside air is of reasonable quality.

This AD does not address contamination from outdoor sources. “

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IAQ Criteria – Examples

Annual average

Short-term average

PM10mg/m3 4



(24hr, max 35 times per year)(24hr)




(annual)(24hr, max 35 times per year)







WHO guideline

WHO recommends

further progressive


EU ambient air

objectiveUK ambient air


HSE occupational limit


Building Regulations

Approved Document F

performance criterion

BREEAM 2018 credit

WELL v1 credit






Limits of Outdoor Air

(ODA) classes in BS

EN 16798-3:2017TVOC

mg/m3, 8hrs




Formaldehydemg/m3, 30min

30 100 2500








>> IAQ regulations and industry standards are often inconsistent or not comprehensive

>> However, many increasingly refer to WHO guidelines

>> CIBSE refer to WHO and Public Health England, as well as regulations

>> Guidance on pollutants most like to occur and to be under influence of building professionals

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BS EN 16798-3 ODA 1: ambient air meets WHO guideline


BS EN 16798-3 ODA 3: ambient air exceeds WHO guideline

value by more than 1.5

BS EN 16798-3 ODA 2: ambient air exceeds WHO guideline

value by a factor of up to 1.5

• What to prioritise ?

• Context: site assessment; building uses; rules of thumb e.g. street pattern, inlet locations

Outdoor Air

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Hierarchy - Source control

Internal & external, to indoor & outdoor

Environmental synergies

Early decisions incl. building layout

Ventilation: ventilate for people, not the space


Rates – as per min Guide A minimum rates,

but no guarantee of air quality on their own,

and preferably with demand control

Filtration & purification – last stepPM filters: new ISO 16890 ; data for SAP !

NOx filters: few but growing ; ISO 10121-2:2013

Construction e.g. segregated cutting areas; protecting materials

e.g. ductwork cleaning BS EN 15780: 2011

Operation & Maintenance

© ZCH, 2016

Hierarchical Approach

© Craig Booth, Ductwork Cleaning

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• What data, to what purpose, for whom• Accuracy, contractual obligation: equipment calibrated by accredited lab e.g. UKAS 17025 • Liability and consumer awareness • CIBSE Air Quality working group

IAQ Monitoring

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NOx and other gas filters, beyond

special applications

Impacts of plants

“Purifying”, “absorbing” products

>> By-products?

>> Scale?

>> Timescale?

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CO2: indicator or pollutant?

CO2 only harmful at high levels

• WHO : n/a

• COSHH: 5,000ppm - 8hrs

15,000ppm - 15min

➢ Normally seen as indicator of ventilation

effectiveness against indoor (human) pollutants

➢ Energy efficiency e.g. CO2 controlled ventilation

➢ CO2 seems to have effect on its own at lower

levels than usually assumed

➢ Maybe some performance gains in the margin,

BUT ...

➢ Commissioning, O&M and monitoring !

800ppm WELL

750 – 900ppm 15251:2007

“high/medium” quality

950-1200ppm 16798-1:2019

“high/medium” quality

(At 400ppm outdoors)

Allen and al, 2016

24 participants, 6 days, office lab

CO2 varied independently from fresh air rates

“Decision making” cognitive tests

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Thermal Conditions

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Winter deaths (incl. flu) and health inequalities >> Retrofit >> Air quality and humidity

Overheating risk and awareness rising; public health campaigns help

Health-based criteria? >> Limits of comfort, CIBSE TM59 & TM52

Adaptive and PMV/PPD approaches, operative temperature



England & Wales

incl. flu



2003, 2006




Impacts & Criteria

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Passive solutions first: energy / carbon, resilience, comfort

Links to AQ e.g. Chilled ceilings >> Mixing

Controls linked to air T: disconnect user – designer / FM >> R&D opportunity!

Overheating in residences >> Noise


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Figure 9.31 Examples of spectrum distribution from daylight and different types of light sources (this is

illustrative only, as spectrum distribution will vary between products of the same light source)

(picture from The Tap Blog http://tapnewswire.com/2016/10/to-protect-your-health-and-vision-stick-to-

incandescent-lights/ or from https://endmyopia.org/how-fluorescent-lights-kills-your-vision/ … need to find

similar images from another source)

Light as radiation

Visual aspects – lux, rendering, views etc

Non-visual effects: ipRGCs receptors, 2002

“Circadian”, “human-centric” lighting = ??

✓ Importance of spectrum

? Metric: WELL “melanopic lux” is one of many

? Level

! Time dependent

Rapid and wide adoption of LED

➢ Daylight and views out

? Metric for glare from natural light

Impacts and Criteria

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Glare control

Location and amount of glazing

Coordination: finishes, furniture layout,

position of light sensors ….

Good quality fittings and controls – e.g. LED

drivers: beware flicker

User control, task lighting

Hon Office Lighting

© Hoare Lea Lighting

© Dirk Linder

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Overheating in residences

Smarter open-plan office

layouts for different needs

Ventilation design, installation &

maintenance >> air quality


Acoustic criteria for sleep

Balancing heat and noise >>

Collaboration with ANC and


Acoustically attenuated openings


Virtual reality


Mind: Beauty + Design

© Max Fordham

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Electro-Magnetic Fields

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Electro-Magnetic Fields

« Electromagnetic fields of all frequencies represent one of the most common and fastest growing

environmental influences, about which anxiety and speculation are spreading.

All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF, and the levels will continue to increase

as technology advances « WHO, 2017

➢ Summary of state of knowledge on effects and exposure levels

➢ “Hyper-sensitivity”: no evidence of link to EMF exposure, but anxiety and symptoms can be very


➢ Equip TM40 readers with key points of communication

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Electro-Magnetic Fields

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Pollution, flooding, climate change

UK standards ≤ WHO

Public supplies: 99.96% tested compliance (+ incidents)

Beware on-site filters and purification that are not WRAS-approved

Public water supplies, DWI report, 2017


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➢ Source Control

➢ Precautionary Principle

➢ Simple and resilient design, good O&M, monitoring performance

➢ Evolving Knowledge & Regulations

Key Takeaways - Principles

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• Mix of use

• Ease of access to fresh

and healthy foods

• Site location

• Ease of public transport,

walking and cycling

• Incorporation of trees and

green spaces

• Improved air quality through vegetation and

through reduced polluting emissions from

transport and buildings

• Reduced run-off

• Reduced heat island effect

• Improved biodiversity

• Reduced carbon emissions from transport

and buildings

• Reduced noise

• Better thermal comfort (outdoors and indoors)

• Better fitness and physical and mental health

through improved air quality, increased physical

activity and connections with nature

• Better sleep and less disturbance from noise

• Better social cohesion and mental health through

improved neighbourhoods

• Better nutrition

• Better learning outcomes, performance and


• Passive design and

energy efficiency

measures to reduce

energy consumption,

peak demand, plant

provision and reliance

on refrigerants

Less reliance on active systems

through improved outdoor


Less impact on outdoor

environment through

reduced use of active


Facilitating and encouraging

active and healthy lifestyles and

behaviours, through pleasant

and convenient environments

Less impact on outdoor

environment by design and

through related changes to

lifestyles and behaviour

Environments which are more

resilient, support comfort and

health, and facilitate and

encourage active and healthy

lifestyles and behaviours

Key Takeaways – Synergies with

Environmental Agenda

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What next?

Air quality group, started 2019

e.g. recent guidance on VOCs

BSERT Special Issue on Health & Wellbeing: March 2020

Activity across CIBSE Special Interest Groups

e.g. ventilation roundtable, 2019

Working with policy and research bodies

e.g. Public Health England & NICE: indoor air quality guidelines

e.g. Building Regulations: overheating, Approved Document F

e.g. RCP & RCPCH report on air quality and children’s health

Liaising with BSI & CEN on standards e.g. BS EN 16798-1:2019: briefing; revision


Where do YOU think think new guidance or research are needed ?

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Thank you

Julie Godefroy

[email protected]