S CHEDULE OF S ERVICES S UNDAY M ID -W EEK _____________________ E LDERS E VANGELISTS E MAIL : [email protected] W ORKS S UPPORTED : Benevolence: Childhaven of Cullman, Alabama Media: Gospel Broadcasting Network In Search of the Lord’s Way The Old Landmarks The Truth in Love M ISSIONS : Budapest, Hungary: Curry Montague, [email protected] India: Ron & Karen Clayton [email protected] Padova, Italy: Jeff & Tia Brauer Family, [email protected] Marshall, Texas: Azael & Dinora Alvarez P REACHER T RAINING : Memphis School of Preaching Wes Arabie 504-858-2881 Howard Goodale 504-319-3572 Steve Tucker 504-812-2617 Scott Cain 504-392-4110 Wes Arabie 504-858-2881 CHURCH OF CHRIST 4700 GENERAL DEGAULLE DRIVE NEW ORLEANS, LA 70131 www.DegaulleDriveCOC.com July 09, 2017 Morning Bible Class Morning Worship Pew Packers Evening Worship 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM Tuesday Ladies Class (September—May) Wednesday Bible Class 10:00 AM 7:00 PM The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Man’s true hope of going to heaven through Jesus is revealed in the gospel. Yet there are some things the gospel cannot do. THE GOSPEL CANNOT SAVE A PERSON WHO IS DETERMINED TO LIVE IN REBELLION AGAINST GOD. The gospel has the power to make believers and save obedient believers (Romans 1:16– 17), but it cannot save those who will not repent of their past sins and submit to God’s word. THE GOSPEL CANNOT HELP A TROUBLED MARRIAGE AS LONG AS BOTH SPOUSES REFUSE TO HEAR & HEED WHAT THE GOSPEL SAYS. The New Testament has specific, helpful instructions for every wife and every husband (Ephesians 5:22–33). When such teaching is carried out properly, marriages will not only survive, they will also bloom. But as long as neither spouse is willing to do things God’s way, the gospel cannot help their situation. THE GOSPEL CANNOT DO THE WORK OF THE CHURCH. The gospel does not preach itself (Mark 16:15). The gospel itself cannot feed the needy. God’s gospel can motivate Christians to be compassionate, but His children must step up and share their bounty. The gospel contains complete instructions that can strengthen and equip the church, but the gospel itself cannot take what Christians have learned and teach it to others so that they too can teach (2 Timothy 2:2). THE GOSPEL CANNOT SERVE AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRAYER. The same Savior that tells us to preach the gospel also tells us to pray (Luke 18:1). The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write that the gospel is God’s power unto salvation (Romans 1:16), but He also led that same apostle to pray for opportunities to preach the gospel (Colossians 4:2–3). We live the gospel, teach the gospel, and defend the gospel, but we still bring our petitions and thanksgiving before our heavenly Father in prayer (Philippians 4:6–7). The gospel is great, but it cannot take away the need to pray. THE GOSPEL CANNOT TAKE THE PLACE OF FAITH. “We have the gospel. What else could we need?” It is true that faith comes by hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17). It is equally true that the word of God can build us up and give us an inheritance among the sanctified (Acts 20:32). However, we must not be deceived into thinking, “Hey, we have the gospel, so why do we need to have faith?” Faith is man’s proper response to the gospel message. The faith that pleases God is the faith that acts by love (Galatians 5:6). There is no benefit or consolation in having several copies of the Bible in our house if we are not going to put its teaching to use in our lives. It is still true that “without faith it is impossible to please” God (Hebrews 11:6), and “the just shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38). I am so thankful that precious people taught me the gospel. I thank God for the power of the gospel to change people’s lives and people’s eternal destiny. But there are some things that even the gospel of the Lord Jesus cannot do. Roger Campbell

CHURCH OF CHRIST · PDF file1/7/2017 · Every breath we take brings us closer to our last. ... measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. ... Daily Readers 45 31

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Benevolence: Childhaven of Cullman, Alabama Media: Gospel Broadcasting Network In Search of the Lord’s Way The Old Landmarks The Truth in Love MISSIONS: Budapest, Hungary: Curry Montague,

[email protected] India: Ron & Karen Clayton

[email protected] Padova, Italy: Jeff & Tia Brauer

Family, [email protected] Marshall, Texas: Azael & Dinora

Alvarez PREACHER TRAINING: Memphis School of Preaching

WesArabie 504-858-2881 HowardGoodale 504-319-3572SteveTucker 504-812-2617ScottCain 504-392-4110WesArabie 504-858-2881


NEW ORLEANS, LA 70131 www.DegaulleDriveCOC.com

July 09, 2017

MorningBibleClass MorningWorshipPewPackersEveningWorship

9:00AM 10:00AM5:30PM6:00PM





The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Man’s true hope of going to heaven through Jesus is revealed in the gospel. Yet there are some things the gospel cannot do.


The gospel has the power to make believers and save obedient believers (Romans 1:16–17), but it cannot save those who will not repent of their past sins and submit to God’s word.


The New Testament has specific, helpful instructions for every wife and every husband (Ephesians 5:22–33). When such teaching is carried out properly, marriages will not only survive, they will also bloom. But as long as neither spouse is willing to do things God’s way, the gospel cannot help their situation.

THE GOSPEL CANNOT DO THE WORK OF THE CHURCH. The gospel does not preach itself (Mark 16:15). The gospel itself cannot feed the needy. God’s gospel can motivate Christians to be compassionate, but His children must step up and share their bounty. The gospel contains complete instructions that can strengthen and equip the church, but the gospel itself cannot take what Christians have learned and teach it to others so that they too can teach (2 Timothy 2:2).

THE GOSPEL CANNOT SERVE AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRAYER. The same Savior that tells us to preach the gospel also tells us to pray (Luke 18:1). The Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write that the gospel is God’s power unto salvation (Romans 1:16), but He also led that same apostle to pray for opportunities to preach the gospel (Colossians 4:2–3). We live the gospel, teach the gospel, and defend the gospel, but we still bring our petitions and thanksgiving before our heavenly Father in prayer (Philippians 4:6–7). The gospel is great, but it cannot take away the need to pray.

THE GOSPEL CANNOT TAKE THE PLACE OF FAITH. “We have the gospel. What else could we need?” It is true that faith comes by hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17). It is equally true that the word of God can build us up and give us an inheritance among the sanctified (Acts 20:32). However, we must not be deceived into thinking, “Hey, we have the gospel, so why do we need to have faith?” Faith is man’s proper response to the gospel message. The faith that pleases God is the faith that acts by love (Galatians 5:6). There is no benefit or consolation in having several copies of the Bible in our house if we are not going to put its teaching to use in our lives. It is still true that “without faith it is impossible to please” God (Hebrews 11:6), and “the just shall live by faith” (Hebrews 10:38). I am so thankful that precious people taught me the gospel. I thank God for the power of the gospel to change people’s lives and people’s eternal destiny. But there are some things that even the gospel of the Lord Jesus cannot do.

Roger Campbell

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Fontainebleau State Park FREE OF CHARGE & open to all members of the

DeGaulle Drive Church of Christ.

Please plan to be there & to be a part of this chance to make memories together going apart & resting as God’s


Don’t miss out on this weekend of fellowship.

Lance Foster tells the story of Confederate troops taking fire from entrenched Union forces on a hill above their position down in a valley. A Confederate officer

decided his troops must get out of the valley and take the hill to win the day, so he encouraged his soldiers to take the hill.

The troops were hesitant, so he took the flag in hand and began a wild ride up the hill calling out, “Rally around the flag, men!” Bullets were flying, black smoke was everywhere, but he made it to the top of the hill. Then he looked around. None of his men were with him.

Holding the flag aloft, he called to the men below, “Come on up to the standard, men. Come up to the standard.”

A few seconds passed. Silence. Then a faint voice answered, “Sir, bring the standard back down to us.”

God has a standard for us, and He has brought it down to us in the form of the Bible. Yet it is not lowered from one generation to another to fit changing cultures. All men shall be judged by it (John 12:48; Romans 2:16; Revelation 20:12).

God is calling out for us to come up to His standard. “LEARN OF ME.” MATTHEW 11:29 http://housetohouse.com/come-up-to-the-standard/



Darren Holt was the preacher for the Figueroa church of Christ in Los Angeles, California. On Sunday, October 25, 2015, he drew his last breath. It seemed to be just like any other Sunday and any other sermon. As he

came to the end of his lesson, he stepped down from the podium and told the congregation he needed to sit down. While resting on the front pew, and in his final breaths, he uttered the words, “If you’re not a Christian, say yes to Him. You’ve heard the Word. Believe it. Repent of your sins, confess Christ, be baptized.” After these incredible words, Darren Holt became unresponsive. Several members with medical training administered CPR until the paramedics arrived and rushed him to the hospital. Sadly, all efforts were unsuccessful. He passed away a short time later at the hospital. He had drawn his last breath, uttered his last words, and taken his last action. Every breath we take brings us closer to our last. We do not know when our final life-sustaining draw will be. While we should not live in a panic, we need to live with a sense of urgency. We do not know what our lives will be like tomorrow, or even if we will have a tomorrow (James 4:14). Like the rich farmer, tonight could be when we leave this world (Luke 12:16–21). Darren Holt used his final words to tell people what they needed to do to be saved. As we near our end, let’s leave no unfinished business. If life ended today, what would we regret? Who would we wish we had tried to reach with the gospel? What sins would we wish were forgiven? What relationships would we wish we had tried to mend? What apologies would we wish we had made? What words of love would we wish we had expressed? Possibly thinking about such things, David wrote these humbling words: “Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my age is as nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but vapor” (Psalm 39:4–5). Let’s seize the moment. Let’s fix what needs fixing. Let’s use every breath we take today for good and for God.

Brent Petrillo




OCTOBER 12TH-14TH Berry Creek Cabins, Bogalusa, LA

FREE OF CHARGE & open to all men of the DeGaulle Drive Church of Christ.





Don’t miss out on this weekend of fellowship & leadership.

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Bible Reading

NEEDING CARE & PRAYERS Our Members & Visitors.

Lorraine Stephen : Visited the ER with an irritated & swollen throat caused by dislodging a pill a few days prior. She was given pain medicine & was able to go home.

Mary Cullum Stephen Goodale Sandy Jones Kacie Landis Family of Margaret Rodney

Our Shut-In Elwanda Piskorik

Our Family & Friends Sue & Tom Gibi l terra: Friends of Pat Lee; both are going through medical testing &

facing possible treatments in the coming weeks. Tristan & Meagan McCann: Children of a friend of Gelanda Riddick; these siblings

recently lost their father. Terry Math ieu: Sharon Macaluso’s co-worker who has lost two sons in just over a year. Linda Reddish: Aunt of Pat Lee; is recovering well after cancer removal surgery. Kaiyah Alexander Luis Durango Gonzales Family Kei th Kreppein Mary Jo Knigh t Benjamin Macaluso Sandra Martin Yvette Milazzo

Our Deployed Military Personnel Vauchel le DeArmas: Is currently stationed at Fort Hood & will be officially deployed

to Kuwait in July.


JULY 16 Sunday AM

Welcome: Howard Goodale

Prayer: Jerome Riddick

Song Lead: Howard Goodale

Keith Cooper Acts 2:41-47

Lord’s Table: Paul Macaluso (2)

Sermon: Scott Cain

Dismissal: Keith Cooper ———————

Sunday PM Welcome:

Howard Goodale Prayer:

Ron Landis Song Lead:

Wes Arabie Lord’s Table:

Paul Macaluso (2) Sermon:

Scott Cain Dismissal:

John Cullum


Welcome: Steve Tucker

Prayer: Stephen Goodale

Song Lead: Howard Goodale

Nicklas Smith Romans 5:1-11

Lord’s Table: Paul Macaluso (2)

Sermon: Scott Cain

Dismissal: Don Robinson ———————

Sunday PM Welcome:

Steve Tucker Prayer:

Eugene Carter Song Lead:

Ron Landis Lord’s Table:

Paul Macaluso (2) Sermon:

Tim Wilkes II Dismissal:

Jerome Riddick



Service Time

2017 Goal

Last Week

Bible Study Sunday AM Sunday PM Wednesday

70 100 60 60

-- 89 50 49


Plan 2017 Goal

Last Week

Daily Readers 45 31 Bible in 2017 45 30 NT in 2017 60 37

Please submit all prayer requests in writing to Scott or Melissa Cain. Please supply regular updates on each individual in order to keep our prayer list up-to-date. For the sake of space, any name (except for shut-ins) will be removed after four weeks unless a new update is received. Thank you for helping us all to stay informed of the spiritual & physical needs of our members, friends, & family.

NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS UPCOMING EVENTS: 1. SONG LEADING CLASS: Will meet today at 4:30 PM. 2. FAMILY RETREAT: August 10-12. See page 2 of the bulletin for more details. 3. MEN’S LEADERSHIP RETREAT: October 12-14. See page 2 of the bulletin for more details.

CONGRATULATIONS: Kindy & Eugene Carter welcomed their daughter Zoe Olivia Carter

into the world on June 30th at 2:48AM. Zoe checked-in at 8lbs, 1oz. Both mama & baby are doing great. We’ll need about 18 years to see how daddy is doing.

PLEASE HELP RESTOCK THE PANTRY: Items needed include canned tuna, chicken, Vienna

sausages, several boxed meals (tuna helper, chicken helper, kit meals, etc…), spaghetti sauce with meat, soups, & cereals. We are fully stocked on pasta, rice, & beans, & as such we have no room for any more in the pantry.

BIBLE CALL: Bible Call in June received 33 calls for 4 hours & 29 minutes of listening time.

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