Church Notes News, Events, and Notes of Interest for the week ending December 12, 2014 CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES 170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

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News, Events,


Notes of Interest

for the week ending

December 12, 2014


170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

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Evangelical Anglican




Make You


(John 8:32)

We are Christians proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ who worship in the Anglican tradition. Church of The Apostles is a

member of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.

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Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24, 2014

5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist

Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25, 2014

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

God our Father, on Christmas Night you make known to us again

the coming of our Lord Jesus: confirm our faith and fix our eyes on him

until the day dawns and Christ the Morning Star rises in our hearts.

To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

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The Epiphany of

Our Lord Jesus Christ

Sunday, January 4, 2015

8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

The First Sunday after Christmas: Holy Innocents

Sunday, December 28, 2014

8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Jesus said: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness,

but will have the light of life.”

(John 8:12)

“An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt,

and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.’”

(Matthew 2:13)

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Reservations Required !!!

Freewill Offering

(Offerings to benefit the air mattress drive

for the Galatians 6:10 Project)

Invite a Friend!!

There is a signup sheet in the Narthex for reservations, or you may call the Church Office (821-7609), or

email Barbara Bickerstaff ([email protected]).

Ecumenical Worship Service: 5:00 p.m.

Riverpoint Advent Christian Church

1107 Main Street • West Warwick

Roast Pork and Turkey Dinner: 6:30 p.m.

Praise & Music with Kinsman-Redeemer: 8:00 p.m.

Dessert and New Year’s Toast: 9:00 p.m.

Church of The Apostles

170 Fairview Avenue • Coventry

Ring in the New Year

United In Faith with Galatians 6:10

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 A Multi-Church Event

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In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be it known to you by these Presents, that I, Mark R. Galloway, Master of Biblical Studies and Master of Theology,

by Divine Permission, a Presbyter of the holy Catholic Church

and the Superintendent of the Church of The Apostles

(Evangelical Anglican), Coventry, Rhode Island, under the

protection of ALMIGHTY GOD, and with a single eye to His

glory, by the imposition of my hands and prayer (being

assisted by two ordained Elders of the Congregation and two

other orthodox Presbyters of the Church Universal), did, on the

twenty-third day of this month, November, in the year of our

LORD two thousand and fourteen, being the Feast of the

Christ the King, properly set apart for the ministry of a

Presbyter in the Congregation, our beloved brother in JESUS CHRIST

Mark Adam Tellier

servant of the WORD of GOD, whom I judge to have

“unquestioned integrity;” a man “who is hospitable, a genuine

lover of what is good, and who is discreet, fair-minded, holy

and self-controlled: a man who takes his stand on the

orthodox faith, so that he can by sound teaching both stimulate

faith and confute opposition” (Titus 1:6, 8-9). And I do hereby

recommend him to all whom it may concern, as a fit person to

serve as an Elder in the Church of The Apostles, Coventry.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my

Signature, in the town of Coventry, on the day and in the year

herein above written, and in the twentieth year of our

ordination as Presbyter of the holy Catholic Church, and our

ninth year as the set apart and installed Bishop of the Church of The Apostles, Coventry, Rhode Island.


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A License to Preach in the Pulpit and Preside at the holy Table

This letter is to inform all whom it may concern, that I, Mark R.

Galloway, Master of Biblical Studies and Master of Theology, by

Divine Permission, a Presbyter of the Church Catholic and the

Superintendent of the Church of The Apostles (Evangelical Anglican),

Coventry, Rhode Island, do hereby certify that Chad W. Tvenstrup,

who served in function with honor and dignity as an ordained Elder

in the Congregation from July 16, 2006 through September 1, 2014,

has been, in accordance with the authority granted to my episcopal

office, licensed to Preach in the Pulpit and Preside at the Holy Table

in this Congregation.

Our brother Chad, having retired in good standing from the

work of the ordained ministry within the Church of The Apostles, is,

nonetheless, as one holding fully credentialed status as an Ordained

Minister of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

(of which this Congregation is a member), a Presbyter of the Church

Universal who remains in full communion with our fellowship.

Therefore, let it be known, that the Reverend Tvenstrup shall be

allowed to serve as a licensed preacher in this church and shall be

allowed at the discretion of the Bishop to serve as the presiding

Minister in liturgy and administer the Sacraments in the


Therefore, I hereby appoint and license Presbyter Tvenstrup to

perform the honors and duties outlined above. This license shall be

for a period of one year’s time and may at the Superintendent’s

discretion be renewed annually.

In testimony of these Presents, I have here unto set my

Signature, in the town of Coventry, on the fourteenth day of

October in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Fourteen, and

in the twentieth year of my ordination as a Presbyter of the Church

Catholic, and in my ninth year as the set apart, consecrated and

installed Bishop of the Church of The Apostles.


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Providence Rescue Mission

“For I was hungry and you fed me food, I was thirsty and you

gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me in, I was

naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in

prison and you came to me.” (Matthew 25:35-36)

“The above words are those of Jesus Christ and His instruction on

what was important to Him. All throughout the Bible God is

clear that He has a special heart for the poor and homeless. Here

at the Providence Rescue Mission (PRM), His priority is our

priority.” (quote from Sean Carew, PRM Director)

This holiday season marks the 15th year the Mission has been

serving on the front lines of caring for the poor and homeless of

Rhode Island. Daily they provide Christ centered hope through

chapel services, hot meals, safe shelter, medical and dental

assistance, education, prison outreach, discipleship programs,

holiday celebrations and so much more.

Way back in 2011 volunteers from Church of The Apostles

refurbished a room at a three story building in Providence (this

property was donated to the PRM). The facility, serving women

and children, has been open for some time. Since then, the PRM

has opened another shelter and is working on a third. The

original (commercial building) facility is where daily worship,

human services, educational programs, administration, etc. take

place. PRM does not accept any government money so is able to

provide for the community as a Christian organization. They

operate solely on corporate and private donations. Fellow

Deacons Kathy Kettle, Tom Bourn and I toured three of the four

facilities in March of this year. Very impressive.

If you have any questions about the Providence Rescue Mission

please contact me. PRM website is www.providencerescuemission.org.

Bill Sexton,

Congregation Care Minister

The Deacons’ Corner ...

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What Are the Men Doing on Tuesday Nights?

For the past three or four weeks, the Men’s Bible Study has been

viewing portions of “Your Move” at our weekly sessions. I

cannot, nor will I, speak for the other men in our group, but the

consensus from all the men who have watched these episodes

thus far is that they are pleased with both the content and

presentation of every episode we have viewed.

“Your Move” describes itself as a worldwide exporter of

innovative ideas designed to simplify and enhance life for its

users. The show airs on Saturday night following Saturday Night

Live and claims that it’s on at that time because if we are honest,

some pretty important decisions are made on Saturday nights, so

that’s why they’re on right after Saturday Night Live. As Andy

Stanley said at the beginning of their undertaking, “We want to

help people make better decisions and live with fewer regrets.”

The show is called “Your Move” because Andy does all the

talking, so it needed a title that helps you remember you’re

supposed to do something.

Charles Andrew “Andy” Stanley, who has served as the senior

pastor of several churches in the Atlanta, Georgia area, is also the

founder of North Point Ministries, which is a worldwide Christian


We were introduced to the “Your Move” program by Mike

Aballo, who is a member of our Men’s Bible Study. We viewed

an episode of this program after we completed our study of

Joseph: Overcoming Life’s Challenges. We will continue

viewing these studies for the next few weeks.

If anyone is interested in learning about the “Your Move”

program, it is available at www.yourmove.is; it’s absolutely free

and available at any time. If you would like other opinions of

“Your Move,” please speak with me or another member of the

men’s study group.

Tom Bourn

Servant Evangelism Deacon

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Outreach Notes

Christmas Brunch

Please join us in celebrating Christmas at Church of The Apostles.

Following the service on Christmas Day a brunch will be served

for anyone wishing to enjoy food and fellowship. The service

starts at 9:00 a.m. with brunch immediately following. If you

have any questions please contact Deacon Deb Adams or myself.

Christmas Blessings

A small gift can make a HUGE difference in someone’s life!

Hanging on the cross in the Narthex are small gift bags with a

pocket prayer shawl. We ask that you keep the prayer shawl for

yourself (or pass it on to someone else) and if you feel so moved

by God, place a financial donation in the envelope in the gift bag

and put it in the offering plate. These Christmas Outreach

Blessings will be distributed to families in need in our

Congregation and the community.

Time to Spare?

Do you have an hour or two you can spare each week? If so,

please see me as there are several projects that need attention. No

special skill needed...just a willingness to help.

Things to Spare?

The Outreach Ministry is in the process of assisting several

individuals in the community in need of basic clothing, linens and

household supplies, etc. If you are interested in helping to

“adopt” these folks, let me know.

Room to Spare?

Do you have an extra bedroom? Occasionally we have church

members or friends in the need of short-term or temporary

housing. If this is an area of ministry that you can provide, speak

with me.

Deacon Kathy Kettle

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Blood Drive Update

Thank you to all who stepped forward during the past two Blood

Drives! On August 31st we had six successful donations and on

November 16th, we had eight, making for a grand total of 14.

Fourteen whole blood donations became 42 blood products

potentially saving 42 people’s lives! The RI Blood Center is

thrilled with our continued success and passion in helping our

brothers and sisters in the community. Personally, I would like to

thank you as well for I have been the recipient of donated blood

during this year! Thank you!!

I would also like to thank Erin Mead, Jane Venditto and Barbara

Bickerstaff for picking up the ball and running with it during my

absence. Without them, the Drives would not have been so well

publicized and donators would have been wandering around the

property looking for The Bus!! Thank you, ladies! I’m so

appreciative! For all of you!

The next Blood Drive is scheduled for Sunday, February 8, 2015

from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Save your blood and drink plenty of

water!! Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

—Joan Clarke

Santa sees a counselor ...

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“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there

remember that your brother has something against you, leave your

gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your

brother; then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24)

Before we can come to the Lord in prayer, worship, or the Lord’s

Supper, He wants us to deal with any unresolved conflict between us

and our neighbor. God calls us to forgive.

Forgiveness is the key to God’s plan for our redemption and eternal

life. God’s forgiveness is a miracle of His grace and mercy. The

only way to forgive sin is through the painful cross of Jesus Christ.

“There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”

(Romans 8:1).

To experience God’s grace and forgiveness, we must first humble

ourselves before Him and accept that we are utterly helpless to

forgive and change without his help. We can receive the grace of

God only when we despair of our own ability. In this humility, we

open our hearts to God’s grace and experience the power of the

Resurrection. “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the

humble” (1 Peter 5:5). Through faith in Jesus Christ, we see our need

for God’s forgiveness and redemption. We can begin to understand

why we must turn to God. Forgiveness means more than being

saved from judgment and God’s wrath; it means that we are forgiven

and recreated into fellowship with God through his son, Jesus Christ

(1 Corinthians 1:9).

The kingdom of God is founded on forgiveness. God says He has

already forgiven you if you will receive His forgiveness

(2 Corinthians 5:19). Now Jesus says God’s acceptance of your

worship and sacrifice depends on your forgiveness of those who

have wronged you. If you refuse to forgive, then you are in

rebellion against God. Satan has founded his kingdom on hate,

unforgiveness, and getting even. If God has forgiven us everything,

why should someone have to deserve our forgiveness?

Sooner or later you are going to be mistreated, hurt, or wounded

(John 16:33). The pain may come from your family, a friend, or a

coworker. You will be required to forgive and cancel what this

The Freedom of Forgiveness

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person has done to you. For we cannot have God’s forgiveness

without extending forgiveness to others (Mark 11:25). There is no

forgiveness apart from the grace of God. When we are forgiven, we

will exhibit that same forgiveness to others (Ephesians 4:32). When

you refuse to forgive, you keep God from forgiving you and give

Satan an advantage over you. Nothing will poison your body, soul,

or spirit like unforgiveness. When we have been healed by

forgiveness, we let go of the hate.

What if you are the person you won’t forgive. There may be some

shameful sin in your past for which you won’t forgive yourself.

This brings as much destruction as though it were directed toward

another person (Matthew 18:32-35). When God forgives you, He

gives you the power to forgive yourself (Romans 8:1).

Nevertheless, unless Jesus lives in you, all your efforts will be in

vain (John 15:5; 1 John 4:4). Forgiveness of the hurts of others is

only possible through Jesus Christ, who loves you and can forgive

you with His atoning blood. But the sin of unforgiveness must be

seen, acknowledged, and confessed. We must ask God to shine His

light into our hearts. For light is capable of “showing up everything

for what it really is” (Ephesians 5:13).

On the Day of Judgment you will not have to answer for what others

have done to you—but you will answer for your responses to what

they have done. Instead of trying to justify yourself, ask God to

forgive you. Your wounded pride will try to hold you back. We all

know bitter people who are full of resentment and self-pity. They

remember the smallest detail of their hurt, real or imagined, and live

to get even. Holding a grudge opens the door to Satan and closes the

door to God (Matthew 6:15). Bitterness takes God’s place in control

of your life. “Vengeance belongs to God, not you” (Romans 12:19).

Few disputes are one-sided. Our pride sees only the sins of others

and is blind to our own (Luke 6:42). Humility allows you to move

beyond the hurt, to turn it over to God, and forgive. When you have

been deeply hurt, you will never be healed until you forgive.

Forgiveness breaks the curse of sin, setting you free from your past

and giving you God’s power to love. By God’s grace we not only

pardon the person who has wronged us, but also accept the sinner

and want to restore him.

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The power to forgive comes from God. The decision to forgive

must come from you when you turn to God in prayer, recognizing

your weakness. Then, God gives you the power to “love your

enemy” (Matthew 5:44). Your heart may feel nothing but coldness

toward that person, but now you choose to want what is best for him

or her. That is when God’s love will flow through you, warming

your heart (Romans 12:20-21). As soon as resentment and anger

comes to your mind, you should stop and say two things to the Lord.

First, “Lord, forgive me for my resentment and anger. I forgive the

person who put it there.” Then, “I turn them over to you and ask

you to bless them.”

Ultimately, the wrongs people do to you cannot separate you from

God; only your unforgiveness can. Those hurts, resentments, and

bitterness must be given to God. Let God heal your wounded spirit

(See Psalm 147:3). Christ’s redemption brings forgiveness and frees

you from the bondage of sin. Your part is to release the person from

the debt you feel he owes you. Say in your heart to him, “You are

forgiven and freed from what you did to me because I am forgiven

and accepted by God unconditionally. I have released you; you are

no longer accountable to me for those actions.” Thank the Lord for

using these people as a tool in your life to give you greater grace and

conform you into the image of Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).

Deacon Deb Adams

~The Health and Wellness Ministry

(excerpts from Faithencounter.org:

The Freedom of Forgiveness, by John David Hicks)

You Are My King

I'm forgiven, because You were forsaken

I'm accepted, You were condemned

I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me

Because You died, and rose again

Billy Foote

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Deep In Our Hearts

“The ransomed of the LORD shall return,

and come to Zion with singing;

everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;

they shall obtain gladness and joy,

and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

(Isaiah 35:10)

Joy and sadness are as close to each other as the splendid

colored leaves of a New England fall to the soberness of

barren trees. When you touch the hand of a returning

friend, you already know that he will have to leave you

again. When you are moved by the quiet vastness of a sun-

colored ocean, you miss the friend who cannot see the same.

Joy and sadness are born at the same time, both arising from

such deep places in your heart that you can’t find words to

capture your complex emotions.

But this intimate experience in which every bit of life is

touched by a bit of death can point us beyond the limits of

our existence. It can do so by making us look forward in

expectation to the day when our hearts will be filled with

perfect joy, a joy that no one shall take away from us.

Henri J. M. Nouwen (1932-1996)

Christians celebrate the human birth of the infant Jesus

knowing full well that he grew to be a man, gave himself up

to death for our sake and was raised from the dead to new life.

The mystery of death and life is part of the celebration of

Christmas, a celebration that proclaims the victory of life over

death. We have not been promised a life free from sorrow,

but one in which joy will have the last word.

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Mark your Calendar …


Monday, Dec 15 5:00 a.m. Cross Fit

Wednesday, Dec 17 12 noon Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, Dec 17 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer

Thursday, Dec 18 7:00 p.m. Church Council Meeting

Sunday, Dec 21 12:30 p.m. Greening the Church

Monday, Dec 22 Christmas Memorials due

Monday, Dec 22 7:00 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal

Wednesday, Dec 24 12 noon Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, Dec 24 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service

Thursday, Dec 25 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Service

Thursday, Dec 25 10:00 a.m. Christmas Brunch

Friday, Dec 26 Office Closed

Monday, Dec 29 Office Closed

Wednesday, Dec 31 12 noon Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, Dec 31 5:00 p.m. “Ring in the New Year”


Sunday, Jan 4 The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Wednesday, Jan 7 12 noon Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, Jan 7 7:00 p.m. Evening Prayer

Wednesday, Jan 14 5:15 p.m. The Shepherd’s Table

Sunday, Jan 25 1:00 p.m. Annual Meeting

“Going into the house

they saw the child with

Mary his mother, and

they fell down and

worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered

him gifts, gold, and frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:10, 11)

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Notes and Notices ...

Greening the Church: On Sunday, December 21st, the Altar

and Flower Guilds will be dressing the Sanctuary and Narthex

for Christmas following the 10:30 a.m. Service. All hands are

welcome! We especially need “a few good men” to bring the

Christmas tree and some boxes down from the attic.

Thanksgivings and Memorials: The Altar Flowers, Sanctuary

Candle, and Communion Wine are usually offered as a memorial

to a loved one, but may also be offered in thanksgiving for a

special occasion, such as a birthday, wedding anniversary or

baptism. If you would like to offer the Altar Flowers, Sanctuary

Candle, and/or the Communion Wine, there are signup charts on

the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please refer to the directions on

the bottom of the appropriate chart. You may also contact the

office with the name and date you would like or if you have any


The Altar Guild appreciates offerings to help offset the cost of

Greening the Church. If you would like to have loved ones

remembered at the Christmas services, please list their names

below and return this form to the Church Office by Monday,

December 22nd. Checks should be made payable to “Church of

The Apostles.”

Offerings for Christmas Flowers and Greens





Requested by_______________________________ Offering_____________

(Please make checks payable to “Church of The Apostles.”)

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In the Mail …

To all of our church friends,

A belated (but very grateful) thank you to all of you for the

wonderful retirement party for Roger this fall! Many thanks to

Rebecca and her team for a very special evening. We will always

cherish the special moments we have shared with “our kids”—

mission trips, community service projects, lots of pizza, etc.

Although we will miss working with the youth, we are confident

that Rebecca will be a great youth leader!

Roger & Cindy Hall

A Christmas Prayer Almighty God and

Father of Light,

a child is born for us,

and a son is given to us.

Your eternal Word

leaped down from heaven

in the silent watches of the night,

and now your Church

is filled with wonder

at the nearness of her God.

Open our hearts to receive His life

and increase our vision

with the rising of dawn,

that our lives may be filled

with His glory and His peace

forever and ever.


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CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES Evangelical Anglican

170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Church Office: (401) 821-7609 • Superintendent’s Residence: (401) 397-3652

website: apostlesri.org • email: [email protected] The Holy Eucharist Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 12:00 noon Christian Education Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday Brunch Sunday 11:45 a.m. Evening Prayer Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Morning Prayer Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m.

Church Staff

Superintendent The Reverend Mark R. Galloway Church Administrator Erin Mead Communications Officer Barbara Bickerstaff Director of Christian Education Linda Jones Youth Minister Rebecca Galloway Health and Wellness Minister Sharon Galloway, RN Organist and Music Director Marianne Salisbury Assistant Organist Shyanne Slinko Sacristy Minister Barbara Battey Property Maintenance Technician Jim Quinn Sexton Mike Edwards Treasurer Bob Bickerstaff Clerk Joan Clarke

Board of Elders

Elder Rob Geoffrey 943-4661 Elder Mark Tellier 580-6199

Elder Emeritus Conrad Ruppert

Ecclesiastical Dignitaries

Lady Linda Greco 228-3060 Lady Sue Pillsbury 884-2947

Board of Servants

Archdeacon Bill Sexton Congregational Care Minister 726-4549 Deacon Tom Bourn Servant Evangelism Minister 294-4186 Deacon Kathy Kettle Outreach Minister 573-0773 Deacon Deb Adams Stewardship Minister 828-7998

Deacon Emerita Cathy Morgan

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170 Fairview Avenue Coventry, Rhode Island 02816

Church Notes A publication of Church of The Apostles. Reviewed by The Reverend Mark R. Galloway, Superintendent. Edited by Barbara A. Bickerstaff, Communications Officer.

December 12, 2014 Volume 9, Number 11