Chrysalids Editorial

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In the story Chrysalids, the Wakuck Society believes that humans that are mutated are considered non-human, and are to be destroyed, or sent to the Badlands, where all the mutated people live. Despite the strong beliefs, Aunt Harriet's death reveals the cruelty of the Waknuk society. The writer's point of view believes that the Waknuk society has taken it too far, the Waknuk society is wrong, and cruel, to think that whether a human is human, or non-human based on what they believe in.

The other side of the issue believes that any human being that is mutated and deviant is non-human and should be destroyed. Harriet gives birth to a baby who is slightly mutated, yet her sister, Emily, wants the baby gone because it was mutated. The Waknuk Society follows a bible that states how a human should look like, and that any human, that is mutated is considered to be a fake creation created by the devil.

The writer's point of view finds the Waknuk Society very wrong. In the beginning of the story the protagonist David meets a girl who has six toes on each foot, later she was discovered that she was a mutation, she ends up leaving to somewhere far away, David liked her, she was normal like everyone else. Even though she was normal, the society despised her because she had six toes on each foot, this resulted in her and her family leaving their own home behind. Harriet had died because of her sister Emily. Harriet gave birth to a slightly mutated baby, though being mutated, Harriet wanted to keep her baby so she asked her sister for help. In the result of asking for help, her sister caused an uproar, saying that the baby was to be reported, also calling the baby a thing, this scene caused a contribution to Harriet's death. Near the end of the story, David's secret was found out, and almost his whole group was found out. In David's group, Sally, and Rachel were caught by the officials, Sally was later tortured to death, because the officials wanted to know everything about the telepathy, and who else had this telepathy. Even though David and his friends, and little sister did not do anything wrong, the officials wanted to harm them, and label them as mutations, they even tortured a harmless girl.

The writer's point of view opinion believes that the Waknuk society is cruel, they are cruel to those who are mutated, even if the person has a slight difference, they are considered bad, and evil, even is the person does no harm to them. A way for this issue to be solved is if the Waknuk society has more of an open mind, and if they tried to live with the people who are imperfect they will then realized that the imperfect people are the same as the norms.

Cindy LiMarch 15, 2014