Pakistan Institute of International Affairs is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Pakistan Horizon. http://www.jstor.org Pakistan Institute of International Affairs CHRONOLOGY SEPTEMBER—NOVEMBER 1983 Source: Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 36, No. 4, FOCUS ON SOUTH ASIA (Fourth Quarter 1983), pp. 150- 218 Published by: Pakistan Institute of International Affairs Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41394208 Accessed: 11-05-2015 15:45 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. This content downloaded from on Mon, 11 May 2015 15:45:10 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

chronology from September to November 1983

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chronolgy of the main agreements of pakistan is given in this

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  • Pakistan Institute of International Affairs is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Pakistan Horizon.


    Pakistan Institute of International Affairs

    CHRONOLOGY SEPTEMBERNOVEMBER 1983 Source: Pakistan Horizon, Vol. 36, No. 4, FOCUS ON SOUTH ASIA (Fourth Quarter 1983), pp. 150-

    218Published by: Pakistan Institute of International AffairsStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41394208Accessed: 11-05-2015 15:45 UTC

    Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp

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    September : 1 Addresssing the UN Security Council Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, S. Shahnawaz stated that Chad was a victim of external intervention and it ivas imperative that the people of that troubled land should be allowed to choose their own leaders and system of government.

    King Hussein, after an overnight stay in Islamabad, left for Beijing.

    A number of Indian newspapers, including some which support Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, severely criticised her for a statement about the political situation in Pakistan.

    September 2: On the conclusion of his six day state visit to Turkey, President Zia-ul- Haq stressed the need for closer cooperation and collaboration between the two countries in the economic and cultural fields.

    An 1 1 member delegation of the Pakistan-China Friendship Association, arrived in Beijing, on the invitation of the Chinese Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

    September 3: In a joint communique issued simultaneously from Ankara and Islamabad, at the conclusion of President General Zia-ul-Haq's official visit to Turkey, it was stated that the two sides had agreed that the Afghanistan problem could be solved only through a political settlement based on the principles enunciated in the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Organization of Islamic Conference.

    President Zia- uUHaq arrived in Jeddah enroute to Pakistan after an official visit to Turkey.

    In an emergency session of the UN Securiry Council, Pakistan's Ambassador S. Shahna- waz expressed "deep anxiety" over the reported downing of a South Korean airliner and asked the Soviet Union to shed "greater light" on the event.

    September 4: In a meeting in Jeddah with Saudi King Fahd, President General Zia-ul-Haq


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  • discusseci bilateral relations and reviewed important international issues.

    September 5 : Addressing a press conference in Islamabad President Zia ul Haq said that his Government had sufficient proof to Indicate that it was not one particular country but there were others also who were involved in providing financial help and encourage- ment to elements which were engaged in destroying peace, law and order in Sind in the name of restoration of democracy.

    September 7 : The Federal Minister for Finance and Commerce Mr. Ghulam Ishaq Khan arrived in Tehran, at the head of an off cal delegation.

    September 8 : Addressing a press conference in Lahore President Zia-ul-Haq disclosed that the general elections would be held much before March 1 985 - as against his earlier announcement on 12th August.

    Commenting on a statement issued by a spokesman of the Indian Foreign office, a spokes- man of the Pakistan Foregin office expressed surprise at the attempt by the Indian Mi- nistry of External Affairs to transfer blame on Pakistan for the recent setback, "to the process of normalization" of relations between the two countries .

    September 12 : During a visit to Tehran by the Pakistan Finance Minister Ghulam Ishaq Khan, the two countries agreed on the establishment of a comprehensive Joint Minis- terial Commission, to promote cooperation in economic, commercial, scientific and cultural spheres.

    The Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation and the Iraqi Broadcasting and Television Establi- shment signed an agreement in Islamabad, for cooperation in the field of broadcasting.

    September 15 : In a press release in Karachi , the Indian Embassy refuted press reports which alleged that there was a large scale dumping of Indian money and arms in Sind.

    During a brief stop over in Karachi, enroutefrom Kathmandu to Dharan, King Birendra of Nepal and his royal consort Queen Lakshmi Devi were accorded a warm welcome.

    September 17: In an interview in Islamabad, before his departure for New York, to represent Pakistan at the current UN General Assembly session. Foreign Minister, Sahabzada Yaqub Khan stated that he would take up the Afghanistan problem with the United Nations Secretary General and his personal representative in order to move forward towards seeking a peaceful settlement of the Afghanistan issue through indirect negotiations.

    The visiting Somalian agricultural delegation led by the Agricultural Minister, Brig. General B. Le Rafle Guled called on President Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi.

    September 20 : The Foreign Minister of Pakistan Sahabzada Yaqnb Khan held talks with the UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar on the items on the agenda of the General Assembly session, including the Afghanistan question.

    Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, the Pakistan Foreign Secretary, Niaz-A- Naik stated that following ten violations of its air space by Afghan aircrafts on 18 and


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  • 1 9 September, Pakistan had warned Afghanistan that a "repetition could lead to serious consequences for which the blame would rest entirely on Afghanistan".

    At a press ference in Islamabad the Pakistan Foreign Secretary disclosed that the developed states ftad not responded positively to the suggestions of the last Non Aligned summit to hold informal talks between the leaders of the developed and the Third World states, on the issue of breaking the deadlck on the global negotiations concerning the international economic situation.

    Pakistan and Somalia signed an agremht in Islamabad for mutual co-operation in various disciplines of agriculture.

    September 22 : Acordfng to reports, the US administration had notified Congress of its decision to sell Harpoon missiles to Pakistan.

    According to the 1 India Radio Indian Premier Mrs Indira Gandhi, during her talks in Nicosia with the President of Cyprus, Mr Kyprianou discused the situation in neigh- bouring countries and reiterated India's concern over events in Pakistan.

    September 23: Kuwait daily A / Rai a / Aam, commented that India's general policy and basic strategy towards Pakistan was to keep it in a state of weakness.

    The Iranian Charg'd Affair in Islamabad, Mr Ibrahim Rahimpur condemned the bombing of a Pakistani village near Para Chinar by Afghan aircraft as an act of "wanton aggres- sion".

    September 24: The Pakistan Firtance Minister Mr Ghulam Ishaq Khan in his capacity as Chairman of the Joint Development Committee conferred in Washington, with the World Bank President Mr A. W. Clausen, and the Managing Director of the Interna- tional Monetary Fund, M. J. De. Laostere on the major items on the agenda of 21- member panel scheduled to meet shortly.

    The Foreign Ministers of Pakiistan and Argentina discussed a number of key interna- tional topics, including the situation in Latin America, at the United Nations Head- quarters.

    September 25. Inaugurating conference in Karachi, President General Mohammed Zia ul Haq assured foreign entrepreneurs that their investments will be fully protected by Pakistan.

    Talking to newsmen in Karachi, President Zia ul Haq emphatically denied the granting of military bases in Pakistan to the United States

    September 26 ; In an official hand out issued In Islamabad* Pakistan once again urged the Government of India, in the interest of promoting; mutual confidence, understand- ing and cooperation, to observe the principle of non interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan, in letter and spirit.

    A two day conference on investment opportunities in Pakistan ended in. Karachi by


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  • identifying 18 projects fr possible join ventures, between Pakistan and Arab inves- tors. . >

    A letter of intent was signed in Karachi, for the setting up of two joint ventures bet- ween a Kuwaiti and a Pakistani investment company in cattle breeding and farming and liquid sugar.

    September 27 : A warm reception and later send off, were given to the Jordanian Roal couple, King Hussein Bin Talal and Queen No ul Hussein during their brief stop over at the Karachi airport, enroute to Jordan.

    The leader of the visiting Egyptian agricultural and scientific delegation, Dr Mohammad Ali Maghazi, stated in Multan, that his team's tour of Pakistan was aimed at the promotion of cooperation and knowledge of research among the agricultural experts and scientists of Pakistan and Egypt.

    September 28 . The visiting Chief of staff of the US Air Force, General Charles A. Gabriel, met the Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff Committee, General Mohammad Iqbal Khan in Rawalpindi.

    It was reported that the Pakistan Foreign Minister had held a meeting with the US Secre- tary of State, Mr George Shultz and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference, Mr Habib Chatti, at the United Nations Headquarters.

    September 29 : According to reports Pakistan's Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan conferred with heads of delegations of Austria, Canada, Turkey, Iraq, Indonesia, Bangla- desh and Kuwait.

    President Mohammad Zia ul Haq extended felicitations to President Numeiri of Sudan, on the promulgation of Islamic laws in the country.

    It was reported that a large section of public opinion in Tlndia, continued to criticise the Indian ruling elite and some elements in the Congress party for magnifying the incidents in Sind, in complete disregard of the international principles of non interference in other countries internal affairs.

    September 30 : The United States Defence Secretary, Caspar Weinberger arrived in Islam- abad on a three day official visit.

    Addressing the IMF-IBRD Governor's annual meeting in Washington, Pakistan Finance Minister Ghulam Ishaq Khan, called on industrial nations to use their economic power for the collective good of the world community, rising above narrow self interest and launching bold and generous initiatives.


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  • According to Moscow Radio, The Pakistan Federal Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources, Rao Farman Ali Khan held talks in b oscow with experts of the Soviet State Committee for Foreign Trade Relations.

    October 1 : The visiting US Defence Secretary, Mr Casper Weinberger stated in Peshawar, that the United States would do its best to ensure that the people of Afghanistan are successful in their cause.

    October 2: The US Defence Secretary stated in Islamabad that the Reagan Administra- tion would make every effort to fulfil the promised allocations under the military credit sates programme to Pakistan.

    October 3 : The Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Sahabzada Yaqub Khan exchanged views in New York with his Iraniah counterpart, Akbar Ali Velayati on the situation in the region.

    October 4 : In an interview to the newsmen accompanying the US Secretary of Defence, in Islamabad, President General Zia-ul-Haq said that Pakistan's relations with the United States were founded on mutuality of perceptions, regarding the imperatives of peace in the region.

    President Zia-ul-Haq in an interview to foreign journalists, reiterated that by March 1985 the entire process of handing over power to the elected representatives of the people would be completed in a peaceful manner.

    Addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations the Pakistan Foreign Minister reiterated his country's resolve to' achieve a political settlement of the Afghanistan issue and to improve the climate of relations in the South Asian region, particularly with India.

    October 5 ; An agreement providing for increased cooperation in matters relating to flight safety and air traffic control was signed in Islamabad, between Pakistan and the Chinese Civil Aviation Authorities.

    Addressing Foreign Ministers of the Non Aligned countries at the United Nations head- quarters, the Pakistan Foreign Minister stressed the need for the Non Aligned countries to establish a climate of peace, mutual trust and cooperation.

    The Government of Pakistan ctiveyed its grave concern to the Government of India over demonstrations that were recently sponsored and organised by the ruling Congress (I) Party, in front of Pakistan's Embassy in New Delhi.

    October 6 : Kuwaiti weekly 'At Mujtamah strongly criticisd India's interference in Pak- istan's internal affairs.

    Talking to newsmen in Islamabad on his return from Washington, the Federal Minister for Finance and Commerce, Mr Ghulam Ishaq Khan, said, that the major economic powers who wielded great influence globally should use their position for the good of


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  • the world instead of resisting international reforms.

    According to official reports, the Afghan Charg'd Affaires was called to the Foreign Office in Islamabad and a protest was lodged with him regarding the violation of Pakis- tan's airspace on 4 October by six Afghan aircraft in South Waziristan Agency.

    It was reported that Pakistan's Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan held talks with top Reagan Administration officials in Washington, on bilateral matters.

    October 7 : It was reported that the Pakistan Deputy Permanent Representative to United Nations, had rejected the allegation that Pakistan's territory was being used for armed interference against Afghanistan.

    The US Defence Secretary Casper Weinberger told Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan in Washington that he saw his visit to Pakistan as "a significant development in our bilateral relations".

    It was reported that the two Indian weeklies Radiance and Nasheman had slated Indian interference in Pakistan's internal affairs.

    In the Organization of the Islamic Conference's Committee on Palestine, Pakistan pro- posed "a serious study" of the Israeli moves in Africa where two nations- Zaire and Liberia had recently reestablished diplomatic relations with the Jewish state.

    October 9: The Pakistan Government denied a Times (London) report that the Indian government had accused Pakistan of training, arming and financing the extremists in Indian Punjab.

    The Pakistan Federal Minister of Industries Mr Elahi Bakhsh Soomro, currently on a visit to Egypt, toured the industrial units in Egypt.

    In an address to the ministerial meeting of the Group of 77 in New York, Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, S. Shah Nawaz called for a change in the format of the ministerial meeting of the Group which could lead to an action-oriented declaration.

    A 12 member South Korean delegation belonging to the "Soemaul Undong" (Movement for Rural Development) met the Federal Minister for Planning and Development, Dr Mah- bubul Haq in Islamabad.

    October 10 : Pakistan Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan introduced a draft reso- lution on the Afghanistan question at the beginning of discussions among the Islamic Foreign Ministers meeting in New York.

    President Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq offered condolences to Mr Chun Doo Hwan, President of the Republic of Korea, on the death of four Ministers and a number of other senior members of his Government in a bomb explosion in Rangoon.

    According to BBC reports, the authorities in India had alleged that the direct rule impos- ed in the Indian state of Punjab was the result of 'interference' by Pakistan, which was


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  • encouraging the extremists in their demands for more religious and political rights.

    Pakistan's Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan held another meeting with UN Secre- tary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, during which they continued their discussion on the Afghanistan question.

    In a message on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of South Africa, President General Zia ul Haq called upon freedom loving nations to sever all links with the Pretoria regime and to adopt effective measures, including the imposi- tion of sanctions, to bring the repugnant policies of the illegal Government to an early end.

    October 11 : A spokesman of the Foreign Office described as totally false the allega- tions levelled by India that Pakistan was providing arms assistance to the militants in East Punjab (India).

    The Commonwealth Secretary General, Shridath Ramphal, in a press conference in New Delhi ruled out the discussion on the subject of Pakistan's reentry into the Commonwealth at its forthcoming Summit meeting in New Delhi.

    The President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Dr Ahmad Ali called on the Presi- dent General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq in Islamabad.

    October 12 : Talking to newsmen in Lahore, the President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) said that the Bank would be providing US $ 68 million as financial help in terms of lease and equity to Pakistan for the approved and on going projects.

    October 13 : A spokesman for the Indian External Affairs Ministry denied that India has any plan to attack Pakistan.

    Addressing the 27th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, the Chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Dr Munir Ahmad Khan described China's entry into the International Atomic Energy Agency as a "historic event ' and said that it has made the IAEA, truly universal.

    A leading British newspaper advised the Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi, that if she wants to prevent a war with Pakistan she should not look for weapons but should initiate effective diplomatic efforts.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Third Committee the Pakistan delegate voiced support for imposing mandatory sanctions against the racist Pretoria regime and for redoubling efforts to wipe out racial discrimination in South Africa.

    October 15 : Speaking on "Security issues of South Asia" at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Indian opposition leader, Dr Subramaniam Swamy called for the implementation of the South Asian security plan to prevent super power intervention.

    At a news conference in New Delhi, Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi blamed


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  • Pakistan for the deteriorating situation in the Indian state of Punjab.

    October 16 . In a press conference in Islamabad, the Indian opposition leader, Dr Sub- ramaniam Swamy said that the Governments of India and Pakistan should talk to each other to remove the "unnecessary misunderstandings" which characterise the present state of Indo- Pakistan relations.

    Pakistan and Netherlands signed an agreement in Islamabad, under which Netherlands would make available to Pakistan DFL 48.1 million (approx Rs. 216 million) during the year 1983.

    October 18: Pakistan's representative to the General Assembly's Third Committee pledged his country's support to people deprived of their legitimate and recognised right to self determination. He also drew attention to the "unresolved question of Jammu and Kashmir".

    Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations' European Offices in Geneva, rejected as "gratuitous" a Soviet statement made in the General Assembly's main com- mittee, which expressed concern over what Moscow claimed were prospects of Pakistan acquiring nuclear weapons.

    Comoros' Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Trade Said Kafe, called on the Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan at the Foreign Office in Islamabad.

    October 19 : Comoros' Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Trade called on the President Mohammad Zia ul Haq.

    October 20 : A joint communique issued at the conclusion of Comoros' Foreign Minister Said Kafe's official visit to Pakistan, stated that a Pakistani delegation would shortly visit the Comoros' Islamic Republic to identify the possible areas of cooperation between the two countries.

    Pakistan and the US signed an agreement in Washington providing for the sale of Ameri- can Harpoon missiles to Islamabad.

    A nine member Iranian shipping delegation led by Mohammad Souri Managing Director of the Iranian Shipping Line (IRISH) arrived in Karachi to explore ways and means to promote shipping between the two countries.

    Talking to PTV representative during a day long stopover in Karachi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, Mr Wu Xueqian stated that China fully supports the position taken by the Pakistan Government for an early settlement of Afghanistan issue.

    The European Common Market sources in Brussels disclosed that European Community preparations for a new trade and aid pact with Pakistan have reached the final stages.

    Pakistan's representative to the General Assembly's Economic Committee, made a fervent appeal to the developed countries to join hands with the developing nations in initiating


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  • a meaningful "dialogue" on world economic problems.

    It was reported that the Prsident of the "Republic of Khalistan" in a signed statement issued from his Berkshire camp office (London) said that Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indi- ra Gandhi had wrongly accused Pakistan of helping the Sikh agitation and the "Khalsa" movement.

    October 21 : Pakistan alongwith other Islamic and Non Aligned States as well as socia- list countries voted against the Norwegian motion in the General Assembly, which called for a halt to debate Iran's formal challenge to Israel's membership of the United Nations.

    Pakistan's delegate in an address to the General Assembly's Special Political Committee, called upon the United Nations to combine peace-keeping with peace-making in a bid to solutions to problems threatening international peace and security.

    October: 22 In an interview with PPI in Lahore, the Indian Ambassador to Pakistan Mr K. D. Sharma expressed hope for normalisation of ties with Pakistan.

    In an interview to the Far Eastern Economic Review President Mohammad Zia ul Haq said that Pakistan was not willing to accept super power domination and that was why pressure was being applied on the present regime with regard to foreign affairs.

    In an interview with the Washington Post Pakistan Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan denied that there was any question of striking a deal to get Afghan refugees out of Pakistan without the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

    Pakistan's Ambassador to the United Nations, S. Shah Nawaz in his address to the General Assembly called for determined steps for disarmament "to break the vicious circle of international tensions and arms race that fan each other".

    October 23: A loan of $ 51.5 million has been sanctioned to Pakistan by the World Bank, for an oil and gas exploration project.

    While overflying Pakistan territory, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Hossein Moussavi conveyed a message of good will and friendship to President General Zia-ul-Haq.

    October 24 : Pakistan's delegate introduced a draft resolution to the General Assembly's third committee, under which the General Assembly would call on states to cease milit- ary intervention and occupation of foreign countries.

    Pakistan's delegate to the General Assembly's Decolonisation Committee called for effective measures to eradicate economic exploitation and apartheid in Southern Africa.

    October 25: Addressing a function held jointly by various United Nations agencies in Pakistan to mark the 38th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations' Organiza- tion, President Zia-ul-Haq declared that Pakistan would continue to uphold the principles enshrined in the United Nations' charter.

    The Government of Pakistan lodged a protest with the Indian Government against con- tinuing violation by India of the universally recognised principle of non interference in the


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  • internal affairs of states.

    Speaking at a dinner hosted by the Pakistan - Sweden Trade and Industry Committee, the Ambassador of Sweden in Pakistan Mr Sten Stromholm said that Sweden and Pakis- had a lot to offer to each other in a number of fields and stressed the need for explor- ing the possibilities of increased economic cooperation for mutual benefit.

    A member of the British Parliament Lord Graneborne and the Chairman of the Afghan Support Committee Lady Rose Ceicil called on the President General Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi. October 27: In a message issued on the occasion of the Week of Solidarity with the Namibian people, President Zia-ul-Haq called upon the international community to take concerted action to force the Pretoria regime to implement the UN decisions regarding the independence of Namibia.

    Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN, in an address to the Security Council rejected South Africa's insistence on linking Namibian freedom with the pull-out of Cuban troops from Angola and called for sanctions against the racist regime if it does not comply with the independence plan.

    Speaking at the UN Security Council, Pakistan's Ambassador, S. Shah Nawaz called for the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces from Grenada.

    A Pakistan Embassy spokesman denied an Amnesty International allegation that poiitical prisoners were tortured and executed in Pakistan.

    A Saudi daily A! Medina strongly criticised New Delhi for its support to agitators in Pakistan and said that India had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Pakistan on any pretext.

    In an address to the General Assembly, Pakistan's delegate called for a political settle- ment of the Kampuchean question based on the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from that South Asian country. October 28 : The leader of the Pakistan trade delegation in Washington, viewed that there was an immense scope for expansion of trade between Pakistan and USA and all that was required in this connection was intensive market research.

    October 30: Speaking in the General Assembly's Budegtary Committee, the Pakistan delegate called for providing the United Nations with adequate funds to improve its capacity to preserve international peace and security and to meet economic and social developmental needs of its member states.

    October 31 : The UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution submitted by Pakis- tan, which contained a call for all concerned states to cease immediately their military intervention and occupation of foreign territories.

    November 1 : Replying to a question in the Mejlis-e-Shoora the Foreign Minister Sahab- zada Yaqub Khan denied foreign reports alleging that Pakistan had conceded Gawadar port (in Baluchistan) to a friendly country in lieu of promised military aid.


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  • A 3-member delegation of the Iraqi Ministry of Auqaf, arrived in Karachi on a 4-day study tour.

    November 2 : In an Indian Embassy press release in Islamabad, the Indian Government rejected Pakistan's recent protest regarding the World Sindhi Sammelan, saying that it was purely a cultural event mooted long before the present political disturbances began in Pakistan.

    Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad at the conclusion of a week long tour, the leader of the Japanese private investors team, Shokei Kurihara, expressed satisfaction at Pakistan government's guarantees regarding protection to foreign investment.

    In an interview published in the daily Indian Express , President Zia-ut-Haq said that it was possible that general election to the National Assembly might be held ahead of the previously announced dead line of March 1985.

    November 3: Speaking in the Majlis- e- Shoora the Minister for Planning, Dr Mahbubul Haq declared that Pakistan would go ahead with its Chashma nuclear power plant with- out accepting any outside pressure.

    Speaking in a debate in the UN General Assembly's Legal Committee, the Pakistan dele- gate said that restructuring the world economic order will benefit all states both rich and poor.

    November 6 : Speaking in the UN General Assembly, Pakistan's Additional Foreign Secretary called for allocation of more funds by IAEA for technical assistance to the Third World and opposed an increase in the safeguards expenditure.

    November 7 : Winding up a two-day debate on external relations in the MajUs-e-Shoora, Foreign Minister, Sahabzada Yaqub Khan reiterated that Pakistan would not recognize the Karmal regime in Afghanistan.

    It was reported that the Governments of Pakistan and South Korea had agreed to estab- lish diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    It was reported that the Iranian Government had granted a five year moratorium for the repayment of Pakistan's outstanding debts amounting to $ 580 million. The loans were issued during the Shah's rule.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Economic Committee Pakistani delegate expres- sed serious concern at the sufferings of Palestinians in the Israeli occupied area.

    November 8 . Foreign Secretary Niaz A. Naik said that the upgrading of Pakistan's rela- tions with the Republic of Korea would in no way affect its traditionally close and frien- dly relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

    November 10 : An Indian Government spokesman in New Delhi protested over the host- ing of a banquet by President Zia-ul-Haq for the diplomatic corps in Gilgitt on 8 Novem-


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  • ber, as the town, the spokesman claimed was located in Kashmir, which belonged to India.

    Talking to newsmen in Islamabad (before his departure for New York), Sahabzada Yaqub Khan expressed the hope that the resolution on Afghanistan will be adopted by the UN General Assembly with a big margin, like last year.

    In the UN General Assembly, Pakistan introduced two draft resolutions, proposing a Nuclear Weapon Fee Zone in South Asia and security guarantees to non-nuclear-weapon states.

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Masao Fujika said in Lahore that the Bank had agreed to provide a new loan of $ 140 for the extension of the Guddu thermal power station.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Special Political Committee, Pakistan s delegate called for steps to prevent an arms race in outer space and said that space technology should only be put to peaceful uses.

    November 11 : The Commander of the Chinese Navy, Liu Huaqung, arrived in Islamabad on an official visit to Pakistan.

    Addressing the 22nd session of the general conference of UNESCO, Mrs Attiya Inayat- ullah, the President's Adviser on population and planning, expressed Pakistan's deep con- cern over the constant danger of a systematic disfiguration and annihilation of Jerusalem under Israeli occupation.

    November 12 : Pakistan and China signed an agreement in Islamabad, on mutual coope- ration in the field of education.

    Speaking in the Majlis-e-Shoora, the Minister of Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada said that India had no Locus standi with regard to the Northern Areas, and the statements by the Indian Government about the territory were unwarranted and without legal basis.

    November 13 ; It was reported that under an agreement signed in Bonn on 26 October, the Federal Republic of Germany had made available the biggest ever package of finan- cial aid in terms of Deutsche Marks to Pakistan.

    A Jordanian parliamentary delegation called on President Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi and exchanged views on matters of mutual interest.

    At a meeting in the UN for the relief of Kampuchean people, Pakistan announced a con- tribution of $ 1 0,000.

    An Oil and Gas Development Corporation press release disclosed that the World Bank had agreed to lend US $ 51.5 million for drilling six exploratory wells in gas proven areas in Pakistan.

    November 14. Under an agreement signed in Islamabad, Japan will extend 98 million


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  • yens (approximately Rs. 5 million) as cultural grant-in-aid to Pakistan.

    Pakistan and the United States signed a Rs. 66 million grant accord in Islamabad for development support training.

    A six-member Australian trade team called on President Zia-ul-Haq in Rawalpindi.

    November 16 : Talking to newsmen in Quetta, President Zia-ul-Haq reiterated Pakistan's wish to have friendly relations with India.

    According to All India Radio , Mrs Indira Gandhi reiterated that her government had circumstantial evidence of the involvement of Pakistan agents in the recent disturbances in certain parts of India.

    The visiting Director of Asian Affairs in the West German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Peckert, held talks with senior Foreign Ministry officials in Islamabad.

    November 17 : The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $ 19.3 million loan for the expansion of gas facilities in Pakistan.

    A Foreign Office statement issued in Islamabad called upon the international community to appreciate the urgency of the Cyprus problem and encourage efforts for the resump- tion of the internal communal negotiations with a view to its peaceful resolution.

    Speaking in a debate on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East, the Pakistan delegate reminded the world community of its ineluctable duty' to look after the Palestinian people till a just and permanent solution is found to their tragedy.

    November 18 : Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN S. Shah Nawaz urged the Security Council not to adopt a resolution condemning the Turkish Cypriot Community whose cooperation was indispensable for reestablishing the unity of Cyprus.

    According to the Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi expressed concern over what she described as Pakistan's stock piling of sophisticated arms.

    November 19 : Speaking in a debate in the UN General Assembly, the Pakistan delegate said that mandatory sanctions were imperative to eradicate the apartheid system in South Africa.

    The third session of the Pakistan-Iraq Joint Ministerial Commission began in Baghdad.

    Inaugurating a six-day international conference on science in Islamic polity in Islamabad, President Zia ul Haq emphasised the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy, backed by united and determined efforts by the Muslim world, for the renaissance of science in Islamic society.

    Talking to reporters in Washington, the Foreign Minister Sahabzada Kaqub Khan said that


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  • the Indian leaders' recent statements amounted to intervention in Pakistan's internal affairs.

    November 20: Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Third Committee, the Pakistan delegate emphasised the need for finding a durable solution for refugee problems.

    It was reported that Turkish and Pakistani entrepreneurs had decided to set up a joint committee to explore fresh avenues of trade and to promote economic collaboration bet- ween the two countries.

    The Federal Minister for industries, disclosed that this year Pakistan's exports had increased by 14.3 per cent in terms of SDR, despite the worldwide recession.

    An Afghan SU-7 fighter aircraft landed inside Pakistan after its pilot defected from Afghanistan.

    November 21 : It was reported that President Zia-ul-Haq had urged the Syrian Presi- dent to use his influence to bring an immediate end to the tragic conflict in northern Lebanon.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly at the start of a debate on Afghanistan, Sahabzada Yaqub Khan urged the great powers, to help facilitate progress towards a settlement of the Afghan crisis. He said that a reasonable time frame for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan would give a decisive impetus to the UN diplomatic peace process.

    Pakistan and Somalia signed a memorandum of understanding in Islamabad for strength- ening cooperation in the field of information.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Legal Committee, the Pakistan delegate said that the exercise of right within its territory by a riparian state should not result in affecting the flow of water in other riparian states.

    November 22 . An official statement issued in Islamabad dismissed as baseless a state- ment by Radio Moscow (on 10 November) which alleged that the US Mohawk aircraft which crashed at Karachi airport sometimes back was using a US base in Pakistan.

    The Assistant Foreign Minister of Egypt, Shafi Abdel Hamid, arrived in Islamabad on an official visit to Pakistan.

    November 23 : The UN Political and Security Committee adopted two Pakistan draft resolutions concerning the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia and for strengthening of security guarantees to non-nuclear- weapon states.

    November 24: Under an agreement signed in Islamabad, Norway will provide Pakistan

    about Rs. 80 million worth of triple super phosphate fertilizer and Rs. 66 million worth of tele communication and power transmission equipments for WAPDA as part of its 85 million Kroners grant for 1984.

    It was reported that the ADB would provide Rs 350 million for milk plant schemes in the


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  • country.

    November 25: Pakistan's Planning and Development Minister Mahbubul Haq said in Seoul that South Korea will play a major role in Pakistan's five year development programmes.

    November 26 ; It was reported that the total expenditure for the World Health Organiza- tion (WHO) financed programmes in Pakistan for 1983-85 would be US $ 2,930,000.

    November 28 : In a message issued on the International Day of Solidarity with the Pales- tinian People, President Zia-ul- Haq expressed deep concern over the prevailing plight of the Palestinian people.

    November 29 : Speaking at Karachi Press Club's meet-the-press forum, the Indian Amba- ssador K. D. Sharma said that India had proposed a six-point package to be considered by various subcommissions (appointed under the Indo- Pakistan Ministerial Commission) "to give meaningful practical content" to the relations between the two countries.

    Speaking in the UN General Assembly's Economic Committee, Pakistan's delegate suggest- ed that multilateral channels of the US system for technical assistance should discourage tied assistance.


    September 1 : It was reported that the Indian occupied Srinagar police had arrested a large number of persons belonging to different Muslim political parties.

    In an official statement, the Indian Government claimed that the it was scrupulously following India's traditional policy of non interference in the internal affairs of other countries, particularly in relation to its neighbours.

    It was reported that an Indian opposition leader Dr Subramaniam Swamy had urged the Indian Government to give up its obstructionist attitude to Pakistan's reentry into the Commonwealth.

    September 2. Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang and the visiting Jordanian King Hussein held a meeting in Beijing, in which the two leaders exchanged views on bilateral rela- tions, the world situation in general and the Middle East situation in particular.

    It was reported that in a fresh wave of violence in Sri Lanka's northern and eastern pro- vinces, Tamil guerrillas shot dead a politician belonging to the ruling United National Party (UNP).

    September 3: The United News of India (UNI) reported that about 100 armed Sikhs clashed with police in the central Indian town of Indore.

    September 4 : According to BBC, four more opposition parties in India had decided to


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  • form an alliance to contest next year's general elections.

    The New China News Agency reported that China had teiterated its plans to recover Hong Kong in 1997 and rejected as intolerable a formula which would make a distinction between sovereignty and administration over the territory.

    Addressing a special session of the National Assembly convened to debate the downing of the South Korean airline by Soviet fighters in Seoul the Foreign Minister of South Korea. Le Bum Suk accused the Soviet Union of staging a "show of strength".

    Addressing a rally of freedom fighters in Dhaka, Bangladesh Chief Martial Law Adminis- trator, Lt. Gen. Hossein Mohammad Ershad said that the Indian plan to build barbed wire fencing around Bangladesh was a threat to the sovereignty of the country.

    September 5 : It was reported that China had applied for membership in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    September? : The United News of India (UNI) reported that Indian Premier Mrs Indira Gandhi, in a letter to Pakistan President Zia-ul-Haq, informed that her government had no desire to interfere in Pakistan's internal affairs.

    It was reported that twenty two political parties in Bangladesh had announced that they would hold demonstrations against the military government if it did not restore civil liberties by 30 September.

    September 8 : It was reported that the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Kapitsa had arrived in Beijing for talks with his counterpart, Qian Qicheny, on the improvement of Sino-Soviet relations.

    The Press Trust of india reported that at least 63 people were injured in an anti-govern- ment demonstration in the northern state of Punjab.

    September 9 : According to reports four people were killed and 84 injured in the South Indian city of Hyderabad, during a day of protest held by Muslims.

    Addressing a public gathering in Srinagar the Chief Minister of Indian-held Kashmir, Farooq Abdullah alleged that attempts were being made by the Indian Central Government for toppling his elected government and sabotaging the unity of his National Conference Party.

    September 10 : It was reported that vote on a resolution in the Security Council, deplor- ing the destruction of a South Korean airliner by the Soviet Union had been postponed until 12 September.

    September 12 : According to Xinhua news agency, the visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Dr Ali Akbar Velayati and Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian held a meeting in Beij- ing, in which the two counterparts expressed support for the Palestinian people and advo-


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  • cated the strengthening of cooperation among countries of the Third World.

    South Korea, formally demanded full Soviet compensation for the Korean Airlines Jumbo jet shot down by Soviet fighters.

    According to reports about 100 people were injured in a clash between Sikhs and police in New Delhi.

    September 13 : The Indonesian Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmaja disclosed that President Soeharto had turned down an invitation from Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gan- dhi, to attend a meeting of Non Aligned Heads of State in New York.

    It was reported that a second visit to Sri Lanka by an Indian special emissary had been postponed, at the request of Sri Lankan President Jayewardene.

    September 14 ; The Washington based " Aerospace Daily " reported that India was deve- loping an air-launched, subsonic cruise missile, capable of carrying conventional or nuc- lear warheads.

    According to reports the Soviet Ambassador to Japan, Vladimir Pavlov refused to comply to the Japanese Government demand for compensation to relatives of Japanese nationals killed in the downing of the South Korean plane.

    According to reports the Chinese Foreign Minister, Wu Xueqian stated that his country would support Sri Lanka in the defence of its unity and against any external interference.

    According to reports China and Iran signed an agreement on cultural, scientific and tech- nical cooperation in Beijing.

    September 15 : It was reported that there had been a serious clash in Srinagar between the supporters of India's ruling Congress (I) party and the supporters of the ruling Natio- nal Conference of held Jammu and Kashmir.

    According to reports a curfew which was imposed in Sri Lanka in July to quell ethnic violence between the majority Sinhalese and minority Tamils had been lifted completely.

    The US Embassy in New Delhi confirmed that US officials will not participate in the World Energy Conference to be held in New Delhi, due to India's refusal to grant visas to Israeli and South African delegates.

    September 16 ; According to reports the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Kapitsa left Beijing after an official visit to China, during which he discussed ways of improving the long strained relations between Beijing and Moscow.

    According to reports, an anti -government demonstration was held in Manila.

    September 16 ; The official PTI news agency reported that the Indian Foreign Minister Narasimha Rao arrived in Budapest for talks on the recently concluded European Security


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  • conference in Madrid and the political situation in Asia.

    It was reported that the Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone had denied local press reports that he might dissolve the House of Representative (Lower House) this year.

    September 17 : According to reports the Congress (Indira) Party headquarters in Srinagar were attacked by a large number of workers of Farooq Abdullah's ruling National Congress.

    September 19 : It was reported that China had been admitted to the World Energy Con- ference (WEC) shortly before the opening of the 12th WEC meeting in New Delhi.

    September 21 : According to reports China had expanded its already tough conditions for a return to normal relations with the Soviet Union to include the reduction of Rs 55.20 missiles deployed in the Far East.

    According to reports, India had signed a memorandum of understanding in London, regard- ing the supply of defence equipment and spare parts and the provision of technology and training facilities over the next three years.

    At least nine people were reported killed and about 80 wounded in anti government demonstration in Manila.

    It was reported that the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) called upon Vietnam to pull out its troops from Kampuchea "on a territorial basis".

    It was reported that the Foreign Energy Minister had said in New Delhi, that his country was cooperating with India at the highest level to take advantage of opportunities offered by new technology in the development of energy.

    September 22 Sino-British talks on the future of Hong Kong resumed in Beijing.

    September 23 : Addressing a press conference in Jaipur, the Janata Party leader and President of the Hind Mazdoor Kissan Panchayat (HMKP) Mr George Fernandes, accused Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi of trying to topple Farooq Abdullah's Ministry in Indian- held Jammu and Kashmir.

    It was reported that preliminary talks had taken place between India and the UK, in New Delhi, on a long term defence sale agreement, under which the two countries would co-operate in research and development as well as engaging in more traditional sales and joint production contracts.

    Speaking at the international conference on atomic energy in New Delhi, the Chairman of Bangladesh Atomic Energy commission, Dr Anwar Hussain proposed that reprocessing of the atomic fuel should be carried out under international supervision to ensure the elimi- nation of the possibility of using the reprocessed atomic fuel in atomic energy explosions. The Sri Lanka Parliament voted for the extension of a nationwide state of emergency for


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  • another one month.

    According to the diplomatic sources in Beijing, Chinese and American officials in a meet- ing in Beijing, made sign if icantprogress towards an agreement on civilian nuclear co- operation.

    According to the United News of India, about four people were killed in a clash between Hindus and Muslims in the south Indian city of Hyderabad.

    It was reported that the two days negotiations between China and Britain on the future of Hong Kong had ended in Beijing.

    September 24: Nepal had made a formal protest to India about a border incursion by Indians in which two Nepalese were killed.

    The Press Trust of India reported that the death toll in two weeks of communal clashes in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad rose to 36.

    September 25 . It was reported that Indian Premier, Mrs Indira Gandhi made a brief stopover in Paris, for talks with French President Francois Mitterrand on internatio- nal developments, including the world economic crisis.

    It was reported that following two weeks of clashes between Hindus and Muslims curfew had been imposed in the south Indian town of Hyderabad.

    According to reports China was re-elected as one of the 33 member states of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICNO) at the 24th session of its assembly in Montreal.

    The US Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger arrived in Beijing for a five day visit.

    Addressing a public meeting at Pondicherry, a leader of Ambadkar Peoples Movement Mrs Sonia Ambadkar demanded a separate homeland for Harijans to protect them from barbarities, repression and harassment in India.

    September 26 : It was reported that police and troops were manned check points at strategic locations in Manila where opposition groups threatened to continue anti-govern- ment street demonstration

    According to official sources in Cairo President Hosni Mubarak and Nepalese King Biren- dra held talks on Arab and international problems, and on the reinforcement of bilateral relations between the two countries.

    Speaking at the Executive Committee meeting of the United National Party, Sri Lanka President Junius Jayewardene stressed that it had always been his Government's policy to treat all citizens alike, regardless of their race, religion or caste.

    September 27 : The state-owned Bangladesh Radio reported that the leader of Bangla- desh, General Hossein Mohamad Ershad had ruled out the possibility of lifting of Martial


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  • Law before general elections in 1985.

    September 28: The Press Trust of India reported, that at the start of a 24-hour strike called by India's Marxist- ruled West Bengal state, 2 people were killed and several wounded.

    Addressing the UN General Assembly as the chair-person of the Non Aligned Movement, Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi backed the UN efforts to resolve the Afghanistan question.

    It was reported that Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi conferred with President Reagan in New York.

    After meeting Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, the US Defence Secretary, Caspar Weinber- ger told newsmen, that his talks in Beijing had been "very useful and positive" and that he envisaged increased military cooperation between the United States and China.

    Hundreds of Sikhs staged an angry demonstration outside the UN building when Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi was addressing the General Assembly on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.

    September 29 : The Military Balance { 1983-84) issued by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, disclosed that India had embarked on ambitious plans to improve the quality of her air force by turning both to the USSR (for Mig 23) and France (for Mirage 2000).

    It was reported that China staged a 60-minute display of military fire power for US Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger, before the resumtion of talks on American aid to modernise China's armed forces.

    According to reports the British Minister of State for Defence Procurement, Geoffre Pattie had confirmed that Britain was discussing with India the possibility of the latter buying the British Airborne Early Warning (AEW) System.

    Addressing the UN General Assembly, Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian blamed the two Super Powers, the United States and the Soviet Union for most of the world crises.

    September 30 : It was reported that atleast 12000 people held a rally in Dhaka in defi- ance of martial law and called for an immediate end to military rule in Bangladesh.

    Hundreds of students were reported to have been arrested in Kathmandu, as they were about to hold their National Union convention.

    October 1 : It was reported that four people were killed in a clash between Sikhs and

    police, in the troubled Indian state of Punjab.

    At a luncheon hosted by the United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA), Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi accused the West of "double standards" in its judge-


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  • ment of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

    The government controlled Bengali language daily Dainik Bang/a reported that India was preparing to build border watch towers, fitted with search lights and radio communication facilities within five kilometres of the Indo- Bangladesh border.

    Speaking on the occasion of 34th anniversary of founding of the Peoples Republic of China, Premier Zhao Ziyang, stated that China would continue to pursue an independent policy, while at the same time it would strengthen unity and cooperation with other deve- loping countries of the Third World.

    According to an army spokesman in the Philippines, 35 government soldiers were killed in an ambush by Communist guerillas on the southern island of Mindanao.

    October 2 : In an interview published in New Delhi, the Soviet Power Minister, Mr Peter Neporozhny said that India would make a mistake if it opted for a heavy water natural uranium reactor because of the high cost of heavy water production and India's limited reserves of natural uranium.

    According to reports Philippines had suffered a capital flight of $ 200 m ( 1 33 m) as a result of the instability which followed the assasination of the opposition leader Benigno Aquino.

    In an interview to the NBC TV, the Indian Prime Minister, Mrs Indira Gandhi said that although India does not support the presence of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, it also does not think that Soviet troops in Afghanistan posed any threat to the security of India or any other country in the region.

    According to the Voice of America, hundreds of Japanese staged a demonstration to register their protest against the visit to Japan by a US aircraft carrier.

    About 1 5,000 students staged a massive protest meeting against Bangladesh's military government in Dhaka.

    October 3: Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi arrived in London from Washington.

    October 4 : A Japanese Defence Ministry official told Parliament in Tokyo that Soviet SS-20 missiles stationed in the Far East would soon total 135. He further stated that Japan considered the steep increase in the number of Soviet SS-20's in Asia as a growing threat to its security.

    It was reported that China had accused the British Government leaders of creating pro- blems in talks on the future of Hong Kong by making inappropriate remarks.

    Addressing the UN General Assembly, Thailand's Foreign Minister Mr Siddhi Savetsila called on Vietnam to withdraw its troops from the Thai- Kampuchean border and start negotiations towards a peaceful political settlement.


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  • In a letter to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front called upon India to grant the right of self determination to the people of the occu- pied state.

    October 5 ; According to the official New China News Agency (NCNA), China had ruled out any possibility of an independent Hong Kong. The NCNA also attacked British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for seeking fresh pretexts to prevent Beijing regaining sovere- ignty over the colony.

    The Foreign Ministry sources in Dhaka disclosed that Bangladesh had asked India to speed up the transfer of a land corridor which will link Bangladesh with its two enclaves in the Indian Kooch Bihar district.

    The Government of President Ferdinand Marcos had devalued the Philippines Peso by 21 .4 per cent against the US dollar.

    The Indian Air Force had decided to further improve the Jaguar fighter aircraft by the installation of a modern radar and a futuristic navigation attack system.

    October 6 : China and the Soviet Union began a new round of talks in Beijing, which were aimed at improving relations between the two states.

    The Government of President Ferdinand Marcos took a series of steps in an attempt to lessen political turmoil and economic trouble in the Philippines.

    October 7 : An anti-Marcos rally was held in Manila.

    It was reported that China had attacked Britain's stance on the future of Hong Kong by expounding the view that it had a right to sovereignty over the British-held territories at "any time".

    The Indian Government declared a "state of emergency" in its troubled state of Punjab following the dismissal of the Congress (I) government.

    It was reported that the "All India Freedom Fighters Organization" held a demonstration before the United States Embassy in New Delhi to protest against supply of sophisticated arms to Pakistan.

    October 8 : Speaking on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the Indian Air Force the Indian Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Dilbagh Singh said that the Indian forces should be fully prepared to meet any eventuality that might be forced on India.

    It was reported that a conclave of 17 opposition parties in Srinagar (held Kashmir) deman- ded a revision of the Indian constitution and an end to the reign of the ruling Congress party.

    According to BBC reports an anti- Marcos rally was held in Manila.

    Addressing the UN General Assembly, Nepal's Foreign Minister Padma Bahadur Khatri


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  • sought support at the United Nations for his Government's proposition that Nepal be declared a "zone of peace".

    October 9 : The official Chinese news agency Xinhua launched its strongest attack on Britain's negotiating stand over the future of Hong Kong, claiming that Mrs Thatcher sought independence for the colony.

    It was reported that the Indian opposition leaders had accused the Indira government of "hatching a conspiracy" against five non-Congress (I) Ministries, indicating an emerging confrontation between them and the central government.

    According to South Korean sources a bomb explosion killed four South Korean cabinet ministers and 1 2 other people at the martyr's mausoleum in Rangoon, minutes before the arrival of the visiting South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan.

    October 10 : According to BBC reports, the Commission appointed by Philippines Presi- dent Marcos to investigate the murder of opposition leader, Mr Aquino, had resigned.

    The Burmese Government set up a committee to investigate the bomb blast in Rangoon,, that killed 19 people, including four South Korean Ministers.

    According to reports, opposition sources in India regard Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gan- dhi's decision to impose direct rule on the Punjab state as her last chance to avoid wide- spread bloodshed between the Sikhs and minority Hindus in the area. They also said that the action was an acknowledgement of failure in controlling Sikh militancy.

    October 11 : Speaking on the occasion of the annual Air Force Commander's meeting in New Delhi, Indian Defence Minister Venkataraman called on the Indian forces to be more vigilant in the coming months to ensure the security of India.

    The Press Trust of India (PTI) reported that at least eight people had been injured in fresh violence in Punjab, where militant Sikhs are campaigning for greater autonomy.

    It was reported that the Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian conferred with President Ronald Reagan and Vice-President George Bush at the White House.

    October 12 ; It was reported that the Soviet Union had firmly assured India that it would supply the latest aircraft including MIG-29, Fulcrum fighters and T-80 tanks to be follow- ed by licensed production rights for the latest MIG-29.

    The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that North Korea had dismis- sed the South Korean charge that it was behind the Rangoon bomb explosion in which four South Korean Cabinet ministers were killed.

    BBC reported that China had announced a big purge to expel those members of the Communist Party, who were corrupt of politically hostile to the leadership. It was reported that during the Sino-lndian border talks in Beijing, China had rejected


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  • India's protest over an official Chinese report describing the Indian Himalyan state of Sikkim as an independent nation.

    October 13: It was reported that a General Assembly Committee had accepted the credentials of the Kampuchean delegation led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk despite a challenge by the Soviet Union.

    The Chinese Government officially informed a group of foreign business leaders in Beijing that foreign businessmen could start enterprises with their own exclusive invest- ment in China's coastal areas where conditions permit.

    October 14 : The National Assembly in Seoul in a resolution strongly criticised Burma over the bomb attack in Rangoon which killed five South Korean ministers and sixteen others.

    Bangladesh and the African Republic of Djibouti decided to establish diplomatic relations at the Ambassadorial level.

    October 15 : A senior Foreign Ministry official in Seoul, commenting on a North Korean threat that if US President Reagan goes ahead with his visit to South Korea "he will not escape a stern punishment'', expressed confidence that his government will be able to protect President Reagan from any danger during his visit next month.

    North Korean authorities alleged that US aircrafts had violated its airspace.

    October 16 : It was reported that Mrs Indira Gandhi's Congress Party in Indian held Kashmir had expressed gave concern over the political and economic conditions of the state and had appealed to the New Delhi installed state Governor B. K. Nehru to inter- vene and take serious notice of the circumstances.

    The former Bangladesh President and chief of the ten party National United Front, Khondker Mushtaque Ahmed had demanded general elections should be held in Bangla- desh by next March and that martial law should be lifted.

    It was reported that the Philippines opposition leaders had rejected an invitation to take part in preparations for next year's parliamentary elections and warned that they would boycott polls if President Ferdinand Marcos stayed in power.

    The President of the Chinese Nuclear Society Wang Gan Chang stated in Beijing that China welcomes cooperation with other countries in developing nuclear energy for peace- ful uses and plans to import advanced equipment for large nuclear power stations and technology.

    October 18: Japan lodged a protest with South Korea over the shooting at a Japanese unarmed trawler by South Korean coast guards.

    The Indian Express reported that the Indian Government had decided to issue vis as to Israeli and South African delegates to the International Air Transport Association (IATA)


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  • conference begining in New Delhi on 24 October.

    The Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi had expressed concern over the deteriorat- ing situation in the Indian state of Punjab.

    October 19 : According to BBC reports security troops had begun their action against extremists in the Punjab and raids were being carried out to track them down.

    According to the All India Radio more than 20 policemen and many civilians were injur- ed in Srinagar, in a clash between demonstrators and security forces in Srinagar.

    The North Korean Central News Agency monitored in Tokyo accused South Korean troops of opening fire across the demilitarised zone dividing the Korean peninsula.

    October 20 : Chinese Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian stated in Muscat that the root cause of the Middle East problems lies in Israeli aggression and expansionism.

    October 21 : The AH India Radio (AIR) reported that the Indian Defence Minister Mr R. Vankataraman had stated that India would have to be vigilant and remain in a state of preparedness to defend its freedom.

    The Japanese Government had lodged a protest against a Soviet aircraft's intrusion into the Japanese air space over Hokkaido.

    BBC reported that about 10 Muslim leaders had been detained in occupied Kashmir for their alleged involvement in demonstrations against the Indian Government during a recent one day cricket match in Srinagar.

    Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi rejected opposition demands for more powers for Indian states and advocated a "strong centre" for the country.

    October 22: It was reported that the national executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party expressed concern over a secret letter written by the Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi to Soviet President Yuri Andropov urging the Soviet Union to direct the pro Moscow Communist Party of India to support policies and programmes of her party.

    October 23: According to an AIR report Indian railway authorities had cancelled a number of passenger trains passing through the Indian Punjab following a major train derailment in which over 20 persons were killed and 130 injured earlier this week.

    In an open letter to Indian Premier Mrs Indira Gandhi, the London-based Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, asked India to quit the Indian-held state of Kashmir.

    October 24: Reacting to a statement by Indian delegate S. Ramachandren, Sri Lanka's Ambassador, Ignatius Fonseka, in the General Assembly's Special Political Committee accused India of supporting terrorism in his country.

    October 25: BBC reported that the Jordanian Ambassador to India had been shot at


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  • and seriously wounded by an unknown gunman near his residence in New Delhi.

    Inaugurating the annual conference of senior naval officers in New Delhi, Indian Premier Mrs Indira Gandhi expressed concern over the acquisition of sophisticated weapons by Pakistan beyond its defence needs.

    According to Bangladesh daily Ittefaq, India had asked Bangladesh to repay with interest the outstanding amount of a 200,000 ton food loan given to meet a domestic food crisis in 1978-79.

    October 26 . Speaking on the opening day of a General Assembly debate on the situa- tion in Kampuchea, Kampuchean Head of State in exile Prince Norodom Sihanouk accused Vietnam of systematically colonising his country.

    A Government spokesman in New Delhi told reporters that more than 400 Sikh extremists were arrested in the past week during raids by the police and para-military forces in which large quantities of weapons were seized.

    October 27 : The German Minister for Economic Cooperation (Development Aid) Herr Juergdn Warnke stated in Beijing that West Germany would continue to provide deve- lopment aid to China "as far as possible".

    Speaking at a conference of the senior officers of the Indian Navy, the Indian Defence Minister Mr R. Venkataraman instructed the Indian Navy to draw upa long term plan to modernise the Navy.

    It was reported that the leaders of public opinion in India continued to criticise the reck- less foreign policy of Mrs Indira Gandhi's Government which had alienated almost all its neighbouring countries.

    October 28 . BBC reported that several political leaders had criticised the statement of Bangladesh Head of State Gen. H. M. Ershad that presidential elections would be held by the middle of next year and that parliamentary elections would be held later.

    The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on Kampuchea submitted by the Associa- tion of the South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) which called for a just and lasting settle- ment of the Kampuchean question based on the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the country.

    October 29 : Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Leonid llyichov and Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Qian Qichen, completed in Beijing their three week talks on ways of improving their countries' frigid relations.

    October 30 : All India Radio reported that the Indo-Chinese talks ended in New Delhi, with an agreement to settle the boundary issue.

    October 31 : According to the official sources in New Delhi, authorities in the northern state of Punjab arrested over 1,000 people, in a drive currently underway to check Sikh


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  • extremism

    November 1 : The Indian police in the state of Punjab, disclosed that about 1600 people had been arrested since the central Government's rule was imposed on the state last month.

    A six-hour strike was observed in Bangladesh. It was called by 22 political parties to press their five-point demand.

    November 2: The Hungarian official news agency MTI reported that the Soviet Union had asked Vietnam to improve relations with Beijing.

    The Government of Sri Lanka introduced new press censorship laws, banning reports on terrorist activities and ethnic unrest.

    The Thai Government accepted the formal surrender of about 650 communists in the southern part of the country.

    November 3 : China and Bangladesh signed a five-year agreement in Dhaka for setting up a joint economic commission.

    November 4 : On his return from his 11 -day visit to the US, the Bangladesh Chief Martial Law Administrator Lt. Gen. Ershad warned that his government would not allow "politics of violence and destruction" to prevail in the country.

    The Hindustan Times reported that 20 Naga rebels were killed by Burmese villagers.

    The BBC reported that the Japanese police had uncovered plans by a left-wing group to raid the US Embassy in Tokyo and the American naval base at Yokosuka during President Reagan's visit next week.

    November 5 : It was reported that about 100 people were arrested in occupied Jammu and Kashmir following a strike call by Congress (I).

    The Burmese Government decided to break off diplomatic relations with North Korea.

    November 6 : Bangladesh military ruler General Ershad announced that he would con- test in the presidential polls to be held next year.

    The Press Trust of India reported that curfew was imposed on the town of Manu, in North India, after Hindu-Muslim clashes in which several people were injured.

    The BBC reported that the Indian Government's special emissary, Mr Parthasarthy, had left for Colombo to act as an intermediary in talks between Tamils and the Sri Lankan Government.

    November 7 : A large rally organized by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party was held in Dhaka to press upon the Government to reestablish democracy and hold parliamentary polls by March 1984.

    It was reported that the Chief Minister of the Indian held Kashmir, Dr Farooq Abdullah


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  • had accused the Indira Congress of trying to topple his government.

    November 10 : In their meeting in Tokyo, US President Reagan and the Japanese Premier Nakasone reaffirmed close defence and political ties between the United States and Japan.

    According to BBC, at least three bombs exploded in the Indian state of Assam before the arrival of Mrs Indira Gandhi.

    November 11 : The US Secretary of State George Shultz accused North Korea of killing South Korean Cabinet Ministers in a bomb explosion in Rangoon on 9 October.

    November 12 : Addressing the South Korean National Assembly, US President Reagan, renewed American security guarantee for South Korea and urged North and South Korea to resume their suspended dialogue on reunification. >v

    i In its report, the Amnesty International accused the Indian Government of repressing dissidents in various parts of India.

    About 150 Palestinian students took over the Arab league mission in New Delhi to pro- test against moves to topple PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat.

    November 13 : A Bangladesh- Bhutan joint communique issued at the conclusion of an official visit to Dhaka by the Bhutanese Foreign Minister Lyinpo Dhawater, called for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and Kampuchea.

    November 14 : In a nationwide broadcast Bangladesh military ruler General Ershad announced the lifting of ban on all kinds of political activity in the country. He reaffirmed that presidential elections will be held on 24 May 1984 and elections to the Parliament on 25 November 1 984.

    Queen Elizabeth II of Britain arrived in Dhaka on a visit to Bangladesh.

    Chinese and British officials opened their sixth round of discussions, in Beijing, on the future of Hong Kong.

    November 15 : About 50,000 demonstrators in northern Philippines called on President Marcos to quit.

    The Japanese Government rejected the idea of a collective security arrangement between the US, South Korea and Japan.

    According to Thai military sources, troops of the ousted Khmer Rouge regime had clashed with Vietnamese force in Kampuchea near the eastern Thai border.

    Bangladesh two main political alliances opposed to the Martial Law Government rejected


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  • General Ershas election schedule.

    November 16 : The BBC reported that a British firm had agreed to provide a new com- mand and control radar system costing 9 million for Indian Navy.

    November 17 : The New China News Agency reported that China and the Soviet Union had reopened a trade crossing post on their border, closed in the 1970s.

    Bangladesh military ruler General Ershad called on opposition leaders to shun violence.

    It was reported that an unprecedented gathering of all sects of Hindus from all over India was held in New Delhi to protest against the successful preaching of Islam among the Harijans.

    Queen Elizabeth of Britain arrived in New Delhi.

    November 18 : According to a BBC report, the Indian Government will buy modern wea- pons worth about Rs 9.7 billion during this financial year.

    A Philippines opposition party called for a nationwide strike to force President Ferdinand Marcos to resign from his post.

    November 19 : Bangladesh and Zambia signed an agreement in Dhaka on cultural, economic and technical cooperation.

    November 20 : Bangladesh weekly Holiday, reported that India had built seven observa- tion towers along the borders of Bangladesh.

    It was reported that more than 200 guerrillas operating in the jungles of the Chittagong Hill Tracts had surrendered since the death of their leader earlier this month.

    According to a BBC report, Bangladesh's former President Abdus Sattar revealed that he had been forced by the army officers to hand over pcwer last year.

    Canadian Prime Minister Perne Trudeau arrived in Dhaka on an official visit.

    The Indonesian national police chief disclosed that the ASEAN countries had agreed to est ablish an ASEAN police secretariat to monitor and coordinate law enforcement in the region.

    November 21 : Bangladesh daily New Nation reported that a Bangladesh Liberation Front had been set up in India demanding the establishment of a new territory under the nomen- clature, Banglabhumi , to accomodate expatriates from former East Pakistan (Bangladesh).

    Imelda Marcos, wife of the President of Philippines, resigned from the Executive Commit- tee and said that she had no intentions of running for the Presidency. A state-wide strike was observed in the Indian state of Punjab against the killing of six Hindus, allegedly by Sikh extremists. November 22 : The Sri Lankan Parliament extended the nationwide state of emergency 178

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  • until 17 December.

    The third meeting of the South Asian working group on regional cooperation on tele- communications concluded in Islamabad.

    Under three separate memorandums of understanding signed in Dhaka, Bangladesh will receive a grant of approximately Canadian $ 87.28 million from Canada.

    The 10-party political front headed by Khondkar Mushtaque Ahmad staged a demonstra- tion in Dhaka to protest against military rule in the country.

    November 23 : Reconciliation talks (conducted through Indian mediation) between Sri Lankan Government and Tamil leaders conclude in New Delhi without arriving at an agreement.

    The Chinese Communist Party Secretary General Hu Yaobang arrived in Tokyo for an eight-day official visit to Japan.

    At the opening of the Commonwealth summit, the Indian Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gan- dhi called for bridging the North-South chasm.

    The Indian security forces arrested about 100,000 members of left-wing front during anti -government demonstrations throughout Maharashtra state.

    A US commerce Department official disclosed in Washington that the United States had lifted restrictions on the export to the Peoples Republic of China of high technology goods upto two billion dollars.

    November 26 : The Bangladesh CM LA General Ershad extended an invitation to opposi- tion leaders to hold talks with him to ensure the peaceful transfer of power.

    November 27 : A new political party Jano Dal was formally launched in Bangladesh. The party is intended to protect the army's role in a future government.

    It was reported that the PRC would supply advanced equipment to Bangladesh to stren- gthen its naval force.

    November 28' After a massive anti-government demonstration in which 4 people were killed and atleast 200 injured, Bangladesh military authorities re-imposed a complete ban on political activities and clamped a 14-hour night curfew.

    The Japanese Government dissolved the Parliament, to set the stage for a general election on 18 December.

    November 29 : Atleast 300 persons were arrested for violating curfew in Dhaka. It was reported that protest against the continuation of Martial Law had also spread to other cities in Bangladesh.


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    September 1 : Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhake Shamir succeeded Prime Minister Mena- chem Begih, as chairman of Israel's Herut (Freedom) Party.

    In an interview with PPI in Lahore, the Mananging Director, of daily Tehran Times stat- ed that Iran will not halt its war agjamst Iraq at this juncture, and any decision would emerge from the battlefield only.

    It was reported that after furious clashes in West Beirut the Lebanese Army was now in full control of the major points in the area.

    September 2 : The Egyptian Defence Minister Abdel Halim Abu Ghazala left Cairo for talks in China and North Korea, to strengthen military cooperation with the two states.

    The Jordanian newspaper A I Dostour reported that orders had been issued to the Ameri- can forces stationed in West Germany to prepare three brigades for dispatch to Lebanon to reinforce the US troops working with the multi-national peace force.

    Speaking at the United Nations Conference on Palestine, being held in Geneva, the Chair- man of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat accused the United States of blocking all efforts by the United Nations to resolve the Palestinian questions.

    September 3 : It was reported that the Israeli army had begun withdrawing some of its equipment from the Shouf mountains, south of Beirut.

    According to reports, the French government had officially thanked Iran for the measures taken in dealing with the hijackers of an Air France plane.

    September 4 : Radio Israel reported that curfew had been imposed on Al Khalil because of a bomb explosion on a former Jewish hospital in the centre of the town.

    Beirut Radio reported that the Lebanese Army had gained control of a key junction close to Beirut Airport, after fierce fighting with Druze gunmen.

    In an interview to the French paper 'Le Journal Du Dimanche' the Israeli Prime Minister- Designate Itzhak Shamir said that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) must "disappear".

    September 5 : It was reported that Iran's spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini had called for the creation of an army composed of "tens of millions of believers" ready to defend Islamic countries from outside attack.

    It was reported that in a message to the Arab League Secretaries in Tunis, Syria had appealed to all Arab countries to renounce diplomatic, economic, political and cultural ties with President Gemayel s government in Lebanon.

    September 7 : According to reports the French Government, in a statement had threaten- ed to destroy artillery batteries which had been bombarding its military positions in


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  • Beirut.

    The Arab League Council held a meeting in Tunis to commemorate the first anniversary of the massacre at the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila in Lebanon.

    Addressing a joint news conference at the Iranian Consulate General in New Zealand, Imam Khomeini's representative Mohammed Sharf Mujavi, reiterated that Iran would strictly follow a policy of having no links either with the West or East.

    The Iraqi news agency reported that the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had urged that the Non-Aligned Movement should make efforts to end the Gulf War between his country and Iran.

    The UN conference on Palestine, in Geneva, issued its final declaration and programme of action.

    September 8 : It was reported that about a hundred political prisoners were on a hun- ger strike in a military jail in the eastern Turkish town of Diyarbakir since 2 September.

    The US Navy, for the first time since its arrival in Lebanon attacked the artillery posi- tions of Druze militia.

    September 9 : It was reported that a special Saudi envoy trying to mediate in the Lebanon crisis left Damascus for Cyprus to hold talks with Lebanese President Amin Gemayel's National Security Adviser, Wadie Haddad.

    Turkish Prime Minister Bulend Ulusu arrived in Singapore on a two day official visit.

    September 10 : According to reports about 2,000 Shiite Muslims joined the Lebanese fighting against Phalangist militia in the Shouf mountains.

    September 12 : According to reports, Lebanese troops were attacked on three fronts in a bid to keep them from deploying in the Shouf mountain region, recently evacuated by Israeli troops. Official sources in Lebanon accused foreign forces of launching the attacks.

    According to reports more US troops arrived at the coast of Lebanon.

    It was reported that the United Nations Security Council went into an emergency ses- sion to discuss Lebanon's request for a ceasefire in the war torn country.

    The Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Viliayati held talks in Beijing with his Chinese counterpart Wu Xueqian.

    September 13 : It was reported that the Lebanese Government had rejected a Syrian peace plan and refused to move the army from the Shouf mountains.

    Radio Tehran reported that about 25 Iranians were injured in a clash between Saudi


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  • Security forces and Iranian fundamentalists in Makkah.

    September 14 : Beirut Radio reported that the Saudi mediators in Lebanon had asked the United States for more time to achieve a ceasefire in Lebanon, before US forces would take any action in support of the government forces.

    According to Tass reports the Soviet Union alleged that the United States was planning a "military action against Lebanon".

    September 15 : It was reported that the United States had presented a formula to end the fighting in and around Beirut between Lebanese forces and Druze militia.

    According to BBC reports, the Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin had formally resigned from his office.

    Radio Kabul reported that two US diplomats had been expelled from Afghanistan on the charge of spying.

    September 16 : According to reports, Lebanese warplanes attacked several hundred Palestinian guerrillas trying to cross over a ridge towards Beirut. During the encounter a Lebanese plane was shot down and another hit by anti aircraft fire. Meanwhile the United States announced that it was sending additional supplies of ammunition to the Lebanese Army.

    The United Arab Emirates news agency WAM repor