flTV HEAL RAT ATS. All Mortgage joans on desirable inv fuovod propcny will re-- ( ivn prompt attention and i - q jink y acted upon by I ''!vr'R& TITLE INSURANCE .ID TRUST COMPANY C ' rJTAL - $4,000,000 v ?Jn.U9- - - 6,0OO,'oOO t'.'C UrcilTT, Nen York. 1.s 3foiilM;uc St revet, Tirooklra. 17. Kiiiloa Street, Jamaica. VALUABLE Times Leaseholds Suuarr m! nniiHin. . . . I.. . .. .1 . .. . . t 0 . i ' Broadway and 4Mh SI. rr krnwn as Ittrsl-ltifi- n Rroadwee ,. .ill and Villi) Hffl 4 1) lb M. v II known ami handsomely equipped rr .runt l.miA'i as CAFE MADRID , jV r mil " the premises, bid . i,e kai-hold- s or .l"r bids feir rrstauraul I ii li combined may be submitted 10 ii.rnlcnut on or before April I3lh, 1013, .1 :i lAloik I'. M..M the office of hi nttornets. 1 Morris. MrrtWrr In Bankruptcy for e Ua.ir I rn., 134 Broa.lwai. or Yaukaurr 4t liatlil.nn, llriny for Receiver. Ml ll'nny. REAL V.STATF, 31 Nassan Street. Geo. R. Read & Co, REAL ESTATE in 1 et tor nctNE rtnrosES. TO LEASE Seventh av . near sith 91. tor II ears. cheap-- t 'n 23rt t . r.ear Lexington av.. toals.l; all rented "I- - I6r 51 years at low figure; wWom chance. 53(1 ft. betweeu Broadway and ith av., lull lor. fer :i .. cheap. JltD, st . between 5th av. and Broadway; choice building, lor lone term of years. 4ith it . near ith v,: will erect build-la- c (it a moderate rental Jilh tt.. car Res Won 90 year lease: XI t! building at a fixed grot rental for the entire term great po'tlbillty. tta a.. between Cammeyer s and McCreery s: building, for M years, at a fixed net re:i3l for the entire to-- m .Il'LIAN HF.NF.niCT. Tr'ephone S9 Madison Square. !: Bin Ave. Woolworth Building Broadway. Park IM. to Barclay St. Appiica'lon tor fpaee should be mads to Edward J. Hogan, Agent Tort, S270 Opp. Astor House rt SK spare in private office Insurance and rf&l cute people preferred. MKACHAM A Ctl.. 143 Broadway borough or Richmond fob mi. FORRENT: Attractive and sparlnus cottage at Livings- ton, Matcn Island: first bouse on Uvlnsston p! . wfti of Hard av.. faclnit Cricket and icnnls Club; three mlnvtcs hum Llvir.cston vtation and trolley: forty minutes from .New York, will lra fiirnl"tted or unfurnished for extccded term if drlred, on vety renson-Ab!- e terms; repairs to sulfienant: steam heat. Wectrtc llcht. old mahorany furniture, lawn, shade trees and rnrden ultli taroi" ihruonery. Apply tor iniormaiion at Mrs. Gill's stone bouse on LIlnrton pk. or DnlVS E. PECK. Attr. Tel. tm John. 1:3 William St.. N. Y t.olce. 4c: m Kaa v llelsler: 41M N. Y Lite her 1). M. Co. vs Heller: 4168 Doureern v 4MI Marllnr. v .National 17 as Gov. rnor Cn. C4 fiftw vs Wallacb Helsler Co.: 4SM e lmos 11, Kapp. KINGS COfNTV Suprc.-r- e 1 o'irt Appellate 1H Won.- - Second .Iclal Department. Court open at 10 A. M. tii, I'rcslJInc Justice. Burr. Tboxas. Carr. ooiwarl. day calendar ill a nicy vs Ltransk: li: Wldder vs I.azansL , i LaA-so- s Laansky. vvr rene Court Srlal Term and Cbamtiers IVfore M&ldox. J. Cort opens at 10 A. M M. Hojs. lliloro Stapleton. J, I!x parte butl- - 'snprenc Court Special Term Trials -- Varean. Court opens at 10 A. M. Day rareiidar S)Jt !)";fl.!ad demurrer! vs ntcomb; Wil Mejer vs Si'.fne; C.uamasa 13 ares) v Casa. . n.:mi IwABl.ir.uers UarncwaU; :0M Oraso l'nlu: I7TH Ctfreue s Inrrsull: ISIS Slort Mn .(": M.aiino v leriuon, Hal Itablno. u Slendelson: 1MI Tctcrs s rettrs: Ifa 'rv" vs Clervo: 1174 Uehrlnger i Hannerc.an. e s lianneisan, lis Jln.koHlU vs - .... Hull Konra.1 s ronra.i. -' Miller . I iOTO Moor? v Murphy; IU7I Undemenn - L.. '!cRa!in; H" I'e tilers s i"ltze raid, c ..n vs t'ulnn, 1519 Casey s Peoples Trust Co.: 'W.i f:omco vs Romeo: U73 Knedsall v Teres; '. ortzrran I Leon Caplau Co.; 1M2 Peters Pr" r. 1773 Munson vs Wlttenbertt: losa Barlla Tar.ia. - Claccla s Audley ClarK Co. Hlgh-- cu'.n!.er reached 0:1 tte regular call. ;089. ireT e ("ourl Trial Terra. Day calendar, e it. i c.-- .s at 10 A. M, Part I. Before Kelly. J - Uciore Asplnall. J. Hart Hi Iiefore .V.J i'art i Itefore Clark. J. Part V. I., 'e Garre:son. J. Part V Uefore S'"ilder.J. J..'i s City of New York. or.'y I b Ii It. H.: Mi;) Dolan s Brooklyn ri oas Co.. SS33 fleecUs Coney I. 4 11. n. II., r stokes s .Nassau If. K.: .14 MelfAtver-Kanje- - -- n s aau II. H.; SisVI Gorman vs City of 'c i ,'.07 V.trd v city of New York: 38W (it m m elley: aesi Tillman n Burns: sa . iiorrran o.; Xt',6 I'allon vs Nassau H. it . '1 in siu Y. Tel. Co. et a!.: . nauer vs Ma? r Malilce Co., M7a ,Cone vs Thatcher ?oo :4WJ V llson vs u. II. It. II.: .VM Murpay vs " d u York; sst Dloom Bankers Surety - f.lv:' oombi et al. vs Coben: iwi hlnnott vs 's'.f.ii JOJ fjato v Barrett Mfff. Co.; :; .'s.l ne rala. liavha & Uabcock s Conev 4 :i t h .v,:i.3701 lilaeliKCll A Post s BJl. 10 iiennett Austr Americana Ins. Co.; :i kilvernian vs It. II It. It.; sn.il Busihman s ''.r. -- 1. "iiii Pritchard tt Nassau II. It; S751 a;.'.. ijr II I h . IHO Levlne s iuu K Its s lie sants n Skldmore; 1213 tiusener vf ' !' H H 'I jo balance of the caleudar stands v- - a s. Uliriiest number rcachwl on e. r ' ad, v M hupreme Court Trial Term, ltrt vniiorc Oarreton, J. Court opens tt A I Crlulnal calendar People vs James ae. r.urder. ' j.r.'y Court Klnss County. Criminal calen-- " oirt opens at 10 A. M. Part I. Before ' ' , . I Hocco Prache. assault: ra norai.s, burs:.: Tlraotby Leonard. (. I.; eswc i",on,rob. part II. Before Kauiett.J. 'ir'inc assault: John Schmidt, asiault: r.'Me.- - k llathles. raans.: Ida Kershaw. 7. 1.; sTri tftbson, sodomy. Part IV. Before Moore. . - I.'auitan. Harry Uulwlnkle, rraok ' .ssa'ijt MckIIca naMl.saro, assault; Peter ' t riad, h'irz.. Antonio Gambrluo, c. c, .; " 1 A, Dlekerson. hurc ' Court --CIMI calendar. Part III- .- e- a-n. J. Court opens at 10 A. M. 1701 - e. -- s Msnnion; 7M Kuhn - Leltfer; 173 ' " s lltldelbetiti 17M Hunt vs Brooklyn ' : r( II. Co.. M7 vs Parascandello; '. . unrfersan vs Nassau rictrln R. II. Co.; .' ; ' .aoly v lirooklvn Ilcietits H It. Co.; .ijer vs Brooklyn ij. U. & bub. Tt. n. Cn , Brooklyn Q. C. 4: Sub. II It. Co.: 'i m Scala The folloitlne causes If ' I ievl will be passed for the day. 1174 i,n5 C. S. 11. R Co.. MI3 nusell 4 in U'vkrs v Brookln O. C. S. R. It. 1 rjruo s fiulllvan: I03 Savareselvs il , ims Cohn vs Brooklyn Heliruis rt Jt 4. to tj BrooklVD HrlKhtt II. It Co. !' ' 11 4 Brooklyn Q. 4' ft S. II. R. Co.: lf) : r f.setiblati, 1SI0 Deer s Nassau nieclrlc cote's Court Calcndar-B'fo- re rtctcbam, ' opens at in ,. M In the Hall of Records. ' !!" li! ot Hannah M. ftobblns. J A. " B' flna Usposlio e.nd Hose Adams. Ac. ' IT n the estate ot AJIce M. U'rlgbt. liar- - ' "ite, If frledm tn, r W, Trippe, Andrew - "1 Tt iirlow W, Coulter. Emma Hesre. Anna lliiller, A. I'uiman, Arthur Jlc I.- Is .U:culrirln, Jo'in Polel, nath. trderson and John J; Schneider. '.?,' arlne Barhlere, Jaeoh Muller and r nt uioiwifo caicnaar 44IIU0I jury A. .i ''.d Edmund Blair. Referees Appointed. 'Jp,"n, r'ourtny Justice Plaliek - . ' l.oearllf, N. Taylor rhllllpn; Wa. r. T. a'dri.n. J Campbell Thompson J""k. nisehoff Prorpeet lnvetn Co. Rim,-0.,- n,t EnK Benjamin Pat. a v Lvlnon, Andraiv f, T'rsi4 Eifrdell vs Hankers Ufa Ins. Ai.in wiener, Levey 4 Pirombertt. ' , 'i"n.'1or,nn. Trougbton s Hedbock, V lkTiMb lleeehera Appolnlel. r.s- -. jimies riitisk nT vo rrtnrla C MeKlernan. ; Lyr Title In. . fVI-- k Slnniban. lxnatlus L .I . 1 r ' Uly i Anastaslo .datd C Duljvjn; march Iuis flosstithil. Louis Rose, ' 0 v Uip Ccnft Co. Jacob '"nun nf Appeals Calendar. tBdsS'V T. Ap"' ourt of Anpeile eal- - . l1f- - j-- r; i,,;ml iWri-n'- THK COST AT LONG BEACH 1 nt.MAr. fob roiiAdi: Trinspcrlatlon famllv and seiants to and fro Vraslnnal trips to city for members "1 touilb . ,,. lour season inmmutallou it nvmlh.--l . , ., ll-i- r. sU.I KLSkWHtKEi ,oiTAf.r.tii!TAi.. .hf. 1 icthCiM.no hi, son Iratisporlatlon tcr family .in,l -- rvj;it. to and firm ic- - fort i' brr cotlare Is IntMtc.l i nur eit(-cii- d trip to fsmlly, incl,"ntf.ls. r.sprc. tele. ,u a ' YimV Flic das sou speud In 4I0, U The Dlffrrenir H.tl.ie) 4ed II l Cheaper lo IJent a Splefdld I fi vt ten 11 our I'atnlli tui (in- - MiiVTHn.m ,1 bh Aril Is only 71 Miles friimiu orkC.t 1 iidiial and shoo I slralht IdIo Lent; lleach oer ,1 "'I nnf 11111 jinn 111 111c k oil tno unit tl, ;.;lth th- - exception of Block Island and Nar.l.'i ken. and tf. Vnost and beau (ulthout any eitrptiiim, atul oii enn be xllli litem esery nlilit. i l i.A" "li!""1'. '"'Z.l'"' V jn ran lie .fated front parch at l . ottc where. K04ernment figures .hots. It n ""r h""' rinrsT nrnrn inr nsonnu urmrfn name iinil I lor da Fishing. Molor-lioallii- S.illlnu nnoe In Tennli. orVVrts iKaVdtVivii,"' Uinrlni. Horseback iridium AutmiiolilU rr.nii...i ." Beach hoine are famous fur Hirl ticjtir 1. (oinrntrnrr.. MMeanrt rotnfnst ii want sou to IWtlrr. l OK s.'.LAM As! 1 s T4) iC Miiltr.i:roMi.MirAl.. iltiiti ) nsihi.i.. .hohe uisif W.LiVr Vo ririn. our suarestlon than to go as nu hate beta Uolnj;. Vrllo 10 THE ESTATES OF LONG TTII.LIAM II HLYMlLIISi. rresldcttt. CountryEstate I I $20,000 A OK.VTLKUAN'S COi'NTHY HOME on thi: north snonr ok i.o.nh ISLAND IN HKI INKII. KXCl.VM VI I1CAI.ITY. CONVENIENT OUT. Actual Shore Front Fit acre estate locatej In the billy section, dliecllv cn the Sound, A Modem Old Fashion Hooss Ldi House has s!i master tM rooms. tn servants' rooms, panelled tilnlntc room, buire livlnir room, with bean.d celllnc and handsome library: also well appointed kitchen and laundry, stx open fireplaces, tour baths: l floors, running water: electric pKhts. and a'.l modern eonirnlenrrs, Superbly Incited one hundred feet it abnie the water, anion a truc of oaks and blrcb.es. CTUTIS SMITH. Room 1O03, 170 liVay, N, Y. City Would You Like to Know Somothinn of the WINDSOR PLAN? It will enabjc you to acquire the two moat coveted things in Man's Life, A HOME AND MONEY. Address the Publicity Department, 224 West 34th Street. WINDSOR LAND and IMPROVE- MENT CO. Times Building, New York, 324-32- 6 W. 34th St., Manhattan Templa Bar Bldg., Brooklyn. j A QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICE Gentleman's country piacr. oeauiijunv lo- cated on North Shore I Otis Island overlook-Iris- r Northport Harfor and Loa Island sound, Tho IMen of Lone Island " Only mile- -. ex cue hour from New ork ( Itv Ij n, hljh elevation, t olnnlnl house l rnonis. -- baths. hardtood Roors. concrete cellars, steam heat, rlectrl.' llKbt telephone : lnrte llbrery 4ilde xerandas: hundreds of llncst Hiadc trees; lm best fruit trees: fin" driveways: nrtel.m water; tennis court: laree barn, tine irarajr; storaite house; ice hou'r, hennery, larce fine pasturscr. private dock and boat landing. Ac Entirely equipped and fur- - .... iusnu rrsai im wluiv,.,. i lor full particulars and photos. Brokers pro-- rfwJ'ncMnvr. wall st. Rockaway Beach Property SEASIIH.. AK EltNl- - IIAMMI l. AHA Y I'ABU. BLI.LF HAI.IIOl: VNM XKFOMIT I'BKI'I Itri I 'HI NAI.I- - t oiiNi is iioiii.. cn i:iio:s. Cornir Brick Stora Proparty rlKTHIIt THO MORI b. Six cottaces. 7 to 11 rooms, ji.mi and up. Ocean Front prlslleees and Stauds to let Cottaee, price Jll.oji, rent H.Sun. f...'.. .Ii. as. on. In rent I1 un. at Neponsli and Belt, lls-- t or l.ot from 5700 up. BUKtrltlsL Rruirh Main Office. riulcvard. 1171 St. John', place, kawaacb. LnL g BrffiVl . Prepare Xow for Your "Uapplest Next Summer" at I.onar Island's Most Popular Spot. "Brightwaters" The Cominiiler's Paradise. Ackerson " IO I a" Munlo Complete for t'J.lISO. You can own one of toes) comfortable sum- mer bomes by maklns a small cash pal men . Balance to amounts about the wiino as Wrlb: for Album uf Snarihols Vo, I. T. B. ACKEKSON CO. New York Olllies: 1 Hest Hath St. FOREST HILLS, L. I. A most dellchtful place to lite, l.er business men may enjoy the country and spend as much tlmo at borne as If they llted In the resbleutlal part of Manhattan. 43 KU'.CTKIC TRAINS IJA IA. 13 ralnutea from Penn.. Ternilnal, Md Street and 7th Avenue. New lork. lil- ted connection with the new ,th Ave. MEYER DEVELOPMENT CO. Torcst Hills. M William St.. N. . Phone 12M lorest Hills. Phone l60 John. BEEGHHURST OX THE MIFXD A dellsrilful and practical all the yoer round nom rommunlt. 3(1 minutes from CSd st.. Penna. Station. Offers r cry city advau-tai- 4ilth suburban comforts. Plots of . rloua tUes may be obtained on l lost liberal tnm. Alvi levtrnl handsome houses now ready frr Immediate occupancy. SHORE At BUS REALTY CO., ltt Last tilth St., New York. Phone till .Mad FOB SALE OR BENT. i attiiaci 1VH Buniratow: seven rooms, bath hot and cold water: garafc; directly on Island sound; men grounu: Dcauuiui sicws; pmi, irmxia;, price. $a.m. season rental furnished, !t,0. r.DvVIN N. lUIWLEY. Northport, L. 1. fob nnxi. port HUNT WATER FRONT G0TTA8E. in rooms, 3 tuths, inwlern .North Shot, Ixine Island, to minutes lro.it i'eun station; See bath- ing, boating and bsblng, srasou rent-i- l i'M anl upward. Apply at otr.r on property 41 Malba, or r KEITH. CO Llbetty fit . N V C BEAL ESTA1E AT AIT TTON USTADlTisili D Jt l.t ' lT?" BRYAN L. KENiM'LLY Real Ettits Auelleneer, Brpk-- r sn-- l Appnittr 150 UIMIAUHAY NK lORK lolephone Cnrfliindt 1&I7 MONEY TO I. END. I HAVE Brst and second morlgag mnne for oreater New tork and l.on Itlsnd l'titi"l-pal- s null' Oulck decisions WMs Hs MOFFITT REALTY CO. llth ft acd Midl'on Ave, MtclntMn THE buN, THUKbDAx, ArkIL B90O Jin si" ill ftl "'criiocre cu lainii) to ,ctv !o trk' SS pel Uly,' In lirntlns at Lont Beach, 11 Home fur th F.NTinr st.MMr r ih.n Kiimlji Retort S ctitins ot mi La's!" I nvn ou stp Into cot) clean cars at the PcnnTTtT Miooih. thltd.rsll line U tony fioi minutes. BEACH, 225 Fifih Ave. Telephont ZM iladison lit EK.YS HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Now Is the time to Curt t all about the new 5'.'.!V0!. CAI.IItHIXM vHi V,,.VI0L"S r M PONsii. V1..m.;.1' fl!i"', rlr.cted ocean front i".i-lf."'- !- 10 rl"Uls out You can ret NEIMINSir kijvi.iv rOMPANV. '.M.,sLs,,n Mffet. New York. Telerbni-- e mi Murray Hill. REAL EslATE FOB SALE WEST- - rilEsrEK FOfXTY. AT SPiJYTEN DUYVIL on the llud.ion. N V. N V Ccn.rf.l- - llrtvidnay Subway. Country Homes of the better rlus. for sale or rent. Boot'l't. Plan. prices. Edgehlll Terrace Co. II William st y I'hone n:s John , mi""!, ran nu make hen you lll.lt. II l.s, l.nri bnmnt. e. I ictv-- . Sy "im L ltt IIMII.M. Call and see " o I'a vis ben 'h -- e or send for particulars. NEW JERSEY HEAL ETATF. FOB SALE. WEEQUAHICM:K 'kt!v'lil,,7'' ' '' Fill b' VbVilV.E VLIKS. .C!L." ".'!crT oPl'ortutiltles to bome-sek- or In or near New York: park, ways in centre of street, property restricted, babdsjnie houses for sale: Ixautltully located Pi; s for sale: monthly payments If desired: all cJis Improvrmenls. tltlr guaranteed; take high spc-- .! trains to .Wark and Ibcn take Ml. Prospect cars to property Maps further particulars PRANK .1 'er llulHlni:, liroaj and Market ."."esiarkl AMONG THE HILLS AT It 11.11 v. PARK. Sot'h Orange Heights. , .1. 40.Minutes from Broadway, N. T, HuncaloAs and Artistic Homes. LJ.,llr. ".'.l .i:,l.r.r,1 vrl" of 'Phone. C. A. BM.DWI.N. lil HIIOAIWAY. AH Yor-lMun- d Homes, , li.NAILl. . J. 3.. m nutes ni4 from Husdon Terminal, via i!,. 'liil Vw J!f"'' A h,,'' eouiniunlly v class, ;o room hoi..(. tur and stucco con .trurtlun; i baths, all imprcnrnuntK open nrcpiarcff: w.uv csb aim ion4cnlen mrritnly payments K,- - sl"" REAL! V l. sSJ "s?aJ.w"' Opp Station Upper !Vlon!claIr,N. J. A RARE BARGAIN iJirje. i.itriuiM... , a.i lioi.v 4vlth 11 rooms, two ba'd cr ioes iu)xji; (ucil location, overlooking bcuut'il prk. A rare Investment uppwiur.ll. HMjp rertl rjtate values. Ask k'waV-V"N- lrt" MDa,ClS!r- - V J- - r HrNLAl.tlHS AMI lit .N4.At.lti MrES. The in dv ii us ".'ul and convenient location near .New i or a All mrrnv.-mnf- u.. portatlon: Due old trees, extended Mews. For particulars addrc s I.KO.NIA HUK.HTS LANO CO.. N I. for Ttioaluay 4 31th ht., N, V SUMMER COTTAGE"" Schoiilri's Mountain.. J omplelelr fiirnl'hcd: all Imprnteinrnts; I,MKI rash, bulanre morlcuce. Address UnM.II. p. o. Ilos lllll, Xiw York Cits. OEVTLHME.V.S COl'XTBY PI-C- I. Alone La.ltauanna Road, bemeen summit, N J.. and -- iorri' town: quick scrtlce to New York: I u.v n n i ai umiuure Ulir, in.- - HiC at 711 on Kood terns ,, or wn.LlAil'B. IIROKAW, IQI Broadway. N Y Pw:!.xcisi "rm', tracts, lakes, plots for ssic HnwAiin j cahh.i.. noomon. N. j. HEAL FOR SALE. A It II LSI I. It. NOVA SCOl IA. iieslrablo property rltuatlon In center of town on uuren si : about one.half acre: com- mands mui 4lew of front harbor: this land contains a dnc assortment of Irult trees, and rose bushes- also cottaze: an Ideal place for summer (oii'lsts also ai acres outside of town-bal- l rriic from railroad slatlor; situated be- tween ukl and ucw post toal: facing Stan- ford s Lake- cultivated. I or "P.')-,'- Mrs. EDWARD J. ::3 t Halifax, Neva Srotl.s ri.rpA.N'T country home. SulUvan county. near l.rle station- itood bnattcc and flshlna' 0 room rntlsv an, 4 ii ir,i,ll,Hn.a . .. All In i'Oft,l ..inH1i!,Mi IilTn ....... Zlt ... - .ll,f.t I Wl.llll.tJil. I .....v. out. Lisriirn- - lars .apply to H. V ALI.I.NliTO JeSersonvllle, A I.I. klr.ds. properties, sale, exenange, lea, rnvV,rrrrd,'a,'.t,V,fe.,Cal!- - nrlle wnt nl "tlm gent 74V mh av. (4itk). tJlTNTItV PHOPEKTY FOB SALE. S".d to Countri'CARM1',Jl!hlslager, Ospt. lor Iicukieir AKiVI3nc,,.,wiTl7jij; f'orxTUV HOARD. POMHrox PLAINS, x J -- Delightful, lesldenri; for sprluc and summer; .e Mrs DOR.Nn FL'UI.IO NOTICES. D'Parti-i- 1 of I Irani e. Bureau for th. rvn- - tlon of 'li"s. mi .7 Chambers St., Borough of Manhattan. .New York. April I. jets. MURE It) !AX PAYERS. .noth'i: is iirncBYjVE.v that thk ireni rolls of resl estate and nersonai nrop-rt- v In ibe City of c York tor th year 1U' have tern dclltcred to in, undcrsleneii and that ,i!l lues on saU asscstrnent roils are due Mrt pai.-ibl- as follow a. ii .xj vii .i,.j,,ni yiviKiiy nna oiier.atr or all ta.es on real air due and payable ou lliai.M'AlltViMAI I, lOla. and Ibe remaining anil nnal ot.e-hai- f uf raxes on tr.il fsiate shall he dun and payable on th J ll.hT 01' . .NOVKMlinrt. isir. All uzr, teVom iirin i... ,r irn i,iui. u,riiii. iitrrroy on (a tt ji;ir,(lie di'tj t'teri n.tv lnumt aim nd piuablt i h'r.tnhf re prndnl iin-- j.1u umali mih iUni i.ni'i , iri.i. Tho 1 h.ilf of tte tax on real estate which Is due as, berrpiuefore nroilded o.i tb first day of November folkmlnc the paymnt of lb Urtl half, may i lal 1 on the ilrst day of May .,1 .".i- - urn ,1'iirjosi oiniuuif ma nrst t shall baie wen inri or shall be raid si tho sin time e.id cu tu-- h payment! of the secoad lull at ma" t mad- - In such manner prloi toNosrrnbei rrf t a dlsi nunt shall be allo-ve- from the date or rcmenl to Noieinbfr Ilrst at l!:" rate nf .eirtm iwr no iiisfoiSr ih alLoheu ox rn, SON 4 1. UN Mil l.s, I'litaliv on unpaid taxes on real estate lieulns .i i.te 1 . ,;nd Oereaibri 1, on unpaid Ytlir kilti sa I IIIAJ I ,wV,". ,W."","h rierW i;eo".it of h,i;n sTfhintbers st. J.W,"&. .WW,', l,"M ". Bote i or p.o. sl,i, Municipal Building. oor'lh ,1hmon1' Coro.-.- Hall. St IT1ED C CBSTri: . fcccl, tt of Ixrs. ItUPRREEft' NOTICK8. i 6UPHKME cour.T or thh state ok NEW YOHK, COUNTY OF NEW YOntC Wlllljm H. IV. Youngs, plalnlirf. ealiiat l.Urlfi.l tloodman and olhers, dc fstnlanta. In pursuance of an Interlocutory Judrnint of pirtltlon and rale, duly made and en tved In the Me entitled artlop, bearlnr dale the :lh duy cf J'tbruary. 1015. and entered In th omce of lh lrl of the County of New York on th ftli day of February. 11J. 1, the underala-ned- . Ih refere In said Interlocutory Judmnent rimed, will sell b publb aiiellon. at ibe Exchange Silesroom, niinli.ru ll-- l Veaey ftreet. In the Humngh of f.lsnhallan, Cltv f Nes- - York, on tli Kth ,1sv nf Antll. It'll, at l o'llucic noon on Hut da. by Joseph r. Daj auctioneer, th premises F.HUH.-- 10 in. unrnusn ri .iannatian, ' itv of Ne-- v Torli. directed by said Judmnt to rs ilia, and theteln described aa follons-rARL'E- No. I. All then esrialn lole, piece or parcel of land, with the bulldlnta and ImprnMinen'e thereon erected, situate. Isln and belnr In tho Doreiif h of Manhattan, city. Coiintv and Plate of New York, knoii and dlarlniulsbed on a map of the property of Yellla Hopper, deceased, made by J. F. Bridies, c. ft., dated ptembr S. HST. and filed In the oltlr of the netlater of Ih city and Counts-o- f New M ion, number 71. TJ, 1. lsJ. lit. 1C4, lis and 16, bounded nd descrlhed an follv: .Hfftlnnlnt at a point on the southerly side of S4th Street distant l(l feet westerly from th (orner formed by the Intersection of Hi southerly ld of 14th Street with Hie vesterly side of 1st Avenue: and runnlns; !5IBI "O'Hherly. parallel with 1st A4enue, l"Ll ? Inehe to the centre Una of the 1 between Md and llh 8tratj then westerly, a Inns; said centre linn of lb blovk. 100 feet: thence northerly, parallel with ! Avenutt. I'll feet j (riches to the aoutherly n of tlth street; and thne easterly, alonsj the southerly side of nth Ftreet 300 fet to the. point or ptoc of beglnnlna, Said pienilsea blng known as J.o 35;. J3 3S1. Sit, lia. Jir, Jit. IK, ll and StO East llth Street. PARCEL No. : All that e.rtln lot pier, or parcel f land, with the buildings and Improsr me.ita lh Ecroueh of Jtnnhsttan, City Coun4 and Sidtb of New York, known and desig-rate- d by number and !ttr 1 T. B. on p certain map entltlrd "Map of Leandert situated In the City of Nw v,1?sJ,h;iTi'nu's H. Ludlam. City silr-W.- I: Jn .the omce of the Register '.I hiSS1""?0.' N;w Vork by the map No .iiJ ,ot lcrlbed In a certain of release dated Augurt :o. UK, I. llogert and another and JSIJA'J ,'V,V" r.,s.,'"ru' Stttyveaant. i" ,h.1,;;'Jn register's of- - Liber of Coneances. at psge nb.ic!i "ld Ist ' 'Oundsd and Jf. bsrlhed ss follows- - Wit Lll'J1!. Pdnt on fh ea.terlr eld f Street distant 119 feet 11 u Inches southerly from th corner formed bv th 41r'.f,"J ?? .1' '"erly side of Orchard southerly sld of T.. Houston stret where th northerly face of the northerly Independent wall ,h, biilld re ?"..Lh . Vr,m'" Hereby Intended to b. Intersect the said essterly side of ?ir. ' r;' Street, and running thence easterly, northerly f,c of ssld wan ,n,i ."T '" sontlnuatlon thereof. 17 feet hVi .lenc.l,t s"r " centre .i " s'renaru Htreet s Lud ow Str?et: thence outhrrv. along "Id .entr. line of the block. It test mi nehe to a point distant 141 fi 10s! I'irhe enuth of the southerly side of E Houston street: thenr western, on trl4jbt tin parallel with th aoutherly .Id! "f L. Hon. ton Street and part of the "oolherly face of the Imtenendrnt wall of the bulldlnir h.' t ? ,n',r'Bl' Intended to be . i0Xt ih'he. more or Irsi. ,i onV,hriH."M'i hard Street: and riVrh,.." u.,.h".l,'.fl?nr ,n easterly side of ITmi ?'C' nt 't'nnlnc. nelng th 1 Ul- - A. ri n AJ.m." ."' ,1,tl1 dated May ?r Cu",' of Nw Vork. Ltber lonieyance. at page 44s bm prem e b.lna- - now known anl by the street No. 11: Orchard Street. PARCEL No. 5. All that certain plot, pier and. with th and lmpro" men?i E'reon eretd. situate" lym, and being ,nl I'WS S-- f M'nhattan? Cltv. ? .1.1. i'0'"' " th southerly ?rfe";h.hconVr, a s:' ,n?:r: "iVhth0 VWlVoV Vvfn'uc'S . .. iivnrp. in.nn u i 'hAnu'e'' WrtWti wter'npU..MVl ,4w, RT1 EtghTSs'tVe'e, "1 AVer,,.;"?. ,?Jnr,:-.n""'- "j' Pel wit" iffvv, hel po,tuo?b " niunin. unites rrdr'lVhe'eofhe'tVr mmim ffmmm Intersection of the northerlv irlS tr- -t with the ea.t.rly tide of wtll?if Br?..t fcio?0 j,iiruriy l of lrW -- Id. of" WlllMVe'?r,e,2t'nr Ct i1'" w l.tt aTii br ,n Mr't number 1: mi?lynofhJ'r.y, of ,h' lnd now' o'r fort wn.ftt 8?rWe?t." "d b" tre.VUnu,n,'bmr, lS PARCEL NO. 5. All that esrtaln of l.nrt 'Vth, gliding andPmpro4rnnts 5 Vh'Sf M.U;i,,e'Jy,nrc?n S'lnt In lb" Born. v,I v.(fP"?.tAUnl ?! County and State lows' and described n.s fol- - nfnnJ.n..!nJ.,'t I?0' n th astrlv ;ld 2L?."!?.,,lr".dl,unt fet lt Inches from the corner formed by th ''"Ih'rly Me of fctre.t .k , .6 e.,ur,y "IS of WlllStt .n.,T.,0,- - '.ITf1""; "f Rchn Ottnb.r es.terly side of Wlllett Street: i.V.'i. .K: ."'"5'f. " reel - rn, iiwniitnj- - ia promt hereinabove described and known' as b? the tret number 10 Wlllett Street: then?; V.'',ly ,h ""rth.rly side of the said herelnabov. described, and part of tnence northerlv. nsrsii.i .,. n.n... Street. .5 feet i Inches to th southerly sld h.Vh.n,1 w or frmerly of Barnet along the said south-nr,y- - J iht 'ndno-- v or formerly of f'hrnan and the seld southerly side nifl!ji..i2n1.5ow or t,ortt,JlX. ot Bohen I?6'."!' 1.d with Broome Street. ,or pllf of lnnlng: Said premises being known as and by th street number Wlllett 6trt. PARCEL NO. AL' It'i'.f :rii?,n l0' Piece or psreel of land, building and Improvements thereon ir,Vi!'"3; Ivlng and being In the Bor. 0l'J Manhattan. City. County and Stat !lNrr "rk. and known and dlatlngulshed "i. . - . i. l'o ceriain man entitled . , . , nun ir, vriio in in offlcfl of the Keglster of the County of New ork In Liber S17 of Conveyance, rsg its, on January :i. 1185, which said lot la bounded and dtscrlhtil a follnns: .U"AlnJ?,n folnt "n ,hB northerly side 13d Stret dlstsnt ISO ft strl.v from the corner formed by the Intersection of th northerly sld of :id street with th st-erl- y side of Id Avenue; snd running thene northerly, end parallel with Id Avnu and part of th distance through a parly wall. feet 9 Inches to the centre fin of the block between ltd and :th Streets: thence astrly, alang said centre lln of th block. IS feet, tbnc southerly, parallel with Id Avenu. feet 9 Inehe to th northerly sldo of 2Sd Stret; and thence westerly, along th northerly sldo of :3d Street, Is ft teth point or place of beginning. Said premise, be Ing known as snd by th Nn 10 Esst !3d Street, and said piece or parcel of land being subject 10 a esrtaln easement eonevd by ded mad by the said George w. Adam, deceaaad. to the tnlerhorough Rapid Transit company and others, dated April Ud. lioi, and recorded In tho offlc of ih. Bglstr of New York County In faction I. Liber til of Convysnct, at r( TABCEL NO 7 All that certain lot, plscc or parcel of land with th building and lnipiomants thrcn r.cted. ltut. lxng and being In th Bar. cugh cf Manhattan. Cltv, County and Stat of New Ycrk. bounded and described as redlining at a point on the wester!" slds of Id Avnu distant 40 ft and I Inehe sou'htrly from ih corner formed by th In. trirtlon of th westerly rid of Jd with the eoutherly sld of Mh Strat. and running. thnr wssirl. nstrlv parallel with th trt and prt of thi dlstane thfouth a rtrtv wall, ft) tjet thtnt south-r- l rMllsl.or netrl' tt 11 ;3 rtti iui 1 ir.iri. tbenct caittrli, arl- - I flKfKBr.lW notici; I HSASSVAAASS.SM..MM..A.AVM parallel ullh Cth Street and part of the die- ts m- - thrntirth a party ss n tl. SO feet to tb ncsterlv sldo ot Sd Atenue: and thepr northerly, alon? tho r eeterly side of Id Ave. nue, 10 feel to Ihe point or place of becln n In sr. fiH premts'f. belnir now knerii by the No M Second Atctiuc. PARCEL NO. All that certain lot pleie or psrrel of land, with th building and Improvement thereon erected, slluatr. lylna; and belnn In the Borough of Jlanhattin. 47ity. County and stale of New York., bounded and described aa folio; Beginning at n point on the northerly sld (Of 4th Street dlrtant too ft westerly from ine corner iormri ry iric l.lierseillon or in northerly sld of ttth Street with the west- erly sld of 1st Avsmuoi and running there northerly, parallel lih let Atenin. 10! fet i Inches to Ihe conlrt Una of lha block be- tween 'Ith and 1Mb Ktreels: theme west-etl- along sjld cenlro lln of the Mock. SO feet: thence outherlr. nnd rr.iHl with 1st Atnu and part of Ihe dlatane through a party wall. 105 feet 5 Inches to th northerly aid of f 4th Street: and lhnc easterly, along th northerly aid of nth street, SO feet to th point or place of beginning. Said premises being kaown as and by th street number IM East llth Street. Dated New York. March 13d, 111. EDWARD 8. CI.INCtt, Refer. wiNTiinor stimson. Attorney for the l'Ulntlff. 31 t.lhertr Street. Borough of Manhattan, New York City. Tho following la a diagram nf Tarcel No. I above mentioned! II street number art MS. Sll. IH, 311. 34, HI, 344. S4I. Ill and 350 East llth Htrt: CAST T.T. . . . , t ft- - ? . i SMMBMMSBSBB m Said parrel will be first efter-- d tor ssl In tn separata lots or parrels and then offered for sale In two plots of 100x100 ft, esch, one plot to Include th ft4' three-stor- y houses iNos and th other plot to Include th fle two-stor- houses t.Voa SIS. JJI.jris.aJi.. 240t Said parcel will be sold subject to slate of fact shown on a ur4.v thereof msd by the Lawyers' Englntvrlng AV Sun-eyin- Com-pan- and dated December I, I90. which sursey 1. now In the possession of the auc- tioneer and will be exhibited at the time of sale: also subject to various yearly lease, none ot which expire later than Not ember 1, 1912. Th following I a diagram of rarrel Nov 1 above mentioned; Its stret number la 3 Orchard Street: ORCHARD,,,. ST. ziai Said parcel will be sold subject to state of fct shown on a survey thereof mad by the Lawyer' Engineering A Surveying Com- pany, and dated December a, 1909. which survey la now in th poMesslon of the auc- tioneer and will be exhibited at tb time of sale. The following I a diagram of Parcel No. 1 above mentioned; It street numbers ate 3(1 and 35C East Eighth Street: CAST & T. ST. 70' Je b ss TL Said parrel will b rold as one plot, and will be sold rublect to state of tarts shown on a survey thereof made by the Lawyers' Engineering A Surveying Company, and dated December 1. 1909. which survey Is now In the possession of th auctioneer and win b exhibited at th tlm of sale; alio subject to rovenante against nuisances recorded In the office of th Register of th County of New York In Liber 14. C p. . The following te a diagram of Parcel No. 4 anov mentioned; It street number Is 19 Wlllett Street: WILLETTncra ST 22m Said pat eel will be eold subject to state of fact ahown on a survey thereof made by the Lawyer' Engineering & Surveying Com- pany, and dated December 4. 1909. which suriey Is now In the possession of the auc- tioneer and will be exhibited at the time of sale. Th following I a diagram of Parcel No. S above mentioned: Its street number Is 12 Wlllett Street: .WILLETTQVo z) ST r- - tsl i&fj c 3 Said parcel will be sold rubject to stats of facta ahown on a survey thereof made hy th Lawyers' Engineering & 3urveylr.( Com- pany, and dated December C, 1909, which urvey la now In th possession of the auc- tioneer and will be exhibited at the time ot sale: also subject to violations of tb Tene- ment House Law now pending In the Tene- ment House. Department of the City of New York. The following I a diagram of rarccl Nn. abov mentioned! It tret number la SO! Eaat lid 8trct: BAST 13 ttf ST. tr 'StA stf Said parcel will b told subject to state of facts shown on a surrey thereof mad by the Lawyers' Engineering & Surveying Com- pany, and datf December it, 1909, which suney la now In the possession of the auc- tioneer and will be exhibited at the time ot al: also subUct to violation of th Tene- ment House Law now pending In the Tene- ment House Department of th City of New York. Th following I a diagram nt Pared No. T above mentioned; Its street numbsr Is It 3cond Avenue: M9 X 24 AVt. 814 pares! will be sold subject to Stat ct facts shown on a urvey thereof mad by th Lawyers' Engineering : Surveying Com- pany, snd dated December T, 1909, which eurvey la now In th possession of th auc- tioneer and will b exhibited at th tlm of salo. The following Is e diagram of Parcel No. ahov mentioned; its street number I tit East llth Street: (nasi) a 6T, JUd pares! will be seld luhltrt to stats ft Ucis shown on a turssy tnrt mad by th Lswyr' Engineering As uriying Com-pan- nd oata December 10 1909, which oirvev I no-.- - in th retassslon ot th avic ttfinser and will tt an!blt! at th tlm of ' Pat.d N Tork. March 114. 1912 S CLINCH. 4frt RECEIVERS' XOTICr.e.. IN THK niSTRICT COt'KT OKTIIr; I NH'KU status for thi: soitiikhn hisihict or nr.w sonit.-eotg- e it. ston. stepnen sittrt Tafl.Jr, and Harry P. rastuood. Coitiiilaliutnis. atraliiat the Terra Marine Company. I'nlted on traetoia Corporation, Bankers brail) beiur.bis Company, the Connecticut Really Corioralloi), . Intercity Really Company Greater t.'llv Mnd and Imnrotement t ompany, Ibe tiniham l.s-- I taie, Main Coast Realty and linptntcm'rrt Company, Investors rnderwrlllng Company, Xr fork H4nkersan.l (linkers tnstliite,anu'Iiie ('stales Company, John . flarr, I ritstee In Bank- ruptcy of Die i'nlted Contractors Corporation llnterrenon. Defendants. . In pursuance nf nn Interlocutory decree duly I made herln on the 9th day of Kebtuary, wis, and , filed on the I3th dav ot icbiuatr. ltd?, notice is hereby given that all claims an I demands iigelnt the defen tents the Terra Marine Company, 'Connecticut ResRy Corporation, ihe fnl'ed tiniraciors corporation, rne estates lompnny Intercity Realtv Company, Main Coat Realty and, Itnproment Company, Greater Clly Lmd and Improvement Company, Bankers Realty Securities Company and The Goiliaiu rla'(. ot any of them, or In fator of any of th said de- fendants aa against any or all of the others, must be presented on or before the Rod day nf April 112. to the undersigned at his otnr , ca re of Daniel II. Hanrkel, Receiver, Room T21. Nn. is William street. In the Borough of Manhattan, Clly uf New York. The Drat hearing before th undersigned, th Special Master appointed by said Interlocutors-decree- , will bei held at hi said office. Room IJJ, xo. u wniism street, lorn rity, on wo 1st i riav of Uav. IBI2. at 1 o'clock P. M. All claimants, whether their claims shall be based on the ownership of stocks, bend or other obligations of the defendants affected by Ih decree, or anv of them, should reduce their claims to writing, stating fully and with par- ticularity the character thereof, and promptly file the nam duly awnrn lo with the undersigned. Dated New York, March IB. 1I2. tslgned) EDWARD S. RAPALLO. Special Master enRICH WHEELER. Solicitors for complainants. 3 Rector Strt, New York. WACDONALD & BOSTW1CK, Solicitors lor receiver, IS William Street. New York. NOTICE OP AttJOt'R.N'MENT Ol" FOltECIXJS-PR- SAI.r Id the t.nlled Slates District Court for the East, ern District of rrnnsvlvonla. April Sessions, mil, No. aai. In Equity. Ttio Lincoln Trust Company, a Corporation created and existing under tn laws of the State nf New York, complainant, ss Ani-rlr- Tissue Paper Company, a corporation elected by and existing under the laws of the State ot Prnnsylianla, defendant Notice Is hereby git en that the sale of all and singular tbr real and personal prop-r- tr and franchises of even- - namo and nature, uf thu American Tissue Paper Company, respondent In the abote tase, which was to base been held on Krldai. March isth. A. I). 1012. has been ad- journed until Monday. April Uth. 1912. et 12 o'clock noon at lb front dcor of the Court House ot th County of Northampton. In the City of Easton, Northampton County, Slate of Pennsyl- vania The adjourned tale will be held subject to all of the terms and conditions under which the sale advertised for Marrh isth was to have been h( ld. Tor a full statement of said lermaand conditions, reference Is made to the decree In the ahos e raae on ill In the office of the Clerk of Ibe I'nlted State District Court for the Eastern District of Petinsj Ivanla, In the city of Philadelphia, and adtertl'er.ient fully describing tbo terms and conditions ot Ibe sale will be found In the "Pas ton Hails Express." the "New York Sun" and the "Philadelphia Ledger" In the lauea of February 15Ui. 2?d and 2MB and Marrh "th and In the "Legal Intelligencer." published at Philadelphia, In the Issues of February letb and 2M and March 1st and 8th. CHARLES L. McKKKHAN. Special Matter. Weal End Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, pa. SrBINO AND SUMMER RESORT.. SEHJEKJIKI. Atlantic Clly. HOTEL CHELSEA Atlantic City, N. J. Occurring an cnrJ.ro block of oeetn front, with no obstruction to th elev; In the fashionable residence section, cfer the hlgkeet standard ot hotel excellence In appointments, cuisine, and service; 300 luxuriously furnished and suites have private bathe (fresh and sea water) attached. Largo solarium and din- ing hall overlooking the oeean and board- walk. Blgn-ola- orchestra. Billiards, cat. grUI. etc, French chefs, flotf priv- ilege. Auto meet trains. Booklet and terms upon request. Open all the year. J. D. THOMPSON CO 'Ssxttl Mvntittlln Kentucky ave.. near Beach A all attractions. Good Cooking, Efficient Service and lioaneltke lorn fort a at Moderate Bates, ax) choice rooms, to connecting wltn bath: latest Improvements: white help, good music: American plan, 12 up dally: special weekly. Auto coach meets trains. Write for descriptive folder. A. OONJIAD r.KHOI.M, Oii-nc-r 4 Manager. HOTELDENNIS Directly on the Ocean Front, n. WALTER J. Hl'SRV. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL Virginia av near Beach and Steel Pier. Open surroundings. Capacity &no. Hot and cold sea water baths; Urge rooms, southern exposure: elevator ta street level, sun etc: xi.w up dally; special weekly rates. Booklet, Coaches meet trains. COOI'KH A LECDS. ISLESWORTH On Ihe ocean front. Virginia Ave. ov:r!ook!sg famous Steel Pier. Capacity 600. Special Easter Season rates, no extra charge for hot sea water baths. Elevator, spacloui. sun parlor, private baths. Orchestra. Auto meets trains. Booklet. WM. HYMAN. Propr. FRANK M. PHOKBUS. Mgr. HOTEL RALEIGH St. and Place Charles Beach. 100 large, sunny rooms, Mean view; private baths, running water lu rooms: sun parlois: elevator: electric lights, etc. Meals and service best obtainable. Special rales for March and April; II. J. in NES. Most modem and leading moderate rate hotel, Virginia Ave. near beach. NkBEmiltlB CapacltySlo. Large, sunny rooms, steam heated: excellent tabla.M. 110. 112.50 up weekly: 12 up dally. Am. Plan. 1. levator; sun parlors; orchestra. Booklet. J. p. COPE. The WUuhtre &'io 5 TS Greatly Improved. Can. SW. Private baibs. run. Ding water In looms, elevator, etc. Music. Spe- - elal. 111.50 up weekly; 12.50 up dally. Open all the year. Booklet. SAUUKL ELLIS. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND So. farollna Ave. A beach. Private baths, run- ning water Ut rooms; elevator to street level; sun & LtAMS'' "pc',y m' Booklet BRYAN A (Barlborousb-SIcnbcIi- ii ATI ANT It! CITY. N. J. .letlsh White at Sons Company, Lakes ood. 1AKEWOOD.N.. I An attrtlM Fall. Winter and Scrir.p rort I I among the Fine, offering a dry. healthful eli-- 1 mat, social advantages and every opportunity tor. outdoor recreations. The . la) plc to x sreeaara rrom tne nuee aiaeomxort. I THE LAUREL HOUSE How Opsm. A. I. MUBI'HT, Mgr. I THE LAUREL IN lilt rlNca Kew Open. FRANK V. HDTK. Mar. Booklets ajse laiormati en request. Ramehed fro as Now York Cltr trlat Oak Court Uoti, Lakaweod. X. J. Family hotel notable for quiet, domesticity and homelike atmosphere. E. E. Spangenberi, Mgr. NEW YOUh. BreniTille. Motel Gramatan I UWIEWE PARK, MONXVIUE. H Y. nr sinus ciuxces. AVTlvrriiAN'cen buy lnteril In sn sulci of t unlvetMl arpal. Indorted b: men who knot K.ooo cash trqu'red balxue trom ptoflts f lv wii bt paid for sepices renderrd t'uitbat from 44 DONALD-t- I0GINSCO. laTH'war X V- - A. SAIAlr-.ie- w lorK city. Kitod npDOrlunt. ueMwoup a uvrrcL'a sons, u x .wiitn. SFBRtlOATE'S NOTICES. HAW I.l:V."r,lnVLN! l7a piirsatirs7rrter' nf Hon. John p. i obala.. a Stiiiurale of ii f niiniy of ,Nci4 4.rik. ni.tl-- s- Ii riven id", all persons hating, claims agnVt I HAM . hr. . Ial of Km 4'nu3t7 of Nev York, iloocas- - I, Iti Pient Hie Mine with toucher' thr'if to t!i- -i subscribers, at their place of tr.s.niflln histn. at Ihe omce of their atnr:iey. .Mc,r standi, field A l4-y- . No. II Pine Street, In the city ot N- - lojl: on or ti fore the i.Mli day of August, mi" Dated. I'ebtuary t.lth. 191? I HANK H. DAVIS. WALTER J. i. RANDCU,. 44 II.I.IABI I' IIA4VI,i',Y """ ST s.Ni'Ilf'lELtl A LEVY. Altornejs for Admlnljtralors, No. tl Plnr Street, New York Clly " tlFORiifj' HnftFrTlil-.H-t- n pu.s'isnc- - of in irder of Hon. HOHRI1I Ll'tilOW l'OUI.ER a Aurroeatr of the County nt hrn York notice hereby rlAen toall bitingclalm' ttaln44 GEOROr H. Ill ilffCS. late of the County .New ork. deceased, to present th sane nlni toue'ier thaienf lo th subscriber a' bla plje of transacting business. No. s Broad Str"t. n Ihe City of Ne4v York, on or bfoie the l.,th itay of August next. Dated New- York, the Mh dav of January, 1911. THEODORE K. LEI!rir, Kxecntor. KDW. J. MrGANNKY. Attorney lor Executor. Broad Street. New York Cltv. PROPOSALS. WEST POINT. X. V April I, phi.' SealMpim i posals. In tilplli-Bte- , subject to the usual con- -' dlttons. for furnishing itood, tnlnernl oil, Caroline, forage and stra44 ai tills Post, will be riccUrdun-II- I 5 o'clock P. .!.. May I. 1917. Ivilvetles to be' made dii.lng the fiscal ear ending Jun? 50. IBIX J The it. s reserves Ihe right to accept or reject any or all proposal or any part thereof Tor further Information address Cuartrrntstet, West Point, X. t , ,'. ENtllNEEH ori'lCI,. ri.' April I, 1912. Sealed proposals for construction f.,s.y,A..pl0,"r...'!rv,'v l'inch "CAPTAIN .1 J. MhM.LII" m ill bo received at Ihl oltlce innll II. M. Mav 2. lot?, nnd Hiti puhllcU- - opnrd. Infoinislliin ,ti st,i:,.sil.i,, t n ., ui.i i ' mV ,,,,,1 (apt Engrs GOVERNORS ISLAND. N Y. II , April I IPI? filed proposals, n trlpllrai", for lurnlflilng Hiei, t.atollne. Mltictal Oil. and ( otape and Strair ' (three months- end nar sttpplji required Itu pit Islon. d'irlnc year commencing Jnlvt.. 0U'. will be rerelved here until lo e m . Mav I. MP? iVirUn'-!'- 3 PrllCa!i.-n- . J. II. 4 ll 4f 3l TO LT- - STH ST. .M WEST-Lar-ge, suitable tn'o or' thr. medium, 13 up, houschefplnj; pianoj ielsit pbone i JlTH ST.. lot tlTST Three Cn sunny rooms. located; tetetence; telephont Mf Columbus. McGregor. SITH ST, Ii)l WEST-Deslr- able room, prltnt- -. family: convenient suhwai, 'L', telephone, gen- tlemen; M on. DEWANE. I 9TH ST. lln WEST Light, newly decorated rooms: every modern Implement, contrnlrnt subway "L and Park. T I11TH ST.. 119 WESTAttracUve parloTlndl alcoie: piano: electric light; phone, elevator., reference. Apartment 17. 41 WEST llTH SIT. Attractltc front rooms: elevator: Sub.: Apt. el.' 1I5TH ST.. 81 WEST Connecting nntsld. sunny rooms: lavator); private family; Droadway; subway. WAUE. MANHA1TAX AV.. 2W Psrk; attractive bachelor suite; home comforts: Independence. RICE. BTH AV., 3 Extra large room: with bath! smaVi'' room; convenient location: modern: references ' Brooklyn. ' s IT. GREENE PL.. 49 Large rooms; connecting: gentlemen only: moderato prices: convenient subway and cars. BOARDERS WANTED. ' STU AV.. 44 Large and small rooms: gentle- - men: couple: table guests accommodated: ref erences. LENOX AV.. IM HI9thl Attractive room with board: all conveniences; bone comforts; tablet guest; Jewish house. Brooklyn. IIS HENRY ST. Rooms, with board: table board. SIT CATIONS WANTED. ACCOUNTANTS. hlgh-Ora- omce Helpers' BOOKKEEPERS. Offiea Service Co. (Agenoyii STKNOGRAPHEfie. 149 B'wav. TL IIM Corn srrcAojsrswAEfr VACUUM CLEANING BtlREAH. II West llttti St.. cleaning for the best people In New Yor.t: how about your tacuum and general clcanlo-i- t Hour or day. Telephone 3243 Harlem. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ENGINEER First class mechanic. competct.-sober- , reliable and having good references, w lli.-- . position; factory preferred. Address A. no Clymer St.. Brooklyn. YOUNG man wishes position lo some giwi.t dry roods house with chance of advancement; Is uthing and can furnish good reference:,. Y.M., box 119 Sun olbce. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG WOMAN with experience In nttlnj ladles' skirts or walsta can end permanent poi-tlo- stltli good chance for advancement. Applj H. u. MILLARD, Butterlck Building, cor. Spu.t; and Macdougal stv STANDARD FASHION CO. offer desirable positions with good prospects of advancement n young women skilled In designing and trimming fashionable dresses of all kinds; some knowledur-u- dressmaking It essential. Apply by letter, statins; age and experlcace. to STANDAhu FASHION CO., II Vaudam st., New York. HELP WANTED MALE. HIGH GRADE. Immediate clerical, excculltr and technical positions open for competent tatn. Call personally for list and particulars. UlUIilLl. (Agency), Madron Building. WANTED for a phuto engraving establishment a rC'Ctchcr v4ho has some kno-- t ledge of color work and tooling. Apply PUBLIC Tl Y ENGRAVING L?uJllUD1JilJb-f''1- .; ANTED- - At once, first class cleaner and dcr: steady work year round guaranteed: uagc', SJ so per day: no boorcrs need apply. HILLSiti; DYE HOUSE. Bangor. Me AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS Earn 14 CO to 19 a dav tnlrndurlilir labor and time saving necessities; sample of seasonable leader free. AMERICAN MERCHAN- DISING CO., Greensboro. X. C. SALES DV ACCTION. CHATTEL MORTGAGE KALE. By tlrtue of a certain chattel mortgage, dated August 10th. 1911, and tiled In lb Registrar's nfflce. County of New York, executed by hsljl'a Restaurant to Merchant Exchange National Baak of the City of New York, we will sell at public auction by Harry M. Moses. Auctioneer: on Thursday. April 4th, I9ii. at lu o'clock In ill forenoon, on the premises. II tn IH Park Place. Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, all of the chattels called tor In said laorigtg . Dated New York. April 3rd. 1911. MERCHANTS EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK OP THE (ITV OK NEW YORK, Mortgager, 3ETI1 B. ROBINSON. Attorney for Mortgager, I Liberty Street, Manhattan. N. V. C MOliTOAGE SALE-.lns- h. Hlrscb. auctioneer, will sell II A. M. at II Bay st . Tompktfif-slll- e, X. Y I Pool Hacks, Cues. Bridge's. Balls, Covers, etc . a scheduled In a mortgage of Thos. Carlllu to II, Wagner and Adler fo and transfeiied to Jerry liubrrto. tbo stld Jet it Rnbrrto asslgnrd said morttat to Giuseppe siuriKszc uicu uci u. ivn Rtuaned O.'l, 1811, MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CI.OTUIMit . TAFT PROVED TO BP, A J TO I sllOT .lust tioiv ion may secure l (cr fl In my suits and overcoat Those at luc Droaduay star haie been lo many Instances Pi Iced tb surdly low. In order not to move them tin and 122 suits, overcoat and raincoats bt bn marked as liu as Jt Ther are 04her at It U. 3ta.v. tie ts and 111.73. Usny (Ilk lined ud of good quail I. G. N VINCENT. Broadway. Cor Rd St. -i-i J fegBgawuej' I'tAXOis AND MVelCAL INSTBl'MENTi". LADY lactlQccs a brand new upilght ptgno. value tnn. to quick buyer at silt: also en piano wltn music, cabinet 1)0. pictures 11 Call (44 Cen- tral Pari' Wei;, btt. Mia anl 1Mb its. Ptlvv house', no dealers admitted i FOB s';...4 Oesks jnd Oitic i uxultar. MAXBA1TAN PUIIC CO. ' Swktaies. ytiir.g Dvlces. Table. Kvn t. 41-4- 0 Lefevette tit. Tl rrar.k'ln l.'i Worth i v SMHeis "LlrTT'lNrsi BASt rT r ir.-- r isst ui"Ji t Pecllse-- I tlsVs placed nn d4 safe fet rt!cN rl4 riefeire'1 dltert AdllHJ' Hf b'lif?v?l pme,

Chronicling America...flTV HEAL RAT ATS. All Mortgage joans on desirable inv fuovod propcny will re--(ivn prompt attention and i - q jink y acted upon by I ''!vr'R&TITLE INSURANCE.ID

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    All Mortgagejoans on desirable invfuovod propcny will re-- (

    ivn prompt attention andi - q jink y acted upon by


    C ' rJTAL - $4,000,000v ?Jn.U9- - - 6,0OO,'oOO

    t'.'C UrcilTT, Nen York.1.s 3foiilM;uc St revet, Tirooklra.17. Kiiiloa Street, Jamaica.

    VALUABLE Times LeaseholdsSuuarr m! nniiHin.. . . I.. . .. .1 . .. . . t 0 .i ' Broadway and 4Mh SI.

    r r krnwn as Ittrsl-ltifi- n Rroadwee,. .ill and Villi) Hffl 4 1) lb M.v II known ami handsomely equipped

    rr .runt l.miA'i as

    CAFE MADRID, jV r mil " the premises, bid

    . i,e kai-hold- s or .l"r bids feir rrstauraulI ii li combined may be submitted 10

    ii.rnlcnut on or before April I3lh, 1013,.1 :i lAloik I'. M..M the office of hi nttornets.

    1 Morris. MrrtWrr In Bankruptcy fore Ua.ir I rn., 134 Broa.lwai. or Yaukaurr 4t

    liatlil.nn, llriny for Receiver. Ml ll'nny.

    REAL V.STATF,31 Nassan Street.

    Geo. R. Read & Co,REAL ESTATE

    in 1 et tor nctNE rtnrosES.TO LEASE

    Seventh av . near sith 91. tor II ears. cheap-- t'n

    23rt t . r.ear Lexington av.. toals.l; all rented"I- - I6r 51 years at low figure; wWom chance.

    53(1 ft. betweeu Broadway and ith av., lulllor. fer :i .. cheap.

    JltD, st . between 5th av. and Broadway; choicebuilding, lor lone term of years.

    4ith it . near ith v,: will erect build-la- c(it a moderate rental

    Jilh tt.. car Res Won 90 year lease: XIt! building at a fixed grot rental for the entireterm great po'tlbillty.

    tta a.. between Cammeyer s and McCreery s:building, for M years, at a fixed net

    re:i3l for the entire to-- m.Il'LIAN HF.NF.niCT.

    Tr'ephone S9 Madison Square. !: Bin Ave.

    Woolworth BuildingBroadway. Park IM. to Barclay St.

    Appiica'lon tor fpaee should be mads to

    Edward J. Hogan, AgentTort, S270 Opp. Astor House

    rt SK spare in private office Insurance andrf&l cute people preferred. MKACHAM A Ctl..143 Broadway

    borough or Richmond fob mi.FORRENT:

    Attractive and sparlnus cottage at Livings-ton, Matcn Island: first bouse on Uvlnsstonp! . wfti of Hard av.. faclnit Cricket andicnnls Club; three mlnvtcs hum Llvir.cstonvtation and trolley: forty minutes from .NewYork, will lra fiirnl"tted or unfurnishedfor extccded term if drlred, on vety renson-Ab!- e

    terms; repairs to sulfienant: steam heat.Wectrtc llcht. old mahorany furniture,

    lawn, shade trees and rnrden ultlitaroi" ihruonery. Apply tor iniormaiionat Mrs. Gill's stone bouse on LIlnrtonpk. or

    DnlVS E. PECK. Attr.Tel. tm John. 1:3 William St.. N. Y

    t.olce. 4c: m Kaa v llelsler: 41M N. YLite her 1). M. Co. vs Heller: 4168 Doureern v

    4MI Marllnr. v .National 17 as Gov.rnor Cn. C4 fiftw vs Wallacb Helsler Co.: 4SM

    e lmos 11, Kapp.KINGS COfNTV

    Suprc.-r-e 1 o'irt Appellate 1H Won.- - Second.Iclal Department. Court open at 10 A. M.tii, I'rcslJInc Justice. Burr. Tboxas. Carr.

    ooiwarl. day calendar illa nicy vs Ltransk: li: Wldder vs I.azansL ,i LaA-so- s Laansky.vvr rene Court Srlal Term and Cbamtiers

    IVfore M&ldox. J. Cort opens at 10 A. MM. Hojs. lliloro Stapleton. J, I!x parte butl- -'snprenc Court Special Term Trials -- Varean.

    Court opens at 10 A. M. Day rareiidar S)Jt!)";fl.!ad demurrer! vs ntcomb; Wil Mejer vsSi'.fne; C.uamasa 13 ares) v Casa.

    . n.:mi IwABl.ir.uers UarncwaU; :0M Orasol'nlu: I7TH Ctfreue s Inrrsull: ISIS Slort

    Mn .(": M.aiino v leriuon, Hal Itablno.u Slendelson: 1MI Tctcrs s rettrs: Ifa'rv" vs Clervo: 1174 Uehrlnger i Hannerc.an.

    e s lianneisan, lis Jln.koHlU vs- .... Hull Konra.1 s ronra.i. -' Miller. I iOTO Moor? v Murphy; IU7I Undemenn

    - L.. '!cRa!in; H" I'e tilers s i"ltze raid,c ..n vs t'ulnn, 1519 Casey s Peoples Trust Co.:'W.i f:omco vs Romeo: U73 Knedsall v Teres;

    '. ortzrran I Leon Caplau Co.; 1M2 PetersPr" r. 1773 Munson vs Wlttenbertt: losa BarllaTar.ia. - Claccla s Audley ClarK Co. Hlgh--cu'.n!.er reached 0:1 tte regular call. ;089.

    ireT e ("ourl Trial Terra. Day calendar,e it. i c.--.s at 10 A. M, Part I. Before Kelly. J

    - Uciore Asplnall. J. Hart Hi Iiefore.V.J i'art i Itefore Clark. J. Part V.

    I., 'e Garre:son. J. Part V Uefore S'"ilder.J.J..'i s City of New York.

    or.'y I b Ii It. H.: Mi;) Dolan s Brooklynri oas Co.. SS33 fleecUs Coney I. 4 11. n. II.,

    r stokes s .Nassau If. K.: .14 MelfAtver-Kanje- --- n s aau II. H.; SisVI Gorman vs City of'c i ,'.07 V.trd v city of New York: 38W(it m m elley: aesi Tillman n Burns: sa. iiorrran o.; Xt',6 I'allon vs Nassau H. it .

    '1 in siu Y. Tel. Co. et a!.: . nauer vsMa? r Malilce Co., M7a ,Cone vs Thatcher

    ?oo :4WJ V llson vs u. II. It. II.: .VM Murpay vs" d u York; sst Dloom Bankers Surety- f.lv:' oombi et al. vs Coben: iwi hlnnott vs's'.f.ii JOJ fjato v Barrett Mfff. Co.; :;

    .'s.l ne rala. liavha & Uabcock s Conev4 :i t h .v,:i.3701 lilaeliKCll A Post s BJl.

    10 iiennett Austr Americana Ins. Co.;:i kilvernian vs It. II It. It.; sn.il Busihman s

    ''.r. -- 1. "iiii Pritchard tt Nassau II. It; S751a;.'.. ijr II I h . IHO Levlne s iuu KIts s lie sants n Skldmore; 1213 tiusener vf' !' H H 'I jo balance of the caleudar standsv- - a s. Uliriiest number rcachwl one. r ' ad, v M hupreme Court Trial Term,ltrt vniiorc Oarreton, J. Court opens tt

    A I Crlulnal calendar People vs Jamesae. r.urder.

    ' j.r.'y Court Klnss County. Criminal calen-- "oirt opens at 10 A. M. Part I. Before' ' , . I Hocco Prache. assault:ra norai.s, burs:.: Tlraotby Leonard. (. I.;eswc i",on,rob. part II. Before Kauiett.J.

    'ir'inc assault: John Schmidt, asiault:r.'Me.-- k llathles. raans.: Ida Kershaw. 7. 1.;sTri tftbson, sodomy. Part IV. Before Moore.

    . - I.'auitan. Harry Uulwlnkle, rraok' .ssa'ijt MckIIca naMl.saro, assault; Peter

    ' t riad, h'irz.. Antonio Gambrluo, c. c, .;" 1 A, Dlekerson. hurc' Court --CIMI calendar. Part III- .-

    e- a-n. J. Court opens at 10 A. M. 1701- e. -- s Msnnion; 7M Kuhn - Leltfer; 173' " s lltldelbetiti 17M Hunt vs Brooklyn' : r( II. Co.. M7 vs Parascandello;

    '. . unrfersan vs Nassau rictrln R. II. Co.;.' ; ' .aoly v lirooklvn Ilcietits H It. Co.;.ijer vs Brooklyn ij. U. & bub. Tt. n. Cn ,

    Brooklyn Q. C. 4: Sub. II It. Co.:'i m Scala The folloitlne causes If' I ievl will be passed for the day. 1174i,n5 C. S. 11. R Co.. MI3 nusell4 in U'vkrs v Brookln O. C. S. R. It.1 rjruo s fiulllvan: I03 Savareselvs

    il , ims Cohn vs Brooklyn Heliruis rt Jt4. to tj BrooklVD HrlKhtt II. It Co.

    !' ' 11 4 Brooklyn Q. 4' ft S. II. R. Co.: lf): r f.setiblati, 1SI0 Deer s Nassau nieclrlccote's Court Calcndar-B'fo- re rtctcbam,' opens at in ,. M In the Hall of Records.' !!" li! ot Hannah M. ftobblns. J A." B' flna Usposlio e.nd Hose Adams. Ac.' IT n the estate ot AJIce M. U'rlgbt. liar- -' "ite, If frledm tn, r W, Trippe, Andrew- "1 Tt iirlow W, Coulter. Emma Hesre.

    Anna lliiller, A. I'uiman, Arthur JlcI.- Is .U:culrirln, Jo'in Polel, nath.trderson and John J; Schneider.'.?,' arlne Barhlere, Jaeoh Muller and

    r nt uioiwifo caicnaar 44IIU0I jury A..i ''.d Edmund Blair.Referees Appointed.

    'Jp,"n, r'ourtny Justice Plaliek- . ' l.oearllf, N. Taylor rhllllpn; Wa.r. T. a'dri.n. J Campbell ThompsonJ""k. nisehoff Prorpeet lnvetn Co.

    Rim,-0.,-n,t EnK Benjamin Pat.

    a v Lvlnon, Andraiv f,T'rsi4 Eifrdell vs Hankers Ufa Ins.Ai.in wiener, Levey 4 Pirombertt.

    ' , 'i"n.'1or,nn. Trougbton s Hedbock,V lkTiMb

    lleeehera Appolnlel.r.s- -. jimies riitisknT vo rrtnrla C MeKlernan.; Lyr Title In.. fVI-- k Slnniban. lxnatlus L

    .I .1 r ' Uly i Anastaslo.datd C Duljvjn; marchIuis flosstithil. Louis Rose,' 0 v Uip Ccnft Co. Jacob

    '"nun nf Appeals Calendar.tBdsS'V T. Ap"' ourt of Anpeile eal- -

    .l1f- - j--r; i,,;ml iWri-n'-

    THK COST AT LONG BEACH 1nt.MAr. fob roiiAdi:Trinspcrlatlon famllv and seiants to and froVraslnnal trips to city for members "1 touilb . ,,.lour season inmmutallou it nvmlh.--l . , .,

    ll-i- r. sU.I KLSkWHtKEi,oiTAf.r.tii!TAi.. .hf. 1 icthCiM.no hi, sonIratisporlatlon tcr family .in,l -- rvj;it. to and firm ic- -fort i' brr cotlare Is IntMtc.l inur eit(-cii- d trip to fsmlly, incl,"ntf.ls. r.sprc. tele.,u a 'YimVFlic das sou speud In 4I0, U

    The Dlffrrenir H.tl.ie) 4edII l Cheaper lo IJent a Splefdld I fi vt

    ten 11 our I'atnlli tui (in- - MiiVTHn.m ,1bh Aril Is only 71 Miles friimiu orkC.t 1iidiial and shoo I slralht IdIo Lent; lleach oer ,1

    "'I nnf 11111 jinn 111 111c k oil tno unit tl,;.;lth th- - exception of Block Island and Nar.l.'i ken. and tf. Vnost and beau(ulthout any eitrptiiim, atul oii enn be xllli litem esery nlilit.

    il i.A" "li!""1'. '"'Z.l'"' V jn ran lie .fatedfront parch at l .ottc where. K04ernment figures .hots. It n ""r h""'rinrsT nrnrn inr nsonnu urmrfn name iinil I lor daFishing. Molor-lioallii- S.illlnu nnoe In Tennli. orVVrts iKaVdtVivii,"'Uinrlni. Horseback iridium AutmiiolilU rr.nii...i ."Beach hoine are famous fur Hirl ticjtir 1. (oinrntrnrr.. MMeanrt rotnfnst iiwant sou to IWtlrr. l OK s.'.LAM As! 1 s T4) iCMiiltr.i:roMi.MirAl.. iltiiti ) nsihi.i.. .hohe uisif W.LiVr Vo ririn.our suarestlon than to go as nu hate beta Uolnj;. Vrllo 10


    CountryEstate II$20,000



    Actual Shore FrontFit acre estate locatej In the billy

    section, dliecllv cn the Sound,A Modem Old Fashion Hooss LdiHouse has s!i master tM rooms. tn

    servants' rooms, panelled tilnlntcroom, buire livlnir room, with bean.dcelllnc and handsome library: alsowell appointed kitchen and laundry,stx open fireplaces, tour baths: l

    floors, running water: electricpKhts. and a'.l modern eonirnlenrrs,Superbly Incited one hundred feet itabnie the water, anion a truc ofoaks and blrcb.es.

    CTUTIS SMITH.Room 1O03, 170 liVay, N, Y. City

    Would You Like to Know Somothinnof the

    WINDSOR PLAN?It will enabjc you to acquire the

    two moat coveted things in Man'sLife,

    A HOME AND MONEY.Address the Publicity Department,

    224 West 34th Street.WINDSOR LAND and IMPROVE-

    MENT CO.Times Building, New York,

    324-32- 6 W. 34th St., ManhattanTempla Bar Bldg., Brooklyn.

    j A QUICK SALE AT SACRIFICEGentleman's country piacr. oeauiijunv lo-

    cated on North Shore I Otis Island overlook-Iris- rNorthport Harfor and Loa Island sound,

    Tho IMen of Lone Island " Only mile- -.ex cue hour from New ork ( Itv Ij n,hljh elevation, t olnnlnl house l rnonis. --baths. hardtood Roors. concrete cellars, steamheat, rlectrl.' llKbt telephone : lnrte llbrery4ilde xerandas: hundreds of llncst Hiadc trees;lm best fruit trees: fin" driveways: nrtel.mwater; tennis court: laree barn, tine irarajr;storaite house; ice hou'r, hennery, larce

    fine pasturscr. private dock and boatlanding. Ac Entirely equipped and fur- -....iusnu rrsai im wluiv,.,.

    i lor full particulars and photos. Brokers pro--

    rfwJ'ncMnvr. wall st.

    Rockaway Beach PropertySEASIIH.. AK EltNl- - IIAMMI l.AHA Y I'ABU. BLI.LF HAI.IIOl: VNM

    XKFOMIT I'BKI'I Itri I 'HI NAI.I- -t oiiNi is iioiii.. cn i:iio:s.

    Cornir Brick Stora PropartyrlKTHIIt THO MORI b.

    Six cottaces. 7 to 11 rooms, ji.mi and up.Ocean Front prlslleees and Stauds to let

    Cottaee, price Jll.oji, rent H.Sun.f...'.. .Ii. as. on. In rent I1 un. atNeponsli and Belt, lls-- t or l.ot from 5700 up.

    BUKtrltlsLRruirh Main Office.riulcvard. 1171 St. John', place,

    kawaacb. LnL g BrffiVl.

    Prepare Xow for Your"Uapplest Next Summer"

    at I.onar Island's Most Popular Spot.

    "Brightwaters"The Cominiiler's Paradise.

    Ackerson " IO I a" MunloComplete for t'J.lISO.You can own one of toes) comfortable sum-

    mer bomes by maklns a small cash pal men .Balance to amounts about the wiino as

    Wrlb: for Album uf Snarihols Vo, I.T. B. ACKEKSON CO.

    New York Olllies: 1 Hest Hath St.


    A most dellchtful place to lite, l.erbusiness men may enjoy the country andspend as much tlmo at borne as If theyllted In the resbleutlal part of Manhattan.

    43 KU'.CTKIC TRAINS IJA IA.13 ralnutea from Penn.. Ternilnal, Md

    Street and 7th Avenue. New lork. lil-ted connection with the new ,th Ave.

    MEYER DEVELOPMENT CO.Torcst Hills. M William St.. N. .

    Phone 12M lorest Hills. Phone l60 John.


    A dellsrilful and practical all the yoerround nom rommunlt. 3(1 minutes from CSdst.. Penna. Station. Offers r cry city advau-tai-

    4ilth suburban comforts. Plots of .rloua tUes may be obtained on l lost liberaltnm. Alvi levtrnl handsome houses nowready frr Immediate occupancy.

    SHORE At BUS REALTY CO.,ltt Last tilth St., New York.Phone till .MadFOB SALE OR BENT.

    iattiiaci 1VH Buniratow: seven rooms, bathhot and cold water: garafc; directly onIsland sound; men grounu: Dcauuiui sicws; pmi,irmxia;, price. $a.m. season rental furnished, !t,0.r.DvVIN N. lUIWLEY. Northport, L. 1.

    fob nnxi.port HUNT

    WATER FRONT G0TTA8E.in rooms, 3 tuths, inwlern .North Shot, Ixine

    Island, to minutes lro.it i'eun station; See bath-ing, boating and bsblng, srasou rent-i- l i'M anlupward. Apply at otr.r on property 41 Malba,or r KEITH. CO Llbetty fit . N V C

    BEAL ESTA1E AT AIT TTONUSTADlTisili D Jt l.t ' lT?"

    BRYAN L. KENiM'LLYReal Ettits Auelleneer, Brpk-- r sn-- l Appnittr

    150 UIMIAUHAY NK lORKlolephone Cnrfliindt 1&I7


    I HAVE Brst and second morlgag mnne fororeater New tork and l.on Itlsnd l'titi"l-pal- s

    null' Oulck decisionsWMs Hs MOFFITT REALTY CO.

    llth ft acd Midl'on Ave, MtclntMn

    THE buN, THUKbDAx, ArkIL


    "'criiocre cu lainii) to ,ctv!o

    trk' SS pel Uly,'

    In lirntlns at Lont Beach,11 Home fur th F.NTinr st.MMr r ih.n

    Kiimlji Retort S ctitins ot mi La's!" I nvnou stp Into cot) clean cars at the PcnnTTtT

    Miooih. thltd.rsll line U tony fioi minutes.

    BEACH, 225 Fifih Ave.Telephont ZM iladison

    lit EK.YS HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE.Now Is the time to Curt t all about the new

    5'.'.!V0!. CAI.IItHIXMvHi V,,.VI0L"S r M PONsii.V1..m.;.1' fl!i"', rlr.cted ocean front


    10 rl"Uls out You can ret

    NEIMINSir kijvi.iv rOMPANV.'.M.,sLs,,n Mffet. New York.Telerbni--e mi Murray Hill.


    AT SPiJYTEN DUYVILon the llud.ion. N V.

    N V Ccn.rf.l- - llrtvidnay Subway.Country Homes of the better rlus. for sale or rent.

    Boot'l't. Plan. prices.Edgehlll Terrace Co.

    II William st y I'hone n:s John, mi""!, ran nu make hen you

    lll.lt. II l.s, l.nri bnmnt. e. I ictv-- .Sy "im L ltt IIMII.M. Call and see

    " o I'a vis ben 'h -- e or send for particulars.


    WEEQUAHICM:K'kt!v'lil,,7'' ' '' Fill b' VbVilV.E VLIKS.

    .C!L." ".'!crT oPl'ortutiltles to bome-sek-or In or near New York: park,ways in centre of street, property restricted,babdsjnie houses for sale: Ixautltully locatedPi; s for sale: monthly payments If desired: allcJis Improvrmenls. tltlr guaranteed; takehigh spc-- .! trains to .Wark and Ibcn takeMl. Prospect cars to property Maps furtherparticulars PRANK .1 'er

    llulHlni:, liroaj and Market ."."esiarkl

    AMONG THE HILLSAT It 11.11 v. PARK.Sot'h Orange Heights. , .1.40.Minutes from Broadway, N. T,

    HuncaloAs and Artistic Homes.LJ.,llr. ".'.l .i:,l.r.r,1 vrl" of 'Phone.C. A. BM.DWI.N. lil HIIOAIWAY.

    AH Yor-lMun- d Homes,, li.NAILl. . J.3.. m nutes ni4 from Husdon Terminal, via

    i!,. 'liil Vw J!f"'' A h,,'' eouiniunlly vclass, ;o room hoi..(. tur and stuccocon .trurtlun; i baths, all imprcnrnuntK opennrcpiarcff: w.uv csb aim ion4cnlen mrritnlypaymentsK,- - sl"" REAL! V l.sSJ "s?aJ.w"' Opp Station

    Upper !Vlon!claIr,N. J.A RARE BARGAIN

    iJirje. i.itriuiM... , a.i lioi.v 4vlth 11rooms, two ba'd cr ioes iu)xji; (ucil location,overlooking bcuut'il prk. A rare Investmentuppwiur.ll. HMjp rertl rjtate values. Askk'waV-V"N- lrt" MDa,ClS!r- - V J- - r

    HrNLAl.tlHSAMI lit .N4.At.lti MrES.The in dv ii us ".'ul and convenient locationnear .New i or a All mrrnv.-mnf- u..

    portatlon: Due old trees, extended Mews. Forparticulars addrc sI.KO.NIA HUK.HTS LANO CO..

    N I. for Ttioaluay 4 31th ht., N, VSUMMER COTTAGE""

    Schoiilri's Mountain.. J omplelelrfiirnl'hcd: all Imprnteinrnts; I,MKI rash,bulanre morlcuce. Address UnM.II. p. o.Ilos lllll, Xiw York Cits.OEVTLHME.V.S COl'XTBY PI-C- I.

    Alone La.ltauanna Road, bemeen summit, NJ.. and -- iorri' town: quick scrtlce to New York: Iu.v n n i ai umiuure Ulir, in.-- HiC at 711on Kood terns ,, or wn.LlAil'B.IIROKAW, IQI Broadway. N YPw:!.xcisi "rm', tracts, lakes, plots forssic HnwAiin j cahh.i.. noomon. N. j.


    A It II LSI I. It. NOVA SCOl IA.iieslrablo property rltuatlon In center oftown on uuren si : about one.half acre: com-mands mui 4lew of front harbor: this landcontains a dnc assortment of Irult trees, androse bushes- also cottaze: an Ideal place forsummer (oii'lsts also ai acres outside of town-bal- l

    rriic from railroad slatlor; situated be-tween ukl and ucw post toal: facing Stan-ford s Lake- cultivated. I or"P.')-,'- Mrs. EDWARD J.::3 t Halifax, NevaSrotl.s

    ri.rpA.N'T country home. SulUvan county.near l.rle station- itood bnattcc and flshlna' 0room rntlsv an, 4 ii ir,i,ll,Hn.a ... All In i'Oft,l ..inH1i!,Mi IilTn ....... Zlt ...- .ll,f.t I Wl.llll.tJil. I .....v. out. Lisriirn- -lars .apply to H. V ALI.I.NliTO JeSersonvllle,A I.I. klr.ds. properties, sale, exenange, lea,rnvV,rrrrd,'a,'.t,V,fe.,Cal!- - nrlle wnt nl "tlmgent 74V mh av. (4itk).


    S".d to Countri'CARM1',Jl!hlslager,Ospt. lor Iicukieir AKiVI3nc,,.,wiTl7jij;

    f'orxTUV HOARD.POMHrox PLAINS, x J -- Delightful,

    lesldenri; for sprluc and summer; .eMrs DOR.Nn

    FL'UI.IO NOTICES.D'Parti-i- 1 of I Irani e. Bureau for th. rvn- -

    tlon of 'li"s. mi .7 Chambers St., Borough ofManhattan. .New York. April I. jets.

    MURE It) !AX PAYERS..noth'i: is iirncBYjVE.v that thkireni rolls of resl estate and nersonainrop-rt- v In ibe City of c York tor th year1U' have tern dclltcred to in, undcrsleneiiand that ,i!l lues on saU asscstrnent roils aredue Mrt pai.-ibl- as follow a.

    ii .xj vii .i,.j,,ni yiviKiiy nna oiier.atr orall ta.es on real air due and payable oulliai.M'AlltViMAI I, lOla.and Ibe remaining anil nnal ot.e-hai- f uf raxeson tr.il fsiate shall he dun and payable on thJ ll.hT 01'

    ..NOVKMlinrt. isir. All uzr, teVom

    iirin i... ,r irn i,iui. u,riiii. iitrrroy on (a ttji;ir,(lie di'tj t'teri n.tv lnumt aim nd piuablti h'r.tnhf re prndnl iin-- j.1u umali mihiUni i.ni'i , iri.i.Tho 1 h.ilf of tte tax on real estate whichIs due as, berrpiuefore nroilded o.i tb first day

    of November folkmlnc the paymnt of lbUrtl half, may i lal 1 on the ilrst day of May.,1 .".i- - urn ,1'iirjosi oiniuuif ma nrst tshall baie wen inri or shall be raid si tho sintime e.id cu tu-- h payment! of thesecoad lull at ma" t mad- - In such mannerprloi toNosrrnbei rrf t a dlsi nunt shall be allo-ve-from the date or rcmenl to Noieinbfr Ilrst atl!:" rate nf .eirtm iwrno iiisfoiSr ih alLoheu ox rn,SON 4 1. UN Mil l.s,

    I'litaliv on unpaid taxes on real estatelieulns .i i.te 1.,;nd Oereaibri 1, on unpaid

    Ytlir kilti sa I IIIAJ I

    ,wV,". ,W."","h rierWi;eo".it of h,i;n sTfhintbers st.

    J.W,"&. .WW,', l,"M ".Bote i or p.o. sl,i, Municipal Building.oor'lh ,1hmon1' Coro.-.- Hall. St

    IT1ED C CBSTri: . fcccl, tt of Ixrs.

    ItUPRREEft' NOTICK8.i6UPHKME cour.T or thh state okNEW YOHK, COUNTY OF NEW

    YOntC Wlllljm H. IV. Youngs, plalnlirf.ealiiat l.Urlfi.l tloodman and olhers, dcfstnlanta.In pursuance of an Interlocutory Judrnintof pirtltlon and rale, duly made and en

    tved In the Me entitled artlop, bearlnrdale the :lh duy cf J'tbruary. 1015. andentered In th omce of lh lrl of theCounty of New York on th ftli day ofFebruary. 11J. 1, the underala-ned- . Ihrefere In said Interlocutory Judmnentrimed, will sell b publb aiiellon. at ibeExchange Silesroom, niinli.ru ll-- l Veaeyftreet. In the Humngh of f.lsnhallan, Cltv

    f Nes- - York, on tli Kth ,1sv nf Antll.It'll, at l o'llucic noon on Hut da.by Joseph r. Daj auctioneer, th premisesF.HUH.-- 10 in. unrnusn ri .iannatian, ' itvof Ne-- v Torli. directed by said Judmnt tors ilia, and theteln described aa follons-rARL'E-

    No. I.All then esrialn lole, piece or parcel of

    land, with the bulldlnta and ImprnMinen'ethereon erected, situate. Isln and belnr Intho Doreiif h of Manhattan, city. Coiintv andPlate of New York, knoii and dlarlniulsbedon a map of the property of Yellla Hopper,deceased, made by J. F. Bridies, c. ft.,dated ptembr S. HST. and filed In theoltlr of the netlater of Ih city and Counts-o- fNew M ion, number 71. TJ, 1.lsJ. lit. 1C4, lis and 16, bounded nddescrlhed an follv:

    .Hfftlnnlnt at a point on the southerly sideof S4th Street distant l(l feet westerly fromth (orner formed by the Intersection ofHi southerly ld of 14th Street with Hievesterly side of 1st Avenue: and runnlns;!5IBI "O'Hherly. parallel with 1st A4enue,

    l"Ll ? Inehe to the centre Una of the1 between Md and llh 8tratj thenwesterly, a Inns; said centre linn of lbblovk. 100 feet: thence northerly, parallelwith ! Avenutt. I'll feet j (riches to theaoutherly n of tlth street; and thneeasterly, alonsj the southerly side of nthFtreet 300 fet to the. point or ptoc ofbeglnnlna, Said pienilsea blng known asJ.o 35;. J3 3S1. Sit, lia. Jir, Jit. IK,ll and StO East llth Street.

    PARCEL No. :All that e.rtln lot pier, or parcel fland, with the buildings and Improsr me.ita

    lh Ecroueh of Jtnnhsttan, City Coun4and Sidtb of New York, known and desig-rate- dby number and !ttr 1 T. B. onp certain map entltlrd "Map of Leandertsituated In the City of Nwv,1?sJ,h;iTi'nu's H. Ludlam. City silr-W.- I:Jn .the omce of the Register

    '.I hiSS1""?0.' N;w Vork by the map No.iiJ ,ot lcrlbed In a certainof release dated Augurt :o. UK,I. llogert and another and

    JSIJA'J ,'V,V" r.,s.,'"ru' Stttyveaant.i" ,h.1,;;'Jn register's of- -Liber of Coneances. at psge

    nb.ic!i "ld Ist ' 'Oundsd and Jf.bsrlhed ss follows- -Wit Lll'J1!. Pdnt on fh ea.terlr eldf Street distant 119 feet 11 u Inchessoutherly from th corner formed bv th

    41r'.f,"J ?? .1' '"erly side of Orchardsoutherly sld of T.. Houstonstret where th northerly face of thenortherly Independent wall ,h, biilld re?"..Lh . Vr,m'" Hereby Intended to b.Intersect the said essterly side of?ir. ' r;' Street, and running thence easterly,northerly f,c of ssld wan ,n,i."T '" sontlnuatlon thereof. 17 feethVi .lenc.l,t s"r " centre.i " s'renaru Htreets Lud ow Str?et: thence outhrrv. along"Id .entr. line of the block. It test minehe to a point distant 141 fi 10s!I'irhe enuth of the southerly side of EHouston street: thenr western, ontrl4jbt tin parallel with th aoutherly .Id!"f L. Hon. ton Street and part of the"oolherly face of theImtenendrnt wall of the bulldlnir

    h.' t ? ,n',r'Bl' Intended to be. i0Xt ih'he. more or Irsi.,i onV,hriH."M'i hard Street: and

    riVrh,.." u.,.h".l,'.fl?nr ,n easterly side ofITmi ?'C' nt 't'nnlnc. nelng th1 Ul- - A. ri n AJ.m." ."' ,1,tl1 dated May

    ?r Cu",' of Nw Vork. Ltberlonieyance. at page 44s bmprem e b.lna-- now known anl by thestreet No. 11: Orchard Street.PARCEL No. 5.

    All that certain plot, pierand. with th and lmpro" men?iE'reon eretd. situate" lym, and being

    ,nl I'WS S--f M'nhattan? Cltv. ?

    .1.1. i'0'"' " th southerly?rfe";h.hconVr, a s:' ,n?:r:"iVhth0 VWlVoV Vvfn'uc'S. ..iivnrp. in.nn u i

    'hAnu'e'' WrtWtiwter'npU..MVl ,4w, RT1 EtghTSs'tVe'e, "1AVer,,.;"?. ,?Jnr,:-.n""'-

    "j' Pel wit"iffvv, hel po,tuo?b" niunin. unites


    mmimffmmmIntersection of the northerlv irlStr- -t with the ea.t.rly tide of wtll?if Br?..tfcio?0 j,iiruriy l oflrW -- Id. of" WlllMVe'?r,e,2t'nr Ct i1'"

    w l.tt aTii br ,n Mr't number 1:

    mi?lynofhJ'r.y, of ,h' lnd now' o'r fort

    wn.ftt 8?rWe?t." "d b" tre.VUnu,n,'bmr, lSPARCEL NO. 5.

    All that esrtaln of l.nrt'Vth, gliding andPmpro4rnnts5 Vh'Sf M.U;i,,e'Jy,nrc?n S'lnt In lb" Born.v,I v.(fP"?.tAUnl ?! County and Statelows' and described n.s fol- -nfnnJ.n..!nJ.,'t I?0' n th astrlv ;ld2L?."!?.,,lr".dl,unt fet lt Inchesfrom the corner formed by th''"Ih'rly Me offctre.t .k , .6 e.,ur,y "IS of WlllStt.n.,T.,0,- - '.ITf1""; "f Rchn Ottnb.res.terly side of Wlllett Street:i.V.'i. .K: ."'"5'f. " reel- rn, iiwniitnj- - ia promthereinabove described and known' as b?the tret number 10 Wlllett Street: then?;V.'',ly ,h ""rth.rly side of the saidherelnabov. described, and part oftnence northerlv. nsrsii.i .,. n.n...Street. .5 feet i Inches to th southerly sld


    or frmerly of Barnetalong the said south-nr,y- -J iht 'ndno-- v or formerly off'hrnan and the seld southerly sidenifl!ji..i2n1.5ow or t,ortt,JlX. ot BohenI?6'."!' 1.d with Broome Street.,or pllf of lnnlng:Said premises being known as and by thstreet number Wlllett 6trt.

    PARCEL NO.AL' It'i'.f :rii?,n l0' Piece or psreel of land,building and Improvements thereon

    ir,Vi!'"3; Ivlng and being In the Bor.0l'J Manhattan. City. County and Stat!lNrr "rk. and known and dlatlngulshed"i. . - . i. l'o ceriain man entitled

    . , . , nun ir, vriio in inofflcfl of the Keglster of the County of Nework In Liber S17 of Conveyance, rsg its,on January :i. 1185, which said lot labounded and dtscrlhtil a follnns:.U"AlnJ?,n folnt "n ,hB northerly side13d Stret dlstsnt ISO ft strl.v fromthe corner formed by the Intersection of thnortherly sld of :id street with th st-erl- y

    side of Id Avenue; snd running thenenortherly, end parallel with Id Avnu andpart of th distance through a parly wall.feet 9 Inches to the centre fin of theblock between ltd and :th Streets: thenceastrly, alang said centre lln of th block.IS feet, tbnc southerly, parallel with IdAvenu. feet 9 Inehe to th northerlysldo of 2Sd Stret; and thence westerly, alongth northerly sldo of :3d Street, Is ft tethpoint or place of beginning. Said premise, beIng known as snd by th Nn 10 Esst !3dStreet, and said piece or parcel of land beingsubject 10 a esrtaln easement eonevd byded mad by the said George w. Adam,deceaaad. to the tnlerhorough Rapid Transitcompany and others, dated April Ud. lioi,and recorded In tho offlc of ih. Bglstr ofNew York County In faction I. Liber til ofConvysnct, at r(

    TABCEL NO 7All that certain lot, plscc or parcel of land

    with th building and lnipiomants thrcnr.cted. ltut. lxng and being In th Bar.cugh cf Manhattan. Cltv, County and Statof New Ycrk. bounded and described as

    redlining at a point on the wester!" sldsof Id Avnu distant 40 ft and I Inehesou'htrly from ih corner formed by th In.trirtlon of th westerly rid of Jdwith the eoutherly sld of Mh Strat. andrunning. thnr wssirl. nstrlv parallelwith th trt and prt of thi dlstanethfouth a rtrtv wall, ft) tjet thtnt south-r- lrMllsl.or netrl' tt 11;3 rtti iui 1 ir.iri. tbenct caittrli, arl- -

    I flKfKBr.lW notici;I HSASSVAAASS.SM..MM..A.AVMparallel ullh Cth Street and part of the die-ts m- - thrntirth a party ss n tl. SO feet to tbncsterlv sldo ot Sd Atenue: and theprnortherly, alon? tho r eeterly side of Id Ave.nue, 10 feel to Ihe point or place of beclnn In sr.

    fiH premts'f. belnir now knerii by the NoM Second Atctiuc.

    PARCEL NO.All that certain lot pleie or psrrel of

    land, with th building and Improvementthereon erected, slluatr. lylna; and belnn Inthe Borough of Jlanhattin. 47ity. County andstale of New York., bounded and describedaa folio;

    Beginning at n point on the northerly sld(Of 4th Street dlrtant too ft westerly fromine corner iormri ry iric l.lierseillon or innortherly sld of ttth Street with the west-erly sld of 1st Avsmuoi and running therenortherly, parallel lih let Atenin. 10! feti Inches to Ihe conlrt Una of lha block be-tween 'Ith and 1Mb Ktreels: theme west-etl-along sjld cenlro lln of the Mock. SOfeet: thence outherlr. nnd rr.iHl with 1stAtnu and part of Ihe dlatane through aparty wall. 105 feet 5 Inches to th northerlyaid of f 4th Street: and lhnc easterly,along th northerly aid of nth street, SOfeet to th point or place of beginning.

    Said premises being kaown as and by thstreet number IM East llth Street.

    Dated New York. March 13d, 111.EDWARD 8. CI.INCtt,

    Refer.wiNTiinor stimson.Attorney for the l'Ulntlff.

    31 t.lhertr Street. Borough of Manhattan,New York City.

    Tho following la a diagram nf Tarcel No.I above mentioned! II street number artMS. Sll. IH, 311. 34, HI, 344. S4I. Ill and350 East llth Htrt:

    CAST T.T.. . . ,

    t ft-- ?. i


    Said parrel will be first efter-- d tor ssl Intn separata lots or parrels and then offeredfor sale In two plots of 100x100 ft, esch, oneplot to Include th ft4' three-stor- y housesiNos and th otherplot to Include th fle two-stor- housest.Voa SIS. JJI.jris.aJi.. 240t

    Said parcel will be sold subject to slate offact shown on a ur4.v thereof msd bythe Lawyers' Englntvrlng AV Sun-eyin- Com-pan-

    and dated December I, I90. whichsursey 1. now In the possession of the auc-tioneer and will be exhibited at the time ofsale: also subject to various yearly lease,none ot which expire later than Not ember1, 1912.

    Th following I a diagram of rarrel Nov1 above mentioned; Its stret number la 3Orchard Street:

    ORCHARD,,,. ST.


    Said parcel will be sold subject to stateof fct shown on a survey thereof mad bythe Lawyer' Engineering A Surveying Com-pany, and dated December a, 1909. whichsurvey la now in th poMesslon of the auc-tioneer and will be exhibited at tb time ofsale.

    The following I a diagram of Parcel No.1 above mentioned; It street numbers ate3(1 and 35C East Eighth Street:

    CAST & T. ST.

    70' Jeb


    TLSaid parrel will b rold as one plot, and

    will be sold rublect to state of tarts shownon a survey thereof made by the Lawyers'Engineering A Surveying Company, anddated December 1. 1909. which survey Is nowIn the possession of th auctioneer and winb exhibited at th tlm of sale; alio subjectto rovenante against nuisances recorded Inthe office of th Register of th County ofNew York In Liber 14. C p. .The following te a diagram of Parcel No.4 anov mentioned; It street number Is 19Wlllett Street:

    WILLETTncra ST


    Said pat eel will be eold subject to state offact ahown on a survey thereof made bythe Lawyer' Engineering & Surveying Com-pany, and dated December 4. 1909. whichsuriey Is now In the possession of the auc-tioneer and will be exhibited at the time ofsale.

    Th following I a diagram of Parcel No.S above mentioned: Its street number Is 12Wlllett Street:

    .WILLETTQVo z) STr--tsl


    Said parcel will be sold rubject to statsof facta ahown on a survey thereof made hyth Lawyers' Engineering & 3urveylr.( Com-pany, and dated December C, 1909, whichurvey la now In th possession of the auc-tioneer and will be exhibited at the time otsale: also subject to violations of tb Tene-ment House Law now pending In the Tene-ment House. Department of the City of NewYork.

    The following I a diagram of rarccl Nn.abov mentioned! It tret number la SO!Eaat lid 8trct:BAST 13 ttf ST.

    tr 'StA stf

    Said parcel will b told subject to state offacts shown on a surrey thereof mad bythe Lawyers' Engineering & Surveying Com-pany, and datf December it, 1909, whichsuney la now In the possession of the auc-tioneer and will be exhibited at the time otal: also subUct to violation of th Tene-ment House Law now pending In the Tene-ment House Department of th City of NewYork.

    Th following I a diagram nt Pared No.T above mentioned; Its street numbsr Is It3cond Avenue:

    M9 X 24 AVt.

    814 pares! will be sold subject to Stat ctfacts shown on a urvey thereof mad byth Lawyers' Engineering : Surveying Com-pany, snd dated December T, 1909, whicheurvey la now In th possession of th auc-tioneer and will b exhibited at th tlm ofsalo.

    The following Is e diagram of Parcel No.ahov mentioned; its street number I titEast llth Street:

    (nasi) a 6T,

    JUd pares! will be seld luhltrt to stats ftUcis shown on a turssy tnrt mad byth Lswyr' Engineering As uriying Com-pan-nd oata December 10 1909, which

    oirvev I no-.- - in th retassslon ot th avicttfinser and will tt an!blt! at th tlm of' Pat.d N Tork. March 114. 1912

    S CLINCH.4frt

    RECEIVERS' XOTICr.e..IN THK niSTRICT COt'KT OKTIIr; I NH'KUstatus for thi: soitiikhn hisihict ornr.w sonit.-eotg- e it. ston. stepnen sittrtTafl.Jr, and Harry P. rastuood. Coitiiilaliutnis.

    atraliiat the Terra Marine Company. I'nlted ontraetoia Corporation, Bankers brail) beiur.bisCompany, the Connecticut Really Corioralloi),

    . Intercity Really Company Greater t.'llv Mndand Imnrotement t ompany, Ibe tiniham l.s-- Itaie, Main Coast Realty and linptntcm'rrtCompany, Investors rnderwrlllng Company,Xr fork H4nkersan.l (linkers tnstliite,anu'Iiie('stales Company, John . flarr, I ritstee In Bank-ruptcy of Die i'nlted Contractors Corporationllnterrenon. Defendants.

    . In pursuance nf nn Interlocutory decree dulyI made herln on the 9th day of Kebtuary, wis, and, filed on the I3th dav ot icbiuatr. ltd?, notice ishereby given that all claims an I demands iigelnt

    the defen tents the Terra Marine Company,'Connecticut ResRy Corporation, ihe fnl'edtiniraciors corporation, rne estates lompnnyIntercity Realtv Company, Main Coat Realtyand, Itnproment Company, Greater Clly Lmdand Improvement Company, Bankers RealtySecurities Company and The Goiliaiu rla'(.ot any of them, or In fator of any of th said de-fendants aa against any or all of the others, mustbe presented on or before the Rod day nf April112. to the undersigned at his otnr , ca re of DanielII. Hanrkel, Receiver, Room T21. Nn. is Williamstreet. In the Borough of Manhattan, Clly ufNew York.

    The Drat hearing before th undersigned, thSpecial Master appointed by said Interlocutors-decree- ,

    will bei held at hi said office. Room IJJ,xo. u wniism street, lorn rity, on wo 1sti riav of Uav. IBI2. at 1 o'clock P. M.

    All claimants, whether their claims shall bebased on the ownership of stocks, bend or otherobligations of the defendants affected by Ihdecree, or anv of them, should reduce theirclaims to writing, stating fully and with par-ticularity the character thereof, and promptlyfile the nam duly awnrn lo with the undersigned.

    Dated New York, March IB. 1I2.tslgned) EDWARD S. RAPALLO.

    Special MasterenRICH WHEELER.

    Solicitors for complainants.3 Rector Strt, New York.

    WACDONALD & BOSTW1CK,Solicitors lor receiver,

    IS William Street. New York.


    Id the t.nlled Slates District Court for the East,ern District of rrnnsvlvonla. April Sessions, mil,No. aai. In Equity. Ttio Lincoln Trust Company,a Corporation created and existing under tnlaws of the State nf New York, complainant, s sAni-rlr- Tissue Paper Company, a corporationelected by and existing under the laws of theState ot Prnnsylianla, defendant

    Notice Is hereby git en that the sale of all andsingular tbr real and personal prop-r- tr andfranchises of even- - namo and nature, uf thuAmerican Tissue Paper Company, respondent Inthe abote tase, which was to base been held onKrldai. March isth. A. I). 1012. has been ad-journed until Monday. April Uth. 1912. et 12o'clock noon at lb front dcor of the Court Houseot th County of Northampton. In the City ofEaston, Northampton County, Slate of Pennsyl-vania

    The adjourned tale will be held subject to allof the terms and conditions under which the saleadvertised for Marrh isth was to have been h( ld.Tor a full statement of said lermaand conditions,reference Is made to the decree In the ahos e raaeon ill In the office of the Clerk of Ibe I'nltedState District Court for the Eastern District ofPetinsj Ivanla, In the city of Philadelphia, andadtertl'er.ient fully describing tbo terms andconditions ot Ibe sale will be found In the "Pas tonHails Express." the "New York Sun" and the"Philadelphia Ledger" In the lauea of February15Ui. 2?d and 2MB and Marrh "th and In the"Legal Intelligencer." published at Philadelphia,In the Issues of February letb and 2M and March1st and 8th.

    CHARLES L. McKKKHAN.Special Matter.

    Weal End Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, pa.



    Atlantic Clly.

    HOTELCHELSEAAtlantic City, N. J.

    Occurring an cnrJ.ro block of oeetnfront, with no obstruction to th elev;In the fashionable residence section, cferthe hlgkeet standard ot hotel excellenceIn appointments, cuisine, and service; 300luxuriously furnished andsuites have private bathe (fresh and seawater) attached. Largo solarium and din-ing hall overlooking the oeean and board-walk. Blgn-ola- orchestra. Billiards,cat. grUI. etc, French chefs, flotf priv-ilege. Auto meet trains. Booklet andterms upon request. Open all the year.


    'Ssxttl MvntittllnKentucky ave.. near Beach A all attractions.

    Good Cooking, Efficient Service andlioaneltke lorn fort a at Moderate Bates,ax) choice rooms, to connecting wltn bath: latest

    Improvements: white help, good music: Americanplan, 12 up dally: special weekly. Auto coachmeets trains. Write for descriptive folder. A.OONJIAD r.KHOI.M, Oii-nc-r 4 Manager.

    HOTELDENNISDirectly on the Ocean Front,n. WALTER J. Hl'SRV.

    GRAND ATLANTIC HOTELVirginia av near Beach and Steel Pier. Opensurroundings. Capacity &no. Hot and cold seawater baths; Urge rooms, southern exposure:elevator ta street level, sun etc: xi.wup dally; special weekly rates. Booklet, Coachesmeet trains. COOI'KH A LECDS.

    ISLESWORTHOn Ihe ocean front. Virginia Ave. ov:r!ook!sgfamous Steel Pier. Capacity 600. Special EasterSeason rates, no extra charge for hot sea waterbaths. Elevator, spacloui. sun parlor, privatebaths. Orchestra. Auto meets trains. Booklet.WM. HYMAN. Propr. FRANK M. PHOKBUS. Mgr.

    HOTEL RALEIGH St.andPlaceCharles

    Beach.100 large, sunny rooms, Mean view; private

    baths, running water lu rooms: sun parlois:elevator: electric lights, etc. Meals and servicebest obtainable. Special rales for March andApril; II. J. in NES.Most modem and leading moderate rate hotel,

    Virginia Ave. near beach.NkBEmiltlB CapacltySlo. Large,sunny rooms, steam heated: excellent tabla.M. 110.112.50 up weekly: 12 up dally. Am. Plan. 1. levator;sun parlors; orchestra. Booklet. J. p. COPE.

    The WUuhtre &'io 5 TSGreatly Improved. Can. SW. Private baibs. run.Ding water In looms, elevator, etc. Music. Spe- -elal. 111.50 up weekly; 12.50 up dally. Open allthe year. Booklet. SAUUKL ELLIS.

    HOTEL NEW ENGLANDSo. farollna Ave. A beach. Private baths, run-ning water Ut rooms; elevator to street level; sun& LtAMS'' "pc',y m' Booklet BRYAN A

    (Barlborousb-SIcnbcIi- ii

    ATI ANT It! CITY. N. J..letlsh White at Sons Company,

    Lakes ood.

    1AKEWOOD.N..I An attrtlM Fall. Winter and Scrir.p rort II among the Fine, offering a dry. healthful eli-- 1mat, social advantages and every opportunitytor. outdoor recreations. The . la) plc tox sreeaara rrom tne nuee aiaeomxort.


    THE LAUREL IN lilt rlNcaKew Open. FRANK V. HDTK. Mar.

    Booklets ajse laiormati en request.Ramehed fro as Now York Cltr trlat

    Oak Court Uoti,Lakaweod. X. J.

    Family hotel notable forquiet, domesticity andhomelike atmosphere.E. E. Spangenberi, Mgr.

    NEW YOUh.BreniTille.

    Motel GramatanIUWIEWE PARK, MONXVIUE. H Y.nr sinus ciuxces.

    AVTlvrriiAN'cen buy lnteril In sn sulci oft

    unlvetMl arpal. Indorted b: men who knotK.ooo cash trqu'red balxue trom ptoflts f lvwii bt paid for sepices renderrd t'uitbat

    from44 DONALD-t- I0GINSCO. laTH'war X V-- A.

    SAIAlr-.ie- w lorK city. Kitod npDOrlunt.ueMwoup a uvrrcL'a sons, u x .wiitn.

    SFBRtlOATE'S NOTICES.HAW I.l:V."r,lnVLN! l7a piirsatirs7rrter'

    nf Hon. John p. i obala.. a Stiiiurale of iif niiniy of ,Nci4 4.rik. ni.tl-- s- Ii riven id",all persons hating, claims agnVt I HAM .hr. . Ial of Km 4'nu3t7 of Nev York, iloocas- - I,Iti Pient Hie Mine with toucher' thr'if to t!i- -isubscribers, at their place of tr.s.niflln histn.at Ihe omce of their atnr:iey. .Mc,r standi,field A l4-y- . No. II Pine Street, In the city ot N- -lojl: on or ti fore the i.Mli day of August, mi"Dated. I'ebtuary t.lth. 191?


    Altornejs for Admlnljtralors,No. tl Plnr Street,

    New York Clly" tlFORiifj' HnftFrTlil-.H-t- n pu.s'isnc- - of inirder of Hon. HOHRI1I Ll'tilOW l'OUI.ER aAurroeatr of the County nt hrn York noticehereby rlAen toall bitingclalm' ttaln44GEOROr H. Ill ilffCS. late of the County.New ork. deceased, to present th sane nlnitoue'ier thaienf lo th subscriber a' bla pljeof transacting business. No. s Broad Str"t. nIhe City of Ne4v York, on or bfoie the l.,th itayof August next. Dated New- York, the Mh davof January, 1911. THEODORE K. LEI!rir,Kxecntor. KDW. J. MrGANNKY. Attorney lorExecutor. Broad Street. New York Cltv.


    WEST POINT. X. V April I, phi.' SealMpim iposals. In tilplli-Bte- , subject to the usual con- -'dlttons. for furnishing itood, tnlnernl oil, Caroline,forage and stra44 ai tills Post, will be riccUrdun-II- I5 o'clock P. .!.. May I. 1917. Ivilvetles to be'made dii.lng the fiscal ear ending Jun? 50. IBIX JThe it. s reserves Ihe right to accept or rejectany or all proposal or any part thereof Torfurther Information address Cuartrrntstet, WestPoint, X. t ,

    ,'. ENtllNEEH ori'lCI,. ri.'April I, 1912. Sealed proposals for constructionf.,s.y,A..pl0,"r...'!rv,'v l'inch "CAPTAIN .1 J.MhM.LII" m ill bo received at Ihl oltlce innllII. M. Mav 2. lot?, nnd Hiti puhllcU- - opnrd.Infoinislliin ,ti st,i:,.sil.i,, t n., ui.i i' mV ,,,,,1(apt Engrs

    GOVERNORS ISLAND. N Y. II , April I IPI?filed proposals, n trlpllrai", for lurnlflilng Hiei,

    t.atollne. Mltictal Oil. and ( otape and Strair '(three months- end nar sttpplji required Itupit Islon. d'irlnc year commencing Jnlvt..0U'. will be rerelved here until lo e m . Mav I.MP? iVirUn'-!'- 3 PrllCa!i.-n- . J. II. 4

    ll 4f 3l

    TO LT- -STH ST. .M WEST-Lar-ge, suitable tn'o or'thr. medium, 13 up, houschefplnj; pianoj ielsitpbone iJlTH ST.. lot tlTST Three Cn sunny rooms.

    located; tetetence; telephont MfColumbus. McGregor.

    SITH ST, Ii)l WEST-Deslr- able room, prltnt- -.family: convenient suhwai, 'L', telephone, gen-tlemen; M on. DEWANE. I

    9TH ST. lln WEST Light, newly decoratedrooms: every modern Implement, contrnlrntsubway "L and Park. T

    I11TH ST.. 119 WESTAttracUve parloTlndlalcoie: piano: electric light; phone, elevator.,reference. Apartment 17.

    41 WEST llTH SIT.Attractltc front rooms: elevator: Sub.: Apt. el.'

    1I5TH ST.. 81 WEST Connecting nntsld.sunny rooms: lavator); private family; Droadway;subway. WAUE.

    MANHA1TAX AV.. 2WPsrk; attractive bachelor suite; home comforts:Independence. RICE.

    BTH AV., 3 Extra large room: with bath! smaVi''room; convenient location: modern: references '

    Brooklyn. 's

    IT. GREENE PL.. 49 Large rooms; connecting:gentlemen only: moderato prices: convenientsubway and cars.

    BOARDERS WANTED. 'STU AV.. 44 Large and small rooms: gentle- -

    men: couple: table guests accommodated: references.

    LENOX AV.. IM HI9thl Attractive room withboard: all conveniences; bone comforts; tabletguest; Jewish house.


    IIS HENRY ST.Rooms, with board: table board.


    ACCOUNTANTS. hlgh-Ora- omce Helpers'BOOKKEEPERS. Offiea Service Co. (AgenoyiiSTKNOGRAPHEfie. 149 B'wav. TL IIM Corn

    srrcAojsrswAEfrVACUUM CLEANING BtlREAH. II West llttti

    St.. cleaning for the best people In New Yor.t:how about your tacuum and general clcanlo-i- tHour or day. Telephone 3243 Harlem.

    SITUATIONS WANTED MALE.ENGINEER First class mechanic. competct.-sober-,

    reliable and having good references, w lli.-- .position; factory preferred. Address A.

    no Clymer St.. Brooklyn.YOUNG man wishes position lo some giwi.t

    dry roods house with chance of advancement;Is uthing and can furnish good reference:,. Y.M.,box 119 Sun olbce.


    YOUNG WOMAN with experience In nttlnjladles' skirts or walsta can end permanent poi-tlo-

    stltli good chance for advancement. AppljH. u. MILLARD, Butterlck Building, cor. Spu.t;and Macdougal stv

    STANDARD FASHION CO. offer desirablepositions with good prospects of advancement nyoung women skilled In designing and trimmingfashionable dresses of all kinds; some knowledur-u-

    dressmaking It essential. Apply by letter,statins; age and experlcace. to STANDAhuFASHION CO., II Vaudam st., New York.

    HELP WANTED MALE.HIGH GRADE. Immediate clerical, excculltr

    and technical positions open for competent tatn.Call personally for list and particulars. UlUIilLl.(Agency), Madron Building.

    WANTED for a phuto engraving establishmenta rC'Ctchcr v4ho has some kno-- t ledge of color workand tooling. Apply PUBLIC Tl Y ENGRAVINGL?uJllUD1JilJb-f''1- .;

    ANTED- - At once, first class cleaner anddcr: steady work year round guaranteed: uagc',SJ so per day: no boorcrs need apply. HILLSiti;DYE HOUSE. Bangor. Me

    AGENTS WANTED.AGENTS Earn 14 CO to 19 a dav tnlrndurlilir

    labor and time saving necessities; sample ofseasonable leader free. AMERICAN MERCHAN-DISING CO., Greensboro. X. C.


    CHATTEL MORTGAGE KALE.By tlrtue of a certain chattel mortgage, dated

    August 10th. 1911, and tiled In lb Registrar'snfflce. County of New York, executed by hsljl'aRestaurant to Merchant Exchange NationalBaak of the City of New York, we will sell atpublic auction by Harry M. Moses. Auctioneer:on Thursday. April 4th, I9ii. at lu o'clock In illforenoon, on the premises. II tn IH Park Place.Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, all ofthe chattels called tor In said laorigtg .

    Dated New York. April 3rd. 1911.MERCHANTS EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK

    OP THE (ITV OK NEW YORK,Mortgager,

    3ETI1 B. ROBINSON.Attorney for Mortgager,

    I Liberty Street,Manhattan. N. V. C

    MOliTOAGE SALE-.lns- h. Hlrscb. auctioneer,will sell II A. M. at II Bay st . Tompktfif-slll- e,

    X. Y I Pool Hacks, Cues. Bridge's.Balls, Covers, etc . a scheduled In a mortgage ofThos. Carlllu to II, Wagner and Adler fo andtransfeiied to Jerry liubrrto. tbo stld Jet itRnbrrto asslgnrd said morttat to Giuseppe

    siuriKszc uicu uci u. ivn RtuanedO.'l, 1811,


    .lust tioiv ion may secure l (cr fl In my suitsand overcoat Those at luc Droaduay starhaie been lo many Instances Pi Iced tbsurdly low. In order not to move them tinand 122 suits, overcoat and raincoats bt bnmarked as liu as Jt Ther are 04her at It U.3ta.v. tie ts and 111.73. Usny (Ilk lined udof good quail I. G. N VINCENT.

    Broadway. Cor Rd St.-i-i J fegBgawuej'


    LADY lactlQccs a brand new upilght ptgno.value tnn. to quick buyer at silt: also en pianowltn music, cabinet 1)0. pictures 11 Call (44 Cen-tral Pari' Wei;, btt. Mia anl 1Mb its. Ptlvvhouse', no dealers admitted i

    FOB s';...4Oesks jnd Oitic i uxultar.MAXBA1TAN PUIIC CO. '

    Swktaies. ytiir.g Dvlces. Table. Kvn t.41-4- 0 Lefevette tit.

    Tl rrar.k'ln l.'i Worth i v SMHeis"LlrTT'lNrsi BASt rT

    r ir.-- r isst ui"Ji tPecllse-- I tlsVs placed nn d4 safe fet rt!cN

    rl4 riefeire'1 dltert AdllHJ' Hf b'lif?v?lpme,