CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD OF DETERMINING ACETONE IN VAPOUR-AIR AND WATER-ACETONE MIXTURES V. P. Zalinyan, M. V. Kirakosyan, N. B. Znamenskaya, P. A. Chakhoyan, V. N. Grigoryan, A. N. Airapetyan, and K. A. Ovsepyan UDC 677.494.744.72 ANALYSIS OF VAPOUR-AIR MIXTURE The mixture of acetone and air, extracted by means of ventilators from the plant, is directed to the recovery department, where the acetone is separated and returned to the process. If the concentration of acetone in the vapour-air mixture (yam) reaching the recovery department is known, one can assess wheth- er all the acetone has been recovered and take timely steps to eliminate irregularities in the processing conditions leading to losses of acetone. Previously the yam was analysed during production by a chemical method (reaction of acetone with hydroxylamine) which is laborious, lengthy and does not give reproducible results. At present, a chromatographic method of analysing complex liquid and gaseous mixtures is widely used in controlling technological processes. Its advantages are speed, high sensitivity, good reproducibility of results, ease of setting up the chromatographic column and others. The experiments on the separation of the vam (air-acetone) were carried out on a KhT-2MU chroma- tograph. It was necessary to select a solid carrier for the stationary liquid phase, a gas carrier and opti- mum conditions for the separation of the mixture (length and temperature of the column, velocity of the gas carrier, current for the deteetor, etc.). Results on the separation of the vapour-air mixture are given in Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that the highest column efficiency was obtained with glycerine for the shortest" acetone retention time. Inzensk diatomaceous brick and corundum were tried as solid carriers. With the brick, the acetone peak was diffuse, whereas it was symmetric on the corundum. Corundum coated with glycerine was conse- quently selected as the solid carrier. The following parameters were established for the separation of the vam: Separating column length, m ............................. 3 internal diameter, mm .................... 4 temperature, ° C ......................... 47 Liquid phase (glycerine) content, as a % by weight of the solid carrier .................. 0.2 Particle size of the solid carrier (corundum), mm... 0.2-0.28 Velocity of gas carrier (air), ml/min ............ 40 Acetone retention time in column, sec ........... 58 Detector current, mA ...................... 132 Under industrial conditions the vam contains water vapour in addition to air and acetone. In order to eliminate the water peak on the chromatogram a container with calcium chloride was placed near the appar- atus dispenser inlet. The instrument was calibrated with artificial mixtures, a graph of the peak as a function of acetone concentration (in mg/liter) was plotted, and the instrument was tested round the clock for several days. One analysis cycle takes 13 rain 7 sec. The results of the tests proved to be satisfactory. Scientific Research Institute for the Automation of Production Processes in the Chemical Industry and Nonferrous Metallurgy (NIIAvtomatika), Kirovakan; Kirovakan Factory. Translated from Khimicheskie Vo- lokna, No. 2, pp. 71-73, March-April, 1969. Original article submitted April 24, 1968. 225

Chromatographic method of determining acetone in vapour-air and water-acetone mixtures

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V. P . Z a l i n y a n , M. V. K i r a k o s y a n , N. B. Z n a m e n s k a y a , P . A. C h a k h o y a n , V. N. G r i g o r y a n , A. N. A i r a p e t y a n , a n d K. A. O v s e p y a n

UDC 677.494.744.72


The mixture of acetone and air, extracted by means of ventilators from the plant, is directed to the r ecovery department, where the acetone is separated and re turned to the process . If the concentration of acetone in the v a p o u r - a i r mixture (yam) reaching the r ecovery depar tment is known, one can assess wheth- er all the acetone has been recovered and take t imely steps to eliminate i r regular i t i es in the process ing conditions leading to losses of acetone. Previously the yam was analysed during production by a chemical method (reaction of acetone with hydroxylamine) which is laborious, lengthy and does not give reproducible resul ts . At present, a chromatographic method of analysing complex liquid and gaseous mixtures is widely used in controll ing technological processes . Its advantages are speed, high sensitivity, good reproducibi l i ty of results , ease of setting up the chromatographic column and others.

The experiments on the separat ion of the vam (a i r - ace tone ) were car r ied out on a KhT-2MU chroma- tograph. It was neces sa ry to select a solid c a r r i e r for the s tat ionary liquid phase, a gas c a r r i e r and opti- mum conditions for the separat ion of the mixture (length and tempera ture of the column, velocity of the gas ca r r i e r , cur rent for the deteetor, etc.). Results on the separat ion of the v a p o u r - a i r mixture a re given in Table 1.

It can be seen f rom Table 1 that the highest column efficiency was obtained with g lycer ine for the shortest" acetone retention time.

Inzensk diatomaceous br ick and corundum were tried as solid ca r r i e r s . With the brick, the acetone peak was diffuse, whereas it was symmet r i c on the corundum. Corundum coated with glycer ine was conse- quently selected as the solid ca r r i e r .

The following pa rame te r s were established for the separat ion of the vam:

Separating column length, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 internal d iameter , mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 temperature , ° C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Liquid phase (glycerine) content, as a % by weight of the solid c a r r i e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2

Par t ic le size of the solid c a r r i e r (corundum), m m . . . 0.2-0.28 Velocity of gas c a r r i e r (air), ml/min . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Acetone retention t ime in column, sec . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Detector current , mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Under industrial conditions the vam contains water vapour in addition to a i r and acetone. In order to eliminate the water peak on the chromatogram a container with calcium chloride was placed near the appar- atus dispenser inlet.

The inst rument was cal ibrated with art i f icial mixtures, a graph of the peak as a function of acetone concentration (in mg/liter) was plotted, and the instrument was tested round the clock for severa l days. One analysis cycle takes 13 rain 7 sec. The resul ts of the tests proved to be sat isfactory.

Scientific Research Institute for the Automation of Production P r o c e s s e s in the Chemical Industry and Nonferrous Metallurgy (NIIAvtomatika), Kirovakan; Kirovakan Factory . Transla ted f rom Khimicheskie Vo- lokna, No. 2, pp. 71-73, March-Apri l , 1969. Original ar t ic le submitted April 24, 1968.


TABLE 1. Results on Separation of the Vapour - A i r Mixture

Liquid phase ~Acetone reten-I , :Column et- Ition time, ] • ~in - s e c ficiency

I Tween 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 4--30 415 Polyethylene glycol (20000) . . . . . I 1--48 378 Glycerine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0--58 550

* Characterised by the number of the theoretical plates needed for the separation of the mixture.

TABLE 2. Results on Separation of W a t e r - A c e - tone Mixture

Liqu~ phase

Polyethylene glycol

Polypropylene glycol

Retention ] , time,

i min-sec . ~o

a c e tone water ~ .N~ ~

0--24 1---15 280

C--38 1--08 300

I t9





* Characterised by the number of theoretical plates needed for the separation of the mixture.

Results f rom the chromatogram were compared with resul ts obtained by the chemical method. The relat ive e r r o r of determination is :~1.3% in the interpretat ion of chromatograms and + 1.7% in the chemical method.

The chromatographic method of yam analysis with a production model of the KhT-2MU automatic chromatograph is being successful ly used in the revovery department of the Kirovakan Man-Made Fibre Factory.

A N A L Y S I S O F W A T E R - A C E T O N E M I X T U R E

Under production conditions the mixture is normaLly analysed by a chemicaL method (reaction of ace- tone with hydroxylamine and subsequent t i tration with an 0.1 normal solution of NaOH).

The mixture contains 15-25% by weight of acetone and 85-75% by weight of water. Several methods for separat ing such mixtures are known: by using polyethylene glycol [1] as the liquid phase (for the sepa- ration of acetone, ethyl alcohol and ether f rom aqueous solutions); polyethylene glycol 400 or tr iethylene glycol applied to Celite ( re f rac to ry brick) S-22 in a 2 m high column [2]; for the separat ion of acetone, low- er alcohols and ethers in aqueous solutions; or polyethylene glycol 400 applied to ord inary (or acid tested) Chromosorb; for the separat ion of C 1- C 4 alcohols and water [3]. In order to obtain sa t i s fac tory peaks of water, a solid ca r r i e r , namely powdered Teflon mixed with a 5% solution of polyethylene glycol [4], was used.

Bearing in mind the polari ty of the mixture components we have decided to use a polar substance for the s tat ionary phase. Polyethylene glycol and polypropylene glycol were tr ied (Table 2). Chromosorb, Ce- lite (white and red), corundum and polyethylene were tested as solid c a r r i e r s , and Celite white S-22 was chosen.

Table 2 shows that, under identical conditions, both phases give close resul ts .

Polyethylene glycol was selected for the liquid phase as it is a less volatile s tat ionary phase than poly- propylene glycol (its maximum working tempera ture is 220-250°C, whereas that of polypropylene glycol is

only 140-160" C).

The analytical technique was worked out on a KhL-4 labora tory chromatograph. The optimum condi- tions for separat ing the mixture were established as follows:

Separating coLumn length, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 inner diameter, mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 temperature, o C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Liquid phase (polyethylene glycol 20,000) content as a % by weight of solid carr ier . . . . . . . 20

Par t i c le size of the soLid c a r r i e r (Celite S-22, 80-100 mesh), mm . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15-0.19

P r e s s u r e of gas c a r r i e r (helium) (at the entrance to column), excess arm . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

Detector current , mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140


As cal ibrat ion by normal i sa t ion is not poss ible , it was ca r r i ed out by a s tandard isa t ion method. Eth- yl alcohol was chosen as an in ternal s tandard and was used in quanti t ies equal to 20% of the volume of the mix tu re to be analysed. The cal ibra t ion was done with ar t i f ic ia l m ix tu re s s im i l a r to product ion mix tu re s in composit ion. In o rde r to save t ime cal ibrat ion and calculat ion of the ana lyses was c a r r i e d out only for acetone. The cal ibra t ion fac tor K for acetone was 2.14 (2.08-2.17). Using this mean coefficient K the vo l - ume % composi t ion of production mix tu r e s was calculated:

hac 25 Vac = _ ~aet.--- ~ ,

where hac is the height of acetone peak in mm; her is the height of ethyl alcohol peak in m m .

The re la t ive e r r o r in the de te rmina t ion of acetone in water is :e2%.

The above method of analyt ical control fo r t h e w a t e r - a e e t o n e mix tu re uti l ising the KhL-4 l abo ra to ry chromatograph is success fu l ly used in the a c e t o n e - r e c o v e r y depar tment of the Kirovakan Man-Made F ib re Fac tory .


i . J . E . Fox, Proc . Soc. Exper im. Biol. Meal., 97, 263 (1958). 2. S . D . Bondar and S. Dzh. Male, G a s - L i q u i d Chromatography, Collection of a r t i c l e s [in Russian],

NIITI~KhIM (1961), p. 147. 3. P. UrSne and R. L. Pecsok, Anal. Chem. , 35, No. 7, 837 (1963). 4. D . F . Bennett, Anal. Chem., 36, No. 7, 837 (1963).