Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015

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  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015





  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015



    Dear Parent/Carer

    Welcome to Christs School. We are delighted that you have entrusted us with

    your childs education and you can be certain that we will do all in our power

    to ensure that his/her time with us is enriching and successful. We are a small

    community where every pupil is valued and has an important role to play in

    the life of the school.

    Our aim is provide all our pupils with an outstanding education so that they

    leave us equipped with the best possible academic qualifications and an

    understanding of themselves, the world and his/her place in it.

    However we cannot achieve this without your support. This handbook forms

    the basis on which the home / school partnership is founded. In it you find a

    wealth of information about the school. Please do read it so you are familiar

    with the information. We also ask that you discuss this handbook with your


    We look forward to a productive, fulfilling and successful partnership together.

    Yours sincerely

    Helen Dixon

    Acting Headteacher

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  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015



    Why Do We Have A Parent Handbook?

    Research has shown that parental involvement in a childs education is a key to

    success. On first joining secondary school pupils settle in more quickly and successfully

    if they and his/her parents/carers are clear in advance how the school works and

    what is expected of the pupils and his/her parents.

    Before writing this handbook we consulted parents of pupils currently in the school to

    find out what information they feel you need to know as a parent/carer of a pupil at

    Christs School. We welcome your feedback.

    Please do not hesitate to contact the school should you require any further

    information or clarification of anything detailed in this handbook or the pupil planner,

    which will be issued to your child in September. Your first point of contact should be

    your daughter/sons form tutor. You can contact them directly by email or by

    phoning the school office.

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  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015



    Behaviour for Learning

    Visitors to Christs frequently comment on the orderly and purposeful atmosphere of

    the school. To support this we have the following code of conduct and sanctions that

    have been drawn up by staff and the School Council.

    Christs Code of Conduct

    These codes have been put together from the ideas of staff and pupils. Every

    member of the school has played a part in creating them; therefore, every member

    of the school has a responsibility to see them carried out. This is the minimum


    Classroom Code

    To learn and achieve effectively in your lessons, you should:

    Arrive at lessons calmly, on time, dressed properly and equipped to learn.

    Listen carefully to the each other and follow instructions. Show respect and courtesy to everyone.

    Take care of your learning environment.

    Corridor Code

    Thank you for

    Treating everyone with respect and courtesy.

    Walking quietly on the left hand side.

    Going straight to your next lesson.

    Eating only at break times in the canteen or at the tables outside,

    Only going to your lockers before school, break times or just before afternoon


    Using Student Services at break or lunch times.

    Respecting the school building and environment so we keep our school clean

    and tidy.

    Canteen Code

    Thank you for

    Queuing up sensibly.

    Selecting your food quickly and politely with your account topped up to easepayment.

    Sitting down to eat your food.

    Not taking plates/ cutlery or hot food/drinks out of the canteen.

    Returning plates and cutlery to the clearing area/ recycling as appropriate.

    Putting all rubbish in the bin.

    By keeping to these codes, you present yourself and the school in the best possible

    light. You also play your part in making sure that the highest quality of teaching and

    learning is able to take place.

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    Courtesy Code

    The Courtesy Code has been created by the Christs School Council putting together

    feedback from pupils and staff about how pupils conduct themselves within ourschool community.

    The vast majority of Christs pupils are excellent role models and ambassadors for

    positive behaviour and hard work. With this in mind our pupils agree to follow the

    schools behaviour for learning policy and to adhere to the following basic principle:

    To come to school every day, on time, properly equipped and ready to learn

    The Courtesy Codeguides pupil behaviour and attitude around school. It has three

    clear and simple expectations:

    Pupils agree to:-

    be polite, respectful and considerate to other pupils and members of staff at

    all times;

    treat all equipment, buildings and surroundings with care and respect and

    keep them clean and tidy;

    behave in a way that does not harm or interfere with the learning or play of

    other pupils

    I agree to follow the Courtesy Code:


    PUPIL______________________ PARENT:______________________


    Classroom procedures:

    C1: First verbal warning (name on board)

    C2: Second warning resulting in a lesson (name ticked)10 minute detention that afternoon with form tutor

    C3: Half-hour detention the following night (name ticked twice)

    Note of detention recorded on SIMS and pupil to make a note in the planner

    and teacher to initial.

    C4: One hour detention the following night (name ticked three times)

    Note of detention recorded on SIMS and pupil to make a note in the planner

    and teacher to initial.

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    Beating the Bullies:

    Any behaviour that makes a person feel inferior, insulted, isolated, intimidated or hurt

    is bullying. Bullying behaviour could be shown by an individual or a group.

    Bullying exists in every school to some extent but it is not tolerated at all at Christs. We

    work together as a community to prevent it.

    All incidents of bullying will be recorded and dealt with by the Head of Year.

    When bullying is proven, the parents of all concerned will be contacted. Restorative

    approaches and reconciliation will be used if this is seen to be appropriate.

    Heads of Year will alert staff about incidents of bullying to raise staff vigilance toensure that it does not continue.

    We will work with the bully to change his/her behaviour. However if there is no

    change, consequences will be applied as described in the Behaviour for Learning


    Pupils are encouraged not to put up with bullies; they will be encouraged to tell

    someone in authority.

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    Year 7 French Trip - 2014

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    The canteen is open before school, at break and at lunch serving a range of hot and

    cold foods that are prepared on site. Everything sold in the canteen is prepared in

    accordance with the government guidelines on healthy eating. The meal deal

    which consists of a main course and pudding costs 2.30. Other popular dishes are

    pizza, baked potatoes and sandwiches. The canteen runs on a cashlesscard

    system. All students are issued with a unique identification card. Money can be paidinto your childs lunch account with cash in school or using an on-line payment


    Careers Education and Guidance

    The Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance programme (CEIAG) is

    designed to meet the needs of pupils at this school and is provided as an integral

    part of the schools overall approach to pupil development, welfare and

    guidance. The programme of activities runs through years 8-11 and helps pupils

    make decisions and plan his/her future, both in school and after they leave.

    Elements of the programme are delivered in PSHE Days throughout the year and

    there are a number of opportunities, such as university visits and work experience, to

    explore career development.

    In Years 9, 10 and 11 there are specific information events for parents and pupils on

    choosing options, organising work experience and making Sixth Form and college


    Christs School also organises personalised careers interviews to ensure pupils have

    access to professional guidance relating to the options available to them post 16 and

    to devise a personalised action plan.

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    Charging for Activities

    Parents will be asked to make voluntary contributions towards the cost of a range of

    activities that take place during the school day such as visits and practical lessons

    involving the purchase of ingredients and /or materials.

    We aim to ensure that no pupil will be excluded from an activity because of the cost.

    Parents should contact the Headteacher in confidence if they need financialassistance. However, if insufficient pupils are able to contribute, the full range of trips,

    visits and activities may not take place.

    Christs School Chaplaincy

    Christs School is welcoming and inclusive of all pupils whatever his/her religious

    affiliation. As a voluntary aided Church of England school Christs has a full time

    Chaplain. There are 2 main strands to their work. They provide pastoral support for

    pupils, staff and, where appropriate, parents/carers. They also work to develop the

    spiritual life of the school through termly services, assemblies, and various projects

    agreed with the teaching staff.

    The Chaplaincy aims through its work

    to help develop each pupils understanding of what it means to be human

    and live creatively in a complex world,

    how diversity can be a source of celebration rather than conflict,

    how we can flourish as individuals when we are part of a loving, dynamic


    What a difference we can make to the lives of people in need through

    service and the support of different charities.

    Cycle Facilities

    There are two lockable, covered, bicycle storage areas available for pupils and staff.

    The cycle racks are locked at 8:30am and unlocked at 3pm. Pupils coming to school

    by bike mustwear a cycling helmet.

    EquipmentThis is a list of the main items of equipment your son/daughter should bring into school

    every day.

    Reading Book 2 pens (blue or black)

    2 pencils


    Long ruler

    Pencil sharpener

    Coloured pencils

    Stick of glue

    Individual subjects might require additional materials. (e.g. angle measurers in


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    Extra-curricular Activities

    Chess/Games/Lego in Library



    Music technology club

    Drama Productions

    Duke of Edinburgh Award

    Trips abroad and exchanges

    Field trips

    Clubs e.g. Science/Humanities

    Film Club

    Textiles Club

    A range of sporting activitiesincluding Archery, Athletics, Basketball,

    Badminton, Cheerleading, Climbing Wall, Cross Country, Cricket, Dodgeball,

    Gymnastics, Football, Martial Arts, Netball, Rounders, Rugby, Tennis and


    Many informal music ensembles also rehearse at lunchtimes and after school.

    This is a taster of some of the extra-curricular activities available. This is subject to

    change and timings and you will be kept informed.

    No pupil will be excluded from these activities due to financial hardship. Parents who

    wish their children to take part in any activity but are unable to contribute can

    contact Sara Geoffrey in confidence to discuss places.

    [email protected]

    020 8940 6982 x 711

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    Fund Raising

    As a Christian school we believe that it is our duty to help those less fortunate than

    ourselves. Each year we raise money for charities that the pupils choose to support.

    Fund raising activities happen particularly during Advent and Lent.

    For Christmas 2013 all the students wore their Christmas jumpers on our Christmas

    Lunch Day to fund raise for our sponsored charities

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    Governing Body

    Foundation Governors Parent GovernorsMrs R Martin - Chair

    Canon R TitleyJoint Vice Chair Mrs D Whitmore

    Mr H Dunlop Ms R Woodward

    Ms S Armstrong Ms P Holtedahl

    Mr A Saunders

    Mrs S Percival

    Foundation Parent GovernorMrs A Greenwood

    Mr M Houghton-BrownJoint Vice Chair

    Staff Governors

    Associate Governors Ms K HumberstoneMrs H Dixon Ms S Geoffrey

    Mrs S Kieran

    Mr G Bamping

    Local Authority GovernorMrs C Walker

    Clerk to the Governors

    Mr C Hartley


    Each pupil should use his/her planners to record homework. The use of these planners

    will be checked by the form tutor.

    Departments across the school will provide support for pupils regarding their

    homework. In addition there is a Homework Club which runs Monday-Thursday in the

    Learning Support Department 3-4pm. All pupils are welcome and there are members

    of staff present to help with homework if it is needed. The room is equipped with

    computers which can be used for research. Many pupils also use the facilities in the

    library at lunch and breaktime, and members of staff are willing and available after

    school to help with any questions.

    All homework (including revision activities) is set in class and is put onto the Homework

    VLE for remote access. All pupils receive a login and password for the school

    computer system; they enter the VLE via the school website using their allocated

    username and password; we encourage parents to check on a regular basis byaccessing the VLE using your childs login.

    InclusionEvery child has a right to an education in his or her community. Christs is an inclusive,

    caring community where all children are valued and encouraged to achieve their full


    We provide an environment where all children, whatever his/her level of ability, are

    able to learn with the support of his/her teachers, families, peers and friends.

    Any child might need different or additional support at some time during his/her

    education. This might be because they:

    are having some difficulties getting going with reading or writing;

    have a disability or identified special educational need;

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    have experienced a traumatic event in his/her lives;

    have been unwell for a period of time.

    This support will be confidentially discussed and agreed with the childs


    Most parents are very supportive of inclusion. Some may feel anxious about the

    possible impact on his/her child. When carrying out inspections Ofsted has found thattruly inclusive schools are better for all pupils. Children learn to be tolerant of each

    other, to empathise and to have role models. This prepares them for the world

    beyond secondary school.

    What can parents do?Parents attitudes to inclusion will have an enormous influence on a childs

    developing understanding of the world. As a parent you are in a unique position to

    provide a positive role model for your child. You can do this by:

    Making sure your child understands that all people are different and everyone

    should be valued for who they are.

    Helping your child to understand that some of the language they will hear in

    games, jokes or repeated comments may be insulting and hurtful to others. Telling your child about positive role models from all sections of the community

    Teaching your child to be patient and tolerant

    Helping your child to know that teasing and bullying are not acceptable

    Praising your child for showing kindness and respect to others

    Talking to your child about what makes him or her exceptional so that he/she

    can celebrate his/her uniqueness as well as that of others

    Children can support inclusion by: Helping to make sure no-one in the class feels left out;

    Setting good examples to others;

    Not taking part in bullying, and reporting bullying if it occurs;

    Knowing who to talk to if they are worried or concerned.

    Lost PropertyLost property is held opposite Student Services. However, unless property is clearly

    marked it is very difficult to return it to its owner. Please mark all items with your childs

    name. We recommend you use woven name tapes as these do not wash off and are

    easy to read. Such name tapes are easily purchased from John Lewis and other

    retailers. Any un named lost property will be donated to charity at the end of every

    half term.

    Maintenance and School FundAs a voluntary-aided school, the Governing Body is responsible for maintenance of

    the buildings, which are covered by an insurance policy, the premium of which is

    paid for by parental subscription. Each year, parents are requested to make a

    donation which covers the subscription to the Maintenance Scheme, improvements

    to the buildings and infrastructure and towards the School Fund.

    Mobile PhonesMobile phones are not allowed to be used in School between 8.30am -3.00pm. If a

    pupil is seen using a phone in a lesson or during break or lunchtime it will be

    confiscated and they will be required to do a C3 detention the following day after

    school. They will be able to retrieve the phone from the Student Services office after

    the detention has been completed.

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    Monitoring (Academic)

    Academic Review and Target SettingIn September we hold our annual Academic Review Day, where we ask all students

    and parents to work with us to set targets for the forthcoming academic year. There

    are also presentations by the heads of year, the headteacher and a chance to work

    with us on a number of our whole school initiatives.

    Following the main academic review day there are three tutor sessions where

    students will work with each other to evaluate their progress and set new targets,

    parents are a vital part of this process and will have the opportunity to work with their

    child at home looking through their tracking and discussing their progress.

    Your childs progress and well-being will also be monitored once a term in a meeting

    with their tutors.

    Parental Support of PupilsWhen they first join us many pupils find getting themselves ready for school is a

    challenge. In the first few weeks, at least, we recommend that you check your child

    has all the correct books and equipment ready the night before.

    On a regular basis, please check your childsbag for letters that are for you.

    Remind your child that you need to sign his/her planner each weekend. Please

    ensure your childs lunch card is sufficiently topped up to pay for food in the


    Parents EveningsParents evenings run from 3:30pm to 6:30pm. You will receive a letter about your

    childs meeting a week or two before the event. You can find the dates of these

    evenings on the school website.

    PTAWe have a thriving PTA at Christs. They organise a range of fund raisingevents

    throughout the school year. Events include the grand fireworks night, the quiz night, and

    a stall at the Richmond May fair. The PTA also provides refreshments at concerts and

    other evening events. They are currently trying to establish a representative for each

    tutor group. They will be looking for new members at the induction evening and the new

    parentsevening in September. If you would like to contact the PTA, please email Jane

    Fitch: [email protected]

    They are also going to encourage parents to join the year 7 contact lists next year to

    encourage friendships between parents as well as pupils. Please see slip in blue pack.

    Pupil GroupingsEach pupil is placed in a mixed ability tutor group on arrival at school and can expect tostay in this group until the end of Year 11. They are taught in mixed ability groups unless a

    subject wishes to teach in sets. The timetable will indicate the groupings for different


    PunctualityIt is essential that lessons start punctually and that they are not disrupted by late

    arrivals. Any pupil arriving 5 minutes or later for a lesson without a valid excuse will

    receive a 30 minute detention the following day after school.


    Your child will be issued with a planner at the start of the academic year. It isessentially for recording homework but is also a source of much useful information. It

    should contain a copy of your childs timetable and listhomework, house points,

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    cautions, notes of things to remember etc. The planner must be brought into school

    every day and signed each week by both form tutor and parent. If the planner is lost

    or forgotten a day sheet can be purchased from the Student Services (10p) until

    either a new planner is purchased (5)or the old planner is found. Pupils are required

    to buy a new planner if the missing one has not been found within one week.

    School CouncilEach tutor group elects a form captain and a deputy each year. They attend school

    council meetings approximately every 3 weeks.

    At these meetings any issues or ideas the pupils have can be aired and discussed.

    The councils opinions are consulted on many school initiatives.

    Behaviour for learning sanctions have tightened following feedback from the

    Council and a Code of Conduct introduced

    They are involved in pupil panels for middle and senior staff appointments.

    They have contributed to the discussions about the new rewards system.

    They have contributed to the discussion about proposed changes to the

    school uniform.

    They have had some input into updating some of the school policies (e.g. Sexand Relationship Education)

    They also take part in termly visits to York House to discuss borough wide issues with

    other schools and an annual visit to City Hall in London where they meet council

    members from other London schools and learn about how the Mayors Office works.

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    Senior Leadership Team

    Mrs Helen DixonHeadteacher [email protected]

    Mrs Sarah Kieran - Deputy Headteacher [email protected]

    Mr Will GrahamDeputy [email protected]

    Mr Matthew MorrisAsst. HeadteacherSixth Form [email protected]

    Mrs Vicki McGrailAsst. Headteacher [email protected]

    Mr John EdwardsBusiness [email protected]



    Heads of Year

    YEAR LEADER YEAR7Ms Vicki McGrail

    YEAR LEADER YEAR 8Miss J Randall

    YEAR LEADER YEAR 9Miss E Taber

    YEAR LEADER YEAR 10Mr M Williams

    YEAR LEADER YEAR 11Mr M Spicer

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    All staff can be contacted by email. Email addresses can be found on the school


    SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAMMrs H Dixon Headteacher

    Mrs S Kieran Deputy Headteacher

    Mr W Graham Deputy Headteacher

    Mrs V McGrail Assistant Headteacher: Head of Year 7 & KS2-3 Transition

    Mr M Morris Assistant Headteacher: Head of Sixth Form & KS4-5 Transition

    Mr J Edwards Business Manager

    ART & TECHNOLOGYMr T Hordern Head of Art and Technology

    Mr T Bird Resistant Materials Teacher

    Mrs V Busby Textiles Teacher (part time)Ms M Conteh Food Technology Teacher

    Ms S Perkins Textiles and Art Teacher (part time)

    Mrs A Botta Food Technician (part time)

    ENGLISHMrs K Blair Head of English

    Mrs C Lorenz Deputy Head of English/Duke of Edinburgh Leader

    Mr T Edmondson English & Drama Teacher

    Mrs E Godliman TeacherEnglish (part time)

    Miss K Moran English Teacher

    Ms J Randall English & Drama Teacher/Head of Year 8

    HUMANITIESMiss R Hoyle Head of Humanities & History/ Lead Practitioner

    Ms H Harris History Teacher (part-time)

    Mr J Heitzman History Teacher

    Mrs S Kieran History Teacher/Deputy Headteacher

    Mrs G Dhaliwal Head of Geography

    Miss S Bartlett TeacherGeography

    Mr M Spicer Geography Teacher/Head of Year 11

    Mr E Simpson Head of R.E.

    Mr M Williams RE Teacher/Careers Co-ordinator/ Head of Year 10

    Mr J Butler Citizenship Teacher/Raising Standards Leader KS4

    MATHEMATICS & ICTMr L Hartnett Head of Maths and ICT

    Mr S Bailey Maths Teacher

    Ms C Morris Maths Teacher

    Mr S Mitchell Maths Teacher

    Ms M Stewart Maths Teacher/Lead Practitioner

    Mrs D Todorinovic Deputy Head of Maths

    Mr J Raisin ICT Teacher


    Mrs V McGrail Head of MFL/Assistant Headteacher: Head of Year 7Ms J Campa Spanish Teacher (part-time)

    Mr Ben Gooding French/Spanish teacher

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    Miss H Oddy French/Spanish Teacher

    Ms E Taber Spanish Teacher Head of Year 9

    MUSICMr P Wilson Head of Music

    Mr C Leung Music Teacher (part time)


    Ms S Bromly P.E. Teacher/School Sports Coordinator/Lead Practitioner/

    Raising Standards Leader KS3

    Mr M Greenwood P.E. Teacher (part-time)

    Mr M Morris P.E. Teacher/Assistant Headteacher: Head of Sixth Form

    Mr D Sedour P.E. Teacher

    SCIENCEMr R Khodabacksh Head of Science

    Miss C Bell Science Teacher

    Mrs M Hickson-Kucikova Science Teacher

    Mrs A Mbanefo Deputy Head of Science - Science TeacherMs F McKean Science Teacher

    Ms S Mills Science Teacher

    Mr D Gasparro Science Technician


    Miss H Bell Learning Support Assistant

    Mr T Bracho Learning Support Assistant

    Ms G Burridge Learning Support Assistant (part-time)

    Miss N Davies Learning Support Assistant

    Ms C Fayed Learning Support Assistant

    Mrs A Gillum Learning Support Assistant (part-time)Ms C Hillier Learning Support Assistant HLTA

    Mrs K Kisby Learning Support Assistant HLTA

    Ms X Malley Learning Support Assistant

    Mrs A Panesar Learning Support Assistant HLTA

    Mrs L Towers Learning Support Assistant (part-time)

    Mr D Noble Learning Support Assistant

    Ms A Tarrant Learning Support Assistant HLTA

    CURRICULUM SUPPORTMs S Geoffrey Team Leader Curriculum Support Department

    Mr L Scott Learning Mentor

    Ms C Gleisner Learning Mentor


    Mr A Baxter Pastoral Support Coordinator


    Mr D Griffith


    Mrs B Bell Librarian


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    Ms S Brown (part-time)


    SUPPORT STAFF-Mr J Edwards Business Manager

    Ms K Humberstone PA to Headteacher

    Ms R Khider Reprographics Officer

    Mrs P OSullivan Receptionist

    Mrs A Mylles Office Manager

    Mr J Hughes Domestic Bursar and Examinations Officer

    Mrs H Gill Finance Officer

    Mr B Donovan IT Manager

    Mr M Ridley IT Technician

    Mr A Turner IT Technician (apprentice)

    Mrs J Ralph HR, Work Experience and Student AdministrationMrs K Montagu Welfare/Attendance Officer

    Mrs K Tullick Admissions Officer/6thForm Administration

    Ms M Skinns Learning Support Administrator/Admin Support for Year 10 and 11


    Christs School has a strict uniform policy.(Please see School Uniform Policy below)

    We believe this helps pupils take a pride in his/her appearance and promotes a

    positive image of our school.

    Pupils are expected to wear the full uniform tidily at all times.

    Trainers or any type of canvas shoes are not acceptable as school shoes. Trousers

    should be normal school trousers: denim or cord type material is not acceptable.

    Pupils are not allowed to wear nail varnish and will be asked to remove it. Make up is

    also not allowed

    All pupils must wear the approved school uniform that is sold through the school

    uniform shop via the school website.

    All pupils

    Royal Blue Blazer with school badge

    Black school trousers

    Collared white shirt/blouse

    School House striped ties Red - Dickens

    Blue - Elizabeth


    Green - Attenborough

    School blue V neck pullover with yellow stripe around the neck

    Formal black shoes - no high heels, training shoes or any type of

    canvas shoes

    Dark socks

    Girls Navy blue pleated skirt (no more than 4cm above the knee)

    If a skirt is worn then socks can be black or white, short or long;

    alternatively black or navy blue tights may be worn.

    PE Kit Reversible Sports ShirtHouse colours

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    Polo ShirtHouse Colours

    ShortsHouse Colours


    Navy socks

    Trainers/football boots

    School tracksuit (optional)

    Waterproof Jacket with Christs logo

    Sky blue polo shirt with school logo

    All outer clothing, such as coats, hoodies, hats and caps etc. should be removed

    upon entering the school.

    School Uniform Policy

    Why Christs School supports the wearing of school uniform:

    We believe that there are a number of good, common-sense reasons why our pupils

    should wear school uniform. They include:

    1. Dressing for the occasion: One of the lessons learned while growing up is that

    people dress differently for work and for leisure. We ask our pupils to leave

    his/her leisurewear and sports gear for the evenings and weekends and to

    dress suitably for his/her work as pupils at the school. When they start work,most pupils will be asked to wear clothing especially suited to the job. Often

    employers send for a reference on former pupils and ask about his/her

    appearance (which is ranked as important as attendance and timekeeping).

    2. Reducing differences: Although some parents can afford to buy his/her

    children the latest in casual or sportswear, many cannot. If all our pupils come

    to school in school wear, these differences are much less obvious. Uniform

    gives pupils an equality of appearance which discourages competition.

    3. Cost:It costs less to buy items of school wear than to buy the latest fashion in

    casual or sportswear.

    4. A sense of belonging: Christs School is a small school with a long and proud

    tradition. We think that dressing in school colours helps pupils to feel that they

    belong to the school and to think and act like pupils. In addition, school

    uniform encourages school discipline and a more positive attitude towards

    work amongst pupils.

    5. Security: If all of our pupils wear school uniform, it is much easier to spot

    intruders quickly. The provision of a safe environment for our young people

    must be a priority for us all.

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    6. School Reputation: Rightly or wrongly, the public judge our school to some

    extent by the appearance of our pupils. We are anxious that we create a

    good impression and that our pupils (and his/her parents!) receive the credit

    that they deserve.

    What will happen if a pupil wears unacceptable clothing to school?

    It is the responsibility of all staff to challenge the pupils who are not wearing

    school uniform. This applies at all times throughout the day.

    On a more formal basis, checks are carried out every morning and afternoon

    by pupils tutors. Pupils found wearing unacceptable items during such a

    check (or indeed noticed at any time) will be:

    reminded of the need for co-operation

    asked to report next day wearing acceptable clothes

    Continuing lack of co-operation will lead to the above and also:

    parents will be contacted to discuss our concerns and request his/hersupport with our uniform policy

    If this fails to resolve the difficulty, the pupil will be subject to the Behaviour for

    Learning sanctions which include detention or internal exclusion.

    The following points should also be noted:

    a pupil not wearing school uniform may be sent home to change if

    he/she lives close to the school and a member of the family is at home

    the school distinguishes between the pupil who is deliberately flouting

    the school dress code, and the pupil who is temporarily not wearing

    uniform because of immediate financial difficulties at home

    full school uniform is also part of the Christs School contract which is

    signed by both pupils and parents/guardians

    How parents/guardians can help:

    Ensure that your son or daughter comes to school properly dressed

    each day and buy them, or get them to buy, items of clothing suitable

    for school.

    If there is a reason on a particular day for your son or daughter not to

    be wearing uniform, then simply provide a note explaining the


    We hope that by working together with parents we can provide the

    highest possible standards at our school

  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015



    ValuablesValuable items such as iPods should not be brought into school. The school cannot

    be held responsible for such items if this rule is ignored and valuable items are lost or

    damaged. Musical instruments that have to be brought in should be stored in the

    music block or at Student Services. We strongly recommend that instruments are

    added to your home contents insurance.

    WebsiteThe school
  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015





  • 8/11/2019 Christ's School Parent Handbook 2014-2015


    What to do if ..

    a) My child cant do his/her homework:

    See if one of his/her friends can help. (You will have an opportunity to join the

    year group phone list at the first PTA event of the academic year.)

    Write a note in your childs school planner to explain the problem.

    Your child can attend the homework club which starts at 3.10pm until 4.00pmMonday to Thursday. We have specially trained staff to assist them.

    b) My child has left his PE kit/cooking ingredients at home.

    Bring them in to school. Hand them in at reception clearly marked with your childs

    name and tutor group

    c) My child has lost his school tie.

    It is always worth having more than one of these. Pupils will be able to buy a new tie

    from the pupil office price: 5.00. Check that everything for school is laid out the

    night before

    d) My childs school shoes are wet/ broken / lost.Send him/her into school in non-school shoes on the day with a note in the planner

    from you saying when the situation will be resolved.

    f) My child is unhappy at school.

    It is very important that all our pupils enjoy his/her time at Christs. If you have any

    concerns about your childs welfare either socially or academically please get in

    touch with his/her form tutor or year head either by email (see the contact section of

    this handbook) or by phoning the school and leaving a voice message.

    Mrs Mylles and Mrs Ralph from the Student Services Office.