To see that the prophecies about Jesus were to point US down the correct path to experience the hope, love and life that Only God can give. O b j e c t i v e  1. Do you remember what it was like as a child to look forward to the coming of Christmas (presents)? What made those days so special? “the hope of receiving something (gifts) that you’ve dreamed about receiving” 2. How do you think people in the days leading up to Jesus’ birth must have felt when they heard these prophecies? 3. How does it impact your faith knowing that Jesus fulfilled every single prophecy prophesied about Him? How important is this to the Christian faith? 4. Is there a specific prophecy about Jesus that stands out most to you? Ex: Ps 22:17-18 (He would die by crucifixion, several hundred years before death by crucifixion had even come about. 5. So, how is your life giving others directions to Jesus? D i s c u s s i o n  Are you fully engaged in relationship with Jesus? Is your life a “living road map” for others to follow to find Jesus? Its one thing to know scripture (head) and to really know scripture (heart) Choose one of the prophecies from the message and meditate on those verses this week. Ask God to open your heart and mind to the power of His Word and be ready to receive the opportunities to give others clear directions to Jesus. A p p l i c a t i o n  CHRISTOLOGY: Who Do YOU Say That I Am? (week of October 3, 2010) Topic: Prophecies about Jesus Scripture Focus: Assorted Scriptures (see sermon note attachment)

Christology Lesson 3 | New River Fellowshiip

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8/8/2019 Christology Lesson 3 | New River Fellowshiip

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8/8/2019 Christology Lesson 3 | New River Fellowshiip

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