ChristmasChallenge 2014ChristmasChallenge 2014

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Christmas Challenge 2014

I Thank God for. . .

Psalm 50:23“He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God."

Romans 1:8First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 

Corinthians 1:4

I always thank God for you. . .  

Colossians 3:15Let the peace of Christ rule in

your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

I Thank God for. . .

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Outreach

Served at Our Daily Bread (1)Made cookies/desserts to serve at Our Daily Bread (2)Planned or managed the softball/ basketball team at Union Station(3)Led Bible Studies outside of Quest (4)Servant Evangelism (5) Made food for servant evangelism (6)Mission Trip to Ireland and others destinations (7)Sponsored others for mission trips (8)Volunteered at High Point Women’s Center (9)Donated diapers, baby wipes, formula and funds to High Point Women’s Center (10)

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Outreach

Contributed to, organized or delivered Christmas presentsAdriel Angels (11)Angel Tree Prison Ministries (12)Logan County Adopt-a-Family (13)Christmas Challenge/Projects (14)

Visited others in hospitals (15) Visited others in nursing homes (16)Card senders(17) Volunteered or donated food/monetarily to West Liberty Cares Food Pantry (South Union) (18)Donated to West Liberty Cares (19)

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Hospitality

Those who have: Painted (20)Repaired(21)Planted (22)Weeded(23)Watered (24)Built (25)Changed (filters, smoke alarms, light bulbs etc.) (26)Cut grass (27)Raked leaves (28)Shoveled snow (29)Spread salt (30)Put up/taken down changeable sign (31)Anything else to make Quest look good (32)

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Hospitality

Weekly Cleaners (33)Washed Windows (34)Taken out Garbage (35)Greeters (36)Small Group/Life Group Hosts (37)Coffee Makers (make it, served it, order supplies, clean-up) (38)Brought snacks in for Sunday morning (39)Set-up chairs/tables (40)Moved tables/chairs Moved tables/chairs backDecorated for Christmas/other occasions (41)

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Grace

Those who have served communion (42)Those who have helped set-up communion (43)Those who have preached (44)Those who have shown God’s grace through Emmaus/Kairos/Epiphany/Chrysalis “Walks” by

By going on a walk (45)Making food/cookies (46)Serving on a team/serving food/supporting any weekend activity (47) Sponsoring someone (48)Writing letters (49)Praying for those on the weekend (50)

Thank you to those who have partnered with God to transform lives through Prayer

Weekly Tuesday night prayer gathering (51)Prayer team who prays for others at the end/after the service (52)Prayer room warriors (53)


Thank you to those who have joined God as He transforms lives through the Youth and Children in our Community 

85 % of those who become Christians do so between ages 4 and 14

Thank you to those who have joined God as He transforms lives through the Youth and

Children in our Community

Nursery Workers (54)Teachers of 3-5 year olds (55)Teachers of 1st -5th grader (56)Prepare lessons and curriculum (57)Help with our youth group teaching, supervision, skits etc. (58)Donated snacks/soft drinks to youth group (59)Driven/chaperoned youth group trips (60)

Thank you to those who partner with God to make us a worshipful community

Sing on the Worship Team (61)Play an Instrument on worship team (62)Create PowerPoint Slides (63)Run sound (64)Run video/PowerPoint (65)Run the camera (66)Help to purchase, install, repair any media equipment/computer(s) (67)Counted weekly attendance (68)

Thank you to those who have joined God as He transforms us through Community

Sponsored Saturday evening bonfires (69)Brought food to Saturday evening bonfires (70)Preached (Sabbatical or ongoing) (71)Small group leaders/facilitators (72)Helped organize Life Groups (73)Made, organized or delivered meals for others in the church (74)Planned or managed Quest sports teams (75)Organized or volunteered at Quest’s Red Cross blood drives (76)

Thank you to those who have joined God as He transforms us through Community

Have helped to plan, manage, set-up for, donate to, or clean-up for our

Easter Egg Hunt/getting the eggs ready (77)Touchdown Weekend (78)Movie Nights (79)Father’s Day Car Drive-in Weekend (80)Saturday Night Summer Bonfires (81)Men’s Activities (Paint ball etc.) (82)Women’s Activities/Book Club (83)

Cut firewood (84)Served on the Board anytime this year (85)Counted money (86)Served as the secretary for Quest’s Board (87)Served as Quest’s Treasurer (88)

Thank you to those who have joined God as He transforms us through Community

If you have supported Quest anytime in 2014 through your:Prayers (89)*Presence (90)Gifts (91)Any service not yet mentioned (92)

Philippians 1:3

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel.