M atch the w ord to the picture! Santa Claus Stockings White Christmas eggnog Steps to a perfect Christm as: Fill in the blanks w ith the w ords above. fi r epl ace, decor at e, f east , Chr i st mas, t r ee Step 1: ___________ the house. Step 2: Hang stockings by the ________. Step 3: Cook the Christm as ________. Step 4: Put up a Christmas ______. Step 5: Read the ____________ story.

Christmas Worksheet

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Worksheet to go along with watching Shrek the Halls for an ESL Christmas lesson.

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Page 1: Christmas Worksheet

Match the wor d t o t he pi ctur e!

Sant a Cl aus

St ocki ngs

Whi t e Chr i st mas


St eps t o a per f ect Chr i st mas:

Fi l l i n t he bl anks wi t h t he wor ds above.

fi r epl ace, decor at e, f east , Chr i st mas, t r ee

Step 1: ___________ t he house.

Step 2: Hang st ocki ngs by t he ________.

Step 3: Cook t he Chr i st mas ________.

Step 4: Put up a Chr i st mas ______.

Step 5: Read t he ____________ st or y.

Page 2: Christmas Worksheet

____ Shr ek and hi s f ami l y pr epar e f or Chr i st mas.

____ Donkey comes t o Shr ek's house wi t h a l ot of peopl e.

____ Shr ek t el l s Donkey he doesn't car e about Chr i st mas.

____ Shr ek deci des t o pl an a per f ect Chr i st mas f or Fi ona so he buys a book about Chr i st mas.

____ Donkey t el l s Shr ek t o be exci t ed about Chr i st mas!

____ The Chr i st mas par t y becomes cr azy and Shr ek t el l s ever yone t o l eave hi s house.

____ Shr ek goes af t er Fi ona and says he's sor r y.____ Fi ona t el l s Shr ek and Donkey she l oves Chr i st mas!

____ Ever yone comes back t o Shr ek's house and cel ebr at es a happy Chr i st mas.

____ Fi ona get s mad and l eaves t o apol ogi ze t o her f r i ends.

Put the story i n order .