Christmas Devotional 2013

Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

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Page 1: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope


Page 2: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope
Page 3: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

Dear Church Family,

Where does the time go? We are already entering the 2013 Christmas season with all the joy as well as the hustle and bustle that it brings. Here at Fellowship of the Rockies we feel so blessed to be able to share this gift with you this Christmas! Together, as we enter into the craziness of this season, we hope this Christmas Devotional is an encouragement to you in your walk with God and the Christmas calendar helps you maneuver this busy time of year.

There is so much beauty that surrounds the Christmas season! Our prayer is that you will open your heart to the Holy Spirit by taking a few minutes a day to dwell upon that beauty by reading this devotional, and by attending our Sunday services and events. We really believe that if you do these things, even amidst the hustle and the bustle of the season, your life will be changed.

For your convenience there is digital copy of this Christmas Devotional you can download by clicking

the Christmas Devotional icon on the home page of our website, www.forchurch.org.

May you find hope and peace this Christmas!

From all of us here at Fellowship of the Rockies,

All writings contained in this booklet are the property ofFellowship of the Rockies.


Page 4: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope
Page 5: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope


Week 1 - Day 1

I Heard the Bells on Christmas DayBy: Duane Hockersmith

he powerful words of the Christmas song, I heard the Bells on Christmas Day, has arguably made it my favorite song to play, sing, and listen to during the Christmas season.

In 1861 the country was torn apart by the Civil War and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wife, Fanny, was attempting to preserve a few locks of their daughter’s hair in some wax. As she was doing this, a few drops of wax fell onto her dress and it caught fire. Even though Longfellow did everything he could to extinguish the flames, they were too much and he lost the love of his life the next morning. This tragedy was compounded several years later, in late 1863, when his son, Charles, was severely wounded and crippled in battle.

During 1861-1862 Longfellow’s journal revealed he could find no joy in the Christmas season after the loss of his wife. During the Christmas of 1863, the year his son was wounded, his journal was noticeably silent. However, the next year he wrote powerful words of hope in a poem called Christmas Bells. This poem was later adapted into the song we know today called I heard the Bells on Christmas Day.

Now you may be reading this and you love everything about the Christmas season! You love the family being together, the traditions, the presents, and even going to church for the candlelight service. But for many, the Christmas season is difficult because of having to maneuver tricky family dynamics, or perhaps the Christmas season even seems void of joy because of a great tragedy. No matter where you are I encourage you to remember the words of I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day and don’t forget there is hope for peace!

Please read Colossians 1:19-20 today and recognize that it’s through Jesus, whose birth we celebrate during this season, we have hope in ultimate peace. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow recognized this and it inspired him to write a powerful poem. I hope you recognize this truth and find hope and peace this Christmas season.

Page 6: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope


Week 1 - Day 2

Joy to the WorldBy: Maureen Krauth

oy to the World, the Lord is come! What powerful words! Written by the English hymn writer Isaac Watts in 1719, the song, Joy to the World, was written as a hymn glorifying Christ’s return one day, as opposed to celebrating His birth. Reading in Wikipedia as I researched the history, I realized that this song mirrors what we do at Christmas. We prepare for the secular holiday of gift giving, cards, carols, decorated trees and homes, cookie making, and so much more, yet we do not always remember or focus on the true meaning of Christmas, the celebration of the birth of our Savior.

Take a moment to read Psalm 98, the words on which Joy to the World were based. We can take comfort in knowing that what David wrote can be both a celebration and praise to God for giving us His Son, as well as a preparation of praise and thanksgiving for His return. “Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things” (Psalm 98:1). Yes, God did a marvelous thing! He gave us His son, born of Mary, in a manger in Bethlehem and the Heavens and people on Earth rejoiced, as we read in Luke 2:14.

This year as I sing and listen to this song, my prayer is that you rejoice in God’s gift, prepare your heart for the return of Christ Jesus, and join in with angels in Heaven and people on Earth to praise God for His Son.

Page 7: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

OLuke 2:7 - and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped

him in cloths and placed him in a manger

ne of the most well-known Christmas Carols begins, “Away in a manger no crib for a bed.” Aren’t we somewhat shocked that the Son of God was born without a proper baby bed? This causes me to think back 18 years when we first discovered that Kristi was pregnant with our first child, Kami. Part of her birth includes the infamous event known around the family as the “Crib Assembly Debacle.” After hours of shopping for and selecting the appropriate bed for the most beautiful baby girl ever born on the planet, it had to be assembled. While Kristi and her mom were in the kitchen preparing “the crib assembly feast”, the men were toiling in the living room. This was much more than a “some assembly required project.” However, unlike many men before who gave up, Kristi’s dad and I would prevail. Upon successful assembly the women entered the equation adding the finishing touches of sheets, blankets, and pillows. There we stood in the living room, in awe of the most perfect crib ever. The only problem was it wouldn’t fit through the bedroom door! So, we had to take it all apart and reassemble it in the bedroom.

Over that first year there would be many people who would look at Kami in her crib and not a single person ever commented on the furniture or blankets. Anyone who has a child knows the crib isn’t what’s important; it’s the baby that’s in the crib. My prayer for us all is that we would look past all of the furnishings of Christmas, be it humble or grand, see the Son of God, and proclaim with the angles… Glory to God in the highest… Luke 2:14.

Week 1 - Day 3

Away in the MangerBy: Stewart McWilliams

Page 8: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

O Come All Ye Faithful is one of those Christmas songs that you could sing all year long. Matt Redman actually adapted this song for one of the Passion Conferences a few years ago and called it Come Let Us Adore Him.

“Adore” is an interesting word that we don’t use in our culture very often. According to Dictionary.com it means:1) to regard with utmost esteem, love, and respect; honor. 2) to pay divine honor to; worship: to adore God. 3) to admire very much: I simply adore the way your hair is done.

Let’s reflect on a few of the words from this song for just a minute, “O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.” As you read these words and think of the song, I encourage you to ask yourself which definition you are using for the word “adore.” Many people are simply admiring Christ as they hear and sing these words. Perhaps they admire Christ the same way they admire someone like Steve Jobs. They think it’s great that Jesus was born. He seemed like a really good guy, and on top of it all there was a great holiday created around His birth! But that’s where their adoration stops. Their lives aren’t changed by Christ’s birth or life. Isn’t it interesting that we sing O Come All Ye Faithful during a time of the year where people make their once or twice a year church appearance?

For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope your adoration is worship. I hope your adoration for Christ is love. And most of all, I hope that your adoration this Christmas drives you “in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (Romans 12:1.)

This Christmas, my prayer for you is that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of this beautiful season, you will faithfully make time to truly adore Christ the Lord.

Week 1 - Day 4

O Come All Ye FaithfulBy: Duane Hockersmith

Page 9: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

Week 1 - Day 5

Silent NightBy: Taylor Jessup

T he beautiful sound of silence… Silence is not something that we get to experience often in today’s culture with the constant noise we all fight each day and night. Cell phones, alarms, television, music, traffic, and other sounds of busyness fill our loud, twenty-first century lives.

The song Silent Night proclaims, with a gentle but powerful hush, the night Jesus was brought into this world with the words, “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, and all is bright.” Think about Bethlehem on a night where Joseph and Mary couldn’t find room to stay in a packed town. Because the Roman census was taking place they were forced to stay in a stable surrounded by noisy animals. I am sure it was anything other than a silent night. So, why a night where inns are full, Joseph and Mary are scrambling to find a place for her to give birth, stables animals laying around, sung about, and even pictured often in our minds as a silent night? We might as well sing “chaotic night, crazy night…” those words might be a more accurate picture.

But there is something absolutely beautiful about silence that I believe this song eludes too. Through all the chaos and busyness, silence allows us to rest and be still. Through the chaos and busyness of Christ’s birth, hope was brought into this world. His silent entrance would one day quiet every fear, worry, and concern. He came to restore our loud, busy, and distracted lives back to a simple life of love for our Savior Jesus Christ.

How often are you completely silent? How often in this busy season are you intentionally cutting through the chaos to simply focus on the One who came to restore your life? I would encourage you this Christmas season, this week, today, to create space to get away and focus on that silent night when hope was born… rest there quietly in the arms of your Savior Jesus.

Page 10: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

I magine the talk of Heaven. The spiritual realm is buzzing with the news: “The Father is going to send the Son to Earth!” For thousands of years the angels have been engaged in fierce combat with the powers of darkness that make their home on Earth. Finally, God the Father is going to send God the Son into the fight! Jesus is going to leave Heaven and go to Earth! Yes! At last! Victory is in sight!

And then more of the story gets out. Jesus is going as a baby? The host of Heaven is confused now. “What if the pregnancy is complicated? What if the parents don’t take care of him? Won’t he get swaddling clothes rash? Wait! Who will be the parents? No human parent can compare to Father God! No one will take care of Jesus the way He does!”

The angels know better than to question the Father, but they are confused. The precious Gem of Heaven, the Beloved Son, the Word of God, the Prince of the Universe is going to be made weak and then be sent into the hostile world where evil so often gets its way. How is this a good idea?

I love the old song Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence – it captures the essence of what was really going on in the third verse:

“Rank on rank the host of Heavenspreads its vanguard on the way,as the Light of light descendethfrom the realms of endless day,

that the powers of hell may vanishas the shadows clear away.”

Take a minute and read Philippians 2:1-11. Think about how majestic Heaven is and how much Jesus left behind when he came to Earth. Spend a few minutes talking to God, thanking Him for taking the greatest risk in history! Ask Him what He wants for the day ahead, and throw all your burdens at His feet.

Week 2 - Day 1

The Greatest Risk By: Danny Cullins

Page 11: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

C hristmas means different things to different people, but if there’s one word that captures the essence of Christmas, it has to be “Immanuel.” The angel from Heaven told Mary that her firstborn would be named “Immanuel – which means, God with us!”

Do you see how huge this is? The last time God was “with us” bodily was when the first man and woman were receiving their curse as punishment. There was an angel with a fiery sword driving them from the fantastic Garden of Eden where human beings walked with God and ate from the Tree of Life! That was it. No more communion with God, because of that dreadful thing we chose – sin. That choice affected humanity for the rest of time!

And now, Immanuel! Again! At last, He returned to us! Christmas is about God being with us!

In each of our lives this same story plays out. We have something good that we wreck with sin, but then the One we want and desperately need visits us. Then we each have to make the decision, will we have a personal “Christmas” or will we just watch? Will we accept God’s offer to be with us, or will we say “no thanks.”

If you haven’t yet, receive the gift God wants to give you, His presence in your life! Jesus provides an opportunity to undo the real curse of sin – separation from God! If you have had your own personal Christmas at some point in your life, thank Jesus for allowing you to have fellowship with God once again!

Read Romans 5:6-11 and think about the grace God has displayed by not giving up on us! Today, spend a few minutes talking with God and enjoy it! Jesus allows us access to the Father and God the Spirit lives inside believers, so you can talk to Him directly! Praise Immanuel, God with us!

Week 2 - Day 2

What Christmas IsBy: Danny Cullins

Page 12: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope


Week 2 - Day 3

This TimeBy: Danny Cullins

ust as the angels were confused by Jesus’ humble descent to Earth, so we can also underestimate the power and majesty of our Savior. This is deadly to our faith! Jesus is not weak – He made Himself weak. Jesus is not a fragile person – He made Himself fragile. It was on purpose because this trip had a very specific intent. Sacrifice.

Yes, it seems rather lower class to have been born in a stable and laid in a feeding trough for animals. Nor was it impressive to grow up as a wood-worker’s son. It’s true that it might have been more impressive had Jesus gone to the best schools in Jerusalem instead of hailing Nazareth as his home. But don’t be fooled. It was planned that way!

The thought that the One who had never known pain would enter the world as a screaming infant is staggering. That He would leave the splendor of Heaven and work for meager pay baffles the mind. He who made the world, submitted to it’s laws. But it was part of the bigger story. This was Jesus visiting Earth – Part 1. There is a sequel. And the special effects on the second round are going to be impressive!

Read Revelation 19:11-16. When we understand the true glory and majesty of our Savior Jesus, we can appreciate the significance of His first visit! While the people wanted a political savior, He became our spiritual Savior! They wanted Him to conquer the oppressive Romans. However, He had His eye on our real threat – the great oppressor Satan!

Here’s a simple truth: Jesus is not always the Savior we want, but He is always the Savior we need! Thankfully, He knows our needs better than we do! We’re so blessed that He not only knows our needs, but is able to meet them as well! So how about you? Are you willing for Jesus to be the Savior you need, or are you hung up on something you want? Pray today that the Spirit will reveal the parts of your heart that only He can heal and satisfy. Let Him do it!

Page 13: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

H ave you ever been with a friend who pointed out a celebrity in a crowd and you didn’t know who the famous person was? You probably didn’t get all excited, right? You weren’t scrambling to find something to have them autograph or clawing your way for a closer look. You definitely didn’t care about reaching out to try and touch them. They weren’t a big deal to you because you didn’t know them.

But your friend was impressed. They knew something you didn’t. They felt something you didn’t!

So why did the angles sing? Why did they show up in a field full of sheep and shepherds to make the announcement about Jesus? What was the big deal? It was just a baby, right?

Actually, they knew something. They felt something. They couldn’t help themselves – they had to sing! It’s what they had been doing in God’s presence since before time began! Angels sing praises to their King! And their joy was contagious.

The lowly shepherds were so inspired that they went to see the infant and then they went to tell others about the amazing baby! You see, when you encounter something amazing, you can’t help but talk about it. You can’t help but get excited. You can’t stop yourself from pressing in and wanting to draw near.

Open your Bible to Matthew 17 and read verses 2-6. What do you know this Christmas? Has the majesty of our Savior become normal? Are you still amazed by His coming or are you not familiar with His glory? Has something else in your life eclipsed His wonder? Are you more intrigued by something lesser?

Jesus is worth singing about, and He is worth talking about! Ask the Spirit to remind you of His splendor and to help you recall your song of praise today! He is worth it!

Week 2 - Day 4

When God Visits Angels SingBy: Danny Cullins

Page 14: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

R ead Luke 2:22-35. What strikes you about this man? What was his goal? How would you feel if you had been promised you wouldn’t die until this one specific event occurred? Pretty cool, right? You were invincible – every man’s dream!

Oh wait! And then that event occurred! Now what?!?

Simeon shows us what it looks like for a man to be led by the Spirit. He was focused; he was at the right place at the right time. He said the right thing to the right people. He worshiped!

Do you really believe that the Spirit wants to live in you? Do you really believe that He will guide your steps and give you abundant life? It’s true! He does! Every time we see someone led by the Spirit, good things result! The situation may not seem good at the moment but the result is always good!

In this crazy hustle and bustle of Christmas, the world could use some people who are led by the Spirit and have His life flowing out of them. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill every part of your soul and body, and allow Him to live through you!

Week 2 - Day 5

A Man for ChristmasBy: Danny Cullins

Page 15: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

M atthew chapter 2 tells us Magi from the East or “wise men,” saw a star in the skies and knew it meant the Messiah had been born. Three things I love about the wise men: they were looking up, they were looking down, and they gave.

These guys all had lives with stuff going on. They had stress and problems to deal with, just like we do, but they carved out time in their lives to study the skies at night. They learned the patterns and cycles of the planets, so when the star appeared they saw it. They were looking up!

Also, they were looking down! They studied and believed the prophetical writings. They understood that the Messiah was coming to Earth and saw how the promises written connected with the stars in the sky. They saw that God’s hand was active both in the big, galactic world and in their tangible world.

They gave! We often think about the gifts they brought to Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The reality is, these gifts were a by-product of their worship. These guys left their homes and families, got on camels, rode for months, and searched out the Messiah as an act of worship! What they saw restructured their lives!

Surely the wise men expected the locals to be celebrating the birth of their new King, but when they arrived, the people were acting as if nothing had changed. They hadn’t been looking up, hoping to catch a glimpse of what God was doing. They hadn’t been looking down, studying the resources available and understanding how it all might connect. Therefore, they had no motivation to give: not a thought, not a minute, and not a dime.

Read Daniel 12:1-10, then take a look at 2 Corinthians 2:6-10. Ask the Spirit to help you be wise, so you can see what He is doing in and around you! Determine whether or not you will allow His revelation to restructure your life

Week 3 - Day 1

Wise Men Still Seek HimBy: Danny Cullins

Page 16: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

T he other day a store clerk told me “Happy Holidays” as I was purchasing a few items. My immediate reaction was to straighten things out by sharply replying “Merry Christmas.” But in the moment it didn’t feel quite right. It felt more like I was going to battle using a phrase as a weapon. “Merry Christmas” spoken as a political statement doesn’t work for me, because the words are hollow.

It really is sad to see the word “Christmas” disappearing from the landscape of our society. It seems to confirm the suspicion that the roots of faith in our nation are drying up. However, I need to be careful when I think that I can bring moisture back to those roots by correcting a store clerk. I need to mean “Merry Christmas” when I say it!

There was a guy I knew who was really good at saying “thank you.” Something about his tone made you believe he really meant it every time he spoke those two words. We used to get him to say “thank you,” just so we could try to imitate his inflection and sincerity!

Usually, when I say “Merry Christmas” it’s warm and uplifting. Because I mean it! I get excited about Christmas and all that it means to me and to the world!

As you encounter people who are trying to “make a statement” through their holiday greetings this season, don’t let anyone steal your excitement over the birth of your Savior! Say “Merry Christmas” with a gracious spirit and mean it! If you can’t say it graciously, maybe just smile and say nothing!

Read Colossians 4:5-6 and ask God how these words apply to you.

Week 3 - Day 2

A Gracious “Merry Christmas”By: Danny Cullins

Page 17: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

J oseph and Mary had finally arrived in Bethlehem! Now they just had to find a place to stay. We typically envision them franticly arriving at night and the innkeeper, somewhat rudely, saying, “no vacancy.” Then there is the stable, where they stayed, which seems to be a humiliating downgrade.

Yet the Son of God, the Savior of the World, Jesus the Messiah was born in that stable. Yes, it happened.

We don’t really know all that went in to the family’s arrival or the decision to stay in the stable, but it is intriguing to consider the options. If the innkeeper had known God the Son would be born on his property, what would he have done? Would he have kicked someone out of their room and sent them to the stable so Mary could have a place in the inn? Maybe he would have kicked everyone out of the inn and given this special couple with their newborn baby the whole place!

Obviously, that’s not how the story goes. The innkeeper didn’t go crazy to make a special place for Jesus, but the point is this: he did make a place. That’s all it took. Jesus was born and the rest is history!

Today, maybe you’re in a place where you see Jesus wanting to do a mighty work in your life, but your “inn” is so full you’re not sure how you can add His stuff. You’re not sure you can shut everything else down and just focus on Him. Here’s my encouragement to you: just make a place. Take that first step, and He will do the rest!

Read Luke 19:1-10. Celebrate the truth that we don’t have to be perfect to come to Jesus. He takes our meager offerings and works His wonders!

Week 3 - Day 3

The InnkeeperBy: Danny Cullins

Page 18: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

W e know the angels sang on the hillside near Bethlehem, celebrating the birth of our Savior, but have we looked closely at what they said? Scripture records the lyrics for us:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!”

I still don’t think the angels knew exactly what was going on. They were just happy the pregnancy part was over! But no matter what was happening, the angels learned something we could stand to learn: God always deserves glory and praise!

The angels proclaimed peace on Earth. For thousands of years they’d seen the lies and deception of the Enemy wreak havoc on the prize of God’s creation, the human race. Now, with Jesus on the scene, they knew better days were ahead. Peace would take root on Earth because the Prince of Peace had appeared!

As the angels watched the birth unfold, I can imagine a conversation between the angelic choir director and the Father.

Angel: “What’s the deal? No one is celebrating! No one is singing! What’s their problem?”Father: “They don’t know what you know.”Angel: “Can we go and sing for Him, just for a minute? I’m sure He misses our singing!”Father: “You’ll wake Him. Babies need their sleep.”Angel: “How about those shepherds over there, they’re still awake.”Father: “Go for it!”

So they sang! With all their hearts they sang! Thousands and thousands of angels sang for just a handful of shepherds, because God always deserves glory and because peace had come to Earth!Read Romans 15:8-13. Offer God a prayer of praise and thanks for His goodness and grace to us!

Week 3 - Day 4

Peace on EarthBy: Danny Cullins

Page 19: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

R ead Luke 2:36-38. What strikes you about this woman? Had life been kind to her? What was her response to God?

Anna is a great example to us of a person who is focused on one thing: the presence of God! Scripture tells us she stayed in the temple “night and day” – that makes me wonder about some things. What about food? What about income? What about a place to sleep and bathe and fix her hair and change outfits?

I wonder what it would look like today if we had one desire above all others? How would we live if we wanted to be in God’s presence more than anything else?

Spend a few minutes talking with God about your goals, and allow Him to reveal His glory and value. Ask Him to make you more desperate for His presence!

Week 3 - Day 5

A Woman for ChristmasBy: Danny Cullins

Page 20: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

T he Old Testament prophet Isaiah gives us one of the more well-known Christmas passages in Isaiah 7:14 when he says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign…”

If one were to look around and fill in the rest of the verse from what they see today, they may finish the verse this way… a weight enhanced man will enter your home in the middle of the night to deliver presents to those who have been nice and not naughty.

The practical reality is, there are really two holidays that are celebrated on December 25, Christmas and X-mas. This reality has some profound implications. First, nearly everyone in the United States celebrates X-mas. Second, Christmas is increasingly more difficult to keep holy because X-mas is so distracting. Finally, because both holidays fall on the same date, today people often confuse them.

You likely remember the holiday classic by Dr. Suess, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas?” In his story, a nasty creature called the Grinch steals all the Christmas presents, decorations, and food in the little town of Whoville on Christmas Eve. By doing this he thought he could prevent Christmas from coming. However, sitting alone with all the things he stole up on top of a mountain overlooking the town, a strange thing happened. Christmas still came. It came without the presents, the decorations, and the food. The Grinch was confused. You see the Grinch didn’t steal Christmas, he stole X-mas.

It takes a conscientious and disciplined effort by Christians during this time of year to keep the focus on the primary event of history –– the coming of our Savior into the world. Remember what the prophet said; “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.”

Week 4 - Day 1

Christmas vs. X-masBy: Stewart McWilliams

Page 21: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope


Luke 2:1, 3-4 - In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world... And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph

also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house

and line of David.

hristmas has a way of taking us on a journey. Perhaps, like Joseph, our Christmas journey will take us to our place of birth. I will never forget the Christmas of 1983; I was on break at college and very home sick. To get home, I had to fly from Dallas to Detroit through Atlanta on Christmas Eve. That year there was horrible weather in Atlanta. My flight was delayed for hours but my friends, Brent and Crystal, waited for me at the Detroit airport until almost 2:00 a.m. to bring me home.

There is something mystical in the air during the holiday season that often calls us home to our family. Literally tens of millions of Americans will be traveling today to be with family. The airports will be a mess. The traffic will be crazy, all because of the Christmas journey home.

Christmas often takes people on a journey to Church. Because Christmas is about Christ and the Church is the gathering place to meet Christ in community, people tend to go to church on Christmas Eve. There will likely be more people who attend one of our four services today than any other day this year. That is a great journey to take on December 24th.

My ultimate hope is that Christmas will not only take you on a journey home or on a journey to church but it will take you on a journey to God! That you will keep Him as the reason for your celebration! No matter what Hollywood, Madison Ave, or political correctness tries to do to Christmas, may your heart lead you on a journey to God.

Week 4 - Day 2

A Christmas JourneyBy: Stewart McWilliams

Page 22: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

M atthew 1:18-25

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

uke 2:1-17

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register.

Week 4 - Day 3

Merry Christmas!Christmas Day, 2013


Page 23: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.

atthew 2:1

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem


May you and your family be blessed this Christmas!

Page 24: Christmas - Razor Planet · For you, as you read this, as you sing these words, and as you hear this song being played, I hope your adoration goes much deeper. As the faithful I hope