Christian Foundation - d2oc0ihd6a5bt.cloudfront.net · Financial Management Parents ... Transport Strategy Human Resources ... Compliance Framework Compliance System Contingency Strategy

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Christian Foundation

of the College

Christian Worldview and its


Assembly program

Whole-College Statement of Faith

College Culture of Prayer

P-12 Christian Studies Program

P-12 Chapel Program

P-12 Values Framework (College Compass)

P-12 Peer Mentoring Framework

P-12 Peer Relations Framework

P-12 Service Learning Framework

P-12 Student Health & Wellbeing Framework

College Values Messages


Living History Project

College Traditions

College Archives

Christian Outreach

Graduate Student Program

BTAC Christian Union and Christian Youth


Christian Leadership

Whole-College Leadership Model

Staff Leadership Training

Student Leadership Training

Community Leadership Training

Leadership Communications Strategy

Christian Pastoral Care

P-12 PC Framework

PC Resources

Student Counselling

Community Hub

Pastoral Care Systems

Student PC Programs

The Learning


Culture of High Academic


Academic and Pastoral Structures

The Quest

Registration and Accreditation

The BTAC Learner

Personalised Learning

Gifted and Talented Program

Learning Enrichment Program

Awards and Prizes Philosophy and Protocols

Department Development

HSC Results Improvement Plan

NAPLAN Improvement Plan

Academic Expectations

Academic Counselling

Communities of Practice

Review and Moderation Program

Communications Strategy (Everyone to


Learning and Teaching Initiatives

Utilisation of Space in Learning




Stages of Learning

Assessment for Learning

ICT in Learning

Student Data Tracking

Thinking, Learning and Study Culture

Online Learning for BTAC & other schools

Experiential Learning

Experiential/Outdoor Education Structures

and Management

Blueprint for Experiential/Outdoor Education

English Proficiency Certificate Program

Global Learning Experiences

Personalised Paths

Personlaised Paths Structures and


Diploma Program

Career, Corporate and Vocational Paths

Career, Internships and Vocational Programs

Performing Arts, Sport &


Student Performing Arts, Sports and

Co-curricular Leadership Development

P-12 Performing Arts Development and

Review Strategy

Performing Arts Excellence Program

P-12 Singing and Choral Program

P-12 Sports Development and Review


Sporting Excellence Program

P-12 Co-curricular Development and Review


P-12 Public Speaking and Debating Program

Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme Program

Summer Schools Program

Student Local, National and International

Sporting & Co-curricular & Website Strategy

Staff Professional

Growth and Learning

Consistent Staff Culture

Professional Learning Culture

Staff Service Culture

College Staff Culture Communications &

Website Strategy

Staff Performance

P-12 Approach to Mentoring, Supervision,

Coaching and Providing Meaningful Feedback

Staff Exchange Program

University Masters and PhD Program

Staff Guidelines and Protocols

Staff Benchmarking and Whole College Core


P-12 Professional Development Program

BOSTES Endorsed Professional Development


Staff Goal-Setting

Senior Staff Goal Setting and Reflection

Individual Staff Goal Setting and Reflection

Staff Team Goal Setting and Reflection

Whole-College Goal Setting and Reflection

Collaborative Teams

Staff Meetings

Staff Professional Learning Groups

Staff Health and Wellbeing Framework

Evidence & Innovation

Creativity and Innovation Framework

Staff Professional Presentations

Staff Publications

Evidence-based Learning and Decision

Making Framework

Resources and


Financial Management

Leadership and


Business Office Protocols

Financial Dashboard

Financial Modeling and Forecasting

Contract Register

Learning Facilities

Building Projects

Minor Capital Works

P-12 Timetable

ICT Systems and Support Services

Operations and Planning

Administration Structures

Policy and Data Management System


Bookings Systems

Procurement Strategy and Policy

Business Office Support Functions

Service Level Agreements

Assets Management and Operations

Administrative Support Structures

Marketing and Communications

Whole-College Calendar

Special Events Program

Partnerships and Sponsorships Protocols and


Event Management Protocols

Strategic Marketing Plan

Key Messages Plan

Website Plan

Branding Plan

Internal Communications Structures and Plan

College Publications Plan


Fundraising Protocols and Structures

Fundraising Strategy

Annual Appeal

Specific Fundraising Projects


Local Student Recruitment and Retention


International Student Recruitment Strategy

Scholarships Program

Bursaries Program

Transport Strategy

Human Resources

Staff Recruitment and Retention Strategy

Senior Staff Recruitment Strategy

Staff Role Description and HR System Review

Staff Accreditation Strategy

Community Engagement

& Partnerships

BTAC Families Strategy

Before and After School Care


Vacation Care

P & F Strategy


Anglican Church

Community Partners Strategy

Sponsors Strategy

Strategic Partnerships

Professional Associations Networks

Universities Linkages Program

Alumni Strategy

Alumni Coordination Strategy

Local Community

Student Local, National and International


Internationalism in Education Statement

Internationalism Structures and Protocols

Indigenous Partnerships

Strategic Plan


Parents Strategy and Review

Operational Plan Framework

Compliance Framework

Compliance System

Contingency Strategy

Review Framework

Review System


College Reputation

Risk Framework

Risk Systems

College Board


Our College Teams Office of the Principal



Campus (Primary/Secondary)

Operations and Support

Marketing and Development

College Board

Our Operational Priorities

A College with a culture of faith, leadership, friendship and excellence

A world renowned centre for learning

A distinctive, challenging and exciting curriculum which prepares our students to learn, lead and serve our community, nation and the world in

the years to come

A compassionate and engaged Christian community where students are known, cared for, challenged and enriched

Highly able, passionate, committed staff with the capacity to deliver our strategic intent and who are fine role models for our children

A beautiful College

An international reputation as one of Australia’s finest schools

Our Strategic Focus

The Christian Foundation of the College

The Learning Environment

Staff Professional Learning and Growth

Resources and Infrastructure

Community Engagement and Partnerships

Leadership and Governance