Christ Lutheran Church 300 East Monroe Street Austin, Texas 78704-2427 Telephone: 512.442.5844 email: offi[email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church

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Page 1: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church


Christ Lutheran Church 300 East Monroe StreetAustin, Texas 78704-2427Telephone: 512.442.5844email: [email protected]

address service requested

Page 2: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church


PASTOR JOHNDear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that we are already half way through 2015, isn’t it? While individual days and weeks can sometimes drag on, the months and years seem to be slipping by at break-neck speed.

In I Corinthians 7:29 Paul wrote: “What I mean brothers, is that the time is short.” He goes on to exhort his readers not to get unduly wrapped up in the things of this world, because life is fleeting, and the time for doing the Lord’s work is short. And Jesus said that we must work while it is day, for night is coming when no one can work.

Jesus’ words remind

us, as do Paul’s, that there must be an urgency in the way we live our lives and live out our faith. Our window of opportunity to reach others with the saving news of Jesus’ death and resurrection is closing quickly, and thus we can-not put it off until some future day. Now is the day and now is the time for us to pray with, proclaim to, and provide for others, for

the day of Christ’s return is nearer than when we first believed. May we so live with such expectant and vigilant urgency.

In Christ,Pastor John R & R GROuP RELAXED & RETIRED--but always “Rarin’ to Go”!!

The R&R Group has no plans during the months of July and August. Mark your calendars now for the September 3rd outing hosted by the Ziehrs. R&R Group will meet at Con-cordia High School for a tour on Thursday, Sept. 3rd. Please watch the bulletins and announcements in late summer for more details of this event.

EuNicE Guild

Meetings will again resume in September. Watch the announcement sheets and future newsletter for more information, and have a blessed summer!

cOMMuNiON HElPERSWe need folks to help with the set-up and take down of communion. Please contact Alana with which service you would be able to help, or sign the purple sheet in the narthex.)

cONcORdiA HS ‘WOW’ EvENT TOuRS Concordia High School

PastOr JOHN steNNFeLdPastor, christ Lutheran church


the JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John02 Around the Church04 Christ’s Community & Connections 05 Birthdays/Anniversaries 06 Just for Kids 07 Serving Schedule

Page 3: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church




invites you to attend one of six WOW! Event Tours scheduled for this summer. This event is a 1-hour tour targeted to give people a chance to find out what CHS is planning for their new campus in Pfluger-ville. NOTE: This is an information only tour. You will not be asked for a gift.

Sign up today at CHSau-stin.org and click on the “WOW Event Tour” button. Free drinks and food are included! Just an hour! We promise! Y’all




Running for the duration of summer, Pastor John will be preaching a ser-mon series which he has entitled “Debunking the World’s Lies.” Each week he will expose and examine a lie that we each hear frequently in our lives and may have even come to accept as true, and he will then counter that lie with the truth of God’s Word. Please plan to follow these sermons either in worship or on-line throughout the entire

summer series.


On Sunday, September 13 we will rally together at Christ for Rally Day and to celebrate the beginning of a new Christian Educa-tion year. Please make plans to make a day of it again in 2015, to come to worship and to stay around to eat the meal and enjoy bingo, cake walk, carnival games, and the country store. Please consider signing up in August to

bring something and/or to help with an activity for this wonderful fellow-ship event for our whole congregation. The monies raised will go toward the Building Improvement Fund. Kingdom Quest and Youth Bible Studies will resume for the fall on Sunday, September 20, with the children and youth moving up to their next grade level.



lcMS OfficE

The Treasurer’s Depart-ment is in need of a part-time administrative assistant. In such a posi-tion, this individual would be responsible for, but not limited to, maintaining various databases related to congregational statis-tics, receipts, and mission commitments and reports; assisting with Lutheran Witness correspondence; preparing reports and documents using a variety of software. Applicants should send their resumes to lindahagge@txdistlcms.

(Below)r&r 4th of July





Page 4: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church




org with the subject line of “Finance Dept Adminis-trative Assistant.” A hard-copy may also be mailed to :

The Texas District, LCMS c/o Mrs. Linda Hagge 7900 East Highway 290 Austin, TX 78724 See the flyer on the bulletin board between classrooms 1&2 for more


is Thursday, July 30th.)

Our program can always use supplies, so please con-sider donating non-per-ishable sack lunch items and personal hygiene items. Please contact the church office with any questions.

biblE Quiz Which two spies urged the Israelites to move into Canaan, opposing the other 10 who were afraid? (Hint: We know one of the two willing spies by the new name Moses gave him.)

A. Shaphat and Igal

B. Joshua and Caleb

C. Gaddi and Gaddiel

D. Shammua and Nahbi

Answer: B (See Numbers 13:6, 8, 16, 30; 14:6-8.)




Local movie theater, Tin-seltown 17 (I-35 @ Stass-ney), is showing ten fun films for kids during the summer at a special price. $5 for all ten movies, or $1

per show. Movies start at 10:00am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through August 12th. For more information or a list of movies, see the flyer on the bulletin board between Classrooms 1 & 2 or visit cinemark.com.

fEEd MY lAMbS uPdATE The sack lunch program handed out 20 lunches during the month of June We continue to make fresh sandwiches on the last Thursday of each month (this month’s date


trinity center

Page 5: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church


Thailand Trek Take a trip around

Thailand every Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30 am during Vacation Bible School. Through the crafts, drama, games, songs, and snacks at Thailand Trek Cross Culture VBS, children age 3 - Grade 5 are experiencing a flavor of the country of Thailand and Christianity there, and through their offering and prayers, are extending the work of the Thailand Children’s Mission that we as a Church support. The Bible stories during VBS are about the Days of Creation, Jesus’ Birth, Jesus’ Death and Resurrection, and Jesus’ Ascension.

Visual Arts CampThis year’s Visual Arts

Camp meets this month - July 6-10 (just finishing K-5th Grade) and July 27-31 (just finishing 4th-8th Grade). The campers will

about how they can share The Message using their strengths.

Caring FellowshipThe fourth and final

video in the Mission State-ment series will be about Caring Fellowship at Christ. It will feature how the people of Christ care for one another through fellowship around annual fellowship events and Sun-day worship services, and also by gathering through-out the week for studies and service. If you would like to share something about what being a part of our Church Family at Christ means to you and how the fellowship that happens here among God’s family is a blessing to your faith in Christ, please con-tact Jordan to set up a time to interview.

Glorybound TexasFrom Thursday-Saturday,

July 16-18, Jordan will be

(Con’t on Page 5)

20 during late service. We are in the process of creating artwork using the cadre of Christmas card covers contributed by all toward this year’s Christ-mas Program. The theme will be about the art of writing cards and letters to Santa and to loved ones, and what the authors of Scripture wrote about prophecies of Jesus and what He Himself has to say to us in His Word.

Youth RoomAs part of walking and

talking through The Story Teen Edition, the youth are a part of the think-tank and the transformation of Room 5&6 into a space they can call their own for Bible Studies. Not only are they making the mural of The Story of The Bible in 50 Words materialize, the material that they are learning from this content written by Pastor John is helping them memorize the Scripture using rhymes and making them think

draw on Monday, sculpt on Tuesday, paint on Wednesday, and collabo-rate on Thursday. Finally, on Friday, they will finish 2D & 3D art projects from throughout the week, and the Artists Rec-ognized 4 Their Superla-tives during the closing program. Other activities at art camp include art ap-preciation, creative snacks, and outdoor time.

Christmas ProgramThe children and youth

will present their annual pageant to the congrega-tion on Sunday, December

JORDAN BOESSLING Minister of Creative Communica-tions & Community Connections



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31JULY birthdaYs and anniversaries

David & Diane Emmert 7/3/19630Irasema Martinez 7/3aGerald & Ellen Decker 7/5/19580 Franklin & Katherine Richter 7/5/19580 Patty Bost 7/6a Linda Mitchell 7/6a Roy & Jean Cano 7/7/20070 Mercedes Alvarez 7/8a Jeremy & Dana Magruder 7/8/20060 Matthew Wilson 7/11a Cindy & Steve Bailey 7/12/19840 Mary Boardman 7/12a Annette Batts 7/13a Sharon Muir 7/14a

Alysha Rabitoy 7/14a Madeline Robb 7/16aJohn & Dolores Dunn 7/15/19480 Danny Voelker 7/15a Micah Stennfeld 7/17a George Whitehurst 7/21a Alana Rock 7/22a Clyde & Laverne Crow 7/25/20090 Harold Derenberger 7/26a Donn & Phyllis Trautner 7/26/19750Daniel Martinez 7/27a Ben Ristow 7/28a Mary Carrion 7/29a Herakles Boardman 7/30a

(Glorybound Texas - Con’t from Page 4)

in San Marcos and around Austin with the Glorybound Texas servant event team connecting youth groups from around the Texas District to ways to volunteer in conjunc-

tion with their tri-annual Youth Gathering. Thank you people of Christ for going on various Com-munity Connections servant events over the years, for example to the Capital Area Food Bank and Genesis Gardens and Marbridge House.

Those attending Glo-rybound will get to assist at some of the same sites our Church has served at in the past buoyed by the partnerships we’ve built with various service orga-nizations.

MediaJust a reminder that we

often take photos, and at times, video, of ministry events to put up around Church on the screen on Sundays and to post to the

web that publicizes the worship, service, fellowship, and education life of Christ Lutheran.

GeneralPlease contact Jordan

with questions about any

of these announcements. Be sure to check out the Sunday Mornings Chris-tian Education as well as Community Connections bulletin boards for more information on what’s happening in these min-istries.

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Page 8: Christ Lutheran Church · 2013. 7. 4. · Concordia High School PastOr JOHN steNNFeLd Pastor, christ Lutheran church By Wathye JULY 2015 ISSUE 01 Pastor John 02 Around the Church

Serving in July 2015 8:15 10:45Elders Roy Pietsch K. CraigUsher Capt. Freddie Richter TBD

July 5thFlowers: Given by Mary Karotkin in honor of her

parents, Gerald & Ellen Decker Tellers: P. Bost/M. Moore

Communion Guild: 8:15 am Acolyte: Lector: Clayton Pillack 10:45 am Acolyte: Micah Stennfeld Lector: Norma Nanyes

July 12thAltar Flowers: Given by PietschTellers: C. Kanetzky/V. Kanetzky

Communion Guild: Pam Hamil & Liz C. 8:15 am Acolyte: Lector: Mark Herber 10:45 am Acolyte: Aaron McInvale Lector: Alana Rock

July 19thFlowers: Given by Chuck CazzolaTellers: C. Kanetzky/V. KanetzkyCommunion Guild: L. Galbreath

8:15 am Acolyte: Ben Schaare Lector: Lucille Herrera 10:45 am Acolyte: Samuel Chapman Lector: MaryLou Moore

July 26thFlowers: ______________

Tellers: A. Werchan/P. MitchellCommunion Guild: Harrison Family

8:15 am Acolyte: Lector: Alex Stivers 10:45 am Acolyte: Katherine Werchan Lector: Jane Carrion

If you cannot serve as scheduled, it is YOUR responsibility to find a replacement. If you know a schedule change before 9:00 am on Thursday of the week you’re scheduled, please contact the church office (442-5844) to inform the secretary of the change for the Sunday bulletin. If a problem arises on Sunday morning, please call the office and leave a message.